December the first |
The Church then Met in felowship
meeting Opened by Prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly Tryed the ground
of felowship and found a General Union 2 ly took into consideration the
case of Jonathan Rockwell Jun’r and Laid it over |
no meeting |
the 2nd 1805 |
The Church then met in felowship
Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tried the
ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration
the the [sic] case of brother John Squire and his Wife for Neglect of meeting
sister squire apeared and gave Satisfaction for her Neglect of meeting
& brother Squire Not apearing Laid it over till our Next meeting and
apointed Sister Squire Site before the Church on our Next meeting 3 ly
Voted to send a letter to the Church at Fredricks town Desireing there
answer Respecting Nancy and abraham Bennitt
[Note in margin]: (Letter to fredricks town Church) |
March the 2nd 1805 | The Church then Met in felowship Meeting opened by prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the [case] of Brother John Squire Neglect of Meeting & he apeared and gave Satisfaction for the same | |
the 6th |
The Church then Met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly Brother Epraim Bennitt came forward and took up the Matter Respecting Sugar boiling on the Saboth to the Satisfaction of the Church | |
May the 4th |
The Church then Met in felowship
Meeting Opened by Prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly Tryed the ground
of felowship and found a general Union 2 ly Recived an accusation against
Nancy & Abraham Bennitt from the Church at Fredricks Town that thay
use Vain Language and when Laboured with for the same Neglected to make
Gospell satisfaction and also Neglect to hear this Church after sending
four Letters of admonition to them, without any reply or answer for which
cause we are under gospel obligation to with Draw the hand of Felowship
from them both
[Note in Margin] Nancy & Abr’m Bennitt Excomnd |
June | the Church then Mett in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceded to Buisness 1 ly Tryed the ground of feloship and found a general union and no other Buisness | |
July 5 | The Church met in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union — | |
the 10th |
The Church then met in feloship meeting opened by Prayer and proceeded to buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of feloship and found a General union | |
the 7th |
The Church then Met in felowship Meeting opened and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found and a general union [sic] | |
October the 12th |
The Church then met in felowship
Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground
of felowship and found a general union 2ly Recd an accusation agaist [sic]
Br Jonathan Rockwell Junr by Br Ebenr Snow for Vain conduct such as Vain
Dancing & using Profane Language for which the Church has appointed
a Letter and Elder Goff to bare the same and site him before the Church
on our Next Voted Meeting 3ly Nominated & apointed to Represent us
in association Viz Elder Goff Jesse Moore & Joseph Green 4ly apointed
a conference Meeting on Saturday the 26th Day of the Instant at one a Clock
[Vertical Note in Margin] Voted to make Request for association to be heare Next session. Sister English met with us |
Novr 9 | The Church Met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of Felowship and found a General union 2ly took into Consideration the Case of Brother Jonathan Rockwell Junr and return not being made by Elder Goff still Injoin it on him to perform the Labour and make Report on our Next Church meeting | |
the 10th 1805 |
Received & Baptised upon the profession of his Faith in Christ Samuel Brown | |
No meeting |
The Church met in feloship meeting opened by Prayer and No Buisness Done for want of the church records | |
the 4 1806 |
The church met in felowship meeting opened by [prayer] and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly took into consideration the case of Br Jonathan Rockwell Ju’r and he not apearing But still Neglect to hear the church for which is under gospel obligations to with Draw the hand of felowship from him | |
February the 1st |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness Tryed the ground of feloship and found a general union | |
March 2 | The church Met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and proceeded 1ly Tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly voted that sister Roberts and sister English should visit sister Mary Bently to know her reasons for Neglecting meeting so much and make report on our next meeting | |
the 5th |
The Church Met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceed to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of feloship and found a general union 2ly Receved Samuel Bennit into full felowship of this Church by a letter of Dismistion from the Church at Brookfield 3ly Received Br William Dewitt and his wife under the Watch and care of this Church untill thay can have opertunity to git a letter of Dismistion from the church they Belong to 4ly sister Mary Bently gave satisfaction to the church for her Neglect of meeting | |
May the
3rd |
The Church then met in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Rec’d upon the profession of her faith in Christ and Baptised Polly Everson | |
May 17 | also Rec’d upon the profession of her faith in Christ and Baptised Sally Bennitt and also Rec’d Ezekiel Cambel and his wife Jean Cambel upon the profession of there faith in Christ and Baptised them on the 17th Day of May | |
continued | Rec’d Mary Squire |
June 7th
1806 |
The Church met in feloship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Rec’d upon the profession of his faith in Christ and Baptised Isaac Fuller also Rec’d upon the profession of his faith in Christ and Baptised Asa Parshall | |
July 5th | The church then met in feloship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly Tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Voted to give Sister Deborah Smith a letter of Dismission from the Church When Joyned to any other of this same faith and Gospell order 3ly Rec’d an accusation against Abigail Squire for Lude Conduct by Sister Mary squire and posponed the matter till further opertunity and apointed Br Ebenezer Green and Samuel Bennight and sister Hillman and Lucy Green to hear there alligation and make Report on out Next meeting | |
August th
7th 1806 |
The Church Then Met in felowship meeting opened by and then proceded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly took into consideration the case of Abigail squire alledged against her by Mary squire that she has acted unbecomeingly with men in spending the greatest part of a half a day at a time sitting between two Men and No other person hear Except herself with Verry Lude Discourse among them Which has ben made to apear before the Church and further that a certain man Reported that he had to Doe with her in a carnal way and when she was call’d upon to make her Defence She Denied the Report | |
and agreed for the accusor and the accused to meet face to face before a number of Brethren apointed by the Church to hear what thay had to say the Day not named by the Church but Left it to the Brethren to apoint the same which thay Did and Sighted her before them in persuance to her former agreement but her answer was that her husband had Forbid her to meet the accusor or the Brethren or act anything of the aforementioned Buisness unless he was present on pain of some threatened punishment so she Did not attend according agreement with then the husband being Examined by the By the [sic] Church said that he Did not threaten her in any Line but said it was his wish to be with them when they Met and she said further Nathaniel Squir Ju’r and Rachel Green Told her that that [sic] the Day for her Examination was known all over the settlement and thay being Examined said thay Never told her any such thing for which the Church is under Gospel obligation to withDraw the hand of feloship from her | ||
the |
The Church then mett in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then Proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly apointed to Represent us in association Elder Roswell Goff Dec’n Ebenezer Green Jesse Moore James Rockwell Samuel Bennigh Ebenezer snow and Joseph Green 3ly apointed Br Camball & Br Burt to Visit Br John squir Jun’r to Know his Reasons for Neglecting Church meeting so much | |
November the first |
The Church met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Brother John Squire Ju’r apeared and gave satisfaction for his Neglect of meeting 3ly Voted to give Elder Goff and his wife a letter of felowship as he is about to travil | ||
the 6th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
1807 | ||
January 3 | The then [sic] met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded 1ly tryed the ground of felowship of the Church Br Adam Ripenbarck by public confessing his Misconduct and gave him a Letter of Dismistion from this church when Joyned to an other of the same faith and Gospel and and [sic] also Rec’d Rachel harding by publicly confessing her Miss Conduct and gave her a letter of Dismistion from this church when Joyned to an other of the same faith and Gospel order | |
9th |
Rec’d upon the profestion of her faith in Christ and Baptised Easter Ward | |
the 7th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly [blank] | |
April | No meting on account of high water | |
May the 2nd
1807 |
The Church met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Voted to Commune on the tenth Day of May 1807 | |
June 6th | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union &c ---?--- | |
July 4th | The Church met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Voted that Elder Goff and Ebe’r Green should Visit br John Squires Junr to know his reasons for Neglecting Church meeting so much | |
the ----- |
The Church the meting felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Rec’d a Request from a number of Brethren at sing sing for help to Constitute a Church this Church answerd there Request by apointing Elder Goff and Decon Ebe’r Green and samuel Bennit Isaac Dewitt Ezekiel Cambel to set with Them in Counsil on the 29th of august Voted to give Letters of Dismission to the folowing members Viz Ebenezer snow David Hennis Alley Richey Alley Tenbrook Lydia Carpenter Easter Ward James Rockwell when Joyned to any other of the same faith and Gospel order | |
the 5th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of of [sic] felowship and found a general union 2ly Brother Brother [sic] James Rockwell and Br Benjamin Schoonover Brethren from the Church at sing sing being present were Invited to take a seat with us 3ly call’d on Brother John Squire for Neglecting Church meeting so much and posponed it till our Next Church meeting 4ly sister Lydia Schoonover came forward a[nd] gave satisfaction to the Church and Requested a letter of Dismistion the Church Voted in the affermative | |
the 3rd |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General union 2 apointed br Samuel Bennit and Br Isaac Dewitt to Visit br John Squire Jun’r to know his reasons for Neglecting so much and sensureing the Church with a falsehood and make Report on our Next meeting of Buisness 3ly apointed to Represent us in association Elder Goff Samuel Bennitt Asa Parshall David Burt Joseph Green | |
the 14th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by singing and prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General union 2ly Recd br Cornelous Hopper into full felowship by Publicly confessing his Rong Conduct 3ly took in to Consideration the Case of John Squire Jun’r & he still sensures the Church with keeping a Rong record for which the Church is under Gospel obligation to with Draw the hand of felowship from himC | |
Dec | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General union 2ly Voted to send a letter to the Church at beath and to John seely Desireing the Church to reade the same to him & Inquire into the State of his mind and make Report to this Church as soon as may be | |
2nd 1808 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
Febr 6 | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Voted to give Br Epraim Bennitt a letter of felowship | |
the 5th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
the 2nd |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
May the 7th | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
the 4th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
July 2 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship & found a General Union 2ly Rec’d upon the professtion of her faith in Christ & Baptised on the 6th Day of august Joanna Burt 3ly Rec’d and accusation against Br Ezekiel Cambell by sister Eunice Cambell for hard sensures against her self & family and Laid it over till our next meeting | |
6th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship & found a General Union 2ly took in to consideration the case of Br Ezekial Cambell & the same settled | |
3rd |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly an unhappy hardness taking place between br samuel Bennitt & sister Hannah Roberts the Church Thought Proper to appoint Brethren to Look in to the affair Viz Br Ebenr Green Br Isaac Dewitt & Joseph Green sister Hillman sister English sister Hoper to meet with them & hear there Complaints & gave Such advice as the Lord may Enable them and make Report on our Next meeting | |
October first |
The Church then met in felowship
meeting opened By singing & Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly
tryed the ground of felowship & found a General Union 2ly took into
consideration the Case of br samuel Bennight & sister Hannah Roberts
& Laid it over till our Next Meeting apointed to Represent us in Association
our Elder Roswell Goff Deacon Eben’r Green Jesse Moore and Asa Parshall
[vertical note in Margin] Association one thousand Eight hundred & Eight |
the 11th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly took into consideration the case of Samuel Bennitt & sister Hannah Roberts the Latter was not present but br Bennitt appeared & Refused to hear the Church for which the Church is under gospel obligation to withdraw the Hand of felowship from him untill God shall melt his hart by Repentence Voted to send Olive Bently a letter of a probating her co[n]fession Desiring her to meet with the Church the first opertunity and give a Relation of the --?-- of her mind | |
3rd |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly took into consideration the case of sister Hannah Roberts she not being present Laid it over till our next meeting and apointed Elder Goff to sight her before the Church on our Next meeting | |
January 6
1809 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and singing and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
February 7th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a Geneneral [sic]Union | |
feb’ry 18th | The Church met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship & found a General Union 2ly Rec’d an accusation against Isaac Dewitt by Unice Cambell & his own confession for ofering unseemly conduct to his own Daughter the Church with Drew the hand of felowship from him for the same | |
4th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly sister roberts gave satisfaction for her hard spirit and hard sensure and gains [sic] sam’l Bennitt by public confession | |
first |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Brother Green Bently came forward to the Church and menifested a wish to retain his place in the Church again the Church wished him to take up his miss conduct by public confessing his rong which he Did the Day following and agreed to pay Br Ripenbark all the Damages he sustained by a lawsuit between Bently and Ripenbarck 3ly sister Hannah Roberts gave satisfaction to the Church for sensuring sam’l Bennitt by public confession | |
May | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Conversed on a matter of Dispute curculating in the world and Neglected by themselves Viz Ezekiel Cambell and his wife and Eunice Cambell and posponed it till our next meeting | |
June | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly the case of br and sister Cambell Laid over till our Next meeting | |
July 8th |
The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly took into consideration the case of Ezekiel Cambell & his wife Jean Cambell & Eunice Cambell and thay still sensured Each other for which the Church Thought proper to withdraw the hand of felowship from them untill the Lord shall soffen there Harts | |
the 7th |
The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Recd upon the profession of her faith in Christ and baptised her the Eight Day of October Gerusha Merrit 3ly Appointed to Represent us in association viz Roswell Goff Ebenr Green Jesse Moore Asa Parshall & Joseph Green 4ly voted to give Brother Green Bently a a [sic] letter of Disnistion from this Church when Joyned to another of the same faith and Gospell order | |
4th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Voted to give Hannah Rockwell wife of James Rockwell a [letter] of Dismistion from this Church so that she may Joyn another of the same faith & gospell order 3ly Rec’d a Request from a member of Brethren in the Town of Caterine -----tor for Help to set in council with them & if our ----- or them ----- constitute a Church Voted give Letter of Dismistion to John Michell & his wife sarah and Br Epraim Bennitt | |
Dec 2 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer & then proceeded to business 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ly Rec’d a letter from the Church at Elmira that br David Hennis has gone out of the way Voted to send a letter to David Hennis and another to the Church at Elmira Requesting Br Hennis to meet with this church and such of the Brethern as are best acquainted with the affair on the first saturday of January | |
the 4th 1810 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by [prayer] and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union Voted the case of Brother David Hennis be adjd till our Next Meeting and also the cas[e] of John Seely stands adjd till our Next meeting Voted that Elder Goff and Decon Eben’r Green and Brother Cornelous Hopper meet with the Brethren in the Town of Ulster according to there Request to constitute a Church | |
the 3rd 1810 |
The Church then met in felowship
meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed tryed
[sic] the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly took into consideration
the case of Br David Hennis and he not being present the Church thought
proper to pospone it till our Next meeting and appointed Elder Goff and
br Asa parshal to meet with the church at Elmira on the Last Saturday of
february in order to have the matter settled and if not settled ther to
site br Hennis before on our Next meeting 3ly |
March 3rd | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Recd a request for help from a number of brethren in Drakes settlement for to Constitute a Church if found on there day The Church thought proper to appoint elder Goff and brother Cornelous Hopper to meet with them according to there Request 3ly Rec’d sister Unice Cambell into full felowship by pu[b]licly confesing her rong | |
7th 1810 |
The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Rec’d sister Jean Cambell into full felowship by publicly confessing her rong 3rly Rec sister Polly Comfort into full felowship of this church by a letter of dismisstion from the Church at Virgil 4ly Rec’d upon the profestion of his faith in Christ and Baptised Jacob Comfort 5ly Rec’d Levina upon the profestion of her faith in Christ and Baptised Levina Comfort wife of Edward Comfort Baptised Mrs Chapman | |
May 5th | The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union Ebenezer Dav ? May 14 1810 | |
June 2 | The Church then met in felowship
meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground
of felowship and found a general union 2ly Recd upon the profastion of
her faith in Christ [Vertical note in margin] Elisha Moore Baptised May 26 1810 |
July the 7th |
The Church then met in felowship
meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground
of felowship and found a general union 2ly Rec’d a letter from |
4th |
The Church met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union | |
Sepr ? | The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Brother --- ? --- Brown for hard drinking and he not being present appoint Br Goff and Bro fuller to Labour with him and make Report on him Next meeting | |
Brother John Gilman appointed to take the Charge of the Vesels and provid for communion | ||
the 6 |
The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union Brother hopper appeared and gave Public satisfaction | |
3rd |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly apointed to Represent us in association Elder Roswell Goff Br Jacob Comfort and Br Elisha Moore | |
first |
The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2ly Rec’d a request from a number of brethren from shomoking [?] for help to Constitute a Church and posponed it till our Next meeting | |
the 5 1811 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union | |
-- ? -- | The Church then mett in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union | |
[Note: There appears to be a break in the records. Starting in April there is an obvious change in handwriting] | ||
April 6th | The Church Then met In felowship Meeting Opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Business 1stly Tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brs Asa Parshel Br Jacob Cumfort & S’r Parshel Visit Br Cornelious Hopper to know his Reason for Neglecting meeting | |
May, 4th | The Church Then met In felowship Meting Opened by Prayer Then Proceeded to Business 1stly Tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ndly Took in Consideration the case of Brother Hopper and Postponed untill our Next Meeting | |
June 13 | The Church then met In felowship Meeting Opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Business 1stly Tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union | |
July 6th | The Church then met In felowship Meeting Opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Business 1stly Tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ndly Br’r Cornelious Hopper Came forward and Gave Sattisfaction to the Church 3rdly Voted that Br’r David Burt Sarve as Clarck to the Church | |
15th | According to the Confession of her Faith Received by the Church and Baptisid Ollive Low | |
August 3rd | The Church then me[t] In felowship Meting opened by Prayer then Proceeded to Business 1stly Tryed the Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ndly According to the confession of his faith was Received and Baptised John I Low | |
Sept 7th | The Church then met In felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Business 1stly Tryed The Ground of felowship and found a General Union 2ndly According to the Confession of her faith Received by the Church and Baptised Margaret Gardner 3rdly Accordin to the Confession of her faith Received and Baptised Mary Owens | |
Oct | The Church then met According to Appointment Meeting opened Opened [sic] by prayer then proceeded to Business 1stly Tried the Grounds of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly William Gardner According to the confession of his faith was Received by the Church 3rdly Voted that Elder Roswell Goff Asa Parshall John I Low Jesse More and Elisha More attend our Association at Sing Sing | |
Novr 2 | The Church the met according to Apointment
Meeting opened by prayer then proceeded to Business, 1,stly Tried the Ground
of fellowship and found a General Union, 2ndly Voted that Brother Jesse
More and Elisha More Visit Br. Cornelious Hopper for his Neglect of meeting
with the church
Lydia Comfort Deceased November the 3, day 1811 |
Decr 7 | The church then met according to Appointment, Meeting Opened by Prayer 1,stly Tried the Grounds of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brs Elder Goff and Jesse More Visit Br Cornelious Hopper for his neglect of meeting with the Church | |
Janry 4 |
The Chh then met According to Appointment Meeting Opened by prayer, then proceeded to Business 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted That Br,r Elder Goff and Jesse More Vissit Br,r Cornelious Hopper for his Neglect of Meeting with the Church, 3rdly Voted that the hold Communion the Next Lords day 4thly voted that Br Jesse More take the Charge of a table belonging to the Chh | |
Feby 1 | The Ch,h then met according to Appointment meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to business 1stly tried the grounds of fellowship and found a general Union 2ndly brought forward the Case of Br’r Cornelious Hopper and the Chh withdrew the Hand of fellowship from him for his Neglect of not hearing the Chh 3rdly Voted that Elder Goff have a letter of Dismission from the Chh when Joined to another of the same faith and order and is Sartified of his Ordination | |
February the 1st 1812 | 1stly voted that Sister Hannah Hopper have a Letter of dismission from this Chh when Joined to another of the Same Faith and Order | |
March 7 | The Chh Then met according to Appointment Meting Opened by Prayer and Then proceeded to Business, 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received a letter from a Number of Brethern at Smithfield to Constitute a Chh we have Therefore appointed Br’r Elder Goff and Jacob Cumfort for to Sit with Them in Councel | |
April 4 | The Chh Then met according to Appointment meeting opened by Prayer then proceeded to buisiness 1stly Tried the Ground of Fellowship and found a General Union. | |
May 2 | The Chh then met according to Appointment
1stly Tried the Ground of felloship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted
that the Chh Send a letter to Mr Jonathan Harshel for him to pay us a visit.
3rdly Voted that Sister Phebe English have a [letter] of Dismission from
this Chh when Joined to another of the Same faith and Order, 4thly Voted
that Br’r Jesse More take the Charge of the Vessels and Articles needful
for Communion
[Verticle note in margin: ] 31 Elder Goff Joined the Chh at Sing Sing |
June 6 | The church Then Met According to agreement Meeting Opened by Prayer, 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found A General Union, 2ndly Received a letter from the Chh in the North part of Elmira that they Joyfully received Elder Goff Into their Chh | |
July 4 | The Chh Then met according to appointment
meeting opened by Prayer then Proceeded to business 1stly tried the Grounds
of felloship and found a general Union 2ndly voted that the church Answer
Sister Merls Letter
Sister Merls letter Answered |
August 1 | The Church Then met according to Appointment meeting Opened by Prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union, 2ndly Voted to Send the Second letter to Jonathan Harshel Elder |