Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
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Berneice REED MacDougall Diary 1937
Photo at left of Berneice REED MacDougall . 
HST - 1936 January to June July to December
BRM 1937 January to June July to December
BRM 1941 January to June July to December
BRM 1942 January to June July to December
BRM 1944 January to June July to December
Ridge Road in the War Years by Walt Samson
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
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Friday, July 2, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Amelia Earhart

On June 28th, a radio theatre announced that it would have the honor of having on its program on July 5th Miss Amelia Earhart, to tell listeners of her thrilling round-the-world flight. But July 5th came and went, leaving Miss Earhart's fate, and that of her navigator, Captain Noonon, shrouded in mystery. Since July 2nd, when Miss Earhart's plane ran out of gas and vanished somewhere in mid-Pacific, a mighty rescue hunt by ships and planes has been in process. Ragged radio signals, supposed to have come from Miss Earhart, have guided searchers but proven fruitless so far. Answering indirectly some criticisms directed at Miss Earhart's "stunt flight," as serving no practical purpose, Walter Lippman sums up in an editorial in New York Herald Tribune what most of us feel about her: "In truth Miss Earhart needs no justification … There are things which are undertaken not for some definite, measurable result, but because some one, not counting the cost or calculating the consequences, is moved by curiosity, the love of excellence, a point of honor, the compulsion to invent or to make or to understand. In such persons, mankind overcomes the inertia which would keep it earthbound forever. They have in them the free and useless energy with which alone men surpass themselves. "Such energy cannot be managed and made purposeful … It is wild and free. But all the heroes, the saints and the seers, the explorers and the creators, partake of it … No material purpose actuates them. They do the useless, brave, noble, and divinely foolish and the very wisest things that are done by man. And what they prove to themselves and to others is that … in the dust of which man is made there is also fire, lighted now and then by great winds from the ???" [last word is cut off]

No trace ever found of Miss Earhart. Another life sacrificed to the art of flying.

Saturday, July 3, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Pomona Grange Enjoys Picnic at County Farm

The annual picnic of the Chemung County Pomona Grange was held Saturday, July 3, at the County Farm at Breesport. The event was well attended, there being about 145 Grangers and friends present. A picnic dinner was served at 1:00 p.m. in the institution's spacious dining room and the entertainment was held at 2:30 on the lawn. The speaker of the day was County Historian Abner C. Wright, of Lowman, and his address very aptly touched on the early history of the county, showing how the events leading up to the early settlements brought about many interesting results in the county's history. Chemung Valley Grange, under the direction of its lecturer, Mrs. H. A. Britenbaker, gave an early episode showing the meeting of two of the early pioneer families and the brewing of dishes of tea over a camp fire. Veteran Grange portrayed a tea party of the town's early settlers. The costumes worn in both pageants were authentic, being clothes really worn by the ancestors of the Grange members. After the entertainment, tours of the institution, its barns and farm were enjoyed under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Parks, who were voted to be gracious hosts.

We took the Conklin girls who helped Helen with her little pageant. Had a fine time. Rained all the morning but lovely in the afternoon. Helen made a trip after dinner to H-H to meet Mr. Wright and we took him back at night.

Sunday, July 4, 1937

I bought a carved picture frame of a poor old man who had been in a wheel chair for 14 years. The new infirmary very nice and apparently very well managed.

Monday, July 5, 1937

Our little Walter's third birthday. He weighs 33 lbs and quite tall. For his birthday he received 5 suits from Grandma's Samson, Reed and MacDougall, Mildred and Alice Polly. From Uncle Walt $1 - from the children at his party two boxes crayons, color book, truck, ball and garden set. From Granddad MacD. A bathing suit. Can count 5 and has right conception of three. Uncle Geo got him a ball.

Wednesday, July 7, 1937

Held Walter's postponed birthday party. Had ice cream, a lovely birthday cake, fancy cakes, orange and lemonade and candies. Those present: Rose Marie Ennes of Elmira; Mrs. Conklin and David, Veteran; Mrs. S. Dann and Barbara, Veteran; Mrs. Geo Turner and Georgie, Veteran.

Thursday, July 8, 1937

The day appointed for the Home Bureau picnic. No one able to go so it was called off. Lily planned on going so she brought her picnic fixin's and we had a picnic on our lawn. Menu: Cold meat (Lily), rolls (Helen), salad - potato & cabbage, beans, fancy cakes and ice cream, watermelon (Uncle George), lemon drink (Lily). Had a good time resting and visiting in afternoon.

Sunday, July 11, 1937

Callers - Frank and Grace Lent and Ezra Davenport.

Friday, July 16, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Cassias M. Westlake

Cassius M. Westlake, 76, died Friday, July 16, at the family home, 811 Grand Central Avenue. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ellen Westlake; two daughters, Mrs. T. B. Morris and Mrs. Monroe Huddle; three sons, Harry, Tracey and Mott all of Horseheads; several grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday. The Rev. Frederick Maunder officiated. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery.

Sunday, July 18, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: A reunion of the pupils of 1902-05 of District No. 9, Veteran rural school was held at the school house Sunday. A picnic dinner was served at 1:00 and the afternoon spent in renewing friendships and exchanging experiences. Many of the pupils of those years and their families were present, also the teacher, Mrs. Charles MacDougall (nee Bernice Reed). It was unanimously voted to make the event a yearly affair.

A very nice picnic. Frank Lent brought tables and made seats. Rainy in morning but

Monday, July 19, 1937

Cleared off by 11:00. those present were: George and Persis MacDougall and Mary Evelyn and Jean. Jay and Corene MacDougall and Leonore (Betty Jean ill of whooping cough). Charles and Berneice MacDougall and Helen and Charles Samson and Walter Samson. Jesse and Lena Banks and Arthur and Ruth Banks. Grace and Frank Lent. Lula Burch Drake, Mildred MacDougall Upson and Arthur Upson. Mrs. Charles Burch. Mrs. Ed Banks. Ezra Davenport (86 years of age). Harry MacDougall. Voted to hold the reunion again next year at same time.

Wednesday, July 21, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Ella C. Miller

Mrs. Ella C. Miller, widow of Charles Miller, died at the home of her son, Francis Miller, Lenox Ave., Elmira Heights, Wednesday morning at 3:20, aged 72 years. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. H. Grover Garlick, Washington D.C.; a son, Francis A. Miller, Elmira Heights; a brother, John Conkright, Sullivanville; two sisters, Mrs. Walter Cooper and Mrs. Cora Mallory, both of Elmira. The body reposes in the Van Buskirk Funeral Home, Horseheads. Funeral announcements later.

Newspaper Clipping:Mrs. Ella C. Miller. Funeral at the family home in Veteran. Saturday, 2 p.m. Rev. C. Hildreth Wilcox, Vary Cemetery, Veteran.

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Ella C. Miller

Mrs. Ella Miller died July 21, at the home of her son, Francis Miller. She was born January 8, 1865, to Ervip and Elyina Conkrite. In 1882 she married Charles Miller. Fifty years later their golden anniversary was celebrated by several of their relatives. Mr. Miller died three years ago. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Grace Garlock, of Washington, D.C.; a son, Francis Miller, of Horseheads; six grandchildren, Charles and Sue Garlock, of Washington, Ella, Harriett, Dorothy and Patricia Miller, all of Horseheads; a brother, John Conkrite, of Horseheads, and two sisters, Mrs. Isabell Cooper and Mrs. Merritt Mallory, both of Elmira.

Thursday, July 28, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Park Retires De. 31; County GOP Backs Hillman for Post

Manley C. Park, Chemung Co. commissioner of welfare for the last eight and one-half years, announced Friday that he will retire from office Dec. 31, the end of his third term. Mr. Park said he would not be a candidate for the Republican nomination, or a candidate on an independent ticket for the office at the general election. This action, according to Charles W. Perry, chairman of the Republican County Committee, leaves Harry A. Hillman of Wellsburg, chairman of the Chemung Co. Board of Supervisors, unopposed in the GOP primaries as candidate for the welfare commissioner nomination.

Petitions Start Saturday

Designating the petitions bearing the name of Mr. Hillman and other Republican county candidates and petitions bearing the names of candidates for city offices will be circulated Saturday, said Mr. Perry. Mr. Park issued this statement: "For some time scores of people have been demanding that I again run for office of county commissioner. It has been my privilege to serve in that capacity since the office was created in 1930. Probably those have been the most trying years which ever will be experienced in public welfare work. This is true because of the economic condition commonly referred to as a depression, and because of the necessity of building up from the very start organizations with which to interpret and administer laws enacted which made mandatory the granting of relief in many forms in proportions staggering in comparison with anything heretofore conceivable in thought.

Mr. Park previously in the year announced his candidacy. Reason for change seems to be unknown.

Friday, July 30, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Lyman J. Jackson of 1243 West Church St., died Friday, July 30, 1937, at 1:30 a.m. in the Bath Memorial Hospital, after an illness of four weeks. He was formerly employed several years in the offices of the Willys-Overland Co., and for several years past had been employed as sales manager by the Shoemaker (Frostilla) Corp. Mr. Jackson was a native of Horseheads. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Helen Wood Jackson, a daughter, Ann, of Elmira; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jackson of Horseheads, two sisters, Mrs. Helen J. Owen of Horseheads; Miss Harriett Jackson of Buffalo. Mr. Jackson was a member of the Horseheads ME Church, and Horseheads Lodge, F&AM. Funeral Sunday, 3 p.m., at the family home. Rev. Frederick Maunder. Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.

Sunday, August 1, 1937

Charlie and I attended a picnic at Joe Linderbery’s. Mr. and Mrs. Antes there. Had a fine visit and wonderful dinner menu: sweet potatoes, fried whit potatoes, wieners, cabbage salad, jelly, beets, buckleberry, apple and cream pies, cocoanut and chocolate cake, coffee, iced tea.

Monday, August 2, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: You Want a Real Thrill? Take a Ride in This One

No, this photo was not snapped in the 19th century. William I. Morrison of 210 Vine. St., standing proudly by his 37-year-old gas buggy, occasionally pilots it in whizzing downtown traffic. Chugging along Water St. in his spindly-wheeled vehicle, symbol of the "get a horse!" days, William I. Morrison blazed a trail of smiles through heavy downtown traffic. Proudly he handled the tiller of his solid-tired motor buggy as he spun around corners, almost at right angles. He was unaware of the grins his 1900 model auto produced. His mind was on the performance of the machine. "The most important things on an automobile are the brakes, aren’t they?" he asked the somewhat jittery reporter who sat at his side, prepared for eventualities. "See that red light?"

Knows His Gadgets

The machine was cruising under its full 14 horsepower at 12 of its original 14 mils an hour, railing over the pavement as though it might suddenly to end over end, fly off on a tangent or explode. The driver’s companion had heard early motorists were said to be daring and now he knew it was so. Pedestrians looked rather apprehensive as the contraption bore down on the stream of traffic protected by the light. A few shouted "Whoas!" But Morrison manipulated a gadget and, sure enough, the "man order" auto did have brakes. It halted smoothly and quickly. He’s proud of the brakes. The car first was bought by catalog, sight unseen, and built by Elwood Haynes in Kokomo, Ind. The machine is equipped with the "armstrong" starter, Morrison said chuckling. He flexed his arm in cranking motion.

Starts With A Cough

When he had actually cranked it, to start out on the perilous downtown expedition which ended without disaster, his first twists were followed by only by a weak cough. Then came an explosive gasp and the "carriage" trembled until its somewhat flexible mudguards flapped. "Brother, she’s a sweetheart, all right," the vain owner exclaimed. He watched the 1100-pound car quiver rhythmically. "I like it better than a new car. You never have to worry about punctures, blowouts or speed laws." Morrison resurrected the vehicle about two months ago from a barn in New Albany, Pa. He formerly piloted a similar model, exhibited at the New York State and Chicago world’s fairs and used an illustration for history books. An identical auto is in Washington’s Smithsonian Institute.

Has A Whip-Socket

His present machine, shiny under new red and black paint, is powered with air-cooled motor, friction drive and chains connected, bicycle-style, to the rear wheels. It reverses, too. Mr. Morrison who lives at 210 Vine St. and is a sound system operator, can explain the use of every gadget on the car but one. That is the whip-socket on the leather-covered dashboard.

Saw this "filling" up at Ted’s station – 1 gal. Driver had crop of chin whiskers to match date of car.

Tuesday, August 3, 1937

Horseheads Grangers picnicked at Goodyear Log Cabin. We invited by the Goodyears. Mark and I attended. Had a fine time. 70 there. Young folks rowed and swam. Older men pitched quarts?. Some women played bridge, others visited and enjoyed the scenery and cool breezes from the lake. Menu – usual picnic food, salads and jello and cake. Goodyears furnished coffee and sweet corn paid for by collection.

Thursday, August 5, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Julia Herrmann Stackhouse long resident of Catherine died Thursday, Aug. 5, 1937, after an extended illness. She is survived by her husband, the Rev. Willis Stackhouse; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Kennedy of Oakland, Calif.; a son Herman; the father, Louis Hermann; a sister, Mrs. Lee Stowits; three brothers Ray, Roy and Kenneth Herrmann all of Catherine. Funeral Monday 1:30 p.m. in Olean. Burial Monday, 5 p.m. in Highland Cemetery, Catherine.

Saturday, August 7, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Ethel Wallace Is Betrothed To Dr. McEwan

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wallace of Tarrytown have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ethel D. Wallace of 410 West Gray St., to Dr. H. Douglas McEwan, son of John McEwan of Ottawa, Can. Miss Wallace, Cornell University graduate, has been director of the Chemung Co. Home Bureau for the past two years. Her resignation, which has been accepted by the Bureau executive committee, will become effective Sept. 1. Dr. McEwan, a professor at the Rochester Medical School, will join the faculty of the medical school of the University of South Dakota in September. The wedding of Miss Wallace and Dr. McEwan will take place in the near future.

Monday, August 9, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: A Gift for Miss Wallace

Miss Ethel Wallace, retiring Chemung County Farm Bureau agent, is presented a parting gift by Ernest C. Grant, County 4H Club director, at a party given for her Friday evening at Hoffman Park by members of the local Farm bureau units.

Tuesday, August 10, 1937

A.S. – on their way to court of P & P – to be admitted there each must present a written essay upon some agricultural subject in which the writer is interested – one calculated to advance the interests of our order. Are you so provided? Can’t – I am not. L. It is highly important that you should be to show that you take an active interest in the progress of our order. It is instituted not merely for amusement but to accomplish great objects. If all are negligent in this respect our time is lost. All the results of experiments must be noted and this experience given for the benefit of our associates. Here after heed this. As it is I cannot encourage you with even faint hopes of success in your pilgrimage to Pomona; and if

Wednesday, August 11, 1937

you proceed, I must caution you that it will be at your own risk. A.S. seeking wisdom patrons those who seek Pomona’s Court should delight in the science and art of agriculture. The charge and labors of the far, the garden, the dairy and the farm household should have a humanizing influence on the mind. Can we aid in giving fruitfulness to the soil, assist in the subterranean mysteries of germination and direct the growth of the almost intelligent plants without grateful recognition of the power of the Almighty? Can we superintend the mysterious alchemy of dairy and kitchen; and the more interesting changes of the human ?????? and intellect in their wonderful development from infancy to age, and not feel an

Thursday, August 12, 1937

Adoring awe at the wisdom and love of the Framer of our bodies and the Father of our spirits? Thus the study of God’s work is a never-ending source of delight and improvement. It enlightens our mind, refines our tastes, and expands and improves our affections. In these great aims of our Order Pomona delights, and richly rewards all who endeavor to promote them.

Friday, August 20, 1937

Helen took Grace and I over to Kayutah Lake. We got Goodyears’ boat and went fishing. Grace afraid of both the worms and the fish. We had a quiet and very enjoyable time. Had our dinner out on lake – sandwiches, hot coffee, iced tea, fancy cakes and fruit. Caught 14 fish. Had to come to shore an account of storm. Helen and children came for us at 4:00. Went on around the lade and had our "little party" (Walter’s name) at Crans. Had supper there. Rested a while and came on home.

Saturday, August 21, 1937

Grace, Helen and children went to Dundee to see Jay’s – no one there.

Sunday, August 22, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:Ezra R. Davenport

Ezra R. Davenport, 85, died Sunday, August 22, at his home near Millport. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Beardslee of Elmira, and Mrs. Frank Lent of Millport; five grandchildren, Mrs. Robert Haines and Howard Beardslee, Cortland; Edwin, Charles and Louise Beardslee, Elmira; a brother, Charles Davenport, Cleveland, Ohio. Also several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held at the family home Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. E. S. Bardwell officiated. Burial in Millport Cemetery.

Guests – Harry, Jay, Grace and Marian. Menu for dinner – fried chicken, salad, tomatoes etc. blackberry pie, ice cream. Ted took us for a ride in p.m. Watkins Glen to Dresden then in Penn Yan and up to Wills Cottage. Stayed there for a short visit then to Keuka, Wayne, Dundee and home.

Monday, August 23, 1937

Charlie, Grace and I called at Davenport’s. Grace, Jennie and Jay just going away. Went in for a few minutes. Visited with Mrs. Banks and Frank. Ezra been sick since Thursday with an attack of angina pectoris. He nearly 86 years of age.

Tuesday, August 24, 1937

Ted and Helen, Walter and Berneice took Grace and Marian to Binghamton. Had a very fast trip (80 miles per in places). Stayed only a few minutes and there started back. Ate bananas and ice cream all the way back. Walter had a very bad choking spell on the way.

Wednesday, August 25, 1937

Charlie and I went to Ezra’s funeral. Charlie served as bearer (others – Charlie Lawrence, Ernest Wagner, Jesse Banks, Stanley Bump). Saw many old acquaintances. Quite a large funeral – beautiful flowers mostly gladiolas and asters. I stayed at the house while Charlie went to the grave. Grace about all in.

Thursday, August 26, 1937

Rainy all day and all night poured!!

Newspaper Clipping: 1 Dead, 1 Missing; Wide Area Ravaged By Storm Waters

At least one life was lost, one person is missing and other are feared to have been drowned in floods that swept the low-lying areas of The Star-Gazette’s area Thursday night and Friday morning… Burdened by 24 hours of nearly continuous rains, the Chemung River and all its main tributaries, together with creeks draining into the Finger Lakes, rose to the proportions of raging torrents, isolating entire communities and creating untold property damage. Lieut. Jonathan Clinton Foltz, 30, of the CCC camp near Wellsboro, gave his life in the rescue of a stranger who had fallen into Kelsey Creek. He forced an inflated inner tube around the man’s body, and the latter was saved, but Foltz was swept away. His body was recovered nearly six hours later. At Montour Falls, damage was nearly as great as that of the 1935 disaster, and one man was missing. George Thompson, 22, an employee of the Shepard-Niles Corp., failed to reach home after the factory had been closed by failure of the company’s private power plant. Reports early Friday of the loss of "several lives" at Lawrenceville, isolated by the swollen Tioga River, were discounted when The Star-Gazette succeeded in getting in telephone communication with nearby points. Damage to homes, farm buildings, roads and bridges will reach enormous proportions, it was indicated by scattered reports coming over crippled communications lines. Late Friday morning, the worst of the flood seemed to have been passed in all the affected areas. The Chemung River at Elmira was dropping after reaching 10 ½ feet at 6 a.m. To the north, along Catharine Creek, the water began receding about 10 a.m., after damage in some spots approximating that of 1935. Walter Horton of Pine Valley had a harrowing escape when he was swept from his car near the railroad station and sucked into a hole near the railroad tracks. He fought the powerful current by clinging to bushes for two hours before his cries brought aid. Points southwest of Elmira were isolated, in many cases the residents taking refuge on high ground. To the east, the Chemung neared the top of its banks at Athens, but no alarm was felt.

Friday, August 27, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:35 Hendy Hollow Families Flee Homes, Seeley Creek Overflows Extensive Area

Water entered the experimental station of the American-La-France-Foamite Corp. on Caton Ave., opposite the southern end of South Main St., early Friday morning. At 9 a.m. 12 inches of water stood on the floor. Estimate of damage could not be made.

Went out early to see the flood damage. Montour the worst sight! Awful from Montour to H-H – Briggs girls home all under mined also Mrs. Mallettes. Road gone for rods. El-Co-Haven crashed in the creek.

Saturday, August 28, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Montour Falls Hard Hit; One Missing, Motorist Forced to Climb Tree

Montour Falls has been hit almost as hard by the present flood as in the 1935 disaster, and loss of one life is feared. George Thompson, about 22, an employee of the Shepard-Niles Corp. was missing today. At 3:30 water flowed into the plant, shutting off electric power from the private plant, and employees were ordered home. Thompson, who lived in the village, left alone and has not since been seen. Mrs. Thompson was hysterical when her husband failed to return and his father searched the community in vain.

Fate Unknown

It was feared the young man had fallen into the swift current and been carried into one of the creeks. Catharine Creek, Falls Creek and Deckertown Creek are all over banks. Every cellar in Montour Falls was flooded. In the lowlands a score of families were removed in rowboats early this morning. In the central part of the village the first floors of homes and stores were flooded. Stocks were damaged in the Charles Redner store, Drake and Smith grocery, and Joe Vickio newsroom. Mayor Weller’s garage at the foot of Odessa Hill is flooded six feet deep. Chicken houses, small garages and porches floated down the creeks for several hours. Motorists abandoned their cars on the streets and nearby highways and sought refuge in homes. The Pennsylvania train from Canandaigua was held at the Montour Falls station from 10 p.m. Thursday due to a landslide at Pine Valley.

Forced To Climb Tree

Donald Durfey of Odessa, motoring through Montour Falls toward home, was caught in deep water and jumped from his car to a tree. He sat on a limb for two hours until firemen discovered his plight. Rowboats were used to take families from homes on Henry and Seneca Sts. A truck moving from Montour Falls toward Elmira rolled over on the outskirts when hit by a rush of water. It landed in a ditch. The driver escaped. The Owego St. bridge at Montour Falls is all but ruined. Built of wood and iron, it is now twisted out of shape and closed to traffic.

Sunday, August 29, 1937

MacDougall Reunion. Charlie and I went alone – on account of whooping cough. Drove the Ford. A nice trip and a nice time. Only 53 present. Men had a softball game in afternoon. Two marriages one birth – Guy’s granddaughter named Stairs.

Monday, August 30, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Shall This Happen Again? Millport Inquiring

Millport and Montour Falls residents are afraid that Catharine Creek will go on another rampage next spring unless the creek is dredged out this fall. Another flood might bring scenes recorded in the last flood. At left, the Montour Falls-Millport highway damaged by creek waters and right, what happened to a gasoline stations, Alcohaven, on the same highway.

Tuesday, August 31, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:William L. Couch, Sr., 71, died at his home in Catharine, Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1937. He leaves his wife; two sons, Nicoll J. of Cleveland, Ohio, and Leslie of Odessa. The funeral will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. at the St. John Episcopal Church, Catharine, by the Rev. J. H. Herendeen of Geneva. Burial will be in Laurel Hill Cemetery.

After one week of being confined to the bed and enduring intense suffering. Died at 11:00 a.m. We took mother to the Dr.’s in the afternoon and stopped to see how Will was and found he had passed on. Satie all broken up – not knowing where she could go or how to support herself.

Wednesday, September 1, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: A son was born Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1937, at St. Joseph’s Hospital to William and Ruth Tift Mosher of Elmira Heights.

Charlie and I attended the Chemung County fair. Stopped at Clarabell’s to leave word on Will’s death. Looked around and ate our lunch. So hot one could hardly stand it. Had thermos bottle of hot coffee and thermos jug of iced tea which was more acceptable. Menu – egg sandwiches, Ritz crackers, Chateau cheese, chocolate cakes and nut cookies and plenty of iced tea. Also peaches, pears and plums. Spent the p.m. in the grand stand. Races very good. Also 4H parade of livestock, roller skates, two comedy girls and trapeze lady. Rodeo held a parade – they show at night.

Thursday, September 2, 1937

Charlie and I went to Will Couch’s funeral. Held in Catharine Episcopal Church. Mostly his relatives in attendance. Will & Satie Harry and Corene came here and we all went in company. Will drove Ted’s car and we four went together. Burial in Laurel Hill Cemetery. Service by Odd Fellows at grave. Very nice service.

Monday, September 6, 1937

Mother’s birthday. She feeling so badly no celebration this year.

Wednesday, September 8, 1937

A Hectic Day. Started a big washing. Man came to fix refrigerator and took my electric connections to use – result – washing stopped so potted some house plants in recess. Just fixing some corn for fritters for dinner when Lulu and Uncle George drove in. Finally got a dinner together. Uncle Geo. Brought up two lake trout so had baked trout, corn fritters, shrimp salad, (vegetables), cake and coffee.

Saturday, September 11, 1937

Pomona Grange at West Hill Community Cabin. Quite a large attendance. Tioga Pomona Lecturer put on the program – chief feature an address by Dorsett – very fine. Had an excellent dinner as always. Had a flower show but not many made any entries. I took entries for four classes – asters, gladiolas (white), potted crassula and miniature arrangement.

Sunday, September 12, 1937

Charlie and I went out to Wayne – expected Uncle Geo. By return but he couldn’t come. Charlie and he went up to Buckley and got his tent and cupboard. Had a nice visit – menu – roast beef, potatoes, whole wheat rolls, tomatoes, elderberry pie and cookies.

Thursday, September 16, 1937

Charlie’s 60th birthday! Mother, Helen, Walter and I took a trip to Watkins Glen etc. I got some shoes at Huey’s and we went on to the fruit stand out near Reading. Got 1 bu. Of Belle of Georgia peaches and 1 of Hase. Got the first grapes of the season – a small basket.

Friday, September 17, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Veteran Home Bureau

The Veteran Home Bureau held its annual rally Friday night at Veteran Grange Hall. A hundred members and friends attended. The program, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Mosher, Mrs. Edward Stermer and Mrs. Benjamin Turner consisted of numbers by the Horseheads Grange band, readings by Hugh Wheeler and Catherine Jessup, piano duet by Rebecca and Rachel Conklin and a playlet by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Vary.

Lily and I refreshment committee. Menu – sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee served after the entertainment. Mrs. Rummey the new agent present. Had a very enjoyable evening.

Tuesday, September 21, 1937

Day set apart to attend Dundee Fair but had two extra men for dinner and mother not able to go to Uncle Will’s as she had planned, so gave up the trip.

Wednesday, September 22, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Wedding Stockings, Handiwork of 1847, Shown at Dundee Fair

This week at the Dundee Fair there is on exhibition a pair of hand knitted wedding stockings entered by Mrs. Joel Pitcher of Wayne and her uncle, George Reed of Florida, who is the son of the late Mrs. Walter Reed, who made and wore the stockings at her wedding 90 years ago, 1847. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed will be remembered as prominent vineyardists in the Grove Springs locality, owning the home and vineyard now occupied by George Davis. The son, George Reed, is 85 years old and for the past 19 years has made his home at St. Cloud, Florida, coming north for the summer. This entry of his mother’s handiwork was quite an unusual and pleasant event to him.

Lulu also exhibited her pink star bed quilt which mother pieced for her and received first prize on the same.

Thursday, September 23, 1937

A nice day. Sat out of doors peeling onions and tomatoes for chili sauce. A little apparently curious bird took its perch on the back of the chair in which I had my pan. On closer scrutiny I saw that it was the unusually seen red breasted nut hatch. Think he knew I was too busy to notice his rare visit unless he came close enough to call my attention to his presence, or perhaps his nesting duties over he had more time to be neighborly. Either way it gave me great pleasure to be able to get such a close view of this little fellow.

Friday, September 24, 1937

Mother, Aunt Lou, Helen, Walter and I had a nice trip to Odessa, Montour, Watkins, Hector – here got two baskets of grapes – Concord and Lindleys, two baskets of prunes and one of peaches. Came back via Burdette, Reynoldsville, Perry City (here got a squash), Mecklenburg and Odessa. A glorious autumn day. Leaves just beginning to turn.

Saturday, September 25, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:: Veteran Democrats Nominate Lewis

Veteran Town Democrats selected Matthew J. Lewis of Millport as their candidate for Chemung Co. Supervisor at a caucus held in the Veteran Grange Hall Saturday night. Other nominees are: Mrs. Margery S. Kinney, the GOP nominee and incumbent, for town clerk; Stephen Boor and Dorn Dillmore, for peace justices; Jacob Fisher and Roy Miles for assessors; Robert Berlew, for highway superintendent; Mrs. Bernice MacDougall for school director.

Already to attend and mother taken worse so could not get away. Matt up to see me in the afternoon – the Republicans had nominated the same bunch as previous years – regardless of people’s complaints. John Sterling Supervisor, Jay Turner for highway superintendent.

Monday, September 27, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Mt. Rushmore Memorial

It was appropriate that on Constitution Day the great sculpturing project on Mt. Rushmore, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, should have been three-fourths completed. The head of Lincoln now looks out across the ages beside Washington and Jefferson. One more, that of Theodore Roosevelt, remains to be added, completing a mountainous memorial unique in the world, with the possible exception of the Stone Mountain carving near Atlanta, Ga., in which General Lee and fellow Confederates are immortalized in giant rock. When completed, the Mt. Rushmore memorial should prove one of the wonder sights of the country. Heads measuring 60 feet from chin to crown have been blasted and chiseled out of the granite by Gutzem Borglum and his fellow workmen. The work has been in progress, off and on for 10 years, by means of funds provided by the government’s Memorial Commission. The Washington head was dedicated by President Coolidge in 1927, the Jefferson head by President Roosevelt last year. Will these granite faces outlive the nation that created them, as the Sphynx of Egypt has outlasted its generation? Will unknown races of the future marvel at the accomplishment of a feat which may seem to them as inexplicable as the Pryamids seem to us? Or will nature step in the meantime and with one flip of the earth’s crust undo in a moment this man-made effort of years? In its appeal to the imagination the memorial at Mt. Rushmore belongs with the greatest of human accomplishments. Man has at last presumed to write his records on the eternal face of the mountains.

Thursday, September 30, 1937

A beautiful day. Helen, Walter and I went over to Wayne to see Uncle George and take him his clothes he had here. On the way down Odessa Hill saw an unusual sight first a formation of birds high up that resembled a balloon drifting here and there. They spread out, turned and converged into a tight mass. Finally a large bird appeared at intervals on the edge, soon two other immense flocks came from the distance and merged with the others and the large bird then dropped like a stone into the woods and all the others followed. We decided that it was an eagle being fought by black birds. We found Lulu away so started back and met them over by Hathaways. He had been to the Dr.’s He not very good and his eyes very bad. Aunt Lou stayed with mother. Got home about 6:00.

Friday, October 1, 1937

A very warm day for the time of year. Went down in the flower garden and found it a blaze of gorgeous bloom. Picked a bouquet of ten long stemmed beautiful buds of Briar Cliff rose, a huge red and white bouquet – red small zinnias, red velvety dahlias, red gladioli and white cosmos and white crego asters also a bouquet of golden gleam nasturtiums orange and yellow calendulas and terro cotta pompom zinnias. There were also buddleia, larks spurs, red flax, perennial coreopsis and masses of all kinds of zinnias, aster and nasturtiums.

Saturday, October 2, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Charles H. Ostrander, 65, of Millport died Saturday, Oct. 2, 1937, at 4:15 a.m. in Elmira. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bertha Ostrander, two sons, Edward of Maine, N.Y., George of Canajoharie, three daughters, Mrs. Edmund Delaney, Horseheads, Mrs. Edward Sheffield, Pine City, Mrs. Benjamin Deibler, Horseheads; 13 grandchildren, three brothers, Anson, Horseheads, Thomas, Nassau, N.Y., Edward, Elmira. Mr. Ostrander was a member of the Millport ME Church, Old Oak Lodge F&AM, IOOF of Montour Falls. The body is in the Van Buskirk funeral home, Horseheads and will be removed to the family home this evening. Prayer service at the family home Tuesday, 2 p.m. Funeral in the M.E. church, 2:30 p.m. Rev. Clyde Rosenkranz, Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads. Masonic committal service.

Thursday, October 7, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Veteran News

Mrs. Emma Reed is seriously ill at her home here. – Mr. and Mrs. William Mosher and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mosher Friday. – Mrs. Belle Livermore is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Conklin. – Mrs. Chris Cheatham returned to New Bedford Saturday after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Amel Ramstein. – Mrs. George Spaulding and Hilda Spaulding of Trumansburg visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Turner Friday. – Miles Seeley spent several days with his aunt, Mrs. Ron Chappell.

Friday, October 8, 1937

Grange Endures By Naturalness, Asserts Hammond

"The idea of the Grange is social, educational and legislative," stated Chauncey B. Hammond in an address to Veteran Grange Friday night. "An institution based upon natural things, as is the Grange, will endure. The most human trait is selfishness and the best way to secure things for oneself is to give to others and to the community for life is a mirror and gives back just what is given. The best way to tear down an institution, whether it be an organization, a community or a government, is to ignore it, and the surest way to build it up is to do something about it yourself." The following program was given. Seating of officers; presentation of the flag; "The Star Spangled Banner"; speech of welcome, Master Benjamin Turner; letter from the National Master, read by the State Deputy, Charles Mosher; song – "Grange that We Love", Florence Roy; talk, Chauncey B. Hammond; essay, "New Ways to Develop Grange Interest in the Community", Helen Sampson; tableau, "Spirit of the Grange", Blanche Mosher; song, "America he Beautiful"; game, "Animals." After the meeting supper in charge of Mrs. Lawrence Dann, Mrs. Ernest Benjamin and Mrs. Milton Roy was served to seventy five guests, Grangers and Juvenile Grangers.

Saturday, October 9, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Choose Officer of Pomona Grange

Edward Van Duzer was elected master of Pomona Grange of Chemung County at a meeting in Veteran Grange hall Saturday afternoon. Other officers chosen were: Overseer, Albert Storch; lecturer, Mrs. Charles MacDougall; chaplain, Mrs. O. J. Sears; steward, William Youmans; secretary, Mrs. Albert Storch; treasurer, O.J. Sears; assistant steward, Charles Antes; Ceres, Mrs. Albert Howell; Pomona, Mrs. Colie Breese; Flora, Mrs. Charles Mosher; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Charles Antes; gatekeeper, Oscar Kahler. At the evening session a class of twelve candidates was given the fifth degree. State Master Raymond Cooper was present and gave a talk as part of the program. Joyce Dann and Shirley Turner, recent prize winners at the G. L. F. contests in Ithaca, did a tap dance. Plans were made for the annual harvest festival, Nov. 28 at Horseheads Grange Hall.

Meeting started at 2:00. Supper at 7:00. Degree conferred in evening. Unable to attend on account of mother’s sickness – my first skip during my six years as lecturer.

Sunday, October 10, 1937

The Doctor (Jackson) came to give Mother relief – said no human aid could be given to help. From now on it is simply a case of keeping her as easy as possible.

Sunday, October 17, 1937

Harry here and Mr. and Mrs. Samson. Mother recognized Harry and said, "Harry, I’m dying." She spoke to Mrs. Samson. In p.m. asked where Walter was. Said, "Darling Walter," her last conscious words.

Tuesday, October 19, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Emma Reed, 78, died Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1937, at 4 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles MacDougall in the Town of Veteran. She is survived by the daughter, Mrs. MacDougall, a sister, Mrs. Helen Axtell of Elmira; two brothers, William Webster of Dundee; Ross Webster of Syracuse; a granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Samson of Veteran; a great grandson, Walter Samson of Veteran. Funeral in the Van Buskirk funeral home Horseheads Friday, 2 p.m. Rev. H. A. Malick. Vary Cemetery, Town of Veteran.

After a horrible night mother passed quietly away at 4:00. A night of terrific wind. Helen took Aunt Lou in afternoon before – she not feeling well and her nerves raw from two weeks of seeing mother suffer so. It seemed a relief to see her at rest after the three past weeks. Think she realized up till 7:30 the night before – took her medicine and water a little later.

Friday, October 22, 1937

My mother’s funeral day. Grace came in the morning. All the friends and relatives in attendance – a large funeral. Floral pieces from: Jay’s and Harry, Jennie and Lena Ross, Days and Aunt Lute Phillips, Uncle Ross and Aunt Lottie, Veteran Home Bureau. Neighbors: Grace and Virgil, Pitchers and Brimmers, Charlie and Berneice, Lepp and Aunt Lou, Amel and Lily Ramstein. Mr. Malick delivered sermon. Mary said it was the nicest funeral sermon they ever heard. Seems like a dream and I’ll awake and find her with me again. Bearers: Benj. Turner, Ernest Benjamin, Chas. Mosher, Roy Helton, Amel Ramstein and Roy Chappell.

Saturday, October 23, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: I’m Lonely Since My Mother Died

I’m lonely since my mother died,

Tho’ friends and kindred gather near.

I cannot check the rising sigh,

Or stay the silent, heartfelt tear;

Of earthly friend she was the best,

My erring youthful steps to guide,

Oh! Do not smile because I weep,

I’m lonely since my mother died.


I’m lonely since my mother died,

Tho’ friends and kindred gather near.

I cannot check the rising sigh,

Or stay the heartfelt, silent tear.

You may not deem it grave or strong,

To let these tears so often flow;

But those who’ve lost a mother’s love,

Can tell the pain of my sad woe.

Could I but call her back again,

And kneel once more down by her side.

I’d love her better than before,

I’m lonely since my mother died.

Oh! You who have a mother, dear,

Let not a word or act give pain,

But cherish, love her with your lie;

You ne’er can have her like again,

Then when she’s called from you away,

Across death’s dark and troubled tide,

In pain with me you need not say:

I’m lonely since my mother died.

Sunday, October 24, 1937

We all went to take Grace home. A nice trip. The river’s swollen banks full. Took chicken down for the dinner. Had a nice visit.

Tuesday, October 26, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:: C. W. Kimball, Penn Yan Attorney, Works as Usual on 90th Birthday

Penn Yan – Charles W. Kimball, believed to be New York State’s oldest practicing attorney, is 90 years old today – but there was no holiday in his office to celebrate birthday anniversary. He was there as usual handling papers dealing with the settlement of estates and what he calls "commercial law." Most attorneys, Mr. Kimball explained "know enough to quit before they reach my age," but he carries on although he admitted that "little things happen from day to day that make me think I’m getting old." As a trustee of Keuka College, he stepped along in the academic procession as fast as any member two weeks ago when the college celebrated the semi-centennial of its founding. So today he planned to "come on foot" for a luncheon this noon at the Wagner Hotel tendered in his honor by the Yates County Bar Association. Mr. Kimball’s home is but a short distance away and he disdained the idea that anyone should call for him in a car. Born in Chester, N.H., on Oct. 26, 1847, he earned enough money in his boyhood to finance his own education. After attending Dartmouth for two years, he transferred to Harvard, graduating in the class

Wednesday, October 27, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: continued: of 1871 along with Henry Cabot Lodge. After teaching school for two years, he was admitted to the bar in 1874 – "the requirements weren’t so stringent then," he commented. He practiced law in New York City for 12 years, making his home in Plainfield, N.J. and holding membership in the New York Bar Association. Ill health in 1886 forced him to retire from active practice and he came to Grove Springs on Lake Keuka operating a vineyard for five years at the same time as a fellow Penn Yan attorney, George S. Sheppard, was living on a Bluff Point vineyard – also for his health. Regaining his health in 1891, he started practicing law in Penn Yan, later forming a partnership with county Judge W. S. Briggs. From 1898 to 1900, he served as district attorney of Yates County. He was the first president of the Yates County Bar Association, holding office from its organization in 1900 until 1932 when he retired in favor of John J. Hyland. Mr. Kimball has also been active as chairman of the Yates County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. He is now its honorary chairman, resigning his active position in 1935 after serving since the committee was formed July 10, 1911.

Friday, October 29, 1937

Helen, Walter and I went to Wayne. Stopped on way and got two bushel apples – one winesap – one stark. Met Lulu just going away. She went back. Found Uncle George about the same. His cough some better. We took a cooked chicken so had a chicken dinner – menu – fried chicken and gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh tomatoes (very good), baked beans and chili sauce, pickled peaches and chocolate cake. Met the much heard of May Crane. Had a good visit. Started home at 4:00. Got 100# squash of Harry’s boss and a box of grapes in Reading.

Sunday, October 31, 1937

Charlie and I invited for dinner down at Dykes. Had a lovely dinner. Menu: roast leg of lamb, mashed potatoes, scalloped turnips, thickened beets, pickles, jelly, pumpkin pie and ice cream, mints. Helen and Ted invited but went to Cortland.

Tuesday, November 2, 1937

Election Day. All republicans elected in our town but the Supervisor. Matt Lewis elected over John Sterling by 22 votes. Kress elected Mayor of Binghamton by the biggest majority ever given a mayor in that city.

Sunday, November 7, 1937

The whole gang went to Pamona to get Uncle Georges old Ford. Got my two blankets. Went by Bradford back over the hill to Monterey and Townsend and Johnson Hollow. Saw a lot of new country. Dinner at 3:00.

Thursday, November 11, 1937

Started on a trip to Harrisburg. Ollie Benjamin got on board at her home and Irene Rhodes at Elmira. A beautiful warm sunny day. Took Walter down to Grace’s. Left Briggs at 10:45. Ate dinner at 11:45 sitting on the roadside beside a picturesque little lake near Franklin Forks. Met the Susquehana at Trent Ramrock and kept in it company the rest of the day. Passed thro’ the mining section across from Wilkes Barre, between towering mountains for rock. Began to look for night quarters quite early – no cabins. Crossed the river at Northumberland over an immense bridge (toll free). Finally found some gas heated cabins about 10 miles from Harrisburg. Moved our chairs into one cabin and had a picnic supper, hot tea and all very comfortable bed but very noisy.

Friday, November 12, 1937

[Photo inserted here] The Zembo Shrine Mosque, where the Seventh Degree will be conferred on Friday.

[Program inserted here] The Grange and the G.L.F.

The G.L.F. today is the outgrowth of fifty years of effort by the New York State Grange to keep alive the idea of cooperative buying of farm supplies. The culmination of this idea came in 1920 when the Grange joined with the Dairymen’s League and the New York State Farm bureau Federation to found a farmer-owned, farmer-controlled cooperative.

9:00 a.m. – Opening National Grange in the Fourth Degree, Report of the Executive Committee

10:30 – Addresses – Distinguished Speakers

11:00 a.m. – Introduction of Resolutions without Debate (Last Call)

12:00 M. – Report of Washington Representative, Fred Brenckman

12:30 p.m. – Recess

1:30 – Juvenile Degree

2:00 – Officers’ and Workers’ Conference – James C. Farmer and Harry A. Caton

2:30 – Conference – Association National Grange Insurance Companies

3:00 – Ladie’s Tea

7:30 – Address – Distinguished Speakers – Reports of State Masters and Com-[rest of program is cut off]

Saturday, November 13, 1937

Started home at 7:30 after the usual picnic meal in the pouring rain. Passed thro’ the farming section where the Dutch type of architecture prevails. Passed over the Blue Mts. Lovely scenery which we had to view thro the rain. Stopped at a pottery stand. Reached Binghamton at 2:00. Walter O.K. Not crazy about going home. Home at 6:00 having driven 580 miles since leaving.

Monday, November 15, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: 111 Attend Farm Bureau Drive Dinner

The annual membership campaign of the Chemung County Farm Bureau was launched Monday night at a dinner of 111 committeemen and their wives in the Breesport Masonic Temple. The goal is 619 as compared with the present membership of 509. Fred Morris of Cornell outlined some of the benefits from the Farm Bureau. J. Sloat Welles of Big Flats conducted a "quiz" on Farm Bureau activities with teams of the north and south sectors of the county competing. The southern group captained by Frank Bly was winner. The canvass of all farms in the county started Tuesday and will end with a roundup meeting Tuesday, Nov. 30, at a place to be designated. A preliminary report will be made at a meeting of the executive committee Friday, Nov. 26.

Went to Breesport to the Farm Bureau banquet with the F. O. Dann’s – Charlie could not go on account of Louise’s horse being very sick. Had a fine time. Larry Armstrong sang, and Fred spoke. Played games after the banquet.

Tuesday, November 16, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Ten Years Ago in Elmira

Nov. 16, 1927

Federal Officers dump 2,024 barrels of high test beer and 400 barrels of near beer in the Elmira sewers. City has a warm period with the mercury at 76 degrees. Elmira and Binghamton to decide which city will be first to have elimination of railroad grade crossings.

Wednesday, November 17, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Rufus Rose Marionettes

Our search for new features was rewarded this season in persuading Rufus and Margo Rose to tour one of their outstanding companies on this Festival Circuit. They have devoted themselves to the Marionette art through a sincere love for it, and have constantly maintained the highest standards of professional entertainment. In 1933 the Rufus Rose Marionettes played to ten million people at the Chicago World’s Fair, and are recognized as second to none in their field. They will present "Hansel and Gretel" in four beautiful scenes and incidental music by Humperdinck – also their great success, "The Marionette Carnival," featuring "Sam," Master of Ceremonies; "Togo," world-famous clown; Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers, of movie fame; Sonja Heine, famous ice-skater, and "Oscar" the trained seal.

[Photo of marionette inserted here] Helen and I took Walter to this marionette show – his first big entertainment. He was so very enthusiastic and enjoyed the whole thing a lot.

Sunday, November 21, 1937
Charlie and I invited over to Charlie Antes for dinner in company with Joe and Bertha Linderberry.  Had a nice ride, snow 2 in. on hills and a lovely dinner and nice visit.  Menu - roast chicken and dressing, scalloped oysters, squash, cabbage salad, fruit salad, pumpkin pie and whipped cream.

Wednesday, November 24, 1937
Helen, Ted and I attended a lecture by this man - the first white man to travel from South China to Europe by land walking thousands of miles.  He gracefully donned and removed the garments of each country as he lectured.  The stage was decorated with map and small flags of every country he had visited.  Many exhibits were shown as shoes from China, India and a python skin, also mounted skins of the very poisonous puff adder and the green _______ which was killed on his chest having sought warmth there while he slept.

Thursday, November 25, 1937
Thanksgiving Day.  Home all day.  Harry and Satie Couch the only guests.  Miss my mother so awfully at these special days.  Not much heart to prepare a big feast.  Menu - Oyster soup, fried chicken and gravy, peas, fruit salad, (apples, grapes, pears and bananas), jelly, pickles, berry pie and cheese.

Friday, November 26, 1937

Installation of Veteran Grange officers. Helen, Ted and I attended. A picnic supper before meeting a very nice supper. Installing done by Charles Mosher helped by Mabel Narsh, Mrs. John Youmans, Lulu Gregory and Amel Ramstein. The Juveniles installed first. 42 Grangers present.

Saturday, November 27, 1937

Charlie and I attended an officers meeting at Log Cabin – oyster dinner. Stereopticon pictures shown by Miss McCrea of her European trip. Fine meeting. Helen, Walter and I went to the Pomona Harvest supper at night. Large attendance. H-H people played, Bernie Turner on his accordion and Hugh gave two readings. Proceeds –

Wednesday, December 1, 1937

Helen and I went to the 3rd entertainment of the series given by H-H PTA "Dorothy Peterson and her Melodears." She the national champion on the Marimba. Two others sang very fine and one played accordion – many numbers in costume etc. The marimba numbers were very wonderful.

Thursday, December 2, 1937

Geo. E. Turner’s second son born – Karl. Helen, Walter and I attended the annual F&H Bureau meeting. An illustrated (by slides) bird talk given by Cornell Prof. Sound records played of bird notes, in the forenoon. Picnic dinner and business session after Edna Ralyea elected president. A missionary from China gave a talk which was very educational on the present turmoil there. Mrs. Ward played the Swiss Bells, Mr. Vorhees the musical saw, Mrs. Rhodes recited and Shirley and Joyce danced.

Friday, December 3, 1937

Helen, Lily and I attended an aluminum luncheon at Minnie Tesch’s. A very instructive lesson on use of the heavy aluminum and a good meal menu – potatoes, cabbage, carrots, rice with vegetable sauce, fish with tomato sauce and coffee dessert – pancakes and cooked apples in syrup and this syrup used on pancakes.

Saturday, December 4, 1937

Went to Grange installation at Chemung Valley with Ramsteins. Mrs. Youman’s went to oyster supper – without oysters or salt also scalloped potatoes (without salt) and good pumpkin pie. Helped in the installation. A very nice evening.

Sunday, December 5, 1937

Callers – John and Florence Samson, dinner guest – Harry MacDougall, house guest – Satie Couch.

Monday, December 6, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Lindy Stays in Englewood

Englewood, N.J. – (UP) – colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh surrounded their movements today with the same secrecy that accompanied their arrival in the United States Sunday on the liner President Harding. It was believed that they would remain at the estate of Mrs. Lindbergh’s mother, Mrs. Dwight Morrow, until interest in their visit had subsided, and that then the Colonel would attend to business matters requiring his attention as technical adviser to Pan American Airways.

Tuesday, December 7, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: County Plows Roads Clear

County highway forces were busy Tuesday clearing snow from highways. Harry T. Gage, county highway superintendent, reported that roads in some sections of the county bore three inches of snow early in the day. High winds beginning about 11 a.m. began drifting it. Many sections of the roads are protected by snow fences, but it was found necessary to use the motorized snow plows to keep traffic moving.

Not a very heavy snow but wind blew hard – nothing to bother on the Ridge Road at all.

Horseheads Parent-Teacher Assn.
Presents Collins Festival

First Week
Rufus Rose Marionettes – Nov.

Second Week
Arthur F. Kane – Nov.

Third Week
Dorothy Peterson’s Melodears – Dec.

Fourth Week
Play – "The Mysterious Mr. Mason" – Dec.
Horseheads High School Auditorium
8:00 p.m.
Price $1.00 Name 

Wednesday, December 8, 1937

Charlie bought a milking machine.

[Play program inserted here]

The Casford Players


The Mysterious Mr. Mason

A Comedy in Three Acts

By Robert Morrill Sand

Time – The Present

Cast – In Order of Appearance

Kenneth Carson, a young broker who expects to make a million – Peter Cookson

Sally Carson, his wife, who is skeptical about it – Maurine Cookson

Marcus Horne, an expert at handling the other people’s money – Lionel Ince

John Mason, a gentleman from the city dump – Lionel Ince

Mrs. Abigail Brown, "Mother" who finds city ways different from Calumet, Okalhoma – Theresa Morse

Helen and I attended the last in the series of entertainments at H-H – S. A very enjoyable play. A cold, blustery night.

Thursday, December 9, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:: Veteran Grange Annual Chicken Supper

Veteran Grange Hall on Ridge Road

Thursday Eve, Dec. 9

Supper, 6 to 9

50 cents Per Person

Music and Dancing

7:30 to 1 50 cents Per Person

Had a fair crowd and everything passed off very smoothly. Made $95.00 profit. I tended the squash and Helen had charge of the dining room. I went in the afternoon and peeled potatoes.

Sunday, December 12, 1937

Berneice Reed born 1882

Monday, December 13, 1937

[map inserted here]

Left Elmira at 1:45. Waited on siding in Briggs 3 ½ hours and in station at Syracuse 4 hrs. Reached Ogdensburg at 7:30. A hard trip. Saw much new country. Made a cap and half a scarf on the way. Had two special trains for Grangers from Alleghany, Steuben and Chemung Co’s. Too tired to go the play party at night. I developed a hard throat congestion in the night but conquered it.

Tuesday, December 14, 1937

Lawrence Reed died 1918.

Newspaper Clipping: Registration at Lecturer conference Tuesday was 240, including 109 new lecturers, 102 who were reelected and 29 visitors. Represented were 169 subordinate granges and 42 Pomonas.

The lecturers got into the work at 11:00 – after listening to the master’s address William Smith present to lead singing. Miss Duthie gave one of her splendid

[program inserted here]

???ing of the State Officers and Associates

Address of Welcome – Mayor Fred J. Elie, Ogdensburg

????dent Chamber of Commerce – Aurthur Laidlaw, Ogdensburg

???onse – Master New York State Grange, Raymond cooper, Oswego

Induction of State Officers and Associate Officers

Trumpet Solo – James Flannagan, Norfolk

Accompanist, Audrey Spotswood

???? Duet, "Count Your Many Blessings" – Mrs. Robert Hill, Mr. Merrill Warner

Accompanist, Mrs. Frank Smith

Address, "How the Seaway will Benefit Rural People" – Van C. Whittenmore, Canton

????tette – Messrs. Warner, Bixby, Scott, Strait

Accompanist, Ivan Crabbe, Norfolk

Pantomime, "Wanted, A Private Secretary" – Crary Mills

???nony – Peace Flags, Lecturer of New York State Grange, Stella F. Miller, W. Chazy

????ng Song.

…the program was so long that the Peace flag was only a march. Each lecturer had to wear white. As I did not know this I had to get Albert Storch to carry Chemung’s flag.

Wednesday, December 15, 1937

The lecturers session just the same old things as ever.

Newspaper Clipping:: State School Speaking Contest

To be congratulated are the State ??? schools of agriculture, the Grange, and especially the five boys who took part in the speaking contest at the annual meeting of the New York State Grange at Ogdensburg. The speeches by these boys were more interesting and better given than many of those on the regular program. One of the finest results accomplished by the Grange back through the years is that it has helped men and women from the farms to get on their feet and express themselves on important questions. This has meant much to agriculture. The work is now being continued in this tradition by encouraging farm young people to take part in the annual speaking contests which the Grange sponsors for boys in the State schools of agriculture. In awarding the prizes this year, Dr. A. K. Getman of the State Education Departmetn said: "The judges have awarded prizes to three of you, but in reality all five who took part in this contest have won, because of the training and experience it has given you." The five boys who took part were: Bruce Birnie, representing Farmingdale School, 1st prize winner. Subject: "The Past is Prologue; the Future is Fulfillment." George Taylor, representing Morrisville School, 2nd prize. Subject: "Advancements in Aviation and Agriculture." Donald McDowell, representing Canton School, 3rd prize. Subject: "The Rural Church." Donald Patterson, representing Cobleskill School. Subject: "Educational Opportunities for the Young Farmer." Arthur Leiber, representing Delhi School. Subject: "The Milk Strike."

Newspaper Clipping: Memorial services were for more than 200 Grangers who have died in the past year. Special tribute was paid to Frank Mosher, father of Deputy Mosher of Chemung County; Mrs. Marie Bardwell of Herkimer, who directed the Rose Drill at the State Grange last year; Former Deputy George Peabody of Livingstone; Deputy Percy G. Webber of Niagara; Mrs. H. A. Crofoot of Herkimer county, wife of the former State Lecturer; Mrs. W. N. Giles of Onondaga county, wife of the former State Master, and Judge Robert Thompson of Ontario county. Miss Shirley Baker, 15 year old Niagara Falls high school girl, appeared in costume to sing "The Holy City," by F. E. Weatherly and Stephen Adams, the song with which she won the state-wide women’s solo contest. Robert L. Taft of Ontario County, who won in the men’s solo division was unable to attend. Mrs. Merriam Fredd of Ulster County gave her prizewinning reading, "imaginary Speech of King Philip to the White Settlers," by Edward Everett. The winning quartet, composed of Mrs. Erwin S. Sheldon, Miss Marjorie Stever, Elwin Tincknell and the Rev. O. Blakely Hill, from Cayua county, presented the traditional plantation song, "I Ain’t Gwine Study War No More." The singers and Mrs. Fredd were all in appropriate costumes and make-up. The duet winners, Mrs. Henriette Delamater and Miss Martha Delamater of Montgomery county were unable to accept the invitation of the State Grange to attend to receive their certificates.

Thursday, December 16, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Seven-Inch Snowfall Ties Up Ogdensburg Cars Again

(Special to The Times)

Ogdensburg, Dec. 16. – Snow, which last week nearly kept grange delegates out of this convention city, today threatened to block them in. A seven-inch snowfall during the night made travel even on main highways practically impossible and again resulted in the calling of extra men to fight the storm. Cars which were parked on the streets during the night were stuck at the curb and only a few cars were moving in the city. Large trucks were breaking open the roads to Canton and Morristown and indications were that they might be open to travel later in the day. All roads were open early this week after a record five-day storm and grange delegates from all sections of the state were able to reach Ogdensburg without much difficulty. Most of them planned to leave tomorrow night or Saturday morning. City plows were opening the road to the State hospital where grange delegates were scheduled to make a tour of inspection this afternoon. Although some snow was falling at 8 a.m. the storm had started to wane then. Farmers of the vicinity were making deliveries to the North-eastern milk plant this morning although in many cases sleighs were used instead of trucks.

Woke up to wonder how we would reach armory as no walks were cleaned but our host’s daughter came for us. Only a half day session! Mrs. Breese and I went through the paper mills and the asylum. Both very worthwhile. Had to sit on benches for 6th degree – waited for 2 hours for it to start. About dead at 1:00 our "bed time." 738 candidates took the degree. No officers march for lack of space. The court the most beautiful I ever saw.

Friday, December 17, 1937

George W. Reed

The death of George W. Reed, aged 85 years, the son of the late Walter and Catherine Reed, occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pitcher in Wayne on Friday, December 17th, at 9 p.m. Mr. Reed had made his home there since coming the first of last June from St. Cloud, Florida, where he had wintered these past 19 years. He was a well-known vineyardist, having spent nearly all his life in the Grove Springs section on the east shores of Lake Keuka, excepting five years when he lived in Bay City, Mich. Mrs. Reed was Sarah Axtell of Bradford. Her death occurred 35 years ago. Mr. Reed leaves a daughter, Mrs. Harry Gray of Syracuse; two nieces, Mrs. Pitcher of Wayne and Mrs. Charles MacDougall of Horseheads. Services were strictly private, burial being made in the family plot at the Bradford cemetery.

Uncle George passed away at 9:30 p.m. after a very hard week. Lulu and Joel alone with him. His wishes were – no funeral, cremation. Agnes planned to carry them out to the letter. Lecturers dismissed at noon to be present at closing of State Grange. I sat with Mrs. Hoose all afternoon. Went to supper with Moshers. Did some shopping in evening. Got some things for breakfast on train also a few Christmas gifts.

Saturday, December 18, 1937

Virgil’s mother died – Grace with her. Left Ogdensburg at 7:30. 12 coaches full of Grangers starting for home. Had a much easier trip home. No wait at Syracuse and only 21 minutes at Binghamton. Reached Elmira at 4:20. Folks surprised to see me home so early. Found letters from Lulu and Agnes saying Uncle George was very low – had a stroke on Tuesday. So grieved that I didn’t see him before I left.

Sunday, December 19, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:Mrs. Bernice MacDougall and daughter, Mrs. Sampson of Horseheads spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pitcher.

Hurried out to Wayne – hoping that Uncle George was still alive. Found he had died Friday night. Went to the undertakers to take my farewell of him. There is to be no funeral and he to be cremated.

Monday, December 20, 1937

Uncle George body cremated at Rochester. Agnes and Harry stayed by the body until it was placed in the crematory. No decision made of the time of interring the ashes so she wrote me.

Tuesday, December 21, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:: Penn Yan Woman Honored At State Grange Meeting

Mrs. Howard J. Bailey of 323 Keuka Street, Penn Yan, was installed as Pomona on Friday at the convention of the New York State grange in Ogdensburg, the first person from Yates county to hold a state grange office in a half century. In addition to her degree work at state gatherings, Mrs. Bailey will be subject to call by the state master, who may send her to represent the state at various Pomona and subordinate grange meetings in this part of the state. Mrs. Bailey became a member of Penn Yan grange in 1929 when J. Arthur Ansley was master. She has held an office every year since then, excepting two. In 1931 at the state convention she received a blue ribbon for her excellent work as subordinate grange lecturer. In 1934, ’35 and ’36 she received a gold ribbon in recognition of her services as Yates Pomona lecturer – an office which she has held since 1932.

Thursday, December 23, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Fifty Years Ago

Six hundred people came down the lake last Saturday on the Holmes and Lulu to do their Christmas trading. Mrs. Alexander Drake will soon assume control of the Benham house and the property of her late husband. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Mollie Mullen to R. J. Gardner, Jr. Typhoid fever is raging in Horseheads as the result of bad drainage, it is alleged. Mr. Rathbun of Elmira has left the contract for a new hotel at Crystal Springs. Jesse J. Paddock of Dundee has the contract.

Friday, December 24, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Finger Lakes Currents

By Harry R. Melone

Falcon Fatality – Falconry of late years has been coming back around Ithaca, where the sport is enjoyed by students. A few days ago the pastime brought death to a giant eagle. The bird was frightened by a car as its owner, W. E. Doherty, was training it on Cornell campus. It flew off and vanished. The next day an eagle with a four-foot wing spread was shot while raiding a chicken yard at the farm of Edward Vandemark of Brooktondale. It was the escaped "falcon," with its feet still tied together with leather thongs. The eagle is today a stuffed specimen in Cornell’s ornithology department.

May Enlarge Refuge

Engineers sent by the U.S. biological survey are now making land surveys north of the 3,500 acres already purchased by the government in the Montezuma swamp along Routes 5 and 20 in Seneca county, for a waterfowl sanctuary. It is possible that additional land may be acquired to enlarge the refuge to 5,000 acres. Administration headquarters will be established north of the Rene Menard bridge. Here a 100-foot observation tower will be erected, equipped with telescopes to cover the entire sanctuary. Miniature lakes will be built for wildfowl propagation. Dollar duck stamps finance such governmental efforts to improve hunting.

Newspaper Clipping:A shipment of 22,500 perch from the Constantia state hatchery has been liberated in Cayuga lake by the Seneca county Fish and Game club.

Newspaper Clipping:: Voices From the Wilds

Out of sequestered, isolated areas of the lake country, tales of wild animals continue to come in. Since recent reports of wild cats, bears and deer galore, there are still filtering in yarns indicating a real increase in unusual wild life in the district. Timber wolves are reported ranging the hills of Tompkins county. An animal trapped by Ralph Payne near Newfield has been identified by Game Protector Frank Begent as a timber wolf, similar to one killed in Tioga county last year. The animals are believed drifting into the region because of the deer increase. Within the last two weeks four opossums, natives of southern climes, have been trapped and shot in Seneca county in the vicinity of East Varick. Hides of deer discovered in the woods about Kayutah lake have brought a close watch on that area by game wardens.

Newspaper Clipping: The CCC Camp at Fillmore Glen closed December 15th and the 180 enrollees there were transferred to the camp at Kannoa, near Bath. The Fillmore camp had been open since 1934. First ice fishing of the year has begun on some of the Finger lakes, principally at the lower end of Cayuga lake. Tip-up and bobber fishing is already yielding good returns.

New Lock Gates

The world’s largest all-welded steel gates are being installed in the twin locks of the Seneca-Cayuga branch of the Barge canal at Seneca Falls. When completed the two gates, weighing 40 tons each, will hold back more than 125 tons of water pressure. Though there are much larger gates used elsewhere, they are of riveted type. The gates are 41 feet high and 25 ½ feet wide.

Saturday, December 25, 1937

A wonderful Xmas day at Grace’s. Had a nice tree and wonderful dinner – menu – roast turkey and dressing, potatoes, squash, peas, rolls, cranberry relish, pickles, celery, oyster soup, tomato juice cocktail, plum pudding and whipped cream. All received lovely gifts. Started home at 4:10. Made a good trip. Ted stopped off to work in the evening. Walter about tired out. Fishels Xmas saddened by death of Mrs. Fishel on Saturday before.

Sunday, December 26, 1937

Home all day. Harry here. Everyone tired from Xmas trip. Walter so happy wil all his new toys and books.

Tuesday, December 28, 1937

Newspaper Clipping:

Yes, we’re going toward sundown,
Dad and I,
But as happy and contented
As in days gone by.
We’ve had our trials and crosses
And some were hard to bear,
But the coming of life’s December
Has lessened many a care.

We are glad to have lived and loved,
To have been part of His plan,
To have helped, if ever so little,
In the betterment of man.
And as the lights grow fainter
In the far-off wester sky,
We draw still closer together
As we wait to say good-bye.

--Carrie M. Nichols,

Horseheads, N.Y., R.S.

Friday, December 31, 1937

Newspaper Clipping: Mrs. Jarret Gardner, 75, of Chicago, formerly of Horseheads, died Friday, Dec. 31, 1937. She leaves a daughter, Maude Sayers of Philadelphia; a son, George Gardner of Buffalo; a sister, Mrs. Anna Crowe, and two brothers, James and Alex MacNeil of Chicago. The funeral was held in the Van Buskirk funeral home, Horseheads, Monday at 3 p.m. The Rev. C. H. Wilcox officiated. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.

Mrs. Hub Gardner who lives several years in the tenant house on the old Hoffman farm which is now the state nursery farm – the beautiful old mansion having been torn down and a small modern home for the superintendent built on its site.

Newspaper Clipping: Henry Freeman Thomas, 57, died Saturday evening, Dec. 31, 1937, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harriet L. Warner, 802 Grand Central Ave., Horseheads. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Minnie Dunn of Elmira; two brothers, John Addison Thomas of Alpine and Charles Thomas of Millport; two half sisters, Mrs. Ella Meeks of Montour Falls and Mrs. Lucy Woolever of Horseheads; a half-brother, Ellsworth Thomas of Horseheads. The funeral will be held at the home of a sister, Mrs. Warner, Tuesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. C. H. Wilcox will officiate. Burial will be in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Odessa.

A Terry Hill character who had cancers removed by his old boy friend Dr. Leon Hamilton until he could no longer operate and Henry would not go to hospital so just waited for them to kill him – in his breast.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 01 APR  2008 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice
Diary provided & introduced by Walt Samson
Transcribed by Carla McDonald
Published by Joyce M. Tice
Copyright Walt Samson & Joyce M. Tice