Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice 
Baptist Church Records for Wellsburg NY in Chemung County
1789 to 1833
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Submitted by Jane Webb
Photo by Joyce M. Tice 17 MAY 1999
The present building replaces one that burned in the 1960s
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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February the 1st 1812 1stly voted that Sister Hannah Hopper have a Letter of dismission from this Chh when Joined to another of the Same Faith and Order
March 7 The Chh Then met according to Appointment Meting Opened by Prayer and Then proceeded to Business, 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received a letter from a Number of Brethern at Smithfield to Constitute a Chh we have Therefore appointed Br’r Elder Goff and Jacob Cumfort for to Sit with Them in Councel
April 4 The Chh Then met according to Appointment meeting opened by Prayer then proceeded to buisiness 1stly Tried the Ground of Fellowship and found a General Union.
May 2 The Chh then met according to Appointment 1stly Tried the Ground of felloship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that the Chh Send a letter to Mr Jonathan Harshel for him to pay us a visit. 3rdly Voted that Sister Phebe English have a [letter] of Dismission from this Chh when Joined to another of the Same faith and Order, 4thly Voted that Br’r Jesse More take the Charge of the Vessels and Articles needful for Communion

[Verticle note in margin: ] 31 Elder Goff Joined the Chh at Sing Sing

June 6 The church Then Met According to agreement Meeting Opened by Prayer, 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found A General Union, 2ndly Received a letter from the Chh in the North part of Elmira that they Joyfully received Elder Goff Into their Chh
July 4 The Chh Then met according to appointment meeting opened by Prayer then Proceeded to business 1stly tried the Grounds of felloship and found a general Union 2ndly voted that the church Answer Sister Merls Letter 

Sister Merls letter Answered

August 1 The Church Then met according to Appointment meeting Opened by Prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union, 2ndly Voted to Send the Second letter to Jonathan Harshel Elder

Sept 22

Brother Jacob Cumfort Deceased
Oct 3 The Chh then met According to Appointment Meeting Opened by Prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a general Union 2ndly Received a letter from the Chh of Spencer that Sister Phebe Inglish in Joined to that Chh 3rdly Voted that Brother Asa Parshel John I Low Samuel Brown and Jesse More Join the Association in Elmira at Singsing

4thly Voted the Association to Sit in ther place the Ensuing Year

Novbr 7 The Chh Then met according to Appointment then Proceeded to business Meeting Opened by prayer, 1stly Tried the Grounds of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother Jesse More and Sister More Visit Sister Cumfort and Sister Bovier for the neglect of Chh Meeting 3rdly Voted that Sister Burnham Visit Sister Molly Squire for the Same 4thly Voted that Brother David Burt Visit Sister Everson for the same
Dec 5 The Chh then met according to Appointment meting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Sister Bovier Came forward and gave Sattisfaction to the Chh

Feb’y 6

The Chh then met according to Appointment Meeting opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Grounds of fellowship and found a general Union 2ndly ajourned the cases of Sisters Cumfort Everson and Squires until our next Meetng 3rdly Voted that Sister Mary Owens have a letter of Dissmission whn Joined to another Chh of the Same faith and order
March 6 The Chh then met according to Appointment Meeting opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Grounds of fellowship and found a general Union 2ndly Sister Cumfort Came forward and gave Sattisfaction to the Chh 3rdly Voted that Sister Claresse have a Certificate

April 3

The church met According to Appointment meeting Opened by Prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union. 2ndly Sister Molly Squire came forward and gave Sattisfaction to the Church
May 1 The Church then [met] According to Appointment meeting Opened by Prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 

2ndly Sister Everson Came forward and gave Sattisfaction to the Chh

June 5 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
July3 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
August 7 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother & Sister More have a Certificate
Sept 4 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Appointed Jesse More Asa Parshal, John I Low, and David Burt, to Sit at the Association
Novbr 6 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted to Write a Letter to Richard and Rhuby Mitchel, 3rdly Voted to Write a Letter to Mary Bently, 4thly Voted to Write a Letter to Sister Hannah Hopper
Dec 4 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Broth’r John I Low and David Burt Visit Brother William and Margaret Gardner

Feb 5

The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
March 5 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother Asa Parshel Visit Sister Everson for Neglect of Meting 3rdly Voted that Sister Johannah Burt Visit Sister Molly Squire for her Neglect of Chh Meeting
April 2 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received Brother and Sister Gardner by their Confession 3rdly Voted that Sr Elizabeth Hillman & Johannah Burt Visit Sister Molly Squire for Neglect of Chh Meetings 4thly Voted that Brother John I Low have a Certificate
May 7 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received Molly Squire by her Cofession [sic]
June 4 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
July 2 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother Elisha More to have a letter of Dissmission when Joined to another Church of the Same Faith and Order
August 6 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received Sister Everson by confession
Sept 3 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted to Write to David Hannis to meet with the Church on the first Saturday in Nov’r. 3rdly Voted that Brother Jesse More Asa Parshel John I Low and Sam Brown Attend the Delegate at Assotiacion at Sugar ---?---


Received Richard and Rhuby Mitchel by their Confesion 2ndly Voted for Richard and Rhuby Mitchel to have a Letter of Dismission When Joined to another Chh of the Same faith and Order
Oct 1 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Nov 5 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted to Write to Br’r David Hannice to Mete with us at our [sentence not finished]
Dec 3 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Withdrew the hand of fellowship from David Hannise for not hearing to the Chh and telling an Untruth 3rdly Voted to Write to D. Hannise the State of our doings; December the 3rd 1814

Dear Sir after a Continued Absence of a long time from this Chh, and a Continued Solitacions by letters and an asusitacion of the Untruth it being proved on Your Paying no Attention to it we have Saw fit to withdraw the right hand of fellowship from You, we hope you will lay these things to heart Knowing that Shortly we must all Appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to receive the reward of the Deed done in the body. Done at our Meeting of Business to David Hannise at Sing Sing. David Burt Chh Clerk

January 7


The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received Sister Mary Marks By letter from the Chh of Christ at Pittstown
Feb 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
March 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted to have a small 


Store and David Burt to take the Charge of the Same
June 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother Jesse More Meete with the Bretheren at Catherine on the Second Wednesday in June 3rdly That a Sinement be in Circulation in favour of Elder Goff Stone for him Attending Service 1/4th Saboth in Each month for one year
July 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Jesse More & David Burt Visit Sister Jane Campbell in distress 3rdly Voted that A Superscription be drawn and put in Circulation for Elder Goff for his Attending Worship on the first Saboth in Each Month for one Year 4thly Voted that Br. John I Low Visit Br. & Sis. Gardner for their Neglect of Chh meeting 5thly Voted that a Superscription be Drawn and put in Circulation to make payment for the Meeting House
Aug 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Br. John I Low & David Burt Visit Br. & Sister Gardner for their Neglect of Chh meeting 3 Voted to Write to John Roberts that he can have letter
Sep 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2 The case of Br’r & Sisr Gardner be Adjourned till our Next Meeting 3rdly Voted that Br’r Jesse More to meete the Bretheren at Smithfield to Ordain Jonathan Stone 4thly Voted that Br’r John I Low Asa Parshel David Burt and Samuel Brown to Attend the Association at Sing Sing
Novb 4 The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly The case of Br’r & Sister Gardner Adjourned untill our Next Meeting
Dec 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother John I Low Visit Brother & Sister Gardner for their Neglect of Chh meeting 3rdly Voted that Eder [sic] Goff a Certificate

Jan 4

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly The case of Brother & Sister Gardner be postponed untill our Next meeting 3rdly Voted that Brother Asa Parshel & David Burt Visit Sister Molly Squire for Neglect of Chh meeting 4thly Voted that Jesse More & Asa Parshel Visit Jane Cambell in Distress
Feb 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Elder Goff have a letter of recommendation 3rd Voted that Brother John I Low Asa Parshel and Jesse More Join the Counsel at Sing Sing 4th Voted that John I Low Asa Parshel and Jesse More Labour with Sister Hannah Roberts for her charging of Elder Goff of being Intoxicated with Liquor & that he Said the Salvation of all men depended on him 5th The dificulty of Brother & Sister Gardner made up 6th Voted that Br Jesse More John I Low and Asa Parshel Attend the Counsel at the House of Richard Mitchel on the Tioga Branch
March 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Took the case of Elder Goff & Sister Hannah Roberts in Consideration

March 2

3rd Voted to Withdraw the the [sic] Right hand of fellowship from Sister Hannah Roberts for charging of Elder Goff of being Intoxicated with liquor & that he had Said the Salvation of all the people depended on him
May 4th The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
July 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Sister Coziah Hulse have a letter of Dismission when Joined to another Chh of the same faith & order 3rd Voted Brother and Sister Parshel and Sister Joannah Burt Visit Sister Molly Squire for Neglect of Chh Meeting 
Aug 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd received Sarah B---wing by her experience and was Baptised 3rd Voted that Sister Elizabeth Hillman & Johannah Burt Visit Sister Molly Squires for Neglect Chh meting 4th Voted to Postpone the case of Br & Sr Gardner until the next meeting 5th voted for John Roberts to have a letter of Dissmission when Joined to another Chh of the Same faith & order 6th Voted that Br Fuller Notify Elder Stone to Know if he will Continue with us another Year
Sept 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Withdrew the right hand of fellowship from Br William Gardner & his Wife for not hearing to the Chh
3rd Voted to Adjourn the case of Sister Squires untill our next meeting & Sisr Hillman & Sisr Burt to Visit her for neglecting to mete with us
[Note in margin] a Copy of Hannah Roberts letter

Elmira May the 3rd AD 1816 to the brothers and Sisters of the Chemung Church I Hannah Roberts write to you and humbly ask of you a letter to know on what you gave your voices to leave me alone and I dayly moarn my folly in leting my Spirit rise I had laid down the wach when our Elder excused me giving in false evidence of which I affirm to be a truth before God and man and now brothers and Sister how did you know how to deside the Case so soon I have only said that I thought that he was hurt with liquor but he denied to me that he drank more that one half gill and he did not remember that and after this trouble begun I desired him to take me before his church that he Should tell his story and I mine and let them deside it and of this Said to Jesse More and he asked me if I would take my Oath of it and I told him that I would and I will give all the Satisfaction that I can The words that he Said in my hearing how could you Impeach Such a Caracter on whom the Salvation of all the people depends I Choose the path of heavenly truth and glory in my Choice not all the riches on the earth could make me so rejoice and I remain your friend Hannah Roberts

A minute of the dificulty arizin between me and Elder Goff The day that Elder Goff moved me up to Mr Low I was fearfull that elder Goff was hurt with Liquor I --- for him and made known my grievance to him he told me that he did not take of Liquor that day in town except one half gill we parted in peace he thanked me for what I had done Saying that I had done right but since say that I Said he was drunk this acertian i deny in parting with me gives me this advice in the name of the Lord not to do anything for Br Low nor half him to any of my property as he was a Lazy lying sort of a man


Nov’b 2

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Sis’r Southworth & Joanna Burt Visit Sis’r Molly Squire for Neglect of Chh meeting
[There is a margin note dated the 30 but it is illegible]
Dec 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Brother Jesse More & Asa Parshel Visit Molly Squire for Neglect of Chh Meeting

Feb 1

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received Sister Molly Squire by her Confession
March 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted that Sister Jane Campbel have a certificate
May 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Voted for David Hannish to have a letter how to Conduct
June 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
July 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Aug 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Sep 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2ndly Received According to the confession of her faith & Baptised Anne Brown 3rd Voted Jesse More & Asa Parshel to atend as Delegates at the Association 4ly Voted to write to Joseph Green 5thly Received by letter John & Elizabeth Chipman
[There were no pages 110 or 111. Pages 109 & 112 were microfilmed twice. There does not seem to be a break in the records.]

Oct 4

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Novb 26 Jane Cambel Deceased
Dec 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted to Write to Clarisse Owen

Jan 29

Unice Dewey Deceased
Feb 7  The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
March 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Received James Dewey By letter
May 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Received Sally Cumming by Letter 3rd Voted that brother Jesse More & David Burt Visit Samuel Benight
June 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Brother and Sister Chipman have a letter of Dissmission
July 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted to Write Joseph Green that he must Get a Recomend from the Chh where he formerly Resided and a confession before he could get a letter of Dissmission 3rd Voted that Sister Dewy have a letter of Recommendation
Aug 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Sept 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Received Reuben Rowley by letter 3rd Received Timothy & Patty Brigham by letter
Oct The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened 
by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Brothers Jesse More James Dewey & Reuben Rowly attend the Delegates at Spencer 3rd Voted to adjourn Clarissa Owen letter until our next meeting
------7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted to Write Clarisse Owen 3rd Vote that Brother James Dewey take the Charge of the Vessels for Communion
Dec 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union

Jan 2

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Sister Mary Everson have a letter of Dissmission
Feb 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
March 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Lois Southworth have a recommend
April 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
April 12 Betty Brigham Deceased 
May 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
June 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
July 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted to write to Peter & Rebecah Roberts 3rd Received Masey More & Charlote More by Confession of faith and were Baptised
August 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Elder Stone Reside with us for One or Two Year
Sep 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted to draw a Superscription for Elder Stone 3rd Voted that Brother James Dewey Samuel Brown & Timothy Brigham Attend the Delegates at Smithfield
Oct 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Nov 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Dec 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union

Jan 1

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Feb 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
March 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Bapt’d Gabriel B More
Apr 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Br Fuller came & gave Satisfaction
May 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Received by the Chh Solomon Bovier
James Dewey Jun Hosea Baker Jerusha Brown and Asa More and Baptised them
June 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the Confession of their faith Received by the Chh William Fuller Thomas Cumfort Junr Moses Cumfort Benaja Campbell Mariah Baker Rachel Fuller and Lucy Fuller and were Baptized

July 3

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union According to the confession of his faith the Chh Received and Baptised Levi Dewey
Aug 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the confession of their faith the Chh Received and Baptised Jonathan Trend and Samuel Hillman 3rd Voted that Polly Bovier have a letter of Dismission
Sep 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the confession of her faith the Chh Received Elizabeth Griswold Augustis Gillet and were Baptised 3rd Voted that Brothers Jesse More, Asa Parshel, James Dewey, Levy Dewey, Solomon Bovier & ? B More Delegates to attend the Association at Tioga ? ? 4th Voted that James Dewey be Assistant Treasurer
Oct 1 According to the Confession of his faith the Chh Received - - ? - - & James Covel
Received Patience Dewey by letter
The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union [rest of entry illegible]
Oct The Chh Received Sally A. More by leter
Novbr 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the Confession of her faith the Chh Received Hannah Bovier and Baptised her
Dec 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the confession of his faith the Chh Received and Baptised John Bovier

Jan 4

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Feb 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd The Chh Received Elder Roswell Goff by letter 3rd Voted to Write to Peter Roberts 4th Received by letter Polly Bovier 5th Dissmissed by letter Molly Squire
March 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
April 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
May 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
June 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Elder Goff Jesse More Hosea Bacor and Samuel Brown to Sit in Counsel at the house of James Seeley at 9-o Clock the 4th day of July in the Town of Columbia 3rd voted that Elder Goff and Jesse More attend the Counsel at Tioga at the house of Peleg Dowd on the 2nd Wednesday in June

July 7

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd the Chh Received Benjamin Bentley by Confession 3rd The Chh Dissmissed Reuben Rowley by letter
Aug 2 Elizabeth Hillman Deceased
Aug 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Jonathan Kent Visit Isaac Fuller for neglect of Chh meeting 3rd Voted that Jesse More Visit Moses Cumfort for neglect of Chh meeting
Sept 8 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Elder Goff Jesse More James Dewey Asa Parshel John I Low and Samuel Hillman to Attend as Dellegates to sit at Association at the meeting house of Chemung and Elmira Dissmissed by letter Peter Roberts and Rebeccah Roberts
Oct 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Nov’b 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Dec’r 1  The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union

Jan 5

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Vote that Masie Burt have a Letter of Dissmission
Feb 1 Levi Dewey Deceased - January the 29 [date in different handwriting]
Feb 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union

March 2

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Elder Goff Samuel Hillman James Dewey Asa Parshel and Asa More Sit in Counsel to Organize a Chh at Jerusalem the first Wednesday in March at the House of Lemuel Blandon at 11 O clock of Said Day
Apr 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Apr 28 John Hillman Deceased
May 4 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
June 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Received by letter Coziah Bentley By Letter 3rd Recived Loice Southworth
July 6 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd The Chh Received and Baptised Peggy Brown
Aug 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Aug 31  Isaack Fuller Deceased
Sept 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Elder Goff Jesse More Asa Parshel and Hosea Baker as Delegates to Attend the Association
Oct 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Nov 2 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
Dec 7 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2 Voted that Sally M ? Rec’d by Letter

Jan 4

The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the Confession of his faith in christ this Chh Received and Baptised John Brown
Feb 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd the Plea of Jesse More and Hosea Baker Brought before the Chh
March 1 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the Confession of her faith in christ this Chh Received and Baptised her [Name Phebe Midaugh writted in margin]
April 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
May 3 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union
June 7  The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Voted that Br’r John Brown to have Licins from this Chh to Improve his Tallent 3rd Voted No Accusation Hear Unless in Writing
July 5 The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Solomon Bovier Visit Br Jesse More 3rd Voted that