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1867 Diary of Luman Putnam of Granville
Transcribed by Betsy Shirk - bshirk2002@yahoo.com Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice Transcription copyright 2010 Betsy Shirk and Joyce M. Tice 1854 Diary and Introduction. Also access to many more LumanPutnam Diaries |
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Luman Putnam | Jerusha Bailey, his first wife |
L. Putnam’s Diary
Granville, Penn.
January 1st 1867
Tuesday, 1
Weather cloudy and cool. Attended to the calves, went for Amanda, down to Edwin Watkins and over to Kenyon’s to attend to her affairs and remainder of time spent about the house. Read the sixth Book of Cowper’s Task, and his Tirocinium.
Wednesday, 2
Day fair and pleasant. Besides the care of the calves, put up some potatoes for Amanda to send to Barclay to buy some coal with. Spent some time reading the Tribune and Cowper’s poems. Harvey hauled some wood. Leander & Orson called. So did Jeff. Rec’d. letter from Luman.
Thursday, 3
Weather same as yesterday. Attended to the calves and worked a little at the stable. Harvey worked part of the time at mending shoes. Br. Wells was here the principal part of the day but went away at night. Amanda and Lucella with us in the evening.
Friday, 4
Partially cloudy. Continues mild. Took care of the calves and worked some at the stable. Harvey chopped some wood and did the chores. Br. Wells here today and tonight. Isaac called. Wife went up to Mary’s and stays over night. Received a letter from sister Lydia.
Saturday, 5
Cloudy, snowing some at night. Attended to the calves, did a little more to the stable, and afternoon went up to attend an old folks’ visit at Isaac’s finding wife at Burton’s. Harvey and Lizzie went down to Allen Wooden’s. Br. Wells here thro the day, away at night.
Sunday, 6
Cloudy & cold, snowing a little. Did not attend meeting today. Attended to the calves and cleaned out their stable, fearing that it won’t freeze up again. Wrote a letter to Luman. Had no company today, except the family.
Monday, 7
Cold blustering day. Harvey got Jack’s horse and took his ma up to Valentine’s. I walked up there in the middle of the day, calling at the P.O. to leave letter and get the Tribune. At night we walked up to Luther’s & found Sally very badly off with swelled face. Staid all night.
Tuesday, 8
Day cold and partially cloudy. Sally’s face a little better with prospect of discharging soon. Orson and Harriet came there. We remained with them till nearly night and then went down to Valentine’s again & staid over. Adolphus and his wife there in evening.
Wednesday, 9
Cloudy and a little more mild. After breakfast we came home with Valentine’s mare and cutter. Brought Fred along with us. Smiley and Lurenda came over and went home towards night. Valentine called for his mare and cutter and boy. Judge Mercur sent Agricultural Reports for 1864 &1865.
Thursday, 10
Mild & pleasant. Cloudy towards night. Took care of the calves, wrote a letter to Annette Bruce, carried it up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, and at night chopped a little wood for the Library. Harvey chopped and hauled a number of drags of wood.
Friday, 11
Cloudy and colder. Attended to the calves as usual, and split about a cord of stove wood, and carried it into the Wood House and piled it there. Spent the remainder of the time in the Library reading the Tribune. Harvey chopped wood.
Saturday, 12
Pleasant but cold. Spent some time with the calves finding water & getting them to it. Split & piled some wood wrote letter to Hon Edgar Cowan, U.S. Senate, & Hon. J. M. Broomall of the H.R. Rec’d. letter from Hon. U. Mercur & Pamphlet from Mr. Webb. Harvey chopped wood.
Sunday, 13
Cloudy, snowy and cold. Did not attend meeting today having to spend so much time in taking care of the calves, on account of the difficulty of watering them. Br. Wells called in the morning and afternoon. No other company.
Monday, 14
Cloudy & cold. Fair towards night. Spent some time with the calves finding water for them &c. Went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and some articles out of the store, and split stove wood. Harvey was away fox hunting. Br. Wells here to night.
Tuesday, 15
Pleasant, but continues cold. Attended to the calves, having to drive them over to the further creek to water. Spent the remainder of time about the house. Br. Wells went away at night. Elon called. Harvey hauled wood for Amanda. Burton and Mary and Mrs. Ross were here. Gib. Baxter called.
Wednesday, 16
Cloudy and quite cold. Attended to the calves as usual, cleaned out the bed room that Br. Wells occupied, split some wood, and took care of the stock at the barn, Harvey having gone over to Barclay with Valentine. Br. Wells called in the afternoon.
Thursday, 17
Day blustering and cold. Took care of the calves as usual went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and a letter from Rhoda, now Mrs. Cook calling at Percival’s shop and at Orson’s and Harvey having gone fox hunting, took care of the other stock. Elon & Br. Wells called.
Friday, 18
Fair, but cold and blustering. Attended to feding and watering the calves in the forenoon and attended the election, but feeling unwell, left them to Harvey’s care at night. Called at the P.O. for my papers, found a letter from Daniel Bush.
Saturday, 19
Fair with cold N.W. wind. Attended to feeding and watering the calves. Orson Cole having come to get some hay, went with him over to Kenyon’s and helped him put on a load of half a ton. Harvey chopped some wood and went over and Rockwell get 250 lbs.
Sunday, 20
Cloudy, and continues cold. Smiley called in the morning. He came after Amanda, Lurenda being quite unwell. Attended meeting, with wife, at the Centre, Br. Wells discoursing. We called and took tea at Orson’s. Remainder of the family attended meeting at Corners in evening.
Monday, 21
More snow. Cloudy & more mild. Took care of the calves and went over and weighed 3100 hay sold to Ezra Smith. Towards night went over again and weighed a ton of hay for Mr. Stiles. Harvey was engaged in hunting and getting repaired a bobsled.
Tuesday, 22
Cloudy and cold, snowing some. Attended to feeding and watering the calves as usual. Went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and Reporter and spent some time reading them. Harvey attended to his chores, chopped some wood for Amanda and attended to some other matters.
Wednesday, 23
Cold, cloudy weather continues. Besides the care of the calves, did nothing more than to keep fire in the Library, spending my time there with my newspapers and books. Rec’d. Tribune Almanac. Harvey attended to the stock and went to the Center about BobSled.
Thursday, 24
Weather same as yesterday. Attended to my dayly task till afternoon, when Smiley being here with his sleigh, wife and I rode home with him we staid over night, he agreeing to take us up to Azor’s tomorrow, and Harvey undertaking the care of the calves.
Friday, 25
Cloudy & cold. Storm of sleet at night. After breakfast we went with Smiley & Lurenda up to Azor’s. After dinner they went home, but Hiram & his wife, Sam. Rockwell & his wife, Orlando Taylor & his wife, and Albert Pierce, & his wife were there, & staid till night. We staid over.
Saturday, 26
Continues cloudy and cold. In the afternoon, went with Azor & Eliza to the village. Sold my coupons at Pomeroy’s, bought large steelyard of Ballard, Scott’s Poems at Bookstore, and wallpaper for Dining Room at Perine’s. Azor got some oysters for supper. Staid over again.
Sunday, 27
A little more snow. Cold & blustering. After breakfast Azor came with his sleigh and brought me home. Wife did not come, we expecting that he would not be able to come all the way through on account of snow drifts. Lettie went home with him in the afternoon. Roads badly obstructed.
Monday, 28
Cloudy, blustering and cold. Besides attending to the calves and the Library fire, went over and weighed 833 lbs. of hay for Albert Moon and helped him put it on his sleigh. Rec’d. a letter from Benham, one from Mr. Atkins, and one from Mr. Broomhall.
Tuesday, 29
Fair. Cold weather continues. Attended to the calves and fire as usual. Went to the P.O. and got Tribune, Reporter, a letter from Luman and Smithsonian Report from Mr. Broomall. Harvey got his Bobsled in order & tried it with the steers. Azor & Eliza came down, bring wife & Letty home. Staid over.
Wednesday, 30
Fair & pleasant, but continues cold. Attended to the calves, chopped a little wood, and wrote a letter to Luman. Azor returned home alone, leaving Eliza to visit about the neighborhood till Sunday. Harvey chopped some wood for Amanda & cut & hauled some from over the creek.
Thursday, 31
Cloudy & not quite so cold. Took care of the calves, weighed 700 lbs of hay for Tice, wrote a letter to Rhoda, went to the P.O. & got the Tribune, a letter from sister Lydia, and a package of books from Mr. Cowan. Daniel Bruce is here, Eliza & Mary also, and Jack, Letty & Cain? were here this eve. Br. Wells this morn.
Friday, 1
Fair & warm, thawing considerable. Attended to my chores and spent some time with Smiley who came this forenoon after the corn sheller. Afternoon went up to Orson’s with all the women of the house for a visit. Met Luther and Sally there. Harvey chopped some wood & went a hunting.
Saturday, 2
Rainy, freezing as it fell. Attended to the calves and did nothing else except to read and visit. Br. Wells came in the morning and staid till afternoon, & Stephen & his wife came in the middle of the day & staid over night. Harvey hauled a drag of wood.
Sunday, 3
Rainy night, cloudy day thawing some. Remained at home, took care of the calves, and spent some time reading. Stephen and his wife went away after breakfast. Azor came soon after and towards night went home with Eliza, after which Orson and Daniel Bruce made a call. Harvey attended meeting at the Center.
Monday, 4
Fore part of day fair, latter part rainy. Attended to the calves and went up to the Post Office and got the Tribune. Harvey chopped and piled some wood for Amanda, went over and weighed 250 lbs. of hay, for Mr. Kenyon and attended to some other matters. Mr. Tice called.
Tuesday, 5
Cloudy & mild, snowing a little at night. Did nothing more than to attend the calves and the Library fire except some time spent in the Library reading and putting some of the books in order. Ed. called and spent some time with me. Harvey was over the creek chopping.
Wednesday, 6
Forenoon fair, afternoon snowy. Weather mild. Took care of the calves, wrote a letter to Wm. Meylert, carried it to the P.O. Received a letter from Lydia Caywood, bought some sugar, and spent remainder of the time reading. Harvey hauled the workbench up to the house and chopped and hauled wood.
Thursday, 7
Day mild and fair. Thaw continues. Attended to the calves, cleaned out their stable, and spent some time at at stripping stems from tobacco. Rod. went to P.O. & brought me the Tribune & a letter from Helen and Annett. Harvey hauled wood on bobsled.
Friday, 8
Thaw continues. Rainy at night. Attended to the calves as usual & did nothing more of any consequence, being troubled some of late with a lameness in my back. Spent most of the time at reading. Had no company or callers today. Harvey cut some wood & did some running about.
Saturday, 9
Rainy and thawing. Attended to the calves and worked some at the tobacco. Bunyan and Lament called, Bunyan staying till towards night. Ed. called & settled. Owe him $19.00 for bran. Harvey & Dorr hauled over 955 lbs. hay from Drake barn.
Sunday, 10
A little more snow. Cold again. Being a little unwell, remained about the house today, going out only to take care of the calves and fetch in wood. Family remained at home and had no other company except Br. Wells, who came at night and staid over.
Monday, 11
Cold south west wind. Very icy. Took care of the calves in the morning, then got ready and went to Troy with Mr. Bunyan, Levi Taylor, and Charles Lament on township business. Paid some demands on Drake’s Est. Harvey filed crosscut saw.
Tuesday, 12
Cloudy & clear. Weather mild. Attended to the calves and went up to the Center. After waiting at the store some time for the mail to arrive, received a letter from Luman and the Tribune. Br. Wells came & staid over. Harvey chopped stove wood.
Wednesday, 13
Cloudy & mild. Rainy at night. Attended to my chores and prepared some tobacco for smoking. Br. Wells went away in the middle of the day. Ed. called and spent some time. Harvey hauled over another load of the Drake hay. Evening, chimney burned.
Thursday, 14
Day cloudy and rainy. Creeks high. Did nothing more than my ordinary chores and write a letter to Luman. Remainder of the time spent reading. Harvey chopped some wood and in the afternoon went up to the Centre, carrying my letter & bringing the Tribune.
Friday, 15
Quite mild & partially fair. Attended to the calves as usual and put up some fence to keep the cattle away from the house. Spent the remainder of the time reading. Harvey went to West Burlington for a visit. Valentine called.
Saturday, 16
Sleet & rain. Fair at night. Plenty of mud. Attended to all the chores, Harvey being away. Kept Sunday in the forenoon, through a mistake as to the day. Afternoon worked at stripping stems from tobacco. At night found one of the steers under Luman’s barn. Got Elon & Franklin to help.
Sunday, 17
Day fair and warm. Did not not attend meeting today having all the chores to do. Smiley came over after Amanda, Lurenda having been confined with a daughter. In the afternoon Orson and Harriet made a call. Harvey and Lizzie returned at night.
Monday, 18
Continues fair and mild. Attended to the calves and spent a considerable portion of the time reading. Br. Wells came in the morning and staid till towards night. Harvey and Orson hauled hay from Amanda’s barn, half a ton for him, and a ton for ourselves.
Tuesday, 19
Weather about the same as yesterday. Attended to my usual employments and chores, and wrote a letter to my sister Lydia. Received a letter from Luman. Ed. called and spent some time with me. Harvey chopped a little wood. Allen Woodin and his wife came and staid over night.
Wednesday, 20
Snowstorm, continued all day. Besides my usual employments &c. wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins, and another to Daniel Bush, and chopped some wood for the Library fire – Harvey being away with his company, visiting at Volney Taylor’s, & staying in the evening.
Thursday, 21
Day cloudy, stormy, and wintry. Attended to my calves and fire as usual, and wrote two letters, one to Benham Andrus, and the other to his sister Lydia Caywood. Harvey letters to P.O. and brought the Tribune and Reporter. He chopped some wood.
Friday, 22
Moderate winter weather. Took care of the calves, chopped some wood for my fire in the Library, wrote a letter to my niece Mrs. Helen McElroy, and at night carried letters to P.O. & bought some stamps & envelopes. Ed called. Harvey hauled wood.
Saturday, 23
Weather about the same as yesterday. Attended to my chores and wrote a letter to Annette Bruce, and another to Hon. C. R. Buckalew. Smiley came over to bring Amanda home. Wife and I rode home with him. Harvey hauled some wood for Ed Watkins.
Sunday, 24
Thawed in the night and forenoon. Azor and Eliza met us at Smiley’s. Staid there till towards night and then Smiley took me in sleigh to to Mervet’s corners, & then I walked down to Luther’s & staid over night, wife remaining at Smiley’s for a few days.
Monday, 25
Some cooler but moderate. Remained at Luther’s till towards noon, then rode down to the store with Isaac, stopped there till mail came in, got Tribune called at Orson’s and took dinner there, came home, built a fire and spent the rest of the day reading.
Tuesday, 26
Fair and pleasant. Thawing. Attended to the calves and fixed the lock to one of the doors of the bookcase. Spent the remainder of the time reading. Harvey helped Burton to get a ton of hay at the Drake barn and chopped some wood at the house.
Wednesday, 27
Weather pleasant and mild. Attended to the calves and wrote two letters, one to George Brigham and the other to Luman. Lizzie also wrote to Luman, Harvey having recieved one from him yesterday. Ed. called and spent some time. Harvey chopped some wood.
Thursday, 28
Weather mild. Cloudy afternoon. Attended to the calves, having to bring hay for them from the Chattle barn. Ed. brought the Tribune from the P.O. & spent some time with me. Harvey made preparations to go tomorrow to move a barn for Loren Leonard.
Friday, 1
Cloudy & warm, raining some. Attended to the calves and at night did all the chores, Harvey having gone up to Loren’s with machine to move a barn. Spent remainder of time preparing tobacco for smoking and reading. Ed. made his daily visit.
Saturday, 2
Cloudy, raining a little in the morning. Attended to the calves and fed the cattle at the Chattle barn in the morning. spent the remainder of the time at work at work at my tobacco. Harvey returned from Lorens, the ground being too soft to work. He went to look for timber to make a scoup(?).
Sunday, 3
Cloudy and colder. A little fall of snow. Remained at home today and took care of the calves, having hay to bring from the Chattle barn. Smiley brought wife home, who is considerably unwell, and took Lettie home with him to stay a spell. Thomas Bush called and stays with us over night. He has cut his hand badly.
Monday, 4
Cloudy, thawing some. Had the care of all the stock today, Harvey having gone again to move that barn. Had company all day. Directly after Tommy left, Daniel Bruce came, next Willis Smiley, & then Mr. Bunyan came, & soon after Mr. Coon called.
Tuesday, 5
Fair and mild. Had all the chores on my hands today and hay to bring from the Chattle barn for the colts and calves. Went up to the store and bought five pounds of coffee and one of soda. Worked some at my tobacco. Harvey came home in eve.
Wednesday, 6
Cloudy and cooler. Brought hay from the Chattle barn and took care of the calves. Settled Dr. Drake’s accounts with Burton Baker. Paid Mr. Edsall $100 for grave stones procured for the Doctor & his children. Worked some at tobacco. Ed made a call.
Thursday, 7
Cloudy, with sleet, rain and snow. Brought hay and took care of the calves as usual, worked some at tobacco, read some, and spent some time with Dorr who called to see about hay matters. Harvey chopped some wood & went to the P.O. for Tribune.
Friday, 8
Partially fair & weather mild. Brought hay and attended to the calves, went over to Kenyon’s to see about hay matters, calling at Robert’s on my return. Harvey chopped wood at the house and over the creek. Ed. called. In evening Orson and Harriet and Tommy here.
Saturday, 9
Weather same as yesterday. Took care of calves, and put up some fences. Found the white cow dead. Harvey took off her skin and attended to some other things. Tommy went away after breakfast, and soon after Daniel Bruce came and after him Bunyan and Levi Taylor called.
Sunday, 10
Cloudy with rain towards night. Attended to the calves as usual, and also attended meeting at the Center in the forenoon and heard Br. Wells discourse. He returned home with me and tarried till towards night, and then he went over to Elon’s where he remained.
Monday, 11
Cloudy, thawy weather continues. Wrote a letter to J. H. Webb at Harrisburg and carried it up to the store, where it was signed by several others. Hollis Taylor took me up to the Summit in carriage, and went from thence in cars to Canton, went to John Griffin’s and staid overnight.
Tuesday, 12
Ground covered with snow. Rainy. After breakfast took the cars for the Summit. Stopped there an hour or more, then came on foot to Luther’s stopping some time and took dinner there. Then came on home calling at Valentine’s and at the store. Rec’d. letter & photographs from Luman Andrus.
Wednesday, 13
Cloudy, rainy, thawy, & very muddy. Attended to the calves, chopped some wood, and helped Burton weigh out and load a half ton of hay at the Drake barn. Mary was here, Br. Wells, and after him, Br. Hubbill came and staid over night. Miller called. Harvey away hunting.
Thursday, 14
Weather fair and cold. Took care of the calves and the Library fire, and did nothing more. Br. Hubbill went away in the middle of the day, and Br. Wells staid until towards night. Ed. made two calls. Lizzie received a letter from Luman.
Friday, 15
Fair, thawing a little. Attended to the calves, and in the afternoon went over the creek and tapped a couple of trees, but the sap did not run. Stephen and Elder C. Dodge called in the afternoon. Harvey chopped some wood over the creek, and weighed 500 hay.
Saturday, 16
Cloudy and snowy all day. Took care of the calves and wrote two letters, one to Luman Andrus, Wolcott, and the other to Mrs. Esther Kenyon, Schroon Lake, N. Y. Harvey, having Orson to help, got a half ton of hay from the Drake barn, and hauled some wood.
Sunday, 17
Continues cloudy, snowing a little. Attended to the calves and attended meeting at the Centre, Br. Wells officiating. Delivered my letters and received a letter from Daniel Bush and the Reporter. Smiley and Lurenda came over, bringing Letty home, & Daniel Bruce came, All staid over.
Monday, 18
Cold morning. Day fair. Attended to the calves and the fire, doing nothing nothing else except to go up to the P.O., but got nothing but the sun. Daniel went away after breakfast, & Smiley’s folks after dinner. Harvey made repairs about the barn & wagon house.
Tuesday, 19
Day fair and a little warmer. Attended to the calves and wrote a letter to D. G. Bush. Harvey, having Orson to help, hauled him a half ton of hay & same for ourselves. Azor & Eliza came in the forenoon. Julius called. John Vroman 2 called for witness fees in Drake’s case.
Wednesday, 20
Continues fair & growing warm. Attended to the calves, and towards night started with Benjamin for Towanda, driving down to his brother Thomas’ where we staid over night, leaving the chores in the morning for Letty, Harvey having gone to Troy with a load of grain to mill.
Thursday, 21
Snowstorm all day & east wind. After breakfast, we took Thomas’ covered carriage and went to Towanda. We called at the Register’s office, and several other places, and after finishing our business, returned to Thomas’, where on account of the storm, we tarried again.
Friday, 22
Weather mild and partially fair. After breakfast we hitched up and started for home. Went up to the P.O. & got the Tribune. Br. Wells here and staid all night. Harvey weighed a ton of hay for Elon & half ton for Newland, and also hauled a load of wood.
Saturday, 23
Cloudy and mild. Attended to the calves and went with Harvey over to the Drake barn & got 500 of hay, weighing out half a ton for Rob. Harvey is lame, having cut his ancle. Tom. was here this afternoon. Sent Reporter to Dan Bush, & two to Bruce.
Sunday, 24
Weather like yesterday. Remained at home today, took care of the calves and assisted Harvey in taking care of the other stock, on account of his lameness. Orson and Harriet, having been down to the Corners to meeting, called on their return.
Monday, 25
Partially fair and mild. Took care of the calves and partially of the other cattle. Cleaned out the stables, and went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune. Lincoln commenced work for Harvey. Orson helped them haul some hay. They hauled some wood . Ed called. Phil. Turner also.
Tuesday, 26
Fair and pleasant. Attended to the calves. Fixed some ropes in the stalls and tied up ten of them at night. Harvey and Orson and Lincoln weighed and hauled half a ton of hay for ourselves, and the same for Orson. Elon called at night.
Wednesday, 27
Cloudy with sprinkling of snow. Took care of the calves & worked a little at tobacco. Received letter from Helen McElroy. Lincoln hauled manure on to the flat. Harvey weighed 1700 of hay for Elon, ½ ton for Stiles, ½ ton for Monroe, & let Burton have 500. Elon called at night.
Thursday, 28
Snow in morning, fair in afternoon. Business about the same as yesterday. Went up to the P.O. in the middle of the day but got no mail. Julius & Robert called. Lincoln hauled manure on the flat, and also some wood. Harvey did not do much. Tommy came at night and staid over.
Friday, 29
Day fair with strong west wind. Attended to the calves, wrote a letter to Helen McElroy, and went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune. Lincoln worked at hauling manure and Harvey did something at cobbling. Mr. Verbeck called and Lowell Wooster was also here.
Saturday, 30
Day fair and warmer. Took care of the calves, turned them into the meadow above the house, put up some fence, and afternoon went over the creek and tapped 30 maple trees. Lincoln finished hauling manure on ground for spring wheat, Br. Wells came at night.
Sunday, 31
Day warm and pleasant. Attended to the calves and went up, with Br. Wells, to meeting at the Centre. Br. Hurlbert was the preacher. In the afternoon Orson and Harriet came in and made short stay. Harvey & Lincoln gathered the sap.
Monday, 1
Cloudy with a little rain. Took care of the calves and went over the creek and tapped a few more trees and boiled about 20 pails of sap down to syrup. Harvey and Lincoln worked at cutting wood over the creek, hauling to the house two loads. Elon called in the evening.
Tuesday, 2
Day fair and weather mild. Attended to the calves and spent the remainder of my time about the house, the most of it in the Library with my books and newspapers. Harvey & Lincoln were over the creek at work, chopping & sawing wood, hauling up some.
Wednesday, 3
Another pleasant day. Attended to the calves in the morning but being quite unwell, did nothing more through the day, lying in bed most of the time. Harvey and Lincoln sawed & split wood at the house. Elon called twice, Esq. Kelley called. Ed also called.
Thursday, 4
Another pleasant day. Am considerable better but staid about the house, leaving the calves to the care of the boys. Rec’d. a letter from Lydia, enclosing one from Annette & Daniel. Had calls from Orson & Julius. Harvey was away. Lincoln attended to various matters.
Friday, 5
Morning rainy, squalls at night. Went down to the barn in the morning, and in the afternoon walked up to Luther’s, intending to go to the Summit, & on the train to Troy tomorrow, calling at the store where I saw Mr. Bunyan, and at Valentine’s on the way.
Saturday, 6
Weather some colder. Fair. Had a very miserable night. Being so much out of order, gave up my intended trip to Troy, and being too unwell to return home, remained at Luther’s as quickly as possible, under Sally’s treatment and care. Considerable better at night.
Sunday, 7
Fair and some warmer. Feel considerable better. After breakfast Hiza brought me down to Valentine’s. Heard there that Luman returned on Friday night. Valentine, when he came down to meeting, brot me home. Harvey and Lizzie went to West Burlington. Br. Wells called in afernoon.
Monday, 8
Weather fair and pleasant. Not quite as well as yesterday. Kept about the house and remained quiet. Luman went to Alba and to Troy. Harvey and Lincoln made a gate and repaired fence along the road. Br. Wells came in the morning & staid till night.
Tuesday, 9
Pleasant weather continues. Remained about the house, feeling quite comfortable. Bowels continue diseased. Wrote a letter to sister Lydia. Harvey put up some fences. Lincoln commenced spreading manure on the flat. Luman went to Troy. Mr. Griffin & Charles Clark called.
Wednesday, 10
Cloudy with some rain. Wrote a letter to P. Allen & Son, ordering discontinuance of Pittsfield Sun, and carried letters to the P.O. Harvey went over to Smiley’s & got some Spring wheat for seed and a little hay and some straw. He is not very well. Lincoln continues to spread manure & do chores.
Thursday, 11
Principal part of day fair. Wrote a letter to Annette and sent two Reporters to Mr. Bruce and one to McElroy. Harvey carried them to P.O. Complaint much worse in afternoon. Harvey considerably out of order too. Lincoln did the chores and hauled manure. Luman at Valentine’s.
Friday, 12
Day fair and pleasant. Complaint appears to be better again. Feel quite comfortable but keep very still – part of the time in bed. Julius called to see me again. Harvey better, so that he has resumed his work but Lincoln is unwell and laid by.
Saturday, 13
Pleasant weather continues. My disorder appears to be a good deal better today. Remained about the house – a part of the time in bed. Eliza called to see me. Elon called in the evening. Harvey and Lincoln hauled manure. Harvey went to Godard’s sale in afternoon.
Sunday, 14
Weather same as yesterday. Br. Wells called in the morning to see me. Went up in the field to see the calves and give them some salt. Another relapse of dysentery. Elon and Joh Vroman called. Burton and Mary were here.
Monday, 15
Another pleasant day. Disorder appears to have abated. or rather to have been reversed. Remained in the house and wrote a letter to Daniel Bruce. Harvey went to mill with a load of grain for provender. Lincoln hauled and spread manure. Orson called in the forenoon.
Tuesday, 16
Day warm, cloudy and rainy. Made out and executed a deed of twenty acres of land to Harvey, and went with wife down to Robert’s and acknowledged it, calling at Julius’ and getting some stamps of Ed. Harvey and Lincoln cut some wood & worked some at fences.
Wednesday, 17
Great freshet. Day fair. Troubled now with costiveness. In the morning, sent Lincoln up to Orson’s for a dose of oil. Remained about the house doing nothing. Mr. Bunyan’s Ann called. Afternoon all the boys with the oxen & cart worked on the road to repair damages of flood.
Thursday, 18
Day fair and pleasant. Think I am a good deal better today. Wrote a letter to George Harris & put up a Reporter for him, carried them up to P.O. & got the Tribune and a letter from Mr. Atkins. The boys with teams &c worked on the road. Mr. Slater, a tinker, called & staid over night. Br. Wells too.
Friday, 19
Weather continues fair. In the afternoon, rode with Luman to Luther’s where I staid over night, with intention of going to Troy tomorrow. Luman went on to Alba to get his buggy repaired. Harvey and Lincoln, with the oxen and cart, continued to work on the road.
Saturday, 20
Rainy, with thunder in the afternoon. After breakfast, walked up to the station and took passage on the Express train to Troy. Went to the book store and bought Shakspeare’s works, called at all the principal stores for some clover seed but finding none, went up to Azor’s where I staid over.
Sunday, 21
Day partially fair. Remained at Azor’s through the day and over night, employed a considerable portion of the time with the National Baptist and other reading. Azor and Eliza also remained at home, he having a good many chores.
Monday, 22
Showery, with thunder in the afternoon. Continued my visit at Azor’s, and remained with them again over night, on account of the mud and rain. Spent a considerable portion of my time reading. Azor & Eliza went to town. Luman & Charles Kenyon called in the evening.
Tuesday, 23
Day fair and weather some cooler. After Azor had done his chores in the morning, he hitched up his team, and with Eliza came down and brought me home. Found Br. Wells here, who went away with them. Harvey & Lincoln had fixed the fence along the road & were getting ready to pull some stumps.
Wednesday, 24
Cloudy day, snowing in the forenoon. Spent the day in the house, doing nothing as usual, except a portion of the time spent in reading. Harvey & Lincoln with Luman to assist, pulled five pine stumps in Cherry lot, in the storm. Chopped over the creek afternoon. Ed called.
Thursday, 25
Day fair and pleasant. Went about the fields a little. Wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins and received one from Esther Kenyon. Luman went up to Azor’s after oats. Wife went with him up to Burton’s. Harvey finished Amanda’s stump fence in forenoon, & afternoon worked at turning creek off cherry lot.
Friday, 26
Fine fair day. Did nothing today except to write a letter to Mrs. Esther Kenyon, my sister Lydia’s daughter. Luman went with Percival and Orlando to serve a serve a search warrant. Harvey & Lincoln plowed diches and other work.
Saturday, 27
Cloudy & rain. Fair at night. Spent my time about the house, doing nothing except reading. Luman went to Alba. Harvey and Lincoln hauled some manure and some wood. Orson called in the forenoon, after him Orlando came in. Afternoon Elon called, and John Bush at night.
Sunday, 28
Frost in the morning. Day fair. Remained about home during the day, not going out further than the barn. Spent a considerable portion of the time reading. Luman was away, most of the time, & Harvey & Lizzie in the afternoon.
Monday, 29
Cloudy and rainy again. Went up to the Post Office and got the Tribune and Pittsfield Sun calling at Orson’s on my return. Spent some time reading of course. Lincoln hauled manure on the garden. Harvey did some cobling. Elon called in the morn.
Tuesday, 30
Forenoon Rainy. Helped some about clearing out the back kitchen and putting up the loom there. Amanda put up hers there also. Harvey and Lincoln commenced digging underdrains in cherry lot. Luman plowed some on his lot. Valentine called at eve.
Wednesday, 1
Heavy rain producing another flood. Staid about the house and read a considerable portion of the time. Luman went to Troy to mill. Stephen & his wife called in the latter part of the day & staid overnight. Elon called at night. Received Berkshire Courier from George Harris.
Thursday, 2
Partially cloudy & weather cool. Sold to Harvey the stock and farming implements for $800. interest to be paid yearly. Went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, calling at Orson’s on the way. Luman went to Alba, again. Harvey and Lincoln continued their work at digging underdrains.
Friday, 3
Hard frost in morning. Day fair. After dinner went up to P.O. & got Reporter and letter from Geo. Harris. Rode with Valentine up to his house and with Luther up to his. After tea came back to Valentine’s and staid over night. Lent Harvey $10. to buy cultivator teeth and Luman went to Troy to get them.
Saturday, 4
Cloudy and cool. Left Valentine’s after breakfast and went up to Mr. Bunyan’s, calling at John’s. In the afternoon Mr. Bunyan went with me over to Sam. Rockwell’s. Went from there over to Calvin’s, and after tea came home. Harvey had made cultivater drag, & with Luman, put in spring wheat.
Sunday, 5
Weather fair and more pleasant. Attended meeting at the Centre with wife, Br. Wells being the preacher. After meeting we went up to Samuel’s and took tea with them. Horace and Lovina were there. Luman also made a call there, Harvey & Lizzie remaining at home.
Monday, 6
Cloudy, raining a little. Went up to the P.O. after dinner & got the Tribune, and also two letters; one Daniel Bruce and the other from Helen McElroy. Harvey and Lincoln went over on the south hill making fence in the woods. Br. Wells called & tarried over.
Tuesday, 7
Another rainy day. Wrote a letter to Daniel Bruce and sent it to the P.O. by Br. Wells, and then wrote another to George Harris and sent it up to the office in the evening by Luman. Harvey and Lizzie away visiting.
Wednesday, 8
Great storm. Rain and snow. Creek very high, almost covering the flat. Wrote a letter to my niece, Mrs. Helen McElroy. Luman carried it to the P.O. at night. Lincoln not in service now, cut his hand yesterday. Harvey mended harness and did chores. Ed. called.
Thursday, 9
Day cloudy with a little more rain. Went up to the P.O. after dinner but failed to get the Tribune. Br. Wells came in the morning and remained until afternoon. Luman went over to Leroy with his ma and left her there to visit. Harvey attended to chores and other matters.
Friday, 10
Partially fair & weather cool. Went up to the P.O. in the middle of the day and got the Tribune and a letter from my sister Lydia. Towards night went over to Leroy for a visit, wife having gone over there in the morning with Luman. We met at Orator’s where we staid over night.
Saturday, 11
Weather similar to yesterday. Soon after breakfast we walked over to Samuel Bailey’s, where we remained thro the day, taking our dinner and our supper with them. Electa visited with us in the afternoon. At night we went up to Harvey’s and staid with them over night.
Sunday, 12
No rain today. Continues cool. We attended meeting with the church in the forenoon, and heard a discourse by Br. Churchill. After meeting walked with him up to his house, wife riding with his family. After tea, he came down with his carriage and brought us home.
Monday, 13
Morning fair. Day cloudy with rain. In the morning started with Elon for Court. Alva took us down to Greenwood; then we walked to Monroeton stopping at Cranmer’s store; then went by rail to Towanda. We were discharged and paid immediately, but concluding to stay overnight, we put up at McKean tavern.
Tuesday, 14
Cloudy raining some. We waited about town till 9 o’clock, then went over to the depot and took the cars for Barclay. Arriving there we walked to Graydon and got some refreshment, then starting through the woods and across the fields we arrived at home about 4 o’clock p. m. Letter from Atkins.
Wednesday, 15
Cloudy and showery. Spent the day about the house, doing nothing except to read the newspapers. Elon called in the forenoon. Brother Wells came in the afternoon and staid with over night. In the evening Hiram Stevens came & staid over. Harvey & Lizzie went to West Burlington.
Thursday, 16
Day partially fair. Went with wife over to East Troy and staid over night at Smiley’s, calling at the P.O. on the way to get the Tribune, and leaving pair of boots at Percival’s to be mended. Luman went to Troy. Harvey went to Charles Ross’ sale.
Friday, 17
Weather similar to yesterday. In the morning, after breakfast, Benjamin hitched up his team and took us with Lurenda, up to Azor’s. After dinner they returned home. Intending to go to the village tomorrow, We remained at Azor’s.
Saturday, 18
Cloudy and quite cool. In the course of the forenoon, we, with Eliza walked over to the village to do some trading. I bought a hat and a satchel, wife got a dress pattern and other fixings. We rode over to the mill with Isaac on our way back to Azor’s.
Sunday, 19
Warmer, & fair till towards night. Eliza with the little girl walked over to the village to meeting, and Azor got Hiram’s carriage and took wife and me down to Benjamin’s. Towards night the boys hitched up and brought us home, Lucien being on his way to Franklin.
Monday, 20
Cloudy and rainy again. Made and signed a deed for 19 acres & 88 perches of land to Luman. Went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and Reporter. Harvey & Lincoln plowed a little & hauled some wood. Br. Wells called & tarried. Elon called in evening.
Tuesday, 21
Rainy weather continues. Wrote and despatched a letter to Mr. Atkins. Luman worked at getting in his oats in the forenoon. Harvey and Lincoln helped him. Luther and Sally were here for a visit. Br. Wells went away towards night. Harvey got a barrel of flour of L. D. Taylor.
Wednesday, 22
Cloudy rainy weather continues. Wrote and despatched a letter to sister Lydia. Luman took his ma to Troy to get a dress cut. Returning, he left her at Burton’s, and then went over to Orlando Rockwell’s to pull stumps. Harvey went to help him a few days.
Thursday, 23
Cold, cloudy and rainy. Went to Towanda, driving one of Luman’s horses and the buggy belonging to him and Harvey. Sold $200. Treasury notes for $215.18 in currency. bought a pair of pantaloons and vest for $8.50.
Friday, 24
Fair day once more. Sowed two bushels oats in the north orchard and had Lincoln drag them in. He hauled some wood & had Harvey’s colt castrated. Orson called, and after him Mr. Bunyan & John Bush were here. Ed. & Sam called. Rec’d. letter from Mrs. Harris.
Saturday, 25
Afternoon rainy. Went up to the store and got some dress buttons for wife. Lincoln hauled load wood for Orson, took up and carried in the flax, and worked a ditching. Harvey came home in afternoon & Luman at night. Br. Rockwell came and staid all night. Elon called in evening.
Sunday, 26
Heavy rain again, and great flood. Did not attend meeting today on account of the rain. Br. Rockwell went away in the morning. The rain having ceased in the afternoon, Benjamin and Lurenda with their children came over and staid over night.
Monday, 27
Fair, pleasant, and warm. After breakfast rode home with Benjamin and Lurenda, after dinner rode to Troy with him, calling at Azor’s on the way and taking Eliza along with us to assist me in selecting a shawl for wife which I bought, then returned home with Benjamin and staid all night.
Tuesday, 28
Warm. Heavy thundershower & flood. Rode home in the forenoon with David Smiley, who also staid at Benjamin’s last night. Wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins, carried it to the P.O. and got the Tribune. Julius called to see me. Mary came, and Valentine and Polly Ann were here in the afternoon.
Wednesday, 29
Most of the day fair. Continues warm. Wrote and signed my Will. Azor and Eliza were here, also Abby and Lura, and Mr. and Mrs. Bunyan. Received a letter from Daniel Bruce. Harvey and Lincoln worked at underdrains. Luman Bargained away his farm to Volney Taylor for $2500.
Thursday, 30
Most of the day cloudy. Cooler. Made out a deed for Luman to Volney Taylor. Wm. Bates and Vesta came for a visit. Orson and Harriet came in the evening. Robert came & took acknowledgement of deed. Luman plowed & put in half an acre of oats for Harvey. Harvey & Lincoln dug ditches.
Friday, 31
Fair and pleasant. Went up to the Centre three times in the course of the day. Commenced to put up our things in preparation for our journey. Harvey and Lincoln dug ditches. Luman plowed some for Harvey on corn ground.
Saturday, 1
Another fair day. Did not go to the Centre but twice today. Got my boots topped and did a little trading at the store. Br. Wells came and spent the day with me. Harvey and Lincoln worked at underdrains. Luman plowed for Harvey again.
Sunday, 2
Cloudy, and rainy afternoon. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Wells officiating. He called on us in the morning and afternoon. Towards night Luman took his ma and me up to Azor’s to take the cars tomorrow for the east.
Monday, 3
A little rain in the morning. After breakfast Azor and Eliza went with us over to the Troy depot. Did some shopping in Elmira, at 5 ½ p.m. we departed for New York, had a smash up at Susquehanna, causing 4 hours delay and then proceeded.
Tuesday, 4
Day fair and warm. Arrived in New York at noon walked across the city to Puck? Slip took passage on the State of New York for Middletown with state room and supper for $6.00, found Mr. Atkins on board, and had a good time.
Wednesday, 5
Weather similar to yesterday. Arrived at Middletown landing a 4 in the morning, left wife in the city and walked with Mr. Atkins to his house, he going back with buggy to bring wife, wrote a letter to send home to Luman.
Thursday, 6
Fair, pleasant weather continues. After breakfast Mrs. Atkins went with me and wife to Mr. Hall’s in Middlefield. After dinner walked up and made a call at Alfred Bailey’s. Returned to Mr. Hall’s and after tea, we all rode back to Mr. Atkins’.
Friday, 7
Continues fair and warm. Remained at Mr. Atkins’ through the day, he being very busy hoing his corn. Wrote a letter to Eliza and sent it to the P.O. by Thomas at night. In the afternoon, Marian with her mother in law, Mrs. Vinal made a call & took tea.
Saturday, 8
Cloudy & cool, with N. E. wind. Continue at Mr. Atkins’. He continued the hoing of his corn which he finished in the course of the afternoon. Went with him in the middle of the day to the city he having business at the Bank.
Sunday, 9
Heavy rain & weather cool. On account of the rain Mr. Atkins’ family did not attend any meeting today and we remained indoors with them. Wrote a letter to Daniel Bruce. Spent the evening chatting with Mr. Atkins.
Monday, 10
Day fair. Continues cool. Remained with Mr. Atkins till after dinner. Mr. Hall called there and we got in and rode with him to Middlefield. He took us to Alfred Bailey’s where we put up. Saw Russell and Alfred M. Bailey.
Tuesday, 11
Fair weather continues. Spent the forenoon in looking about the Wringer Factory and in the afternoon we went to make a visit at Alfred M. Bailey’s. After tea we took a sail on the Reservoir, and returned to the Captain’s.
Wednesday, 12
Fair, except the morning & at night. Spent the morning in looking at the works around the Captain’s and then we walked over to Roswell Bailey’s where we remained through the day and over night. Walked about some in the afternoon.
Thursday, 13
Fair and very warm. After breakfast Mrs. Bailey went with buggy and took us down to Mr. Hall’s. Mr & Mrs Atkins came there in the afternoon and went with us to visit Mrs. Hale. After tea wife went to Mr. Hall’s & I went home with Atkins.
Friday, 14
Fair warm weather continues. After breakfast, walked down to Mr. Hall’s and then with wife to Baileyville again, stopping with Capt. Alfred Bailey. Looked around the shops some and in the evening wrote a letter to George Harris.
Saturday, 15
Warm. Afternoon cloudy. Spent the day at Capt. Bailey’s looking about the Button, and the Wringer factories. Called with wife and Rhoda, towards night, on Mrs. Geer, and in the evening we went to see Russell Bailey at Mr. Wetherall’s.
Sunday, 16
Warm. Thunder & rain at night. Was invited by Mr. Bailey & Rhoda to go with them to the congregational meeting today, but declined on account of embarrassments that would arise from being a stranger. Wrote a letter to Harvey in the evening.
Monday, 17
Warm. Light showers. Spent the forenoon at Capt. Bailey’s, we went up and took dinner at Roswell’s, returned and took tea at the Captain’s, and after bidding the friends goodby, the Capt. brought us down to Mr. Hall’s.
Tuesday, 18
Morning thunder, and rain. Spent the forenoon with Mr. Hall’s family, afternoon we made a call at Walter Hall’s and Richard Bailey’s returning to Mr. Hall’s to tea and on account of the rain, we remained with them over night.
Wednesday, 19
Weather fair and pleasant. After breakfast, Mr. Hall harnessed his horse to carriage, and Mary came with us to Mr. Atkins. Went with him & Helen to city, & in evening, we went with him and Mrs. Atkins to call on his brother Richard Atkins.
Thursday, 20
Warm, and most of the day fair. We went with Mr. and Mrs. Atkins and Thomas to South Farms, about a mile below the city, to see the laying of the cornerstone of the state Lunatic Hospital, now in process of erection there. Saw Gov. English and heard him speak.
Friday, 21
Day fair and warm. We arose at half past 2 in the morning, got ready to depart, bade Mrs. Atkins goodby, went with Mr. Atkins to the city, went aboard of the boat & bade him good by, proceeded to Hartford, & then by rail to Barrington, stopping with Geo. Harris. Rec’d. letter from Eliza.
Saturday, 22
Fair and warm. Spent most of the time at the house. Afternoon walked out with George to see his meadow, and also to view the celebrated barn of Mr. Leavett as well as his extensive gardens & grounds around his residence.
Sunday, 23
Fine weather continues. After breakfast, took a stroll with George over the cemetery in front of his residence. Wrote a letter to Amanda, and towards night rode with George up into town to call on Clark Wilcox, but he was absent.
Monday, 24
Morning cloudy. Day very hot. Walked up town with George after breakfast and called on Clark Wilcox an hour or two, bought some tobacco and returned to dinner. At night we rode out with the women, down the street, as far as his meadow and corn, and returned.
Tuesday, 25
Day cloudy and forenoon rainy. Spent the forenoon with George in the house. After dinner went on to the fair ground and viewed the buildings of the agricultural society. Visited with Clark Wilcox & his wife who came for that purpose and took another stroll in the cemetery.
Wednesday, 26
Partially fair. A little rain. After breakfast we all went up town and spent the day with Clark Wilcox and his family. Called on my old playmate A. L. Pattison. Saw B. W. Pattison, called at the office and subscribed for Berkshire Courier and did some shopping.
Thursday, 27
Cloudy with a little more rain. In the forenoon, after breakfast, George and his wife went with us over to Muddy Brook, passing round by the place of my nativity, and stopping with Melinda, the widow of Wm. Harris. We staid over with her.
Friday, 28
Some clouds & weather warm. After breakfast, started on foot and went to Stockbridge, calling on Nathaniel Waters, then round by the Churchill place & Glendale to Housatonic, then by car to V. D. V. then walked to Joseph Pelton’s & took tea with him, then back over the mountain.
Saturday, 29
Weather fair and warm. Walked down to New Marlborough to the place my grandfather left, meeting Harlow Underwood, an old schoolmate. Returning took dinner with James Turner. Afternoon Mr. Snyder helped us down to Joseph Pelton’s where we staid.
Sunday, 30
Day fair and very sultry. Called, in the course of the day, on William VanDeusen. After chatting with him an hour or two, went over to Michael’s but found nobody at home. After tea Mr. Pelton took us down to the village leaving us with George Harris again.
Monday, 1
Fair, hot weather continues. In the morning, after breakfast, George took us with our baggage over to Clark Wilcox’s. Spent a portion of the time walking about the village, and made a visit, with Charlie for my guide to the works of the Berkshire Woollen Manu’g. Co. Rec’d. letter from Luman.
Tuesday, 2
Weather continues fair and warm. Clark took us to Egrement to make a call on Esther, returning by Seekouk to see the place where wife was born. After dinner George and his wife came over to see us take our departure. Starting at 2 ½ p.m., arriving at Abany at 5, & put up at the Delevan House. Wrote letter to Luman.
Wednesday, 3
Day fair and quite warm. Paid our bill of $7.00 at the Delevan House, took the cars at 7 a.m. for Fort Edward, then the stage for Glenn’s Falls, then another for Warrensburgh, arriving there at 3 ½ p.m. proceeded to the house of Wallace McElroy, & found Mr. Bruce & Lydia there waiting for us.
Thursday, 4
Cloudy, raining some. Warm. Walked about the village some & after dinner rode with Mr. Bruce to the Glen, leaving the women & Wallace to come by stage. Arriving there, we waited some time for the stage, & on its arrival, wife & Lydia got into the buggy, & the rest of us walked to Lydia’s home.
Friday, 5
Cloudy, rainy and warm. Remained about the house during the day, visiting with the family. Daniel hauled two loads of boards with one horse to cover his barn. Mr. Bruce worked some at thinning out his tobacco, Wallace assisting.
Saturday, 6
Rained a little in the morning & at night. Did not go abroad today, looked about the farm a little and wrote a long letter to Lurenda. Sent it to the Glen by Daniel who went up in the evening. Wallace worked with Mr. Bruce and Daniel on the road &c.
Sunday, 7
Day fair and weather warm. Spent the day with the family. Wallace and Helen remaining with them also. Walked over the field by the river, and with Mr. Bruce, went on to the hill. Spent some time reading, and towards night wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins.
Monday, 8
Fair, warm weather continues. After breakfast went with Wallace and his family down to the river which, with the assistance of Daniel, they crossed on a raft in order to take, on the other side, the stage for home. Wrote a letter to Luther.
Tuesday, 9
Partially cloudy, threatening rain. Spent the principal part of the time about the house, visiting with the women and reading some, occasionally going out into the field where Mr. Bruce was at work hoeing his tobacco, and Daniel was hoing corn and mowing a part of the time.
Wednesday, 10
Weather similar to yesterday. Took a walk after breakfast, going up the river towards the Glen, turning off on a road running south over the hills west of the river road, and after proceeding some distance, returned, finding the country very rough and broken.
Thursday, 11
Continues mostly cloudy, and cooler. Spent the principal part of my time today in the house reading and visiting. Towards night took a stroll down the road beyond the schoolhouse and through the fields on to the bank of the river.
Friday, 12
Rainy night and weather cooler. Took a walk after breakfast, going down the river as far as Pattison creek about four miles below Mr. Bruce’s place. After viewing the destruction made there by the water, returned in season for a late dinner & was quite tired.
Saturday, 13
Weather fair, and continues cooler. Daniel having procured a waggon and other facilities for the purpose, we started in the morning with Mr. Bruce and Lydia, to make a visit to Theodore and Esther at Schroon village in Essex Co., at the head of Schroon lake.
Sunday, 14
Weather fair and warm. Having arrived at Schroon at 4 o’clock in the afternoon yesterday, we spent the time very agreeably with our friends, we remained with them through the day, walking out to the cemetery in the afternoon.
Monday, 15
Weather continues fair & fine. Spent the day with Theodore and Esther and had our pictures taken by them. Went into the silversmith’s shop and had my watch cleaned by Mr. Bailey. At night, took a stroll with Theodore, around the village.
Tuesday, 16
Partially cloudy with heavy shower. Got up and harnessed our horses & started back at 10 in the morning, getting pretty wet in the shower. Called at the Glen and found a letter from Luman, dated the 13th, a remarkably quick passage. All well at home.
Wednesday, 17
Fair, except a slight shower. Warm. Spent the day about the house, en= a considerable portion of the time in writing. Wrote a letter to Luman and another to Mary. Br. Bruce and Daniel were engaged the most of the time plowing and hoeing their corn.
Thursday, 18
Cloudy, raining some, and cooler. Walked up to the Glen in the morning, called at the P.O. and mailed my letters to Luman and Mary, received a letter from Mr. Atkins and took out one for Daniel, Went up the brook to catch some trout, but failing, returned in season for dinner.
Friday, 19
Most of day cloudy, raining a little. Did nothing worth noting in the forenoon, in the afternoon wrote two letters, one to Valentine and the other to Eliza. At night carried them up and had them mailed at The Glen. Daniel went to Warrensburgh afternoon.
Saturday, 20
Weather about the same as yesterday. At Lydia’s request, wrote from memory a copy of Burns’ poem, entitled the Soldier’s Return. Towards night received a letter from Lurenda, brought from the Glen by Mr. Warren. Daniel returned at noon.
Sunday, 21
Weather cloudy and cool. Spent the day about the house with the family. In the afternoon went into the field with Mr. Bruce and picked some raspberries for tea. Annette, who had been quite unwell for some days, had a very sick turn in the evening, lasting till after midnight.
Monday, 22
A little more sunshine and warmer. Remained about the house with the women till towards night, then went out alone and picked about four quarts of raspberries along the railroad grade near the bank of the river. Annette is considerable better & has resumed her work.
Tuesday, 23
Day fair and very warm. Spent the day about the house, finishing up our visit here, doing nothing in particular except to pack up our things, intending to depart tomorrow for Warrensburg to visit Helen. Daniel has been complaining, and is quite unwell.
Wednesday, 24
Fair warm weather continues. Bade friends good by and started for Warrensburg, Daniel going up to the Glen with us and Annette through to Warrensburgh. Proceeded in the stage from the Glen and arrived at Helen’s at dinnertime.
Thursday, 25
Warm with shower in afternoon. Walked out and bought wife some stocking yarn and self some tobacco, at Thomas’ store in the upper part of the village. Afternoon and evening spent considerable time with Wallace in the saw mill.
Friday, 26
Rainy morning, afternoon fair. Walked out with Wallace in the forenoon to see the planing mill and other works along the river below the saw mill. Afternoon & evening, spent much of my time with him in the mill.
Saturday, 27
Day fair and warm. Walked up town with Wallace and Helen to have the pictures of their little girls taken. Mr. Bruce and Lydia came in the middle of the day. After dinner Wallace entered upon his tour in the saw mill, closing at midnight.
Sunday, 28
Very warm with slight showers. Spent the forenoon in conversation with our friends, then Mr. Bruce and Lydia took their leave and departed for home. Towards night, walked around with Wallace a little, intending to commence our journey to Wayne co. tomorrow.
Monday, 29
Day fair and warm. Took leave of our friends at Warrensburgh and departed in the stage for Glenn’s Falls, then to Moreau, and from thence by R.R. to Saratoga and Schenectady, leaving the latter place for Syracuse at a quarter before 12 in the night.
Tuesday, 30
Day fair and a little cooler. Arrived at Syracuse a little before six in the morning, proceeded at half past 7 to Savannah, then by stage to Wolcott, and by livery to Benham’s, arriving at about 1 o’clock. Family all gone to old Mr. Caywood’s funeral. Found letter home Luther.
Wednesday, 31
Weather about the same as yesterday. Went out with Benham and picked a few raspberries in the forenoon, and in the afternoon wrote a long letter to Lurenda, sending it to the P.O. by Benham Jr. Boys engaged hauling in their wheat & cutting their barley. Rec’d. letter from Eliza.
Thursday, 1
Cloudy with sprinkling of rain. Spent the principal part of the forenoon writing a letter to Eliza. After dinner walked over to the village and delivered my letter to the Post Master, bought some tobacco and some cotton stocking yarn.
Friday, 2
Partially cloudy & springling of rain. Wrote a long letter to Luther in course of the day, and towards night walked over to the village and deposited it at the P.O. Received two letters from home one from Luman and the other from Mary, and got one for Benham also.
Saturday, 3
Clouds and sunshine & warm weather. Remained about the house in the forenoon, reading a portion of the time till after dinner, then went outside into an old chopping with Charley and picked, each of us about a couple quarts of raspberries. Wrote a letter to Luman.
Sunday, 4
Weather fair and very warm. Attended the Presbyterian meeting with Benham and Sally in the forenoon and heard their minister the Rev. Mr. Lusk. Towards night we all walked over to Hiram’s, and after spending some time there, returned. Carried letter to P.O.
Monday, 5
Fair, and weather very hot. Went out in the field, in the morning, and picked a mess of green peas for Sally, spent some time reading, and towards night, went with wife, home with Hiram and Mary and tarried with them over night.
Tuesday, 6
Same sort of weather continues. Came over to Benham’s after breakfast and, they being absent, went out into the fields, returned to Hiram’s for dinner, and then with wife, and Benham and Sally, went over to visit their son David Henry and his wife, on the farm of Mrs. Dowd.
Wednesday, 7
Weather very dry and hot. Started in the morning after breakfast to go and see the lake, went on foot with Benham, wife and Mary and little Myrtie riding in the carriage. Saw two steamers and a sailing vessel. At night rode with Benham over to the village and did a little shopping.
Thursday, 8
Continues fair, dry, and very warm. In the morning, after breakfast, Benham and Sally came with us to our old neighborhood in Rose, stopping for a visit with the widow Marsh and her family. At night Benham and Sally took their leave leave of us and returned.
Friday, 9
Very warm with light shower. Went with wife and Mrs. Marsh to visit at Mr. Town’s, Roswell hitching up his buggy for the accommodation of the women. Went over the fields and down to John Finch’s with Eugene, & at night returned with Mrs. Marsh.
Saturday, 10
Morning thunder & a little rain. Walked over to Mr. Town’s in the morning to get my spectacles which had been left there by mistake last night. Spent the day with Marsh’s family, and at night rode over to the Valley with Roswell, making Mrs. Deady a call.
Sunday, 11
Day fair and temperate. Roswell took me, in his buggy over to South Butler to meeting. Met with the Disciples there, Br. Collins, a young man of 22, being the speaker. At night, went with Roswell to Methodist meeting at the school house, near Mr. Town.
Monday, 12
Day fair and warm at night. Roswell and Matilda brought us down to Clyde in the morning, and then we took the cars for Rochester. We stopped with Mr. Anderson and after dinner, went with him in street cars to Mount Hope, and down to the lower falls.
Tuesday, 13
Fair. Heavy shower towards night. Walked out with Mr. Anderson to the University, and over the eastern part of the city. After an early dinner we walked to the depot and took the cars at 12,30 for Troy, arriving there at 6.45 p.m., meeting Azor and Eliza at the station, and riding home with them.
Wednesday, 14
Principal part of the day fair & warm. Went to village, had coupons cashed and did a little shopping. Afternoon Azor and Eliza brought us down to Smiley’s He and Lurenda got ready and we all came home together and found the family well. Br. Wells came, and tarried with us over night.
Thursday, 15
Cloudy some, raining towards night. Benjamin and Lurenda with Azor and Eliza, departed for home after dinner and Br. Wells remained with me through the day, going over to Elon’s at night. In the afternoon Julius made a call. Went over the creek to see the fallow, and the wheat on the flat.
Friday, 16
Rained all day, and great freshet. Could not go abroad on account of the rain; and had no callers, probably, on the same account. Br. Wells remained with me, and we spent the time in reading and conversation. Harvey worked some on shoe bench.
Saturday, 17
Afternoon fair and warm. Went in the morning with Luman to see Samuel Rockwell, but he being absent from home, we returned. He came to see me in the afternoon. Towards night went with him and Br. Wells up to the store. Harvey and Lizzie went to Troy.
Sunday, 18
Fair and warm Thunder shower in evening. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Hulbert being the preacher. In the afternoon Valentine made a call, and after him Samuel and Amanda came in and made a short stay. Harvey and Lizzie came towards night.
Monday, 19
Thunder & rain in the night. Day fair. Wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins, carried it to P.O. at night and got some stationary, calling at Orson’s on return. Harvey and Lincoln worked at harvesting the spring wheat. Luman went over to Smiley’s at night. Orson and Harriet called at the close of the day.
Tuesday, 20
Rainy morning. Day partially fair. Wrote a letter to sister Lydia in the forenoon, afternoon Luther and Sally came for a visit, and soon after Orson and Harriet came also. Sent letter by Luther to the P.O. when he went away at night. Luman went to picnic at Mountain Lake.
Wednesday, 21
Fair weather again. Wrote a letter to Benham Andrus in the forenoon, and in the afternoon went with wife in Luman’s buggy up to Mr. Bunyan’s, and at night we went over to John’s and staid over. Luman and Harvey worked at cradling Luman’s oats, after finishing the spring wheat.
Thursday, 22
Day cloudy, raining some afternoon. We remained with John till towards noon, then went back to Mr. Bunyan’s remaing with them till towards night, then started for home, coming in the rain. Got the Tribune, and yesterday, received some photographs from Wolcott.
Friday, 23
Weather fair and warm. Did nothing in the forenoon except to read a portion of the time, Afternoon and evening wrote a long letter to Rhoda A. Cook. Br. Wells came in the afternoon and staid over night. Rec’d. a letter from sister Lydia.
Saturday, 24
Continues warm. Partially cloudy. Carried letter to P.O. early in the morning. In the afternoon and evening again, wrote a long letter to Geo. Harris. Br. Wells went over to Elon’s in the afternoon and has not returned. The boys all worked at Luman’s oats.
Sunday, 25
Day fair, pleasant and temperate. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon and heard Bro. Rockwell. He and Br. Wells came home with me to Tea. Went with them in the afternoon to meeting at the Corners and heard Eld. Dervey. Burton & Mary called. Smiley came at night.
Monday, 26
Day fair and warm. Started with Smiley at seven in the morning for Laporte in Sullivan Co. to settle the Doctor’s land matters with Mr. Meylert. Arrived near there at night & put up at Horace Spalding’s camp in the woods.
Tuesday, 27
Continues fair and warm. We went into Laporte in the morning, did our business with Meylert, proceeded by way of the old glass works, Forks and Millview to Samuel Wright’s, took tea there and then went to Wm. Waberton’s where we staid the night.
Wednesday, 28
A little rain in morning & afternoon. Started for home at eight in the morning by way of Albany, arriving at Thomas Smiley’s at noon. Took dinner there and came home in the afternoon. Rec’d. letter from Mr. Atkins, & found one from Mr. Meylert that came on Monday.
Thursday, 29
Day fair and weather warm. Remained about the house till afternoon, then went up to Luther’s, calling at Orson’s, and at the P.O. for the Tribune, on the way. Staid there over night. Luman went away with teams and men to work on a mill dam at Barclay, a job by him and McCraney.
Friday, 30
Day fair and weather cooler. Returned from Luther’s in the morning after breakfast, remained at home till after dinner, then went up to Isaac’s and to Burton’s, wife being at Burton’s, took supper there and then we went to Isaac’s and staid over night. Saw Erastus and Mariette at Burton’s.
Saturday, 31
Light frost. Day fair and cool. Came away from Isaac’s after breakfast leaving wife there. David Sayles came to run a division line over the creek between Volney’s land and mine. Went over with him and Harvey, and Volney and his father, and established the line. Took dinner with Volney.
Sunday, 1
Partially cloudy and cool. Got ready to go up to the Centre to attend meeting, when Azor and Eliza came, and then in a very short time it being to late, concluded not to go. Elon came over in the afternoon, and Br. Wells called towards night. He tarried with us.
Monday, 2
Weather same as yesterday. In the forenoon went over to the fallow where Harvey and Lincoln were at work hauling off poles and making fences. Spent the afternoon in the house, a part of the time reading. The boys hauled in Luman’s oats, and repaired barn roof.
Tuesday, 3
No particular change in weather. Wrote a letter to Clark A. Wilcox in the course of the day, finishing it in the evening. Mr. Bunyan and Charles Lament called in the afternoon. Elon also came in. Lowell Wooster called. Paid him $2. towards book, leaving $1.50.
Wednesday, 4
Fair and warm. Shower at night. Carried letter up to P.O. early in the morning. Elon came over after breakfast and invited me to go with him over the mountain a fishing tomorrow. Concluding to go, spent some time making preparations. Harvey had threshing done.
Thursday, 5
Weather continues fair and warm. Started in the morning at 6 o’clock with Orson, Elon and Alva, with Elon’s horses and waggon to go over the Towanda mountain to fish in the Schrader branch. Left the team at Chapin’s, carried our baggage to the creek, ate our dinner, and fished till night, camping in the woods.
Friday, 6
Day fair, thundershower at night. Ate our breakfast in the morning & fished again till noon, having pretty good success. Ate our dinner, dressed our trouts, and Alva having brought the waggon down to the creek, we loaded our baggage & started for home, arriving in good season.
Saturday, 7
Day fair and some cooler. Went up to the store in the morning and got the Tribune and a box of blacking. Prepared some putty and set a pane of glass in one of Library windows. Elon called. Luman came home at night. Harvey & Lincoln worked on the fallow.
Sunday, 8
Cloudy and continues cool. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Rockwell delivered the discourse. Called at Orson’s on my way up. Spent the afternoon in the house, and most of the time reading. Wife not very well.
Monday, 9
Partially fair & weather temperate. Spent the forenoon repairing windows in the Dining room and the Parlor Bedroom, and going after the Tribune & reading it. Valentine calling towards night started with him for Barclay, stopping over night at West Franklin.
Tuesday, 10
Forenoon rainy, evening fair & cool. After breakfast we proceeded up the mountain, leaving Valentine at Graydon, walked over to Barclay, got onto a car & rode down to foot of plane, went to the dam & visited Luman & his work, took dinner with him, staid there till 4, took the cars back to Barclay, then rode home with Valentine.
Wednesday, 11
Slight frost. Day fair & pleasant. Wrote a long letter to Mr. Atkins which occupied the principal portion of the day. Towards night went over the creek to see the young cattle, and the fallow which Harvey is clearing off with his steers. Wife went up to visit at Parsons Bailey’s with his mother.
Thursday, 12
Weather temperate and pleasant. Spent the principal portion of the day and evening, at intervals in writing a very long letter to my old friend and school mate, Joseph H. Pelton of Great Barrington, Mass. and also in making preparations for going to Canton tomorrow.
Friday, 13
Pleasant weather continues. Started with wife for Yearly Meeting at Canton. Mailed Pelton’s letter at the Centre, walked up to the Summit, wife riding with Mail Carrier, stopped with Mrs. Chesley till car time then took the train for Canton, put up at Mr. Stockwell’s, attended meeting in the evening and heard Br. Spencer.
Saturday, 14
Partially cloudy & weather cool. Attended meeting at 9 in the morning and the sitting continued till after 1 o’clock p.m. Br. Mitchell spoke at half past 10. Attended again at 3, and headr Br. Delmot. We went home & put up with Erastus, wife riding with Br. Streetor. Did not attend meeting in the evening.
Sunday, 15
Slight frost in morning. Day fair. Attended meeting at 9 in the morning again, Br. Mitchel spoke at the usual hour, other exercises continued till after 1. We went to John Griffin’s and put up. Attended meeting at 3, heard Br. Spencer, and in the evening hearing another discourse by Br. Mitchel.
Monday, 16
Day principally fair, and warmer. After breakfast, we called at Mr. Stockwell’s, then went to the Depot and took the 10 o’clock train for the Summit, walked with Br. Gerould as far as Luther’s, wife riding with the Mail, took dinner there and then Luther and Sally went with us in their conveyance up to Wm. Bates’ where we staid over night.
Tuesday, 17
Heavy thun. shr. in morn. Then fair & very warm. Remained with William and Vesta till towards noon, then they went with us over to Stephen’s where we stopped till some time afternoon, taking tea with them, then we hitched up and came back to Luther’s, arriving in season for him to do his chores. We staid there over night.
Wednesday, 18
Weather continues fair and very warm. Remained at Luther’s till after dinner, spending a portion of my time reading. Then Luther harnessed his horses and brought us home. Called at the P.O. and got a letter for Luman. Found a letter from Benham waiting it having been delivered on Friday last.
Thursday, 19
Day warm and partially cloudy. Remained about the house in the forenoon, reading and doing some writing. Afternoon went over the creek and sowed some wheat on the new fallow for Harvey, Burton being here with his team to drag. Harvey and Lincoln worked at clearing off the last of it. Ed. made a call.
Friday, 20
Fair and warm. Shower towards night. Finished sowing the wheat in the forenoon. Burton and Harvey dragged, and in the afternoon Kenyon’s team. Benjamin and Lurenda came in the middle of the day, and at night, after the shower, they took wife and me home with them. Evening very dark.
Saturday, 21
Considerably cloudy & much cooler. Benjamin and Lucien slaughtered a sheep and attended to other matters about the farm, going up to the village in the afternoon. Spent my time about the house, visiting some, reading some, & smoking occasionally, of course.
Sunday, 22
Weather fair and pretty cool. Continued our stay with Benjamin and Lurenda until towards night, and then, Eliza having rode down to East Troy with Bingham and walked over in the afternoon, Lucien took us up to Azor’s with Eliza, where we remained to make our visit with them.
Monday, 23
Continued fair and grows cooler. Azor commenced cutting up his corn, anticipating a frost. Walked out into the field to see the corn which is a splendid crop. Spent the greater portion of my time in the house with the women, reading old numbers of the Argus, & National Baptist.
Tuesday, 24
Heavy frost. Continues fair. After breakfast Azor drove over to the village and got some tobacco and groceries, bringing back Ellen with him. He then went to work at his corn again. Spent the day about the house, same as yesterday. At night Manville came over and staid.
Wednesday, 25
Fair and warm. Thunder shower at noon. Left Azor’s after breakfast and walked over to Luther’s, from thence down to Valentine’s and took dinner, and then, after the shower, came on home, calling at the store on the way. Left wife at Azor’s. Walked around in the fields some, and read the Tribune and Courier.
Thursday, 26
Cloudy and cool. Ed. called in the morning to look at the apples with a view of buying. Went up to Calvin’s to make uncle Churchill a visit. Staid there to dinner and then returned by way of the Centre and got the Tribune. Harvey went to West Burlington, & Lincoln raked buckwheat.
Friday, 27
A little frost. Day fair and pleasant. Went over on the wheat after breakfast with a gun to kill some pidgeons, but found none. Harvey went to Troy with a firkin of butter. Lincoln finished the buckwheat and began the corn. Wife came home. Eliza came with her and took Amanda home with her.
Saturday, 28
Day fair and warmer again. Went over to the wheat in the morning to hunt for pidgeons again but found none. Mr. Wilcox came to buy some apples. Sold him six bushels for $2.50. Mr. Bunyan came and made me a visit. Went back with him as far as the P.O. and paid my postage.
Sunday, 29
Another fair and temperate day. Attended meeting with wife at the Centre in the forenoon. Br. Hurlburt preached and immerse Roxy Morse. After meeting we we went up to Samuel’s, Horace & Lovina being there and also Br. Wells. After tea Br. returned with us. Luman made a short call.
Monday, 30
Partly cloudy and quite cool Went up to the Center in the middle of the day, called at the P.O. and got the Tribune, and at Percival’s shop and had put new heels on my calfskin boots. Towards night went up to Luther’s and staid over night.
Tuesday, 1
Severe frost. Day fair and warm. Rode up to the Summit with Luther; went on the train to Troy; bought an overcoat, $20., sack coat, $8., and pants $5, at the Perine store; heard Gen. Fuller’s political speech; and rode home with Elon. Received a letter from Mr. Atkins.
Wednesday, 2
Continues warm, and mostly fair. Arranged some things about the house in the morning, and Smiley and Lurenda coming over in the forenoon, went with him over to Leroy to settle the Doctor’s matters with Amos Harris, refunding to him $72, which he had overpaid the Dr.
Thursday, 3
Day cloudy and cooler. spent the forenoon writing a long letter to Mr. Atkins and after dinner carried it up to the P.O. to be mailed. Got the Tribune and the Bistoury. Spent some time in the afternoon reading. Lincoln dug potatoes. Wife went up to Mary’s.
Friday, 4
Morning fair, evening cloudy. Wrote a letter to Benham and carried it to the P.O. in the morning; then walked over to West Burlington, calling an hour on Alanson by the way, and stopping with H. K. Stevens and taking dinner with him; then returned via. Hilton’s to wife at Burton’s and staid over night.
Saturday, 5
Rainy night and morning. Continues cloudy. When the rain abated, walked down to the Centre, called at Samuel’s and found my gold pen, waited there till the mail came in, taking dinner with them, then called at the P.O. and got the Courier and proceeded home and spent my time reading till night. Luman came home in the eve.
Sunday, 6
Day fair and quite cool. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Rockwell discoursed. Came home after meeting and found wife had returned, and Azor and Eliza were here. They returned towards night. Luman remained at home through the day.
Monday, 7
Morning frosty, day fair. Wrote a letter to sister Lydia, & in the middle of the day carried it to the P.O. and got the Tribune, making a call in the mean time at Orson’s. Gathered a few winter apples and read some. Luman went to Troy.
Tuesday, 8
Fair pleasant day. Went up to the election in the morning with Luman and Harvey, remaining around there, chatting with friends until towards the middle of the day, then called at Orson’s staying there till after dinner, and then after spending a short time at polls, came home.
Wednesday, 9
Fair until towards night. Put on my old duds and tried to gather some winter apples. Picked four bushels. Luman returned to his job in the morning. Received a letter from sister Lydia. Towards night John Griffin and his wife of Canton came and staid with us over night.
Thursday, 10
Principal part of the day cloudy. Thun. showr. Eve. After breakfast went with Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, and wife, down to Julius’ for visit. After a late dinner, John and his wife started for their home, and I went up to the Post Office and got the Tribune and Br. Champney being there, he and Br. Wells came home with me and staid.
Friday, 11
A little rain in morn. Afternoon fair. Brs. Champney and Wells went away after breakfast. spent the forenoon about the house, and in the afternoon picked a few apples. Towards night went over to see the wheat and also went up onto the south hill. Harvey was engaged with his colts, having begun to break them.
Saturday, 12
Most of the day cloudy, with a little rain. Spent a considerable portion of the day in the Library reading Shakespeare and the newspapers. Picked a few bushels winter apples. Sent Rodman to the P.O. who brought me the Courier Reporter, and a letter form George and Amy Brigham. Harvey picked a few apples.
Sunday, 13
Rainy night. Day cool, with a little rain. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Hurlburt being the preacher. After meeting Br. Hurlburt called and took tea with us on his return to his home in Smithfield. Elon made a call in the afternoon remaining till night.
Monday, 14
Day principally fair, and temperate. In the forenoon picked some apples and spent some time reading Shakespeare. In the afternoon, walked up to Luther’s calling at the P.O. on the way, and got the Tribune. Staid at Luther’s overnight. Harvey and Mott boy gathered apples.
Tuesday, 15
Weather like yesterday. After breakfast started homewords. Called at Valentine’s and staid till after dinner. Rode with him down to the Centre. Called at the P.O. and got some stamps. Picked a few apples in the afternoon. Harvey hauled some of his buckwheat.
Wednesday, 16
Day fair and pleasant. Spent a considerable portion of the time in the Library reading Shakspeare and picked a few more winter apples. Isaac and Abby were here in the afternoon. Harvey and his Mott boy finished the buckwheat. Had Omeara to help in the afternoon. Rec’d letter from Dan. Bush.
Thursday, 17
Weather continues fine. Finished picking my winter apples. Went up to the Centre, got the Tribune, and bought of Taylor six barrels to put up some apples in to send to Dan. Wrote a letter to him. Harvey and his boy picked some apples, got a farming mill cleaned a part of the buckwheat.
Friday, 18
Another indian summer day. Br. Wells called in the forenoon. Remained with him until sometime in the afternoon, then walked up the road, called at Orson’s, left letter at P.O., and proceded up to Streetor’s, then back to Philander’s, taking supper there, after dark, down to Christie Lowe’s, and from thence home.
Saturday, 19
Warm indian summer day. Spent most of the time in the Library reading Shakspeare and the Tribune. Looked to the apples and covered them. Mr. Case, canvasser for Bibles, called. Subscribed for a large one, price $6.50. Some Drovers called. Harvey went to Burlington with Allen Wooden.
Sunday, 20
Same weather as yesterday. Did not attend meeting to day but spent a portion of the time reading, and also commenced writing a long letter to sister Lydia and finished it late in the evening. Allen Wooden and his wife were here. Ed. called in the afternoon.
Monday, 21
Warm smoky weather continues. Sent Lydia’s letter up to P.O. by Rod in the morning. Wrote a letter to Wallace McElroy and carried it up in afternoon, got the Tribune and a letter for Luman. Set a few panes of glass. Harvey went up to Long’s mill with his colts.
Tuesday, 22
Mostly cloudy with rain. Ed. came to get his apples I had sold him in selecting and putting up two barrels, for which he paid me seven dollars and fifty cents. He also had six barrels of Harvey. Assisted them in selecting and putting up a portion of those. Isaac called in the afternoon.
Wednesday, 23
Frost again. Day fair and pleasant. worked a portion of the day at reapiring the windows of the Kitchen and of the weaving room. Samuel called in the middle of the day and took dinner with us. Harvey worked some at fencing the wheat, and hauled in some potatoes. Luman came home. Rec’d. letter from Dan. Bush.
Thursday, 24
Frosty and fair again. Wrote a long letter to Lydia Caywood. Afternoon carried it to the P.O. and got the Tribune and a letter from Benham Andrus. Called at Orson’s and took dinner with him, and at Levi’s and bargained with him for some apples to send to Daniel Bush.
Friday, 25
Frosty, and fair weather. Inserted a small window in the weaving room. Went up to Mr. Bunyan’s to notify them of intention to go west. Maggie going with me as far as Canada. Took supper there and Bunyan came with me as far as the Centre. Wrote letter to Benham, and one to Lydia Caywood. Sam. Rockwell called and took Assessment. Elon called.
Saturday, 26
Weather like yesterday. Carried letters up to P.O. in the morning. Got Sylvester and Orville to bring barrels from the store down as far as Volney’s, leaving them at Levi’s. Brought the other three from Volney’s home and filled them with apples for Dan. Bush. Fixed loom seat for wife. Rec’d letter from Rhoda.
Sunday, 27
Same sort of weather, but a little smoky. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon and a discourse by Br. Hurlburt. Went up the hill with Br. Rockwell, calling to see uncle Churchill who is very feeble. Rode down to the Corners with Lowell. Br. Wells called in the morning & took breakfast with us.
Monday, 28
Day cloudy, raining a little. Wrote a long letter to Rhoda A Cook. Carried it up to the P.O. and got the Tribune. Headed up three barrels of apples, to be sent to Daniel Bush. Harvey and his Mott boy finished hauling in the corn, hauled in the beans, hauled a drag of wood, and bought in some apples from the north orchard.
Tuesday, 29
Rainy night and rainy day. Read a long and very excellent speech delivered by Mr. Colfax in New York, and published in the Tribune. Went up to the Centre, calling at Orson’s and recieving from him $6. for hay of Drake’s Est., called at the store, went to Levi’s and put up three barrels of apples for Dan. Paid him $9.00.
Wednesday, 30
Lowry, raining some. Br. Wells called in the morning. Marked the barrels containing apples for Daniel, and prepared them for sending away tomorrow. Called at the P.O. and got a letter from Mr. Atkins. In the evening wrote one to Daniel Bush.
Thursday, 31
Weather fair and pleasant. Wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins. In the afternoon Harvey took Luman’s horses and went with me to the Summit to carry five barrels of apples to send to Daniel Bush. Took a receipt for them. Got off the waggon at Luther’s & staid all night, intending to go to Troy tomorrow.
Friday, 1
Fair, pleasant weather continues. Finding, in the morning that I was not prepared to go to Troy, concluded to return home. Called at Valentine’s and he agreeing to accommodate me, gave up going to Troy at all. Recieved a letter from sister Lydia, and in the evening, wrote a long one to her.
Saturday, 2
Another fine, pleasant day. Went up to the P.O. in the morning and mailed my letter, then up to Luther’s, stopping at Valentine’s on return and selling him $100. in 7.30s for $100. Came home and piled some boards, Bunyan called. Rec’d. letter from Benham. Went to Leroy. Called to see uncle Churchill. Staid with Br. Samuel Bailey.
Sunday, 3
Cloudy, raining a little at night. After breakfast went up to Harvey’s, called at Manning’s, and then attended meeting & heard Br. Reynolds. Returned home and found Azor and Eliza waiting. Mary and Lury were also here, Mary staying with us. Samuel and Amanda called. Luman at home part of the day.
Monday, 4
Part of day cloudy and weather cooler. Worked part of day at Luman’s accounts. Went up to P.O. & got the Tribune. Valentine called with satchell. Paid him $8.00 for it. Made preparation for starting on journey tomorrow, to Michigan. Smiley and Lucien called in the forenoon & Levi Taylor in the afternoon.
Tuesday, 5
Occasional clouds and squalls. Rode with Levi up to the Summit. Met Maggie & Luman Taylor came also. We all took the train for Rochester. Met Benham & Sally there. Did some shopping, called on Mr. Anderson, & in the evening we all took the train for the Suspension Bridge, on our way to Michigan.
Wednesday, 6
Weather fair but quite cool. Crossed the Bridge at 1 o’clock a.m. Left Maggie at Hamilton in Canada; proceeded on to Detroit and stopped at Jackson, Mich. Luman continuing on the train to Chicago; took a freight train to Concord; met John Caywood & Luman Andrus there who conveyed us 8 miles to Lydia’s house.
Thursday, 7
Weather fair and some warmer. After breakfast we all went about a mile to visit Lydia’s daughter Hula, who married George Perine. At night Mr. and Mrs. Perine returned with us to Lydia’s and spent the evening there. Had a very pleasant time, sitting up till a late hour.
Friday, 8
Continues fair. Thun. shower in evening. We all started our again after breakfast and walked about a mile the other way to visit Thomas Caywood, Lydia’s oldest son, Hyla coming over and goin with us. Went to burying ground and visited Garret’s grave. At night returned to Lydia’s again.
Saturday, 9
Day fair with south wind. spent the forenoon at Lydia’s. After dinner, started with Levi Benham, Sally and Lydia for Albion to visit Lydia’s daughter Mar, who married Henry Nowlin. Called at widow Marsh’, took tea there, and at 8 o’clock in the evening, proceeded on to town, arriving at Mr. Nowlin’s at 9.
Sunday, 10
Weather similar to yesterday. Remained with Levi at Mr. Nowlin’s through the day. In the middle of the day, Benham, Sally and Lydia with Mr. and Mrs. Nowlin went to visit some friends, returning at night. In the evening, they all with Levi, attended meeting, I remaining with the children.
Monday, 11
Partially cloudy and weather colder. Had an early breakfast, and with Levi, took the train for Jackson and from thence, another to Lansing. In the afternoon we started on foot for Roxand, proceeded five miles, and then we hired a man with a buggy to carry us through to Mr. Savage’s, where we put up.
Tuesday, 12
Weather cloudy and cold. Went with Levi, Mr. Savage, and Aruaza(?), to search for Oliver Bailey but failed to find him. We called on a man by the name of Joel Bailey and another by the name of Wm. Bailey. Took dinner at Grand Ledge and returned & staid again with Mr. Savage.
Wednesday, 13
Fair and much warmer. Mr. Savage having procured a passage for us with Mr. Boyer to Lansing, he proceeded with us, and left us in the cars at that city, bound for Owasso. Took train to St. John supper at Gibbs house, livery to Drake’s, and then we walked to Horace Caster’s.
Thursday, 14
Weather same as yesterday. We remained with Mr. Caster during the day, continuing my visit with Mary Ann and the family. Her health is not good. Levi walked out with Horace to see the surrounding farms and improvements.
Friday, 15
Day fair and weather cooler. After breakfast Horace took us back to St. John’s and we took the cars to Owasso and thence to Jackson. Late in the evening we started west, pasing through Albion again and Kalamazoo on our way to visit Levi’s friends in Illinois.
Saturday, 16
Weather same as yesterday. Arrived at the great city of Chicago in the morning, did some shopping, took dinner at Barns hotel, and at 3 p.m. the cars again, arriving at Sterling in the evening at 8, hired a livery and proceeded 10 miles to Denton Perry’s in Hume.
Sunday, 17
Fair, windy, and cool. Remained about the house during the day, spending my time reading, and writing a letter to wife. Levi, with Denton and Elvira attended a Methodist meeting and Sunday school at the school house near by.
Monday, 18
Weather continues fair and cool. Spent some time reading, and Levi went out hunting wild geese, but did not succeed in killing any. After this we walked out with Denton about two miles on the prairy to see a great ditch they are digging through the big slue.
Tuesday, 19
Weather about as yesterday. Started about 11 in the morning with Levi and Elvira to go on a visit to Genesee Grove in Clayton township, a distance of 16 miles, arriving there at 3 in the afternoon and stopping with Betsey and her family.
Wednesday, 20
Weather continues same. Assisted Levi in taking care of the horses, and went with him & Betsey’s son, with the team a considerable distance, and hauled a barrel of water, there being none near. We remained with Betsey another night.
Thursday, 21
Day mild and quite smoky. In the middle of the day we all set out on our return to Denton’s, Betsey and her mute daughter going with us. We arrived at night, and soon after our arrival, Horace Holcomb came and put up with Denton.
Friday, 22
Weather same as yesterday. Bought a recipe book of Horace in the morning. Went with Levi to Sterling on a load of corn which Denton took there to market. Spent some time viewing the city and their splendid school house. We returned in the evening.
Saturday, 23
Shower at night. Heavy lightg & thunder. Remained about the house and farm during the day. Spent the principal portion of my time reading. Levi went out with Denton hunting wild geese and ducks in the cornfields and helped him pick some corn.
Sunday, 24
Cloudy and warm. Thun. storms. There being no religious assembly? in the neighborhood today, we remained about the house with Betsey and Denton’s family spending a portion of the time reading, intending to depart tomorrow. Another thunder shower in the evening, lightning very sharp.
Monday, 25
Rainy and cooler. On account of the rain we had to defer our departure until another day. Spent the principal part of our time in the house with the women, making arrangements to have Betsey’s oldest daughter go home with us to live with Levi.
Tuesday, 26
Cloudy and some cooler. After breakfast Denton went to take Betsey home and to bring her daughter back to return with us to Penn’a. We went with him to Galt, then took the cars to Clinton, Iowa, returning in the evening to Sterling, and there we waited for Denton’s return with the girl.
Wednesday, 27
Continues cloudy and cool. We went out in the morning and procured an excellent breakfast of oysters with tea and coffee, went about and viewed the city, called on Ballard Fellows, went home with him to tea, and Denton having come with Louisa, we took the cars at midnight for Chicago.
Thursday, 28
Most of the day cloudy. Arrived at Chicago before daylight, walked over to Union Depot, hired hack to Michigan Southern Depot, took the cars at 7 a.m. arriving at Toledo after dark, changed cars there and proceeded along the Cleaveland and Lake Shore roads, in the night, to Buffalo.
Friday, 29
Cloudy, raining some at night. Arrived at Buffalo before day in the morning, and at Elmira before noon. Left in the evening, arriving at the Summit about bed time. Borrowed a lantern and walked through the mud, carrying our baggage, down to Valentine’s and put up.
Saturday, 30
Cloudy and quite cold. After breakfast, Polly Ann had their hired man harness the horses and take us down to the Centre in a waggon, Valentine having gone to Harrisburg. Arrived home and found family well. Mr. Harris called. Called at Orson’s and found Wallace and Helen there.
Sunday, 1
Continues cloudy, cold and frozen. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon. Levi read a discourse and Br. Rockwell spoke. Called at the P.O. and got a letter from Mr. Atkins, and at Orson’s and had Wallace and Helen come home with me & stay over night. Elon called in the afternoon.
Monday, 2
Weather about the same. Lizzie sick and Harvey called Orson here. Wallace and Helen returned with their children to Orson’s. Went up to Luther’s to see Bruce and Lydia. Brought Annette down to Orson’s with me, Luther coming down to the Centre with waggon.
Tuesday, 3
Partially fair and more mild. Somewhat unwell today. Lizzie very sick. Orson remains with her. Went up to get Samuel in the morning, but he is not at home. Went to Orson’s in the afternoon and sent Wallace to Troy after Dr. Rockwell. Dr. Axtell came instead, and at 8 in the evening a son was born without his aid, & all appears to be right.
Wednesday, 4
Cloudy with moderate winter weather. Lizzie rested well and has been quite comfortable through the day. Went up to the Centre, calling at the shoe shoe shop to have a boot fixed, and to Orson’s for Annette who came home with me. Isaac also came down with us and made a call of some length.
Thursday, 5
Weather about the same as yesterday. Wallace called in the morning. Went up with him to see Levi to engage a house and succeeded. Went to the P.O. & got a letter from Luman to Harvey. Azor & Eliza came & soon Benjamin & Lurenda followed. They returned towards night. Went to P.O. again & got Tribune. Harvey went to Troy with Ezra Bailey. Lizzie and babe doing well.
Friday, 6
Cloudy with very heavy south wind. Very quiet about the house today; no visitors or callers. Lizzie and the babe getting along finely. Remained indoors and spent most of the time reading, including a long tirade purporting to be the President’s message. Harvey and Fremont hauled some wood.
Saturday, 7
Mostly cloudy with snow flying at times. Staid about the house same as yesterday. Loren Leonard called. Towards night Mr. Bruce and Lydia came and staid with us over night. Harvey and Fremont went up to Troy to drive four yearling steers he had sold to Azor.
Sunday, 8
Partially cloudy & weather cool. Remained about the house most of the time, there being no meeting at the Centre on account of the General Meeting at Smithfield. Called in the course of the afternoon at Orson’s and in the evening he and Harriet came down to see Lizzie and the babe.
Monday, 9
Weather continues quite cool. Spent the principal part of the time about the house and most of it in the Library reading. Went up to the P.O. in the afternoon and got the Tribune calling at Orson’s on the way, and then went up to visit Mr. Bunyan, he coming down with me as far as the Centre in the evening.
Tuesday, 10
Weather remains about the same. Remained about the house till afternoon engaged in reading most of the time. about the middle of the day Stephen came, and after tea went with him up to Orson’s and to Wallace’s, who has rented of Levi Taylor and moved into the Volney house. Bruce and Lydia live with them.
Wednesday, 11
Same sort of weather continues. Went in the afternoon up to Isaac’s, and Harvey took his Ma up there and came after her again at night. Bruce & Lydia, and Stephen & his wife were also there. Staid at Burton’s over night. Rec’d. letter from Luman, inclosing one from Rhoda which had been sent to him by mistake.
Thursday, 12
Very cold and stormy all day. Left Burton’s towards noon and proceeded on foot through the snow to Benjamin’s. Arrived in the middle of the day, but suffered considerably with fatigue and with cold. Remained with them over night. Storm continued through the eve.
Friday, 13
Cloudy and extremely cold. Remained with Benjamin till after dinner and then rode with him up to the village, where we settled Drake’s account with Paine, paying him $20.25. After doing a little shopping and finding Valentine there, rode with him down to Luther’s, and being very cold, staid there over night.
Saturday, 14
A little sunshine but continues cold. Remained at Luther’s till near the middle of the day and then started on foot for home. Called at the store where I found Mr. Bunyan. Remained there till the mail arrived and then, on my way home, made a short call on Wallace. Letter from Mr. Harris.
Sunday, 15
Day cloudy and weather milder. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, which was conducted by Br. Levi Taylor. After meeting called a short time at Wallace’s and received an introduction to Daniel’s wife who had lately come there. Made a short call also at Orson’s.
Monday, 16
Weather similar to yesterday. Spent the forenoon, most of the time in the Library reading. Afternoon walked up the road, calling first at Wallace’s, then at the P.O. and got the Tribune and a letter from Delos Rockwell, enclosing Arbitration notice, and then went on to Valentine’s, returning in the evening.
Tuesday, 17
Cloudy with moderate winter weather. Did not go out today any farther than the wood pile. spent most of the time in the Library putting things in order, and, as usual, in reading. Joel Calkin who is pedling oysters, called in the afternoon. Bought a quart can of him.
Wednesday, 18
Weather continues cloudy and moderate. Undertook to make a quantity of envelopes, to be used in connerion with a Christmas tree to be set up at a family gathering here, on that occasion. Made some progress besides some time reading. Wallace called and spent some time in the evening.
Thursday, 19
Weather continues same as yesterday. Worked diligently at the envelopes the day and evening until completed and numbered one hundred and eleven of them, which, it is presumed, will be a sufficient quantity. Harvey and Fremont chopped and hauled some maple wood.
Friday, 20
No material change in the weather. Continued making preparation for the Christmas occasion. Wrote a number of messages to accompany Christmas presents. Harvey and Fremont having gone to Troy, turned out the cattle & cleaned the stables & at night went up to the Centre.
Saturday, 21
Pleasant and quite mild. Employed, a considerable portion of the time in writing messages and arranging Christmas gifts which were brought in by Amanda and others of the family. Daniel Bruce and Mary, his wife came and made us a visit, departing towards night.
Sunday, 22
Cloudy, rainy and thawing. Made the greatest mistake that I can remember of ever making before, of the Instead of attending meeting today, to hear Br. Hurlburt as I had intended, I remained in the house all day, reading and writing, supposing it to be Saturday till 6 oclock in the evening.
Monday, 23
A little colder and somewhat windy. Employed a considerable portion of the day writing Christmas messages, including a lengthy one to the baby in which his name is announced. Spent a little time reading. John Wilcox called to pay for some apples. Sent Rodman to P.O. for Tribune & Courier.
Tuesday, 24
Thaw continues moderately. Employment very much the same as for several preceeding days – making preparations for our family Christmas gathering. In the evening Burton and Mary came down, bringing their goods & some from Eliza, to have them arranged.
Wednesday, 25
Cloudy, raining a little. Benjamin, Valentine, Azor & Burton with their families were here to hold Christmas. In the evening Orson and Volney with their wives came down to see the distribution of presents from the tree. Had a very pleasant time. Benjamin & Azor staid over.
Thursday, 26
Mild, cloudy weather. After breakfast, Benjamin and Azor with their families departed for their homes. Started for Leroy to attend an arbitration. Went by way of Mr. Bunyan’s, took dinner there, and then, with him, rode down to Leroy. At 10 in the eve. adjourned, & with Mr. B. went home with A. Brigham.
Friday, 27
Heavy south wind and cloudy. Took an early breakfast with Mr. Brigham and returned to the Holcomb house, finished our business by 10 o’clock and then we walked back to Mr. Bunyan’s, staid there to dinner, the I proceeded home, calling at P.O. and getting letter from Benham.
Saturday, 28
Rainy night and ground bare again. Remained about the house until afternoon, spending most of the time in the Library reading, then went to the Centre, called at the store and got a pair of butts for the wood closet door, and returning called at Walace’s to see Lydia and chatted there till after dark.
Sunday, 29
Cloudy and colder. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, which was conducted by Brs. Rockwell and Taylor. After meeting, called at Wallace’s, remaing there to tea. Lizzie Rode out with Harvey today. At night, Elon made a call.
Monday, 30
Principally cloudy, and cold. Spent the forepart of the day till afternoon, reading Dickens’ "No Thoroughfare". Hung the wood closet door, that had been broken off, in the afternoon, and chopped a little wood. Burton helped Harvey haul some hay.
Tuesday, 31
Mostly cloudy. Continues cold. Remained about the house -- most of the time in the Library reading some of the time tinkering – till after dinner, then went up to the Centre, stopped some time with Orson, then went to the store, and, returning, called at Wallace’s, finding that Bruce and Lydia had gone to J. H. Ross’ for a visit, and Wallace was threshing for Levi Taylor.
[Also contains detailed accounts of costs for both trips].