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The Ladies Aid records are from 1909 to 1931. The Old
Home Day records are from 1931 to 2001, with records from 1951 to 1971
Secretary Mrs E. D . Morgan
Armenia Ladies Aid Society
Armenia May 19, 1909
The Baptist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Jean Wood
There were a large number present
No business was transacted
The next Ladies Aid is to be at Mrs Gilbert Bixby
Collection 3.10
Armenia June 9 1909
The Baptist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Gilbert Bixby
Owing to the stormy day a small number were present
Collection $1.35
No business was done except to have the secretary get a new book and take the pay out of the next meeting.
Book was .25 cts
There was a sociable in the evening and a large number were present
Collection $5.95
Mrs Kanan invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on July 7
Armenia Ladies Aid
The Baptist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Kabnan on July 7 1909
A very pleasant time was reported
Meeting was opened by reading followed by prayer
Motion was made and seconded for the Ladies Aid to furnish what the church lacked to the amount of $2.00 for the preacher each Sunday
Collection $1.70
Mrs T F Morgan invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her house on July 28
Armenia Ladies Aid
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs T F Morgan July 28 There were a large number present
Collection $4.25
Meeting was opened by reading
No business was done
Sept 8 1909
The Baptist Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs E D Morgan
A very pleasant time was had
Meeting was opened by reading
Collection $2.40
Mrs Geo Wilkins invited the Ladies Aid to met at her house on Sept 29
It was decided that the money taken in to the picnic and the ice cream social to Mrs Ed Morgan would be put in the Ladies Aid money and then take enough out of the Ladies Aid for to get a new church carpet
Sept 29 1909
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins
A Very large crowd was there
Collection $3.40
Meeting was opened by reading by Elder Crowel
The Ladies Aid gave Mr Crowel 1.62
Mrs Ray Cleveland invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her house Oct 20
Oct 20 1909
Armenia Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland on Oct 20 1909
A large number were present
Collection $2.40
They didn’t have any meeting on account of sewing Church Carpet.
Mrs T F Morgan invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her house on Nov 10
Armenia Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs T F Morgan on Nov 10
They had a very pleasant time
Meeting was opened by reading
Collection $2.05
April 15 1910
There was a pie social at Olen Bixby’s for to go toward taking care of the Church.
Collection $3.60
May 11 1910
Armenia Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Rev Mr Phelps on May 11
A very pleasant time was reported
Meeting was opened by singing followed by prayer
Collection $3.10
Mrs T F Morgan invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on May 26
Mrs E D Morgan Secretary
May 17 1910
There was a Clothes Pin Social at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins
There were 46 present and all enjoyed a very pleasant time
Collection $4.06 They paid $2.40 out of it for taking care of the church. The rest was turned in to the Ladies Aid Society
May 26 1910
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs T F Morgan on May 26
A large crowd was present
Meeting was led by Mrs Philips
Meeting was opened by singing
It was decided that the Ladies Aid should make out what they lacked for the budget
Collection $2.78
Mrs Tom bolt invited the next Ladies Aid to meet at her house on June 9 1910
Mrs E D Morgan
June 30 1910
Armenia Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Tom Bolt on June 9
A very large crowd were present
We didn’t have any Ladies Aid meeting because Mr Backer was
there and had a bible study
Collection $5.05
Mrs Parker invited the Ladies Aid Society to meet at her home on June the 30
Armenia Ladies Aid Society
The ladies Aid Society meet at the home of Mrs Jim Parker on June 30
A very pleasant time was had
Meeting was opened by reading by the president
The motion was made and carried to pay Mr & Mrs Geo Morgan $1.50 for to care for the Church.
Collection $2.85
Mrs Geo Wilkins invited the next Aid to be held at her house on July 28
July 28 1910
Armenia Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins on July 28
It was voted by majority to re-elect the officers for the past year. No change was made except to elect Mrs Sylvester Morgan Vice Pres for the coming year
Col $2.63
Armenia Ladies Aid Society
Aug 11 1910
The Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs Ed Morgan on Aug 11
All enjoyed a pleasant afternoon
Meeting was opened by singing
There was no business done
Collection $2.90
Mrs Jean Wood invites the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on Sept 8
There was a ice cream sociable in the evening after the Ladies Aid and a very large crowd were present
Collection $7.35 They took 25 cents out of the money and paid for 3 lbs of crackers that they had for the sociable
Mrs E D Morgan Secretary
Armenia Ladies Aid Society met at her home of Mrs Jean Wood September 8. All enjoyed a very pleasant time was had
Meeting was opened by reading followed by prayers
There was an order drown for $4.30 to pay the janitor of the church
Collection $1.70
Mrs George Morgan invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on Sep 29
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs George Morgan on Sep 29
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was called to order by the assistant Pres
Meeting was opened by reading followed by prayers
It was decided for the men to meet on the day of the next Ladies Aid for to make a cement walk for the church but it was put off because the men was so busy ‘till the following Wed Oct 19
Mrs Kannan invited the Ladies Aid to meet at her home in two weeks on Oct 13, 1910
Collection 2.55
Armenia Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Kannan on Oct 13
A very pleasant time was had.
Meeting was opened by singing followed by Prayers.
Meeting was led by Mrs Philips.
There was no business done.
Collection 2.25
Mrs Will Bullard invites the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on Nov 3 1910
Armenia Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Will Bullard on Nov 3 1910
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was led by Mrs Bullard
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading.
There were two orders drawn one $3.20 for to pay for cement and the other $3.00 to pay the church janitor.
Collection $1.94
Mrs Isaac Hillfiger invites the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on Nov 17 1910
Armenia Ladies Aid Society Nov 17 1910
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Isaac Hillfiger on Nov 17
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was led by Mr Jim Harvy??
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & Prayers.
Mr. & Mrs Ray Cleveland was elected Janitor of the church
Collection $2.55??
Mrs Phelps invites the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on Dec 2 1910
Dec 2 1910
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of L E Phelps on Friday Dec 2 1910
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
There were no meeting on account of the ladies setting a quilt to gather and the men getting up wood
Collection $1.70
Mrs H S Morgan invites the Ladies Aid Society to meet at her home on Dec 14 1910
Orders given by the Secretary of the Ladies Aid Society of Armenia Baptist Church
June 30 1910
Pay Mrs George Morgan $3.00 for taking care of the church
Order drawn to pay janitor $4.50 on Sept 8
Nov 3 1910
Mrs Will Bullard Treasurer
Pay to the order of Mrs Geo Morgan $3.00 for janitor work - sig by the Sec Mrs E D Morgan
Nov 3 1910
Pay to the order of Mr Ray Morgan $3.20 for cement - Sig by the Sec Mrs E D Morgan
Dec 19 1910
Mrs Will Bullard Treasurer
Please pay Mrs Ray Cleveland 41.50 for janitor work - Sig by the Sect Mrs E D Morgan
Jan 7 1911
Mrs Will Bullard Treasurer
Please pay to the order of Mrs Mary Morgan $1.30 for
cloth to make quilt for Mr & Mrs Phelps
Jan 1911
Treasurer Mrs Will Bullard
Please pay to the order of Mrs Ray Cleveland $1.50 for Janitor work. Sig by the Sec Mrs Ed Morgan
Feb 22 1911
Please pay to the order of Mrs Cleveland $1.50 for Janitor work. sig by the secy Mrs Morgan
Mrs Will Bullard Treasurer
Please pay to the order of Mrs Ray Cleveland $1.50 for janitor work
Sig by the Sec Mrs E D Morgan
May 6 1911
Treasurer Mrs Will Bullard
Please pay to the order of Mrs Ray Cleveland 3.00 for two months janitor work. Pay up till May 15th
Sig by the Sec Mrs E D Morgan
Treasurer Mrs Will Bullard
Please pay to the order of Mrs Ray Cleveland 3.00 for janitor work which will pay up to the middle of July - Sig by the Sect Mrs E Morgan
May 1911
Treasurer Please pay to the order of Mr T F Morgan $15.00 to pay Mr Kenan to apply on pastor salary - sig by the Sect Mrs E Morgan
Order drawn to pay Mr T F Morgan of $10.00 to pay on salary
Sig by Secretary
Oct 28
Order drawn to pay Mrs Ray Cleveland of $3.00 to pay Janitor work
Oct 30 Order drawn to pay Mrs R D Cleveland of $1.50 to pay for janitor work which pay up in full - sig by secretary Mrs E D Morgan
Armenia Baptist Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs H S Morgan on Dec 14 1910
The ladies tied a quilt for Pastor and wife - A Christmas present
We all enjoyed the devotional meeting very much
Meeting was led by Mrs Phelps
Meeting was opened by singing followed by prayers and reading
There was an order drawn to pay for the lining and other thing for the quilt. $1.30
Collection $2.45
Jan 26
Armenia Baptist Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Phelps on Jan 26
There was a very large crowd
Meeting was led by Mrs Phelps
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading and prayers
There was no business done
Collection $3.45
Mrs. T F Morgan invites the Aid Society to meet at her home on Feb 9
Feb 9 1911
The Aid Society met at the home of Mrs T F Morgan on Feb 9
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was led by Mrs H S Morgan
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading and Prayers
Had a very good meeting
No business was done
Mrs Parker invites the Aid to meet at her home on Feb 23
Collection $2.29
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Parker on Feb. 23 1911
There was a large and all enjoyed a very good time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by Prayers and reading
Had a very good devotional meeting
There was no business done
Collection $2.10
Secy Mrs E Morgan
Mrs H S Morgan invites the Aid to meet at her home on March 10 1011
Marh 10 1911
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs H S Morgan on March 10
There were a large number present
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
We had a very good meeting
There were no business done.
Collection $2.55
Sec Mrs E D Morgan
Mrs Geo Wilkins invites the Ladies Aid to meet at her home on Mar 24
March 24 1911
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins on Mar 24
A Very Pleasant time
No business done.
Rilla Cleveland invited the Aid to meet at her house on Apr 6
Col $1.85
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland on April 6
All had a very good time
No business done
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
Collection $1.00
On June 22 the ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Nichols Austin
A good time was reported by all.
Meeting was opened by singing and followed by reading and prayer.
No business was done.
Amount of collection $2.74
Order drawn of $15.00 to pay on account of T F Morgan
Order drawn of $3.00 to pay Mrs Ray Cleveland for janitor work
July 13 1911
Armenia Baptist Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs T F Morgan
There was a large crowd and all enjoyed a very pleasant time
No business done.
Collection 2.60
Mrs Isaac Hilfiger invited the Aid to meet at her home on July 27
July 27 1911
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Isaac Hilfiger July 27
Owing to the busy time a small number were present
There were no meeting nor no business done
Collection 1.66
Sec Mrs Ed Morgan
Aug 5 1911
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs George Wilkins at Mainesburg
There were a very large crowd and all enjoyed a pleasant time
The Rev Mr Guest of Mainesburg led the meeting
Meeting was opened by singing followed by prayers
There was no business done.
Collection $3.87
Sep 6 1911
The ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Jean Wood on Sep 6
meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
They elected the same officers for the coming year.
Collection $1.60
Sept 27 1911
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs E D Morgan on Sept 27
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
No business was done
Collection 2.80
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Will Bullard
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
It was decided for to hirer a man to fix the church steps
Collection $1.60
Oct 25
The Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs Parkers on Oct 25
There were a small number present
Meeting was opened by reading followed by singing and prayers.
Collection $1.10
No business was done
Mrs Geo Wilkins invites the Aid to meet at her home two weeks from date
Nov 9 1911
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins on Nov 9
All enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
They elected Mr Fred Clark as janitor for the coming year
Collection $1.89
Mrs E D Morgan Sect
There was a social to Mrs Geo Wilkins and the money that was taken in went to finish papering the church and the balance of the social money was put in towards fixing the church steps
Collection $2.60
There was a social to Mrs H S Morgan
They took in $3.00 and that went towards fixing up the porch of the church and the balance is to be taken out of the Ladies Aid Society
Collection $3.01
Expenses for papering church $8.00
Expenses for walk $5.90
Dec 23
Orders drawn to pay for cloth for quilt for Mrs T F Morgan
Orders drawn to pay janitor work to Fred Clark $1.50 - sig by the sec Mrs Morgan
Order drawn for $4.00 to pay on Pastor salary
Jan 1912
Order drawn of $1.50 to pay janitor work for Fred Clark
Feb 1912
Order drawn for 1.50 cents to pay Fred Clark for janitor work
Order drawn to pay Will Tubbs of three dollars to pay for two month janitor work up to April the 9th 1912
July 11 1911
Treasurer Mrs Will Bullard
Order drawn to pay Frank Morgan of $5.00 to apply on Pastor salary - sig by the sec Mrs E Morgan
Aug 7
There was an Ice Cream social down to Mrs Charlie Nash for the benefit of the Baptist church to raise money to shingle the church
Collection 9
Aug 14
There was an Ice Cream social at Geo Wilkins for the benefit of the Baptist church to raise money to shingle the church
Collection $11.60
There was an ice cream social down to Mrs Isaac Hilfigers on Aug 28 for the benefit of the Baptist church for shingles
Collection $9.5
Nov 30
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs T F Morgan on Nov 30
There was a very large crowd and they all enjoyed a very pleasant time
Meeting was opened by singing and prayers followed by reading
No business was done
Collection $3.50
Dec 14 1911
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs H S Morgan on Dec 14
Feb 29 1912
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Jean Wood
No business done
Meeting was opened by singing followed by prayers and reading
Collection $2.00
Mar 14 1912
The ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Frank Morgan
No business done
Meeting in the same order
Collection $2.72
May 2 1912
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Ed Morgan on May 2
There were a good crowd
Meeting was opened by singing followed with prayers and reading
No business done
Collection $2.40
The ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Tom Bolt on May 29 on account of a very rainy day there was a small number present
Collection 1.55
July 11 1912
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Austin on July 11
There was a very large crowd and a very pleasant time was had
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayer
It was voted for an order be drawn for Mr Frank Morgan to finish pay Pastor salary of last year of $5.00
Collection $3.60
July 24
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Rosa Bixby
There was a good crowd and all enjoyed a very good time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayer
No special business done
Collection $2.55
Aug 7 1912
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Charley Nash on Aug 7
There was a large crowd and all enjoyed a very good time
After enjoying a very good dinner meeting was called to order by the President Mrs Mary Morgan
Meeting was opened by singing and followed by reading & prayers
There was no business done
Collection 3.05
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Elmer Clark on Aug 21
There was a good crowd and all enjoyed a good time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading and prayers
No business done
Collection $2.75
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Addie Chamberlain on Sep 11
There was a large crowd present
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading and prayers
No business was done
Collection $2.75
Oct 2
The ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs H S Morgan on Oct 2
There was a quite a large crowd
It was voted to pay Mr Porter $10.00 out of the Ladies Aid
No other business done
Mrs Will Bullard led the meeting
Meeting was opened by singing & followed by reading & prayers
Collection $2.40
Oct 17
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Will Bullard on Oct 17
All enjoyed a good time
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
Collection $2.00
It was voted to get No. 1 shingles for the church
It was voted to take the Christian Endeavor money $4.39 and put in with the Social money for to get shingles and what was back on the shingles out of the Ladies Aid Treasurer
There were a committee of three appointed to get a bookcase for the Library - Mrs Austin - Mrs Cleveland - Mrs H S Morgan
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland on Oct 31
There was a good crowd & they had a bee for the men to shingle the church
All enjoyed a good dinner and after they had the meeting
Meeting was opened by singing followed by read by the president 3 chapter Psalms followed by prayers
No business done
Collection $2.20
Nov 14
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins on Nov 14
There was a large crowd and all enjoyed a good time
Meeting was led by Mrs Austin
Meeting was opened by singing followed by scripture reading and prayers
Collection $2.85
Dec 12 1912
The Ladies Aid met at Mrs E D Morgan
There was a pretty good crowd
Meeting was opened by singing followed by reading & prayers
Mrs Phelps led the meeting
No business was done
Collection $2.00
The ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Bristols
There was a large crowd present and all enjoyed a very good time
Meeting was led by Mrs T F Morgan
Meeting was opened by reading & prayers
No business done
Collection $3.14
There was a social in the evening for the benefit of the Baptist Sunday School for to get a book case
Collection $4.20
Feb 13 1913
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Gene Wood Feb
There was a good crowd
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Nick Austin on June the 12
There was a good number present had a good dinner
Meeting was opened by singing, bible reading, prayers and testimonials, talk on books for the library and other subjects for good of the church, but no definite plans made
Collection $2.87
Voted that Mrs Geo Wilkins get curtains for the church from money got at social and $5.00 of social money paid in to church treasury
The ladies Aid met at Mrs Isaac Hillfigear on June 26
There was a good crowd and they enjoyed a good dinner
Meeting was opened in usual order
No business
Collection $2.10
They had a social in the evening for the benefit of the Baptist church
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland on July 10
There was a large crowd present
The ladies cleaned the church and they hired Merle Bristol to shingle the cupola
They paid him $2.00
There was a social in the evening
They got $8.00 that was going towards an organ for the school
They had no meeting on account of cleaning the church
Collection $2.60
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs E D Morgan Oct 2
There was quite a good number present
Meeting was opened in the usual way
They spoke of electing new officers but no body appointed any so the old ones had to keep their jobs
Collection $2.60
The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs Elmer Clark Oct 19
Collection $1.95
Oct 30 1913
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs George Wilkins
There was a large crowd present
Meeting was opened in usual form
New officers were elected:
Mrs Aurelia Cleveland President
Mrs Sadie L Austin Secretary and
Mrs Hettie Bullard Treasurer
Proceeds $2.40
Mrs S L Austin Secy
Nov 13 1913
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs George Morgan
There was quite a number present
A good time was reported
Meeting was opened with singing and prayers
Mrs H S Morgan was elected Treasurer
Mrs Mary Morgan Vice President
Proceeds $2.25
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia Dec 11 1913
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Fred Clark
There was quite a number present
Meeting was opened by singing and prayers
Bro Gene Wood had the meeting
No business was done
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Proceeds $2.30
Armenia Jan 14 1914 Orders drawn for $3.60 for Mary Morgan
Armenia Feb 9 1914 Order drawn for $3.90 bal of Rev James salary - Sadie L Austin
Armenia June 18 1914
The Ladies Aid met at Mrs Geo Wilkins
Meeting was led by Mrs Wm Phelps
Motion was made and seconded that an order be drawn for the balance of the pastor’s salary.
Proceeds $2.40
June 27 1914 Order drawn for five twenty five $5.25 for Rev W H Porter - Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia July 2 1914
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs William Bllard
Meeting opened by singing and reading scripture
No business done
There was a large crowd. A good time was reported.
Proceeds $3.00
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia July 16 1914
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Wm E Phelps
There was a large crowd and all reported a fine time.
proceeds $3.41
The meeting was led by Rev Phelps and it was an exceptionally good meeting
No business done
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia July 30 1914
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs H S Morgan
A good time was reported by all
Proceeds $2.95
The meeting was led by Mrs Wm E Phelps
Repairing the church sheds
(is this continued at * below?)
There was a ice cream social for the at Addie Chamberlain for to benefit of the Baptist church to go towards getting shingles
Collection $6.10
Oct 2
The Ladies Aid met Vet Morgan
There was a social in the evening after the Ladies Aid for the benefit of the Baptist church for to get shingles
Collection $3.50
There was a social for the benefit of the Baptist church at Mrs Geo Wilkins
Ice cream was served
Collection $8.00
June 26 1913
There was an Ice Cream social at Mrs Isaac Hilfiger for the benefit of the Baptist church
There was an Ice Cream social at Mrs Charley Nash for the Baptist church
Collection $9.61
Oct 17
Order drawn for to pay Mr. Porter $10.00 on salary
Oct 31 Order drawn to pay Leon Nash for shingle Nails $1.60
Order drawn to pay E D Morgan $52.80 on shingles
Dec 3 1912
Order drawn of $7.20 to finish pay for the shingles for Ed Morgan
Order drawn for to pay Ray Cleveland for two cords of wood of $2.00
Order drawn of $1.30 to finish pay Pastor salary
Order drawn for pay T F Morgan of $6. to finish pay insurance
Order drawn to pay Pastor Mr James $2.24
*(continued from above?)
was discussed but nothing definite was done
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Proceeds of Geo Wilkins’s social $2.08
" " Mr Hunt’s " 4.60
Armenia Aug 13 1914
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland
No meeting and no business was done.
Proceeds $3.40
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia Aug 27 1914
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs E D Morgan
Meeting was opened by singing
Mrs H S Morgan led the meeting
Proceeds $3.01
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia Sept 10 1914
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs George Morgan
Meeting was opened by singing
Mrs T F Morgan led the meeting
An order was drawn for $.60 to pay for the church lock
It was voted to have prayer meeting Wednesday evening of each week
Proceeds 2.75
Sadie L Austin Sec’y
Armenia Oct 8 1914
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Fred Clark
Meeting opened by singing Jesus understands
Scripture reading by President
It was moved and seconded that Mrs George Wilkins and Mrs William Bullard audit the account of Treasurer and Sec’y at next meeting
It was moved and seconded that an order be drawn of $12.99 to pay Pastor
Proceeds $2.25
Sadie L Austin
Armenia Oct 22 1914
Lades Aid met at Mrs Ray Clevelands
Ladies served dinner for men to repair church sheds
Ladies cleaned the church
Proceeds $2.70
The auditors settled account of past year finding a balance of 16.59 in Treas
The election of officers by unanimous vote :
Hettie Ballard Pres
Mrs Frank Morgan Vice Pres
Zzella Wilkins Sec
and Rilla Cleveland Treas
It was decided to have a missionary meeting connected with our Aid Society
Mrs Frank Morgan and Mrs Simpson to act as committee at next meeting
Mrs Maude Nash invited the next meeting of Aid Society
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Nov 5 1914
Ladies Aid meeting at the home of Mrs Maude Nash
Meeting opened by singing and prayer
Mrs Frank Morgan read a selection on Missions
Meeting was led by Hetty Bullard Pres
Mrs Frank Morgan invited the Ladies Aid Society to meet at her home on Thanksgiving Day
Proceeds $2.86
Mrs Frank Morgan was elected Sec of Missionary dept., and Mrs Simpson as Treas
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Nov 26 1914
The Ladies Aid Society met at Frank Morgan’s on thanksgiving Day.
A very enjoyable day was passed
A very good meeting led by Rev Porter
After the opening of meeting a roll call was responded to by all members of Church present.
A motion was made and seconded to draw an order on Ladies Aid Treas for $3.50 to be paid on Budget.
Proceeds of meeting 6.85
A large crowd present
Mrs Hattie Hilfiger invited the next Aid to meet with her on Dec 10
Mrs Zella Wilkins Sec
Dec 10 1914
The Ladies Aid met Mrs Hattie Hilfiger
Quite a large crowd present
Meeting was led by Mrs Mary Morgan
Singing Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Mrs Mary Morgan read report of State Missionary Board
Mrs Alice Morgan read a selection from Rangoon Burma
No business done Proceeds $3.66
Feb 26 1915
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Greene.
Meeting was led by Mrs Greene
No business done
A large crowd present
Proceeds $1.80
Mar 12 1915
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Simpson
A large crowd present
Meeting was led by Hetty Bullard Pres
Mrs Sylvester Morgan read sermon by Billy Sunday
An order was drawn of $5.93 for money previously paid to Rev Porter to balance salary for year 1914
An order was drawn for $359 to pay on Budget
Proceeds of meeting $2.40
Zella Wilkins Sec
Jun 3 1915
The Ladies Aid met at George Morgan’s
A large crowd present
An order drawn for $6.00 to pay for Church doors
It was voted to take $4.40 from Social money to pay for Xmas Candy
Ladies Aid to meet at Ed Morgan’s in two weeks
Col 2.84
Zella Wilkins Sec
June 17 1915
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ed Morgan
A large number present
No business done
Ladies Aid to meet with Mrs Geo Wilkins in two weeks
Proceeds of meeting $3.20
Zella Wilkins Sec
July 1 1915
Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs Geo Wilkins’
Large number present
Meeting led by Pastor Rev Moss
An order was drawn for $7.29 to balance Rev Porters salary Ladies Aid was invited to meet with Mrs Wm Bullard in two weeks
Proceeds of meeting $2.12
Zella Wilkins Sec
July 15 1915
Ladies Aid met the home of Mrs Wm Bullard
Large number present
Meeting led by Mrs Bullard Pres
It was voted by majority to hire Eleanor Reed to care for church till Nov 1 for $1.00 per month
Mrs Sylvester Morgan invited Ladies Aid to meet with her in three weeks
Proceeds of meeting $3.50
Amt taken in at picnic $8.80 Proceeds
" taken in at social 2.90 8.30
Amt paid out 3.40 11.70
Armenia Aug 5 1915
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs H S Morgan
A large crowd present
A good time was reported by all
Meeting opened by singing
Mr Moss led the meeting
It was voted that the Ladies Aid give $2.00 to help buy singing books
for the church also $2.00 social money held by Mrs Geo Wilkins to be used for books.
Proceeds of meeting $4.10
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Sept 9 1915
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Fred Clark
Large Crowd present
An order was drawn of $2.00 to pay for care of church for past two months
An order was drawn of $8.93 to balance salary of Mr Moss
Meeting enjoyed by all present
Proceeds of meeting $3.15
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Sept 23 1915
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Maude Nash
A very large crowd
Meeting led by Pres
No business done
Mrs Ray Cleveland invited the Aid to meet at her home in two weeks
Proceeds of meeting $4.35
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Oct 7 1915
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland
Large crowd present
Meeting led by Mr Kinnan
An order was drawn of $5.20 to balance salary of Mr Seabolt for the month ending Oct 10
No invitation for Aid
Proceeds of meeting $3.30
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Nov 4 1915
The L A met at the home of Mrs Isaac Hilfiger
A very large crowd present
All had fine time
No meeting was held
An order of $6.45 was drawn on Nov 7 to balance salary of dRev Seabolt for past month
Proceeds of meeting 6.25
An order was drawn of $2.00 for care of church to Nov 1
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Nov 18 1915
The L A met at the home of Mrs Simpson
Large crowd present
The men repaired the church sheds
Meeting was led by Mrs Austin
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $3.30
The next Aid to meet at Frank Morgans on Thanksgiving Day
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Nov 25 1915
The L A S met at Mr Frank Morgan’s on Thanksgiving Day
A fine time was reported by all
A large number present
Meeting was led by Rev Seabolt
No business done
An order was drawn on Dec 5 of $6.27 to balance Rev Seabolt’s salary to date
Meeting was closed by singing God be with you till we meet again
The next Aid to meet with Mrs Green on Dec 9
Proceeds of meeting $5.85
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Dec 9 1915
The L A S met at the home of Mrs Greene
Large crowd present
A fine time was reported by all
Meeting was led by Pres
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $2.50
Zella Wilkins Sec
An order was drawn of $3.00 to pay for care of church to Jan 1
Settlement of books
Armenia Jan 6 1916
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins
Large crowd present
Meeting was led by Mrs Frank Morgan
No business done
An order was drawn of 6.65 to balance Pastor’s salary to Jan 2
Mrs Cora Carnwright invited the Aid to meet at her home in two weeks
Proceeds of meeting 2.65
Books settled to date with $20.71 in Treas
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Jan 20 1916
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Cora Caarnwright
large crowd present
Meeting was led by Mrs Sylvester Morgan
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $2.85
Zella Wilkins Sec
Jan 30 Order drawn for minister’s salary $7.35
Apr 30 " " " " " 3.89
May 28 " " " " " 4.77
Armenia June 29 1916
Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Wm Bullard
Large number present.
Meeting was led by Mrs Bullard
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $3.85
Zella Wilkins Sec
An order was drawn for $5.38 to balance minister’s salary
Armenia July 12 1916
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Morgan
Large number present
Meeting was led by Mrs Leon Nash
No business done
An order was drawn of $4.00 to partly pay for care of church since first of year.
Proceeds of meeting $2.86
Zella Wilkins Sec
An orders was drawn of $1.94 to balance minister’s salary.
Armenia Aug 2 1916
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ed Morgan
Large crowd present
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $2.90
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Aug 25 1916
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ray Cleveland
Large crowd present
Meeting was led by Mrs Ed Morgan
No business done
The next meeting to be held at Church
Ladies to clean Church and have dinner at Picnic grounds
Proceeds of meeting $3.00
Zella Wilkins Sec
An order was drawn of 5.62 to balance minister’s salary
Sept 7 1916
The Ladies Aid met at Church
Dinner was served at Picnic grounds
No meeting held
Proceeds of meeting $1.75
Zella Wilkins Sec
An order was drawn Sept 24 of $4.23 to balance minister’s salary
Armenia Nov 30 1916
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mr Frank Morgan on Thansgiving Day
Large Crowd present A fine time was enjoyed by all
Rev Mr Seabolt led devotional service
No business done
Ladies Aid to meet with Mrs Wilkins in two weeks
Proceeds of meeting 4.86
An order was drawn of $4.93 to balance minister’s salary
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Dec 14 1916
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ed Morgan
Devotional service led by Mr C L Smith
It was decided to draw $5.00 from Church treas to pay toward taking care of Church
Proceeds of meeting $2.65
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Dec 28 1916
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Simpson
Meeting was led by Pres
No business done
An order was drawn of $3.00 to apply on minister’s salary
Proceeds of meeting $2.20
Mrs Wilkins invited next Aid to meet at her home in two weeks
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Jan 11 1017
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins
Small Crowd present on account of severe cold weather
No meeting was held
Proceeds of meeting $2.85
Zella Wilkins Sec
An order was drawn of 2.85 to apply on minister’s salary
Aug 1 1917
The Ladies Aid met at the Picnic Grounds
Ladies cleaned Church
No meeting was held
Proceeds of meeting 2.35
Aug 22 1917
The Ladies Aid wet at the Church
Ladies sewed for Red Cross
Meeting led by Mrs Bullard Pres
It was voted that Church pay Mrs Ed Morgan $4.00 for care of Church also Christian E $6.00 leaving balance of $8.00 still her due up to Sept 1
Proceeds $2.05
Zella Wilkins Sec
Sept 13 1917
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Wilkins
A good crowd present
Ladies sewed for Red Cross
Meeting was led by Mrs Bullard
The C E Society paid Mrs Morgan $6.00 for janitor work leaving balance due her of two dollars up to Sept 1
Mrs Ed Morgan invited the Aid to meet with her in two weeks
Proceeds of meeting $2.75
Zella Wilkins Sec
Armenia Sep 27 1917
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Ed Morgan
Large crowd present
The Ladies finished sewing for Red Cross
Meeting was led by Rev Everett
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $2.95
Frank Morgan 25 cts
Zella Wilkins Sec
Oct 21 Order drawn salary $5.00
Nov 8 1917
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Rev Sebolt
Proceeds of meeting $2.30
L A S met at the home of T F Morgan Thanksgiving Day
An order was drawn of $5.00 for janitor work
Proceeds of meeting $4.50
Dec 6 1918 (1917??)
Ladies A S met at home of Mrs R D Cleveland
Proceeds of meeting $1.65
Armenia Apr 18
The ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Geo Morgan
Large number present
No meeting held
Ladies sewed for Red Cross
Proceeds of meeting $4.85
Zella Wilkins Sec
Bal $5.74
June 20 1918
Ladies Aid met at Church
Large crowd present
Ladies sewed for Red Cross
An order was drawn of $5.00 to pay for care of Church
Proceeds of meeting $2.67
Zella Wilkins Sec
July 26 1918
Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Rilla Cleveland
Ladies worked on Red Cross Jackets
An order was drawn of $2.50 for janitor work
Bal due up to Aug 1
Devotional meeting led by Mrs Bullard Pres
Proceeds of meeting $3.20
Zella Wilkins Sec
Oct 3 1918
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Fred Clark
A large number present
Meeting was led by Hetty Bullard Pres
An order of $2.00 was drawn to pay for janitor work up to oct 1
Proceeds of meeting $3.11
Zella Wilkins Sec
Nov 28 1918
The Ladies Aid met at the home of Frank Morgan on Thanksgiving Day
Large number present
Devotional meeting led by Hetty Bullard Pres
No business done
Proceeds of meeting $4.92
Zella Wilkins Sec
July 17 1919
Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs George Morgan
Besides a good crowd from home were the following visitors
Mr & Mrs Wm Simpson from Ohio, Mrs Laura Pierce of Phila, Mr & Mrs Ed Morgan and family of Blossburg, Mrs Elmer Clark Covington & Mrs Amanda Austin & family from Sylvania
After a bountiful dinner the company gathered for devotional meeting led by Mrs Cleveland
followed by business meeting led by Pres in which the following business was done:
First - election of officers : Mrs N P Austin Pres
Mrs Wm A Bullard Sec‘y
Mrs T F Morgan Treas
Second: It was voted that the Sec’y draw an order on Treas to pay the balance of Church Ins which was $10.16
A very enjoyable day was spent
Am’t received $4,36
An order of five dollars was drawn for janitor work
Nov 27 1919
Ladies Aid met at the home of Mr & Mrs T F Morgan for Thanksgiving Dinner
An appetizing dinner of spare rib which wasn’t very spare and other good things too numerous to mention was enjoyed by all
In the absence of the President the devotional meeting was led by Mrs G M Wilkins
Had a good meeting and a good time all around
The minutes of the previous meeting was read by the Secretary
No business was done
Col $4.19
Jan 28 1920
An order was drawn of $1 to pay balance of janitor work
July 12 1923
The L A S met at the home of Mr & Mrs George Morgan
A Bountiful dinner was served to about 40 people
Meeting led by the Sect’y
Music by Mrs Zella Wilkins
Reading of the 43 Psalm by Mr Wilson and Prayer by Mr Frank Morgan
Followed by a good testimony meeting
New officers were elected as follows:
President Mrs Wm Bullard
Sect’y Aurelia Cleveland
Treas Mrs Cora Carnwright
Balance in Treas $12.75
Col for the day 6.55
Closed with singing & C E Benediction
Mrs Ray D Cleveland Sect’y
July 27 1923
Proceeds of Ice Cream Social $8.00
Aug 9 The ladies Aid met at the home of Mr & Mrs Leon Nash
A picnic dinner was served under the trees
A large number present
The meeting was led by Rev Mitchell of the Methodist Church
A very interesting meeting
Music by Lillian Carnright
It was voted to pay for roofing & nails for to repair Ch sheds
Meeting closed with Benediction by Rev Mitchell
Aug 9
Coll $7.25
Order drawn Sept 24 to pay Mr Wilson $10.00
1923 Nov 2 3 gal oil .45
1922 3 months janitor work $3.00
2 big lamp chimneys 1.00
Nov 15 order drawn for 4.45 in favor of Mrs Ray Cleveland Sect’y
Total credit 34.55 Amt forward
Orders 14.45
20.10 20.10
Nov 29 1923
Thanksgiving Dinner at Mr & Mrs Kents 10.27
To bal janitor work in full 5.00
Thanksgiving dinner at Mr & Mrs Merrills
Nov 27 1924 5.31
Sent of benefit of Matilda 30.00
Bal turned over to S S .68
For Baptist Orphanage, amt sent 6.00
Jan 1 1925 received of dinner at
Mr & Mrs Wm A Simpsons 5.20
Voted to make Hattie Bullard Treas in
Mrs J I Carnwright’s place
Rilla Cleveland Sect’y
Aug 5 1931
Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs H S Morgan’s
Officers elected
President Mrs Merrill
Vice President Mrs H S Morgan
Sec Mrs Raymond Morgan
Treas Mrs William Kent
Collection $2.20
The Ladies quilted a quilt and a good time was had by all
Back Page:
Aug 22
The Church paid $4.00 for janitor work
The Christian Endeavor paid $6.00 for janitor work
Yarn 4.80
Khaki for house wives 34c
thread 10
5 1/2 tape 08
Khaki 38
thread 10
tape 10
Two pairs socks