Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1830 Census Records for Bradford County PA 
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

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1830 Franklin Township Census

Typed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III of Oklahoma, formatted by Joyce M. Tice
* Indicates a questionable reading. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.
Allen Daniel 00120000001 00010001 6 139
Allen  David (Blind) 000000001 1 141
Allyn Nehemiah 0210111 01201 10 140
Allyn David 0000000001 000000001 2 140
Allyn Nehemiah 0210111 0121 10 141
Andrus Elisha 0000000001 0000000001 2 138
Avery Joseph 10001 00001 3 141
Avery Robert 10001 21001 6 141
Bacon Erastus 00110001 0011001 6 141
Bailey Scoville 00102001 00111001 8 138
Bailey Thomas 110001 010001 5 138
Bailey Julius 010001 110001 5 138
Bailey Elisha 10001 20001 5 138
Bailey Lydia 00101 00011001 5 138
Bailey Lanson 00001 00011 3 138
Bailey Samuel 00001 10001 3 139
Bardsley Tolman 121001 121001 10 140
Bates Benjamin 310001 01001001 8 140
Bayley Timothy 1101101 0210001 9 138
Brigham George 21001 0101001 7 138
Brisee James 1110001 011101 8 141
Bullock Nathan 000001 21001 5 140
Burk Seba   010001 2 139
Bush Joseph 110001 01001 5 138
Butler E.P. 210001 101001 7 141
Chapel Ledyard 100011 100210001 8 139
Chapel Chauncy 111001 11001 7 139
Chapin Buckly 0100001 0000001 3 139
Churchhill Alva 0000101 0010001 4 138
Cole Elizabeth 0001 00110001 4 139
Cole David 00001 30001 5 140
Cole Harry 00001 10001 3 140
Cramner/Cranmer Ama   0000000000001 1 141
Crane Prudence 1 10001 3 140
Crofoot Phebe 0101 012101 7 139
Crofoot Sula 00001001 00000001 3 139
Cumming Alexander 101001 12001 7 140
Deamour/Deemer William 000001 10001 3 141
Dodd Isaac 200001 01001 5 141
Dodge C.*W. 0020101 0100001 6 140
Dodge Lyman 110001 00001 4 140
Fairbanks Samuel 00100001 0100001 4 140
Fairbanks Samuel Jr.  100001 1101 5 140
French William B. 0000001 221001 7 141
French Frances 000001   1 141
Gay Gilbert 012001 110001 7 141
Halstin Isaac 2001001 02101 8 138
Hocum Marlin 11001 11001 6 138
Hocum Alpheus 0001201 0110001 7 139
Hocum Eli 011001 22001 8 139
Hurlbut Adrial 220001 031001 10 140
James Peter 10001 10001 4 141
Kellogg Alva 10201 120001 8 141
Knapp John 0000000001 000000001 2 139
Knapp Amos 1300001 111101 10 139
Knapp Aaron 01001 11001 5 139
McKee John 10001 00001 3 139
McKee Leonard 00110001 011 5 140
Meilwain* Catharine 1 000101 3 140
Mills Noah 0121001 0100001 7 140
Mix S. St. J. 000011 00001 3 141
Morse Jesse 00101001 00100001 5 138
Morse Richard 0100001 212001 8 139
Morse Perly 220001 001001 7 139
Morse David 110001 00001 4 139
Morse Ziba 00001 20001 4 139
Nelson Oliver 001100001 000000001 4 138
Packam John H. 20001 00001 4 140
Packard Phillip 00010001 00100010001 5 139
Parkhurst Elam 0020001 222001 10 138
Pratt John 000111001 00000101 6 138
Pratt Joseph 000001 00001 2 138
Pratt Chester 01001 10001 4 139
Putman John 000000001 000210001 5 138
Putman Harry 100001 00001 3 138
Putman Isaac 00001 00001 2 138
Putnem Luman 00101 30001 6 138
Roberts Jesse 1211101 0122101 14 139
Rockwell Allen Jr. 110001 11001 6 139
Rockwell Allen 00210001 00000001 5 140
Rockwell Oliver 20001 00001 4 140
Roots Phebe 003 012001 7 140
Ross Joseph 00001 10001 3 139
Sall (Sill?) Jacob 00001   1 141
Shiner Evan 220001 301001 10 141
Smith Christopher 00001 30001 5 139
Smith Anthony 21101001 11011 10 141
Smith Nedabiah 00111001 0001001 6 141
Smith Benjamin 010001 22101 8 141
Spaulding William B. 1010001 1110001 7 141
Stone Alpha 2011001 110001 8 139
Stone Henry 00001 00010001 3 140
Taylor Levi 110001 11001 6 138
Taylor Silvester 00001 00001001 3 138
Taylor Jeremiah 00201 100001 5 138
Taylor Azel 2221001 000001 9 139
Thornton Abigah 000000001 0000001 2 141
Truesdale Jeremiah 0000001   1 140
Vroman Stephen 00001 00001 2 138
Vroman Josias B. 2110001 0010001 7 138
Webber Daniel 01101 000001 4 140
White Silas 10001 00001 3 138
Wilcox Nathan 10001 10001 4 140
Willcox Nathan 0011001 0001001 5 140
Willcox James C. 10001 00001 3 141
Willcox Stephen Jr. 200001 01001 5 141
Willcox Stephen Sen. 010000001 00010101 5 141
Wooster Philo 101101 10101 7 140
Wooster Philo 102101 10101 8 141

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/6/98
By Joyce M. Tice