Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Towanda Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1812 Taxpayers 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Early Taxpayers of Towanda Township

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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Residents at the organization of Bradford Co., PA, 1812-13. The taxable inhabitants (all males 21 years and over and females owning property) as ascertained from assessment rolls, voting lists and other sources. Taken from Clement F. Heverly's Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co., Pa., 1800-1825, Vol. II, 1915, reprint pages 189-200. Typed for the Tri-Counties Site by John Hoff of Oklahoma.
Towanda Township

Including present day Monroe, Albany, Overton, and parts of Asylum and Franklin Twps.

Acla, Amos Daugherty, James Ladd, Ephraim Squires, Jabez
Acla, Benjamin Daugherty, Samuel Ladd, Horatio Stevens, Rees
Alden, Adonijah Davidson, Richard Ladd, Warner Stewart, Alphonsus C.
Alden, Timothy Drake, Daniel Landers, Lemuel Stratton, Martin
Alger, Sarah Edsall, Nathaniel Leavenworth, John Stratton, Timothy
Allen, Isaac Edsall, Peter Lee, Williams Sutton, Isaac
Allen, Solomon Ellsworth, Isaac Lewis, James Sweet, Eleazer
Ashley, Benj.  Felton, John Luce, Archelaus Tallady, Solomon Jr. 
Bailey, Enos Finch, Wm.  Mason, Eliphalet Thompson, Daniel
Baldwin, Ethan Foster, Abiel Mathews, Amos V.  Thompson, Elias
Bates, John Foster, Abraham Means, William  Thompson, Wm. 
Benjamin, Jonathan Foster, Isaac Merritt, Hezekiah Wagner, Jacob
Benjamin, John Foster, Rufus Miller, Daniel Warford, Moses
Benjamin, Richard Fowler, Austin Miller, Shadrach Watts, Jane
Bennett, Amos Fowler, Jonathan Mills, Edward Welles, Chas. F. 
Bennett, Amos Jr.  Fowler, Russell Mints, John West, Williston
Bennett, Amos 3rd Fox, Abraham Needham, Samuel White, Parley
Bennett, Benj.  Fox, John Newell, Oliver Whitman, Ananias
Bingham, Ozias Franklin, John  Northrup, Abijah Whitman, Solomon
Blanchard, David French, Wm.  Northrup, James Wilcox, Daniel
Blunt, Erastus French, Wm. Jr.  Northrup, John Wilcox, Freeman
Bowman, George Frisbie, Jonathan Pason, Lemuel Wilcox, Rowland
Bowman, Jacob Frisbie, Nathan Pellet, Samuel Wilcox, Sheffield
Bowman, John Gilbert, Daniel Pepper, Wm.  Wilcox, Sheffield Jr. 
Brown, Charles Gladding, Moses Pierce, John Wilcox, Stephen
Carpenter, Cynthia Goff, Amos Ridgway, Burr Williams, Ziba
Carpenter, Elisha Goff, Humphrey Ringer, George Withey, Amasa
Carr, Absalom Goff, Richard Ringer, Jacob Woodruff, Jared
Carr, Edsall Goff, William  Ringer, Michael Woodruff, Jesse
Carter, Aaron Goodwin, John Roals, James Wythe, Joshua
Carter, Usual Green, John Rockwell, Abner C. 
Chaapel, Buckley Gregg, Andrew Rowley, Moses
Chilson, Samuel Gregory, Ebenezer B. Rutty, Ezra
Clark, Ebenezer P.  Griffis, Ezekiel Rutty, Ezra Jr. 
Cole, Elisha Hale, Reuben Salisbury, Henry
Cole, Solomon Head, John Saunders, John D. 
Conly, Adam Heverly, Daniel Schrader, Harmon
Cook, Amos Heverly, John Schrader, John
Coolbaugh, Benj.  Hewitt, Gurdon Schrader, John Jr. 
Coolbaugh, Wm. Hewitt, Wheaton Scovell, Silas
Coolbaugh, Wm. Jr.  Holden, Sartile Seely, Samuel
Coon, Nathan Horton, Stephen Simkinson, John
Cranmer, Calvin Irish, Job Simons, Seneca
Cranmer, Josiah Kent, John E.  Spalding, Harry
Cranmer, Keturah Kissell, Frederick Spalding, Noah
Cranmer, Noadiah Spalding, Obadiah
Cranmer, Samuel Spalding, Wm. B. 

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