![]() |
July 5 |
Br James Dewey and Jonathan Hunt Visit Br James Covel for Neglect of Meeting and Polly Burnham do 4th Voted that Br Solomon Bovier & David Griswold Visit Moses Cumfort for do [Do = ditto] | |
Aug 2 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the Confession of her faith the Chh Received and Baptized Hannah Bovier | |
Sep 6 | The Chh then met According to Apointment
Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found
a General Union 2nd Voted that Jonathan Hunt and Ralph G Gillet Visit Br
James Covel for Neglect of Meeting 3rd According to the Confession of Their
Faith the Chh Received and Baptized Benjamin Ingerson, Lucinda Minor, and
Anne Squire 4th Voted that Elder Roswell Goff John Brown and Ralph G. Gillet
to Attend as Delegates in Association at Sing Sing 5th Voted to Write to
three Chh Spencer Smithfield and |
Oct 4 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd Br James Covel gave the Chh Sattisfaction | |
Dec 6 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1stly Tried the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2nd According to the Confession of their faith the Chh Received Matilde Sturges Clarietta Sturges 3rd Br’r Gabriel B. More gave the Chh Sattisfaction | |
Jany3 |
The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer According to the Confession of his faith the Chh Received Seth Sturges when Baptized | |
Feb 7 | The Chh then met According to Apointment 1st The Chh Received Satisfaction of Sally A. More 2nd Voted that Gabriel B. More Sally A. More & Charles More have Letters of Dissmission 3rd the case of Br Hosea Baker Adjourned | |
March 6 |
The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st the Case of Br More & Br Baker Brought forward 2nd Br Jesse More & Sis’r Lidia gave the Chh Sattisfaction 3rd Voted to write to Mary Mils | |
April | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Voted that Samuel Brown have a recommend | |
May 2 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer | |
June 5 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer the Cas of Br James Dewey Jun’r and William Fuller Adjourned till next meeting | |
July 3 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer Br James Dewey Jun’r gave Sattisfaction to Br Wm Fuller 2nd Voted that Br Jesse More John I Low and Sis’r Griswold Visit Moses Cumfort | |
Aug 7 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Adjourned the case of Moses Cumfort by his giving Satisfaction the Chh received David Hannise Voted to give David Hannis a Letter of Dissmission | |
Sep 4 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Voted to give John Brown Licens to Preach Adjourned the case of Br Moses Cumfort | |
Oct 2 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Voted that Br John Brown John I Low Asa More Visit Moses Cumfort for Neglect 2nd Voted that Elder Goff John Brown Asa More & James Dewey Attend as Delegates at the Association at Smithfield | |
Nov 6 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Voted that Br John Brown Asa More & John I Low Visit Moses Cumfort 2nd Voted that Elder Goff and Seth Sturges Visit Wm fuller | |
Dec 4 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Voted that Asa More Sam Brown & James Dewey Visit Mo’s Cumfort | |
Jan 1 |
The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer 1st Tried the grounds of fellowship and found a general Union 2nd Voted tha[t] Jesse More Hosea Baker & Solomon Bovier Visit Ms Cumfort 3rd Voted that Solomon Bovier have a Letter of Dissmission | |
Feb 5 | The Chh then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer then tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2d voted to call a Council for Br Browns ordination 3d voted the Churches Big flat Tioga, Wells and Columbia Springfield and smithfield Should be called on to meet with us on the 25 instt at 10 oclock in the morning 4th voted that Elder Goff Brethren Jesse More Sm Hillman John Bovier Should represent the Church to the Councel 5ly voted that Brethren Asa More and Seth Sturges should improve their talents in the Church as Deacons 6th voted that Brother Brown and Br John Bovier visit Br Moses Cumfort | |
Feb 23d |
Persuant to letters from the Baptist
in Chemung and Southport requesting assistance to set apart to John Brown
to the work of the by gospel ordination the following brethren were present
and answered when called upon vis from Big flat chh br James Pike &
John Brown from Columbia & Wells chh Benjamin Oviatt Deacs David Griswold
& David P Haswell and br Joseph Beeman from Smithfield chh Eld Levi
Baldwin Deac Samuel Wood & br Abner Thomas from Springfiled chh br
Elam bennett & Wm Evins then formed Councel and By Chooseing deacon
wood Moderator and Eld L Baldwin Clerk Deacon John Blandon from the chh
in Jerusalem Being present was invited to a seat
Being thus prepared proceeded to hear br John Brown Relate his Christian Experience his call to the work of the ministry his views of gospel Docterine |
Adjourned for the Council to Be by
themselves the Council by themselves voted Satisfied with his Christian
Experience also with his call to the work of the ministry and that it is
Duty to set him apart By ordination voted that Eld oviat preach a Sermon
Voted that Eld Badwin [sic] offer the Consecrating prayer Voted that Eld
Goff give the charge
Voted Eld Clink missionary give the right hand of fellowship Voted that br Beeman make the concluding prayer Voted to adjourn til ten oclock tomorrow morning Preaching in the afternoon by Eld Clink a missionary & In the evening Feb 24th the then met agreeable to appointment When the above partes were performed agreeably and at Comfortable Season Signed in behalf of the Council by Samuel Wood Moderator Levi Baldwin Clerk |
the 5th |
The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer then made Choice of Br Seth Sturges Moderator Then tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union boted that Sister Polly Bovier S[h]ould have a letter | |
the 2d |
The Church then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer an then mad Choice of Br James Dewey moderator | |
Then tried the ground of fellowship and found a union as a body | ||
the 7th |
Then met According to Apointment Meeting Opened by prayer then made Choice of Br James Dewey Moderator then tried the ground of fellowship and found a union as a body | |
February the 17th 1825 | Columbia & Wells Church
To the Church in Chemonge & Southport Dear Brethren We would inform you that Brother Solomon Bovier presented his letter and joins this Church From the Church David R Haswell Chh Clk |
June 5th | The Ch met according to appointment Meeting Opened by prayer voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Br Moses Comfort for Excessive drink and wholy neglect of Covnent obligations 2ly voted that Br Wm fuller and Seth Sturgis Visit Br James Covell for neglect of Covnent meeting 3rd voted that Sis Lydia Mores case be adjourned til next Church meeting 4th voted that Br J Dewey and J Kent visit Br Asa More for neglect of Covnent obligatons | |
June 5
1825 |
the Church Met according to appointment and after In qustion the case of Br Moses Comfort they found themselves under the necesity after sufficient labor had been with him to withdraw the hand of fellowship from him for Excessive Drink and wholy neglect of Covnent obligation done at our meeting of buisness on behalf of the Ch Jonathan Kent Ch Clk | |
July |
The Church Met according to appointment Meeting Opened by prayer Br James Covell jun Case Cald on and laid over til next Ch meeting voted that Sis Lydia More Case laid over til next Church meeting | |
the 6th |
The Church met accord to appointment meeting opened by prayer 1th the case of Br Asia More Cald on and laid over next Ch meeting and Also Sis Lydia More be laid over 3ly voted that Eld Goff and Eld Brown Br Asia partial D A Gillet [entry not finished] | |
Sept the 5 | The Chh then met according to Appointment Meeting opened by prayer Brother James Covel Jun Cald on and gave the Church Satisfaction | |
Oct the 7 | The Chh then met according to appointment
Meeting opened by prayer 1st Tried the ground of fellowship & found
a union as a body voted that All disputes Shall be Setled on a Special
Chh meeting Received Nehemiah & Jemimah Smith by letter
[Margin Note:] Voted to have a speshal meting |
Nov the 5th | the Church Met acording to appointment Meeting opend by Prayer then proced to business 1st Br Asia Mors Case Cald on & gave satisfaction Sis Lydia More Cas Cald on and gave Satisfaction | |
Dec the 5 | the Church Met accord to Apointment Meeting opend by Prayer | |
Jan the 7
1826 |
the Chh Met acord to apointment meting opend by prayer Voted that Br’r Jhn | |
I Low --------- and J----- Discourse with Br Baker and Sister Polly bovier and relate to the Church | ||
the 5th |
The Chh mett acording to apointment meeting opend by prayr | |
the 6th |
the Chh Mett acording to apointment meeting opened by prayer voted that the brethren sent to Discourse with br Hosea Baker & Sis polly Bovier and relat to the Chh was considered it gospel act voted that the Church meet at br James Deweys jnr on saturday the instant to try to Dispense with the Difficulty that lyes against Br Baker | |
the 13th |
the Chh Mett acording to apointm’t meeting opend by prayer 1st made Choice of Eld John Brown Moderator 2 voted that three members James Dewey Nehemiah Smith & Seth Sturges go with Br Baker to Examine George Hyde under oath and relate to the Church | |
the 3d |
the Church Met acording to appointmment meeting opend by prayr appointed Eld John Brown Jesse More James Dewey James Dewey Jun Nehemiah Smith to Sit with the Council at Columbia & Wells for the purpose of Br Browns ordination 2ly Voted that Br --?-- Asia partial visit Br Benjamin Ingerson to know the reason of his neglect of covnant meeting and relate to the Church 3dly Voted that a pray meeting | |
be held at the same tuesday at one oclock in every Month in different places if the Church thinks best James Dewey Junr Church Clerk | ||
July the 1st | The Chh Met according to appointment Meting open by prayr made choice of br Hilman as Moderator tried the ground of fellowship and found union as a body then the case of br Hosea Baker cald on and the Chh not satisfied consurning his swaring faults and the Chh voted to apoint a special Chh Meting to try to get the advice of brethren on thursday the thirteenth of this instant Voted to send for Ebenezer Baldwin Eld Joseph Beman Eld gillette to advise us on the dificulty that lies before us | |
the 13th |
The Chh then Met according to appointment
Meting open by prayr made choice of br Samuel Hilman for moderater then
proceded to buisness the question came whether the Chh acted gospel the
Rec’d by one by one each one yea and nay and yea had the nos only and the
rest doth submit and are satisfied A question whether the Chh Considerand
br Hosea Baker has made all his exertion voted he had not made all the
exertion which they thought he ought Voted to send br Hosea Baker a letter
and desire him to attend to the Meting apointed and bring all the light
he could to eleav yourself of the acount that lise against him consurning
his swearing fault
Voted to send sister Polly Bovere a letter and request her to attend with us on that Day Voted to adjourn this meting until the second Saturday of August next at the house of br Samuel Browns at ten oClock in a meting of buisness |
August 3rd | the chh Mette acording to apointment meting opend by prayr then proceded to buisness and Having examined the reports and testamony exhibited from various sources against br Hosea Baker importing that he had sworn faulsley We are of opinion he is clear of the same | |
the 5 |
the Chh then met acording to apointment
Meting opend by prayr made chois of br Saml Hilman moderator and Eld Brown
1ly Voted that brethren Wm Fuller and James Dewey to go and visit Sister Matilda Sturgus and report to the Chh 2ly Voted that sister Roseta Chapman have a letter of recomendation direct to the Chh at bufulow |
Sep the 2d | The Chh Met in fellowship meting
opend by prayr made choice of Eld Brown moderater
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a union 2ly The case of br Ben Ingerson cald on and br Ingerson gave the Chh satisfaction the Chh voted Satisfied 3ly The case of Sister Matilda Sturges cald on and layd over til next Chh Meting 4ly voted to send delagates to the assosiation 5ly voted to send brethren namly Eld John Brown James Dewey Jesse Moore Samuel Hilman Nehemiah Smith to sit with the association 6ly voted to comune the sabbath after the next meting |
Oct the 6 | The Chh Met acording to apointment
meting openend by prayr Made choise of br Hilman modater Eld Brown Cleark
then tried the ground of fellowship and found a union as a body
2nd The case of Matildah Sturgis cald on and laid over 3rd Voted that br Hilman & br Seth Sturgis go and visit br Johathan Kent conserning his unatendance and report to the Chh |
Nov the 4d | The Chh mett acording to appointment
meting opened by prayer made choise of br Sm Hilman moderater
2nd Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 3d The case of Sister Matildah Sturgis cald and Chh voted satisfied 4th the case of br Jonathan Kent late an laid over voted to send br Hilman & Sturgis to visit br Kent and report to the Chh |
5ly Received a request from the Chh
at Ulster and Athens on the subject of Doctor Spring and in action in answer
to their request we appointed Elder John Brown br Samuel Hilman br Asa
Parshall to Meet with the ----- at Milltown on Wednesday the fifteenth
of this instant
2nd voted to give br Jesse Moor and his wife Lydia Moore letters of dismission 3d voted the riting of the deed of the Meting house Stand on and the article and other ritings which has formerly laid in the hand of br jesse Moor and as he is about to move away then he request that Some other one should take them voted that br John Bovere Should take |
Nov 14 | The Chh receved and baptised Jemima Peterson upon her confession and faith in Christ | |
Dec the Second | The Chh then met according to appointment
the Chh made choice of Samuel Hillman moderater
1st Tried the ground of Fellowship & found a general union 2d Receved the messendger that were sent to visit br Jonathan Kent and also Kent was presant and the Chh was Satisfied 3rd Received a Confession from Mary Peterson 4th Voted to rite her confession down and also to right a letter to the Chh at SingSing |
the ? 1827 |
The Chh met in fellowship meting
opened by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly According to the confesion of her faith in Christ the Chh Received Hannah Fuller |
Feb the 3rd
1827 |
The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opened by prayer
1Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly Voted to give br William Fuller and his wife Lucy Fuller Letters of recomdation that they are in standing 3ly Received a letter from the Chh at Columbia & Wells that br Jesse & his wife Lydia More has joined that Chh 4ly Voted to rite br Thomas M Comfort a letter and to cite him to his duty and to request him to come to the Chh or rite as quick as posable for the Chh had heard Some bad reports about his frolicing |
March the 3 | The Church met according to appointment meting opened by prayer Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union | |
April the 7 | The Chh then met according to appointment
meting opened by prayer
1st Tried the ground of fellowship and 2nd Received Mary Peterson by letter From the Chh at Singsing & big flats 3ly Voted to give Eld John Brown a Traveling Letter of Recommendation |
May the 5 | The Church Met according to appointment
meting opened by prayer
1 Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly Voted to give br and sister Sturgis a letter of dismission |
June the 2 | The Chh Met according to appointment Meting open by prayer Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union | |
2ly Recived a confession From Abraham
Bennite and Recommendation From the chh at Jersey and Tyrone for Abraham
3ly Voted to give Abraham Bennite a leter of Recommindation and dismission from this Chh 4ly Voted to send brethren namely James Dewey Jun and Nehemiah smith to Visit brother James Covel Juniour for neglect of meting and Invite him to attend the next meting and report to the church 5 Voted that Nehemiah Smith to take the deed and article that Lies in the name of brother Moor and give them to brother John Bovere 6 Upon the profession of her faith in Christ the chh Received and Baptised Cathrine Miller |
the 7 day
of July |
The Church met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly Voted that brethren namely Samuel Hillman Nehemiah Smith James Dewey Jun To go and visit br James Cavel Jun for ne[g]lect of meting and rebute to the next meting 3ly Voted to have a meting of buisness quarterly to meet at ten oClock the meting Before Communion and that to be quarterly 4ly Votes to give brother Wm Fuller and his wife Lucy Fuller a letter of Dismission |
August the 4 at Ten oclock | The chh Met on buisness Meting opend
by prayer and then proceeded to buisness the case of br James Covel Jun
cald on and brother James Dewey Jun states that he saw br Covel and found
him in a low state of mind and said that he did not agree with the chh
Voted that brethren James Dewey Jun Samuel Hillman to go and visit and Labor with him and inquire of him concerning the reports that are in the world about him An accusation laid before the Chh by brother John Bovere against John I Low for whiping one of his children with a raw hide |
the 4 |
The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship & found a general union The Chh decided upon the case of br John I Low and voted that br John I Low should make a public confession and before the Chh and to pay brother John Bovere five dollars for striking a boy of his |
September the 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1 Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2 The case of br James Covel Jun cald on and the reports made before the Chh 3 Voted that br John Bovere and Samuel Hillman to visit and labor with James Covel Jun 4 voted to continue our coraspondance with the association 5 Voted to send delegates to the association namely Elder John Brown James Dewey |
continued | John Bovere Samuel Hillman James
Dewey Jun to sit in associasion
6 voted to request the association to be held here next season Voted assist br waller Brown in giting Ebr counsil for to eleve him of what that lies against him |
October 6 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opened by prayer Tried the ground of Fellowship and found a general
union Then proceded to buisness of
1 after our brethren reports to the chh in the case of br Covel Jr no satisfaction 2 The chh voted satisfied with br John I Low 3 Voted that sister Louis Southard have a Traveling letter |
the 3rd |
The Chh Met according to apontmment
Meting opend by prayer and then proceed to buisness
1ly Voted not satisfied with James Covel Jun 2ly voted that sofitient labor has bin taken with him for his untendance 3ly Voted that the Chh this day declares to have no fellowship with him 1ly For neglect of Meting and refusing to hear the Chh 2ly For not holding with us in joint communion 3ly For holding to to the univer sistim and going into loos Company 1ly The case of James Wilson cald on and voted satisfied 2ly Voted to give br James Wilson a letter of dismission 1ly Received a request from the Chh at Athens and Ulster on the perpos of the ordination of br Spring |
2ly Voted to answer there request by appointing brs Ebenezer Brown Asa Parshall Samuel Hillman to sit with them in Elmira for their meting of --?-- | ||
Sept the 3rd | Tried the ground of fellowship and
found a general union
voted that br John Bovier have a letter of dismission br Elisha More return his letter baring date July ? |
[Above entry is either dated wrong or misplaced in the record] | ||
Dec | The Chh Met according to appointment Meting opend by prayer and then Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general Union and Close by prayer | |
January the
5 1828 |
The Chh Met according to apointment
Meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found A general union |
the 2nd |
The church Met on buisness meting opend by prayer then attending to buisness voted that Henry M Peterson have a letter of Recomadation from this Chh to the Chh at the big flats | |
Feb | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union |
March the 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2 Upon the proffession of her in Christ the Chh receved Cathrin Vancuren when Baptised 3 upon the proffession of her faith in Christ the Chh receved Hannah Moffet when Baptised |
March the 2 | Hannah Moffet Baptised | |
March the 16 | Cathren Vancuren Baptised
upon the profession of his faith in christ the Chh receved and Baptised James Vancuren |
April the 5 | The Church Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2 Upon the profession of his faith in Christ the Chh Rec’d Phinias Squire when Baptised 3 Upon the profession of his faith in Christ the Chh Received Lemuel Fuller when Baptised 4 Upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Received Phebe Burt 5 upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Received Polly Squares when Baptised 6 Upon the profession of her faith in christ the received Elisabeth Huet when Baptised |
April the 5 | Phineas Squares Baptised
Polly Squares Baptised Phebe Burt Baptised Elisabeth Huet Baptised Lemuel Fuller Baptised |
April the 10 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
Tried the ground of fellowship and then inquiring of one anothers minds 1ly upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Received Clarisa Burnham when Baptised 2ly upon the profession of his faith in christ the Chh received Abial Fuller when Baptised 3ly upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Received Elisabeth West when Baptised 4ly upon the profession of his faith in christ the Chh Received Calvin Covel when Baptised 5ly upon the profession of his faith in christ the Chh Received Dan A Gillette when Baptised 6ly Upon the profession of her faith in christ the Chh Received Cathrin Culver when Baptised |
April the ?
1828 |
Abial Fuller was Baptised
Calvin Covel do Dan A Gillette do Elisabeth West Clarisa Burnham do |
May the 3d | The Church met on buisness according
to appointment
1ly Voted to answer the request of the Chh at Springfield and have appointed Elder John Brown and brethren Jonathan Kent James Dewey and Nehemiah Smith to Sit with them in council on Wednesday the tenth of May 1828 2ly the Chh took into consideration and voted to withdraw the Right hand of fellowship from Brother Benjamin Ingerson on account of his neglecting to fill his place and for unchristian like conduuct 3dly the church took into consideration the case of Brother Thomas M Comfort and voted to withdraw the right hand of fellowship from him |
May the 17 | The Chh Met acording to appointment
meting opend by prayer
upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Received and Baptised Elisabeth Westfall Cathrin Culver Baptised |
May the 3rd | the Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer firstly Tried the ground of Fellowship and found
a general Union
2ly Voted and Received Nancy Brown into the watch care of this Chh and also to rite the Chh a Warren to obtain a letter for her 3rd Voted and Received br Ebeneser Prat by letter |
June the ? | The Chh Met according to apointment
Meting opend by prayer 1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general
2 Voted to give br Joseph green a letter of Dismission |
continued |
3rd Received Fanny Prat by letter
4 Dismissed Elisha More by letter |
David Burt Deceased June the 20 1828 | ||
July | [Entry illegible] | |
July | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer upon the profession of his faith in Christ the Chh Rec’d James Rickey when Baptised | |
July 13 | Nancy Burnham Baptised
James Rickey Baptised --------------- Baptised |
August | The Chh Met according to appointment
meeting opend by prayer and then proceed to buisness
1ly [Entry illegible] 2ly voted we have nothing to do with Such ----- and to have no more of it |