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History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania with Biographical SketchesBy H. C. Bradsby, 1891If You Have Photos of People Mentioned on the Page, Send Them In For Inclusion |
ALBERT O. TRACY, farmer, P.
O. East Smithfield, was born March 15, 1829, on the farm where he now lives,
a son of Bulkley and Bathsheba (Scott) Tracy, of East Haddam, Conn., who
came to this county with his father when a boy, in 1805. Nehhemiah Tracy
was a great-great-grandson of Mary Chilson, the first woman who put her
foot on Plymouth Rock, at the landing of the Pilgrims; the family trace
their ancestry back to the year 965. Hugh Tracy, who was a sheriff of Gloucestershire
in the time of Queen Elizabeth and James I., was one of the family. Our
subject’s grandfather was a major in the Revolutionary War, and served
seven years; was a man of influence and many years a strong supporter of
the Congregational Church, at East Smithfield. Mr. Tracy’s mother, who
resides with him, and is eighty-one years of age, is a member of the same
church. In early life Mr. Tracy taught school many years; he is a member
of the Free-masons; is a Republican in politics and has held various offices
of public trust. His mother’s grandfather, William Scott, was a quarter-master
in the War of the Revolution, and was probably one of the same family of
Gen. Winfield Scott.
I have been looking through your site and came across this particular
book that has been transcribed. I have a photo of Miss Polly Tracy
MD, daughter of Buckley Tracy and Bathsheba (Scott) Tracy. Her photo
is attached.
I also have a photo of another daughter, Emily Tracy, again daughter
of Buckley Tracy and Bathsheba (Scott) Tracy and sister of the above mentioned
Polly Tracy who was a Physician, but not mentioned in this particular page
as she was at the time in Chicago Ill. Emily did however return to
Smithfield at a later date. Emily can be traced on your site to:
CHARLES L. TRACY, president of the First National Bank, and a member of the firm of Humphrey Bros. & Tracy, Towanda, is a native of Bradford county, born January 30, 1845, and is the son of Guy and Ulilla (Hoyt) Tracy, natives of Bradford county and Connecticut, respectively. The father was a merchant, and for years was one of the leading prominent business men of the county, where he died in 1867, regretted by a wide circle of friends. His family was composed of one daughter and two sons, of whom Charles was the second, and who attended the public schools in his native place and then entered Ford Edward Institute, New York. Soon after leaving his school he sought and found employment as a clerk in the First National Bank of Towanda, where he remained five years; he resigned this position to become one of the firm of Humphrey Bros. & Tracy, manufacturers of boots and shoes, an institution what is now one of the most important business concerns in the county, employing over one hundred operatives, their product being over 60,000 pairs of shoes annually, and in connection with their factory they carry on a large jobbing shoe trade. September 29, 1869, Charles L. Tracy was married to Eliza F., daughter of Hon. Judson Holcomb, who for many years was Index clerk H. R. U. S., Washington, D. C., and editor and one of the proprietors of the Bradford Republican. Of this marriage are the following children: Ulilla H., Clara M., Charles H. and Fannie Louise. The subject of this sketch is a member of the Universalist Church, of which he is a trustee; he is a thirty-second degree Mason; Republican in politics; and his steps in the bank have been clerk, director, vice-president, up to president, a position which he now holds.
HON. ELIJAH G., M. D., a prominent physician of Troy, was born in Smithfield township, this county, May 30, 1825, and is a son of Orramel and Cynthia (Kellogg) Tracy, whose ancestors were of Puritan stock, having come over in the "Mayflower," in 1620. The paternal grandparents, Nehemiah and Lucy (Olmstead) Tracy, were natives of East Haddam, Conn., and settled in Bradford county in 1805, locating in Smithfield township, where they cleared and improved a farm, on which they lived and died, the grandfather dying in 1816; they reared a family of seven children, viz.: Olmstead, Orramel, Arobul, Bulkley, James G., Elijah S. and Sally L., of whom Orramel was born in East Haddam, Conn., in 1793, came to Smithfield with his parents in 1805, and, on attaining his majority, cleared a farm of 130 acres, on which he resided until his death, in 1867; his wife was a daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Pierce) Kellogg, of Smithfield township, formerly of Poultney, Vt., by whom he had seven children, who grew to maturity: Caroline (Mrs. A. Mott), Elijah G., Alonzo, Ann E. (Mrs Emor F. Wood), Alanson C., Chapin and Edward G. Subject was reared in Smithfield township, educated at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., began the study of medicine, in 1850, with Dr. Daniel Holmes, of Smithfield, and entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, in 1853. In the fall of same year, he began the practice of his profession at Windham, this county, later carried it on in Lycoming county, and in the fall of 1855 he located in Sylvania, this county, where he remained twenty-one years; in 1876, he removed to Troy, where he has been in active practice since. The Doctor was married, October 26, 1856, to Juliette, a daughter of David L. and Clarissaa (Baldwin) Smith, of Sylvania. Dr. Tracy is a member of the Presbyterian Church at Sylvania, which he was largely instrumental in building; his uncle, Bulkley, and grandfather were members of the Congregational Church of Smithfield, his grandfather having erected the first Congregational Church in that township, and his uncle, Bulkley, the second on the site of the old one; each died within a year after their respective churches were erected; the Doctor left Sylvania before the Presbyterian Church of that place was completed, thus avoiding the fate of his forefathers. Dr. Tracy is a member of the Bradford County Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He is a Sir Knight Templar. Politically he is a stanch Republican, and was a member of the State Legislature in 1875-76.
GEORGE P. TRACY, M. D., Monroeton, was born in Towanda borough, this county, April 18, 1827, a son of George and Hannah M. (Ridgway) Tracy. His paternal grandparents were Solomon and Mary (Wells) Tracy, of whom the former was born at Preston, Conn., June 1, 1756, the second son of Isaac and Mehitable (Ford) Tracy. Isaac Tracy was a son of Francis Tracy, who was a son of Jonathan and Mary (Griswold) Tracy, Jonathan being a son of Lieu. Thomas Tracy, born in 1610, a native of Tewkesbury, England, who immigrated to Salem, Mass, in 16636; in 1645 he moved to Saybrook, Conn.; then in 1660 to Norwich, Conn., where he died, November 7, 1685. Solomon Tracy, paternal grandfather of our subject, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and one of the earliest pioneers of the county, having settled in Ulster, this county, in 1790, where he had, in 1788, purchased 400 acres of land under the Connecticut title, and here he resided until 1809, when he removed to Angelica, Allegany Co., N. Y.; he died in Canandaigua, N. Y., April 4, 1835; his widow died in Standing Stone, this county, November 22, 1848. Their children were: Mehitable (Mrs. Solomon Rawson), Charlotte (Mrs. Oliver Moore), Catherine (Mrs. Zebadiah Nobles), Hila (Mrs. Jonathan Nobles), Ira, George, Lleicester, Isaac, Guy and Henry W. Of these, George was born in Ulster township, this county, April 11, 1797, and removed with his father to Angelica, N. Y., in 1809. In 1824 or 1825 he bought back the old homestead in Ulster at sheriff’s sale, but sold it in the same year, and located in Towanda, where he engaged in mercantile business, and resided until 2832, when he removed to Monroeton, where he carried on mercantile business up to 1840. He was a justice of the peace for many years, and in 1850 was appointed associate judge of Bradford county by Governor William F. Johnston. George Tracy died June 3, 1877. His wife was a daughter of Burr and Alice (Coolbaugh) Ridgway, early and prominent settlers of Bradford county (of whom mention is made elsewhere), and by her he had children, as follows: George P., Henry C. and Burr R.
George P. Tracy, the subject proper of this sketch, was reared in Monroeton, and received an academic education. In 1851 he engaged in railroad enterprise in Ohio, as book-keeper and general overseer on sections 24, 25 and 26 of the Steubenville & Indiana Railroad, and in 1854 he applied for, obtained and finished a contract for a portion of Chartiers Valley Railroad, running from Pittsburgh to Washington, Pa. In 1846 he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. J. M. Goodrich, and later studied with Dr. D. N. Newton, of Towanda, and graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in March, 1859. In 1862 he was appointed, by Governor Curtin, assistant surgeon of the Ninetieth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was promoted and commissioned surgeon of the Forty-Sixth P. V. I., June 8, 1863. On July 1, 1863, he was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, but was paroled on the spot, which parole, however, the Government did not recognize, and he was ordered to resume the duties of his command. On July 4 he was mustered into the Forty-sixth P. V. I. as its surgeon and chief medical officer, which position he filled until the close of the war. He then engaged in the practice of his profession at Burlington until April, 1886, when he retired from active practice, and has since resided in Monroeton. On March 26, 1868, the Doctor was married to Ann W. (Larsen) Lomax, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Larsen, and widow of William Lomax, of Philadelphia, and by her he had two children: Hannah M. (Mrs. Lodell D. Burns) and Larsen. Dr. Tracy is a member of Bradford County Medical Society, to which he became attached in 1860.
HENRY C. TRACY, Monroeton, is a native of Towanda, Pa., born April 8, 1829, a son of George and Hannah M. (Ridgway) Tracy. He was reared in Monroeton from three years of age, and educated in the common schools. In 1857 he embarked in the mercantile business at Monroeton, at which he successfully continued, off and on, for twenty years, and has been interested in a general store in New Albany since 1870. He married, in 1858, Harriet S., daughter of Lyman and Samantha (Preston) Dodge, of Asylum township, and has one daughter, Eugenia (Mrs. John L. Rockwell). Mr. Tracy is a member of the F. & A. M. and is a Royal Arch Mason. In politics he is a Republican.
HON. HENRY W. TRACY (deceased) was born in Ulster township, this county, September 24, 1807, a son of Solomon Tracy, who was born in Litchfield county, Conn., June 1, 1756, and left home when but a young man, going to a place called "Drowned Lands," in Oswego county, N. Y., and from there he went to Lackawanna. He was a soldier in the French-Indian War, and came to Wyoming, whence he removed to Ulster, where he arrived in 1789. In 1809 he removed to Angelica, N. Y., and lived with his son, Ira Tracy, near Canandiagua, dying April 4, 1835. He had married Mary Wells, who was born in Southold, L. I.; she was a sister of Gen. Henry Wells, for whom Wellsburg, N. Y., and Wells township, this county, were named; she died November 22, 1848, leaving ten children, as follows: Mehitable Rawson, born October 19, 1789; Charlotte, born October 24, 1791, wife of Oliver Moore; Catherine, born November 3, 1793; Ira, born March 25, 1795; George, born April 11, 1797; Hila, born May 3, 1799, wife of J. Nobles; Leister, born April 3, 1801; Isaac, born October 30, 1803; Guy, born October 14, 1805, and Henry W. Tracy. The last named was educated in the Angelica Seminary, in Allegany county, N. Y., and studied law in the office of Aaron Burr, and then came to Standing Stone and engaged in business with his brother, George Tracy, in 1830, under the firm name of Tracy Brothers, dealers in general merchandise, who carted their goods from Rochester and Owego. They had a lumber yard in Havre de Grace. He purchased his brother’s interest in the business, in 1839, and formed a partnership with H. P. Moore, under the firm name of Tracy & Moore, dealers in general merchandise, Towanda, but they were burned out in 1868. He was also in partnership with Judson Holcomb in a store in Rome, Pa.; he dealt largely in real estate, and owned at his death 1,000 acres; he built his house in 1833, and two of the largest barns in the township. He married, December 5, 1833, Emma, daughter of Elisha and Sarah (Myer) Reed (she was the third of eight children, a native of Dutchess county, N. Y.); she died March 26, 1847, and Mr. Tracy married, June 30, 1870, Emma T., daughter of John C. and Jane A. (Reed) Wells, and who is now the only surviving member of her family. There were by this marriage two children: Henry W., Jr., born October 4, 1874, and Jennie, born April 4, 1871, wife of E. W. Hale, Jr.
Henry W. Tracy died full of years and honors, his great wealth equaled by the esteem and confidence of his fellow-man. Prominent many years in all public affairs, and in his private business a man of large affairs, yet he served his neighbors well in the Legislature in 1861-62; soon thereafter he was a member of the XXXVIIIth Congress. In 1866 he was Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, was one of the influential delegates to the Republican National Convention, Chicago, in 1860, and was one of the first to advocate Abraham Lincoln of that strong Pennsylvania delegation that did so much finally for his nomination. He passed from earth April 11, 1886.
JAMES G. TRACY, farmer, P. O. East Smithfield township, this county, with his parents, Nehemiah and Lucy (Olmstead) Tracy, in 1805. This family trace their genealogy directly back to Mary Chilson, who came over in the "Mayflower," and was the first woman to land on Plymouth Rock. John Tracy married Mary Winslow, a daughter of Mary Chilson. Our subject‘s father was a great-grandson of this celebrated woman, and a man of influence. The family united with the Congregational Church at Smithfield, in 1810, of which he was a strong supporter. James G. Tracy married, in 1828, Louisa Childs, and to them were born four children, two of whom are living, as follows:; Harriet, wife of W. H. Carpenter, and Edwin P., born November 23, 1834, is a bachelor and now owns and manages the farm, also operates a saw and grist mill on his farm. Mr. Tracy was a Federalist, then a Whig, and afterward a Republican from the formation of the party. He has always been an active and consistent member of the Congregational Church at East Smithfield, and is one of the most interesting men of the town, being now in his ninetieth year, and still bright and active, mentally and physically. His mind is well-stored with historical reminiscences. His father, Nehemiah, was a Revolutionary soldier, as were two of his brothers; they were in the Light Horse Cavalry.
WILLIAM TRACY, farmer, P. O. Hoblet, was born January 13, 1824, in Smithfield, this county, near where he now resides, a son of James O. and Anna (Watkins), Tracy, the former of whom was reared at East Haddam, Conn., and came to Smithfield when fourteen years of age with his parents in 1805; he died in February, 1870, aged eighty years; he was a man of influence, a Whig and Republican, strong in politics, and a faithful Christian. The mother’s family were among the early settlers of the town; she died June 1872, at the age of eighty. The grandfather, Nehemiah Tracy, was a direct descendant of Mary Chilson, one of the "Mayflower Pilgrims;" he died at the age of sixty-three. The subject of this memoir is fourth in a family of twelve children, eleven of whom are now living. He was married, February 28, 1849, to Harriet M., the eldest of four children of Albert and Cynthia M. (Sargent) Leonard, of Springfield; she was born October 7, 1827. The Leonards were the first settlers in the township of Springfield. Grandfather Leonard was a soldier in the Revolution. Her father died at the age of eighty-one, and her mother at seventy-two years. To Mr. and Mrs. Tracy were born three children, two of whom are living: Myrr T., born July 29, 1853, married to Emma Wood; and Edward P., born December 7, 1858, married to Ida Moody. Mr. Tracy is a strong Republican, and has been an active man in the affairs of the township, holding the offices of school director, auditor and commissioner and other positions of public trust; he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church, and he is a member of the F. & A. M. He owns one farm of about 120 acres if fine land, and is respected by all.
J. HENRY TRIPPE (deceased) was a native of Tyrone, N. Y., born April 3, 1839, a son of William and Clarissa (Palmer) Trippe, natives of New York. He was the eldest in a family of three children, was reared in his native place, and learned the miller’s trade, which was reared in his native place, and learned the miller’s trade, which he followed at Centre Village, N. Y., until 1865, when he purchased a general store there which he carried on until the winter of 1869; then sold out and removed to Canton in the spring of 1870; then engaged in the hardware business with Theodore Pierce, under the firm name of Pierce & Trippe. At the end of two years the firm was changed to Pierce, Trippe & Pierce. Mr. Trippe sold his interest in November, 1878, and again engaged in the hardware business by himself, which is still carried on by the sons. He was married, December 31, 1862, at Centre Village, N. Y., to Florence V., daughter of James M. and Sarah A. (Watrous) Marshall, natives of Broome county, N. Y. James M. Marshall, a farmer, was born April 21, 1816, and died in his native place, Centre Village, October 30, 1882. Mrs. Marshall still survives him and resides in Centre Village. Mrs. Trippe is the second in order of birth in a family of three children, and was born near Centre Village, Broome Co., N. Y., September 14, 1843. To Mr. and Mrs. Trippe were born four children: Grace A. (deceased); James L. (deceased); William M. and Fred H. J. Henry Trippe died September 30 , 1885, a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church; he was a member of the I. O. O. F. The following is taken from the Canton Sentinel: "As a business man Mr. Trippe was one of the best. In his knowledge of men, and in adapting himself to their needs, in forming friendships, and in retaining friends he had rare power. As a citizen he sought the moral and spiritual welfare of the community. He had the wisdom to see that whatever promoted these interests caused the town and its homes to prosper. As a Christian he has cheered the hearts of his brethren by his earnest and wise words, his ardent prayers and hopeful spirit, by bearing disagreeable duties and by filling places of trust with credit to himself and great good to the church of which he was for ten years a member." Mrs Trippe is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
J. C. TURNER, farmer, Canton township, P. O. Canton, is a native of Canton township, this county, and was born October 14, 1828; his parents were Jjohn and Lida (Sellard) Turner, natives of County Armagh, Ireland, and Bradford county, respectively. John Turner was a son of Francis Turner, a shoemaker by trade, who also followed farming; he emigrated from Ireland to Quebec, in 1821, remained there a short time, then located in Philadelphia; he resided there until 1826, when he removed to Canton township, where he died, in 1866, in his sixty-sixth year. Mrs. Turner was born in 1813, and still survives her husband. Mr. Turner’s maternal grandfather, Stephen Sellard, was a soldier in the War of 1812. J. C. Turner, the subject of the sketch, who is the eldest in order of birth in a family of five living children, received his education in the common schools, learned the shoemaker’s trade, which he carried on until 1851, when he went to California, and followed mining there until 1854. Returning to Canton in 1855, he engaged in the boot and shoe business, and followed that until 1861. He enlisted, August 27, 1861, in Company D, One Hundred and Sixth P. V. I.; he was in active service, taking part in the following: the battle of Fair Oaks, and Siege of Yorktown and Fredericksburg; he was mustered out at Washington, D. C., on account of disability, March 3, 1863, and returned home, where he farmed five years; then sold his farm, on account of his health, and in 1875 removed to San Bernardino county, Cal., purchased a small farm, and remained there about nine years; he then returned to Canton township, where he has been farming and in the dairy business. He was married in Canton, in 1857, to Julia, daughter of Lewis and Maria (Taber) Wheat, natives of Canton township (she is the eldest of four living children, and was born in Canton township, June 21, 1838). Mr. Turner is a member of the G. A. R., Ingham Post, No. 91, and in politics he is a Republican.
HON. EDMUND M. TUTON, merchant, Bentley Creek, was born in County Down, Ireland, near the city of Belfast, October 16, 1844, a son of George and Christine (Longwell) Tuton, natives of the above place. The father was a blacksmith. His parents were of Scotch-Irish origin, and were professors of the Quaker religion. The family removed to America when Edmund M. was one year old. They remained a time at Troy, N. Y., and then removed to Bradford county, and, in 1855, settled in Ridgebury, where they were farmers. Subject, in 1863, enlisted and served as a private soldier in Company E, Tenth New York Cavalry, until the close of the war. On his return home he attended school for nearly two years, and then, in 1868, engaged in mercantile business, and, in 1876, he embarked in business for himself, under the firm name of Craig & Tuton. The firm has been very prosperous, and now conducts probably the largest business of the kind in the township. Mr. Tuton is a Republican, and is popular with his party. In the fall of 1886 he was elected to the State Legislature, and was in the House two years. He is a member of the G. A. R., I. O. O. F. and Order of Knights Templar. Mr. Tuton was married, January 8, 1871, to Miss Eva Robinson, by whom he has five children, as follows: Fannie, Frederick, John C., Harriet and Christine. He is one of the most genial and progressive men in the township, and is much respected by a large circle of friends.
JOSEPH W. TUTTLE, farmer and stock-grower, P. O. Allis Hollow, was born in Standing Stone, this county, January 8, 1842, and is a son of Harvey and Margaret (Mingle) Tuttle, pioneers, who resided the greater portion of their lives at the lower end of "Red Rocks." The Mingles came to Standing Stone in 1825. The father was one of a family of five children. There were seven children in the father’s family, viz.: John P., M. C., Alfred, Joseph W., Francis M. (married to F. M. Brown). Jane R. (married to Frederick Brooks) and M. L. The mother died when Joseph W. was eight years old, and from that time until his majority his home was with Capt. Isaac Parks, of Herrick township. He received the usual school privileges of the time, and secured a good education. After reaching his majority he went to Mahoning county, Ohio, where he worked at farming for a short time, and October 21, 1863, he enlisted in the Twelfth Ohio Cavalry. On April 19, 1865, while on a scout with four comrades, he was captured. He participated in the battles of Mt. Sterling, and Cynthiana, Ky., and many others, where he was under constant fire four days; then was in two raids to capture King’s Salt Works, the last of which was successful; then went across Broad Mountain and along the line of the North Carolina Central Railroad. He was mustered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, under General Order No. 77, and went to Mahoning county, where he resided until 1868; he then returned to Orwell. Mr. Tuttle was united in wedlock, November 1, 1871, with Sarah Lyons. [See sketch of Isaac Lyons.] Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle have had one child, Don Isaac Lee, born August 16, 1879. The family worship at the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F., and of the F. & A. M.; is also a member of the Stevens Post, No. 69, G. A. R.; he is a Republican, and has been school director several years. He now resides on the farm of his wife’s father, Isaac Lyons. But few command more respect than he and his excellent wife.
WILLIAM UNDERWOOD, farmer, P. O. Greene’s Landing, was born in Spencer, Tioga Co., N. Y., March 22, 1835, a son of James and Delilah (Crum) Underwood, the former born in Vermont, the latter in New York. The father of James was a Revolutionary soldier, and a native of Vermont. William Crum, grandfather of William Underwood, was a soldier in the War of 1812. James, the father of subject, removed from Vermont to New York State about 1811, coming to this county in 1839, and locating near Greene’s Landing, where he passed the remainder of his days; he died in 1852 in the fifty-fifth year of his age; his family consisted of three children – two sons and one daughter. William Underwood, whose name opens this sketch, is the eldest in the family, and always worked on a farm. At the age of twenty-seve, in September, 1861, he married Miss Agnes, daughter of Edward and Agnes McMorran, of Greene’s Landing, by which union there were four children born: James, Mary, Ellen and William, two of whom grew to maturity, one now living, James, married to Miss Emma, daughter of George and Elizabeth Page. Mr. Underwood is an enterprising farmer, residing on a well-cultivated farm of 150 acres, on which he has lived fifty-two years; his farm is adapted to grain-raising and butter-making. His mother is still living at the age of eighty-three years. He is a Republican, and has held the office of town commissioner; he is a member of the Knights of Honor.
LEVI W. UPHAM, farmer, Pike township, P. O. Neath, was born in Rome, Pa., November 2, 1837, son of Cyrus and Elizabeth (Thatcher) Upham, the former a native of Massachusetts, the latter of Rome, Pa. L. W. was adopted at an early age by an uncle living in Dudley, Massachusetts, where he was educated, and began teaching at eighteen, and taught five years. He enlisted in September, 1861, in Company D, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, participated in all the raids and skirmishes of his regiment in North Carolina, including the following engagements: New Berne, Roanoke Island, Beaufort, Whitehall, Kingston, Gum Swamp, Tar-Borough, and Goldsboro Bridge, also Bermuda Hundred, several fights at Petersburg and at Drury’s Bluff, where he was wounded. He spent a short time in hospital, and was then detailed as ordnance clerk of the military post at Point Lookout, Md., and was mustered out July 13, 1865, at Boston, Mass., then came to Pike, where he engaged in farming. He married Catharine Thomas, a daughter of John and Gwennie (Williams) Thomas, natives of Wales; her parents came to Pike in 1831. This happy union has been blessed with the following children: Mary, Carrie, Walter, Katie and John. Mr. Upham and two eldest daughters are members of the Congregational Church at Neath, and Mrs. Upham of the Baptist Church at Warren Centre. He is member of the G. A. R., Spalding Post, No. 33, and is a Republican in politics.
WILLIAM UPSON, a farmer and stock-grower, Orwell township, P. O. Orwell, was born in Burlington, Conn., February 2, 1848, a son of Charles H. and Amanda (Humphrey) Upson, the former of whom was born in Wolcott, Conn., June 4, 1809, was a currier and trainer, and came from Connecticut in a lumber wagon in 1848, settling in Orwell township, and he died of heart failure June 7, 1888; the latter was born in 1811, and died April 10, 1884. They were married in 1832, and had a family of eleven children (eight born in Connecticut), viz.: Washington, Henry (deceased), Charles (who was in the army and died in a Southern hospital), Mary (married to W. D. Chaffee, of Potterville), Caroline (deceased wife of L. A. Darling), Rhoda (married to J. D. Cook of Nebraska), Amanda M. (married to J. D. Cook, and after her decease he married her sister, Rhoda), Cyrus (who was a member of the Sixteenth New York Cavalry and died in the Alexandria Hospital), William, Theodore (deceased), Marcus H. (in Connecticut). William Upson was reared in Orwell township and educated in the common schools, and Albion College, Michigan. When aged twenty he left home and went to Connecticut, where he remained about two years, and then to Michigan, where he attended school for a time, and became a traveling salesman. He returned to Connecticut and farmed three years; October 16, 1873, he was married to Adella J. Russell, of Connecticut, and had four children: the first died in infancy, Russell M., Adella May and Charles W. His wife died December 29, 1885, and he was married, the second time, March 29, 1888, to Perintha Payson, daughter of J. W. and Elizabeth (Alger) Payson. Her father was a son of Nathan Payson, who came a pioneer to this county in 1810; her mother was a daughter of Elijah and Martha (Kennedy) Alger, who came to Bradford county in 1819, and were among the hardy set who stripped the hill-sides of the primitive forests. Mr. and Mrs. Payson were married April 14, 1850, and, with the exception of eleven years spent on Orwell Hill, passed their entire lives on their farm, and had a family of three children, viz.: Perintha; Martha, married to J. W. Ford, of Orwell, and William G., died, aged four. Mr. Payson died July 20, 1882, but Mrs. Payson survives. Mr. Upson has 170 acres of fine farm land, well stocked with cattle, sheep and horses, and he has a dairy. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church; he is a Republican, has held various town offices, and is at present road commissioner.
JOHN B. VANDEMARK, merchant and butcher, Sugar Run, was born in Wilmot, this county, July 23, 1861, and is the eldest of the three children of Stephen D. and Polly (Brown) Vandemark, the former a native of New York, born of English and Dutch descent, the latter a native of Pennsylvania, of New England origin. He began life for himself at the age of twenty-six, in the butcher’s business, and January 1, 1890, he opened a grocery store in Sugar Run, where he is now engaged in business; he also continues the meat market; in the fall of 1890 he shipped more game than any other dealer in Pennsylvania. Mr. Vandemark was married, August 20, 1887, to Miss Mary, daughter of Albert D. and Alice (Bartram) Hoag, of Sharon, Conn. They have three children: Loran, born July 14, 1888, Alice, born February 11, 1890, and S. Franklin, born August 29, 1891. Mr. Vandemark is a member of the I. O. O. F., Clauson Lodge, Sugar Run, No. 920, and in politics he is a Republican.
DANIEL VANDERPOOL, farmer, of Terry township, P. O. Marsh View, was born March 10, 1840, and was reared and educated in the township. He is a son of Samuel and Nancy (Vanderpool) Vanderpool, the former born in Towanda, and the latter in Monroe, this county. Samuel is the son of Richard, who was also born in Monroe, and Richard is the son of Anthony, who was descended from a German who immigrated to this country. Anthony was a millwright by trade, and it is said built the first gristmill in the county. He had a family of eight children, one of whom is now living at the advanced age of eighty-six years. Richard was a farmer and resided in Towanda township until fifty years ago, when he came to Terry, where he resided until his death, at the age of sixty-five years. Samuel was also a farmer, and manufactured lumber to some extent, and proved more successful than his progenitors; he cleared and improved a neat farm of fifty acres; his family consisted of thirteen children, by two marriages, eight of whom grew to maturity. Daniel was the third, and is also a successful farmer, having in his own name and right two hundred and ten acres, in two farms; he is a general farmer, but gives preference to hay making. At the age of twenty-one, June 12, 1861, he married Miss Rebecca, daughter of Cornelius and Delight Vanderpool, and they have had thirteen children, eight of whom are now living, viz.: Chester, Frank, Louisa, Lewis, Martin, Norman H., Nellie and Minor. He is a member of the P. of I.
NELSON VANDERPOOL, farmer, Terry township, P. O. Marsh View, was born in Terry township, this county, February 12, 1827, a son of Henry and Esther (Vincent) Vanderpool, both of whom came from New York and are supposed to have been natives of that State.