Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Canton Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1812 Taxpayers 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Early Taxpayers of Canton Township

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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Residents at the organization of Bradford Co., PA, 1812-13. The taxable inhabitants (all males 21 years and over and females owning property) as ascertained from assessment rolls, voting lists and other sources. Taken from Clement F. Heverly's Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co., Pa., 1800-1825, Vol. II, 1915, reprint pages 189-200. Typed for the Tri-Counties Site by John Hoff of Oklahoma.

Canton Township

Includes present day LeRoy and parts of Franklin and Granville Twps.

Allen, David Everest, Samuel Loomis, Augustus Scovell, Orr
Allen, Nehemiah Granteer, Elizabeth Mercur, Henry Scovell, Orr Jr. 
Andrus, David Granteer, Jacob Marsh, Gurley Segar, Henry
Armstrong, James Granteer, John Miles, Thos. B.  Sellard, Stephen
Armstrong, Jas. Jr.  Griffin, Samuel Morse, Jesse Simons, Isaac
Babcock, Benj.  Grover, Isaiah Packard, Philip Smiley, John
Babcock, Joseph Grover, Simon Palmer, Abraham Spalding, Ezra
Babcock, Nathaniel Haxton, John Parker, Elam Spalding, Horace
Bailey, David Hinman, Luther Parker, Samuel Spalding, Wm. P. 
Bailey, Ezra Holcomb, Hugh Parkhurst, Abraham Smith, Jeremiah
Bailey, Scoville Holcomb, Sterling Platner, Amy Stone, Benj. 
Bailey, Smith Ingraham, Daniel Porter, Zoroaster Stone, Daniel
Bailey, Timothy Ingraham, James Pratt, David Strickland, Nancy
Blackman, Abel H.  Kingsbury, Jacob Pratt, David Jr.  Strickland, Stephen
Banks, Luther Knapp, Aaron Pratt, Ebenezer Taber, Nathan B. 
Butterfield, Chas.  Knapp, John Roberts, Jesse Taber, Reuben M. 
Chaapel, Issac Knapp, John Jr.  Roberts, Nathan Tower Reuben
Clark, Jonathan Knapp, Samuel Rockwell, Elias Taylor, Aziel
Clark, William  Landon, Benj.  Rogers, Ebenezer Taylor, Jeremiah
Cole, Isaac Landon, Ezra Rogers, Roswell R.  VanValkenburg, Adam
Cole, William  Landon, Laban Rogers, Zepheniah Watts, John
Crandle, John Landon, Laban Jr.  Rogers, Zeph. Jr.  Way, David
Crofut, James C.  Landon, Levi Rundell, Isaac Wilcox, Charles
Crofut, Seeley Latimer, Peter Rutty, Samuel Wilcox, Daniel
Emmerson, Joanna Lindley, David Saxton, Benj.  Wilcox, Daniel Jr. 
Wilcox, Nathan
Wilcox, Samuel
Wilson, Noah
Wilson, Noah Jr. 
xx Woodward, Oliver
Wooster, Isaac
Wooster, Philo

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