acc’t accountant, al alley, av avenue, AME African Methodist Episcopal, Bap. Baptist, bd boards, bet between, c or cor corner, col’d colored, Cong. Congregational, D R Dutch Reformed, E east, e s east side, h house, la lane, M E Methodist Episcopal, mkr make, N North, n near, n a north side, opp opposite, Presb Presbyterian, P E Protestant Episcopal, P O Post Office, R C Roman Catholic, R P Reformed Protestant, S south, sq square, s s south side, W west, w a west side, W M Wesleyan Methodist
La Bar F. D. carpenter, h e s Dewitt 5th h S of Church Labusky Francis, tailor, h e s Perry n E Third Ladue Jeremiah, carpenter, h e s Baldwin 6th h N of Fourth La France Peter A. house and sign painter, e s Lake c Water, h s s Hudson n S Main La France Willis, carpenter, h ft Cross s s Laidlaw John W. shoemaker, n s Gray 2d h W of Mill Lake Shore and Great Western R R office, Charles W. Webber agent, s s Depot, Wisner Lambert Matthew, carpenter, h w s Sullivan 1st h S of Clinton Lampkowsky Ferdinand, tailor, bds Elmira hotel Landers Garrett, tailor, h n s Hudson n Fulton Langdon Jervis (Audenried, Langdon & Co.), coal, Brainard block w s Baldwin, h e s Union 3d h N of Second Landon John H. baker, n s Church 2d h E of Wisner Landy Peter, laborer, h s s Henry n R R Lane A. M. (Miss), teacher, Elmira Female College Lantry Patrick Q. segarmaker, h s s Gray c Walnut |
Laroux Almerin, painter, h w s Orchard n Church
Lary Clinton, laborer, h n s Hudson n the river
Lary Thomas, laborer, h n s E Third c Oak
LAW H. G. & BROTHER, woodenware &c., 22 Fulton St., N. Y.
(see advertisement page 4 front)
Lawhead, John, moulder, h w s Dickinson 5th h S of Fourth
Lawson Elling, tailor, h n s E Second 2d h W of High
Leach Richard, peddler, h s s Gray 1st h W of Main
Leadbeater Samuel, machinist, h n s Second 1st h W of the canal
Leary Catharine, h w s Hatch 4th h S of Washington av
Leavitt -------------, machinist, h w s Fox c Arroll
Lee Joshua (col’d), laborer, h e s Perry n E Third
Lee Thomas (col’d), laborer, h w s Pickaway n Franklin
Lee William & Co., oyster saloon, 26 Water, h e s Baldwin c Cross
Leonard Stephen B. clerk, American hotel
Levalley N. L. freightman, N Y & E R R, h w s Baldwin 1st h N of Fifth
Levers John R. laborer, h n s Factory n wool factory
Levi Morris, segarmaker, h n s Church 1st h W of Main
Lewis, Edwin P. grocer, 22 Water, h s s Gray 1st h W of Wisner
Lewis Millicent, wid Jabez, h s s Water 1st h W of Monroe
Lewis T. & Co. (Theodore Lewis & D. A. Degroff), grocers 21 Lake, h w s Dewitt, 4th h N of Cross
Liddie Jeremiah, laborer, h e s S Lake n Franklin
Liddie Patrick, laborer, h w s Hatch n Clinton
Lienhart Andrew, laborer, h n s Fourth 1st h W of Lake
Lindman R. E. M. blacksmith, h w s Fox 1st h N of Carroll
Linnell Afred, R R, h e s Columbia c First
Lisdell David, laborer, h w s Sullivan 2d h S of Church
LITTLE CHARLES S. & CO. hardware, 33 Fulton Street, N. Y. (see advertisement)
Little Selah, currier, h e s Mill n Third
Lloyd John, tailor, h s s Gray 1st h W of Mill
Locke Hiram B, late tailor, h n s Second 1st h W of Wisner
Lockwood Gideon, cartman, h s s Cross 2d h E of Washington
Lockwood Hezekiah, tanner, h n s Clinton 1st h E of Baldwin
Lockwood John, carpenter, h w s Lake 3d h S of Fourth
Lombard A. C. printer, h s s Gray 4th W of Columbia
Long Lewis, butcher, h w s William 4thh S of Clinton
Long Nancy, wid Daniel, h n s Fifth c Hatch
Loomis William, butcher, h s s Ann n S Lake
Loop George, laborer, h s s Cross 3d h E of Washington
Loop Hester, h n s Church c Sullivan
Loop Horace W. teamster, h s s Jay 4th h E of High
Loop Stephen R. blacksmith, h s s Water
Loop Timothy, h n s Carroll bet Fox & Lake
Lorenz Avalina, image maker, h s s Water n R R bridge
Loring James H. ( J. H. Loring & Co.), grocer, 4 Union block Water, h s s Gray 2d house E of mill
Loring J. H. & Co. (James H. Loring & Edward W. Hersey), grocers, 4 Union block Water
Lormore William J. clerk, 36 Water, bds w s Fox c Carroll
Losey A. late grocer, h n s Church 2d h W of Columbia
Losie John M. tinsmith, h n s Water 3rd h W of Grove
Losie Lawrence M. blacksmith, h e s Mill 1st h N of Gray
Loughhead John, clerk, 55 Water, h s s Gray n Main
Loughhead William, moulder, h s s Hudson n R R
Lousie Samuel M. blacksmith, h n s Gray c Mil
Loveland Francis G. Waverley house, w s Wisner
Lovejoy James, axemaker, h e s Fox n Cross
Lover Byram, h e s Baldwin 1st house N of Clinton
LOWE, U. S. dep co. clerk, h e s Main c Gray
Lowman Edward S. (Rogers, Lowman & King), lawyer, 49 Water bds Brainard house
Luce Charles, h s s Water 2d door W of Fox
Luce Ira, refreshments, s s Water 2d door W of Fox
Lurkins Robert, teamster, h e s Wisner 3d door S of First
Lyman James, tinman, h e s Washington 4th house S of Church
Lyon John, carpenter, h w s S Lake n Hudson
McBrady Peter, cooper, h s s Ann n S Lake
McCaffrey Peter, shoemaker, h n s Hudson n Hine
McCaffrey Thomas, soapmaker, h n s Clinton 4th h E of Lake
McCann Owen, laborer, h s s Washington av 2d h E of R R
McCarthy Michael, laborer, h w s Wisner 4th h N of First
McCarthy Charles, laborer, h e s Fulton n S Water
McCaffrey Peter, shoemaker, h n s Hudson n Hine
McCaffrey Thomas, soapmaker, h n s Clinton 4th h E of Lake
McCann Owen, laborer, h s s Washington av 2d h E of R R
McCarthy Michael, laborer, h w s Wisner 4th h N of First
McCarty Charles, laborer, h w s Wisner 4th h N of First
McCarty Daniel, laborer, h s s Hudson n Hine
McCarty Dennis, laborer, h e s Hatch 2d h S of Washington av
McCarty Felix, laborer, h e s Spring n Water
McCarty James, laborer, h w s Hatch 3d h S of Washington av
McCarty John, laborer, h e s Hatch 5th h S of Washington av
McCarty John, laborer, h w s Fox 3d h N of Carroll
McCarty Patrick, laborer, h n s Hudson n river
McCarty Peter, laborer, h w s Magee 4th h N of Clinton
McCavitt John, laborer, h e s Hatch 3d h S of Sixth
McClenahan George, cooper, bds w s Baldwin 2nd h N of Second
McClure Hannah T. h s s Second 1st h E of Mill
McCreery Joseph, h e s Mill c Sixth
McDaniels Charles, laborer, h n s Sixth c Wisner
McDonald Mary, wid John, h w s Columbia c Gray
McDonald Stephen (McDonald & Edward H. Palmer), tanners, n s Ann n bridge, and boots & shoes, 15 Water
McDonnell Matthew, laborer, h w s Canal c Washington av
McDowell Albert, shoemaker, h n s Third 1st h E of Main
McGrath George, traveling agent, Western R R, bds American hotel
McGreevy Owen, livery stable, e s Lake n Cross, h w s Dewitt 9th h S of Church
McKee Thomas W. blacksmith & carriage mkr, s s Water 1st h E of R R, h w s Conongue 1st h N of Water
McKendrie Matilda, milliner, 35 Water
McKibben Henry, milk depot, n s Water n Wisner
McKindley James W. (Davis & McKindley), hardware,, &c. 14 & 16 Lake, h n s Water 4th h E of Main
McKinney August, carpenter, h n s E Second c High
McKinney Henry, carmaker, bds Forest house
McKinney John, laborer, h n s Water 1st h E of Washington
McLafferty Crandall, baker & confectioner, w s Lake 2d storeN of Carroll, h same
McLaughlin Henrietta, wid Brittan, h s s Church c Sullivan
McLaughlin John, moulder, h w s Dickinson 3d h S of Fourth
McMahan Dennis, h e s Hatch 4th h S of Washington av
McMahon Jeremiah, grocer, 35 Lake, bds Haight’s hotel
McNamara Michael, laborer, h n s Elm n S Llake
McNamara Miles, laborer, h s s Erin n R R
McNamara John, laborer, h n s Elm n S Llake
McNamee Andrew, tanner, h n s Hudson n S Lake
McNeil Dwight, saloon, w s S Llake n bridge, h same
McNeil Peter S. S. spokemaker, w s S Lake on bridge, h Pine Lake, Pa.
McNertney Michael, laborer, h w s S Lake n Henry
McWilliams D. W.. clerk, Chemung Canal Bank, h w s Wisner
McWilliams John A. conductor, h e s Magee c Washington av
Mack James, laborer,, h w s Canal 4th h N of Fifth
Mack Martin, blacksmith, h s s Fourth 1st h E of Columbia
Mack Thomas, laborer, h w s Fox 3d h N of Carroll
Macy Frederick B. assistant clerk, Schuyler & Co., h w s Conongue 3d h S of E Second
Magill John, laborer; h e s Dickinson 2d h N of Fourth
Mahony Patrick, laborer, h s s Hudson n Hine
Main Street Bridge Co. 4 Union block Water
Maley Daniel, bartender, Waverley house
Mallory, --- peddler, h n s Fourth n Columbia
Mallory C. R. axemaker, bds e s William 3d h N of Cross
Malone Anthony, laborer, h e s Magee 3d h S of Washington av
Malone Joseph, grocer, s s Water 4th h W of Fox, h w s Wisner bet First & Second
Maloney John, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton
Manchester George O. clerk, 30 Water, bds w s Lake c First
Mann Nathaniel, hotel, e s Baldwin c Cross
Many James, laborer, h e s Canal n Washington av
Marion William A. express messenger, h w s Baldwin 3d h S of Clinton
Marks William, glazier, h s s Hudson n S Lake
Marony John, laborer, h n s Elm n S Lake
MARSH A. T. dry goods, 5 Union block Water, h s s Church 5th h E of Davis (see advertisement)
Marsh Shepard (Marsh & Swan), ins agt, 28 Lake, h s s Gray 2d h w of Wisner
MARSH & SWAN (Shepard Marsh & Charles Swan), insurance agents, 28 Lake (see advertisement)
Mason Elizabeth, wid G. W. h s s John c Conongue
Mason Eunice, wid William, h e s W Union c Sixth
Matthews Burnett, blacksmith, h s s Cross 2d h W of Orchard
Matthews George (col’d), laborer, h e s Baldwin 4th h N of Fourth
Matthews Henry E. swithtender, h w s Dickinson 2d h S of Fourth
Matthews Isabella, wid Henry, h e s Washington 2d h S of E Second
Matthews John, blacksmith, h e s Dewitt 4th h S of Church
Matthews Morgan, teamster, h n s Hudson n S Main
Maxwell Edward, general ticket agt, W & E R R, h e s Mill bet Gray & Church
Maxwell II. I. general freight agt, W & E R R, e s Mill c Gray
Maxwell John C. clerk, 7 Lake, h e s S Lake n S Water
Maxwell Samuel, piano maker, h e s Washington 2d h S of Cross
Maxwell T. speculator, bds Forest house
Maxwell Thomas, lawyer, 5 Lake, h e s S Lake n S Water
Maxwell William, lawyer, h w s Lake N of Washington av
Maxwell William H. contractor, h e s Dewitt 6th h S of Cross
Maynard John, cooper, h w s Dickinson 4th h S of Fourth
Mead Isaac, millwright, h n s Water 4th h W of Davis
Mecarg John B. bookkeeper, 31 Water, h n s First 2d h E of Columbia
Meddaugh Andrew, boatman, h e s Columbia 1st h S of Fifth
Mellican Joseph, cooper, h w s Lake 5th h S of Fourth
Mellicks Adam (col’d), laborer, h e s Hatch 3d h N of Fifth
Mellville Martin, tailor, bds Brainard house
Menicks Morris, laborer, h s s Third 1st h E of Mill
Merrill Edgar C. (E. C. Merrill & Co.), hotel, w s Wisner c Clinton
Merrill Rufus (E. C. Merrill & Co.), hotel, w s Wisner c Clinton
Merrill E. C. & Co. (Edgar C. & Rufus Merrill)0, proprietors Delavan house, w s Wisner c Clinton
Merwin Wakeman, saddlery & harness, 45 Water, h e s Washington 2d h S. of Church
Metcalf Catharine E. h s s Hudson n S Main
Metcalf C. H. bds s s Hudson n S Main
Millard Carroll A. engineers, h w s Mill c Fourth
Millard Mary G. wid Ambrose, h w s Mill c Fourth
Miller Franklin, laborer, h e s Dickinson 3d house N of Fourth
Miller James L. sash & blinds, h w s Main 1st house S of Sixth
Miller Mary, h n s E Third c High
Miller Peter W. salesman, 38 Water
Miller Samuel, shoemaker, h n s S Water n Fulton
Milliken Joseph, cooper, h w s Lake 4th h N of Clinton
Millius Henry E. (Millius & Sackett), pump maker, s s Water 3d h w of the R R bridge, h n s Gray n Wisner
Millius & Sackett (Henry E. Millius & Richard Sackett), pump makers, s s Water 3d h W of R R bridge
Mills Richard, patternmaker, h w s Mill 3d h N of Fourth
Minier G. D. carpenter, h s s First 3d h W of Mill\
Minier S. h w s High 4th h N of Cross
Mitchell John, laborer, h w s Washington 3d h N of Water
Mitchell John, teamster, h w s Orchard 2d h N of John
Mitchell Nathan, refreshments, s s Water 4th h E of Lake, h same
Moffatt William, carpenter, h e s Mill bet Second & Third
Monks James, grocer, n s Fourth c Baldwin, h same
Monroe Robert, carpenter, h w s Grove 3d h N of Water
Moody George, farmer, h n s Factory n wool factory
Moody Samuel, hatter, h w s Monroe 3d h S of Water
Moonan Christopher, laborer, h e s Hatch c Sixth
Moore Charlotte, bds w s Lake 4th h S of Fifth
Moore Jacob, laborer, h w s Wisner 3d h N of Fifth
Moore Michael, blacksmith, h w s High 6th h N of Cross
Moore Michael, laborer, h s s Franklin
Morell William H. engineer, bds Haight’s hotel
Morey Delos, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Morford James H. supt. telegraph, W & E R R, bds American hotel
Morford William E. clerk, 2 Water, bds American hotel
Morgan Patrick, h e s Hatch 1st h S of Washington av
Morgan Peter, boatman, h w s Baldwin 3d h N of Fifth
Morris John, laborer, h w s Main 2d h S of Sixth
Morse J. O. tailor, h w s Columbia 3d h N of First
Morse Roscius, physician, h n s Clinton 3d h W of Mill
Mortarstock John, butcher, h e s Orchard 5th h S of E Second
Mortarstock William, butcher, h s s Jay 1st h E of High
Mott Alphonzo R. grocer, w s Wisner c Second, h s s Second 2d h E of Mill
Mott Bernard H. clerk, 1 Water, h n s Water bet Main & Mill
MOULTON WILLIAM J. daguerreotype, gallery, 20 Water, h same (see advertisement)
Mounsey Matthew, clerk, 36 Water, bds e s Dewitt bet Cross & Church
Mowry Mrs. dressmaker, s s Water 1st h E of Lake
Munroe Nancy, wid Zalmon S. h e s S Lake n Franklin
Munson A. brass foundry & machinist, s s Water c Main
Munson Edwin, carpenter, h e s Columbia c First
Murdoch David (Rev.), pres. h e s William 3d h N of E Second
Murdoch John (Smith & Murdoch), lawyer, 1 Water, h s William 3d h N of Cross
Murdoch L. N. sash & blinds, h w s Main 1st h S of Sixth
Murdoch William R. sash & blinds, h w s Main 1st h S of Sixth
Murgatroyd John, shoemaker, h w s Orchard 3d h N of Cross
Murphy Anderson (col’d), sexton, h e s Baldwin 1st h N of Fourth
Murphy C. boardinghouse, n s. Carroll c Lake
Murphy Michael, varnisher, h w s Orchard 3d h N of John
Murphy Owen, laborer, e s Main N of the college
Murphy Thomas, laborer, h w s Hatch 2d h S of Washington av
Murphy William A. clerk, 5 Lake, h e s Erin n Franklin
Murray Alexander, gardener, h s s Mount Zoar n Fulton
Murray Alexander jr., carpenter, h w s Fulton n Franklin
Murray John, laborer, h w s Canal c Washington av
Murray Morris, laborer, h w s Canal c Washington av
Musgrave Agnes M. h n s Gray 1st h W of Mill
Myers George, finisher, h n s Church 2d h E of Washington
Myers Jacob, laborer, h e s Magee c Seventh
Myers Willett, chairmaker, h n s Church 3d h W of Orchard
Nagle Patrick, laborer, h w s Dewitt 2d h S of Church
Nash David, shoemaker, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Navelles John, laborer, h w s Baldwin 3d h S of Fifth
Neal Aaron B. melodeonmaker, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Nelson Alexander, segarmaker, h w s Dewitt 5th h S of Church
Nelson Miner, axemaker, bds e s William 3d h N of Cross
Neptune Engine Co., No. 2, s s Water bet Lake & Fox
Newton Squire, h e s Main c Third
New York & Erie R R depot, Wisner bet Third & Clinton
New York & Erie R R express, Ely’s block e s Baldwin n Carroll
New York & Erie R R telegraph, Wisner n Clinton
Nicholas Benedict, imagemaker, s s Water n R R bridge, h same
Nichols Polly, wid Amasa, h e s Main c Third
Nickerson Eli, h s s Cchurch c Dewitt
Nickerson Lydia L. boardinghouse, n s Water n Wisner
Nickerson William, baker, bds Buckbee’s hotel
Nicks John I. segars & tobacco, 1 Union block Water, h e s Main c Second
Niver, Cyrenus, h n s Cross c Sullivan
Nobles John C. (Rev.) (M E), h n s Church 2d h E of Columbia
Nolan Johanna, h w s Harriet n Water
Nolton Baldwin, laborer, h n w John 4th h W of Orchard
Norman John, blacksmith, w s Fox 2d h N of Carroll, h e s Washington 4th h S of E Second
Norman Mary A. wid Prentiss, h e s Sullivan 2d h N of Cross
NORTH AMERICAN MACHINE & COOPERAGE CO. w s Wisner c Fifth (see advertisement)
North Elizabeth, school, s s Water opp Franklin house
North Norris, tinsmith, h n s Gray 2d h E of Mill
North Norris L. clerk, 2 Brainard block, h n s Gray 2d h E of Mill
North Theodore, county judge, 59 Water, h n s Water n Columbia
Northrup George E. chain pumps, n s Church 1st h E of canal bridge, h w s Columbia 2d h N of First
Northrup Nelson, farmer, h n s Water 2d h W of Hoffman
Norton N.R. teamster, h w s Mill c Second
Norton Philander, station agent, N Y & E R R, h s s Church 2d h W of Columgia
Noyes Frank B. (Noyes & Brown), drygoods, 34 Water, bds n S Cross n Lake
Noyes & Brown (Frank B. Noyes & John M. Brown), drygoods, 34 Water
Nye David, farmer, h w s Washington 3d h S of E Second
Nye George M. manuf. tubing, R. R. h w s Main c Second
O’Brien Daniel, marble worker, h s s Water opp Chemung canal bank
O’Brien Edward, laborer, h e s Hatch 1st h N of Fiftn
O’Brien Humphrey, laborer, h s s S Water n Harmon
O’Brien James, laborer, h w s Erin n Franklin
O’Brien John, mason, h s s S Water n Harmon
O’Brien Thomas, cartman, h s s First c Davis
O’Conner Daniel, laborer, h s s Elm n S Mmain
O’Day Cornelius, laborer, h e s S Lake n R R
O’Day Michael, laborer, h n s Henry n R R
Odell William, mason, h n s Fifth n Columbia
O’Donnell James, laborer, h n s Third 2d h E of Mill
OGDEN WILLIAM, druggist, 18 Water, h e s Lake 3d h S of E Third
O’Keefe Patrick, laborer, h s s Erin n R R
Oliver Edward, traveling agent, h e s High 2d h S of John
Oliver William, tailor, h n s Jay 2d h W of Sullivan
Olmsted, Phebe, dressmaker, h w s William 1st h N of Church
Olmstead Samuel, cabinetmaker, h w s William 1st h N of Church
O’Meagher James, refreshments, e s Wisner 2d h S of Second
O’Neil Thomas, laborer, h w s Wisner 4th h N of First
O’Neill William, engineer, h w s Magee 5th h N of Clinton
Osborn Henry (Rev.), academy, w s Baldwin c Second
Osborn Hezekiah R. music teacher, h e s William c E Third
Outran John, corn planter manuf. h s s Church 3d h E of Davis
Overhiser David, carpenter, h w s Sullivan 2d h N of Cross
Overton Daniel Y. lawyer, 16 Water, h e s Davis c Gray
Pagett John (Wm. & Jno. Pagett), tanner, s s Water c R R bridge, h same
Pagett William (Wm. & Jno. Pagett), tanner & currier, s s Water c R R bridge, h n s Factory n the tannery
Pagett Wm. & Jno. tanners & curriers, s s Water c R R bridge