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Tri-County Families |
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On the 30th day of August, 1899 the descendants and relatives of Job and Betsy Larcom met at the home of Herbert Larcom to celebrate their first family reunion.
Relatives from a distance began to arrive the night before and continued to do so until the next forenoon.
After all had assembled the company was called to order by A. L. Larcom
and the officers for the following year were elected., vis-
Pres. G. W. Larcom
V. Pres. E. F. Larcom
Sec. Maude Larcom
Treas. H. H. Heald
Com. of Correspondence
Julian Larcom and wife, Candor, NY
Otis Larcom and wife, Covington, Pa.
Charley Larcom and wife, Granville Ctr., Pa.
Com. on Arrangements
A. L. Larcom and wife
H. C. Larcom and wife
R. D. Pratt and wife
A motion was made and carried that the second reunion should be held on the first Wed. in Sept. 1900, the place of meeting is to be decided later.
The business meeting was then adjourned and company gathered round the festive board which was laden with all sorts of good things to please the inner man.
After dinner the following program was rendered:
Singing, Prayer by E. F. Larcom, Address by Mrs. E. F. Larcom, Recitations
by Mabel Crofut, Minnie Eddy, Lloyd Eddy, Bertha Eddy and Hilda Larcom.
Address by E. F. Larcom.
Letters were read from Allie Larcom, Ithaca, N.Y. Mrs. Mary Kline,
Washington State, Mrs. Hattie Ashley, Kennedy, Pa.
'Twas moved and carried that a vote of thanks be tendered to those from whom letters were received. Moved and carried that a vote of thanks be tendered Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Larcom for their accommodations of the day.
A collection to the amount of $1.88 was rec'd. There was about 70 present, those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Larcom, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scafe and child, Mrs. Otis Larcom and children, Mrs. Phoebe Connolly, Joseph Larcom and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Connolly from Covington. Mrs. Tubbs and son, Lockwood, N.J.. Mrs. Austin Hull, Delbert Larcom, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Larcom, Candor, N.Y.
After singing "God be with you till we meet again" the day came to a close, all wishing to meet at the next reunion and finally meet at that last "Great Reunion", where no Good-Byes are said.
Since our last reunion the following marriages have taken place.
Perlie Pratt and Cora Whitney.
H. Leon Brewster and Minnie Tubbs.
Raymon Rockwell and Maude Larcom
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Myron Turner.
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scafe.
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rockwell.
A child born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilcox.
A child born to Elsie Lathrop.
Mrs. Milford Chapman.
The descendants and relatives of Job and Betsy Larcom met at the home of Geo. W. Larcom on the fifth (5th) day of Sept. 1900, to celebrate their second family reunion.
About 103 were present including some from Rochester, Ithaca and Candor, N.Y. Washington State, Covington, Kennedy, Morris Run, Burlington, Granville, Franklin, and LeRoy, Pa.
At an early hour all had arrived and were prepared to spend a pleasant day.
The earlier part of the day was pleasantly spent in visiting, enlivened with vocal and instrumental music.
About noon dinner was announced, and after all had partaken of the good things placed before them the business meeting was held.
The meeting opened with a prayer by the Vice-President followed by a song entitled the "Life-Boat".
After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting the Treasurer reported that after paying the expenses there was $1.43 remaining and he suggested that one person be elected both Sec'y and Treas.
The officers for the next year were then elected.
Pres. E. F. Larcom
V. Pres. H.H. Heald
Sec'y and Treas. Maude Rockwell
Com. on Arrangements
George Eddy and wife.
Emery Larcom and wife.
Charles Larcom and wife.
Perlie Pratt and wife.
Corresponding Com.
H. J. Larcom and wife, West Burlington, Pa.
Julian Larcom and wife. Candor, N.Y.
Otis Larcom and wife. Covington, Pa.
Com. on Programe
T. J. Scafe and wife, Covington, Pa.
Julian Larcom and wife, Candor, N.Y.
Allie Larcom Ithaca, N.Y.
Floyd Larcom and Harvey Heald, Granville, Pa.
Maude Rockwell LeRoy, Pa.
After some discussion it was decided to hold the next reunion on the first Wed. in Sept. the place of the meeting to be decided later.
The President then made some remarks and after the collection was taken, which amounted too $2.00, a short programe consisting of songs, recitations and instrumental music was rendered.
The programe closed by singing "God be with you till we meet again"' and all departed to their several homes feeling that "it was good to have been there."
Floyd Larcom and Nellie Kelly
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Larcom
Mrs. Austin Hull
Mr. Joseph Larcom
Treasurer's Report for 1901
At the beginning of the year there was $3.45 in the treasure of which
the following has been used.
Stationery and printing, $1.50
Leaving the amount of $1.41.
The third annual reunion of the Larcom family was held on August 28, 1901, at the home of L. D. Swain in Granville, Pa.
The meeting was called to order by the President E. F. Larcom, and opened with song and prayer, which was followed by the reqding and approving of minutes of the last meeting, together with the Treasurer's report whic showed a balance of $1.41 in the treasury.
The meeting was then declared to be in readiness to proceed to elect
officers for the ensuing year, and the following npminations were made
and officers elected.
For President - E. F. Larcom
Vice-President - A. L. Larcom
Sec'y and Treasurer - H. L. Heald
Following the election, the President appointed committees to serve for the ensuing years as follows:
Commitee on Arrangements
Mr. an Mrs. H. H. Heald
Mr. amd Mrs. G. A. Eddy
and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crofut.
Committee on Progrmme
E. E. Robert
Zaida Larcom
May Scaife
Minnie Gay
Elia Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Butler.
It was suggestedyhat if any members of the family should remove from their present homes and change their Post Office address they would confer a favor if they would notify the Secreatery new adddress.
In determining a a place for the next meeting it was moved and carried that the next reunion be held at the home o E. F. Larcom on the last Wednesday in August 1902. It was moved and carried that a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Swain for their hospitality and the many favors shown.
Also moved and carried that a vote of thanks be tendered to those who assisted in the programme. With an address by the president the business meeting closed and was followed by an enteraining programme consisting of songs and recitations by various members of the family and interesting remarks by E. E. Roberts. This was followed with a few closing remarks bh they President after which all enjoyed in singing "God be With You Till We Meet Again" and the meeting closed to meet again one year hence.
Harry L. Heald, Secy.
Song "Near the Cross"
Recitation "Little Tiny Tot"
Bertha Eddy
Recitation "Night Terror"
Mabel Crofut
Lottie Scaife
"Recitation "The Finger Play"
Ethel Gay
Song "Mary's Little Lamb"
Bertha Eddy
Recitation "learning to Sew"
Delphine Larcom
Recitation "God's Messengers"
Amy Otty
Recitation "Turn About"
Lloyd Eddy
Song "No Not One"
Allie and Reta Wilcox
Recitation "Old Jim"
Minnie Eddy
Myrtle Larcom
Recitation "Grandmother's Trust"
Mabel Crofut
Song "God be With You Till We Meet Again"
Treasurer's Report
Balance Aug. 28, 1901
Collection Aug. 28, 1901
Postage Reunion Notices
$ .29
Balance $3.63
On September 3, 1901, at her home in Ellendale, Dickey County, North Dakota. Jane (Larcom) wife of Sims P. Pratt. Mrs. Prattt was the eldest grand daughter of Job and Betsy Larcom.
On January 25, 1902, at her home at Covington, Tioga County, PA, Louie Phebe (Ashley) wife of Elbert Connelly.
At his home in Glencove, Pierce County, Washington, on February 2, 1902.
Mrs. Jessie Newbwerry Eifert Ulster Pa.
On May 14, 1902.Irving Lloyd Tubbs and Nellie S. Porter.
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George Mclellam
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Myron Turner
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Barton
On July 2, 1902, a son to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bruster
Larcom Reunion 1902
The fourth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held on Wednesday, August 27, 1902, at the home of E. F. Larcom in Granville, Pa.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by the President E. F. Larcom and was opened with song and prayer. This was followed by a varied and interesting ptogram given by different members of the family and remarks apropriate to the occasion by Rev. E. A. Huntingdon andE. F. Larcom after which a vote of thanks was extended to those who had assisted in entertaining the company assembled. Following this was the business meeting at which interesting remarks were made by E.E. Robart, Julian Larcom, Thos. Scaife, I. E. Crofut and H.H. Heald. Letters of regret were read from Mrs. Mary E. Kline of Glencave, Wash. Mrs. Elsie Pratt Lacktrup Irene S. Dakota and Mrs. H. L. Bruster of North Barton, N.Y.
The Treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of $3.63 to which was added $0.10, the surplus of collection after paying $3.00 for the use of the tent.
It was moved and carried that the following officers be elected to succeed themselves: President E. F. Larcom, Vice President A. L. Larcom, Secreatry and Treasurer H. L. Heald and committees as follows:
Committee on Arrangements
Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Heald
Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Eddy
and Mr. and Mrs. Eugne Crofut
Committee on Programme
E. E. Robart
Zaida Larcom
May Scaife
Minnie Gay
Elia Sherman
and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bruster.
It was moved and carried that the next reunion be held at the home of A. L. Larcom on the last Wednesday in August 1903. It was suggested by Mr. Robart that a historian should be elected to look up and collect data regarding the Larcom family and I. E. Crofut was nominated and elected to that position with the request that all the family co-operate with the historian in furnishing all information posible. Suggested that all visitors present coonsider themselves invited to attend the next reunion. It was also suggested that a book be provided for the reggistration of names at future reunions. After remarks by the President it was moved and carried to adjourn with singing "When the Roll is called up Yonder' and benediction by Rev. E. A. Huntingdon.
Harry L. Heald Sec'y
Treasurer's Report
Collection August 27 1902 .10
Postage Aug 1, 1903
Balance Aug 26 1903
Song #127
Address of Welcome Eugene Crofut
Response E. E. Robart
"Little Pie" Lotie Scaife
"Little Girls Dialemma" Bertha Eddy
"Help Yourself" Lloyd Eddy
"The Pledge" Isaac Ashley
Song "Dear Ones All at Home" Hattie Ashley
"The Orphan's Prayer" Lucy Larcom
Song "The Lullaby"Ethel Gay
"Learning to Sew" Delphine Larcom
"Poorhouse Man" Mable Crofut
"Scarce Three Years" Myrtle Larcom
"Noses Out of Joint" Hilda Larcom
"If I was Only a Fairy Ethel Gay
"Which One was Kept" Jennie Munch
"The Farmer Boy" Claude Wilcox
"Mothers School" Minnie Eddy
Song "Blessed Assurance" #74
Remarks by Rev. E. A. Huntingdon and E. F. Larcom
The fifth annual reunion of the Larcom amily was held on Wednesday, August 26, 1903 at the home of Afton L. Larcom in Granville, Pa.
The meeting was called to order by the President E. F. Larcom and was opened with a song entitled " All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" followed with a prayer by Rev. B. A. Bonner. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved as was also the Treasurer's report. Then ollowed the election of officers for the ensuing years, and it was moved and caried by a unanimous vote that the officers who had served for the past year be elcted to succeed themselves. The time and place of the next annual meeting was then determined, and after a thorough discussionof the matter it was moved and carried that the reunion for 1904 shoulfd be held on the fourth Wednesday (August 24) 1904 in Pratt's Grove near West Burlington Pa. The company assembled then joined in snging "Blessed be the Tie that Binds", after which a programme consisting of songs and recitations was given by the youngest members of the family.
T. J. Scaife was then called upon for remarks and responded with a few moments talk upon family reunions past and present and was in turn followed by I. E. Crofut, Historian, in an interesting talk upon the ancestry of the family and the records of it which have been obtained and which are now at hand. Mr. Crofut's remarks were of much interest and were followed by a general discussion of the subjectduring which many new ideas and facts were brought forth. A letter from Mrs. Elsie Pratt Lacktrup of Irene S.D. was then read after which Rev. B. A. Bower made some interesting remarks upon the pleasures and benefits to be derived from family reunion. It was then moved and carried that the Committee have the thanks of the company assembled and that the same should extend to the little ones who assisted in the programme. A vote of sympathy was extended to Zada Larcom, and others who were unable to be present because of illness. After remarks by H. H. Heald the meeting was adjourned and the company was further enteertained by Charles E. Taylor with selections upon his phonograph.
Harry H. Heald, Secretary
Treasurer's Report
Balance last report
Collection Aug 26 1903 3.60
Expenses Aug 26
(use of tent)
Postage Aug.3 and 22
Telephone Aug22, 1904 .55
"The Music Stool" Minnie Eddy
"The Two Noses" Hulda Larcom
"The Grandmother's Council" Delphine Larcom
"The Little Girl's Problem" Lottie Scaife
"The Baby Mother" Bertha Larcom
Dewey Eddy
Ethel Gay
"The Little Baby" Marie Larcom
"The Birdies Ball" Song Ethel Gay
"Cut My Finger" Lillie Scaife
"Cleaning House" Bertha Eddy
"The Thanksgiving Dinner" Myrtle Larcom
"Papa's Warning" Delphine Larcom
"Do You" Lloyd Eddy
Larcom Reunion 1905
The Sixth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held August 23 1905 in Pratts Grove near West Burlinton.
The meeting was called to order by the President E. F. Larcom and opened with a song entitled "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" and was followed by a prayer by E. F. Larcom.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, also the Treasurer's Report.
Following this was the election of officers, Pres. E. F. Larcom, Vice President H. H. Heald, Secretary and Treasurer Maude Rockwell, and the following committee on Arrangements, H. J. Larcom, E. F. Larcom and Pearlie Pratt.
After some discussion it was decided that the reunion in 1906 should be held in Covington, Pa. so another committee was elected, E. O. Connelly, T. F. Scaife and Mrs. Otis Larcom.
This was followed by a few remarks by the President E. F. Larcom, after which Mrs. E. F. Larcom read a list of births, deaths and marriages since the reunion in 1903 so far as know. She also read a letter from Mrs. Phoebe Connelly, who on account of poor health was unable to be present.
Remarks were then made be E. O. Connelly, H. H. Heald and A. L. Larcom.
It was moved and seconded that a vote of thanks be extended to the little folks who so pleasantly and profitably entertained the company present.
One pleasure of the day was in meeting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard of Pine Valley, N.Y.
The lady's maiden name being Carrie Larcom, and it is supposed her fore-fathers were related to Job and Betsy Larcom, for all were known to have emgrated from Connecticut to this country.
A vote of sympathy was extended to those of our family who from any cause were unable to be present. The company then joined in singing "God be with you till we meet again" and were dismissed by E. F. Larcom.
Harvey L. Heald, Secretary
Maude Rockwell Secretary Pro. Tem.
Treasurer's Report
Balance last report
Collection Aug. 23, 1905 3.30
Expenses Aug. 23
Use of tent
Hired help
Balance to Date $1.85
Recitation by Hildah Larcom
" Ethel Gay
" Delphene Larcom
Song by Ethel and Pearl Gay
Recitation by Myrtle Larcom
" Pearl Gay
" Hazel Larcom
Song by Hildah and Myrtle Larcom
Recitation by Nettie Larcom
Song by Ethel and Pearl Gay
The Seventh annual reunion of the Larcom Family was held at E. O. Connelly's on August 1906.
After dinner the meeting was called to order by the President E. F.
Larcom and the following program rendered.
Prayer by E. F. Larcom
Song "Will There be Any Stars in My Crown" Rev. Searles
Recitation = Hilda Larcom
Recitation = Isaac Ashley
Recitation = Mrs. Archie Larcom
Recitation = Myrtle Larcom
Talk = Rev. W. I. Burrell
Recitation = Marie Larcom
Recitation = Lillie Scaife
Recitation = Bertha Larcom
Music = Isaac Ashley
Recitation = Lottie Scaife
Recitation = Blanche Scaife
Talk = Rev. Searles
Song = Lottie Scaife
Remarks by E. F. Larcom.
Then followed a business meeting
Reading ofthe minutes of the last reunion. Also reading of a
letter from Mrs. Elsie Pratt Lacktrup.
Election of Officers
President = E. F. Larcom
Vice Pres. = H. H. Heald
Sec. and Treas. = Mrs. E. O. Connelly
After some discussion it was moved and carried that the next reunion be held at E. F. Larcom's the 4th Wednesday in August 1907.
It was moved and carried that a vote of thanks be extended yhe ministers present.
Moved and carried that we extend a vote of thanks to E. O. Connelly and wife and all others who did what they could for the good think and time we have enjoyed.
Committees appointed
Program Committee
May Scaife
Mrs. Cora Pratt
Committee on Arrangements
Afton Larcom
Horace Heald
Horace Pratt
Meeting closed by singing by all "God be With You till We Meet Again".
Mrs. E. O. Connelly Sec. Pro Tem..
The eigth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held on August 1907 at the home of E. F. Larcom in Granville, Pa. The day was a pleasant one and a large companyh assembled to enjoy the privilege of greeting one another. After participating in a bountiful dinner the gathering was called to order and the following program was rendered.
Address of Welcome E. F. Larcom
Opening Song "All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name"
Prayer E. F. Larcom
Song "Greeting" Bertha Eddy
Recitation "The Auto Grand" Delphine Larcom
"That's Me" Blanche Scaife
Song "I Am Papa's Sweetheart" Pearl Gay
Dialogue "Question and Answer" Lottie and Lillie
Reditation "Little Fishes" Muriel Baxter
"Baby's Compliments" Ethel Gay
Duet "Sowing" Bertha and Minnie Eddy
Recitation "The Passenger to Sleeptown" Nettie
"Something to Do" Pearl Gay
"The Widow Budd" Edna Dubert
Trio "We Are Only Little Girls" Ethel, Pearl,
and Edith Gay
Recitation "Birds with no Feathers" Lottie
"Dollie's Pocket" Leah Rockwell
"Kittens and Babies" Myrtle Larcom
"Learning to Sew" Lillie Scaife
"The Little Half Worn Shoe" Mrs. Mabel Dunbar
"It Pays to do Right" Hazel Larcom
"Kind Friends" Edith Gay
"The Preacher's Vacation" Minnie Edddy
Duet "The Child's Offering" Hilda and Myrtle
Letters from Elsie Lacktrup and Mary Kline were read, and following this H. H. Heald told of the condition of the graves of Job and Betsy Larcom. Following some talk on this subject it was moved and carried that H.H. Heald look after the fixing up of the graves and monuments of Job and Betsy Larcom.
The election of officers was then taken up and the following were elected:
President E. F. Larcom
Vice President H. H. Heald
Secretary H. L. Heald
Treasurer T. J. Scaife
Some discussion was then had as to the next place of the meeting and it was finally moved and carried that the next reunion will be held upon the fourth Wednesday in August 1908 at the home of E. F. Larcom and be held in a tent if possible.
The following committees were then appointed.
On Arrangements
Emory Larcom
Perley Pratt
George Eddy
Raymond Rockwell
On Program
May Scaife
Cora Pratt
Harvey Heald
Next on the program all joined in singing "God be with you 'till we meet again" after which E. F. Larcom offered a closing prayer and the meeting stood adjourned.
Harvey L. Heald, Sec'y.
The ninth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held at the home of E. F. Larcom the fourth Wednesday of August 1908.
The meeting was called to order by the president E. F. Larcom. and opened by singing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name". This was followed by prayer and address of welcome by E. F. Larcom.
The minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved and the
following program was rendered.
Recitation Myrtle Larcom
Recitation "Guilty or Not Guilty" Marie Larcom
Recitation "How Lieb and I Parted" Hilda Larcom
" "
"Some Boys" Leah Rockwell
" "
"The Fatal Glass" Miss Dubert
Song "This Lettter is for My Papa" Edith Gay
Recitation "Helping Mamma" Lillian Scaife
" "
"Patchwork Quilt" Delphine Larcom
Song "Beautiful Bird" Ethel Gay
Recitation "The Kaiser and the Little Maid"
Lottie Scaife
" "
"Helping Mother" Hazel Larcom
Song "Dear Little Pansy" Pearl Gay
Recitation "Throwing Kisses" Edith Gay
" "
"A Diamond Wedding" Bertha Larcom
Recitation "By Twos" Blanche Scaife
Song "How You Grow" Bertha Eddy
H. H. Heald reported that the graves and monuments of Job and Betsy Larcom had, since the last meeting, been properly looked after. It was moved and carried the committee be given a vote of thanks.
It was decided the next reuniion should be held in Pratt's Grove the fourth Wednesday in August 1909
It was moved and carried that we combine the offices of secretary and treasurer.
Officers for year 1909
President E. F. Larcom
Vice President H. H. Heald
Sec. Treas. Mrs. H. L. Heald
Committee on Arrangements
Perley Pratt
Emory Larcom
Ardie Pratt
Committee on Program
Mary Scaife
Minnie Gay
Hattie Larcom
Remarks by T. J. Scaife, Julian C. Larcom, H. H. Heald, E. F. Larcom.
Closing Song "God Be With You Till We Meet Again"
Benediction by E. F. Larcom
Mrs. H. H. Heald June 3, 1909
Mrs. H. L. Heald Sec'y.
The tenth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held in Pratt's Grove near West Burlington, the fourth Wednesday in August 1909. The day was ideal and a goodly number gathered round tthe well filled family table. After dinner the gathering was called to order by the President E. F. Larcom and the following program was rendered.
Song "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" Entire
Remarks and Prayer E. F. Larcom
Recitation "Over the Hills to the Poorhouse"
Bertha Larcom
Recitation "Selling the Farm" Delphine Larcom
Recitation "In Trouble" Blanche Scaife
Recitation "The Telephone Girl" Nettie Larcom
Song "Raindrops" Lillie Scaife
Recitation "Baby's First Day in Church" Myrtle
Recitation "His First Speech" Theodore Scaife
Dialogue "The Bible Searchers" Delphine and
Hildah Larcom
Song "Tis Sunshine" Gay girls
Recitation "The Master Is Coming" Marie Larcom
Recitation "Guess" Edith Gay
Recitation "The Scarecrow" Leah Rockwell
Recitation "Betsy and the Bear" Lottie Scaife
Song "Be a Little Sunbeam" Edith Gay
Recitation "Schneider" Edna Dubert
Duet Huldah and Myrtle Larcom
Address Rev. J. C. Bryan of Granville Center, Pa.
Business was next on the program. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Officers for 1910 were elected as follows:
President E. F. Larcom
Vice President Afton Larcom
Secretary and Treas. Mrs. H. L. Heald
It was decided to hold the next reunion at or near Covington the fourth
Wednesday of August 1910.
Next was Treasurer's Report
Committee on program for next meeting: Mary Scaife, Minnie Gay, Hattie Larcom, Bertha Connely, Jennie Connelly and Jennie Larcom.
Committee on arrangements All Covington People.
We then sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" and were dismissed with the Benediction by Rev. Bryan.
Mrs. H. L. Heald (Sec)
Treasurer's Report for Aug. 25, 1909
Am't. of collection
Am't paid for grounds
Am't paid for help
Total Expenses
Balance .30
Amount carried over
Amount in Treasury
July 29, 1910 postals
Balance now $2.34
Approved Aug. 24, 1910
The eleventh annual Larcom Reunion was held in Putnams grove at Covingtom Tioga Co., Aug.24, 1910.
A goodly number was present, some who had never had the pleasure of attending one of the Reunion s before.
Until the dinner hour arrived the time was spent in renewing old acquaintances and making new ones.
After dinner the Business Meeting was called and proceeded as follows.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Election of officers.
Pres. E. F. Larcom
Vice-Pres. A. L. Larcom
Sec. & Treas. Mrs. Raymon Rockwell
Place of meeting, moved and carried. Pratt's Grove
Time unchanged 4th Wed. of Aug.
Programme Committee
Mrs. Minnie Gay
Mrs. E. F. Larcom
Mrs. C. F. Larcom
Mrs. A. L. Larcom
Mrs. F. B. Larcom
Mrs. E. O. Connelly
Mrs. Dean Connelly
Mrs. Fred Sampson
Mrs. T. F. Scaife
Mrs. Fred Perry
Mrs. Carrie Wilcox
Mrs. H. L. Heald
Arrangements Committee
A. L. Larcom
C. F. Larcom
Perley Pratt
Horace Pratt
Delmar Swqin
H.L. Heald
F. B. Larcom
Geo. Eddy
T. J. Scaife
Mrs. Fred Perrry
During the afternoon the following program was given.
Prayer Rev. W. L. Dudley
Openiing Address Genevieve Wilcox
Address Pres. E. F. Larcom
Song Lillie and Blanche Scaife
Recitation Bertha Larcom
Recitation Nettie Larcom
Song "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet" Alberta
Recitation Blanche Scaife
Recitation James Sampson
Recitation Theodore Scaife
Song Reta Wilcox
Recitation Marie Larcom
Recitation Lottie Scaife
Talk Rev. W. L. Dudley
Song Lillie Scaife
Talk Rev. F. M. Poland
Recitation Bertha Larcom
Closing Address Morris Wilcox
Treasurer's Report
Closed with Song and Benediction
Treasurer's Report
Amt. of collection
Amt. carried over
Balance of Collection Aug. 24, 1910 .04
Postals Aug. 1, 1911
To finish paying expenses
Balance $1.64
The twelfth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held in Burlington Pratt's Grove Aug. 23, 1911.
After partaking of a bountiful dinner, the meeting was called to order
by President E. F. Larcom.
Prayer by Pres.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Treasurers report.
Election of oficers:
Pres. E. F. Larcom
V. Pres. H. H. Heald
Sec. & Treas. Mrs. Ethel Pratt
After some discussion it was decided to hold the next meeting in Putnam's Grove, Covington, if weather permitted. If not, place to be chosen by Cov. people.
Committee of arrangements
Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Scaife
Mr & Mrs. E. O. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Otis Larcom
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Wilcox
And this committee to select their program committee.
Program followed.
Remarks by T. J. Scaige especially urging the people to come to Covington.
Remarks by the Pres.
Recitation "Welcome" Theo. Scaife
" " Lillie Scaife
" " Nettie Larcom
" " Hazel Larcom
" " Delphine Larcom
" " Leah Rockwell
" " Lena Rockwell
Song "God be With You"
Dismissed by Pres.
A cousin from Michigan met with us that had never had the pleasure before.
Treas. Report
Amt. in Treas Aug. 23, 1911
Collection " "
Paid out for hired help
" " grounds
Amt. carried over to 1912
Postage July 29, 1912
Postals Aug. 9, 1912
Mrs. Emery Larcom died in Oct. 1911.
Larcom Reunion Aug. 1912
The thirteenth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held at
Putnam's Grove Aug. 1912.
Business MeetingMinutes of last meeting read and approved.
Election of officers
Pres. E. F. Larcom
V. Pres. Charlie Larcom
Sec. & Treas. Mrs. Ethel Pratt
It was thought best to let the officers choose their own committeesat
such time as they saw fit.
After some remarks it was decided to hold the next reunion in Granville.
Song - "Ah That Will Be Glory for Me"
Prayer - Rev. N. Johston
Recitation - Blanch Scaife
Address - Rev. Dudley
Recitation - Leah Rockwell
Song - Hilda & Myrtle Larcom
Recitation - Theo. Scaife
- Lena Rockwell
Recitation - Lottie Scaife
Talk - Rev. Johnston
Recitation - Lillie Scaife
Talk - Rev. Larcom
Treas. Report
Amt. in Treasury
$ 1.50
$ .82
Amt. in Treas. 1913
Postals Aug. 14, 1913
Mrs. Ethel Pratt
The fourteenth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held at the home of E.F. Larcom Wed., Aug.28, 1913.
After partaking of a bountiful dinner, the following program was rendered.
Opening Song - "What a Friend We Have in Jesus".
Recitation - Lena Rockwell
- Eva Wilcox
Song - Ethel, Pearl, & Edith Gay
Recittion - Ivan Larcom
Recitation - Harold Larcom
Song - Myrtle Larcom
Recitation - Daisy Larcom
- Leah Rockwell
- Delphene Larcom
Song - Edith Gay
Recitation - Eva Wilcox
Song - Myrtle Coddington
Closing Song
Remarks by Pres.
Business Meeting
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Election of officers
E. F. Larcom elected Pres. permanently.
A. L. Larcom V. Pres.
Mrs. Horace Pratt Sec. & Treas.
Reunion to be held in Granville place to be decided next year.
Comm. of arrangements
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Larcom
Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Larcom
Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Heald
Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Pratt
Treasurer's Report
Am't. carried over
$ 4.90
6.13 - $11.03
Expenses - Bananas
$ 1.75
$ 6.13
Postals used Aug. 11, 1914
Signed, Mrs. Horace Pratt, Treas.
Homer Eddy and Jennie Goodsall
Lloyd Eddy and Elizabeth Hevrley
George Crippen and Bertha Larcom
Emery Larcom and Minerva Simpson
Charlie Crofut and Bessie Baxter
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Wooster
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. (blank)
A daughter born to Mr & Mrs. Floyd Larcom
A daughter born to Mr. & Mrs. George Crippen
Mrs. Edward F. Larcom
Mr. Edward F. Larcom
Mrs. Homer Eddy
Miss Bertha Eddy
Mr. Ephraim Pratt
Mrs. Etta Harris Crofut
The fifteenth annual reunion of the Larcom Family was held in the East Granville Church, Wednesday Aug. 26, 1914.
The forenoon was spent in visiting and music.
At noon all sat down to a bountiful dinner; of which there was so much that some had to eat for him-self and another to eat it all.
After dinner the following program was rendered.
Opening Song -"Blest Be the Tie"
Prayer - C. F. Larcom
Recitation - Lillie Scaife
Song - Lena Rockwell
Recitation - Delphene Larcom
Song - Edith Gay
Recitation - Lottie Scaife
Song - Hilda and Myrtle Larcom and Lee Ward
Recitation - Leah Rockwell
Song - Blanche Scaife
Closing Song - "God Be with you till we meet again"
Business Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Election of Officers
A. L. Larcom - President
C. F. Larcom - Vice President
Maude Rockwell - Sec. and Treas.
They decided to hold Reunion at Covington next year.
Committee of Arrangements
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Conelly
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scaife
Fred Perry
John Larcom
Fred Sampson
Treasurers Report
Am't. carried over
Postage for 1915
Lee Ward and Hilda Larcom
Elmer Clark and Alberta Wilcox
(Blank) and Reta Wilcox
A son to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crofut
A daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Dean Connelly
A son to Mr. & Mrs. Loyd Eddy
A daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Jack Larcom
Dewey Eddy
The sixteenth annual reunion of the Larcom family was held in the Covington Boro Grange Hall Wednesday August 25th 1915.
The forenoon was spent in handshaking and a social chat. At noon
all partook of a very bountiful dinner. After dinner the following
programme was rendered.
Song - "Friendship"
Prayer - T. J. Scaife
Song - "Keep it Rolling"
Recitation - Doris Connelly
Recitation - Theodore Scaife
Solo - Blanche Scaife
Recitation - Delphene Larcom
Recitation - Leah Connelly
Song - "Our Social Duty"
Business - Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Election of Officers
President A. L. Larcom
Vice President C. F. Larcom
Sec'y & Treasurer Lottie Scaife
The next reunion to be held at or near Granville.
Committee on arrangements
E. L. Larcom and wife
A. L. Larcom and wife
C. F. Larcom and wife
R. D. Pratt and wife
Prelie Pratt and wife
Programme Committee
Mrs. E. L. Larcom
Delphine Larcom
Minnie Gay
Mrs. T. J. Scaife
Mrs. Dean Connelly
Closed by singing "Gof be With You Till We Meet Again".
Treasurer's Report
Money on hand
Money carried over 2.05
Postage 1916
Expenses 1915
Rolls 1.20
lemons .60
Peaches .90
Sugar .70
Help 2.00
Total 5.40
Lottie Scaife, Sec'y.
Mrs. Cora Stage and Archie Treat
A girl to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ward
A boy to Mr. and Mrs. John Larcom
Celia Pratt
Mary Kline Seattle, Wash.
Homer Eddy
The seventeenth annual reunion of the Larcom family was in East Granville Baptist Church parlors, Wednesday Aug. 23, 1916.
After dinner the following programme was given.
Song - "Jesus, Savior Pilot Me"
Prayer - Rev. C. P. Moss
Reditation - Theodore Scaife
Song- Lena Rockwell
Recitation - Daisy Larcom
Song - Leah Connelly
Recitation - Doris Connelly
Recitation - Delphene Larcom
Song - Leah Rockwell
Dialogue - Blanche and Theodore Scaife
Letter from Archie Kline, Seattle Wash. was read.
Business Meeting
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Officers were elected as follows:
President A. L. Larcom
Vice Pres. C. F. Larcom
Sec'y & Treas. Delphine Larcom
Next reunion to be held in Tioga County near Covington.
Committee of arrangements
T. J. Scaife and wife
E. O. Connelly and wife
D. A. Connelly and wife
Fred Perry and wife
Programme Committee
Lottie Scaife
Delphine Larcom
Motion made and carried that Sec'y. write Archie Kline thanking him
for his kind letter and cards.
Remarks by Rev. C. P. Moss, T. J. Scaife and others
Closed by singing "Blest be the tie that binds".
Treasurer Report
Amt. on hand
Money carried over 1.70
Postage for 1917
Expenses for 1916
Ice Cream
Water Melon
Delphine Larcom Sec'y.
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Treat
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clark
Margaret infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larcom
Daniel Pratt
Nancy Larcom