![]() |
acc’t accountant, al alley, av avenue, AME African Methodist Episcopal, Bap. Baptist, bd boards, bet between, c or cor corner, col’d colored, Cong. Congregational, D R Dutch Reformed, E east, e s east side, h house, la lane, M E Methodist Episcopal, mkr make, N North, n near, n a north side, opp opposite, Presb Presbyterian, P E Protestant Episcopal, P O Post Office, R C Roman Catholic, R P Reformed Protestant, S south, sq square, s s south side, W west, w a west side, W M Wesleyan Methodist
Paine Mary, -- Branch, h e s Main 4th h S of Gray Paine John B. clerk, 16 Water, h e s Main 4th h S of Gray Palmer Edward H. (McDonald & Palmer), boots & shoes, 15 Water, h w s S Lake c S Water Palmer George W. carpenter, bds n s Gray 3d h W of Davis Palmer O. W. (Smith & Palmer), lawyer, 15 Lake, h s s Church bet Davis & Columbia Pangburn Henry, laborer, h w s S Lake n toll gate Parish Mary, wid Asa, h s s Clinton c W Union Parlett John A. carpenter, h e s High c Church Parmenter John, pres. Elmira Bank, e s Baldwin c Carroll, h n s Water 3d h E of Main Parmerty Edward, miller, h s s Water opp Grove Parsons Granville D. express wagon, bds e s Orchard c Cross Parsons G. W., R R, h n s Fourth 2d h W of Wisner Parsons T. S. painter, h e s Orchard c Cross Partridge Henry M. (Hatch & Partridge), lumber dealer, n s Church 1st door W of Canal bridge, h w s Lake 2d h N of Church Partridge Samuel, h e s Lake 2d door S of Church |
Pattinson George, butcher & chandler, 21 Water, h n s Ann n S Lake
Pattinson Thomas S. butcher, w s Baldwin opp Carroll, h e s Baldwin n Cross
PEABODY DAVID, dentist, 50 Water, h e s Washington n Water (see advertisement)
Pelham Henry, carpenter, h n s S Water c Fulton
Pelton Aaron, express driver, Ely’s block e s Baldwin, bds Waverly house
Pennell Robert, machinist, h s s First n Davis
Perrine Robert S. farmer, h w s S Lake n toll gate
Perry Guy M. h s s Cross 1st door W of William
Perry John K. druggist, 20 Water, h n s Water 4th h W of Fox
PERRY THOMAS, druggist, 20 Water, bds s s Cross 1st h W of William
Peters H. W. mason, h n s Water 8th h W of Columbia
Pettengill John T. fireman, h n s Second 1st door E of Mill
Phillips Frederick A. (William H. Phillips & Son), founder & machinist, e s Lake n Carroll, h Haight’s hotel
Phillips William H. lumber manuf. Bradford, Pa., office e s Lake n Carroll
PHILLIPS WILLIAM H. & SON (Frederick A. Phillips), founder & machinists, e s Lake n Carroll, h Haight’s hotel
Pickering Daniel F. late sheriff, h e s High 4th h S of John
Pickering John, carpenter, h n s Church c William
Pierce A. B. speculator, h w s S Lake n Water
Pierce Leonard, shoemaker, h s s John c Spring
Pierce Peter, farmer, h s s Church 2d h E of Washington
Pierson Cyrus, blacksmith, h s s Church 2d h E of Dewitt
Plate William, miller, h e s Monroe 5th h E of Water
Plato M. carriage trimmer, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Plato M. R. runner, bds American hotel
Platt Minerva, boarding, h n s Water n Wisner
Plum Hiram A. carpenter, s s First n Wisner, h s s Second 1st h E of Wisner
Plumsted Sally M. wid John, h n s Jay 3d h W of Sullivan
Pool L. L. carpenter, h e s Mill 3d h S of Fifth
Poole ---- h n s S Second n Washington
Popp Jacob, butcher, h e s S Lake c Henry
Post Lasky, conductor, h s s Ann c Sly
POST OFFICE, e s Lake c Carroll
Post William T. (Baldwin & Post), coal, n s Cross c Wisner
Potter A. F. lumber mer. h w s William 1st h S of E Third
POTTER A. M. dentist, h n s S Water n S Main
Potter Elizabeth, wid Henry, boarding, h n s Carroll n Lake
Potter Valorus, carpenter, h e s Harmon n S Main
Potter William C. artist, 19 Lake
Powell Cornelius, laborer, h n s Elm n S Lake
Powell James, teamster, e s Wisner 2d door S of First
Powell John, freight, N Y & E R R, h n s Clinton 3d h E of Lake
Powell Martin, laborer, h w s Wisner 3d door N of First
Powell Michael, laborer, h w s Washington 2d h S of E Second
Powell Robert L. engineer, h s s fifth n Columbia
Prall Justus H. R. carpenter, h e s Mill 1st h N of Fourth
Pratt Daniel, woollen factory, Factory, h w s Lake c E Third
Pratt George E. lawyer, h e s Sullivan 3d h S of Clinton
Pratt Ransom, woollen manuf, Factory, h n factory
Pratt Timothy S. clerk, 24 Water, bds w s Baldwin c Gray
Pratt D. & R. (Daniel & Ransom), woollen manuf. Factory
Presbyterian Church, n s Church c Baldwin
Prescott Joseph, bds Elmira hotel
Prescott William H. painter, h w s Sullivan 1st h S of Church
PRESWICK C. bookseller &c., 16 Water, bds Haight’s hotel (see advertisement)
Price John, barber, h n s Fifth 3d h E of Baldwin
Prime Henry L. shoemaker, h n s Cross 4th h W of Sullivan
Prince Philinda (col’d), h n s E Third 3d h W of Oak
Probert David, tanner, h e s Orchard 3d h W of Oak
Propes Peter, tailor, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Pross Joseph, freight, N Y & E R R, h w s S Water bet Harmon & Main
Protestant Episcopal Church, w s Wisner c Church
Purcell Bridget, wid Patrick, h s s John c Conongue
Purcell John, laborer, h w s Dewitt 7th h S of Church
Purcell Patrick B. clerk, 6 Union block, bds n s Water c Columbia
Purcell Robert, laborer, h w s Baldwin 2d h S of Fifth
Purdy J. physician, h w s Baldwin 2d door N of Cross
Purtell Robert, carpenter, h n s Gray 1st h W of Walnut
Putnam George, barrelmaker, bds w s Mill c Fifth
Putnam Phebe E. teacher, Elmira Female college
Quinlan James, draughtman, h e s High c Cross
Ramsdell Frederick D. clerk, post office, bds w s Lake c Carroll
Ramsdell Lyman, lumber, h n s E Second 3d h W of William
Randall Isaac. cooper, h s s Fourth 2d h W of Columbia
Randall James B. clothing, 2 Union block Water, h n s Water 4th h W of Davis
Randall John (Bennet, Randall & Co.), lumber, on the canal N of Second, h e s E Union 2d h S of Second
Randall John M. (Bennet, Randall & Co.), lumber, on the canal N of Second, h Williamsburg
Ransom Jonathan (Wines, Fowler & Co.), crockery &c., 2 Lake, h Poughkeepsie
Rapelyea Daniel, sash & blinds, h n s Water n Columbia
Raplee Joseph, R R, h e s Columbia 2d h S of Gray
Raplee Myron, h e s William 5th h N of E Third
Rathbone John, mason, h e s High c John
Rathbun J. T. e s Lake c E Third
Redfield D. S. freight agent, W & E R R, h e s Oak 2d h N of Jay
Redfield Henry, farmer, h s s Henry n Fulton
Redfield J. A. supt. W & E R R, h e s W Union c Fifth
Redfield John C. hotel, w s Wisner n Third
Red Rover Engine Co. No. 3, s s Water bet Baldwin & Wisner
Reed Charles, baker, w s Wisner 4th door S of Third, h same
Reed Charles B. carpenter, h s s Hudson n R R
Reed Charles M. freight, N Y & E R R, h n s Church n Main
Reed E. G. bookkeeper, Elmira steam mill, h s s Church c Washington
Reed James (B. G Carpenter & Co.), drygoods, 3 Union block Water
Reed John (col’d), laborer, h e s Dickinson c Fifth
Reeder Henry, bartender, Haight’s hotel
Reeder William T. proprietor Haight’s hotel, w s Lake c Cross
Rees Mary (col’d), wid Jeremiah, e s Dickinson 4th h N of Clinton
Reeve Fanny, wid James, h e s Main bet Fourth & Fifth
Remington Hale (Audenried, Langdon & Co.), coal, Brainard block w s Baldwin, bds Brainard house
Reniff Abisha B. grocer, n s Water c Wisner, h same
Renwick James, blacksmith, bds n s Water n Wisner
Republican Office, s s Water c Lake
Rescue Hook & Ladder Co. No. 6, Water bet Wisner & Main
Rexford Samuel, speculator, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Reynolds Absalom, storehouse, h e s S Lake n Sly
Reynolds Isaac, forwarder, h n s S Water n First av
REYNOLDS ISAAC H. storage & forwarding, on canal basin r Union block, h n s S Water n R R (see advertisement)
Reynolds Israel, mason, h n s Gray 2d h E of Grove
Reynolds John A. physician, h w s Baldwin c Gray
Reynolds John K. axemaker, h e s Fox 4th h N of Water
Reynolds Nathan, farmer, h e s Lake 2d h S of E Second
Reynolds Ralph (Reynolds & Tann), barber, s s Carroll 1st h W of Lake, h Lake bet Second & Clinton
Reynolds S. C. attorney, 22 Lake, h Haight’s hotel
Reynolds S. N. canal basin, h s s S Water n R R
Reynolds William, h w s Baldwin c Gray
Reynolds & Tann (Ralph Reynolds & William H. Tann) barbers, s s Carroll 1st h W of Lake
RHODES WILLIAM C. proprietor & editor Elmira Gazette, 28 Lake, h w s Conongue c Church
Rianhard George, milllwright, h n s Henry n R R
Rice Daniel O. grocer, n s church c Wisner, h n s Church 1st h W of Wisner
Rice Mary L. milliner, h n s Carroll 1st h E of Baldwin
Rice Remick C. (Hamlin & Rice), drygoods, 24 Water, h n s Cross 1st h E of Main
Richards Henry H. oyster saloon, s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h w s Conongue opp John
Richardson Charles (col’d), axemaker, h e s Dickinson 3d h S of Fifth
Riggs Joseph L. (Rev.) pres. h n s Water 2d h W of Elm
Riker Samuel, carpenter, h e s Baldwin 2d h N of Church
Rinker Elias, shoemaker, h e s Dewitt 7th h S of Cross
Roberts E. M. teacher, h w s William 3d N of Church
Roberts Henry S. blacksmith, h w s Orchard 1st h N of John
Roberts James, furnaceman, h s s Church c Sullivan
Roberts James F. car inspector, h w s W Union bet Third & Clinton
Roberts William, furnaceman, h s s Church c Sullivan
Roberts William, tailor, h s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank
Robertson Archibald (Robertson & Fassett), lawyer, e s Baldwin over Elmira Bank, h e s Fulton n Mt Zoar
ROBERTSON & FASSETT (Archibald Robertson & Newton P. Fassett), lawyers, e s Baldwin over Elmira Bank
Robinson George R., R R, h s s Gray 2d h W of Mill
Robinson John M. furniture & undertaker, 41 Lake & e s William c Church, h e s William 2d h N of Cross
ROBINSON NOAH H. boots & shoes, 28 Water, h e s Lake 2d h S of E Third
Robinson Mrs. h s s First 2d h W of Main
Rockwell Isaac, barkeeper, 70 Water
Rockwell Silas, pedlar, h w s Orchard 2d h N of Church
Roe John C. h w s Main c Second
Roe William F. professor Fem. Coll. h s s Fourth 3d h W of Columbia
Rogers Frederick O. (Rogers, Lowman & King), lawyer, 49 Water, bds Brainard house
Rogers John, laborer, h w s Wisner c First
Rogers M. G. tailor, h w s High n John
Rogers Patrick, refreshments, w s Wisner 3d h N of First
Rogers Peter, mason, h e s Fulton n S Water
Rogers Peter, wagon maker, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Rogers Stephen, porter house, s s Water opp Fox
ROGERS, LOWMAN & KING (Frederick O. Rogers, Edward S. Lowman & Rufus King), lawyers, 40 Water
Ronan Patrick, engineer, h n s John 2d h W of Orchard
Roof John J. express office, h s s Water opp Grove
Roosa Augustus P. h n s Water c Walnut
Roosa Catharine, wid. Egbert, h n s Water 2d h W of Elm
Roosa David P. baker & confectioner, 1 Brainard block n s Water c Baldwin, h s s Cross 3d h W of Wisner
Roosa John L. druggist, h n s Water 2d h W of Elm
ROSE GEORGE P. watches & jewelry, 13 Lake, h n s Cross c Washington (see advertisement)
Rose Lewis, axemaker, h e s William 3d h N of Cross
Rosebrooks Emery, contractor, n s Second 1st h W of Lake
Ross Samuel, farmer, h n s Church 2d h W of Elm
Rowe Isaac, farmer, h w s Mill N of Broadway
Rowell Fletcher B. (F. B & G. S. Rowell), brewer, s s Cross c the canal, bds American hotel
Rowell George S. (F. B. & G. S. Rowell), brewer, s s Cross c the canal, h Clyde
Rowell F. B. & G. S. (Fletcher B. & George S.), brewers, s s Cross c the canal
Rowley Nimrod (col’d) mason, h n s Mt Zoar n Fulton
Royse L. T. pedlar, h w s Clinton 5th h W of Mill
Rumsey Jenny editor Temperance Gem, 6 Lake, h Kanona, N. Y.
Russell David, calker, h s s Erin n R R
Russell Orrin, carpenter, h w s Wisner c Seventh
Rusky Daniel, laborer, h n s John n Harriet
Rutter William E. car builder, h e s Mill c First
Ryan William H. beer, h n s Church c Davis
Ryerson Ann, h w s Lake 4th h S of Fifth
Sabarky Abraham, tailor, h w s Dewitt 6th h S of Church
Sabin Leander, daguerrian rooms, s s Water opp Brainard h
Sackett C. W. pedlar, h s s Water opp Dewitt
Sackett Richard (Millius & Sackett), pumps, s s Water 3d h W of R R bridge, h n s Water 2d h E of Conongue
St. John Hiram, shoemaker, h e s Mill bet Water & Gray
St. Peter & Paul’s (R C) Church, e s Cross c High
Salsman Almira, h e s Sullivan c Church
Sammons Daniel, gardener, h w s Washington 4th h N of Water
Sampson Joseph C. (Sampson & Ballard), lumber merchant, Brainard block w s Baldwin, h w s E Union 5th h S of Clinton
Sampson & Ballard (Joseph C. Sampson & William W. Ballard), lumber mers. Brainard block w s Baldwin
Sanders William M. pianos & melodeons, Ely’s block e s Baldwin, bds e s Conongue 2d h N of Cross
Satterlee Albert S. clerk, W & E R R, h Gray n Baldwin
Satterlee T. S. h n s Gray bet Baldwin & the canal
Saxton --- furnaceman, h e s Washington 1st h N of Water
Sayles Henry, physician, h w s Baldwin 3d h N of Cross
Scarem James, laborer, h s s Henry n R R
Schidler Ernest, melodeon maker, h w s E Union 1st h N of Second
Schlosser Jacob, blacksmith, h n s E Second 2d h E of High
SCHNELL THADDEUS M. telegraph operator, N Y & E R R, bds American hotel
Scott Edwin A. h s s Fourth 2d h E of Davis
Scott Merritt L. sash & blind maker, h s s Mt Zoar n Fulton
Scott William, drover, h n s S Lake n First av
Scoville T. S. h w s Mill 4th h N of Water
Scoville William, carpenter, w s Fulton c Broadway
Scudder C. K. patent rights, h w s S Lake n S Water
Scutt A. M. sash & blinds, h n s Fourth n Columbia
Secor David R. segar maker, h e s Sullivan 2d h N of E Second
See Charles, carpenter, h n s Church c Davis
Seely William, carpenter, h w s Columbia 2d h N of Fifth
Selleck Charles B. refreshments, w s Wisner 4th h N of Second
Selleg David N. (Selleg & Watkins), furniture, &c. 7 Union block Water, bds w s Second n Main
SELLEG & WATKINS (David N. Selleg & Edward Watkins), furniture & upholstery, 7 Union block Water (see advertisement)
Selover John (Selover & Haskell), planing mill, n s Fifth c Canal, h w s Mill opp Washington av
SELOVER & HASKELL (John Selover & Erastus Haskell), steam planing mill, n s Fifth c Canal (see advertisement)
Seymour Matthew, carpenter, h n s Water 10th h W of Columbia
Seward Hector M. (R. Watrous & Co.), hardware, 1 & 3 Water, h n s Cross c Conongue
Shaft Alpheus, R R, h w s Wisner 5th h N of Sixth
Shadders Lawrence, laborer, h n s Henry n R R
Shannon Patrick, laborer, h w s Wisner 1st h N of Sixth
Shannon Silas, baggage master, E & C R R, bds Delavan h
Sharp --- baker, h w s Wisner 5th h N of Second
Shay Michael, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton
Sheady May, wid. Thomas, h e s Hatch 1st h S of Washington av
Sheafman Peter, melodeon maker, h n s Jay 2d h W of Oak
Shear Reuben, grocer, w s Baldwin 4th h S of Fifth
Shearman J. milliner, 11 Water
Sheehy John, grocer, 5 Lake, bds Haight’s hotel
Shehan Peter, laborer, h w s Wisner 2d h N of Seventh
Shepard Michael, cooper, bds e s Baldwin 4th h S of Clinton
Shepherd Alexander W. melodeon manuf. 7 Union block Water, bds n s Water c Grove
Sherman Eli B. mason, h n s Church 5th W of Columbia
Sherwood Minerva, wid Christopher, h w s S Lake n toll gate
Shields Peter, mason, h s s Jay, 5th h E of High
Shives George, butcher, h w s S Main n Hudson
Shockey G. W. grocer, n s Water c High bds s s Water c High
Shockey John, carpenter, h s s Water c High
Shockey William, carpenter, h w s Washington c Water
Shrewsbury Willis (col’d), boatman, h w s Dickinson 1st h S of Fourth
Shuart David, carpenter, bds w s Columbia c Gray
Sickles Daniel, laborer, h e s Baldwin 2d h N of Fourth
Sickles Susan H. wid Ambrose Z. h e s Main n Third
Sigison William, cooper, w s Baldwin n Clinton, h e s Baldwin 4th h S of Clinton
SIGLER HORACE V. looking-glasses and picture frames, Greenwich street c Beach, N Y (see advertisement on back cover)
Simmons Robert, engineer, h n s E Second 3d h W of High
Simmons Simeon, segarmaker, h n s Church 2d h W of Orchard
Sinnett Francis, artist, 48 Water
Sisk Eliza, wid Michael, h n s Fifth c Baldwin
Sisk John, blacksmith, h w s Dewitt 3d h N of Water
Skinner Edward L. clothing, 38 & 47 Water, h e s Lake 2d h N of E Second
Slifer George, segarmaker, h s s Gray 3d h W of Mill
Sloan Thomas, laborer, h e s Hatch 6th h S of Washington av
Slocum Cynthia, wid Zebulon B. h n s Henry n S Main
Sly James, tobacconist, bds Elmira hotel
Sly Mary, wid John, h s s Ann c Sly
Smelliger John, carpenter, h n s First n Davis
Smith ---, axemaker, bds e s William 3d h N of Cross
SMITH A. F. ornamental iron furniture, 66 Duane street, N. Y. (see advertisement)
Smith A. M. C. jr., clerk, express office, e s Baldwin bds American hotel
Smith B. A. tailor, h w s Sullivan 4th h S of Clinton
Smith C. B. shoemaker, h w s Mill 3d h N of Water
Smith D. W. conductor, E & C R R, bds Delavan house
Smith Darius G. civil engineer, bds Brainard h
Smith Edmund B. tram-master, W & E R R, h n s Clinton c Main
Smith Elbridge, mineral water, s s Water 5th h E of Main, h e s Mill n Gray
Smith Elijah, car inspector, h s s Fist n Columbia
Smith Elkanah, cooper, h n s Water n Mill
Smith Ellen, h w s Magee 1st h S of Clinton
Smith Ephraim (col’d), laborer, h e s Baldwin 4th h N of Fourth
Smith Gabriel L. (Smith & Palmer), lawyer, 15 Lake, h w s William c E Third
Smith George, laborer, h s s Church 4th h E of Dewitt
Smith Hervey, constable, h w s High n Water
Smith Horace Boardman (Smith & Murdoch), lawyer, 1 Water, h n s Church 2d h W of William
Smith Huron O. carpenter, h n s S Water n R R
Smith Isaac, laborer, h n s Water 2d h E of Washington
Smith Isaac S. carpenter, h s s Hudson n R R
Smith J. J. lumberman, h s s Water 3d h W of Elm
Smith Lewis, clerk, 50 Water, h n s Second bet Main & Wisner
Smith Milo M. barrel manuf. h n s Second 2d h W of Wisner
Smith Orlando, cabinetmaker, h s s Water 2d h E of Elm
Smith Patrick, laborer, h w s High 2d h N of Church
SMITH PHINEAS, mechanic’s tools, &c., 390 Broadway, New York (see advertisement page 3)
Smith Rodney B, (Horton & Smith), grain cleaner manuf. s s Carroll 2d door W of Fox, h e s Sullivan 3d h E of Second
Smith Seymour, carpenter, h e s Mill 3d h S of Fifth
Smith T. A. (col’d), dyer, h s s Second 3d door W of canal bridge
Smith T. A. jr. clerk, 34 Water, bds e s Baldwin c Cross
Smith Uriah, physician, h w s Mill c First
Smith William B. h n s Second 3d h E of Main
Smith William S. carriagemaker, w s Fox c Cross, h e s William 1st h n of Cross
SMITH & MURDOCH (Horace B. Smith & John Murdoch), lawyers, 1 Water
Smith & Palmer (Gabriel L. Smith & O. W. Palmer), lawyers, 15 Lake
Smooke Miss, dressmaker, h e s Mill 2d h N of Gray
Sneider Jacob, h e s Magee 2d h S of Third
Snell Chauncey, machinist, h n s Second 1st h W of Main
Solomon Peter, laborer, h e s Orchard c E Second
Soper Ann, milliner & dressmaker, 57 Water h same
Soper Darius, carpenter, h e s S Main n Henry
Spafford M. B. refreshments, 74 Water, h same
Spaulding Thomas S. justice peace, e s Lake c Water, h n s Broadway c Mill
Spence G. O. melodeons, h n s Gray c Elm
Sperry Medad, laborer, h e s W Union c Sixth
Spillane John, laborer, h n s Hudson n Fulton
Sprague John, machinist, bds w s Mill c Fifth
Squires Montgomery M. tobacco, h s s First bet Davis & Columbia
Squire Truman H. physician, h n s Church 3d h W of William
Stafford Truman, express agent, Ely’s block e s Baldwin h n s Cross c Orchard
Stage Nicholas, laborer, h w s First n Grove
Stagg William E. acct. h e s High 3d h S of E Second
Stanchfield John K. physician, h w s Baldwin 3d h N of Gray
Stancliff L. J. bds Haight’s hotel
Stanley Fidelia, teacher, Elmira Female College
Stanley Newton, fireman, E & C R R, bds Delavan house
Starks William W. conductor, h w s Mill c Gray
Starkweather Henry, axe-handles, h w s William 2d h N of Clinton
STATEN ISLAND, FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 3 John street, N Y. (see advertisement)
Stebbins J. G. carpenter, h ft Cross n s
Stedman Mary, h s s Church 2d h E of Orchard
Steele George, ticket agent, N Y & E R R, h w s Mill 1st h N of Clinton
Steele S. C. grocer, 15 Lake, bds n s Cross bet Lake & William
Stephens Daniel S. postmaster, 28 Lake, h e s High c John
Stephens John, assistant postmaster, 28 Lake, h e s High c John
Stephens S. J. spinner, bds e s Sullivan 5th h N of E Second
Stevens David H. (William M. Jeffers & Co.), planing mill, w s Baldwin n Clinton h w s Mill 2d h N of First
Stevens Lafayette, cabinetmaker, h n s Gray bet Elm & Davis
Stevens Morenus W. carpenter, h s s Henry n R R
Stevens William, blacksmith, h s s Church 3d h E or Orchard
Stevens William V. (Terry & Stevens), blindmaker, s s Church c William, h n s Gray 1st h W of Davis
Stewart Robert, founder, bds n s E Second 2d h W of Sullivan
Stiles Isaac, boots and shoes, 17 Lake, h n s Cross 2d h E of Washington
Stillman J. M. harnessmaker, h e s High 1st h S of Church
Stilson James, machinist, h w s Lake 4th h S of Fourth
Stilson William jr. shoemaker, h e s William 6th h N of E Second
Stocum E. M. milliner, 25 Lake, h same
Stowell Abel, carpenter, h w s William 2d h S of E Second
Stowell Alexander (A. Stowell & Co.), grocer, w s Wisner, 5th h S of Third h n s Washington av n Wisner
Stowell Horace, h w s Dewitt 4th h S of Church
Stowell James (A. Stowell & Co.), grocer, w s Wisner, 5th h S of Third h same
Stowell L. B. lumber, h w s Dewitt 4th h S of Church
Stowell A. & Co. (Alexander & James Stowell), grocers, w s Wisner 5th h S of Third
Strachen Thomas, blacksmith, e s Baldwin n Clinton h w s Dickinson n Clinton
Strang Samuel B. (Strang & Gillet), banking and exchange, 4 Union block Water, h e s Lake c Church
Strang & Gillet (Samuel B. Strang & Solomon L. Gillet), banking and exchange, 4 Union block Water
Stratton Thomas, blacksmith, h w s Dickinson 2d h N of Clinton
Strong Chester D. baggage-man, h n s Hudson n S Lake
Stryker Samuel D. toll-gatherer, h w s S Lake n Bridge
Stuart Charles B. hats, caps, boots, and shoes, 20 Lake, h Haight’s hotel
Stull William, real estate, h n s Jay c Oak
Sturges William L. pedlar, h n s River n S Main
Sullivan Eugene, contractor, h e s William 4th h N of E Third
Sullivan James, laborer, h e s Mill n Clinton
Sullivan John, laborer, h s s S Water n Harmon
Surganta Joseph W. tailor, h w s Gregg 2d h S of Church
Sutton A. wines, liquors and segars, 53 Water, bds Waverly house
Sutton S. N. hackman, h e s Fox 3d h N of Water
Swales Peter W. h s s Jay 3d h E of High
Swan Charles (Marsh & Swan, insurance agents, 28 Lake
Swartz George W. jeweler, 39 Water, h same
Swazey Wilson, mason, h n s Jay c Sullivan
Sweet A. W. carpenter, h w s S Lake n Henry
Sweet Wesley, chairmaker, s s Church, h w s William 2d h N of E Second
Sweetser Henry, R R, h n s Fifth 2d h E of Main
Sykes J. F. harnessmaker, h w s Orchard 2d h N of Cross