Including present day Monroe, Albany, Overton, and parts of Asylum and Franklin Twps.
Acla, Amos | Daugherty, James | Ladd, Ephraim | Squires, Jabez |
Acla, Benjamin | Daugherty, Samuel | Ladd, Horatio | Stevens, Rees |
Alden, Adonijah | Davidson, Richard | Ladd, Warner | Stewart, Alphonsus C. |
Alden, Timothy | Drake, Daniel | Landers, Lemuel | Stratton, Martin |
Alger, Sarah | Edsall, Nathaniel | Leavenworth, John | Stratton, Timothy |
Allen, Isaac | Edsall, Peter | Lee, Williams | Sutton, Isaac |
Allen, Solomon | Ellsworth, Isaac | Lewis, James | Sweet, Eleazer |
Ashley, Benj. | Felton, John | Luce, Archelaus | Tallady, Solomon Jr. |
Bailey, Enos | Finch, Wm. | Mason, Eliphalet | Thompson, Daniel |
Baldwin, Ethan | Foster, Abiel | Mathews, Amos V. | Thompson, Elias |
Bates, John | Foster, Abraham | Means, William | Thompson, Wm. |
Benjamin, Jonathan | Foster, Isaac | Merritt, Hezekiah | Wagner, Jacob |
Benjamin, John | Foster, Rufus | Miller, Daniel | Warford, Moses |
Benjamin, Richard | Fowler, Austin | Miller, Shadrach | Watts, Jane |
Bennett, Amos | Fowler, Jonathan | Mills, Edward | Welles, Chas. F. |
Bennett, Amos Jr. | Fowler, Russell | Mints, John | West, Williston |
Bennett, Amos 3rd | Fox, Abraham | Needham, Samuel | White, Parley |
Bennett, Benj. | Fox, John | Newell, Oliver | Whitman, Ananias |
Bingham, Ozias | Franklin, John | Northrup, Abijah | Whitman, Solomon |
Blanchard, David | French, Wm. | Northrup, James | Wilcox, Daniel |
Blunt, Erastus | French, Wm. Jr. | Northrup, John | Wilcox, Freeman |
Bowman, George | Frisbie, Jonathan | Pason, Lemuel | Wilcox, Rowland |
Bowman, Jacob | Frisbie, Nathan | Pellet, Samuel | Wilcox, Sheffield |
Bowman, John | Gilbert, Daniel | Pepper, Wm. | Wilcox, Sheffield Jr. |
Brown, Charles | Gladding, Moses | Pierce, John | Wilcox, Stephen |
Carpenter, Cynthia | Goff, Amos | Ridgway, Burr | Williams, Ziba |
Carpenter, Elisha | Goff, Humphrey | Ringer, George | Withey, Amasa |
Carr, Absalom | Goff, Richard | Ringer, Jacob | Woodruff, Jared |
Carr, Edsall | Goff, William | Ringer, Michael | Woodruff, Jesse |
Carter, Aaron | Goodwin, John | Roals, James | Wythe, Joshua |
Carter, Usual | Green, John | Rockwell, Abner C. | |
Chaapel, Buckley | Gregg, Andrew | Rowley, Moses | |
Chilson, Samuel | Gregory, Ebenezer B. | Rutty, Ezra | |
Clark, Ebenezer P. | Griffis, Ezekiel | Rutty, Ezra Jr. | |
Cole, Elisha | Hale, Reuben | Salisbury, Henry | |
Cole, Solomon | Head, John | Saunders, John D. | |
Conly, Adam | Heverly, Daniel | Schrader, Harmon | |
Cook, Amos | Heverly, John | Schrader, John | |
Coolbaugh, Benj. | Hewitt, Gurdon | Schrader, John Jr. | |
Coolbaugh, Wm. | Hewitt, Wheaton | Scovell, Silas | |
Coolbaugh, Wm. Jr. | Holden, Sartile | Seely, Samuel | |
Coon, Nathan | Horton, Stephen | Simkinson, John | |
Cranmer, Calvin | Irish, Job | Simons, Seneca | |
Cranmer, Josiah | Kent, John E. | Spalding, Harry | |
Cranmer, Keturah | Kissell, Frederick | Spalding, Noah | |
Cranmer, Noadiah | Spalding, Obadiah | ||
Cranmer, Samuel | Spalding, Wm. B. |
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