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Walter Ross Samson
This was the first year of World War II, and it reflects on life on the Ridge Road. The Sunday rides are gone, speed limits have been lowered, and rationing has been imposed. Price ceilings are enacted. The family participates in taking an “Evacuee Census”. There now are bond drives and blood drives. The Elmira Library has a cache of books in the basement collected and destined for distribution to our military men. Berneice is still very active in community affairs, but this year she detailed more about day-to-day activities on the farm. |
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The Civilian Air Spotters Program was established in 1941 and is now fully operational.. She notes that shift changes down at the shelter create an opportunity to chat with old friends and to and meet new friends. It seems she developed an affection for the “shelter”, making the hut more livable, the solitude of the four hour shifts and the primitive ways to generate comfort and even to prepare meals on the rustic heater. During the year that local shelter was consolidated with others, and the activity ended on the Ridge Road. The observation shack was located just north of the Hurley (Jock) place, on the apex of the knoll.
The farmers are organizing to fend off a perceived attempt to unionize the trade.
Grandfather Charles MacDougall bought a used combine and swapped the old wooden thresher for a 1929 Dodge that eventually went to George E. Turner for a buck rake. Gerald Dann, to the north, bought a new tractor. I got a riding horse named “Kit”. (I rode her all over by myself. Our children would not allow their eight year olds to go off on a horse for extended periods.)
My Grandfather was an assessor for the Town of Veteran and shared the responsibility with Johnson Little of Sullivanville. I remember that one of their associated responsibilities was to set the value of sheep killed by wild dogs.
One summer day we had a big rain that caused the creeks to swell. Down the Ridge Rd., by the intersection of the Johnson Road, Catherine Creek was over its banks from the Johnson Road to south of the bridge on the Ridge Road. I recall seeing shocks of grain flowing along in the torrent.
My father, Ted Samson, worked in Elmira at the Kennedy Valve plant. He and the milk truck provided reliable transportation because their schedules were relatively fixed. After errands in Elmira, Berneice often met him at the Steele Library for a trip home. She mentions taking her first bus ride from Horseheads to Elmira. The bus replaced the trolley about this time.
Uncle Harry bought a paper route. I remember the day it happened. I came home from the one room Veteran #9 school on the Middle Road and my Grandmother produced jars of coins and set about to teach me to make change. Later, I often rode with him and ran the papers to the door, and often did make change. Now Uncle Harry had a 1932 Chevy coupe. The route was something like 75 miles. Before dawn he went to Millport and picked up the papers and brought them back to the house. In the kitchen we sorted papers and put in the inserts. The primary Sunday paper was the “Elmira Star Gazette”, but I remember there were others, including the “Grit”. The route included the Ridge and Middle Roads and on over to Alpine . Each paper was carried to the door. There were various individual schemes, for example, put the paper behind the screen door and look in the jar over the door for the coins. I wonder how he got the necessary gasoline.
Rachel and Rebecca Conklin, twin sisters who lived nearby, were married this year.
I saw my first dead man. A couple in a 37 Ford coupe drove head-on into a pole down at Leo Stevens. When we went down. the lady had been removed but the deceased man was still in the car, sitting upright with a bruise on his forehead. I remember that pole for a second reason. Leo Stevens burned his grass every spring and once he sat that pole on fire. I extinguished it before it really got going, and thought he should have shown more gratitude.
In June she mentions that my Mother interviewed a Miss Carolyn Goetells to teach at Veteran #9 the next year, and arranged for her to board at Emily Wagner’s. Ok, I was in her class. Here is a young girl, one who has no means of transportation and walks a mile to her job, one who is living out in the “sticks”. After a while, when the cats kept “peeing on her bed” she quit. My second grade teacher had skipped me form 2nd grade to 4th. My mother became the substitute teacher and flunked me. I skipped 3rd but repeated 4th. Actually it didn’t make any difference in a one room school. I think it was the next year the school closed and we rode the bus to Horseheads.
Sugar was rationed at a half pound per person per week. They bought 20 pounds of honey to offset the lack of sugar.
Butchering provided our own meat. On the back cover she lists the inventory of canned goods in the basement. Quite a store. When they butchered, there was suddenly several hundred pounds of meat to be processed. Imagine the stark reality of facing a several hundred pound carcass, knowing it is solely your responsibility to turn it into quart jars of cooked, canned meat Beef got cut up and canned. We did grind some of the meat. Hogs had have the fat removed and “tried” on the stove to melt the fat which was poured into jars as lard, used for cooking and baking.
Washing was done on a wringer washer in the kitchen. Sometime, probably later, we got a two tub machine that shared one wringer. Wash water was drawn from the kitchen sink. Dishes were washed in that sink, and a mirror above it was necessary when the “men” shaved in the sink. The kitchen stove burned wood and the temperature was determined by the intensity of the fire and the location on the stovetop. Canning was done in a big pressure vessel that had racks that held quart jars. The top was held on with multiple thumbscrew clamps. Food was placed in glass canning jars, each with a fresh rubber ring under the lid, and placed in the canner. The lid was clamped down and it was put on the stove. Heat built up and the gage on top of the cooker indicated the pressure inside. There must have been some water inside to generate steam, and the heat cooked the contents of the jars. At the right time the heat source was removed and the whole thing cooled. As it cooled the high pressure inside the cooker and the jars changed, and outside air pressure forced the lids down on to the rubber gaskets, so they were sealed and the contents would keep for a long time.
The “H H Project” was the construction of the Holding Point in the triangle formed by the Watkins, Wygant and Ridge Roads. Later, War material flowed in in bulk and was sorted and distributed to the forces. Construction workers flooded in, and available housing was so short that she took in two boarders. I remember Mr. Edgecomb and Mr. Perry. One was a flagman and the other a grader operator. Pictures of these individuals appear in the scans. Mr. Perry was single, had a new car and would disappear on weekends. The tone of her notes indicates that she suspected he was up to no good.
She bought 400 chicks and replaced her old flock. Home grown grains provided feed and the eggs provided spending money.
I continue to be amazed at the level of activity of this lady.
W. R. Samson
Dec 2007
Newspaper Clipping:
Nineteen Forty-Two The past year … dark and sinister shadows cast by hideous figures on the stage of contemporary history; millions of people in the war-plagued world deprived of substance, of home, of loved ones; plots and counter plots; nations bowing beneath the yoke of tyranny and oppression. The present … tiny fingers of light sifting through the shadows on the battle fronts of Russia and Libya but shadows growing darker elsewhere. The future … man's hope of a better world but prior to the realization of that expectation, men dying by thousands on the fields of battle, in the air, on the sea. Young men leaving homes in countless numbers to fight against the forces of darkness; the rationing of domestic commodities; pestilence; exceedingly heavy levies for the support of our military forces; the resurgence of fatalism as a philosophy of life; a gradually lowering standard of living. Does 1942 mean this? Is the picture too ominous? Devoutly one could but wish that it were. But though the future may mean "blood and sweat and tears" and sorrow, one knows that, like the traveler in Pilgrim's Progress, we shall eventually arrive at the goal of peace. And because the year may bring this darker scene, we shall find as we emerge from the other side of it, that our spirits have been disciplined, our motives purged of dross, and our faith in the ultimate triumph of right, vindicated. With calmness, then, let us face the future, not as the stoic with his sophisticated cynicism, nor as the epicurean with his "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" attitude but as intelligent Americans resolved that the world shall be a better place in which to live. If this be our feeling, then we shall indeed be happy in accepting the challenge of nineteen forty-two in order that each succeeding first day of the year may be truly -- A Happy New Year. |
Not very cold. We all worked all the forenoon. Men sawed wood and I canned meat and tried out fat. After dinner Charlie and I went to Montour and made our annual call on Hattie and Libbie. They very glad to see us as usual. Snowed quite a squall as we were getting ready making the roads. Very slippery - no snow at all in the valleys. Found the hill ill cindered on the ridge.
Tuesday, January 6, 1942
Quite cold - 6° below - the coldest of the season so far. Did my chicken chores and took Gordon on his sled over to Marian Davis' for a little call. He had a nice time with the boys and their new toys.
Wednesday, January 7, 1942
15° below
30° in some places
Started shipping eggs to New York again. Went to Study Club at Van Duzer's - no one else came so had a grand visit, tea and cookies and came home. A very cold night. Cars all refusing to start.
Thursday, January 8, 1942
Still very cold. All the cars in the neighborhood had to be towed or pushed. Had to serve from 4-8 at the observation post. Harry took me down and Charlie came down at 6:00 and stayed. Mr. Hurby up most of the evening. Hard work to keep fire enough to keep the shack warm.
Friday, January 9, 1942
Helen away all day. Below zero most of the day. Dressed 3 roosters in afternoon and baked three pies. Grange night but we did not go.
Saturday, January 10, 1942
Pomona Grange at the Log Cabin. No one from here attended. Very cold north wind all day. About 4° above all day. Some job to keep the chickens going. They dropping off in their laying quite badly.
Wednesday, January 14, 1942
Father born 1849 - 93 if living
Rather cold and windy. Went to the post filling a vacancy. Had a good visit with the nigh men. George Turner came on at 12:00. Charlie came after me. We went down to Billings in the afternoon. Charlie took Bert to Millport on business and payed our taxes. Had more than enough to pay them from his pay as assessor.
Thursday, January 15, 1942
Not very cold. Went to the post on regular duty at 4:00. Took Gordon with me and we had a picnic supper which pleased him a lot. Charlie came at 7:00 - he brought us a bag of popcorn to finish the evening. He didn't care for the dark very much - tho't we ought to be home when it was dark.
Sunday, January 18, 1942
Home all day - can have no more nice Sunday drives on account [gas rationing]
Monday, January 19, 1942
The C.C.N.G.A. met at Veteran Grange Hall. One of the worst fogs ever seen in this county. Helen and I attended after driving blind the entire way - hit a deep ditch in front of Stevens. A small attendance on account of the fog - every one came in telling of the awful fog. Program numbers failed to show up had quiz on historical characters and radio sponsors. Had a nice supper menu - "mountains" of potato salad, small amount of sandwiches, plenty of jello, coffee and no cake.
Tuesday, January 20, 1942
Spent all my spare time planning for Dairymen's League Supper at hall Sat. eve. Went to Conklin's at night to plan with Elizabeth - called at Stevens - my first view of all their new furniture. Simply swell. A cold west wind.
Wednesday, January 21, 1942
A beautiful morning. Went down on the milk truck for duty at the observation post - arriving at 7:30. Had a nice chat with the two men of the night shift. Not a very good fire. Went to Study Club again at Van Duzers. Three others came this time. Had a good meeting. Think Mrs. Roemelt is such an addition to our club. A beautiful clear mild evening.
Thursday, January 22, 1942
A nice day - bright until p.m. Did my washing. Helen took her exam in First Aid at Conklins. Rested after dinner and went to the post at 4:00 to do our regular shift. Had my lunch there - had hot clam soup, banana apple cookie and cheese. Am writing this in the post. I miss my little pal who came with me last week. Felt very proud as I saved the fire and started the gasoline lantern.
Friday, January 23, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Susie G. Prentice
Mrs. Susie Greenman Prentice, widow of Edward A. Prentice, died Thursday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William H. O'Connor at Rochester. Mrs. Prentice was the daughter of the late Dr. Orlando S. and Phoebe Carpenter Greenman of Horseheads. Dr. Greenman practiced medicine for many years in Horseheads. Besides Mrs. O'Connor, Mrs. Prentice is survived by another daughter, Mrs. L. Harl Loven of the Middle Road; a sister, Mrs. Grace McKee of Elmira; two granddaughters, Mrs. Ross Muxworthy and Mrs. Albert E. McCoy Jr. and two great grandchildren all of Rochester. The funeral was held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Grace McKee in Elmira. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Saturday, January 24, 1942
Sub Dist League meeting in Elmira and local league meeting at Grange Hall. I went to the hall and worked until noon and then went to the Elmira meeting. Lily kept things going until 2:30. I stopped on the way home and got creamed potatoes fixed etc. Had a fair crowd and a nice supper. Miss Schoonmaker showed movies for the program. Our menu was baked ham, creamed potatoes, beans catsup, brown bread and pumpkin pie. Cleared about $20.
Wednesday, January 28, 1942
A nice morning. Went down to the post in the morning on the milk truck. The boys there Nelson Hunsinger and Clarence Purdy stayed and talked for a half hour. Low ceiling - no planes around - stayed 1:00 and then went to Stowes with Helen on her way to a brush party. Jennie quite a lot better - has been quite bad with bronchial pneumonia. Had a nice visit with Ruth.
Thursday, January 29, 1942
A beautiful day, bright and still. Went to the post at 4:00pm - relieved Gilbert Van Duzer who stayed and visited a few minutes. Had t report two planes. Had a little lunch at 6:00. Took one of my old kerosene lamps down to furnish light. Charlie came down at 7:00. Quite cold when we came home.
Special Data: Names of people met at observation post
Jan. 21 - 7:30 A.M.
Frank Propester
Junie Carpenter
Jan. 15 - 4:00-8:00
Kenneth Stone
Nelson Hunsinger
Clarence Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. Gascogoine of Sullivanville
Sunday, February 1, 1942
A blustery with snow squalls all day. The Dann boys over to play with the Samson boys in the morning; Marian came over after them.
Monday, February 2, 1942
Very cold again. Groundhog saw his shadow so we are expecting six more weeks of winter.
Tuesday, February 3, 1942
4° below early and it stayed at zero most of the day.
Wednesday, February 4, 1942
Snowed by squalls all day.
Thursday, February 5, 1942
Home Bureau at the hall. Helen took Gordon and I and she went on to O.E.S. doings. Not a very large attendance. Snowed quite a lot. Had a nice dinner in charge of Lily R. and Edna Relyea. Did sewing for British Relief. Mrs. Reney present and gave a talk on "Care of Appliances." Helen got back in time to take me to the post at 4:00 - relieved Edward and Annabel. Charlie came at 7:00. Snow about 6 in. deep when we went home and roads very slippery. Met Mr. and Mrs. Gascogoine and daughter who came to relieve us.
Friday, February 6, 1942
Warmer and thawed a lot. Helen, Gordon and I went to Elmira. I did some shopping and more looking while she did brush work. Met at Empire for dinner. I went to H-B office for my last lesson on Sex Education. Only two women came - did not have any lesson just visited. Every body working, in first aid classes, ill, etc. The streets covered with slush.
Saturday, February 7, 1942
Raining hard all the morning - changed to snow at 10:00 and continued all day so we got another 6 in. Snow plow up in evening.
Wednesday, February 11, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Edmund W. Marth of 414 W. Gray St., chairman of the Chemung County Nutrition Commission, speaks in a low, soft, Arkansas drawl and has a serene appearance which completely disguises the fact that she is a bundle of efficiency. She earned her bachelor of science degree in foods and nutrition at Battle Creek College, Mich., and interned for six months in a hospital. Since then she has had 18 years of experience both in teaching and in practical application along those lines in hospitals and hotels. Today Mrs. March is president of the New York State Dietetics Association. A year ago President Roosevelt called the attention of the public to the fact that improper and insufficient nourishment prevailed among its people. The result was that various states set up nutrition agencies which were responsible to the Federal government through the State. Chemung County's first nutrition agency head was Mrs. Charlotte K. Runey. She resigned, however, in order to devote full time to her job as Chemung County Home Bureau Agent. Mrs. Marth was named her successor. | ![]() |
Thursday, February 12, 1942
Spent the day at Ithaca attending Farm and Home Week. Charlie took me down to Chappells and I waited there for Mrs. Runey and went over with her in company with Miss Phillips and Mrs. Marth, Nutrition Committee. Spent the day by myself seeing the Country Art exhibit, the green house, garden club and flower exhibits. Ate lunch in Plant Science and then to Bailey Hall to hear Mrs. Roosevelt. Bought some processed honey and a fancy leaved geranium and a flower pot with a wick arrangement. Left for home at 5:00. Went to Chappells - there for supper. Every body went to Legion Home in evening and were finger printed for defense work.
Friday, February 13, 1942
The children, Helen, and I went to range in the evening. The roads wee slippery. Had moving pictures shown by Miss Phillips and Mr. Grant preceding the Grange meeting. Master not present so Florence Roy presided. Had a nice meeting and about 25 present. Had installation of Juveniles and matron Martha Saunders.
Saturday, February 14, 1942
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From my only Valentine from my pal in Brigs.
Sunday, February 15, 1942
A beautiful bright sunny day.
Valentine's Day Card: Because you're YOU - Because you're dear - Because you scatter So much cheer, Because you're sweet, And good - And true - Valentine greetings, and "orchids to you"! Love Marian
Monday, February 16, 1942
The men had Fivie up from Horseheads to help butcher the last hog. A disagreeable day with a south east wind with sleet and rain. Helen spent from 12:00 to 4:00 at the outpost.
Newspaper Clipping: Lester H. Tifft, 58, of Philadelphia, formerly of Center Mills, died Monday, Feb. 16, 1942. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Hazel Tifft; his mother, Mrs. Harvey M. Tifft of Center Mills; two sons, George E. and Francis E., both of Sidney, N.Y.; a daughter, Mrs. Fred Eldridge of Sidney; two grandchildren, Robert Eldridge and Miss Virginia A. Tifft of Sidney; three step-children, Arthur, James and Mary Caywood of Millport, and a brother, Elmer A. Tifft of Bogota, N.J. Mr. Tifft was a member of Old Oak Lodge, 253, F&AM, of Millport. The body was removed to the VanBuskirk funeral home, Horseheads, where the funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads. Old Oak Lodge will conduct a committal service at the funeral home Wednesday at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, February 17, 1942
Warmer - rained and thawed.
Wednesday, February 18, 1942
A beautiful day, warm, and seemed just like spring. Helen and I went to Elmira - she on brush business and I for F.S.A. Went down to school with a hot dish for Tanner on our way. Roads slippery in places. Ate dinner at Empire. Had quite a full session of Rehabilitation Com - all present, Warren, Matyka Kahler, Mac Dougall and Woodward - didn't get out until after 4:00. Ernie Benjamin up in evening talking over Grange affairs - our $280 which was promised to be returned Feb. 15 not yet turned over. Found out later that Amel - Chairman of trustees had it in his possession - such a relief for community.
Thursday, February 19, 1942
Much colder - only 6° above. Quite a sudden change. Charlie and I went to Lester Tifft's funeral in the p.m. All the Mac Dougalls there. Stopped at Chappells then on to the Observation Post. Amel on duty - he rode up with Charlie. Pretty cold in the shack but used the oil heater so got along fine. Had pork stew for supper - piping hot also hot tea and fruit. Charlie came for me at 8:00. We stopped and called at Benjamins on our way home. Saw Stankey's baby for the first time - John Ernest a very nice boy.
Sunday and Monday, February 22 and 23, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Washington and Lincoln
Today we are forgetting our personal and petty problems in our endeavor to answer the rally call of a great national emergency. We are each striving to put our individual force behind America. This is not new in American history. It has been done before and in this way America has always been assured of freedom and right thinking.
February honors two great men's birthdays - George Washington's February 22nd and Abraham Lincoln's February 12th.
Was it not Washington that spent the winter at Valley Forge in 1777? Was it not Washington who kept the spark of freedom burning when the blasts of defeat, hardship, discouragement, hunger, and cold besieged him and his men that winter at Valley Forge? Yes, he was the incentive and inspiration to those men there as well as to the colonists. There was no turning back in that hour of trial. No, those men fought on for peace and freedom and they won.
Was it not Lincoln who brought the nation together when it almost divided itself? And was it not Lincoln at Gettysburg who said: "…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
We are all familiar with the elementary facts about these two great Americans. Washington was born in 1732 into a home that was fairly prosperous; in 1809, Lincoln was burn into the humblest home amid great poverty. But neither had an easy life. Lincoln went through untold hardships in his youth as well as in later years; Washington endured great hardships as general in the Revolution and as founder of our government. Washington served the country as its first president (1789) and was re-elected for a second term. Lincoln lived through adverse criticisms and sneers in his fight for right - unity for the nation and the freedom of the black race. He came out the victor though, but his presidential term (1860-1864) was abruptly ended by his untimely assassination in 1865.
So through the years men in America have helped their nation meets its crises, and we are confident that the crisis of 1942 can be met by its leaders and by its people with that same level-headedness, undauntedness and courageousness. When this crisis is won, we shall then fight on to hold that peace for all the nations of the world.
Tuesday, February 24, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Arnot-Ogden Hospital - A son, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1942 to Frank and Ruth hobler Rockefeller of Phelps.
Wednesday, February 25, 1942
Furniture sale at Horseheads Grange hall. Helen and I went down at 10:00. A very large amount of goods most of which went very high. We ate lunch there and stayed till 3:30. Bought an old wool bed blanket for $1.25. Got our groceries for the Home Bureau dinner and came home.
Thursday, February 26, 1942
Home Bureau meeting at Grange Hall. Helen and I had
charge of the dinner - had meatballs and spaghetti, fresh vegetable relishes,
Vienna bread and butter, coffee and fruit cup and crackers for dessert.
Martha Saunders gave a lesson on dress finishes and the women cut out boys'
underpants for British Relief. Helen took me to the post at 4:00. Found
a new stove had been put up - as cozy as could be in spite of the cold
Newspaper Clipping Added: H. H. Griswold
Herman H. Griswold, late president of the Elmira Bank & Trust Co. Photo by Personius Studios. The late Herman H. Griswold was eulogized as a Christian business man, a civic leader and a loyal churchman at funeral services Saturday afternoon at the Hedding Methodist Church. Mr. Griswold, president of the Elmira Bank and Trust co., died Thursday. Officiating at the funeral were the Rev. E. E. Merring of Syracuse, former Hedding pastor, who gave the eulogy; the Rev. Harold G. Stearns of Geneva, former Hedding pastor, who gave the opening prayer; the Rev. Alfred P. Coman, present pastor, who read the Scripture, and the Rev. Eli Pittman of Streator, Ill., former Methodist Elmira District superintendent, who gave the closing prayer and benediction. |
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Friday, February 27, 1942
Regular Grange meeting - Had a picnic supper before the meeting also the program visitors from Horseheads and Chemung Valley Granges present. The program was an amusing talk by Romayne Berry and a fine picture shown by the International Salt Co. Quite a few out. Treasurers report accepted at last after all the trouble and the range received the $280 which has been missing for some time.
Saturday, February 28, 1942
Sub Dist - Dairymen's League meeting in Elmira. Met in the basement auditorium of the library which was so filled with hundreds and hundreds of old books collected to be sent to the soldiers that there was hardly room for the meeting. Not a very good attendance. The milk situation very bad so much of dairy products in storage on account of the submarine danger in the Atlantic. Stopped in Horseheads and got a few groceries. A beautiful day - exactly like spring.
Sunday, March 1, 1942
Another nice spring like day. Lois and George Griff up for supper.
Monday, March 2, 1942
This for March 3. Found it storming with about 6 in. of snow on the ground but quite warm. Soon began to blow and continued to snow, blow and thaw all day. Snow plow thro' both ways. Walter could not go to school. The worst storm of the season. Attended the March meeting of the Lay Committee of Public Health held at Marjory Miles in Pine Valley. Mrs. Flanagan came for me. Had a nice meeting, with two new members. After the meeting we tore old linen into bandages and rolled them for emergency work.
Tuesday, March 3, 1942
See story on opposite page.
Wednesday, March 4, 1942
Roads all piled up on sides and lots in road. Helen and I went to Elmira - she for dentist work and I for F.S.A. The streets a mess - slush about 6 in. deep. Just began to thaw some up home. Had no trouble going or coming (with chains on). Stopped at the new furniture store on the Lake Road and looked at furniture - bedroom suites a nice solid maple for $65.
Thursday, March 5, 1942
A nice warm day. Thawing a lot. Helen and I went to H-H - I attended auction at Grange Hall. Still in pursuit of bedroom suite. Such a beauty sold but beyond my pocket book $65. So disappointed. Stopped at the post for my weekly shift. Charlie came after me at 8:00 some bad walking to get to the shack.
Friday, March 6, 1942
Out all day taking the evacuee censes. Roads quite bad and no one had paths - about tired out. Went from Woods to home in A.M. and down Ridge and up the Middle Road to Tracy Smith's.
Sunday, March 8, 1942
Very warm and bright 57° - Snow began to run from hills in torrents. Many of the cross roads very badly washed as a result.
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Alfretta Meeks Burch, 82, died at 10:45 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 8, 1942 at the home of a daughter, Miss Edna Burch, W. Franklin St., Horseheads, after an extended illness. She is survived by four daughters, Miss Edna Burch, Miss Grace Burch, Mrs. Lula Drake and Mrs. Howard Hopkins; a son, Harold, all of Horseheads; a brother, John Meeks of Montour Falls; three nephews, William and Howard Meeks of Montour Falls and Marion Meeks of Geneva. The body is at the Barber Funeral Home Horseheads and Tuesday will be taken to the home of Mrs. Hopkins, 821 Hulett St., Horseheads, where friends may call until Wednesday morning when the body will be returned to the funeral home. Funeral there Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. H. O. Travis of Daggett Methodist Church officiating. Burial in Hill Top Cemetery, Millport.
Monday, March 9, 1942
Not quite so warm and grew colder just in time to prevent bad floods. Creek over the road for a short time at Horseheads. Helen away all day - at the post in p.m. I did a two weeks washing but such a terrific wind I had to do most of the drying over the register.
Newspaper Clipping: Frank A. Bailey, 65, died after a heart attack due to over-exertion at his home in Pulteney Monday afternoon, Mar. 9, 1942. He was born at Wayne June 10, 1877, a son of John C. and Lucy Gleason Bailey, and in the days of lake steamboats was an express agent at Keuka Landing. Previous to that he had operated a store and after retiring from the express agency he conducted a barber shop for 20 years. He was known widely as a hunter and fisherman and was the sole manufacturer of Bailey nets which he knitted. He was a member of the Pulteney IOOF and is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Pepper of Pittsburg; a sister, Mrs. E. B. Smith of Penn Yan. Funeral at the home Wednesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Edward Rodison of the Pulteney Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial in Tyrone Cemetery.
Tuesday, March 10, 1942
Quite cold with a terrific wind all day.
Wednesday, March 11, 1942
Saw the first robin! Charlie, Harry and I went to Mrs. Charles Burch's funeral at the Barber Funeral Home in Horseheads in the p.m. Charlie was bearer. I waited in Horseheads while he went to Millport for the burial. Other bearers were Err Locke, Harry Hammond, George Weed, Charles Mosher & Ed. Van Duzer. A large funeral - sermon by Travis who preached in Millport 20 years ago.
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Frank Frycek, 58, of Terry Hill, near Sullivanville, died Wednesday morning, Mar. 11, 1942 at a local hospital. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Herman of Catharine and Mrs. Joseph Craige of Binghamton; four sons, William, at home, and James, Frank and Charles of Veteran. The body is at the Van Buskirk Funeral Home, Horseheads, where the funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.
Thursday, March 12, 1942
Charlie took me to the post at 4:00 - chatted a few minutes with the Van Duzers. Looked over old magazines, wrote a letter and played cards. Saw no planes. Had mushroom soup for supper. Stopped at Woughers and Saunders for the evacuees census.
Newspaper Clipping: Fred Lattin, 74, died Thursday, Mar. 12, 1942, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dan Davis of Merchant Ave., Odessa. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nettie Lattin; his daughter; five grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Dell Brink of Catharine and Mrs. Grace Hamilton of Odessa; several nieces and nephews. Funeral Sunday at 2:30 p.m.at the home of Mrs. Davis, the Rev. D. S. Peterson, officiating. Burial in Highland Cemetery, Odessa.
Friday, March 13, 1942
Saw song sparrows, blue birds and robins. Started out early to finish the census - started at Cartrights and got most of them finished. Helen, the boys and I went to Grange in the evening. Had an old fashioned party with a box social following. Bob Saunders bought my box. Gordon and Walter each bought a box. Awfully tired but had a lovely time.
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Gordon and Walt Samson at Joyce's Museum in 2004. Grandsons
of Berneice.
Walt contributed these diaries for the site. |
Saturday, March 14, 1942
Charlie and I went to Mrs. Frank Frycek’s funeral in p.m. then called at Matt Miller’s. Went up to Mrs. Hokes too but she not at home. Went to bed at 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 17, 1942
A nice warm springy day. I went to the last Family Life Lesson and Helen had teeth filled. Had a nice lesson - not as many present as usual.
Wednesday, March 18, 1942
Went to Elmira to serve on R.R. Committee of F.S.A. Charlie went to a D. L. meeting in Horseheads so I went to city on bus. My first experience on E and H-H buses - not a very comfortable ride. Came up home with Ted. He had to work overtime so I had to wait two hours. Had my supper at the Belmont and waited at the library.
Thursday, March 19, 1942
Went to the post at 4:00. Relieved Edward and Annabel.
Went down to Hurley's at 8:00 and waited for Helen who was at a party at
Dorothy Blauvelts. Had quite a visit.
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Friday, March 20, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: After Marriage Service at Pine Valley Church Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Clark, 914 Hulett St., Horseheads, who are shown with attendants at their recent marriage in Pine Valley Baptist Church. Bridesmaid was Miss Rebecca J. Conklin, twin sister of the bride, the former Miss Rachel J. Conklin, and the bridegroom's twin brother, Horace R. Clark, was best man. (Gold Tone photo.) |
Saturday, March 21, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Pvt., 1st class, and Mrs. Jonas S. VanDuzer Jr., are pictured after their marriage performed by the Rev. Frederick Maunder Monday, Mar. 23, 1942. Mrs. Leon Watts, sister of the bride, and Henry B. VanDuzer, bother of the bridegroom, were attendants. (Iszard photo.) Mrs. VanDuzer is the former Miss Elsie Alberta Storch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Storch, West Hill Rd. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. VanDuzer of the Ithaca Rd., Horseheads. The bride is a graduate of the Academy and is prominent in community work in the county. Pvt. VanDuzer was graduated from Horseheads High School and attended Alfred University. In January, 1941, he enlisted in Company H, 134th Medical Regiment, and is now stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. |
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Sunday, March 22, 1942
A blustery squally day. A little snow on ground in morning. Charlie and I went to Cortland with the Samson family. Had a nice visit. Quite a lot of snow up there. Cold all day. Got home in good season.
Newspaper Clipping: Miss Storch is Bride of Horseheads Man
Miss Elsie Alberta Storch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Storch of West Hill Rd. and Pvt. 1st Class Jonas S. Van Duzer, son of MR. and Mrs. J .S. Van Duzer of Horseheads, were married Monday by the Rev. Frederick Maunder. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Leon Watts and the bridegroom's brother Henry B. Van Duzer, was best man. The bride is a graduate of Elmira Free Academy and is prominent in community work in the county. The bridegroom was graduated from Horseheads High School and attended Alfred university. He enlisted with Co. H, 134th Medical Regiment in January, 1941, and is stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.
Monday, March 23, 1942
Went to a Service & Hospitality committee of Pomona at Bertha Crounse's in the evening. Rode down with Helen on her way to Eastern Star. Had a nice evening. Bertha showed me her newly equipped kitchen with steel cabinets - the most perfect arrangement I ever saw. A place or every conceivable thing ever used in a kitchen.
Thursday, March 26, 1942
Meadow larks arrived in flocks - the air full of their melodious song. Went to the post at 4:00. Fire went out so had to pick up twigs and get a new one started. Warm and lovely. Saw many many kinds of birds including several cedar wax wings. Charlie and the boys came for me at 8:00. Wrote a letter and a speech for a panel discussion.
Sunday, March 29, 1942
Broke the Sabbath by canning meat which seemed very necessary. Did 19 gls using all of one fore quarter.
Wednesday, April 1, 1942
A nice day. Helen took me to H-H and I took the 1:15 bus for Elmira. Spent the afternoon on the F.S.A. board. Went to the library and waited for Ted - he brought Aunt Lou up too. She feeling real good.
Thursday, April 2, 1942
Canned meat!!
Friday, April 3, 1942
Canned meat!! Think Aunt Lou will think that is all we do.
Sunday, April 5, 1942
Rested and visited. Ted went fishing with the Grifs at Montour. Took Walter - he developing a hoarse cold.
Newspaper Clipping: Horseheads Couple Wed
The marriage of Miss Rachel June Conklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Conklin of the Ridge Rd., Horseheads, and Howard Maynard Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark of the Middle Rd., Horseheads, took place Sunday, Apr. 5, 1942. The Rev. Ralph Chaffee of Millport and Pine Valley officiated in the ceremony which took place in the Pine Valley Baptist Church. Mrs. Chaffee played he organ and Marshall Livermore, uncle of the bride, sang "Because." Miss Rebecca Jane Conklin, bride's twin sister, and Horace Clark, bridegroom's twin bother, attended the couple. Marshall Conklin and Gordon Clark ushered. Following he ceremony a reception for 45 relatives and friends took place at the home of the bride's parents. After a wedding trip to New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Clark will reside in Horseheads. Both are graduates of Horseheads High School and are employed at the Eclipse Machine Co.
Monday, April 6, 1942
Gordon developed the hoarseness - like a young crow. Helen took Aunt Lou down to Fred's when she went to the post. Jennie quite ill again with her bronchial trouble. Charlie did quite a lot of plowing. I did my two weeks of washing.
Tuesday, April 7, 1942
A damp misty day. Charlie plowed - he very much elated over his new plow. Helen took us over to Ed Stowe's in afternoon. Florence looking much better tho' very much broken up over her brother's death. Mrs. Bush called asking me to take charge of the panel discussion at the big Grange meeting tomorrow night. Some job on short notice!
Wednesday, April 8, 1942
The first of three county-wide Grange meetings at Seeley Creek. Helen and I drove. 120 Grangers present. Chemung presented a wonderful drill. The panel discussions was two (beside Mrs. Bush) short on its personnel) but went off very well – those taking part were Giles Hollenbeck, Ernest Grant, Meredith McWhorter, Harriet Easterbrook, Lacy Woodward and Mrs. Ford Cody. Had nice refreshments after program. Had chats with a lot of old friends I had not seen in some time. We arrived at home at 1:00 a.m. Took Aunt Lou home on our way down.
Thursday, April 9, 1942
Charlie took me to Home Bureau at the hall. Mrs. Conklin and Mrs. Mosher had charge of menu which was hamburg chowder, salad, rolls and rice pudding. I gave the last less on Family Life in p.m. Every one interested in the discussion. Rode down to the post with Helen Stermer and did my 4 hours there. A rainy afternoon. Was snowing when Charlie came for me.
Friday, April 10, 1942
Ground covered with quite deep snow again.
Helen and I went to Grange in evening. Not many out but had a very
nice evening.
Sunday, April 12, 1942
A cold windy day. Over to Gerald's in late
p.m. Heard of a bad accident down by Steven's so every body hurried
down. A bad sight. I took Walter and we stayed and saw the
man put in the ambulance.
Newspaper Clipping: Corningite Dies,
Wife is Injured as Car Hits Pole
George M. Haselbauer, 50, of 84 W. Third St., Corning,
died of injuries received when the car he was driving crashed a power line
pole on the Ridge Rd. Sunday night and his wife, Mrs. Edith Haselbauer,
was injured seriously. Mr. Hazelbauer, an Ingersoll Rand worker,
received a crushed chest when he struck the steering wheel of the car,
bending it double. Mrs. Haselbauer suffered severe shock, a fractured
right leg and left ankle and many bruises. She was thrown to the
floor of the light coupe and her body wedged beneath the instrument panel.
The care was headed south at 7:15 p.m. and was on a straight stretch of
raod approximately half way between Horseheads and Odessa in front of the
Leon Steven's farm when it swerved to the left across the road, traveled
57 feet along a ditch filled with mud and water and struck the heavy pole
which was about four feet from the shoulder of the road. The impact
was such that Donald Carmon and his father, Fred Carmon, both of Horseheads
R.D. 3 and Roy Wheat of Alpine R.D. 2, driving north, said the back
end of the Haselbauer car was thrown in the air. The front of the
car was crushed. State Police Officers Walter Obuhanich, J. F. Viskocil
of the BCI and Trooper Cody Compton said they could give no apparent reason
for the accident. The car had descended a gradual slope shortly before
the crash. The three men in the other car did not see the Haselbauer
machine until the moment of the crash. Dr. Arthur W. Booth of Elmira,
returning home from his cottage, arrived on the scene about five minutes
after the crash. He said that at that time Mr. Haselbauer was still
breathing but had no pulse and obviously was dying. After administering
emergency treatment Dr. booth instructed the three men to leave the accident
victims in the car because of the warmth while he called the James ambulance
and State Police. When he returned to the car the man had died.
Mrs. Haselbauer was unconscious. She had become wedged under the
instrument panel so solidly it took two men to extricate her. The
impact of the crash split the pole which was about 18 inches in diameter.
Monday, April 13, 1942
Went to Elmira. Went on many errands - trying
to double up on trips on account of tire restriction. Got me two
new dresses for summer.
Wednesday, April 15, 1942
Study Club at Stermers. We rode with Annabel,
Martha and Annie. Had a good turn out - there being 12 present.
Had cold grape fruit juice and cookies. Did not get home until quite
Thursday, April 16, 1942
At the Post. Helen took me down. Very
hot and a hot fire in the store so spent most of the time out of doors.
Went over and called on Mrs. Jock the new lady in Minnie's old home.
Friday, April 17, 1942
Program Planning Meeting in Elmira. We drove
and took Martha and Elizabeth. Had a very fine meeting. I acted
as Sec. of the Family Life group. Had dinner at the church (Hedding)
and matched numbers for partners. I drew a sweet little lady from
Beaver Dams. We went to Kobackers to look at suites and I bought
a nice maple one to be delivered when my room is ready. Helen got
a new flat iron.
Monday, April 20, 1942
C.C.N.G.A. met at Veteran Grange Hall. The annual banquet. Ollie, Ruth and Annabel arranged the supper which was swell. I made the ham loaf in the p.m. Menu – tomato juice, ham loaf, creamed potatoes, carrots and peas, rolls, coffee, pickles, fruit salad and cocoanut cream pie. Helen had charge of the program. Otis Leonard spoke and Howard Harlon showed his beautiful moving pictures. All officers re-elected. Mavis put on program committee In place of Irene.
Thursday, April 23, 1942
At the Post. Harry took me down with his car. Charlie late in coming for me so had quite a visit with the man who came to go on shift.
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Frances Chapman Linderbery, 90, died at 12:20 a.m. Thursday, Apr. 23, 1942 at the home of a son, Joseph H. Linderbery, Sullivanville, after an extended illness. She was a member of the Sullivanville Methodist Church. Survivors are two sons, Joseph H. of Sullivanville and C. Fred Linderbery of Elmira; a brother, William B. Chapman of Elmira Heights; two grandsons, Lawrence of Rochester and Ronald of Sullivanville. The body is in the home of her son at Sullivanville, where the funeral will be held Saturday at 3:30 p.m., the Rev. Edgar Kinner of Breesport officiating. Burial in Van Duzer Cemetery, Sullivanville.
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Alice M. Sears, 77, widow of George Sears of Sullivanville, died at a local hospital Thursday evening, Apr. 23, 1942, after two weeks’ illness. She leaves a son, John of Sullivanville, and several nieces and nephews. She had been a life resident of Sullivanville and was a member of the Methodist Church there. The body is in the Shields Funeral Home, Horseheads, and later will be removed to the son’s home, where the funeral will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. The Rev. Edgar Kinner will officiate. Burial will be in VanDuzer Cemetery, Sullivan.
Newspaper Clipping: John. H. Oldroyd, 52, of 519 Luce St. died at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Apr. 23, 1942, after an extended illness. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Sara H. Dunn Oldroyd; six sons, Lester of Rochester, Earl of Pine Camp, Merton in U.S. Army; Fay, Clifford and Kenneth, at home; four grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Clarence Moore of Corning; three brothers, Jesse of Horseheads, Bert and George of Elmira. The body is in the Wilson Funeral Home. Funeral notice later.
Friday, April 24, 1942
Grange. A beautiful warm evening. Helen took Walter and I to Grange on her way to O.E.S. banquet. Had the F. F. speaking contest and Mr. West (aguaillan teacher) showed pictures. Had warm biscuits and maple syrup and jello – quite a dessert supper. We rode home with Amel and Lily.
Sunday, April 26, 1942
Samson Visit. Been out getting greens and Ted putting
up a new screen door – no housework done when Mrs. Samson, George, Doris
and Mildred came driving it – had to hustle around then for dinner. Had
the first piece of our corned beef cooking and every body enjoyed that.
They stayed until quite late.
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Monday, April 27, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: John Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Melishar of Millport. He is six months old. |
Tuesday, April 28, 1942
A Dairymen’s meeting in Horseheads Grange Hall in the evening. I went down with Charlie and spent the evening with Edit Oldroyd. Had a swell visit.
Wednesday, April 29, 1942
Went to Elmira to serve on the R.R. Committee. Helen had dentist work done too so was down most of the day. Did some shopping underwear etc. It was announced in the papers that all living expenses had been ceilinged to the level of Mar. 1. – also rents. Study Club at Laura Christian’s. Only nine present. Had a lovely evening. Ice cream with fresh crushed strawberries, dip and cookies. Sold my cross breeds – 30 rec’d $33 for same.
[Sticky note added with the names Laura and Marvin]
Thursday, April 30, 1942
At the Post. My last duty at the old stand. Very warm but windy.
Special Data
All birds here including swallows. Flowers bloomed and gone scilla, crows. Flowers in full bloom: Daffodils, some tulips, hyacinths, dutchman’s breeches, lipatica anemone (wild – also fulsatilla) pulmonaria, bridal wreath and one French lilac, polyanthus, plum trees, cherry trees and some apples. Everything drying up so badly. No rain at all. The heat as bad as July.
Friday, May 1, 1942
Williams delivered my chickens – had 43 extras so I bought those too so with the roosters they put in have quite a bunch. Very nice chickens 2 weeks old - $86
Tuesday, May 5, 1942
School meeting in the old school house – also sugar rationing (done by the teacher). Received our cards which allows us ½ # each per week. We stayed to the meetings – Helen trustee again, Emily collector and I clerk. Not very many present.
Thursday, May 7, 1942
Went to Horseheads. Helen had her hair done and I took the two boys to DIllmores for hair cuts – had a show getting Gordon in the chair. Had strawberry shortcake for supper - .17 per qt. Intended to go to the post but the building had been moved and the telephone wasn’t connected yet so did not stay.
Friday, May 8, 1942
Helen, the boys and I rode to Grange with Ramustins. Not enough present to have a meeting so visited a while and came home. Painting the wood work in our room.
Saturday, May 9, 1942
Pomona at Sullivanville. I went with Ollie – we stopped at Lewis Leonard’s sale – I wanted to see if the old bureau was to be sold. Byron was just taking it away so we went on to Grange. Not a large crowd but a nice program and a good time. Minerva Roe had a new son and everything o.k.
Sunday, May 10, 1942
Rural Life Sunday. Exercises in Millport M.E. Church in charge of Mr. Grant. Benjamins invited Charlie and I to go with them – a very nice little meeting. Mr. Grant gave a very nice talk. The Baptist Male quintet of Horseheads sang two selections – very beautifully. The Samson family went to Cortland for the purpose of having the family photo taken – 19 in the group.
Monday, May 11, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: John Woodard "Dutch"
John Woodard, 76, of Millport died at an Elmira hospital at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 13. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Lottie Gifford of Philadelphia, Pa.; a niece, Mrs. Lyle Bastin of Montour Falls; six cousins, Howard Burch and Lee Burch of Elmira, Harry Burch, Fred Sherwood, Mrs. John MacDougall and Mrs. Abel Chase of Millport. The funeral will be held at the Van Buskirk funeral home Friday at 10 a.m. Burial will be in Hilltop Cemetery, Millport.
Tuesday, May 12, 1942
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The Samson family as they looked in ’42 – taken at Vining home in Cortland.
Wednesday, May 13, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Veteran News
Mr. and Mrs. James Van Duzer of E. Pembroke, N.Y., were weekend guests at the Van Duzer home on the Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samson and sons Walter and Gordon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Samson of Cortland. Gerald Dann has purchased a new tractor. The observation post known as Arthur 2 located on the Ridge Road has been moved to a new position and enlarged. Who will be the first to donate some used comfortable furniture to make the "spotters" more comfortable during their lonely vigils? The Free Farmer movement is being very loyally supported by Veteran farmers. Charles MacDougall, who is acting as solicitor, reports that every farmer approached is eager to do his bit to oppose the C.I.O. movement aimed at control of all agricultural industries. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Van Duzer, Mrs. Ernest Benjamin and Mrs. Charles MacDougall attended the May session of Pomona Grange which was held in Sullivanville Grange Hall Saturday. Blanche Mosher, Buth Banks, Phyllis Tobey and Joyce Dann, girls of the Ridge Road Helpers 4-H Club, sang a selection on the Rural Life Sunday program at the Millport Methodist Church Sunday evening. Stanley Benjamin has resigned his position at the P-T in Elmira and will once more be found at his hold trade of cultivating the soil. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Searles are spending some time at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Francis Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acker were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Acker of Veteran.
Thursday, May 14, 1942
Home Bureau at the hall. Harry took Gordon and I down. Helen there in the morning for Home Nursing Class. Had election of officers and program planning – going to try to do two lessons at one all day session to save gas and tires. Rode down to the post with Edna Relyea. My first duty since the shack was moved and enlarged – like it very much. Gordon took a little nap laying on his grand mudder’s lap! Charlie and the boys came after me at 8:00. An awful south wind – just drying and killing oats and grass.
Friday, May 15, 1942
Still a tearing south wind. Walter and I sat out 60 cabbage and 30 tomato plants. Charlie working at assessing and Helen conducting a rummage sale in Elmira for O.E.S. Charlie and I went over to Gerald’s in evening. Fred and Mabe there so had a visit with them too.
Saturday, May 16, 1942
Developed a very severe cold. Had to give up at 5:00 and go to bed. Worked with my bad lung until 10:00 before it loosened a bit. Had a nice rain which we needed so badly.
Sunday, May 17, 1942
Rained off and on all day. Got up at 11:00. Feeling pretty rotten.
Monday, May 18, 1942
Rained a little again. Everything jumping now.
Newspaper Clipping: Joseph R. Sterling
Joseph R. Sterling, aged 89 years, passed away May 18, after an extended illness, at his home in Millport. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Margery S. Kinney, Millport, Mrs. E. Claire Kinney, Sunbury, Pa.; one brother, Warren Sterling of Watkins Glen; one sister-in-law, Miss Emma Briggs of Millport; five grandchildren, M. Elizabeth Kinney of Oxford, O., Mrs. Clifford S. Robertson of Wiscoy, N.Y., Robert E. Kinney of LaFayette, Ind., J. Sterling Kinney of Troy, N.Y., and William E. Kinney, Sunbury, Pa. There are several nieces and nephews. Mr. Sterling was one of the oldest residents of Millport. He was a member and officer of the Methodist Church for over fifty years and very active in the choir as long as health would permit. He was a member of Old Oak Lodge, F&AM. He was in business in Millport for many years, conducting a general store. Mr. Sterling was very devoted to his family and always took a great interest in civic affairs. After he was physically unable to participate, he still continued his keen interest in the activities of the church and community. His kind, jovial disposition won him many friends and the community feels a great loss in his death.
Tuesday, May 19, 1942
Wednesday, May 20, 1942
Thursday, May 21, 1942
Helen and I went to the city – she had to take her first aid kit for a black out display. Rained so I had to get an umbrella. Came back and I stopped at the shack. Poured for two hours there but not so bad up home. Burned old magazines to get a little warmth in shack. Cold still bad. Went from there to hall to Dairymen’s League meeting and the musical evening of the three nearby rural districts – a very nice entertainment. The League served ice cream and fancy cakes to all present which pleased the children. Charlie and I came home early as I felt so mean and had to go to Owego tomorrow.
Friday, May 22, 1942
Central District Conference of Home Bureau’s at Owego. Helen took me down to Mrs. Rummey’s at 8:00. Edna Relyea and Mrs. _____ went with us. There were 243 present at the meeting – everything very fine. I conducted a discussion group of 40 on "How to help your community maintain their morale" – went off good. We rode back with Katherine Carpenter and Martha. Poured most of the way home. Creeks bank full which caused terrible floods in Pa. A darky boy drowned in Elmira today and a pair of twin boys Saturday. Grange night and deputy’s scoring, but I was too tired to go.
Saturday, May 23, 1942
Dairymen’s League Sub Dist. Meeting in the library in Elmira. Charlie and I attended – had a nice meeting with election of officers. I re-elected to my office of secretary. Planned to have a picnic supper and evening meeting at the Fair grounds for July. A nice day everything growing.
Sunday, May 24, 1942
Cold and misty. The Gerald Dann’s called to tell us of Charles Vary’s death yesterday.
Monday, May 25, 1942
George Ackers baby born – a little girl named Sandra.
[Typed note]
Dear Mrs. MacDougall:
I meant to see you before you left the District Federation Meeting, to tell you how much I appreciate your being a discussion leader there in Owego. I know is must have been very difficult for you with your bad throat to try to make yourself heard above all the confusion, but from what one of the other Home Demonstration Agents said, you did a splendid job, and they all got a lot out of it.
Sincerely yours,
Charlotte K. Runey
(Mrs.) Charlotte K. Runey
Home Demonstration Agent
Tuesday, May 26, 1942
Lily received word that Mr. Cheatham had passed away. Charlie and I went up a little while – she so broken up and with a bronchial cold just like mine. She left in evening for New Bedford. Charles Vary’s funeral. I went with the Conklins at M. E. church in Odessa. A beautiful sermon by Mr. Peterson. A sad funeral.
Wednesday, May 27, 1942
Started papering my bedroom. Mrs. C.D. York – (like bird woman) called in regard to going to see the orchids in the Samson’s woods.
Thursday, May 28, 1942
My shift at the Post. Helen took me with Harry’s car. Stopped in at Mrs. Roemell’s – saw her beautiful garden. Had a nice time at the shack. Had soup and fruit and pop for supper. Charlie came for me and we stopped at Benjamin’s a few minues on our way home.
Newspaper Clipping: Llinn Ellsworth Page, 81, life resident of Millport, died Thursday, May 28, 1942, after a brief illness. For more than 50 years he was treasurer and a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Millport. He leaves his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Frank Crouch of Millport, and several cousins. The funeral will be held today at 2:30 p.m. the Rev. C. R. Allington of Elmira officiating with burial in the Millport Cemetery.
Friday, May 29, 1942
Helen took me to the city to keep an appointment at Dr. Smith’s. Took Mrs. Roemelt some of our iris. Had a long session at Smiths – am to have new glasses next Tues. and have to go back for another treatment in two weeks.
Monday, June 1, 1942
Finished papering my room at 7:30 – a good job done.
Tuesday, June 2, 1942
Helen met a teacher prospect from Syracuse in H-H at 2:00 – I went to the Optical works for my new glasses – they fit perfectly wonderful. Took the teacher Miss Goettels up to school – over to engage board at Emiliy’s and up home to supper and back to the bus at 7:00. She seems like a very nice girl.
Thursday, June 4, 1942
Rained hard at 3:00 p.m. Everything too wet for a change. Helen took me to the shack. Read and hemmed curtains – rode back with Ted who worked late.
Newspaper Clipping: Homer Franklin Hitchcock of 825 Walnut St. Thursday, 2 p.m., at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Henry Huber Jr., 138 Fuller Ave., Corning. Woodlawn Cemetery.
We slept in the bed to our new maple suite for the first – used the mattress Helen made for us last year in the mattress project.
Friday, June 5, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Durham Asks Loyalty In Talk to A.O. Class
Twenty-one members of the 51st graduating class of the Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital’s School of Nursing were told Thursday night at commencement exercises at The Park Church that the Allied Nations will win the war and the "whole world will be finer and freer." The speaker was Dr. Charles L. Durham, retired professor of classics at Cornell University. He said the struggle is to decide "whether we are to governed as dumb-driven cattle or as free, full member of society." The diplomas were presented by Caroline M. Prutaman, superintendent of nurses, after the class had been presented by President Alexander B. Diven of the Board of Managers.
Sunday, June 7, 1942
Had the first radishes.
Wednesday, June 10, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: William S. Westlake, 55, of Montour Falls died Thursday evening, June 11, 1942 after a long illness. He was a member of Montour Falls Methodist Church and had been an employee of Shepard Niles Corp. for 25 years until he became ill last spring. He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Meredith Smith of Liverpool, N.Y.; two sons, Richard H. and William R., both of Washington, D.C.; a sister, Mrs. Helen Birkland of Warsaw, N.Y.; a brother, Robert T. Westlake of Montour Falls; several nieces and nephews. Funeral at the Vedder Funeral Home, Montour Falls, Sunday at 3 p.m., the Rev. Roy Smyres officiating.
Thursday, June 11, 1942
Nursing Class for Helen Home Bureau. Duty at Shack. School Picnic – for Walter. Big 7 paint program meeting in H-H. Quite an eventful day. Had picnic dinner at H-B – Helen gave lesson on blackout – Annie Wheeler gave a book review. Helen took me to the post – a very hot p.m. and evening. A nice quiet time at post. I went to H-H to big meeting with Ernie Benjamin – a very educational meeting but terrifically hot. Walt came home from his picnic with a cut foot, scratched legs and 25 BIG mosquito bites.
Friday, June 12, 1942
Had the first lettuce from our garden – also cress and new onions.
Saturday, June 13, 1942
A damp morning. We picked flowers and arranged eight bouquets and took up to Conklins for Virginia’s wedding which took place at noon in an outdoor arrangement. Cleared off and was nice and sunny at noon but rained again in afternoon.
Sunday, June 14, 1942
Burr MacDougall up to get pipe tools to put in his new pump. Harry and Ted helped him all day. I decided to go back with him and spend a couple of days at Grace’s.
Monday, June 15, 1942
Burr phoned me that he would be starting at 6:00. Had a swell trip down – went via Erin and Sevantwood Hill. Stopped in Candor for a soda. Got to Fishels at 9:00. They were some surprised when I walked in. I slept in one of Mavis’s twin beds. She so much thinner than at Christmas.
Tuesday, June 16, 1942
Seemed so good to be with Grace – we visited all forenoon and went downtown after dinner – Virgil took us and we came back on the bus. Bought the boys each a pair of pants, Helen hose and myself a slip and hose. Grace and I together got Marian a blue hob nail set for her dresser (powder box and perfume bottles). I also go her two nice handkerchiefs. Retired a little earlier.
Wednesday, June 17, 1942
Grace and I went to call on Lizzie after dinner. Virgil too us over. Lizzie all broken up because her sister had gone out of her head and had been put up at State Hospital. Mary Irma’s daughter there. She a sweet pretty girl. Went home and had supper and then went to call on Burr & Esther. Went up on the bus – 7 Grant St. They have a very nice home. Esther very nice and friendly. She and Burr took us back to Grace’s.
Newspaper Clipping: Five Years Ago – June 17, 1937
Miss Florence Oldroyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oldroyd of Orchard Street, and C. Robert Travers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Travers of Broad Street, were united in marriage Saturday evening in the Methodist Church by the Rev. Frederick Maunder. Miss June Wintermute was maid of honor and Miss Rhena Curren and Miss Marie Shultz, both of Elmira, were bridesmaids. Miss Leonore MacDougall of Dundee, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Richard Travers, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and Bert Travers, Gus Oldroyd and James Woodward were ushers.
Thursday, June 18, 1942
Virgil and Grace took me to the train which left at 2:30. Sat with a woman from Oklahoma City returning home after attending her son’s military wedding in Washington – had a wonderful visit with her. Helen and the boys met me at Elmira. I stopped at the shack and did my shift – the shack a sorry sight after having been afire Sun. Some tired when I reached home. Brought Walter and Gordon wash pants and Helen hose.
Friday, June 19, 1942
Had the first strawberries from our own patch.
Thursday, June 25, 1942
Worked all the morning and went to the shack at 4:00 – a hot day.
Friday, June 26, 1942
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Melissa Settle, 68, died Friday morning, June 26, 1942 at her home near Beacon Hollow Rd., Town of Veteran. She is survived by her husband, Wilbert; three daughters, Mrs. Anna Cahill and Mrs. Oca Hartford of Cayuta and Mrs. Flossie Kniffin of Philadelphia; two sons, William, Town of Veteran, and James of Avon; 15 grandchildren. Funeral at the Horton Funeral Chapel, today at 2 p.m., the Rev. D. S. Peterson officiating. Burial in Cayuta Cemetery.
Newspaper Clipping: Horseheads Couple Married In Odessa
Miss Gladys Wood and William Kimble of Horseheads were married in the Odessa Baptist Church, it is announced. They were attended by their cousins, Miss Alma Wood and Wallace Kimble. Couple will make their home with the bridegroom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimble of the Middle Rd.
Saturday, June 27, 1942
Helen, the boys, Charlie and I went to Elmira. Did some shopping – a corset $5, new blue fixture for our room $1.29 etc. Met Charlie at noon and we went to the Empire for dinner, and then over to Dairymen’s League meeting – had a very hilarious meeting. No one had a good time at the Buffalo meeting. Got our groceries in HH –