Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Berneice REED Diary 1905
Photo at left of Berneice REED MacDougall . 
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Berneice Reed,

Horseheads, N.Y.

Continued From 1905 January to April
Monday, May 1, 1905

A regular winter day. Father took me to school – was about frozen. Stopped to Mrs. Parsons to see about buying some pork. Wrote to Bessie Flemming and sent my club dues to Maude. Kittie out to Trumansburg. Heard that Mrs. Cox was dead. Had Charlie’s and father’s watches. Neither kept any kind of time. Read some after school. Martha’s American Kitchen. Mrs. Parsons told me of some of her first experiences as housekeeper – custard pie. Sewed rug rags all the evening – glad no one happened to come in.

Tuesday, May 2, 1905

Still cold. Wrote two letters. Received a dandy from Agnes. Wrote a note to Charlie and sent some extracts from her letter. Heard about Aunt Emily’s comments. Rather angry – insisted in the note that C- tell his mother a few things. Kittie intended to come home but put it off another day. The daily paper contained an account of Mrs. Winters burning accident. Gave Frank a good hard switching for defiance. He certainly is my "problem." Sewed rug rags all the evening and visited with Mrs. Parsons.

Wednesday, May 3, 1905

A very warm day. Let the fire go out. Miss McDougall’s "talk" not so bad as it seemed at first. Swept after. Mrs. Ted Banks called at Parsons and stopped at the school house when she went back – getting up a surprise for Jesse. Wanted a little of my help. The boys and girls had a great time after school hiding each other’s belongings. Wrote to George. Kittie came home. Went over to Ed’s after school – told Burr about the party and visited a while with Mary. Mrs. Parsons out after "greens." Watched Kittie work on her raffia hat – trying to learn the trade.

Thursday, May 4, 1905

Quite warm. Went over to the house for dinner – had greens. John Sterling there. Practiced for Arbor Day. Went over to stay with Grace Davenport at night. Her father gone away. Stopped and talked with Coe. He was plowing for Mr. Banks. Said Charlie had gone down. Played for Grace. She and I went down the gully and climbed up the bank and back by the road. Had supper. Charlie came along. Went out and talked with him quite a while. Said he did not believe I had told Mamma. Coe came down and spent evening.

Friday, May 5, 1905

We were disappointed to find the morning dark and dreary. Went to school. Waited till ten o’clock to see if it were going to rain. Went over to the house and finished packing. Had our program and started for the woods. Quite pleasant there – no wind. Had a little shower in the forenoon. Children went to the falls. Had our dinner quite early. Little ones picked flowers and older ones played games. Began to rain again at three so started up. Began to pour just as we got to Ed’s. Father came after me. Children all in to Parson’s.

Saturday, May 6, 1905

Got up quite early and got ready to go to Elmira. Papa took me to Horseheads. Just caught the 8:30 cr. Went and got my watch ($4.00) Did some other trading. Kept expecting to see Bess but did not. Bought some swell roses. Came back on the 10:00. Just saw Agnes in the window. After dinner, took my bath and made my "toilet" for Jesse’s party. Got up to Kittie’s at 2:30. They were satisfied with the present. Mrs. Parsons rode up to Chas. P-s. had a real nice time. Had to hurry away on account of darkness and rain. Drove down in 30 minutes.

Sunday, May 7, 1905

Did not get up very early. Mr. Baker had a "fit" shouting at me. Had dinner at noon. Made my toilet to receive my visitors. Mr. Judson down in the afternoon. He tuned my violin and played some on it. Read some in The Cavalier. Coe and Miss Flemming did not come till four o’clock and Charlie was unusually late. Had a fine visit. Made a break about Irish. Coe wanted one of my cards. Wonder what that "maneover" meant. They went early. Promised to go down this week. Charlie went at 8:30. Said he told his mother. A lovely evening.

Monday, May 8, 1905

A nice warm day. Papa took me to school. Grace M- quite elated – found out that she is going to have a new sister. She told me of what Charlie said Sunday. Decided not to try to have any more school. Went over to the cemetery with the children at noon. Swept and straightened up at night. Read in the evening. Did not feel like sewing. Kittie worked on her hat. Went to bed quite early. Had quite a thunderstorm. Rained hard toward morning and grew colder.

Tuesday, May 9, 1905

A cold windy day. Heard of Charlie’s "squib" of Sunday. Saw Coe coming while I was angry and wrote a note and gave him. Gave him the permission that he wanted – (to call). Sorry after had cooled down and wrote a letter to fix things over to him. Got a nice letter from Claude. Grace M- feeling badly because I said I was mad at C-. Made up my mind not to send the letter till Friday. Sent for the paper combination. Sewed rags and read all the evening. Did not sleep well.

Wednesday, May 10, 1905

A bright clear day but not very warm. Wrote to Coe and explained some things. Heard some more of C’s trips with the dressmaker. Wrote a note to him to find out if we were going to Miss Flemming’s. Grace absent – having dresses made. Received a letter from Agnes. Wrote a dandy to Claude. Agreed to all his plans for next summer – on the strength of C’s deception. Swept at night. Ed stopped and talked a long time about next year etc. Expected to see my fate but went to bed so soon. Made a fool of myself and did not sleep hardly any.

Thursday, May 11, 1905

Some warmer. A very anxious day. Gave some of the boys a "sprouting." Went over to the house at night and no one there but Myrna – had a dandy visit. Felt much better. She said C- wanted to see me the night before but I was to bed. She wanted to know when it was to "come off." Changed my dress after supper. Mr. Parsons and Karl down. Waited and waited. Parsons went to bed and I sat out on the porch – came at 8:40. Too late to go to Miss F’s so went for a ride. Everything all right. C- felt badly about my mistake, ashamed of my foolishness – got in at 11:00.

Friday, May 12, 1905

A very warm day. Warmest since March. Feeling like myself – quite a relief. Grace feeling better about affairs also. Frank absent. Read to the children from North America. Began to move. Jesse said if haypressers were not there we could have the picnic in their barn. Papa came after me. Billie got all foam – awfully hot. Ripped tucks, but of shirt waist suit. Mamma had front room all cleaned but not straightened. Sewed some rags. Elmer down in the evening. Mr. Baker tied Elmer’s wheel fast to porch.

Saturday, May 13, 1905

Still warm. Took off my under shirts. Received a letter from Bess – think she is carrying things too far. Shall not try to make up any more. Helped settle the sitting room. Went down to garden. Watched John get a whipping. Picked 150 pansies. Ironed a lot of my summer clothes. Papa went to Horseheads to have the buggy tire set. When he came home I went and got Billie and let him eat grass in the yard about an hour. Braided his mane. Mended five pair of stockings in the evening.

Sunday, May 14, 1905

Rained early in the morning and got some cooler. Took my usual Sunday morning nap. Read in the "Cavalier" till dinner time. Went down and got Billie to let him pasture but he cared too much for play so took him back. Charlie had to go to Montour so did not come down. Took a bath in the afternoon and layed down. Had quite a thunderstorm. Wrote to Agnes and Lulu. Worked some on my reports. Packed my satchel for the last time – intended to go to Edna’s but did not.

Monday, May 15, 1905

Warm. Mamma took me to school. Mr. Couch’s automobile scared the milk team and they ran into our block, tore it half down and spilled a can of milk. Burch and Grace D- absent. Promised to go up on the hill tomorrow night. Grace drew "pictures." Swept after school and then went over to Ed’s. Invited over to supper Thursday night. Heard of Ed’s and Mr. Stone’s fine luck fishing. Mrs. P- and Kittie set out their house plants. Mrs. Parsons got a fish bone in her throat – Kittie had a great time trying to get it. Read all the evening.

Tuesday, May 16, 1905

Began to rain at noon and rained quite hard all the afternoon. Lon came down after us and brought the door. Charlie gone to H-H. Rube Chapman rode up with us. Scraped as usual with Lon – he rather surprised me by asking if he were going "to be invited." Went up to the horse barn with Lon and Harry. Visited with Charlie while he ate his supper. Mrs. M- scared me talking to the cats. Sat in the hammock a while then went indoors. Sat in the dark for a while. The rest went to bed and left us to ourselves. A very enjoyable evening.

Wednesday, May 17, 1905

Quite chilly. Got up real early. Had a lot of fun. Charley insisted on saying things to make me allied. Visited with him on the porch a while and got ready for school. Harry took us. Quizzed him to find out if he had told Lon. About decided not to have any more school. Grace D- back to school. Cut my thumb quite badly at noon – fixing a new whip. Swept at night. Cleaned up and read most of the evening. Had quite a thunderstorm. Helped Kittie cover up her porch box. Went to bed early.

Thursday, May 18, 1905

A cold day. Saw Coe in the morning. Said he came near coming last week. We arranged to go to Bessie’s at night. Feel better about my hasty blunder. Burch’s "threw a fit" about more school. Children all good. Went over to the house and combed my hair and then went on over to Ed’s. took some music and played for the children. Began to rain at 7:30 and kept it up so Charlie did not come down. Visited with Mary till none o’clock. Met a man with a hog on my way home. Wore Mildred’s rubbers over and left them on the porch. Slept like a log.

Friday, May 19, 1905

Still cold. The last day of school. Charley sent word that he and Coe decided not to go last night but would go Sunday if I wanted to. Paid my board and Mr. P- cashed my order. Kittie invited all the school over to the house to make molasses candy. Mr. Parsons on a "tare" plastered my face with hot candy and stuck the children’s hair full. Went back to the school house at four. Cleaned school house up and packed up. Children all feeling badly to have school. Mamma came up after me. Had to put out the horse. Belle down after pansies for Edna to take to her Aunt’s funeral.

Saturday, May 20, 1905

Did not get up very early. Real cold – had a frost. Mr. Baker carried water and sprinkled the whole garden. Father got a letter from Mott saying he had bought us a shepherd pup. Cut and sewed some rags before dinner. Found an old hen and thirteen chickens. Mamma and I went to Horseheads after dinner. Took Mr. Manning up in ??? to deliver some goods. Stopped and told Will Manning to come after Foxy. Worked on the rags all the afternoon and evening. Mr. Baker and I covered all the tomato plants with papers to keep them from freezing.

Sunday, May 21, 1905

Everything frozen – house plants and garden about all killed. Will Manning came up after foxy. Mr. Thorne down. Had the horses up eating in the door yard. Elmer and Clayton came down with their gun and camera. Wanted me to go over back. Had my picture taken twice. Got back at one. Took my bath and got ready to go to Miss Flemming’s. Charlie came at five. Drove Helen. Took supper with the Flemmings. Think they are awfully nice. I walked back down the hill. Sorry about the business." Got in at eleven. Mr. B- called me but I did not reply.

Monday, May 22, 1905

Still cold. Mamma and papa washed. I hung out the clothes. Received a peculiar letter from Claude and Pat down and answered it. Quite a coincidence. Wish I could forget. Decided to ask Charlie down to dinner Sunday. Went out by the spring after milkweed greens before dinner and over the lane in the afternoon. Josiah up after some hay. Papa turned Billie out for a while. Cut and sewed a ball of rags. Swept and dusted chambers and hall. Pained some toward night.

Tuesday, May 23, 1905

Did some mending immediately after breakfast. Got ready to go with father after the pup. Drove John. Got in Horseheads real early and had to wait for the train. Saw Mrs. McDougall – down to see the Dr. Had rheumatic neuralgia in her arm. Mrs. Short sent word she could not go with mamma. Pup came all right the cutest thing I ever saw. Ironed some after dinner but spent most of the time caring for Bruno. Sewed some rags before supper. Wrote to Mr. Moore for father and to C- inviting him to dinner Sunday.

Wednesday, May 24, 1905

Some warmer. Helped do up the work and then took mamma to Horseheads. Did some trading and then went over to the depot. Brought up a bag of corn. Made a quick trip. Mr. Judson rode over from Henry’s with me. Got dinner did up the work. Ironed some and then started up to Edna’s. Talked with Mrs. Hilton and Mr. Stoddard. Mrs. Herrick at Miss Sears’. Edna all alone. Stayed quite late. She showed me her sofa pillows. Hustled to get supper and men did not come till 7:30. Played with the pup all the evening. Mr. S. wanted me to apply for a vacancy near Van Etten.

Thursday, May 25, 1905

Got up at 4:30 and assumed my household duties. Got my work all done before eight. Ironed some. Papa had to go to Horseheads after more seed corn. Did up the dinner work and went to get ready to go to Emma’s. Went out and caught Billie, harnessed him and hitched up. Edna all ready. Emma O.K. Mr. Randall there. Harriet is a corker. Miss Thomas there sewing. Visited till after four and went down to see Miss Bentley. She "blue" as usual. Hurried home to get supper. Mr. Judson down at night to see Bruno.

Friday, May 26, 1905

A nice warm morning. Swept and dusted the sitting room and hall before breakfast. Ironed some. Received a letter – a peach – from Lulu. Worked in pansy bed before dinner. Mr. Thorne down after drill – thought the pup is fine. Put a band on a skirt. Got my dinner work done quite early. Roy Hilton down. Father started to plant potatoes but stopped on account of the rain. Rained nearly all the afternoon. Took a nap after got through mopping. Sewed a few rags. Had some trouble with my yeast. Elmer down in the evening.

Saturday, May 27, 1905

Mixed bread before breakfast. Had fine luck. Did all my baking before washing the dishes – three loaves of bread, 1 ½ dozen biscuit, two chocolate pies and three cakes. About tired out. Swept and dusted the dining room after dinner. Rested a while and got ready and went to Horseheads. Saw Jen and Grace also Mrs. Moses Hill. Did some trading for Sunday. Edna down and we drove up together. Got home at five. Worked in pansy bed some before supper. Edna came down and we went up to Mr. Judsons and serenaded them with our violins.

Sunday, May 28, 1905

Felt awfully bad in the morning. Hurried around and got the work done and things ready for dinner. Expected Charlie but he did not come. Had dinner at one o’clock. Did up the work, wrote to mamma, Mary and Bess and then took a nap. Emma and Edna drove in a few minutes. Charlie came at 5:30. Had him stay to supper – father O.K. After supper cleared the table, changed my dress and we went for a ride. Took Edna’s violin up. Introduced Charlie – he did not like her at all. Went to Rine Valley etc – a lovely ride.

Monday, May 29, 1905

Rather sleepy in the morning. Straightened up last night’s supper work before breakfast. Made out my soap order. Went up to get my letter registered. Pup went with me. Mr. Short thought he was fine. Found my side comb on the way back. Today’s paper contained an account of Jananese victory. Read some in the Cosmopolitan. Did up dinner work, washed lamps and fooled with the colt. Changed my dress and got help for some trouble (headache). Started a letter to Lulu and sewed carpet rags. Elmer down a few minutes at night.

Tuesday, May 30, 1905

Rained in the morning and promised a bad Decoration Day but soon cleared off and was a nice day. Wrote a long letter to Lulu – accepted their invitation at Christmas time. Got the work done quite early. Received an invitation to the Burch’s party. Today’s paper full of the naval battle. The men built fence and drew stone. Mr. Baker’s letter to his "girl" came back – he had forgotten to put Elmira on it. Sewed quite a lot of rags on the machine. Took a nap and read in David Copperfield. Wrote to Claude after supper. Mixed bread at night awfully bad. Worse than before.

Wednesday, May 31, 1905

A bright pleasant day. Got my bread all baked before eight o’clock. Sewed rags on the machine till nine. Read till dinner time. Hurried through with dinner work and went to Horseheads with father in the lumber wagon. Joined the Ty??? Library and brought home a book. Bought up a barrel of salt for Mr. Judson. Mr. Horton and Mr. Perkins down. Got a couple of boxes of candy for Lulu and Flossie. Talked with Grace Treat about the vacant school. Mr. Baker washed the buggy. Read in the p.m. Went up to Judsons in the evening saw Mr. and Mrs. Thorne. He wanted to know if all the school teachers weren’t going to be married.

Thursday, June 1, 1905

Hurried through with the work and got ready to go over to Hyatts. Sam Saunders here on his big wagon. Received a letter from Eva. Drove over in an hour. Found them all well. Lewis there helping Hyatt. Father helped May run the washing machine. Stayed till 2:30. Had a show with their hired man. Stopped to Mr. Thomas’ on the way back and then drove over to Mr. Wygant’s after some tomato plants. Mr. Baker cleaned the wood house. Census man here in our absence. Read some after got home. Went to bed very early. Not feeling first rate.

Friday, June 2, 1905

Baked a large cake before breakfast. Received a letter from mamma saying she would be home Monday. George Miller and Isadore Zizz both here to buy cattle. Zizz bought two. Father hurried through dinner and drove the butcher’s horse to Horseheads. I did up my work and went down after him. Did not find him so drove around town. Met a car for the first time with Billie. He not at all afraid. Saw Miss Sears. Read some in the afternoon but soon went to sleep. Slept till five o’clock. Went down to help doctor a cow at night but did not accomplish anything. Mixed bread at night.

Saturday, June 3, 1905

Some worried about my bread but found it alright this morning. Had it all baked before eight o’clock. Received a letter from Agnes. She just returned from H’Sport. Swept picked a box of pansies for the girls and read some before dinner. Hurried through work and got ready for the party. Started at 1:20. Went up to Mr. Parsons first. Got some prok. Mr. Parsons as jolly as ever. Kittie came down to the doins" with me. Had a fine time. Saw Mr. Hegeman and heard a bunch about the Dalrymyples. Saw Mr. and Mrs. David. Came down a ways behind Stab and Mrs. D. Saw Edna. She been down in my absence.

Sunday, June 4, 1905

Not a very pleasant day. Got the work done up real early and laid down and slept till twelve o’clock. Finished reading "Lychgate ?all – think it fine. Got dinner at one, did up the work and went to sleep again. Slept till four. Changed my dress and read. Awfully lonesome without Charlie. Mr. Baker went to Horseheads in the forenoon and father went up to Mr. Judson’s. Fed Billie apples, wheat etc. Wrote to George and told him more about it. Also wrote to Agnes and Eva. Told Agnes I might be down Saturday. (Cat’s misfortune and my serious time

Monday, June 5, 1905

Did the morning’s work and read some. Spilt a kettle of boiling water all over. Mopped after dinner. Took a bath and got ready to go and meet mamma. Had some extra time so drove around town. Saw Burr Parsons. Found her alright. Awfully hot. Stopped to Mrs. Judson’s on the way back. Mamma brought me a pair of towels and two dishes. Turned the position of cook over to her. Visited all the evening. A half-wit along peddling shoe strings. Thundered at night. Saw Miss Sear’s new buggy. Rained half the night.

Tuesday, June 6, 1905

Did not get up as early as when I was cook. Help do the work and made a hamburg corset cover. Sewed quite a lot of rags. Received an invitation to Commencement from Henry Sears. Mamma got calico of Smith for my quilt. Father went to Horseheads. Mr. Baker cleaned the cellar. Elmer down after some cabbage plants. Rained a little nearly all the forenoon. Worked some on my silk sofa pillows. Belle Hilton down to deliver her soap. Hurt my ankle at night while playing with Bruno. Promised to take Baker to H.H. tomorrow. Rained again in the night.

Wednesday, June 7, 1905

Went and took Mr. Baker to Horseheads the first thing after breakfast. Got me a new cream silkette dress. Saw many people that I know – among them Chester Moore. He stopped to talk and was rewarded by "Good morning." Received a letter from Agnes wanting me to come down Saturday. Helped wash. Got the clothes all out just as it began raining. Rained nearly all the afternoon and night. Got supper while Mamma milked. Took a nap in the afternoon. Wrote to Charlie about meeting me Sunday. Mr. Wintermutte gave Char. A great puff.

Thursday, June 8, 1905

Rained all the morning. Sewed some on my silk sofa pillow. Ironed three white waists. Clothes al out in the rain with line broken etc. Received an invitation from Josie to spend a few days with her in July. Also a letter from Claude saying he was coming down next week. After dinner got all my quilts out and measured them and found what was to be done to finish them. Began cutting out blocks. Worked some in the garden. Sowed some radishes, etc. Got supper and changed my dress. Mr. Judson came down in the evening then Elmer and later, Mrs. Thorne. Grant Carpenter has a new son.

Friday, June 9, 1905

A dense fog in the morning which soon disappeared. One of the finest days of the year. Real warm. Ironed some in the morning. Father went to Horseheads. Finished cutting out the additional blocks for one of the quilts and pieced them – 18. Then got another quilt ready to be set together. Washed some collars. Edna down and wanted me to stay Saturday night with her while Mrs. Sears went away. Mr. Baker came back about six. Brought a whole new cheese. Helped do chores, ate supper and went to take his rig back to H.H. Wrote to Josie and Claude.

Saturday, June 10, 1905

Awfully warm. Picked the pansies for Agnes and packed my grip. Received a letter from Charlie saying he would meet me Sunday. Papa took me to the car. Got in Elmira about ten. Heard many comments on my flowers. Went right up to the house and left the flowers and suit case. Came back and did some shopping. Got a book for Henry Sears. Stayed with Mr. Moore till 12:30. Went over to the office and waited for Agnes. Had dinner and went up to the house and cleaned up. Shopped some and got supper at the creamery. Went to Rorick’s in the evening. Rained twice. Henry came back with us. Saw Francie Holler – also Grace C and husband.

Sunday, June 11, 1905

Did not get up till 10:30. Rainy still. Had breakfast at 11:15. Taken with awful cramps – in bad shape for a while. Went to sleep and was able to dress after woke up. Went for a soda about 4:30. Sat in Wisner Park a while. Saw the college performances. Went over to the house and got suit case. Took the 6:00 car. Agnes went over to Mrs. Kavenaugh’s. Found Emma and Harry Burris in hotel. Charlie brought down his brother and wife. He came over after me. Got home about 8:00. He came in. Had a fine visit. I told him about the Coe deal. Conscience feels better. Heard of the Ridge Road quarrel also Bessie and Frankie C’s troubles.

Monday, June 12, 1905

A very warm day. Rained at intervals all day. Bell Hilton and two of her cousins down in the morning. Bessie Bentley drove in to invite us to her picnic. Promised to come to stay all night tomorrow. Mamma cut out my soiette dress. Pieced five blocks on my nine patch. Read some in the Masquerader. Think it is very good. Began ripping up my dimity dress – found it quite a job. Papa went to Horseheads. Did not wash on account of the rain. Went to bed early to get sleep caught up. Did some work in my room.

Tuesday, June 13, 1905

A very warm beautiful day. Swept and dusted all of upstairs, hall, sitting room and dining room. Mamma did some baking. Groceryman brought cotton for my quilts. Go cloth to set together another. Read in the afternoon. Father mowed the door yard. Got cleaned up about 3:00. Bessie Bentley came about 4:30. Spend the time before supper taking turns playing. Went to see Billie after supper. Started for bed about 9:00 but talked and talked about school matters etc. Received a nice little letter from Grace McDougall.

Wednesday, June 14, 1905

Went up and took Bessie to school. Talked with Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Stoddard, Mrs. Thorne, Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Westlake. Promised to wait on table at the picnic. Mr. Orwin rode down with me on an errand. Went to Horseheads. Took Billie to the blacksmith shop. Got home about noon. Spent most of the day ripping on my dress. Emma and Edna drove in and invited me up to Emma’s at night. Took a little nap in the afternoon. Went up to Edna’s. Visited with Miss Sears while she was getting ready. Had a real nice time. Messrs. Perry and Soper sang. Emma’s birthday also Flag day as flags were the souvenirs. Clarence Lovell came down with me.

Thursday, June 15, 1905

An awful hot day. Mamma, papa and I washed. Had an immense wash. Got it mostly done by eleven. Worked on dress. Finished it to put in the wash. Awfully tired so layed down and slept most of the afternoon. Changed my dress and wrote to Grace M., Bertha, Agnes and Charlie. Reminded the kid of our date for Tuesday. Took down and folded the clothes. Pulled up all the radishes and got the ground ready for more. Mr. Judson down in the evening. Played with the colt. Finished reading the Masquerader.

Friday, June 16, 1905

Thermometer: 92 degrees

Father took mother to Dr’s to see about her leg. Found it was bursted blood vessels. I ironed and about sweltered. Received a letter from Claude saying he would be in Horseheads at three in the afternoon. Swept etc till 2 o’clock. Got to H.H. 3:15. He did not comes so waited till 4:00 and found him on that one. Visited till supper and then went for a walk. He played ball with the boys and we went on over to Edna’s. Emma and Ralph Bishop there. Got home before nine. Rained some. Claude and father visited for a while and he and I go while longer. Got to bed at eleven.

Saturday, June 17, 1905

Got up and found it raining. Called Claude at 6:30. After breakfast (in the rain) went over to the brush lot to view the country. Got soaked. Came back and cleaned up. Father and mother drove to the picnic and we waited a while and walked up. Stayed with Emma and Ralph and waited for Edna. Harriet monopolized both boys. Sat on the bank till dinner was ready. Had Claude meet some of the people. (Mr. Yard for one) Had to start for the car at 2:00. Waited till he went. Think he is strictly O.K. Mr. Treat rode up with me. Got home about 4:30. Had a hard thunder shower about 6:00.

Sunday, June 18, 1905

Thermometer: 98 degrees

Did not get up very early – trying to get caught up in sleep. An excessively hot day. Read, "The Congressman’s Wife" – Miss Sears’ Labard Inn book. Elmer came down after dinner and brought the pictures we had over in the brush lot. Clayton’s and mine were fine. Changed my dress and had picture taken with Bruno. Fred Stowe down in afternoon. Had a terrific thunder storm at 6:00. Rained all the evening hard. Wrote to Flossie, Loretta and Lulu. (Shocked Elmer)

Monday, June 19, 1905

Thermometer: 104 degrees

Another scorching day. The hottest of the season. Ironed all the forenoon. Mamma worked on my dress – want it for tomorrow night. Received a letter saying they would be glad to go to the Lake the Fourth. Pieced nine blocks on the quilts thus finishing my two nine patches. The rain of last night made quite a creek thro’ the field so in the afternoon I went wading. Also took Bruno and gave him a bath. Went down to the garden – everything growing fine. Had the thunderstorm at seven tonight – not quite as bad as previous ones.

Tuesday, June 20, 1905

Still as hot as ever. Went to Horseheads with father in the forenoon. Saw many old friends. Worked to finish my dress for evening. Edna down a while in the afternoon. Sent a note and an envelope full of wrapping paper to Charlie. Got all dressed before supper. Waited and waited – Charlie real late – been over to Moreland with Dann. Got to the church just as the exercises commenced. No chance to get in so drove around town. Came back and I forced a way in for a few minutes. Left my present with Mrs. Thorne. Had a lovely ride home.

Wednesday, June 21, 1905

Began raining at 3:00 a.m. and rained all day till 4:00 p.m. Poured most of the time. Everything flooded. Horseheads all under water – road impassible. Bridge over Catharine Creek undermined. Worked on quilts all day. Got another nearly set together. Had to go after the cows with a horse. Father and Mr. Baker started to town to see the high water but had to come back on account of the bridge being washed out. Edna, Ralph Bishop and Elmer down in the evening. Ralph had a letter to send to Claude. Wrote to Bessie F. and Agnes. Right appointed for a social at H. Wheelers! Thought some of going ??ive time for socials.

Thursday, June 22, 1905

Quite pleasant in the morning but noon began raining again. Rained at intervals all day. Mr. Stoddard took our milk via Ridge Road. Father went to Horseheads to view the results of the flood. Millport badly damaged – all the bridges taken out. Bridge over Catharine repaired so light wagons can cross. Ironed in the morning. Worked hard on the quilts – cut out, pieced and set together twenty blocks. Clifford Wheeler down on an errand. Refused to wait on Mr. Baker. Mr. Judson down in p.m. Not feeling well so went to bed shortly after seven.

Friday, June 23, 1905

Somewhat cooler. Father and I went to Millport to view the ruins. Went via midway. A terrible place to get under the culvert. The lower road by Parsons’ store all gone. The town a sad looking place. All the bridges gone. Hitched the horse and crossed over by the mill on a little foot bridge. The railroad washed fierce. Saw Mary, also Charlie just to speak. Everyone down looking things over. Took dinner with Chas. And Jen Grace Burch there. Came home by Hills. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and Kittie. A bad place to get through by Sherman’s where the bridge was gone. Simply impossible to drive anywhere. E. and S. L. electric road a sight. They contemplate letting it go. Felt miserable all day.

Saturday, June 24, 1905

Father and mother went to Horseheads. Read all the forenoon. Got dinner started before they got back. Heard of Harry Sterling’s awful death. Fell into the creek and in climbing out caught hold of a live trolly wire which was down. Feel dreadful about it. Got cleaned up and went up to Edna’s. Miss sears away so stayed all the afternoon. Edna’s father came. Arranged to go up on the Ridge to church tomorrow. Weeded in the flower bed all the evening. Started to take Bruno to the creek and Billie wanted to play with us – got over the fence in a hurry. Cannot keep Harry’s death off my mind.

Sunday, June 25, 1905

Edna came down in the morning and said she could not go to church, so father let Mr. Baker take Maude and the buggy. I was mad. Took my bath and went up to Mrs. Judson. Helped Clayton shell peas. Started for home and Clayton suggested going after wintergreens. Did not get back till 1:30. Quite surprised. Took a nap after dinner and read some. Charlie came down about six. Visited for a while and went for a drive – around by Pine Valley. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Hegetinan. Heard more about Harry’s death. A good joke on me. Seemingly a perfect fool.

Monday, June 26, 1905

A cool, windy day. Received rather a pitiful letter from George. Said he didn’t think he would ever be well again. Helped wash. Got through real early. Awfully tired and not feeling well, so layed down and slept nearly all the afternoon. Laughed about my blunder all day. Read in Mrs. Judson’s Labard Inn book. The Advertizer contained announcement of Harry’s funeral – tomorrow at 2:30. Went up to Edna’s after supper. Had a great old visit. Planned to go to Elmira Wednesday also to church on ridge next Sunday.

Tuesday, June 27, 1905

Real chilly all day. Received a letter from Grace telling when the funeral was. Ironed all day till four o’clock. Edna came down and said she could not have a horse tomorrow. Tried to find out if I could. Mamma worked all the afternoon on the quilts. Ironed ten shirt waists and other things to "match." Father went to Horseheads after dinner to have Maude shod. Wrote to George advised him to start for home as soon as possible – also wrote to Grace and sent her a pair of hair ribbons. Elmer down a little while in the evening – brought some books and papers.

Wednesday, June 28, 1905

Edna came down in the morning before I was up and said Miss Sears would come after us, so mamma promised to take us. Father and enry Johnson had a rousing old scrap. Got down for the 10:00 car. Did a lot of shopping, had some ice cream. Went over on Hudson St. to see her father. Had our dinner (saw George Grimes) and started for Rorick’s. Left our luggage with Henry. Show quite good – troop all full of nonsense. Got in Horseheads at 5:30. Miss Sears and Reeder there to meet us. Waited for them into Corals. Got me a new umbrella – a dandy.

Thursday, June 29, 1905

Fooled around most of the forenoon. Mended some. Received a copy of "Thoughts of Creation" by grandfather from Agnes. Got ready and went up to call on Mabel. She was not at home so went on down to Creta’s. Came back via Mabel’s. Stopped and wrote their door step full of trash. Got home and found Emma and Harriet here. They stayed a while longer and I walked up as far as Edna’s with them. After supper went in the garden and picked peas. Edna came down for a few minutes. Creta did a lot of kidding about seeing the kid go by.

Friday, June 30, 1905

Horses fighting kept me awake, so did not get up very early. Shelled peas most of the morning. Canned four pints. Father went to Horseheads to have John shod. After dinner father went up to Mrs. Judson’s and got her quilting frames for us. Swept and dusted all upstairs and sitting room. Belle and Emmeline down in morning. Bill down again in afternoon to have Mamma cut out an apron for her. Put my quilt on after dinner and quilted the rest of the day. Finished reading the Abbess of Ulaye. Wrote to Agnes. Quite warm and hundreds of mosquitos.

Saturday, July 1, 1905

A brisk wind all day. Swept and dusted all down stairs while Mamma baked. Received a letter from Eva saying she would come over any time. I would send her word – said their tobacco crop was entirely ruined by the flood. Quilted from 9:30 till 11:00. Read some in the new Cosmopolitan. Quilted all the afternoon. Father went to Horseheads after dinner for butter about decided to go to the Lake the Thursday (second) after the fourth. Mr. Judson down and spent the evening. Rained at night.

Sunday, July 2, 1905

A lowry looking morning. Went up to Edna’s at nine – drove Billie – and we started for church on the Ridge. Got there rather early. Made the acquaintance of Rev. Mr. Everett. A small congregation (24). Grace M. and Bertha sat with us. Went up to see Chas. A few minutes and got caught in a hard thunderstorm. Stayed in the wagon house till it was over. Heard that Coe and Bessie were coming down in p.m. Rained in the afternoon so they did not come. Charlie came at six. Mrs. Baker rode up with him. Thought of going up tomorrow night so to get an early start Tuesday, but Mamma objected so gave it up.

Monday, July 3, 1905

Thermometer: 90 degrees

Much warmer than it had been in some time. Went to Horseheads with father in the morning. Did a lot of shopping for our picnic dinner tomorrow. Everyone talking about the severe storm around Elmira yesterday – lightning struck several places in H.H. Nearly killed P. Breese. Baked an angel food and made dressing for salad before dinner. Cleaned a dress skirt, mended, took a nap, etc. in the afternoon. Picked peas in the evening. Tried to tie Bruno up nights but he objected. Horseheads and Elmira began celebrating about 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, July 4, 1905

Got up early, packed my lunch basket and was all ready to start for the Lake at 7:00. Charlie did not come till 9:00. Coe was not at the corner so we drove slow and waited for them but they did not catch up. Stopped in Catharine. Found two bridges out. Got there at 1:15. Bessie and Frank came at 1:45. Had our dinner at 2:00. Saw quite a few we knew. Misses Bentley and Westlake boys shot firecrackers etc. till 5:00. Had some ice cream and ate supper out of the remains of dinner. Started for home at 7:00. Found a bridge out and had to go some out of way. We came down Ridge and changes horses. Got home about 12:00. A "scrappy" time.

Wednesday, July 5, 1905

Tried to sleep but found it to be impossible so got up. Father cut down the old cherry tree and Mamma and I picked them. Got a nice lot. His Smith came. Told of his celebrations. Mrs. Baker treated him to cider. Layed down a while before dinner. Pitted cherries most of the afternoon. Mamma canned cherries (17 cans) and pineapple. Father went to Horseheads got alcohol for fruit preserves. Slept till nearly 5:00. Read some in the evening and tried to break Bruno to be lead. Rained a little Felt as tho’ had been to the 4th alright.

Thursday, July 6, 1905

Did not get up very early. Received letters from Agnes, Josie and Maude Miles. Went to help pick peas for dinner. Shelled peas and ripped up the sleeves of my soisette dress. Mr. Baker tried to make me turn grindstone but I kicked. A very warm day. Father went to Elmira on business. Mr. Stoddard down to see father and brought down some onions. Raked hay all the afternoon. Rested a while before supper. Got cleaned up and wrote a letter to Charlie and ripped up a skirt. Had a late supper.

Friday, July 7, 1905

A cloudy morning. Mamma and I washed the colored clothes. Mailman brought a card saying my soap and dishes had come. Papa hitched up and we went down after them. Think the dishes are fine – in perfect condition. Miss Sears and Edna drove in to exchange books. After dinner Mamma and I washed my new dishes and put them away. Straightened things upstairs. Finished my skirt. Read some. Mamma sewed on my dressing sacque. The men put Paris Green on potatoes in p.m. Mosquitoes chick oh!!!!

Saturday, July 8, 1905

A hard shower in the night. Hay too wet to draw in. A very hot day. Ironed all the forenoon – all colored clothes. Did not feel very well. Mamma did the sweeping. Dusted after dinner. Received a funny post card from Agnes. Stayed in bed nearly all the afternoon. Mr. Baker went to Horseheads at night said he would not be back till morning. Went up to Mrs. Judson’s after supper. She quite sick. Dr. said it was Malaria fever and night have been caused by mosquito bites. Saw Elmer a few minutes.

Sunday, July 9, 1905

Thermometer: 90 degrees

An excessively hot day. Read in David Copperfield – finished it for the second time. Took a bath after dinner and wrote to Agnes, Lulu, Josie, Eva and Claude. Charlie did not come down – awfully lonesome without him. He men drew in hay. Went up the road in the evening. Stopped and left some books at Hilton’s. Went on up to Miss Sear’s. Edna not there. Came back to Hilton’s and waited till Edna came. Heard all about the 4th – our strange adviser was Walter Dailey. Heard Bess had been up to Emma’s since Wednesday. Mamma came to meet me.

Monday, July 10, 1905

Thermometer: 90 degrees

Very warm in the forenoon. Mamma and I washed. Began picking up things to pack my satchel. Received the greatest letter from Switzer. Wrote a reply intended to hold him for a while. Papa and I went to Horseheads after dinner. Jollied with Mr. Wintermute. Had some cream at Griggs – rotten stuff. Got caught in a hard shower. Drove under Platts’ sheds. I stayed on the porch. Saw Mrs. Sadie Brown. Worked on waists etc. after got home. Read in evening – not feeling very well. Wrote to Charlie and coming down tomorrow night.

Tuesday, July 11, 1905

Another very hot day. Ironed till 2:00 p.m. Saw Elmer a few minutes in the morning. Kept picking up things to pack. Washed and ironed a whole bunch of collars. Mamma finished my dressing sacques. Men working in the hay. Edna down a little while. Told her about my letter from Switzer. Got cleaned up before supper. Sat on a hay cock and read till Charlie came which was a little after eight. Had a fine visit. Talked over school meeting night of the 4th etc. Brought my hand bag down He went at eleven.

Wednesday, July 12, 1905

Mamma took me to the train. Got there real early. Took the bus in Penn Yain and went to the Knapp house. Had dinner there – a swell affair. Went up and called on Mr. Kimball. Had a pleasant visit. Took the bus to the boat. Boat very late. Rained awfully hard. Everything on the dock soaked. Came up on the Penn Yain – her first trip. Found grandpa on the dock. Saw Loretta at Keuka – said she would be up tomorrow. Mrs. Nichols at grandpa’s at night. Also the other cook went down in Pairlion to hear Lindsay fellow give his graduation oration for his aun. Awfully tired.

Thursday, July 13, 1905

A great day at Grove Springs. Drs. There by the score – about 150. Quite amusing to watch the performances. Wrote a letter home. Very warm. Saw someone who looked familiar and finally decided it was Loretta. Went down and visited with her – met her friends Miss Miller and Leann. They had some medical friends. Went into the Association for a while. Rained quite a shower in the afternoon. Wrote to Charlie and Agnes. Will Van Wormer down at night – it was fine. Did not get to bed till nearly twelve – watched the guest dancing on the porch. Slept on couch in sitting room.

Friday, July 14, 1905

Made an early toilet. Loretta and Miss Miller came up with Dr. Miller and stayed till noon. We went through the glen back of the hotel. Saw the mailman – he recognized me. While eating dinner saw Frank Bailey coming. Went down. He extremely complimentary. Wanted to take me to the dance. I agreed. Wit walked up as far as the Elms after dinner. Had a very hard thunderstorm. Read some. There was a dance at night. Went down and watched them. Saw Uncle Will Reed. Impossible to sleep so did not go to bed till late.

Saturday, July 15, 1905

Had to hurry to get my suit case packed for the boat. Aunt Nellie quite surprised Josie called – also Jessie Hoare. Visited "for fair" all the forenoon. Expected to hear from Switzer but did not. Saw Uncle Will also Mr. Clarke on my way over. A lovely cool day. Saw Sophia at night. Started to the P.O. but Josie said it was useless. Josie, Aunt Nell and I went over to the dock to see the boat land. Went up and sat on the porch at the cellar. Aunt Nell went home and Josie and I stayed and exchanged confidences.

Sunday, July 16, 1905

Did not get up till real late. Had breakfast at 9:30. Wrote to E. P. McD. And Edna. Had dinner at 2:00. Uncle George went up to the vineyard. Got cleaned up and Aunt Nellie went over to the dock. All the people there including Josie and Ned. Went up and sat on the cellar porch. Argued concerning literature. Went over and sat on the shore. I entertained Ned while Josie got the grub for him. Had our lunch on the porch. Mr. and Mrs. Nie called. Went down to the lake. Mr. Crance invited me to go boat riding. Had a fine ride. Saw Walter S. in the morning. Josie and Ned up before he went home. Saw a fellow the Chylene. Morbus ugh! Cat! (written on the boat.)

Monday, July 17, 1905

Awfully hot – 95 degrees in shade

Visited with Harold concerning school work till boa time. He went to the dock with me. Josie and Gusta on the boat going to Penn Yain. Found Loretta waiting for me on the dock at Keuka. Met her cousin. Went out to the fish trap with her. Had dinner and then went down to a Mrs. Botsford. The girls played on her piano. Came back on the night boat. Found Josie on in company with a couple from H-Sport. Went over with the people to practice their play. So hot I could not stay so came down with Miss Seastadt. Met Clarence Dunning. Eugene invited me to go rowing again. The lake beautiful. Listened to Parcell’s phonograph.

Tuesday, July 18, 1905

Another scorcher. Aunt Nellie and I washed. Got through quite early. Went down to the lake after dinner. Visited with Eugene. All the girls went in bathing. I went down to watch them and decided I would go to, so went to the house, fixed up a rig and went in. Enjoyed it greatly. Changed my rig and felt delightful. Coached Josie on her part. Mrs. Vanlata whole show. Uncle George went swimming after supper. The girls went to the hall to practice and I sat down by the lake with the Crances. Went over farther with Eugene to listen to Strong’s graphophone. Josie came down after she finished. Made a doll for tomorrow night. Got a letter from Lulu enclosing one from Claude and one from Bailey.

Wednesday, July 19, 1905

Ellen and Josie and Mrs. Vault up to arrange their rigs. Harold and I went down to the lake. Eugene soon appeared and asked me to go sailing. I went and wore Harold’s hat. The wind blew fierce. I lost my hat in the lake and got soaked. Had not enjoyed anything more in a long time. Had a shower about noon. Aunt Nell went to Hammondsport in the afternoon. Went over to the hall with the girls but did not stay. Took some letters over – saw Van. Came back and went bathing. Went rowing after supper – up to Boerickes then across the lake. Heard an old woman "chewing the rag." A very enjoyable evening. Stayed out to keep out of Sears’ way.

Thursday, July 20, 1905

Made hats for the play and ironed some waists in the morning. Went up to the cellar. Mr. Van Northurick said he would be over at 8:00. Visited with Eugene after dinner. Made my toilet for evening rather early. Went down to wait for the boys. Eugene came down and Van soon after. Van "bluffed out" – went on. Eugene went up to get ready – wanted me to shake Van and go to Mrs. Neal’s party with him. Ned came down with Lewis. He wanted me to go driving. Van came back but would not go to the dance. I bluffed mad and would not keep the date for boat riding. Eugene came and I deliberately walked off with him to the dance. Sat out a while afterward. Stayed all night with Josie.

Friday, July 21, 1905

Helped Josie practice. Went up to the hall and carried in boxes for seats. Met Miss Casterline. Stayed all day and night at Crances. Over to the hall in afternoon. Sat on the dock a while with Eugene. Packed some and dressed for evening. Sat in hammock (not alone) till supper. Josie had to go early. Went walking with Eugene before the play. Came back and waited for him to take over the watermelon. He came back after me. The show a great success. Cake walk a great surprise to Crances. Watermelon contest made lots of fun. ???? were taken out and danced after the show. Went over and sat under the trees. Had some watermelon (Josie, Ned, Eugene and I) at 11:15. Josie went out with Ned. We waited for her. Most 12:00 when we returned. Waved to go through the windows.

Saturday, July 22, 1905

Packed my suit case after breakfast. Went back to see Mrs. Crance. Did not say good bye to Eugene. Josie went to the dock with me. Promised to come back Thursday for the dance. Went up to Grandpa’s to wait for a chance to ride upon the hill. Frank Bailey came down to the hotel and offered to take me up. Found Lulu and Mabel at Aunt Libb’s. Had a show with Stub. Showed lulu Switzer’s letters and talked over affairs. She and I took a nap. Aunt Lib, Mabel and Lulu went up to pick berries at 4:00. I went up as far as Grandpa Reed’s. Stayed there for supper. Came back on a load of hay. Visited and Mabel canned berries in the evening.

Sunday, July 23, 1905

Did not get up till 8:00. Lulu and Joel came down. Lulu and I went over to Gleason a few minutes. Le Verne came while we were there – had a great experience with three drunken fellows. Uncle Thed and Mabel went up and picked some berries. All of the "kids" helped get dinner, the first I had seen Le Verne in ten years. Lulu and Joel had to go early to keep another date. The rest of us went down in the garden and over to Marge’s apple tree. Rained a real hard shower. Le Verne and Mabel started at 6:00. Visited all the evening. Saw Gady’s bean.

Monday, July 24, 1905

Felt as though I had a good night’s rest. Helped do up the work and went to washing. Did some for myself and helped on the rest. Took quite a nap before dinner – during quite a hard thunder shower. Did my work upstairs and changed my frock. Bailey along about 3:00. Wanted me to go to the Grove with him. He jollied around "for fair." Fished for a bid up W Lulu’s but got left. Went Lib and D went up to Grandma’s. Did not stay long. Sprinkled the clothes after I got back. Wrote to Charlie and read in the evening. Seems impossible to get my sleep caught up. Aunt Lib told me some news – Mabel and Le Verne.

Tuesday, July 25, 1905

Helped Aunt Lib do up the work and went to ironing. Ironed all that I had washed and my cream dress for the party. Did my chamber work and got my clothes straightened around. Changed my dress and packed a few things in Aunt Lib’s satchel. Went up to Grandma’s. Ate pears, apples and berries "for fair." Stayed until after supper and went on up to Lulu’s. Quite a walk. Ate another supper with them. Had a great time visiting. Helped Lulu pick some peas. Did not get to bed very early. Slept like a log.

Wednesday, July 26, 1905

Did not get up very early. Alice Miller came in and woke me up. Ate some breakfast and helped do up the work. Went over to Mr. Keefer’s with Lulu to deliver a message. Lulu and I visited a steady stream all day. Joel told me a lot of stories to tell Charlie. Called up Central and tried to get Claude but could not. Wrote a great letter to him – one he won’t be apt to forget. Got a message to call up Bailey at 8:00 and then another that he would be away. Alice Miller and Jesse Carr over and spent the evening.

Thursday, July 27, 1905

Took another morning nap. Did up the work, Lulu wrote to Charlie, talked with Mabel over the phone and started for Aunt Lib’s. Stopped to grandpa’s and got some apples etc. Lulu took a nap before dinner. Took a bath and Lulu helped me dress for the party. Went down to Corning to take the boat. Had to wait some time. Found Josie waiting for me on the dock. Went up to Aunt Nell’s a few minutes after supper. Josie dressed and talked and then we went over to the dance. Had a fine time. Danced seven sets. Eugene a little "mifted."

Friday, July 28, 1905

Got up when Josie did. Hustled and got ready and went up to Hammandsport with the mailman. Caught the train by hustling and went up to the fish hatchery. A great sight – well worth going to see. Got back about 11:00. Went over to see Ned, then up to the church and called on Father Kennedy. Went back down town and sent out a lot of souvenir post cards. Got a bunch (a peach!) Saw John Mallory. Called on Miss Hamlin, Miss Fidell and Mrs. Hollenbeck. Went down to the boat real early. John came down – promised to take Sunday dinner with him at Grove Spring. Got off at Corning in pouring rain. Walked up to Uncle Thede’s and it poured all the way. Did not get very wet except feet.

Saturday, July 29, 1905

Got up and did my upstairs work and Uncle Thede took Aunt Lib and I up to grandma’s. Found her quite lame as a result of a stumble. Mrs. Lord buried and everyone went to the funeral. Lulu and Joel sang. Grandma gave me a shoe made sixty years ago as a relic. Took a nap after dinner. Never to completely exhausted in my life. Lulu and Joel stopped on their way home from the funeral. Grandpa gave some poetry. Ate apples, pears and berries all day. Went back down to Aunt Lib’s at 4:00. Rain some more all day.

Sunday, July 30, 1905

Hurried around to finish packing. Uncle Thed took me down to Grove Springs. Got there a few minutes before boat time. Took Grandma a lot of flowers. Went down to meet the boat. Found John on alright. We walked down nearly to Drakes came back and sat in the old Sulphur Spring. Thought it would rain so went back to the hotel. Sat in the picnic grove a while and went over to the hotel and had dinner – not very extra. After dinner walked up toward Corning – Sat in Hyatt’s Grove till boat time. John had to run to catch it. A very pleasant day. Saw Mary Covert at night. Found out that the cook is Maggie Heively. Glad it is my last day. Saw Alice Miller go by.

Monday, July 31, 1905

Got up and hurried around to get ready to go home. Took the boat at 9:30 at Grove Springs. Grandpa carried by case down. Reached Pen Yan at 12:30 – a long tiresome ride. Rained most of the way. Took the bus up to the depot. Left my luggage there and went back down town. Bought some dishes at Cramers and some bananas and went back to depot. Did not have to wait long. Found father at the depot to meet me. Very glad instead to get home. Found Billie and Bruno grown greatly. Visited and played with pup all the evening. Heart that Clayton is very sick with typhoid fever.

Tuesday, August 1, 1905

Mr. Carpenter down to see if I would take the school before I was up. Had a good rest. Got my duds unpacked. Mr. Judson down to see me. Began a liner doily. Mamma helped milk while Mr. Baker cut oats – cut till after seven. Got cleaned up before supper. Papa went to school meeting. Edna and Elmer down in evening. Had a great time visiting. Charlie came at about 8:45 and papa at the same time. C- said Ed was trustee and I could have the school. Spent the evening discussing which school I ought to take. Seeing ? awfully good w’ see the kid once more. Sent Grace a souvenir of Lake Kenka.

Wednesday, August 2, 1905

Still thinking and talking school – still undecided. Mr. Carpenter came while we were at breakfast. Kept him talking to see if ? heard from Ed. Milk man brought a letter from him. Said I could have it the same as last year (7.50) Mr. C- offered $8.00 for 20 weeks and I accepted. Feel blue about giving up my old stand. Esther came down and brought the register. Had to go to the school house after dinner to see about some library business. Talked with all the people along the way. All seemed pleased. Took out all the books and dusted them. Esther cleaned teacher’s desk – a very dirty place. Stopped at Mrs. Stoddard’s got home in time for supper.

Thursday, August 3, 1905

Did not get up very early. Worked on my doily and quilted in the forenoon. Father hitched up for me after dinner and I started for Mary’s. Visited a while with Mr. and Mrs. Hegeman. Found Mary at home. Had a great old visit. She going back on the Ridge to teach. Stayed till 4 o’clock. Mrs. Davenport rode up from Stuarts with me. Felt very bad that I wasn’t coming back. Saw Jesse a few minutes. Stopped at Ed’s. Rather a "wet" time. We all shed a few tears. Got home in time for supper. Went up to Mrs. Judsons in the evening. Elmer came back with me.

Friday, August 4, 1905

Did not get up very early. Spent all the time till mail time writing letters. Wrote to Eva telling her I was home and a long letter to George containing all the news. Quilted all the rest of the forenoon. Went and got red Actrign apples after dinner. The men drew in oats. Had to put Billie in one load. Quilted all the afternoon till four o’clock. Got both sides finished and rolled it. Fingers awfully sore as a consequence. Rather a cool, pleasant day. Worked on my doily and read from the magazines at night. Mamma got a letter from Aunt Lottie.

Saturday, August 5, 1905

Went to Horseheads immediately after breakfast – drove down in 3 minutes. Saw Nellie. Had quite a visit with her – tried to persuade her to teach the Parsons Dist. School. Changed my Tabard Inn book – got "Ranson’s Folly." Got home shortly after nine. Went down to the garden got squashes and carrots. Mamma picked a milk pail full of cucumbers. Felt rather bad in the afternoon so lay down and went to sleep. Swept and dusted the sitting room, picked fresh bouquets and went after apples before supper. Read all the evening in Leslie’s. Men worked till late drawing in oats. All in but one small load.

Sunday, August 6, 1905

Did some dusting, cooked eggs for supper and helped get dinner in the forenoon. Read after dinner – completed the magazines, and began "Ranson’s Folly." This is very good. Took my bath and finished reading my book. Wrote a letter to Agnes before Charlie came (about 5:30). Drove his new colt. Mamma invited him to supper so he stayed and spent the evening. A very enjoyable time indeed. The first good visit since my return. A beautiful moonlight night – sat on the porch till nearly ten. Mr. B- went away Saturday night and did not get back till 10:00 this morning.

Monday, August 7, 1905

Did not wash on account of water. Father and Mr. B- worked on the road in the forenoon. Mamma and I quilted. A very warm day. The men drew oats for Mr. Judson in the afternoon. Wehurried through the dinner work and quilted again – got a lot done. I had to stop on account of cramps. Picked cucumbers and green tomatoes. Mamma picked peas while I fried tomatoes for supper. Finished my doily and put it in the wash. Played with Bruno all the evening. Fingers awfully sore and stiff from quilting.

Tuesday, August 8, 1905

Got up early on account of washing. Mr. Baker went to help Mr. Thorne in his oat and papa went to Horseheads. Received a dandy post-card of Ro?eks from Agnes also a picture of Uncle Geo. And Henry. Had a whopper of a wash. Got through about eleven. Both of us about tired out. Papa did not get back till 1:30. Lay down after dinner and slept till four o’clock. Sprinkled some about that time. Decided to go up in Parsons Dist. Visiting. Wrote to Grace Davenpot. Flossie and Charlie in the evening. Bruno determined to sleep in my room.

Wednesday, August 9, 1905

Thought I would study for the examination but changed my mind. Went up and got some stamps. Received a letter from Agnes. Ironed till dinner. Bruno followed Mr. Sherman over as far as Benedict’s. Mr. Judson brought him home. Finished my row on the quilt and rolled it. Mended most of the p.m. Drew threads and basted hems in three more doilies. Mr. Banks came up to Judson’s after a cow and nag a bad spell – came near dying. The men shingled on the hen house. A very foggy morning followed by a hot day. Hem stitched all the evening.

Thursday, August 10, 1905

Ironed all the forenoon. The C.O.S.Y.S. Firemen’s Convention in Elmira. Road full bo teams. Father went to Horseheads and Mr. Baker to the convention. Today’s paper contained particulars of the collapse of Meyers Department Store in Albany. An excessively warm day. Slept a while after dinner. Got clothes laid out to take on my visit in Dist. No. 9. Mamma milked and I got supper. Robinson went up at night drunk and running his horse and came back immediately the same way. Wrote to Josie and Lulu in the evening. Took a bath.

Friday, August 11, 1905

Got around to start on my journey in Dist. No. 9. Father took me up to Davenport. Mrs. Stanton there. Played games with Grace nearly all day. Had some music along so played quite a lot. Rained some in the afternoon and kept increasing in volume till it was a steady downpour. Some very hard thunder. Had quite a late supper. Mr. Davenport tried to make plans for us to cut his oats. Had quite a musical evening. Sang some of the "old songs" for Mrs. Stanton. Did not go to be till eleven. Had a hard time trying to sleep.

Saturday, August 12, 1905

Still trying to rain. Mr. Davenport and Grace took me over to Mrs. Parsons. Received a very cordial welcome. Mr. Parsons as bad as ever. Went down in the field with Kittie after apples. Went over to Eds at four. Visited "for fair." Had a very hard shower just before supper. Found out that they had hired Gertrude Dillmore for teacher. Charlie came about eight. Had Myrna with him. We took her home and went up with him. Found Mrs. McDougall sitting up for us. Visited quite a long time. Had another hard time to get to sleep.

Sunday, August 13, 1905

Got up quite early. Fooled with the boys after breakfast and then lay in the hammock with Grace. Bothered Charlie so he could not read. Went in the parlor and visited. Helped Lon get ready to go to church on Terry Hill. Had dinner at 1:30. Helped do the dishes. Went in to change my waist and found Charlie asleep on the sofa. Grace, he and I stayed in the parlor all the p.m. Harry broke the hammock and Grace and I took a tumble. Charlie and I stayed out doors a while after supper then went in the parlor and spent the evening. Could not sleep all night. I was g??? many things.

Monday, August 14, 1905

Mrs. McDougall washed. Wanted to help her but she wouldn’t let me. Sat on a plant stand and visited with her. Charlie in once in a while. Helped Aunt Emily do the dishes. People thought I was homesick. Grace and I went up the road – found thimble berries, black berries and huckleberries. Washed the dinner dishes and Grace and I picked cucumbers. Tried to take a nap but could not sleep. All the rest asleep. Got my things packed up and dressed to go home. Charlie got ready about 8:30. Mrs. Abbie McD- came. Had a fine ride coming home. Got home quite early. The boys drew oats in p.m.

Tuesday, August 15, 1905

Found a letter awaiting me from Eva saying she would be over Sunday. Swept and dusted my room and changed things all around. Did some washing in the wash bowl. Straightened around my letters – burned some and put the rest away. Father helped Mr. Judson thresh. Mamma gave me two cups and saucers. Slept nearly all the afternoon. Worked some in the sitting room. Finished the hem-stitching on a doily. Sprinkled clothes at night – a whole basked full all mine. Mr. Baker had a blue spell. Rained in the evening quite hard.

Wednesday, August 16, 1905

A cold drizzly day. Ironed steady all the forenoon. Received a letter from Eva saying she would not be over today. Read a little in the new Cosmopolitan. Father and I went to Horseheads after dinner. Took my tan shoes to have rubber heels put on. Changed my book – got "The Circle." Got some embroidery silk and a new try cloth. Got home about three. Saw Mrs. McDougall and Son. Embroidered till about five. Went and helped pick cucumbers – got a pail and a pail full. Helped get supper. Sewed and read in book all the evening. (Not quite so worried)

Thursday, August 17, 1905

Did not get up very early. Ironed till dinner time – finished it all and pressed out my cream dress. Helped get dinner. Did some mending and run the ribbons in my underclothes. A beautiful, clear, bright day. Everything unusually green for the time of year. As green as in the spring. Worked on my new tray cloth – got quite a few violets embroidered. Washed, ironed and put away my rose doily. Read some in "The Circle." Elmer down at night – brought home some magazines. Awfully tired.

Friday, August 18, 1905

Was just doing up my morning’s work and Flossie came. Embroidered quite a lot on my tray cloth. Quilted before dinner. After dinner father hitched up and we got ready and went to Horseheads. Got my shoes – a fine job. Did some other errands and went over to Bogardus and had our pictures taken. Charlie Wheeler jollied us. Stopped at Mrs. Ahart’s on the way home. Got some post-cards – sent them to Agnes, Josie, Loretta and John. Changed my dress and went out after apples. Worked on tray cloth all the evening. A chilly evening. A cat got caught in the fly paper!!!!

Saturday, August 19, 1905

Took my post cards up to mail after breakfast. Did up the work and we all went to the garden. Trimmed tomato vines, picked cucumbers and squashes for Flossie. Father went to Horseheads. Took the squashes up to the milk block. Got a letter from lulu and a note from "Stub." Embroidered till dinner. Flossie went home with the milk man. A real cool breezy day. The chimney burned out at noon – made quite a hustling time. Did up the dinner work and quilted all the afternoon. Finished reading "The Circle" at night. Ate water melon till ____________.

Sunday, August 20, 1905

Took my usual Sunday morning nap. Ate a piece and went up to Mrs. Judson’s. The Kendalls there. Think Laura one of the sweetest youngsters out. Came home about eleven. Read in the magazines till dinner – two o’clock. Father went up to Stowe’s. Took a bath and dressed for evening. Went up to Edna’s but scared by the "millitub" so went on to Mrs. Thorne’s. Mrs. Carpenter and the baby soon came. Stayed till six, just got home when Charlie came. Started to go riding but mother objected so spent the evening at home. Feel yet more assured. C- said Uncle Nathan Parsons fell and broke his shoulder blade and a rib. Rained some early in the morning and a little shower at four.

Monday, August 21, 1905

Got up early and helped wash – work to beat two of a kind. Got the washing out real early. After dinner father was going to Horseheads so decided to go and take Bruno to have his picture taken. Had a great time trying to get him to pose. Lewis Carpenter there and helped me. Sadie Conkling in – invited me to the S.S. picnic Friday. Got the proof of Flossie and my pictures – hers good and mine "fierce." Got home with the pup o.k. Went and picked all kinds of vegetables. Took the clothes down and sprinkled them. Worked some on tray cloth. Got a letter from Geo.

Tuesday, August 22, 1905

Began ironing right after breakfast and worked steadily till dinner – had linen skirt to iron after dinner. Did all the clothes except one apron. Somewhat tired. The men built fence between Mr. Stoddard and us. Undressed and took a nap after dinner. Roy Perry up after oats for the Sopers. Got twenty bushel. Got up about three. Worked on my tray cloth – did a lot. Awfully hot. Two thunder storms went around – did not rain much here. Received a letter from Agnes and wrote a long one to George in the evening.

Wednesday, August 23, 1905

Had my breakfast alone. Mamma picked cucumbers – got over a half bushel. Did the work upstairs and swept and dusted the sitting room. Sam Saunders here on the tea wagon – brought me a berry set that Mamma had ordered. Smith came – a day late. Mamma gave me a lovely cup and saucer. Tried to guilt after dinner, but so hot had to quit. Made an apron, mended and worked on tray cloth in the afternoon. Wrote to Agnes asking her up Saturday, to Lulu and to Chester Concerning the exchange of our books that we had borrowed of each other. Billie very lame – father found a nail in his foot. Dr. E. Bush drove in at midnight. Got Reeds and welds fixed.

88 degrees

Thursday, August 24, 1905

Went to Horseheads the first thing in the morning. Went over to Bogardus’ after the pictures of Floss and I and Bruno. They were not mounted so waited while he finished them. Bruno’s are fine. Got home at 11:30. An excessively hot day. Drove Maude on account of Billie’s lameness. Went up to the road to talk with Uncle Geo. Uncle Nathan no better. Edna down in the afternoon and again after supper. Wore my coat over to her brother’s. Got much colder toward night. Fixed some pictures ot mail to Flossie, one of Bruno’s to Mr. Moore and one to Harold. Got a letter from Josie.

Friday, August 25, 1905

Did not get up to breakfast. Did the upstairs work while father and mother picked corn. Cut corn off to can – a bushel. Eva and Bernice came over to spend the day – got her about 11:00. Helped get dinner. Visited all the afternoon and Bernice played. Mrs. Hilton and Belle down after some garden sauce. Father went to H-H-. He brought Billie up to show the girls. Girls had to go about 5:00. Mrs. Stoddard came to call just as they went. Discussed school affairs. Did quite a lot on my tray cloth. Mamma canned nine cans of corn. Much cooler than yesterday. Eva quite excited about starting in teaching .

Saturday, August 26, 1905

Did not sleep much of the night. Had a very queer experience – quite worried. Got up just in time for breakfast. Felt miserable. Picked up my books and pictures for school. Received a letter from Jennie saying they could not come down. Mail man unusually late. Went back to bed and slept till they were eating dinner. Read quite a while after dinner. Went down and picked the cucumber – got 160 for Mrs. McDougall. Father went over to Carr’s and Reeves. Mr. Baker drew stone. Quite a cool pleasant day. Went to bed early.

Sunday, August 27, 1905

Did not get up till late. Helped do up the breakfast work. Looked over and arranged some magazines. Got some books ready to send up to Mrs. McDougall. Got my pictures ready for school and cleaned by bell. Read some after dinner and slept till 3:30. Took a bath and dressed for evening. Mr. Judson down in the afternoon. Mr. Baker went to Horseheads and right back. Charlie did not come till after seven – said Grace could not come Thursday on account to visitors. Got to bed at 10:30. Dred tomorrow.

Monday, August 28, 1905

Papa took me up to begin my new school. A chilly, foggy morning. Had thirteen scholars. Think I will like the school much better than I anticipated. Got my classes all organized. Think I will really like Dan "the terror." Saw Ed and George. Walked home – awfully dusty. Heard that Mr. Baker told the Hiltons about Charlie and I sitting on the porch a week before – mad enough to eat him. So tired I could hardly move at night. Read some in Success. Found the school house decorated with good motto "Always look pleasant" etc.

Tuesday, August 29, 1905

Walked to school. Waited a few minutes for Bell. Got there at 8:30. Mr. carpenter came out and gave me the key to the new lock on the door. Dan and I put up the pictures at noon. Wonder if I will ever get them calmed down. Brought home a library book. Father and Mother went to Horseheads. Mamma drove up after me. Edna came out to see us. Mamma got me a new table spread. Had to make out the order for the new books. Read in the Pioneers and wrote to Josie and Eva at night. Warmer.

Wednesday, August 30, 1905

A hard thunder storm about 7:30. Father took me to school in the milk wagon – rained hard all the way up. Took the list of books up to Mr. Carpenter. Put my new spread on the table. Played with the girls at noon. The order a little better than yesterday. Waited a few minutes for Emma at night and she walked down to Edna’s with me. I stayed a while. Visited about school with Mrs. Russell and Miss Sears. Edna treated us to cake and cookies. Mamma had to milk. Wrote to Agnes and accepted her invitation to come down Saturday. Got a letter from Loretta.

Thursday, August 31, 1905

Father was going to take me but I walked. Began to rain as I got to Hilton’s and simply poured all the way to school. Mr. Carpenter there putting in new grates in the stove. Took my underskirt off. Think the school some better. Edna called me in at night and she and Marjory walked down with me. Found Mr. Baker there tearing around for fair – drunk and crazy. He came after his things. I settled the account and had to go and set some money changed to pay him. A great scene – almost unimaginable. Elmer down at night. We told him of Bakers all accusation he demed?? Got a letter from Chester about the books – quite surprised.

Friday, September 1, 1905

Father took me to school. Drew some on the board. Had a little fire started and the smoke drove us all out of doors. Tried to spell down but gave it up on account of disorder. Had some trouble to get Julia to read. Father went to H-H-. Heard that Mr. Baker got on a "tear" after he left here. Mother came up after me. Stopped a few minutes at Mrs. Thorne’s. Threshers came here for supper. Picked cucumbers for supper and helped get it and do up the work. Read in the Ladies Home Journal and the newspapers in the evening.

Saturday, September 2, 1905

Got up early and hurried around to get things ready for dinner. Had dinner at 11:30. Ten men. Hustled through the dishes and mamma took me to Horseheads in time to catch the 1:30 car. Talked with Elliott bush. Found Agnes on the street. Went up to the house then back down town. Went to the library and read a while – saw Stella Wager. Had supper at six and went home. Saw Mrs. Moore. Went down town in the evening – Agnes bought some LIVER. Spent the evening with Felipe Canton a young Mexican. Had a picnic trying to talk with him. Got some postal cards. Rained at intervals all day. Found out that it was Frank Hobler who decorated my school house for me.

Sunday, September 3, 1905

Did not get up very early. Worked by turns for about an hour cooking our liver. Discovered upon trying to eat it that it had spoiled. Went up to Eldridge Park and took each other’s picture. Came back and lunched on fruit. Took the 3:00 car for Horseheads. Agnes came up with me. Saw Harry Burris. Had to wait a few minutes for Mamma. Every one going down to the dedication services for the new Methodist Church. Charlie came about 7:30. Had a great old visit. Both very much relieve. Planned to go to the fair evenings. He went about 10:30. Had the worst cold of my life – felt like 2 cents.

Monday, September 4, 1905

80 degrees

Labor Day so I did not have to teach. Did not get up early. Mrs. Stoddard down before I got up to see what books her nephew needed. An unusually warm day for the time of year. Did last week’s ironing. Head felt dreadful as result of cold. Father dragged his rye ground. Went to sleep after dinner and slept most all the afternoon. Bruno and I wrote to Jennie Davenport and Loretta. Went with father after the cows to help train Bruno. He minded every word I said – father quite surprised. Had a fine walk around the brush lot. Cooler at night.

Tuesday, September 5, 1905

A nice bright day. Had to "get into the harness" again. Had a new scholar – Fred Wilkins – think him quite an addition to the school. Had a new flag. Mr. Carpenter cleaned chimney so it would not smoke any more. The best day of any yet. Feel quite encouraged. Edna and Marjory out in the orchard cracking nuts at night – called me over. Stayed about an hour. Changed my clothes and embroidered some before supper. Read some in the Pioneers and sewed carpet rags in the evening. Julia did not want to come to school. Mr. Stoddard wanted to know if I had been stood on my head yet.

Wednesday, September 6, 1905

Rained some most of the way to school. Ruth Coon brought her little brother and he proceeded to make confusion all day. Saw Ed and Burr go y. Mrs. Westlake came to school in the afternoon to induce Julia to come. Proceeded to talk the matter over with me. Invited me up to stay all night tomorrow. Accepted tho’ much against my will. Came home and had a crying spell over my troubles. Read some after I "came to" and sewed quite a ball of carpet rags. Elmer down and spent the evening. Think he is quite concerned about the tales Mr. B- told about him.

Thursday, September 7, 1905

A very nice day. Had quite a good school. Talked quite seriously to Dan. Bell got a little cross, but think I conquered. Mr. Kent bought our critter and father got another over to Carr’s. Went up to Mrs. Westlake’s at night. Went down to the garden and ginseng patch with her and the girls. Met Mrs. Turner. Played croquet with the girls till supper time. Visited all the evening with Mr. and Mrs. W- and the boys. Did Robert’s German lesson for him. Julia quite won over. Went to bed at 9:15 and slept sound. Think our experiment a complete success.

Friday, September 8, 1905

Got up a little before six – got downstairs quite a few minutes before six. The boys and Mr. Westlake did some jollying during breakfast about Charlie – he coming there in p.m. with his ensilage cutter. Found Bell as sweet as honey all day. Had quite a visit with Dan at noon. Think I won’t have much trouble with him. Tried to read a story to the school but gave it up on account of disorder – read it to Helen, Bell and Pearl after school. Saw Edna just a minute. Read and sprinkled clothes in the evening. A beautiful day. Awfully tired.

Saturday, September 9, 1905

Did not get up till nine o’clock. A very warm day. Began ironing at ten and ironed till 2:30 p.m. Did all of it – a very large one, too. Mamma baked and canned pears. Father cut corn so warm he could not do much. Had a queer spell with my head in the afternoon – but soon passed off. Had to remain quiet for a while on account of it. Tore up a dress skirt for an apron and tore some carpet rags. Saw Elmer just a minute. Sewed carpet rags in the evening. Went to bed early. Grace Sherman Stuart had a little daughter – Mildred Elizabeth.

Sunday, September 10, 1905

Took my usual Sunday morning nap. Read all the forenoon in the Pioneer. Had dinner at 12:30. Read some and Bruno and I went to bed and slept till 3:40. Got up and took my bath. Was just dressing when Edna came down. Had a great old visit with her. Charlie came at 6:00. Went and took Edna home and then for a drive. Went down to Pine Valley etc. Saw most all of my scholars. Had a fine drive – drove Kit. C- said Coe said they were coming down but did not see them.

Monday, September 11, 1905

Rained in the morning so father took me to school. Continued to rain nearly all day and poured all the evening. Charlie came down to Westlake’s to finish cutting ensilage but was prevented by the rain. Received a postal card from Washington from John showing his place of business. Father came after me. Worked examples and read till supper. Made an apron in the evening. Wrote a letter to Bessie Flemming and one to Grace Davenport. Played games with the children at noon. Had a little scrap with Bell – cam out victorious.

Tuesday, September 12, 1905

Still raining so father took me. Continued to drizzle all the forenoon. Mrs. Sterling brought Dan to school and called me out to talk over books etc. Seemed to mean for him to be o.k. A very satisfactory day. Dan got somewhat injured by climbing trees at noon. Mamma came up after me – awfully muddy. Read and helped get supper. Sewed carpet rags and read in my book all the evening. Got worsted in a scrap with Bruno. Warmer than any one expected after the rain. Mamma’s back real bad.

Wednesday, September 13, 1905

Rained again in the morning. Father took me to school. Cleared off soon. Had some trouble with the fire. Found a window broken over night. Father cam after me. Charlie passed us going to H-H. after repairs for his cutter. Said they had finished at Westlake’s. Mr. Carpenter stopped us – about the books. Roads very muddy. Worked on my tray cloth before supper. Mamma taken with a very hard cold. Bruno climbed up on top of the barn. Made out the book list, worked some examples and read in the evening. Wrote to Charlie about Frank & Bessie coming Sunday.

Thursday, September 14, 1905

The first frost this morning. Walked to school – the first time this week. Quite a few pupils absent. Schuyler Co. Fair. Played with the girls at noon. Stopped and talked with Mrs. Thorne at night. Heard that Mrs. Perkins fell down cellar and broke her arm. Mrs. Johnson very bad – no hopes of recovery. Saw Edna a minute – she cleaning house. Mamma’s cold awfully bad – stayed in bed nearly all day. Worked on my tray cloth and finished my book before supper. Sewed rags all the evening. Received a letter from Grace Davenport. A bright, clear day, frost did not hurt any thing.

Friday, September 15, 1905

Quite a chilly morning. Stopped and waited for Bell a few minutes. Engaged Mrs. Hilton to do the washing Monday. Tracie had such a fire I nearly roasted all day. Had a little difficulty with the boys about smoking corn silk. Mamma not much better. Mrs. Johnson very bad – not expected to live at all. Received a letter from Eva – said she had been having a hard time too. Rained some when we were coming home and again in the evening. Fooled around and got supper. Awfully tired. Sewed carpet rags and read all the evening.

Saturday, September 16, 1905

Got up and got breakfast – mamma worse. Father had to milk alone. Roy down and told of Anna Johnson’s death – died yesterday afternoon. Got the sitting room swept and dusted before breakfast. Did up the work and started for Horseheads. Mamma got dinner nearly ready before I got back. Mrs. Hilton came while I was doing up the work. Cleaned the lamps and baked a cake. Bell came down with some peaches for mamma. Swept the hall and took a nap. Very, very tired. Read all the evening. (Charlie’s birthday – got him a dandy tie.) Received a queer letter from Josie – had just told her father that she is to be married in Oct.

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