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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History  
Bradford County Township Formation, Pennsylvania
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Formation of Townships in Bradford County
Bradford County Townships
Bradford County Place Name/Township Index
Locations and Addresses of some cemeteries

Evolution of Bradford County

Prepared by Todd Farmerie

The following list of the evolution of Bradford County townships is derived from Craft. Unfortunately, it is flawed in many respects, and while attempts have been made to highlight some of the problematic areas, and in some cases supply probable alternatives (shown in parentheses), this account should not be viewed as definitive.

Albany 9 1824 created from Asylum
1853 split to form Overton
Armenia 9 1843 created from Troy, Canton 4
Asylum 1814 created from Wyalusing
1824 split to form Albany
1842 split to form Durrell 8
1849 split to form Wilmot 8
1858 redivided with Wilmot 8
(1855-1859 ?) (redivided with & split to form) (Wilmot, Durrell, Terry) 8
Athens 9 aft. 1801 renamed from Tioga 1
1804 piece to Wysox 3
(aft.) 1804 piece from Wysox 3
1813 split to form Wells
1818 split to form Ridgebury
1821 split to form Litchfield
Barclay 1866 created from Franklin
Burlington 4 9 1801 created from Wysox
1804 (or 1808) piece to Canton (Wyalusing) (Towanda) 5
1815 split to form Troy
1820 piece to Towanda
1831 split to form Granville
1855 split to form West Burlington
Canton 9 1804 created from Burlington, (& Wyalusing) 3, 5
(1808) (piece from) (Wyalusing) 5
(1808) (split to form) (Towanda) 5
1831 split to form Granville
1835 split to form Le Roy
1843 split to form Armenia
Columbia 9 1813 created from Smithfield
(1843) (pieces from and to) (Troy) 4
Durrell 1842 created from Monroe, Asylum
(1855-1859 ?) (recombined with & split to form) (Wilmot, Asylum, Terry) 8
Franklin 1819 created from Canton, Towanda
1831 split to form Granville
1835 split to form Le Roy
1853 split to form Overton
1866 piece to Burlington
Granville 1831 created from Franklin, Canton, Troy, Burlington
Herrick 9 1837 created from Pike (& Orwell)
Le Roy 1835 created from Canton, Franklin
Litchfield 1821 created from Athens
Monroe 9 1820 created from Towanda
1842 split to form Durrell
1853 split to form Overton
Mt Zion 1801 created from Tioga, Ulster
? renamed to Orwell
North Towanda 9 1851 created from Towanda 6
Orwell ? renamed from Mt Zion
1813 split to form Warren, Windham, Pike
1830 split to form Rome
(1837) (split to form) (Herrick) 7
Overton 1853 created from Franklin, Monroe, Albany
Pike 1813 created from Orwell, Rush
1837 split to form Herrick
Ridgebury 9 1818 created from Wells, Athens
1835 split to form South Creek
Rome 1830 created from Sheshequin, Orwell, Wysox
Rush 1801 created from Tioga, Wysox, Ulster
1813 split to form Windham & Pike
Sheshequin 9 1820 created from Ulster
(? 1830) (piece from) (Wysox) 4
Smithfield 1804-1810 created from Ulster
1813 split to form Columbia, Springfield
Springfield 4 9 1813 created from Smithfield
South Creek 1835 created from Wells, Ridgebury
Spring Hill 1830 created from Wyalusing
1856 renamed to Tuscarora
Standing Stone 9 1841 created from Wysox
Stoke 1783 created within Northumberland Co
1790 split to form Tunkhannock, Wyalusing, Tioga, etc.
(Terry) (1857) (created from) (? Wilmot, Asylum, Durrell) 8
Tioga 1790 created from Stoke
1795 split to form Wysox
1797 split to form Ulster
1801 split to form Rush, Mt Zion
aft. 1801 renamed to Athens 1
Towanda 9 1808 created from Wyalusing (& Tunkhannock) 2 (& Canton) 5
1819 split to form Franklin
1819 piece to Wysox
1820 piece from Burlington
1820 split to form Monroe
1851 split to form North Towanda 6
Troy 9 1815 created from Burlington
1831 split to form Granville
1843 split to form Armenia
Tunkhannock 1790 created from Stoke
? piece(s) to Wyalusing 

(& Canton) 2

Ulster 9 1797 created from Tioga
1801 split to form Rush, Mt Zion
1804 piece to Wysox 3
1804-1810 split to form Smithfield
1814 piece from Wysox 3
1820 piece to Sheshequin
Warren 1813 created from Orwell
Wells 1813 created from Athens
1818 split to form Ridgebury
1835 split to form South Creek
West Burlington 9 1855 created from Burlington
Wilmot 1849 created from Asylum 8
1858 resplit with Asylum 8
Windham 1813 created from Orwell, Rush
Wyalusing 9 1790 created from Stoke
? piece from Tunkhannock 2
1804 or 1808 split to form Canton 3, 5
(1808) (split to form) (Towanda) 5
1814 split to form Asylum
1830 split to form Spring Hill
Wysox 1795 created from Tioga
1801 split to form Rush
1801 split to form Burlington
1804 piece from Athens, Ulster 3
(aft.) 1804 piece to  Athens 3
1808 split to form Towanda
1814 piece to  Ulster
1830 split to form Rome
(? 1830) (piece to) (Sheshequin) 4
1841 split to form Standing Stone

  Craft states that upon the creation of Ulster in 1797, along the old line dividing the Connecticut towns of Ulster and Athens, the remaining portion of Tioga Twp. was renamed Athens. However, both the 1798 federal tax and the 1800 census retain the name Tioga, so the renaming must have been later. 

  1. The portion of the county which fell within Tunkhannock Twp. (Luzerne County) is only mentioned briefly by Craft, and dismissed because it was unsettled. He never describes the events surrounding the absorption of this land into the surviving townships of the county. Thus it is unclear whether it was joined with Wyalusing before the latter was split, or perhaps was not transferred until the creation of the county, in which case portions would have gone to Canton and perhaps Towanda as well (see note 5). 
  2. When the northwest corner of (then) Luzerne County was gerrymandered onto Lycoming County, no care was taken to follow the existing township boundaries, resulting in the transfer of various pieces of land which had found themselves split from the rest of their townships by the new county line. Some of these transfers (Athens and Ulster) were later reversed. The account provided by Craft for these events is inadequate, particularly when describing the southeast corner of the new piece of Lycoming County. There his textual description of the borders (around the Connecticut town of Claverack) does not match his map of the townships at the time that Bradford County was formed. 
  3. Removal of Rome from Wysox and Sheshequin probably led to a readjustment of the remaining border between these townships. However, Craft does not document this, and it may have happened later (see note 9). Similarly, the transfer of a portion of what had been Troy to Columbia (and perhaps the other readjustments seen in the northern boundary of Troy) probably accompanied the creation of Armenia. 
  4. Craft states that Canton was formed in 1804 from the southern sliver of Burlington Twp. which has been pared off by the new county line (see note 3). He later describes the creation of Towanda from Wyalusing. This leaves unaccounted for the western third of Wyalusing that ended up in Canton. It is unlikely that the narrow remaining strip of Burlington became a township by itself, but more likely was combined with the adjacent portion of Wyalusing to erect Canton. It remains unclear whether this was done in 1804, when the county line was changed, (in which case Towanda was probably created from a larger Canton) or whether it was not done until 1808, when both Canton and Towanda would have been created from a Wyalusing that had been enriched by the Burlington sliver. 
  5. Craft describes the split of Towanda to form South Towanda, but it was the northern portion that was renamed North Towanda. 
  6. The location of the borders of Herrick with respect to the preexisting township lines does not appear to match Craft's description. It likely was formed primarily from Pike. 
  7. The description of the evolution of the townships in the southeast corner of the township is very confused. The final placement of Asylum based on the text corresponds to the actual location of Terry, the creation of which is not described. Where Asylum is located, Craft's analysis would place the township of Durrell. It is likely that there are significant errors in Craft's account of the townships of Asylum, Durrell, Wilmot, and Terry. 

  8. A look at the 1890 map; of the townships in Bradford County reveals numerous boundaries which differ those derived from Crafts description of township formation and evolution. In some cases (see note 4) educated guesses can be made regarding when portions of one township may have been transferred to a neighbor, but in most cases, this cannot be done. 
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