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61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community History & Genealogy

Items & Articles About Our Local Schools


Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA by School District

This early, but undated, photo of Elk Run was taken from Richmond Hill. This photo was in the album of my grandmother, Betty (Blanche) CLARK Miller.

The 1875 Atlas is the source for the School Districts and Schools listed here. They are arranged roughly from the NorthWest corner to the SouthEast Corner of the township. Cemeteries, Churches and Post Offices are arranged in the School District in which they were present. As time goes on, more information will be added about the buildings and institutions represented as well as photographs where available. This has been prepared by Joyce M. Tice.

Each of these school districts defines a neighborhood limited in size by the walking capabilities of small children who usually got to school on foot. As time went on, the number of schools diminshed and some children were taken to school by auto or schoolbus. There was a consolidation sometime in the late 19teens or 1920s that reduced the number of schools in the township by more than half.

Some of the neighborhood, one-room schools, were used into the 1940s. Mainesburg was the last to go and was not closed until the 1960s. All children went either to another neighborhood school in Sullivan Township and then later still all eventually went to school in Mansfield in Richmond Township by bus as I did in the fifties. Not all students went to High School, but those who did may have gone either to Mansfield or Troy in Bradford County. At the present day, all go to school in Mansfield. The old school buildings have fallen down, been converted to farm sheds, or have been incorporated into residences or other buildings. Where possible, I have inlcuded photos.

Many of the school souvenir book pages include a map of the school district taken from the 1875 Atlas. Some of the roads have been discontinued, many of the buildings have fallen down or been replaced.  One of the sub-projects within my Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project is to collect photos of the old houses and their residents and to take photos of the present day houses and other buildings. I am compiling this material in a Power Point presentation slide show.
Dates following the name of the school link to School Souvenir Books for that Year.
Joyce also has the 1891-1901 attendance records for Red School, Scouten Hill School, Clark School, Elk Run School, Hulslander School [from John Gray Strange house]

Red School 
Attendance 1891-1900
1900 - 1912 - 1913 - 1914 - 1915
Closed April 1920
Brewster Cemetery
Elk Run School -
Attendance 1891-1900-
1900 - 1903 - 1905 - 1906 - 1909 - 1913 - 1912 - School Prophecy 1910 - 1926 - 1929-1943 - 1944 - 1946 -1948
Closed June 1948
Elk Run Methodist Church (1864 - 1992) Chandlersburg [Elk Run] (Smith) Cemetery 

Hodges Cemetery

Elk Run Post Office
S. L. Wood Store
Reuben Squires Store
East Sullivan Grange
[14] Holly School 1903 - 1905 - 1908 - 1910- 1911 - 1913
Closed April 1920
Rutland Hill Methodist Church (Just over border in Rutland) Wood Cemetery
Bristol Burial
Smith Sanitarium
1880 Joe HOLLY Diary
Scouten Hill School - Attendance 1891-1900-
Closed April 1921
Seeley Family Burials
Presumed McConnell/Gray Burials
Hulslander School 
Attendance 1891-1900-
Closed April 1922
Hulslander Cemetery Voltus Post Office (existed in 1930s)
1870 Sarah MONROE Diary
Mainesburg School
1898 - 1904 - 1912 - 1913 - 1920 - 1921
Attendance Records 1919-1921
Closed 1970s?
Methodist Episcopal Church of Mainesburg, 1841 to present
The Old School Baptist Church of Sullivan, Mainesburg, 1816
Disciple Church
Mainesburg Cemetery Mainesburg P.O.
Mainesburg Grange
Odd Fellows
P.O.S. of A. 
Rumsey Hill School
1903 -- 1904 -- 1905
Closed July 1913
The Free Will Baptist Church of Sullivan, at the Rumsey Hill School, 1830 Gitchell Cemetery
[10] Doud School 1899 - 1904 - 1910 - 1911 - 1912 - 1919
Closed April 1912
Rumsey-Doud Cemetery
[09] Robbins Hill School 1904 -- 1908
Closed April 1920
Ames Hill Cemetery
Sally BURMAN Andrus Burial
Gray Valley School 1890 - 1900 - 1903 - 1917
Closed June 1948
Gray Valley Church
The East Sullivan Baptist Church, Gray's Valley, 1836
Gray Valley Cemetery
Bakerburg School 

Union School - 1911
(May be same as King Hill School in 1907)
Closed April 1920



Union Church

Bakerburg Church

King Hill Cemetery 
Palmer Burials
Bakerburg Cemetery
Baker Family Burials (destroyed)
Gray Family Burials
Sullivan P.O.
Baity School - 1909 - 1918 - 1920
Closed April 1925
State Road School
1905 - 1914 - 1916 - 1917 - 1920 - 1930 - 1934
Closed June 1948
State Road Baptist Church 1856 to present State Road Cemetery
Clark School
Attendance 1891-1900-
Closed July 1913
Gafford School 1911 - 1917
Closed April 1920
Listed 1899 w/ Sylvania Address - No #
Mainesburg, March 26, 1875
The winter term of our school closed on the 19th instant. The school has been a good one. We employed Wm. C. Edwards, of Charleston, in the first place for $35 a month and board; but our school was so large that it was necessary to have another teacher, and he proposed to hire his own assistant for $20 extra, with the privilege of having an entertainment at the close of the term, he taking the proceeds. The entertainment was held on the evenings of the 19th and 20th. I send the programme for each evening. - The exercises opened with a song - “All Together Once Again” - by the Edwards family, father, mother and eleven children, which was very fine. The entertainment was the best we ever had here, every thing passing off very pleasantly and satisfactorily to all. The pieces were well committed and well delivered. A declamation by Miss Ally Witter, of Troy, and “Darius Green’s Flying Machine” by T. H. Edwards were very finely spoken. The callisthenic exercise by the primary scholars was a fine thing. Mr. T. H. Edwards, I think, is a perfect gentleman and would make a very good Superintendent. Our assistant teacher was John Edwards, brother of the principal, and they are both very highly esteemed by our people and the scholars, and have our best wishes for their welfare wherever they may go. - Wellsboro Agitator, 30 March 1875, p.6
Term, 7 months, Wages $23, $25.
Susie Van Ness, Mansfield.
Lettie Austin, Manesburg.
Blanche Austin, Mainesburg.
Mina Lewis, Mansfield.
Edith Mudge, Mansfield.
John Strange, Mainesburg.
Celia Leiby, Mainesburg.
Lewis Smith, Elkrun.
Lewis N. Wilson, Mansfield.
R. Lavina Cornwell, Mansfield.
Genevieve Bordon, Sullivan.
G. Walter Robbins, Mainesburg.
Eleanor Rew, Mainesburg.
Mark Webster, Mainesburg.
Helen Hendricks, Mainesburg.
Blanche Harvey, Mainesburg.
Frances Hulslander, Mainesburg
Freeman Shaw, Mainesburg, Pres.
Jonathan G. Leiby, Mainesburg, Sec.
S. B. Jackson, Mainesburg, Treas.
H. C. Updyke, Elk Run.
J. B. McConnell, Elk Run.
L. L. Reynolds, Mainesburg..
SULLIVAN 1901-02.
Term, 7 months, Wages $25.

Eleanor Rew, Mainesburg.
Mark Webster, Mainesburg.
Mrs. Marie Connelly, Mainesburg.
Lynn Soper, Mainesburg.
R. Lavina Cornwell, Mansfield.
Walter Robbins, Mainesburg.
Earnest Sutton, Sullivan.
Lettie Austin, Mainesburg.
Celia Leiby, Mainesburg.
Clara Webster, Mainesburg.
Archie Soper, Mainesburg.
Laura Strange, Mansfield.
Edith Mudge, Mansfield.
Clyde Dewey, Sullivan.
Esther Orvis, Sullivan.
Georgia Austin, Mainesburg.
J. B. McConnell, Elk Run, Pres.
L. L. Reynolds, Mainesburg, Sec'y.
Herman Updyke, Elk Run, Treas.
J. C. Strange, Mainesburg.
J. G. Leiby, Mainesburg.
Freeman Shaw, Mainesburg.
SULLIVAN 1902-03.
Term, 7 months, Wages $25, $28, $30.
Ernest Sutton, Sullivan.
Luvinnie Cornwell, Mansfield.
Elmer Cornwell, Mansfield.
Lynn Soper, Mainesburg. 
(Elk Run School)
George Bardwell, Mainesburg.
Esther Orvis, Sullivan.
Eleanor Rew, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Howard Ashley, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Fred Sutton, Sullivan.
Julia Strange, Mansfield.
Ernest Webster, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Harry Hulslander, Voltus.
(Holly School)
Vera Hulslander, Voltus.
Lora Roberts, Sullivan.
(Gray Valley School)
Edith Mudge, Mansfield.
Seward Nash, Sullivan.
A. D. Ballard, Sullivan, Pres.
J. G. Leiby, Mainesburg, Sec'y.
Freeman Shaw, Mainesburg, Treas.
L. L. Reynolds, Sullivan.
J. C. Strange, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Chas. Smith, Mainesburg, R. F. D
Term, 7 months, Wages $25 to $30.

Eleanor Rew, Prin.,
Seward Nash, Sullivan.
Esther Orvis, Sullivan.
Nettie Boyd, Canton.
Ernest Webster, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Harry Hulslander, Voltus.
Bearde Wetmore, Mansfield.
E. G. Cornwell, Mansfield.
Everett Nash, Elkrun.
Belva Robbins, Mansfield.
Belle Wilson, Mansfield. (Rumsey Hill School)
Mildred Spaulding, Mainesburg.
(Robbins Hill School)
M. Viva Payne, Mansfield.
Lora Robert, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Edward Roberts, Sullivan.
J. C. Strange, Mainesburg.
A. D. Ballard, Sullivan.
J. G. Leiby, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Nelson Holly, Elk Run.
Charles Smith, Mainesburg.
SULLIVAN 1904-05
Eleanor Rew, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Georgia Austin, Mainesburg.
George Bardwell, Mainesburg 
(Rumsey Hill School).
Ernest Webster, Mansfield, R. F. D. 6.  (State Road School)
Albert Wetmore, Mansfield.
Fred Sutton, Sullivan.
(Elk Run School)
These five persons were listed under Knoxville in the newspaper edition. They were all in Sullivan.
Ada Holly, Columbia X Roads, R. F. D.
Mildred Spaulding, Mainesburg.
(Holly School)
Belva Robbins, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Lora Roberts, Mansfield, R. F. D., 4.
Frank Ashley, Mainesburg.
Nelson Holly, Columbia X Roads.
E.. B. Robert, Mansfield, R. F. D., 1
Charles Smith, Mainesburg
Claude Harvey, Mansfield, R. F. D., 1.
John C. Strange, Mainesburg.
A. D. Ballard, Sullivan.
SULLIVAN 1905-06.
Eleanor Rew, Mansfield, R. F. D.
Georgia Austin, Mainesburg.
George Bardwell, Mainesburg.
Ernest Webster, Mansfield, R. F. D. 8.
Albert Wetmore, Mansfield.
Fred Sutton, Sullivan. 
John C. Strange, Mainesburg 
(Elk Run School)
The following five were mistakenly listed with Knoxville instead of Sullivan
Ada Holly, Columbia X Roads, R. F. D.
Lora Roberts, Mansfield, R. F. D. 4.
Mildred Spaulding, Mainesburg. 
Frank Ashley, Mainesburg.
Belva Robbins, Mansfield, R. F. D. 

Nelson Holly, Columbia X Roads.
E. H. Robert, Mansfield, R. F. D. 1.
Charles Smith, Mainesburg.
Claude Harvey, Mansfield, R. F. D. 1..
A. D. Ballard, Sullivan.
SULLIVAN. 1906-07
Term, 7 months, Wages $23, $25.
Susie Van Ness, Mansfield.
Lettie Austin, Mainesburg.
Blanche Austin, Mainesburg.
Mina Lewis, Mansfield.
Edith Mudge, Mansfield.
John Strange, Mainesburg.
Celia Leiby, Mainesburg.
Lewis Smith, Elkrun.
Lewis N. Wilson, Mansfield.
R. Lavina Cornwell, Mansfield.
Genevieve Borden, Sullivan.
G. Walter Robbins, Mainesburg.
Eleanor Rew, Mainesburg.
Mark Webster, Mainesburg.
Helen Hendricks, Mainesburg.
Blanche Harvey, Mainesburg.
Frances Hulslander, Mainesburg.
Freeman Shaw, Mainesburg, Pres.
Jonathan G. Leiby, Mainesburg, Sec.
S. B. Jackson, Mainesburg, Treas.
H. C. Updyke, Elk Run.
J. B McConnell, Elk Run.
L. L. Reynolds, Mainesburg.
SULLIVAN 1907-08.
John C. Strange, Mansfield, r.
Harry Hulslander, Mainesburg, r.
Ernest Webster, Mansfield, r.
Nathaniel J. Soper, Mainesburg.
Mrs. Blanche A. Jones, Covington, r.
Ethel DeWitt, Mansfield, r.
Ethel Roberts, Mansfield, r.
Nellie Seymour, Mansfield, r.
Helen Updyke, Mansfield, r.
(Holly School)
Althea Holly, Columbia X Roads, r. (Robbins Hill School)
Mrs. Laura Updyke, Mainesburg, r.
Ethel B. Clarke, Mainesburg, r.
C. R. Palmer, Mainesburg, r.
B. A. Webster, Covington, r.
A. D. Rulfard, Mansfield, r.
J. B. McConnell, Mansfield, r.
U. W. Harvey, Mansfield, r.
Archie Robbins, Mainesburg.
Thomas Clement, Mansfield.
Nellie Seymour, Mansfield, r.
Edna Ashley, Covington, r.
Grant Roblyer, Mansfield, r.
B. W. Richmond, Mansfield, r.
Mary E. Card, Columbia X Roads, r.
Carolyn McConnell, Mansfield, r.
Jennie Orvis, Mansfield, r.
Lena Beardslee, Columbia X Roads.
Inon Webster, Mansfield, r.
Helen Hendricks, Mansfield, r.
Ethel Robert, Mansfield, r.
T. H. Chamberlain, Mainesburg, r.
C. W. Harvey, Mansfield, r. 4.
C. R. Palmer, Mainesburg, r.
J. B. McConnell, Mansfield, r.
R. A. Webster, Covington, r.
Arch Robbins, Mansfield, r.
Wilhelm McEntee, Prin., Mansfield.
Nellie Seymour, Mansfield.
Edna Ashley, Mansfield.
Chester Beach, Mansfield.
Fannie Hulslander, Mansfield.
James McConnell, Mansfield.
(Holly School)
Maud Seymour, Mansfield.
Jennie DeWitt, Mansfield.
Earl Chamberlain, Mainesburg.
Lena Beardslee, Sylvania.
Francis Jaquish, Mansfield.
Ethel Roberts, Mansfield.
Marcia Fitzgerald, Mainesburg.

A. D. Ballard, Mansfield.
Arch Robbins, Mansfield.
J. B. McConnell, Mansfield.
T. H. Chamberlain, Mainesburg.
R. G. Bradford, Columbia X Roads.
C. W. Harvey, Mansfield.
Daniel Mudge, Prin., Mansfield.
Robert Palmer, Mainesburg. [Have photo] Gafford School
Olive Bryant, Mansfield. [Have photo]
Nellie Smith, Mansfield. [Have photo]
Grant Roblyer, Mansfield. [Have photo]
Nellie Seymour, Mansfield. [Have photo]
Ruth Reynolds, Mansfield.
Edna Ashley, Mansfield. [Have photo] - Doud School
Josephine DeWitt, Mansfield.
Nellie Gray, Mainesburg.

J. B. McConnell, Mansfield.
B. G. Bradford, Mansfield.
T. H. Chamberlain, Mainesburg.
M. O. Mudge, Mansfield.
A. D. Ballard, Mansfield.
Arch Robbins, Mansfield.
Edna Ashley, Covington. [Have photo]
Jessie Gray, Mainesburg.
James McConnell, Mansfield [Have photo].Elk Run
Pearl Rumsey, Mainesburg. [Have photo] Red School
Lena Beardsley, Col X Roads.
Mildred Spaulding, Mainesburg. [Have photo]
Jennie Dewey, Mansfield.
Nellie Seymour, Mainesburg. [Have photo]
Earnest Chamberlain, Mainesburg.
Ada Lilley, Covington.

Chas, Strange, Mainesburg, r.
Geo. Bardwell, Mansfield, r.
L. G. Bradford, Mansfield, r.
A. D. Bellard, Mansfield.
Arch Robbins, Mansfield, r.
Nellie Smith, Mansfield.
Incel Benson, Mainesburg.
Charlotte Updyke, Mainesburg.
Maysel Hulslander, Mansfield.
Edna Williams, Mansfield.
Flossie Purvis, Mansfield, r. 4.
Mabel Robbins, Mainesburg.
Esther Orvis, Mainesburg.
Helen Seymour, Mainesburg.
Lura Connelly, Mainesburg.
Harry Smith, Mansfield.
Elizabeth Schucker, Mainesburg.
Arch Robbins, Mainesburg.
H. P. Hulslander, Mainesburg.
B. G. Bradford, Troy.
D. C. Smith, Mainesburg.
A. D. Bullard, Mansfield.
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