Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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FOR 1857.
Business Directory Appendix

acc’t accountant, al alley, av avenue, AME African Methodist Episcopal, Bap. Baptist, bd boards, bet between, c or cor corner, col’d colored, Cong. Congregational, D R Dutch Reformed, E east, e s east side, h house, la lane, M E Methodist Episcopal, mkr make, N North, n near, n a north side, opp opposite, Presb Presbyterian, P E Protestant Episcopal, P O Post Office, R C Roman Catholic, R P Reformed Protestant, S south, sq square, s s south side, W west, w a west side, W M Wesleyan Methodist


Easton William H. machinist, h n s S Water n Fulton

Eaton Frank, clerk 5 Union block, h n s Third n depot

EATON LEWIS, dentist, 51 Water, h Brainard house

Eckstine Killian, fireman, h s s Factory n wool factory

Edger William H. sawyer, h w s Baldwin 2d door N of Third

Edsall A. J. student, Ely’s block e s Baldwin, bds n s Water n Main

Edwards A. B. (Joyce & Edwards), boots & shoes 3 Brainard block Water, bds Brainard house

EDWARDS THOMAS C. millinery goods w s Lake c Carroll, h e s Baldwin 3d house S of Church (see advertisement)

Edwards O. shoemaker, h n s Water 4th house W of GroveEgbert William, carpenter, h e s Columbia 2d house S of Second

Eldridge Edward, physician, h w s S Main n Bridge

Eliason Julius (Eliason, Greener & Co.), music dealer, 51 Water, h s s Cross 1st house E of Main

Eliason, Greener & Co., (Julius Eliason, Jacob Greener & William P. Yates, piano fortes, 51 Water

Elliott Ann, widow, h e s Baldwin 2d house N of Fifth

Elliott Henry W. druggist, 4 Water, h w s William c E Second

Elliott William B. flour & feed, 33 Lake, bds Temperance house

Ellis Daniel M. wagonmaker, h n s E Third 5th house W of Oak

Ells George, billposter, h n s Church 3d house W of Washington

Elmendorf ---, widow, h w s William 4th door S of Clinton

Elmendorf George, painter, h n s Gray 2d house W of Walnut

Elmira Academy, w s Baldwin c Second


ELMIRA BANK, e s Baldwin c Carroll


ELMIRA DAILY REPUBLICAN, A. H Calhoun, e s Lake c Water

Elmira Female College, Washington av bet Main & W Union

Elmira Female Seminary, w s Main c Third

Elmira Gas Light Co. n s Water n Lake

Elmira Hotel, 70 Water

Elmira Post Office, e s Lake c Carroll


Elmira & Canadaigua R R Depot, Wisner c N Clinton & Third

Elmira & Southport Bridge Co. n s Water c Lake

Elmira Woollen Manuf. Co. factory

Elmore David, gasfitter, h n s S Water n S Main

Elmore Deville, grocer, w s Wisner n Fifth, h w s W Union 1st house N of Fifth

ELMORE JOHN N. crockery & glassware, 50 Water, h n s First 1st house from Main (see advertisement)

Elmore T. O. late grocer, h w s W Union 1st house N of Fifth

Elore Alexander, fireman, h e s High c E Second

Ely A. C. e s Baldwin over Elmira Bank, h w s Main c Church

Ely’s block, e s Baldwin c Carroll

EMHOFF M. J. refreshments, e s Lake bet Cross & Carroll

Emmons Joseph, refreshments, w s Wisner 3d door N of Second

Enos Patrick, laborer, h w s Hatch 7th house S of Washington av.

Episcopal Church, w s Wisner c Church

Epstein Isaac, clerk, 6 Water, bds Elmira hotel

Epstein Jacob (J. Epstein & Bro.), clothier, 6 Water, bds Haight’s hotel

Epstein Nathan (J. Epstein & Bro.), clothier, 6 Water, h Mount Vernon, Ohio

Epstein J. & Brother (Jacob & Nathan Epstein), clothiers, 6 Water

Esmaker John, tailor, h n s Clinton c Lake

Esson Joseph, laborer, h e s Dewitt 4th house S of Church

Eureka Engine Co. No. 5, S Water n s Lake

Evans Jacob C. cabinetmaker, h s s Henry n S Main

Evans J. W. axemaker, h n s Partridge n S Main

EVANS SAMUEL, machinist, w s S Lake on bridge, h Franklin c Perrine

Everitt Richard, carriagemaker, h n s Water n Wisner



Fairchild Francis, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton

Fairchild Susan, refreshments, w s Wisner opp depot

Fairman Frank F. cashier, Elmira Bank, h w s William 3d door S of E Second

Fairman Seymour B. (Fairman & Co.), editor, 6 Lake, h e s William 3d house N of E Third

FAIRMAN & Co.. (Seymour B. Fairman & Frederick A. De Voe), proprietors Elmira Advertiser, 6 Lake

Falkner John, axemaker, bds e s William 3d house N of Cross

Fancher Sutherland, mason, h e s Washington 4th house S of Cross

Farley Christopher, machinist, h e s Perry c Clinton

Farley Philip, carpenter, h e s S Lake n R R

Farrar Charles, teacher, h s s Third 1st door W of Main

Farrar W. B. (Farrar & Day), agricultural warehouse, 7 Lake, h Fitchburgh, Mass.

Farrar & Day ( W. B. Farrar & Ralph R. Day), agricultural warehouse, 7 Lake

Farrington John, clerk, h n s Church c Columbia

Farrington Thomas, clerk, 12 Water, h s s Gray bet Main & Mill

Farrow John, telegraph repairer, h n s Fifth c Columbia

Fassett Newton P. (Robertson & Fassett), lawyer, e s Baldwin over Elmira Bank, h n s Church c Davis

Fassett Samuel M. (T. Fassett & Co.) livery stable, n s Cross bet Baldwin & Lake, h e s Baldwin 4th house N of Cross

Fassett Truman (T. Fassett & Co.), livery stable, n s Cross bet Baldwin & Lake, h e s Baldwin 4th house N of Cross

Fassett T. & Co. (Truman & Samuel M. Fassett), livery stable, n s Cross bet Lake & Baldwin

Fay Julius W. carpenter, h w s Mill 2d house N of Fourth

Feehely John, laborer, h s s Henry n R R

Fellows James H. carriagemaker, h n s Gray n Wisner

Fellows S. H. teacher, Elmira academy

Felsenheld Morris (Felsenheld & Wachtel), clothier, 7 Water, h Brainard house

Fenner B. P. carpenter, h n s John c Orchard

Ferris M. H. agent, N A M & C Co. w s Wisner c Fifth, h e s Mill c Church

Ferris Richard, clerk, 28 Lake, h n s Carroll c Lake

Finch Edwin, saddlery & harness, 39 Lake, h e s Baldwin c Church

Finch William W. clerk, 4 Union block Water, bds e s S Water c Main

Fink A. H. farmer, h s s Water 4th house W of High

Finley William, shoemaker, bds Elmira hotel

Finn Edward, laborer, h n s Third 2d door E of Mill

Finnegan Dennis, laborer, h w s High 1st house N of Church

Finnegan Ellen, wid John, h w s Dewitt 8th house S of Church

First Methodist (M E) Church, e s Baldwin bet First & Second

First Presbyterian Church, n s Church c Baldwin

Fisher Cordelin, tailoress, h s s Water c canal lock

Fitch J. laborer, h n s Partridge n S Main

Fitzgerald David, laborer, h e s Spring n Water

Fitzgerald Richard (V. R. Bishop & Co.), wines & liquors, n s Carroll 2d door E of Baldwin, h e s Dewitt 5th house N of John

Fitzgibbon Michael, laborer, h w s Wisner 9th house N of Fifth

Fitzpatrick Michael, laborer, h w s Wisner 1st door S of Second

Fitzpatrick Patrick, laborer, h w s Wisner 8th house N of Fifth

FLAGLER FREDERIC P. portable forges & bellows, 210 Water st. N. Y. (see advertisement opp title page)

Flett James C. carman, h n s River n S Main

Flinn Stephen, laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av

Flood Henry, physician, h n s Water 1st house E of Conongue

Floyd Simon (col’d), laborer, h s s S Water n R R

Flynn Patrick, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton

Flynn Thomas, laborer, h e s Monroe 3d house S of Water

Foote George, tailor, h w s Magee 1st door S of Third

Ford Riley, h e s Magee n Sixth

Forest house, w s Wisner n Third

Forsyth A. sign & carriage painter, w s Conongue N of E Second

Foster Harriet, teacher, bds w s Baldwin c Gray

FOSTER JAMES G. hides, oil & leather, 46 Water, bds Brainard house

Foster Jesse, farmer, h n s Water 2d h W of Hoffman

Foster L. C. teacher, h s s S Water W of S Main

FOSTER MYRON H. express agent, s s Water n Lake, bds Brainard house

Foster William, farmer, h n s Water 1st h W of Hoffman

Foster William W. mechanic, h e s Magee 1st door S of Third

Fowler Nathaniel B. (Wines, Fowler & Co.), crockery &c., 2 Lake, bds Haight’s hotel

Fox Aaron W. patent rights, h w s Mill c Fifth

Fox Dana (Rev.) (M. E.), h s s Church 4th house E of Davis

Fox George, bds s s Church 4th house E of Davis

Frankenberger Moses, clerk, 6 Water, bds Temperance house

Franklin house, n s Water c Main

Franklin Joseph, butcher, h s s E Third 5th house E of High

Fraser J. engraver & patent agent, 28 Lake, h s s S Water 3d house W of R R (see advertisement)

Fraser John, laborer, h e s Hine n Mt Zoar

FRASER JOHN H. show cases, Reade cor Hudson st. N. Y. (see advertisement, inside front cover)

Frasier Augustus, painter, bds e s Main c Third

Frasier Frederick A. carriage painter, h e s Main c Third

Freeman I, clerk, 53 Water, h s s Water c Elm

French Benjamin, mason, h n s First n Columbia

French Caleb, tinner, h e s Orchard 2d house S of Church

French George W. mason, h e s Lake opp Fourth

French James S. clerk, 1 Union block, h n s Cross c Conongue

French Philip (French & Co.), grocer, 6 Lake, h n s Water 2d house W of Davis

French Robert T. (French & Co.), grocer, 6 Lake, h n s S Water c S Main

FRENCH & CO. (Philip & Robert T. French), grocers, 6 Lake

Frost Jason, cooper, h w s Columbia 1st house N of Fourth

Fuller John, miller, h s s Hudson n S Main

Fuller William, laborer, h e s Fulton n S Water

Furgerson William H. clerk, h w s Lake 2d door N of Carroll


Gage Lyman, conductor, E & C R R, bds Delavan house

Gager Miss, dressmaker, 53 Water

Gaige C. P. saloon, 29 Water, h same

GALATIAN ANDREW B. justice peace, Dunn’s block Water opp Brainard house, h n s Second c Main

Galatian Frances, school, h n s Second 2d door E of Main

GALE WILLIAM & SON, manufacturers of silverware, 447 Broome st. N. Y. (see advertisement)

Gallagher James, refreshments, w s Wisner 4th door N of Second

Gallagher James H. carpenter, h w s Columbia c First

Gallagher John, gardener, h e s Washington c John

Gallagher Timothy, laborer, h w s Wisner 7th house N of Fifth

Gabriel B. builder, h n s Clinton 7th house W of Mill

Gardiner Nelson W. (Gardener & Whiting), hats & caps, 17 Water, h n s Water c Elm

Gardiner & Whiting (N. W. Gardiner & Seth E. Whiting), hatters, 17 Water

Garey Michael, laborer, h s s Factory n wool factory

Garner --- (col’d), widow, h w s Dickinson 5th house S of Fifth

Garr Fernando C. printer, h e s Magee N of Washington av

Garr Henry H. printer, h e s Magee N of Washington av

Garr Jacob, constable, h e s Magee n Washington av

Garrett Truman, laborer, h n s Church 2d house W of Washington

Garthwait Amzi J. farmer, h w s Columbia c Gray

Garvine Catharine, widow, h e s Water n Washington

Gas works, s s Water opp Dewitt

Gates Whitney, mail carrier, h n s Cross 3d door W of William

Gazette Office, 23 Lake

Gerow Hannah, wid James, h w s W Union c Third

Gerrity Thomas, mason, h w s Baldwin 4th door S of Clinton

Gibbard --- laborer, h n s Washington av on the canal

Gibbons Joseph B. grocer, 33 Water, h same

Gibbs Levi, lawyer, 16 Water, h n s First 3d house E of Columbia

Gibson Allen S. carpenter, h n s Church 1st door E of Main

Gibson Lyman, drygoods, 2 Water, h w s Lake 2d h S of Second

Gibson William L. druggist, 18 Lake, h w s Baldwin n Second

Gilbert Elizabeth, teacher, Elmira Academy

Gilbert Henry S. lumber, w s Baldwin n Clinton, h n s First 2d door E of Mill

Gilbert Joseph C. (col’d), barber, 6 Union block, h s s Third 3d house E of Mill

Gilbert Stephen, sash & blinds, h w s S Main n Hudson

Giles Joseph, carpenter, h e s High c E Second

Gillet Solomon L. (Strang & Gillet), banking & exchange, 4 Union block Water, h s s Church 1st house W of Baldwin

Gillett D. W. lawyer, h w s William 2d door N of Church

Gilmore Benjamin, carpenter, h n s Water 5th house W of Grove

Gladke Jacob, clothier, 27 Water, h e s Dewitt 3d h S of Cross

Gleason --- physician, at Water Cure, h Water Cure

Gleason Almira, wid Henry, h n s Church 3d door E of Wisner

Glenny Henry, tailor, 16 Water, h e s S Lake n toll gate

Glover H. B. mason, h n s Hudson n S Lake

Goddard Clementine, wid John F. h e s Conongue 5th house N of Cross

Godfrey John H. machinist, h e s High 2d house S of Church

Goehrig William, physician, 61 Water

Golden Joseph, cabinetmaker, h w s William 3d door N of E Third

Goldsmith Benjamin, grocer, s s Water n Conongue, h s s Water n Conongue

Goldsmith Hiram, h w s Sullivan 3d house S of Clinton

Goldsmith John, laborer, s s Water c Monroe

Goodrich C. S. blacksmith, h n s Gray 2d house E of Davis

Goodwin Ann, wid Charles, h e s Sullivan 2d house S of Church

Goodwin Francis, laborer, h w s Canal 2d house N of Fifth

Goodwin P. T. clerk, bds Haight’s hotel

Gore John, carpenter, h n s Gray c Mill

Gorman Edmund, laborer, h e s Magee 2d house S of Washington av

Gorman Martin, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton

Gorry Bernard, laborer, h s s Clinton n Sullivan

Goss Peter, laborer, h w s Hatch 5th house S of Washington av

Gother James (col’d), laborer, h e s Dickinson 5th house N of Fourth

Gould F. H. patent rights h w s S Main n Henry

Grace Patrick, laborer, h s s Water 2d house W of Monroe

Grady John, laborer, h e s S Lake n Franklin

Grady Michael, laborer, h w s Wisner 5th door N of First

Grady Thomas, laborer, h w s Wisner 4th door N of First

Gray Charles (col’d) laborer, h e s Perry n E Third

Gray Hiram, judge circuit court, h n s Water 4th house W of Hoffman

Gray P. W. homeop. physician, Ely’s block e s Baldwin, h n s Water n Main

Green Elnathan J. machinist, h n s Gray 2d house W of Columbia

Greener Jacob (Eliason, Greener & Co.), piano manuf. 51 Water, h e s Baldwin n Clinton

Gregg Andrew K. lawyer, 5 water, h n s John c Davis

GREGG WILLIAM H. physician, s s Water 1st door W of Chemung Canal bk, h n s John c Dewitt

Gregg William M. sheriff, 15 Lake, h Court house

Gregory George, mason, h n s Church 1st house W of Canal bridge

Gregory Hiram, carman, h s s Second n Davis

Gridley Grandison A. (Gridley & Davenport), stoves &c., 9 Water, h s s S Water n S Lake

Gridley & Davenport (Grandison A. Gridley & Ephraim Davenport), stoves &c., 9 Water

Griffin Bradley, lumber, h s s Church c Columbia

Griffin John, blacksmith, h n s Partridge n S Lake

Griffin Edward, laborer, h n s Water ?

Grigg Richard, carpenter, h n s Hudson n S Lake

Gunn Samuel T. mer. h e s Orchard 2d h N of John

Gunnison C. B. conductor, E & C R R, bds Delavan house


HACKETT CHARLES W. clerk, 55 Water, bds e s S Lake n Sly

Hackett John, painter, h e s S Lake n R R

Haight David, clerk, 12 Water, bds s s Gray bet Mill & Main

Haight Silas, Haight’s hotel

Haight’s hotel, w s Lake c Cross

Hall Francis, bookseller &c. 30 Water, bds Haight’s hotel

Hall John, cooper, h e s Sullivan opp Clinton

Hall Samuel, farmer, w s Lake N of the canal

Halliday William, lumber, 4 Union block Water, h High bet Church & Cross

Halliday William H. mason, h n s Church 5th h W of Elm

Hallolan Michael, bds Buckbee’s hotel

Halloren Martin, laborer, h n s E Third 4th h W of Oak

Hamilton --- (col’d), h w s Lake c Fourth

Hamilton Charles (col’d), laborer, h e s Perry n E Second

Hamilton D. S. police, h w s Orchard n John

Hamlin Samuel S. (Hamlin & Rice), drygoods, 24 Water, h n s Church 3d h W of Elm

Hamlin & Rice (Samuel S. Hamlin & Remick C. Rice), drygoods and carpets, 24 Water

Hammond T. B. toll-collector, h e s S Main n bridge

Hanford Emeline, wid Stephen W. h e s Main c Cross

Hanford Thomas, shoes, h s s S Water W of R R

Hankins Zachary T. carpenter, h w s Mill c Fifth

Hannan Matthew, cartman, h n s third 2d door W of Main

Harper Joseph, switchman, h s s Third n Main

Harris Joseph melodeons, h n s Water c Grove

Harris Joseph H. (Harris & Cooley), lumber, Gray c the canal, h n s Washington av c Lake

HARRIS & COOLEY (Joseph H. Harris & Jesse L. Cooley), lumber dealers, Gray on the canal (see advertisement)

Harsh William, carpenter, h w s Washington 2d house N of John

Hart ----, daguerrian, h n s Factory n wool factory

Hart Erastus L. physician, h e s Lake 3d door S of E Second

Hart Erastus P. (Hart & Benn), lawyer, 20 Lake, h e s William c E Second

Hart Ira F. physician, h s s Church 1st door E of Baldwin

Hart Jacob, boots and shoes, w s E Union 2d door S of Clinton, h same

Hart William E. dry-goods, 12 Water, h s s Gray 1st house E of Mill

HART & BENN (Erastus P. Hart & Erastus H. Benn), lawyers, 20 Lake

Harvey Holmes, laborer, h s s Jay 2d house E of High

Haskell Erastus (Selover & Haskell), planing-mill, w s Fifth c Canal, h e s Mill c Washington av

Haskell Perez, h e s Mill c Washington av

Hassett John, laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av

Hastings Mary P. teacher, Elmira Female College

Hatch A. S. laborer, h John E of Canal

Hatch Harry, millwright, h n s Gray 2d door W of Main

Hatch W. B. harnessmaker, h s s Cross c Washington

Hatch W. S. (Hatch & Partridge), lumber dealer, n s Church 1st door W of canal bridge, h w s Main bet Second & Third

Hatch & Partridge (W. S. Hatch & Henry M. Partridge), lumber dealers, n s Church 1st door W of canal bridge

Hathaway Samuel G. jr. (Diven, Hathaway & Woods), lawyer, 57 Water, bds Haight’s hotel

HATHAWAY THOMAS S. ambrotypes, 22 Lake, h e s Conongue 1st house E of Second (see advertisement)

Hathorn Andrew, speculator, h e s W Union 2d house S of Sixth

Hathorn J. W. store-house, h w s Mill c Church

Haviland A. T. machinist, h n s Hudson n S Lake

Haviland John W. miller, h s s Second bet Lake & Baldwin

Hawkins Thomas, laborer, h s s Cross & Dewitt

Hayward Henry, R R, h w s Columbia 2d house N of Clinton

Hazard Phoebe, wid James, h s s First 2d door E of Mill

Hazler David, laborer, h s s Factory n wool factory

Heath B. P. clerk, n s Carroll 3d door E of Baldwin, h e s Dewitt 3d house S of Church

Heckman Peter, shoemaker, h w s Lake c Fourth

Hedding (M. E.) Church n s Church bet Columbia & Mill

Heggie Archibald, patent rights agent, h e s Main c Cross

Heindel Francis, boarding-house, n s Fourth c Dickinson

Hemmingway Seth, carpenter, h s s Clinton 1st house W of Sullivan

Hemenway W. W. carpenter, h n s Henry n S Lake

Hendrick Burr L. clerk, 14 Water, h n s Water n Wisner

Hennessey George, gardener, h w s Washington 2d house N of Water

Hennessey Michael, laborer, h n s Clinton c Lake

Henry Bernard, laborer, h n s Third 3d door E of Mill

Henry James, laborer, h w s Hatch 1st house S of Washington av

Herbert Luman, livery, h n s Gray 1st door W of Wisner

Herrick B. F. carriage-maker, h e s Dewitt 2d house N of Cross

Herrick Nathan G. barrel-maker, h w s Mill c Church

Herron Joseph, lawyer, Holden’s block Water, h s s Water 2d house W of Walnut

Hersey Edward W. (J. H. Loring & Co.), grocer, 4 Union block Water, h s s Gray n Main

Hewitt H. W. h w s Main 4th house S of Sixth

Hibbard Joseph, carpenter, h s s Fourth 3d house W of Mill

Hibbard Thomas, carpenter, e s Main n First, h s s Fifth 2d house W of Mill

Hickey Martin, laborer, h n s Henry n R R

Hickman Peter, boots & shoes, w s Lake under Haight’s hotel h w s Lake c Fourth

Hicox Sereno, stone digger, h n s Henry n R R

Higginbotham John, clerk, 8 Water, bds n s Church c Lake

Higgins John, tailor, bds Buckbee’s hotel

Higgins Norman L. blacksmith, s s Carroll 1st door W of Fox, h n s Cross 2d house W of Dewitt

Higgins Patrick, tailor, bds Buckbee’s hotel

Higgins William C. refreshments, e s Wisner 3d door S of Second

Higginson James, laborer, h w s Canal N of Fifth

Hill Charles, barber, h e s Dickinson c Fifth

Hill Henry, late mer, h n s Hudson n R R

HILL JOHN, carriagemaker, n s Cross c William, h w s Lake c Second

Hill Robert, wagonmaker, h e s High 2d house S of E Second

Hilton Jacob, laborer, h e s High c E Third

Hilton Richard E. rectifier, h n s John 3d house W of Orchard

Hine Jay S. farmer, h n s Mt Zoar c Hine

Hines John, laborer, h e s Hatch 5th house S of Sixth

Hines William A. dentist, 18 Water, h n s Water 9th house W of Columbia

Hitchcock Harmon, butcher, 37 Lake, h w s S Lake n S Water

Hoadley Lawrence, laborer, h n s Hudson n Hine

Hoag Jane, school, h w s W Union 2d house N of Fourth

Hoats Jonas, blacksmith, bds w s Dewitt 3d house N of Water

Hoffman George, shoemaker, bds Buckbee’s hotel

Hoffman Martin, laborer, h n s Water 1st house E of High

Hoffman William, farmer, h n s Water 3d house W of Walnut

Hogg John, tanner, h e s High 2d house S of E Third

Holbrook George W. physician, h n s Church 2d house E of High

Holden Fox, grocer, 19 Lake, h w s Main bet First & Second

Holden Hiram L. grocer, 36 Water, h w s Main bet First & Second

Holdridge Harrison, late mer., h Fulton c Franklin

Holland Philip, clerk, 2 Water, bds s s S Water n S Lake

Hollenbeck Charles, painter, n s Clinton 1st house E of Baldwin

Holley Martha, wid Henry, h w s Lake c Water

Holliday William, lumber dealer, h w s High 3d house N of Cross

Hollister Nathan, newsroom, 28 Lake, h w s William 2d house S of Clinton

Holmes Ezra F. grocer, w s Baldwin opp Carroll, h e s Main 3d house S of Third

Holmes Humphrey H., R R, h w s Columbia 1 st house N of Fifth

Holmes Justin, supt. track W & E R R, bds Delavan house

Holmes William (col’d), h e s Lake 3d house N of Clinton

Holton Daniel, porter, Brainard house

Horton Chace B. (Horton & Smith), grain cleaner manuf., s s Carroll 2d door W of Fox, h n s Cross 3d house W of Wisner

Horton Joseph L. butcher, h n s Second 3d house E of Mill

HORTON & SMITH, (Chace B. Horton & Rodney B. Smith), grain cleaner manufs., s s Carroll 2d door W of Fox (see advertisement)

Hotchkin Samuel, wool dealer, bds Haight’s hotel

Houpt Andrew, tailor, h s s Hudson n S Lake

House Frank, daguerreian, bds Buckbee’s hotel

HOUSE J. W. daguerreian rooms, 16 Water (see advertisement)

Houston Andrew, carpenter, h e s Columbia c Second

Houston Charles, carpenter, h w s S Lake n tollgate

Howard Abel (Charles A. Venton & Co.), wines & liquors, w s Wisner 1st door N of Cross, bds American hotel

Howard James, laborer, h w s Wisner 11th house N of Fifth

Howard & Co., express office, s s Water n Lake

Howe Otis B. h w s Mill opp college

Howell Edwin, grocer, 4 Ely’s block e s Baldwin, h e s Baldwin 1st house N of church

Howes Ephraim W. (Clark & Howes), grocer, e s Water 3d door E of Lake, h same

Howes O. rectifier, w s Fox 2d door S of Carroll, h s s Water

Howes Sarah, milliner, 41 Water, h same

Howland Asa C. shoemaker, h s s Jay 2d house E of Oak

Howland James B. carpenter, h s s Franklin

Howland Michael, laborer, h e s Baldwin 2d house N of Clinton

Howland Munyan, axemaker, bds Buckbee’s hotel

Howland O. H. carpenter, h n s Jay 4th house W of Oak

Howland Philip, merchant, bds s s S Water n S Lake

Hoyt William, R. R. repairer, h s s Second 2d house W of Mill

Hubbell Samuel B. (S. B. Hubbell & Co.), furniture, 8 Union block Water, h s s First 2d house W of Mill

HUBBELL S. B. & CO. (Samuel B. Hubbell, G. A. Burt & Allen S. Clarke), furniture and upholstery, 8 Union block Water (see advertisement)

Hudson Adelbert (Bishop & Hudson), segars, &c. 23 Lake, bds Haight’s hotel

Hudson G. W. painter, w s Lake 5th house S of Fifth

Hudson Thomas B. (Rev.) (M E), h w s Baldwin 2d door N of Gray

Hughs Peter, laborer, h e s Harriet n Water

Hughson Hiram, clerk, S Water bds w s William c E Second

Hull Andrew (Rev.) (P E) h e s Main n Church

Humiston Eliza F. milliner, n s Carroll 1st door E of Baldwin

Humphrey Clark M. druggist, 48 Water, h s s Cross 4th house W of Wisner

Humphrey George M. teller and notary, Elmira bank, e s Baldwin c Carroll, h n s Willow c Davis

Humphrey John, cabinetmaker, h n s E Second opp Washington

Hunt Frank K. freight, N Y & E R R, h n s Gray 2d house W of Elm & Walnut

Hunt Thomas, tanner, h s s Mt Zoar n S Lake

Huntley Elias S. book-keeper, 29 Water, bds Temperance house

Huntley R. boatbuilder, h e s Sullivan 4th house N of E Second

Hurlburt George carpenter, w s Lake 1st house N of Fifth

Hutchinson Eliza, wid William, h e s Orchard 3d house S of Church

Hutchinson E. P. Chumung Bk, h w s W Union c Fourth

Hutchinson Samuel S. clerk, 28 Water, h e s Columbia 2d house S of Gray

Hyde Clara, teacher, Elmira Female college

Hyde William, merchant, bds s s S Water n S Lake

Hylen R. F. lumber, h e s Baldwin n E Union


Imbark Clemens, tanner, h n s First 1st door E of Main

Imbark Frederick, machinist, h n s First 1st door E of Main


Jacobs Mrs. h w s Conongue n E Second

Jackson Francis (col’d), barber, s s Carroll n post-office, h e s Dickinson c Fourth

Jackson John (col’d), boatman, h e s Baldwin 3d house N of Fourth

Jackson John S. painter, h w s William 3d door S of Clinton

James James, shoemaker, h w s Washington n High

James William, carpenter, h s s Gray 5th house W of Columbia

Jeffers William M. & Co. (D. H. Stevens), planing mill, w s Baldwin n Clinton, h w s Lake 3d door N of Third

Jefferson John, mason, h n s Main c Columbia

Jefferson Thomas (col’d), laborer, h s s Hudson e s R R

Jenkins Edward S. machinist, h w s Wisner 4th house N of Sixth

Jervis Joel, farmer, h e s Washington 3d house S of E Second

Jewett Thomas M. furnace, h e s William c Clinton

Jocelyn Sarah, h n s Carroll 3d door E of Baldwin

Johnson Charles H. cooper, h w s Baldwin 3d door N of Clinton

Johnson Walden C. clerk, Ely’s block e s Baldwin, bds e s S Main c S Water

Johnson William, carpenter, h w s Wisner 5th house N of Second

Johnston Bailie A. carpenter, h s s S Water n S Lake

Johnston David F. silversmith, h n s S Water c Harmon

Johnston John C. boatman, h n s Ann n S Lake

Johnston William, constable, h n s Water n Mill

Johnston William (col’d), h w s Dickinson 2d house S of Fifth

Jonas John, segarmaker, h e s High 3d house S of John

Jones Cornelia (col’d), wid. h w s Dickinson 4th house S of Fifth

Jones Edwin, shoemaker, h s s Water 2d house E of Walnut

Jones Elijah, late mer. h n s Church c Elm

Jones George M. (G.M. & H. B. Jones), saloon, 9 & 11 Lake, h Ottawa, Ill.

Jones George W. (col’d), h s s Third 2d door W of Main

Jones Henry B. (G. M. & H. B. Jones), saloon, 9 & 11 Lake, h e s Washington 1st house N of John

Jones John, lastmaker, w s S Lake on Bridge, h n s Mt Zoar n S Lake

Jones John W. gardener, h s s Church 1st door W of Wisner

Jones Joshua, clerk, h 9 Lake

Jones Ralph D. carpenter, h n s Hudson n R R

JONES RICHMOND, lumber mer. n s Church 1st door E of the canal, h n s Clinton 2d house W of Mill (see advertisement)

Jones Samuel, carpenter, h e s Baldwin 3d door N of Church

Jones Samuel T. livery stable, s s Carroll n the post-office, bds Brainard house

Jones G. M. & H. B. (George M. & Henry B.), arbour saloon, 9 & 11 Lake

Jordan James, laborer, h e s Orchard 4th house S of E Second

Josse W. dressmaker, h 41 Water

Joyce Charles (Joyce & Edwards), boots and shoes, 3 Brainard block Water, bds Brainard house

JOYCE & EDWARDS (Charles Joyce & A. B. Edwards), boots and shoes, 3 Brainard block Water (see advertisement)

Judd Theodorus, clerk, h w s Columbia 2d house N of Water

Judson ---, lumber yard,

Judson William E. lumberman, h e s E Union 2d door N of Second

Judson William R. land dealer, 7 Lake, bds e s Washington c Church

Judwin Joseph, tanner, h n s Gray 3d house W of Davis


Kahant William, confectioner, h n s S Water n S Main

Kane Daniel, laborer, h s s Water c Monroe

Kane Dennis, laborer, h s s Jay 1st house E of Oak

Kane Dennis, laborer, h w s Monroe on the river

Kane Patrick, blacksmith, h e s Washington 4th house S of E Second

Karmoody Michael, laborer, h e s Hatch 4th house N of Fifth

Kearney Patrick, maltster, h e s Harriet n Water

Keener Peter, laborer, h w s Dewitt 2d house N of Water

Keith James, laborer, h e s Hatch 5th house S of Sixth

Kellett Sarah N. h s s Clinton c W Union

Kelly Johanna, wid, h s s Washington av E of the R R

Kelly Michael, laborer, h e s Washington 3d h S of John

Kelly Seth (Kelly, Biggs & Henry Sayle), soap and candle manuf. n s Fifth on the Canal

Kelly William D. watchman, h w s High 5th house N of Cross

Kelly, Biggs & Co. (Seth Kelly, Peter Biggs, & Henry Sayle), soap and candle manuf. n s Fifth on the Canal

Kelsey Franklin, baggage master, E & C R R, bds Delavan house

Kelsey George, clerk, E & C R R , bds Delavan house

Kennedy A. A. contractor, h w s William 1st h S of Clinton

Kennedy John, laborer, h w s Wisner 10th h N of Fifth

Kennedy Michael, laborer, h e s Hatch 5th h N of Fifth

Kent Phineas L. painter, s s First n Grove

Keyes Lewis, bookbinder, bds w s Mill c Fifth

Kickbusch John, tailor, h w s E Union 1st h N of Second

Kimball Orison, jeweler, h n s Church c Lake

King John, farmer, h e s Mill c Fifth

King John (col’d), laborer, h e s Dickinson 2d h S of Fifth

King Rufus (Rogers, Lowman & King), lawyer, 49 Water, bds Haight’s hotel

King William E. refreshments, w s Wisner opp depot

Kingsbury Elisha, carpenter, h w s Mill 2d h N of Fifth

Kingsley Andrew, wagonmaker, h w s William 4th h N of Clinton

Kingsley Henry E, carriagemaker, h n s Water n Wisner

Kinnard Patrick, laborer, h s s E Third 2d h E of High

Kirby Samuel, machinist, h e s Mill 3d h N of Fifth

Kirkland James, painter, h w s Gregg 1st h S of Church

Knapp George, laborer, h w s William 3d h N of Church

Knapp George A. clerk, N Y & E R R, h w s William n Clinton

Kniffin Dennis D. segarmaker, h n s Hudson n S Main

KNIGHT D. M. & CO., combs buttons fancy goods &c. 26 & 28 Vesey St., N. Y. (see advertisement)

Knoop John A. tailor, h s s Gray 8th h W of Columbia

Knott A. A. milk, h n s Cross c Orchard

Knott Robert H. builder, h n s Cross c Orchard

Knowles Marcus M. carpenter, h n s S Water n Second av

Konkle Aaron, 11 Water, h High opp Catholic church

Konkle William P. (Bement & Konkle), coal, e s Wisner c Gray, h High opp Catholic church

Kough John, teamster, h w s Wisner 2 d h S of Cross

Kress S. J. clerk, e s Lake c Water h n s Water 5th h W of Columbia

Kriuser John, umbrellamaker, h w s Second av n S Water

KUMBEL WILLIAM, patent machine leather banding, 33 Ferry Street, N. Y. (see advertisement)