![]() What's NEW at Tri-Counties
So, for the next two months I'll be pretty well consumed trying to get a household full of stuff, including a 4,000 volume library, into a house that was never moved out of in the first place. At least I have a two story empty barn for temporary storage until I have the chance to build an office/library extension. This will be primarily a simplification of things, but adds a few complications as well, at least short term. SO, to you this means fewer new pages on the site for that period. I'll do what I can, but both my mental capacity and my time are consumed. All offers of local help will be appreciated. If you have a truck, I can fill it.
I had intended to set August as Birthday Month at Tri-Counties. We all have a birthday this month. The PT Cruiser is TWO. Both the cat, Sullivan, and the Tri-Counties Site itself, are SIX years old. Can you imagine - six years this site has been growing. Enki the dog is THIRTEEN. And, I will be considerably older than all of them combined. But, with the move we will have to put that off for another year. Next year we'll celebrate the site's longevity.
There will be new pages as I can manage, but site development will
have to slow during this period. With almost 7500 pages on the site, I
can guarantee you, there are wonderful things already here that you have
not had time to read. Make this your catch up month.
September 01 Update on the Move - So far I have packed
111 boxes of books, and the end of that task is in sight. The movers (Yes,
Dimon & Bacorn) will pick up the big stuff on the 17th and I WILL survive
this and get back to my life in a month or so. It will probably take the
better part of a year before I find everything again. Joyce
First Added to the Site on 04 AUG 2002
By Joyce M. Tice Email: JoyceTice@aol.com You are thevisitor
since the counter was installed on 04 AUG 2002
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