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1854 Diary of Luman Putnam of Granville
Transcribed by Betsy Shirk - bshirk2002@yahoo.com Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice Transcription copyright 2010 Betsy Shirk and Joyce M. Tice |
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Luman Putnam | Jerusha Bailey, his first wife |
Luman was born September 22, 1801 in Great Barrington, MA. He came to Granville Township, Bradford County, PA with his family sometime around 1817. He lived all but two years of his adult life in Granville Twp. between Granville Center and Bailey’s Corners on what is now Rte. 514.
Luman married Jerusha Bailey on December 8, 1821 and they raised a family of six children who lived to adulthood. Five of these children were still living during the period covered by the diaries. Their third child, Selenda Putnam Saxton, died in 1852 at the age of 22.
In 1855 the family consisted of:
Luman age 54
Jerusha age 54
Lurenda age 32
Amanda age 30 married to Dr. Charles Drake c. 1846 and living in Troy,
Eliza age 22
Luman Jr age 18
Harvey age 15
Each diary differs slightly in format from the others; it depends on what style of book he bought that year. They range in size from 2 ¼ x 3 3/8 inches to 2 ¾ x 5 ¾ inches. In most years he carefully filled the space available for each date, hence the great differences in number of pages of transcription. He was meticulous. One of the transcription challenges arose each time he inadvertently put an entry on the wrong page. He would rewrite it on the correct page, carefully line out the wrong entry and write the one for that date in the space available above the lined out entry. The pages are very thin and sometimes the ink bleeds through. In other cases the ink has faded to the point of illegibility but the wonders of technology came to the rescue as scanning and enhancing the image on the computer allowed it to be read.
I have done my best to faithfully transcribe the diaries, keeping the original language, spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Betsy Shirk
More Luman Putnam Diaries | 1855 | 1856 | 1857 | 1858 | 1859 | 1860 | 1863 | 1866 | 1867 | |
1868 | 1869-1 | 1869-2 | 1870-1 | 1870-2 | 1871-1 | 1871-2 | 1871-3 | 1871-4 | ||
1872-1 | 1872-2 | 1872-3 | 1873-1 | 1873-2 | 1873-3 | 1876-1 | 1876-2 | 1879 | 1880 |
L. Putnam , Granville, Penn’a - 1854
January 1 Sunday Walked to LeRoy to meeting.
January 2 Monday Went to Troy with my wife by way of West Burlington. Called at Mr. Stevens’ and left some cloth with Thirza to make coat and pants and took a vest she had finished. Staid at Dr. Drakes.
January 3 Tuesday Returned from Troy by way of north woods and stopped a little while at L. F. Clark’s.
January 4 Wednesday Worked some at Barn cellar sold 16 lbs. feathers to Fowler for $8. Rec. $4.
January 5 Thursday Went to Towanda with Jefferson Bailey. Settled with Monyagne’s & etc and gave my note for $ the balance in six mo. Returned by way of plank road.
January 6 Friday Worked at stoning cellar. In the evening Dr. Drake and Amanda came from Troy. Tarried overnight to visit next day.
January 7 Saturday Luther and Sally came to visit. At night visitors departed. Received from P.O. a letter from Stockwell.
January 8 Sunday Walked to LeRoy to attend meeting. Returning called at Br. Rockwell’s.
January 9 Monday Went with Harvey to Troy. Traded some at stores and returned by way of West Burlington. Called at Mr. Stevens’ to have measure taken for Harvey’s coat.
January 10 Tuesday Worked a little at framing shed. Spent principal part of day assisting Mr. Griffin in settling his accounts with some of his customers.
January 11 Wednesday Had a visit from Br. Rockwell and his wife. Occupied considerable portion of time with Griffin’s affairs. Afternoon rainy. Took supper at Elon’s.
January 12 Thursday Considerable rain. Spent the day posting Griffin’s books.
January 13 Friday High water in consequence of previous rains. Occupied with Griffin’s books as yesterday.
January 14 Saturday Went to brother Harry’s for leather for Mary’s shoes. Fowler paid $4. Boys went to Rockwell’s mill with 16 bu buckwheat. Received per mail letter from Dan. at Philadelphia.
January 15 Sunday Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Heard Br McDougal. Paid him $1. For Harbinger. In evening attended meeting at huddle. Br. Hurlburt came home and tarried with me. Mailed letter at LeRoy for Daniel.
January 16 Monday Br. Hurlburt departed for home. Commenced a pair shoes for Mary.
January 17 Tuesday Finished Mary’s shoes. Worked a little at framing shed.
January 18 Wednesday Snowstorm. Attended to various matters about the barns and stock. Had a call from my friend Bunyan.
January 19 Thursday Worked in shop mending the boys’ shoes
January 20 Friday Had Luman haul some logs to mill. Went to election. Sold horse "Tom" to Barnes for $130. Mailed letter to Stockwell. Bunyan called and spent the evening.
January 21 Saturday Worked some at repairing stables. Received letters from Br. McDougal and Valentine. In evening Barnes called and paid $130. the price of horse
January 22 Sunday Walked to LeRoy to attend meeting. Br. Hickok spoke. Returning called at Br. Rockwell’s
January 23 Monday Paid S. W. Shepard $100. – Gave note for balance of debt for $30. – Went Henry’s for leather for Luman’s boots.
January 24 Tuesday Purchased a few articles at Holcomb’s. Wrote letter to Valentine and one to C. L. Barton. Cut out Luman’s boots.
January 25 Wednesday Bought a few plank of Jenkins for stable floors. Worked at repairing stables. Calvin called to have me make out a deed for meeting house lot in LeRoy.
January 26 Thursday Went to Br. Churchill’s for the purpose is making the deed. Met Br. O Holcomb there and drafted a deed from Marlin Holcomb & wife to trustees.
January 27 Friday Spent the principal part of the day at repairing horse stables
January 28 Saturday Worked about the barns at various repairs
January 29 Sunday Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Hickok spoke. Returning called at Br. Rockwell’s. Went to evening meeting at huddle Br. Rogers returned and tarried with me.
January 30 Monday Went to Troy with Calvin. Called at Dr. Drake’s. Purchased several articles of him and other dealers there. Returned at night.
January 31 Tuesday Worked in shoe shop a part of the day. In the evening attended a meeting at the corners to take measures for building new school house. Subscribed $25. – Pedlar put up with us.
February 1 Wednesday Worked in shoe shop the principal part of the day.
February 2 Thursday Finished Luman’s boots. Dr. Harding called. Traded a little with him
February 3 Friday Went to see Bunyan. He not being at home, went to Harry’s and got some leather for boots. Returning saw Bunyan at huddle, he having been to my house. In the evening Burch came from a Troy.
February 4 Saturday Worked a little in shoe shop. Attended primary meeting in the afternoon. Was elected delegate to county convention. Bunyan called in the evening, and after he left Valentine came.
February 5 Sunday Attended meeting at the Huddle. Br. Hurlburt spoke, & in the evening at the Corners. He returned and tarried with me.
February 6 Monday Br. Hurlburt departed in the morning intending to commence protracted meeting at LeRoy in evening. Worked at making rack in stables for colts.
February 7 Tuesday Went to Towanda with S. W. Shepard. Put up with Black. Attended convention in evening. Was named senatorial delegate to state convention. Paid Goodrich $5. and Parsons & Powel $8.50 in full.
February 8 Wednesday Bought overcoat of Bunting. $8. & spectacles of Chamber $1.50. Paid Black $1.25 tavern bill and started in the rain for home. Stopped in Monroe and bought of Cranmer and Smith an umbrella for $1.00. Arrived at home
February 9 Thursday Worked in shoe shop forenoon. Went with wife to visit at Br. Rockwell’s. They being gone, went to LeRoy to meeting. After which, called on Cyrus, attended meeting in evening & returned.
February 10 Friday Worked a part of the day in shoe shop at boots. In the evening called at Brigham’s
February 11 Saturday Finished pair of boots for myself in forenoon which being too large, gave to Luman. Spent afternoon in making preparation for journey
February 12 Sunday Went with family to meeting at LeRoy. Br. McDougal spoke. Received from P. O. their first no. Harbinger for 1854
February 13 Monday Rainy. Went to the Corners. Returning spent some time with Alanson. Afternoon commenced a pair of boots for Harvey.
February 14 Tuesday Rainy. Worked part of the day in shoe shop. Called at neighbor Brigham’s in the evening. The rain continues
February 15 Wednesday Rainy. Finished Harvey’s boots and mended wife’s shoes. In the afternoon walked to LeRoy with Br. Brigham. Called at Br. Churchill’s and at Br.M. Holcomb’s. Attended meeting in the evening
February 16 Thursday Team employed hauling logs to mill. Got Brigham’s team and went with wife to visit at Mr. Bunyan’s. At night returned.
February 17 Friday Went to the Corners. Called at Julius’and at Mother’s. Afternoon went with wife and Mother to visit at Br. Rockwell’s. They being again absent called at Br. Churchill’s and made our visit there.
February 18 Saturday Attended to regulating matters and business for boys during my absence at Harrisburg. Received a letter from Stockwell of Jan. 30.
February 19 Sunday attended meeting at LeRoy with family. Br. McDougal spoke. Gave me a letter of introduction to Judge Black. Walked home calling at Brother Rockwell’s.
February 20 Monday Started for Harrisburg via. to N.Y & Luman went with carriage with me to Waverly, calling at Cotton’s(?) in Athens. At 11 o’clock evening to the cars, paying $5.55 for ticket. Detained at Susquehanna station till morning.
February 21 Tuesday Arrived at Jersey City about 4 o’clock p.m. paid $3. For ticket to Philad’a and started in the cars at 5:30 p.m. arriving at Phil’a at 9 p.m. Staid at Friendship house. Snow very deep.
February 22 Wednesday P. 50 cents to be carried with trunk to Columbia depot. No cars had passed over road since morning in consequence of deep snow. Put up at Henderson house. Went down Broad street to Baltimore station and returned
February 23 Thursday Walked about an upper part of city. Very cold & windy. About noon cars came in from West. Paid $3. for ticket and started at 2 p.m. for Harrisburg. Traveled slowly being hindered several hours at the gap.
February 24 Friday Arrived in Harrisburg at 1 a.m. and put up near station. After breakfast proceeded to Locust street, found Stockwell, engaged board at $3 per week. Went to the capitol and met with the Board of Rev. Com’rs.
February 25 Saturday State Treasurer appeared and took the chair. Members qualified before Judge Pierson. Proceeded to organize by electing clerk, and subordinate officers, and then adjourned to 10 o’clock of monday next.
February 26 Sunday Attended the Methodist meeting with Mr. Stockwell & family. Witnessed the ceremony of sprinkling 4 adults. Very rainy. In the evening attended the meeting again congregation very large.
February 27 Monday Met with the board according to adjournment in a Supreme Court room. After the morning session session adjourned to 10:00 tomorrow morning. Wrote letter to Br. Churchill having written two to my wife previously
February 28 Tuesday Met with the Bowl word at the our appointed. Morning session only held. Wrote to Br. Shepard at N. Y. and to several friends in Bradford County
March 1 Wednesday Attended with the Board at the hour of 10 a.m. After morning session adjourned to 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Spent afternoon in sending off interrogations. Wrote to Lurenda
March 2 Thursday Met with the Board as usual at the morning hour. Continued sending off interrogatories. Afternoon went into House of R. to hear debate on liquor question. Wrote to Luman.
March 3 Friday Attended with the board at the morning hour. No business of importance done. At 12 n. adjourned over to monday next at 3 p.m. Went into the house to hear debate.
March 4 Saturday Spent time in the capitol in the morning, and then walked about town. Afternoon came into session room again, and then with some of the members went to see Gov. Porter’s iron works. Wrote a letter to wife.
March 5 Sunday Went with Mr. Stockwell to hear Dr. DeWitt of Presbyterian church, it being their day of communion. In the evening went with him & family to methodist church and heard Mr. Cookman.
March 6 Monday Received a letter from Br. Shepard. Wrote to Br. Rockwell. Went to visit Insane Asylum. Received card of invitation to Governors party. Wrote to Br. Churchill. At 3 o’clock p.m. met with the Board.
March 7 Tuesday Attended with the Board at the regular hour. Board agreed to adjourn from tomorrow to 3 o’clock p.m. of Monday next in order to go to Philadelphia. Evening attended business of committee
March 8 Wednesday Board adjourned in the morning. State Convention met in the Hall of H. R. Took seats in convention as senatorial delegate from 19th district. Made nominations, & adjourned. Wrote to Wife
March 9 Thursday Went into Session room and Sent off a number of papers and wrote to boarding house being quite unwell. Declined going to Philadelphia and spent time indoors. Evening went with Stockwell to capitol Rainy
March 10 Friday Continues rainy. Went up to Capitol in the morning and found letter from Lurenda enclosing one from D.B. Bailey. Wrote to Bailey and to Eliza. Afternoon wrote to Harvey & Mary. Spent the evening at Capitol with Mr. Stockwell.
March 11 Saturday Walked up to the Capitol in the morning as usual Wrote to Lurenda and enclosed Harvey’s and Mary’s. Walked about the Capitol & public grounds with Mr. Stockwell & some ladies. Afternoon wrote to Br. Shepard.
March 12 Sunday Attended with Mr. Stockwell and family the Episcopal Church and heard Mr. Bean. Walked about town after dinner and in the evening we attended the Methodist meeting and heard Mr. Cookman
March 13 Monday went up to the Capitol and then went to the Capitol rail Capitol Road Station & saw the cars or ride from Philadelphia. Afternoon met with the Board, Mr. Sherwood presiding. In the wrote a letter to Br. Churchill.
March 14 Tuesday Wrote to Brother D. B. Ross. Met with the Board Mr. Sherwood in chair. Commenced calling up counties in order Bradford called, proposition submitted, and consideration postponed. Session in afternoon and evening.
March 15 Wednesday Met at 9 o’clock in the morning Mr. Sherwood in the chair adjourned at 12 to meet next morning at 10. Went into the Representatives Hall to witness the proceedings of Whig Convention
March 16 Thursday Board met at 10 o’clock in the morning Mr. Sherwood in the chair. Proposition for Bradford referred to Welker Putnam & Chance. Met at 3 p.m. and continued in session till 6 o’clock. Rec letters from S. W. S. & E. M. Farrer.
March 17 Friday Went up to room in Capitol. Received letter from Br. Rockwell. Replied to same. After morning adjournment Rec a letter from L. F. Clark. Attended with the Board the afternoon session
March 18 Saturday Met with the Board at 9 o’clock a.m. Mr. Sherwood in chair. Wrote to Henry, & Luther. Adjourned over to Monday 10 a.m. Went up to Capitol in evening and on return to lodgings found Daniel Bush.
March 19 Sunday Attended with Stockwell & Daniel the Baptist meeting at Court House. Mr. Williams the speaker. In the evening attended Methodist church and heard Mr.
Walked about town after morning session with Dan. Received letter from Lurenda
March 20 Monday Met with the Board at 10 a.m. Mr. Sherwood in the chair. Wrote to my wife. Attended the afternoon session and submitted proposition for Susquehanna county. Referred to committee.
March 21 Tuesday Met with Board at 9 AM Mr. Sherwood in chair. Met again at 2 p.m. Mr. Bickel present. Finished valuation of counties and resolved to adjourn sine die on Thursday next at 10 o’clock a.m.
March 22 Wednesday Did a little shopping and wrote to wife. Attended session of the Board at 9 o’clock Mr. Sherwood presiding. Board met again in the afternoon, discussing final report. Made preparations for departure tomorrow
March 23 Thursday Board met at 9 o’clock a.m. Went in body to pay respects to Gov. & adjourned sine die. Rec at Treas’y $183.45 for services. Paid Mr. Stockwell $43. & Mrs. Bailey $11.62 1/2 for Board. Took the cars at 1/2 past 12 and arrived at Philadelphia at 6 p.m. and put up at Friendship.
March 24 Friday Started at 7 a.m. in C. & A. cars. Arrived at N. Y. at 12 noon and at 4 p.m. took the cars for Middletown arriving there at 9 in the evening. Put up at McDonough.House in the city. Paid $2 for passage from Phil. to N. Y. & from there to Middletown $2.50
March 25 Saturday Started on foot for Middlefield and found Mr. Hale at Mr. Hall’s his son-in-law Went in the afternoon with him and visited Widow Hale who resides on the old homestead. Returned and tarried at Mr. Hall’s on the old Stow farm.
March 26 Sunday The morning very pleasant. Went with Mr. Hale from Mr. Hall’s at Middlefield to Albert Atkins and tarried there. Mr. Atkins married Mr. Hale’s daughter
March 27 Monday Went to Middletown & took the cars for Springfield at 8 a.m. Arrived at S. & took passage for Pittsfield & from thence to Stockbridge, and then left on foot and arrived at Wm. Harris’s in the evening.
March 28 Tuesday Went to see Aunt Polly, then called on Mason & Wm. VanDuesen, took dinner with J.K. Pelton, went to see Capt. Harris, and then rode with Geo. Harris to his house in town. Made some calls in the evening about town.
March 29 Wednesday Visited at George’s with Mr. Clark Wilcox & lady, and at 4 p.m. took the cars for State line, & from thence to Albany, arrived there at 1/2 past eight, and at 11 in the evening took passage for Rochester.
March 30 Thursday Arrived at Rochester at 7 a.m. waited there till 11 & took the cars for Canandaigua, arrived there at 12 & waited till 7.20 p.m. for cars to Elmira, arrived there at 10.15 evening and put up at the American Hotel.
March 31 Friday Took passage in Troy stage at 8 1/2 a.m., heard of Luman’s sickness at South Creek, arrived at Troy 2 1/2 p.m. Walked from Dr. Drakes home, found Luman better & the rest of the family well.
April 1 Saturday Made some calls about the neighborhood, Mr. Bunion called on me paid 10 $10 for Oates & corn paid S. W. Shepard $21 on note. Luman grew worse, called Dr. Shepard again who staid with him through night
April 2 Sunday Having set up the principal part of night to preceding, remained with family during the day at home. Luman began again to mend and at night he was considerable better
April 3 Monday Went to Troy with Eliza. Paid $37.12 to Ballard & took up note. Purchased several articles at the stores, and at night returned with Dr. Drake’s team and brought Mary home. Found Luman improving.
April 4 Tuesday Rigged to the waggon & sent Harvey to Lewis Saxton’s for load of hay of Valentine. Attended to chores and affairs about home. Luman continued to improve, so as to walk about the house.
April 5 Wednesday Very pleasant morning. Went about the farm, looked at the wheat and other matters about the farm. Worked a little about the barn and garden.
April 6 Thursday Weather quite warm and pleasant. Went about the farm put up some fences, picked up some on the meadow and spent the remainder of time about the house.
April 7 Friday Cloudy weather. Mr. Kellogg called and vaccinated Lurenda, Harvey & Mary. Sent Harvey after load of hay. Afternoon Luther & Sally came for visit. Calvin called to see me.
April 8 Saturday Worked a short time in forenoon clearing meadow. Assisted. Samuel & Valentine in making settlement. Afternoon went with wife to visit at Br. Rockwell’s.
April 9 Sunday Went on horseback to attend meeting in LeRoy. Called at M. Holcomb’s and went to Uncle Timothy’s & delivered coat sent by Aunt Polly. After meeting went to Orator’s & returning called at Calvin’s.
April 10 Monday Cloudy & grain commencing. Went with Harvey to Bunyan’s and got 4 Bu. Corn & 20 Bu. of oats for which I had previously paid him. Called at the store and bought some tobacco -
April 11 Tuesday Put up 5 1/2 Bu. wheat and sent Harvey to mill. Paid S. W. Shepard 1 Bu. corn. Went to the store and bought 8 lbs.sugar. Went down to Mother’s
April 12 Wednesday Took the team over the creek and had Harvey commenced dragging the field for oats. Picked up and burnt some roots, and in the afternoon mended shoe for Mary.
April 13 Thursday Harvey employed with team dragging. Went over the creek, cut some stove wood and worked at picking up and burning roots on oat ground. Afternoon remained in house.
April 14 Friday Sowed 21/2 Bu. oats. Harvey dragging. Picked up & burnt roots. Brought home load of wood. Afternoon Stephen Landon called and stayed to tea. Towards night snow commenced falling
April 15 Saturday Snow on foot deep. Bought 2 sheep & lambs of Elon for $7.00. Brot them in from over the creek. Wrote & mailed a letter to Geo. Harris. Afternoon went with wife in cutter to visit at Philander’s. Snow continued falling.
April 16 Sunday Snow continues to fall, but weather moderate. Did not go to meeting but remained at home, and attended to the stock and affairs at the barn. The wind changed from S.E. to N. E.
April 17 Monday Snowstorm continues from N. E. and lies on the ground about three feet deep. Attended to the stock and stables. Had to shovel paths for cattle to go to water.
April 18 Tuesday Clear and pleasant and thaw commenced. Mr. Bunyan called and stayed till afternoon. Mr. Brigham also came in. Went to the barn and fed out the last of hay there. Evening and Eliza came with Burch.
April 19 Wednesday Continues pleasant and thaw continues. Snow settled more than half. Mended shoe for Mary & Harvey’s boot. Afternoon cloudy and some rain. Burch came from Troy.
April 20 Thursday Cloudy but weather mild and snow melting gradually. Lurenda went to Troy with Burch. Spent some time at the barn, cutting straw and feeding the cattle. Afternoon clear.
April 21 Friday Clear and pleasant & snow fast disappearing. Wrote letter to Mr. Atkins at Middletown Conn. & sent to P.O. Attended to cattle & stock at the barn and water courses across the road
April 22 Saturday Cloudy & some rain. Turned out young cattle & sheep. Mr. Barnes, wife & daughter called & dined with us. He paid me $1. for making deed for him to L. Choapel. Creeks very high, and snow almost gone.
April 23 Sunday Cloudy and showers through the night. Went up to the Huddle to meeting. Bro. Hurlburt was in attendance. After meeting met and Messrs. Taylors at Br. Brigham’s.
April 24 Monday Clear and pleasant weather. Went up to Harry’s to engage some fodder. Paid Franklin for 100 lbs. provender, & Luman for gallon of molasses & clothes line. Attended to settlement between Griffin & Monroe & plowed part of garden.
April 25 Tuesday Warm and & pleasant. Boys hauled manure & finished plowing garden. Prepared the ground and commenced planting onions. Worked some about the dooryard and flower garden. Evening warm with prospect of showers.
April 26 Wednesday Cloudy & wet in the morning. Made some pokes & put on the2 year old colts. Worked over the creek in the afternoon repairing line fence, and also some in the garden.
April 27 Thursday In the morning a heavy thunder shower, and showers through the day. Worked a little at repairing fence, and spent the afternoon with Bunyan, who called in to see me. At night the weather colder.
April 28 Friday In the morning snow 3 inches deep & continues falling. Storm having abated, sent to the boys to Harry’s for some corn stalks & oat straw. Employed at the barn cutting feed for the stock.
April 29 Saturday Morning rainy and ground covered with snow. Weather cold & continued raining through the day. Attended to no business except chores. At night the snow gone & water high in creeks.
April 30 Sunday Morning cloudy & cool. Rain continued moderately through the day. Did not attend meeting, but remained about the house. Evening called with wife a short time at brother Brigham’s.
May 1 Monday Went to Towanda in buggy with Samuel. Had an interview with Judge Wilmot & Ballard, and with several other friends. Paid $1.79 to D’A Overton, insurance tax. Put up at Black’s.
May 2 Tuesday After Breakfast went up town spent some time in court and in the commissioners and other offices, went to the da but a form to soar several craft passthrough the chute and returned home with Mr. Bunyan.
May 3 Wednesday Cloudy & wet. Wrote to Hon. G. A. Grow Washington city, for a copy Census Reports. Also a letter to S. Squires Esq. Ridgebery. Went to Troy with wife mailed letters there, and stayed overnight at Dr. Drake’s.
May 4 Thursday More pleasant. Visit at the doctor’s till after dinner and then started for home by way of West Burlington, stopping at Mr. Stevens by the way. Afternoon quite pleasant & warm.
May 5 Friday Morning cloudy & some rain. Went with boys to the sawmill to prepare for rolling some logs into the pond. Afternoon fair. Went over the creek repairing line fence, & boys chopping stove wood. Burch came.
May 6 Saturday Cool in the morning but pleasant. Worked in the forenoon over the creek at the oat ground, Luman dragging. Afternoon repaired fence before the house. Boys over the creek, dragging & picking up roots.
May 7 Sunday Went to the huddle to meeting & heard Br. Wells, who was Br. Hurlburt returned with me. After tea we went to the corners. Bought of br. Wells two books "Nelson on infidelity" & "Keith on prophecy".
May 8 Monday Sowed 2 1/2 bu. oats before breakfast. Went to the corners & to the huddle with brs. Wells & Hurlburt. Bought at store a manure fork & some tobacco. He Eliza engaged to teach school in Franklin. Went afternoon, to roll logs in pond
May 9 Tuesday Sowed in the morning 3 bu. oats. Worked at picking up & burning roots on the field. Luman dragging. Afternoon worked at repairing fence by the house. Turned out the calves. Boys at work over the creek.
May 10 Wednesday Went over the creek in the forenoon and sowed some hay seed, boys dragging & picking up roots. Afternoon showery & warm. Worked some at burning stumps & picking up on meadow.
May 11 Thursday Morning warm & pleasant. Sowed some grass seed, repaired fence & turned cattle off the meadow. Afternoon worked at board fence by the road. Luman plowed on the flat for oats.
May 12 Friday Sowed grass seed a spell in the morning and the residue of the day worked at fence and about the garden. Luman finished plowing the flat and plowed his Uncle Samuel’s garden, also our lower garden.
May 13 Saturday In the morning finished sowing hay seed over the creek. The remainder of worked at the garden & making bars & fence at barnyard. Boys hauled manure. Received letter from Mr. Atkins Middletown Connecticut. Weather warm.
May 14 Sunday Walk up with Br. Brigham to Leroy to meeting. brother Reynolds spoke. Returning called with br. Rockwell & took tea. Went into the pasture and found the cow (Cola) sick. Evening rainy. Cow died
May 15 Monday Morning fair. Sent the boys to skin the cow. Went to repairing fence below the road. Sent the hide to Carnochan by Burch. Afternoon sent the boys to pulling sprouts and picking up roots on oatfield. Put the sheep below the road.
May 16 Tuesday Sowed 4 bu. oats on the flat and planted potatoes in the lower garden. Boys employed dragging and digging underdrain below the barn. Made arrangements with Brigham concerning team.
May 17 Wednesday Planted pop corn & winter squashes in lower garden. Dug out some pine roots, & commenced filling drain below the barn. Brigham used the team & Luman helped him plant in the afternoon.
May 18 Thursday Showery through the night & continued this forenoon. Went on the North hill to put up fence blown down by the wind. Boys went to help Jef. pile boards at the mill. Hooped a wash tub & dug pine stump
May 19 Friday Finished digging out to pine stump in the orchard. Completed the stoning of underdrain below the barn. Sent the boys over the creek to pull & pick up sprouts & roots on the oat field.
May 20 Saturday Sowed a little grass seed below the barn. Worked at preparing a piece of ground below the barn for carrots. Luman worked for Brigham. Received letter from Stockwell.
May 21 Sunday Walk to Leroy to meeting & heard a discourse from Br. Rockwell. Returning called & took tea with Br. Churchill who accompanied me home by way of the heart to where we met Br. Palmer & Champney
May 22 Monday Sowed grass seed a short time in the morning. Plowed the ground for carrots. Boys finished hauling manure on ground for potatoes east of house and plowed it. Worked some at fence in carrot ground.
May 23 Tuesday A light frost in the morning. Finished sowing grass seed. Dragged & marked out potato ground and commenced planting potatoes. Went over the creek towards night to repair brush fence.
May 24 Wednesday Worked in the forenoon mending brush fence. Boys finished planting potatoes. Afternoon worked at fencing carrot ground & Luman helped Mr. Brigham haul manure.
May 25 Thursday Morning showery and continued rainy considerable portion of the day. Commenced planting carrots. Afternoon went with Griffin to Roberts. Sent mare to his shop to be shod.
May 26 Friday Sold cow to S. W. Sheppard for $32.00. Finished planting carrots. Planted beets in the garden. Luman worked for Brigham in the afternoon planting corn. Sun eclipsed commencing about 4 o’clock p.m.
May 27 Saturday Wrote road to & mailed letter to John Passmore, Rome. Worked in garden part of the day with Harvey. Luman planted for Brigham in the forenoon & in the afternoon commenced hauling manure on corn ground
May 28 Sunday Went to the huddle to hear Br. Hurlburt. Br. Champney and his wife called & took tea with us. At 4 o’clock attended at the corners and Br. Hurlburt & his wife returned & tarried with us overnight.
May 29 Monday After breakfast Br. Hurlburt & his wife departed for his home. Boys & Wallace engaged hauling manure. Worked myself part of the time repairing underpinning of the barn.
May 30 Tuesday Showery. Finished the underpinning of barn next the road. Boys & Wallace finished hauling manure on corn ground and commenced plowing towards night.
May 31 Wednesday Luman plowed, and Harvey spread manure. Assisted Luman some in the forenoon about the plowing and in the afternoon worked in the garden. A cool day.
June 1 Thursday A moderate frost in the morning. Worked in the garden planting peas, melons, squashes &c. Luman employed plowing and Harvey spread in manure. D.S. Landon called & tarried overnight.
June 2 Friday Another slight frost. Worked in the garden and finished putting in the seed. Boys worked at furrowing & marking out to corn ground. Valentine called & tarried.
June 3 Saturday Hoed some in the garden and chopped wood at the door. Wrote a line to Stockwell. Boys with Valentine & Wallace planted to corn. Gave due bill to Paine to bal. acct. for $11.86. Pop mare brought a colt.
June 4 Sunday Went in company with Br. Brigham with two horse waggons to the quarterly meeting at LeRoy. Brs. McDougal Apperson & Miller present. Heard Brs. Apperson & Miller. Took tea at Br. M. Holcomb’s.
June 5 Monday Hoed some in garden. Boys washed the sheep and prepared a piece of ground in west field for beans. Turned cows in pasture north of house. Attended meeting at huddle & heard br. Apperson.
June 6 Tuesday Went with Br. Brigham & our wives to Canton to visit at Stockwell’s. Returning being overtaken with the shower called & tarried at Cyrus Holcomb’s in LeRoy. Boys planted beans.
June 7 Wednesday Returned home from Leroy in the morning. Boys ground an axe, & recommenced chopping fallow over the creek. Afternoon plowed some ground for swedish turnips.
June 8 Thursday Went with team & boys to help Alanson repair fence around his field on Bunyan hill. Turned in 11 yearlings there to pasture. Afternoon went to help Martin Wilcox raise a barn. Showery towards night.
June 9 Friday Worked some in the garden & fixing fences. Luman went to sawmill to help pile some boards and then with Harvey went to take 2 year old colts & steers to Alanson’s pasture.
June 10 Saturday Went with wife to Troy – Bought scraper of Paine $4.50 – Traded $6.25 with Pomeroy’s, and returned at night. Luman hoed corn for Brigham. Received letter from Mr. Downs in Towanda.
June 11 Sunday Walk to meeting at LeRoy. Br Reynolds spoke. Returning called and took tea with brother Churchill. Family attended meeting at the huddle. Valentine called and tarried.
June 12 Monday Worked some at making fence on west side of the garden. Luman hoed corn for G. Brigham. Valentine sheared the sheep and tarried overnight. Some showers.
June 13 Tuesday Several showers in course of the day. Worked in garden some & repairing fences to prepare place for hogs. Boys hauled 2 loads of manure on turnip ground & a load of wood, & hoed potatoes in garden.
June 14 Wednesday Finished inclosure for hogs & put them in. Worked some in garden, & chopped in fallow with lemon. Harvey finished hoeing potatoes in the lower garden & went over to Bunyan hill with salt for cattle.
June 15 Thursday Worked on the road east of house with several hands. Put in a sluice. Luman chopped in the fallow, and went at night to call out hands to work on road tomorrow.
June 16 Friday Business working on the road same as yesterday. Luman employed chopping. Eliza came home with Mr. Varney who returned after dinner. Bunyan called in the evening.
June 17 Saturday Employed on the road again as the 2 days preceding. Put in a bridge by the waggon house. Luman chopped in the forenoon & then went to Troy with Eliza. Rec. A letter from Gt Barrington written by Geo. Harris’ daughter Esther.
June 18 Sunday Walk to meeting at LeRoy & heard discourse from Br. Rockwell. Called a short time at Marlins & returning by way of Bunyan’s, took dinner there. Gave salt to young cattle.
June 19 Monday Worked on the road again with several hands. Put in a bridge west of the barn. Luman chopping. Thunder shower in the afternoon. Valentine called & staid over night.
June 20 Tuesday Worked with the boys sitting & fencing a piece of ground below the waggon house for rutabagas and planted them. In the afternoon Mr. Bunyan & Griffin called to settle their accounts. Bunyan staid to tea.
June 21 Wednesday Went in forenoon to lower end of district to notify men to work on the road. In the afternoon worked at fence below the waggon house. Luman hoed corn for Brigham at Wm. Vroman’s.
June 22 Thursday Rained through the night and fore part of the day. Worked in the wagon house fixing it for attaching shed at the south end. Afternoon boys worked at weeding carrots.
June 23 Friday worked on the road near Barnes’. Shower in the afternoon and another in the evening. Ground getting quite wet. Luman chopping over the creek.
June 24 Saturday Worked on the road near Tho Pratt’s. Mr. Reed of Wysox presented letter of introduction from Judge Wilmott. Luman chopping and Harvey weeding carrots. Eliza came home
June 25 Sunday Attended meeting at the huddle & heard Br. Hurlburt and again in the afternoon at the corners. Br. Reynolds & wife called & took tea with us. Amanda came at night & Eliza returned to her school.
June 26 Monday Commenced fencing on pasture for calves west of the barn. Luman began to plow in the west orchard for buckwheat. Carried some butter and other things to the amount of $5. to new store at the corners.
June 27 Tuesday Extremely warm day. Worked some at fencing pasture for calves. Luman plowed some for buckwheat in field west of the house. Harvey weeding carrots. Valentine called & staid over night.
June 28 Wednesday Weather continues very warm. Shower in the afternoon. Finished fencing pasture & put in calves & sheep. Luman finished plowing orchard & commenced the cherry field.
June 29 Thursday Worked in the garden preparing cabbage ground & hoeing beets, parsnips &c. Luman plowed in the forenoon & in the afternoon hoed in the garden, Brigham using the teams.
June 30 Friday Cloudy & some rain in the morning. Set out the cabbage & worked at weeding & hoeing the garden. Luman plowing for buckwheat. Harvey in the garden weeding.
July 1 Saturday Worked in the garden hoeing & weeding. Wrote & mailed letter to Geo. Harris. Luman finished plowing cherry field & commenced plowing corn. Daniel came in course of night.
July 2 Sunday Want to meeting at Leroy. Heard discourse from bro. Reynolds. Returning called & took tea with bro. Churchill & then went to Bunyan’s and gave cattle some salt. Valentine called & tarried.
July 3 Monday Weather very warm. So the west orchard to buckwheat. & worked in garden remainder of day. Luman dragged for buckwheat, & plowed some corn.
July 4 Tuesday Sowed the cherry field to buckwheat, Harvey dragging. Put up some fence on the east line over the creek. Made handle & fixed on a hoe. Luman hoed corn.
July 5 Wednesday Made handle & fixed another hoe, worked some in garden & in the afternoon received visit from Stockwell, Brigham, their wives & Elder Richmond. In the evening heard the elder deliver temperance lecture.
July 6 Thursday Weather continues warm and dry. Worked some in the garden in the morning and then went Harvey plowed corn thro the day, Luman hoeing. At night Luther called.
July 7 Friday Plowed corn in the forenoon & in the afternoon fixed some bars. Luman hoed corn, Harvey assisting in the afternoon. At night Dr. Drake came & tarried.
July 8 Saturday Went with wife, Dr. Drake & Amanda to visit at Mr. Bunyan’s. At night Dr. & Amanda returned with me. Boys finished hoeing the corn.
July 9 Sunday Dr. Drake & Amanda returned to Troy. Walked to meeting at Leroy. Discourse by Br. Rockwell. On returned called at his house a short time & also at mother’s.
July 10 Monday Went to see Barna Turner. Sold him 2 year old colt for $70.00. Took a cow $30, his note 1st nov $20 & $20, cash down. Went up to Luther’s & paid him $20. Boys plowed & commenced hoeing potatoes.
July 11 Tuesday Brot home cow & calf from Drake’s field. Put in helves & ground 2 axes. Went down to Barnes’ to notify hands to work on the road. Boys hoed potatoes.
July 12 Wednesday Worked with Luman chopping in the fallow over the creek. Harvey employed hoeing potatoes. Turned the mare & colt and two oldest calves in pasture over the creek.
July 13 Thursday Employed with Luman chopping, over the creek the same as yesterday. Harvey hoeing potatoes. Valentine came at night, Daniel remaining. Weather very dry.
July 14 Friday Morning rainy. Cleared off before noon. Daniel left for Athens. Worked at chopping with the boys in the fallow.
July 15 Saturday Wrote & mailed letter to J. M. Bishop of Durell. Chopped in the fallow with the boys. Eliza came home with the two Missess. Smiley who remained with her over night.
July 16 Sunday Walked to meeting at LeRoy & heard Br. Rockwell discourse. Returned by way of Mr. Bunyan’s & took tea there. Gave young cattle some salt.
July 17 Monday Worked at chopping in the fallow with the boys. Eliza went back to her school in Franklin. Brought home for cow Cherry with calf from the creek pasture.
July 18 Tuesday Went to Taylor’s store in the morning & traded to the amount of $1.80. Boys went up to Bunyan’s with a cow. The remainder of the day we were employed on the fallow chopping. Very dry.
July 19 Wednesday Employed with the boys chopping on fallow. In the middle of the day a heavy thunder shower accompanied with hail which continued an hour. At night Valentine came.
July 20 Thursday Mended my boots in the morning and the remainder of the day chopped in the fallow with the boys. Weather extremely warm. Let Harry Bailey have the mare (Suke) to go to Elmira.
July 21 Friday Went to the store at the corners in the morning & got a sack of salt & some starch, & again at noon & got some groceries. Business for the day, chopping. Very warm.
July 22 Saturday In the morning went to the corners & carried 19 lbs. butter to the store & brought 3 bu. corn. Had Wallace to help us chop. At noon sent Luman with 1 1/2 bu. corn to mill. Letter from J. M. Bishop.
July 23 Sunday Went to the huddle to meeting & heard discourse from Br. Hurlburt. Dr. Drake & Amanda called & took dinner with us. At 4 o’clock heard br, H at the corners.
July 24 Monday Went to Troy in waggon with Geo. & wife to Luther’s. Mailed letter there to Bishop. Bought cradle & other things to the amount of $5.74. Took tea at Luther’s on return. At night, went with Harvey & drove 2 heifers to Bunyan’s.
July 25 Tuesday Philander came to cradle wheat & Luman raked & bound. Ground my axe & chopped a part of the afternoon & then went to setting up wheat until 5 o’clock when we had to leave off on account of a shower.
July 26 Wednesday Put up the wheat that was left bound & wed carrots in the forenoon, & in the afternoon chopped in the fallow. Luman finished cradling that field & raked & bound a part of it. Harvey unwell.
July 27 Thursday Wed carrots a short time in the morning and chopped in the fallow through the day. Boys finished raking and putting up wheat in the upper field & cut 2 acres by the house.
July 28 Friday Wrote a letter to D. Down in Windsor Fayette Co. Iowa. Boys finished putting up wheat and in the afternoon Luman chopped with me in the fallow. Harvey mowing ????
July 29 Saturday Morning rainy & continued through the forenoon. Afternoon went to chopping with the boys and Wallace. Lurenda came home from Troy, having been there about three months.
July 30 Sunday Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Heard discourse from Br. Rockwell and returning called at Br. Churchill’s and took tea. Eliza came home from Franklin. In the evening sent the boys to Bunyan’s.
July 31 Monday Worked in the fallow with the boys chopping. In the forenoon a little rain and Harvey went to put caps on wheat that had fallen off. In the evening John Bush called & staid over night.
August 1 Tuesday In the forenoon chopped in the fallow. Boys hauling wheat. A shower towards noon. Eliza went back to her school. Chopped in the afternoon & boys finished hauling the wheat. Warm day.
August 2 Wednesday Morning cloudy and a little rain. Afternoon fair. Employed with the boys in the fallow chopping. Dr. Drake called in the afternoon & took Fremont home.
August 3 Thursday Boys went to Bunyan’s in the morning. I went to the corners & bought some matches. Harvey chopped with me in the fallow and Luman cradled oats.
August 4 Friday Chopped in the fallow with Harvey. Finished the under brushing. Luman cradled oats & nearly finished the field over the creek. In the evening Brigham & Valentine called.
August 5 Saturday Wrote a letter in the morning to A. L. Cranmer of Monroe. Chopped with the boys in the forenoon, & in the afternoon went to the P.O. & sent the boys to finish the chopping.
August 6 Sunday Went to meeting at LeRoy in company with Br. Brigham on horseback. Br. Rockwell spoke. After meeting returned immediately home. Eliza came home in company with Mr. Varney & his wife in the morning.
August 7 Monday Cool morning. Went down to the store at the corners & carried 22 1/2 lbs. butter. & then went over the creek to raking oats with Luman. Harvey unwell. Borrowed half bu. salt of Harry Bailey.
August 8 Tuesday A slight frost in the morning. Raked and bound oats with the boys in the forenoon & in the afternoon rigged the waggon & hauled three loads into the barn. Engaged Norman to help.
August 9 Wednesday Another light frost. Norman & Newell Phinney came to mow. Boys finished raking & hauling oats on the hill. Burned fallow. Raked & hauled 2 loads hay Daniel came from Litchfield –
August 10 Thursday Worked in the forenoon at fencing lower side of fallow. Had Phinney & his 2 boys and Norman to help at haying. Hauled 3 loads & left about 2 tons in cock. Valentine & Dan here at night.
August 11 Friday Worked at & finished the fence below the fallow. Had the boys assisted by Norman and Phinney’s 2 boys, at haying. Hauled 4 loads & left about a ton & a half in cock. Went to the store & got 15 lbs sugar.
August 12 Saturday Wrote letters to J. H. Black of Wyalusing & Judge Ackley of Tuscarora. Had Norman & Allen Phinney to help at haying. Did not haul any. Amanda came from Troy with Burch. Rec. from Grow 2 vols. Patent office reports.
Aug. 13 Sunday Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Reynolds spoke. Mailed to my letters there. Rode home with Elon. Found Mr. Hammond & his wife at my house, they having brought Eliza home, who had concluded her school.
August 14 Monday In the morning went up to the mill. Luman cradling oats in the forenoon, Wallace mowing & Norman & Harvey assisting me to haul hay. Hauled 6 loads. In the afternoon the boys mowed. Drouth very severe.
August 15 Tuesday Went to the morning to see if the fire in the woods could be stopped. Found it impracticable. Luman finished cradling oats & Norman raked & bound. Afternoon Wallace assisted at the hay. Hauled 4 loads & 2 of oats.
August 16 Wednesday Raked & bound the residue of oats, Luman & Norman mowing. Afternoon hauled a load of oats & 1 of hay, & then with the boys had to go up to Drake’s south fields to fight fire.
August 17 Thursday Went up on to the hill to watch and and attend to the fire in Dr. Drake’s fields. Took dinner at Br. Rockwell’s. Jeremy Bailey & his wife visited that our house. Boys worked at haying.
August 18 Friday Spent the day on the hill, attending to the fire. Had Harvey come in the afternoon to assist me. Luman mowed & worked at the hay alone. Daniel returned from Ralston.
August 19 Saturday Spent the day as previously in watching & attending to the fire. Boys at work at haying. Harvey with me in the afternoon. Rec. per mail a package of large hand bills in relation to the state Agricultural fair.
August 20 Sunday The drouth grows more severe, and fires continue to rage in woods and fields. Went with the boys to watch & attend the fires by James Gees. Dr. Drake came for Lurenda.
August 21 Monday Channels of the creek in some places are becoming dry. My fires abating, having nearly become spent. Watched them during the day, boys at work mowing & raking hay.
August 22 Tuesday In the forenoon started to go to Luther’s. Met him on the road and went on to Harry’s. Engaged John to help about the hay. Boys at work in the meadow. In the afternoon hauled in 4 loads of hay
August 23 Wednesday Luman employed in mowing, and John and Harvey raked some and assisted me to haul. Got in 5 loads of hay. Windy and cloudy & the atmosphere very smoky through the day. Few drops of rain fell.
August 24 Thursday Wallace mowed with Luman. John & Harvey worked with me turning & raking. Called upon by Mr. Edminster from Athens, & after him by Mr. Russell of Ulster with took dinner with me. Hauled 3 loads. Attended to fire in afternoon.
August 25 Friday Worked at haying. Luman & John finished the mowing. Spent the afternoon with wife at Elon’s. Boys hauled in 2 loads of hay. Thunder shower passed over at the north raining only a few drops here. Drouth very severe, vegitation withering.
August 26 Saturday Luman worked for Brigham loging for Elon in the forenoon. Harvey assisted me at the hay. Hauled 2 loads, which finished the business. Shower in the afternoon. Burnt stumps below the barn.
August 27 Sunday Walked to meeting at LeRoy Br. Reynolds spoke. Rode back with Br. Churchill & took tea there. Called at Br. Rockwell’s his wife being sick. Reached home about sundown.
August 28 Monday Went with wife, Eliza & Mary to Luther’s. Harvey came there in the afternoon. Went to R.R. to see the cars. They had passed a few minutes before we arrived. Luman worked for Brigham in the forenoon.
August 29 Tuesday Worked at burning & digging out pine stumps in the meadow below the barn. The boys hauled wood in the forenoon, and in the afternoon worked with me.
August 30 Wednesday Commenced working in the fallow with the boys, chopping & sawing logs. Called upon by Judge Wilber & Mr. Peck of Troy. In the afternoon walked to LeRoy to see Esqrs. Kelly & Knapp.
August 31 Thursday Went with the boys to work in the fallow, Luman chopping & Harvey assisting me to pile & burn the logs & poles. In the afternoon there were showers. Called at Brigham’s & took tea with Stockwell. Rec. of Jeff. $15.
September 1 Friday Mr. Stockwell called upon me a short time in the morning. Employed with Harvey piling logs & poles in the fallow. Luman worked with Wallace logging for Randolph Bailey. A little rain in the morning, & shower at night.
September 2 Saturday Logged with the boys in the forenoon. Afternoon prepared for going to meeting at Canton. Rec. letters from Royce in Franklin & Esther Harris in Gt Barrington. Attended primary meeting, & with wife went to Stephen Landon’s.
September 3 Sunday Went from Landon to Canton meeting. Heard discourse from Br. Apperson & 2 from Br. Shepard. Took tea at Stockwell’s & after evening service staid over night at Br. E. Rockwell’s where we had called & took dinner.
September 4 Monday Called myself & took breakfast at Br. Bothwell’s. Wife went in cars with Br. Shepard to his house in Troy. Followed with carriage & took dinner at Br. Shepard’s, & then went to Drake’s. After tea, returned home.
September 5 Tuesday Went to Towanda with Darius Ross. Paid Montange’s $15. on note, Attended convention in the evening & returned home in the night. Luman worked for Valentine at Barnes’ counting boards. Day remarkably warm.
September 6 Wednesday Arrived home at 4 o’clock in the morning. Boys went to work in the fallow. Assisted them in the afternoon & towards night put fire to the piles. Geo. called in the evening & at bed time a light shower.
September 7 Thursday Worked with the boys at logging and picking up on the fallow. Dr. Drake came down from Troy with Amanda. Called in the evening a little while at Brigham’s.
September 8 Friday Spent the day on the fallow with the boys logging and chopping and sawing railcuts and saw logs. Weather very warm and dry and in the evening a shower. Wife went up to Samuel’s today with sick child.
September 9 Saturday Worked in the forenoon on the fallow with the boys Dr. Drake came down from Troy & brot. with him Uncle Hale, who took dinner with us. In the afternoon, visited at mother’s. Showery in the afternoon & rainy through the night. Letter from Dan.
September 10 Sunday Rainy in the morning and thro. the day. Went down to mother’s and staid with uncle till after dinner. Water high in the stream. Wife went to Samuel’s in the afternoon to see their sick child. Staid all night.
September 11 Monday Morning clear and cool. Went with the boys to work on the fallow. Chopped and saw logs in the forenoon and in the afternoon piled logs. Valentine called & tarried over night.
September 12 Tuesday Worked with the boys in the forenoon on the fallow. Spent the afternoon with Uncle Hale who called to visit us, he at night returning to Mother’s. Daniel came from Athens & tarried with us.
September 13 Wednesday Worked in the forenoon with the boys loging in the fallow. In the afternoon visited with uncle Hale who with Mother & Eliza came to our house. Dr. Drake called & took supper with us & then returned home with Amanda.
September 14 Thursday Worked at loging, chopping & sawing rail timber in the fallow Have Wallace to help us. Uncle Hale & mother went away after dinner. Engaged Br. Rockwell to speak at funeral of Samuel’s child.
September 15 Friday Worked with Harvey in the forenoon, Luman being unwell. In the afternoon attended the funeral of Samuel’s child, Br. Rockwell officiated. In the evening went to the corners to make arrangements for going to Canton.
September 16 Saturday Spent the forenoon in getting ready to go to Canton. In the afternoon went to the Summit with wife, uncle Hale & mother, and Samuel & his wife, & took the cars. Luman drove back the carriage. Called & staid at Stockwell’s
September 17 Sunday Attended meeting in the forenoon and heard Br. Rogers. After meeting we all went to John Griffin’s and took tea and at night with my wife returned to Stockwell’s. Uncle Hale & mother remained at Griffin’s.
September 18 Monday Took the cars again at 9 o’clock a.m. & returned to Granville summit. Found the boys with carriage ready. Bid uncle Hale good bye, and returned home. In the afternoon went to work with the boys in the fallow. Rec. letter from Sec. Ag. Society
September 19 Tuesday Showery through the night & water high in streams. Day cloudy and cool. Worked with the boys in the fallow, chopping, sawing rail timber and piling logs. Valentine called..
September 20 Wednesday Several thunder showers in the course of the previous night. Cloudy and quite cool through the day. Employed with the boys in the fallow at loging, chopping &c.
September 21 Thursday In the morning a general frost. Weather cool & unpleasant. Spent the day in the fallow with the boys, chopping and piling logs and burning logs heaps.
September 22 Friday Morning pleasant & day fair. Worked in the with the boys chopping and piling logs. Mrs. Varney called in the afternoon with her daughter and took tea. She brought to school order for Eliza for $21.00.
September 23 Saturday Weather pleasant. Being unwell with an attack of cholera, morbus, did not attend to any business. Luman complaining in the same way, also remained about the house. Gathered peaches
September 24 Sunday Very pleasant and fair. Feeling some better, went up to the huddle to meeting with brother Brigham. After meeting went with wife to see mother a little while. Returning met Br. Rockwell who had called.
September 25 Monday Had an attack in the night of pain in the stomach. Better in the morning & wrote to Franklin with Jefferson & rec. $21. Eliza’s wages. Called at steam mill. Came home & worked a little while in fallow with the boys. Heard of suicide of Newton(?)
September 26 Tuesday Mailed letter at Franklin to Bogart of Towanda. Worked with Harvey in fallow, piling brands, picking up & burning. Luman hauling office saw logs & rail cuts with Harry Bailey’s oxen. Bunyan called in the evening
September 27 Wednesday Wrote statement of road damages for Henry. Employed with the boys on the fallow branding, picking up & burning. Had H. Bailey’s oxen. Coming from work towards night met engineers on the flat surveying rail road.
September 28 Thursday Worked on the fallow with the boys, hauling brands with the mare. In the evening went down to the Exchange. Engineers having completed their survey returned to Greenwood.
September 29 Friday Employed on the fallow with the boys & 1 horse branding and cleaning off. Eliza came home from S.A. Rockwell’s to attend teacher’s examination. Br. Rockwell called for her in the evening.
September 30 Saturday Business of the day same as yesterday. Had Brigham’s oxen in the afternoon, Reader having the mare to go to Canton. Received letter from J. M. Wattles, written from Troy he having called here on Tuesday last
October 1 Sunday Br. Rockwell brought Eliza home in the morning. Rode back with him on my way to LeRoy to meeting. Walked with him from his house and returning called & took supper with him. Lurenda came home from Troy.
October 2 Monday Had Brigham’s oxen to haul logs and brands on the fallow where we were employed through the day. Dr. Drake came at night with little boys and staid over night.
October 3 Tuesday Rainy during the night and continued through the morning. Worked on the fallow about half the day with Brigham’s oxen & nearly finished. Carried some butter to Stevens, paid him up & bought some sugar
October 4 Wednesday Weather unpleasant. Cleared off floor and regulated barn for threshing. Put on flooring of 150 sheaves and put on Pop & two year old colt to thresh. Took the colt from the mare. Got drag teeth sharpened.
October 5 Thursday Carried went to corners to send to Troy to be carded. Sent Pop to the shop to be shod. Went over to fallow and fired 2 keeps that were left. Luman finished the threshing of wheat on the floor.
October 6 Friday In the forenoon repaired the drag and the boys cleaned up the wheat, went to the corners and got the waggon, and carried the drag &c. over to the fallow. Sowed 1 1/2 bu. wheat, Luman dragging. Stephen called.
October 7 Saturday Sowed 1 1/2 bu. wheat, Luman drove the team and Harvey & I finished picking up & clearing off the fallow. In the afternoon went to help raise school house at the corners. Called Samuel to prescribe for wife. Swelling on her face.
October 8 Sunday Walk to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Palmer discoursed on the subject of Elders & their duties. Returning called at Br. Churchill’s and took tea. Came home, & found wife no better, her face badly swelled & very painful.
October 9 Monday Samuel called in the morning to see wife, her face getting no better. Went to West Burlington to see Mr. Stevens. Luman went to crop dragging wheat and Harvey picking and shelling some corn.
October 10 Tuesday In the forenoon boys worked on the fallow. Luman dragging and Harvey picking up. Attended the election at the corners, myself Wife suffered considerably through the day. Samuel called 3 times.
October 11 Wednesday Went to attend damage view for my brother, on the new road. Called to see sister Sally who is sick. Took supper there. Boys employed threshing and preparing wheat to sow. Wife some better
October 12 Thursday sowed 3 bushels sweet which completed the fallow. Luman employed dragging. Wife had considerable pain for part of the night but better this morning. Bought some salve of Mr. Bates. Dr. Shepard called.
October 13 Friday Went over to Bunyan’s and worked for him at shingling his house. Luman employed at dragging in wheat and Harvey about the house. In the afternoon & evening, wife not so well.
October 14 Saturday Rainy. Remained about the house principal part of the day. Called Samuel to see wife, her case appearing more favorable. Repaired Palm. Luman in the forenoon dragged on fallow.
October 15 Sunday Went to the huddle to meeting Br.Hurlburt did not attend. Samuel called again to see wife Lurenda came home to see her mother and returned to Luther’s. Sally some better.
October 16 Monday Whitespace appeared better, discharging freely. Luman finished the dragging in the forenoon & then cradled a little buckwheat in the afternoon. Harvey and I gathered a few apples.
October 17 Tuesday Samuel called again to see wife. Her face appears to be getting better, discharging considerably, and swelling updating. Picked & brought in ???? apples. Luman finished cutting buckwheat.
October 18 Wednesday Called a cloudy with squalls of snow. Went to the corners & afterwards gathered a few winter apples. Boys picking corn. Bunyan’s boys brought some corn and got some apples.
October 19 Thursday Morning cool and cloudy with a sprinkling of snow on the ground. John Bush called and left some upper leather for Luman a pair of shoes. Gathered apples part of the day, boys picking corn.
October 20 Friday Hard frost in the morning Day care. Gathered winter apples part of the day. Cut out pair shoes for Luman. Posted accounts for Griffin. Boys picked corn in forenoon & in afternoon helped Brigham thresh.
October 21 Saturday Boys helped Brigham again in the forenoon, and any afternoon Mr. Stiles brought in machine to my barn & threshed my wheat & oats. Had Brigham’s 3 boys and Manville Bailey to help.
October 22 Sunday walk to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Rockwell being absent Br. Churchill occupied the desk. Called at P. O. and got Harbinger and at Br. Churchill’s & took tea. Lurenda came home.
October 23 Monday Boys employed again at picking corn. Henry called and staid some time in the course of the day. Went to the corners towards night. Isaac called in the evening.
October 24 Tuesday Worked part of the day in the shoe shop. Put it in order and closed Luman’s shoes. Boys Picked corn. Went down to Mothers in the afternoon. Wm. Elliott called & tarried over night
October 25 Wednesday Worked part of the day in the shoe shop at Luman shoes. Afternoon repaired bars at the barn yard. Boys employed at gathering apples. Brigham called in the evening
October 26 Thursday Employed in shoe shop Finished Luman’s shoes & commenced repairing my boots. Boys hauled load of wood and gathered the pumpkins.
October 27 Friday Finished my boots and then commenced
putting on the roof on part of Carl house that had been
left. Posted some of Griffin’s accts. Boys gathered apples in forenoon
and dug potatoes in the afternoon. Weather very pleasant.
October 28 Saturday Worked at the roof of cow house part of the day and got it ready for shingling. Boys dug potatoes. Valentine called towards night. Heman Bush came with his wife & stayed overnight Rec 3 nos. Ladies Christian Annual
October 29 Sunday Heman & his wife started for Canton. Walk to LeRoy to meeting heard Br. Rockwell and took tea with him on my return. Came home & found Dr. Drake had been here & took Lurenda home with him
October 30 Monday Cloudy with occasional showers or frame through the day. Worked part of the time at shingling cow house Luman helped Elon at threshing through the day and Harvey dug potatoes at intervals between the showers. Valentine staid
October 31 Tuesday Finished putting on the shingles to the cow house and commenced arranging things in the cellar. Bright rainbow in the morning. Luman helped Elon in the forenoon & afternoon dug potatoes
November 1 Wednesday In the morning went to Griffin’s shop to get stove rods mended, and bought from Presh? a bundle of fruit trees. Completed arrangements in the cellar & boys put in the potatoes and cleaned about 20 bu. oats. Br. Abel Rockwell called.
November 2 Thursday Engaged the principal part of the day setting out fruit trees assisted by the boys. Towards night the boys a spell at cleaning oats. In the evening Georg and Amy called.
November 3 Friday Employed the fore part of the day in sorting and separating corn. In the afternoon rode down to the steam mail. Boys finished cleaning oats and raked the buckwheat.
November 4 Saturday Sorted corn part of the day. Br. Rockwell called to see about getting some boards. Went down to the mill with him. Messrs Brigham & Andrews & ladies called. Boys went to mill. Rec. letter from Wattles.
November 5 Sunday Weather cold but the day clear and pleasant. Remained at home during the day. At night Dr. Drake and Amanda and their little girl came and tarried over night.
November 6 Monday Finished sorting the corn. The Dr. went over to his farm to set out fruit trees. At night Amanda went there & staid. Several women here in afternoon for visit. Boys hauled some wood & the buckwheat.
November 7 Tuesday Worked in the waggon house in the forenoon & in the afternoon went with wife to visit at Luther’s. Boys threshed & cleaned buckwheat Valentine called & tarried over night. Evening rainy.
November 8 Wednesday Cloudy & cold. Worked some at shed frame and put handles on some apples knives. Luman commenced plowing on the hill. Valentine started for Towanda in the afternoon. Sent by him for Mrs. Chesley’s deed
November 9 Thursday Weather more moderate in afternoon fair. Repaired some fences & ground apple knives. Luman worked for Phinney at the steam mill. Harvey plowed on the hill.
November 10 Friday Worked some at repairing fences and by the road, and stocked up some lumber which had lain there some time. Luman worked for Phinney and Harvey plowed. Valentine returned.
November 11 Saturday Worked at repairing fence at the upper end of corn field & setting stakes around apple trees Luman worked for Phinney and Harvey plowed on the hill
November 12 Sunday W to meeting at the huddle and heard discourse by Br. Hurlburt. Dr. Drake came and brought Lurenda home from Troy. He returned to Troy.
November 13 Monday Went up to Samuel’s and called that Levi Taylor’s. Br. Hurlburt came home with me and we went down to see the steam mill. He tarried with me. Boys employed as saturday
November 14 Tuesday In the morning visited with Br. Hurlburt. Paid him $1. for the Harbinger. Assisted Harvey O. Little at plowing and worked at staking apple trees and chores Luman worked again for Phinney. George called
November 15 Wednesday In the morning ground covered with snow. Worked about the waggon house and at the frame for shed. Luman plowed and Harvey dug carrots in the afternoon. Wrote to Wattles
November 16 Thursday A little more snow this morning, sufficient to cover the ground Day cloudy & cool. Worked at the frame some. Luman after getting mare shod went to plowing. Valentine called
November 17 Friday Morning cloudy with a sprinkling of snow again, which continued to fall at intervals through the day. Worked with the boys at leveling the ground in front of the barn. Samuel & his wife called & took tea.
November 18 Saturday Morning fair. Worked some at laying stone for cellar and underpinning at the shed. Luman commenced plowing the orchard above the house Harvey worked at the carrots.
November 19 Sunday Walk to meeting at LeRoy. Heard Br. Miller. Got Harbinger at P. O. Returning called and took tea with Br. Churchill & stopped at Br. Rockwell’s. Weather cold
November 20 Monday Pleasant day. Worked at laying stone and framing some Luman finished plowing orchard and began the peace East. Harvey pulled some carrots. Valentine called & staid over night.
November 21 Tuesday Weather fair. Let Valentine have 2 year old colt, he to pay me wherever he can afford over and above what I owe him. Worked at framing. Luman finished plowing the field above the house.
November 22 Wednesday Carried 5 Bu. dried apples to Stephens at $1. per Bu. Worked at frame part of the day. Luman went to mill & commenced to plow in the west orchard. Harvey finished bringing in carrots.
November 23 Thursday Thanksgiving day. Worked at the shed framing & laying stone. Luman plowing. Weather quite warm. Viletta came in the afternoon and Jackson at night and took supper. George called in evening.
November 24 Friday Walked down to the steam mills and to Metturs to have their road taxes settled. Rec order on commissioners from Geo. Metturs for $4.00. Luman finished the plowing in west orchard. Rainy.
November 25 Saturday Attended meeting of the Road Commissioners at the huddle to make returns as pathmaster. Obtained 2 orders amounting to $5.08 – Luman continued plowing above the orchard. Samuel called in the afternoon
November 26 Sunday Walk to meeting at LeRoy. Heard Br. McDougal deliver funeral discourse & afterwards and addressed to the church. Called her Br. Churchill’s & Br. Rockwell’s Family went to hear Br. Hurlburt at the huddle in the evening
November 27 Monday Weather cold a sprinkling of snow. Worked at hewing timber and framing shed. Luman worked for Phinney and Harvey plowed in the afternoon. Valentine called in the forenoon & Samuel afternoon.
November 28 Tuesday Went to cold spring a lot with Elias Smith & sold him 137 logs at 12 1/2 cents a log, & the residue of pine timber for $5. – Barna Turner paid $20 on note. Luman worked for Phinney & Harvey plowed. Attended meeting in the evening
November 29 Wednesday Worked at framing and burning stumps east of the waggon house Day pleasant & warm. Br. Churchill called to see me in the morning Luman went to Bunyan’s & brought home heifer Daisy and then plowed the rest of the day
November 30 Thursday Called to the corners to see Mr. Weirman Chief Engineer of Barley R.R. & Coal Co. Went with him to the huddle & down to the steam mill. Employed by him to obtain the right of way for R.R. Luman worked for Phinney. Evening went to Leroy.
December 1 Friday Returned from LeRoy at 1 o’clock in the morning. Made preparations and attended to the butchering off my hogs. Had Br. Brigham to assist. Afternoon Luman went with girls to see the steam mill.
December 2 Saturday Visited with Luther and Sally, who called and spent principal part of day with us. Paid him $10. Wm. Bates and Decator Pepper also called a short time. Luman worked for Phinney. Rec. $2. from Elias Smith
December 3 Sunday Snow commenced falling & continued to afternoon. Remained at home on account of storm, to take care of cattle and stock. Began to snow again towards night
December 4 Monday Highh winds and stormy. Went up to the Huddle, attended meeting at the schoolhouse. Br. Hurlburt spoke. Rebecca Ross immersed. Bought a basket of Isaac. Paid L. D. Taylor $3.89 in full.
December 5 Tuesday Wind continues and snow badly drifted. Attended to matters at the barn fixing stables &c. & bringing carrots into the cellar. Luman hauled some wood. Bunyan called, also Samuel & his wife. Drake called.
December 6 Wednesday Weather more moderate. Went with wife in the cutter to the store at the Steam Mill. Took along some butter, onions, & dried apples, & bought a shawl for Eliza & other things to the amount of $10. Evening George & Amy called.
December 7 Thursday Cold weather. Put up some cents below the barn and worked a repairing stables for cattle & taking care of stock. Luman commenced getting logs to the mill Hauled 8.
December 8 Friday Weather continues cold & sleighing good. Worked about the barn and took care of the stock. In the evening went down to the Corners. Luman hauled 10 logs. Valentine called.
December 9 Saturday Went out to the morning in the employ of the Barclay C. & R.R. Co. To obtain right of way through the township. Went as far as Marcus Ayers’ and returned in the evening. Luman hauled 12 logs to the mill.
December 10 Sunday Weather warmer & thought some. Went in cutter with wife to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Reynolds spoke. After meeting called and took tea at John Bush’s. Came home & found sister Rosina at our house.
December 11 Monday Weather continues moderate. Went down the road as far as Franklin to compromise with the owners of land, for right of way for R.R. Wm. Bunyan killed by fall of tree. Luman hauled 10 logs.
December 12 Tuesday Went with wife to Troy. Went by way of Bunyan’s and took Lurenda there to assist them. Wrote & mailed letter at Troy to John Jackson, Havana. Returning called at Luther’s. Paid, Pomeroy $12 and got Barrel salt.
December 13 Wednesday Went with sleigh to funeral at Mr. Bunyan’s. After burial repaired to meeting house in Windfall where service was performed by Mr. Camp. Returned to Mr. Bunyan’s house with wife, & after tea, came home. Elias Smith sent me $2.00 –
December 14 Thursday Engaged in obtaining the right of way for R. R. Co. Went down as far as the Steam Mill. Luman hauled 10 logs to the mill. In the evening Burch called & tarried over night.
December 15 Friday Rode to Troy with Burch. Met Bunyan there & with him took dinner at Drake’s. Got my pan I had left there. Returned with Burch, Luman hauled 1 log & got mare shod. Br. Champney & Valentine called in the evening.
December 16 Saturday Went around in the north western part of the township to obtain right of way for R.R. Boys employ chopping wood & getting mare shod. Rec’d letter from Mr. Weirman at Elmira. George & Amy called.
December 17 Sunday Snow commenced falling in the morning, & continued moderately through the day. Remained at home. Children went to meeting and wife went to see her sister Eliza, who is sick and stayed with her till night.
December 18 Monday Attended to chores at the barn, went to the sawmill to prepare place for logs, and assisted the boys some about loading. Luman hauled 11 to the mill. In the evening Cyrus Holcomb called.
December 19 Tuesday Employed about the barn taking care of the cattle and regulating the stables. Boys engaged hauling logs. Hauled 15 to the mill. Valentine called the forepart of the day.
December 20 Wednesday Went over the creek in the forenoon to help Luman load some logs. Hauled 7 to the mill & in the afternoon he went with sleigh to carry some poultry to the Steam Mill. Cyrus came and put up with us.
December 21 Thursday Went with Luman and team to Steam Mill & put 1004 feet boards to haul to R.R. got Harvey pair boots $3 & 1/2 Gal oil 5p. Afternoon ground axe. Luman hauled 1 load & another from the mill to Brigham’s
December 22 Friday Ground broad axe, went to store at Steam mill & got Luman a pair of boots, and towards night went into the woods & fell a tree to hew. Luman hauled load of boards from Brigham’s & another from mill to R.R.
December 23 Saturday Wrote & mailed letter to Mr. Weirman at Towanda. Went to the woods and scored & hewed a plate. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R. R. Got pair worse blankets $2.00
December 24 Sunday Did not attended meeting, but remained at home, being lame in consequence of work I did yesterday. George and Amy called in the evening, and Valentine tarried over night.
December 25 Monday Christmas day and weather quite warm. Sleighing spoiled. Went with Harvey into the woods & scored & hewed another plate. Luman & the girls went with Erastus& others to their Uncle Stephen
December 26 Tuesday Warm weather continues. Worked with Harvey over the creek at getting out timber for the shed. Luman being unwell in consequence of a severe cold, did not engage in any business.
December 27 Wednesday Weather continues warm & foggy with a little rain. Worked at getting out timber over the creek with Harvey. Luman hauled some timber and at night cut his foot.
December 28 Thursday Ground tools, filed hand saw and worked some at frame. Thaw continues and creeks high. In the evening worked up posting Griffin’s books. Boys attended to chores.
December 29 Friday Cold & clustering. Worked some at the frame, and at posting books for Griffin. Went to the Corners to see about getting some plank sawed at the mill. George called in the evening. Mrs. Elliott came & staid over night.
December 30 Saturday Weather moderate & very pleasant. Worked at framing shed. Attended to settlement between Griffin and John Morrison. Received letter and blanks from Mr. Weirman.
December 31 Sunday Continues pleasant. Went to meeting
at the Huddle. Br. Hurlburt being sick Br. Rockwell delivered a discourse.
In the evening attended there again & heard Br. Hubbell