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1880- Joseph W. Holly of Sullivan Township

The 1880 Diary of

Joseph Wilson HOLLY of Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA

Age 59/60

Transcribed by Alice STROUSE Ellingsberg & Joyce M. TICE

Thursday, January 1, 1880 - It has been a pleasant day. Girls gone to Freemans. Tonight Levi Roblyer and wife here on a visit. Draw two loads of wood. All is well begins the year.

FRIDAY 2 - Go to Mainsburgh to mill. Go and see T. Gerold. Fine day. Get a quarter of beef of N. Reynolds. All is well.

SATURDAY 3 - Go to J. Ingerich and Wm Wilsons cut up some beef and chore. Daniel go get the mail. All is well with us. Thank the Lord.

Sunday, January 4, 1880 - Go to meeting. Hear Brother Rauley preach. Rain some. Warm. All is well with us.

MONDAY 5 - Take Eda over to school. Chore. Go in the woods work at wood some.

TUESDAY 6 - Chore. Go down in the woods forenoon. Freeman and Ruth here today. All is well. Rain some.

Wednesday, January 7, 1880 - Cut wagon wood in the woods. Warm for time of year. All is well with us.

Thursday 8 - Go to Troy. Mary goes with me. Muddy as I ever saw it this time of year. All is well.

FRIDAY 9 -Chore and cut some hemlock wood in the woods. Go get Eda home. Sell the calves for $22.50. Looks like a storm. All is well.

January 10, 1880 - Go to the X Roads. See T. Hurlburt. Muddy as fair. All is well. J. Ingerich takes his cow away.

Sunday 11 - Stay at home all day. Edgar Rexford's child is buried on the hill today.

Monday 12 - Take Eda over to school. Snows most of the day. All is well.

Tuesday, January 13, 1880 - Snows about two inches last night. Draw five loads of wood. Fine day. All goes well as can expect with us. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday 14 - Saw some wood at the door and in the woods after noon. Fine day. Thomas Wood and wife, Frank Wood and wife, Mr. Morgan and wife and Mary -?- Rosa here.

Thursday 15 - Draw wood all day. Mary goes a visiting with Uncle Thomas Wood. Uncle Thomas and Dolly here tonight. All is well with us. Thanks be to God all is well.

Friday, January 16, 1880 - Chore. Saw and split some wood at the door. Go get Eda home. All is well.

Saturday 17 - Go to Columbia X Roads. Contract 25000 shingle at $2.50 per thousand. Pay $10.00 on them. Rauley here. All is well.

Sunday 18 - Go to meeting. G.D. Rauley preach. Quite warm and muddy. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Monday, January 19, 1880 - Take Eda over to her school. Saw some wood at the door. It is two years today since my little girl Dora died. Still how I think of Arthur and Dora. I still hope to meet them in heaven.

Tuesday 20 - Saw some wood at the door. Rains some today. All is well with us as I trust.

Wednesday 21 - Saw some wood at the door. Rains quite well today and tonight, all is still well with us. Thanks be to God for his kindness to us.

Thursday, January 22, 1880 - South wind blows hard this morning. Go out to Wesley -?- -?- Haight is buried today at a funeral service.

Friday 23 - Come home from Jones. Bad going. Get a dragg of Frank Hill and a work bench of A.C. Douglas. All is well with us.

Saturday 24, 1880 - Chore. Cut some in the woods. Freeman and Ruth here to day. Fine pleasant day. All is well with us.

Sunday, January 25, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Fine pleasant day. All is well with us. Write to Bill.

Monday 26 - Go take Eda over to her school. Go to Austinville. Saw some wood after noon. Fine day. All is well as yet.

Tuesday 27 - Home. Cut some sap wood in the woods. Fine day. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, January 28, 1880 - Rains most of the day. Chore at home. All is well with us.

Thursday 29 - Cut some sap wood in the woods. All is still well as can expect.

Friday 30 - Still cut wood in the woods. All is well.

Saturday, January 31, 1880 - Cut wood in the woods. Go to Austinville get the wagon tong made. All is well

Sunday, February 1- Go to meeting. Rauley reads. Wind blows hard from the N.W.. All is well as can expect.

Monday 2 - Take Eda over to her school. Saw some sap wood in the woods. Quite cool today. All is well.

Tuesday, February 3, 1880- Snow all day. Chore around home. All is well as can expect with us.

Wednesday 4 - Go to the X Roads get 10 bunches of shingles with a sleigh. All is well as yet.

Thursday 5 - Draw some wood to the house. Fine day. Bill Busley stay all night, All is well.

Friday, February 6, 1880 - Go to the X roads. Come home without shingle. All is well with us. Got a letter from my brother. Go to the burgh to meeting.

Saturday 7 - Go to Troy. Eda goes with me. Wind blows quite well. Snow squalls some, All is well.

Sunday 8 - Stay at home all day. Freeman and Ruth up here. Have oysters for tea. All is well.

Monday, February 9, 1880 - Go to the X Roads. Get 21 bunches shingle. G.B. Wilson draw up 18 bunches for me. All is well.

Tuesday 10 - Go to the X Roads. Get 17 bunches of shingles. Fine day. All is well. Go to trustee meeting.

Wednesday 11 - Draw in hay off the stack. Fine day, wind blows hard tonight from the south.

Thursday, February 12, 1880 - Go to Troy. Daniel goes with me. Thaws like fun muddy. All is well with us.

Friday 13 - Snow almost gone. Chore. Go to Whitlocks, get the saw filed. Go get Eda. All is well. Proffesor Allen of Mansfield is dead. Buried today.

Saturday 14 - Chore around home. Go to Austinville in the afternoon. Get mail and some glass. All is well.

Sunday, February 15, 1880 - Go to meeting. Brother Rauley read. Ruth here. Yet all is well as can expect. -?- Oaksan wife is buried today.

Monday 16 - Take Eda over to school. Fine day. Saw some wood. Muddy, thaws out today. All is well with us.

Tuesday, February 17, 1880 - Go to town meeting. Dexter Robbins dies this morning. I hear that J. G. Danielson is dead and Lorna Bailey is buried today.

Wednesday 18 - Chore. Go to Whitlocks, get the saw pointed up. Sell 3 cows to M. Watkins. All is well. It rains.

Thursday 19 - Chore. Shell some bushels of corn to mix some chaff stuff. Go to meeting to the burgh evening.

Friday 20 - Go to mill to Elk Run. Fine day, all is well with us. Go get Eda home. Go to the burgh evening.

Saturday, February 21, 1880 - Go to the burgh, get the grist. Jason Watkins and family here on a visit. All is well.

Sunday 22 - Go to the burgh to meeting. E.E. Morris preach. Fine Day. Dexter Robbins is buried today. All is well.

Monday 23 - Take Eda over to school. Go to -?- Reynolds, get 2 sap pans, stone tob, spiles etc. . The Alderncy heifer came in this morning. All is well.

Tuesday, February 24, 1880 - Scald up the sap tubs. Go see W. P. .Vanness. He is quite feeble. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday 25 - Draw out sap tubs, build -?- to boil sap, tap a few trees. All is well.

Thursday 26 - Finish tapping the bush. Gather about five lbs. of sap. All is well.

Friday February 27, 1880 - Bail sap from the first this year. Draw wood in sap bush. Fine day, all is well. D. Canfields here on visit.

Saturday 28 - Boil sap all day and gather some. Get to the house at 1/2 past 10. All is well.

Sunday 29 - Go hear Brother Rauley read again. Fine day, all is well.

Monday, March 1, 1880 - Take Eda over to school. Draw some rails to fence sap bush and chore. All is well with us.

Tuesday 2 - Draw in hay and make fence around sap trees. Mrs. Doty and Ella Monagor here on visit.

Wednesday 3 - Draw some wood to sap bush. Draw sap. Some wind blows quite hard. Rains some. All is well.

Thursday, March 4, 1880 - Gather and boil sap and draw some wood. Fine day, all is well.

Friday 5 - Boil sap all day. Chore around. All is well as can expect with us.

Saturday 6 - Work in sap bush. Boil and draw sap. All is well.

Sunday, March 7, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Read some of Moody sermons. All is well.

Monday 8 - Take Eda over to her school. Draw wood in the sap bush. All is well. We have made 300 lbs. sugar. All is well.

Tuesday 9 - Cut some wood from the store in the woods. Quite cool. All is well.

Wednesday, Match 10, 1880 - Shell some corn and draw some wood to the house for summer wood. Saw some wood. All is well.

Thursday 11 - Draw some wood to the house and chore and shell some corn this fore noon. All is well.

Friday 12 - Draw 7 loads of wood. Go get Eda. Quite winter weather. All is well as can expect with us.

Saturday, March 13, 1880 - Cut wood in the woods and chore around. Hear that T. Andrews wife is dead. Buried yesterday.

Sunday 14 - Go hear Brother Rauley read over to the church. Carie Squires, it use to be Mudge now dies today.

Monday 15 - Take Eda over to school, go to Austinville get the sleigh fixed. All is well with us.

Tuesday, March 16, 1880 - Go to mill to Mill Creek, snow about 2 inches last night. Carrie Squires Mudge is buried today on Ames Hill.

Wednesday 17 - Go get the grist at Mill Creek. Justus Watkins, Homer Card here on visit and wives. All is well as can expect with us. Thanks be to God.

Thursday 18 - Draw 3 loads wood. Shell 10 bus. corn. Fine day, all is well.

Friday, March 19, 1880 - Snows most of the day. Chore, go get Eda. W. J. Wilson and Ruth here tonight. All is well with is. Thanks be to God.

Saturday 20 - Chore around home. Go to Austinville. Take C. Teter 60 lbs. sugar at 10 cents.All is well ends the week.

Sunday 21 - Today, stay at home all day. Fine day. Write to Bill tonight. All is well with us, thanks to the Lord.

Monday, March 22, 1880 - Take Eda over to her school. Mira goes along. Draw some sap. All is well.

Tuesday 23 - Draw sap and boil. Snow squalls some gusts at night. Syrup off. All is well.

Wednesday 24 - Boil sap. Fine noon. Go over to John Wilsons. Daniel split wood. Cold windy day. All is well with us.

Thursday, March 25, 1880 - Draw wood in sap bush fore noon. Chore in about home. Go to D. C. Canfields in the evening. Eda school is out today.

Friday 26 - Go to Freemans on a visit. A. C. Douglass here tonight. All is well with us.

Saturday 27 - Boil sap and gather sap. Rains quite well. All is well.

Sunday, March 28, 1880 - Go to meeting. Rauley read. Grows cold. All is well as can expect.

Monday 29 - Go get Eda school order and school money. Quite wintery today. Josiah Harding here with us. All is well.


Go to see Mr. Tears. Gather some sap and chore around home. Wesley Havens and Fred Nichols here tonight. All is well.

Wednesday, March 31, 1800 - Gather and boil sap all day. Fine day. Mrs. A. Whitlock here on a visit. All is well as can expect.

Thursday, April 1, 1880 - Gather and boil sap. Fine day. All is well with us. Thanks be to God for his kindness to us.

Friday 2 - Work in sap bush. Looks like storm some. All is well with us. Daniel boils a part of the night. All is right.

Saturday, April 3, 1880 - Finish gathering and boiling for the present. Have a thunder shower tonight. All is well.

Sunday 4 - Stay at home most of the day. Go over to George Tanners and John Wilsons. All is well. Thanks be to the lord.

Monday 5 - Chore and mend some fence. Wind blows quite well. We have made 465 lbs. sugar and 22 gallons of Molasses. All is well.

Tuesday, April 6, 1880 - Chore. Build calf pen. Go to Austinville. Take first tub butter. Get 28 cents per tub.

Wednesday 7 - Chore around home. Split some rails and some sap wood. Quite cool. Freeman here tonight. All is well.

Thursday 8 - Go to Mansfield. Take the girls to visit the county superintendent, Mrs. Sears. Quite cool. All is well with us.

Friday, April 9,1880 - Draw some rails and wood. Quite pleasant day. All is well with us.

Saturday 10 - Go to X Roads get 6000 shingles. Fine day. Wind blows quite well. All goes well as can expect.

Sunday 11 - Cold this morning. Go to meeting. C. D. Rauley read to us. Cold tonight. All is well. Thanks be to the Lord of Heaven.

Monday, April 12, 1880 - Mix some chaff fore noon. Go to mill after noon. A. B. Tanner dies today at Westfield. Go see Mr. Squires. He feels quite poorly.

Tuesday 13 - Commence to dragg for the first this spring. Selah Frosts folks here on a visit. Freeman and Ruth here. All is well.

Wednesday 14 - Sow some wheat 3 1/2 bushels. Nelson drill it in, I dragg and Deacon two calves. All is well with us.

Thursday, April 15, 1880 - Go to mill to Elk Run. Clean over some oats. Cut down some Hickory on the hill. Make Mr. Squires a donation. All is well.

Friday 16 - Finish the hill sawing. Wind blows quite well. I saw, Daniel dragg. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Saturday 17 - Dragg some below the house. Go to Austinville,get some grass seed. All is well with us.

Sunday, April 18, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Quite fine day. Daniel goes home. All is well as far as I know. Thanks to the Lord.

Monday, 19 - Sow oats, Daniel dragg. Quite fine day. Wind blows like split tonight. Eda commence her school to Burton Hill.

Tuesday 20 - Sow grass seed fore noon. Daniel dragg and roll. Chore. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday,April 21, 1880 - Daniel roll above the house. I chore. Go over to see B. Monroe about school. All is well with us.

Tuesday 22 - Go over to Canfields fore noon. Go to the Hollow after noon. Take tub of butter. Hear that A. B. Tanner is dead.

Friday 23 - Quite cool this morning. Plow the garden and chore around home. Daniel mend fence. All is well as usual with us. Thanks be to God.

Saturday, April 24, 1880 - Draw in the sap tubs and wash them. Rains quite well this after noon. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Sunday 25 - Go to meeting. C. D. Rauley read. Rains quite well this after noon. Have class meeting for the first time in a long time.

Monday 26 - Take Eda over to her school Burton Hill. Get some raspberry roots to George Tanner. Draw rails after noon. Rains tonight. All is well.

Tuesday, April 27, 1880 - I roll the meadow down in the little orchard. Daniel chore and mend fence. Quite well. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday 28 - Roll most of the day. Set out some black raspberry plants. 50. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Thursday 29 - Roll part of the day. Plant some potatoes for the first this year. All is well with us.

Friday, April 30, 188- - Finish planting potatoes. Grows cold all day. Go get Eda from her school. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Saturday, May 1, 1880 - Build some pannel fence on the line between me and S.L. Wood. Go to Austinville get 6 Furkins. Quite cool. All is well, thank the lord.

Sunday 2 - Go to Elk Run to meeting. Fine day. George King is here today. All is well with us.

Monday, May 3,1880 - Take Eda over to Burton Hill. Go to Roseville, get home at noon. Work in the garden some after noon. All is well with us, thank the Lord.

Tuesday 4 - Go up on the hill, fix up some of the graves. Draw manure in after noon. All is well.
Wednesday 5 - Draw manure all day. Fine day. All is well with us.

Thursday, May 6, 1880 - Draw manure all day. Fine day. All is still well with us.

Friday 7 - Fix fence fore noon. Draw manure in afternoon. All is still well with us.

Saturday 8 - Go to Troy. Eda and Mira goes with me. Warm day. All is still well. Thanks be to God. Get a letter from Bill. All is still well.

Sunday May 9, 1880 - Fine day. Feel thankful to the Lord for his generousness to us. Go to the burgh to meeting. Some 30 odd baptized. All is well with us.

Monday 10 - Draw manure all day. Fine day. All is well with us.

Tuesday 11 - Draw manure today. About finish -?-. Most 100 loads. Ruth and Freeman up here. Brother Rauley here for dinner. Here that Daniel Bronson has hung himself.

Wednesday, May 12, 1880 - Draw stone and spread manure. Dry and windy. All is well.

Thursday 13 - Plow all day. Daniel spread manure. Still dry and cool.

Friday 14 - Plow fore noon. Daniel spread manure. Dragg afternoon. I chore Rev.Paul Smith come here tonight. All is well.

Saturday, May 15, 1880 - Chore and went with Paul Smith. Plant some corn with drill. Go to quarterly meeting. All is well.

Sunday 16 - Go to quarterly meeting. Paul Smith preach. All is well, still dry but a little warmer. The Lord is good to us, bless his name.

Monday 17 - Draw manure down in the meadow. Quite warm today. Go over to W. Halls, buy his sheep for 25 dollars and 18 lambs for 145 dollars. All is well.

Tuesday, May 18, 1880 - Go to W. Halls, get 26 sheep and 18 lambs. Work in garden some fore noon. Work plant cucumbers etc. All is well.

Wednesday 19 - Plow all day, Daniel spread manure. All is well with us, thanks be to God. Still dry.

Thursday 20 - Plow most of the day, Daniel put in hay and old stuff that come from stock. Rains some tonight.

Friday, May 21, 1880 - Finish planting corn for the year for the first time ever. Still dry, all is well with us.

Saturday 22 - Go to Austinville, get the horses shod and trad some. Rains some. All is well.

Sunday 23 - Go to meeting over here on the hill and to the burgh also. Fine day, all is well. Write to Bill

Monday, May 24, 1880 - Chore. Get ready to go to the mill. Fix fence. Work some in garden. All is well.

Tuesday, 25 - Go to Troy to mill, get a dog (1) power to churn with. Warm day, all is well.

Wednesday 26 - Chore some, work in the garden. Set up churn power. Fine day, but warm. All is well as can expect.

Thursday, May 27, 1880 - Cultivate potatoes and hoe some. Rains some. All is well as can expect with us.

Friday 28 - Chore. Go to find a place to wash sheep, and to M. Watkins. All is well.

Saturday 29 - Wash sheep down. Go to Bishops, good place to wash. Go to see John Ingerich and Geo. Rupl Sherman. Some cooler. All is well.

Sunday, May 30, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Daniel goes home. Rains some today and tonight. All is well. Thanks be to God.

Monday 31 - Go to Troy to the dekiration (sic) the girls goes with me. Fine day. All goes well with us as yet.

Tuesday, June 1 - Go to F. L. Welches to went get a pigs. All is well with us. Rains to night.

Wednesday, June 2, 1880 - Go to Elmira on the train from X roads. Fine day, get home about 6 o'clock. All is well as yet, thanks be to God.

Thursday 3 - Go get some plank and scraper to work on highway. Fine day, all is well.

Friday 4 - Put in a plank sluice up by the Wilson lot. Catch a woodchuck. Go up to Silases.

Saturday, June 5, 1880 - Chore. F. L. Welch and Ruth here. Daniel plow. Get a letter from Bill, his boy is dead. All is well.

Sunday 6 - Go to Sunday school and meeting. Albert Smith is married to Mrs. Wilbur at Elk Run today.

Monday 7 - Chore. Hoe in the garden and bug potatoes. Go to get help to shear sheep.

Tuesday, June 8, 1880 - Chore. Bug potatoes, hoe pop corn. Chore. Daniel plow. All is well.


Wednesday 9 - Shear sheep. John Ingerich help me. All is well with us.

Thursday 10 - Chore fore noon. Cultivate and hoe potatoes. Warm and dry. All is well as far as I know.

Friday, June 11, 1880 - Rain quite a good shower last night. Hoe potatoes. Daniel plow, work hay. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Saturday 12 - Go with F.L. Welch to the hollow. Commence to hoe corn some this after noon. All is well as can expect.

Sunday 13 - Go to Sunday school. Have quite a turn out. Daniel go to the burgh and home and to see Mr. Elijah Benson. He is sick.

Monday, June 14, 1880 - Hoe, take Eda over to school. Quite cool today. All is well. Thanks be to God this night.

Tuesday 15 - Work on the road most of the day. Rains quite well part of the day. All is well as yet.

Wednesday 16 - Work on the road. Fine day. Johney Wood here tonight. All is well.

Thursday, June 17, 1880 - Cultivate corn and hoe some. Go to Austinville and get wool sack. Mira goes with me. Fine day. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Friday 18 - Cultivate and hoe corn. Warm day. All is well with us as yet as we trust.

Saturday 19 - Go to Troy. Take wool. Have 88 lbs. get 40 cents per pound. Ella goes with me. Very warm day. Rains come tonight. All is well.

Sunday, June 20, 1880 - Go to meeting, Mr. Parker preaches. Fine day. All is well with us. Write to Bill tonight.

Monday 21 - Cultivate and hoe corn. Finish hoeing the first time over. All is well.

Tuesday 22 - Hoe in the garden and chore around home. warm day. Brother Parker stays here last night.

Wednesday, June 23,1880 - Chore. Make pig pen. Daniel ask can go to J. Ingerichs to a birthday party. Angeline is 50 years old today. All is well.

Thursday 24 - Make soap and chore around home. Daniel ash corn. All is well with us.

Friday 25 - Chore. Go to H. Cards to buy Amos Mansfield a horse. Do not get it. Chore. Go to get my boots mended. All is well.

Saturday, June 26, 1880 - Chore. Bug potatoes and chore forenoon. Go to Frank Woods. Daniel mow Canady (sic) thistles, Ruth home. All is well as yet.

Sunday 27 - Go to Sunday school. Mr. Elijah Benson died last night. Freeman and go home by the burgh. All is well.

Monday 28 - Drag some for buck wheat. Daniel go to Mr. Benson funeral. Rains some. Sell three 2 year old heifers for 55 dollars. All is well.

Tuesday, June 29, 1880 - Sow some buck wheat. Rains like split tonight, all night. All is well with us.

Wednesday 30 - Take 3 two year old heifers to William Longwells, get 55 dollars for them. Sow buckwheat afternoon. Bug potatoes. All is well.

Thursday, July 1, 1880 - Cultivate and hoe corn all day. Warm day. All is well with us.

Friday, July 2,1880 - Cultivate and hoe corn. Finish the piece up by the school house. All is well as yet with us.

Saturday 3 - Go to Freemans. Mary and the girls goes with me. Fine day. All is well with us.

Sunday 4 - Go to Sunday school and meeting. A new preacher from Millerton preach. Dora birthday. Would been 10 years old today. All is well.

Monday, July 5, 1880 - Go to Roseville to celebration. Rains. A good many drunk and fight. I get home 5 O'clock. All is well.

Tuesday 6 - Draw rails and fence buck wheat. Warm day. All is well.

Wednesday 7 - Work on the road forenoon. Cultivate and hoe afternoon. Warm day. All is well. Thanks be to God.

Thursday, July 8, 1880 - Hoe and cultivate corn for the 2 time. Rains tonight quite well. All is well with us.

Friday 9 - Mow some Canada thistles and some grass. Warm day. Cut the first hay for this year. All is well.

Saturday 10 - Mow by hand some in the morning. Rake and heap 43 sheaths, draw in 25 heaps of hay. Warm day. Most bushed out. All is well.

Sunday, July 11, 1880 - Go to Sunday school and meeting. Parker preach. Warm. Some showery. Jule Hill here today. All is well.

Monday 12 - Work at hay some and put up 43 heaps. Rains some. All is well.

Tuesday 13 - Draw in some on the sled 43 heaps. Mow some above the road. All is well with us.

Wednesday, July 14, 1880 - Go take Mira down to Freemans. Rake and put up 48 heaps above the road. Mow some. All is well.

Thursday 15 - Mow a little by hand. Draw in four loads. Rake and heap some. Warm day. All is well.

Friday 16 - Draw in 37 heaps. Mow the orchard up by the -?- house. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Saturday, July 17, 1880 - Go to Troy. Take two furkins butter. Get 20 cents per pound. Draw in one load of hay. All is well.

Sunday 18 - Go to Sunday school and meeting. F. J. Welch and Ruth here today. All is well.

Monday 19 - Mow and rake and heap above the road. Finish mowing in that meadow. Got throwed out of the machine twice today. Hurt my side. All is well as common.

Tuesday, July 20, 1880 - Chore. Pull weeds in garden. Rains a hard shower this afternoon. Grind up mowing machine knives. All is well with us.

Wednesday 21 - Work at hay. Pull weeds in garden. Rainey. All is well as yet.

Thursday 22 - Mow some below the house. Side lame. Hurt it again today. All is well.

Friday, July 23,1880 - Mow some and heap some. 61 heaps. Finish mowing below the house. Fine day. All is well.

Saturday 24 - Draw in 80 heaps of hay. Fine day. Finish below the house. All is well.

Sunday 25 - Go to Sunday school. Not but a few out. John Baker funeral at Roseville today at 11 O'Clock. Daniel go to burgh to meeting. All is well.

Monday, July 26, 1880 - Mow down in the little orchard. Rake some. Rains quite a shower. All is well.

Tuesday 27 - Go to Austinville. Get the horses shod. Rake and put up hay afternoon. Fine day. All is well.

Wednesday 28 - Draw hay. Build a stack all day. Fine day. All is well.

Thursday, July 29, 1880 - Finish mowing this afternoon. Rake and put up 55 heaps. All is well.

Friday 30 - Work at hay. Draw in several loads. Finish haying for this year. Have about 25 tons of hay. All is well. Thanks be to God.

Saturday 31 - Cut the spring wheat. Go to Austinville and Roseville. Warm day. All is well with us, ends the month of July. Thanks be to God.

Sunday, August 1, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Daniel goes to burgh to quarterly meeting. Warm day. All is well as yet.

Monday 2 - Cut oats some. Rains this afternoon. All is well as can expect with us.

Tuesday 3 - Pull weeds in garden forenoon. Cut oats, mow them. They are down badly. J. Wilson and wife are here on a visit. All is well. Rains some.

Wednesday, August 4,1880 - Rains this forenoon. chore. Daniel goes home to mend -?-. I go to get Eda school order and money. All is well

Thursday 5 - Mow oats all day. Me and John Ingerich. Daniel cradle. Fine day. All is well.

Friday 6 - Rake and draw wheat. Get it in the barn. Fine day. All is well.

Saturday, August 7, 1880 - Rake and draw oats all day. Fine day. All is well as yet.

Sunday 8 - Go to Sunday school. Warm day. All is well.

Monday 9 - Work at getting in oats. My boy Arthur would be 15 to day if he had lived but he is gone and I hope to meet him on the other shore.

Tuesday, August 10, 1880 - Work at oats part of the day. Warm day. All is well as can expect with us.

Wednesday, August 11, 1880 - Take the girls down to Freemans to pick blackberries. Finish getting in oats. All is well.

Thursday 12 - Go to pick blackberries down to Freemans. Warm day. Brother Parker here tonight. All is well.

Friday, August 13, 1880 - Chore. Thrash some peas, have most 4 bushels. Warm day. All is well.

Saturday 14 - Go to Troy. Eda and Mira goes with me. Fine day. Rains some. All is well.

Sunday 15 - Go to Sunday school and meeting. Fine, warm day. Jule here today. All is well with us.

Monday, August 16, 1880 - Go over to Jackson to bring Frank Hill here to fix the house. Still warm and dry. All is well as yet.

Tuesday 17 - Get out some timber to fix the stoop. Help about the stoop. All is well with us.

Wednesday 18 - Go to Troy to get some flooring for the stoop. Rains some. All is still well.

Thursday, August 19, 1880 - Help Frank Hill on the house. Warm day, and the rougf (sic) is mostly off the house. All is well.

Friday 20 - Shingle on the house. Fine day. All is well with us.

Saturday 21 - Help Frank shingle the hatch way. Go to Austinville, get the mail. All is well, thanks be to God.

Sunday, August 22, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Fine day. Hear that Mr. Lyman Reynolds is buried today at Mansfield PA. All is well.

Monday 23 - Help Frank put rougf on the south side of the kitchen. Warm day, all is well.

Tuesday 24 - Chore. Put up lightning rods. Cut and trim around. Warm day. All is well.

Wednesday, August 25, 1880 - Take Frank out home. Go to Janes. Rains some. Turns cool today. All is well.

Thursday 26 - Dig 20 bushels of potatoes for the first this year. Cloudy all day. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Friday 27 - Dig potatoes all day. Warm day. Silas Wilson oldest girl dies today. Betsey is her name. All is well with us.

Saturday, August 28, 1880 - Dig potatoes forenoon. Go to the funeral afternoon. Elder Mansfield preach.

Sunday 29 - Go to Sunday school and meeting. C. D. Rauley preach. Gain a fine shower. All is well with us, thanks be to God.

Monday 30 - Rains most of the day. Chore around home. I fix the waggon break. Daniel go to Austinville, get the mail. All is well as yet.

Tuesday, August 31, 1880 - Go to Mansfield, take Mira over to go to school. Cloudy all day. Here a good time of it.

Wednesday, September 1, 1880 - Chore around home. Make stone sluice by horse barn. Daniel lay some wall. All is well as yet with us.

Thursday 2 - Go to Freemans. There was picnick (sic) down there today. Warm day. All is well with us, thanks be to God.

Friday 3 - Chore around home forenoon. Go to Austinville afternoon. Warm day. All is well as yet.

Saturday 4 - Take 3 furkins of butter to Austinville, get 22 cents per lb. Daniel goes to the picnik (sic) to Mansfield. All is well with us.

Sunday 5 - Stay at home all day. Fine day, but warm. I think of starting to go to Amherst, Portage Co., Wisconsin tomorrow if all is well as it is tonight. J. W. Holly.

Monday, September 6, 1880 - Start on a trip to the west. Took train X Roads SCR. Come to Elmira, stay all night with my cousin Ahina Knapp. All is still well.


Tuesday 7 - Take the train for Chicago at Elmira about six in the morning. Go to Mansfield, Ohio. Change cars at Mansfield.

Wednesday 8 - Go to Chicago by Fort Wayne O. Get to Chicago about noon. Stay until 9 O'Clock evening and then start for Wisconsin on the North Western RR.

Thursday, September 9,1880 - Get to Amherst 8 1/2 O'Clock. Find my brother at the station. Quite tired and sleepy. All is still well with me.

Friday 10 - Visit with Bill some. Take dinner with Robert Wilson. Go to see D. Barton a short time. Fine day. All is well.

Saturday 11 - Go see James Wilson my cousin forenoon. Afternoon go up to Bill Shaf, visit. All is still well.

Sunday, September 12, 1880 - Go with Bill and his wife to meeting. Lutheran Dutch. Cannot understand much of it. Fine day. All is still well.

Monday 13 - Go to Stevens Point on the train. Come back at night. Fine day. See Hellen. All is well. Get a letter from home.

Tuesday 14 - Go to Ben Flemings. See Hellen John folks. Come to Wm C. Holly. Visit to Wm. Go to Wm Wilsons stay all night.

Wednesday,September 15,1880 - Go to D. Bartons. Take dinner. Go to James Wilson. Visit with him. Go two miles with him to his upper lot. Go to the one horse sugar bush. All is well.

Thursday 16 - Go to Robert Wilsons. Take dinner. Go to the fair. Get a letter from Ros and Mira at Mansfield. All is well. It is warm today.

Friday 17 - Stay all night with my brother last night. Go to the fair most of the day. Warm day. Stay with Robert Wilson to night. All is well with me.

Saturday, September 18, 1880 - Start to go to Ploren. Rain so we come back to Amherst. Stay all night with my brother Wm. All is well with me, thanks be to God.

Sunday 19 - Go to Methodist meeting. A Dutch funeral here today. Stay all night with my brother. All is well.

Monday 20 - Went around Wm Wilson, James Wilson and Daniel Barton. Take dinner with D. Barton. Visit with Robert Wilson and my brother. Think of starting homeward to 6:40 pm. Start on the train.

Tuesday, September 21, 1880 - Get to Woodstock 8-30 this morning. Find Ros and Eda and their families. Stay with Ros tonight. All is well.

Wednesday 22 - Start from Woodstock IA. Go to Aurora. Find I.B. Slater. Go to sugar grove, back to Aurora. All is well as far as i know.

Thursday 23 - Stay all night with I.B. Slater. Come to Chicago. Get there about 1 O'Clock. Find John folks at Mr. B. Wilsons. Start from Chicago 3-30 on Michigan -?-. Ride all night on cars.

Friday, September 24, 1880 - Get to Corning 2 O'Clock. Stay there up till 5-40. Take train to Mansfield. Stay with Dr. Barden. Hear from home. All is well, thanks be to God.

Saturday 25 - Come home. Dr. Barden bring me up. Visit with him. Find my folks well. Glad to see them again. All is well.

Sunday 26 - Go take Jule home. Get back about 8 O'Clock. Abel Watkins is buried today. Died at Sylvania. All is well as yet.

Monday, September 27,1880 - Chore. Rains some. Showery all day, don't rain much. Help Freeman pick up apples. All is well with us.

Tuesday 28 - Chore around home. Rains some. Cut some brush and saw some wood. All is well.

Wednesday 29 - Chore around. Cut some. Sowed corn. Fine day. All is well.

Thursday, September 30, 1880 - Go to the fair at Mansfield. Great turn out. All is well with us.
Friday, October 1, 1880 - Go to fair to Mansfield. Get tired out. Fine day. All is well.

Saturday 2 - Chore, fix to thrash. Draw 3 loads of pumkins (sic). Go to Austinville, get mail. Henry P. Vanness dies this morning at his house in Rutland. 82 last march.

Sunday, October 3,1880 - Stay at home part of the day. Take Mira and Ema Canfield to Mansfield. Fine day. All is well.

Monday 4 - Draw in 3 loads of buckwheat. Daniel goes to Roseville. H. P. Vanness is buried today at Roseville.

Tuesday 5 - Thrash with T. Smith machine. For me here 75 bushels buckwheat and 20 bushels wheat. Fine day. All is well with us.

Wednesday, October 6, 1880 - Thrash the oats here. 296 bushes, fine day. The horses fall off the power# . All is still well.

Thursday 7 - Take care of the straw and chore. Fine day. All still goes well with us.

Friday 8 - Go take Eda down to Roseville to the teacher's examination and go to Freemans. Quite cool. Wing (?) get a cow of Freemans. All is still well with us. Thanks be to God.

Saturday, October 9, 1880 - Gather apples up in the upper orchard. Fine day. Hear that Mr. Ed Wright is dead. Fine day. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Sunday 10 - Stay at home all day. Mira was home today. It has been a fine day. All is well with us yet. Thank the Lord.

Monday 11 - Gather apples some and chore. Fine day. All is well with us. Thanks be to God.

Tuesday 12 - Gather apples and thrash some beans 3 1/2 bushels. All is still well as common.

Wednesday, October 13, 1880- Go to Sylvania. Take Eda to the examination. Get the horses shod. Fine day. All is still well.

Thursday 14 - clean over the wheat and chore around home. All is still well.

Friday, October 15, 1880 - Thresh some pop corn. Fix pig pen. Pick apples. All is well with us as yet as can expect. Thanks be to God.

Saturday 16 - Draw in some corn and chore around home. Fine weather. All is well with us.

Sunday 17 - Stay at home. All is well as yet.

Monday, October 18,1880 - I have been making cider some. Go to see J. B. Wright in evening. All is well as yet.

Tuesday 19 - Pick cider apples some and chore. husk corn some evening.

Wednesday 20 - Ella is 8 years old today. Make cider some. Quite cool. All is well as yet.

Thursday, October 21, 1880 - Draw in some corn. Chore around home. Fine day. All is well as yet.

Friday 22 - Make cider and chore around home. Fine day. All is well.

Saturday 23 - Make some cider and husk corn some. Go to Austinville get mail. Quite cool tonight. All is well. Thanks be to God.

Sunday, October 24,1880 - Go over to the meeting house. No meeting. Quite cool today. Daniel go to the burgh. All is still well.

Monday 25 - Go to see about a school for Mira. Chore. Make some cider and husk some corn in the barn evening. All is well.

Tuesday 26 - Chore. Go to see J. B. Wright. Draw two loads of pumpkins, snow squall some. All is well with us.

Wednesday, October 27, 1880 - Make some cider. Fix up corn crib and chore around. All is still well.

Thursday 28 - Finish husking -?- corn and draw in two loads of corn from the other piece. All is well.

friday 29 - Measure up 112 bush of apples. Take to Mansfield. Go to Mansfield, bring Mira home. All is well.

Saturday, October 30,1880 - Rains most of the day. Chore. Daniel goes get the mail. All is well.

Sunday 31 - Take Mira over to Mansfield. Clear off today, fine evening. All is well as usual.

Monday, November 1,1880 - Chore around, draw in the barn the last of the corn. Snow squall tonight. All is well.

Tuesday, November 2, 1880 - Go to Presidential Election. Daniel goes to Rutland and votes there. All is still well.

Wednesday 3 - Chore around home. Draw 10 loads of pumpkins. All is well.

Thursday 4 - Go to Troy to mill and trade. Eda goes with me. All is still well, thanks be to God.

Friday, November 5, 1880 - Go to Mansfield after Mira. Went with Dr. Borden. All is well.

Saturday 6 - Chore. Husk corn some. Daniel goes get the mail. Rains some, wind blows quite well. All is still well.

Sunday 7 - Go to meeting, Ballard preach. Quite cool, wind blow quite hard. All is well. Fine day.

Monday, November 8, 1880 - Go take Mira to commence her school at oldroyds school. Chore. All is well.

Tuesday 9 - Go to Mansfield and to Wils Hall in the evening. Daniel husk corn. All is still well.

Wednesday 10 - Make some cider and draw in corn and -?- corn and chore. All is well as yet.

Thursday, November 11, 1880 - Rain last night. Make some cider. Daniel go to help Silas (Holly?) thrash. Fine day. All is well.

Friday 12 - Make some cider, fence stock. Go bring Mira home from the oldroyd school. All is well.

Saturday 13 - Go to Mansfield. Take Mrs. Borden a tub of butter to send to her folks in New York. Quite cool. Daniel drinks some cider salted. All is well

Sunday, November 14, 1880 - Stay at home all day. Fine day. Read some of P. Moody sermons. All is well.

Monday 15 - Chore. Make cider. Daniel plow some for the first this fall. Take Mira to her school. All is well.

Tuesday 16 - Make some cider. Daniel plow. Quite cool. All is well with us.

Wednesday, November 17, 1880 - Chore. Go to Austinville. Daniel plow part of the day. Fine day. All is well.

Thursday 18 - Finish making cider for this year. Grows cold today. Buy 2 yearlings of S.L. Wood. All is well.

Friday 19 - Draw two loads of wood Hickory below the barn. Go get Mira home. Go get a sheep of D. C. Canfield. All is well.

Saturday, November 20, 1880 - Bank the house. Go put in window lights in the meeting house. Daniel go get the mail. All is well.

Sunday 21 - Go to meeting. Brother Rolland preach. Quite cool today, wind blows quite well. All is well.

Monday 22 - Take Mira over to school. Trim some hickory. Chore. All is well as can expect with us.

Tuesday, November 23,1880 - Butcher two hogs. One weighs 309, the other 350. Pleasant but cold. Trustim Smith helps me. All is well as can expect.

Wednesday 24 - Go to Mansfield. Take Dr. Borden 31 lbs. pork and 43 gallon cider. Quite cool today. All is well.

Thursday 25 - Draw some hickory wood. Still cool. All is well as can expect with us.

Friday, November 26, 1880 - Go down to Freeman's, kill a pig for a Roaster. Come back by oldroyd, bring Mira home. All is well.

Saturday 27 - Salt the pork, trim some trees for wood. Fine day. Ruth up here today. All is well with us.

Sunday 28 -G o to the burgh to meeting, hear a good sermon. All is well.

Monday, November 29,1880 - Go take the girls to their schools. Come back by Austinville. Saw some wood at the door. Freezing tonight. All is well.

Tuesday 30 - Go to Austinville, get the horses shod all around new. Pay five dollars on blacksmith bill. Fine day. All is well, thanks be to God.

Wednesday, December 1, 1880 - Go out to James. Stop at Frank Hills, get dinner. Get to James about 4 O'Clock. All is well.

Thursday, December 2, 1880 - Go to see James Ameigh and went to A. C. Douglass. Stay at James all night. Quite wintery. All is well.

Friday 3 - Come home from James by way of oldroyd and -?- Corners. Bring Eda and Mira home. All is well as can...

Saturday 4 - Chore. Put in a sled team . Fine day. Dress a sheep. All is well.

Sunday, December 5,1880 - Go to meeting. Elder Mansfield preach.text of the book. god -?- him and if -?- then -?- him. All is still well.

Monday 6 - Go take the girls down to their schools and go to see Ruth and Freeman. All is well.

Tuesday 7 - Draw some wood and saw some at the door. All is well.

Wednesday, December 8, 1880 - Draw wood some and put in a sled team and chore. All is well as yet.

Thursday 9 - Go to Troy. Quite cold. Trade some. All is well as yet.

Friday 10 - Chore. Go to Whitlocks and after the girls. Cold as fun. All is well.

Saturday, December 11, 1880 - Draw some wood. Daniel get the mail and gets him a watch of Frank Soper. All is well.

Sunday 12 - Stay at home all day. Quite moderate today. All is still well.

Monday 13 - Take the girls to their schools. Dig a place to water the cattle. Quite moderate today. All is well as can expect with us.

Tuesday, December 14, 1880 - Chore around home. Draw water from the old well to butcher the pigs. Daniel goes to run out his land. Thank the lord that I am alive and well.

Wednesday 15 - Butcher the pigs. One weighs 197 lbs. the other 220 lbs. Kill the mully cow. Fine day. Nelson and John Ingerich helps me. Thank the Lord it is so well with us.

Thursday 16 - Chore. Saw down the beef, cut up the pork in the evening. Still wintery. I trust it is all well with us. Thanks be to God.

Friday, December 17, 1880 - Salt the pork and chore. Saw some wood at the door. Go get the girls, Mira and Eda. Quite wintery. All is well. All is well I trust.

Saturday 18 - Go to Troy with the girls. C. Doty goes with us. Quite cool today. All is well.

Sunday 19 - Go to meeting. Brother Ballard preach have quite a good meeting. All is well as yet.

Monday, December 20,1880 - Go take the girls to their schools. Saw some wood at the door. Jo McConnel pays me 22.56 today.

Tuesday 21 - Chore. Saw some wood and draw some . Quite cold today. All is well as yet. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday 22 - Take some chaf to mill to Mill Creek. Freeman and Ruth here. It is three years today since my boy died and still I miss him and often think of him and I don't care if I was with him.

Thursday, December 23, 1880 - Saw some wood at the door. It has been three years since we buried Arthur. It has been lonesome to me and I will try with the help of God to get along but I do not see how I can.

Friday 24 - Go get the horses -?- for the 2 time this winter. Go get Eda and Mira home from their schools. All is well with us as yet.

Saturday 25 - Go visit P. V. Vaness and family. The girls has gone to Mansfield. All is still well I trust.

Sunday, December 26, 1880 - Go to prayer meeting over to the church. There was six there in all. Had a good meeting. All is well. Thanks be to God.

Monday 27 - Go take the girls to their schools. Go down to Freemans. Come home, cut some wood in the woods. Chore. All is well.

Tuesday 28 - Draw up 87 loads of wood. Saw some in the woods in the afternoon. Quite cold today. All is still well with us. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, December 29, 1880 - Draw up 3 loads of wood. Mend the sled. Grows cold. J. Ingerich here today. Cold and grows colder. All is still well with us.

Thursday 30 - Still cold. 14 degrees below zero. Chore. water is getting scarce here. Chore. Draw 4 loads of wood. All is well.

Friday 31 - Chore around . Go after the girls. Take John Ingerich 5-cut -?- still cold as fun. All is well ends the year of 1880. Still alive and well. Thanks be to God. Ends the year. J.W. Holly


Date Received
1 Cash on hand 248.00

3 W. Wilson 2.00

5 B. Canfield 1.60

9 Sell 5 calves 22.50

1 W. Hall 5.00




Date Paid

1 Daniel -?- $ 4.80

3 T. Gerould 100.00

8 Deck at Rauley (?) 80.00

Pommoy Brothers 18.44

Troy trade 7.42

Austinville Trade 11.90

10 D. Reynolds 1.00

17 James Strony 10.00

31 Waggon -?- 1.25



Date Received

1 Cash on hand 45.49

4 Eda 10

6 W. G. Holly 5.00

9 H. Updike 1.00

10 M. Watkins 25.00

18 on cows 40.00

17 Coal order 2.63

23 Mrs. Tanner .50

24 W. Baker 1.00




Date Paid

4 on shingles 10.00

5 lb. sugar .50

7 J. Alexander .37

Troy 1.40

9 James Strony 20.00

Blacksmith .37

12 100 sap pans 16.00

on shingles 22.50

lamb -?- 1.26

14 -?- and glass 2.10

29 to the blade 2.25



Date Received

1 Cash on hand 53.87

12 Jason Watkins 1.50

17 J. M. Borden 60.60

20 C. Teter 3.50

26 A. C. Douglass 5.00

27 Mrs. C. Doty .50




Date Paid

2 Butten -?- 1.00

3 for wheat 5.00

4 James Dan 1.00

15 Austinville .60

17 J W. Borden 2.64

D. Reynolds 2.00

sent off by mail 2.10

19 D. Reynolds 40.00

20 P.C. Basement .60

Strait & Hillard 2.60

22 Elmira -?- 1.00

24 John Wilson 52.25

25 D. W. Reynolds .50

29 for fixing watch .25



Date Received

1 Cash on hand 14.63

5 J. Wilson 100.00

7 Eda 50.00

D.Reynolds 1.00

15 2 Deacons Pelts 1.50

22 on Poutter (?) 1.00

25 Wm Wilson 3.00

W. Baken 1.50




Date Paid

Bank (?) .55

6 Mira 2.00

8 Drugs Mansfield 1.55

T. Gerould 100.50

11 C. D. Rauley for L.B.W. .75

D. Reynolds 1.00

15 Donation H. Squire .50

Eda 10.00

18 Grass seed 4.65

22 Trade 2.35

23 -?- .20

25 Collection .18



Date Received

Cash on hand 48.75

7 R. M. Smith .50

16 Josiah Harding 3.50

22 Strait & Hilliard 10.00

24 G. Frost 5.00

25 M. Watkins 500.00

31 on Butten 9.00

M. Pommoy 30.00




Date Paid

3 Sent to New York 2.15

8 E. Benedict .50

Mira 1.50

Troy 1.81

-?- .10

14 E. Mudge .75

16 D. Reynolds 4.00

Collection .45

18 M. Hall on sheep 10.00

22 T. Rothwell -?- 6.00

25 to Troy -?- 13.10

D. Reynolds 2.00

31 Eda 5.00

Mira 1.50

Troy .77



Date Received

1 Cash on hand 553.12

2 Walter Wilson 10.00

3 on Wool

Pokshenale (?) 5.00

19 on wool 30.20

29 on cattle

Wm Longwell 20.00

30 do Wm Longwell 35.00




Date Paid

1 Sent by mail 2.10

2 A. B. Austin 526.25

Expenses 1.42

Blacksmith .65

11 E. Mudge .63

19 100 lb. Nails 4.25

cheese .40

W. Wall 35.00

22 Packer 3.00



Date Received

1 Cash on hand

from last month 79.52

6 S. L. Wood 2.50

10 W. Baker 2.50

15 Scott one calf 4.00

17 on litter 37.50

Linas Douglass 2.25

31 Wm Worden 1.00

Wm Worden on Bull 10.00




Date Paid

Eda 1.50

3 H.J. Welch 5.00

5 D. Reynolds 3.00

6 Rakes .75

10 oil and -?- .50

Welly Wood .20

Baker 5.00

17 M. Prmen (?) 30.50

L. Tinkham 30.00

E. S. Jewel (?) 6.00

-?- .81

Hilliard & Strait .60

24 J. Pryerik 2.00



Date Received

1 Cash on hand

from last month 53.31

7 S. L. Wood on calves 17.00

14 R. Whitlock 24.00




Date Paid

7 Geo. -?- 40.00

11 -?- .12

12 Packer on -?- 14.50

14 Troy 1.05

Mira 5.00

18 Troy on lumber 5.30

D. Reynolds .35

22 Hilliard & Strait .81

26 Scott .44

30 -?- 1.00

31 Mrs. Borden 5.00

Coal till 8.00

B. Canfield 10.00

set -?- store .10



Date Received

over from August 42.74

Joseph Tanner 2.00

3 E. S. Fash (?) 15.00

Strait & Hilliard 30.00

5 D. Canfield 10.00

C. Doty .60

10 Wm. C. Holly 20.00

17 Wm. C. Holly 25.00

27 H. J. Welch 35.00

3 Mordeca Smith 6.00




Date Paid

1 Sent by mail 2.10

2 C . D. Rauley 1.00

3 Harness mending .10

5 J. Tanner .75

6 RG to Chicago

expenses traveling

to Amherst 22.00

13 to Stevens Point 1.10

20 Amherst to Menosta 1.85

22 RR fare to Woodstock 1.20

to Chicago (?) 1.35

? ? 16.65

24 Breakfast on cars .75

24 expenses corning 1.55

25 Jule Hill 5.00

30 ? 1.50

C. D. Rauley 2.00



Date Paid

Cash on hand 121.78

1 B. Munsen 100.00

29 Mansfield 1.89




Date Received

1 D. Reynolds 3.25

5 Trade Mira 1.38

5 by mail 1.13

12 W. Smith 10.00

13 3 butter tubs 1.05

23 D. Canfield 5.00

25 P. A Tanner 2.50

James Mack 4.00

Mira 5.00



Date Received

Cash 189.74

4 S. L. Wood 100.00

6 Hilliard & Strait 10.00

L. Beach 1.00

J. -?- 20.00

11 Mordeac Smith 2.00

13 C. Beach 3.00

15 Mira 1.00




Date Paid

2 Tax 21.26

4 -?- 66.00

Troy 9.00

5 Mrs. Borden 10.00

Prof. Thomas 2.00

9 W. Stalls 100.00

18 S. L. Wood 24.00

on watch

21 Preacher Ballard 2.00

L. Watkins 1.00

D. W. Reynolds 1.00

26 E. Billings

trade 1.00

30 Chas Tate 5.00

D. Canfield 5.00



Date Received

1 Cash on hand 84.48

4 S. L. Wood 1.40

17 E. L. Korsh 5.00

18 on bulls 77.95

26 J Mcenrd (?) 22.50

22 H. J. Welch 1.00

24 J. Hibberd 3.00




Date Paid

6 on -?- 1.00

9 Troy 9.00

11 D. Reynolds 4.00

J. Ingerich 1.00

Hill1ard .75

17 T. -?- .16

C. Tites 1.20

oysters 1.15

trade .33


The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933   histcent83@gmail.com

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 DEC 1997
Copyright By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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