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The year is 1941. My grandmother, Berneice REED Mac Dougall turned
59, less than a week after Pearl Harbor. The world is in ferment, but life
on the Ridge Road continues much the same. She is married to Charles MacDougall.
They live on a farm on the Ridge Road in the Town of Veteran, Chemung Co.,
NY. The farm is six miles north of Horseheads, NY. My parents and two brothers
live in the same household. I turned seven that summer.
Berneice kept a diary for 1941. There are quite a few blank pages which I did not scan. This may create the impression that she was “on the go” most of the time because she did not record many of the routine day-to-day events of a farm wife. She tended to record the many activities outside the home and showing scans “back-back” concentrates the presentation. There are indicators that America was preparing for war. I was surprised that the civilian plane spotter program was active in 1941. The Farm Security Administration was new to me. More on that below. You will note that dinner was the noon meal. We ate supper in the evening,
after chores.
Berneice’s roots were on the east side of Keuka Lake. She was very close with her cousin, Lulu Pitcher who lived in Wayne, NY, also east of Keuka Lake. Not far away, in Dundee, NY lived Lulu’s daughter’s Theodora Brimmer and her family, Charles’s brother, Jay MacDougall. lived next door. She describes numerous visits to the area, and the various routes used. I recall some of these, because many were timed around fruit harvests to permit stops at roadside stands for items to bring home and can. Her cellar was full of cans of home grown meat and vegetables and fruit. Farm families were quite self sufficient in that era. Note the entries on mattress making. Quilts, sure, but making your own mattress seems like an aggressive undertaking.
Charles’s sister, Grace Fishel, lived in Binghamton, NY and the families
traditionally met to celebrate holidays.
Politically, she was an avid Democrat, one of a very few in the locality.
FDR was her hero.
She was involved in organizations that included the Grange, Home Bureau, Dairyman’s League and then the Farm Security Administration. For being a person that did not drive, she certainly got around a lot. Her passions included nature subjects and you will note her references to flowers and birds. During this era she periodically broad cast on radio station WENY. I wish we had the scripts.
In 1941 Charles MacDougall owned the property at the crest of the south Acker Road. She mentioned his planting oats there. This entry dates a picture of the thrashing on that site. Later Charles MacDougall and Gerald Dann swapped adjoining property, giving MacDougalls access from the Ridge Rd., east to the Samson property.
Communication depended on AM radio, the paper that came up on the milk truck every morning, and the 21 party phone line.
Walter Samson
Dec 2007
A lovely warm bright day – much like a brisk April 15. Charlie and I called on Libbie Stone and Hattie Sterling. They very glad to see us – New Years meaning much to the MacDougalls in the past. Kittie and Grace Parsons there as dinner guests so had a double visit.
Thursday, January 2, 1941
[Photo inserted here] As the old home looked in
Friday, January 3, 1941
Cloudy. Continued my resolutions by calling at Fred Stowe’s. Jennie much better than when I last seen her. Ruth the "burden bearer." Had a nice visit – they much pleased to see me. Jennie doing much of her beautiful fine hand work – a lovely apron and a quilt of tiny pieces also a rag rug of tiny narrow strips. Helen was at the optical works having her new Smith lenses put in the frames.
Saturday, January 4, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Wheeler – Oldroyd
The marriage of Mrs. Edith L. Wheeler and Jesse Oldroyd took place Saturday afternoon, Jan. 4, 1941, at the home of the bride, 501 W. Franklin St., Horseheads. The Rev. Herbert J. Gordon, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Edsel N. Mitchell of Elmira were attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Oldroyd will live temporarily at 501 W. Franklin St.
Wednesday, January 8, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Bureau Members Study Themselves
The Veteran Home Bureau met Thursday afternoon at the Veteran Grange Hall. A planned luncheon was served by Mrs. Harry Relyea and Mrs. Lawrence Dann. A lesson on "Understanding Ourselves" was given by Mrs. Charles MacDougall. Mrs. Charles O. Wheeler gave a report on a "Family Life Lecture" heard recently at Elmira College. Red Cross sewing was distributed among the members. The next meeting will be held Jan. 23 at the Grange Hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Fred Harris and Mrs. LeRoy Taber. Mrs. Charles MacDougall and Mrs. Harl Loven will be in charge of the luncheon. A lesson Clothing will be given by Mrs. Benjamin Turner. Those present were: Mrs. Frank E. Conklin, Mrs. Stanley R. Dann, Mrs. Jacob C. Tesch, Mrs. Amel A. Ramstein, Mrs. Lawrence M. Dann, Mrs. F. Edward Stermer, Mrs. Charles E. Dalrymple, Mrs. John A. Saunders, Mrs. Harry F. Relyea, Mrs. Tracy W. Smith, Mrs. Herbert C. Adams, Mrs. Donald C. Elwood, Mrs. Harry J. McCann, Mrs. LeRoy Taber and daughter, Patricia, Mrs. Frederick Woughter, Mrs. Ernest Benjamin, Mrs. Charles MacDougall, Mrs. William Carmen, Mrs. Lee D. Arnold, Mrs. Paul R. Andres, Mrs. Edward C. Van Duzer, Mrs. John F. VanWhy, Mrs. Charles C. Vary, Mrs. Glenn P. Stevens, Mrs. Leonard R. Clark, Mrs. Bert E. Billings, Mrs. Charles O. Wheeler, Mrs. Fred O. Dann, Mrs. Charles H. Mosher, Mrs. William H. Hurley.
Thursday, January 9, 1941
Home Bureau at the hall. Lily and Helen acting as hostesses. Julia D. and Ednea Relyea as luncheon chairmen. A very good attendance about 30 present. Received two new members Mrs. Harry McCann from the Heights and Mrs. Ellenwood from Odessa. I gave the second lesson of the year on Family Life. Lesson well received. Had a very enjoyable time. Menu – meat and vegetable pie, fresh vegetable salad, and rolls, gingerbread with whipped cream.
Saturday, January 11, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Reports Are Made To Pomona Grange
Members of the Chemung County Pomona Grange met Saturday at the Seeley Creek Grange Hall. There were 44 members present. Reports on the State Grange held last month in Kingston were given. A discussion followed. Mrs. Ralph Williams led the discussion and the following delegates participated: Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Mosher of Veteran, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Ralph Williams and Charles Antes of Seeley Creek. Mrs. Charles Wilkins of Seeley Creek entertained with piano selections. Mrs. Elsie Storch of West Hill gave readings and two juvenile members of the Seeley Creek Grange, Miss Arlene Sheppard and Miss Margaret Soper, sang. Games were enjoyed under the direction of Mrs. Frank Hamilton. The next meeting will be held at the Chemung Grange Hall, Saturday, Feb. 8.
Sunday, January 12, 1941
Jan. 12 – 1909 Helen’s birthday
Quite cold again. Charlie and I went down to see Will after dinner. He quite a lot better – having some bad teeth out now. Had been sick for five weeks. Dyke’s away. Had a nice visit with Will and Satie. Keeping our New Year’s resolutions.
Tuesday, January 14, 1941
Jan. 14 – 1849 – Father’s 92 birthday
Charles H. Burrows, 80, of 706 Spaulding St., Elmira, died Tuesday, Jan. 14, at his home. He was a retired Pennsylvania Railroad passenger conductor and a member of Riverside Methodist Church. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Raymond O’Reilley, Elmira, and two grand-daughters, Mrs. James Wilson of Packanack Lake, N.J., and Mrs. Joseph Reilly of Brooklyn. The funeral will be held at the family home today at 4 p.m. The Rev. L. Erntest Otter will officiate. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.
Wednesday, January 15, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Ruth P. Allen Victim of Seizure
Mrs. Ruth Price Allen, 51, of 106 Steuben Street died unexpectedly in an Elmira hospital Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. as the result of a seizure. Mrs. Allen suffered a seizure Wednesday morning in front of the residence of Kenneth W. Marks on Main Street as she was returning from a shopping trip. Dr. Walter Impert, who attended her, ordered her removed to the hospital, where a second seizure occurred. Mrs. Allen had been an assistant in the office of the Horseheads Town Clerk. She is survived by a son, Robert Botsford, and a daughter, Averill Botsford, both of Horseheads, and a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Budd of Chatham, N.J. She was a member of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Horseheads. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Thursday, January 16, 1941
A cold wind in morning. Helen left for Grange matrons and lecturers conference at Canandaigua at 8:00. At 10:30 it began to rain and freeze and continued all night. Mrs. Caroline Van Duzer, Mrs. Edna Bretenbaker, Ruth Mosher and Ollie Benjamin went with her. They reached their destination before the ice storm.
Friday, January 17, 1941
The roads just a glare of ice – almost impassable. Charlie went with Harry and they took a tub of ashes to help get away from the milk blocks. Began to thaw quite early and ice was all gone by 3:00 p.m. Helen arrived home at 5:30 thus missing the bad roads both way.
Sunday, January 19, 1941
A cold windy disagreeable day. Helen and I went to Benjamin’s in the afternoon to practice a skit in charge of Irene Rhodes for the C. C. N. G. A. tomorrow night. The Linn Straitor’s there for a call so saw them also.
Monday, January 20, 1941
The Chemung County National Grange Association (C.C.N.G.A.) met at Veteran Grange Hall. A nice crowd out, received 17 new members making 84 members. Helen and I took part in a skit with Mavis, Ruth M, Ollie, Annabel V – had a good laugh over its silliness. Rest of the program consisted of a reading by Elsie Storch, accordion selections by Walter Tolbert and quiz questions. Had a swell supper – different members made scalloped oysters and others brought sandwiches, jello and cake. Got home at 12:00. A very cold windy night.
Tuesday, January 21, 1941
Veteran Study Club met at MacDougalls. A nice warm evening (which was fortunate for our fireman) and nice dry roads. Eight women attended – Mona VanWhy, Nellie Stevens, Helen Stermer, Martha Saunders, Elizabeth Conklin, Annie Wheeler, Minnie Tesch, Nellie Andrus, and Lily Ramstein. Edna Turner and Bennie called early in the evening. Bennie home from the Navy training on his first furlough – he looking fine. Had gained 16#. Had a nice evening. Lesson discussion, reading, current topics and visiting. We served toasted cheese and tuna sandwiches, fancy crackers, little cakes and cocoa and tea.
Thursday, January 23, 1941
Home Bureau at the Hall. Helen, Gordon and I rode down with Lily, Helen Loven and I had charge of the dinner menu: Cream potatoes with dried beef, escalloped corn, whole wheat rolls, cabbage salad, coffee and rice pudding. 28 women present. Had a very good meeting – the project "Making a Rayon Dress."
Friday, January 24, 1941
Snowed all day – about 12 in. fell. No Grange on account of the bad roads.
Saturday, January 25, 1941
Charlie and I went to Van Etten to attend the Jan. Sub-Dist. meeting. Ha a fine free dinner and a big crowd. Meeting held in the dining room of the new central school. Kahlers, Balmers, Straitors, Ed. Rhodes’ and the rest of the gang present. (Wintons and Brinks and Mickles from Schuyler) Roads all plowed out but very slippery. We had chains on so had no trouble.
Wednesday, January 29, 1941
Surprise Party for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Benjamin
All the neighbors met at Ernie’s and then went in
a body up to Stanleys (in the north side of Donald Dann’s house). There
were about 38 present. The Danns opened their side of the house and we
had a nice time. Played cards and games. Coffee, sandwiches and cake were
served. Didn’t get home till 12:30. Just zero when we got home.
Friday, January 31, 1941
Meeting of the Veteran Local Dairymen’s League at Grange Hall. I went down to the hall to start the supper at 5:00. Had a lot of trouble wit the coal fire. Finally got it ready. Not a very big crowd there. Menu: Oyster stew, oysters raw, crackers, rolls, catsup and vinegar and fried cakes. Went upstairs and had the business session after supper and I put on a little program.
Sunday, February 2, 1941
The Lin Straitors and the Ernie Benjamins here for dinner. They arrived at 11:30 – had dinner about 1:00. Menu: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, turnips, green vegetable salad, pickles, dressing (with oysters) chocolate pie, cheese and coffee. Had a nice visit in the afternoon. Helen about sick with a hard cold. The day was dark and stormy except a short sunny period – long enough for the groundhog to see his shadow.
Monday, February 3, 1941
A bright nice day but quite cold. Charlie and I went to Millport to pa the taxes ($97), get dog license etc. Had a nice visit wit the town clerk and the supervisor. Stella Wager rode down to H-H with us so had a nice visit with her. Took back food left from our League supper. Ted caught Helen’s cold and was not able to work – also both the boys sick with it.
Tuesday, February 4, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: E. L. Lain, Business Man, Dead
Ezra L. Lain, Elmira business man, died unexpectedly of a heart seizure at his home in Wellsburg Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. He was 58. Mr. Lain was at his office Tuesday and performed his usual duties. He had suffered a heart condition for about a year. He was a life resident of Wellsburg and attended school there. In May, 1922, he opened his business in Elmira and dealt in farm equipment, water systems, trucks and washing machines. The business is located at 700 Madison Ave. Mr. Lain was a blacksmith in Wellsburg for about 18 years before opening his business here. He was a past master of Chemung Valley Lodge, 350, F&AM, and St. Omer’s Commandery, 19. He was a member of the Wellsburg Methodist Church. The body was removed to the Page funeral home in Wellsburg.
Thursday, February 6, 1941
Thermometer reading quite high but the coldest, dampest south wind – enough to freeze a person. Charlie and I went to Elmira to pay gas bill. Did some trading in H-H underclothes and cloth for apron etc. Got home in time to get dinner. Helen washed. Walter went to school the first time this week. Ted some better but not able to work. Helen went to Grange officers and Juvenile Matrons Conference in the Farm Bureau office in the evening. Rode with Moshers.
Friday, February 7, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: John H. Miles, 68, of the Middle Rd., Veteran, died Friday evening at his home. He operated a farm on the Middle Rd. and had been a lifelong resident of this area. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Hattie Miles, at home; two sons, Edward H. of Horseheads and Fred C. at home; a daughter, Miss Mary Miles, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Dunn of Elmira Heights and Mrs. Edna Leopold of Rochester; two brothers, Roy of Millport and Floyd of California. Funeral services will be conducted at the home Monday at 2 p.m.
Saturday, February 8, 1941
A cold bright day with a high south wind. Charlie took me quite early over to Erin to spend the day with Myra. The nicest sleighing all the way over and quite slippery driving. Mailmen who went out on the hills reported very badly drifted roads. Myra and I had a dinner together and visited all day. She quite a lot better. I took them a dressed hen, a cherry pie and some fresh eggs. Charlie came for me about 4:30. A very cold night. The worst in our bedroom of the season.
Sunday, February 9, 1941
Still cold and blustery. The snow plow up thro’ keeping the roads nice and wide. Everybody home all day – too cold to get out of the house.
Monday, February 10, 1941
Some warmer. Charlie and I went to John Mile’s funeral in the p.m. Many of the neighbors there. Saw Edna – but not to speak to – also Harry’s three girls
Tuesday, February 11, 1941
Went to Farmers’ Week with Ben and Edna Turner. Warm, bright and seemed like spring. Had a nice time. Went to a lecture by Merle Mueller a war correspondent who just came from London. Came home quite early. Bought three new plants Ruella discolor, a red leafed sultana, and pellionia.
Newspapers Clipping: A landmark for Farm and Home Week visitors at Ithaca, - the library tower at left corner of Willard Straight Hall. The Master Farmer banquet is always held in Willard Straight Hall.
Friday, February 14, 1941
Regular Grange meeting proceeded by picnic supper. Lily and Helen committee for the supper. Menu: creamed potatoes, salmon loaf, rolls, coffee, jello and cake. Matched colored hearts for supper partners. Had a lot of fun. Nice meeting with lots of business. Master Earl taking hold and doing fine. Some visitors present – the Roemelt young folks from the Treat place.
Saturday, February 15, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Auto’s Theft Doesn’t Halt Vacation Trip
Although their automobile had been stolen early Saturday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Brown of 403 Broad St., Horseheads, left later in the day for a two-week vacation trip to New Orleans, La., where they will see the Mardi Gras. Trooper Cody Compton Saturday night said that the 1938 sedan, stolen from the driveway alongside the Brown home, has not been located but that authorities are working on the theory that the machine may have been abandoned near Ithaca. That belief was based on the finding of a car believed owned by John Wray of Glenside, Ithaca. The car, which had apparently overturned several times was found Saturday just off the Ridge Rd., a mile and a half south of Catharine, one the back road route from Ithaca to Horseheads. The Browns and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shappee of Corning had planned the Louisiana trip for some time and theft of the Brown’s car disrupted their plans – put only temporarily. The obtained another car, notified police of the theft, and were on their way.
Harry called up to ask us if we knew anything about the wrecked car. Later Ted and Charlie drove up to view it. It was near the Bartlett farm lieing away over in the field – had met a telephone pole then took a flying leap for the meadow.
Sunday, February 16, 1941
Real cold again after a recent warm spell. Did some of the first butchering work. Burr and Esther MacDougall of Binghamton called in the afternoon. They looking up buyers for their farm (the George Parsons farm) which they have been faced to repossess from the Fischer family.
Monday, February 17, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Navy-Machinist Is His Goal
Benjamin F. Turner Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Ridge Rd., who stood second in his class of 75 at the U.S. Naval Training School, Newport, R.I., and won thereby the privilege of attending the Great Lakes Naval Trade School, near Chicago, Ill. After a month there, Turner will go to the New Ford trade school at Dearborn, Mich., to receive practical training as machinist for about eight weeks. Thereafter, he will return to the Great Lakes Trade School for advanced study. Turner was enlisted in the Navy at Elmira, Nov. 24, 1940.
--Personus Photo.
Tuesday, February 18, 1941
The O.E.S. Briggs party. Helen and I attended taking Ollie Benjamin with us. Played and played but none of us got a break. Rather a flop of an evening – guess I am not a very good gambler. A very cold blustery evening.
Wednesday, February 19, 1941
Neighbors all congregated at Anson Saunders for a surprise for Katharine and her new husband Woodrow Wilson. Had a very pleasant evening. Played Chinese checkers 6 handed. Had sandwiches, cake and coffee. About 35 present. A very cold and very high wind.
Newspaper Clipping: Fred Hammond
Fred Hammond, 86, of 465 Cypress St., Elmira, died Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 6 a.m., after a brief illness. He was born in Horseheads in 1854 and married Harriet Harned in 1880, who died in 1923. There are three surviving children of that marriage: two daughters, Mrs. M. A. Sammak of Watkins Glen and Mrs. Phoebe Parker of Daytona Beach, Fla; and a son, Harry D. Hammond of Horseheads. He is also survived by five grandchildren, seven great grand-children and two half-brothers, George Rockwell of Horseheads and Chandler Hammond of Miami, Fla. In 1925 he married Mrs. Evangeline Long by whom he is survived. The funeral was held at the home Saturday, Feb. 22. Rev. Herbert J. Gordon, pastor of the Methodist Church officiated. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Thursday, February 20, 1941
Home Bureau at the Hall. Helen, Gordon and I rode down with Lily. Quite cold. A nice attendance. Minnie Tesch and Phoebe Dann committee for the dinner – menu – hamburg chowder, whole wheat rolls, gelatin salad, prune and minute tapioca pudding. Rugs were the "topic." Several exhibits of different braided rugs.
Friday, February 21, 1941
Newspaper Clippings: Cornellian Discusses U.S. Birdlife
Birdlife, common and obscure, was discussed by Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Cornell University ornithologist, in an illustrated lecture Friday evening at Cowles Hall, Elmira College. "Birds of America" was topic for the talk, sponsored by the College Biology Department and the Elmira Garden Club Bird Group. About 300 attended. Dr. Allen, in a lifetime of study and observation has become one of the country’s leading authorities on birds. By means of color motion pictures, he described a recent trip with two colleagues during which he studied and recorded the habits of birds in most of the 48 states. Bird calls, some of them recorded for the first time, were played. Dr. Allen explained the intricate sound equipment especially constructed for the work and told of the minute preparations made to secure the records. The ornithologist’s talk ran the gamut of American bird life from the common birds familiar to everyone, through game and waterfowl not so common, to several very rare species including a rare specimen of falcon, found, strangely enough, in Taughannock Falls Glen, not far from his own home in Ithaca. Mrs. William F. Pratt, president of the Garden club introduced the speaker. About 20 members of the recently formed Watkins Glen Bird Club were guests.
Helen and I attended and took Annie Wheeler along. One of my most enjoyable evenings. So thrilling to see the birds in their natural colors and hear the real notes.
Saturday, February 22, 1941
February meeting of Dairymen’s League Dist T/B at Library. Charlie and I attended as usual. Quite a good attendance – all the delegates and four associates. Nothing new of importance to discuss. The League rather crest fallen after its right about face on voting for the amendments to the milk marketing order. A nice day and not very cold.
Newspaper Clipping: Thomas B. Colwell
Thomas B. Colwell, 82, a life resident of Horseheads died at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 23, after a brief illness of pneumonia. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Bostwick. A prayer service was held at the family home Wednesday at 2 p.m. and the funeral at the Presbyterian Church at 2:30. The Rev. H. E. Malick officiated. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery where an IOOF committal service was observed.
Sunday, February 23, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Wigsten, 71, Victim of Crash Near Wellsburg
Mrs. Catherine W. Wigsten, 71, of 1005 S. Main St., Horseheads, was instantly killed and three persons injured at about 4:15 p.m. Sunday when their car rammed a tree on the Wellsburg-Bentley Creek Rd. about ½ mile north of Centerville and 2 ½ miles south of Wellsburg. Those injured were her husband, Frank A. Wigsten, 72, widely known dairyman; Mrs. Gertrude Wigsten, 62, of the Lake Rd., Horseheads, widow of Judd Wigsten and sister-in-law of Frank; Mrs. Mary Ellen Thompson, 27, of the Lake Rd., the latter’s daughter. Mr. Wigsten is in the Arnot –Ogden Hospital with several rib fractures and a fractured left wrist. The two women were taken in the James Ambulance to St. Joseph’s Hospital where Mrs. Wigsten is reported as suffering a possible spine injury, left rib fractures and mouth lacerations and Mrs. Thompson, a right hip injury. All were reported in "fair" condition early today. Mr. Wigsetn, the driver, told Pvts. Robert L. Brubaker and P.S. Fehr of the Athens detail, Pennsylvania Motor Police, that the steering gear locked and sent the car to the right of the highway and against the tree. The troopers said that the investigation would be continued. The right front of the car was badly damaged. Mrs. Wigsten was riding in the front seat with her husband and the other two women in the rear. Dr. c. H. DeWan of Sayre, deputy coroner, said that a preliminary examination disclosed that Mrs. Wigsten and suffered a fractured left leg, a crushed chest and punctured lung. Mrs. Wigsten was a charter member of the Chemung County Home Bureau, having been an active member since organization of the agency more than 20 years ago. Her husband is a partner with his brother, William J. Wigsten of the same address, in Wigsten Farms’ dairy.
Monday, February 24, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Winter Adds to Glen’s Beauty
King Winter has laid icy fingers on Watkins Glen State Park. Huge icicles adorn the walls of the chasm and waterfalls are ice locked. Stone steps in the reservation are covered with ice and the Glen is nearly impassable.
Tuesday, February 25, 1941
The last lesson on Family Life Project. Helen took me down early. Ordered flowers for Mrs. Wigsten’s funeral and bought three baby spoons for Home Bureau babies. Helen came for me at night. Mona and I went to dinner together. Study Club in evening at Mrs. Tesch’s. Helen and I attended – 12 women present. Mrs. Saunders reviewed the chapter, Helen gave a report on a Farmers Week symposium. Had tea and cakes after lesson and a nice chat. Not home till 12:00.
Thursday, February 27, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: F. S. Bentley Dead; Horseheads Attorney More than 60 Years
Death Wednesday evening claimed Frank S. Bentley of Horseheads, nestor of the Chemung County Bar and a man whose acquaintance extended throughout the tier counties of New York and Pennsylvania. He was 86. Mr. Bentley had been in failing health for some time, although long after he had turned the age of four score years, he kept active contact with affairs. Mr. Bentley, son of Harry J. and Harriet Sayre Bentley, was born June 20, 1854, in the Town of Veteran. He attended the Veteran district school, the Union School at Horseheads and the Elmira Free Academy from which he was graduated in 1875. In the same year, he entered the law firm of Smith and Hill to study and in 1878 he was admitted as an attorney. In the following year he was admitted to practice before state courts and in the same year formed a partnership in Horseheads with Walter L. Dailey, a former Chemung County district attorney and a man known widely in legal circles. This partnership continued until Mr. Dailey’s retirement in 1897 and Mr. Bentley continued the office until Apr. 1, 1923, when he and Atty. Henry Bush formed the law firm of Bentley and Bush which had continued since. In 1896 Mr. Bentley was candidate for county judge in the Republican County Convention, missing the nomination by only one vote. For many years he was a member and for a term president of the Board of Education of the Horseheads Union Free School dist. 10. He also served as president of the Horseheads Board of Trustees and had devoted many years to service as attorney for the Town and Village of Horseheads. For several years prior to 1898 he served as U.S. Commissioner. He was also once a U.S. Circuit Court examiner. In 1898 he resigned as U. S. commissioner to become Horseheads postmaster, a position in which he served four years. Mr. Bentley was married in early life to Miss Mary Addie and to them was born a daughter, Mrs. A. J. Westlake of Elmira. Mary Addie Bentley died in 1883 and in 1894 he married Miss Mary H. Thompson, who survives. He was a member of the Elmira City Club, the Chemung county Bar Association and an honorary member of the Horseheads Rotary Club. He attended the Horseheads Presbyterian Church. Mr. Bentley was probably the last of the old school lawyers in Chemung County. He devoted his life to the general practice of law and in his work became not only an excellent attorney but also a shrewd student of men and affairs. Young and old found him an engaging companion whose keen memory and ready wit never failed him. His associates in the bar, especially young attorneys, found him generous with his time and counsel.
Thursday, February 27, 1941
Went to Horseheads in the afternoon. Gordon and I had our hair cut at bill Wightman’s. Called at Geo. E. Turner’s on our way home to give a Home Bureau spoon to the baby who is now 4 mo. Old. Name Deanna and the youngest of four. The oldest of which is not five until next June.
Newspaper Clipping: George Wells Owen, 68, of 807 Grand Central Ave., Horseheads, died at 1:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, 1941, after a brief illness. He had conducted a milk business in Horseheads for a number of years. Mr. Owen was born in the Town of Big Flats and had spent most of his life in this vicinity. He was a member of the Horseheads Methodist Church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Nellie Rarick Owen; a sister, Mrs. Julius Hall, Oak Park, Ill.; a brother Jesse, Minneapolis. The body is in the Shields funeral home and late Friday will be taken to the family home where the funeral will be held Sunday at 3 p.m., the rev. Herbert Gordon officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Hazel Isbell
Mrs. Hazel Isbell, 47, of Eleanor Street, died at an Elmira hospital Thursday, Feb. 27, following a long illness. She is survived by her husband, Lloyd Isbell; two sons, Lloyd Jr. and Harry; two daughters, Helen and Janie, all at home; her mother, Mrs. Adelia Sturdevant of Horseheads; a sister, Mrs. Clyde Withington of Media, Pa.; two brothers, Harvey Sturdevant of Horseheads and Bruce Sturdevant of Elmira. She was a member of the Horseheads Grange, Home Bureau, and of the Methodist Church. A prayer service was held at the Shields funeral home Monday at 2 p.m. and services at the Methodist Church at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Herbert J. Gordon officiated. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Friday, February 28, 1941
10° above all day and all night with a terrific wind. Helen, Gordon, Martha Saunders and I attended a talk on the new books by Susanna Young of the State Dept. in the p.m. Helen, Walter and I went to Grange in the evening. Walter Rockwell served pancake supper (with Veteran’s help) before the meeting. Had quite a "stirring" business session concerning the taking out of the partition between the pantry and old nursery to make a Juvenile room. A very cold night.
Special Data:
Newspaper Clipping: Veteran News
The Veteran unit of the Home Bureau met at the Grange Hall, Thursday. Thirty women were present. The luncheon was in charge of Mrs. Jacob Tesch and Mrs. Stanley Dann. The project of the meeting was rug making and several rugs were exhibited. Forty friends and neighbors gathered at the Saunders home Wednesday night to greet Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson who were recently married. Games were enjoyed during the evening, refreshments were served and a gift of money given to the newly weds. – Mrs. Charles Wheeler, Mrs. Charles MacDougall and Mrs. Charles Samson attended the illustrated lecture on Bird Life given by Dr. A. Allen at Elmira College Friday evening. – Mrs. Arthur Bullock of Canton and Mrs. F. O. Dann of Horseheads called at the homes of Gerald and Donald Dann Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burr MacDougall were recent callers on friends in Veteran. – The Veteran Grange will meet Friday evening. A pancake supper will be served by the men preceding the business session. – Mrs. Charles MacDougall attended the training school for leaders of the family life project at the Home Bureau office Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samson and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Samson of Cortland. – Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Simonerson have moved into G. Archie turner’s tenant house and will work for Mr. Turner.
Saturday, March 1, 1941
A cold windy March 1. A "Lion" for sure. Charlie and I went down to Roy Chappells in afternoon (on valley road). Ola real bad off – had fleabitis following an attack of flu. I took her the Grange present – a knitted bed jacket also a little dish garden from the Juveniles. Walter went with us. Charlie got him a new jack knife in H-H.
Sunday, March 2, 1941
A nice bright day. Some warmer. Charlie and I drove over to Erin and spent the afternoon at Lon’s. Myra some better but now suffering from rheumatism.
Tuesday, March 4, 1941
Found everything shining with a coating of ice in the morning. Very bad driving for Ted and the milk truck. Mostly gone at night.
Friday, March 7, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Veteran News
Mrs. Charles Wheeler attended the school for leaders on Book Reviews conducted by Miss Susanna Young of the State Educational Department at the library I Elmira Wednesday. Mrs. Ernest Benjamin spent Saturday with Mrs. Roy Chappell of the Valley Road. Mrs. Chappell is ill, suffering fro severe complications following an attack of influenza. Veteran Home Bureau supplied the foods for the weekly sale at the Coventry Market in Horseheads last week. The sale netted $15. Veteran Grange held its regular meeting Friday evening. A pancake supper was served by Walter Rockwell and his assistants before the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacDougall spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo MacDougall of Erin. Those from Veteran attending the lecture on "New Books" by Miss Susanna Youngs at Elmira Friday afternoon were Mrs. Amel Ramstein, Mrs. Benjamin Turner, Mrs. Charles Wheeler, Mrs. William Carman, Mrs. Anson Saunders, Mrs. Charles Samson and Mrs. Charles MacDougall. Veteran Study Club will meet for its next lesson March 11 at the home of Mrs. Paul Andrus. The chapter will be reviewed by Mrs. Glen Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Stevens spent Sunday at the Stevens home on the Ridge Road.
Saturday, March 8, 1941
Found quite a lot of snow and it continued all day. I went to Elmira with Samsons – got our groceries and some odds and ends.
Sunday, March 9, 1941
A terrible day. Snowed and blowed all day. Snow plow thro’ but drifts continued to pile up.
Newspaper Clipping: Anson A. Ostrander, 66, formerly of Horseheads and Millport, died at 8:50 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 9, 1941, at his home at Rock Stream. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elsie Ostrander; five sons, Thompson V. and Lewis E. of Horseheads, Peter J., Arthur L. and Paul J. of Elmira; two bothers, Thompson V. of Nassau, N.Y., and Edward S. of Elmira; one grandson and six granddaughters. The body is in the home of Thompson V. Ostrander, 902 S. Pine St., Horseheads, where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., The Rev. George A. Haddad of Reading Center Community Church officiating. Masonic services will be conducted at Maple Grove Cemetery.
Monday, March 10, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Ernest Decker, about 50, formerly of Elmira, died at her home in Binghamton Monday morning, Mar. 10, 1941. She is survived by her husband, Ernest Decker; a son, Frederick, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Frederick Decker, all of Binghamton; her mother, Mrs. Sadie Carroll, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Kieffer, both of Elmir. Funeral will be held at the Rice funeral home, Binghamton, Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in that city.
The former Hazel Manning Thompson.
Tuesday, March 11, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Sarah Chappell of 109 Fletcher St., Horseheads, died at 2 a.m. Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1941 at her home after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, Ralph Chappell; a son, Kenneth of Horseheads and her mother, Mrs. Thomas Grover of Ithaca. The body is in the Shields funeral home, Horseheads, and Wednesday afternoon will be taken to the family home where the funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m., the Rev. H. C. Wilcox of Hornell, assisted by the Rev. Richard W. Cramer, officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Wednesday, March 12, 1941
Snow squalls all day. Roads are plowed but snow very deep. Colder 15° above Edna Turner, Lily Ramstein and I went up to Harris Hill with Walter. Rockwell to see a big gas range up there – we acting as committee for Grange. Had a swell ride in Rockwell’s new Plymouth service wagon. Everything on the hill so beautiful covered with snow. They were shoveling off toboggan slide etc. The men sawed our last available wood supply until the snow melts.
Thursday, March 13, 1941
Home Bureau Meeting. Quite cold and quite deep snow but roads all plowed out good. Helen drove – Lily went with us. Edna T. and Ollie B. had charge of the dinner menu: scalloped potatoes with ham, gelatin salad, Harvard beets, dessert mixed fruit and fancy cakes. Good attendance. Meeting devoted to rug making.
Friday, March 14, 1941
Grange Meeting. Only twenty present. A good meeting – Minnie Tesch acting as lecturer this month. Voted to buy a new gas plate and griddle – cost to be $50.50. Some discussion concerning building on the hall to make a Juvenile room.
Saturday, March 15, 1941
Newspaper Clipping: Fred B. Turner, 75, 512 Franklin St., Horseheads, died Saturday morning, Mar. 15, 1941. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Cora A. Turner; a sister, Mrs. Earl Manley; a brother, G. Archie Turner, all of Horseheads; three grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Funeral will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the family home. The Rev. c. Raymond Allington will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Sunday, March 16, 1941
Samsons and MacDougalls went out to Dundee and spent the afternoon at Jay MacDougall’s. Quite a thawy day. Roads where plowed but the fields all quite deeply covered. Jays all well. Jay working at a garage – a gas pump attendant. They still living at the same place. Saw many horned larks. Harry saw a robin in the morning.
Thursday, April 17, 1941
Very warm – like summer – have had two weeks of warm weather. Had dandelion greens for supper. Hepaticas, scillas, polyanthus, hyacinth, crows, dutchmens britches, blood root, pink violets, pulmonaria in bloom. Purple finches making air musical.
Tuesday, March 18, 1941
The worst day of the winter. 1° below in morning following a night of the most terrific winds we ever experienced. The wind continued all day and all night. House cold – wind found every crack and crevice. Walter could not go to school. Helen went to the dentist in afternoon – Walter went with her.
Newspaper Clipping: Eugene Hummer, 83, died Tuesday afternoon, Mar. 18, 1941, at his home, 206 John St., Horseheads, after a long illness. He was a native of Erin and spent his life in this vicinity. He leaves his wife, a brother, Charles of Ravena, N.Y., and several nieces and nephews. The body is in the Shields funeral home, Horseheads, where a prayer service will be held Friday at 2 p.m. and the funeral at the Horseheads Methodist Church at 2:30. The Rev. Herbert J. Gordon will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.
Wednesday, March 19, 1941
Wind still continued but not nearly as cold.
Friday, March 21, 1941
My first meeting at the new Family Life project sponsored by Elmira churches Y.W. PTA etc. my business be to get the lessons for the County Home Bureau. Quite a large attendance – some ministers – not too well impressed by the instructor. Hope for more enthusiasm at next week’s lesson. Got some yarn at the Coventry Market with which to make mittens for the British soldiers.
Monday, March 24, 1941
Pictures taken.
[Photo inserted here] Ice in Waneta Lake
Tuesday, March 25, 1941
On our way out to Pitcher’s.
[Photo inserted here] Ice on Aunt Sara’s Falls
Thursday, March 27, 1941
Home Bureau at the Grange Hall. Helen, Gordon and I rode down with Lily. Quite a good crowd. Martha Saunders and Annie Wheeler had charge of luncheon. Menu – baked potatoes, creamed cod fish, cabbage salad, whole wheat rolls, coffee, sponge cake topped with peaches and whipped cream. Stopped to see Mrs. Van Duzer on our way home – she feeling pretty good.
Friday, March 28, 1941
Second lesson of Family Life by Louise Campbell. Met for this lesson in the Chamber of Commerce room. The lesson consisted mostly of discussion and I did not get much out of it. Guess I was too tired to be alert. Got my groceries at Master Market.
Sunday, March 30, 1941
A "dinner engagement" at F. O. Dann’s. There were lonely so invited Benjamins and us down for dinner. Had a nice time and a good dinner. Fred much better than he has been – seemed like his old self.
Special Data
[Typed poem inserted here]
Spring Cleaning
Plant flowers in the soul’s front yard,
Set out new shade and blossom trees,
And let the soul once frozen hard
Sprout crocuses of new ides.
Yes, clean your house and clean your shed,
And clean your barn in every part,
But brush the cobwebs from your head,
And sweep the snowbanks from your heart.
Part of a poem I recited in Dist. No. 2 when I was 13 years of age
[Photo of a man inserted here]
Tuesday, April 1, 1941
Study Club at Mona VanWhy. After a long vacation we got together again and had a nice meeting. Mrs. Stevens reviewed the chapter with Mona and Helen Stermer’s help. Had nice refreshments and a good visit after the lesson.
Wednesday, April 2, 1941
The County Wide meeting of the Family Life project. The meeting was held at Elmira College and Dr. Wylie talked on "Understanding Each Other" – a nice attendance. We took Lily Ramstein, Ollie Benjamin and Minnie Wheeler. A fine meeting. Sat in a draft and caught a hard cold.
Friday, April 4, 1941
Third lesson on Family Relations with Miss Campbell. Helen took me down. She had dentist work done while I was at the class. Got our groceries also fruit at the orange car. Charlie cared for Gordon.
Sunday, April 6, 1941
I went on a ride with Ted, Helen and the boys in the afternoon. Went down to Millport to Watkins Glen – the creeks all lined with fishermen also crews of them down by old canal near Park. Went to Burdette Reynoldsville, Perry City, Mecklenburg, Cayutaville and Alpine. Every stream so full and the falls at Montour and along Watkins road very beautiful. Cayutah Lake still all covered with ice – no one fishing there. All the shrubs taking on color of bark. Red stemmed dogwood, poplar, and willows particularly pretty.
Thursday, April 10, 1941
Home Bureau at Grange Hall. Smaller crowd than usual. Mona VanWhy and Ruth Mosher dinner committee menu: creamed potatoes, meat loaf, cottage cheese and parsley, rye and enriched bread, sponge cake cups with strawberries and whipped cream. Nutrition leaders gave summary and Mona VanWhy and I gave the last lesson of the year on Family Life.
Friday, April 11, 1941
Tesch Sale. This should be for Sat. Helen, the boys and I attended. Everything went very cheap. Minnie as brave as a warrior. The French Walnut dining room suite bro’t only $41 and big Heatrola only $15. Cows $50 and $60. Small stuff went better. Lily and I took Minnie a dish garden which we had made for the Home Bureau. She very much pleased. Helen arranged to go and take a car load of her treasures on Mon. – moving to Swartz out of Dundee.
Saturday, April 12, 1941
This is for Friday. Went to Elmira with Lily in p.m. to get dish garden for Minnie Tesch. A great crowd of shoppers – went to Grange in the evening. Gave the 3rd and 4th degree to the Roemelts. Everything went off very well. Helen had charge of refreshments – sandwiches, coffee and cake. Used the new gas plates for the first time. Water heated in no time.
Sunday, April 13, 1941
Easter Sunday. Helen, Lily, Walter and I attended the sunrise service at south entrance of Watkins Glen. Quite chilly. Sunrise beautiful. Service very ordinary – no choir or special music. A real hot day … went to … Walter for … visit …
[Cover of Church bulletin inserted here]
Easter Sunrise Service
April 13, 1941
Watkins Glen State Park
Upper Entrance, South Pavilion
Monday, April 14, 1941
Helen, Gordon and I took a load of Minnie Tesch’s treasures out to her new home for her. A lovely day like summer. They moving to the Swartz’s farm met Mrs. Swartz – she very nice. Minnie’s new home very "modest" to say the least – so sorry for her. We called on Theodora at her new home in Dundee. A very nice old fashioned place. Got home about 2:00.
Tuesday, April 15, 1941
Study Club at Elizabeth Conklin’s. Helen and I rode down with Lily. Only a few present. Lily reviewed the chapter and several gave readings. Had lovely refreshments. Ice cream and cake. Nice visit after the lesson. Also looked over Elizabeth’s collection of old books.
Friday, April 18, 1941
Fourth lesson on Family Relations with Miss Campbell. A rather interesting lesson. Committee on vocabulary reported. Some very amusing incidences. Helen took me. We did our grocery shopping after the lesson.
Sunday, April 20, 1941
The usual Sunday ride. Went with Ted. Helen and the boys down to Millport and watch the fishermen all along the creek up to Pine Valley. Ted, Walter and I watched the fish a while on the bridge by the old Valley Mill. Went to H-H. Had our usual Sun. cones. Home by back road to Breestown.
Monday, April 21, 1941
The C.C.N.G.A. banquet at Horseheads Grange Hall. Rained hard early in the evening and grew colder. Helen and I went to the banquet alone – both men too tired to go. Had a big turn out. Received 12 new members. Menu – roast beef, gravy, potatoes, cabbage salad and carrots and peas, ice cream and cake. Program put on by Mrs. Williams. Drill and address by master from Chemung.
Thursday, April 24, 1941
Seeley Creek visited Veteran Grange. About 100 grangers present. Had a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Hamilton put on a very nice program. Veteran served salad, sandwiches, cake and jello. Did not get home until midnight.
Friday, April 25, 1941
Fifth lesson on Sex Education. Helen, Lily and I went down. They did shopping for the banquet. Quite a few absent from the class. Most of the time given to Mrs. Cooper who told of her and her husband's background. Such a waste of good time! Had a car pile full of merchandise.
Saturday, April 26, 1941
Dairymen’s League Banquet for Sub-District and local
served by Grange. 101 present. Lily, Mrs. Conklin and I worked at the hall
all day off and on. Used the new gas plates and were they a help. Did all
of the cooking except the pies there. Had many compliments about the menu
which was as follows: Ham loaf, rolls, creamed potatoes, cottage cheese
salad on lettuce (with green onions and sandwich spread), buttered succotash,
celery and pickles, lemon and mince pies.
Tuesday, April 29, 1941
Study Club at Mrs. Andrus. I went with Lily (also Martha Saunders and Annie Wheeler). Only seven present. Had a good lesson and read two more chapters and excellent discussion. Mrs. Andrus served ice cream, angel food cake, fancy cookies and tea.
Special Data
A very early spring but also very dry. Flowers in
bloom: tulips, wild columbine, polyanthus, anemones, violets, pulmonaria,
shad bush, trillium, barren strawberry. Fruit trees: cherry – plum = peaches,
pears and apples just coming out. Many farmers all done oat sowing – many
gardens made. Drought hindering grass growth.
Our little student enjoying the nice spring weather - Gordon age
2 years 6 months
Friday, May 2, 1941
Last lesson on Sex Education. Lesson given in the visiting nurses room. Most of the class present. A summary of other lessons and the usual personal experiences.
Saturday, May 3, 1941
Veteran Granges visitation at Horseheads Grange. Helen, Walter and I attended a nice attendance. Hugh Wheeler had charge of the program – I had a paper "Mental Health a Key to Progress." Had a nice visit with Mrs. Runey. She gave a talk of "Health thro’ Nutrition as a Key of Progress." Ninety grangers present. Had sandwiches, cake and coffee for refreshments.
Sunday, May 4, 1941
My first visit to the woods this year. Charlie drove the car down to the old picnic place and he read, Gordon took his nap and Walter and I went down in the woods. Got some plants for my woods garden rue anemone, woods anemonia, Christonia, violets and trillium. So lovely down there! Did not take a very long hike for the first time.
Thursday, May 8, 1941
Home Bureau at the hall. Helen and Annabell had charge of the dinner. Menu – scalloped potatoes, corn beef pies, lovely salad and layer chocolate cake. Program planning the important business of the session. Went up to Turner’s and Veseley’s after the meeting. Mrs. Turner quite good again and so pleased to see me.
Friday, May 9, 1941
Regular Grange meeting. Very small crowd. Hugh Wheeler had charge of the program. Had spelling test and a bird naming test. Very cold.
Saturday, May 10, 1941
Pomona at Sullivanville. Quite a nice day but awfully dry. Went to Pomona after dinner with Ollie. Not a very big crowd. I officiated as "pianist." Mr. Woodward gave out some free garden seeds, lima beans and sweet corn.
Sunday, May 11, 1941
First Fishing Trip of the Season. Ted, Harry and Walter and I participated up in the old canal near Lakeside Park. Helen and Gordon stayed in car. Ted caught one good perch. Harry and I each a little one. Some luck!
Tuesday, May 13, 1941
Neighbors night at Big Flats Grange – Horseheads the visitors. Helen and I attended. About 100 grangers present. Had a lovely evening. Mr. Madden the principle speaker. Had ice cream and cake for refreshment. Quite a chilly evening.
Friday, May 16, 1941
A nice warm day. Charlie spent the day assessing. Helen took me down to Stella Wagers and I came up with Charlie. She selling off her household goods having sold her place. I bought some dishes, wash board, pail and pair of blankets.
Wednesday, May 28, 1941
Went to Dundee to get Mrs. Tesch for our broadcast. Study Club in evening at Martha Saunders. We went out first thing after dinner – waited for her to get ready and hurried home to get Walter at field day at H-H. had an early supper and then went to Study Club at Martha’s. Helen Stermer gave the lesson. A nice evening. Coca Cola and cookies for refreshments.
Thursday, May 29, 1941
Berneice MacDougall and Minnie Tesch’s broadcast at W.E.N.Y. Helen took us down to Elmira. Had a rehearsal at H-B office. (My cough bothering a lot) Then went over to the studio. Everything went off very nicely tho my "cough did want to cough." Think we got thro’ in fine shape. Came back and had dinner and we took Minnie back to Dundee.
Special Data
[Photo inserted here] Our little student enjoying the nice spring weather. Gordon aged 2 yr. 6 mo. Old.
Sunday, June 1, 1941
Second fishing trip.
Monday, June 2, 1941
Shopping trip and evening call. Went to the city. Got me a coat and hat. Stopped at Lake Road and got our tomato plants.
Monday, June 9, 1941
Study Club met at Mrs. Strong’s on Valley Road. A nice attendance at Mrs. String’s beautiful new home – everything lovely with a swell garden outside terrace and everything lovely. She served ice cream and cake and showed us many curiosities from the south which she collected on her tour of the past winter. Edna Relyea gave the chapter which was a short one.
Saturday, June 14, 1941
[Photo inserted here]
Sunday, June 15, 1941
Fishel’s First Visit Since Christmas. They arrived quite early. Had a nice visit – after dinner we went over to Harris Hill to show them the sights. They quite impressed with the "Hill." They went home quite early. Nothing was decided about Marian’s yearly visit.
Wednesday, June 18, 1941
Went to annual meeting of Dairymen’s League at Syracuse. Rode over with Archie Turner. Went very early. Had a room at Hotel Syracuse. Soon found several I knew. Went to dinner with the Hoffmans and Wintons. Found the load of women from Chemung and they were staying at same hotel so had company back to my room after evening’s entertainment. A very nice day.
Thursday, June 19, 1941
Went up to Chemung women’s room in the morning and out to breakfast with them. Found I had no way to go back so Mrs. Straitor offered to bring me back. We did some shopping and then went to the men’s meeting in time to hear Wickard’s address. A big crowd present. Started home quite early in the p.m. Had a very enjoyable trip home. Think Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Roberts who were with Mrs. Straitor, Mrs. Van Duzer and Mrs. Williams two very lovely women.
Friday, June 20, 1941
[Photo of Edith Francisco inserted here]
The girl who created such a stir by the story with which she began her speech.
Saturday, June 21, 1941
Went to Elmira in afternoon and got 100 cross breed 8 weeks old straight run chicks at Beardslee’s. Quite thrilled about them. Stopped at Callean and got 100 cabbage plants.
Newspaper Clipping: Clark – Upson
Miss Marie Clark, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Clark, 210 Gregg St., was married to Arthur R. Upson, son of Mrs. Mildred Upson of Horseheads, and the late Harry Upson Saturday, June 21, 1941, at the Montour Falls Methodist Church parsonage. The Rev. Boyd A. Little officiated. Miss Helen Gregory and George Wolcott of Horseheads were attendants. The couple is living in Elmira where Mr. Upson is employed by the Elmira Foundry Co.
Sunday, June 22, 1941
A nice day but very warm and dry. Ted and I set out 100 cabbage and planted 1 qt peas in morning. Mr. and Mrs. Samson, Mildred and George, came over about 11:00. Had a nice visit. Their car not working good which made Mrs. Samson very nervous.
Saturday, June 28, 1941
Sub District meeting. The associates met at 11:00 to elect their officers so Charlie went early and took me down. We all had dinner at the New England kitchen – Mrs. Barchet Straitor Roberts, Winton Ennis and MacDougall. Had a nice luncheon. All attended the sub-district meeting in the afternoon.
Sunday, June 29, 1941
Visited at Erin in afternoon. Harry invited me to go over to Lon’s in p.m. so went over a lot of different roads and ended up in Erin. Myra very lame with a bad knee. Did not stay very long.
Special Data
[Photo of Dorothy Kimble inserted here]
[Photo of Ruth Fischer inserted here]
Newspaper Clipping: Miss Fischer and Miss Kimble are now employed in Elmira manufacturing company offices.
[Photo of Mary Gregory inserted here]