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Note from JW: In several of the following records the dates are written as X number of Sundays after a triangular shape. According to The Catholic Encyclopedia online the triangle is the Symbolic diagram of the Trinity and Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost. Since the triangle does not convert to HTML it will be noted in the record as (Tr).
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday Nov. 19, 1891 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Father A Mead Burgers of Moravia New York To Alica Loomis daughter of Lewis Loomis and Lucy Zimmer. Witnesses Herman Murphy, Mrs L.J. West and Mrs. H.A. Bevens.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. 1st Sunday after Xmas. Dec. 27. 1891. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Charles D Atwell Parish Priest To Minnie Elisabeth Wood daughter of James Harvey Wood and Elisabeth Herman. Age 11 yrs 10 mo. 1 day. Witnesses.- Atlanta B Coffey and Herman Murphy
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. 1st Sunday after Xmas. Dec 27 1891 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Jennie Durfee Wood daughter of James Harvey Wood and Elisabeth Herman. Age. 16 yrs. 3 mos. 17 days. Witnesses - Atlanta B Coffey and Herman Murphy
In Christ Church Wellsburg New York 15th Sunday after (Tr) Sept 25 1892 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Thompson Tuton son of William Tuton and Margaret Miller. Age 7 yrs. 11 mo. 4 days. Sponsors - Mr & Mrs George Griswold and the parents of the Child.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. 15th Sunday after (Tr) Sept. 25 1892. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by. - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Ann Tuton daughter of William Tuton and Margaret Miller Age 9 yrs. 7 mo. Sponsors - Mr & Mrs George W. Griswold and The Parents of the Child.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. 17th Sunday after (Tr) Oct 9. 1892. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Rose Anna Allen daughter of Samuel Allen and Emma Allen. Age. - 10 yrs 2. mo. 6 days Sponsors. - Herman Murphy, Atlanta B. Coffey, and The Mother.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. 17th Sunday after (Tr) Oct 9 1892. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Eugene Henry Allen son of Samuel Henry Allen and Emma Allen. Age 8 yr. 8 mos. 7 days. Sponsors. - Herman Murphy, Atlanta B. Coffey, and The Mother.
At The Home of Dr La Rue Colegrove In The Village of Wellsburg New York. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered on - The 15th Sunday after (Tr) Sept. 25. 1892. By The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Roswell Park Colgrove Infant son of Dr. La Rue Colgrove and Emma Witcher age 2 mo 3 days. Sponsors. - Mr Harold Bevens, Bell Pierce Bevens and Dr. A. I. Le Fever.
In Christ Church Wellsburg New York Thursday March 2nd 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Maud Van Demark daughter of Sabin Van Demark and Amy Stalter. Age. - 13 yrs 1 mo. 3 days Witnesses. - Harold A. Bevens, Atlanta B. Coffey and Elsie G. West.
In Christ Church Wellsburg New York Thursday March 2nd 1893. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Grace Van Demark. daughter of Sabin Van Semark and Amy Stalter. Age - 11 yrs. 5 mo. 21 days. Witnesses. - Harold A. Benens, Atlanta B. Coffey and Elsie G. West
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday April 20 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Amy Van Demark daughter of Lewis Stalter and Sally Jane Ouster. Age. - 37 yrs 6 mo. 28 days. Witnesses. - Harold Agustus Bevens and Mrs La Rue Colgrove.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday April 20 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Eva Louise Clearwater daughter of George W. Smith and Elizabeth Kennedy. Age. - 26 yrs. 10 mo. 7 days. Witnesses. - Harold Agustus Bevens and Mrs. La Rue Colegrove.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday April 20 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Gracie Clearwater, daughter of Charles Clearwater and Eva L. Smith Age - 7 yrs. 10 mo. 2 days. Sponsors. - Harold Agustus Bevens and Mrs La Rue Colegrove.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday April 20 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Jessie Dell Cooper daughter of Ore Cooper and Sarah Wood. Age. - 21 yrs 6 days Witnesses - Harold Agustus Bevens and Mrs. La Rue Colegrove
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Monday April 24 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Clara Flinn daughter of Edward M. Flinn and Ruby Burt. Age 48 yrs. 6 mo. 26 days Witnesses - Harold Agustus Bevens and Elsie West.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Monday April 24 1893 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Mary Rosalind Brown daughter of John L. Myers and Nancy Randall Age. - 47 yrs. 9 mo 16 days. Witnesses. - Harold Agustus Bevens and Elsie West
New Years Mass for 189?
A New Years Mass was sung in Christ Church Wellsburg Sunday Night Jan
31st 1893. Plain Even Song began at 11.30 oclock P.M. and at exactly 12
M. A Choral Celebration was begun after the twelve strokes of the Bell
Tolled out the old and rang in the New Year. Father Wright of Elmira assisted
in the Mass with Mr. Atwell as Celebrant, Mr Dent of Buffalo Gospeler and
Epistoler and Herbert Hastings of Annandale on the Hudson as - Censor -
The processional moved up the center isle of the church headed by the
Cross Bearer Herbert Hastings. Mr. Wright acting as Censor. Mr. Atwell
came from the Sachristry and met the processional in front of Alter and
after Censing the Alter and Priests, the Canon of the Mass began It was
a glorious occasion. A large number of people came down from Elmira with
the Priests. The Church was full of Incense and light and a large congregation
present to worship and glorify God in this truly Catholic Service.
Herman Murphy
January 30, 1894.
In Christ Church Wellsburg New York Sunday Jun 7 1894 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Charles D. Atwell. Parish Priest To Burt Brown, son of Stephen Brown and Jennie Van Fleet Age 5 yr. 8 mo. 25 days. Sponsor - Harold Agustus Bevens and Bell Pierce Bevens.
In Christ Church Wellsburg, N.Y. - Thursday Febry. 28th 1895. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell, Parish Priest To Charles F. Halstead son of Charles Lewis Halstead and Christiana Bugell Age 27 yrs. 1 mo. 12 da. Witnesses H.A. Bevens and S.K. Murphy
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday Febry 28th ’95. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism - Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest - To James Marsh son of Solomon Marsh and Julia Drake. age 31 yrs. 5 mo. 16 days. Witnesses. S.K. Murphy and Clara Flynn.
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. - Monday Mch. 4th, 1895. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism - was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest - To Clara Stevens, daughter of Rodney Stevens and Eliza Hapeman - age 20 yrs. 7 mo. 19 days. Witnesses, Elsie G. West and Clara Flynn.
In Christ Church Wellsburg, N.Y. Monday Mch 4th ’95. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism - was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest. To Jennie McClelland daughter of Casper G. McClelland and Jennie --?-- Age 20 yrs 7 mo. 19 days. Witnesses, S.K. Murphy -------
In Christ Church Wellsburg, N.Y. Monday Mch 4th ’95. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism - was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest. To Albert S. Bevans son of - George G. Bevans and Emma E. Smith - Age 17 yrs 2 mo. 18 days. Witness H.A. Bevans
At Elmira N.Y. May 19 - 1895 - Howard Burt and Jessie D. Cooper both of Wellsburg Chemung Co NY. were united in the Holy Bands of Matrimony by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Priest at Emanuel Mission Elmira NY Witnesses were William E. Howell Jessie Finch
Nov 16 1872 - Mr Frank Hammond
Nov 23 1872 - Sarah Slocum - adult Miss Goodwin - Witness
Dec 21 1873 - Mrs. Mary Hammomd adult Witnesses Mrs. Fishler and Miss
Dec 21 1873 - Miss Helen Fishler - Witness Miss Fishler and Mr E. Goodwin
Dec 21 1873 - Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Jenkins - adult - Witnesses - Mr
& Mrs Archibald Rathbun
June 9 1874 - Jessie Robert daughter of A. and Letitia RathboneWitness
- The Parents
Sept 22 1874 - Frederick - son of Samuel and Nancy Mitchell
Oct 4 - Mrs. Jane Hughes - adult
1875 - June 20th 4th Sun after Trinity - Margaret May infant daughter of Sylvester M. and Mary T. Gibbs. sponsors: The father and Miss Maggie Bevens and Miss Eugenie Woodbury. Date of Childs birth: Jan. 12 - 1875 - John Scott
1875 Oct 3d 19th Sun after Trinity - Baptized the twin children of Mr and Mrs John Lowman: Viz - Lois Alinton and Lena Boyd. They were born Oct 13 1873 Sponsors: - Misses Jennie Bevens and Clara Goodwin - John Scott
1876 Feb 20th ???? - Baptised James Morris Hapeman the husband of the woman I buried on the 11th inst Witnesses: Sylvester M. Gibbs and Frank Hammond
1876 1st Sun in Lent Mch 6th - Baptised Emmie Allen - Witness:- Misses Jennie Bevens and Mary Fishler - J Scott
1876 April 27 - Baptized (Privately) Joseph, son of Sarah and James Williams - aged 3 months and 3 weeks twin brother of the little girl I buried this day, sick of the same disease of which she died - John Scott
1876 May 13 - Baptised (at their residence) Mrs Julia Beckwith and her daughter Miss Hannie (Both as adults) Mr S.M. Gibbs and several neighbors being witnesses - John Scott.
1876 May 14 Fourth Sun after Easter - Baptized by the Bishop (F.D. Huntington D.D.) Mary E. Roberts, as an adult, and confirmed at the same time Mary Fishler and Jennie Bevans Witnesses - John Scott
1876 June 4 Whitsun Day - Baptized Helen infant daughter of Mr and Mrs George Harris. Sponsors: E.H. Goodwin Clara Goodwin and Mary E. Roberts - John Scott
1876 July 23 - 6th Sunday after Trinity - Baptized Walter son of Mr and Mrs George Harris Sponsors: E.H. Goodwin, Frank Hammond and Miss Clara Goodwin - Jon Scott
June 17 1877 - In the church - Flora May Sherman infant daughter of Mr Matt and Mrs Mary A Sherman Born in Wellsburg Aug 16 - 1876 Sponsors -The father and Mrs D.H. Balcom
1869 Aug 30th - By Bishop Huntington
Mary Decker Fishler
Frank Hendy
Mary Ann Hapeman
Wm Thompson Kelsey
Squire Sylvester Spaulding
Eliza B.B. Pierson
Clara Goodwin
Hannah Herman
Matilda Allen
May 22-1877
Eva F. Bevens
Edith Van Campen
Nov 10th 1878
Miss Elsie G. Hunter
Miss Ella Prescott
List of Communicants
Mr Horatio Evans - 156 South Water St; Binghamton NY
Mrs. Horatio Evans
Miss Lucy Evans - Died at Binghamton. Was one of the most faithful
in the church - F.H.
Mrs D. Kress
Mrs John Lowman
Mrs John Fishler
Miss Mary Fishler
Mrs. Hart
Miss Young
Mrs. Morley
Miss Preston
Miss Mary A. Hapeman (Married Mrs A.J. Finch)
Mrs Hatch
Miss Person
Mrs Person
Mrs H. Herman (gone from church)
Miss Matilda Allen
Miss Hendy
Mrs Crane
List of Communicants - continued
Mrs Allen
Mrs Prescott
Mrs Goodwin
Miss Clara Goodwin
Mrs Spaulding
Mrs Nancy Mitchell
Mrs Durfey
Mr Geo. Griswold
Mrs Geo. Griswold
Miss Patrina E. Smith
Mr S.M. Gibbs
Mrs Mary Gibbs
Miss Imogene Bevens
Miss Bevens
Mrs J.H. Jenkens
Mrs Carpenter
Mr. Rathbone
Mrs. Rathbone
Mrs Mary Hammond
Mr. Frank Hammond
Miss Sarah Slocum - Dead
List of Communicants (Continued)
Mr. E.H. Goodwin
Mrs Hughes
Miss Susie Aldrich (Mrs Dowling)
Mr M.A. Sherman
Mrs M.A. Sherman
Miss Mary E. Roberts
Miss A.B. Coffey
Miss Helen Fishler
Miss Eva Bevens
Miss Edith Van Campen
Mr Jas M Hapeman
Miss Elsie G. Hunter
Miss Ella Prescott - Dead
Wm Allen
Miss Evaline Griswold
Miss Fannie Griswold
Miss Maggie Griswold
Mrs. Reuben Griswold
Mr Steve H Herman
Note- Mr Herman refused to be confirmed in this Parish and went to
Elmira and was presented by Dr. McKnight to the Bishop and was confirmed
in (Tr) Church but never communed there and had no right to be admitted
to this communion here without a certificate from Dr. McKnight - F.H.
Mr Wm B. Tuton
Mrs Jennie Brown
Miss Annie Carpenter
Miss Carrie Payne
Miss Mattie Carpenter
Miss Hattie Fishler
Miss Laura Martin
Miss Carrie B. Payne
Miss Eva G. Payne
Miss Lena Payne
Miss Rosa Griswold
Miss ____ Fairchilds [Resides in Waverly]
The above entries are by Mr. Frank Hammond, a Vestryman, and not a
clergyman and are not ecclesiastical legal or cannonical. On the next page
there will be names of those who are now communicants in good standing
- Signed by the Rev. John A. Bowman - Rector and Missionary - Mch 1st 1885
List of Communicants made out by the Rev. John A. Bowman
1. Geo. W. Griswold - Junior Warden
2. Frank Hammond - Vestryman
3. Mrs. Geo. W. Griswold
4. Miss Fannie Griswold
5. Miss Maggie Griswold
6. Miss Eveline Griswold
7. Miss Hattie Fishler
8. Miss Mary Fishler
9. Mrs. Mary Hammond
10. Mrs. Clara Herrington
11. Miss Carried Payne
12. Miss Eva Payne
13. Miss Lena Payne
14. Miss Anna Carpenter
15. Miss Carrie Carpenter
16. Miss Maggie Bevens
The above named members of the church, are the only ones who received
the Holy Communion at my hands during the three monts[sic] which I officiated
in the Parish by the order of the Bishop and I do not feel bound to enter
in the church Record the names of any persons who did not receive the blessed
communion from my hands
Signed this 8th day of March 1885
John A. Bowman - Missionary
Stephen Belknap Manderson of Philadelphia to Miss Maggie L. Bevans
of Wellsburg
March 5th 1878. At Home
By G.W.G. Van Winkle
1879 - Nov 25 - The following persons were confirmed in Christ Church
Wellsburg Nov 26th 1870 by the Rt. Rd F.D. Huntington
Mrs. J.V. Fishler
Mrs. Morley
Mrs. Spaulding
Mrs. Nancy Mitchell
Mrs. Goodwin
Miss Preston
Mrs. Freer
Mrs. Pierson
1871 - Nov 27 - The following persons were confirmed in Christ Church
Wellsburg Nov 27 - 1871 by the Rt. Rd Bishop F.D. Huntington
Mr. George J. Griswold
Mrs. Griswold
Mrs. Crane
Mrs. Durfey
Dec 3d 1872 - The following persons were confirmed in Christ Church
- Wellsburg Dec 3d 1872 by the Rt. Rev. T.D. Huntington D.D.
Mr. Egbert H. Goodwin
Mr. Frank Hammond
Miss Louisa Goodwin
Miss Louisa Aldrich
1873 Dec 28 - The following persons were confirmed in Christ Church
Wellsburg Dec 28-1873 by the Rt. Rd F.D. Huntington D.D.
Mrs. D.E. Jenkens
Mrs. Mary Hammond
Miss Sarah Slocum
Dec 29 - 1874 - confirmed in Christ Church Wellsburg by the Rt. Rd.
F.D. Huntington D.D.
Mrs Jane Hughes
4th Sunday after Easter
May 14th - 1876 - The following persons were confirmed in Christ Church
- Wellsburg by the Rt. Rd F.D. Huntington D.D. Viz. -
James Morris Hapeman
George Fishler
Helen Fishler
Atlanta Coffey
Mary E. Roberts
Emma Allen
May - 1877
Miss Eva Bevens
Edith Van Campen
1871 - July 3d Henry J.Baldwin and Ellen Chambers at residence of Mr. Jenkins
1876 - Feb 27th ?uing Sunday - At residence of Theodore Van Buskirk Mr Arvine Burgesss and Miss Arminda Van Buskirk daughter of the above Van Buskirk - John Scott
1887 - Dec 7 - Married at my residence, Ridgbury Pa. on the Evening of this day, Mr. Henry Griswold and Miss Martha Van Gorder, both of Chemung N.Y. - John Scott
Deaths in the Year 1880
Feb - 1880 - Eugene Hughes - Age The Rev. F.D. Hoskins officiating The deceased was a baptized but not a confirmed member of the Church, but would have been is he had lived ‘till the Bishop visited our Parish
April 24 - 1880 - Samuel J. Kress aged 42 years at Binghamton NY at the home of his wife’s father Horatio N. Evens Services were held in Christ Church Wellsburg - at 3 oclock P.M. Sunday April 25th the Rev. F.D. Hoskins - officiating Priest- The remains were buried in the old cemetery at this place -The deceased was Baptised and was one of the first workers in this Parish and the first of the little band who organized the Parish, to be taken by death. Frank Hammond Parish Clerk - April 25 - 1880
Sept 23d 1880 - Mr C.D. Scribner Aged - The Rev. F.D. Hoskins officiating. The remains were buried in the old cemetery at this place.
Dec 11 - 1880 - Mr A.T. Bevens at his residence in this village Aged 68 years The Services were conducted by the Rev. F.D. Hoskins Rector of Christ Church at the family Resicence at 2 oclock P.M. The remains were taken to the city of Philadelphia Pa. for burial at 8:38 P.M. on L.V. Train Dec 13th 1880 - Frank Hammond - Parish Clerk
March 15 - 1881- Miss Matilda Allen aged 23 years at her late residence in this village. The funeral was observed from Christ Church qt 2 oclock P.M. the Rev. F.D. Hoskins officiating. The remains were buried in the New Cemetery - Frank Hammond - Parish Clerk
1870 - April - Mr Pierson aged 74 years F.D. Hoskins
1871 - June 16 - Clarence Fishler aged 24 years Rev Mr Hunter
1871 - Aug 16 - Edward Herman Aged 23 years Rev F.D. Hoskins
1871 - Oct 14 - Edward Hatch Aged 8 years Rev F.D. Hoskins
1872 - April 13 - John V. Fishler Jr. Aged 3 years Rev F.D. Hoskins
1876 - Feb 11th - Mrs Mary Ann Hapeman Aged 36 years 3 mos 21 days
- John Scott
1876 - April 27th - Emily - Infant daughter of James and Sarah Williams
aged 3 mos and 3 weeks Disease - Pneumonia - (Not Baptized) - John Scott
1879 - Feb 9th - Francis Windron Infant son of James and Francis Hapeman
aged 2 months - The funeral services were held in the city of Elmira -
The Rev F.D. Hoskins officiating. The remains were brought to this place
for burial - Frank Hammond
Francis Hapeman Aged 25 - wife of James Hapeman October 12 - 1884. The
funeral was observed in Christ Church on the 15th Oct 1884. The Rev. John
Hulich - officiating Priest
Dates filled in by her daughter Edith H. Clark. Sept 14 - 1940
Died - [______] Griswold wife of Reuben Griswold aged [____] The funeral was observed in Christ Church on [_______] The Rev. John Hulich officiating.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. 3rd Sunday after Easter April 19, 1891. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. James Prentiss Foster. - Parish Priest To Frederic Pierce Bevens, son of Harold Agustus Bevens and Belle Kneeland Pierce Age. 4 yrs. 7 mo. 11 days. Sponsors. - James Prentiss Foster, Harold Agustus Bevens and Belle Kneeland Pierce.
In Christ Church Wellsburg New York 3rd Sunday after Easter April 19, 1891. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by.- The Rev. James Prentice Foster - Parish Priest To James Oliver West son of - Lewis J. West and Elsia[sic] G. Hunter. Age 4 yrs. 3 mo. 20 days. Sponsors - James Prentice Foster. Elsie G. West and Atlanta B. Coffee.
In Christ Church - Wellsburg N.Y. Wednesday Nov. 18. 1891. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Father Burgess of Moravia N.Y. To Harold Loomis son of Irwin Loomis and Hattie Spaulding Witness - Herman Murphy Calvin West.
In Christ Church - Wellsburg N.Y. Wednesday Nov. 18. 1891. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by - The Rev. Father A. Mead Burgess of Moravia New York To Harry Loomis son of Irwin Loomis and Hattie Spaulding Age 16 yrs 3 mo 17 days. Witness - Harold Loomis, Calvin West and Herman Murphy.
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Wednesday Nov. 18 1891 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Father A. Mead Burgess Of Moravia New York To Calvin West son of Lore?? West and Jennie Van Fleet West. Age 16 yrs 3 mo. 22 days. Witnesses - Harold Loomis Harry Loomis and Herman Murphy
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday Nov. 19, 1891. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Father A Mead Burgess Of Moravia New York To Charles Bosworth son of David F. Bosworth and Esther Buzzard - Age 21 yrs 4 mo 24 days Witnesses - Harold Loomis Calvin West and Herman Murphy.
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. Monday Mrch 4th 1895. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism - Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest - To Florence Lillian Decker daughter of William Decker and Hattie Hoyles - Age. 19 yrs - 17 days. Witness - S.K. Murphy
Ascension Day
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday May 23d 1895 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism - Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Theodora Clark Holbert daughter of John Ryerson Holbert and Carrie Emma Carpenter Age 1 year 7 months 19 days Sponsors: Steve Herman Murphy Carrie Emma Carpenter Anna B. Carpenter
Ascension Day
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday May 23d 1895 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Peeve Russ Loomis son of Irwin E. Loomis and Ida G Decker Age 4 years 8 months 19 days. Sponsors Steve Herman Murphy Harold A. Bevens and Ida Grace Decker.
Ascension Day
In Christ Church Wellsburg NY Thursday May 23d 1895 The Sacrament of
Holy Baptism was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest
To Albert Hurd Lowman Jr son of Albert H. Lowman and Harriet Fishler Age
3 years and 21 days Sponsors - Harold A. Bevens
William E. Howell Harriet FishlerLowman.
Ascension Day
In Christ Church Wellsburg N.Y. Thursday May 23d 1895 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To William Carpenter Holbert son of John Ryerson Holbert and Carrie E. Carpenter Age 4 years 6 months 5 days Sponsors: Steve Herman Murphy Harold Augustus Bevens Carrie Emma Carpenter
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. Sunday Sept 15 - 1895 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Charles Mitchell son of Samuel Mitchell and Nancy Spaulding Age [______] Sponsors: Harold A. Bevens Harry Loomis - Elsie H. West
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. Sunday Sept. 15th 1895. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Katie Mitchell daughter of Samuel Mitchell and Nancy Spaulding Age [______] Sponsors - Harry Loomis - Elsie G. West - Bell Pierce Bevens
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. Tuesday May 15th 1895 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To May Dowd daughter of Lucien Howard Dowd and Augustus Francis Smith Age 13 years Sponsors: - Atlanta B. Coffey Elsie Hunter West S. Herman Murphy
In Christ Church, Wellsburg N.Y. Sunday Oct 6th 1895 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered by The Rev. Charles D. Atwell Parish Priest To Ver Livingston Kirkham son of William Kirkham and Susie Bell Van Fleet Age 6 years 1 mo and 16 days Sponsors - William Howell - Elsie G West - S. Herman Murphy - See Vol II Church Records
On Friday April 28th 1893 The following Persons received the Sacrament
of Holy Confirmation At the hands of The Rt Rev Fredercik Dan. Huntington
Bishop of Central New York.
Harold Agustus Bevens
Mary Rosalind Brown
Eva Louise Clearwater
Jessie Dell Cooper
Clara Flinn
Rebecca Herman
Anna Williams Marsh
Amy Van Dermark
Jenniw Durfee Wood
Minnie Elizabeth Wood
Mae Straight
On Wednesday March 6th 1895 The following persons received The Sacrament
of Holy Confirmation At the hands of The Rt. Rev. Fredrick Dan Huntington
- Bishop of Central New York
Albert Stephen Bevens
Charles F. Halstead
James Marsh
Harold Loomis
Harry Loomis
William Edward Hornell
Florence Lillian Decker
Helen Louise Hammer
Clara Stevens
Jennie McClelland
Grace Straight
Alice Loomis #59
“Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.”
Tremendous words! Epitome of prayer-
Flooding the soul with undeserved grace,
As though we wore the Master’s robe - and dare!
To gaze upon his father, face to face.
Each collect that the vested Priest intones
Runs, like a river, to the same vast sea:
“Father! we have no merits of our own,
But through Thy Son we beg all things of Thee.”
Saddened by sin, by holy awe detoured,
We kneel far off, and search our shrinking hearts
Till from the alter float those charmed words,
And hope grows strong and every doubt departs.
Glad music from our grateful tongue resounds,
Sweet tears bedew our day and burning eyes,
Ladder of light! we grasp thy gleaming rounds
And by thee mount securely to the skies.
from Herbert Hastings`
Herbert Seymore Hastings
Grace Church
Elmira N.Y.
From W.E.W. Epiphany Tide 1891
“Holy mother of the faithful
Thy faith shall never fail;
And the gates of Hell against Thee,
Never, never shall prevail.”
The Churchman’s Guide to Faith and Piety
A manual of instruction and Devotions
Vol. II
For use in church
Fifth Edition, Revised
J. Masters and Co. 78, New Bond Street
O sacred blessed feet of Jesus’
Weary with seeking me
Stand at Gods bar of Judgement
And intercede for me -
O knees which bent in anguish
In dark Gethsemine
Kneel at the throne of Glory
And interceed for me.
O hands that were extended
Upon the awful tree
Hold up those precious Nail Prints
Which intercede for me.
O side from which the spear point
Brought Blood and water free
For healing and for cleaning
Still intercede for me.
O head so deeply pierced
With thorns which sharpest be
Bend low before thy father
And intercede for me.
O sacred heart such sorrows
The world may never see
As that which gave Thee warrent
To interceed for me.
O risen ascended Saviour
From death and sorrow free
Present thy perfect offering
Still intercede for me.
copied from Herbert S. Hastings Book of Devotions