Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Armenia Baptist Church, Armenia Township, Bradford County PA
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Say Hello to  Joyce
 Transcription by Fay TILLER Morgan & Anita MORGAN Osgood
Photo by Joyce M. Tice October 1998
Deaths 1946-1985 Ladies Aid 1909 - 1935
1995 Article 1976 Article
Old Home Day 1931-1951 Old Home Day 1971 - 1982
Old Home Day 1982 - 1994 Old Home Day 1994 - 2001
Covenant Meeting Attendance 1876-1882 Secretary Books 1876 - 1926
New Members 1876 - 1923
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Records from the books of the Secretaries of the Armenia Baptist Church, Armenia Township Bradford County Pa

The Ladies Aid records are from 1909 to 1931. The Old Home Day records are from 1931 to 2001, with records from 1951 to 1971 missing.Armenia Baptist Church

July 26, 1931

The first annual meeting was held at the Armenia Baptist Church Sunday, July 26th, 1931, with Mr. Sam Wilson acting as chairman.

The meeting was opened by singing "Hallelujah Tis Done," followed by prayer.

During the business session Mr. Wilson was elected President of the Association.

Ruth Bolt as Secy and Tres.

Committee for Arrangements: Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Anna Morgan, and Mrs. Leon Nash.

The date for the annual meeting was set for the last Sunday in July.

As there was no further business the meeting was continued by singing "Revive us again"

Solo by Thelma Bolt

Scripture Lesson and Prayer by Rev. Glenn Dewey. Duet by Malcolm and Lloyd Wilkins.

Sermon by Rev. Orey Bolt.

Mr. Wallace Fye entertained with several musical numbers.

Sermon by Rev. Glenn Dewey.

Meeting was closed by singing "The Old Rugged Cross".

Benediction by Mr. Wilson.

Collection $5,60.

Ruth A Bolt Secy

July 31, 1932

The second annual meeting was held at the Armenia Baptist Church Sunday July 31st, 1932 with Mr Sam Wilson, President in charge of services.

The morning service was opened by singing the songs Beulah land, and I love to tell the Story.

Prayer by Rev Glen Dewey

A quartet [Genevieve Kent, Jessie Weaver

[ Edd Morgan and

Hymn The Bible of our Fathers

Scripture reading and sermon by Rev. Glen Dewey

Hymn - Whosoever Will

Benediction by Rev Glen Dewey.

Recess for dinner.

Afternoon Session.

Meeting was opened by singing

Hymns - [ The Church in the Wildwood

[ Master, the Tempest is Ragging

Followed by a business session

Mr. Wilson was elected President

Mr. H. S. Morgan Vice- President

Mrs. Leon Nash Sec. and Mrs. George Morgan Treasurer.

All the ladies of the community to act as committee for arrangements and table.

Business followed by a Duet by Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Bailey

Solo. Alice McMcal

Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. Young.

Hymn - Softly and Tenderly.

A Sermonette by Mrs. Archie Ward.

Duet - Lloyd Wilkins and Maude Seymour.

Sermonette by Orey Bolt

Hymn - Faith of our Fathers

Sermonette - Rev. Springer

Accordion solo - Miss Dewey.

Hymn - When the Roll is Called up Yonder

Benediction by Mr. Wilson.

Collection $16

Expenses for the day $3.33

F. P. Case & Sons Bill $4.34

Material for fixing Church

The third annual meeting was held July 30th 1933 with Mr. Wilson, president in charge.

Services opened by singing The Church in the Wildwood.

followed by a Duet by [ Mrs George Carnwright

[ Mrs. Lee Cleveland

Scripture lesson and Prayer by Rev. Glen Dewey.

Song - What a Friend We Have in Jesus.

Solo - The shelf behind the door - by Lillian Carnwright

Readings by Charles Gerolenm.

A Skit

Song America

Prayer by Mr Wilson

Sermon and Prayer by Glen Dewey

Song - God be with you till we meet again.

Recess for dinner

Afternoon session

Opened by singing The Old Rugged Cross.

Duet - My Father Knows by [ Mrs. Carnwright

[ Mrs. Cleveland

Scripture reading by Rev Straw

Hymn - I love to tell the story.

Readings by Charles Geroliumn.

Hymn - My Faith Looks Up To Thee.

Prayer by Mrs. Glenn Dewey

Song - Where He leads me I will follow.

Business session.

The old officers reelected.

All the ladies on committee for arrangements.

Sermon by Orey Bolt

A Poem by Ruth Cleveland

Song - Blest be the tie that binds

Collection $12.91

Expenses for the day $3.57

Prayer - Rev. Straw

$12.91-3.57 = $9.34 bal

July 29, 1934

The fourth annual meeting was held July 29th 1934 with a song service in the forenoon.

Dinner served at noon.

Afternoon Session

was opened by singing Hymns [ Faith of our Fathers

[ The Old Rugged Cross

Prayer by Mrs. Harry Lyon

Solo by Mr Estep.

Prayer by Mr. Wilson.

Business session.

The following officers were elected:

Mr. Wilson, president

Helena Nash Secretary and

Anna Morgan Treasurer.

All the ladies a committee to arrange for the next old homes day.

Song - What a Friend we have in Jesus.

Reading of Scripture by Rev. Glen Dewey

Prayer by Rev. Glen Dewey

Duet by [ Mrs. Lee Cleveland

[ Mrs. George Carnwright

Sermon by Rev. Glen Dewey.

Song - God be with you ‘till we meet again.

Collection $16.55.

Expenses of the day 4.39

Spent for song books 9.37

9.37 +4.39 = 13.76

16.55 - 13.76 =2.79 bal

July 28th 1935

The fifth annual meeting was held July 28th 1935 .

Services were opened by the songs Come Thou Almighty King

and Stand up for Jesus.

Pieces by Orchestra

Responsive reading Psalms 43 and 122

Prayer by Rev Shaffer

Piece by Orchestra

Song I’ve found a Friend

Sermon by Rev Shaffer

Prayer by Rev Shaffer

Song I am Thine O Lord

recess for dinner

Afternoon session was opened

by singing Take the name of Jesus with you

followed by a piece by the Orchestra

Business meeting

Election of officers.

Mr Sam Wilson was elected President

Mrs Nash Secretary and

Anna Morgan Treasurer

All the ladies of the community to act on the committee of arrangements

Song by the Lloyd Wilkins family.

Song Blessed Assurance

Scripture reading by Rev Glen Dewey

Quartet [ Mrs Louise Haven

[ Mrs Eugenia Haven

[ Mr Card and

[ Mr Estep

Prayer Rev Kalil

Solo Mrs George Carnwright

Song - I love to tell the story

Cornet Duets [ Face to face

[ and

[ Saved by Grace

by Elmer Morgan and Albert Kamp

Song Under His wings

Prayer by Glen Dewey

Sermon by Glen Dewey

Song by Mr Hulslander

Song Abide with me

Collection $14.66

Expenses for day $2.75

$14.66-2.75 = $11.91

July 26, 1936

The sixth annual meeting was held July 26 1936 with our president Mr Wilson in charge.

Services opened by singing "Tell me the old, old story" and

"Beautiful Garden of prayer".

Responsive reading Psalm 103

Prayer by Mr Wilson

The morning session closed by singing "More like the Master", and "What a Friend we have in Jesus".

The afternoon service was opened by singing "Take the Name of Jesus with you"

Followed by an interesting reading on the "History of Armenia Township" by Mr Wilson

Song "The Church in the wildwood".

Prayer by Rev Glen Dewey

followed by a short business meeting.

Officers were elected as follows:

Mrs George Wilkins President

Mr Edd Morgan Vice President

Mrs George Carnwright Secretary

Mr Sylvester Morgan Treasurer

The minutes were read and approved and the service continued

by singing "In the cross of Christ".

Scripture reading by Rev Glen Dewey 6th Chp Romans

Prayer by Rev Schaffer

Special singing by the Lloyd Wilkins family "My Father knows".

Sermon by Rev Schaffer

Text- His cross and mine

Prayer by Rev Schaffer

The meeting was closed by the singing of "The Old Rugged Cross".

Benediction by Mr Wilson

The offering taken was $9,66

The expenses of the day $3.10 leaving a balance 6.56

July 25 1937

The seventh annual meeting was held July 25 1937

There was no meeting in the forenoon, only a few being present.

Afternoon services opened with our president Mrs George Wilkins in charge.

Song by all "Blessed Assurance".

Scripture reading and prayer by Mr Wilson

Song "Love lifted me".

Two duets, by the "Thayer Sisters" - "Ashamed of Jesus" and

"Jesus is Dearer than all" which was much enjoyed by all.

Followed by a short business meeting.

The minutes were read and approved

The same officers were elected for the following year. They were:

Mrs George Wilkins president

Mr Edd Morgan Vice President

Mrs George Carnwright Secretary.

Mr Sylvester Morgan Treasurer

A solo "Ivory Palaces" was sung by Mrs George Carnwright

Rec. by Lloyd Wilkins Jr.

An accordion Solo by Thelma Bolt which was very well presented and worthy of praise.

Song "The boy that was half past three" by George Carnwright with his guitar

Rec. by Alva Joyce Cleveland

Song "When I take my vacation in Heaven" by the Lloyd Wilkins family.

And there was more singing and music by the Wilkins girls, with their musical instruments which I am sure was much enjoyed by everyone. Sermon by Rev Glen Dewey

The text was taken from the 2nd chp. Tim. 5th verse. 17 chp. Acts 31st verse. 19th chp John 5th verse.

Prayer by Rev Glen Dewey

song by the congregation.

The offering taken was $8.30

The expenses of the day 3.01

leaving a bal of 5.29

July 31, 1938

The eighth annual Old Home Day meeting was held at Armenia Baptist Church July 31 1938.

Mrs George Wilkins, president was in charge.

The meeting was opened by singing no. 75. Business meeting held and the following officers elected.:

Pres. Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres. Zella Wilkins

Secretary Doris Bullard

Treasurer Sylvester Morgan

Usher Lloyd Wilkins

Alice Morgan elected to work with Pres in preparing a program.

Music "Never alone" by Wilkins girls with their Musical instruments, also they gave the number "The way of the Cross leads home".

Offering was taken.

Song "Brighten the corner" - Congregation

Rec.- Alva Joyce Cleveland

Singing by the Wilkins children.

Quartette "Ere the sun goeth down" by the Wilkins family.

Reading of Scripture & prayer by Rev Glen Dewey.

Sermon by Rev. Homer Cole of Mainesburg

Song by Congregation "Love lifted me".

Benediction by Rev Dewey

Collection $11.21.

Expenses .95

Remainder 10.26

July 30th, 1939

The ninth annual Old Home Day meeting was held in Armenia Baptist Church July 30th 1939.

President Lee Cleveland presided.

The meeting was opened by the Congregation singing of :Brighten the corner where you are".

Prayer by Rev Paul Rockwell

Song "Count your blessings"

Instrumental Music - Sylvia, Lucille and Arlene Wilkins.

The minutes of 1938 were read and approved.

The nominating committee reported, report accepted, and the following officers were declared duly elected for 1940:

Pres. - Elmer Morgan

Vice Pres. - Lee Cleveland

Secretary - Doris Bullard

Treasurer - Lida Morgan

Entertainment or program comm. - Ruth Cleveland and Alice Morgan

Instrumental music, " I will sing of my Redeemer" -Lloyd Wilkins and daughters, Sylvia, Lucille, Arlene and Marjorie.

Song by Congregation first and last versed of "I love to tell the story".

Prayer - Mrs Mary Lyon

Song - "Heavenly sunlight?" by Lloyd, Sylvia, Lucille and Arlene Wilkins, Mrs Lloyd Wilkins, accompanist.

Offering taken - $10.46

2.00 for speaker

8.46 remainder.

Song "Lord, Send Me". - Marjorie, Marcella and Lloyd Jr. Wilkins.

Song - "L-O-V-E, Love" -Joyce Cleveland, acomp. by Mrs Lee Cleveland,

A tribute of silence was paid to the ones who had passed on during the previous year.

The sermon was delivered by Rev Paul Rockwell whose theme was, Give of the Best You Have to the Lord and giving and lending to the Master.

The Scripture was found in the 6th Chap of the book of John (Feeding of the 5000). It was very helpful & illustrated by interesting stories.

Accordion Solo - Miss Thelma Bolt.

"All the Way My Savior Leads Me"" By Congregation.


Doris S. Bullard Secretary

July 28th 1940

The tenth annual Old Home Day meeting was held in Armenia Baptist Church July 28th 1940.

Vice president Lee Cleveland president.

The meeting was opened by Congregational singing of "He Keeps Me Singing".

Recitation of Welcome by Betty Jean Sherman.

Prayer by Lee Cleveland.

Song by Congregation "‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus".

Song "When it’s Lamp lighting Time in the Valley" by Julia Horton.

Instrumental music & song "I love Jesus" by Marjorie, Marcella, & Lloyd Jr. Wilkins.

Reading and approval of minutes.

Election of officers

Pres. - Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres - Lloyd Wilkins

Secy. Alice Morgan

Tread. Doris Bullard

Program Committee - Ruth Cleveland Chairman

Instrumental Music "Love Lifted Me" by Wilkins family

Song by Congregation "I am Thine O Lord".

Scripture reading was taken from 3rd Chapter of Paul beginning with the third verse and prayer by Rev Glen Dewey

Song "In the New Jerusalem" by Wilkins family.

Song - In the Garden by Louise and Delores Griffen.

Offering was taken.

Offering $7.42

expenses 3.15

remainder $4.27

Song "The Church in The Wildwood".

Sermon by Rev Paul Rockwell the theme was "The Place of the Church in the Community". (1) Home (2) Work (3) Friend (4) Health (5) Vision (6) Play (7) School) (8) Nation. The Church is the Keystone of all - Christ is the Head of all.

Instrumental number by Wilkins family

Closing song - "All the way my Savior Leads me". by the congregation.


Doris Bullard Sec’y

July 27 1941

The 11th annual Old Home Day meeting was held in Armenia Baptist Church July 27th.

President Lee Cleveland presided.

The meeting opened by congregational singing of "Come Thou Almighty King"

Prayer by Lee Cleveland

Song "Jesus Loves Me" by Shirley Morgan

Song "In My Heart There Rings a Melody" by Lois and Mary York.

Song "How can I help but Love Him" by Wilkins family

Song "Old Shep" by George Arthur and Raymond Carnwright

Minutes of Last meeting read and approved.

Election of Officers

Lee Cleveland President

Helena Nash Vice President

Alice Morgan Secretary

Milton Bullard Treasurer

A suggestion was made by Mrs Wilkins that we take money from the treasure and buy lumber to make tables for next year.

Song "That Silver Hared Daddy of Mine" by Delores and Louise Griffen Accompanied by George Arthur Carnright on his guitar

Violin Duet "There is No Disappointment in Heaven" by Janet & Elizabeth Hickock

Offering was taken $9.13

expenses $1.40



Violin music by Hickock sisters accompanied by Celia Bullard on the organ

Poem "The Ancient Mariner" by Wm Bullard

Recitation by Marilyn Bullard

Duet "Whispering Hope" by Tickner sisters of Roseville

Song by Marjorie, Marcella, and Lloyd George Wilkins accompanied by Arlene Wilkins on the organ.

Song by congregation "Take time to be Holy"

Scripture reading and prayer by Rev Glen Dewey.

The Scripture was found in the 37th chapter of Jerimia beginning with the 6 verse

Sermon by Rev Orey Crippen

Benediction by Rev Dewey

July 26 1942

The 12th annual Old home Day meeting was held at the Armenia Baptist Church July 26 1942

President Lee Cleveland presided.

The meeting was opened by congregational singing "He is so Precious to me"

Scripture reading was taken from 4th chapter of Micah 1-6 verse and prayer by Lee Cleveland

Minutes of 1941 were read and approved

The treasurer report was read and approved

The nominating committee reported, report accepted and the following officers and committees were declared duly elected for 1943

Pres. Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres Doris Bullard

Sec. Alice Morgan

Treas. Alida Morgan

Organist Celia Robinson

Building tables George Wilkins, Geo. Morgan & Milton Bullard

Table Committee, Anna Morgan, Esther Nash, Marion Griffin

Program committee, Ruth Cleveland, Celia Robinson and Ruth Bolt

Flowers Zella Wilkins

Talk by Lee Cleveland

Song "Old Rugged Cross" by congregation

Duet "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" by Louise and DeLores Griffen accompanied by George Arthur Carnright on guitar

Report of soldiers in the Service

Mr and Mrs Wm Kent - Walter Kent in Virginia

Mr & Mrs Henry Morgan - Howard Wm Morgan - Australia

Mr & Mrs Henry Morgan - John Henry Morgan - Texas

Amanda Austin - Raymond Austin

Mr & Mrs Merle Bristol - Edwin Bristol

Ira Burguess - Robert Burguess

Song "Old Rugged Cross" by Charlotte Leonard and Thelma Morgan

Song "He shall feed His flock" by Charlotte Leonard

Recitation "Good Resolution" by Marilyn Bullard

Song " Tears on My Roses" by Julia Horton and Betty Carnright

Solo - Follow the Gleam by Joyce Cleveland

Song "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling" by Julia Horton and George Arthur Carnright

The offering was taken 8.31

Expenses 3.18

Remainder 5.13

Poem by Lillian Rice

Song "Trust and Obey" by Lillian Rice and Esther Purvis

Reading by Dora Dewey

Song "I gave My Life for Thee" by congregation

Announcement of Fallbrook Old Home Day

Sermon by Rev O J Griffith

Song "Blest be the tie that binds" by congregation

Benediction by Rev D J Griffith


No Record

August 18 - 46

The 13th annual Old Home Day meeting was held at the Armenia Baptist Church Aug 18 1946

President Lee Cleveland presided

Song "Hew is so precious to me" by congregation

Scripture reading was taken from the 24th Psalm by Lee Cleveland

Prayer by Mrs harry Lyon

Song by Julia Horton Have Thine Own Way Lord. Accordion accomp.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The nomination Committee reported. Report accepted and the following officers and committees were declared duly elected for 1947

Lee Cleveland Pres

Hazel Bolt Vice Pres

Alice Morgan Secy

Alida Morgan Treas

Table Committee Anna Morgan, Esther Nash and Marian Griffen

Program committee Ruth Cleveland, Celia Robinson, and Ruth Bolt

Flowers Zella Wilkins

Building table Henry Morgan, George Wilkins, George Morgan, Milton Bullard

The motion was made and carried that we hold Old Home Day 2nd Sun in August next year.

Song by Lloyd Wilkins and family "There’ll be no dark Valley".

Music by Wilkins family "What a Friend we have in Jesus"

Song "Calvary covers it all" by Julia Horton and DeLorus Griffen

Offering 21.50

expenses 1.65 ___ 19.85 19.85

organ 10.00 _____ 9.85

Song by Julia Horton and Thelma Morgan "Old Rugged Cross"

Song by congregation "Wonderful Words of Life"

A very interesting sermon was given by Miss Alice Butts who is a Bible teacher and has spent some time in Korea

Miss Butts read 17 verse of 8th Chapter Jermiah--40th verse of 15th chapter 1st Corinthians-- 3 verse of 3rd chapter John 1st

Talk by Lee Cleveland - our Bible was dedicated to the Church 50 years ago by Mrs Barnes of Canton Pa It was suggested that we look up what we can about the dedication of our Church for next year.

Music by Wilkins family "Jesus Lover of my Soul".

Closing song by congregation "Sweet By and by"

"Blest be the tie that binds" by Wilkins family

August 10 1947

The 14th annual Old Home Day meeting was held at Armenia Baptist Church.

President Lee Cleveland presided.

Hymn "Let the Lower Lights be burning" by congregation

Scripture reading 117-119 Psalms by Lee Cleveland

Prayers by Mrs Mary Lyon

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

The motion was made and carried that we held Old Home Day the 2nd Sunday in Aug next year.

Nominating committee reported, report accepted and the following officers and committees were declared duly elected for 1948

Lee Cleveland Pres

Hazel Bolt Vice Pres

Alice Morgan Secy

Alida Morgan Treas

Table Committee Grace Gritsmaker, Anna Morgan, Velma Nash and Ruth Cleveland

Program Committee Ruth Cleveland, Celia Robinson, Marcella Wilkins, Esther Purvis

Flowers Ada Nash and Zella Wilkins

Building committee Henry Morgan, Raymond Morgan, Lee Cleveland and Sam Wilson

Offering was taken 37.92

Organ solo by Betty Jean Sherman "Sweet Hour of Prayer"

Mr Sam Wilson gave a very interesting talk on the history of the church and also read a list of the members from the beginning of the church

Solo by Walter Kent "Angry Words! O Let Them Never"

A very interesting message was given by Rev B Van Vleet, Rural Field Worker for the Northern Baptist Convention. The Scripture was taken from the 5th chapter 38 verse of Saint Matthew

Closing Hymn by congregation "God will take care of you"

Alice Morgan Sec’y

in pencil - P. S. Alice don’t forget to ask Betty Jean to play again this year will you? Perhaps Sara’s girl would do something too , if she was asked. I ask Nelson & wife to sing & play last year. Will you remind them again if your Mother forgets it?

August 18 1948

The 15th Annual Old home Day meeting was held at Armenia Baptist Church.

President Lee Cleveland presided

The meeting was opened by the congregational singing "This is my Father’s World".

Scripture reading 21st chapter of St John and prayer by Mary Lyon

Solo by Lois Zimmer

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

Nominating committee reported, report accepted and the following officers and committees were declared duly elected for 1949

President Lee Cleveland

Vice President Lloyd Wilkins

Secy Alice Morgan

Assistant Sec Helena Nash

Treas Alida Morgan

Table committee Marion Griffen, Sarah Zimmer, Anna Morgan, Gracitia Gritsmaker, Velma Nash.

Building committee Henry Morgan, Raymond Morgan, Lee Cleveland and Sam Wilson

Program Ruth Cleveland, Marcella Wilkins, and Esther Purvis

Flowers Ada Nash and Zella Wilkins

The motion was made and carried that we hold Old Home Day second Sun in August next year

Hymn "Rescue the Perishing" by congregation

Duet Betty Sherman & Dickie Sherman

Duet "Brighten the Corner" by Nelson & Lucille Morgan

Hymns "Beulah Land" and " Have Thine own way: by Wilkins and Lyon family

Duet by Lloyd & Lloyd George Wilkins

Duet by Gloria Wilkins & Virginia Lyon

Solo by Marcella Wilkins accompanied by Margery Wilkins on accordion

Solo "Lifes Railway to Heaven" Wilbur Morgan

Offering $64.53

Solo "Ivory Palaces" by Walter Kent

Sermon by Rev Orey Crippen whose topic was "Nevertheless"

Duet "When They Ring the Golden Bells" by Louise and DeLores Griffen

Song by Wilkins family

Hymn "Blest Be the Tie" by congregation

Aug 14 1949

The 16th annual Old Home Day meeting was held at Armenia Baptist church

President Lee Cleveland presided

The meeting was opened by congregational singing "Brighten the corner where you are"

Prayer by Lee Cleveland

Minutes of last meeting was read & approved

An offering of $26.50 was received.

The balance of the painting was paid for by selling Xmas cards

Hymn "Ivory Palaces" by Walter Kent

Report of nominating committee for

Pres Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres Henry Morgan

Sec Alice Morgan

Treas Alida Morgan

Table committee Ethel Morgan, Marion Griffen, Hazel Bolt

Flower Committee Ada Nash, Ethel Sweeny

Program Ruth Cleveland, Velma Nash, Lucille Morgan,

Prayer & Scripture reading by Mary Lyon - Scripture was taken from 121 Psalm

Solo Betty Sherman "God Leads His Dear Children along"

Moment of silence in memory of Sam Wilson who started our Old home Day

Hymn "When they ring those Golden Bells" by Thelma Kobbe, Jean Morgan, & DeLores Griffen

Hymn "Yield Not to Temptation" by congregation

Hymn "The Old Rugged Cross" by Thelma Kobbe, Jean Morgan & DeLores Griffen

Solo "Cross My Heart" Betty Sherman

Hymn "Take Time To be Holy" by congregation

Harmonica solo by Rev D J Griffiths

Sermon by Rev D J Griffith

Closing Hymn "God will take care of you" by congregation

Aug 13 1950

The 17th annual Old Home Day meeting was held at Armenia Baptist church

President Lee Cleveland presided

The meeting was opened by congregational singing "The Church in the Wildwood"

Prayer by Lee Cleveland

Solo "When they ring the Golden Bells’ by Eugenia Morgan

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

The nominating committee reported, the following officers were elected for next year

President Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres Henry Morgan

Secy Alice Morgan

Treas Anna Morgan

Table committee Anna Morgan, Helena Nash, Mrs Gladys Tiller

Program Ruth Cleveland, Wilbur Morgan

Flowers Ethel Sweeney, Evina Morgan

A rising vote of thanks was given for Henry Morgan and family for Papering church and all the work they had done.

A motion was made and carried a bill of $26.99 be paid for paper, paste, woodfibre & labor for plastering

Solo "Christ of the Cross" by Wilbur Morgan

Accompanied by Evina Morgan

Mr John Pierce was the oldest member present

Solo by Lloyd George Wilkins

Duet by Lloyd George, Lloyd and Marjorie Wilkins

Hymn "Bringing in the Sheaves" by congregation

Scripture reading by Lee Cleveland

Prayer by Jennie Hilfiger

Solo "Meet me There" by Wilbur Morgan accompanied by Evina Morgan

Hymn "Savior crucified" by Betty Kelly

Duet by Nelson & Lucille Morgan "Sweet Hour of Prayer"

Hymn "Rescue The Perishing" by congregation

An offering of 32.85 was received

Hymn by Lloyd, Lloyd George & Marjorie Wilkins

Recitation "The Ninety & Nine by Francis Morgan

Address by Warner Barrett

Closing hymn "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow" by congregation

Prayer by Warner Barrett

1950 Expenses 1950

offering 32.85 speaker 5.00 26.99

expense 31.99 Cases 6.30 speaker 5.00

---------- woodfill -----------

balance .86 paste 31.99

Balance from 1949-26.50 paper 18.29

Bal on hand 27.36 - 1950 labor

plastering 2.40



August 12 1951

The 18th annual Old Home Day was held at Armenia Baptist church

President Lee Cleveland presided

The meeting was opened by congregational singing: Come Thou Almighty King"

Prayer by Lee Cleveland

Scripture reading by Lee Cleveland Matt 5th chapter 1st to 17th verse

Prayer by Mary Lyon

Minutes of last meeting read

Nominating committee reported and the following officers and committees were elected for next year

President Lee Cleveland

Vice President Henry Morgan

Sec Alice Morgan

Treas Anna Morgan

Table committee Helena Nash, Gladys Tiller, Ethel Morgan, and Diantha Purvis

Flower committee Fay Morgan & Erma Morgan

Program Committee Ruth Cleveland & Esther Purvis

Solo "What a Friend we have in Jesus" by Julia Horton

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those who have passed away:

Mrs Walter Kent, Mrs Wm Kent, Herman Sweeney, Leon Nash, John Pierce, Leon Bixby

Prayer by Mary Lyon

Hymn "Nearer My God, To Thee"

Solo "I would be true" Walter Kent Jr

Hymn "Church in the Wildwood" by congregation

Song by Martha & Jean Merrill "This is My Father’s World"

An offering by 33.10 was received

Duet "Brighten The Corner Where you are" by Thelma Kobbe and Jean Morgan

Song "It is no Secret" Thelma Kobbe, Julia Horton, & Jean Morgan accompanied by Julia on guitar

Hymn "Old Rugged Cross" Thelma Kobbe, Julia Horton, & Jean Morgan accompanied by Julia on guitar

Hymn Let The Little Sunshine In by Lloyd and Lloyd George Wilkins accompanied by Ruby Wilkins

Solo by Gloria Wilkins

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey

Closing Hymn Take The Name of Jesus With You by congregation

Balance from 1949 26.50

1950 .86

1951 33.10

Balance of 60.46 in Treas

on back page:

3 bunch shingles

paper for walls -------------------- 4.00

Fixtures for door -------------------- $ 1.15

Ceiling paper 13 rolls @15c ------- $ 1.95

Material from F.P. Case & son --- $ 4.34

1934 Song books --------------------- 9.37

1947 organ ----------------------------- 10.00