Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Berneice REED MacDougall Diary 1941

Photo at left of Berneice REED MacDougall . 
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Ridge Road in the War Years by Walt Samson
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
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Continued from January to June 1941

Wednesday, July 2, 1941

Meeting at Horseheads Grange Hall for Dairymen’s League. Charlie attended and I went along for company – after eating some ice cream in the car I went for a call on Jess and Edith Oldroyd – my first call since they were married. Edna and Shirley came also and the men came over after the meeting so had quite a visit. They seem very happy and prosperous.

Thursday, July 3, 1941

Trip to Hector to pick cherries. Helen, the kiddies and I started quite early for cherry country. Found many places where we could pick, but finally stopped at Mickle’s. Picked 30# at 5 cents per lb. and got home in time to get dinner. Had a nice visit with Mrs. Mickle – saw their lovely old home etc. The cherries perfectly delicious.

Newspaper Clipping: Death Takes E. B. Dorsett, Past Penna. Grange Head

Sayre – Edward B. Dorsett, 73, of Mansfield, former master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, died Thursday night at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Since June 14 Mr. Dorsett had been under treatment for cancer of the stomach at the hospital. His condition was considered good Thursday but turned unexpectedly for the worse Thursday night and he died at 10:50 p.m. before members of his family could reach his side. He leaves his wife, Katherine, in Mansfield, three sons, two daughters and three brothers.

Friday, July 4, 1941

The nation’s first noiseless fourth!

Saturday, July 5, 1941

Walter’s seventh birthday. He received from Cortland $1.75 in cash. Two pairs of pants and shirt, gun and candy. From Harry $1.00 for Mac’s – new dress shoes and socks. From parents – ball and new swing. Samsons and George Griff went for picnic at Watkins. Walter had ride in a speed boat etc. Quite an eventful birthday after all. Received appointment on R. R. (Rural Rehabilitation) Committee of F.S.A. (Farm Security Administration). Quite thrilled – went to H-H. in p.m. and swore out my papers etc. and mailed them in to signify acceptance.

Sunday, July 6, 1941

Trip to Cortland with Samsons. Took our dinner and stopped at Stuart Park and had a picnic. On over to Samsons. Charlie, Gordon and I went with John and Cora up to their farm beyond Traxton – some wild ranch. Stayed there for supper. Walter stayed for his annual visit.

Monday, July 7, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Man Found Dead in Car

Coroner Alvin R. Monroe said Sunday that he would issue a certificate of death due to carbon monoxide in the death of R. Lee Cook, 54, of West Hill Rd., yesterday. Mr. Cook’s body was found in the car in his garage by his wife and daughter, Esther, at 2 p.m. upon their return from church. They told Chief Deputy Clarence R. Culver and Deputy Fred C. Duhl that they had seen Mr. Cook last about 11 a.m. when they left for church. Dr. Monroe said that the man had attached a rubber hose from the exhaust into the car and left a note attributing his act to despondency.

Tuesday, July 8, 1941

Went to Elmira shopping. Helen and I each got dress – and I two – a thin summer silk for picnics $1.98 and a navy and white striped sheer with white collar $3.98. Also got a pair of sheets – (42 in. bleached muslin at 27 cents) and Charlie some overalls. Got Swiss chard and beet greens ready for canning tomorrow and Helen picked the first peas. They very poor on account of drought.

Thursday, July 10, 1941

Home Bureau Picnic at Eldridge Park. Helen, Gordon and I attended. We also took Ollie and Frances Dann and Merbeth. Had a nice dinner and a good time. Not so many there. Had a nice visit with Gladys Dann Chatterton. We did the concessions in the p.m. Gordon thrilled at his merry-go-round rides. Got home quite early.

Saturday, July 12, 1941

4H Club ice cream social at Benj. Turner’s. I made 6 qts. Of custard – Ollie furnishing the eggs and loaned them our freezer for the occasion. Helen, Gordon and I attended – Everybody ate a lot of cream. It was very good home made cream. Quite cool in the evening – everyone wearing their coats.

Tuesday, July 15, 1941

Day of berry picking. Helen, Gordon and I went out to Green’s on the Henirod road – some berry ranch. His crop for this year 30,000 qts. (at 10 cents). We had dinner with the Tesch’s. Picked 23 qts – stopped in Odessa for sugar etc. Did some canning in the evening. About tired out and much scratched and stained!!

Wednesday, July 16, 1941

Picnic for the Associate Delegates of Dairymen’s League. Picnic held on Fair Ground picnic ground – a fine new feature. Covered pavilion, fire places, drinking fountains, nice rest rooms, etc. Not many attended – only 14 present. Had a swell dinner. Martha and I took goulash – mine with chicken and had it hot and made coffee – also lots of salads, and three lovely cakes. We took Emma Billings.

Friday, July 18, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Frances H. Balmer, 59, of Pine City R.D. died at an Elmira hospital at 10 p.m. Friday, July 18, 1941. She was an active member of the Webb Mills Methodist Church and the WCTU. She is survived by her husband, Arthur H. Balmer; three sons, Clare of Millerton, Glenn of Gillett and Rexford of Webb Mills; eight grandchildren. The body is at the family home, where friends may call. A prayer service will be conducted at the home Monday at 2:30 p.m., EDT, and the funeral at the Webb Mills Church at 3, the Rev. O.H. Travis officiating. Burial in Webb Mills Cemetery.

Sunday, July 20, 1941

Home all day. Ted worked ½ day finishing his work at League plant. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Samson and daughters Bonny and Doris came down and brought Walter home.

Monday, July 21, 1941

Annual picnic of the C.C.N.G.A. Held this year at Chemung Spring Water Plant in Chemung. A warm, clear, still evening. We took the Ed Van Duzer’s. Went over to Erin and then to Chemung. Walter went also. 65 grangers present. Had a nice supper and a good time generally. Came home by Elmira. Ted started work again at Kennedy Valve.

Tuesday, July 22, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Daughter is Born

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes of Harris Hill, at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital Tuesday morning. Mrs. Rhodes is the former Miss Mavis Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Wheeler.

Thursday, July 24, 1941

My first attendance at a big F.S.A. meeting. All in the office force and the committees from 12 counties. A very interesting meeting – I gained my first knowledge of the workings of Farm Security. I rode up with Gertrude Bower Lovell (who was our first H.B. agent and is now Home manager in Chemung and Schuyler Co. for F.S.A.) Leon Simpkins, Harry Warren and Mr. Hardeman also went with her. Had lunch with a bunch of home managers. A very hot day. Stopped on my way back and called on the Sears where Helen came for me. Mr. Sears very bad off (cancer of the rectum but on

Friday, July 25, 1941

Regular Grange Meeting. Had a picnic supper before the meeting. A very hot night almost unendurable. Past masters Van Duzer, MacDougall and Mosher furnished the program. Mosher’s part a play "Maid Servants" by the 4H Club. Girls Blanche Mosher, Gertrude Schope, Ruth Banks and Virginia Conklin – a very good little play.

Saturday, July 26, 1941

Sub. Dist. of Dairymen’s League. Meeting held at Horseheads Grange Hall in the evening about 50 men and women present. Dairymen’s affairs seem to be in an awful muddle. Horseheads local served ice cream and cake. We went with Anson and Martha Saunders. Had a nice time.

Wednesday, July 30, 1941

Juvenile Picnic at the new artificial lake above Watkins Glen – one of the water control lakes for the glen. Helen took our children and Shirley, Frankie and Jennie and I went as far as Lakeside. Stopped in town and got some of Huey’s Red Cross shoes. Took my lunch and tried fishing in the canal. There had been a hard shower there so fishing was no good. Went over to Lakeside and ate my lunch – had another hard shower at noon. Watched the bathers most of p.m. Helen came for me quite early – another shower at Catharine. Got some rain at home.

Friday, August 1, 1941

Helen and I went to Elmira to get oil for Charlie. Gordon and Walter went on the milk truck – Gordon’s first experience. Did some shopping – got new stockings, flower pots, underwear for both of us and dinner plates. A very hot afternoon. Charlie cutting his big acreage of oats on the hill farm.

Sunday, August 3, 1941

A very hot day and so awfully dry. After dinner Charlie and I and Walter took a drive over the hills ending up at Lon’s. Myra very lame from her bad knee. Charlie tried to buy her Guernsey calf but no one knew the price. Came home quite early.

Monday, August 11, 1941

Calling in Millport. Charlie met with the assessors and electric Co’s. representative. I went with him and called at John MacDougall’s. Mary and Ella both there so I had a nice visit – went over to Greta Beardsley’s and finished the afternoon. She very pleased to see me – she quite lame from her broken hip siege and has to take insulin three times a day – so sorry for her. Had an enjoyable afternoon.

Tuesday, August 12, 1941

Assessors Grievance day. Charlie at Millport all day.

Wednesday, August 13, 1941

Called on Harris Hill. Helen, the boys and I went to the city and on up on the hill. Called on Mrs. Rhodes then on over to Mavis’s to see her new baby – a very lovely little girl – Reta June Rhodes – had two very enjoyable calls. Home via Big Flats.

Friday, August 15, 1941

Had the first rain of the summer. Just in time to save everything – corn had begun to drop over. Think the garden will revive again now.

Sunday, August 17, 1941

Preparing for the Fair Exhibits. Worked all day getting plants ready, vegetables for Grange booth, etc. Helen, Lois Mae, Shirley and I went over to Kayutah Lake outlet and got material for Juvenile booth and I got things for some arrangements I had entered. Got wild clematis, swamp milk weed, high bush cranberry, button bush Joe, pipe weed, etc.

Tuesday, August 19, 1941

Went to the Fair and met Miss Campbell in Horseheads. Helen and I went down. Went in o the grounds for a while – found out I got prizes on my plants and flower arrangements. Met Miss Campbell – reader of Sex Education lessons of last year and discussed the series with her. Held our meeting in her car in Horseheads. Promised to attend Sep. meeting conducted by Dr. Wylie.

Thursday, August 21, 1941

Charlie and I attended the Fair. Took our lunch and went quite early. Nothing much to do so sat in car most of forenoon. After lunch I went to Ripley’s Freak Show which was well worth going to see – principle freaks were a boy with alligator skin, a girl covered with hair like a monkey, a midget mother and child, a girl with a horse’s tail growing from her back and by paying more twice we were shown the actual organs of two people possessing both sexes – one had been father and mother both.

Saturday, August 23, 1941

Dairymen’s League Meeting at Seeley Creek. Charlie and I went with Martha and Anson Saunders. Had a nice meeting – a large attendance and a good lively discussion. Mr. Mickle reported on the recent Watertown milk hearing which he attended. Seeley Creek local served a "wee bit" of ice cream and some crackers after the meeting. A very hot evening. Nearly roasted in the hall until the windows were all lowered and doors opened.

Sunday, August 24, 1941

Removed my exhibits from the Fair. Charlie and I went down quite early. My house plants awfully dried out. My premiums were as follows:

House plants, 1st - $3.00

Rock garden plants, 1st - $3.00

Begonia, 2nd - $1.00

Arrangement expressing fall, 1st - $2.00

Arrangement in bottle, 2nd - $1.00

Arrangement in wooden container, 2nd - $1.00

Fried cakes, 1st - $2.00

Brown bread, 2nd - $.50

Whole wheat muffins, 1st - $1.00

Total - $14.50

Friday, August 29, 1941

Sub-District meeting of Dairymen’s League at Seeley Creek Grange Hall. Invited by Seeley Creek local. Charlie and I went again with the Saunders. Had a good meeting with quite a large attendance. The local served ice cream which was so small it only created an appetite so we stopped in Elmira for a "second helping."

Sunday, August 31, 1941

MacDougall Reunion at Eldridge Park. Ted and Helen were away on a trip to Howe’s Caverns so we took the boys with us. A nice day – not as large a crowd as usual. Had a swell dinner. The park so black with soot it wasn’t fit to eat in. Voted to hold the picnic somewhere else next year. None of our immediate family there.

Saturday, September, 6, 1941

Sep. 6, 1959 Mother’s birthday – 82

Sunday, September 7, 1941

Trip after peaches. Charlie, Walter and I went out along Seneca. Went via Odessa up Texas Hollow to Burdett then down on Lake Road to Hector. Got a bushel of peaches and basket of grapes. Went up a cross road past the Federal Community Pasture then down to Lyon and out again near Burdett and over Foot Hill into Odessa. A lovely day and a swell ride – part of it over entirely new country. Stopped at Ramsteins to see the Cheathams (Lily and Amel in Mich) Mr. Cheatham had a slight seizure Sat. so was not in very good condition.

Tuesday, September 9, 1941

Mattress making at the Hall. I attended the mattress making in p.m. Quite a wonderful sight to see the women make such wonderful mattresses. First cotton, 50# of raw material, has be picked up fine and then the ticks filled by four layers. Each layer being pounded "hard and long," then they are tufted then a rolled edge made and home you go for a very comfortable sleep. About 20 being made at the hall. Helen made us one and one for herself.

Wednesday, September 10, 1941

My first day on the council of the F.S.A. A very instructive meeting. Promised to do some extra work for Mr. Swartz. Think I am going to enjoy this work. Most of my community work. Attended a stork shower for Ella MacDougall Melichan in evening. Helen and I went. It was held at the home of Layton MacDougall in Montour Falls and Mrs. Earl MacDougall was joint hostess. Had a swell time. Played games and contests all evening. Refreshments – salad and rolls, ice cream and angel food. Ella received many nice gifts.

Friday, September 12, 1941

Ella MacDougall Melichan’s baby born a boy, John. Later news on next page. John’s birthday apparently on September 13.

Saturday, September 13, 1941

[Birth announcement inserted here]

A Grand Bawl

Now is taking place!

Come one, come all and view

The Royal Ruler of our home,

Our Little Baby New!

Baby’s New Title

John Franklin

Mounted Throne on

Sept. 13, 1941

Weighed 7 lbs 4 oz.

Chief Advisers

Mrs. and Mrs. Barney Melichan

Will reside at


Sunday, September 14, 1941

Picnic at Dundee. We were invited to a joint picnic with the Brimmer’s and the Jay MacDougalls who now live side by side on Hollister street. Altho’ I was sick all night we all went. I occupied the davenport half of the time. Had the table out of doors at the juncture of the two lawns. We took a big 3 layer tiered cake for Charles’ birthday which was near – he also received several joke presents among which was a set of false teeth which he sorely needs. Had a very enjoyable day. Did not even come home for chores. Ted tried to get some peaches on way.

Thursday, September 18, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Edward Kingsley, 84, of 226 Birchwood Ave., Elmira Heights, died at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18, 1941, after a brief illness. He leaves tow sons, Edward H. and John of Elmira Heights; three sisters, Mrs. Ella Cummings of Pine Valley, Mrs. Julia Edminster of Painted Post and Mrs. Bessie Atwood of Oneonta. The body was removed to the Ballard funeral home, Elmira Heights, where the funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. the Rev. A. G. Cornwell will officiate. Burial will be in Millport.

Newspaper Clipping: Beams Meet in Shimmering Giant Center

The most brilliant and most colorful display of Northern Lights in the memory of Elmirans turned the entire sky into a canopy of exquisite beauty Thursday night. The darkness of night was converted into the eerie light of dawn by the powerful beams which extended from horizon to horizon. City observers had a remarkable view of the ethereal show but those who journeyed to the countryside for an unrestricted survey obtained a full effect of the phenomenon. Harris Hill, East Hill and other high points in the vicinity drew hundreds of motorists who stood for periods up to two hours watching the ever-changing display. The trip to outlaying points was well worth the effort. The display started with a few well-defined beams about 8 p.m. and the spectacle reached its full intensity about 9. Lingering traces of the aurora were noted up to early morning. Colors as well as the characteristic shimmering waves marked Thursday night's exhibition. Dull reds, purples, maroons and blues mingled with yellows, greens and grays as the rays blended and changed with imperceptible movements. The effect was the same as if a giant brush dipped in the various pigments, were being drawn back and forth across the sky. Few of the oldest residents of the community could remember when the aurora borealis covered the sky so completely.

The most wonderful display I ever saw. We were called on the phone and I sat under a tree from some time to watch the lights take on new forms.

Friday, September 19, 1941

Meeting of City Family Life group. Miss Campbell's class. Dr. Wylie there to give some hints, etc. Helen took me. We had ensilage cutters all day so had 7 men for dinner. Some tiring day.

Newspaper Clipping: Lights in the Sky

Northern lights across the sky,

Wave on wave and mountains high.

Stars that glimmer bright and clear.

Now they're far; now very near.

Like pictures in our Bibles old,

Those changing lights much beauty hold;

Like Mary's mantle clear and blue,

Like Jacob's ladder set straight to you.

We watch in awe and wonder then

If a message is there for the sons of men

In this troubled world of war and strife,

Perhaps a path to a better life.

Sunday, September 21, 1941

Did some canning in forenoon. 6 pts. Lima beans, 4 qts prunes. Went with Ted's in p.m. for a ride - to Montour up the hill past Hayes Boy's farms to Foots Hill road then to Burdett road onto road to Logan thro' Burdett Station to Lake Road to Watkins. Got a basket of grapes. Down Valley Road to Pine Valley and up to Ridge.

Wednesday, September 24, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: No Campaign Expense

Oscar Kahler, successful candidate for the Democratic nomination for county commissioner of public welfare, expended nothing in the primary campaign, he reported to the Board of Elections Friday. Deadline for filing reports is Oct. 6.

Thursday, September 25, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Matt Lewis Named for Third Term

Twelve Democratic party members named Matthew J. Lewis, Town of Veteran supervisor, candidate for his third term as a caucus Thursday night at the Veteran Grange Hall. He will oppose Anson Saunders, Republican candidate, at the Nov. 4 election. Kenneth Dilmore, chairman, called upon Mr. Lewis before nominations were made, and the supervisor said he hoped to have the highway passing the Lewis Barnes property near Sullivanville approved by the county for resurfacing. Mr. Lewis said he had opposed county purchase of the airport because it would bring higher taxes on Veteran property owners. "I'm not against national defense but if that airport is needed for national defense, let the government pay all the cost," he said. "If it is for private enterprise - and that is where it will be inside of three years - let private enterprise foot the bill." Sufficient money will be in the town treasury at the end of this year to pay all audits, for the first time in the history of the town, Mr. Lewis announced, "and your tax rate has been lowered." The town rate, he said, will be lower at the end of this year, but he was unable to forecast the country rate. Town road machinery had been replaced since he took office four years ago, he said, and conditions generally had been improved throughout the town. Bernice MacDougall was elected secretary of the caucus. Mrs. Margery S. Kinney, Republican candidate, was nominated for town clerk. Dorn Dilmore was nominated to oppose R. c. S. Potter, Republican, for justice of the peace and Stephen Boor named candidate for councilman, four years, to oppose Harry Carlyle. Edwin Westervelt, GOP candidate for councilman for two years, wan endorsed by the Democrats. For assessors, Claude Bush for four years and Adelbert Updegraff for two years, were nominated to oppose Republican candidates Johnson Little and Homer Gardner. Mrs. MacDougall was nominated for school director, opposing E. C. Van Duzer, Republican. The committee on vacancies is Roy Miles, Laurence Dann and Stephen Boor.

Helen took me and she picked cotton for the mattress project during the meeting. I picked a while after the meeting. Theodora underwent a very tedious operation (tumor and adhesions) at Barts Hospital.

Saturday, September 27, 1941

Dairymen's League Meeting at library in Elmira. Charlie and I attended. Got down quite early. Quite a good attendance. Nothing much of importance to attend to. We stopped in Horseheads and Charlie bought a new pump for he school and I got Walter new pants, sweater, shirt and suspenders.

Sunday, September 28, 1941

The Samson family went to Cortland. I cooked a chicken dinner. After dinner Charlie and I drove over to Dundee to get the latest news on Theodora's condition. Saw Elmer who reported she was quite good. Spent some time at Jay's and called on Minnie Tesch. Stopped in Reading and got a basket of grapes - had a swell ride.

Monday, September 29, 1941

My first work for F.S.A. - called at Billings

Tuesday, September 30, 1941

Booster Night at Grange. Helen, the boys and I attended. The program in charge of Frances Dann, Fire Chief Collins and Mayor Beers of Elmira delivered talks. Had recreation in charge of Hugh Wheeler and 8 Bohemian young people put on a wonderful exhibition of their native dances. Had refreshments after the meeting - potato salad, carrot relish, rolls, coffee and cake. Dr. Elston our new neighbor attended.

Special Data

The driest fall ever experienced around here - not a drop of rain for weeks. Wells going dry all over. Everything covered with dust and many people suffering from intestinal disorders. All fall work done but potato harvest. Potatoes are a very good crop with us tho' one wonders where they got any moisture. Very large. We also had a good bean crop - just for family use - about five bushel of very nice pea beans.

Wednesday, October 1, 1941

[Postcard inserted here] Greetings from Wayne, N.Y.

Carrying an invitation to spend a week in Wayne and to go fishing during that time.

Thursday, October 2, 1941

Helen, Gordon and I went to Elmira. Attended the flower show at the Garden Center. Purchased a new pen - this is the first writing with it. Rained a little in the evening [three ink spots here] - and such a pen. Guess I got a good "gyping" as it has to be filled with a dropper like a real old fashioned buy. (Later found it filled nicely in a different way.) Helen and I went to the hall and helped pick cotton. Choked my bad lung very badly - was quite alarmed for a few hours.

Sunday, October 5, 1941

One of the hottest days ever for Oct. 5 on record. Trip to Bath to see Theodora. Helen, Ted and the boys left home after dinner and proceeded to Bath via Corning. Found Theodora not feeling too well but determined to be OK soon. Took her a dish garden. Visited a little while and went on down to Hammondsport - stopping at the fish hatchery to see the many pools of tiny trout - brown, brook and rainbow. The trees all beautiful in their fall attire. Came up the hill to North Urbana then on to Wayne where I "dropped off" for my visit at Lulu's. Joel home so saw him in the evening.

Monday, October 6, 1941

Still very warm. Joel left for his work early and Lulu washed and we visited rest of forenoon. Went to Bat in afternoon to see Theodora - she still having stomach upsets. Had a lovely ride. Did a little shopping in Bath - Gordon's birthday gifts, etc. Got home early and spent the evening visiting. Stopped on our way back at the old Aunt Louis' Robbins place which is a wilderness. Walked on down to Rob Parcell's (on the site of our old home) and up on the road again.

Tuesday, October 7, 1941

Frank Margeson died. A little coole. Lulu and I went down to Fred Smith's antique shop. Quite a lot of nice things. Bought two goblets, 3 salt dishes and a "what not." After dinner we went down to see Frank Margeson who was ill and found he had died this morning. The Swarthout's called at night - invited us down tomorrow. Saw Charlie Covert who insisted he knew me and later asked me, "How's Berneice" - He thought I was mother! Seemed good to see so much of good old Lake Keuka. Rained a little at night.

Wednesday, October 8, 1941

Planned to go fishing but gave it up as it was so windy. Lulu had callers all morning. I got dinner. Went down to Maude Swartout's and spent the afternoon. Spent evening copying old family records and other things. Quite a lot cooler. Had a nice visit with Minor Swarthout concerning his serving on the board of assessors with my father, etc.

Thursday, October 9, 1941

Took the collie, Flower, for a ride.

THE BIG DAY. Did up the work and started for Pamona. Drove slowly and enjoyed the lovely scenery with the beautiful autumn colors. Stopped to see Charlie and Jen at Molly Stinson and they insisted we stay for dinner. Went on to Bath to see Theodora who was much better. Then went to H-port and attended Frank Margeson's funeral. Back home, supper, dishes, washed and Emma LaTier and Ruth McDaniels (Wheeler) called and stayed till midnight. Heard from Emma much about my high hat relatives in Cleveland.

Friday, October 10, 1941

Planned to go fishing for our last activities but found it raining and windy so gave it up. Got packed up in morning. Helen came for me at 2:30. The end of a very nice visit. We went down to Fred's and got my "what not." Had a nice trip home. Stopped in Dundee and saw Theodora in her home once more. She feeling quite well and looking good - she was setting up in bed darning stockings.

Saturday, October 11, 1941

Pomona Meeting at Veteran. An evening meeting with supper preceding the meeting. I rode down with Amel. Had a nice supper and a long time - some session - election of officers and delegates. Most of officers re-elected. Mrs. Crounse Sec ( I elected first but refused.) and Mr. Crounse Overseer. Did not get home till 1:00 a.m. Had a fire in the furnace for the first time.

Newspaper Clipping: The "Good Ship Happiness" will sail in 15 days with a cargo of Christmas gifts for British children. Of the project the News Bulletin says: "Christmas won't seem like Christmas at all this year for thousands of poor British kids. Bombed out of their homes, living among strangers in unfamiliar surroundings, they have little to look forward to. It's a little sat to think about, because surely this year they need to be glad Christmas morning, after what they have been through. But the sweets and the toys, the dolls and drums and sugar plums, won't be there unless somebody pretty wonderful gives them a break. We think there are plenty of wonderful people in this country and we think the kids will get a break. Imagine the wide-eyed wonder, the smile trembling on the edge of tears, the big, baby gladness and shouting - when that bright Christmas package from America is opened. The 'Good Ship Happiness' must sail by Nov. 1 to deliver all the packages to all these homeless youngsters in their bittets in time for Christmas." Mrs. Lewis T. Barnes, chairman of the Packages for Children of England committee of Horseheads, makes the following statement: "We feel sure that in our immediate community there are many 'pretty wonderful people' who would like to have a part in this worthwhile project 'Packages for Children [article is cut off here]

Newspaper Clipping: [article begins in the middle of a sentence] … Stowe, treasurer, Ernest Stowe; secretary, Mrs. Frank Crounse; gatekeeper, Oscar Kahler; Ceres, Mrs. Bertha Youmans; Pomona, Mrs. Collie Breese; lady assistant steward, Alice Ross; flag bearer, Blanche Mosher. Albert Storch was elected to the executive committee for three years, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mosher were named county deputy and juvenile deputy. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Earl were admitted as new members. Plans were made for a harvest supper to be held Nov. 8 at Seeley Creek. The following committees were appointed: Mrs. Ralph Williams, Mrs. Frank Crounse, Mrs. William Storch, Mrs. Charles Mosher and Mrs. Charles Antes, each choosing another helper, Mrs. Ed Rhoades, Mrs. August Bottcher, Mrs. Joe Linderberry and Mrs. Earl Howell. Delegates to attend State Fair are: Veteran, Randolph Earl and Edward Van Duzer; Sullivanville, Mrs. Joseph Linderberry and Mrs. Earl Howell; Big Flats, Clifford Peterson and William Budd. Mrs. Edward Van Duzer and Mrs. Milton Roy sang a duet "In the Garden." Fourty-four were present.

Sunday, October 12, 1941

Gordon's Birthday. He received a suit, pocket book and $1.85 from Cortland, corduroy pants, mittens, ball from us. Book, toy truck and 10 from Walter. He thrilled with the birthday spirit. So tired from my Pomona session, I slept all afternoon.

Monday, October 13, 1941

Gordon's Birthday party. The guests arrived at 2:00. Those present: Peggy, Roger and Nancy Tuma; Phillip, Frank and Frederick Dann; George, Karl, Elsie and Deanna Turner; Meribeth Dann; Walter and Gordon Samson. Had ten little folks at the table eating ice cream and birthday cake and three babies eating with their mothers. Gordon received more presents: large truck, Tuma's; mechanical cat and book, G. Dann's; smaller truck, Turner's; socks, tine truck and balloons, G. Dann's. A wonderful day for our "Little Bits".

Wednesday, October 15, 1941

Helen's Brush Party. She took up demonstrator work with Better Brushes so had a party here to start with - conducted by her boss's wife. There were sixteen present as follows: Irma Tenny, Mrs. Christian, Mona VanWhy, Helen Stermer, Mrs. Andrews, Marian Dann, Francis Dann, Annabel Van Duzer, Edna Turner, Ollie Benjamin, Pheobe Dann, Martha Saunders, Lily Ramstain, Emily Wagner, Mina Tuma. They sold over $22 worth of brushes. Helen served sandwiches and coffee. She had three people promise to have a party for her.

Saturday, October 18, 1941

Helen started her Juvenile Granger's boy at their job of painting their new juvenile rooms. The girls going to make the new drapes for the windows as a 4H project.

Sunday, October 19, 1941

October 19, 1937 - 4 years ago mother passed away.

Monday, October 20, 1941

C.C.N.G.A. met at Big Flats hall. Helen and I went - very tired after doing a big washing. Not as many present as usual. Helen had charge of program. Music - accordion, quizzes, readings, folk dances closing with the Virginia Reel - which I danced with Frank Bly. Had nice refreshments - sandwiches, coffee, jello and cake.

Tuesday, October 21, 1941

First lesson on Family Life project given by Dr. Wylie. Helen took me down. Several new leaders this year. The lesson very interesting. Went to dinner with Mrs. Alonzo Currew at Empire. Helen came for me with Harry's car - ours being in garage. Went over on Landon Plaze to get fruit for a basket for Mr. Sears (from C.C.N.G.A.) and when ready to come home found the started jammed. Phone to Concklin for him to go tell Harry who soon arrived and rescued us. Went to banquet for Farm Bureau committeemen…

Wednesday, October 22, 1941

-continued from last page. …at Horseheads Grange hall. Had a swell time. A nice meal and a good program, Freddy Morse being speaker.

Thursday, October 23, 1941

Met with the lay committee of the Public Health Service at Edna Turner's. My first meeting in this capacity. Others present: Mrs. Rose and Mrs. __________ of Pine Valley, Mrs. Shafer and Mrs. Booth of Sullivanville and Edna and I. Mrs. Flanagan explained the working of the committee etc. Think it a very worthwhile organization. Edna elected president of the committee.

Friday, October 24, 1941

Roll contest at Grange. Walter and I rode down with the Samsons. Helen having a brush party, at Miss Tenny's. Only two people entered the contest. Mrs. Linderberry and Mrs. Howell over from Sullivanville to act as judges. Ollie received first. Had a lecture on nutrition and a movie on T.B. Many questions discussed chief being having dining room redecorated.

Saturday, October 25, 1941

Meeting of Sub Dist. 21 B of Dairymen's League at Catharine Grange Hall. Charlie and I attended. Stopped at store in Catharine and got a few groceries. Quite a good attendance. Had a very good meeting and a splendid time. Odessa local served ice cream, fried cakes and coffee. We are losing our Mr. Hazeldon who is going to Utica. Uncle Abner Wright reported very ill at Gleason Sanitarium.

Monday, October 27, 1941

Helen went to Syracuse with Mrs. Bush - school Supt. to attend a convention.

Tuesday, October 28, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Dr. Chapman Honored by Dental Group

Dr. B. O. Chapman was honored by the Elmira Dental Society at a dinner Tuesday night at the City Club in observance of his 50th anniversary as a practicing dentist. About 40 members and guests attended.

Dr. Chapman did by work for the first in 1902. Died 1953

Wednesday, October 29, 1941

Went to Elmira to attend an R.R. committee meeting of the F.S.A. Just Mr. Kahler and I present. Got order to get Billings financial report and investigate Burlew and Nemich families near Chemung. Think I'll get work enough to suit me. Study Club in evening at Mrs. Roemelt's Had to hurry to get ready in time to go. Had a fine evening. Had discussion on Reader's Digest article and current topics. Had cinnamon apples with whipped cream and wafers and tea for refreshments.

Thursday, October 30, 1941

Out with Charlie getting Farm Bureau members. Went up the Ridge stopping first at Kimball's, then to Griswold's. Mrs. Griswold very nice - showed me how they had fixed the old Stewart house over - certainly a very beautiful place. Went on to Loven's and Charlie and I both made a call. They have the old St. John place restored and made very beautiful also. Such a nice thing for our community to have these old places rebuilt.

Friday, October 31, 1941

Farm Bureau "Round Up". Supper at German Church in Elmira. Benjamin's invited us to ride with them so we drove down there. Went thro' the Benjamin's new addition - Stanley's part - very nice home indeed. Had a nice supper and a good time. Howard Hanlon of Odessa showed movies he had taken of the south - the country surrounding their mills there. Also of Washburn's apple orchard near Odessa.

Sunday, November 2, 1941

A nice fall day. The Samson's went to Cortland. After dinner Harry and I went over by Mecklenberg and got 12# cabbage at 1 cent and 50# squash at 2 cents. Took a ride around by Babcock's Larch Mont farm into Meck then over to Cayutaville - tried to find Uncle Williams' grave but couldn't. Came over Terry Hill back home.

Monday, November 3, 1941

My first investigation trip for F.S.A. Charlie and I started out at 8:30 - went to North Chemung. Stopped at the store and called on Mrs. McMaster and got all possible information on by "prospect" Merton Burlew - also the way to reach it - up and up a winding dirt road to the top of a mountain. The Burlews and two little children living in a two room shack - just awful! Returned and the car balked on way and I got Edna Brickenbaker to push us to North Chemung. Found a garage man who put on a new condenser and made everything OK. Then we took another twister among the hills of town of Baldwin and found the Nemeth home. The Mr. at work and the Mrs. "no talk much English" so didn't get far on my investigation.

Tuesday, November 4, 1941

Election Day. Chief contest in Veteran was for Supervisor - Matt Lewis, democrat and Anson Saunders, republican. Lewis winning by 83 votes - all the rest went to the Republicans.

Wednesday, November 5, 1941

Sat with the F.S.A. supervisor and assistant in forenoon. They had in their families and taught them how to keep farm and home account books. Went to a meeting on "Discussion" in p.m. by Mr. Storer of U.S. ________ held under auspices of Farm & Home Bureau. A very instructive meeting. Saw Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Hamilton and several from the meetings of last spring. Went downtown and got me a new dress and on down to Aunt Lou's. She got ready to come up home with me - we rode up with Ted.

Thursday, November 6, 1941

Chicken Pie Supper at Veteran Hall. A rainy day - the first one in no one remembers how long. This was followed by a hard thunder storm at 10:30. The first chicken pie supper I ever missed. Helen went early and helped in charge of dining room and waiters. They had a very good crowd. Made a profit of about $175.

Friday, November 7, 1941

Discussion on "Parents and Sex Education." As a result of the meeting of last spring at which I represented the Home Bureau I had to lead the discussion in a county-wide meeting. I dreaded so for weeks but there were 20 women present all willing and eager to take part in the discussion and we got along very well. Mrs. Runey called it "a very successful meeting." Aunt Lou spent the afternoon with Jennie Stow - who is much better than a year ago. Helen and Walter went to Grange in evening, Charlie plowed all day.

Saturday, November 8, 1941

Pomona Harvest Supper at Seeley Creek Hall. Ted took Helen, the boys, Aunt Lou and I. There was a big crowd. Not much of a supper - run out of food. Had a nice program (a woman from Brazil spoke), the roll contest (Mrs. Linderberry first, Mrs. Antes second) and an exhibit.

Sunday, November 9, 1941

Rather a nice day tho' dark. Ted took us for our usual Sunday p.m. ride. Went thro' Breesport on to see the Beaver pond and their winter home - thro; North Chemung up the Marsh road to Van Etten thro' Cayuta and home. Saw quite a lot of country.

Monday, November 10, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Encie Rhodes, 37, of Big Flats died at 5:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 10, 1941. She was a member of the Big Flats Presbyterian Church and of the Westminster Choir and Welcome Class of that church; a member of the executive board of Chemung County Home Bureau, Big Flats Grange and was active in 4H Club work. Mrs. Rhodes is survived by her husband, Marion Rhodes; a son, Thomas Wright Rhodes; her mother, Mrs. Louise Pease, of Big Flats; two sisters, Mrs. Michael Fratarcangelo of Big Flats and Mrs. Charles Evans of North Tonawanda; a brother, Wallace Pease of Helena, Mont. The body is in the Hilton funeral home, Big Flats, and Tuesday morning will be removed to the family home, where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Lillian Chapman will officiate. Burial will be in Rural Home Cemetery, Big Flats.

Encie's baby about three week's old - born by caesarean operation and she seemed to be doing so well and this morning as she was starting to nurse the baby complained of feeling strange, lay back o the pillow and died immediately - blood clot. So terrible for the Rhodes family.

Tuesday, November 11, 1941

A Brush party at Bertha Linderberry's. I went with Helen - not a very large crowd. Those present were: Mrs. Von Settle, Mrs. Kacourek, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Bales, Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Lovell from Sullivanville (Mrs. Lovell recently bought the village farm from Ladds), Mrs. Neal - not a very profitable party for the demonstrator. Aunt Lou spent the evening with the men.

Wednesday, November 12, 1941

Study Club at Annie Wheeler's. Helen took me on her way to conduct a brush party at Frances Dann's. Not very many out to the club - Mrs. Roemelt, Saunders, Wagner, Loven, MacDougall. Had a nice discussion and apples and cider for refreshments. Inspected Annie's heirlooms including a set of Lion glassware and two beautiful bedspreads made by Polly Wheeler in 1832 - (a former resident of Ridge Road - old home) where Saunders' now live.

Thursday, November 13, 1941

Home Bureau at the hall. Took Aunt Lou and she enjoyed the meeting very much. A big turn out. I gave the first lesson on Family Life and we got our new loom and received the first lesson - think it is going to be very interesting.

Friday, November 14, 1941

Visit at Lulu's. Started quite early for a day among relatives - went to Lulu's and had dinner and the usual good visit. At 3:00 we left for Dundee, left Aunt Lou at Uncle Will's and we went over to Thoedora's then to Corene's - back and called at Wills and home in time to get supper. Had a very enjoyable day. Warm like summer - having our Indian summer.

Sunday, November 16, 1941

Afternoon at Observation Post. Church at Millport in evening. Received phone call to report at observation post (civilian defense) for duty. Post located at Hurleys. About a dozen people attended equipped with field glasses etc. and watched for army planes.

Monday, November 17, 1941

Aunt Lou returned home. We took her done and done Xmas shopping until 2:30 - got a nice lot done. Julia was thought to be getting better when Laurance left her at 5:00 and at 7:00 they sent for him but she was unconscious when he got there and soon died. An autopsy revealed the artery from the heart to the lungs was bursted. A great shock to the entire community.

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Laurance Dann

Mrs. Laurance Dann, 44, of the Middle Road, died Monday, Nov. 17, after a short illness. She was a member of the Methodist Church, Veteran Home Bureau and Veteran Grange. Besides her husband, she leaves three sons, Paul L., Delos R. and Ralph M., all at home; one sister, Mrs. John A. Birkland of Warsaw, N.Y.; two brothers, William and Robert Westlake of Montour Falls; nine nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held at the family home Thursday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Herbert J. Gordon will officiate. Burial in Vary Cemetery, Town of Veteran.

Tuesday, November 18, 1941

Called at Dann's but no one in charge but Mate Dann. Saw Stella Wager a minute (she helping there for a while). Helen Birkland just arrived. It hardly seems possible that Julia can be dead.

Wednesday, November 19, 1941

Worked at F.S.A. Helen took me down. Sat and listened to Mr. Swartz advise clients on different subjects. He talked to me till 1:30 and excused me for the day. I am to do field work with a new man - help clients to make farm and home plans. Had my dinner and started shopping and found Helen also in the same job. We did quite a lot of shopping - got home early. The men made cider.

Thursday, November 20, 1941

Trip to Binghamton. Got a good start - a nice warm Thanksgiving Day. We went via Ithaca - had a nice ride over new roads. We took two dressed roosters and potatoes and vegetables. Had a wonderful dinner. Had to start home at 4:00. Had some car trouble and ran into a terrific down pour. Julia Dann's funeral. We felt badly to miss the funeral but there was a large crowd and so many beautiful flowers. Seems that Julia's family just cannot get along without her.

Friday, November 21, 1941

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Crandell of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mahaffee of Washington called in the afternoon. I canned 10 qts. of cider and made pear and fig jam - the last of our fall pears which have been wonderful this year. We had 3 bu. in the cellar. Cleaned eggs in the evening. My pullets doing very well - have 175 white ones and 50 old hens - get 125 eggs per day. Also have 40 cross breed pullets who are just starting to lay.

Saturday, November 22, 1941

Meeting of Dairymen's League at Elmira. Charlie and I drove down - a beautiful bright sunshiny day. Some cooler. Had a nice attendance at the meeting. Mr. Hazeldon's successor introduced - Mr. Pain. He did not make a very favorable impression a violent, rampaging shouting Republican.

Sunday, November 23, 1941

Found ground covered with snow in morning. Home all day. Snow did not last long. Samson's away in the afternoon. Jay's folks here a few minutes at night. Got my eggs ready. Had an even two cases which will bring about $22.

Monday, November 24, 1941

Helen and I went early to Elmira to do Xmas shopping. Got some of my bigger things. Found an F.S.A. man had called for me in my absence.

Tuesday, November 25, 1941

Got ready and started out with the new F.S.A. assistant Bob Guzewich to learn how to make farm plans - went first to Mas friends on the hills across the valley from Antes'. A nice appearing couple but a forsaken location quite close to Pa. line. Went back to city, ate dinner at Manhattan then looked and looked for Carl Wood. Located him finally on Coleman Avenue. She (his mother) a self taught artist with a house full of lovely water colors. A nice day - did not learn much tho'.

Wednesday, November 26, 1941

Study Club at Martha Saunders'. Helen, Annabelle and I went together. A good attendance also a good discussion on the lesson "Let's Keep the Ball" by Wendell Wilkie. Hostess served tea crackers and cookies.

Thursday, November 27, 1941

Another day with F.S.A's "Bob". Stopped at Reisbeck's on the old Gardner farm. They very nice people. Had dinner at Jennies Lunch Room in Horseheads and started for Hobart DePew's. The location marked wrong on the map so did a lot of useless driving - finally found him just outside of VanEtten on a big dairy farm - he will make own plan so got home quite early. Out to Jay's in evening for a brush party and had supper there.

Friday, November 28, 1941

[Newspaper photo of "Floyd" inserted here]


417 ½ Standish St.

Elmira, N.Y.

The smiling elevator boy in the P.O. building who always greets me so courteously "Good morning how are you today" on my up and when I come down "Did you have a nice meeting?"

Special Data

Newspaper Clipping: "Does your wife to all her own washing?"

"Yeah, all except her back."

Newspaper Clipping: Goss Elected Grange Head

Albert S. Goss, of Washington, was elected National Grange master at the concluding session of the Grange in Worcester, Mass., last week. He succeeds Louis J. Taber, whose 18 years of service in that capacity broke all previous records. Mr. Goss, who was a former Federal Land Bank Commissioner, is a native of Rochester, N.Y. He went to the state of Washington when a young man and became interested in farm organization work. He was master of the Washington State Grange for 11 years. He also served as a member of the board of the Federal Land Bank at Spokane. Mr. Goss was chosen national master after Mr. Taber had insisted that he be permitted to retire. Mr. Taber will continue as president of Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company of Syracuse.

Special Data

[3 school photos inserted here] Brimmers. Given to me on my birthday.

Monday, December 1, 1941

Went down to Edna Turner's in the afternoon to practice a skit she and I are to give at the annual Farm and Home Bureau and 4H meeting next Wednesday. Spent most of the time visiting. Ben away canvassing for the American Agriculturist.

Tuesday, December 2, 1941

Such wonderful weather - just like summer but still no rain to furnish the needed fall moisture. Picked up a pail of apples under the trees in the orchard and made apple sauce of them. Using two pails a day for my pullets. Pullets doing fine 140 white eggs and 20 dark ones.

Wednesday, December 3, 1941

The Annual Meeting of Farm and Home Bureau 4H Club at Horseheads Grange Hall. Charlie, Gordon and I attended. Had a fine speech at 11:00 and our skit at close. Dinner next - very excellent one week's center pieces made by 4H clubs. Election of officers. Edna Turner elected President and Edna Relyea Sec. of the joint association. A fine talk on "Law for the Farmers" by Miss Scoville an attorney of Corning and the daughter of our first F.B. manager Gad P. Scoville.

Thursday, December 4, 1941

Quite a lot colder. Ted worked until noon and the men sawed a big pile of wood in the afternoon.

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Mary Fisher, 88, died at 5 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 6, 1941, at the home of her son, Jacob Fisher of the Middle Rd., Town of Veteran, after an extended illness. She was a member of the German Evangelical Church. Besides her son, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mary Morrison of South Corning and Mrs. Edward Wagner of Caton; two brothers, Fred Hartman of Halderman Hollow Rd. and George Hartman of Elmira; 8 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The body is in the Gustin funeral home, Horseheads where funeral will be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday.

Sunday, December 7, 1941

The Momentous Day!! While listening to the Arctic League Christmas program there was a flash announcing that Japan had attacked the U.S. sinking a ship and killing 300 soldiers in Hawaii. Mrs. Roosevelt confirmed the awful news on her Neighbor's Night program in the evening.

Newspaper Clipping: Chemung County

Frank J. Hamilton, 60, of Pine City, died unexpectedly at his home, Sunday evening, Dec. 7, 1941. He was a member of Seeley Creek Grange. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Leah Hamilton; a daughter, Mrs. Ward McConnell of Millerton, Pa.; three sons, James W., Horseheads, Frank G. and Clifford E., Pine City; his mother, Mrs. Delia Hamilton, Rochester; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Minier, Big Flats, and Mrs. Arthur Holly, Rochester; one granddaughter, Joyce McConnell of Millerton. The body is i the family home where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. L. A. guiles of Canton, officiating. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Monday, December 8, 1941

Did my washing. Listened to the president in his speech declaring war before Congress - the first time the people have ever heard such a speech. It was very short, forceful and dynamic. In the afternoon we listened as the House of Rep. voted all "ayes" except Janet Rankin the only woman representative who voted "nay."

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Arvilla Burch, 78, widow of Robert Burch, died at her home near Millport Tuesday morning, Dec. 9, 1941. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Sadler, at home; two granddaughters, Mrs. William Volker Jr. of Elmira and Mrs. Charles Andres of Indian Lake, N.Y.; a great-granddaughter, Gwen Volker of Elmira; a brother, Warren Perry, of Maine, N.Y. The body is in the Hibbard funeral home, Montour Falls, and Wednesday morning will be taken to the home where the funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Henry E. Hubbard of Elmira officiating. Burial in Millport Cemetery.

Tuesday, December 9, 1941

Went to the city - got me a new coat $22.50 and some rubbers. Helen took Walter to dentist. Hurried home for dinner. Afternoon Charlie and I took Helen to a brush party at Breesport and went on to North Chemung and up on the hog back to investigate George Carpenter who wanted a loan, back and waited for the party to be over. Took the youngsters with us. Stopped in Breesport and got a few groceries.

Wednesday, December 10, 1941

Study Club at Emily Wagner's in evening. A day at the F.S.A. office. Helen took me down. Went to Sheriff's office to get some information on whereabouts of a woman who was not repaying her loan. No clients came in to the meeting so Bob Gazuweich gave Kahler and I a lesson in making out farm plans. Meeting adjourned at 12:30. Rode up to H-H with the F.S.A. people. Found Helen had not had her brush party as she planned and was in Elmira waiting for me. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley took me back to library where I found her calmly waiting for me.

Thursday, December 11, 1941

Helen had to make her deliveries in Dundee and Theodora invited us there for lunch. A lovely day but quite cold. Had a nice visit the Theodora and the children - she much better. From my - card received from my bestest cousin Lulu.

[cutout of greeting card inserted here]

Friday, December 12, 1941

Dec. 12 1882. Home all day for a celebration of my 59th birthday. From a card enclosing a lovely handkie from Martha S.

[cutout of greeting card inserted here.]

Saturday, December 13, 1941

Snowed and sleeted all day - quite an accumulation toward night. Snow plow made its first trip of the season.

Sunday, December 14, 1941

Dec. 14 - 1918 - 23 years ago my father died. Home alone all day. The Samsons went to Cortlands.

Monday, December 15, 1941

Went to the city for shopping. Very, very icy all the way and back. Gordon stayed with the men. Went up to H.B. office in the afternoon to practice radio talk for Thursday.

Tuesday, December 16, 1941

Walter had to have dentist work done so I rode along and did the rest of my Christmas shopping - still have some odds and ends to do.

Thursday, December 18, 1941

Broadcast at WENY. Helen took me down. Met Mrs. Runey at 9:00 in the office and Helen and I rode over to the studio with her. Everything went off very smoothly. My voice somewhat husky from a cold. My last big job done before Christmas. Shopped a little.

Friday, December 19, 1941

[cutout from greeting card inserted here] From my only anniversary card which was from Martha and Anson Saunders.

[2nd cutout from same greeting card inserted here]


Saturday, December 20, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Miss Rachel Conklin, whose engagement to Howard M. Clark is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Conklin of the Ridge Rd., Horseheads. The prospective bridegroom is he son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark of Horseheads. Their wedding will take place at Easter time. (Photo by Olan Mills.)

Wednesday, December 24, 1941

The Fishels got here about 11:00. Poured all morning until about 10:00. Had some of our fresh pork chops for dinner. Got a card from Jay's saying they could not come. Will and Satie came up in afternoon. Had our roast chicken etc. for supper. Ed, Clara and Barbara came up early in the evening. Had our ice cream and fruit cake in living room a little after the dinner. Had a fine evening visiting.

Thursday, December 25, 1941

Christmas Day at home. Had our tree in the morning. Everyone received what they wanted. The children all so enthusiastic. Gordon a sight opening his presents. Fishels left at 1:30. Virgil had to be at work at 4:00. I went to the outpost at 4:00 and Charlie came down at 6:00 and we stayed till the shift changed at 8:00. Nice and cozy and quite - saw no planes.

Friday, December 26, 1941

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Frances K. Hardy, wife of Edward D. Hardy, principal of School Nine, died at 2 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941, at her home, 515 Pennsylvania Ave. Mrs. Hardy for about 30 years was a member of the Riverside School faculty, retiring six years ago. Besides her husband she leaves a sister, miss Susan Keefe, at home, and several cousins. The body is at the family home, where the funeral will be held Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and at 9 at St. Mary's Church. Burial will be in SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery.

My school teacher in 1894 in the Westlake district on the Middle Road. A very lovely person.

Saturday, December 27, 1941

Charlie and I attended the Dec. meeting of Sub. Dist. Dairymen's League at the library Elmira. Quite a good attendance - five women present. Arranged the annual meetings for the county. Helen went with us to get a new white evening gown for Eastern Star installation.

Sunday, December 28, 1941

The Samsons went to Cortland for their Christmas up there. Got home about 7:00 with two tired happy boys loaded with gifts.

[ink blot] Another new pen.

Tuesday, December 30, 1941

A beautiful winter day only 6° above early but soon warmed up. Bright and still. I washed all morning - Christmas table cloths and sheets, etc. Took a nap in the afternoon and went to the post at 4:00. Had three planes to report. Charlie came at 7:00 - our "release" got there a little after 8:00. Nice and warm in the shack. I ate a lunch there and some fruit.

Wednesday, December 31, 1941

Spent the last day of the year canning pork and ironing. Samsons out for the evening so Gordon went to bed with us. Good bye old book. I've tried to keep the resolutions written in the front but am afraid I've fallen down on 3, 5 and 6.

Special Data:

Newspaper Clipping of four recipes:

Cherry Leaf Pickles

Makes 6 pints; cost 56 cents

Woman's Day Kitchen, July 1941

3 dozen small 3-inch cucumbers

Cherry tree leaves

1 cup salt

1 quart vinegar

4 cups sugar

1/3 cup whole pickling spice

Pack cucumbers in stone crock in layers, using cherry leaves between each layer. (Cherry leaves give pickles a deep green color; may be omitted.) Cover with brine made by dissolving salt in 1 cup of vinegar, heated; add 1 ½ gallons cold water. Cover with plate and weight down. Let stand in cool place 10 days. Drain and wash in clear water. Heat cucumbers to boiling in remaining 3 cups vinegar diluted with 3 cups water; remove cucumbers. Add sugar and pickling spice to vinegar and boil hard for 10 minutes. Cut cucumbers in slices 3/8 inch thick and pack in clean hot jars. Fill jars to overflowing with syrup; seal. Store two or three weeks before using.

--Mrs. Joseph A. Sanguinetti, Varre, Vt.

Mustard Bread and Butter Pickles

Makes 4 ½ pints; cost 43 cents

Woman's Day Kitchen, July 1941

3 quarts sliced small cucumbers

6 large onions, sliced

6 tablespoons salt

3 cups vinegar

2 1/3 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon celery seed

½ teaspoon turmeric

1 ½ cups sugar

2 tablespoons mustard seed

1 teaspoon whole black peppers

1 teaspoon whole cloves

Combine sliced cucumbers, onions, and salt in bowl; mix well, cover and allow to stand overnight. Add vinegar gradually to flour, stirring until smooth. Add celery seed, turmeric, and sugar, and spices which have been tied in a cheesecloth bag. Cook until mixture thickens. Add well drained cucumbers and onions. Bring to boil and boil 3 minutes. Pack in hot sterilized jars and seal.

--Mrs. James Welsh, Snyder, N.Y.

Five-Fruit Marmalade

Makes about 6 quarts; cost 91 cents

Woman's Day Kitchen, July 1941

2 firm tomatoes

4 oranges

6 apples

1 cantaloupe

24 peaches


Peel tomatoes; chop, discarding seeds. Force oranges, rind and pulp through food chopper. Peel and dice apples, peaches and cantaloupe. Measure fruits; boil briskly for 10 or 12 minutes; add ¾ cup sugar for each cup of fruit. Cook slowly for 45 to 60 minutes. Stir often to prevent sticking. Seal in hot jars.

--Mrs. L. B. Mac Manus, New York, N.Y.

Two-Minute Pickles

Makes 3 quarts; cost 22 cents

Woman's Day Kitchen, July 1941

1 dozen small cucumbers

3 cups vinegar

3 cups water

1 cup sugar

4 ½ teaspoons salt

4 or 5 sprays dill

2 cloves garlic, chopped

¾ teaspoon alum

Wash cucumbers, pare and cut lengthwise in quarters. If seeds are large, remove them. Combine vinegar, water, sugar and salt. Heat to boiling, add cucumbers. Boil 2 minutes. Pack in hot sterilized jars, adding a sprig of dill, a little garlic and ¼ teaspoon alum to each jar; fill with hot vinegar mixture and seal.

--Mrs. Frank E. Edward, Baltimore, Md.

Memo For Next Year

Newspaper Clipping Recipes:

Cucumber Pickles

Cover clean, fresh, medium-sized cucumbers in a crock with a salt brine made by dissolving ½ cup salt per quart of warm water; weight cucumbers down and let stand overnight. Also let stand overnight a vinegar solution made by combining 6 oz. (3/4 cup) sugar and 1 ¼ oz. whole mixed spices tied in a cloth bag to each quart good vinegar; simmer this mixture 5 minutes. In the morning rinse cucumbers in clear, cold water, cover with pickling solution; let stand at least 24 hours (two or three days would be better). Take out spice bag the first day if vinegar is rightly flavored. Pack cucumbers into jars and cover with fresh boiling hot solution made in the same manner, adjust cover and jar rubber, and process in hot water bath for 5 min. Label and store in a cool dry place. The following mixture is satisfactory for adding cucumbers day by day from the garden until they are used in mustard or other pickles, but it should not be expected to keep indefinitely. Practically all pickles are better if sealed in sterile jars after curing.

Sour Brine for Curing Cucumbers

1 gallon vinegar

1 cup dry mustard

1 cup salt

1 cup sugar

Stir until dissolved. Drop in cucumbers as gathered every day. Keep covered. Pickled fruits required a heavier syrup than do vegetables.

Pickled Pears or Crabapples

8 lbs prepared fruit

4 lbs sugar

1 quart vinegar

1 pint water

10 2-inch pieces stick cinnamon

2 tablespoons whole cloves

2 tablespoons whole allspice

Other spices as desired

Seckel Pears: Wash pears, leave on the stems, scrape off blossom ends. Boil pears 10 min. in water to cover; pour off the water and prick the skins. Boil 5 min. vinegar, water, sugar and spices tied loosely in cloth. Add pears, boil 10 min. or until tender. Let stand in the syrup overnight, drain, remove spice bag and pack pears in sterilized jars; bring syrup to boiling, pour over the fruit, seal and store in a cool place.

Crabapples: Follow directions for Seckel pears, except omit cooking in the water.

1941 Gifts Rec'd

Grace & V - Sheaffer pen - a beauty

Marian - Evening in Paris set.

Helen and T. - blanket double part wool.

Walter - flower holder

Both boys - necklace

Lulu - baking dish, 2 spatulas

Brimmer children - stationery

Theo & E. - Book (quizzes, jokes and tests)

Aunt Lou - beautiful cut work pillow cases

Mrs. Samson - Face and hand lotion

George - Box of hankies

Doris - Fancy soap

Mildred - Dish

Memo for Next Year

Canned fruit and vegetables in the cellar ready for winter of 1941-42:

Peas - 11

String beans - 10 ½

Greens - 12

Squash - 7

Kohlrabi - 6

Beets - 12

Corn - 26

Tomatoes - 57

Cherries - 18

Black Rasp. - 10

Red Rasp. - 9

Plums - 17

Pears - 17

Peaches - 23

Jam - 120

Pickles - 30

Memo for Next Year

Very good Mary Dann's pickles. To every quart of peeled and sliced cucumbers add one large onion, sliced. Let stand in salt and water for 3 hours. Drain, to every quart add 1 tsp celery seed, 1 tsp turmeric powder, ¾ c. sugar, 1 tsp. prepared mustard and vinegar enough to cook them. Cook until clear and can.

Newspaper Clipping Recipe:

Spiced Currants

5 pounds ripe currants

1 cup vinegar

1 cup water

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon cloves

6 cups sugar (3 pounds)

Simmer currants and water for 15 min. Add vinegar and ground spices. Simmer the mixture for 15 min. Pour the mixture into clean, sterile, hot jars, and seal.

Insurance Expiration

Annabel Van Duzer's Pickle

1 gal. vinegar

½ c. salt

1 c. sugar

2 oz. ground mustard

2 oz. cinnamon bark

2 oz. white mustard seed

2 oz. green ginger root

20 cents worth saccharine

Alum size of hickory nut

½ c. ground horse radish

Pour over cold and seal.

Newspaper Clipping Recipes:

Pepper Hash

1 lb. each red and green peppers, seeds removed

1 ½ lbs. onions, skins removed

1 pint vinegar

½ lb. sugar

Cut vegetables fine or run through medium knife of food chopper. Pour over mixed vegetables, 2 quarts water. Allow to stand 5 min. and drain. Add to the drained vegetables ½ pt. vinegar and 2 pts. Water. Bring to boil, then drain well. Add ½ pound sugar and ½ pt. vinegar. Mix and heat to boiling. Partially seal in jars and process 10 min. Complete the seal. Cool and store.

Green Tomato Pickle

10 lbs. green tomatoes, cut in fairly large pieces

9 lbs. onions, cut the same way

8 large sweet green peppers seeded and chopped

4 hot red peppers, seeded and chopped

1 ½ quarts vinegar

1 lb. dark brown sugar

3 cups white sugar

1/3 to ½ cup mustard seed

1 ½ teaspoons celery seed

3 teaspoons turmeric

Sprinkle ¾ cup salt over cut tomatoes and let stand overnight. In the morning drain well. Bring to a boil vinegar, sugar, mustard see, celery seed and turmeric. Add onions and let them boil for 5 min. Add tomatoes and peppers, bring to a boil slowly and simmer 5 min. Stir with a wooden spoon. Pack into sterile, hot jars and seal.

Quick Cabbage Chow Chow

1 medium-sized cabbage, chopped

1 pt. small onions, chopped

2 green peppers, seeded and chopped

½ lb. brown sugar

2 tablespoons salt

¼ cup black mustard seed

¼ cup white mustard seed

1 quart vinegar

1 teaspoon celery seed

Mix chopped vegetables with salt. Let stand 1 hour, then drain for three hours. Mix vinegar, brown sugar and seeds and boil for 1 minute. Add vegetables and bring the mixture again to boiling point. Pour into sterile hot jars and seal.

Gifts given

Grace - potter dish garden and slippers

Virgil - Tie and Hdkf set

Marian - long sleeve blouse, desk set, short sleeve blouse and book - Polyanna & Orange Blossoms

Ted - Sweater

Helen - crystal earrings, slip, pen, vases

Walter - 3 books, high boots, mittens, wash cloths

Gordon - Slippers, doll, mittens, toy guitar, wash cloths, cedar box with handkies

Lulu - guest record book dogs & ???

David Brimmer - Tie and Hdkcf set and 3 books

Robert Brimmer - Tie and Hdkcf set and 3 books

Marilyn - two twin dolls

Theo - Pottery dish

Elmer - comb

Aunt Lou - loom, nightie, hdkfs, dolls, figs, candy & fruit

Carrie Clark 124 Lincoln St.

Santa Cruz, Calif.

M.B. L'Amoreaux

1222 Lincoln Ave.

San Jose, Calif.

Lizzie Egbert

99 Pine St.


3673 Lynnfield Rd.

Shaker Hts, Cleveland, Ohio

George L'Amoreaux

2801 Turk St. Apt. #306

San Francisco, Calif

Mrs. R. S. Middleton

R. 3 Box 71

Tulare, Calif.

Special Data

[Newspaper photo inserted here] Abner Wright - one of the most active Dairymen League delegates who attends all of the Sub. District meetings. 83 years old.