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The Ladies Aid records are from 1909 to 1931. The Old Home Day records are from 1931 to 2001, with records from 1951 to 1971 missing.July 10, 1994
Armenia Baptist Old Home Day met on July 10, 1994 for the dinner at 1:00 o’clock, with meeting after, at 2:00.
The meeting was called to order by Wilbur Morgan - with 39 people in attendance - by singing "Wonderful Words of Life", accompanied by Pat Johnson and Raymond Carnwright.
Prayer was offered by Lucille Morgan.
Wilbur Morgan asked Geogia Blow if she would tell something about her experiences whiled she lived in Papua New Guinea. Georgia spoke on the lives of the Wantakia Tribe.
The congregation then sang "Blessed Assurance".
Ruby Blow read the minutes of the last meeting because Alice Brace was in the hospital.
Wilbur Morgan gave a special thank you for the person responsible for mowing the yard, which was Corey Smith.
Also a special thank you was given to the person responsible for placing the CROSS on the back wall of the church, it was anonymously donated.
It was brought to the attention of the congregation that Alice Brace no longer feels that she can carry out the office of Secretary-Treasurer, and that the wishes to resign her office.
Wilbur Morgan asked for nominations for Secretary-Treasurer office. Fay Morgan entered Ruby Blow for nomination. Lloyd Wilkins seconded the nomination and all were in favor, and it was stated that Ruby Blow was the new Secretary-Treasurer.
The offices of President and vice-president remained the same.
Yvonne Smith read memories written by Alice Brace on the different experiences they had at passed Old Home Days.
The oldest one present was Francis Morgan.
The youngest one present was Elaine’s little boy Ty Rockwell at 2 years old.
The person coming the furthest was Raymond Carnwright, from North Carolina.
People that have passed away in the past year were:
Beverly Wilcox’s father, Robert Belinger and
Fay Morgan’s mother, Mrs Gladys Tiller.
Reverend Valimont then offered up a prayer for those deceased in the past year.
Beverly Wilcox was unable to do the entertainment program because of just having surgery.
Fay Morgan told about the Sunday School meetings they have been having for the past two years in the Old School House and how God has blessed them. Sunday School starts at 10:30 to 11:30.
The Sunday School Class sang The B-I-B-L-E, Jesus Loves Me, and Rise and Shine.
The Trio - Yvonne, Patty, and Ruby sang "I’ll be a Friend".
Francis Morgan and Nelson Morgan took up the offering and the prayer was given by Nelson Morgan asking God to Bless the offering.
Raymond Carnwright sang a song "I Found A Loving Savior".
Wilbur, Shirley, and daughter sang Circuit Riding Preacher.
Rev Raymond Valimont sang "He Chose Me".
Rev Valimont and Patty Johnson sang "We Got The Power and Thou Art Worthy".
Rev Valimont sang "I’ll Talk To God".
Lucille Morgan had a poem Rough Little Rascal.
Wilbur Morgan gave a big Thanks! for every one helping with the program.
Meeting was closed by singing the hymn "In The Garden".
Rev Valimont’s sermon was on Acts 27:9. The title of the sermon was ANCHORS FOR THE STORM.
The congregation then sang "Wildwood" and Lloyd Wilkins dismissed the Church Meeting with a prayer.
Balance $6.03 for 1993
Collection for ‘94 $94.00
Expenses were paid
Rev Valimont $25.00
July 9 1995
Armenia Baptist Old Home Day meeting was called to order by President Wilbur Morgan at 2:00 o’clock on July 9, 1995. With 74 People in attendance.
The meeting was opened with the song I Will Sing the Wondrous Story.
Polly Cleveland had the scripture reading - - Psalms 96 , and the prayer.
Last year’s secretary and treasurers report where given and a big thank you given to persons cleaning the Church and mowing the yard.
Election of officers were opened. Wilbur Morgan retained office of President. Lee Cleveland nominated Reed Zimmer for Vice President. The nomination was voted on and Reed Zimmer was named the new Vice President.
Business meeting was closed by singing In The Garden.
The oldest person present was Alice Brace - -she was almost 82.
The youngest person present was April Miskie, she was 3 weeks old.
The persons coming the furthest was Bob and Marcrella Reed, from Alberta Canada, 2300 miles.
People passing away in the past year were:
Kenny Morgan, John Morgan, Howard Morgan, Ina Carnwright, Clarence Scott, Fred Scott, Gertrude Benson.
A moment of silent prayer was observed after which Wilbur Morgan gave a prayer.
The hymn Blessed Assurance was sung.
Nelson and Francis Morgan took up the offering, and Lucille gave the prayer.
Many people had specials.
Maarcella Reed sang I’ll Be a Friend, she was accompanied by her sister Arlene Wilkins on tape.
Gary Kelly, Cheryl Eldree, Florence Eldree, sang and played Thank God for Valleys, and Sing Hosanna.
Elda May Morgan read a poem that she had written, Potter’s Wheel, she also sang acapella, It Is Well With My Soul.
Fay Morgan’s Sunday School Class sang - If You’re Happy and You Know It, Thank You Lord, The Wise Man Built his House Upon The Rock, Whisper a Prayer, and He’s Got The Whole World in His Hand.
Pastor Valimont and Pastor Johnson sang The Blood, and I Love My Jesus.
The Scripture was 1st and 17th chapters of John on the second coming of Jesus.
The service was dismissed with the song Bless Be the Tie That Binds.
Balance brought forward 1994 $75.03
Offering for 1995 $123.31
Disbursements of - $25.00
Left balance of $173.34
July 14 1996
The Armenia Baptist Church’s Old Home Day was held on July 14 1996.
Meeting was opened by the congregation singing the hymn "Stand Up For Jesus". Lucille Morgan read the Scripture Reading and offered a prayer.
A moment of silence was offered for those who had passed in the past year. They were Ted Clark, Willy Purvis, Herman Purvis and George Eldred.
Congregation sang "In the Garden"
Secretaries and Treasures report given by Yvonne Smith as the regular secretary was with her daughter while she had a sweet little girl, Megan Maureen Eckert.
There was no Old Business and a thank you was given for those mowing the yard and those who cleaned the church.
Election of officers were opened for nominees.
Presidents office was filled by Reed Zimmer
Vice President and Secretary remained the same.
Wilbur Morgan gave a "Big Thank You" for those supporting the Old Home Day for all these years.
Viola Sherman was the oldest person in attendance.
The youngest person was Ethan Wilson.
The person who had traveled the furthest was Mindy Kahl’s Mom, Ellen Charles. She is from Lancaster.
Congregation then sang the hymn "Revive Us Again".
Offering was taken by Nelson Morgan and Francis Morgan.
Lucille Morgan gave a reading "Life’s Road".
Shirley Wilkins gave a reading "Five finger praying".
Lloyd and Shirley Wilkins sang "Surly Goodness and Mercy" and "Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul".
Fay Morgan’s Sunday School Class had several specials, "Thank you Lord", Zachias", and "Whisper a Prayer".
Any Favorite hymns were requested and sang by the congregation. , "The Old Rugged Cross", "Love Lifted me", "Beneath the Cross of Jesus".
Welcome was given to Duane Johnson. He pastors at the Coryland Church. His Scripture was I Corinthians 2:14 and chapter 3:1-4. His message was "3 ways we can travel"
Prayer was offered before the message and after the message by Pastor Duane Johnson.
Closing hymn was "The Sweet Bye and Bye".
Fay Morgan dismissed us with a prayer.
July 14 1996
Please register Name Address
Lloyd & Shirley Wilkins 1575 Old State Rd Mansfield Pa
Jesse R "CuJo" Morgan 410 William St Apt. 1 Lwr front Eastside Elmira, NY
Fay Tiller Morgan
Elaine’s children Arrell, Rachelle, Ty Rockwell
Wayne’s Children Breanna & Becca Morgan
Nelson & Lucille Morgan
Wilbur & Shirley Morgan
Janice & George Rickard RR 1 Box 131 River Road Troy Pa
Beverly K Wilcox RD 2 Box 1598 Mansfield Pa
Alicia Allen Rd 3 Box 449 Wellsoboro Pa 16901
Derek, Kelly, David & Laune Allen RR 3 Box 449 Wellsoboro
Reed Zimmer RB 169 Covington Pa 16917-9759
Francis O Morgan 2051 Old State Road Mainesburg Pa
Imogene Winnie Mansfield Pa
Kathy Chamberlain Mainesburg
Mindy Kahl - Mainesburg
Helen Charles - Lancaster
June Rineer - Lancaster
Viola Sherman
Thalia Morgan - granddaughter -great grand daughter
(2) Minister & Wife
(2) Cliff Ward & Wife
(2) Bev son & girlfriend
Treasurer’s Report
Balance 1995 $173.34
Offering 1886 93.11
Rev Duane Johnson 25.00
Money closing chk Acc 61.50
Leaves balance of $302.95
Collection for 1997 $ 85.00
Disbursements of 25.00
(Pastor Kruger)
Rev Raymond Valmont
Murray Kent
Ira Sherman
Amanda Dewey Brace
Fred Johnston III
Margaret Bourman
Dellia Wood
William Billie Purvis
Gerald Warner
Arnold Worden
John D Blackwell
Caroline Clark
Blanche Case
Doris Bullard
Fennie Crandle
Beatrice Tice
Ralph Gernert
Raymond Clark
Ray Sherman
July 13 1997
The Armenia Baptist Church Old Home Day was held on July 13, 1997.
58 people were in attendance.
Meeting was opened with "The Church in the Wildwood".
Opening prayer was offered by President Reed Zimmer.
"Brighten the Corner" was sung followed by the collection of offering.
Nelson Morgan and Wilbur Morgan were ushers.
Reed Zimmer sang "Down in the Deepest Sea".
Scripture reading was Act 17.
Lloyd and Shirley Wilkins sang "Surly Goodness & Mercy".
Rev Rich Kruger gave the message.
Fay Morgan spoke on Roy Sherman’s funeral.
A special was given by Julia Carnright’s children "My God’s not 3-Dead".
Congregation sang "The Old Rugged Cross".
Alice Brace had Happy Birthday sang to her.
Lucille Morgan read a letter from George Arthur Carnwright from April 6 1990.
The minutes were read and accepted as they were.
There was no old and new business.
Big Thank You from Beverly Wilcox & Alice Brace cleaning church and Alexanders for mowing the yard.
The oldest person was Alice Brace. A young 84 years old.
The youngest was 5 months old. Nathaniel Wilston.
Raymond Carnwright traveled the furthest from North Carolina.
Nyanna Harris & Jerry Wilcox were married last week.
Deaths were read.
Election of officers for this year was next.
A motion was made and seconded that they remain the same. All were in favor.
"In The Garden" was sung in memory of the departed members.
Fay Morgan gave an update on the Covert Sunday School Class, and invited everyone to attend. It is at 10:30 every Sunday morning.
A Big Thank You was given to Mrs Reed Zimmer for supplying the music.
"To God be the Glory" was the closing hymn, and President Reed Zimmer closed with a prayer.
1998 Treasures report
Collection 1997 $85.00
Pastor Kruger $25.00
Balance 1997 $362.95
Collections 47.01
Pastor Vanness $25.00
Balance 1998 $384.96 $384.96
Collection 1999 $79.00
Pastor VanNess $25.00 -Exp.
Ad Troy Pennysaver $28.00 -Exp.
Balance $26.00 1999
Balance $410.96
Ralph Wilston donated labor
6/15 Arnot Building Supply $174.78
6/20 Arnot Building Supply $25.24
$200.02 $210.94 Balance
List of Deaths in past year "1998"
Alida Morgan
Russell Scott
July 12 1998
The Armenia Baptist Church Old home Day was held on July 12, 1998, with 24 in attendance.
The service was opened with "Praise Him, Praise Him".
A prayer was given by the President Reed Zimmer.
The congregation sang "In The Garden", and "Love Lifted me".
Fay Morgan remembered those passed away with a poem.
Lucille Morgan read a poem.
Fay Morgan spoke on the Church’s name being listed on tax roll as the Methodist Episcopal Church. She has it straightened it out with some help from Lee Cleveland.
Lloyd & Shirley Wilkins sang "Surly Goodness & Mercy".
Offering was taken. Ushers were Nelson Morgan & Wilbur Morgan.
Minutes were read , motion was made & seconded to accept the minutes.
There was a discussion if we should change the time for Old Home Day. Everyone decided to keep it the second Sunday in July.
Everyone voted to keep officers the same for another year.
No old business was brought up.
Happy Birthday was sung to Alice Brace. Alice was the oldest at 85 years old.
The youngest was Bobby Peterson at 9 years old.
Raymond Carnwright came the farthest.
Pastor Vernon VanNess gave the message and the Scripture reading Mark 15 & 23.
Congregation was dismissed by singing "The Church In The Wildwood" .
The meeting was closed with a prayer.
July 11, 1999
The Armenia Baptist Church Old Home Day was held on July 11, 1999.
There were 26 in attendance .
Meeting was opened with "To God Be The Glory".
President Reed Zimmer gave a prayer.
Minutes were read and accepted.
There was no old business.
The new business was the maintenance of the Church. Volunteers were recruited to repair step and paint the window sills. It was also noted that the Steeple needed to be painted. Someone would need to be hired for this. A motion was made and seconded to do this.
Elections of officers -
A motion was made and seconded that all officers remain the same.
Several people read poems for the entertainment. Committee wasn’t present.
The oldest person present was Francis Morgan at 81 years old.
The person traveling the furthest was Jim Overine from Arizona.
The youngest was 8 year old Ronald Dickson
Special prayer requests were made for Alice Brace and Shirley Wilkins.
People that passed away since the last Old Home Day were Elmer Morgan and Mrs Nash.
Many favorite songs were picked and sung.
Big Thanks given for the people who cleaned the Church.
Also big Thanks was given to Don Beach for bringing the hand organ.
The offering was taken by Wilbur Morgan and Mike Michke.
Prayer was offered by Wilbur Morgan.
Pastor Vernon VanNess spoke on "The Sermon on the Mount". Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 6.
Service was closed by singing "What a Friend".
Balance 7-9-00 $210.94
Pastor John Shuffellski pd 7-9-00 $25.00
Offering 7-9-00 $119.05
Offering 7-8-01 $133.82
Balance $433.81
July 9 2000
The Armenia Baptist Church Old Home Day was held on July 9, 2000.
There were 45 in attendance.
The meeting was opened by singing The Church in The Wildwood followed by President Reed Zimmer offering a prayer.
A Big Thank you was given to Mr & Mrs Alexander, Mr & Mrs Ward, and Don Beach for the work on the windows.
Big Thank you for Nelson Morgan & Ralph Wilston’s work on the Steeple.
Thanks to Shirley Morgan for flowers.
Big Thank you to George Blow for mowing the yard
and for the people who cleaned the Church.
The old business was the repair of the steps.
The new business was that the roof of the Church will need to be replaced in the near future.
A motion was made and seconded that the officers remain the same and all agreed.
Mr Reed Zimmer brought up that the Church will be 125 years old next year.
It was brought up that the Baptist Association might be interested in being a apart of the service next Year.
Alice Brace and Richard Morgan were the members that passed on.
The youngest member of the congregation was DeAnna Detzer at 9 weeks old.
The oldest member was Francis Morgan at 82 years old.
The member that traveled the Furthest was Jim Overine from Arizona.
A motion was made that the business meeting be adjourned. It was recorded and all agreed.
July 8 2001
The Armenia Baptist Church Old Home Day was held on July 8, 2001 with 61 in attendance.
The meeting was opened by singing :God of Our Father Whose Almighty Hand".
The minutes were read by the secretary. A motion was made to accept the minutes as there were, no corrections. The motion was seconded and all said I.
Treasurers report was given.
The president then asked for old business which was still the steps. Mr. & Mrs Alexander stated that when they had cement work done they would cap the steps.
New business was reported. The roof was discussed s to how many years before a new one might be needed.
Mr. Alexander made a motion that Reed Zimmer, Wilbur Morgan and Ruby Blow
remain as the officers again for another year. This was seconded by Lloyd Wilkins and everyone said I.
Reed Zimmer discussed his grandfather’s diaries.
It was also discussed about getting Fay Morgan all the past 125 years records.
Wilbur Morgan stated that he had given them to her to work on .
The person coming the furthest was Jim & Marion Overien from Arizona.
The youngest person attending the Old Home Day was Nicky Marple. He is 4 years old.
The oldest person was Viola Sherman. She is 90 years old. She was born in 1911.
The business meeting was concluded by a motion being made and seconded and everyone said I.
The deaths for the past year were:
1. Ernest Scott
2. & 3 Warren & Velma May Nash
4. Raymond Carnwright
5. LaRue Morgan
6. Bernice Overdorff
7. Nelson Case