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1868 Diary of Luman Putnam of Granville
Transcribed by Betsy Shirk - bshirk2002@yahoo.com Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice Transcription copyright 2010 Betsy Shirk and Joyce M. Tice 1854 Diary and Introduction. Also access to many more LumanPutnam Diaries |
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Luman Putnam | Jerusha Bailey, his first wife |
L. Putnam’s
Diary for
Wednesday, 1
Weather moderate. Storm of snow and sleet began in the night, continuing till afternoon. Held New year’s day at home, and spent the afternoon visiting with Mr. Bruce and Lydia, Wallace and Helen and Annette, Harvey went up in the forenoon with his colts and brought them down, and took them back again at night, except Mr. Bruce and Lydia, who staid with us over night.
Thursday, 2
Moderate weather continues, thawing some. Day mostly cloudy. Spent the day about the house as usual not going out farther than the wood yard. Chopped a little wood and read some. Mr. Bruce went away soon after breakfast and Lydia towards noon. Lewis Saxton called in the afternoon. Elon called in evening. Heard that uncle Churchill died this morning. Br. Hubbell came at bed time and staid over night.
Friday, 3
The weather continues very similar to that of yesterday. Went over to see Elon in the morning about attending the funeral today. Br. Hubbill departed soon after. Wife rode with Elon’s folks up to the Centre, and I rode with him up to Calvin’s. We came back to the meeting house & heard discourse by Eld. Loomis. After burial, stopped & took tea with wife at Bruce’s, then we called a short time at donation party, at Levi’s.
Saturday, 4
Cloudy, mild weather continues. sprinkling of rain & sleet, and thaw progresses. Brought in a quantity of wood in the morning, and partly filled the wood closet of the Library, then spent the time reading till towards the middle of the day when I walked over to Harry’s for a visit, Harvey going with his colts and buggy taking along his ma and Lizzie, returning at night in the same order.
Sunday, 5
Day cloudy, evening fair. The weather considerably colder. Attended meeting at the Center in the forenoon, discourse by Br. Hulburt. communion exercises conducted by Brs. Taylor and Rockwell. Very full attendance and meeting somewhat lengthy. Valentine gave me a notice to attend arbitration att Canton on the 16th inst. Elon came over in the evening.
Monday, 6
Day mostly cloudy, and the weather continues cold. Spent a considerable portion of the day and a part of the evening writing a long letter to Mr. Atkins, giving him a circumstantial account of our Christmas proceedings and the naming of the baby. Did not go out anywhere, and had no company or callers.
Tuesday, 7
Cloudy. Rained a little, which congealing produced a coating of ice. Went up to the Post Office, immediately after breakfast to carry the letter to Mr. Atkins so that it might be mailed and sent out today. Got the Tribune and returning, called on Lydia a short time. Spent the remainder of the day about the house, most of the time in the Library reading. Burton helped Harvey butcher a steer.
Wednesday, 8
Weather mostly cloudy and considerably mild, thawing some. Remained about the house until towards night, then went down to the barn and did the fodering for Harvey he having gone with Lizzie and Sara over to their father’s in West Burlington. Commenced writing a letter to Rhoda, but was broken off in the evening by Ed. and Jane’s brother who made a call.
Thursday, 9
A little more snow this morning. Day cloudy cold and blustering. Did the chores at the barn in the morning, and in the middle of the day went down again and turned the cattle out of the stables and cleaned them out. Harvey returned in the afternoon. Finished a long letter to Rhoda, carried it to P.O. calling at Orson’s and at Bruce’s, and received the Tribune and a letter from my old friend J. K. Pelton.
Friday, 10
Principal part of the day fair and weather not quite so cold as yesterday. Commenced writing a long letter to George Harris and his wife and spent a considerable portion of the time at reading and other matters. Went down to the barn in the middle of the day and turned the cattle out of the stables for Harvey, he being engaged with his colts hauling wood off the Drake hill. Samuel Beach called.
Saturday, 11
Continues cold and partially cloudy. Some flurries of snow in the course of the day. Finished the letter to Mr. and Mrs. Harris and carried it up to the P.O. in the morning before breakfast, and bought some stationary for letter writing, calling on Lydia on my return. Helped Harvey to grind his axe. Spent a considerable portion of the day writing a long letter to Benham. Finished it in the evening.
Sunday, 12
Partially cloudy and the weather continues considerably cold. Arose before daylight in the mor morning, wrote a long letter to my cousin Lydia Caywood, finished it before eleven oclock in the forenoon got ready and attended meeting at the Centre which was conducted by Br. Levi Taylor, gave letters to the P.M. called on Wallace & on Orson.
Monday, 13
Day mostly fair and the weather continues pretty cold. Did not go away from the house today but spent a considerable portion of it in writing a long letter to my old friend and school mate, Joseph K. Pelton. Sent the letter to the P.O. by Rodman, who brought me the Tribune and the Courier. Benjamin Smiley called towards night.
Tuesday, 14
Cloudy and cold with a sprinkling of snow to mend the sleighing a little. Remained about the house through the fore part of the day reading some and writing a letter to Luman and preparing to start towards Canton to attend an arbitration on Thursday. Azor and Eliza came down, and wife and I rode home with them for a visit there, he agreeing to take me over to Canton on Thursday.
Wednesday, 15
Weather continues cloudy and cold with some squalls. After Azor had done his chores in the morning he hitched up his colts to the sleigh and took us all over to the village. Bought a pair of calf-skin boots. $5.75; and Arabian Nights $1.50; sold Y-30, $52.00; and Coupons, $9.12. Wife bought a dress pattern and some other fixings. Returned to Azor’s.
Thursday, 16
Most of the day cloudy and the weather quite cold. After breakfast Azor went with a horse and cutter and took me over to Canton to attend arbitration. Called and took dinner at Elias Rockwell’s, went to Newman’s office and commenced the trial, to John Griffin’s to tea and after the adjournment in the evening, went there to lodge. Azor went home before night.
Friday, 17
Cloudy cold weather continues same as it has been for several day. After we had decided the suit in the morning, went over to Mr. Stockwell’s office & spent some time with him, then went to the house and visited with Mrs. Stockwell, took dinner there, went out in the village and found Stephen Landon who came to attend the election, rode with him to Wm. Bates’, and at night walked over and staid with him.
Saturday, 18
No particular change in the weather, continues cold. Starting after breakfast, rode with Stephen to Amos Wilcox’s, which took me back to Canton again. He went there for the purpose of buying a house and lot of Wilcox near the village. After making the bargain we returned, took a late dinner, and towards night, Truman came with horse & cutter & brot me down to Luther’s. Staid there.
Sunday, 19
Day mostly fair and the weather considerably cold. After breakfast, came down to Valentine’s and rode with him and his family down to the Centre to meeting. Br. Hurlburt was in attendence and delivered a discourse. After meeting made short calls at Mr. Bruce’s and at Orson’s and coming home found Azor, who had brot wife home.
Monday, 20
Day cloudy with intervals of sunshine. Weather more mild. Remained about the house through the day. Spent the principal portion of my time in the Library reading. Fremont brought me the Tribune and the Courier. Family all went up to Orson’s in the evening leaving me alone. John & Philander’s wife called here.
Tuesday, 21
Not very cold but very stormy. Snow fell fast through the day. No chance to get out today, therefore remained indoors, not going away from the house farther than the wood pile. Spent the most of my time in the Library reading and doing a little writing. We are having the most remarkable snow storm of the season, already two feet deep, and still going on.
Wednesday, 22
Day fair and the weather quite mild, thawing some. Remained about the house through the day as usual, spending the principal part of the time in the Library, engaged in reading, writing some, and arranging books in the case. Fremont went to the P.O. and brought me a letter from Luman. No company or calls.
Thursday, 23
The weather continues mild. Day cloudy with a slight storm of rain & sleet. Spent my time in the Library till about ten o’clock in the morning, then went with wife, Amanda, Harvey and Lizzie up to Sister Mary’s, or her son Benjamin’s for a visit, Harvey driving his colts for the purpose. Found old Br. Sweet and Sarah Ann there, Philander and Valentine calling in.
Friday, 24
Principal part of the day fair & the weather continues mild. Did not go away from the house today, but remained, most of the time in the Library, dividing my attention between reading, writing, smoking, tinkering and chatting with Mr. Bunyan, who came in the middle of the day and remained till towards night. Fremont brought the Tribune.
Saturday, 25
Weather continues pleasant, Day fair and weather quite moderate. Spent the day about the house as usual. Benjamin and Lurenda came down, bringing with them Miss French their school Mistress. Lucella and Fremont went home with them. Rod. brought me two letters from the P.O., one from Mr. Atkins and the other from G. D. Montanye.
Sunday, 26
Weather cloudy, a little colder, and a little sprinkling of snow. Spent my time in the house today, and the principal portion of it in the Library engaged with my books. Intended to go to meeting but not being ready in season, and being disinclined on some other accounts, gave it up. Mr. Bruce and Lydia were here in the afternoon.
Monday, 27
The weather continues very similar to that of yesterday. Remained about the house thro the day, as usual, employing a portion of my time in reading. Wrote two letters, one to Luman and the other to the Tribune Publishers, inclosing $1.00 for seven Almanac. Elon made a call in the afternoon, staying till towards night. Roddie brought me the Tribune and the Courier from the P.O.
Tuesday, 28
Day fair and weather quite tolerable for the season. In the morning, after breakfast, went up to the Centre, calling at the P.O. to have my letters mailed and to buy some postage stamps and after chatting a spell with Mr. Taylor, went over to Mr. Bruce’s and spent some time, returning in the middle of the day .
Wednesday, 29
Cloudy again and cold, with more snow falling in the afternoon. Remained about the house through the day, not going out any farther than the wood pile. Spent a small portion of the at reading, and wrote two letters, one to Mr. Atkins and the other to Br. Wells at Canton, inclosing a copy of Fremont’s poetry.
Thursday, 30
Morning quite cold, day fair and pleasant. In the morning, after breakfast, went up to the Centre, called at the store to have my letters mailed, but being a few minutes too late, they had to lie over. After chatting there some time, went over to see Lydia, staying there till after noon, then returned to P.O., got the Tribune, and came home.
Friday, 31
Day fair, but the weather continues moderately cold. Employed what leisure time I had in making preparation to go with Benjamin to Towanda. In the middle of the day Luther and Sally, and Mr. Bruce and Lydia came for a visit, Benjamin coming soon after. Towards night, after visitors had departed, we started, stopping at his nephew Thomas’ and staid over.
Saturday, 1
Day fair and temperature about the same as yesterday. We remained with Thomas till after breakfast, then hitched up and drove to Towanda, stopping at McKean’s. Took dinner of oysters at Smiths’ Bought overshoes at Powell’s, got trans? at Prot’s office, filed it with Auditor, bought picture frames of Bender, returned to Franklin, and staid over with David Smiley.
Sunday, 2
Partially fair and the wind southerly. Cold at night & flurry of snow. We remained with David till some time afer breakfast, then we went over and made a call at Betsey’s, finding Ruth Ann, who is there with her husband, Mr. Sill; then returned, hiched up, and came on home, Benjamin only making a short call. Elon came in to see me towards night.
Monday, 3
Day mostly fair and the weather continues cold. Remained about the house through the day. Put the pictures of Azor and Eliza into the frames and hung them in our room, and repaired some door latches. Rod. brot the Tribune and Courier from the P.O. Spent some time reading. Wallace called in the middle of the day.
Tuesday, 4
Weather continues fair, and is also quite cold. Mr. Bunyan came down in the morning with his sleigh after me and wife. We rode home with him and spent the day and night there. Had an oyster supper, and in the evening a large company, principally from the Centre, came as a surprise party. Had another supper of oysters. Rec’d a letter from Rhoda, & 7 Tribune Almanacs.
Wednesday, 5
Morning fair, afternoon cloudy, and the day cold. We took an early breakfast, and Mr. and Mrs. Bunyan being invited to a wedding at Mrs. Martin’s, we rode down with them, calling at Mr. Innas’ a little while, and then he drove Mr. Bunyan’s team down for the purpose of bringing us home. Wallace helped Harvey get wood.
Thursday, 6
Day cloudy, snowing a little, and weather more moderate, night cold. Remained about the house till in the afternoon, then started on foot for Luther’s. Called on the way and chatted a spell with Mr. Bruce and Lydia; at the store and presented Mr. Taylor with a Tribune Almanac; then walked along up to Luther’s, where I staid over night.
Friday, 7
The day mostly fair but the weather quite cold again. Took breakfast with Luther and Sally; then walked down to Valentine’s and tarried there till after dinner; starting out again, rode with the mail boy down to the Center; called at the P.O. and got the Reporter; then walked down home.
Saturday, 8
Cold morning, fair day and weather milder. Remained about the house through the day and wrote two letters, one to Hon. Mr. Mercur, Washington city, and the other to Daniel Bush. Read some but spent most of the time visiting with Julius and Sally who came here for that purpose. In the evening Percival was here.
Sunday, 9
Day cloudy and weather quite mild. Afternoon rainy. Went up to the Centre to attend meeting, but at half past eleven, there being so few in attendence, the meeting was adjourned. Called and left my letters at the P.O.; called with Wallace and at Orson’s a short time, and then on coming home found Luman who had arrived from Troy having proceeded there yesterday on the cars.
Monday, 10
Weather colder again. Day fair and quite pleasant. Spent the day about the house as usual, read some and did some writing. Luman went away in the morning to attend to some business at Barclay. Burton was here to help Harvey haul some hay for Luman’s sheep. Mary and aunt Abby were here for a visit. Wallace called in the morning. Rod. brot the Tribune.
Tuesday, 11
Fair weather continues and only moderately cold. Kept house alone today, wife and Lizzie went up to Burton’s with Harvey, who went to help Burton haul some straw. Besides reading some, spent a portion of my time writing a letter to George Brigham. Luman has not made his appearance yet since he went to Barclay.
Wednesday, 12
A cold night succeeded by a fair pleasant day. Went in the morning, directly after breakfast, up to the Centre and carried my letter to the P.O. & had it mailed and sent on its way. Went over to Wallace’s and staid some time, then returned to the P.O. and waited till the mail came back and then returned home. Luman came.
Thursday, 13
Another fair day and weather much more mild, thawing considerably. Remained about the house through the day, reading Shakspeare a part of the time. John Bates & Augusta, with Orson and Harriet were here for a visit. After they went away at night, Isaac made a call. In the evening Luman and Harvey went to the Centre & brot the Tribune & letter from Dan.
Friday, 14
Fair, soft, pleasant weather continues, with freezing nights. Remained about the house till the middle of the day, then went with wife up to Br. Levi Taylor’s for a visit. After tea walked over to the P.O., and, returning, called a few minutes at Wallace’s. We rode home in John Bush’s sleigh. Luman went to Troy to attend S. Pierce’s funeral.
Saturday, 15
Cloudy through the day, and the weather moderate. Remained about the house till about the middle of the day, and then went over in the woods to help Harvey secure some honey that he found in a soft maple tree that he had fallen several days ago for wood. We saved something more than fifty pounds of very nice honey. Luman went back.
Sunday, 16
Day fair and pleasant. Mild weather continues. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Hurlburt being the minister. Paid one dollar towards making up the deficiency of his pay. After meeting called a short time at Wallace’s, and then, made a call at Orson’s before returning home. Had no company to day.
Monday, 17
Day cloudy, a little colder, and a little snow fell in the afternoon. Staid about the house, as usual through the day, reading when not employed with company. Luther & Sally came first. They staid but a short time, having come after Lucella. Before they left Thomas Smiley and his wife called and stopped with us till after tea & then went on to Benjamin’s. Rod. brot the Tribune.
Tuesday, 18
Weather fair again and is quite moderate. Continues to thaw. Remained about home thro. the day, doing the foddering at the barn for Harvey at night, he having gone to Troy to mill, intending to stay over night at Azor’s, Lizzie going with him for a visit there. Wallace worked here today. Rod. brought from the P.O. the Courier & another letter from Dan.
Wednesday, 19
Fair weather continues and the day warm and pleasant. Foddered the stock at the barn in the morning and turned out the cattle and cleaned out the stables afterward. Harvey returned from Troy with his grist towards night. Henry Brigham called at night and staid over with us.
Thursday, 20
Day cloudy and weather continues warm, raining in the evening. Staid about the house till the middle of the day, then with wife rode home with Luther who was here with his sleigh, calling at P.O. and getting the Tribune, a letter from Mr. Mercur & a book from him. In the evening Luther and Sally went with us down to Valentine’s, but they being absent, we returned with Luther.
Friday, 21
Forenoon fair and warm, afternoon cloudy and colder. After breakfast Luther brot us down to Valentine’s, after dinner Valentine brought us down to the Centre, Harvey being there with a sleigh we rode home with him, and found Azor and Eliza who had come to see us, and were awaiting our return. Sent letter to Summit by mail boy.
Saturday, 22
Day fair and quite cold, thawing but very little. Staid about the house in the forenoon and in the afternoon went up to Samuel Shepard’s for a visit. Harvey carried his ma and Lizzie up there in the sleigh and came after them at supper time. Called at Wallace’s, and at the store on my way up.
Sunday, 23
Weather today very nearly the same as it was yesterday. Attended meeting in the forenoon at the Center. There being no preacher expected, the attendence was not large. Br. Levi Taylor conducted the exercises. Called at Wallace’s on my return. Elon made a call towards night, remaining till in the evening.
Monday, 24
Snow storm commenced in the night and continued all day. Spent the forenoon making preparations to start on a journy to visit Daniel Bush at Bellefonte. Lincoln brot me the Tribune and a letter from him. In the afternoon Harvey took us up to Luther’s, and also took along Mr. Bruce and Lydia to keep house for Luther and Sally.
Tuesday, 25
Snow storm continues with but little abatement. Arose very early in the morning and had our breadfast, then Tommy took Luther and Sally, wife and me up to the depot. When the train came along we found Eliza aboard to join us according to arrangement. Went on to Williamsport, took dinner at Lockhaven, and tea at Daniel’s.
Wednesday, 26
Cloudy weather continues, storming some at intervals. Very agreeably entertained by Daniel, his wife, and her sister Amanda, who is staying with them. Spent some time looking through his Arcade building which is 127 feet by 60, and three stories high. Went up to his office and had an introduction to Mr. Yokum his partner.
Thursday, 27
Cloudy and moderately cold, snowing a little at intervals. Spent most of the time at the house, going once or twice up to the office to get and read the Washington news. In the middle of the day Daniel went out with us to show us the glass factory, of which he is one of the proprietors. We had an opportunity to see them blow.
Friday, 28
Dull cloudy weather, similar to that of yesterday. Wrote a letter to Luman and carried it to the P.O. in the course of the forenoon. Went to the law office to get the news concerning the impeachment of the President. Took a stroll with Daniel through his house. Mr. Yokum called in the evening.
Saturday, 29
Partially fair and the weather growing colder. Intended to have visited the Iron works today, but Luther being disinclined to go out we gave it up and remained, the most of the time, about the house. Went up to the office to get the news, and in the evening we all went to the Arcade and had a supper of oysters.
Sunday, 1
Most of the day cloudy, snowing some, and weather considerably cold. Did not go out to meeting today, being a stranger in the place prefered to remain quietly in the house, spending a portion of my time reading. Family and friends also staid at home except Luther and Daniel, who attended the meeting of the Presbyterian church.
Monday, 2
The weather continues cloudy cold and stormy. Night very cold. We went to the depot at 11 A.M. and took the train for Lock Haven, on our return. Daniel & his wife came with us there and took us to the Fallon Hotel. After dinner they took their leave & went by stage to Jersey Shore. We staid till after supper and took the night train to Williamsport, putting up at City Hotel.
Tuesday, 3
Very cold day, storming some, and quite blustering. We took breakfast at the Hotel and were taken up to the Depot. After waiting there some time, we took the train for Granville, arriving at the Summit some hours behind time on account of the snow. Eliza went on to Troy. We got a chance to ride down to Luther’s with Mark Ayres.
Wednesday, 4
Morning cold, day fair, and the weather moderating. Remained at Luther’s till some time after breakfast, then he came down with his sleigh and brought us home, he returning after a very short call. Mr. Bruce and Lydia rode down with us to their home. We found the family and affairs all right.
Thursday, 5
Freezing night, fair day and thawing. Having taken a severe cold recently, have not felt very well today, and wife is complaining the same way. Remained about the house, reading some, writing some, smoking some and dozing some. Harvey brot the Tribune & a letter sent to him by Luman.
Friday, 6
Cloudy with heavy South wind continuing through the day. The effects of my cold have not abated any except to change partially from my head to my lungs. Have felt considerably unwell. Continue about the house and employed about the same as yesterday. The wind has drifted the snow very badly, and has blocked up the roads.
Saturday, 7
Cloudy and warm, raining a little and thawing last night & through the day. Feel considerably better today, but throat and lungs affected so that I am quite hoarse. Kept about the house again to day, not going out farther than the wood pile. Spent considerable time reading as usual. Towards night Elon made a call and spent some time with me.
Sunday, 8
Continues warm and the snow going of rapidly. Afternoon fair. Not being sufficently recovered from my cold, concluded not to venture out in the slush to attend meeting to day, so I remained at home with wife, spending most of my time reading. Harvey & Lizzie went over to her father’s and returned.
Monday, 9
Thaw continues. Forenoon fair, cloudy, afternoon raining a little. Have not recovered from my cold yet but feel some better. Remained about the house and spent a small portion of my time looking over my accounts with the Doctor’s Estate, but the most of it reading. Lincoln brot the Tribune from the P.O.
Tuesday, 10
Continues warm. Afternoon cloudy and rained a little at night. Getting better of my cold but continue to stay about the house. Helped Harvey grind the plane irons and put them in order for him to use. Spent considerable time reading the "Coming Wonders". Fremont brought me the Courier from the P.O. Elon called in the evening. Streams have been very high several days.
Wednesday, 11
Day fair and warm. Thawing and high water continues. Fields begin to look bare. Went up to see Lydia in the forenoon and met Theodore and Esther there. They had just arrived. Called at Orson’s, again at Wallace’s, went over to the store, and then returned home. Helped Harvey to commence putting up a partition across the Kitchen towards night, & spent some time reading.
Thursday, 12
Cloudy through the day, and warm. Rained in the evening. Spent the morning reading the "Coming Wonders". Azor and Eliza came down bringing Amanda home. They returned in the afternoon, & then with wife and Lizzie went up to Wallace’s. Called at P.O. & got Tribune. Harvey came up at night & took Lizzie home, wife & I walked home in the rain after spending the evening there.
Friday, 13
Most of the day cloudy, but the weather continues warm. Read some in the forenoon, and spent some time putting things in order for company. In the middle of the day Harvey brought his aunt Lydia and Esther down here, and soon after Mr. Bruce and Theodore came down. They staid till nearly night and then returned.
Saturday, 14
Day fair and thawing sufficiently to keep the streams moderately high. The snow is disappearing gradually and the robins have come. Walked up to Isaac’s in company with Mr. Bruce and Lydia, Theodore and Esther. Harvey took his ma up there in the buggy. At night she went over to Burton’s to stay with them, and I came home, calling at the P.O. and getting the Courier.
Sunday, 15
Day fair and warm. Most of the fields are bare except where snow was drifted. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, expecting to hear Br. Hurlburt, but for some cause, he was not in attendence. Meeting conducted by Br. Levi Taylor. Wife came down with Burton to meeting. After meeting I called at Wallace’s and at Orson’s. At night Theodore and Esther came down and staid with us. Burton and Mary called.
Monday, 16
Thunder & lightning last evening with little rain. Morning fair, afternoon rainy & warm. Theodore and Esther went up to Wallace’s after breakfast. Went up there soon after, and to the P.O. and got the Tribune, and to Commissioner’s session and got a town order for $3.00, and then to Wallace’s to dinner. After this, walked up to Luther’s, Harvey bringing up Theodore & Esther with Mr. Bruce & Lydia. We all staid over night except Harvey, who returned home.
Tuesday, 17
Principal part of the day cloudy, raining a little. Continues warm. After breakfast Luther had his waggon prepared and went up to the Summit, carrying Theodore and Esther to take the train to Elmira, they having started for Kansas. Mr. Bruce and Lydia rode down with Delos Perry, I, waiting some longer, rode down with Orson, calling at the store and at Wallace’s.
Wednesday, 18
Day mostly fair, and the weather continues warm & the water high. Little Albert quite unwell with a severe cold. Samuel called to see him. Wrote a letter to Daniel Bush on Amanda’s account, relative to his taking Fremont. Rod. carried it to the P.O. Spent the remainder of the time in the Library, and read a considerable portion of it.
Thursday, 19
The weather continues fair, warm, and pleasant. Finished writing a letter to Mrs. Rhoda A. Cook, which was begun last evening. Carried it up to the P.O. and waited for the mail, in order to get the Tribune. Called to see Lydia, on my way up. Samuel called again in the morning to see Albert. He is much better this afternoon & evening.
Friday, 20
Day cloudy, and the weather not so warm as it has been. Our little Albert appears to be considerably better today, but his hoarseness and cough have entirely subsided. Spent the day about the house, not engaged about anything in particular, except reading. Br. Levi Taylor called in the morning. Samuel came in the afternoon, and staid in the evening.
Saturday, 21
A little more snow. Day cloudy, stormy, and blustering, but not very cold. Remained about the house through the day, not doing anything of much account, but spent the most of the time reading, according to my common habit. The little boy appears to have recovered, or nearly so. Harvey brought me from P.O. the Courier and a book sent me by Mr. Webb from Harrisburg, also a Road Duplicate.
Sunday, 22
The weather fair, but not warm enough to take off all the snow. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon with Harvey, who went up with the buggy. There being no preacher present, the exercises were conducted by Br. Levi Taylor. After meeting called at Wallace’s an hour or two, and, returning found Mary here, Burton having gone to Franklin.
Monday, 23
Fair weather continues and warm. Snow disappearing again. Having commenced a long letter last evening, was busily engaged with it the forepart of the day. The letter was written to Mrs. Brigham. Having finished it, carried it up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, calling to see Lydia on my way back. Spent some time reading. C. N. Sayles called to get some cions. Harvey wet to Troy.
Tuesday, 24
Fair again today. Weather similar to that of yesterday. Did not go abroad today but remained about the house, doing nothing in particular except the usual amount of reading and smoking. Harvey helped Burton haul some hay that he sold to him. Mary & Cal. came down with Burton, and spent the day here.
Wednesday, 25
Day mostly cloudy, but the weather continues moderately warm. Remained about the house through the day, reading some, tending baby some and commenced writing a letter to Horace Caster in Michigan, but was broken off by Br. Wells, who called to see me early in the afternoon, and remained with us over night. Harvey brought me a letter from the P.O. from Daniel Bush.
Thursday, 26
Day fair and pleasant and warm weather continues. Completed my letter to Horace Caster, begun yesterday, carried it up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and a letter from Mr. Atkins, called a few minutes at Wallace’s on my way home. Br. Wells remained with me through the day, and at night, he went over to Elon’s. Br. Rockwell called in the afternoon, going away before night.
Friday, 27
Day partially cloudy, but the weather continues warm and dry. Did not go out any where today further than the wood pile, but spent a portion, of my time tending the baby who is getting to be quite partial to me, and the remainder in the library with my books and newspapers. Harvey brought the Reporter from the P.O. Br. Wells called a short time at night, & then returned to Elon’s.
Saturday, 28
Day fair and pleasant, and the weather moderately warm. Remained about the house through the day, spending a portion of my time reading, tended baby some, and visited with Br. Wells who came in the morning and remains with me. In the afternoon put a stop in one of the Library windows. Harvey went over to Barclay with Wallace.
Sunday, 29
The weather continues fair and very pleasant. Walked up to the Centre in the morning with Br. Wells before the hour of meeting, he calling at Br. Levi Taylor’s, and I at Wallace’s. At the ringing of the bell attended the meeting at which Br. Hurlburt delivered the discourse. Br. Wells had an appointment at the Corners at 3 o’clock.
Monday, 30
Day fair, and in all respects, similar to yesterday. Put two fastenings or stops into one of the windows of the Library in the forenoon, then went up to the Centre in company with Br. Wells. We called a short time on Mr. Bruce and then went over to the store, where I got the Tribune & the Courier, and then returned.
Tuesday, 31
Fair, warm and pleasant weather continues. Remained about the house today. Smiley and Lucien called in the morning on their way to Franklin. Put fastenings in all the Library windows, read a little, and tended baby some. Harvey commenced plowing with his steers, east of the house. Abe. Mott’s boy helped him.
Wednesday, 1
Forenoon Fair, some clouds in the afternoon with a little rain. After reading a spell in the morning, went up to the Centre to see the movements. Mr. Bruce and Wallace moved into the Hewitt house, Mr. Fuller, into the house they left, Mr. Hewitt onto Horace Spalding’s farm, and Samuel Shepard into the Jack Drake house. Harvey helped Wallace move, & then hauled manure.
Thursday, 2
Forenoon cloudy with a little rain, afternoon partially fair. Wrote two letters, one to Daniel G. Bush, and the other to Hon. Simon Cameron, and also put up two Reporters, one to Daniel, and the other to Joseph K. Pelton, and carried them all to the P.O. and received the Tribune. Met Br. Wells there. Made two calls at Mr. Bruce’s. Returning home found the family all absent.
Friday, 3
Day fair and the weather very agreeable. Sowed some spring wheat for Harvey, east of the house, he preparing the seed and dragging it in with the steers and cultivator. Spent some time reading Mr. Butler’s speech against President Johnson in the case of his impeachment. Luman arrived home in the afternoon.
Saturday, 4
Ground covered with snow in the morning. Day cold & squally. Got ready and rode to Troy with Luman, calling at Benjamin’s and Azor’s on the way, leaving the colts and buggy at Azor’s. Did a little trading and received from Manville the 4th Vol. of Victor’s History of the Rebellion. We staid with Azor over night, Luman coming in about 2 o’clock in the morning.
Sunday, 5
Day partially fair but the weather continues cold. In the morning, after breakfast, Luman with Mr. Sadler who came with him from the lodge, started off homewards, I remaining, according to my arrangement, with Azor through the day, in order to go to the village with Amanda tomorrow if she comes.
Monday, 6
Day fair & more pleasant, but not very warm. Remained at Azor’s through the forenoon waiting for Amanda and Fremont. They having arrived at noon, we took dinner and then went over to the village. Gave Fremont $20. with which he bought a suit of cloaths. Rode with them home, arriving before dark. Luman went to Barclay and returned.
Tuesday, 7
Snow storm commenced in the night and continued all day. Remained about the house during the day. Spent the principal portion of the time reading, or dozing when trying to read. Did nothing more except to tend baby a little. Wife and Harvey and Lizzie went up to Burton’s in the middle of the day, returning towards night. Elon called in the evening.
Wednesday, 8
Cloudy and stormy, with gales of wind and intervals of sunshine. Continued about the house again through the day, trying to read some but not making out much on account of being very sleepy whenever making the attempt. Gave up to it and lay down on the bed a spell in the middle of the day. The trouble is I have not smoked any since Sunday last.
Thursday, 9
Day fair and moderately warm, settling the snow considerably. spent the morning in the Library reading. In the middle of the day walked up to the Centre with Luman. Called a spell at Mr. Bruce’s. He and Lydia away from home, having gone over to John Bush’s. Called at the P.O. and got a letter from George Brigham, but failed to get the Tribune.
Friday, 10
Cloudy and snowing again today, but weather not cold. Spent the principal portion of the time till about the middle of the afternoon, reading "The Old Curiosity Shop" by Charles Dickens. Then Amanda came in and brought me the Tribune and the Reporter, and also a photograph of her little Lelia. Luman went to Troy.
Saturday, 11
Forenoon fair and warm, afternoon cloudy, raining some. Remained at home till the middle of the day, then went up to the Centre, met Harvey there who gave me the Courier and a book sent me by Mr. Cameron, called on Mr. Bruce a spell, and then rode down with Mr. Barnes. Benjamin and Lurenda with their two children came & staid.
Sunday, 12
Principal part of the day cloudy, storming some. Weather some colder. Did not attend meeting today on account of the bad weather and the bad travelling, but most especially because Benjamin and Lurenda were here. Luman and Harvey went up to attend meeting at the Centre. Visitors left for home towards night. Harriet made a call soon after.
Monday, 13
Day fair and the weather moderately warm, taking off most of the snow. Spent the forenoon at home, employed at numbering the chapters and verses in Sawyer’s translation of the New Testament, according to the common version, and worked at it again in the evening. In the middle of the day went up to the Centre, calling at the P.O. and got the Tribune & a paper from Arcola, Ill. & stopped a spell at Bruce’s.
Tuesday, 14
Principal part of the day cloudy, raining some towards night. Spent the principal portion of the forenoon and evening putting in marginal numbers of chapters and verses to Sawyer’s translation. Finished the books of Mathew and Mark. Went in the afternoon, with wife, down to the Corners to make a visit at Julius’. Found Mrs. Griffin of Scranton there.
Wednesday, 15
Forenoon fair, and the afternoon cloudy with slight dashes of rain. Spent a considerable portion of the day dividing Sawyer’s translation to make it correspond with the common, and other versions. Went down to Robert’s in the forenoon and got a law book of mine. Went over the creek to see the wheat and into the meadow above the house. Luman returned from Elmira.
Thursday, 16
Day fair, with slight exception and warm. Worked some at Sawyer’s New Testament same as yesterday, and finished the book of Luke. Went up to the Centre, calling on Mr. Bruce, and at the P.O. and got the Tribune. Spent some time reading in the afternoon. Towards night Mr. Burrit, a pedlar called and tarried with over. Agreed to sell him the old papers.
Friday, 17
Continues warm and fair, with slight intervals of cloud & gusts of rain. Sold the Pedlar 275 lbs. of old paper at 3 cents a pound, which with some other truck that the boys let him have, including his bill, amounted to $12.50 which we took out of his waggon, chiefly in tin ware, Harvey and Lizzie and Anna and Albert, went to Troy today.
Saturday, 18
Partially cloudy and weather a little cooler. No rain today. Remained about the house thro the day; but did not undertake to do anything on account of not feeling very well. Did try to read some, but did not succeed very well on account of being so dozy. Made out better at tending baby than anything else.
Sunday, 19
Afternoon cloudy, inclining to rain a little. Weather cool. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon. Meeting conducted by Br. Levi Taylor assisted by Br. Rockwell. Returning found Azor and Eliza here, & soon after Luman with a young Mr. Manley came in, then Orville, and then Burton and Mary came. Went with wife, home with Azor and Eliza.
Monday, 20
Cloudy dull weather continues. Day quite rainy. Felt quite dull and dozy or sleepy through the day. Spent the most of the time, when not asleep, in reading old Newspapers and Magazines. Towards night walked out a little ways in the road and fields. Wife very busily engaged at making a new dress.
Tuesday, 21
Dull disagreeable weather continues. Remained about the house through the day, feeling about as dull as the weather is. Spent a considerable portion of the time reading Arthur’s Magazines and other books and papers I found there. Wife engaged on her dress, with Eliza to help her.
Wednesday, 22
Day fair and pleasant. The weather considerably warmer. Rode with Azor over to the village, wife & Eliza stopping at the old lady’s on the hill. Azor sold a tub of butter there for $25. After he had finished his business there, we all rode down to Benjamin’s. Azor & Eliza returning at night, and wife and I remaining over.
Thursday, 23
Forenoon fair, afternoon cloudy and colder. Flurries of snow. In the morning after breakfast started to walk home, leaving wife to wait for an opportunity to ride. Stopped a little while at Burton’s on the way, and also made a short call at Bruce’s. Harvey brot me from P.O., the The Tribune, and also a letter form Rhoda.
Friday, 24
Frosty morning, fair forenoon, cloudy afternoon, and colder again. spent a considerable portion of the time in the Library reading and tending baby some. Went up in the meadow and picked up a few stones. In the afternoon went up to the Centre, making a call on Mr. Bruce and Lydia, and also stopping an hour or so at Orson’s.
Saturday, 25
Snow in the morning and snowed all the forenoon, clearing off at night. Spent the day in and about the house, doing nothing in particular but employed a portion of the time reading, besides tending baby some. Br. Hubbill called in the forenoon and remained with me through the day. He spent a considerable part of the time reading, & finally tarried with us over night.
Sunday, 26
Day fair and pleasant again, taking off the remains of yesterday’s snow. Went up to the Centre in the forenoon in company with Br. Hubbill and attended meeting, Br. Hurlburt being the preacher. After meeting, called a few minutes with Mr. Bruce and then came home and went down to Sam’s to get a prescription for my lip. Luman brot his ma home from Burton’s in the morning .
Monday, 27
Morning fair, succeeded by clouds, and clearing off at night. Afternoon went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, called a spell at Mr. Bruce’s, then started to go up to Luther’s, meeting him and Sally on their way down, returned with them, and at night, after they had made a visit at Amanda’s, rode home with them & staid over.
Tuesday, 28
Frosty morning. Fair day & the weather inclining to be warm. Luther, having to take a grist to mill, started after breakfast for Troy with a two horse wagon. Rode up with him at his request. He took his grain to Long’s, and we stopped at Azor’s for dinner. Returned with grist by way of the village, he doing a little trading there. Staid over with them again.
Wednesday, 29
Cloudy all day, raining a little occasionally. Remained at Luther’s till after dinner, then started for home on foot, he coming along with me as far as Harrison Ross’. Called to see Lydia a little while on the way. Harvey plowed for oats and young Mott hauled manure on the garden. Elon called at night.
Thursday, 30
Partially cloudy, with a little dash of rain. Towards the middle of the day went up to the Centre, made a call at Mr. Bruce’s and then went to the P.O. waiting till the mail came in, got the Tribune and Courier, & brought them home. Towards night went over the creek and cut a couple of sticks for fish poles.
Friday, 1
Forenoon cloudy and quite cool, afternoon fair and warmer. Arranged my fishing tackle and went out in the forenoon to try my luck. Fished across my lot, and up as far as Levi’s bridge. Made out to get a small mess of small fish. Tended baby in the afternoon and with wife and Lizzie took tea with Amanda. Elon called towards night.
Saturday, 2
Day cloudy and dull, raining some especially in the forenoon. Remained in and about the house through the day, engaged, most of the time with my newspapers and books, and with tending the baby. Did intend to try fishing again, but the weather was too unpropitious. Luman brot the Courier. Elon and Mr. Northrop called to consult about building.
Sunday, 3
Morning cloudy and dull, evening fair and bright. Went up to the Centre a little before the hour of meeting, calling to see Mr. Bruce who is sick, remaining there till the ringing of the bell and then attended meeting which was conducted by Br. Levi Taylor assisted by Br. Charles Ross. Wallace and Mr. Bennet made a call in the afternoon.
Monday, 4
Day fair and pleasant with fine growing weather. Went a fishing in the forenoon again, making our but poorly as usual. After dinner went up to the Centre, calling at the P.O. & receiving the Tribune and a letter from Fremont who has gone to live with Daniel Bush, and also to see Mr. Bruce again.
Tuesday, 5
Day partially fair but mostly cloudy, with sprinkling of rain. Quite dozy and stupid today. Rigged a line and thought of going a fishing again, but did not make it out, and designed making some calls at the Centre, but failed. Made out to read a little and tended baby some. Harvey plowed the garden.
Wednesday, 6
Morning and middle of the day cloudy with little rain; fair at night. Went a fishing in the forenoon & made out tolerably well. After dinner went up to the Centre, called at the P.O. & got a letter for Lucella from Fremont, and called to see Mr. Bruce who is quite sick. Luman commenced breaking up a piece for corn over the creek, & Harvey went over the mountain with Burton fishing.
Thursday, 7
Rained all day with the exception of a short period afternoon. In the middle of the day went up to the Center, calling a little while to see Mr. Bruce who continues to be very feeble, went in to the P.O. and got the Tribune, stopped a while at Orson’s and he being going below, rode down home with him. Harvey returned at night with a few trouts.
Friday, 8
Day partially fair and weather a little cooler. Towards the middle of the day, went up to the Centre and calling at the P.O. found Mr. Bunyan there, and waiting till the mail came in got the Reporter. Went in and spent some time with Mr. Bruce who appears some better. Wallace & Bennet called in the morning, and Elon in the afternoon.
Saturday, 9
Day fair but the weather was not very warm. Went a fishing in the forenoon but the water was so high that I did not make out very well. In the afternoon went up to the Centre, called at the P.O. for the Courier but only got the Bistoury, called to see Mr. Bruce who is better, and called at Levi’s to see his daily Philadelphia paper.
Sunday, 10
Fort part of the day fair, latter part cloudy and cool. Went up to the Centre before the hour of meeting and called at Mr. Bruce’s until the ringing of the bell, then attended meeting and heard a discourse by Br. Palmer, Br. Hurlburt not being in attendence. After meeting called a few minutes to see Mr. Bruce again. Orson & Harriet called in afternoon, Elon, at night.
Monday, 11
Weather fair today but not very warm. Frosty morning. Finished marking and numbering the chapters and verses of John’s Gospel, in Sawyer’s translation, in the forenoon. Lucella brought me the Tribune from the P.O. Towards night went out to catch a few fish. Made out tolerably well. Harvey worked at breaking up his corn ground.
Tuesday, 12
Fair weather again today, very similar to that of yesterday. Remained about the house thro the day reading some, tending baby, and visiting with Julius and Sally, and the widow Griffin, and Amanda Shepard, all of whom were here today for that purpose. Horace was here also and went up the creek a fishing with Luman. Elon made a call.
Wednesday, 13
Another cloudy rainy day, continuing till towards night. Nothing of any consequence to note to day. Intended to have gone abroad but was prevented by the incessant rain, and was hindered from going a fishing by the same cause. Therefore remained in the house reading, sleeping and doing nothing generally.
Thursday, 14
Day fair and warm. Towards night a little thunder & a few drops rain. Spent the forenoon about house engaged in arranging administration accounts of the Doctor’s estate. In the afternoon went up to the Centre, called at the P.O. and got the Tribune and a letter from Esther, went in to see Mr. Bruce then came home and went a fishing. Harry Bailey was here to dinner.
Friday, 15
Weather cloudy and warm, with light showers at short intervals. Went up to the Centre in the forenoon with wife, to attend the funeral of old Mrs. Saxton who died at the age of 93. Called at Mr. Bruce’s until the hour of meeting. Br. Wells officiated called at the P.O. for the Reporter after the exercises were concluded. Valentine called, & after him, Wallace.
Saturday, 16
The day fair, and the weather continues moderately warm. Spent the forenoon in the house, employing most of the time reading, and among other matter read Shakspeare’s Cymbeline. In the afternoon went out to catch some fish, going down on to Frank Taylor’s lot and fishing back, getting a considerable number of small ones. Harvey planted potatoes.
Sunday, 17
Rainy again; commencing in the morning and continuing all day. Intended to have gone up to the Centre to meeting today, but on the account of the continuous rain about the hour for meeting. had to abandon the intention. Spent a considerable portion of the time in the old testament and the apocrypha and tended baby some.
Monday, 18
Rained moderately through the past night & through the day. Freshet. Wrote a letter in the morning to H. C. Baird, and after dinner carried it up to the P.O. and got the Tribune & a letter from Lydia Caywood. Called at Mr. Bruce’s, and at the meetinghouse where persons are engaged in papering fitting it up. Volney called in the morning. Luman came home with Sadler.
Tuesday, 19
Day cloudy without rain of any amount. Spent most of the time in the forenoon reading and tending baby. Went up in the lot to see how Harvey came on building stone and rail fence. Afternoon went up to the Centre, met Mr. Bunyan there, called with him to see the work going on at the meetinghouse, went in to P.O. & Bruce’s.
Wednesday, 20
Cloudy. again with a little sunshine in the middle of the day. Luman went to Troy with Wm. Sadler. Harvey and Lizzie went up to Azor’s. Spent the forenoon in the house with wife, time mostly occupied books and newspapers. Afternoon went out to try my luck at fishing. Made out but poorly on account of high water. Hiram Lament called.
Thursday, 21
Day cloudy with another copious rain in the afternoon. Freshet. Employed during the forenoon about the house as usual. Afternoon went up to the Centre, called in to the meeting house to see the improvements lately made there. Stopped a short time to see Lydia, went in to the P.O. and got the Tribune, and brot it home. Burton & Mary here.
Friday, 22
Cloudy with a little sunshine in the middle of the day. A little rain afternoon. Read some and tended baby some in the forenoon, afternoon went up to the Centre got the Reporter at the P.O., called at Wallace’s, and met Br. Churchill at Larcum’s with a load of staves. Went out & helped Harvey & Burton lay stones a short time. Benjamin & Lurenda called a short time.
Saturday, 23
A little sunshine in the morning. and a little rain in the afternoon. spent an hour or two in the forenoon fishing and got a small mess of small fish. In the afternoon went up in the lot and helped Harvey a little while at laying stones where he is making lane fence with rails and stones. He had Abe Mott and his boy helping also.
Sunday, 24
Weather continues cloudy, with a little rain. Warm and very wet. Before the hour for meeting, went up to the Center, called at Mr. Bruce’s till the ringing of the bell, then attended meeting which was carried on by Brs. Levi Taylor and Charles Ross. Br Hurlburt failing again. Br. Wilson and his wife from Alba were in attendence and came home with me to tea.
Monday, 25
Day cloudy & warm, with a little rain and a few intervals of sunshine. Remained about the house, thro the day, engaged in my usual employments. In the afternoon Harvey brot the Tribune and the Courier from the P.O. After this got ready with wife to go up to Valentine’s & Luther’s, but gave it up on account of the arrival of Stephen & his wife. After tea they went to Cole’s.
Tuesday, 26
Day fair and warm, with fair prospect of drier weather. Stephen called in the morning and got his team. We rode with them up to Luther’s. Afternoon they departed for home, we remained with intention of staying over night. After Stephen and his wife had gone went out with Luther, and having cut a fish pole proceeded to the creek and caught a few little fish.
Wednesday, 27
Weather continues fair and favorable for business. In the morning, after breakfast, started out a fishing again, Luther being out in the field. We remained with them till about middle of the afternoon, and walked down to Valentine’s. Went out with Fred and Adolphus’ little girl and caught a few little fish. Staid there over night. Valentine came home from Barclay at night.
Thursday, 28
Cloudy with sprinkling of rain in the morning. Remainder of the day fair. Went out a fishing again with Fred, along the creek through Valentine’s field. After dinner Valentine sent his team & took us down to the Centre. Called a short time at Bruce’s & then walked home. Went a fishing towards night. Rec’d a letter from H. C. Baird. Harvey had help & planted corn. Luman’s sorrel horse died.
Friday, 29
Day fair, except some clouds in the morning, & the weather warm. Spent a considerable portion of the time to day with Albert. Drew him in Amanda’s baby cart down to the Corners, stopping some time with Julius. In the afternoon went out a spell to catch some fish and made out tolerably well. Luman brought me at night the Reporter & letter from Pelton.
Saturday, 30
Day fair except a smart thunder shower a little before noon. Read some in the morning and then went up to the Centre, taking Albert along with me in the baby carriage and stopping at Mr. Bruce’s. After staying there sometime we re=returned. Afternoon went a fishing & Harvey and Lizzie went to West Burlington, staying over night.
Sunday, 31
Day fair and the weather not quite so warm. Benjamin and Lurenda with their children came over today. They came in the forenoon and took dinner with Amanda. After that they came in to see us a spell and then departed for home. Luman was absent most of the time. Harvey & Lizzie came home at night.
Monday, 1
Day fair till middle of the afternoon, then cloudy and rainy. Spent the morning reading and entering the family record in the new Bible. Towards noon took the baby cart and went with Albert up to the Centre, calling a spell with Harriet, and stopping with Lydia. Called at P.O. and got the Tribune and the Courier and then came home again.
Tuesday, 2
Morning cloudy and wet, the remainder of the day fair. Went down, in the forenoon, to drive the young cattle off from Elon’s meadow. He being there too, helped me to repair the fence. After this, I a fishing. Harvey went away in the morning early, with Burton to go over the Towanda mountain, fishing. Luman started off to visit Wm. Cross.
Wednesday, 3
Day fair till towards night, then rainy. A little frost in the morning. Did some reading, a little writing, and made a call with Albert at Elon’s, in the forenoon. In the afternoon went down on Franklin Taylor’s flat and caught a few fish, and at night went up on the north hill and brought the cows. Wallace called. Harvey returned with fine mess trout.
Thursday, 4
Day fair, but the weather was not very warm. Wrote a long letter to Mr. Atkins
in the forenoon and after dinner went up to the Center to have it mailed, but left it with Lydia; the P.O. being closed today, the family having all gone away to a wedding. Came home and wrote a long letter to Rhoda A. Cook, finishing it late in the evening.
Friday, 5
Weather cloudy and lowry, raining part of the day. Immediately after breakfast went up to the P.O. and left my letter and got the Tribune. Bought a quire of note paper and some stamps for letters. Stopped with Lydia a short time and then came home. Afternoon, made a few envelopes, and in the evening wrote a letter to Fremont.
Saturday, 6
Morning cloudy, afternoon fair, except a heavy thunder shower at night. Took Albert about some in the baby carriage in the forenoon, sent my letter to Mont by Rod. to P.O. in the morning, wrote a letter to George Brigham, and in the afternoon went over to Elon’s and saw the raising of his waggon house and shed. Luman returned from his visit.
Sunday, 7
Day cloudy and the weather some cooler than it was yesterday. Went up to the Centre and called an hour with Lydia, until the Sunday school closed and at the ringing of the bell went into meeting and heard Br. Hurlburt. Finished a letter to Esther in the morning, which, with the one to George, I handed to the P.M. Took a walk alone over the fields on the hill in the afternoon. Mr. Bruce & Lydia made a short call.
Monday, 8
Day fair, and pleasant and the weather considerably warm. In the forenoon wrote a letter to Benham, went about some with Albert, and went up to the Centre calling a spell with Harriet and also with Lydia and Helen, and then at the P.O. and got the Tribune and the Courier. In the afternoon went a fishing. Sara came over and spent the afternoon.
Tuesday, 9
Morning fair, then cloudy and rainy, afternoon fair. Some cooler. Rode to Troy with Luman. Bot. fishing rod and two books. Called at Deloss’ office. Drove Luman’ buggy back to Azor’s and put the horse up in the stable, Luman having taken the cars for Corning to engage a man to run the engine at saw mill. Staid at Azor’s over night.
Wednesday, 10
A little frost in the morning. Day fair and warm. Staid at Azor’s till after breakfast and then Luman coming with his man we hitched up and came on home. Luman went on with his man, Tillotson and Bennet over to the saw mill in Barclay. After dinner went out to try my new fishing rod down on Frank Taylor’s flat.
Thursday, 11
Day cloudy, and a moderate rain from before noon, till after night. Started out in the morning at about 9 o’clock to try my luck at fishing again. Went down as far as Mr. Northrop’s and fished along up the creek as far as Bailey’s old saw mill. Made out tolerably well under the circumstances. Sent Rod. up to the P.O. for the Tribune. Perceval and Wallace called at night.
Friday, 12
Some clouds in the morning, day fair and pleasant. Remained about the house in the forenoon, reading some, but spent the principal portion of the time taking care of Albert, he being quite unwell, having a bad cold. In the afternoon, went out and caught a few little fish. Harvey went to Troy. Mr & Mrs. Stockwell came & staid with us.
Saturday, 13
Another fair and pleasant day. Weather quite warm. Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stockwell till about 10 o’clock in the morning, when they departed homewards. Albert continues quite unwell. Had Sam. call to see him. Luther called in the middle of the day & took dinner. Rode up to Bruce’s with him & saw Sally there. Got Reporter & Courier at P.O. & letter for Luman. He came at night.
Sunday, 14
Day fair, and weather the warmest of the season. The meetinghouse not being in order the meeting today was adjourned. Went over to Leroy, called on Amos Harris and stopped with Samuel Bailey till the Sunday school concluded, and then attended meeting, Br. Palmer being the speaker today. Rode part of the way back with Br. Churchill & took tea with him. Burton & Mary called.
Monday, 15
Day fair, quite warm, & the weather is getting to be dry. Spent a considerable portion of the forenoon arranging and preparing the administration accounts of Drake’s Estate for settlement. Went down to the Corners with Albert. Sent Rod. up to the P.O. who brought me the Tribune. In the afternoon went down to the Creek and caught a few little fish.
Tuesday, 16
Forenoon partially cloudy, afternoon fair. Weather continues warm. Got ready in the course of the morning and went off down the creek a fishing. Commenced in Mr. Barnes’s meadow and fished along up the creek as far as John Vroman’s and then came home with a pretty good mess. Spent some time reading and taking care of Albert.
Wednesday, 17
Day fair and the weather is very warm. Shower in forenoon. Spent the forenoon about the house, making preparations to go to Towanda with Benjamin to file our final account of administration of Doctor Drake’s estate. He came a little before noon and took dinner with us, and in the afternoon we hitched on to Luman’s buggy and went down to his brother Thomas’ and put up.
Thursday, 18
Weather to day, similar to that of yesterday, except the shower. Immediately after breakfast we started for Towanda, & arriving there, stopped at McKean’s. At 10, we took the cars & went up to Athens to get some money from Baird returning to Towanda in season for our dinner. Finished our business with the Register and then started homewards putting up with T. J. Smiley in Franklin.
Friday, 19
Heavy thunder shower in the early morning. Day fair & warm. Started homewards after breakfast, called a short time at Mrs. Allen’s, made a halt at David Smiley’s and a short call at Robert McKee’s. Came on home and found on my table a letter from Benham Andrus & another from Amy Brigham. After dinner Smiley went home & I went a fishing.
Saturday, 20
Day fair till towards night, then a thunder shower followed by rainy evening. After breakfast went up to the Centre to attend the meeting. Met several brethren there from abroad, made a call at Lydia’s, attended meeting, hearing Br. Delmot, Br. Elias Rockwell with Jacob came home with me, went up in eve. & heard Br. Bittle, Br. Elias staid at the Centre & Br. Hurlburt came home with me in stead. Eliza, being in attendence, came home with us.
Sunday, 21
Morning rainy, and the entire day was cloudy and lowry. Evening rainy. Walked up to the Centre with Br. Hurlburt after breakfast, he went into the Sunday school and I into Mr. Bruce’s. At 10 o’clock attended the conference meeting & at 11, public preaching by Br. Bittle began, the house being filled to overflowing. Azor, being in attendence came down & took supper, & then with Eliza, departed for home.
Monday, 22
Rainy night & high water. Day cloudy, breaking away in the afternoon. Spent the forenoon reading and taking care of Albert. Went up to the Centre in the middle of the day, calling on Mr. Bruce, went to the P.O. and got the Tribune when the mail came in. Went on the flat & caught a few fish. Mr. Bruce & Lydia came down in the afternoon. Harvey carried firkin of butter to Troy.
Tuesday, 23
Morning fair, and in the afternoon a considerable shower. After breakfast went over the creek to see if I could find some grubs for fish bate. Made out to get a few, and having brought along my fishing tackle; went up the creek as far as Levi Taylor’s meadow, succeeding in catching a few pretty fair sized fish. Spent the remainder of the day about the house as usual.
Wednesday, 24
Thunder in the morning followed by a shower. Day showery. Ate my breakfast, and started at 5 in the morning with Harvey’s team to take Mrs. Bennet and her goods down to Greenwood. Put out the colts there & put the woman and goods on the 8 o’clock train & went up to the foot of the plane with them, staid there till 4 p.m. then returned to Greenwood & thence home.
Thursday, 25
Morning foggy and cloudy, afternoon fair and warm. After breakfast got ready and started out a fishing. Went down to Barnes’ meadow and worked up the stream, making out, a pretty good mess, and getting very tired besides. At night Amanda came in and brot me the Tribune and a letter from Mr. Atkins.
Friday, 26
Morning foggy, day fair and warm. Remained about the house till towards noon, then took Albert in the little carriage and went up to the Centre, calling at Mr. Bruce’s, staid till the mail came in then called at the P.O. & got the Reporter & came home. Smiley’s folks called with Fanny in afternoon.
Saturday, 27
Weather fair through the day and quite warm. Went out in the middle of the day and caught a few little fish in the creek near home. Went out in the meadow and picked a few strawberrys to eat. Luman brought from the P.O. a large bound vol. of Cong. L?. Globe, Lent me by Mercur and the Courier.
Sunday, 28
Morning cloudy, day fair, and the weather warm. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, which was conducted by brothers Levi Taylor and J. C. Rockwell. Returned from meeting without making any calls, there being nobody at home with wife, Harvey & Lizzie having gone to W. Burlington.
Monday, 29
Day fair and the weather continues quite warm. Spent a considerable part of the forenoon making some letter envelopes. In the middle of the day went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, making a short call on Lydia. Towards night, after looking the Tribune over, went down on the flat and caught a mess of fish.
Tuesday, 30
Forenoon fair, afternoon partially cloudy, threatening rain. Spent the forenoon reading and taking care of Albert; Afternoon, attended the funeral of Percival’s little girl. Wife rode up with Luman. Went up to the Centre again towards night to attend a meeting in the evening, calling at Bruce’s. Br. Hurlburt preached again in evening. Percival & his wife were immersed.
Wednesday, 1
Day fair and the hottest of the season. Employed the morning in my usual manner. Searched for and picked a mess of strawberries among the grass and weeds on the strawberry bed. Went out in the middle of the day and caught a few fish, going up through the woods on to Levi Taylor’s meadow.
Thursday, 2
Fair and very hot, Thunder clouds in forenoon & evening. In the middle of the day went up to the Centre calling at Bruce’s and waiting till mail came in, & then got the Tribune & came home. In the afternoon rode to Troy with Alva & Percival, bought a fish basket and line, and a pair of rubber boots arriving home about bed time.
Friday, 3
The weather today very similar to that of yesterday. In the forenoon rode with Luman down as far as Newland’s and then went to the creek and fished along, down as far as Northrop’s, & back as far as John Vroman’s, calling at Sam’s on my way home. Burton & Mary here, he came to cultivate Harvey’s corn.
Saturday, 4
No thunder today. Weather continues fair, very dry, & extremely hot. Remained about the house, except to go up to the Centre, making a call on Lydia and at the P. Office. Spent my time reading, dozing, taking care of Albert and chatting with Mr. Gilman who came in the forenoon to visit us, and remained with us over night.
Sunday, 5
The weather continues hot and dry. Some thunder clouds, but no rain. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, Br. Hurlburt being present and delivering a discourse. Called at Mr. Bruce’s a spell before meeting. Mr. Gillman rode home with Harvey & Lizzie who went over for that purpose. Mr. Bruce and Lydia made a call towards night. Harvey & Lizzie returned about dark.
Monday, 6
The weather, in all respects, continues about the same. Went up to the Centre in the forenoon, calling at Mr. Bruce’s until the mail came in, then at the P.O. and got a letter from Mrs. Esther Kenyon, but no Tribune. After dinner took Albert and went down to Sam’s, wife, & Lizzie coming after. After tea went down to see Mr. Barnes.
Tuesday, 7
Morning cloudy, day fair with occasional thunder clouds, & rain at night. Started out in the morning before breakfast a fishing, but did not make out much. In the middle of the day went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and Courier, calling a short time at Mr. Bruce’s. In the afternoon read some and visited some with Azor and Eliza who were here to tea.
Wednesday, 8
Weather fair & hot, with thunder clouds, and a sprinkling of rain. Did not go off the farm during the day. Spent some of my time reading and a portion of it taking care of little Albert. Mr. Bruce came down and commenced mowing some grass I had given him. Helped him grind the scythe.
Thursday, 9
Another fair day. The weather continues, quite warm. Started off in the morning after breakfast, and walked over to John Coon’s to carry him a deed &c., and thence went to Mr. Bunyan’s and on the way home called at the Tannery, on Lydia and at the P.O. for the Tribune. Mr. Bruce worked here at his haying.
Friday, 10
Morning cloudy, remainder of the day fair and warm as usual. After breakfast started out a fishing, going up as far as Levi Taylor’s bridge. Caught a large number of small fish. Mr. Bruce was here again at work at his haying. Towards night Luther and Sally made a short call, having come on an errand. Harvey worked at his corn. Had help.
Saturday, 11
Day fair. Very hot and very dry weather continues. Went up to the Centre in the middle of the day, calling at the P.O. and a short time on Lydia. Rec’d. a pamphlet from Mr. Cameron. spent remainder of the day about the house reading and taking care of Albert. Mr. Bruce here at work at his hay again. Harvey, with help, worked at his corn.
Sunday, 12
Weather in all respects similar to that of yesterday. Went up to the Centre, stopping with Lydia until the ringing of the bell at 11 o’clock, then attended the meeting which was carried on by Brs. Levi Taylor, J. C. Rockwell and Charles Ross. Coming home, found Azor and Eliza here. who remained until towards night.
Monday, 13
Fair, very hot, and very dry weather continues. Walked down to Mr. Barns’ in the morning to superintend some work on the road. Mr. Barns, his son, and his hired man were all the hands that worked today. Took dinner with Mr. Barns. Harvey finished his corn. Luman brot Tribune & Courier from P.O.
Tuesday, 14
The weather continues fair, very hot and very dry. Went out, in the course of the forenoon, to catch a few fish, going up as fars as Levi Taylor’s bridge. Caught one of pretty good size. Mr. Bruce was here again to day at work at his hay. Harvey went away with his machine to mow for Burton.
Wednesday, 15
Weather similar to that of yesterday with slight exceptions. Remained about the house reading some and taking care of Albert until middle afternoon, then went out and caught a grist of bullheads, and not many of any other variety. Lizzie went away with Amanda to get some raspberrys. Harvey at work for Burton.
Thursday, 16
Weather continues fair and dry, but a little more temperate. Remained about home till the middle of the day, then after taking my dinner took my fishing tackle, and started off on a visit. Called with Mr. Bruce till the mail came in, then took my Tribune, and after reading it a while, went on up to Luther’s, taking a few fish on the way.
Friday, 17
Day fair, weather dry and the temperature bearable. Went out a fishing between 10 and 11 o’clock, remaining only till dinner was ready. Gave my fish to Sally and after dinner started homewards. Fished a little above Valentine’s, calling there a short time, then went down to Ross’ field & fished down to Garrison’s, making out a good mess to carry home.
Saturday, 18
Fair weather continues. Day very warm and drouth severe. After breakfast went down to the old sawmill and fished down the creek a piece. Caught four river dace of pretty good size. About middle of the afternoon tried it again, going up as far as Levi’s meadow succeeding very well, having secured about eight more of those river dace.
Sunday, 19
Weather continues fair, hot, & dry. Quite smoky at night. Went up to the Centre in the forenoon, calling on Lydia until the ringing of the bell; then attended meeting, hearing a discourse by Br. Hurlburt. Had to go over the creek in the afternoon to drive cattle out of the corn and put up the fence, Harvey having gone to West Burlington.
Monday, 20
The weather continues fair and is very hot. After breakfast, started out a fishing, returning at noon. Sent Rod. up to the P.O. who brot me the Tribune. After reading it a while and dozing a spell, took my implements and went out & caught a few more bullheads & some other fish.
Tuesday, 21
The weather, today, very similar to that of yesterday. Made preparation to go out a fishing again but concluded not to go. Spent a portion of my time reading and taking care of Albert. Took him with me up to L. D. Taylor’s barn. Luman having bought a livery establishment at Troy, went away to take possession. Signed two notes with him of $1000 each.
Wednesday, 22
Thunder showers all around in the afternoon with but few drops here. Did not go a fishing to day. but did some reading and some dozing, and did considerable towards taking care of Albert, taking him with me down to the Corners & calling, an hour or two to see aunt Sally and Jane. Harvey, with help, worked at harvest & haying.
Thursday, 23
Morning cloudy. Afternoon, thunder showers around, raining here a little at night. Started off in the morning pretty early a fishing. Went down the creek as far as Barnes’ and made out to get a pretty good mess but not any very large ones. In the afternoon drove the horse for Harvey to unload a couple loads of hay into the waggon house. He has several loads out in the rain.
Friday, 24
Wet morning & fore part of the day rainy. Cleared off towards night. Helped Harvey and Burton get some of the barn rafters in place that had been moved out of place by the wind last winter. Went out towards night and caught a mess of fish for breakfast tomorrow. Harvey commenced putting on new shingles on the west side of the barn roof.
Saturday, 25
Forenoon cloudy, afternoon partially fair; and weather not so hot. Remained about the house and farm during the day, spending a portion of the time taking care of Albert. Harvey had Burton and Abe to help, & shingled a part of barn roof & also putting hay into cock at night. Fremont came home from Bellefonte to spend vacation.
Sunday, 26
Warm weather. Day fair except that it is quite smoky. Before meeting time went up to the Centre, calling at Mr. Bruce’s & while there Benjamin and Lurenda came and stopped there. At the ringing of the bell we all attended the meeting which was conducted by Brs. Ross & Rockwell. The came home with me to tea. Luman called at night.
Monday, 27
Morning cloudy, day warm and very smokey. After breakfast started out a fishing, going up to the tannery & thence as far as the head of the mill race, getting my fishing basket full. Stopped at the P.O. on my way back got my Tribune and Courier, calling a short time on Mr. Bruce & Lydia. Heard of the death of Roderick Barns.
Tuesday, 28
The weather, in all respects, very much like that of yesterday. Started off again this morning to try my luck at angling. Went down the creek as far as Barns’ mill pond, and got 4 lbs & 1/4 of fish. Harvey is going on with his haying and harvesting, having Burton and Fremont to help. At night, heard of the death of Daniel Bruce’s wife. Two funerals here tomorrow.
Wednesday, 29
Day partially cloudy; very smoky & warm; with thunder showers at & in the night. Got ready after breakfast & a little before 11, went up to the Centre to attend the funerals. Family were all there, and a very large collection of people were in attendence at the first which was carried on by the Masons. Daniel’s wife was buried in the afternoon. Stephen and his wife were present, and tarried with us over night.
Thursday, 30
Day partially fair and the weather continues warm and smoky. Went down to the creek in the morning to see if I could catch a few fish, but had to give it up in consequence of the heavy showers last night. Stephen and his wife started towards their home after breakfast. Spent the greatest portion of the time in the house reading and dozing.
Friday, 31
Warm and smoky with showers in afternoon and evening. Luman here in the morning. Came some time in the night. He went down to east Franklin. Having agreed to ride to Troy with him on his return, waited about the house for him till afternoon, then got in and rode with him as far as Long’s Mill, walked up to Azor’s & staid.
Saturday, 1
Wet morning and rainy day, with short intervals of sunshine afternoon. Walked over to town in the forenoon, called at Newbery & Peck’s & bought a pair of shoes, and after making several other calls, returned to Azor’s in season for dinner. About 4 o’clock, Azor and Eliza started with me for Granville. They left me at the Centre & went up to Sam’s. I came home.
Sunday, 2
Fair and warm. Somewhat cloudy towards night. Went up to the Centre while the Sunday school was in progress, in the mean time calling at Mr. Bruce’s. Attended meeting with Wallace after the ringing of the bell. Br. Hurlburt failing, meeting was conducted by the Elders. Returning found Azor & Eliza at our house, they departing towards night.
Monday, 3
Day cloudy with short intervals of sunshine. Sprinklings of rain. Started out in the forenoon to catch some fish. Went up the creek as far as the head of Taylor’s race, and succeeded in taking six pounds of fish, a large portion being of good size, Burton and Fremont hauled in Harvey’s wheat, Harvey being at work for Burton with his mowing machine.
Tuesday, 4
Weather like yesterday till towards night, then a long heavy thundershower. Remained about the house till near the middle of the day, reading & taking care of Albert, then started out to catch a few fish, going down the creek as far as John Vroman’s. Made out very well. At night went down to the corners to help Lizzie home, she having gone there for a visit.
Wednesday, 5
Weather like the preceeding with exception of only light thunder shower. Did not go abroad today, but continued about the house. Spent the forenoon reading and taking care of little Albert. Afternoon wrote a letter to Dan. Bush, and in the evening, another to Mr. Atkins. Towards night Luman called, having been over to Barclay with a passenger.
Thursday, 6
No rain today. Some clouds, but the weather mainly fair. Carried letters up to the P.O. in the morning and called a short time on Lydia. Came home and wrote a letter to Benham Andrus & carried it to the P.O. and waited at Bruce’s till mail came in, got Tribune & went up to Luther’s, calling at Valentine’s to dinner and staying to supper.
Friday, 7
Some clouds but no rain. The weather warm and mainly fair. Spent the principal part of the day at Luther’s, remaining till after supper. Went out in the meadow towards and helped Luther get up a little hay. Walked down to Valentine’s calling there till Orson came along I rode with him to his house, arriving home at dark.
Saturday, 8
Rained in the night and rained a little in the fore part of the day. Afternoon fair. After breakfast started out a fishing again. Went up to Levi Taylor’s bridge and fished down to the junction of the two streams in Franklin’s meadow. Made out tolerably well. Spent the afternoon about the house, reading some and sleeping some, and taking care of little Albert.
Sunday, 9
Principal part of the day fair and the weather warm. Went up to the Centre wife & called at Mr. Bruce’s until the ringing of the bell, then we attended the meeting and heard a discourse by a Br. from New Brunswick. Called and took tea with Lydia & then came home, I going down to Samuel’s to get some medicine.
Monday, 10
Weather very similar to that of yesterday. Started out after breakfast to catch some fish after finishing a letter to Lydia Caywood. Carried the letter to the P.O., called a short time on Lydia, then went up to Harrison Ross’ flat and fished along down to head of Taylor’s pond, called again at the P.O. and got the Tribune and a letter from Dan. Bush.
Tuesday, 11
Shower in the morning. Remainder of the day partially fair. Remained in and about the house through the day, doing nothing of any consequence. Spent a portion of the time reading and also in taking care of Albert. Julius made us a call in the forenoon. Luman came at night with a stranger from Williamsport and staid over.
Wednesday, 12
A considerable portion of the forenoon cloudy with sprinklings of rain. Afternoon fair. Went out a spell in the forenoon to see if I could catch a few fish in the creek along here near home. Went up to Levi Taylor’s meadow and fished along down to Elon’s; but making out so poorly, gave it up. Spent the remainder of the day about the house as usual. In the evening Elon and Alva made a call.
Thursday, 13
Day fair and pleasant, and the weather some cooler than it has been. Spent most of my time today with little Albert. Went with him, in the middle of the day, up to the Centre, called at Mr. Bruce’s, took dinner there, after the mail came in, called at the P.O. and got the Tribune, brought it home & looked it over; took Albert down in the meadow to see them work at the hay.
Friday, 14
Weather fair, pleasant & warm with a few clouds occasionally. Started out again, towards noon, to try to get some fish. Followed the creek along down as far as Tom Pratt’s and made out to catch a pretty good mess of river dace. Spent the remainder of the time about the house and farm, employed in the same manner as usual.
Saturday, 15
Day mostly fair, some clouds and a sprinkling of rain. Staid about the house and farm until afternoon, then took Albert in the baby carriage and went up to the Centre, stopping some time with my sister, and then returned. Spent some time in the Lybrary reading & dozing, but more in taking care of the little boy.
Sunday, 16
Thunder Shower in the night, forenoon cloudy & weather some cooler. Attended meeting at the Centre calling at Mr. Bruce’s before the time of meeting. Br. Hurlburt was in attendence and delivered a discourse. After meeting rode up with Valentine, calling there and taking tea with them, and towards sundown walked up to Luther’s and staid all night.
Monday, 17
Day fair, or mostly so, and the weather on moderately warm. Remained with Luther till after dinner and selected a building place for Tommy. Luther then brot me down to the Centre and we went over to consult with John about building Tommy’s house. Called at Bruce’s a few minutes, & at P.O. for Tribune & Courier. Elon called.
Tuesday, 18
Forenoon cloudy, and the afternoon mostly fair. Staid about the house till the middle of the afternoon, engaged with my books and newspapers, & in attending to little Albert, and then took my fishing tackle and went to the creek, but making out very poorly did not stay long. McCray came with order from Luman for notes.
Wednesday, 19
Weather warm. Forenoon fair, afternoon showery. Did not go off the farm today, except along the road to take Albert out in the little carriage. Spent a considerable portion of the time in taking care of him and the principal part of the remainder in the Library reading as usual.
Thursday, 20
Forenoon showery, raining considerably, Afternoon partially fair. Remained about the house till the middle of the day, then went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, calling at Mr. Bruce’s a spell, and also at Orson’s where I found Fidelia & man. They all came down home with me, Waberton and Fidelia staying with us over night.
Friday, 21
Forenoon partially cloudy, afternoon mostly fair. William and Fidelia went away after breakfast. Staid about the house through the day except going out with Albert on the road with baby carriage. Fremont brot the Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Bunyan made a call this afternoon, taking tea with Amanda.
Saturday, 22
Day fair and pleasant, and weather moderately warm. Started out a fishing again this forenoon. Commenced below Bailey’s old sawmill and followed the creek down to Newland’s lot then fished back again until I got home, Made out tolerably well, having a number of good sized river dace in the lot. Harvey finished haying.
Sunday, 23
Fair pleasant weather continues, & is growing some warmer. Went up to the Centre before the hour of meeting, calling first at Orson’s and then at Mr. Bruce’s. Attended the meeting after the Sunday school was concluded. The meeting was conducted by the Elders, Brs. Taylor and Ross. After meeting went down to Samuel’s to get some more advice & medicine.
Monday, 24
Forenoon cloudy and the principal part of the afternoon fair. After breakfast took Albert in the little carriage and went down to Samuel’s. In the middle of the day went with him up to the Centre, calling at Bruce’s & at P.O. for the Tribune. Came home and went a fishing, getting a tolerable good mess. Pedlar Burritt came & staid with us over night.
Tuesday, 25
Foggy morning, fair day, and weather quite warm. In the morning, started with wife for Troy. She rode up to the Summit with the mail and I walked. We proceeded to Troy on the train, and walked over to Br. Shepard’s and made a visit. Samuel and Jerusha were there. Towards night Luman took us up to Azor’s where we remained.
Wednesday, 26
Weather continues fair, and is quite fair and pleasant. During the forenoon I remained about the house, and employed the most of the time with books and newspapers. After dinner made preparations to go out fishing with Azor, but he having company arrive, we gave it up and remained.
Thursday, 27
Morning foggy, and most of the day cloudy and smoky. After breakfast rode into town with Azor and Eliza, and after dinner he hitched up again & took us all down to Benjamin’s. He returned alone towards night leaving Eliza to go home with us tomorrow, Lurenda having arranged to go along also.
Friday, 28
Day cloudy, with exception of short intervals of sunshine in afternoon. After breakfast Benjamin hitched up his team and brought us home. He also brought along Lurenda and Eliza and left them to make a visit, he returning. Called at the store & received $3.63 left by John Coon. After dinner the girls with Lizzie, went to visit at their uncle Samuel’s.
Saturday, 29
Fore part of the day cloudy, & the latter part fair and warm. Towards the middle of the day went out and caught a few fish, and towards night went up to Mr. Bruce’s and the girls being there visiting. Fremont brought me from the P.O. in the afternoon, the Reporter and a letter from Mr. Atkins.
Sunday, 30
Day fair with exception of a light shower about noon. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, calling at Orson’s on the way. Br. Hurlburt delivered a discourse. Lurenda, Eliza, and Lizzie were there, Benjamin & Azor having come down also attended. They all departed homeward soon after meeting.
Monday, 31
Morning fair, shower in the middle of the day, light showers afternoon. Went up to the Centre with Albert in middle of the day, calling at Orson’s and stopping at Mr. Bruce’s. Mailed a letter to M. H. Rogers, sending two dollars for the Berkshire Courier. Tribune did not come today. In the afternoon went down the creek a piece to catch some fish, but made out poorly.
Tuesday, 1
Rained in the night and in the morning. Day partially fair. Spent a considerable portion of the day in writing a long letter to sister Brigham, having carried to the P.O. my letter to Esther, early in the morning. Harvey and Lizzie went to West Burlington. Burton & Mary were here to dinner. Fremont brought me the Tribune from P.O.
Wednesday, 2
Day fair and the weather continues quite warm. spent a considerable portion of the day in writing a long letter to my old friend Joseph K. Pelton. In the afternoon carried it, with the one I had for Sister Brigham, to the P.O., taking Albert with me & stopping a spell with Lydia & also calling on Orson.
Thursday, 3
Day cloudy and the latter part quite rainy, continuing through the evening. Spent the morning at the barn with Albert to see the threshing machine in operation, afterward went over to Elon’s Barn for the same purpose. Afternoon, went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, meeting Leander there. Came home and read the paper. Leander and Daniel made a call, staying with to tea. Luman called.
Friday, 4
Most of day cloudy with sprinkling of rain towards night. Mr. Barns having agreed to work on the road today, after breakfast started out to work with him. Met him and two of his boys on the road near Mr. Northrop’s where we commenced business, repairing the road up as far as Mr. Newland’s. Took dinner at Mr. Barnes’.
Saturday, 5
Principal portion of the day fair, and the weather warm. Went out to work on the road again today. Met Mr. Barns with a number of hands down near Mr. Newland’s. Came to Samuel’s for my dinner. Went up to the Centre towards night to primary meeting, Mr. Bunyan returned with me & took supper. Sam. Rockwell came in with Harvey also.
Sunday, 6
Principal part of the day cloudy, with sprinkling of rain afternoon. Went up to the Centre, calling at Mr. Bruce’s till meeting time, then went in to meeting, hearing a discourse by a Methodist preacher, Mr. Beach. Came home, and with wife went down to Samuel’s to get some medicine, and staid there to tea. In the evening Luman called in, but went on to Troy.
Monday, 7
Weather today similar to that of yesterday. Went with Albert, in the middle of the day, up to the Centre, calling at Mr. Bruce’s. Called at the P.O., after the mail came in, but got nothing. Came home & went a fishing. At night had a call by Br. Greenlaugh, & Br. Levi Taylor came in. Attended meeting with them & heard Br. G. preach in the evening.
Tuesday, 8
Clouds and sunshine alternated through the day. Having had pretty good success yesterday, started out a fishing again today, commencing in Frank Taylor’s meadow, and going down as far as Tom. Pratt’s. Had very good luck this time again. At night Lucella brought me the Tribune, and I spent the evening with it.
Wednesday, 9
Most of the day cloudy and the forenoon and evening rainy. Remained about the house employed a part of the time in reading and in taking care of Albert, till after dinner, then taking my fishing apparatus, went out again a short time, going only up through the woods to Levi Taylor’s bridge, but did not succeed very well, getting only a small mess.
Thursday, 10
Foggy morning, cloudy day & steady from 3 ½ o’clock P.M. Went up to the Centre near the middle of the day, stopping with Lydia some time, and then going into the store to wait for the mail. On the arrival of the mail got the Tribune, came home and looked it over. Afternoon went up to L. D. Taylor’s place where hands were laying underpinning for barn.
Friday, 11
Day cloudy and rained slowly a considerable portion of the time. Staid about the house most of the time, reading in the Library and taking care of Albert. Julius called a short time in the forenoon. About the middle of the day went out a short time to catch a few fish. Only went down into Frank Taylor’s meadow, and got but a few.
Saturday, 12
Day partially fair and the weather quite warm. Julius sent up in the morning to have me ride with him & others over to Sugar Creek to attend a meeting of Commissioners to decide on laying a road. Went over and not wishing to wait, walked home. Went up to the Centre, called on Lydia, on Wallace, & at P.O.
Sunday, 13
Day mostly cloudy with a considerable shower in the afternoon. Went up to the Centre before the hour of meeting, calling on Lydia & on Wallace util the ringing of the bell then attended meeting and heard a discourse by Br. Hurlburt. Went out in the field & got some mushrooms for supper. Towards night Wallace and Daniel made a call.
Monday, 14
Day partially cloudy, but passed off with out any rain. A little cooler. Remained about the house till nearly noon, then took Albert and went up to the Centre, waited at Mr. Bruce’s till the mail came in, then stepped into the P.O. and got the Tribune, and soon after came home. Went out a short time to catch some fish but made out very poorly.
Tuesday, 15
Partially cloudy and the weather a little cool. Started in the morning after breakfast, to go up to Luther’s, wanting to see him on business relating to Tommy’s affairs. Called a short time on Lydia on the way, and arrived there about an hour after he had departed with a grist to mill at Troy. Staid with Sally till night waiting for him, & then staid with him overnight.
Wednesday, 16
The weather continues partially cloudy & moderately cool. Came away from Luther’s soon after breakfast, called at Bruce’s found a Marble agent there, agreed with him for marble for my father’s grave for $25. Rec’d. a letter from Mrs. R. A. Cook. Went up the creek a fishing in the afternoon. Harvey brot me from Troy Webster’s large Dictionary, by Case.
Thursday, 17
Hard Frost in the morning, Day mostly fair, and weather quite cool. Remained about the house till the middle of the day, then took Albert in the little carriage and went up to the Centre calling at Mr. Bruce’s till the mail arrived, the went into the P.O. and got the Tribune, and a letter from Mrs. E. Harris. Elon made a call. Cut away a little space in back of Book Case, to make room for Bible.
Friday, 18
No frost this morning. Most of the day cloudy. Luther called in the morning, to see me on Tommy’s affairs. Wrote a letter to Daniel on relation to the same. In the afternoon carried it up to Luther’s for his inspection, remaining with him over night, being on my way to attend the Yearly Meeting at Alba.
Saturday, 19
Some frost this morning. Day mostly cloudy. After breakfast walked up to the station, mailed letter there to Daniel, went up, on the train to Alba, attended meeting & heard Br. Delmott, went home with Laythan to dinner attended afternoon & heard Br. Greenlaugh went home with Br. Manley to tea, attended at eve. & heard Br. Spencer, & staid with Br. M.
Sunday, 20
Weather continues cloudy, and the afternoon rainy. Attended meeting in the morning and heard Br. Delmott again, went home with Br. Wilson to dinner – Azor and Eliza having stopped at Mr. Wetherill’s – waited some time for the rain to abate, and finally started in the rain with them for Troy – having concluded to go home with them.
Monday, 21
Cloudy weather prevailed throug the day. Evening clear. After breakfast walked over to the village and paid Case for the large Dictionary, and also bought 4 Vols. of Dickens’ Diamond edition. Called on Luman, and also visited and went over the new School House. Returned to Azor’s to dinner, spent the afternoon about the house and remained over.
Tuesday, 22
Day cloudy and a part of the afternoon and evening, rainy. Remained at Azor’s till afternoon then walked over to the village to attend the mass meeting. Gen. Sickles, & Messrs. Culver and Briggs from N. Y. were present and addressed the great number of people assembled. Rode as far as And’w. Fitch’s in his waggon and thence home with Decator Pepper.
Wednesday, 23
Cloudy weather continues and not very warm. Spent my time at home till after dinner, engaged with Albert and my reading, then went up to the Centre with wife and spent the afternoon visiting at Mr. Bruce’s, making a call at Wallace’s. Harvey the Tribune from the P.O. before dinner.
Thursday, 24
The day cloudy and dull. Afternoon and evening rainy. Remained about the house through the day. Spent much of my time reading and a part with little Albert. Rodman brought me the Tribune, and the last week’s Courier. Wallace was here in the afternoon. Elon made a call towards night.
Friday, 25
Rainy night, and rained much of the time through the day. Did not go abroad at all today, but remained the most of the time in the Library, engaged with my books and newspapers, and also employed a part of the time in taking care of my little grandson, who requires considerable attention.
Saturday, 26
Another rainy night and rainy morning. Day cloudy. Staid about the house until the middle of the day, & having the care of Albert; took him in the little carriage up to the Centre, stopping first with Lydia and then with Helen. Called at the P.O. and got the Reporter and looked it over.
Sunday, 27
Morning cloudy, afternoon fair and pleasant. Went up to the Centre to attend meeting today, but arriving there before the hour, went in to see Lydia until the ringing of the bell. Br. Hurlburt was in attendence and delivered a discourse. Harvey and Lizzie went to Went to West Burlington. It is understood that Lincoln was married today.
Monday, 28
Morning fair and pleasant, some clouds in the afternoon. Went out a little while in the forenoon and tried to catch a few fish, but not succeeding very well gave it up and returned to the house where I spent the remainder of the day with my books and newspapers, and with taking care of Albert. Isaac helped Harvey cut up corn today.
Tuesday, 29
Day fair, and the weather moderately warm. Wrote a note and enclosed with it a marriage certificate to Mrs. Julia A. West, widow of the late Levi D. West, who now resides in South Creek. Went with Albert up to Lydia’s, called at P.O. & got Tribune and Courier. In the afternoon Mr. Bruce & Lydia made a short visit. Isaac here again.
Wednesday, 30
Day cloudy and towards night a moderate rain commenced. Spent the day about the house employed, most of the time with my books, newspapers, and little Albert. Amanda moved her family and goods back to her farm, Mr. Kenyon having vacated the house today. Luman came down from Troy staid over night. Begun letter to Mr. Atkins.
Thursday, 1
Cloudy weather, continues and the afternoon rainy. Finished my letter to Mr. Atkins, carried it up to the P.O., bought a dozen stamps, got the Tribune, a pamphlet from Mr. Mercur and a letter from Daniel Bush, called at Bruce’s a short time, and then came home. Luman started back for Troy before noon.
Friday, 2
Day cloudy, as usual, with a heay rain towards night. Did considerable reading & baby tending. Went up to the P.O. & got Reporter, paid six months postage & paid P.M. $3. to send for Tribune in club. Brs. Levi Taylor, Greenlaugh & Rockwell called, the two latter staid to Dinner. Just at night, Wallace came & got a bag of apples.
Saturday, 3
Rainy night and rainy morning. Afternoon fair. Remained about the house during the forenoon, spending most of the time reading. Afternoon went out and tried my luck a fishing a little while, but did not make out much. Harvey, Lizzie, Cal. & the baby went away to Mansfield in the morning Wallace came and got some apples.
Sunday, 4
Frosty morning. Day fair and the weather cooler. Did not attend meeting today. Having a bad cold, remained at home with wife, all others belonging to the house, being absent. In the morning Daniel Bruce made a short call. Harvey’s folks returned late in the evening. My cold much better tonight.
Monday, 5
Day fair and the weather pleasant and agreeable. Remained about the house the principal part of the time today, reading some and taking care of Albert. In the middle of the day went up to the P.O. and got the Courier, The Tribune not having come. Called at Bruce’s. Julius called in the forenoon.
Tuesday, 6
Day partially cloudy and the weather mild. After breakfast walked over to Amanda’s, waiting there until Elon came along on his way to Leroy, then rode with him as far as Calvin’s, took dinner there, got some old numbers of the Harbinger of him, and on the way home called at Ennes’ new house, at the P.O. & at Bruce’s.
Wednesday, 7
Partially cloudy weather continues with high south wind. Remained about the house through the day and spent all the time reading, when I was not engaged in taking care of little Albert. In the middle of the day Luman and Samuel Manley came and took dinner with us. They were buying apples.
Thursday, 8
Day cloudy and dark but passed off without any rain. Spent my time today in my usual manner, reading and baby tending. Went up to the P.O. in the afternoon, but got nothing there but an electioneering document. Mr. Griffin & Ben. called, Burton & Mary were here, and at night Elon came in.
Friday, 9
Day fair and very pleasant. Weather warm and agreeable. Staid about the house the principal part of the time today, and employment the same as usual. Benjamin called in the afternoon, and he being going over to Amanda’s, took Albert & rode over there with him & back again. Wife went over there in the forenoon.
Saturday, 10
The weather continues fair and pleasant. Continued about the house today, not going away at all. Spent my time as usual, with my books and newspapers, and with the little boy. Harvey brot in the Tribune and Reporter last evening. Eugene Spalding called today, with the "Life of Grant."
Sunday, 11
Fine, fair weather continues without any frosts. Went up to attend meeting at the Centre, and being early, called as usual on Lydia until the ringing of the bell. Br. Hurlburt was in attendence and delivered the discourse. Returning home, found Azor and Eliza there and Luman came soon after. They all went away after supper. Percival came in.
Monday, 12
Fair, pleasant weather continues. Spent a considerable portion of the day with little Albert, and with my books & newspapers. Went up to the Centre towards the middle of the day calling at Mr. Bruce’s, and at the P.O. Got the Courier. Luman here this morning & left for Troy.
Tuesday, 13
Morning fair and pleasant, Afternoon cloudy. Pretty soon after breakfast went up to the Centre to attend the General Election and remained there through the day and a part of the evening. Took dinner with Mr. Bruce, and with Mr. Bunyan and others, took supper with Mr. Innes. Rec’d the Tribune.
Wednesday, 14
Rainy night and morning. Remainder of the day cloudy. Remained about the house until near the middle of the day, employed with little Albert & my books alternately, as usual, then went up to the Centre to get election news. Called at Mr. Bruce’s and at the store. Amanda came over & staid overnight.
Thursday, 15
Rainy night, and forenoon also. Afternoon continues cloudy. Spent the forenoon according to my usual custom, and then went up to the store, waited till the mail came in got the Tribune & came home. Wallace gathered winter apples for me in the afternoon. In the forenoon Benjamin and Lurenda called, on their way from Franklin.
Friday, 16
Morning cloudy and the afternoon tolerably fair. Spent the forenoon about the house employed my books & the baby as usual. Afternoon went up to Luther’s, stopping a while with Lydia on my way up, and at the P.O. where I received the Reporter and the Bistoury. Luther had gone to Troy. Staid overnight with them.
Saturday, 17
Morning snowy and the ground covered. Afternoon clear and cold. Staid with them till towards noon and then started for home. Called a short time with Polly Ann, Valentine having gone to Barclay. Stopped also at the P.O. and read the last election news in Mr. Taylor’s Elmira paper. Came home & women gone to Burton’s. Sam. came & got apples.
Sunday, 18
Freezing night, fair day, and weather quite cool. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon, stopping a spell at Mr. Bruce’s untill the hour. Meeting conducted by the Elders, assisted by Br. Rockwell. Afternoon went down to Sam’s to get some medicine. Harvey and Lizzie went to her father’s.
Monday, 19
Principal part of the day fair, and the weather milder. Wrote a letter to Benham Andrus in the forenoon and then carried it up to the P.O. Went in to Mr. Bruce’s and waited for the mail, then got the tribune and came home after buying 3 barrels to put up some apples in for Daniel Bush. Spent remainder of time reading.
Tuesday, 20
Day cloudy and the weather continues mild. Remained about the house through the day, spending the most of my time in the Library engaged with my books and newspapers. Albert, however, came in for a portion of my attention and care as usual, when at home.
Wednesday, 21
The forenoon cloudy, and the afternoon and evening rainy. Spent the entire day at home not going out as far as the road. Read much of the time when not employed in the care of Albert, and planted some black Walnuts on the west side of the lower garden. Mr. Bunyan called towards night, and Marion and Cal. were here in the evening.
Thursday, 22
Morning and forenoon rainy, changing to snow in the afternoon. Rod. called in the morning and brot me from the P.O., the Courier and a letter from Mr. Atkins. Spent the forenoon according to my custom when at home; and afternoon went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, calling and spending some time with Lydia. Burton & Mary here.
Friday, 23
Cloudy, wet, dull, disagreeable weather continues. Spent the entire day at home again, with very little variation from my customary employment, except the chopping of a little wood for the Library. Elon made a call and spent some time in the forenoon. Harvey brot. for me 3 apple barrels from store.
Saturday, 24
Day fair and pleasant; a very agreeable change. Spent the fore part of the day about the house, engaged with my books and with little Albert as usual, then went up to the Centre, called at Mr. Bruce’s and the P.O., got the Reporter and came home. Put up a part of the apples that I intend to send to Dan. Burton helped Harvey dig potatoes.
Sunday, 25
Cloudy again, with a sprinkling of rain in the morning. Went up to the Centre with wife and attended meeting, Br. Hurlburt being the principal speaker. Parsons and Salena returned with us and staid till after tea. Allen Wooden and his wife spent the afternoon here. Elon came in after meeting and staid some time.
Monday, 26
Dull, cloudy, disagreeable weather continues. Spent the forenoon with my books and the baby as is my habit. In the middle of the day went up to the Centre, called a short time on my Sister, and then at the P.O. and got the Tribune, the Courier, and a letter from Benham, which I answered in the evening.
Tuesday, 27
Day partially fair and considerably windy. Wind from south. Started for the P.O. with my letter before breakfast, but coming across Larcum’s boy at Volney’s, sent it by him. In addition to my reading and baby tending, put up another barrel of apples for Dan., & went with wife over to Amanda’s Mr. Bruce & Lydia being there.
Wednesday, 28
Rainy night and cloudy morning. Day partially fair. Spent a good share of the day writing a long letter to Mrs. George Harris. In the afternoon started to carry the letter to the P.O. but finding Br. Taylor at his new barn, gave it to him there and did not go any further. Remainder of the day spent in the usual way.
Thursday, 29
Frosty morning, day fair and the weather cool. Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Rhoda A. Cook which was begun last evening. In the middle of the day carried it up to the P.O., calling a spell on Helen, and also on Lydia, on the arrival of the mail, got the Tribune and came home. Went over the creek and helped put on a load of buckwheat.
Friday, 30
Another fair day, and the weather warmer. Spent all the fore part of the day writing a long letter to Mr. Atkins and then went down to the creek and spent an hour or two fishing, making out very poorly. Carried letter up to Br. Taylor’s barn and gave it to him there. Chopped some wood for Library.
Saturday, 31
Forenoon cloudy with south wind. Afternoon and evening rainy. Spent considerable time with Albert, reading but little. Towards the middle of the day went up to the Centre, stopped with Mr. Buce and Lydia till the mail arrived, then went to the P.O. and got the Reporter. After my return home, chopped some wood for the Library.
Sunday, 1
Rainy night and morning, high water, Weather colder. Did not attend meeting on account of the rain and mud. Family all remained at home, and saw nobody moving out of doors. Spent considerable of my time with Albert, and the remainder, most of it, reading the memoirs of Br. Campbell.
Monday, 2
In the morning ground covered with snow. Day cloudy and dull. Employed about the house as usual till the middle of the day then went up to the P.O. and when the mail arrived, got the Tribune and the Courier. Stopped a little while with Lydia and then came home. Luman called in the forenoon. Old Br. Reynolds called in the afternoon and staid over night.
Tuesday, 3
Morning cloudy, remainder of the day fair, and the snow disappeared. Br. Reynolds went away, after breakfast. Attended the Presidential election and staid till night. Took dinner at Mr. Bruce’s with Isaac and Abby, and Luther and Sally. Found the house alone when I came home, wife & Lizzie over to Amanda’s. She came home with them & staid over.
Wednesday, 4
Day fair and the weather not cold. Evening cloudy again. Harvey and Lizzie went to Troy leaving at home. Amanda went home directly after breakfast. Wife and I had the care of Albert today. Went up to the store to learn the election news and met Mr. Bunyan there. Spent the most of my time in the care of the little boy.
Thursday, 5
Day partially fair and the weather quite mild. Employed, during the fore part of the day, with my books and with my little grandson as usual. In the middle of the day went up to the Centre, stopped a while at my sister’s, then went to the P.O. and got the Tribune, came home and cut some wood for Library. Elon called in eve.
Friday, 6
Day fair, with prospect of being succeeded by a freezing night. Headed up and prepared three barrels of apples to Daniel Bush, then went up to the P.O. and read the election news; calling a short time on Mr. Bruce, and towards night went down as far as Barns’ to notify men to work on road tomorrow. Met Bunyan at P.O.
Saturday, 7
Day partially fair with a little sprinkling of snow afternoon. Started out in the morning, before 8 o’clock, to work on the road between Norman’s and Samuel’s. Called at Sam’s to wait for hands to come on. Worked till 5 o’clock at night. Harvey finished moving Mr. Gilman over to occupy that part of the house that Amanda left.
Sunday, 8
Day cloudy with a sprinkling of rain in the middle, or about noon. Attended meeting at the Centre in the morning and heard a discourse by Br. Hurlburt. After meeting Wallace came down with his two little girls, Ella and Vesta & made a call, staying till after supper. Mr. Gilman made several short calls in the course of the day.
Monday, 9
Cloudy weather continues and the day some warmer. Went out again to work on the road. Started at 8 o’clock in the morning, and waited at Sam’s again for the help to come. Finished the road in that place and repaired a bridge over the hill near John Vroman’s. At night Harvey went up to P.O. & got the Tribune & Reporter.
Tuesday, 10
Partially fair with sprinklings of rain. Heavy rain in the evening. Made preparations in the forenoon and at noon started with wife to attend the wedding of Margaret Bunyan to which we had been invited by Mr. Bunyan on Friday last. Had Harvey’s buggy. Had a very agreeable time and returned a little before night. Harvey, having Mr. Gilman & Wallace, finished digging potatoes.
Wednesday, 11
Heavy rain through the night, and very high water today. Weather fair. Spent the principal part of my time about the house, engaged as usual with my reading, and in the care of little Albert. Some time in the afternoon, went up to the Centre, calling first at the P.O., then went in to see Lydia and also called on Helen & at the store again.
Thursday, 12
Day partially cloudy and the weather quite cool. Spent the morning at home, engaged in my usual employment. Towards the middle of the day went up to the Centre, calling at at Orson’s at Mr. Bruce’s, at Wallace’s and at the P.O., spending the time till 2 p.m. then attended the horse show. Got the Tribune at P.O., & dinner at Orson’s.
Friday, 13
Day fair and the weather continues cool. Remained about the house during the forenoon as usual, cutting some wood for the Library in addition to my usual employments. In the middle of the day went up to to the Centre calling on Lydia a spell, then at the P.O. for the Reporter, & then at the horse show again.
Saturday, 14
Day fair, and the weather pleasant and agreeable. At half past one in the morning saw the meteoric shower. Spent my time about the house during the forenoon, chopping wood for the Library and bringing it into the wood closet besides reading and baby tending. In the afternoon, went up to the P.O. & read the Troy paper, but got no mail matter.
Sunday, 15
Early morning cloudy, and remainder of the day fair. Went up to attend meeting at the Centre in the morning, calling at Mr. Bruce’s a short time to wait for the hour of commencement. Meeting carried on by the Elders. Amanda with Annette made a short call in the afternoon. Wallace was here also, & in the eve. Luman made a short call.
Monday, 16
Day cloudy and dull, indicating a storm of snow. Spent the forenoon about the house as usual, chopping a little wood for the Library. Afternoon went up to the Centre, stopping at Mr. Bruce’s till after the mail came in, then went into the P.O. & got the Tribune & a letter from Lydia Caywood & one from Rhoda. Elon called in the evening.
Tuesday, 17
Cloudy weather continues. The evening rainy. Remained about the house till afternoon. Julius made a call. Put up a number of the Reporter and directed it to Capt. Alfred Bailey, and another to Joseph K. Pelton. After dinner carried them up to the P.O., but failed to receive any mail matter today.
Wednesday, 18
Rained all night, & a freshet this morning. Day cloudy with a little rain. Remained about the house through the day, not going abroad at all. Assisted in taking care of the little boy, and spent sometime reading Dickens’ American Notes. Jeff. called in the morning, Elon came in and spent some time and Perceval made a call. Wallace husked corn this afternoon.
Thursday, 19
Principal part of the day fair, and the weather agreeable. Went up to the centre in the middle of the day, calling at Mr. Bruce’s till mail time, then went into the went into the P.O. and waited till it arrived, got the Tribune and the Courier for last week, went back to Mr. Bruce’s and read a spell, and then returned home.
Friday, 20
A snow storm continued thro the day, melting as it fell. Prepared my road account & carried it up to the Centre to settle with the Commissioners who were in session there for that purpose. Went to the P.O. and waited for the arrival of the mail, got the Reporter, called a spell at Mr. Bruce’s, afterward at Wallace’s and then came home. Luman came & staid.
Saturday, 21
Partially cloudy, with a little more snow falling at intervals. Continued to stay about the house through the day. Chopped some wood for the Library and brought in to the closet, and the remainder of the time divided between my books, the little boy, and visitors. Lurenda and her children, and Mary with hers were here – Lurenda went to Amanda’s.
Sunday, 22
Weather continues cloudy and part of the time, stormy. On account of the stormy, & disagreeable weather, and muddy road, I did not attend meeting today, but remained about the house and spent the greatest portion of my time with my books and with little Albert. Mary staid with us last night & went away this afternoon.
Monday, 23
Morning cloudy and remainder of the day fair and pleasant. Chopped some wood for the Library, went over to Elon’s and engaged him to haul three barrels of apples up to the Summit, to be forwarded by rail to D. G. Bush. Helped him load them, and went along as far as the Center, called at P.O. & got Tribune and Courier, called on Lydia & on Helen, & came home.
Tuesday, 24
Another fair day and pleasant for the season. Spent most of the time this forenoon writing two letters, one to Daniel Bush concerning the apples and other matters, and the other to Benham Andrus concerning his expected visit here. In the afternoon carried them to the P.O. with a Reporter to Clark Wilcox.
Wednesday, 25
Principal part of the day fair and weather agreeable. Spent the forenoon in the manner in which most of my time is spent when staying about the house. In the afternoon and evening wrote a long letter to Mrs. Rhoda A. Cook. Went over, just at night to see Elon about getting a chance for wife to ride to Leroy.
Thursday, 26
Rainy night and cloudy disagreeable day out of doors. Remained about the house during the forenoon, and in addition to my usual employments, chopped and brought in a quantity of wood to be used in the Library. In the middle of the day went up to the Centre and delivered my letter at the P.O. Called at Wallace’s till mail arrived, then at P.O. again and got the Tribune a circular from Reporter office, & a letter from Mr. Atkins.
Friday, 27
The forenoon cloudy and dull, afternoon fair and pleasant. Wrote a long letter to Mr. Atkins in the forenoon besides reading some and spending some time with Albert as usual. Afternoon went up to the P.O. with my letter and got the Reporter, calling at Orson’s to borrow some carpet shuttles for wife. Towards night went down to Sam’s for some medicine. Abby came at night, & Volney & Laura in the evening.
Saturday, 28
Freezing night, day fair and pleasant. Evening cloudy. Got ready in the morning, & after breakfast, walked over to Leroy to attend a general meeting. Arriving there a little before the hour, called at Br. Sam’l Bailey’s. Attended meeting and heard Br. Greenlaugh, went home with Harvey to dinner, then called again at Sam’l’s, heard Br. Greenlaugh in eve., & went home with Orator.
Sunday, 29
Principal part of the day cloudy. Weather some warmer. After breakfast, rode over to meeting with Orator Holcomb and his family. Br. Greenlaugh delivered a very able discourse after which he immersed Br. Allen, his wife and daughter. Called for dinner at sister Electa’s, attended in the evening & heard Br. Greenlaugh again, & returned to Electa’s.
Monday, 30
Cloudy weather continues with a sprinkling of rain. Took breakfast at Electa’s or Maklon’s, and soon after started towards home by way of the Centre. Called a spell at Mr. Innes’ new house and at Wallace’s, went to P.O. and got the Tribune and came home. Mary here weaving carpet. Harvey commenced a log job with Ezra Bailey for Kelley.
Tuesday, 1
Most of the day cloudy, with a very little sunshine. Remained at home all day. Besides my reading and time spent with the little boy, chopped a good supply of wood for the Library, & brought in, filling the wood closet. Mr. Gilman, going to the P.O., brot me a small package of dried Buffalo meat sent from Kansas by Theodore or Esther.
Wednesday, 2
The day cloudy and cold, and the ground beginning to freeze. Commenced the day with my books and the baby. About the middle Benham came and with him Azor & Eliza, Mary & Abby. Benham came to came to Azor’s last night. Towards night went with Benham over to make Amanda a call,. Azor & Eliza & Abby having departed for home. Mary remained with us.
Thursday, 3
The weather continues cloudy and cold. Ground well frozen. Started out with Benham, after breakfast, and walked up to Calvin’s, then went down to Fayette’s a short time, returning for dinner to Calvin’s, then over to Bunyan’s and thence down to the Tannery; then over to the P.O. for the Tribune, to Bruce’s, to Orson’s, & to Levi’s; and in the evening we we went over to Elon’s.
Friday, 4
Cloudy weather continues, & weather a little more mild. started out again with Benham in the morning on foot and went over to Harry Bailey’s. He being away from home Amanda sent for him. We waited there for dinner and from thence we went over to Elisha Bailey’s. On our return we called on Samuel Shepard an hour or two, & then came home.
Saturday, 5
Snow fell during the night and through the day, about 8 inches. After breakfast started with Benham, on foot as usual, to make some calls up the road. We stopped a few minutes at the store, then went on and called at Valentine’s & from thence to Luther’s where we met Benjamin & Lurenda. After tea we went over the hill calling on Delight, & on Mary. Smiley’s folks came down Fayette & Susan? here in evening.
Sunday, 6
Cloudy weather continues, thawing a little. Went up to the Centre in the forenoon and attended meeting there with Benham & Smiley. Br. Hurlburt did not come, and the meeting was carried on by others, Mr. Larcom being the Principal speaker. Returning we called a few minutes on Harriet, Orson being away, Benjamin & Lurenda went home.
Monday, 7
Snow fell through the day about 8 inches more. After breakfast Benham and I started on foot towards Troy, he being homeward bound. We stopped a short time with Lydia & with Helen, & then went on to Isaac’s. Isaac & Abby got ready and went along with us, she having a chance to ride. We all went to stay over night with Benjamin and Lurenda.
Tuesday, 8
Weather colder with heavy wind & snow squalls in the afternoon. After breakfast Benjamin and Lurenda with all our company went up to Azor’s, Benham and I walked. After dinner Benjamin took Isaac, Benham & me up to town, he returning & taking Abby & Lurenda with him home. Left my watch at Grant’s to have main spring put in. We rode down to the mill with John Sayles, & walked up to Azor’s.
Wednesday, 9
Considerably colder with very blustering winds and heavy snow squalls. After breakfast Azor hitched up his team and took us up to town. He drove up to the depot where we left Benham to take the cars for his home. Called at Grant’s & got my watch, at Jewell’s & bought me a fur cap for $4.50, & then he drove down to Mr. Smiley’s with Isaac & me, & after dinner, Smiley brought us down to Isaac’s, I walking home from there.
Thursday, 10
Weather continues cloudy and cold, with the wind abated. Resumed my usual occupation in the Library and about the house. Went up to the Centre in the middle of the day, called to leave a reed with Harriet and took dinner with her, went to the P.O. and got the Tribune, called a short time with Mr. Bruce and Lydia, and then came home.
Friday, 11
Day fair and the weather quite pleasant and agreeable. Spent the principal part of the forenoon in the Library, engaged with my books, newspapers &c., according to my common practice. Afternoon went up to the Centre, called at Mr. Bruce’s as usual, then at the P.O. and got the Reporter.
Saturday, 12
Forenon fair, afternoon cloudy. Weather cold. Remained about the house through the day, being engaged a portion of the time with my books and newspapers, little grandson &c., and also spent a portion of it chopping and carrying in some wood for the use of the Library. Wallace came in.
Sunday, 13
The day fair with pleasant winter weather. Attended meeting at the Centre in the forenoon. There being no appointment for a preacher today, Mr. Bruce on invitation, delivered a discourse. After meeting came directly home, without making any calls. Had no calls today except Mr. Gilman.
Monday, 14
Another fair day with moderate weather. Cloudy towards night. Spent the forenoon in the Library engaged as usual when about the house. After noon went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune, returning without making any other calls. Chopped a little wood for the Library, and brought it into the closet. In the evening Mr. Gilman made a call.
Tuesday, 15
A little snow squall in the morning day fair and weather agreeable. Remained about the house thro the day scarcely going out at all, spending my time almost altogether with my reading, and in the care of little Albert. Harvey had Burton and Mr. Gilman to help him do his butchering. Mr. Bruce made a call and staid some time.
Wednesday, 16
Day cloudy, but the weather continues moderate. Continued about the house through the day, reading considerable, but spending a large portion of my time in the care of the little boy. A young brother Case called with with the object of getting subscriptions for the Christian Review, but I declined to subscribe.
Thursday, 17
Day principally fair, weather mild, thawing considerably. Remained about the house till towards night, attending to my reading &c. besides chopping and bringing in a quantity of wood for the Library. After supper went up to the P.O. but failed to get the Tribune called on Lydia & on Helen, & attended in the evening to hear a discourse by Br. Greenlaugh.
Friday, 18
Sunshine and clouds, high wind and flurries of snow. Continued to stay about the house through the entire day, not going abroad at all. Chopped a small quantity of wood for the Library, and spent the remainder of the time according to my common practice. Harvey brot from P.O. the Tribune & Reporter.
Saturday, 19
Day fair and the weather quite pleasant again. Having to call me abroad today, remained at home, spending the most of my time in the Library as usual. Went out, towards night, and chopped some more wood, for the Library, and brought it into the closet. In the evening Mr. Gilman came in.
Sunday, 20
Sunshine and clouds. South wind thawing, and a sprinkling of rain. Attended meeting at the Centre in in the forenoon, Br. Hurlburt being the speaker. Returned without making any calls. Wallace and Helen came down here in the afternoon, and remained till evening. Elon called and spent the evening with us, and Mr. Gilman came in also.
Monday, 21
Principal part of the day cloudy, and the weather some colder. Remained about the house until after dinner engaged in my usual employments, after which went up to the P.O. and got the Tribune and the Courier, staid there a spell to read the daily, Advertiser, called on Mr. Bruce and Lydia spending some longer, and then returned home.
Tuesday, 22
Cloudy weather continues & grows some colder. Spent the day about the house and in addition to my common business, chopped and carried in a good supply of wood for the use of the Library. In the evening went with wife and Harvey and Lizzie to attend an oyster party at Mr. Innes’ Harvey going up with his sleigh.
Wednesday, 23
Principal part of the day was cloudy and the weather colder. In the course of the forenoon went with wife and Lizzie to make a visit at Wallace’s. Harvey took us up there in his sleigh. Wallace was away at work. Spent some time in the store reading & chatting, calling also at Mr. Bruce’s. Harvey brot us home at night.
Thursday, 24
Day partially fair and the weather continues cold. Spent the day at home, and engaged – the most of the time – with visitors. Elon came in before noon and chatted with me till afternoon when Mr. Bunyan came remaining til nearly night. In the evening Mr. Gilman came in and spent some time.
Friday, 25
The day cloudy and the weather quite cold and wintry. Got ready in the morning and after breakfast rode up to Azor’s with Harvey, wife and Lizzie going with us. Found Benjamin and Lurenda there and also Amanda and Lucella. Lincoln and his wife came in the afternoon, and just at night Luman came a short time. Staid over.
Saturday, 26
Day partially fair and not quite as cold as yesterday. After breakfast rode into town with Harvey and Azor, bought a diary for the coming year of R. Redington and some cotton batting for wife at Newbery & Peck’s, called on Luman at his office, & rode back with Azor. Harvey came soon after, & after dinner, he and Lizzie departed for home.
Sunday, 27
The weather continues very nearly the same as yesterday. We remained at Azor’s and did not go away from the house at any time in the course of the day or evening. Spent much of my time reading [ink blob] the afternoon Manville and his wife came over to Azor’s and remained over night.
Monday, 28
The day principally fair, thawing some. After breakfast Azor took Manville and his wife home in his sleigh. We continue our visit with Azor and Eliza remaining over night with them again. Spent the day about the house, engaged in reading a considerable portion of the time.
Tuesday, 29
Most of the day cloudy and the weather continues mild. Remained about the house through the day, spending a considerable portion of the time reading. At night Azor and Eliza came with us down to Benjamin’s and after having spent the evening with us, they returned, leaving us to make our visit with Lurenda.
Wednesday, 30
Day partially fair and weather continues to be moderate. Spent the day with Benjamin and Lurenda, and the children reading some, dozing some, but visiting most of the time. In the evening, at Lurenda’s request, made entries of her birth, marriage, and the birth of her children in their family record.
Thursday, 31
Fore part of the day fair, latter part cloudy. Thawing continues. Towards the middle of the day rode up to town with Benjamin. Called at Grant’s and got my watch, called at bookstore and bought Robinson Crusoe, and when he had finished his business we rode back again. Spent the remainder of the time, or the most of it in the house reading.