Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Berneice REED MacDougall Diary 1907
Photo at left of Berneice REED MacDougall . 
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Berneice Reed,

Horseheads, N.Y.

Thursday, August 1, 1907

Rained some until about 9:00 and then cleaned up. Charlie went up, after Mr. Bennett’s tedder and didn’t get back for dinner until 1:00. Did up my work and got ready to go to the Aid. Harry took mother, Grace, baby and I to the Aid. Had quite a crowd. I had lots of sport with my baby. Maude and Miss Latin there. Baby fell in love with Jimmie. Charlie came after us – we weren’t ready so he took Mrs. W. Vary home! Miss Barrus rode up to parsonage with us.

Friday, August 2, 1907

Ironed all the forenoon and some of the afternoon. Had a very hard, short thunder storm in the afternoon. The boys got caught with a load of hay. Picked and canned four quarts of pickles, beans. Came off very hot after the shower, so they could work I the hay again. Worked till 5:00 to get my work in shape to go down home. Decided to wait until morning and then drive for myself and save Charlie’s making two trips. Somewhat tired at night. Took baby to the barn in evening.

Saturday, August 3, 1907

Got ready, work done etc. and Grace and I started down home at 8:00. Visited etc. until after dinner and we all started for Rorick’s. Miss Poole and I drove father’s rig and mamma, Grace and Mrs. Ahart drove mine. Met two autos – no trouble. The show "Belle of New York" quite good. Did some trading in H-H- drove our own rigs home. Mrs. Ahart came up with us. Charlie and harry at Miller’s been helping there and they rode up with us. Got home about 8:15. A cool night.

Tuesday, August 6, 1907

Rather a rainy looking morning. I washed. Scalded my hand in the start and had a hard job to finish. Got through at 10:30. Did my mopping and cleaning up after dinner. Awfully tired. Worked on baby’s apron quite a while in the afternoon. Took baby up in the field where Charlie was putting up hay. She had a picnic. A very warm day – about tired out at night. Charlie’s back worse than ever. The boys had a lot of hay ready to get in. Having much more than they thought for.

Wednesday, August 7, 1907

Did part of my ironing (not till afternoon) and nearly sweltered Wright helping Charlie so I had an "extra" for dinner and supper. They drew hay all day. Drew the biggest loads. I baked bread and Grace made a cake for me. She tried a new macaroon recipe while I ironed. Took a nap in the hammock before supper time. Went down in the field where Charlie was putting up hay. Decided that I would not go to the Reunion – four could not ride in buggy.

Thursday, August 8, 1907

Had a great time getting Grace to say whether she would go or not. I helped them get ready baby etc. She to be taken to meet Will and go home. Mr. Latin phoned that someone could ride with him so I decided to go. Had a fine time, met so many of Charlie’s relatives and had a pleasant ride. Uncle Morgan 91 years old – mother and Grace came home before we. Wright helped here in the forenoon and Charlie helped them draw in rye in the afternoon. Had another hard headache at night.

Friday, August 9, 1907

Sick in the morning so dizzy etc. that I couldn’t sit up. Charlie went in the other part and ate his breakfast. He went down to Miller’s to help a while in the morning. Wright came back with him. Got up about 8:00 and picked cucumbers etc. hard work to travel all the forenoon. Felt better in the afternoon. Grace and I lay down a while and went down to Bank’s after butter toward night. Drove Maude. Drove up on the hill after we came back and got some apples. Mrs. Dann and Mrs. Banks both gave me cucumbers. Went to Grange at night – 4th degree – had ice cream and cake.

Saturday, August 10, 1907

A real warm day. Got my apples partly peeled and Mrs. Wood came with 12 qts. red berries for me so had those to attend to. Had 16 cans. Wright here for dinner. Did my baking – pie and cake after dinner and cleaning up. Grace and I went down to the barn and watched the men draw off hay. Came up and fixed a lunch and some ginger drink for them. Henry went home early. The boys worked very late and then had to change milk rigging – got to bed at 10:00 – tired to death.

Sunday, August 11, 1907

An excessively hot day. Harry and mother went to take Grace over to Joe’s for a visit. Charlie had to go with part of the milk. Jay and I walked to church. I came home before Sunday School. Had a warm walk home. Uncle Chas. here for dinner and stayed all of the afternoon. He lost a horse and was after Charlie to help him find another. I lay in the hammock and read all the afternoon. Had a watermelon – the first we had had. Everything about drying up, and no signs of rain.

Monday, August 12, 1907

Still awfully hot but a slight south breeze. Did my washing. Got thro’ in good season. Harry went with the second load of milk and Charlie cultivated and they finished their haying. I took a nap in the afternoon. Uncle Chas. over again. Wanted Charlie to go tomorrow night to see a horse. Charlie went up at 6:00 and helped Mr. Bush butcher three pigs – got home about 9:30. I ate my supper and lay in the hammock until he came. Brought home a whole liver. He about "bushed."

Tuesday, August 13, 1907

Not quite so warm. Did my ironing. Charlie hilled in the potatoes. Mended and visited with mother all of the afternoon. Mrs. Wood brought her some berries – the last of the season. Berry crop has been so short this year. Went up the hill with Harry after oats while the others were milking. Got some apples. They all small and poor. Uncle Chas. and Charlie went to look at a horse on F. McCauley. They gone when I got back – got home about 9:15. Had to eat supper alone again.

Wednesday, August 14, 1907

A very cold morning. Finished the ironing I had left over from last week. Charlie repaired their old binder and cut one piece of oats. He decided that we would go to the picnic on Friday. Not feeling very well so lay down and took quite a nap. Got two cans from Birde. Still no rain – everything suffering for it. Our water dried up – have to take the horses over to Dann’s for water. Didn’t have supper until real late. A cool night.

Thursday, August 15, 1907

Much warmer again. Dressed and cooked two hens for the picnic. Charlie helped Frank Coe craw in hay – down on Banks, so I ate dinner all by my lonesome. Had to wait until Lon came home to do my baking. Baked two cakes and had poor luck with both – sorted out the best for the picnic. Lon hitched up for me and I drove down for Charlie and took the butter crock. Had quite a visit with Mrs. Banks. They going tomorrow. Old Oscar here. Brought a huge watermelon.

Friday, August 16, 1907

Hurried around as we had to start early. Harry decided to go too so he and Jay walked to Millport and we drove. Had a special car full – everyone went. Had a fine dinner. Some fine speeches after dinner. Sprinkled enough to break up the speaking. Wandered around the rest of the time till the car came at 5:00. Had lots of fun coming home. The car had to wait a long time on every switch about. I sat by Mr. Will Latin and visited with him. Mrs. Ahart there after having a shock in the morning. Got home at 8:30.

Saturday, August 17, 1907

A warm day again. Did up my work and drove down home and spent the day. The folks all well. About tired out as result of the picnic. Took some work but didn’t do a thing all day but lie around. Took a short nap after dinner. Had a good visit. Brought home a lot of apples of all kinds. Everything dried up down that way and just covered with dust. Started home about 5:00. Had a dusty drive. Got home in time to get supper etc.

Sunday, August 18, 1907

A warm, muggy dusty day. Charlie went with the milk so Lon could go over to Pelham’s after Grace. Mother went over to Aunt Jule’s with him and spent the day. I did up my work and lay down. Overslept so did not go to church. Not feeling very well. Charlie got back about 1:00 and I had dinner all ready for him. We lay down in the afternoon and I read to him from "The Prairie." The people returned about 5:30. Seemed good to have Grace back.

Monday, August 19, 1907

Still warm with no signs of rain. Did not have water so couldn’t wash. Made some jelly, picked a few withered cucumbers etc in the forenoon. Charlie cut oats – had lots of trouble with his binder. Grace and I went after blackberries in the afternoon – got a very few little dried up things. Charlie and I went up to Bush’s at 5:00. He went to help butcher again. I visited – had a lovely time. They gave us a liver. Got home at 10:10 and had to mix bread before retiring.

Tuesday, August 20, 1907

Warm and as dry as ever. I did my washing and baked bread. Charlie broke the binder and had to go to Elmira for repairs. He make a very quick trip. Grace ate dinner with me – he came just as we got through. Mopped etc after dinner and lay down and took a nap – and about roasted. Grace and I went down to Bank’s after butter. Drove Lucy – she feeling very "foxy." Made our engagement for going to Elmira tomorrow. A very warm night.

Wednesday, August 21, 1907

Found the draught broken on awaking and a nice rain falling. However, it soon stopped but did some good. Got my work done and started on my trip at 8:00. Got down home at 9:00. Mamma soon got ready and we got the 10:30 car. Left colonel in the shop. Had a terrible time to find a coat but finally succeeded at Doolittles! Got a skirt at Personius’. The Firemen out in all their glory and the city decorated most beautifully. Stayed home till 5:00 – had dinner there and then came on. Myrna came at night.

Saturday, August 24, 1907

Quite a warm day. Took me all of the forenoon to get my baking and other work done. Myrna worked on Grace’s dress – made her the cutest rig. Will came up on the milk wagon – he helped the boys draw oats all of the afternoon. I sewed on hooks and eyes on my dress etc. Mrs. Stevens up to see about the S. S. picnic. Myrna and Will ate supper with us and then Will and I took her down home. Made a call on Hattie and Chance Sterling. Had quite a visit. A beautiful night. Got back at 9:30.

Sunday, August 25, 1907

A chilly day. Did up my work and bothered Charlie at the wagon house until time to get ready for church. I drove and took Aunt Emily and Grace. Not very many there. Stayed for Sunday School. Grace went up on Terry Hill to church with Bertha. Found dinner all ready when I got home. Charlie got it – his first house work since we began keeping house. Read to him and slept after dinner. The boys went to church at night. Had a hard time sleeping.

Monday, August 26, 1907

Quite a warm day. Did my washing – finished in good season. Set a batch of yeast to make picnic biscuits. The boys drew in oats. We decided to have Lon take us to the picnic. Did the mopping and cleaning up after dinner. Had a few ears of sweet corn for dinner – the first – still no rain and everything dying. Grace and I took a nap after I got my work all done – clothes sprinkled etc. Will went home with Lon on the milk wagon.

Tuesday, August 27, 1907

Still warm and dry. Did up the dishes and dressed chickens – Mother cooked the ones for the picnic and I fixed one for the fair. The boys worked in the oats. Baked 44 biscuits and bread and cake. Didn’t get much ironing done in the forenoon so had to do it in the afternoon. Grace and I made fancy strings of beads in evening. I made one of beads and allspice. We went up on the hill with the boys on the milk wagon. Bertha rode down with us and stayed a little while.

Wednesday, August 28, 1907

Found that it had rained a little and looked rainy but it soon cleared up. Grace went with Mrs. Bush and Grace. Aunt Emily stayed to Abby’s while we were gone. Jay, Lon, mother and I were the first arrivals. Had quite a crowd and a nice dinner. Had a fine time after dinner. I went with the youngsters Grace, lulu, floss, Lon, Edward, and Clair Scott. Had our tintypes taken, rode on roller coasters etc etc. Edward rode up to Horseheads with us. Got home just dusk. Awfully tired with headache.

Thursday, August 29, 1907

Got up and hurried to put up lunch and get ready to go to the Watkins Fair. Mr. Dann’s folks and Charlie and I – also Mr. Mosher went in company. Started about 9:30 – went via Odessa. We stopped in Montour got to the grounds just in time to eat dinner. Had a picnic dinner together. Bessie and Frank down in afternoon and we went around together. Had supper in Watkins. Had a good visit with them. They confided to us when "it" was to be. We had a good long drive home got here at 10:30. Fair no good at all.

Friday, August 30, 1907

Just "all in" – could hardly get around. Did up the work and went to bed until dinner time. Charlie went to help Mosher with his oats in the afternoon. I did just what I had to. Mrs. Stowitts phoned that she would be down in the afternoon so I had to get slicked up a little. She came and stayed until about 4:30. Grace came home from Mildred’s toward night. Received four of the most beautiful cards form England. Almost sick but not knowing how or when.

Saturday, August 31, 1907

No signs of rain yet. Charlie went to help Mosher again – expected to be home before dinner but he did not come so I had to eat alone. I did my work and that was all. Feeling some rested but not myself yet. Mother received a great long letter from Aunt Franc – she sent Grace and I post cards, very pretty ones. The boys drew in some oats – rakings etc. Charlie finished the last of the bundles after he got home – worked until awfully late. He about bushed.

Sunday, September 1, 1907

Quite a warm day. Did up the work and visited with Grace and the boys. Was just dressing when mamma and papa came. They went home about 3:00. We got ready and went down to Bessie’s. Beat Frank for once. She had other company, Mr. and Mrs. Kies of Montour and their sister from Elmira. Had a swell supper – the best ice cream I ever ate. Had a fine visit after the other went (and more ice cream). We did not get home until about 11:30. Awfully sleepy again.

Monday, September 2, 1907

Rejoiced at signs of rain – but got nothing but signs. Charlie went to help Mr. Miller draw in oats and I washed. I ate dinner in the other part. Got six post cards. Heard from George – he given up coming home for a while again – all of us so disappointed. I mopped etc after dinner and mended till night. Charlie did not get home until quite late. I ate my supper in solitary state in the hall on the floor. Sat out of doors until he came.

Tuesday, September 3, 1907

Rain at last!!! Not much but enough to do a lot of good. Did my ironing etc. Charlie dug some potatoes drew wood in the forenoon. Had a few more ears of corn for dinner. Sewed in the afternoon, swept etc. Grace and I went after butter for the "folks" at night. Saw Coe – he promised to bring down my kitten. Made quite a quick trip. Got back just as he boys finished milking. Charlie went over to Dann’s in the evening (& I to bed).

Wednesday, September 4, 1907

Rained quite a little during the day. Hurried my work thinking mother and I would go to Millport in afternoon but she too tired so we didn’t go. Aunt Emily finished the edge of my comfortable for me. Grace made a swell little coat for her doll. Received two cards from Birde and another. The boys drew out manure. Cleared off in the afternoon. Every one rejoicing over our life saving rain. Had supper some earlier and I read some the Charlie.

Thursday, September 5, 1907

Found that it had rained again in the night. Charlie went to Mr. Bush’s to help thresh. Harry went to Pine Valley to mill. I ate dinner all my myself again. Mother and I went to Millport in the afternoon. Did some trading and I took her to Mrs. Bales and I went up to Jen’s. The baby grown a lot and real cute. Grace had supper ready when we got back and I age with them. Charlie didn’t get home till late. He had a bad time with some kind of boil in the night.

Friday, September 6, 1907

A nice fall day. Charlie about all in with his boil. He went down to Clarence Spauldings and bought a potatoe digger and the riding hurt him dreadfully. I picked my ripe beans and Grace and I picked what plums there were. Canned my plums – 2 qts and three cans of watermelon rind. Cleaned up and read to Charlie most of the afternoon. He had a bad night of it again – did not sleep much on account of the pain – nor I either.

Monday, September 9, 1907

A showery day. I did not feel like washing so I went to took Grace and Bertha and the first day out fit to school. Mr. Stevens asked me to read something in church next Sunday. Mrs. Dalrymple brought out a big pail of cucumbers for us. Myrna there – saw her a minute. Got nearly unhitched and discovered that the children’s dinners were in the wagon so I had to drive back and take them. Fixed my silk skirt in afternoon. Rained quite hard so I had to go down after the children. Three trips to school.

Tuesday, September 10, 1907

Did my washing – not feeling very well yet so it was rather a hard job. Charlie worked on the hill – repairing. Mother and Harry picked a few blue plums so I had to take care of those too. Made three dishes of jelly and three of marmalade. Got through at 3:30. Got ready, hitched up and got to school at 4:00. Grace and I went up to Bank’s after our butter and then on up to Coe’s and got my kitten – a real cute little thing. Spent the evening caring for it.

Wednesday, September 11, 1907

A foggy, damp day. Did my ironing. Had to finish in the afternoon, Mr. Dann sent over my peck of plums by Lon so I had to attend to them. Had 4 pints of canned – 6 of marmalade and 3 dishes of jelly. It took me all of the afternoon. Got through at 5:00. Picked green tomatoes and put my French pickles in soak. Finished in time to go to bed. So tired I could hardly move. Charlie’s boil still hurting him badly but not quite so painful.

Thursday, September 12, 1907

Quite a rainy looking morning again but did not rain much. Made my mixed pickle. Mr. Dann phoned for Charlie to go to Watkins with him. Harry went up on the hill and told him and he came down and got ready. I ate dinner with mother. Took a nap in the afternoon. Charlie came about 9:00. Had a hot supper waiting. They got a load of salt and bought three washing machines. Mother’s is to be sent later. Charlie’s boil rather tired with the ride.

Friday, September 13, 1907

A nice clear day. Charlie worked on the hill – fixing and painting a lumber wagon. I swept, dusted and mopped before dinner. Cleaned lamps and swept upstairs after dinner. The kitten and I lay out in the hammock in the afternoon. Jay, Charlie and I went to the Grange meeting in the evening. Had a fine time – a literary programme. Had some time for visiting after the ??? business etc. Got home early.

Saturday, September 14, 1907

A very warm day. Did my baking and work in the forenoon. Grace and I got ready to go away after dinner. Lon helped me hitched up. I took her over to Updike’s to attend her Sewing Society and I spent the afternoon with Jennie Davenport. Had a great old visit. Stayed for supper. Grace came over about 7:00 and we got home just dark. Went to Bank’s after utter but it was not ready. Had to hurry to get Charlie’s supper.

Sunday, September 15, 1907

A very hot day. Grace and I walked to church and Charlie took Aunt Emily. Had a very small congregation. I read some selections for Mr. Stevens as he wasn’t there. Harry came down after Aunt Emily and Charlie and I went down home. Disappointed not to find Grandma and Grandpa there – they coming tomorrow. Got home about 8:00. A warm beautiful night. Got a "bunch" of stuff down home.

Monday, September 16, 1907

Another hot day. Did my washing and about sweltered. Used my new machine and found it just fine. Got all through at 9:30. Did up the rest of my work. Mother and I went to Horseheads in the afternoon. I got Jay a hat and he and Harry shoes. Did some other trading and went over to the depot to meet Grandma and Grandpa (mamma and I), Mother went to the Dr’s. Got home about 6:30. Got supper in a very few minutes.

Tuesday, September 17, 1907

A nice pleasant day but awfully hot. Did my ironing – a roasting job. Mother in here to do her baking – her stove smoked so. We sent an order to Sears and Roebuck for a new one for her. Did up a lot of writing. Charlie worked on the hill. Kitten and I took a nap. Grace and I went with Lon after a load of corn fodder. Found some corn large enough to eat. Had a lot of fun helping throw the fodder off. Retired early.

Wednesday, September 18, 1907

Found it raining in the morning which it continued to do all day. Lon and harry went to the Fair – had a bad day of it as it rained so. Charlie went with the milk and got soaked. He got home about 12:30. I did my cake baking in the afternoon – after I could get some wood. Charlie went down after the children and got mother’s butter – I resigned that job for good. I did my mending and some odd jobs – getting ready to go to the Fair tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 1907

Another rainy looking morning with a fine mist. We decided to chance it and went to the Fair. Charlie drove the team and took mother, Grace, Jay and I. It cleared off and we had a pleasant day. Papa and Grandpa ate dinner with us. The women didn’t come. Found Sadie McD- there. Frank and Bessie came down in the afternoon and we had a fine time. Stayed in the evening for the fireworks. Burr, Frank and Bessie rode up to Horseheads with us. Awfully tired.

Friday, September, 20, 1907

Did baking, mopping, stove blacking, etc. Getting things ready as mamma and, Grandma and Grandpa up tomorrow. Worked until about 3:15 before I finished. Had to drive down to school to make arrangements with Grace Davenport about she and Jennie coming up so as not to have them all at the same time. Visited with the children and Maude quite a while. Brought Bertha and grace up home. A real warm day. A fine day for the Fair.

Saturday, September 21, 1907

Looked for the folks up all the forenoon but was disappointed Grace and I lay in the hammock. Got a letter from mamma saying Grandpa was sick – had been having chills etc. She went to the Dr. and got him some medicine. I went down after Jennie and Grace soon after dinner. Waited for them to get ready. Charlie and Mr. Banks went to Alpine to look for ploughs. Grace M & Grace D and Jay went to a corn roast at Karl’s. Lon spent the evening with us and took Jennie down home.

Sunday, September 22, 1907

Quite chilly. Charlie and I got ready as early as possible and went to see Grandpa. He very bad – blood poisoning caused by an old corn. The Dr. there and told us there wasn’t much hopes of his recovery. Nettie and Lewis there too. Mamma just heartbroken but determined to keep up for his sake. He seemed quite well at night. We stayed as late as we could on account of mamma. Grandma seemed possessed – bound to take him home Tuesday. Seems so awful after seeing him so well.

Monday, September 23, 1907

Ate our breakfast and Charlie took me down to Miller’s to phone to Uncle George about Grandpa. He answered and said that she would come that afternoon. Spent the rest of the forenoon in writing to Uncle Will, Aunt Lottie and Aunt Lou. Got our dinner and we went to meet Aunt Nell. Rained nearly all day. Did some trading before train time. Aunt Nell feeling so badly. Mamma so glad to see her! Em and Aunt Lid there. Grandpa and Grandma both glad to see her. She frustrated with the change.

Tuesday, September 24, 1907

Was going to wash but Charlie wanted me to drive to Horseheads and go to Elmira with her. Saw Lon on our way down and he said Grandpa was worse. Did our trading in a hurry and got up home at 2:00. Mother McD—and I washed up the dishes and she swept etc. Grandpa entirely out of his head all of the time. Dr. said he could last but a few days. I took Aunt Nell to H-H- to telegraph to Aunt Lou and get him some things. We got home about 6:30 – just in time to get my boy’s supper.

Wednesday, September 25, 1907

Did my washing Charlie helped me with it. Had fine rain storms at intervals all day. Did up curtains and napkins for mamma. Charlie and I went down at night. Uncle Will, Aunt Nelly and Wilma there. Grandpa even so much better – perfectly rational but his foot worse. Has one chance for life if gangrene can be averted. Visited with the folks and they went to bed at 10:00 and Charlie and I sat up with Grandpa. We had a hard time keeping awake. He slept finely.

Thursday, September 26, 1907

Started for home at 5:00. Got breakfast on mother’s stove. Charlie went with the milk and Lon helped Mr. Parsons cut ensilage. Myrna here sewing for mother and she wanted me to help her so I sewed nearly all day. Not sleepy at all to speak of. The day of the Aid at Mrs. Mosher’s but we did not go. Mrs. Stevens called on her way up – left my new S.S. paper. Took a nap of about 15 min. Mr. Ahart called – collecting for the Advertiser. Had a fine visit with Myrna.

Friday, September 27, 1907

Baked bread etc. Got my work done up so I could go down home in the afternoon. Charlie went with the milk and Lon got ensilage again. Got started for home about 3:00. Grandpa about the same – though a little better. Dr. afraid of gangrene. Wilma very loving to me. Aunt Nell and Uncle Will had to go home. I took down a letter I got from Axtell. Started home about 5:00. Came around by Goodwin’s and got Lon. Got some butter for mamma. Myrna went home.

Saturday, September 28, 1907

Baked cake and did my ironing and general cleaning up. Work in awful shape. Didn’t get through until night – had a big ironing. Made my cake icing after dark. Grace helped me some. She and I went up on the hill with Lon after hay. Charlie up there painting – and I mowed away the hay for him and then we went after corn fodder. We got some corn to eat. Had a light supper and went to bed early and slept like a "pig."

Sunday, September 29, 1907

A real rainy day. Charlie and I got ready and went down home. Found Grandma sick in bed too. Mamma and Aunt Nelly with their hands full. Grandpa not quite as strong. Has 8 ulcers on his foot which will have to eat to the bone. Uncle Ross there. He went home in the afternoon. Chas. took him to Horseheads. Wilma went with him. Charlie and I sat up – the hardest job I ever had – to keep awake. Grandpa rested real well. Charlie had another boil and about "all in."

Monday, September 30, 1907

Started home at 5:00. The boys had not got the cows in yet. Got breakfast, cleared off the table and went to bed and slept until 11:00. Charlie went to Millport to mill. Never so sleepy in my life. Got dinner, did up the work and at 2:30 "took to the bed" again and remained until 5:00. Mother washed but I felt like doing much anything else. Had out suppers some later. Went to bed about 8:30 and was as ready for sleep as ever. Afraid I’m not going to stand it.

Tuesday, October 1, 1907

Felt pretty well again. Did my work and started down home about 9:00. Was much surprised to find Axtells there. I got a very freeing reception. Their kid a regular "freak" tho’ quite pretty. The went back right away after dinner. The Dr. did not come. Until late at night then the old man. He said Grandpa’s chances of ever getting well were 1 out of 100. Got home about dark. Wilma stuck on me more than ever. Found a nice warm fire awaiting me.

Wednesday, October 2, 1907

Quite a nice day. Did my washing – didn’t get at it very early so was late in finishing. Charlie went with the milk, so we had dinner about 1:00. Mother went over to see Aunt Mary. She real sick. Heard that Mr. Chapman was dead – everyone talking about it. Picked green tomatoes for pickles and fixed peppers to put to soak. Swept and cleaned up – got done about the time Grace came from school. Mother came about 5:30. Aunt Mary better (ulcer on the bowels).

Thursday, October 3, 1907

Written on boat.

A nice day – did my ironing and hustled it off in a great shape. Charlie began to cut his corn. Made some cucumber catsup and other pickles. Did the mopping after dinner and slept a couple of hours to get some sleep before night. Charlie and I went down home at night – after supper. Didn’t have quite as hard a time to keep awake as usual. I slept from 4:00 to 12:00 and then Charlie slept until 4:00 – drew and read. Grandpa seemed better and did not need much care.

Friday, October 4, 1907

Started for home at 5:00. Charlie helped milk. I got breakfast did up the work and went to bed for a couple of hours and Mrs. Dann wanted me to go to Montour after tomatoes so I got ready. Charlie down to Miller’s helping thresh. We drove F. Mosher’s team. Wanted six bushels of tomatoes but couldn’t find any. Each of us got a new hat and some "good things" for supper and came home. Got lots of joking about our trip. Got me a dandy black hat. Charlie waited and I got a cooked supper.

Saturday, October 5, 1907

Quite a rainy day. Had spells of raining. Baked a cake, made some pickles, swept mended etc. all day long. Had some thunder and lightening – but not bad here but severe in other places. The boys went around and got all the jack-screws they could find and partly raised up the barn floor that had nearly caved it. A real cold day. I "came down" with the distemper and cold. Felt awfully mean. Lungs and throat both quite sore.

Sunday, October 6, 1907

Did up my work, took a bath and went down home. Grandpa seeming real bright and strong. Uncle Ross, Aunt Lottie and Helen came driving in. Helen as cute as ever though more babyish than when she was smaller. She, Aunt Lottie, Charlie and I went out in the orchard after apples. She crazy to pull them off from the trees. Decided for Grandma and I to go to the lake tomorrow to pack their goods. Started home about 5:00. Got my suit case packed.

Monday, October 7, 1907

A lovely day – real warm. Charlie took me to Millport to the train real early – train late too. Took the bus from the depot to the boat. Had a long tiresome ride on the lake. Grandma about tired out when we got to Grove Springs. Mr. Silvernail went and took her up to Uncle Will’s. I rode up to Uncle Thed’s with Dallas Gleason on his grape wagon. Aunt Lib quite surprised to see me. Ate grapes until I nearly bursted. The grapes just lovely this year.

Tuesday, October 8, 1907

A cold rainy day. Uncle Will brought Grandma down and stopped for me. He having the "Shingles." Aunt Nell came over on the boat and we proceeded to tear up and pack up. All of us took dinner with Mrs. Houck over in Grandpa’s old stand. Mr. Silvernail helped us nail up the boxes etc. I shipped them by the Erie. Grandma went home with Aunt Nell – she just about tired out. Aunt Lib came down after me. We went down in the vineyard after we got up there. Had a few(?) grapes!!

Wednesday, October 9, 1907

Aunt Lib took me to the boat to go to Penn Yan with Grandma. A cold morning – everything white with frost and some ice frozen but grapes not hurt. Found Grandma on the boat. Had a long ride. I went up I the bus with her and back to the boat. The boat didn’t leave until 2:30. Got all the ride I wanted going back. Got to Corning Landing at 6:30 – real dark. Uncle Thed came down part way and met me. Awfully tired. Got a market basket to take home grapes in.

Thursday, October 10, 1907

Went up to Grandpa Reed’s right away after breakfast. They seemed quite well. Grandma had a hard cold. Aunt Lib came up after a while and we stayed until after dinner and then went on up to Lulu’s. She much better – looking real well. Aunt Lib went back toward night and I stayed. We had a great old visit as usual. Joel, Lulu and I visited all of the evening. Quite a cold night. Think Lulu has been through enough to get well alright. She quite fleshy.

Friday, October 11, 1907

Helped Lulu do up her work and went down to Uncle Wills about 10:00. Wilma so glad to see me. She sang for me and otherwise furnished entertainment. Had a hard thunder storm about 11:30. Aunt Lib drove up and got Lulu and then came up for me. We stopped at Grandpa’s a few minutes. Packed my market basket of grapes which made a good heavy load. We visited all the evening but retired quite early on Lulu’s account. Packed up.

Saturday, October 12, 1907

Quite a pleasant day. Aunt Lib took me to the boat. I saw Mr. Chas. Wells and told him who I was and visited with him for some time. Took a bus from the boat to the depot and then went back downtown and did some trading, before train time. Got in Millport at 3:19. Jay there to meet me. Charlie gone after his new plow – he got back about 8:00. I had a nice warm supper waiting for him. He seemed most awful glad to see me back.

Sunday, October 13, 1907

Did my work and got ready to go down home. Charlie went down across to go with Mr. Banks to look at a beef – they bought it. Grandpa had been much worse but is better again. I couldn’t see as he had failed very much in the week I hadn’t seen him. Aunt Sid Stowe there helping mother. We came home early as we expected ensilage cutters tomorrow and we both had some odd jobs to attend to. I read to Charlie some in the evening.

Monday, October 14, 1907

Quite cold. Rained by spells in the forenoon. Baked bread, fixed meat etc – getting ready for the Silo Fillers. The didn’t run until after noon at Dann’s. Baked my cake and cleaned up on the afternoon. The boys papered the silo. The cutters got here at 3:00 and got mostly done. I had six extra men for supper and mother had three. About tired out when I got the supper work finished. Mr. Thatcher stayed here over night – the others went up with Mosher.

Tuesday, October 15, 1907

Got up a 4:00 in order to get the milk wagon started so they could begin cutting ensilage early. I had the two men for breakfast. It only took them a little over an hour to finish cutting. Got my work done early and sewed – made an apron and cut out another. Had dinner at 11:30 – Grace ate with us. Charlie went to Millport after his cultivator wheel and to kill the beef at Bank’s but Mr. Banks busy so they didn’t kill. Took a little nap in the afternoon.

Wednesday, October 16, 1907

Did my washing – had the largest one I ever did alone. Charlie rubbed out one tub full for me. Mother went up to Bush’s for dinner and afternoon. I finished about 10:30. Quite tired. Grace and I got ready after dinner and went down home to see Grandpa – he about the same. Had been sitting up for a half hour. He is so weak ad cannot eat anything which is much against him. We started back at 5:00. Stopped at Ed’s and got a bushel of green tomatoes.

Thursday, October 17, 1907

Quite a nice warm day. Did my ironing – had a whopper. Grace helped me a little so I finished at noon. Mother and aunt Emily went over to Aunt Jule’s. Charlie dug potatoes in the forenoon and he and Mr. Banks killed their beef in the afternoon. Grace and I went on the hill and picked up five bu. cider apples a piece. Rode down on a load of apples and potatoes. Found Charlie sorting potatoes to go to Elmira tomorrow. He went down after the beef, so we didn’t have a very early supper.

Friday, October 18, 1907

Hurried around with my work so to go to Elmira with Charlie. Took 10 bu. potatoes and the beef hide. Had a cold, windy ride. Sold out the load in a hurry. Got the team I so as to go to dinner at 12:00 sharp. I did a little trading and went back to the Homestead at 1:15. I held the team while Charlie did some "dealing" and we got a good start for home. About froze coming up. Got home at 5:00. We cut some steak for supper etc. Had around some earlier.

Saturday, October 19, 1907

A bright sun-shiny day with a cold west wind. The boys dug and picked up potatoes full force all day. I cleaned lamps, blacked stove, swept, dusted etc in the forenoon. Mopped and washed windows in the afternoon. After I finished my work I went after hickory nuts. Had fine luck – got a milk pan heaping full of nuts. Grace was expecting company so she didn’t go. The boys worked quite late so we didn’t get to bed very early.

Sunday, October 20, 1907

Began quite early to snow and continued nearly all day. The flakes great large ones which came very swiftly. Charlie and I went down home and we got nearly snowed under. Took father 20# of our beef. Found Grandpa had been very bad the night before – came near dying and Grandma very bad off with erysipelas in her head and face. Dare not let him know what ailed her. She ??? had a gathering too. Mother having her hands about full.

Monday, October 21, 1907

The ground frozen real hard and the clothes on the line froze. A very cold day for the time of year. Got my washing all finished at 9:15 and began to bake. Baked 3 pies, 3 cakes, 5 doz. cookies for mamma. Got through at 4:00 and lay down until 5:00. Grace went after hickory nuts after school. The boys dug potatoes – rather hard digging on account of wet and the ground being frozen. About tired out after supper so retired quite early.

Tuesday, October 22, 1907

Mrs. Vary died.

Still cold. Hurried with my bread baking and work and started down home about 8:20. The roads real hubby. Took my load of baked stuffs to them. Grandpa quite a little better. Grandma’s face looking better too but her mind worse etc. I washed the breakfast dishes, did mother’s ironing, fixed Grandpa’s dinner and otherwise made myself useful. Mother’s nerves getting in a bad condition. Started home at 4:00. A cold ride. Had soup for supper.

Wednesday, October 23, 1907

Did my ironing and some mending in the forenoon. The boys dug and picked up potatoes all day. A warm morning – which changed to a cold afternoon. Finished a gingham apron after dinner. At 3:00 hitched up Maud and drove down to the hickory nut trees. Grace came up from school and we got a big feed sack full before shucking. Quite a chilly job toward the end. Got back just dusk. The boys just came from work. A cold night.

Thursday, October 24, 1907

Swept, dusted and did some more mending in the forenoon. The boys still working in the potatoes. Hurried through my work and went down home. Grandma better – Grandpa about the same – only three new ulcers on his foot. Their goods came the two trunks lost. Mamma busy unpacking and washing of dishes etc. I stayed only an hour. Stopped and visited a while with Velma Barber. Didn’t get home until a little after dark – had to put out my horse.

Friday, October 25, 1907

A rainy looking morning but it didn’t rain any. Did my work. Did a lot of picking up, mending etc in the forenoon. Had dinner quite early and Aunt Emily and I went to Mrs. Vary’s funeral. She looked very natural but so awfully poor. A very very sad funeral. A large crowd there. Got home about 5:00. A cold windy ride – the wind blew something furiously all the way up. Read etc in the evening. Retired early.

Saturday, October 26, 1907

Swept, dusted, cleaned lamps and swept upstairs before dinner. Expecting Lulu and Flossie up in the afternoon. Charlie didn’t come to diner until 1:00. Company failed to appear. Charlie and I started down home at 8:00. Found Uncle Will there – he just came for over Sunday. The men visited until 11:30 and I slept a little. Charlie then lay down and I sat up until 5:00. A very cold night. Grandpa and Grandma both rested well all night. She very much better.

Sunday, October 27, 1907

A rainy day. We got a single bed from Mr. Judson’s and brought Grandma downstairs so as to have them both in the same room. Charlie struck off a lot of matches in the pocket when he was helping to bring Grandma down. A big ulcer on Grandpa’s foot broke – discharged something terrible. ??? folks came over and brought Aund Lid over again. Charlie and I went home about 11:30. An awfully cold ride – about frozen when we got home. Had dinner at 3:00 – rather sleepy.

Monday, October 28, 1907

A rainy cold day. Decided that it was too bad weather for doing my washing. Felt rather old also. Mrs. Dann wanted me to keep Stanley, Gladys and Dorothy while she went to Elmira so I turned nurse for the day. Baby got a couple of bumps and Gladys got a little homesick but altogether got along first rate. Charlie went down and got his plow after having a circus catching Dick. He put the platform together and decided to take a load tomorrow. Babies went at 7:30.

Tuesday, October 29, 1907

A very windy cold day. Charlie had to sort his potatoes so we didn’t get started until 10:00. Load all sold so we got around quickly. Went to a restaurant and got some (3) oysters. Got back to Horseheads at 5:00. Charlie had the team shod – I went over to Edna’s ad waited. Had a fine visit. She so blue – Henry’s lameness worse and no one able to find what is the matter. Started home at 6:30. So cold coming up we nearly froze. Found a nice warm fire waiting.

Wednesday, October 30, 1907

Still cold. Straightened up and baked a batch of cookies in the forenoon. Charlie ploughed with his new sulky plow. Grace had a hard cold on her lungs. I doctored her up before she went to school. I sewed some on my waist in the afternoon and was taken with a cold on my lungs – could hardly breathe and had the rheumatism in my leg so I could hardly walk. Didn’t feel much like work. Retired very early – aching all over.

Thursday, October 31, 1907

A nice sunny day. Just about sick – my cold so bad. Lungs ached so I was quite alarmed. Did just what was necessary and no more. The boys dug potatoes. They heard that there were more wanting to send milk on their route – Mr. Hermans. Wright here to use the phone – on his way taking Mr. Dalrymple’s boys up to Bennett’s. Lon went up with them. Mr. Dann’s cows out causing the Dalrymple’s to go out on the "war path."

Friday, November 1, 1907

Another nice day. The boys still digging potatoes. My cold some better, leaving my lungs. Did some baking etc in the forenoon. Visited with mother all of the afternoon. Children home from school real early – Miss Coe going away. Bertha in here a few minutes with Grace. Did some rubbering over the phone – heard Mrs. Bennett and Nellie M—talking – then Nellie and Henry. Mr. Ben – worked in H’s place while he visited with her. Quite surprised at the Bennetts.

Saturday, November 2, 1907

A cloudy morning. Did my washing. My chimney got afire and burned something fierce. Stove pipe red hot. I poured water on it and burned my hand very badly while at it. Just got my clothes out when it began to rain so had to take them down again. Charlie went to Pine Valley to see about trading some stock. Rained awfully hard just as he got back. Started down home as soon as it stopped. Had a visit with Mr. Miller on our way down. Mrs. Baker there – came to get Willie – he had left and gone up to Sift’s Rained in night.

Sunday, November 3, 1907

Charlie and I sat up my two hour turns so were neither one so sleepy this morning. The sick ones about the same. Grandma quite a conundrum to every one. She no stronger than last week – will eat nothing at all scarcely. We started home about 10:30. About sick – cold worse, head ached and awfully sleepy. Charlie and I ate dinner in the other part. I went to bed as soon as I ate – kitten and I and slept until 4:00. Had a lunch for supper and retired before 8:00.

Monday, November 4, 1907

Charlie bought 8 calves

A nice bright day and quite warm. The boys finished digging their potatoes. My cold so bad I did not wash. Ironed the colored clothes from last week. Grace home – no school until after election. Got my work all caught up in the forenoon. Grace and I cleaned out my clothes press in the afternoon. I cut some carpet rags and taught her to hemstitch. Jud Little here to see the voters – but did not see them. Made soup for the whole family at night.

Tuesday, November 5, 1907

A good day. Charlie went to vote in the morning. Grace helped me iron etc and then we and Jay took Joe and Major to draw up some wood. Was just coming to the house when we saw an auto coming. I run the team and lost part of my load of rails but got behind the house just as the blamed thing went past. Grace and I took the kittens and went up on the hill where the boys were putting up potatoes. They got one mouse. Walked back.

Wednesday, November 6, 1907

Democrats won in county!

Found that it had rained about all night. Cleared up some so Charlie and Jay started with 32 bu. of potatoes to Elmira. Dick got his foot caught on wire fence while they were watering at Dann’s and was thrown across the trough. He run down to church. Took them about an hour to get straightened out and go on. The horse not hurt at all. Harry went over to help them. They got home about 7:00 – soaked. Rained hard most all day.

Thursday, November 7, 1907

A nasty, rainy sleety, cold day. Was going down home but gave it up. Charlie went to help Mr. Latin thresh. I baked etc in the forenoon and made the sleeves to my waist in the afternoon. Had clam soup for supper and invited the other family in to eat with us. The first time Charlie about sick with dust fever. He brought in the ruins of Dick’s harness and mended it in the evening while I read to him.

Friday, November 8, 1907

Quite a nice morning but a cold afternoon. Charlie repaired Dick’s harness and greased it in the forenoon. Harry plowed all day with the new sulky plow. Charlie and I went to Alpine after dinner to get some plow points – my first visit to that "city." Started home and found out that the points were wrong so went back but they were all wrong so we had our trip for nothing. Had a real cold disagreeable ride coming back.

Saturday, November 9, 1907

Hurried through my work so as to go with Charlie to Elmira with a load of potatoes. Got started at 9:15. Rather a cold day. Had good luck in selling the potatoes. Had dinner at 1:00 and started back at 3:15. Warmer at night. Got supper as soon as we got home and we went down home again. Visited a while and mother went to bed and we slept and kept fire all night. The sick ones both quite a little better. A cold night.

Sunday, November 10, 1907

Both of us slept most of the time after 1:00 – only had to keep the fire going. Stayed until after dinner this time. I helped mamma put some springs on Grandma’s bed. Saw the calf of his leg, where it broke. A horrid sight. Aunt Lid gave father a great old lecture – Charlie the only auditor – he much amused over it. Got home at 3:00. Aunt Jule still here – stayed until in the evening. We read some before chore time. Quite a nice day, but cold at night.

Monday, November 11, 1907

A real cold day. Did my washing – had a two weeks one. The clothes froze quite hard. Just finished in time to get dinner. Charlie ploughed on the potato field all day. He about tired out – his first ploughing since summer. Harry working with the three horses. Did my sweeping, mopping etc in the afternoon. Grace went up with Bertha and stayed all night – lonesome without her. Had rather a late supper. Expected to go home tomorrow for a few days.

Tuesday, November 12, 1907

Still cold. The roads awfully bad. Charlie ploughed in the forenoon and put up a load of potatoes in the afternoon. I did my ironing. Got a card from Mamma. Aunt Lid not leaving this week. Grandpa bad again and she had a hard cold. Swept and cleaned up our room after dinner. Bertha stayed all night with Grace. I made some candy for them in the evening. They had a great time. Frank said he would be down Friday.

Wednesday, November 13, 1907

Charlie had to hurry around in order to start with his load of potatoes with Mr. Miller – took 3 bushels. Thought of going down home, but could not have a horse. Did house work and mending in the forenoon and took a nap. Ate dinner with the other family. Finished my mending and cut out my percale waist in the afternoon. Mother and I visited every minute. Charlie got home about 7:30. Brought some clams so made soup for supper.

Thursday, November 14, 1907

A cold day with a raw, blustering north wind. Harry and Charlie worked at their ploughing all day. Frozen so hard in the morning that it bothered them quite a lot. I did house work all the forenoon and sewed on my waist a lot in the afternoon. Aunt Emily had a fit all day about having the cellar windows put in and finally climbed on top of a 300 pile of potatoes and nailed them in herself. Quite a cold night.

Friday, November 15, 1907

Hustled house work all day about swept, dusted and mopped. Frank told Charlie he would be down at night. Sewed in the afternoon. Charlie sorted and put up a load of potatoes. I planned to go with him. Made some "fudge" for night. Charlie got thro’ real early. I just started to read aloud when Frank came. Had a great old visit – he to be married Nov. 27. He very solemn and sad – told us about his visit to the priest.

Saturday, November 16, 1907

A lovely day. Charlie decided to take a big load so I did not go. Got a letter from mamma saying Aunt Lyd was going Sunday and wanting me to come down and stay. Did up my work etc in forenoon. Ate dinner in the other part. Grace and I went with Lon and Jay after a load of small potatoes that were in the old house also after a load of wood. Charlie got home about 6:30. I had supper waiting for him.

Sunday, November 17, 1907

Did up the work, packed up etc and we started down home about 10:30. Went by Bank’s and got some butter for our folks. Aunt Lyd gone when we got there. Grandpa better and she about the same. Father and Charlie went over to Hilton’s to try and get Mrs. H. to wash – but couldn’t. Charlie went home about 5:00. Hated to have my boy go and leave me. Read most of the evening. Mamma stayed with the sick.

Monday, November 18, 1907

Assumed my duties as help in the hospital. Swept and dusted kitchen, dining room, hall and sitting room. Mamma helped in the forenoon but slept all of the afternoon and I acted as nurse. She received some post cards from England and I some from Canada. Read story papers all of the afternoon. Will Manning threshed at Th??? For father and was here for supper – he as silly as ever.

Tuesday, November 19, 1907

Did up my work, picked three chicken and dressed one of them – then got ready to go to Horseheads. Drove Maude and had a fine trip. Did some trading, changed by book, etc. Had quite a visit with Edna and Henry. He getting much better of his lameness. The Dr. up in the afternoon he lanced Grandpa’s leg. Said he could soon walk. Both the sick ones improving. The threshers got here at 4:00. Didn’t have to keep any of them.

Wednesday, November 20, 1907

Threshers! And work! They got to work about 8:00. Picked to dressed another chicken. Cut up cabbage etc. Mrs. Thorne came down to help get dinner. Had six men. She went home and took her men. She came back after dinner and helped do up the work. I took Maude and her platform and went up after my washing machine. Charlie on the hill plowing – I saw him just a few minutes.

Thursday, November 21, 1907

Got up real early. Papa went up to Judson’s to thresh – got through at noon. He about used up so dusty. The wind blew a gale all day from the south. Mamma and I washed. Had 9 sheets, 19 pillow cases and other things to correspond and only did half of it. Sat with the sick in the afternoon while mamma slept. Grandpa had a spell with his heart at 11:30 p.m. I got up to help ad papa too. It lasted quite a long time.

Friday, November 22, 1907

Got up and went to washing again. Papa run the machine for me so I did not get very tired. Mrs. Thorne and Miss Burris drove in – Miss Sears sent some fried cakes. Did up my work, got my room cleaned up and dressed for the grange. Charlie came after me about 7:15. Had a fine time and lovely refreshments. Fred Stowe made a fool of himself. I had an unusually long session – got home at 2:00. So tired and sleepy I could hardly get to bed.

Saturday, November 23, 1907

Began my days work by washing – quite a change (?). Jay helped me so I got along finely. Charlie plowed. He nor I neither feeling well. I had sick head ache all the afternoon – Grace and I fixed a bed on the floor and took a nap. We got ready and started down home again after supper. So sick I could hardly get into my clothes – felt better when got out in the air. So crawled into bed after our arrival. Nice day.

Sunday, November 24, 1907

A nice pleasant day. Did up the work etc. and poultice Charlie’s boil all the forenoon. He feeling awfully bad with a hard cold. Nett and Lewis over in the afternoon. Grandpa better – sat up a half hour, read etc. Lewis’ folks and Charlie all went home about 5:30. Lonesome without my boy again. The barn on the place where Lobdells live burned about 6:30. A big fire – mostly light enough to read here. Lost all his grain and hay.

Monday, November 25, 1907

Did up the work and then went to Horeseheads after cotton, gauze, etc. Had quite a visit with the Dr. He said there was nothing the matter with Grandmother and Grandpa would soon be up. Saw Edna a few minutes. Did a lot of trading and got home for dinner. Grandpa sat up an hour and half and smoked – seems so good to see him gaining so rapidly. Wrote to Aunt Nell, Carrie and wrote some cards. Quite a nice day.

Tuesday, November 26, 1907

Began snowing at 5:00 and continued until about 8:30 – snow about an inch deep but it soon thawed off. Papa went to Horseheads to get him some new boots. I went up to see the post-man – got some stamps – a sloppy walk. Not feeling very well. Grandpa sat up nearly all day – he and I played a couple games of euchre. Mrs. Thorne stopped to say she had found an invalids chair for him and a girl for mamma – a welcome visitor.

Wednesday, November 27, 1907

Some snow on the ground. Did up the work and cleaned the cupboards. Had to stay with the sick while mamma went up to Mrs. Palmers to hire her girl. Mrs. Thorne came back with her – had our horse on their platform and she and I went to Horseheads after the chair – at Al Hortons – he in the hospital. Took the wagon up and got our buggy – had my dinner at 2:00. Grandpa sat up all day – I got him in the new chair at night. Grandma the same.

Thursday, November, 28, 1907

Swept, dusted, cleaned lamps, etc. Not feeling as brisk as usual. Got Grandpa’s breakfast. Expected some one after me but no one came. Grandma seemed worse in the afternoon so I went up to Judson’s and phoned for the old Dr. – couldn’t get him. Elmer alone. He and I visited quite a while – he gave me a fine post card. Found Charlie waiting for me when I got back. Said threshers would be there tomorrow night – a cold ride.

Friday, November 29, 1907

A beautiful day. Mother had yeast for me so I baked my bread and cake, worked all the forenoon to get ready for the threshers – they broke down coming up the hills – had our trouble for nothing. No school so Grace was home. Was in the midst of cleaning up when Mrs. Bush and Bertha came. I finished my mopping etc just the same. Had quite a visit. They stayed until most night. The roads awfully bad – muddy rutty etc.

Saturday, November, 30, 1907

A beautiful day. Charlie and Harry plowed all day. They changed around in the afternoon. Cleaned lamps, swept and dusted upstairs etc in the forenoon and did the ironing from last Sat’s. washing in the afternoon. Mr. Stevens up with an order for some money. Took a bath and cleaned up befor ewe started down home – got there about 8:30. Grandma real bad – Dr. fears a cancer of the stomache – he doing finely.

Sunday, December 1, 1907

Talked with Mrs. F. Coe over the phone. Charlie helped father with his chores and I did up the house work. Fixed the room for the girl etc. Grandma still bad – Grandpa hobbled 20 steps and very proud of it. Fred Stowe down in the afternoon – he feeling badly over Em’s slick dealing in dividing his fathers things. I went up after mother’s girl when Charlie hitched up. She seemed real pleasant and nice – do hope she will stay a while. Got home at 7:30. Ate supper and retired.

Monday, December 2, 1907

Found the ground covered with snow about 3 in. deep and the weather very much colder in the morning. Did not wash on account of mamma’s having my machine. Did house work and sewed some on my linen waist and mended. Charlie and Harry drew out manure. The Hews here and bought two cows – or promised to come after them. A real cold afternoon and night – the coldest of the season. Winter arrived in dead earnest and very suddenly.

Tuesday, December 3, 1907

Still cold – some sleighs out. Charlie went with the milk – began his winter’s work. Got orders to come every day during December – he glad to get the extra pay. He brought my photo post cards when he came back – they very good. Did quite a lot on my waist. Sewed on the trimming. Harry and Lon banked the house – clear up to the windows – a fierce looking place. Charlie didn’t get home until 7:00 – got his horses shod.

Wednesday, December, 4, 1907

Still cold – rather gloomy all day. Charlie went with the milk – got back at 1:00. Made the buttonholes in my waist. The boys fixed fence around the barn yard on the hill, drew some wood etc. Anna Mosher’s wedding – her mother fell and broke a rib and hurt her shoulder in the morning – rather a draw back to the wedding. The children did not get home until dark – staying to practice for Xmas entertainment.

Thursday, December 5, 1907

A very cold day. Did my washing – quite a cold job. Clothes froze hard before I could get them on the line. Charlie went with the milk – got back at 1:00. The boys cleaned out the hen-house and banked it up some. Threshers started up the hill with their engine and found a hole in the boiler so our threshing is indefinitely postponed again. Cleaned up after dinner and baked a couple of cakes – one for the Grange supper – left my clothes out.

Friday, December 6, 1907

Some warmer – thawed quite a lot during the day. Made cabbage salad etc for the supper and did my ironing before dinner. Mopped after dinner. Grace, Charlie and I started for the supper about 7:30 – Jay walked. Quite a crowd. Had the best supper! The youngsters and a few of us old (?) folks danced four sets. Had a fine time. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Got home at 2:00. Tired and so sleepy! A beautiful, starlight night. Cleared $9.90 for chair.

Saturday, December 7, 1907

Hurried around with my work and Grace, mother and I started for Elmira. Drove Lucy. Met Charlie on our way. We got the 11:00 car. Went first to Izard’s and got Grace a new coat. I got mother an umbrella and some other Xmas presents there and Grace and I did some more shopping at Woolworth’s. We went down to the hotel and rested a little while and took the car for home. Left my watch to be cleaned. Got home about 5:00. Tired and with a head ache.

Sunday, December 8, 1907

Did up the work and started down home. Quite a warm day. Found Hyatt’s people there. Byron awfully cute. Had quite a visit with them. Mother’s hired girl alright – so pleasant and capable. She played for us – quite a musician. Grandpa still on the gain and Grandma better – no pain now – but no one knows yet what is the matter for sure. We started home at 4:30. Mamma not feeling at all well. Faced swelled again etc. I developed a sore throat. Miss Sears down.

Monday, December 9, 1907

The threshers came to Dann’s and threshed a little while after they got their engine fixed and it broke again so our prospect of having them ended. I cooked meat, baked cake etc for them. Charlie went with the milk. Quite a nice day. The boys drew down some wood and "tinkered" around. Charlie got back about 2:00. I cleaned my lamps in the afternoon and visited with my boy. The boys finished their chores quite early – for a wonder.

Tuesday, December 10, 1907

A fine warm day. The last of the snow and ice disappeared. Thawed hard all day. The threshers got here about 11:00. I had two for dinner. They threshed all the afternoon had fine luck. Got my dinner work cleared up just a few minutes before supper time. Charlie had his dinner at 2:00 – when he got back. Had three men for supper – Mr. Dann included. I made him mad as usual. Rained real hard all the evening.

Wednesday, December 11, 1907

The thaw caught a severe cold. Awfully cold. The wind blew strongly from the west and bothered the threshing so that we had to have them for dinner again. Had 754 bu. of oats. They finished just at noon. Glad to see the last of them. The roads partly frozen so they had a hard time moving. Charlie got back at 2:00 again. Got my dishes put up and things straightened out again for "just we two." The boys much pleasant with their crop.

Thursday, December 12, 1907

Got up at 4:30. Charlie and Ed started for Pa. after cows – not coming back till Sat. eve. Did my washing got through about 11:00. Had a good big one. Ate dinner with the family. Mopped after dinner and then went and took Aunt Emily over to Uncle Thed’s. "Aunt Anna" a fright for sure. The roads something terrible – so rough. Aunt Emily stayed and I got back about 5:30. Ate supper in the other part and read to Grace. A lonely evening & night.

Friday, December 13, 1907

A beautiful bright day and quite warm. Intended to sleep till noon but couldn’t. Lay until 10:00. Got me a good breakfast and then made some sausage. Got my dishes cleaned up and started to iron when Bess Coe phoned for me to come up so left everything and went. Had a great visit. Rode down to the corner with her. Jay and I went to the Grange at night. Election of officers. Charlie elected Ass’t. Steward. Think he will be somewhat surprised. Home at 11:30.

Saturday, December 14, 1907

Did not get up until about 10:00. Got my breakfast – did up the work ad ironed. Ate dinner (not a very good appetite) with the family. Finished my ironing in the afternoon and helped Grace fix the presents for her school mates. Watched for my boy all of the afternoon. A terrible day – snow, sleet and wind. About 7 in. snow fell. Charlie came about 6:30. Tired snowy and hungry. Got him a warm supper. So glad to see him back!

Sunday, December 15, 1907

Still snowing some. Got ready and about 11:15 started down home. Drove a wagon and it was something fierce. Harry took the folks to church with the cutter. Found Grandpa still on the gain and Grandma much worse. Visited, picked out some silk pieces etc. Fred Stowe’s people called. We started home about 5:00. Worse wheeling! The horse about tired out. Charlie brought the new cow up from Ed’s and I drove the horse. A hard trip up the hill.

Monday, December 16, 1907

Did up my work and went to Horseheads. Drove Joe and the cutter. The sleighing just fine all of the way. Ordered a hat made as a Xmas present for mamma. Did some other shopping and got home at 1:00. Charlie drew baled hay to Millport for Mr. Latin. We both ate dinner in the other part. I made two black silk ties (for papa and father) up the afternoon. Charlie finished drawing about 4:00. Lon took the milk on sleighs. So glad we have sleighing.

Tuesday, December 17, 1907

A nice cold day – very cold. Charlie went with the milk. Lon and Harry sorted and put up a 50 bu. load of potatoes for Charlie to take. I baked, cleaned up and served quite a little. Expected a letter about Grandmother but didn’t get it. Lon went up to Bennetts after some sleighs and then up on the hill – I went with him. Had my first big sleigh ride. A nipping cold night with a strong north wind.

Wednesday, December 18, 1907

Still clear and cold. Charlie went to Elmira with his load of potatoes. I did my work, ate dinner and got my rig changed and went over to Benj. Wagers after some pop-corn for Maude Coe for her Xmas tree. Had to wait until school was out so had quite a visit with Mrs. Wager. She had the sweetest little new baby – three weeks old. Came home via school house and left the corn. Jay rode up with me. Had a fine long sleigh ride.

Thursday, December 19, 1907

Myrna here sewing for Aunt Emily. Clear and cold. Did up our work and mother and I went to the Aid Society at Mr. Vary’s. Mother had a queer time (bleeding from her scalp) and I burned my neck with kettle lid. Had a fine turnout at the Aid. Proceeds to be sent to Mr. Sandford as a Xmas gift ($10.30). Sewed on sheets and pillow cases. Charlie went with the milk. Started home about 5:00. Mrs. Miller rode up home with us. Had a jolly good time all around.

Friday, December 20, 1907

Mrs. Dann sent over her two youngest to stay while they went to the city. They as good as kittens. Baked a cake to take to Aunt Jule’s birthday party. Got a letter from mamma saying Grandmother could not live the day, so we went right down. She an awful sight – not conscious at all but breathing so labored. Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Judson going to stay all night so we came home. So worried on Grandpa’s account.

Saturday, December 21, 1907

A nice day. Charlie went with the milk. Lon took all of the family to the birthday party in the bobs. Mr. Dann having lots of trouble with a sick horse. Charlie and I got ready and went to Aunt Jule’s as soon as he came. Had a very nice time. Came back early, ate a little supper and went down home. Grandma growing gradually worse. Something terrible but no suffering. Aunt Lid, Uncle Will and Fred’s wife there, sat up all night – Charlie and all of us.

Sunday, December 22, 1907

Grandma died at 1:45 – no struggle, just stopped breathing. Charlie and Uncle Will went after the undertaker at 2:00 and Charlie took him back at 5:30. I told Grandpa – he very resigned and sensible. So glad he was! Grandma looked very nice when laid out – quite natural. Heard that Lulu and Aunt Lib were at Charlie’s. Aunt Lid determined to stay down home – acted like a freak. We came home about 5:30. Found Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banks here.

Monday, December 23, 1907

Found it raining in the morning and the sleighing going. Charlie took the milk on wagon again. I cleaned pantry, mopped, swept, dusted and cleaned up our room. Decided to go down and get Lulu and Aunt Lib. Lon took me down. They came up to go to the funeral. Charlie went to the junction to meet Uncle George Connolly. Lon took all of us in the bobs to the school house Xmas tree. Rather hard sleighing. Charlie and Uncle Geo. got back about 11:00.

Tuesday, December 24, 1907

All of us overslept so didn’t have breakfast very early. Started for the funeral at 12:00. Grandpa keeping up finely. Grandma looked almost beautiful so natural. The boys got her a handsome shroud. All of the distant relatives there. Had a short but excellent sermon. Uncle Ross and Uncle Geo. rode to the cemetery with Charlie and I. Aunt Lib and Lulu went back on the car to Millport. Papa rode back with us. Got home about 7:00. Went to tree at church.

Wednesday, December 25, 1907

Hurried for fair in order to down home before Uncle Will’s folks went. Charlie took them to the train. Got a nice handbag from Charlie, two plates and six handkerchiefs. Grandpa quite cheerful. Had a good visit. Mamma gave me some of Grandma’s dishes to keep. Packed up and started home at 5:00. Charlie stopped at Furman’s to buy a blooded bull, but did not get it. So tired and sleepy I could hardly sit up.

Thursday, December 26, 1907

About tired out. A real warm day. The snow all disappearing very rapidly. Charlie went down to Furman’s and bought a bull and a cow – both registered. He got home just noon about tired out. Harry suffered all day with an ulcerated tooth. Father went up Breesport. The boys drew straw in the afternoon. I put away our clothes, changed the bedding etc in the afternoon. Grace and I played several games of dominoes in the evening.

Friday, December 27, 1907

A beautiful warm, sunny day. Did my washing – had an old sender. Finished about 11:00. Charlie went with the milk and he, Lon and father cut wood in the woods in the afternoon. Got my clothes dried and rolled up before noon. Grace cleaned my lamps for me. Received two handsome cards. Jay went over to Uncle Jim’s in the morning to stay a few days to help him split wood etc.

Saturday, December 28, 1907

Did my ironing took me all of the forenoon. A nice morning but rained and blew some in the afternoon but cleared up towards night. Charlie went with the milk. Harry went to Horseheads and had three teeth drawn and came back and brought Will and Satie and baby up from Millport. The baby dearer than ever and grown a whole lot. A strong south wind all night. All of us spent the evening playing with baby.

Sunday, December 29, 1907

A beautiful bright still day. Did up our work and got ready to go down home. Will and Satie let us take Clare Belle with us. She enjoyed the ride greatly and soon made friends down home. Aunt Lib there but Lulu didn’t come. Grandpa doing well as ever. Started home about 4:30. The baby slept most of the way home and nearly broke my arm. Got home just dusk. Drove Kit and Lucy on our buggy. Visited in evening.

Monday, December 30, 1907

Quite a nice day. Made my cake for New Years and had poor luck with part of it. Played with Clara Belle all of my spare time. Charlie went with the milk. The boys drew down wood from the woods. Will went hunting – got two squirrels. Cleaned lamps and mended in the afternoon. Mother and I dressed the five chickens for dinner. We drove Jay – quite a job. Satie and I visited while I did my mending. Baby had a great play spell in evening.

Tuesday, December 31, 1907

Snowing and blowing hard in the morning but not very cold. The roads partly frozen but not enough to hold the wagon so Charlie had a hard trip. He got the oysters. Swept, dusted and mopped in the forenoon. Grace swept our room for me. The men sawed wood with the buzz saw in the afternoon. I made candy – three kinds. Will, Grace and mother helped pick out meats. Finished about 6:30. Tired!!


Wee Wifie

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Nellie’s Memories

Mrs. Cary

The Master Mummer

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Autocrat of the Breakfast Table


Water Babies

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One Girl’s Way Out

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Six Gray Powders

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A Lodging for the Night

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The Last Days of Pompeii

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The Lady of Loyalty House

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Nurse and Spy – true

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The Prairie

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Shadow of Life



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Mississippi Bubble

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