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History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania with Biographical SketchesBy H. C. Bradsby, 1891If You Have Photos of People Mentioned on the Page, Send Them In For Inclusion |
and carried off to Richmond; were in Castle Thunder two weeks, when with a steamboat-load of others they were exchanged, and were on parole, at Annapolis, until June 1, when the exchange was completed. He returned to duty with his regiment. Three months after, he was taken sick with typhoid fever, and was sent to Columbia Hospital, and finally given a certificate of disability, and discharged, February 15, 1864. He has never recovered from the effects of his army sickness, and receives a small pension; he is a Republican.
W. H. OSBURN, station agent, L.V.R.R., Athens, is a native of Chemung county, N.Y., born June 16, 1848, and is a son of Ira and Sarah (Jadwin) Osborne, the former a native of Chenango, and the latter of Orange county, N.Y. His grandfather, Jonah Osborne, was a soldier in the War of 1812. W. H. Osborne, who is second in a family of seven living children, received an academic education, and taught district school five terms; then learned telegraphy, and in 1870 he commenced work as an operator at Athens. On October 3, 1871, he went to Frenchtown, this county, as agent and operator; he remained there three years, when he was again transferred to Athens, as operator, and in 1877 he was appointed assistant to agent; June 16, 1866, was appointed station agent. The receipts of the station are about $150,000 a year. Mr. Osborne was married, in Athens, March 20, 1877, to Mrs. Charlotte B. Halbert, daughter of Hewitt and Elizabeth (Dodge) Andrews, the former born in Washington county, and the latter in Onondaga county, N.Y. Both her grandfathers, W. H. Andrews and Josiah Dodge, were soldiers in the War of 1812. She is the eldest of four living children, and was born in Windham, Bradford Co., Pa., October 3, 1852. To this marriage have been born four children, viz.: Ralph, Izora, Elizabeth (deceased) and Harold. They are members of the Methodist Church; he is a member of Queen Esther Council, No. 1153, Royal Arcanum, and Sexennial League. In politics he is a Democrat.
CHARLES OSTRANDER, farmer, of South Creek township,
P.O. Gillett, was born in Orange county, N.Y., November 25, 1827, a son
of Daniel and Mary (Halleck) Ostrander, both of whom were born in Orange
county, N.Y. Daniel Ostrander is a son of Jacobus Ostrander, who was a
native of Ulster county, N.Y., and was an unostentatious farmer, who lived
an uneventful life; he reared a family of four children all of whom grew
to maturity. Charles was reared and educated in Hamptonburg, Orange Co.,
N.Y., and always confined himself to tilling the soil in preference to
speculation. March 1, 1847, at the age of twenty, he married Miss Mary
Ann, daughter of David Van Buskirk, by whom he had six children, five of
whom are living: Almira, Ann Marie, Charles, Samuel and William H., and
four of whom are married. In 1859 he removed to Ridgebury, this county,
where he resided eight years. In 1867 he moved to South Creek, where he
purchased a farm of seventy acres with improvements. His first wife having
died, he married, December 27, 1870, at Mill Port, N.Y., Mrs. Unice, widow
of John Sterling. By this marriage he had one child. In 1862, when our
country needed defenders to protect her integrity and preserve her union,
Mr. Ostrander was not found wanting; he joined Company G,
One Hundred and Seventy-first P.V.I., in which he served nineteen months, and was honorably discharged, the war having closed; he now enjoys a pension. Mr. Ostrander is a general farmer and an enterprising man of sterling qualities; he is a member of the G.A.R., and politically is a Republican.
B. J. OVERFIELD, blacksmith, Camptown, was born in Wyoming county, Pa., September 4, 1859, a son of Benjamin and Lois Ann (Camp) Overfield. His father was a farmer by occupation, and had a family of eight children, as follows: Harriet, married to Albert Bunnell, a farmer of Wyoming county; Jennie, married to John H. Fellows, now mayor of Scranton; Emma, married to Warren Dunlap, a farmer of Lackawanna county, Pa.; Ida, married to Winfield S. Lacey, a mechanic working at Pasadena, Cal.; B. J.; N. E., a blacksmith of Meshoppen, married to Miss Effa Bullard, of Meshoppen; Nancy M., married to Wallace Baily, a farmer and butcher of Mansfield, Pa., and Ferris, an engineer in a quarry at Meshoppen. B. J. Overfield, the subject proper of this sketch, was born and reared on a farm and educated in the common schools; at the age of twenty he entered the shop of Charles Newman, of Meshoppen, to learn his trade, and after eight months spent there he came to Merryall, where he opened a shop for himself, and remained one year; then removed to Camptown, and for one year rented his present shop; but in 1883 he purchased it, together with his residence property. He has a large business, and besides horse shoeing and general blacksmithing does all kinds of carriage repairing. Mr. Overfield was united in wedlock, March 15, 1881, at Little Meadows, with Lucettie S. Billings, a daughter of Samuel Billings, a farmer of Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Pa., and this union has been blessed with four children; Bennie B., born December 19, 1881; Nirum A., born February 8, 1884; Lois A., born July 19, 1888, and Grace E., born August 1, 1890. Mr. Overfield is a member of the I.O.O.F., Wyalusing Lodge, No. 503; also of the P. of I., Camptown Association; in politics he is a Republican. He has always depended on his own resources, and has been very successful.
HON. EDWARD OVERTON, Jr., Towanda. While this gentleman is the only living member of the family of that given name, yet, in this instance, the careers of father and son, and their professional lives, have been so nearly the same, that it makes it easier to ward off confusion by continuing the designation of senior and junior, than otherwise. The name Overton will remain familiar to the future generations of the county as long as its civic organization lasts. Edward Overton, Sr., was a son of Thomas Overton, who was buried in Ulster Cemetery in 1836; the family had immigrated from Clitheroe, Lancashire, England, in 1816, where Edward Overton, Sr., was born, December 30, 1795. He was educated for the bar, in London, and had the advantages of the counsel and advice of his uncle, Giles Blaisdell, an eminent barrister of his day, and commenced the study of law at the early age of sixteen. As evidence of the difference between then and now, it may be mentioned that the articles of enrollment of Edward Overton, Sr., as a student of the law, are recorded in the Kings’ Bench, with a stamp duty of one hundred pounds sterling
thereon. The young English lawyer, with his father’s family, came permanently to America, locating in Wilkes-Barre in 1815, and was at once examined and soon admitted to practice in the courts.
He opened his office at Athens (or Tioga Point) and after three years came to Towanda, where he spent the remainder of his life, and where, for more than half a century, he stood at the head of his profession, and at one time, in the much litigation growing out of the Connecticut claims, he was widely known as the foremost lawyer of his day, in that tremendous arena where many of the most noted jurists of the Commonwealth had met as legal gladiators. He had identified himself with the Federal and Whig parties, but eschewed official life entirely, giving his time and best efforts to his profession, and to those large affairs for the development and improvement of the country. He organized the Barclay Coal & Railroad Company, which purchased of the Barclays, of London, 20,000 acres of the coal lands, to reach which the Barclay Railroad was built. This opened up that heretofore wilderness, and eventually developed the entire coal interests of Bradford county. Mr. Overton died in Towanda in 1878, widely honored and universally regretted. He had married, in the year 1818, Eliza, daughter of Henry Clymer, of Philadelphia, and granddaughter of Hon. George Clymer, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, as well as one of the framers of the Constitution of the United States. They had the following children: Mary, Giles, Blaisdell, Henry Clymer, Louisa, Francis Clymer, Edward, Jr., and Eliza.
The subject of this sketch, the youngest son, and next to the youngest child, was born in Towanda, this county, February 4, 1836; attended the public schools and was graduated in Princeton College, in 1856, when he commenced reading law in the office of Judge Mercur. He received his attorney license in 1858, and at once opened an office. In 1861 Judge Mercur, who was county attorney, was elected president Judge, and the county commissioners thereupon appointed young Overton to fill the vacancy in the office of attorney. In 1867 he was appointed to the office of register in bankruptcy, for ten years filling this responsible and busy office with distinguished eminence, and it is told truthfully by his friends, that in all the business that came before him, he was in no case reversed by the superior court. He resigned his office in the bankrupt court when elected to Congress, in 1876, and at the end of his term was re-elected, serving four years. His career in the national halls of legislation was one of distinguished purity and eminence, and as some evidence of this, in Mr. Blaine’s "Twenty Years in Congress", Col. Overton is one of the five Pennsylvania Congressmen that he specially mentions. While there is no county in the Commonwealth that made a more brilliant record than Bradford in the Civil War, yet there is no name in the county more entitled to prominence and pre-eminence in our war records than that of Col. Overton.
When the war cloud burst, the young lawyer, was deeply engaged in the duties of his office of county attorney, but without hesitation laid down his office and volunteered in the cause of his country, enlisting for a term of three years, in the Fiftieth P.V.I., and at its organization
was elected mayor. The organization of the regiment was completed in September, 1861, B. C. Christ, colonel; Thomas Brenholtz, lieut.-colonel, and Edward Overton, major. No regiment in the war experienced harder or more field service than the Fiftieth, and it earned its cognomen of the "Old Reliable." On one occasion, at the battle of South Mountain, when Gen. Wilcox was sent to for two regiments to go to Gen. Cox who was severely pressed, he turned to Maj. Overton, in command of the regiment, and said: "Take the ‘Old Reliable" and go; that is as good as any two regiments," and without the saying, the command neither on that nor any other occasion fell short of the extravagant expectations of them by the generals, under whose eyes they had met the enemy in the "thirty-eight battles", the modest history that was inscribed upon its banners at the close of the war, by order of the Secretary of War. Gen. Wilcox, referring to this circumstance, under date of October 11, 1883, says: "On this day, September 14 (1862), Major Overton in command of the regiment, * * was performed the double feat of changing front under a heavy fire, and checking an incipient panic. This was done well and gallantly under the cool bravery and good management of Col. Christ, of the brigade, and Maj. Overton, of the regiment." Col. Christ was brevetted brigadier general, Lieut. Col. Brenholtz was killed at Jackson, Miss., on the Big Black River, July 16, 1863, and from that time Col. Overton was in command of the regiment. A curious error in our war history should be here reported. In the battle of Nye river, near Spottsylvania, May 9, 1864, Gen. Christ’s brigade and Col. Overton’s command were exposed, and certain regiments had been driven in confusion, when Col. Overton, with five companies, took the responsibility, and charged the advancing rebels, nearly 3,000 strong, and repulsed and scattered them, making considerable captures. Gen. Cutcheon, who, by accident, witnessed this remarkable feat, happened to see Capt. Schwenk, of one of Lieut.-Col. Overton’s companies, but did not notice the Lieut.-Colonel in command, and reported the charge as having been made by the captain. Gen. Wilcox, who had incorporated this error in his report, afterward wrote and corrected it, as far as he well could. He pronounced it a fine bayonet charge, and said it was the "peculiar glory of Maj. Overton and his little battalion of the Fiftieth."
Maj. Overton was made lieutenant-colonel, to date from the death of Col. Brenholtz. The command went West, and was in the Vicksburg campaign, March 23, 1863. The department reports of the "Old Reliable," at the close of their service, being 125 killed, 450 wounded, of whom 150 died; 134 in Southern prisons, of whom 56 died. In all this service Maj. Overton was but once wounded, and that was at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, where he received a gunshot wound in the leg. Returning to his home, he resumed at once the active practice of his profession, and as lawyer and politician has well demonstrated that peace hath her victories as renowned as war. In 1869 Edward Overton, Jr., and Miss Colette T. Rosseel were joined in the bands of wedlock; she is a daughter of Rev. Joseph A. Rosseel, of the Presbyterian Church. This children of this marriage,
in the order of birth, are as follows: F. C. Overton, Sarah R., John R., and Eliza C. The family are adherents of the Presbyterian Church.
NELSON OVERTON, farmer and stock-grower, P.O. Wyalusing, was born in Pike county, Pa., August 18, 1819, a son of Justice and Mary (Robinson) Overton, the former of whom was born on Long Island , of English descent. The maternal grandfather, who was a sea captain, was lost at sea. While the father was a small child, his parents removed from Long Island to Pike county, Pa. The father, who was a teacher and farmer, removed to Bradford county in the fall of 1855, and died the same winter, but the mother survived him several years; they had a family of seven children, only two of whom are now living, Nelson and Mrs. Mary Stevens, of Standing Stone. The subject of this memoir had the advantages of a common-school education, and came to this county when he was nineteen years of age. After his arrival he contracted for 100 acres of land, which are now owned by S. S. Butts, began to clear the same and convert the timber into lumber, for years following lumbering and rafting; then sold and purchased fifty acres where James Vaughn, Jr., now lives: finally, he located on the place where he now resides, and proceeded to clear and improve the same; also purchased land, until he now owns a fine farm of 177 acres. Mr. Overton was married, August 18, 1846, to Emeline Baker, daughter of Joseph Baker, a prominent farmer of Bradford county, and to them were born seven children, viz.: Amanda J. (married to Theodore Coburn); Edward, now a druggist in Chester (married to Minnie Abbott); Orenzo S. (married to Seba Blakeslee); Elias, a hardware merchant, of Nebraska (married to Belle Lewis); Lyman C.; Mary and N. Bernard, living with their father. Mrs. Overton died in October, 1879. Mr. Overton is a member of the Old-School Baptist Church of Vaughn Hill; politically he is a Republican, and has filled the various town offices. He has always depended on his own resources, and been very successful.
ORENZO STEVENS OVERTON, proprietor of the "Bartlet House," Wysox, was born March 19, 1850, at Vaughn Hill, this county, a son of Nelson and Emeline (Baker) Overton, natives of Rhode Island and Pennsylvania, respectively, and of English origin. The subject of this memoir, who is the third in a family of seven children, was reared on a farm, educated in the common school, and began life for himself when twenty-six years of age, dealing in hay and grain at Wyalusing, and later at Rummerfield, as agent for Paul Billings & Co., of Tunkhannock, whom he still represents; he located in his present place of business December 23, 1890, and is a very popular landlord. Mr. Overton was married, July 3, 1873, to Seba, daughter of Lyman and Alvina (Magar) Blakeslee, the former a native of Connecticut, of English origin, the latter a native of New York, of Irish lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Overton have one child, Maud M., born July 1, 1874. Mr. Overton is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge, at Wyalusing, and of the Masonic Lodge, at Towanda. Politically he is a Republican.
LYMAN C. OVERTON, farmer and stock-grower, Wyalusing, was born August 17, 1866, on the old homestead, where his father now lives, a son of Nelson Overton. He was reared on the farm, educated
in the common schools of Vaughn Hill, and his boyhood and early manhood were passed in clearing the land, and in farming, with the exception of one winter spent in Michigan and one in Lycoming county, Pa. He remained on the old homestead until the spring of 1886; then purchased and removed to the Vaughn homestead, a beautiful farm of 189 acres, besides which he owns a small farm of fifty acres, and he has his farm well stocked. Mr. Overton was married, March 10, 1886, to Carrie L. Archer, daughter of Thomas Archer, of Pond Hill, and they have two children: Florence E. and Raymond A. Mr. Overton is a member of White Lilly Lodge, No. 808, I.O.O.F., Wyalusing, and has taken all the degrees of the Subordinate Lodge. He is a Republican in politics, and has filled several of the town offices.
AUGUSTUS OWEN, Canton, is a native of Canton, this county, born September 26, 1843, a son of Samuel and Adelia (Morse) Owen. His paternal grandparents were Thomas and Philah (Adams) Owen, native of Orange county, N.Y., and Sussex county, N.J. His father was born in Orange county, N.Y., October 5, 1815, the eldest in a family of six children, of whom five are now living. When he was eighteen years of age he left Orange county and moved to Rutland township, Tioga Co., Pa., where he resided until 1838, when he removed to Troy, this county, farmed and lumbered until 1848; then went to Canton, and has resided here since. He was in partnership with Col. Pomeroy in the stage business, about twelve years, and drove stage from Elmira to Williamsport, a number of years. The subject of this sketch, who is the eldest in a family of five children, was reared in Canton, and received his education in the borough schools; began teaching school, but soon resigned his position and enlisted February 23, 1864, in Company B, Fiftieth New York Engineers, and served until the close of the war; was mustered out at Fort Berry, Virginia, June 27, 1865, returned home and farmed until he was appointed postmaster at Canton borough, in June, 1885, which office he held until March, 1890. In November, 1890, he accepted his present position with H. Crawford. He was married, in Canton, September 3, 1868, to Sophia, daughter of J. W. and Jane Van Dyke, natives of Canton and Lansing, N.Y., respectively; she was the eldest in order of birth in a family of four children, and was born in Canton township May 1, 1842, and died June 25, 1888. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. To Mr. and Mrs. Owen were born three children as follows: Adelia H., L. D., and John W. Mr. Owen is a member of the G.A.R., Ingham Post, No. 91; politically he is a Democrat.
EDWARD OWEN, farmer and stock-grower, Pike township, P.O. LeRaysville, was born June 14, 1824, in north Wales, a son of Edward and Ann (Morris) Owen, the former of whom was a miller by trade. They had a family of seven children, of whom Edward is the eldest. He came to America in 1835, and settled on the farm now owned by S. M. Williams, in Pike township, this county. Edward assisted his father in clearing the farm, until the age of thirty, when he began life for himself. In 1870 he purchased the "Dick Ashton" farm of 114 acres, where he now resides. He was married, August 15,
1854, to Elizabeth, daughter of David and Mary (Pepper) Hillis, and they have the following children: Mary, born August 15, 1857, married to Raymond Cobb, a farmer in Tuscarora township; Martha, born August 18, 1859, married to Benton L. Wells, a merchant and policeman, in New York City. Mr. Owen is a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church at Jackson Valley, has been class-leader thirty years, and trustee eighteen years. Politically he is a Prohibitionist.
KILEON PACKARD, farmer, P.O. Alba, was born in Canton township, this county, October 7, 1826, a son of Silas and Sally (Ayers) Packard, native of Pelham, Mass., and Lackawanna county, N.Y., respectively. Silas Packard was a cooper and saltmaker by trade, the latter of which he followed several years in Syracuse, prior to his coming to Canton township, about the year 1821. Here he worked at the cooper’s trade, and farmed; he was born in 1796, and died March 19, 1863; his wife died in 1867, in her sixty-fourth year. The Packards came from England to this country about two hundred and fifty-two years ago. The grandfather was a native of Brockton, Mass., and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War; he died of the cold plague. The subject of this memoir is the second, in order of birth, in a family of thirteen children, of whom two died in infancy. He was reared in Canton township, and received a common-school education; is one of the successful farmer of this county, owning a farm of 200 acres; he followed the lumber business in Clinton county, Pa., nearly seven years. In 1884 he purchased the "Packard House," in Canton, which he still owns. He was married in Burlington, in 1855, to Matilda, daughter of Dr. Henry and Rebecca (Loper) Riley, natives of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, respectively; they were early settlers of Lycoming county, Pa., and later in life removed to this county. Dr. Henry Riley died in 1874, in his seventy-eighth year; Mrs. Riley died in January, 1890, in her eighty-third year. Mrs. Packard was the third, in order of birth, in a family of three daughters and one son, and was born in Burlington township in 1833, and died October 11, 1887. To Mr. and Mrs. Packard were born two daughters: Arvilla (wife of C. L. Chesley), and Laura L. (who died February 22, 1887, in her twenty-sixth year). Mr. Packard is a director of the First National Bank of Canton; politically he is a Republican.
F. T. PAGE, merchant, Athens, is a native of Athens, and was born January 1, 1842, a son of Thomas and Anna (West) Page, natives of England, who came to America in a sailing vessel, in 1831, and were eleven weeks on the water. Thomas was a farmer and died in Athens in 1876, in his eightieth year; his wife died in 1842, in her fortieth year. F. T. Page is the youngest of their ten children, and received a public-school education and clerked in a story for several years. In the spring of 1862 he opened a general store in Athens, and has been actively engaged in business since. The past fifteen years he has been devoting his time largely to the wholesale butter trade in connection with his retail grocery trade. He was married, in Athens, in 1866, to Miss Julia C., daughter of Andrew W. and Julia A. (Bristol) French, native of New York State; she is the youngest in a family of four children (daughters) and was born in Milford,
CHARLES PALMER, locomotive engineer, G.I.& S.R.R., residence, Sayre, is a native of Easton, Pa., and was born January 3, 1853, a son of John and Jennie Palmer. His father was a liveryman, and died in Easton, in 1859, his mother died in 1861. Charles was the second child in a family of four, and was reared in Easton, and received his education in the city schools. At the age of sixteen he was employed as brakeman on the Jersey Central Railroad, as which occupation he continued five years, and was a fireman on the same line about two years, and then came to Sayre, August 8, 1878, and went on the G.I.&S.R.R. as a fireman, and was promoted to engineer, May 3, 1881, and has been running that line since. He married, in Easton, Pa., August 24, 1875, Miss Sarah, daughter of Patrick and Sarah (Burns) McCloskey, natives of County Carlow, Ireland. Patrick McCloskey died in Wilkes-Barre, in 1888, in his sixty-seventh year. Mrs. Palmer is the sixth in a family of eight children, and was born in Port Carbon, Pa., July 23, 1857. To them have been born six children, as follows: Anna, Belle (deceased), Mary, Ella, Sadie, and Harry (deceased). Mrs. Palmer is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Palmer is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Division No. 380, and in politics affiliates with the Republicans.
R. R. PALMER, farmer, P.O. LeRoy, was born in Troy, Bradford county, Pa., January 8, 1822, a son of Russell and Sylvia (Case) Palmer, native of Vermont and New Hampshire, respectively. Russell Palmer was a son of Jareb and Esther (Rice) Palmer, who removed to this county about 1775, locating at what is now Alba, then a dense wilderness. Jareb was the father of eleven children – seven sons and four daughters – ten of whom came to maturity. R. R. Palmer, who is the fourth in the family, was educated in his native township. At the age of twenty-eight, October 11, 1849, he married Diantha, daughter of Perly and Lucy (Morse), of LeRoy, a descendant of Jess Morse, one of the old settlers of the township. By this marriage there were four children, three of whom are living: Alice, married to John Jenkins; E. R., married to Christine, daughter of G. L. Ross. Mr. Palmer is a well-to-do farmer, living on the high lands north of LeRoy; his farm is well stocked with a fine breed of Jerseys. In politics he is a Republican.
BENJAMIN PARK, farmer, of Litchfield township, P.O. Waverly, N.Y., was born January 12, 1820, son of Daniel and Pattie Park, the former of whom was a native of this country, a son of Thomas Park, an Englishman by birth, who came to this country in its early settlement, making his home in Wyoming Valley, from which place he
removed to Litchfield township, about two years after the massacre; this old pioneer took up 400 acres of land, located on and near the banks of the Susquehanna river, building his house on the dividing line between the States of New York and Pennsylvania. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and served under Washington; was also conspicuous under Sullivan, in driving the Indians from his own settlement back to the Niagara, after which he settled in peace, and became a prosperous farmer. Daniel Park was married twice, and had fifteen children (eleven by the first marriage, and four by the latter), thirteen of whom reached maturity, Benjamin, the subject of these lines, being the eighth member. He was educated at the common school, and in early life was extensively engaged in lumbering, often piloting his own rafts down the river. He married, February 26, 1845, in his native town, from which he never moved, Mary, daughter of John O. and Mary Shackelton, of English and German descent. Their family consists of: Dell, born February 15, 1847; Dunham, born August 18, 1859; Sumner, born August 9, 1864; Mercur, born September 10, 1868. Dell married E. L. Walker, a wealthy farmer; Dunham married Catherine McKinney, daughter of Hanson McKinney; Sumner married Olie Marie Heath, daughter of M. R. Heath. Mr. Park made ample provision for these children, presenting each with a large and productive farm. In politics he is Independent, and in faith he is a Universalist.
CHARLES F. PARK, commercial traveler, Standing Stone township, P.O. Rummerfield, was born in Herrick township, this county, October 15, 1859. He was educated in the district school of the place, and attended Towanda Collegiate Institute two years, after which he bought and sold hay, grain, and all kinds of produce, four years. In 1884 he entered into partnership with his brother, Elmore, at Rummerfield, under the firm name of Park Brothers, and continued until 1888, when he withdrew on account of ill-health. He then took a position on the road, representing Barton & Whedon, wholesale grocers, of Elmira, remaining with them thirteen months, and then took a similar position with S. T. Willets & Co., of New York, his present employment. He married, in 1884, Ida, the fourth child in a family of six children of Peter W. and (Loehr) Morey, and of this union are two children: Morey A., born April 10, 1886, and Annie, born August 15, 1890. Mr. Park was postmaster at Rummerfield, under President Cleveland, two years; is a member of Rome Lodge, No. 480, I.O.O.F., and in politics is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Park attend the Methodist Episcopal Church, and have a wide circle of pleasant friends and acquaintances. He built his residence in 1888.
D. F. PARK, dealer in dry goods and groceries, Athens, is a native of Sheshequin township, this county, born January 6, 1830, a son of Rev. Chester and Lemira (Fish) Park, the former of whom was a native of Sheshequin, and the latter of Wilkes-Barre. The father engaged in mercantile trade in Athens about the year 1835, and continued in business until 1862; he was born in 1802, and died in 1881; grandfather Rev. Moses Park was one of the first settlers in Athens township, and the maternal grandfather, Capt. Fish, was a soldier in
ELIAS T. PARK, farmer and real estate dealer, P.O. Monroe, was born in Hunterdon county, N.J., March 6, 1839, and is the ninth in a family of eleven children of James A. and Maria (Bergen) Park, native of New Jersey and of English and Dutch origin. Mr. Park removed to Monroe township in 1860, and in 1872 located on his present home; in 1884 he purchased the Nagle farm, which occupies nearly the entire triangle between Towanda creek and the Schraeder branch at their confluence, and proceeded to cut it up into building lots, of which he made ready sale; he donated land for streets, churches, etc., built about twenty-five houses himself, and has sold in all about one hundred and fifty lots. Where there were but two or three buildings, now stands the flourishing little town of Greenwood, the one to whose genius and energy it owes its very existence having declined its name; and indeed, he is rightly styled "The Builder of Greenwood." Mr. Park was married October 8, 1863, to Miss Elma L., daughter of A. L. Cranmer, of Monroeton, and they have five children, viz: William C., born January 20, 1864, civil engineer on the A. & P.R.R. at Addison, N.Y.; Addie L., born November 20, 1865; Helen J., born November 20 1874; Mary E., born December 26, 1876, and Staates Bergen, born November 5, 1881. While taking no active part in politics himself, Mr. Park is as firm as the everlasting hills in his allegiance to the cause of Democracy.
GEORGE B. PARK, farmer, P.O. Franklindale, was born near Flemington, Hunterdon Co., N.J., November 6, 1833, a son of James and Maria (Bergen) Park, the former born in Asbury, N.J., the latter near Germantown, N. J., neither of whom ever moved out of their native States; their family numbered ten children, nine of whom grew to maturity, and six are now living, our subject being the seventh in the family. George B. Park was reared and educated in New Jersey, and learned the miller’s trade. At the age of seventeen he