![]() |
acc’t accountant, al alley, av avenue, AME African
Methodist Episcopal, Bap. Baptist, bd boards, bet between, c or cor corner,
col’d colored, Cong. Congregational, D R Dutch Reformed, E east, e s east
side, h house, la lane, M E Methodist Episcopal, mkr make, N North, n near,
n a north side, opp opposite, Presb Presbyterian, P E Protestant Episcopal,
P O Post Office, R C Roman Catholic, R P Reformed Protestant, S south,
sq square, s s south side, W west, w a west side, W M Wesleyan Methodist
A Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer is held at the Court House the First Monday of February and September.
Special Terms held first Tuesday of April and second Thursday of November.
County Court held fourth Tuesday of March, May, September and November.
Court of Sessions, held fourth Tursday of May and November.
Corporation Officers.
Anson C. Ely, pres.; R. R. R. Dumars, clerk, 6 Lake; Socrates Ayres, treasurer; Robert S. Perrine, assessor.
TRUSTEES ---1st District, Levi J. Cooley; 2d District, J. Davis Baldwin; 3d District, John S. Baldwin.
SUPERVISORS ---1st District, William H. Phillips; 2d District, N. P. Fassett; 3d District, L. C. Foster.
STREET COMMISSIONERS ---1st District, J. Jarvis; 2d District, Alexander Stowell; 3d District, Lorin
BOARD OF HEALTH ---President, A. C. Ely; H. S. Chubbuck, John L. Nicks, I.H. Reynolds, Philip French.
POLICE JUSTICE ---George A. Brush.
WATCH ---W. D. Kelly, Captain; D. S. Hamilton, Stephen S. Luce.
POLICE CONSTABLES ---Jacob Garr, D. S. Hamilton.
FIRE WARDENS ---1st District, Samuel Riker; 2d District, John Davis; 3d District, G. A. Gridley.
Fire Department.
CHIEF ENGINEER ----D. D. Kniffin.
FIRST ASSISTANT ----Henry Covell.
SECOND ASSISTANT ----H. D. Treadwell.
SECRETARY ----J. W. Benson
TREASURER ----E. Andrews
TORRENT ENGINE CO. NO. 1, s s Water n Wisner, ---S. P. Buckbee, Foreman; A. S. Clark, Sec.
NEPTUNE ENGINE CO. NO 2, s s Water bet Lake & Fox. ---J. Arnot jr. Foreman; ---Stephens, Sec.
RED ROVER ENGINE CO. NO. 3, s s Water n Wisner ---H. L. Holden, Foreman; S. Simmons, Sec.
YOUNG AMERICA ENGINE CO. NO. 4, s s First bet Main & Wisner ---Stowell, Foreman; --Holden, Sec.
EUREKA ENGINE CO. NO. 5, S Water n S Lake. --J. Broadhurst, Foreman; J. H. Cotton, Sec.
RESCUE HOOK & LADDER CO. NO. 6, Water n Wisner. --C. Story, Foreman; J. W. Benson, Sec.
Simeon Benjamin, Pres.; Tracy Beadle, Cashier; Norman Blye, Notary.
Capital, $100,000; Number of Shares, 4000; Par, $25.
Incorporated 1851.
CHEMUNG CANAL BANK, n s Water n Lake.
Peter Tracy, Pres.; John Arnot, Cashier; Hohn Arnot jr., Notary.
Directors: Peter Tracy, John Arnot jr., Ira Davenport, Robert Halsey, James B. Jermain, Jacob Lowman,
John Arnot, Harmon Pumpelly, Walter S. Hubbell, John Mc Birney, Joel Rathbone, Alonzo Simmonds.
Open 9 to 12 A.M. and 2 to 4 P.M.
Capital, $200,000; Number of Share, 4000; Par, $50.
ELMIRA BANK, e s Baldwin c Carroll.
John Parmenter, Pres.; F. F. Fairman, Cashier; George M. Humphrey, Notary.
Capital; $200,000; Number of Shares, 2000; Par, $100.
Organized Nov. 1st, 1853. ----Dividends, January and July.
Open 9 to 12 A.M. and 2 to 4 P.M.
Manufacturing Companies.
ELMIRA GAS LIGHT CO. Works s s Water n Fox. Office, n s Water n Lake. James L. Woods, Pres., S. T. Arnot, Sec. & Supt.
DIRECTORS: James L. Woods, S. S. Battin, John Arnot, S. T. Arnot, John Arnot jr., Riggs Watrous, William E. Hart.
Cap. $50,000; No. Shares, 2,000; Par $25. Organized 6th May, 1852.
ELMIRA WOOLEN MANUFACTURING CO. Factory, D. & R. Pratt, agts. R. Covell jr., Treas.
Capital $18,000; Par $100.
NORTH AMERICAN MACHINE & COOPERAGE CO. w s Wisner c Fifth. M. H. Ferris, agt.
Miscellaneous Companies.
ELMIRA & SOUTH PORT BRIDGE CO. ft Lake. Lyman Covell, Pres.; John Cass, Sec. & Treas.
DIRECTORS: Benjamin Vail, Edmund Miller, Squire Newton, John Beckwith, Miller McHenry.
AUDITORS: Ezra Canfield, Silas Haight.
MAIN ST. BRIDGE CO. 4 Union block, Samuel B. Strang, Pres., A. C. Ely, Sec., Further information
Post Office.
East side Lake c Carroll. D. S. Stephens, P.M. Office open from 7½ A.M. to 8½ P.M.
---on Sunday from 12¼ to 1¼ P. M.
(See Business Directory)
Rail Roads.
ELMIRA & DANANDAIGUA, e s Wisner bet Clinton & Third.
NEW YORK & ERIE, e s Wisner bet Clinton & Third.
Stage Lines.
PLANK ROAD LINE TO SEELY’S CREEK, leaves at 10:30 A.M. & 5 P.M.
RAYMOND’S ACCOM. TO HORSEHEADS, leaves twice daily.
Telegraph Offices.
(See Business Directory).
BAPTIST, s s Church bet Main & Wisner. Rev. Robert Wilson, pastor, h n s Church 6th h W of Columbia.
John Jones, sexton. ---Barber, supt. Sunday School.
BETHEL (A.M.E.), w s Dickinson n Fifth. Jonathan Hamilton, pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL, Church c Main ----- pastor. Geo. Jones (col’d) sexton. ---Hutchinson, supt.
Sunday School.
FIRST METHODIST (M.E.), e s Baldwin bet First & Second. Rev. Thomas B. Hudson, pastor, h w s
Baldwin 2d h N of Gray. A. Murphy, sexton. ---Vial, supt. Sunday School.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN, n s Church c Baldwin. Rev. David Murdoch, pastor, h e s William 3d h N of E
Second. William Clark, sexton. --- Beadle, supt. Sunday School.
HEDDING (M.E.), n s Church bet Columbia & Mill. Rev. John C. Nobles, pastor, h n s Church 2d h E of
Columbia. Daniel Webster, sexton. John I. Nicks, supt. Sunday School.
ST PETER & PAUL (R.C.),e s Cross c High. Rev. John Boyle, priest. John Matthews, supt. Sunday
TRINITY (P.E.), Wisner c Church. Rev. Andrew Hull, pastor, h e s Main n Church. Allan Ells, sexton.
ZION (A.M.E.), w s Dickinson c Fourth. ------ pastor. E. Smith, sexton. William Thomas, supt. Sunday
ELMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE, Washington av bet Main & W. Union. Rev. Augustus W. Cowles, pres
& prof. S. L. & M. S. Mrs. M. A. Wright Dunlap, V. P. & teacher of Botany.
Rev. A. B. Dunlap, Ancient Languages.
W. F. Roe, Modern Languages
Miss M. A. Lane, Natural Sciences.
“ Louisa A. Wood, Mathematics
“ Jane W. Corey, Rhetoric & Eng. Lit.
“ Phoebe E. Putnam, History
“ Mary E. Copeland, Music
“ Clary Hyde, Music
“ Emily R. Collingwood, Music
“ Mary P. Hastings, Drawing & Painting.
Mrs. Fidelia Stanley, Domestic Dept.
A. F. Corey, Clerk & Steward.
Mechanic’s Library, 28 Lake.
Secret & Benevolent Societies.
Ivy Lodge, No. 397, meets 1st & 3d Mondays at Mechanics’ Hall. Thomas C. Edwards, W. M. Lewis E.
Bonney, S. W. Theodore North, J. W. William Dundes, Sec.
Union Lodge, No. 95, meets Tuesday evenings preceding the full & new moon, at same place. A. G.
Reynolds, W. M. George McCann, J. W. ---- S. W. S. J. Stevens, Sec.
Elmira Chapter, No. 42, meets same place. Thomas Maxwell, H.P. C. F. Gospur, Scribe. Isaac
Reynolds, K. S. J. Stephens, Sec.
St. Omer Encampment, No. 19, K. T. meet same place, the 4th Friday of each month, at 2 P.M. Thomas
C. Edwards, M. E. G. C. Henry Coffin, Cap. Gen. Thomas Maxwell, Gen. G. L. Smith, Rec. Squire
Newton, Treas.
Excelsior Council, No. 6, R. & S. M. meet same place, 3d Wednesday, Thomas C. Edwards, T. I. G. M.
Squire Newton, C. W. J. S. French, D. G. M. W. T. Reeder, Rec.
I. O. O. F.
Odd Fellows’ Hall, 4 Water.
Chemung Lodge, No. 127, meet every Monday.
Newtown Lodge, No. 254, meet every Tuesday.
Fort Hill Encampment, No. 33, meet 1st & 3d Friday.
Conewawah Temple of Honor, No. 35, meet in Union block every Wednesday evening.
Montour Social Temple, meet same place, the 2d & 4th Fridays.