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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice 
Armenia Baptist Church, Armenia Township, Bradford County PA
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 Transcription by Fay TILLER Morgan & Anita MORGAN Osgood
Photo by Joyce M. Tice October 1998
Deaths 1946-1985 Ladies Aid 1909 - 1935
1995 Article 1976 Article
Old Home Day 1931-1951 Old Home Day 1971 - 1982
Old Home Day 1982 - 1994 Old Home Day 1994 - 2001
Covenant Meeting Attendance 1876-1882 Secretary Books 1876 - 1926
New Members 1876 - 1923
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Records from the books of the Secretaries of the Armenia Baptist Church, Armenia Township Bradford County Pa

The Ladies Aid records are from 1909 to 1931. The Old Home Day records are from 1931 to 2001, with records from 1951 to 1971 missing.July 11 1971

The Annual Armenia Baptist Old Home Day was held July 11 1971

Pres Roy Nash presided.

Hymn by congregation "In the Garden"

Prayer by Roy Nash

Scripture reading by Rev Glenn Dewey was taken from Epistle to the Hebrews.

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during the past year. Charles Nash, Burke Carey , Clarence Burguess, Annie Purvis and Tom Simpson.

Minutes and Treas. report read and approved.

Nom. Committee reported the following officers were elected for the next year.

Pres. Roy Nash,

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec. Treas Alice Brace

Pubicity Edna Nash.

Flowers Erma Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Prog. Lucille Morgan, Chairman Lloyd Wilkins Jr & Julia Daniels.

Table Committee, Mazie Bohart & Fay Morgan (Erma Morgan instead).

Building Committee Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Lloyd Wilkins Sr,

Wilmot Purvis, Harold & Nelson Morgan

Nomination Committee next year Ruth Cleveland, Walter Wood, James Morgan

Report of Building Committee, Roy would liked to have a new ceiling put on.

Special by Sheryl, Nancy & Pam Wilkins "What a Day That Will Be".

Reading by Mrs Wilmot Purvis "Speaking Day".

Special by Sally & David Wilkins "Faith of Our Fathers".

An offering 47.95 - 5.00 Geo Arthur - 5.00 Flloy Arnold - total 57.95

Remarks by Lloyd Wilkins on the different generations.

Part of a letter was read from Geo Arthur about his advancement.

It was decided to have Old Home Day 2nd Sun in July next year.

Oldest present Roy 78 1/2, Rev Glenn Dewey 77.

Youngest Nona McCaslin little one 1 year.

Mazie Bohart came farthest Wellsboro

Special by Linda McCaslin & Shirley Wilkins "When We See Christ"

Special by Lloyd Sr, Lloyd Jr, Shirley Nncy & Cheryl "Like a Coir’s Silver Bells".

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey, "Idle Words".

Special by 3 little Wilkins girls.

Hymn by congregation "Where the Gates Swing Outward Never".

Benediction by Rev Glen Dewey.


10.00 speaker


102.53 bogt fwd

47.95 offering


22.60 pd out hardware cloth


July 9 1972

The Annual Armenia Baptist Old Home Day met July 9 -

Pres Roy Nash presided.

Hymn by Congregation "Under His Wings".

Scripture 95 Psalm by Rev Geo Arthur Carnwright.

Silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during past year:

Grace Campbell, George Bolt, Nellie Rogers, Keith Bixby James.

Minutes and Treas report read & approved.

Roy reported for Building Committee have 2 doors, want to get them up this fall.

Nom. Committee reported that following officers were elected for the next year:

Pres. Roy Nash

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec.Treas Alice Brace

Publicity Edna Nash

Flower: Erma Morgan Shirley Wilkins

Prog: Lloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan & Julia Daniels

Table Committee, Mazie Bohart & Erma Morgan

Building Committee: Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Lloyd Wilkins Sr,

Wilmonnt Purvis, Harold & Nelson Morgan

An offering of 52.86 was received

Motion made & carried we have Old Home Day 2nd Sun. in July next year.

Roy Nash oldest present

Annette McCaslin youngest present.

Rev & Mrs George Arthur Carnwright came the farthest - North Carolina 653 miles.

Special by Julia & Florence "How Many Times"

Nom. Committee was appointed by Roy for next year Ruth Cleveland,

Walter Wood, and James Morgan.

Special by older Wilkins girls.

Special by Nelson, Lucille, Floyd & Linda, "Where could I go but to The Lord".

Special by Little Wilkins girls.

Solo by Julia

Special by older Wilkins girls "Surly Goodness & Mercy".

Sermon by Rev George Arthur Carnwright "What did you do with your Life"

Bernice announced Old Home Day over at Weslyn Methodist Church last Sun. Aug.

Closing Hymn "Blest be the Tie".

Benediction by Rev Glenn Dewey

Offering 52.86 Bal Brgt Fwd 127.88

Speaker 10.00 42.86

42.86 170.74


Pd out Hinges, bolts, flooring, etc. 7.10


July 8 1973

The Annual Armenia Baptist Old home Day was held July 8

Pres. Roy Nash presided.

Prayer by Roy Nash

Hymn by Congregation "Count Your Blessings"

Scripture 23rd Psalm was read by Rev Badon Brown

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during the past year.

John William Kent, Lynn Conrad, Gladys Scott.

Minutes and Treas report read

Building committee reported floor repaired.

Marshall Case donated two wood doors - they have been put on. New window glass put in front windows and hardware cloth put on. Church painted by people in 3 Camps, the men donated their time.

Hymn "Brighten the Corner".

Special by older Wilkins girls

Offering of 94.03 was received.

Motion made & carried we have Old Home Day Sept 16 next year. Was suggested by Wilmont to have it announced on the radio and TV.

Perley Wood and Roy oldest present.

Floy’s granddaughter youngest 3 mos.

Julie & family came the farthest.

Special by Floyd & Linda McCaslin "Dust on My Mother’s Bible"

Special by Lloyd & Sirley "Heaven came down and Glory Filled My Soul".

Nom. Committee reported :

Pres Roy Nash

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec & Treas Alice Brace

Publicity Edna Nash

Flowers Erma Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Prog Lloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan, & Julia Daniels.

Table Mazie Bohart & Erma Morgan

Building Committee, Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Lloyd Wilkins Sr, Wilmot Purvis, Nelson & Harold Morgan

Reading by Ruth Cleveland "Resting in Him"

Special by Little Wilkins girls.

Special by Yvonne, Linda, Lucille, Nelson & Floyd.

Reading by Mrs Badon Brown "If Jesus came to your house".

Special by Ray Valimont "Fill My Cup"

Special by Julia & daughter "He Touched Me"

Sermon by Rev Badon Brown "What makes a great man".

Hymn "Sweet Bye & Bye"

Benediction by Rev Glenn Dewey

Bal brought Fwd. 163.64

Offering 94.03 Deposited July 10 1973



Oct 16 65.00

Oct 31 140.00

Dec 11 115.00

Dec 13 163.00

Dec 30 30.00

Jan 25 ‘74 25.00 538.00

Recd 125.00

April 17 1974

(wheel chair)

donation Walter Wood

Total receipts 920.67


Paid out

July 10 - 1973 Wallaces paint 16 gal 100.00

Oct 6 1973 Badon Brown paint 20.00

Feb 19-1974 E.E. Hurlburt

Siding back of Church 420.00

Aug 6-1974 Cases 200.25

Aug 6 1974 Ins 9.25

Sept 9 1974 Cases 30.43


Bal on hand 140.74

Sept 15 1974

The Annual Old home Day met at Armenia Baptist Church Sepr 15

Pres Roy Nash presided

Hymn by Congregation "Old Rugged Cross".

Prayer by Rev Ken Marple

Silednt prayer for those who passed away during year:

Daisy Wood, Ruby Wilkins, Edna Nash, Claude Purvis, Susan Bristol, Libbie Sherman (Aug), Ada Sherman (June), Elizabeth Kyle (Elizabeth’s daughter), Stanley Hite (Christine Carnwright’s grandson)

Reading by Roy about the founding of the Church, met at Pierce Schoolhouse. Got deed to Church building lot 1895.

Julia Daniel & family came farthest.

Ray Morgan oldest 87.

Jason Wood son of Floyd & Nancy Wood youngest 5 months

Voted to hold Old Home Day next year Sun. nearest middle of Sept.

Sec & Trees report read & approved

Motion made & carried we have same officers.

Press Roy Gnash

Vice Press Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec & Trees Alice Brace

Flower Era Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Prog Lloyd Wilkins Jr , Lucille Morgan & Julia Daniels

Table Mazie Bohart & Erma Morgan

Building Committee Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Lloyd Wilkins Sr, Wilmot Purvis, Nelson & Harold Morgan

Pres Roy Nash appointed nominating committee for next year Walter Wood, Wilmot Purvis, Lloyd Wilkins Jr

Hymn "Stepping in the Light" by Congregation

He washed my eyes with tears by Linda & Floyd McCaslin

Special by Wilkins girls

Special by Lloyd Wilkins Sr & Lucille "Saved by Grace"

Special "Neither Do I Condemn Thee" by Lloyd Jr & Shirley Wilkins

Rev Ken Marple spoke about the "Old Church"

Special by Ken & Gloria Marple "Do You Know My Jesus"

Special by Rev Ray Valimont "I will meet you in the morning & Chorus "I don’t know what I would do without the Lord".

Special by Yvonne, Nelson & Lucille "I’ll go where you want me to go".

Reading by Amy Purvis

Special by Julia Daniel "I walked one day along a country road" (He touched me) & "Shackled to a Heavy Burden".

An offering of 316.62 was received

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey.

Hymn in the "Sweet Bye & Bye" by congregation

Benediction by Rev Glenn Dewey.

Donations & Offering Sept 15-1974 140.74

9/9/74 Rev G A Carnwright ck. 5.00

Sept 15/74 Loise & Delores ck.

In memory of Maion Cleveland Griffin 50.00

Sept 14/74 Nelson Morgan check 20.00

Sept 16/74 B Brace Check 25.00

Sept 14/74 Bernice Nash Check 50.00

Sept 14/74 Gladys Merrill check 20.00

Sept 16/74 Harold Morgan check 50.00

Sept 16/74 Christine Carnwright cash 5.00

Sept 15/74 Five-Dollar bills 40.00

One-Dollar bills 49.00

Change 2.62


Sept 17-1974 Donated B & A Brace 40.00

Sept 17 1974 Donated Helen Raub 5.00

Oct 15 1974 Donation 100.00

Mar 20 Cases material rt. 12.65

Total receipts 474.27

Bal Brought Fwd 140.74


Bills 1974

Warren Nash 74 hours

4.00 per hour 296.00

Donated 46.00 250.00

Balance 250.00 Paid Sept 17 1974

Earl Ayers

4 hours $4.00 per hour Paid Sept 17 1974 16.00

9/16/74 Wallaces 231.19

Jan 27/75 Floyd Webster Ins. 7.50

July 14/75 J H McClelland (gift) 4.00




106.32 Bal on hand Sept 6 1975

Sept 7 1975

Annual Old Home Day met at Armenia Baptist Church Sept 7

About 75 present

Pres Roy Nash presided

Hymn 57 by congregation

Prayer Roy Nash

Scripture by Rev Glenn Dewey 14th Chapter Gospel John beginning 12 verse

Lord’s Prayer by Congregation

History of Church by Roy, was founded 1876 -$20 for piece of land . The Bible was given by Mrs Barnes of Canton 1896

There was a Quaker wedding held in the Church the past summer About 200 present

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during past year.

Genevieve VanCamp, Maude Lyon Garge, John Scott, Flossie Purvis Seley, Fred Gritsmaker, Joe Overrein, Angie Purvis Marmer, Barbara Morgan

Julia & family came the farthest

It was voted to have Old Home Day Sun nearest the middle of Sept next year.

Offering 113.31 was received 106.32 in ck acct

Oldest present Helen Scott

Youngest Corey Smith

Sec & Treas Report read and approved

Motion made & carried we have same offices next year.

Pres Roy Nash

Vice Pres Lee R Cleveland

Sec & Treas Alice Brace

Flower Erma Moran & Shirley Wilkins

Prog Lloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan, Julia Daniels

Table Mazie Bohart & Erma Morgan

Building committee, Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Lloyd Wilkins Sr,

Wilmot Purvis, Nelson & Harold Morgan

Special by Elda Dora Morgan "I Need Thee Every Hour".

Special by Sandy Cleveland "Are you Sleeping"

Special by Julia "Come to The Waters" & "In Times Like These".

Special "I Started to Follow Jesus" by Yvonne, Ruby Anna & Linda.

Special by Lloyd Jr, Shirley & girls "Surely Goodness & Mercy Will Follow Me".

Special by Nelson, Lucille & Lloyd Sr "Until Then".

Reading by Julia "Just Tell Him".

Special Yvonne, Ruby Anna, & Linda "Keep on the Firing Line".

Reading by Shirley Wilkins "He stubbed his toe".

Special by Julia "I walked one day along a Lonely Road".

I read part of a letter from George Arthur where he is and about his service.

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey

Closing Hymn 142

Benediction by Rev Glenn Dewey

1975 offering

Sept 7

Julia Daniels ck 10.00

B & A Brace ck 10.00

Bernice Nash ck 10.00

Rev George Arthur Carnwright 5.00

Harold & Irma Morgan 25.00

4- 5 dollar bills 20.00

One dollar bills 32.00

Change 1.31


Paid out Glenn Dewey cash 10.00

on savings account 103.31

106.32 on ck acct

Deaths 1975

Sept 11 Ray Morgan

Stella Burguess

Ernest Bolt


Lillian Gorton (Julia daughter)

New Milford, Penna

R.D. #1 zipp 18834

% Skyview Trailer Park Box 20

Sept 19 1976

The Armenia Baptist Old Home Day was held Sun Sept 19

Pres Roy Nash presided

Hymn by congregation "Blessed Assurance"

Prayer Rev Ken Marple

The Church was organized Jan 4 1876 over by the Pierce School house.

About 95 present.

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during past year.

Ray Morgan, Stella Burguess, Ernest Bolt, (Nathaniel) (Julia’s son)

Motion made & carried we have Old Home Day next year the Sun nearest the middle of Sept.

Perley Wood oldest present 85 next March.

Christine Wilkins is youngest 5 months, Lloyd & Sshirley granddaughter.

Julia came farthest near Ithaca, NY.

Sec. Treas report read.

An offering of 100.46 was rec’d and a donation of $100.o00 (in pencil -omegs)

Report of nomination committee Lee Russell, Walter Wood &

Nelson Morgan. L.R. reported same offices as last year.

Pres Roy Nash

Vice Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec & Treas Alice Brace

Flowers Irma Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Prog Llloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan & Jukia Daniels.

Table: Mazie Bohart & Irma Morgan

Building Committee Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Lloyd Wilkins Sr,

Wilmot Purvis, Nelson & Harold Morgan

Special by Elda Sara Morgan "I believe He died for me".

Spedial by Sandy Cleveland "We Walk in The Spirit"

Special by Lloyd Wilkins Sr "He Touched me"

Special by Julia Daniels "It is No Secret"

Julia read 24th chapter of Luke

Special by Julia "My Savior Crucified"

Reading by Huldah Parmenter

Shirley Wilkins reported on the wedding of their daughter Pamela in the church Aug 28th. The wedding was performed by Rev Ken Marple. Austinville Choir sang 3 numbers, "There is something about the mt",

"It’s Just Like my Lord", "He Keeps Me Singing".

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey "God is not dead". We need more of the Love of God in our hearts.

Closing hymn "Blest Be The Tie That Binds"

Benediction by Rev Ken Marple.

Offerfing $100.46

Donation 100.00 Valemonts for use of Church


Paid out

Mr Dewey 10.00

Austinville Choir 10.00 20.00


106.32 on ck acct

103.31 savings acct


Troy Pennysaver

paid out 5.10


Jan 21 1977 Ins 13.00


Sept 18 1977

Armenia Baptist Old Home Day met Sept 18

Vice president Lee R Cleveland presided.

Hymn No. 101 Sweet Hour of Prayer by congregation

Prayer Rev Glenn Dewey

Moment of Silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during the last year:

Purley Wood, Lloyd Wilkins, Genevieve Carnwright and

Nahan Eldrred, Julia’s son

Motion made and carried we have same officers next year

Pres Roy Nash

Vice Pres Lee R Cleveland

Sec & Treas Alice Brace

Flowers Irma Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Prog Lloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan & Julia Daniels

Table Mazie Bohart & Irma Morgan

Building Committee Roy Nash, Boyd Brace, Wilmot Purvis,

Nelson & Harold Morgan

Sec & Tres report

Motion made & carried we have Old Home Day 2nd Sun in July

Building committee hope to have new porch by next year.

Oldest Helen Scott 86

Youngest Jeremey Smith 6 months

Julia came farthest from Newfield NY

Offering of 43.25 was received and donation of $5

Hymn Old Rugged Cross by Congregation

Harmonica solo by George McCasline "Life’s Roadway To Heaven"

Special by Bob & Audrey Rudy "It is not an Easy Road"

Special by Julia Daniels & daughter Florence

Testimony by Julia Daniels

Special by Floyd & Linda McCaslin

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey "Grace of God"

Read scripture 2nd Chapter Titus 11-13 verses

Closing Hymn 257 "What A Friend We Have in Jesus"

Benediction by Rev Glenn Dewey

Offering 43.25 Paid out

Donation 5.00 Mr Dewey 15.00

48.25 Advertising 2.25

17.25 paid out 17.25


Dec 21 1977

paid out 13.50 Tioga Ins Co

Savings Acc’t 145.45

255.18 ck acc’t


July 9 1978

Armenia Baptist Old home Day met July 9 - 1978 by Roy Nash Pres

Prayer by Rev Ken Marple

Hymn Old rugged Cross by Congregation

Vice President Lee Russell acted by request of Roy Nash

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during past year:

Wilmot Purvis, Hazel Bolt, Helen Rayner, Huldah Parmenter,

Wm Caarnwright, Neta Utter, Gladys Bristol, Elaine (Floy Arnolds daughter)Searfoss.

Hymn 183 Near The Cross by congregation

Ruth Cleveland sent her regards to everyone.

Nom. report. Pres. Lee Russell Cleveland,

Vice Pres Lloyd Geo Wilkins

Secy Treas Alice Brace

Flowers Erma Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Building Nelson Morgan Roy Nash, Boyd Brace.

Prog Lloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan, Julia Daniels

Sec & Treas report were read.

Oldest present Mrs Homer Dunbar 93 years

Youngest Jeremey Smith 15 months

Coming farthest Alice McMichael, Venice, Fla.

Offering of 71.71 was received.

Song by Lloyd, Shirley & girls "Surly Goodness & Mercy"

Song by Gloria Marple & girls "Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul"

Songs by Lloyd & Shirley & girls "Sawdust Trail" and What a precious friend is He"

Special by Julia Daniels "I found a Loving Savior"

Special by Julia & daughter "It is no secret"

Special by Raymond Carnwright & Julia "I Found A Loving Savior"

Motion made and carried we hold Old home Day 2nd Sun in July next year.

Sermon by Rev Glenn Dewey "Grace of God brings Salvation". Scriptrure 2nd chapter Titus.

Evina Morgan birthday today 81 yrs

Bernice thanked Mrs Dunbars daughters for bringing their mother, And thanked Ernest Scott for bringing his mother, Helen - 87 yrs old

Bernice invited everyone to the 10th anniversary of the Wesleyn Methodist Church Sept 17

Closing Hymn 186 Sweet Bye and Bye

Benediction by Rev Ken Marple

Paid out 4.60 Advertisement Offering 71.71

Mr Dewey 15.00 19.60


1978 - Savings 145.45

Int 5.39

Offering 52.11

202.95 Savings account

Ck acct Balance on hand 255.18

Ins 13.50


Savings acct total 202.95

ck acct 241.68



Armenia Baptist Old home Day met July 8

Pres Lee Cleeland presided

Prayer by Rev Glenn Dewey

Hymn by congregation "In the Garden" No. 70

Moment silent prayer for those who passed away during past year -

Evina Morgan

Nom Committee reported Wilbur Morgan & Harold Morgan:

Pres Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres Lloyd Wilkins

Sec & Treas Alice Brace & Yvonne Smith

Flowers Erma Morgan Shirley Wilkins

Building Nelson Morgan, Roy Nash, Boyd Brace

Prog Lloyd Wilkins, Lucite Morgan, Julia Daniels

Oldest present Helen Scott 88 - Mr. Dewey 85 - Floy Arnold 81

Youngest Andrew McCaslin

One coming the farthest Alice McMichael

Nearest - the Browns

Offering 77.67 Donation 5.00 Geo Arthur total 82.67

Special by Lloyd, Shirley, Nelson & Lucille "Come Home It’s Supper Time"

Special by Linda & Floyd McCaslin "Touring The City"

Special by Beth Blow

Special by Georgia , Nona, Annette & Laurie

Special by Gloria Marple & daughters "Fill My Cup Lord"

Special by Julia "Lord Thank You For The Valley"

Special by Lloyd & Shirley "Heaven Came Down"

Motion made & carried we have Old Home Day second Sun in July

Sermon by Rev Ken Marple "Our Heritage"

Hymn "Stepping In The Light"

Benediction by Rev Glen Dewey

Offering 82.67

- 26.70


Blls Advertising 4.60

Window Lights 7.10

Ken Marple 15.00


Fire Ins 14.00

Bank Acct 269.10




Armenia Baptist Old home Day met July 13th

President lee Cleveland presided.

Prayer by Rev Glenn Dewey

Hymn by congregation "Sweet hour of Prayer"

Moment of silent prayer for those who passed away during past year:

Thelma Morgan Kobbe, Malcolm Wilkins, Floy Arnold, Donald Benson,

Incel Tears, Hazel Page Crandell, Floyd Blaney, Rev Orey Crippen, and

Ed Stanton.

Nomination Committee reported Wilbur Moran & Harold Morgan:

Same as last year.

Pres- Lee Cleveland

Vice Pres- Lloyd Wilkins

Flowers- Erma Morgan & Shirley Wilkins

Building- Nelson Morgan, Roy Nash, Boyd Brace

Program- Lloyd Wilkins, Luniclle Morgan, Julia Daniels

Sec & Treas - Alice Brace

Special thanks to people who fixed damaged Church doors, (were John Walcheski, Alice & Boyd Brace, Roy Nash, and Warren Nash)

Voted to send cards to Ruth Cleveland, Boyd Brace and Sara Zimmer who are ill.

Voted yes to keep The Old Home Day and Yes to keep the Insurance up on Church. Lee Cleveland to check coverage on Insurance with Alice Brace,

Oldest present was Helen Scott 89

Youngest present was Amy Ayers 14

Farthest away was Mr & Mrs Andrew Cayoutte & son Scott from Ft Lauderdale, Florida (Granddaughter of Helen Scott)

Special number by Julia Daniels & sister Delores Carnwright "He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands"

Sermon by Rev Ken Marple "Building a Pioneer Church"

Hymn - "God Will Take Care of you"

Closing Prayer by Rev Glenn Dewey.

Offering $70.00 (36 present)

Donation 5.00

75.00 Shirley Morgan

for Alice Brace

Paid out Jan 11 1980

Grange Ins 14.00 Ck acct

Oct 23 1980 Ken Marple 15.00


Bal on hand 241.68

- 29.00


July 12 1981

Armenia Baptist Old Home Day meeting was held July 12 1981

President Lee Cleveland presided

Prayer by Rev Glenn Dewey

Hymn No. 10 "Old Rugged Cross"

Moment silent prayer for those who passed away during past year:

Homer Woodaard, Ruth Garrison, Ed Bolt.

Ernest Scott, Nelson Morgan, Wilbur Morgan to inquire about Insurance.

Lee thanked the once for taking care of the Church supplies, mowing lawn etc.

Nom. Committee report - Harold Morgan & Wilbur Morgan

The following officers were elected: Wilbur Morgan Pres

Lee Russell Cleveland Vice Pres

Alice Brace Sec & Treas

Building Committee Nelson Morgan, Warren Nash and Boyd Brace.

Program Lloyd Wilkins Jr, Lucille Morgan, Julia Daniels

Helen Scott Oldest

Sally & Susan Fortney youngest

Charles & Julia came the farthest Newfield NY

Special by Julia "Do you know Jesus"

An offering of 90.00 was received and a donation of 5.00 from Geo Arthur

Sermon by Rev Ken Marple "An Old Time Sermon" Scripture from Romans Chapter 3.

Closing hymn Faith of our Fathers

Benediction by Rev Glenn Dewey

Offering 90.00

Donation 5.00


Paid out

Ken Marple 15.00

80.00 deposited on savings acc’t

39 present

Savings acct brought fwd 358.29 Checking acct

July 16/1981 interest 18.98 Bal brot fwd 212.68

July 16/1981 deposited offering 80.00 19.00

457.27 193.68

Paid out Grange Ins 14.00

" " 5.00


Painted Church 1982


Paid out ck acct Bal fwd 198.68

Sept 3 1981 Grange Ins 5.00 check

Jan 4 1982 " " 27.00 check

June 16 1982 Bernice Nash 7.50 check

June 18 1982 Paint 170.00 check


Bal Brgt fwd 198.68 on ck acc’t

Recd Refund on Ins 19.00


- 209.50 Paid out

8.18 on hand in Ck Acc’t

Savings Account 457.27 on hand + Interest

(note see Deaths 1946 - -1985)

Donations in Memory of Edna Nash &

Armenia Mountain Baptist Church

Donor Amount

Mr & Mrs Nelson Morgan 25.00

Troy Church of Christ 15.00

Jo & Hamilton Brown 5.00

Ralph & Marie Sweeney 10.00

Marion & Richmond Sweet 5.00

Beth Newell 15.00

American Legion, Brooks Flifck Post 10.00

Florence & Budd Mitchell 10.00

Mr & Mrs Oswald Benson 1.00

Mrs Incel B Tears 1.00

Mrs Eleanor May 1.00

Roy & Bernice Nash 5.00

Dorothy & Harold Shepard 5.00

Doris Nash Dunn 10.00

In Memory of Edna Nash

12/2/73 Gladys M Hurburt 5.00

12/3/73 Mary H Lay 5.00

12/3/73 Esther Nash (Sadie Lay) 5.00

12/3/73 Esther Nash 15.00

12/2/73 Eleanor N Knap 15.00

12/29/73 B & A Brace 10.00

Donations for siding on Armenia Baptist Church

Sept 26 Mr & Mrs Wilmot Purvis cash 10.00

Sept 29 Mr & Mrs Horace Harmon check 5.00

RD 1 Box 178 Millerton Pa 16836

Oct 6 Doris Nash Dunn 10.00

" " Mr & Mrs Ray Morgan 5.00

" " LaMar Holcombe 5.00

" " Mr & Mrs Lewis J Holton 5.00

985 Sebring Ave Pine City NY 14871

Oct 16 Boyd & Alice Brace 25.00

Oct 30 John Burguess 10.00

Richard Burguess 10.00

Dorothy Shepard 24.00

Sylvania Pres Ladies 50.00

Bernice & Roy 25.00

--- 20.00

Nov 6 Malcolm & Dorothy Wilkins 20.00

Nov 6 Mrs T W Seeley 10.00

Nov 12 Alida Reed 50.00

Nov 13 Ruth Cleveland 30.00

Nov 20 Julia Daniels 10.00

Nov 22 Helen Raub 5.00

Dec 12 Floy Arnold 10.00

1974 Jan 18 Genevieve Harrington 25.00

1974 April 17 Walter Wood

(American Legion for Wheel Chair)

Donation in memory of Edna 125.00

Deaths 1946 --- 1985

1946 Will Bullard

1949 Sam Wilson

1951 Mrs Walter Kent, Mrs Wm Kent ,Herman Sweeney, Leon Nash,

John Pierce,Lynn Bixby

1952 Maude Nash, Zella bixby

1953 Jesse Baity, Sam Wood, Burr Haynes

1954 Iva Chamberlain, Elmer Clark, James Simpson

1955 Heenry Moran

1956 George Wilkins, Ettie Purvis, Celia robson, Orson purvis,

Myrtle Clark, Charles Weaver

1957 Mrs Pelps

1958 Diantha Purvis, Ada Nash, Lafy Wilkins

1959 Ira Burguess, Herbert Jacobus

1960 Lee Cleveland, Cora Carnwright, Hattie Bullard, Irene Donald,

Sam Purvis, George Carnwright, Harry Lyon, Lydia Sumner

1961 Alice Gardner, Ed Morfan, Ethel Morfan, Myrtle Harvey,

Frank Sherman, Merle Bristol, anna Kennedy

1962 Helena Nash

1963 Hugh Simpson, Fannie Simpson, Zella Wilkins, Clara Austin,

Walter Kent, Lynn Sweeney

1964 Jennie Smith, Nellie Morgan

1965 Tom Kelce, Raymond Morgan, Marion Griffes

1966 Charles Smith, allie Kitner, Milton Bullaard

1967 No Meeting, Reba Elwood, Mary Lyon, George Morgan

1968 Anna Morgan, Addie Westcott, Lloyd Carnwight,Howaard Sutton,

Mrs Overrein

1969 Harry Bohart, Desser Burguess, Clyde Smith

1970 Donald & Charles Bristol

1971 Chaarles Nash, Burke Carey, Clarence Burguess, Annie Puris,

Tom Simpson

1972 Grace Campbell, George Bolt, Nellie rogers, Ruth Bixby james

1973 John Wm Kent, Gladys Scott, Lynn Conrad

1974 Daisy Wood, Ruby Wilkins, Edna Nash, Claude Purvis,

Susan Bristol, Libbie Sherman, Ada Sherman ,

Elizabeth Kyle (Elizabeth Bixby’s daughter),

Stanley Hite (Christine Caarnwright’s grandson)

1974 Genevive VanCamp, Maude Lyon Guage, John Scott,

Flossie Purvis Seeley, Fred Gritsmaker, Angie Purfis Marnor,

Barbara Morgan

1976 Ray Morgan, Stella Burguess, Ernest Bolt, Nathaniel (Julia’s son)

1977 Purley Wood, Lloyd Wilkins, Genevieve Carnright

1978 Wilmot Purvis, Hazel Bolt, Helen Ranor, Huldah Parmenter,

Jay Burguess ?, Wm Carnwright, Zeta Utter, Gladys Bristol,

Elaine Serfoss (Floy Arnold’s daughter)

1979 Evina Morgan, Hazel Page, Floyd Blaney, Br. Ore Crippen,

Incel Tears Dec 8 1979

1980 Thelma Morgan Kobbe Mar 3, Malcolm Wilkins Mar 29,

Floy Arnold April 4, Oswald Benson Jan 27 2980

1981 Hmer Woodard, Ruth Garrison, Ed Bolt

1982 Lizzire Dunbar, Ruth Cleveland, Christine Carnright,

Raymond Rogers, Lawrence Dunbar, Helen Scott

1883 Gladys Scott, Sarah Zimmer, Hamilton Brown, Melvin Binford,

Viola Blaney, Robert Morgan (Thenry & Ethel’s son),

Chrlotte Bristol Deasy

1984 Mazzie Bohart, Velma Baity, Clayton Bolt, Helen Raub,

Harry Green, Marie Marple, Perry Klinger, Ralph Sweeney,

Fred johnston

1985 John Walcheski, John Burguess, Howard Swain, Pearl Bixby Conrad