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1855 Diary of Luman Putnam of Granville
Transcribed by Betsy Shirk - bshirk2002@yahoo.com Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice Transcription copyright 2010 Betsy Shirk and Joyce M. Tice 1854 Diary and Introduction. Also access to many more LumanPutnam Diaries |
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Luman Putnam | Jerusha Bailey, his first wife |
January 1855
Monday, 1
New Year’s day. Worked in the forenoon at framing. Br. Hubbell called in the afternoon, and soon after Mr. Weirman R.R. Engineer. Went with him to the Huddle & obtained release from Levi Taylor. Luman went to Troy.
Tuesday, 2
Br. Hubbell departed after breakfast, & soon after Brs. Churchill, Reynolds, & Hurlburt called. Worked at frame part of the day. Luman returned from Troy & went to get mare shod at Griffins. Went with wife to Harry in evening.
Wednesday, 3
Weather continues quite warm. Worked at framing principal part of the day. Boys Hauled some wood, and timber out of the woods for frame, and towards night went up to the mill with some corn.
Thursday, 4
Weather warm & cloudy with some rain. Raised part of shed & frame some. Luman prepared the waggon & brought a load of boards from Steam Mill to Taylors to be hauled to R.R. tomorrow. Br. Hurlburt called & tarried overnight.
Friday, 5
Started out in the morning to contract for right of way for R.R. Obtained releases from L. D. Taylor, Marcus Ayres, S. P. Chesley & H. P. Scott. Took dinner at Chesley’s & returned at 10 oclock eve. Luman hauled up a load of boards.
Saturday, 6
Morning cloudy & somewhat rainy through the day. Went up to the Huddle & obtained release for R.R. from B. F. Taylor. Wrote Article of Agreement for sale of building lot from Julius Bailey to A. J. Elobra. Luman worked at the school house. Br. Hurlburt called.
Sunday, 7
Went with Br. Hurlburt to meeting at LeRoy. Heard discourse by Br. Hurlburt. Was elected clerk of the church. Called at P.O. and got the Harbinger. Returning called & took tea with Br. Churchill. Rainy.
Monday, 8
Engaged in R.R. business. Went down to lower end of route & obtained releases from E. Annable & S. Gregory. Took dinner with Gregory. Proceeded to Burlington & called at A. M. Swain’s. He being absent went up to Mr. Stevens & staid over night.
Tuesday, 9
In the morning went back to Swain’s, got release from him, & proceeded to Van House in Troy Twp? They being at their place in Granville, went there, found them, and having gotten their release, came down to Luther’s, took supper there, and started for home calling at J. H. Ross’s on the way. Brigham called in the evening.
Wednesday, 10
Went down to lower end of the R.R. route in Franklin to Francis Morse? Obtained release from him and also a corrected one from Ephraim Annable. Saw some other individuals but did not succeed any further. Boys hauled and chopped wood. Bunyan called.
Thursday, 11
A light fall of snow this morning and the weather some colder. Repaired pitchfork and arranged matters at the farm. Valentine here. Henry called to borrow saw. Boys took bobsleigh to Reynolds’ to be repaired and hauled some wood.
Friday, 12
Cloudy and a little rain. Fixed a long reach to the waggon and Luman went down to the Steam mill and got a load of boards and hauled them to the R.R. - Worked a little at framing shed.
Saturday, 13
Weather cloudy with some rain and towards night a sprinkling of snow. Worked some at framing shed. Boys chopped wood at the door and shelled some corn. Elon and George called in the evening.
Sunday, 14
Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Reynolds delivered a discourse on the subject of prayer. Returned home without calling on the way. Weather quite cold. In the evening George and Amy called.
Monday, 15
Continues quite cold weather. Went down to the Corners, called at Julius’ and the store and went to the sawmill to see about getting inch & a half plank sawed. Went down again & agreed with Jeff. to haul on some logs. Luman hauled load boards for Nichols to R.R.
Tuesday, 16
Weather more moderate with a slight fall of snow. Went with Luman down to the steam mill. Bought pair shoes for Mary? Luman drove against & broke Nichols’ waggon. Hauled load boards to R.R. - Agreed with Swain to repair the waggon Luman broke.
Wednesday, 17
Cold south wind and cloudy. Worked at hewing timber and framing shed. Luman carried grist to the mill & then went after load of boards & hauled to R.R. - He brought Nichols’ waggon to Swains. Went to Corners in the eve.
Thursday, 18
Went in the morning to help Elon put up stove pipe in schoolhouse. Got some scaulling of Julius. Luther & his brother Franklin called to have contract written. Postponed to another day. Luman hauled load of boards to R.R. & another part way. Worked a little at frame.
Friday, 19
Day of the township election. Occupied the principal part of the day making an article of co-partnership for Luther & Franklin Clark who called again for that purpose. Mr. Bunyan called & staid till in the evening. Luman hauled load up to R.R. & brought another up from mill.
Saturday, 20
Went down to the Corners and brought home a piece of timber for the frame. Worked at framing & raised a part. Luman hauled the load from home & another from the mill, to the R.R. Amanda with her two little girls came for a visit.
Sunday, 21
Prevented from attending meeting by a snowstorm in the morning which in the afternoon subsided and finally changed to rain. Col. Wilson and his wife called on us in the afternoon on their way to franklin and tarried over night. Very heavy wind, and stormy through the night.
Monday, 22
Rode with the Col. as far as the Steam Mill. Got a pound of tea & made arrangement to get some rafters sawed. Agreed with Brigham to help me tomorrow to get in some logs. Luman took 8 bu. wheat to mill, & Harvey & Mary went to school. Eliza went home with Amanda.
Tuesday, 23
Went down to the Steam Mill in the morning. George came with his team and helped me get in 3 logs one of which I had sawed into rafters for myself which he hauled home?
Paid him 12 ? At the store. Luman came down with team & hauled up load for Nichols.
Wednesday, 24
Worked some at the frame and took care of the cattle. Valentine called & gave me an order on S. W. Paine for $3.98 - Samuel called towards night. Luman hauled up the load of boards from home, and went down to the mill & got another which he also took up to the R.R.
Thursday, 25
Worked some at framing and doing chores. Went down to Mother’s at night. George & Amy called in the evening. Luman hauled load from mill to the R.R. and another from mill up home. Got 100 lbs. horsefeed of Nichols.
Friday, 26
Snow commenced falling some time before light this morning & continued through the day. Finished framing a plate. Luman went up to R.R. with load boards on the waggon, & then brought grist from mill on sleigh. Brought bobsleigh from Reynolds’--
Saturday, 27
Snow about 10 inches deep this morning and quite blustering. Attended to the cattle and affairs about the barn. Luman went with sleigh to the mill and hauled a load of boards to the R.R. for Nichols.
Sunday, 28
Weather moderate with a little more snow. Attended meeting at the Huddle, Br. Hurlburt being there. Harvey drove the sleigh carring Mother & Eliza with the women from home and Br. Brighams. Good attendance & discourse.
Monday, 29
Stormy through the night, rain & snow, which continued through the forenoon. Went to the steam mill, traded some, & began to cut some logs for myself. Luman hauled two loads from mill to R.R. – Miss Smiley, Aldolphus Saxton & Br. Hurlburt tarried with us over night.
Tuesday, 30
Visited with Br. Hurlburt in forenoon & in afternoon attended donation party with wife at Levi Taylors for Br. Hurlburt. Cyrus Holcomb came again to haul boards & stop with us. Valentine called in forenoon & again at night. Luman hauled two loads of boards from mill to R.R.
Wednesday, 31
Ground axe in the morning and attended to affairs about the barn. Carried cross cut saw to Robert to be put in order, & bobsleigh to Mr. Reynolds to be repaired – Luman hauled two loads of boards to R.R. Samuel called with letter to me from Mr. Weisman?
February 1855
Thursday, 1
Finished reading Solomon Northrup. Spent part of forenoon with J. H. Ross who called to see me. Afternoon went into the woods & fell two trees & prepared them for hewing. Luman hauled two loads of boards from mill to R.R.
Friday, 2
Went to Brigham’s in the morning and ground broad axe, and then into the woods and scored and hewed a plate for shed. Valentine called in the afternoon and also Elisha Hickok. Weather moderate, thawed a little. Luman hauled two loads of boards for Nichols to R.R.
Saturday, 3
Went over the creek and scored and hewed a couple of sleepers. In the afternoon remained about the house and attending to matters at the barn. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R. Mary went home with Cyrus.
Sunday, 4
Weather very cold. Walked to meeting at LeRoy and heard discourse from Br. Hurlburt. Returning called with Br. Churchill and after tea came home. In the evening Br. Brigham made a call.
Monday, 5
Weather continues cold. Went over the creek with Harvey & commenced sawing some shingle timber. Afternoon went to the steam mill, received $20 cash & $2.75 in goods. Rode home with Esq. Porter and found Mr. Bunyan at my house, who staid in the evening. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R.
Tuesday, 6
Weather very cold. Sawed shingle timber with Harvey a little while in the forenoon. Luman hauled a load of boards to the R.R. Gave him $2.00 to get chopped feed at Taylors. Went with wife in cutter to Mr. Stevens’s & staid over night. Paid at Rockwell’s mill $18 for feed at $2 per crat?
Wednesday, 7
Morning extremely cold. Visited till about 11 o’clock & then started for home in a snowstorm. Weather more moderate & snow continued to fall through the afternoon & evening. Samuel called in the evening and remained till bed time. Mary returned last night.
Thursday, 8
Weather considerably more mild but cloudy and somewhat stormy. Worked some in the barn preparing stabling for more of the cattle. Luman went with the sleigh to Rockwell’s mill at West Burlington and brought home 8 crot. provender and one crot. indian meal which I had engaged & paid for.
Friday, 9
Weather continues cloudy and some snow falling. Worked at stable some & attended to matters about the barn. Isaac called to engage cutter. Boys hauled hewed timber from the woods with the steers.
Saturday, 10
Worked in the barn at the stable. After having compted the stalls, put in four of the yearlings. Boys cut some wood at the door and attended to chores. Called at Brigham’s a little while in the evening. Received letter from Dan
Sunday, 11
Being quite sore and lame did not go out to meeting to day. Family attended meeting at the Huddle. Spent my time reading and taking care of the stock at the barn. Weather cold with snow falling at intervals. Br. Brigham called and spent a part of the evening with us –
Monday, 12
More moderate weather. Went with the boys over the creek, fell a pine tree on the hill, and sawed and bolted 23 cuts shingle timber in the forenoon. Worked some at the frame in the afternoon and boys hauled some logs off the hill with steers.
Tuesday, 13
Weather continues to moderate. Worked at frame part of the day, went to Corners to see Mr. Whitney. Rec. from him letter from Mr. Weisman & delivered to him R.R. papers. Boys hauled shingle bolts with horses in forenoon & logs off hill with Brigham’s oxen afternoon. Valentine called & tarried. Evening rainy.
Wednesday, 14
Heard yesterday of uncle Timothy Bayley’s death, who is to be buried today. Rained through the night & principal part of the day. Prepared tools & had Luman rive? shingles for covering the shed. Worked some myself at the frame. Rain continues this evening & snow is melting rapidly.
Thursday, 15
Snow commenced falling early in the morning & continued till afternoon. Weather quite mild, & thaw continues. Wrote letter to Dan. In the forenoon and afternoon ground and repaired some tools. Luman worked at making shingles.
Friday, 16
Weather some cooler but thawed some in the afternoon. Worked some at framing and finished the plates. Luman worked at shaving shingles for the shed. Called at Brigham’s & spent part of the evening there.
Saturday, 17
Wrote a long letter to George Harris, framed braces & got ready to put plates on the shed. Went to the Corners to get some help but did not succeed. Griffin called to have some posting done. Luman hauled load of boards to the R.R. from upper mill.
Sunday, 18
Went with wife in cutter to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Hurlburt was present and discoursed. Called at P.O. and left two letters to be mailed. Returning called at Br. Rockwell’s and took tea there. Weather moderate & sleighing good.
Monday, 19
Got some help from the Corners and put on the plates of the shed and in the afternoon framed & put on a pair of the rafters when Mr. Bunyan called & spent the evening with us – Luman went with team to the upper mill & hauled load of boards to the R.R.
Tuesday, 20
Weather colder again. Sent 2 ½ bu wheat by Brigham to Ridgebury to exchange for seed spring wheat. Had my team. Framed & put some more rafters on the building. In the afternoon Stephen & Fiche came and staid over night. Boys sawed some shingle timber over the creek in the forenoon.
Wednesday, 21
Went with wife & Stephen & Fiche to the Steam Mill, returned about noon & visitors went home. Sent by Samuel to Towanda my bill for $20 for services to R.R. Co. – Posted books in the afternoon for Griffin. George returned at night with team & brought 1 Bu seed wheat only –
Thursday, 22
Weather quite mild & thawed some. Worked part of the time at framing rafters & the residue at Griffin’s books. Sent Luman with team to Steam Mill, but he returned without a load. In the evening Griffin called & staid late, spinning his yarns.
Friday, 23
Cold again. Finished framing rafters, and posted books for Griffin. Luman went with team & hauled a load of boards to the R.R. – In the evening Mrs. Parkhurst & Mary came for visit & Eliza and Luman went with Erastus & Darias & his wife to Philander’s at the Steam Mill.
Saturday, 24
The Weather continues cold. Finished putting the rafters onto the shed and posted books for Griffin. Luman got shoe set on the Pop? mare and then hauled load of boards from the upper Steam mill to the R.R. – Wife went at night to Taylors to watch with Mrs. Holcomb.
Sunday, 25
Weather grows colder. Wife returned from Taylors about 10 oclock in the morning. Went up to the Huddle to meeting Br. Hurlburt attending. In the afternoon he and Br. Brigham made a call. In the evening he held meeting but I did not go.
Monday, 26
Steady cold weather. Worked all the day at Griffin’s books, posting them and taking care of the cattle. The boys went over the creek with the team hauling logs to the mill & wood to the house. Valentine called in the afternoon and lent me his gold pen I having broken mine while he was here. Luman cut his toe, chopping at the door.
Tuesday, 27
Weather a little more moderate. My employment same as yesterday at Griffin’s books & feeding the cattle. Boys over the creek hauling logs to the mill. Uncle Churchill called & made us a visit. Amanda Shepard spent the afternoon here.
Wednesday, 28
Weather continues more mild. Went with Luman & Lurenda to the Steam Mill. He went to upper mill & hauled a load of boards to R.R. Called with Lurenda at Philanders where she remained. Went in afternoon to Br. Rockwell’s & to Bunyan’s. In the evening had visit from Stockwell & Brigham & their wives.
Thursday, 1
Went with Luman to the Steam Mill & had some talk with Wm. Nichols concerning the purchase of a mare which he offered me for $115. Put her into the team and hauled load of boards to R.R. – Went in the afternoon to Bunyan’s again. He thought I had better trade. Day quite pleasant and thawed in the afternoon considerably.
Friday, 2
Went down to the Steam Mill this morning with Luman again. Bought the mare of Nichols for $115 to be paid in hauling boards. Worked some at the shed preparing it for covering. Luman took a load of boards from Mill to R.R. & another part way.
Saturday, 3
Weather continues to grow warm and the sleighing almost spoiled. Worked a part of the day at boarding a part of the shed for a colt stable. Luman hauled the load of boards from home to the R.R. and also another from the mill.
Sunday, 4
Froze but a little the past night and weather quite mild. Walked to meeting at LeRoy and heard a discourse by Br. Hurlburt. Called at P.O. & paid postage on "Harbinger" for current year. Returning called & took tea at Br. Churchill’s. From there rode to the Corners in a sleigh with Mr. Rockwell of Franklin.
Monday, 5
Wind Southerly & thaw progressing rapidly. Commenced boarding the roof of the shed. Sent the boys with team & got a load of oat straw at Calvin’s. In the afternoon they carried some corn to the mill. While putting up cattle in stable, had my face hurt by cows horn. Rainy & very high winds.
Tuesday, 6
Pleasant weather. Fields begin to be bare and creeks very high. Made a few shingles & traded mare (Jake) with Marcus Ayres for young horse coming 5 years old. Gave 2 old cows & small 2 year old steer to boot. Luman went up to Adolphus Saxton’s with waggon & got load of straw.
Wednesday, 7
Weather continues mild & pleasant. Worked at shingling a part of shed for a colt stable & henroost. Boys hauled two loads of straw from Adolphus Saxton’s on waggon. Went in the afternoon with Samuel to the Steam Mill. James Gee & some women came for a visit. Got Geo. to help doctor sick colt.
Thursday, 8
A little snow fell in the course of the night. Day pleasant. Colt that was sick died this morning. Went with the new team & sleigh with wife to visit at Bunyan’s. Went with him to see Annible’s mill. Sent the boys over the creek to saw shingle timber.
Friday, 9
Weather some colder & squally. Laid a few shingles on the shed & attended to settlement between Griffin & Champney who called for that purpose. Greenleaf called with books for sale. Luman went to the mill & brought home the grist & took the waggon to Mott’s shop to be repaired.
Saturday, 10
Froze very hard last night & day very cold & blustery. Boys went over the creek sawing shingle timber. Went over & worked with them a spell in the forenoon, & then went to see Mott about repairing the waggon. Took dinner at Robert’s. Wrote to Judson Holcomb & rec. letters from Daniel & Mr. Downs. Wife went watch with Mrs. Holcomb.
Sunday, 11
Another freezing night. Day mild & pleasant. Walked to meeting at LeRoy in company with brother Brigham. Br. Reynolds discoursed. Returning we called & took tea with Br. Churchill. Left letter at P.O.
Monday, 12
A little snow fell during the night. Weather cold. Spent the day at Mott’s shop, assisting him to repair the waggon. Boys went over the creek and fell two oak trees on the wheat & hauled three loads of wood from the tops.
Tuesday, 13
Froze hard, & storm commenced in the morning which continued with snow & sleet through the day. Went down to the sawmill with Luman & team & brot home a few plank & slabs on waggon. Shaved a few shingles, and boys hauled a load of shingle bolts from the south hill. Valentine called in the evening.
Wednesday, 14
Weather more moderate. Thawed considerable in the afternoon. Worked at shed, putting in sleepers, and putting down floor in colt stable. Boys with team worked over the creek, hauling logs to the mill. They hauled 11 –
Thursday, 15
Day cloudy & some rain. Roads very muddy. Worked at stable, boarding & partioning. Boys hauled two loads of shingle bolts off the hill, on the waggon, & towards night Luman went after B. Saxton’s light waggon.
Friday, 16
Weather mild & thaw continues. Worked at the shed part of the day, boarding & partioning an apartment for a henroost. In the afternoon attended to settlement of accounts between Griffin & Harrison Ross. Luman went with the team to carry Valentine and Oscar to Towanda. Returned about dark
Saturday, 17
In the morning found about 3 inches depth of snow, which had fallen in the course of the night. Day cold & rainy. In the morning Luman took home Saxton’s waggon. Got Jacky carriage & went with wife to Luther’s for visit. Rec. 1st number Tribune.
Sunday, 18
The ground frozen this morning and cloudy the principal part of the day. Not feeling very well, remained at home during the day. Family attended meeting at the Huddle. Toward night, George and Amy called.
Monday, 19
Freezing night & pleasant morning. Afternoon squally. Went with Luman & Brigham’s oxen & hauled 10 logs onto dogway. Afternoon boys went over creek & sawed some oak ?? cuts & then went with horses and brought home load of lumber for shed. Found Nell, one of the yearling colts sick –
Tuesday, 20
Morning quite cold & ground covered with snow again. Got Brigham to see the colt which is getting no better. Went down to the Steam Mill to get some money of Nichols but did not succeed. Called at Philander’s. Luman hauled home 3 loads of lumber from Baileys.
Wednesday, 21
Froze hard last night but weather a little more moderate than yesterday. Went with George to Steam Mill & got an order on Long for $10 in feed. Bunyan called in the afternoon. At night found Ned, the other yearling colt sick. Found Nell dead in the morning.
Thursday, 22
Cold weather continues. Sick colt no better. Went with wife to Dr. Drake’s in Troy. Got harness repaired at Carnochanes? Left horses & waggon there & walked to Long’s mill to get horse feed. Could not get it till next day, left bags, & went back to Drakes to stay over night. Went up to the depot in the evening.
Friday, 23
Cold South wind in the morning – Started for home towards noon. Called at the mill & got 500 lbs chopped feed. Arrived at home about 2 p.m. Found the colt some better. Called a little while at Brigham’s. Boys had chopped some stove wood over the creek.
Saturday, 24
Ground covered with new snow, which continued to fall till afternoon. Went with George to Steam mill, Luman went waggon & took load of boards to the R.R. – Aunt Eleanor came to see us in the afternoon & tarried over night. Also brother Hurlburt, who came in the evening. Weather very cold –
Sunday, 25
Cold wintry weather. Walked to meeting at the Huddle in company of Brs. Brigham and Hurlburt. Harvey went with waggon and carried the women. Br. Hurlburt delivered discourse – At night, Lurenda came home from Taylors, where she has been for some time assisting them.
Monday, 26
Morning pleasant & great number of robins about. Afternoon cloudy and another storm of snow. Worked at riving? shingles part of the time. Luman hauled load of boards to R.R. & another from the mill up home. Harvey chopped stove wood over the creek.
Tuesday, 27
Cold wintry weather & some snow falling. Wrote a letter to Wm. Harris in Mass. in the forenoon. Afternoon quite unwell & very hoarse with a cold. Luman went up to the R.R. with load of boards on the waggon, & hauled another through from the mill.
Wednesday, 28
Weather cold & ground hard frozen. Feeling better this morning, started on foot to find some fodder. Called at several places but did not succeed until I arrived at Stephen Landon’s where I found some straw. Luman hauled a load from the mill to R.R. & another from mill to our house. Dr. Bates called & put up –
Thursday, 29
Pleasant in the morning & weather grew warmer through the day. Thawed considerably in the afternoon. Made a few shingles and worked some about the shed. Luman hauled up the load on the waggon, & another from the mill to R.R. – Paid George 34 cents at store.
Friday, 30
Weather continues pleasant.-- Went over the creek & put up some fence. Attended to the cattle & put a few shingles on the shed. Sent the boys with the waggon to Stephen’s and got a load of straw. Afternoon quite warm.
Saturday, 31
Warm and springlike weather. Snow disappearing and frost coming out of the ground in some places. Worked a boarding & shingling the shed. Boys went again with team & brought another load of straw from Stephen’s. Rec. letter from Jacob Geigler, Harrisburg and wrote answer in the evening.
Sunday, 1
Went to LeRoy on foot to attend meeting. Weather colder and high wind – Br. Hurlburt being absent Br. Champney spoke. Left 2 letters at P.O. – Returned with Br. Churchill & called. After tea came home. Very cold wind & ground freezing hard again.
Monday, 2
Cold and blustering day. Wind continues to blow very hard. Worked at shaving shingles for the shed. Julius and James Gee called on business – Luman hauled a load of boards to the R. R. – Lent Calvin the broad axe.
Tuesday, 3
Pleasant day and weather much more favorable. Worked at making shingles and putting up scaffold on the west side of the shed. Took tea at Br. Brigham’s – Luman went with team and hauled another load of boards from the Steam mill to the R.R. — Commenced a letter to Uncle Hale.
Wednesday, 4
Weather pleasant and growing warmer. Worked at boarding roof and other matters about the shed. Luman hauled load of boards to the R.R. – Harvey went with him with Pop to help him through – He went down and brought up another load from the mill.
Thursday, 5
Morning cloudy, rained a little before noon & increased through the afternoon & evening — Finished boarding the roof of shed – Luman went up to R.R. with load on the waggon & hauled another from the mill which he left by Vannes’, the road breaking up – Daniel came in the evening.
Friday, 6
Day pleasant. Daniel left in the morning for LeRoy on his way to Athens. Worked some at riving shingles & putting boards on the south end of the shed – Boys worked over the creek in the forenoon getting tree tops off the wheat & in the afternoon about the barn. Julius called in the afternoon. Edward in the evening.
Saturday, 7
Morning colder, with a little sprinkling of snow. Came off pleasant & became warmer. Finished boarding south end of shed, made a few shingles and commenced shingling the west side of roof – Boys hauled manure on to spring wheat ground. Finished letter to Hale & Atkins.
Sunday, 8
Froze hard during the night, but morning pleasant and day fair. Walked with George & Elon to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Reynolds delivered discourse. Called at P.O. & left letter to Uncle Hale & Mr. Atkins. Br. Holcomb sick - Wife & family attended meeting at Huddle.
Monday, 9
Forenoon a little rainy, afternoon pleasant. Worked at shingling & making shingles – Calvin called & returned broad axe. Towards night went to Steam mill & got an order on Long, of $10.00 for chopped feed, from Nichols. Boys finished hauling manure on the ground for spring wheat, and commenced hauling on the west lot, for oats.
Tuesday, 10
Weather cool and some rain at intervals. Worked at riving and shaving shingles principal part of the day. Luman went with the team to Long’s mill in Troy and got $10 worth of chopped feed at 17 ?? per hundred –
Wednesday, 11
Snow storm commenced early in the morning & continued through the day. Worked at making shingles in the forenoon & then with wife went up to Stephen’s & tarried over night. Boys attended to chores.
Thursday, 12
Morning cool but pleasant. After breakfast went with Stephen & Fiche to Wm. Bates;, ate some sugar and after dinner, returned to Stephen’s & from thence home. Brought a little hay in the waggon, & engaged some more of Stephen. Travelling very bad on account of muddy roads.
Friday, 13
Pleasant day. Worked part of the time at shingling and the residue at riving and shaving shingles. Luman went with the team to his uncle Stephen’s and brought home 5 hundred hay. Took Pop there. Leander cam home with him.
Saturday, 14
Forenoon rainy, afternoon pleasant and weather growing some warmer. Employed at riving & shaving shingles. Luman went again with team to his uncle Stephen’s and brought home 5 hundred more hay. Mrs. Taylor & others called for visit.
Sunday, 15
Cloudy in the forenoon and clear and pleasant the latter part of the day – Walked to LeRoy and attended meeting there – Br. Wells attended and filled the appointment of Br. Hurlburt. Called in to see Marlin who is some better – On the way home, called & took tea with Br. Rockwell. In the evening called at Br. Brigham’s.
Monday, 16
Day quite pleasant & springlike – In the forenoon went down to the store at the Steam Mill & brought home 18 lbs nails. Afternoon worked at shingling & making shingles – Luman put up fences in the forenoon & then went to get horse shod.
Tuesday, 17
Weather grows warmer – Sowed 2 Bu. spring wheat – Luman went to Bunyan’s & got 1 Bu. and finished the dragging – Made a few shingles & and finished shingling the west side of the shed – Turned young cattle on the hill north.
Wednesday, 18
Cloud passed over in the morning with heavy thunder but no rain. Weather quite warm. Sowed 8 bu. oats in the west field. Luman dragged them one way & commenced the other. Afternoon worked at boarding west side of the shed – Lurenda went to Troy with Ed. & remained at Dr. Drake’s.
Thursday, 19
Weather continues warm, cloudy principal part of the day & rained some towards night. Finished boarding west side of the shed & after noon went down & layed out a couple of posts for Mr. Reynolds. Luman finished dragging west field & commenced hauling manure on corn ground.
Friday, 20
Heavy rain, continued at intervals through the day. Water very high in the streams. Went to the sawmill in the morning. Boys hauled up a few boards that were left there. Made a few shingles & put them on the roof. Mrs. Holcomb buried today.
Saturday, 21
Morning cool & frosty but day warm & pleasant. Sowed 4 bu. oats in sumac field. Harvey dragged & Luman put up fence – Coming down at noon horses ran with Harvey & broke the waggon. Afternoon made, & put on to the shed a few shingles, & attended to a little business for Griffin. Rec in? mail a letter from Mr. Atkins Connecticut.
Sunday, 22
Pleasant weather continues – Attended meeting at the Huddle. Br. Wells supplying the place of Br. Hurlburt who is unable to attend on account of a protracted indisposition. Br. Wells called on us in the morning before meeting, & again at night & tarried over.
Monday, 23
Slight frost in the morning, day fair – Sowed 4 bu. oats in sumak field. Boys dragged & put up fence – Visited with Br. Wells till afternoon – Bought 2 books of him "Paley’s natural? theology" & "Universalism not of God" Put up fence below the garden after Br. Wells left.
Tuesday, 24
Weather warm & pleasant. Let Jack have the horses to go to Troy – Worked with the boys burning & digging out pine stumps below the road, east of the waggon house – Mr. Varney called in the afternoon with fruit trees. Bought 8 apple trees & 2 Siberian crabs at 20 cts a piece – Set out the Siberian crab trees.
Wednesday, 25
Set out 8 apple trees in the morning. Sowed some grass seed on the spring wheat ground, went to Huddle & agreed with Sayles to repair waggon & helped the boys dig out a stump – & made & put on a few shingles — Boys manured & plowed the lower garden.
Thursday, 26
Cloudy with high south wind & some rain. Towards night wind changed to N.W. & colder — Worked at burning stumps. Afternoon Stephen came down & brought me some hay – Luman took waggon to Sayles to be repaired, plowed the field east of house, & commenced in field north.
Friday, 27
Cool with high wind from N.W. Worked at digging & burning out pine stumps – Went to the Huddle to see about the waggon, not finished yet – Boys hauled with sleigh on to garden and plowed it in the forenoon & in the afternoon got Elon’s old waggon & hauled manure on the corn ground – Towards night Harvey went with Francis to the Steam mill —
Saturday, 28
In the morning a light frost. – Sowed hayseed on the residue of spring wheat ground. Attended to settlement between Griffin & Orlando? Taylor. Burned & dug stumps the balance of the day except putting up some fence on the north hill – Boys hauled manure on corn ground.
Sunday, 29
Went to meeting at Leroy on foot as usual. Br. Wells attended again in place of Br. Hurlburt & discoursed on the different races of the human family. Returned with Br. Rockwell and made a call there. After tea returned home – Brot. home the Harbinger.
Monday, 30
Weather continues warm with smoky atmosphere. Sowed in the west orchard, on the oat ground some grass seed. Planted the lower garden to potatoes and put handle on the dung fork. Wife and Lurenda planted the onions – The boys employed hauling manure on the corn ground –
Tuesday, 1
Morning cloudy & some rain. Put sleepers into calf stable & made some bars below the corner of shed. Turned cattle off the meadow & repaired bars & fence at the creek. Visited short time with Stockwell at Brigham’s. Boys finished manuring corn ground.
Wednesday, 2
Warm, pleasant weather. Repaired fence lower side of little field west of the barn. Afternoon repaired underdrain & went to the sawmill to see about getting some fence boards sawed. Called at mother’s – Luman plowed for corn. Harvey spread manure.
Thursday, 3
Weather warm & a little sprinkling of rain. Cut the heel cords of 2 sheep to prevent their jumping. Worked at digging & burning stumps & repairing fence. Went to the sawmill & helped Jeff. slit some fencing boards. Boys worked at spreading manure & plowing & harrowing corn ground. Evening Br. Churchill called.
Friday, 4
Morning cooler & some frost. Brisk wind from N.W. through the day. Went to Parker & got basket. Worked at burning & digging stumps. Boys furrowed & marked corn ground, & hauled hay seed over the creek. Did some writing for Calvin.
Saturday, 5
Weather continues quite cool. Had Isaac & Ed. Bailey to assist in planting corn. Planted piece of ground east of house and another north, in all 2 1/4 acres. Worked myself at digging stumps & repairing fences. Rec letter from Esther Harris Mass.
Sunday, 6
Cool weather continues & fair but no frost. Getting quite dry. Turned the 2 year old cattle over the creek. Went on foot to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Reynolds discoursed. Two members expelled. Called at Marlins & left letter for Geo. to his son. Returned home without making any call.
Monday, 7
Morning frosty & weather cool. – Sowed grass seed before breakfast on the wheat over the creek. Helped Luman plow the carrot ground below the barn, & picked up on the meadow while he plowed for potatoes on the flat. Afternoon Luman went to Stephen’s with bull.
Tuesday, 8
Stormy, rain & sleet from the east. Went with Luman to the sawmill & brought home a load of fence boards. In the afternoon went in waggon to the store at steam mill and bought some sugar ricitte?. Continues to rain in evening.
Wednesday, 9
In the morning the ground covered with snow about 2 inches deep. Storm changed again to rain and ceased about noon. Wind from the N.E. – Worked some at riving shingles in the forenoon & in the afternoon sorted my potatoes – Renewed my note to the executor of Morrison’s estate $35.08
Thursday, 10
Very hard frost this morning, but pleasant through the day. Sowed grass seed on the wheat & helped the boys shift some fence posts & rails on the hill, south. In the afternoon we prepared the ground for planting potatoes. Evening cool
Friday, 11
Another hard frost, and pleasant day. Worked at dropping potatoes, Harvey covering and Luman hauling manure and putting it in the hill, on a part of the ground. In the afternoon Julius and Sally came for a visit.
Saturday, 12
Fair in the forenoon, afternoon it rained some. Finished sowing grass seed on the wheat and manuring and planting the potatoes. Luman having complained several days of a lame side was quite unwell at night. Harvey not finding the cattle, I went out with him & hunted till midnight. Found all except the steers.
Sunday, 13
Arose early & went out & found the steers in Drake’s woods. Warm, fair day. Went to meeting at LeRoy on foot. Br. Wells present. Discoursed on the subject of our origin. Clarissa Allen restored. Called with Br. Churchill & had supper. Family went to the funeral.
Monday, 14
Went to Towanda with Alanson, in Jack’s carriage. Settled with editors of "Reporter" & "Argus". Red 20 dollars of Mr. Weirman & paid same to Montange’s? & arrived home about 5 oclock p.m. Weather warm & sprinkling of rain in afternoon.
Tuesday, 15
Weather warm and fine. Worked in the forenoon moving fence below the road and in the afternoon at burning and digging pine stumps. Boys picked up and hauled off stones from the ground we are clearing and helped some at digging stumps.
Wednesday, 16
Morning fair. Being unwell, did not attend to much business. Helped the boys some about digging stumps in the forenoon. Rain commenced falling about noon, and continued through the afternoon & evening. Shaved a few shingles in the afternoon.
Thursday, 17
Clear and cooler. Helped the boys dig stumps till towards noon & then went with horses & waggon to Alba & to Stephen Landon’s. Wife went along to Mrs. Christy’s. Got 3 plow points at Alba & some corn at Stephen’s. Evening quite cool.
Friday, 18
Slight frost in the morning but day pleasant & warmer. Went with Harvey over the creek & repaired brush fence in the forenoon & in the afternoon dug stumps. Luman planted corn for Edward. Hurt my eye while in the woods with a limb.
Saturday, 19
Rain commenced falling in the morning & continued moderately through the day. Dug a little at stumps & made a few shingles. Mailed "Reporter" to A. Atkins, G. Harris & J.K. Pelton & "Argus" to C. Wilcox. Rec. letter from Daniel.
Sunday, 20
Rainy through the night and roads quite muddy. Attended meeting at the Huddle. Br. Wells did not attend as was expected to supply the place of Br. Hurlburt who is sick. Afternoon Samuel & Amanda called, and Elon came in.
Monday, 21
Weather pleasant & cool. In the forenoon, went over the creek and repaired fence below the wheat. In the afternoon worked with the boys, below the road at burning and digging out stumps. Towards night made a few shingles and put them on the shed. Chilly evening.
Tuesday, 22
In the morning a light frost, weather pleasant & fair. Worked in the forenoon with the boys at burning and digging out pine stumps. In the afternoon, visited with Luther and Sally, who had come for that purpose. At night worked a spell at the stumps again.
Wednesday, 23
Morning fair and some warmer. Repaired fence and put the steers and three years old heifers in the pasture north of the orchard. Employed with the boys getting out & charing off pine stumps below the road.
Thursday, 24
Weather quite warm. In the forenoon repaired a plow, and in the afternoon made some whiffle trees. Boys hauled a load of wood and worked at digging stumps. Thunder shower in middle of the day attended with hail. Towards night, commenced plowing below the road for corn.
Friday, 25
Weather somewhat cooler, but fair & pleasant. Worked some with Harvey at the stumps, and spent the latter part of the day with Br. Hubbell, who called & took supper with us. Luman plowed a part of the day below the road.
Saturday, 26
Cool weather for the season of the year. Went to the sawmill & helped Jefferson slit a quantity of Paling for Luther Clark. Afternoon helped the boys dig stumps. Luman plowed a little & at night drove the steers to Adolphus Saxton’s pasture. Daisey brought a calf.
Sunday, 27
Frost this morning and cool wind through the day. Walked to LeRoy & attended meeting there brother Wells the speaker. Came back with Br. Rockwell, called with him and took supper there. Dr. Drake with his nephew William Rodman called, and announced their intention of coming tomorrow for a visit.
Monday, 28
Weather pleasant & some warmer. Went to P.&N.’s store & got some sugar & coffee. Boys worked at stumps. Afternoon went with waggon to Depot & brought down Dr. Drake & family his sister & nephew Capt. Rodman.
Tuesday, 29
Went with visitors to see the steam mill. Took dinner at Jackson Drake’s. Toward night went with company to Luther Clark’s & staid over night. Luman went on with team & brought down load of goods for P. & N. from Depot.
Wednesday, 30
All hands went in the morning to the depot when the Dr.’s company & Lurenda took the cars for Troy. Went myself on foot to Esq. Bothwell’s in Alba. Took dinner with Col. Wilson. Wife returned with Luther & Sally from depot. Returned there myself towards night & after supper had Luther’s horse & buggy & came home.
Thursday, 31
Worked a spell in the forenoon for Mr. Reynolds laying out posts for a barn. Luman finished plowing and harrowing piece of ground below the road for corn. Afternoon worked some at fixing fences & boys at planting corn.
Friday, 1
Commenced raining moderately in the forenoon and continued & increased through the day. Went to the Steam Mill in company with Jefferson in the morning. Brought home some sugar & fish. Boys finished planting the corn.
Saturday, 2
Rained principal part of the day. Made a few shingles and put them on the shed. Luman plowed the turnip ground and a piece on the flat for beans. Valentine having returned from down the river, called and took dinner with us.
Sunday, 3
Rained some in the morning. Walked in company with Br. Brigham to Leroy and attended the quarterly meeting there. Br. McDougall the principal speaker; took supper at Br. Marlin Holcom’s & returned.
Monday, 4
Weather cool again. Worked some at making & laying shingles. Harvey draged the ground for beans & I helped him mark it out. Luman planted corn for George. Lurenda commenced her school & Eliza went to Franklin.
Tuesday, 5
Cool weather and windy. Helped the boys plant the beans, and planted a few more potatoes. Worked some at shaving & putting on shingles. In the afternoon Luman commenced plowing for buckwheat. Went to the corners and got some RutaBaga seed of Mr. Shoemaker.
Wednesday, 6
Morning fair and pleasant. Finished planting potatoes on the flat. Worked part of the afternoon laying out frame for Mr. Reynolds. Luman worked at plowing buckwheat ground. Began to rain towards night, moderately.
Thursday, 7
Morning rainy and rain continued to fall through the day. Sent Harvey to Stephen’s after Pop. Made and laid a few shingles and went down to the mill pond & rolled in 4 hemlock logs to be sawed for Luther.
Friday, 8
Fair weather again but not very warm. Went down to the sawmill and rolled some more logs into the pond. Made & put on some more shingles – Towards night went on to the north hill & helped Harvey put up some fence. Luman hauled a load of goods for Nichols from the Depot.
Saturday, 9
Weather fair. Went down to the sawmill in the forenoon and helped Robert saw some rails for picket fence for Luther’s. In the afternoon worked at carrot ground. Luman finished plowing the buckwheat ground. Red. Paper from Mr. Atkins.
Sunday, 10
Rained during night and principal part of the forenoon. Thunder showers towards night. Remained at home on account of the weather and muddy travelling. Samuel called in the afternoon.
Monday, 11
Rainy night, but pleasant day. Went to Mott’s shop & assisted him to repair the waggon. Afternoon went with Alanson to repair Drake’s brush fence burned by my fire last summer. Boys & teams worked on the road, to apply on Dr. Drake’s tax.
Tuesday, 12
Morning pleasant, weather cool. Worked at draining & fencing carrot ground. Luman worked with team on the road in the forenoon for Mott. Afternoon hauled a load of boards to the R.R. for Post.
Wednesday, 13
Light frost in the morning. Weather remarkably cool for the time of the year. Worked at planting carrots & attending to matters about the farm. Boys & team worked on the road & paid $3 on road tax.
Thursday, 14
Weather some warmer. Hauled two loads of fencing stuff to Luther. Amounting to $13. Luman sheared sheep. After my return he went to the Steam mill & hauled up a load of boards. I sheared one sheep & planted some carrots – Valentine called & staid overnight.
Friday, 15
Weather continues warmer. Harvey & I finished ridging the carrot ground, commenced plowing corn, and plowed Mr. Reynolds’ corn & potatoes. Luman hauled to the R.R. load of boards from home & one from the mill. Eliza came home.
Saturday, 16
Weather warm with showers in the forenoon & settled rain in the afternoon and evening. Worked a short time at the carrot ground, & made a buck board for the waggon. Luman hauled a load of boards from Steam Mill to R.R.
Sunday, 17
Morning warm & pleasant and much more favorable than for some time back. Had to go over the creek to see to the cattle & fences which made it to late for meeting. Family attended at the Huddle. Towards night Amanda came with her two little girls.
Monday, 18
Pleasant day. Planted a few carrots and plowed corn. Luman hauled load of boards to R.R. & brought up another from the mill. Luther called for Amanda. She left her babe to be weaned. Commenced a letter to George Harris.
Tuesday, 19
Morning cloudy & rained at intervals during the day. Worked at plowing corn part of the day. Bunyan made a call. Went with Geo. to see Calvin who had a leg broken yesterday. Luman hauled a load of boards from home & another from mill to R.R.
Wednesday, 20
Fore part of the day cloudy & latter part fair. Went on the hill for some timber & made hopples for horse. Harvey corn. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & another from the mill up home. Samuel and Valentine called in the afternoon.
Thursday, 21
Weather fair and very warm. For the morning went to Bunyan with a cow, planted carrots till noon, and then went up to the R.R. with a load of boards, calling at Griffins’s & getting the mare shod. Luman went up with load in the morning & brought up mine from mill, & hoed corn in the afternoon.
Friday, 22
Morning fair & weather continues warmer. Plowed corn a spell in the morning while Luman went to the mill for a load of boards – Drove the team with load to the R.R. calling again at shop & getting the horse shod, boys hoeing corn. Returned about 1 p.m. quite wet in the rain. Amanda came in evening.
Saturday, 23
Weather very warm. Went with team to carry Amanda to the Depot. In the afternoon did some writing for Asa Andrus and Benj. M. Taylor, and finished preparing ground and planting the carrots. Luman worked at splitting rails on the south hill & in the afternoon went with team & brought up a load of boards from Steam Mill.
Sunday, 24
Quite warm and rainy through the day. Did not attend meeting in consequence of the rain and muddy travelling. Read the Bible Union Reporter which came to hand last evening. Dr. Drake called at night.
Monday, 25
Morning cloudy, afternoon fair. In consequence of the rain yesterday & last night the streams much swollen. Went to the Corners & the sawmill in afternoon made fence on the south hill. Boys employed there splitting rails. Dr. Drake called in the morning.
Tuesday, 26
Weather pleasant and warm, and the ground very wet. Worked over the creek through the day at making fence along the east side of the wheat, in order to provide a pasture for the horses. The boys worked there again splitting rails. Called at George’s a little while in the evening.
Wednesday, 27
Weather continues pleasant & warm. Worked a spell in the morning at ridging & preparing ground for ruta bagas, & at plowing potatoes on the flat in the latter part of the day. Luman worked at splitting rails over the creek.
Thursday, 28
Morning showery and very warm. Went to the Huddle &
brought home a butter firkin? & a neckyoke from the shops. Went over
the creek & finished the fence. Luman commenced plowing summer fallow
in chesnut field. Harvey hoed potatoes on the flat in the afternoon.
Friday, 29
Weather fair and very warm. Went to Sayles’ shop & got a crop bar for waggon & then to Mott’s & assisted him through the day in prearing? & putting on the irons. Luman worked at breaking up summer fallow, and Harvey at hoeing potatoes on the flat.
Saturday, 30
Weather extremely warm. Had Jack’s Buggy & went to Troy with wife & carried up Amanda’s children. Coming back at night called at Luther’s & put up on account of a heavy thunder shower. Luman plowed on summer fallow.
Sunday, 1
Warm weather continues. Returned home from Luther’s in the morning & found Valentine here. Went to the Huddle to meeting in the afternoon & heard Br. Miller? George & Amy called in the evening. Luman carried Eliza to Franklin.
Monday, 2
Fair weather and moderately warm. Plowed out the upper piece of corn again which has not bunched? yet on account of the wet. Towards night planted a few Ruta Bagas. Luman plowed on the summer fallow. Harvey worked with me.
Tuesday, 3
Pleasant day. Went up to the Depot with a load of boards which were brought up from the mill on the 23rd inst. In the afternoon planted Ruta Baga’s – The boys hoed corn. Had Andrus to help them on Brigham’s account.
Wednesday, 4
Rain commenced falling in the night & continued till towards noon. Framed & put in joists to the shed & in the afternoon planted some Ruta Bagas. Boys worked in the afternoon at hoeing corn.
Thursday, 5
Shower towards day in the morning day fair. Assisted Elon to bury an infant for Percival in the morning & then worked at preparing the ground & planting Ruta Bagas. Boys hoed corn. In the afternoon Luman went with team & hauled a load of boards from Mill to R.R.
Friday, 6
Morning pleasant but rain commenced falling before noon, attended with thunder, & continued till towards night. Worked a spell in the morning at my Ruta Baga ground & commenced plowing corn below the road. Boys hoed corn till driven off by rain.
Saturday, 7
Rainy day, Streams up and ground very wet. Worked in the shed at putting down stable floor. Settled account for Mr. Griffin with Curtis & Williams. Boys worked some in barn yard removing old bridge at the barn door in order? to build a new one.
Sunday, 8
Weather cooler and the day pleasant. Walked to meeting at Leroy in company with Elon. Br. Reynolds discoursed. Called at P.O. & got Harbinger. Called at Calvin’s on our return & took tea. Went over the creek & gave the cattle and horses some salt. George & Samuel called in the evening.
Monday, 9
Weather fair and cool. Finished planting Ruta Bagas, plowed some corn below the road, & wed some carrots. Found the cherry cow with a calf this morning. Boys hoed corn till towards night & then went down to the mill and brot up load of boards.
Tuesday, 10
Warm and pleasant day. Went up to the R.R. with a load of boards in the morning, plowed some corn & took up another load at night. Boys hoed corn & Luman a load from the mill.
Wednesday, 11
Weather continues warm & dry. Plowed out the potatoes & beans on the flat, sowed a bushel of buckwheat, Harvey harrowed with one horse, and Luman with the team engaged plowing the ground the second time.
Thursday, 12
Weather fair. Went to the Depot with the children who intended going to Williamsport on Sunday school excursion. Cars full and only Lurenda & Harvey got in. Mr. Knapp promised another tomorrow. Luman hoed corn & after my return plowed for buckwheat.
Friday, 13
Warm & fair. Showers in afternoon. Mary went to Depot again, but excursion failed. Luman finished plowing buckwheat ground & hauled load of boards from Mill to R.R. I finished sowing buckwheat & Harvey harrowed. Eliza returned from her school.
Saturday, 14
Pleasant day. Wed some carrots & in the afternoon plowed corn by the house. Luman hauled a load of boards from the Mill to the R.R. in the forenoon & in the afternoon hoed potatoes on the flat. Harvey finished harrowing buckwheat & in the afternoon rode horse for me to plow corn.
Sunday, 15
Weather continues pleasant. Rode to meeting at LeRoy in Brigham’s waggon with wife, in company with a ??? Mrs. Brighams, & heard discourse from Br. Rockwell. Called & took tea with Br. Harvey Holcomb, and returned home.
Monday, 16
Warm & fair. Plowed corn in forenoon. Rec of Turner 4 ??? of E. Smith $3. Sold pair 3 year old steers to Pomeroy for $54. Rec $5 – Went to Steam mill & got some flour ??? & brought up load of boards. Luman hauled load to R.R. in the forenoon & in afternoon hoed corn.
Tuesday, 17
Morning warm & pleasant. Went to the Depot with wife, Eliza & Mary & took the cars on an excursion to Williamsport. Shower in the afternoon & got wet on return. Luman went up with load of boards in the morning & hauled up another at night & brought us home from Depot in the evening.
Wednesday, 18
Weather fair & very warm. Repaired some fence & worked some at weeding carrots. Luman went down to Franklin with Eliza & Mr. Smiley & girls took on a load of boards at the mill & carried to the R.R. & brought another up from the mill at night. Harvey hoed potatoes.
Thursday, 19
Very warm weather. Shower in the afternoon. Worked at weeding carrots & transplanting swedish turnips. Luman hauled up load of boards to R.R. in the morning & brought down some goods for P.&N. & took another load from Mill to R.R. & brot down load of corn for Taylor.
Friday, 20
Morning cloudy and afternoon rainy. Worked a spell in the morning at repairing fence by the road & then went with team to the Steam Mill & took load of boards to the R.R. At night transplantid a few Swedish turnips. Luman worked for Elon till driven off by rain, at harvesting. Harvey hoed potatoes on the flat.
Saturday, 21
Rained principal part of the time through the day. Worked some at transplanting Swedish turnips. Luman brought some meal from the mill & hauled the old logs away from barn doors. Eliza came home and Valentine called & tarried.
Sunday, 22
Day cloudy with a little rain. Walked to meeting at LeRoy with Elon & heard a discourse from Elder Spaulding. Called at the P.O. & got the Harbinger & returned home. Dr. Drake & Mr. Dickinson called & took supper with us. Samuel, Elon, & George called in the evening.
Monday, 23
Weather continues warm & considerable rain fell during the day. Went with team to carry Eliza to Franklin & to get a load of boards. Came home without a load on account of the rain. Luman went to work for Elon but did not stay long. H plowed a little in the afternoon. At night Valentine called & departed.
Tuesday, 24
Weather quite warm with appearance of being fair, but afternoon a shower with thunder commenced & continued till night. Went to the Corners & got some turnip seed, & commenced preparing ground for it. Luman plowed on fallow in forenoon.
Wednesday, 25
Warm showery weather continues. Worked some at hoeing & transplanting Ruta Bagas and commenced laying wall for bridge at barn doors. Luman finished breaking up summer fallow in the chesnut field.
Thursday, 26
Weather very warm and wet. Thunder showers in the afternoon. Employed at the barn laying wall for the bridge and underpinning. Boys worked at scraping away the manure and hauling stone. Reeder Brigham having returned gave us a call in the morning.
Friday, 27
Weather fair principal part of the day but extremely warm. Showery at night. Worked at laying wall for barn door bridge and at hoeing ground for turnips. Boys went over the creek & commenced cutting the wheat. Eliza came home.
Saturday, 28
Weather very warm and frequent showers through the day. Sowed some turnip seed, worked some at barn bridge and transplanting ruta bagas. Boys worked between showers at harvesting wheat over the creek.
Sunday, 29
Hot weather continues & day fair & passed over without any rain. Walked to meeting at LeRoy & heard Br. Rockwell. Called & took tea with John Bush & then returned home. Many? employed in harvesting and securing wheat, which has begin to grow in the field. Valentine called.
Monday, 30
Commenced raining in the morning & continued till towards night. Transplanted 325 Ruta Bagas. Boys hauled stone at intervals, for the bridge at the barn doors. At night Amanda came with her little girl.
Tuesday, 31
Morning cloudy, but cleared off without rain & afternoon fair. Went down to Store at Steam Mill with wife & Amanda & traded to amt of $8.02. Luther & Sally came. Sold him 630 feet boards. Boys worked at the wheat.
Cloudy morning & very warm, but no rain today. Sold Roby old cooking stove, gathered old cast iron together to carry to foundry at Troy tomorrow, & worked in afternoon at the barn bridge. Boys finished cutting & putting up the wheat over the creek. Crop very light. Commenced raining in the evening & continued through the night.
Thursday, 2
Cloudy the principal part of the day with a sprinkling of rain. Went to Troy, carried Amanda home, with wife & Harvey along, took the wool to the factory to be carded, & brought home a barrel of salt from Pomeroy’s.
Friday, 3
Morning cloudy but the day passed over without rain. Transplanted a few Ruta Bagas & worked with Harvey at the barn door bridge. Luman cradled oats. Lent Franklin Taylor 75 lbs. salt. Samuel called at evening.
Saturday, 4
Morning fair & weather very warm in afternoon a very heavy thunder shower which raised the streams considerable. Finished the bridge & raked and bound a few sheaves of oats before the rain. In afternoon put out 100 Ruta Bagas. Boys hauled a load of wood & two samll loads of wheat before the shower. Eliza came home.
Sunday, 5
Cloudy weather & in the afternoon another copious rain. Walked to meeting at LeRoy & heard discourse by Br. John Spalding. After meeting returned directly home. Called a short time on George & in the evening rec call from Elon.
Monday, 6
Weather more cool and day fair. Transplanted 200 Ruta Bagas in the morning and in the afternoon helped Luman at raking & putting up oats. Harvey went with Eliza to her school & helped Brigham in the afternoon to tend threshing machine.
Tuesday, 7
Pleasant day & good weather for harvesting. Worked at raking & binding oats. Boys hauled a load of wheat from over the creek and three loads of oats from the field west of the house. Heard of the death of Br. Alexander Campbell on Sunday last.
Wednesday, 8
Morning cloudy with appearance of rain & continued so through the day. With the boys finished raking & binding oats in the west field & the boys hauled them into the barn. In the afternoon hoed carrots.
Thursday, 9
Rained considerable in the middle of the night. Cleared off this morning & day fair except a little before noon. Transplanted 300 Ruta Bagas & reaped a few lodged oats. Luman being not well did not work. Harvey hoed in the garden.
Friday, 10
Day fair and passed over without rain, the weather being considerably cooler. Finished reaping the lodged oats and hoed some among the carrots and Ruta Bagas. Luman cradled a part of the oats on the hill. Eliza walked home from Franklin.
Saturday, 11
Weather very fine and fair through the day. Worked at boarding the gable of the waggon house above the roof of the shed and helped the boys a little whille at raking & binding oats. They hauled in two loads of oats & one of hay.
Sunday, 12
Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Rockwell discoursed upon the subject of church order. Called at Br. Churchill’s on my return & after tea came home. Valentine called towards night & went away in the evening.
Monday, 13
Cloudy in the morning had had a little more rain. Worked at the waggon house & shed as on Saturday. Wife rode with Reeder Brigham to the Steam Mill store & traded a little. Luman finished cradling oats on the hill & in the afternoon mowed some below the barn.
Tuesday, 14
Pleasant day. Good hay weather. Worked a spell in the morning at the shed? & then at spreading hay, boys raking & binding oats. Afternoon helped the boys to get in two loads of oats & two loads of hay.
Wednesday, 15
South wind & cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. Worked at the shed laying floors & preparing it to receive the hay. Luman cradled the spring wheat in the forenoon and in the afternoon with Harvey put up a part of it.
Thursday, 16
Weather quite warm and cloudy at intervals through the day. Worked at the shed principal part of the day the boys mowing. Towards night we went to raking hay and put up twenty cocks in the meadow. In the evening had a heavy thunder shower attended with wind.
Friday, 17
Morning rainy, but soon abated & afternoon fair but considerably cooler. Worked at the shed, partitioning a loft for hay. Luman went with others to help Adolphus Saxton who is out of health. Harvey worked at the hay.
Saturday, 18
Weather cool & day fair. In the forenoon completed the hay loft in the shed, the boys mowing & working at the hay. In the afternoon helped the boys get up the hay. Hauled in 4 loads. Rec letter from Esther Harris? Mass
Sunday, 19
Nichols mare sick, having been ailing some days. Walked to meeting at LeRoy & heard Br. Reynolds. Took dinner with Br. Churchill on my return & then came home by the way of Bunyan’s. Consulted Mr. Knapp & Bunyan concerning the mare & conclude she has the horse distemper.
Monday, 20
Fair and pleasant day. Worked at the shed putting in the joists over the cellar and preparing? it for laying the floor. Boys finished raking the spring wheat and hauled it into the barn.
Tuesday, 21
Fine weather for haying. Worked at the shed principal part of the day. Put on the boards on the east side of the part covering the cellar. Boys worked at mowing. Sent Harvey to Steam Mill to get some nails.
Wednesday, 22
Morning fair but it soon became cloudy & commenced raining a little soon afternoon. Worked at the barn & shed a part of the time & helped the boys put up a part of the hay into cocks until it became too wet. Boys mowed some in the afternoon.
Thursday, 23
The day warm and showery – Worked about the shed some in the forenoon and in the afternoon went to West Burlington to see Mr. Stevens. Boys employed threshing some oats. Sent Harvey to Griffins to have Pop shod(?)
Friday, 24
Fair day. Worked at the shed in the forenoon, the boys cleaned up some oats & opened & spread the hay. In the afternoon worked with the boys raking and getting in the hay. Hauled 3 loads into the barn & 1 in waggon home.
Saturday, 25
Another fair day. Went up to Harry’s to see if I could get some help next week. Called at the P.O. & got a letter from Mr. Atkins announcing Uncle Hale’s death. Boys mowed in the forenoon & in the afternoon we hauled in 3 loads of hay.
Sunday, 26
Weather fair. Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Br. Rockwell spoke. Called at Br. Churchill’s on my return. When arrived at home found the sick mare bleeding very profusely at the nose. In the course of the evening it abated.
Monday, 27
Cloudy all day. Finished the floor over the cellar in the shed & towards night walked to Troy & put up at Drake’s. Lathan? Andrus worked with Luman at mowing through the day. Weather cool & evening clear.
Tuesday, 28
Fore part of the day cloudy. Rec of Pomeroy $32.62. Paid to Parsons for Pierce $37.50. Returned home by way of W. Granville. Boys had mowed some in the morning & had spread out the hay. They raked a little towards night.
Wednesday, 29
Cloudy in the forenoon, afternoon fair. Finished the floor in the loft of the cowhouse & then worked at the hay with the boys. Raked and hauled two loads into the barn, and two loads into the calf shed.
Thursday, 30
Morning cloudy but soon cleared off & day fair. Worked at finishing loft over cellar in shed. Boys mowed & spread hay in forenoon & in the afternoon helped them get up hay. Hauled 3 loads – 1 in the barn & 2 in the calf shed.
Friday, 31
Fair day. Had Andrus & Wallace and John Putnam to help at haying. Worked at the shed in the forenoon, helped get up hay in the afternoon. Had Eaton to assist. We hauled in 4 loads – 2 in the barn, 1 in the waggon house, & 1 in the cellar loft of the calf shed.
Saturday, 1
Warm and fair. Had Andrus & Eaton with John to assist at haying. Got in 5 loads of hay – 1 in cow house, 1 in waggon house, 1 in calf shed and 2 in the barn. Attended political meeting at the Huddle at 5 oclock p.m.
Sunday, 2
Continues warm & shower in the forenoon. General meeting at Canton but could not attend. Turned the sick mare out of the stable into the field. Valentine called in the afternoon & went away at night.
Monday, 3
Cloudy in the morning and fore part of the day rainy. Carried drag teeth to Griffin’s to be sharpened and repaired a plow. Boys threshed & cleaned up some oats. Towards night Luman went with Eliza to Franklin. At night a traveller by the name of Smith called & put up with us.
Tuesday, 4
Cleared off in the morning & residue of day fair. Went with Luther to the Huddle & from there to John Sayles’ to arrange for conveyance to court. Bought of L. D. Taylor pair of boots for self, & pair shoes for Luman, sale? $5. Luman commenced on summer fallow.
Wednesday, 5
Weather fair. Andrus & Wallace came to assist at mowing. Started in the morning for Towanda as a witness at court. Rode with Valentine. Arrived there before 10 oclock. Went to Mr. Pratt to board.
Thursday, 6
Weather continues fair but morning very foggy. Went into court at 8 oclock in the morning. Court occupyed with Commonwealth suits through the day. In the evening went back to the court house and spent some time in the Commisioner office.
Friday, 7
Foggy morning and fair day. Attended at the court house at the opening of court & spent some time there. Business Commonwealth suits same as yesterday. Spent the evening at the commissioner’s office.
Saturday, 8
Weather very warm. The Granville suit came on in the morning & witnesses discharged at noon. Rode home with Mr. Sayles & found Dr. Drake & Amanda who came yesterday. Sick mare found in the stable this morning, dead.
Sunday, 9
Morning clear, but soon became cloudy & rained a little towards noon. Drake & Amanda started for home after breakfast. Did not attend meeting today, but remained at home. Valentine called in the afternoon & in the evening Drake returned and left Lucella.
Monday, 10
Fair day and warm. Went to the Corners and finished laying out frame for Mr. Reynolds. In the afternoon, not feeling very well remained about the house. Luman plowed on the summer fallow. Harvey threshed some oats.
Tuesday, 11
Borrowed $8 of Uriah Baxter & went on foot to Alba, took dinner at James Bothwell’s, saw Margaret there took up my Tinklepaugh note, & returned at night. Luman finished crop plowing Dr. Drake staid with us.
Wednesday, 12
Continues warm & fair. Went to the Huddle & bought
a coat & vest for Luman & a vest for myself, in all $13. Luman
went to Harry’s & got 3 bushels seed wheat, & then went to steam
mill & took a load of boards to the R.R. – In the evening Burch &
his wife called & staid with us. A little shower in the night.
Thursday, 13
Cloudy & forenoon rainy. Sowed 3 bushels of wheat & Luman harrowed it in. Visited with Br. Hubbell in the afternoon who tarried with us over night. Lurenda went with Burch & his wife to LeRoy. Valentine called & staid over night being unwell?
Friday, 14
A little frost in the morning. Sowed 3 bu more of wheat which finished the chesnut field. Luman finished the harrowing. Harvey cut up some corn east of the house. Bound & set up some of it in the afternoon.
Saturday, 15
Weather warm and cloudy. Picked & husked some corn for a grist. Finished binding & setting up corn east of house. Luman hauled 2 loads of boards from Steam Mill to the R.R. Burch returned from LeRoy & staid with us again over night.
Sunday, 16
Weather warm and fair. Stephen called early in the morning & took breakfast with us. Luman carried him part way home. Walked to meeting at LeRoy & heard Br. Reynolds. Returned immediately home. Susan Smiley came to board with us.
Monday, 17
Weather continues fair & very warm. Shelled a bushel corn & put it out to dry. Luther & Sally called & took dinner with us. Sold 7 head young cattle to a drover for $100. – Luman hauled corn and plowed for Andrus.
Tuesday, 18
Cloudy day and rained some in the afternoon. Grew cooler towards night. Spent the day mending my boots and preparing to drive away the cattle tomorrow. Luman helped Andrus with the team at plowing for wheat in return for work at haying.
Wednesday, 19
Pleasant day, but cool. Went with Harvey to Canton Corners to drive the cattle there I had sold. Rec the Bal. of pay, took diner with Stockwell, & returned as far as Stephen Landon’s. Luman helped drive the cattle to LeRoy & then plowed for Andrus.
Thursday, 20
Heavy frost in the morning & day cool & fair. Came home from Stephen’s with Harvey & attended Sunday School celebration at the Corners in the afternoon. Luman plowed for Andrus. Misses Laura Jennings & Matilda Saxton staid with us.
Friday, 21
Weather cloudy with a little rain. Went to the Steam Mill Store and traded some in the forenoon & in the afternoon visited with Br. Wells. Attended meeting with him in the evening at the Huddle & then he returned with me & staid over night. Luman plowed for Andrus.
Saturday, 22
Anniversary of my birth – 54 years of age. Spent the forenoon with Br. Wells – in the afternoon bound some corn & wrote letter to Atkins. Attended meeting at the Corners in the evening. Luman harrowed for Andrus.
Sunday, 23
Weather continues fair. Attended meeting at LeRoy – Br. Rockwell spoke. Wrote letter to Geo. Harris & mailed both at LeRoy. Called & took tea with Br. Rockwell & he walked with me to the Corners & heard discourse from Br. Wells at 4 oclock.
Monday, 24
Had Brigham’s buggy & went with wife to Troy. Traded about $19 with Long, preparing for journey to the east. Returned in the evening. Luman cradled the buckwheat and Harvey finished cutting the corn above the house.
Tuesday, 25
Weather fair and quite warm. Went down to Steam Mill store and traded a little. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to R.R. & another part way. Harvey raked the buckwheat. Eliza came home.
Wednesday, 26
Forenoon fair, afternoon rainy. Went to Steam Mill store & got material for wife a dress. Repaired fence around turnip yard & went to Corners to political meeting. Speakers did not come. Luman hauled load of boards from home & one from mill to R.R. Bunyan called.
Thursday, 27
Weather fair in the morning but cooler & cloudy the residue of the day – Mr. Bunyan having tarried, departed this morning after breakfast. Commenced fencing a yard east of the waggon house to put the corn into. Luman went to Franklin to get Eliza’s trunk & hauled load of boards to R.R.
Friday, 28
Weather fair & dry. Worked at fence around corn yard & wrote a deed for Elon conveying lot to Andrus. In the evening wrote 4 notes &c.? Luman hauled load of boards from mill to R.R. & 1 part way.
Saturday, 29
Weather continues warm & dry Completed fence about corn & turnip yards, went to the Huddle & paid Sayles $5.00. Mother came to see us & uncle Churchill called. Luman hauled load of boards from home & 1 from mill to R.R.
Sunday, 30
Cloudy & afternoon & evening rainy. Went to meeting at LeRoy with wife & Lurenda & Geo. & Amy. Br. Spalding preached. Coming home called & took tea with Br. Churchill. Found Valentine at our house who who tarried with us overnight.
Monday, 1
Weather continues warm & cloudy. Spent the day in making preparation for journey to New England. Luman hauled 3 loads of boards up home from Bailey’s mill and 8 Bu apples to Frank Taylor.
Tuesday, 2
Started with wife wife on our tour? to
the east. Luman took us up to the depot then we took the cars to Troy &
from thence with the Doctor & Amanda, went in the express to Elmira,
where waiting till 11 in the evening we departed in express for N.Y. Rainy
all night.
Wednesday, 3
At 10 in the morning found ourselves in Jersey city, whence we departed in the cars to Newark, called at the house of the Doctor’s sister, who being not at home we got some refreshment there & at 4 p.m. took the cars for Millburn where we met Capt Rodman, her son & who took us to his house where we found Mrs. Shields – ??? remained overnight.
Thursday, 4
Left my company at Capt. Rodman’s after breakfast & took the cars for New York. Went to the Bible rooms, paid some money there, attended the meeting in the forenoon, travelled about the city some & in Brooklyn, & at night returned in the cars to Newark, where I met my wife & Mrs. Shields. We tarried there.
Friday, 5
In the morning Mrs. Shields went with us to the depot. We took the cars at 6 o’clock for N. York & at 7 in the city for Connecticut, arriving at Middletown about noon, where we hired a cab to convey us to Mr. Atkins’ where we arrived about 1 p.m. finding them well. We remained there over night.
Saturday, 6
We intended to go to Middlefield today, but the weather being so unfavorable – raining a considerable portion of the time – we submitted to the importunity of Mr. & Mrs. Atkins, and the necessity of the case, and enjoyed their company and hospitality another day & night. We had arranged with Dr. Drake when we left him in New Jersey to meet him at Barrington in Mass. on Monday the 15th inst.
Sunday, 7
Weather more pleasant. Mrs. Atkins went with us to Mr. Hall’s at Middlefield. She returned and we attended meeting with Mr. Hall’s family at the Methodist church, & were then introduced to Mr. Russell Bailey & his wife. We returned with Mr. Hall, & tarried there over night.
Monday, 8
Walked down to the residence of Richard Bailey & found him ready to start to Wallingford to see his sick daughter. Met Alfred Bailey & agreed to go with wife to his house at night. We visited with Mrs. Hall & Mr. & Mrs. Atkins at the widow Hale’s in the afternoon. At night, Mr. Atkins conveyed us to Mr. Bailey’s where we tarried.
Tuesday, 9
Walked out in the morning with Mr. Bailey & went to see the reservoir, the button factory, the bone mill, the flouring mill, the turning shops, and the new school house in the cedar grove. Was introduced to Mrs. Anna Skinner – daughter of the late Mrs. Gees?, who called upon us at Mr. Bailey’s at noon. In the afternoon Mr? Bailey went with us to Mr. Roswell Bailey’s where tarried over night.
Wednesday, 10
After breakfast Mrs. Roswell Bailey went with us & called at Ira Bailey’s & at Alfred’s & then went with us to Russell Bailey’s where we took dinner & in the afternoon we went to Mrs. Skinner’s & visited with her & some other ladies till after tea, & then we returned to Mr. Hall’s to spend the night.
Thursday, 11
In the morning after breakfast Mrs. Hall & her son went with us to Mr. Atkins’, and in the afternoon Mrs. Russell Bailey & her daughter came and visited with us. We spent the night there intending to depart for Massachusetts in the morning against the urgent invitations of our friends to remain another day.
Friday, 12
After we had taken an early breakfast Mr. Atkins took us with his daughter – who is attending school in the city – in his carriage to the depot where we took the cars for Springfield & from thence to Pittsfield where we had to wait 4 hours. It began to rain some after we started & continued without intermission through the day & night. At 5 o’clock we left Pittsfield & arrived at Geo. Harris’ in Barrington at about 7 ½ in the evening.
Saturday, 13
The rain having ceased, we started after breakfast with George’s horse & buggy for Muddybrook. Called at house of Avery Harris – son to George – where we found Aunt Polly, the mother of George. In the afternoon we went to Wm. Harris’ & remained there over night. He presented me a book – the history of Berkshire.
Sunday, 14
Weather cold & wet. There being no meeting in the neighborhood, we remained with William until towards noon, and then went back to Avery’s to visit with Aunt Polly. Afternoon & evening quite rainy. We remained there over night.
Monday, 15
Weather more pleasant. After breakfast we started for Stockbridge & called on Mr. Seymor Churchill, where we remained about an hour & then returned to Barrington by way of Glendale & Van Duesenville. Took dinner with George & then with him went to the depot, to receive Dr. Drake, & the women went to visit at Mr. Wilcox’s. The train did not arrive till night but brought the Dr. & Amanda. Introduced them to the Wilcoxs, took supper & spent the evening there, & then returned with George.
Tuesday, 16
Went with our friends to Muddy Brook, took dinner at Averys, went with William & the Doctor onto the mountain, returned at night, and – our friends from town having departed – went with the women to enjoy the hospitality of Wm. & his family. In the forenoon made a call with wife on the old captain.
Wednesday, 17
Soon after breakfast Wm. started with us to Barrington, stopped at George’s, went with the Dr. Geo. & Wm. to see the splendid Mansion, picture gallery &c? of Mr. Leavitt, returned, took dinner & then the cars for Albany from whence at 6 p.m. we departed for Niagra Falls.
Thursday, 18
About 1 o’clock in the morning we were stopped, near Manlius? by breaking of the engine started again at break of day, took dinner at Rochester & viewed the falls there, stopped at the suspension bridge short time, arrived at the great falls a little before night, put up at the Franklin House, went down to view the falls, returned to supper, & then took leave of Mr. Fargo & his lady who came with us from Barrington & going to Mancors?
Friday, 19
In the morning at 6 o’clock we took our seats in a train for Elmira by way of Canandaigua. Proceeding from Elmira we arrived at Troy at 1 o’clock p.m. – a distance of about 200 miles from Niagra in 7 hours. We stopped with the doctor & remained over night.
Saturday, 20
After breakfast, went out with wife, called at Dr. Shepards & with Mrs. Shepard made a call at Wm. Elliot’s, took dinner there & towards night Erastus brought us home. Found the family all well. In the evening George and Amy called to see us.
Sunday, 21
Went to meeting at the Huddle & heard discourse from Br. Wells. Called at Sylvester’s & Samuel’s on the way home. At night went down to see mother, and in the evening attended meeting at the Corners where Br. Wells delivered another discourse and returned with me and tarried over night. Weather fair.
Monday, 22
Pleasant weather continues. Worked with Harvey repairing road & watercourse opposite the house. Luman hauled load of slabs which he had on the waggon, for Nichols to repair road, & then a load of boards from mill to the R.R.
Tuesday, 23
Worked a short time at the road with Harvey, in the morning, & then commenced digging potatoes on the flat, but were driven off by a storm of rain & snow which had commenced falling & continued through the day. Luman brought up a load of boards from steam mill..
Wednesday, 24
Day stormy like yesterday. Made some preparations and commenced husking some corn in the waggon house and visited with Br. Wells. Boys employed in the barn threshing oats and attending to the chores. Ground covered with snow. Br. Wells went over to Elon’s in the evening & did not return.
Thursday, 25
Cloudy with snow remaining upon the ground. Worked some at husking corn. Br. Wells returned & departed for Canton. Luther & Sally called in the afternoon. Luman went to the R.R. with the load of boards brought up on Tuesday. Bunyan called in the evening.
Friday, 26
Weather continues cloudy & unpleasant. Feel somewhat unwell in consequence of having taken a severe cold. Husked a little corn. Luman hauled a load of boards from steam mill to R.R. Roads very muddy and some snow remaining.
Saturday, 27
Cold and unpleasant weather. Streams high and roads very muddy. Husked a little corn but being unwell remained indoors the principal part of the time. Luman hauled a load of boards from the Steam Mill to the R.R.
Sunday, 28
Fore part of the day rainy & weather cold. Two cows got into the waggon house in the night & ate a quantity of corn. For these reasons & on account of poor health, I remained at home during the day not attending meeting. Evening clear.
Monday, 29
Hard frost this morning & weather fair. Warm &
pleasant through the day. Went over the creek with Harvey & sawed &
split & put up a cord of stove wood for Jackson Drake. Hung & ground
new axe. Luman hauled another load of wood.
Tuesday, 30
Thunder shower in the latter part of the night. Forenoon cloudy & afternoon fair & warm. Went to Griffin’s & got a hoe mended in the morning, husked corn the residue of the day. Boys hauled two loads of wood for Jack. & one for ourselves, & in the afternoon dug potatoes on the flat. Called at George’s in the evening.
Wednesday, 31
Hard frost again this morning. Went down to the Corners & split some stove wood for Jack. & then husked corn till afternoon. Mrs. Bunyan called in the afternoon & staid till after tea. Lurenda went home with her. Boys dug potatoes.
Thursday, 1
Weather pleasant & warm. Rained a little at night. Husked corn the principal part of the day. Samuel called & spent some time with me. Boys dug potatoes, hauled up a load & buried some on the flat. Had Eaton to help them.
Friday, 2
Cloudy in the morning, came off warm & pleasant. Valentine being here, he helped the boys kill a sheep. Husked some corn, & in the afternoon visited with Br.Churchill, who called with his wife & Aunt Prudence. Aunt tarried with us over night. Boys unloaded the potatoes & then went to digging again on the flat.
Saturday, 3
Morning rainy, & rain continued to fall through the day & night. Worked some at husking corn in the shed. Boys threshed some oats & attended to the chores. Received a letter from Br. Orvis. Valentine went home in the morning.
Sunday, 4
Continues rainy, ground very wet & muddy, & streams high. Did not attend meeting in the day time but went in the evening to the school house at the Corners & heard Br. Wells who returned & tarried with me.
Monday, 5
Weather continues cloudy and unpleasant. Husked some corn. Boys hauled some wood, carried Aunt Prudy up to Taylor’s, & in the afternoon gathered some apples. Paid Wm. Vroman $20 subscription on road, and James Gee $5.81 taxes due him.
Tuesday, 6
Cloudy through the day with south wind. Worked at husking corn. Boys dug potatoes on the flat. Assisted Griffin to settle with Brigham. In the evening Samuel called & staid till bed time.
Wednesday, 7
Weather warm and afternoon pleasant. Husked corn the principal part of the day. Boys finished digging the potatoes. Valentine called in the evening and staid through the night.
Thursday, 8
Rained considerable during the night but cleared off in the morning & the day warm and fair. Worked at the shed husking corn, the boys after carrying some grain to mill, brought the corn to the house. Valentine paid me $2 for Br. Orvis. Elias Smith called and paid $11 the balance he owed me. Valentine staid with us over night.
Friday, 9
Frosty morning and pleasant day. Worked some at husking, and at fixing a place in the shed to put corn. Boys put up the corn stalks, and in the afternoon worked at repairing the road along by the barn. Valentine called & tarried.
Saturday, 10
Morning foggy & frosty. Went with Luman to Troy – carried 8 bu. buckwheat to mill – a firkin of butter to Long – got a plow of Paine – took dinner at Drake’s and returned by way of West Burlington calling at Mr. Stevens,
Sunday, 11
Fair in the forenoon, & cloudy with a sprinkling of rain towards night. Walked to meeting at LeRoy and heard a long discourse from Br. Wells. Called at Br. Marlin Holcombs after meeting & took dinner there. On my return called at Br. Rockwell’s. & at Mother’s
Monday, 12
Moderate weather & cloudy the latter part of the day. Went in the morning to the huddle & got an evener made for plowing. Plowed some on the road & had Luman commence plowing on the hill. Husked some corn & worked about the barn.
Tuesday, 13
Very fair & pleasant day. Wrote letters to Daniel & Br. Orvis, & husked some corn. Luman plowed, & Harvey worked at the road. In the evening attended meeting at the Huddle & heard lecture from Br. Wells.
Wednesday, 14
Frosty morning and pleasant day. Removed the pump and repaired the floor. Brought in some corn, & husked some at the shed. Wrote letter to Atkins at Middletown Ct. Luman plowed and Harvey worked on the road with his uncle Julius.
Thursday, 15
Morning frosty & day cloudy. Brought some corn into the chamber, mailed three letters at P.O. on to Br. Orvis containing $5. Went to see Isaac & bought a calf for $4.-- Luman plowed. In the evening Samuel & Amanda, and Geo. & Amy called.
Friday, 16
Morning cloudy & rained at intervals through the day. Finished husking the corn & bringing it into the chamber. Luman plowed in the forenoon and in the afternoon helped Harvey thresh oats.
Saturday, 17
Weather colder. A storm of rain & sleet commenced before noon & continued through the day & forepart of the night. Worked a part of the time at the cellar in the shed. Luman plowed in the forenoon. Br. Wells called towards night & in the evening went to Br. Brighams. Rec a letter from Dan.
Sunday, 18
Cool & uncomfortable weather. Ground covered with sleet in the morning. Attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon and at the Corners in the evening. Br. Wells discoursed at both places,
Monday, 19
Weather a little more pleasant. Dr. Drake having called, went with him to see Harry, who is sick. Boys hauled some wood & went to the mill. Caleb Parker with two of his boys called in the afternoon & tarried with us over night.
Tuesday, 20
Hard frost this morning. Day tolerably pleasant. Worked some at the cellar, and helped Harvey in the afternoon at pulling rutabagas & carrots. Luman went to the Steam Mill and hauled a load of plank up to near the Coolbaugh bridge for the road. Caleb being unwell remained with us.
Wednesday, 21
A light fall of snow during the night. Worked some at the cellar & brought in 5 bushels of carrots. Harvey brought the garden sauer? into the house cellar. Luman finished plowing on the hill. Commenced stabling the cows.
Thursday, 22
Forenoon squally – afternoon fair – weather cold. Worked at the cellar and pulled & brought in some carrots. Luman finished plowing corn stubble above the house. At night heard that Harry was not well & went up to see him. The Dr. returned with me & staid over night.
Friday, 23
Ground frozen hard but weather pleasant & grew warmer. Worked at the partition between cellar & calf stable. Boys hauled 2 loads manure on to the hill & in the afternoon Luman began to break up a field over the creek. At night Caleb’s boy came to stay with us.
Saturday 24
Weather cool & pleasant. Worked at the cellar, – pointing wall & enclosing. Harvey pulled & brought in some turnips. Luman plowed. Caleb’s boy quite sick with ague & fever. At night went up to see my brother & found him much worse. At 10 minutes after 12 he died. Mailed letter to Daniel & to Geo. Harris.
Sunday, 25
Early in the morning went to Luther’s to notify them of Henry’s death, & to send Thomas up to Stephen’s. Returned & assisted the family in determining on arrangements for the funeral which is to be on Tuesday. Came home & spent the day. At night Caleb called.
Monday, 26
Weather not quite so cold. Rained in the night, & some in the course of the day. Worked at the cellar principal part of the day. Luman plowed over he creek. Caleb & his boy remain with us. Boy quite unwell, having the ague every day.
Tuesday, 27
Ground slightly covered with snow this morning, but the day fair & pleasant. Attended my brother’s funeral with all the family except Harvey. Br. McDougall spoke on the occasion. Paid to him $1. for the "Harbinger" the coming year.
Wednesday, 28
Weather pleasant & some warmer. Worked at the cellar in the shed, boarding, & pointing wall. Luman plowed over the creek. Harvey pulled & brought in some turnips. Miss Andrus called & tarried with us over night. Wrote a letter to Dan.
Thursday, 29
Weather cold. A little snow on the ground in the morning which did not melt during the day. Worked in the shed, at the cellar. Luman finished breaking up the horse pasture over the creek. Valentine called in the evening.
Friday, 30
Pleasant day & not quite so cold as yesterday. Worked at the cellar. Made & hung the door. Luman worked at hauling rails – moving fence over the creek. Harvey finished pulling & bringing in ruta bagas. Evening Geo. & Amy called.
Saturday, 1
Very pleasant day. Went with wife, Eliza & Susan to visit at Esq. Smiley’s in Franklin. Boys threshed some oats. Rec per mail from Mr. Atkins Ct. a daguerrotipe picture of Uncle Hale. Also a letter from Dan. Evening, went with wife to see mother.
Sunday, 2
Warm & pleasant in the forenoon – cloudy & a little rain in the afternoon. Went to the Huddle to meeting in the forenoon, & to the Corners in the evening. Br. Wells attending at each place. He staid with us over night. Caleb staid with us also. Eliza went away to commence her school.
Monday, 3
Some cooler & cloudy at intervals with squalls. Worked some at the shed & assisted Luman in the afternoon to prepare another piece of ground over the creek for plowing. He carried some corn to mill in the forenoon to be ground for provender. Caleb’s boy Luman came.
Tuesday, 4
Pleasant weather continues. Worked at the shed, putting up partitions to prepare a place for stairs in the calf stable. Mr. Gregory sent me some sash for the shed. Let him have a bushel of apples. Boys hauled manure on to the plowed field on the hill.
Wednesday, 5
Weather warm & pleasant. Employed at the shed making a bin for grain in the stair way. Boys hauled manure in the forenoon & afternoon Luman hauled load boards for Nichols, & got a pair of boots – price $3.50 – Caleb’s youngest boy having left, his other boy came.
Thursday, 6
Weather warm & pleasant for the season of the year. Worked at the shed as yesterday. Boys hauled manure. Br. Wells came in the afternoon, & in the evening Caleb & his father called & all tarried over night. Sold Maj Morse? 1000 feet of boards for $5 to be paid this winter.
Friday, 7
Cloudy in the morning, latter part of the day fair. Finished the stairs & grain bin at the shed. Boys hauled manure till towards night, when Luman went to the Steam Mill & brot up a load of boards. Wrote a deed in the evening for uncle Churchill.
Saturday, 8
Morning clear but cloudy towards night & snow commenced falling. Worked at the calf stable. Luman hauled load of boards from home & another from the mill to the R.R. – Susan went home the school having terminated. Caleb’s boy John went away today.
Sunday, 9
Storm continued thro the night & terminated in rain. Showery thro. the day with thunder towards night. Did not attend meeting, but remained at home & attended to the cattle. In the evening Samuel called.
Monday, 10
Cloudy & blustery with some snow. Worked at calf stable in forenoon, afternoon went down to Robert’s with Griffin. Luman hauled a load of boards from the Steam Mill up home. In the evening Valentine & George called. Lurenda commenced her school.
Tuesday, 11
Cold freezing weather & the ground covered with snow. Worked part of the day at the calf stable & set some bar? posts. Sold Maj. Morse 400 feet more of boards. Boys worked about the barn & fixing fences by the road. Caleb’s boy Levi went away.
Wednesday, 12
Weather more pleasant. Thawed some in the middle of the day. Worked at the calf stable through the day. Luman went down to Baley’s hill & hauled some logs onto the log way. In the evening George & Amy called.
Thursday, 13
Snowed some in the night & in the course of the day. Employed at the shed – putting up stalls in the calf stable. Luman went with the horses to Griffin’s & had them shod. Br. Wells called & put up with us. In the evening George came in.
Friday, 14
Cloudy with southerly wind. In the evening it rained some. Went with wife in company with Geo. & Amy & Br. Wells to Canton & visited at Stockwell’s. Went with sleigh & returned at night. Br. Wells brought his melodeon & other things to our house & tarried overnight.
Saturday, 15
Cloudy & snow disappearing. Worked at the calf stable, putting up stalls and feeding works. Luman hauled a load of boards to the R.R. which stood on the waggon since last Monday. Eliza came home. Rec. letter from Br. Orvis.
Sunday, 16
Cloudy, rained some & continued to thaw. Attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon & at the Corners in the evening. Br. Wells spoke at both meetings. His daughter Mary came with him & staid with us over night. Evening clear & pleasant.
Monday, 17
Weather clear & pleasant. Froze some during the night. Employed as usual at the calf stable. Luman went to carry Eliza to her school & went to the Steam Mill store to get some nails &c. He brot up a load of boards. In the afternoon he carried some corn in the ear to the mill.
Tuesday, 18
Froze hard during the night and weather colder than yesterday. Worked at the calf stable. Put in 4 calves at night. Luman went to R.R. with load of boards & returned with Valentine & butchered the hog. Brot grist from the mill at night.
Wednesday, 19
Weather cloudy & cool. Employed at the shed putting up partition between the calf stable & the open shed. Luman hauled a load of boards from the Steam Mill to the R.R. – In the evening called at Brigham’s.
Thursday, 20
Fore part of the day cloudy, the latter part fair. Weather mild. Worked at the calf stable. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. and another from the mill part way. Caleb called & spent the evening.
Friday, 21
Weather moderate & the day pleasant. Employed as usual
at the calf stable. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R., one from
home & one from the mill. Caleb & his wife called for a visit.
Saturday, 22
A very warm & pleasant forenoon, the afternoon & evening rainy. Finished plastering the cellar at the she & made some bins. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R. – Eliza came home in the morning. Rec. letter from Dan.
Sunday, 23
Weather continues warm & cloudy. Frost out of the ground & roads very muddy. Being afflicted with a very bad cold I did not attend meeting to day, but remained at home. Samuel called in the evening.
Monday, 24
Sudden change in the weather since last night, & very much colder – the ground again frozen. Worked at the calf stable. Luman took Eliza to her school in the morning & brot up a load of boards from the mill which he took to the R.R.
Tuesday, 25
Storm of sleet commenced in the night & continued through the morning. Rained some in the afternoon. Worked at calf stable — hung 1 door. Luman hauled load boards to R.R. from the mill, & then with Harvey hauled a load of potatoes from the flat.
Wednesday, 26
Cold blustering day. Finished & hung another door in the calf stable. Made a bin for potatoes in the shed cellar. Boys carried in the load of potatoes hauled from the flat yesterday, & hauled load of wood. Luman hauled up a load of boards from the mill. Wife went to Troy.
Thursday, 27
Very cold & freezing weather. Worked a little about the shed. Isaac in the middle of the day. Luman hauled the load of boards from home to the R.R. and another from the mill as far as Coolbaugh’s when he left it, having broken the sleigh.
Friday, 28
Weather more moderate & a little more snow. Made a manger in the shed. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & another from the mill up home. Br. Wells returned from Union & stopped with us.
Saturday, 29
Cold blustering day with N.E. snow storm. Worked at calf shed – made a rack. Luman hauled the load of boards from home and another from the mill to the R.R. Br. Wells having attended his daughter’s school returned at night.
Sunday, 30
Cold wintry weather. Went to meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon & to the Corners in the evening. Br. Wells discoursed at both places. Eliza came home in the morning.
Monday, 31
Cold but more pleasant – Went to the Corners in the morning and worked about the calf stable & shed. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & another up home.
1854 Diary and Introduction. Also access to many more Luman Putnam Diaries