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Transcribed from the Secretary books by Fay Tiller Morgan and Anita Morgan Osgood
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Armenia Baptist Church Book
The Regular Baptist Church of Armenia Bradford Co Penn was Organized Jan Forth 1876 as follows
Rev. G. P. Watrous held a protracted meeting in the Pierce School House commencing Nov 29/75 & continuing five weeks, as the result of his labors some ten conversions & a number reclaimed, and as there was no Church Organization in that district it was the unanimous desire of all to organize a Church of some kind & as 19 their names in favor of a Regular Baptist Church it was deemed best to organize at once. Brother Watrous appointed a meeting on the evening of Jan forth.
After a session of prayer & singing Brother Watrous read & explained the articles of faith & requested all Baptized believers & any that had letters that wanted to band themselves together as a Church & any that to come forward Brother W. H. Porter & wife
Also Sister Harriet Becker presented letters from the Alba Church Brother Dewitt Becker & wife Sisters Sarah Wilcox Harriet Dumond Libbie Douglas & Anna Becker responded. A motion was made & carried that we bond ourselves together as a Regular Baptist Church of Armenia. Also moved & carried that we adopt for our use the articles of faith Covenant & Rules of order as found in the Baptist Church Manual. Also moved & carried that Brother Dewitt Becker be our Church Clerk after which Brother Watrous gave us the charge & the right hand of fellowship & closed these exercises by prayer. Then an invitation was given for all that wished to be received for baptism to arise. Mr Henry Becker Hazel Dumond & Clara Becker responded. After hearing their experiences it was moved & carried that they be received as members when baptized. After singing the meeting was closed by the benediction, Brother
Watrous requested the Church to remain a few minutes as he had overlooked the appointment of some one to take charge of the meetings. It was moved & carried that Brother W H Porter be our Deacon.
Thursday Evening Jan 13 Brother Watrous preached for us and requested the church and all that wished to be received as members to remain after he dismissed the congregation. Brother Jacob Y. Dumond & Sister Alice Douglas was received on experience. Mrs Maranda Mcxintosh was received as a candidate for baptism.
Saturday Jan 15, first covenant meeting. Minutes of the organization of the Church read & adopted, Sister Hannah Becker & Brother John S Becker was received as members, on experience.
The following records will be continued on page 22.
Church Covenant
Having being led as we believe by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and on the profession of our faith having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost we do now in the presence of God angels and this assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into Covenant with one another as one body in Christ
We engage therefore by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge holiness and comfort to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship ordinances discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the gospel through all nations
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to religiously educate our
children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage and be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offence but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour, to secure it without delay
We moreover engage, that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where we can carry out the Spirit of this Covenant and the principals of Gods Word
Pages 6 through 13 are Members attendance records.
April 3/86 Covenant meeting
Meeting called to order
Prayer by Br T R Jones
Br Thomas Comfort and wife and Br J B Pierce
1886 Covenant meeting April 3rd held at the Wall School house,
Meeting opened by prayer by Bro T R Jones
Bro S H Morgan was elected church clerk Pro term
Candidates for admission by Baptism and experience were accepted
Received by baptism 3: Miss Julia Button, Mrs Ellen Gafford, Miss Mary Comfort
By experience and restoration Mrs S H Morgan, H Buttons, Mrs Nancy Comfort, Miss **** Stephens, Jno Pierce
A good meeting was enjoyed.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn to meet on the fourth Saturday at 2 P.M. of each month.
Meeting closed by prayer by Bro T J Morgan
On April 4th the Lords Supper was administered
Thos R Jones extended the hand of fellowship to the above names
Had a good time waiting *** the Lord
Bro S H Morgan Secy pro tem
1886 April 18th/86
Ordinance of Baptism observed.
Mrs Nancy Ripley & I W Ripley & S Anderson & Miss Minnie Ripley & Mrs I W Ripley were recd into the church by baptism & T F Comfort on experience by hand of fellowship extended by Bro T R Jones
April 24th ‘86
Church met in regular covenant meeting
9 members & Pastor Jones present
Meeting opened by prayer by Bro T F Morgan
Minutes of previous meeting read & accepted
I W Ripley was elected clerk for the ensuing year
It was moved & seconded that a paper be circulated for subscription to support the ministry to be reported at next covenant meeting
After business was done a social conference and prayer was held ½ hour
Had a good meeting adjourned to meet May 22th
I W Ripley Clerk
May 22nd/86
Church met at Pierce School house in reg covenant meeting
6 members present & Elder Jones also
Minutes of previous meeting read & accepted
Meeting opened by prayer by Bro Jones
Motioned & seconded that Adam Douglas circulate the subscription paper in the Pierce District and report at special meeting which was appointed to make arrangements for the association
A meeting to be held at Wall School house on the 5th of June at 2 P.M.
June 5
Church met in special meeting
Meeting opened by a hymn followed by prayer by Bro Jones
Elected as delegates to the association I W Ripley & sister Anna Becker
After a short conference & prayer adjourned
July 3
Church met in covenant meeting
7 members present & Elder Jones pres.
Meeting opened by prayer by Elder Jones
Bro H M Buttons
& wife resigned and had their names crossed off the church book
Adjourned to meet in reg covenant meeting in 4 weeks (extended to five weeks)
Aug 7
Church met in reg covenant meeting
Meeting opened by prayer by the Clerk
Bro T J Comfort & I W Ripley was appointed to confer with Bro Jno Pierce also Bro & sister H S Morgan to confer with Bro & sister J *****
To report at next cov meeting
After business a conference was held
Had a good meeting
Adjourned to meet in four weeks
April 30/87
Church met in regular covenant meeting and appointed Bro T F Morgan moderator
Meeting opened by prayer by the moderator
Reading of minutes of previous meeting
I w Ripley was reelected clerk
Dreading of letter from Education Society
A social conference was then held after which meeting adjourned to meet the last Saturday in May
Meeting closed by prayer by Bro T F Morgan
June 4th
Church met
Elected Bro T F Morgan moderator
Meeting opened by prayer by the moderator
9 members present
Motion and carried to exclude H M Button & Julia Button from the church
Minutes of previous meeting read & accepted
Elected as delegates to the association Bro T F Morgan & I W Ripley
A collection was taken for minutes & the Education Society
$1.00 was raised for minutes and $1.00 for the Society
A few minutes was spent in conference & speaking
Meeting closed by prayer by the clerk
Adjourned to meet in four weeks
July 16th
Church met in covenant meeting
Elected Bro T F Morgan moderator
Meeting opened by prayer by the moderator
7 members present
Minutes of previous meeting read & approved
A few minutes was spent in conference & speaking
Meeting closed by prayer by the clerk
Adjourned to meet the last Saturday in Aug
Jan 5th/89
Church met in covenant meeting
Meeting opened by prayer and singing
4 candidates received and baptized: Alfred Ripley, John Carnwright, Silas S Ripley, Bert M Rosa
2 more were rec’d as candidates for baptism: C F Gafford, Jennie Morgan
Adjourned to meet the last Sat this Mo.
1889 Jan’y 7th
M Graves was received in the church as a candidate for baptism
Jan’y 9th
We were permitted to see two more willing converts follow their Saviour in baptism: C F Gafford, M Graves
Jan’y 20th
Church met at 11 o’clock A.M.
After the sermon five were received on experience: Dock Ayers & wife, Lewis Pierce & wife & Sarah Pierce
And five were received as candidates for baptism: Minnie Ayers, Paul Ayers, Eddie Caarnwright, Frank Sherman, & Charlie McKeel
Then repaired to the water to see four willing converts follow their
Saviour in baptism
All those received except Minnie Ayers were baptized
Continued on page 45
Sunday Jan 16 We were permitted in the providence of God to visit the baptismal waters and see seven willing converts united with Christ in baptism Horace Dumond and wife, Hamilton Dumond, Henry Becker, Charles Murray, Marinnda McIntosh, Clara Becker.
Sunday morning Jan 30 After prayer meeting Mr Charles Murray & wife, Mrs Hamilton Dumond, & Mrs Frances Dumond presenting letters from the Alba Baptist Church. Residing here but having been received into the Alba Church Dec 31/75 as members when baptized & dismissed from them Jan 4/76 to unite with us when organized as a church. Moved & carried that the above be received as members of this church. (in pencil- Those people were ready)
Sunday afternoon Jan 30 We were once again permitted to visit the Baptismal waters & see two more follow the example of their Saviour in Baptism. Sister Murray & Sister Charlotte Becker.
Sunday April 9
The Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was administered. Sister Cummings was received on experience & the right hand of fellowship was extended to all present who had not received it.
Feb 16 After prayer meeting it was moved & carried that Brother Charles Murray circulate & collect the subscription for Rev Watrous for the purpose of paying him for preaching for us every other Sunday for one year commencing Jan first.
Sunday May 7 After the sermon a motion was made & carried that we invite the Pastors & Delegates from the churches of the Bradford Association & of the Blossburg Covingrton & Mansfield churches of the Tioga Association to meet with us Thursday June first for the purpose of recognizing us as a church.
1876 June first 1876
Pastors & Delegates from Troy, Alba, Canton, Leroy, Franklin, Union & Covington met & organized us as a church.
1877 Rev G P Watrous preached for us until the following spring after which the church united with Alba in calling E Burrous as pastor for the year 1877 commencing May first.
May 1877 In a regular Covenant meeting it was moved & carried that we have our covenant meeting the second Saturday in each month, also that Br Porter write the letter to the Association.
The church elected as clerk in place of Br J D Becker, Br Charles Murray.
July Only five present.
1877 Aug 11 Met in a regular covenant meeting 10 members present. Deacon Leonard from Alba was present. Enjoyed a good meeting.
Sept 8 Met in a regular covenant meeting. Voted and carried that we hold our prayer meetings a second to first houses for a time. (check)
7 present, enjoyed a good meeting. Also our pastor.
Oct The 13 Met in regular covenant meeting by request of Bro E Borrough’s. Voted & carried that he may change his presentation which is every Sunday morning and have every other meeting in the evening. Pastor and 13 members present. Also Bro Leonard from Alba. Enjoyed a good meeting.
Held a quarterly meeting in Armenia church commencing on Friday Nov the 26 and continuing over Sunday in which several churches of the Association were invited . Columbia & Wells, Troy, Burlington, Leroy, Barklay, Canton, Union and Alba responded to this invitation.
Met on Saturday the 17th 1877 in regular covenant Meeting. Our pastor and nearly all the members present. Elders and Delegates from the different churches were also present and are trusting that the love of God was in our hearts. Enjoyed good meeting.
Dec the 8
Met in a regular covenant meeting. No business done. Our pastor and 12 members present. Also Bro Leonard from Alba.
January the 12 1878
Met in a regular covenant meeting . Voted and carried that we engage Bro Burroughs to go to the quarterly meeting at Leroy. Our pastor and 7 members pr==.
May the 11 ‘78
Met in a regular covenant meeting. 9 members present also Bro Bovier of Granville, Bro Crowel of Leroy, T.C. F. Murray now act as Clerk this D**y ****gine my
ny office to J D Becker and now serve as deacon. This change being made by a vote of the church.
April 6 79 Dea W H Porter & wife called for letter to go to the Alba Church & it was granted.
April 14 1879 Alice Douglas called for letter to go to the Alba church. It was granted.
Brother Crowel came here Sept 14 1879 & held meetings & up( to this date have added & baptized two to the church. F Clinton & A D
Wilcox Oct 5 1879.
Oct 5 1879 Adam Douglas. Bros received & Baptized in the church & F B Stanton was received in the church on experience.
Oct 6 1879 Mary F Worel was received on experience.
Oct 12 1879 Horace Dewey & May Brooks was received & baptized in The church.
December 1879 The church met and called the Rev C H Crowl as pastor up to the first of June.
Jan 10th 1880Met in a regular covenant meeting. A motion was called to receive the branch of the Armenia Baptist church. And they were received in the church.
Feb 14 1880 Armenia Baptist church met in covenant meeting at the Mcintosh school-house. Opened by singing and reading a portion of Scripture. Bro J A Mauvin appointed clerk Proterm. Reading the articles of faith. Bro E Palmer and wife and F T Comfort and wife was received
in the church. Delegates appointed to attend the quartely meeting at Alba February 27th. Bro Murray and Palmer & Bro Comfort and for the branch church at the Wall school house. Bro Marion and T F Morgan. Meeting closed by prayer.
Feb 22 1880 Meetings continued at the Mcintosh school house. Bro James H Howe was received and baptized and became a member in the church.
March 13th 1880 Met in regular covenant meeting. Five members present and also our pastor. A motion was made to receive sister Stella Howe in the church by letter from the Troy Baptist church and it was carried, and she became a member of this church. A motion was made and carried to change our regular covenant meetings to once in four weeks so our pastor could attend.
April 10 1880 Met in regular covenant meeting. Four members present and also our pastor. Building committee met at same time. It was thought best by the committee to pospone building unrtil 1881.
Dec 10 1881 Met in regular covenant meeting. Nine members present and also our pastorRev C H Crowel. A motion was made and carried to exclude from the church H B Button, C P Button, Emery Terriwilliger, Dyre Howell, Rose Howell, C F Murray, Susan Lann, Motion was made to meet in regular church meeting in four weeks.
Jan 7 1882 Met in regular covenant meeting. Five members present. Adjourned to meet in four weeks.
April 1 1882 Met in regular covenant meeting. Five members present and also our pastor Rev C H Crowel. Delegates appointed to meet with the Ward church April 19 in committee to see weather it is best to recognize them in the association or not.
Regular covenant meeting in four weeks.
Armenia Dec 26 1879 Record of the Armenia Baptist branch church. After nearly four weeks labor by Rev C H Crowl in Armenia at the Wall schoolhouse. A few persons met in said schoolhouse to consider the propriety of organizing a branch to the Armenia Baptist church. And on Tuesday December 30th 1879 thirteen persons had their names enrolled. Two by letter. Four on experience and Seven were baptized. And the Saturday following Jan 10th 1880 said thirteen persons were received by the Armenia church as a branch. And brethern J A Marvin and T F Morgan were chosen deacons said church members.
Sarah Moore, J H Marvin, J E Marvin, W S Moore(crossed out), Alice Morgan, T F Morgan, Emily Morgan, Emery Terwilliger(crossed out), C V Button, H B Button, Rose Howell(crossed out), Dyer Howell (crossed out), Susan Dann(?), H S Morgan, Charles Pilkey(crossed out).
April 12 1882 Sister Silva Aumick- her name below, was received in the church on experience.
1883 Brethren - Sisters
All Feb 17
H H Aumick, Mrs Silva Aumick
P B Field (crossed out), Mrs Louisa Field (crossed out)
C F Murray (crossed out),Miss Rosa A Aumick (crossed out)
Joseph Hasrvy (crossed out), Miss Roda B Legan (crossed out)
Jermia Jr Moore (crossed out), Mrs Emma Peters.
Albert R Burgess (crossed out)
Pages 35&36 missing
Sept 10-86 One willing candidate followed the Saviours example in baptism and was rec’d into the church, Emma McKeel S.
38 empty
1883 Feb 17th. Covenant meeting of the Armenia Baptist Church.
Church met in Covenant meeting. Opened with prayer by Pastor Crowl. After conference the following business was transacted. As a result of an extra meeting held by Pastor and under the head of experience the following members were received with (?) previous baptism.
Bro H H Aumick
P B Field, Sister Louisa Field
as candidates for baptism Bros Joseph Harvey, Bro Jer Moore Jr, Sister Dorset Aumick, Roda B Lyon
Under the head of new business. Bro Dewitt Decker resigned the Clerkship in favor of Bro H H Aumick and Bro Aumick was duly elected Clerk.
1883 February 17th Voted to change section B Article 4 so as to read Seven Members instead of nine male members. Also proceded to elect a Dea by ballot. The lot fell on Bro P B Field who was duly elected Dea.
After prayer by Bro Field adjournment to meet again in four weeks. The congregation then refrained to the matter, to witness the ordinance of baptism of the following candidates. Bro Joseph Harvey, Jer Moore Jr, Sister Dorset Aumick, Sister Roda B Lyon.
1883 March 17 Church met in convenient meeting opened by prayer by Pastor Crowl Had a good spiritual conference meeting after which the following business was transacted. Bro Albert R Burgess was received into the church on experience and Bro Murray was elected to circulate a subscription paper for the benefit of Pastor Crowl for the following year. Closed by prayer by Bro Field.
March 18 Sister Emma Peters was received into the church on experience after which the Lord’s Supper was observed.
1883 Apr 21 Armenia Baptist church met in covenant meeting. Opened with prayer by Pastor Crowl. Had a good spiritual meeting Closed with prayer by Bro P A Marvin
43-44 missing
Feb 16th Church met in regular covenant meeting 13 members present Also Pastor Crowl. Meeting opened by prayer by Pastor Crowl followed by conference and speaking after which Warren Pierce was received as a candidate for baptism. Church covenant read by the clerk Also minutes of previous meeting. J W Ripley was re-elected clerk for one year. A motion was made and carried to elect a committee of five to investigate the list of members and revise the list. F Pierce and E O Ayers, A Ripley, Mrs Ella Gafford, J W Ripley, were elected committee. Adjourned to meet in four weeks. Closed by prayer by Bro S Pierce.
Mar 16th Church met in regular covenant meeting. 15 members present. Also our Pastor. Meeting opened by prayer by the pastor. Followed by conference
and speaking. After which the covenant was read by the clerk, minutes of the previous meeting read and accepted. Moved and carried to receive Travis McKeel as a candidate for baptism. Clerk instructed to write to the clerk of Troy Church asking for letters for Bro D Carnwright and wife, Bro C H Crowl and wife, presenting letters from the Union Baptist church was received in the church. Moved and carried to grant letters to H H Aumick, F I Aumick and Dora M Aumick. Moved and carried to retain the name of J Howe and wife. Moved and carried to write letters of inquiry to A O Wilcox and wife, Chas Gilley, Horace Dumond and wife, Also moved and carried to erase all other names recommended by the committee to erased. which is as follows.
Hamilton Dumond, Norminda McIntosh , F Clinton, F B Stanton, Mary F Ward, Horace Dewey, E Palmer and wife,
F P Comfort and wife, W F Moore, Joseph Harvey, Jer Moore Jr. Church balloted for Deacons. T F Morgan and F Pierce was duly elected. Moderator made the proposition that thee church discharge the investigating committee. And after a warm discussion which was left unsettled, meeting adjourned until four weeks. Meeting closed by prayer by T F Morgan
April 13th Church met in regular covenant meeting. 9 members and Pastor Crowl present. Meeting opened by reading a portion of Scripture, by Pastor, followed by prayer by Bro A Ripley. After which a short time was spent in conference and singing. Bro Daniels and Sister Pheobe Carnwright presenting letters from Troy Baptist church was received in the church. A R Burgess sent in a request to have his name erased. A motion was made and
carried to erase his name. Also moved and carried to erase the names of A D Wilcox & Sarah Wilcox. Adjourned to meet in four weeks at 2 o’clock. Meeting closed by prayer by Bro Daniel Carnwright.
May 18th Covenant meeting having been changed by a vote in the church convened at 2 o’clock on the date here given. Six members and Pastor Cowel present. In the absence of the clerk, Bro A Ripley was appointed Proterm. Meeting opened by prayer by Pastor Crowl. After a short season of conference and speaking proceeded with reading the Church covenant. Also minutes of previous meeting. Elected as delegate to the Association, Bro C H Crowl, A Ripley, S Pierce. Adjourned to meet in four weeks. Closed by prayer by Bro S Pierce.
June 9th Were permitted again to visit the water and see three more follow their Saviour in baptism. Arthur Hagar, Homer Hager, Horace Hagar Jr.
June 15th Church met in covenant meeting 12 members present. Elected Bro A Ripley Moderator. Meeting opened by prayer by Dea S Pierce. Occupied a short time in conference and speaking. Church covenant read by the clerk. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Moved and carried that J W Ripley and wife go to the Association as Delegates, in addition to those previously elected. The letter to the Association read and after a few additions approved. Motion made and carried to carry the report of member to the Association without altering. Moved and carried to adjourn until three weeks from this date and to hold covenant meeting regular once in four weeks.
Meeting closed by prayer By De T F Morgan.
June 23rd Church granted letters to Rev C H Crowl and sister Maria Crowl, for the purpose of organizing a new church at Ogdensburg
July 6th Church met in covenant meeting. 9 members and Pastor Cowl present. Meeting opened by prayer by the Pastor. Covenant read by the clerk, followed by devotional services lasting a short time. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. A motion was made and carried to observe the Lord’s Supper Sunday following. The next covenant meeting after which to be observed once in four weeks. A motion was carried to adjourn meeting closed by prayer by Bro A Ripley.
July 7th Were again permitted to visit the water and see 6 more follow their Savour in baptism. 5 of which were received in the church.
page 51&52 missing
Florence Sherman was baptized but wishing to join another church, was not received in the church. Those received and baptized were Simeon Morgan, Fred Tubbs, Harvey McKeel, Jennie Morgan and Nellie McKeel.
Aug 3 89 Church met in regular covenant 8 members and Pastor Cowl present. Meeting opened by prayer by the Pastor. Followed by reading of the covenant after which a short time was spent in social conference. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. No business to transact, clerk made a few remarks in behalf of the general Association. After which it was decided to contribute something to that object, but no collection was taken. meeting closed by prayer by Bro T F Morgan.
August 4th The Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was observed by the church.
Twenty members were present and partook of the Sacrament besides others were present, but did not partake.
Aug 31st But four members present for covenant meeting. Raised at interval collections $2.00 for general Association and sent to the clerk of the same.
September 15th Church elected as delegate to the council at Towanda to ordain A M Hendrick, Brother Marvin, and T F Morgan with Pastor Crowl to meet Oct 3rd 89.
September 28th Church met in regular covenant meeting nine members present. In absence of our Pastor, elected Dea F Pierce, Moderator. Meeting opened by prayer by J W Ripley
Church covenant read followed by a short conference. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved, I, now acting as clerk resigned in favor of Sister Ella Gafford. (J W Ripley Clerk)
Resignation and recommendation approved by vote of the church. Meeting closed by prayer by Brother J A Marvin.
September 29th Church observed The Lord’s Supper 18 partook. Bro J W Ripley preached in place of Pastor and church. On pastor Chrowls time, a motion was made and carried to send Bro John Carnwright to the council at Towanda in Dea T F Morgan’s place. Mrs C F Gafford church clerk.
September 28th P. S. Bro J W Ripley asked for license to Preach the Gospel .
Oct 26th Church met in regular covenant meeting 9 members and Pastor Chrowl present. Meeting opened by prayer by the pastor.
Followed by reading the covenant. After which a short time was spent in social conference. Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved with some additions. Church balloted to give Bro J W Ripley a license to preach the Gospel. Vote carried and so ordered by church. Motion made and carried that elect Bro J A Marvin collector and treasurer, Albert Burgess asked to be restored to membership. Motion made and carried to receive him. Pastor Chrowl extended hand of fellowship to Albert Burgess. Motion to adjourn Meeting closed by prayer by Bro T F Morgan.
November 23rd Church met in regular covenant meeting. 8 members and Pastor Crowl present. In absence of the clerk Bro J W Ripley was elected clerk Proterm. Meeting opened by prayer, by Dea S Pierce. Church covenant read followed by a season of speaking and singing. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Letter from education society read before the church
Moved and carried to take a collection for education Society. Decided to take collection two weeks from following Lord’s Day. Moved and carried to adjourn meeting. Closed by prayer by Bro J A Marvin.
Nov 24th The Lord’s Supper was observed 10 members present and partook.
Dec 21st But five members besides our Pastor present for covenant meeting. Prayer was offered by Dea F Pierce. Church covenant read, followed by a season of speaking. Minutes of previous meeting read. Meeting closed by prayer by Bro J A Marvin.
1890 Jan 18th Church met in regular covenant meeting 13 members and Pastor Crowl present. Meeting opened by prayer by Dea S Pierce.
Church covenant read, followed by a season of speaking and singing.
Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved. Being the time to elect officers after balloting, it was found Bro John Carnwright was elected clerk. and Bro Alfred Ripley was elected Deacon, in addition to the two former Deas. By acclamation also Sister Ella Gafford, Treas and Sister Alice Morgan Collector, by acclamation. Moved and carried to adjourn Meeting
closed by prayer by Bro Alfred Ripley.
Jan’y 19th Preaching by Pastor Crowl Lord’s Supper observed 15 members present. A collection was taken for education society which, with other collections amount to 1.25. We were called to mourn the loss of our Sister Nancy wife of Dea Alfred Ripley who passed to her rest Jan’y eleventh 1890.
Feb 16 Church met in regular covenant meeting 13 members present. Bro Wilson Ripley elected by acclamation in Brother Crowel‘s place for moderator. Meeting open by prayer by Brother Marvin. Church covenant read followed by a season of speaking and singing. Minutes of previous meeting read moved and carried to adjourn meeting Closed by prayer by Bro Wilson Ripley.
March 15 Church met in regular covenant Pastor Crowel and 8 members present. Meeting opened by prayer by Bro Crowel. Church covenant read followed by devotional exercises. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
A letter from the Foreign Missionary Society was read. Church voted to take collection for the same on the following Sabbath. Moved and carried to adjourn. Meeting closed with prayer by Brother Dea A Ripley.
March 16th Preaching by Pastor Crowel. Lord’s Supper observed. 8 members present. A collection of one dollar was taken for the Foreign Mission.
May 10th Church met in regular covenant five members and Pastor Crowel present. Meeting opened with prayer by Bro Crowel Church covenant read and followed by devotional exercises. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Bro J A Marvin was appointed to write the church letter the following brethren were elected as Delegate to the
Association Rev C H Cowel, Dea T F Morgan, Dea S Pierce, Bro Graves, Bro D Carnright. Meeting closed with prayer by Bro Graves.
June 7 Met in regular covenant meeting. 6 members and Pastor Crowel present Meeting open by reading a portion of Scripture, and prayer by Pastor. Followed by devotional exercises Bro J A Marvin appointed clerk Proterm. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Church letter read and approved.
Aug 30th As there was not members enough to do business, we had a season of prayer and devotional exercises
Aug 31 Preaching by Pastor Crowel. J A Marvin was elected clerk. Church voted to give Sister Annie Becker a letter of dismissal and recommendation to the Troy church.
Oct 25th Church met in regular covenant 6 members and Pastor Crowel present. Meeting open by reading a portion of Scripture.
Prayer by Pastor Crowel, Bro T F Morgan elected clerk Proterm. Ninutes of previous meeting read and approved. After hearing the statement of Bro Alfred Ripley the church voted that the clerk notify Albert Burgess to appear at the next meeting to answer certain charges of alleged accusations.
Nov 22nd Met in regular covenant meeting. 4 members and Pastor Cfowel present. Meeting opened by reading by reading a portion of Scripture and prayer by Bro Crowel. Followed by devotional exercises. As there was not members enough to do business the charges against Albert Burgess was laid over until the next regular meeting. Closed with prayer by Bro Pierce
Nov 23rd Preaching by Pastor Crowel The church voted that the Pastor should appoint collectors for the
following Societies
Frank Sherman for the Educational Society
John Carnright for the Gereral association
Jennie Morgan for the Publication Society
Nellie Mackeel for the Home Mission Society
Jan 17th Church met in Covenant meeting. Twelve members and Pastor C H Crowel present. Also four visitors. Meeting opened by singing by congregation reading Scripture and prayer by Pastor Crowel. Had conference after which the following business was transacted. Granted
letters to Bro J A Marvin and Sister F E Marvin. Also a letter of recommendation to Pastor C H Crowel Also Sister Sarah Moore under the head of unfinished
voted to drop the case of Albert Burgess in reference to charges made at the meeting of Oct 25th 1890 because neither party appeared. Under the head of new business elected Bro E O Ayers church clerk. Meeting closed by prayer by Bro Pierce. After meeting repaired to the water and Minnie Ayers was baptized into the fellowship of church and Mertie Ayers Hemmingway was baptized but did not untie with the church.
Mar 14 Church met in covenant meeting. Two members and Pastor Crowel present. Meeting opened by reading Scripture Prayer and singing, followed by devotional exercises As there was not members enough present to do business it was left
over for the next meeting and closed by prayer from Bro Pierce.
1891 May 9th Church met in covenant meeting seven members and Pastor C H Cowel present. Meeting opened by reading Scripture and prayer by Bro Crowel. Followed by singing and devotional exercises. Church covenant read Minutes of previous meeting read and approved after which the following brethren was elected as Delegates to the association. Rev C H Crowel, Dea T F Morgan, Bro John Carnright, Bro E O Ayers, Dea Alfred Ripley. As there was no unfinished business to settle, meeting closed.
May 28th Extra meeting called to elect Delegates to sit in Council with Austinville Church to consider the propriety of recognition
1891 June 6 Church met in covenant meeting. 10 members and Pastor C H Crowel present. Meeting opened by prayer and reading the Scripture, followed by singing and devotional exercises In the absence of the clerk Sister Alice Morgan was appointed. Minutes of last meeting read and approved as there was no business to be done in the church Bro Pierce closed the meeting by prayer.
June 7 Clerk received of Jennie Morgan one dollar for Publication Society Nellie Mackeel One dollar six cents for the Home Mission Society, John Carnright one dollar for the General Association, Frank Sherman one dollar for the Educational Society, Also one dollar received by collection for minister.
1891 Sept 26 Church met in covenant meeting. 6 members and Pastor Crowel present. Meeting opened by prayer and singing, followed by devotional exercises Closed by prayer Adjourned to meet again in four weeks.
Oct 24 Church met in covenant meeting 7 members being present Also Pastor C H Crowel. meeting opened by singing and followed by prayer and devotional exercises. Had a good meeting. No business being done. Closed to meet again
Nov 21st Church met in covenant meeting 3 members one visitor and Pastor C H Crowel present. After conference, closed with prayer by Bro T F Morgan.
Dec 6 1891 After preaching Pastor Crowel called an extra meeting of Church On motion of T F Morgan Rev C H Crowel were received in the church on return of their former letters. Bro E O Ayers resigned the clerkship and Sister A H Morgan was elected clerk.
Dec 19 1892 Church met in regular covenant meeting. Rev C H Crowl present. Meeting opened by prayer followed by singing and conference . Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Charge brought against Albert Burgess by Lewis Pierce. Meeting closed by prayer by Mrs E Gafford
Apr 10th 1892 After preaching an extra meeting of the church was called by Rev C H Crowl . It was voted that Rev C H Crowl and wife be granted letters of dismissal It was also voted that Albert Burgess be excluded from the church.
May 28 1892 Church met in covenant meeting Dea Morgan acting as moderator Meeting opened by prayer. Followed by devotional exercises. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. It was noted that Deacon Morgan and wife be sent as Delegates to the association.
Also Bro Pierce and wife. Closed by prayer by Bro Pierce.
June 11 1892 Two willing candidates followed their Saviour in baptism. Mr A Keltz and Mrs Chas Murray. An extra meeting of the church was called by Rev C H Crowl. Mr & Mrs Chas Murray were received into the church. Also Mr A Keltz. It was voted to change the time of the church meeting to four weeks from this date. It was also voted that we desire Rev C H Crowl to come and preach to us every alternate Sunday and that we were to try and raise eight dollars a month for preaching. The following resolutions were adopted. Resolved first that Mrs Alice H Morgan is and has been a faithful member in good and regular standing with us since the summer of 1883
July 9 1892 Church met in regular covenant meeting Rev C H Crowl acting as moderator, minutes of previous meetings read and approved. Had singing and devotional exercises. Meeting closed by prayer.
Aug 6 1892 Church met in regular covenant meeting. Rev C H Crowl acting as moderator. Opened by prayer followed by devotional exercises The church appointed Rev C Crowl, Dea Pierce, and Bro Murry to sit in Council with the church at Ridgebury for the Ordination of a minister.
Sept 3rd 1892 Church met in regular covenant meeting Our Pastor acting as moderator. Meeting opened by prayer by Bro Crowl followed by devotional exercises. As there were no other business to do, meeting closed by prayer by Dea Pierce.
Aug 26 1893 Church met in covenant meeting. Rev A Mconnel acting as moderator. Meeting opened by prayer by Bro McConnel. Followed by singing and devotional exercises. Church elected A Ripley clerk Proterm.
Mr and Mrs John D Garlick, Hattie M Garlick, Celia I Garlick, Allbert Garlick and Carrie Garlick were received into the church by letter
Some talk of hiring a Pastor. Appointed prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Meeting closed by prayer by Rev A McConnel.
Jan 26 1894 Church met in a business meeting with ten members present sister Sarah Becker was granted a letter to join the Alba Baptist church. As was also voted and carried that C F Murry serve the church as clerk. Alice H Morgan tendering her resignation. Brother C H Crowl as moderator. Closed by prayer by T F Morgan.
C F Murray, Clerk
Mar 30 94 Church met in covenant meeting. Ten members present Pastor Crowl moderator. Voted and carried letters to Emma Mckeel Smith.
Also to Charlie Mckeel to join with the Troy Baptist church. We had a good meeting Adjourned to meet in four weeks. Closed by prayer by Rev C H Crowl
C F Murray, Clerk
Apr 28 1894
Church met in regular covenant meeting . Our Pastor present with us on account of rain. There were only five members present we had a prayer meeting Closed by prayer by Chas Murray
C F Murray Clerk
May 25 94
Ch Meet in regular Convent meeting. Ten members present. Brother Folick as Moderator after devotional service the business of The Church was taken up the letter to the Association was read and accepted. Delegates were --- as follows that Deacon Lewis Pierce and wife
J D Forlick and wife C F Murray & wife go as Delegates to the Associations to be held with Columbia and Wells Church Closed by prayer
Deacon T F Morgan
C F Murray Clerk
June no meeting - Present - J d Forlick C F Murray and wife
July none - Present - Lewis Priec and wife C F Murray and wife J D Foslick
1895 Aug 22
Armenia Baptist Church held Meeting
Smith grave Brother Fisher Wallson & wife of Cortland by invitations by Brothers Crowel Brother Will Iarovi & wife of Gilletts the Lord was with us in great power held meeting. In the Sholl Harsoe E**rrings presently came forward and others washed there hands for prayer.
C F Murry Clerk
Aug 24 95
Pastor C H Crowl called an extra meeting to receive candidates for baptism
J A Morris and wife of -----ison received as visitors Candidates Mary Willkins, Luscey B Rosay. Closed by prayer
Aug 31 95
Met in Covenant meeting Twenty members present . Brother CH Crowl as Moderator had a good Devotional Meeting after which twelve candidates were examined and received for baptism. Sept 8th Minutes of previous meeting read and approved .
Closed by prayer by Deacon Pierce
C F Murray Clerk
Sep 28 95
Met in covenant meeting. Pastor Crowl with us Twelve members present. Had a good devotional meeting All the members present taking part. Order of business Pastor Cowel as moderator Minutes of previous meeting read and approved Sister Carry Mckeel received on exp.
Brother Crowel gave her the hand of fellowship Closed by prayer by Deacon Frank Morgan.
Adjourned to meet in four weeks
C F Murray Clerk
Jan 25 1895 Held covenant meeting. As our Pastor was absent Brother J D Forlick was chosen as moderator. Had a good emotional meeting ****Present it was voted an carried that C F Murray remain as Clerk an also voted and carried that Rebecca Murray act as his assistant Sectry. Adjourned to meet again when the roads are better.
May 30 96
Meeting called to order by Deacon T F Morgan as moderator. Prayer by Brother J D Forlick 18 members pres
Voted and carried that R W Dornissey supply us for three months also that moved and carried J D Georlic and wife C F Murray and wife be sent as delegates to the association to be held at Springfield. Closed by prayer Deacon Lewis Pierce
C F M Clerk
Sept 26 96
Held covenant meeting R W Dornany in the chair as moderator Seven members present. No business done Had a good devotional which all took part in Closed by Rev E F Jones
Approved C F M
Oct 31 96
Had our first covenant meeting in the new church. E F J as moderator. Thirteen members present it was decided to postpone the extra meetings until some future time The ordnance of the
Lards Supper was to be observed Nov 8
closed by prayer by E F Jones
C F M Clk Our pastor approved
Nov 22 96
Called an extra meeting to consider the proprietry of hiring the Brother E F Jones to preach to us for one year every Lord’s. The vote stood eleven to one of the members and was unaamious vote of the non members the following Com here appointed to confer with Rev Mr Jones
C F Murray John Carnwrite Deacon Morgan Deacon Lewis Pierce
It was also preferred to commence work on the sheds Tuesday the 24 April
C F M Clrk
(Mr Jones was hired for six dollars per mo.
Nov 29 96
Held our regular convent meeting Rev E F Jones as chairman seven members present minutes of previous meeting read and approved no other business was done closed by prayer by Sylvester Morgan
1896 Dec 26
Met at the church five members present Deacon Lewis Pierce H S Morgan and wife C F Murray and wife had prayer meeting.
Jan 30 1897
Met in regular convent meeting nine members and our Pastor present Had a good meeting after which the business was taken up. C F Murray was selected Clerk Mrs Murray asst Mary Wilkins Treas
Trustees T F Morgan J d Garlick approved. closed by prayer by Brother Gorlick
C F M Clk
Feb 28 97
Met at regular convent meeting Seven members and Pastor Jones present it was suggested that a meeting be called after Sunday service the church and instruct the trustees to give Mr George Wilkins a note for organ for which he charged for organ also that the ch pay him interest on sixty two dollars and a half being the price in organ. Approved
C F M Clk
1897 Mar 27
Met in convent no business done dive members present Rev E F James C F Murray and wife J D Garlick Albert Garlick Had prayer meeting
Apr 18 97 Rev E f Jones rendered his resignation on account of dissatisfaction the church
C F M Clerk
April 25 ‘97
Called a business meeting Brothers J D Garlick was moderator it was voted and carried that Elder Cloocs of W M Church supply in the afternoon until the church could decided on a Baptist man. Eleven members present. Closed by prayer by Brother Garlick
C F Murray Clerk approvedd
May 15 ‘97
Called a business meeting to hire R W Donirry for three months J D G as moderator. Ddelegates to the association were elected Elder Choue ? voted out Delegate Mary Wilkins George Wilkins Ed Morgan Selra Garlick
Aug 27 97 Armenia Baptist Church Covenant meeting by a vote of church Rev Fisher Wilson of Elmira NY acted as moderator. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved it was decided to call Brother Lawrence Grover for one year Mrs Murray was appointed to see how much money could be raised Rev L G to serve one year
approved C F Murray Clerk
Sept 25 97 No meeting
Oct 31 97 met in covenant meeting fifteen members present also Deacon Brace and wife. of Bailey Creek Church Rev L L Grover as moderator Meeting opened with prayer by Deacon Brace Had good spiritual meeting Business was taken up in the following order voted and carried that Frank Smith act as collector of all Ch. funds voted and carried Sylvester Morgan and George Wilkins served as ushers
Received five dollars from Brothers Morrison
Signed dedication
Closed by prayer by Deacon Pierce
Nov 27 97 met in covenant meeting had prayer meeting after which Brother Frank Smith was called as chairman minutes of previous meeting read and approved adjourned
C F Murray Clk
Dec 25 97 Met in covenant meeting Rev L L Grover and wife
C F Murray and wife had prayer
Jan 1898 No meeting
Feb none
Mar none
Apr none
May 4 98 Met in covenant meeting twelve members present Had a good prayer meeting Brother Grover as chairman It was voted and carried to give Mr Wilkins and order of fifteen dollars five from incidental fund and
funds and ten from Dedicotory funds also voted and carried that covenant meeting should be held in connection with Wednesday evening prayer meeting It was voted and carried that Sister Dasy Coverft Wood had a letter from this Chruch to join the Chareston Baptist Church. Voted and carried that we send our pastor and two delegates to ordain Frank F Westron to the Joseph ministry voted and carried that C F Murray and wife go as delegates to the ordination which meets at Leroy also that J D Garlick T F Morgan Adrian Chamberlain C F Murry and wife C Murray Clk
June no meeting
July 5 98 Met in Covenant meeting Meeting called to order by Pastor Grover nine members present After devotional meeting took with business voted and carried that
E O Ayers and wife take letters of dismiss ion from this church to join the Gillet Baptist Chur voted and carried that Lydia Wood has a letter to join the Wellsboro Baptist Church. It was also voted and carried to call Elder Grover as our Pastor another year Adjourned to meet again in four weeks. C F M Clk
Aug No M
Sep No M
Oct 15 98 Held covenant meeting after prayer meeting eleven members pres. had a good meeting Spiritual meeting after prayer and devotional meeting Elder Grover and his wife Sewey Grover united with the Armenia Baptist Church by letter from Bailey Creek Next in order was election of officers
Trustees George Wilkins two years, Sylvester Morgan two years,
Lewis Pierce one year Daniel Austin one year Frank Smith collector of all church funds Mary Wilkins Treas C F Murry Clerk Mrs Murry Asst Secy
app D F M
Nov no m
May 99 Met in covenant meeting, Had prayer The letter to the association was read and accepted no other business done J D Garlick as moderator C F M Clerk
Oct 4 99 met in cov meeting Elder Grover as chairman Had a good prayer meeting Leon Wood and Alice his wife were accepted as candidates for baptism Baptized by Elder Grover Oct 18 adjourned
C F Murray Clerk
Feb 1900 Met in prayer and covenant meeting Our Pastor and nine members present. Had a good meeting the business Mary Wilkins Baity sent her resignation as treasurer Leon Wood was duly elected as Treasurer It was voted and carried that the church give the trustees power to do business for the church Mrs C F Murray Asst Secy
May 11 1901 Met in covenant meeting J B Elvidge as moderator The letter to the association read and accepted No business.
Jun 1901 Meet in covenant meeting seven members present Brother Garlick as moderator Voted and carried that J H Parker and wife be accepted in Armenia Baptist Church by letter of recommendation F Baptist Church of East Troy C F M
May 27 1902 Met in covenant meeting. Seven members present The letter to the association read and accepted It was voted and carried that Adam Douglas serve the church as Deacon for one year
Mrs D F Murray as chairman
June 3 1903 Met in covenant meeting Deacon Pierce acting as moderator The meeting was opened by scripture reading and prayer the following were elected as delegates for the association. Mr Frank Smith and wife Dea. Frank Morgan and wife Mr John Carnwright for Church Clerk R. C. was also elected for the remainder of the year Eugene Wood made the motion and it was carried and Mr and Mrs Charles Murray were dismissed by their request The meeting was closed by prayer
Mrs Ray Cleveland Clerk
June 17 Met in special meeting Deacon Frank Morgan acting as moderator. Opened with Scripture reading and prayer by Bro Eugene Wood. The letter to the asso. was read and accepted. Mrs Frank Morgan was voted into the church. Closed with prayer by Bro. Frank Morgan.
Aug 5 03 Met in special covenant meeting 7 members present Dea Lewis Pierce as moderator. The meeting was opened and closed by prayer by Dea Frank Morgan. It was voted that letters of dismissal should be granted to Mrs Ella Gafford and Mr Joseph Harvey at their request to join the First Baptist Church in Watkins NY
It was also voted that Miss Helena Morgan be accepted as candidate for baptism
Oct 29 03 R C H Crowel extended the right hand of fellowship to Mr and Mrs E J Everitt and Miss Grace Everitt.
June 8 1904 The members met in Covenant meeting Bro Reynolds acting as moderator A letter of dismissal was granted Mrs Harriett Becker to join the Baptist Church at Alba. Delegates were elected for the association namely Bro Parker and wife Bro Pierce and Bro. and Sister Wood. By consent of the church Bro Reynolds extended the right hand of fellowship to Helena Morgan, Blanch Wood and Josie Bixby. Closed with prayer and thanksgiving for the three young souls that day dedicated by baptism
June 18 1905 Meeting was called for the purpose of electing a church clerk . Motion was made and seconded that we have Mrs Wm Bullard for Clerk. Adjourned until June 25
June 25 1905 Members met. Church covenant was read by the clerk. Prayer by Brother Parker. The following officers were elected. Mrs R D Cleveland Treas. H S Morgan John Carnwright trustees for three years James Parker Eugene Wood two years. George Wilkins Sr one year. The following delegates were elected for the association Mrs Lewis Pierce Mrs John Carnwright and Mr Sylvester Morgan and wife. Meeting adjourned until the last Saturday evening in July.
May 5 1906 Church met in covenant meeting Brother Pierce acted as moderator. After prayer and testimony meeting the following business was transacted. Letters were granted to Mrs J D Garlick Albert Garlick and Carrie Garlick. Thirty nine members were erased from the church book. George Wilkins
Sr was reelected as trustee for one year. Meeting closed by prayer by T F Morgan adjourned to meet again in four weeks.
May 13 H S Morgan, Addison Chamberlain and Eugene Wood were appointed pulpit committee by request of Rev Early
June 19 1907 At a L.A.S. at Mr Wilkins the following business was transacted Rev Early acting as moderator. The letter to the association was read and accepted. Rev. Early and his wife Deacon T F Morgan and wife were elected as delegates to the association. Mrs L Pierce was received as member of the church on her experience. Mrs Al Purvis and Mrs Nick Austin were accepted for baptism and church membership.
Dea. T F Morgan and wife held a phonograph entertainment at the church
which netted $4.50 Also and ice cream social was held at their home $6.30 was received
Jan 12 1910 After meeting Mrs Addison Chamberlain and Purley Wood. Voted as candidates for baptism and church membership. Also voted to hire Bro Phelps as pastor for the coming year provided necessary funds could be raised for his support. Addison Chamberlain was appointed to circulate a paper for that purpose.
Mar 9 1910 Church met in covenant meeting Pastor and five members present besides several visitors Pastor acted as moderator Meeting was opened by singing followed by several prayers. Church covenant was read by Pastor. Other orders of meeting were omitted on account of a large amount of business to be done. Candidates for baptism were called upon after listening to their experience. Mrs Ed Morgan
Mr George Morgan and wife and Ray Morgan were accepted by vote as candidates for baptism The following officers were elected Trustees for 3 years Bro George Morgan and Bro Ed Morgan for 2 years Bro Addison Chamberlain and Bro Gene Wood. For 1 year Bro Frank Smith For Clerk Mrs Wm Bullard and Treasurer Bro Gene Wood Pastor brought up the idea that we should have another deacon. Dea T F Morgan nominated Addison Chamberlain and he was elected. Pastor desired the church to grant him the privilege of circulating subscription blanks for the purpose of raising money to repair Roseville Church. It was granted. Meeting was closed by singing and benediction by Pastor. Adjourned to meet in four weeks from the next Saturday.
Apr 9 1910 Church met in covenant meeting Pastor and four members present besides some visitors including Mr and Mrs parker. All were glad to see them back again.
Pastor acted as moderator meeting opened by singing and prayer by Dea Morgan and Pastor Phelps. Had a good testimony meeting after which Bro Al Purvis was voted to be taken into the church on his experience. Closed by benediction
June 1910 Church met in covenant meeting. On account of the Pastor’s absence Bro Baker was elected moderator. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Candidates for baptism were called for Ed Parker was received as a candidate for baptism. Church letter to association was read and accepted with a little amendment. Pastor and wife and Dea T F Morgan and wife were elected delegates to the association. Adjourned
Sept 14 1910 Church met in covenant meeting Pastor Phelps was present. Meeting was opened by singing and several prayers. Church
Covenant was read Pastor gave us a talk on the Holy Spirit followed by testimony meeting. Bro Ed Morgan was elected delegate with the Pastor to the State Convention. The matter was discussed as to whether the pastor should stay his year out with us. It was decided that he should stay. Meeting closed by singing and benediction
Jan 18 1911 Church met for prayer and business meeting. Had a good prayer meeting led by Mrs Phelps. the same officers were reelected to hold office until a year from Jan 1st Meeting closed by singing doxology and prayer by Mrs Phelps.
May 3 1911 Church met in covenant meeting. Pastor and nine members present. Meeting led by Pastor. Was opened by singing and prayers. After the reading of the church covenant and testimony meeting a
financial report was given by the finance committee concerning Pastor’s salary. Meeting closed with prayer by Bro Phelps.
June 17 1911 Church met for business meeting.After prayer and testimony meeting the following business was done. Bro Phelps and family were received into the church by letter from the Roseville Church. Bro Phelps and wife and Bro Parker and wife were elected delegates to the association. A license was granted Mrs Phelps to preach the Gospel of Christ. It was voted that the clerk write to the State Convention concerning the budget. Bro Phelps tendered his resignation as Pastor but it was not accepted. Meting closed by prayer by Sister Phelps, Hettie Bullard Clerk
Sept 1 1911 Church met in regular covenant meeting. Pastor and eight members
present. Meeting opening opened by singing and several prayers, followed by the reading of the church covenant and testimony meeting. No business was done. Meeting closed with benediction by Bro Phelps
Nov 26 1911 Church met in covenant meeting. Pastor and seven members present. Pastor acted as moderator. Meeting opened by singing and prayer. Pastor gave a talk on For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Followed by testimony’s candidates for baptism were called for. Lee Cleveland was received as a candidate for baptism. Church covenant read It was voted the church try the duplex envelopes for collection one year. The minutes of the last meeting read, and approved. Appointed Mary Morgan Church Clerk Pro Tem. Meeting closed by prayer by Pastor. Minutes approved Mary Morgan Clerk Pro tem
Dec 28 1911 Church met in covenant meeting. Pastor, three deacons and seven members present and several visitors. Pastor acted as moderator. Meeting opened by singing and prayers by Deacon Pierce and Pastor. After reading of church covenant and testimony meeting the following officers were elected for 1912. Trustees for 2 years A Chamberlain Gene Wood for 1 year Frank Smith, for Treasurer Bro Gene Wood. Church Clerk Mary Morgan Pulpit com. A Chamberlain Mrs N A Austin Zella Wilkins, finance com. Mrs H S Morgan Mrs Zella Wilkins Mary Morgan Pastor asked for a letter. It was voted the church grant him a letter. Meeting closed by prayer by Pastor.
Min approved Mary Morgan Clerk
June 1 1912 Church met in regular covenant meeting. Rev W H Porter and eight members present. Meeting opened by singing reading a chapter in Bible followed by several prayers and testimonies. Reading minutes of last meeting Mr and Mrs A C Purvis Mr Gene Wood Mrs Wm Bullard Rev W H Porter was elected church delegate to the association. Ed Morgan Mr and Mrs Ray Cleveland Mr and Mrs H S Morgan Mrs N A Austin Mrs W E Phelps were elected committee on arrangements for association Closed by prayer by W H Porter
Mary Morgan Church Clerk
Aug 25 1912 Church voted on candidate for baptism Miss Clara Austin was accepted into church.
Dec 29 1912 Church met in regular covenant meeting. 10 members and several others present. T F Morgan acted as chairman Opened by singing, prayer by Mr Gene Wood, had testimonies from several brothers and sisters, reading of minutes of last meeting reading of covenant by clerk Selected officers for one year 1913 George Wilkins trustee for one year Mary Morgan Clerk Mrs N A Austin Treasurer, Pulpit com. A Chamberlain Lewis Pierce T F Morgan, finance com. Mr Gene Wood H S Morgan and George Wilkins. Closed by prayer by T F Morgan
Mary Morgan Church Clerk
Jan 5 1913 Elected delegates for quarterly meeting to be held at East Troy Mr and Mrs Wm Bullard Mr and Mrs H S Morgan Mr and Mrs N A Austin
June 15 1913 Held meeting to elect delegates for the Baptist Association to be held at New Albany June 25 - 26 1913. Miss Clara Austin Mrs Sadie Austin and Mr and Mrs T F Morgan was elected delegates
Jan 17 1914 Church met in regular covenant meeting. T F Morgan acted as chairman. 8 members and several others present. Meeting opened by reading chapter in Bible and prayer by T F Morgan. Had good testimony from all members. Elected officers for 1914. Trustees H S Morgan 3 years. Wm Bullard 2 years George Wilkins one year Pulpit com. A G Chamberlain Lewis Pierce T F Morgan, finance com, Mrs William Bullard, Mrs Ray Cleveland, Mrs Mary Morgan Church Clerk. Treas Mrs Sadie Austin Closed by singing prayer by Mrs H S Morgan
Mary Morgan Church Clerk
101 & 102 missing
June 14 1914 Elected delegates for the Baptist Association to be held at Col & Wells Church June 23 & 24 1914. T F Morgan A Chamberlain Rev W H Porter Mrs Alice Morgan Mrs Sadie Austin was elected delegates.
July 19 1914 Elected delegates for the ordination of Erie E Kingsman at Granville Summit July 29 1914 The delegates Rev W H Porter, A Chamberlain, H S Morgan, Mr H S Morgan could not go so elected T F Morgan to go in his place July 26
Oct 3 1914 Church met in regular covenant meeting Rev W H Porter in chair, 8 members and several others present, Meeting opened by scripture reading, singing and prayers by several members. Good testimony from all present. Reading church covenant by Pastor Reading minutes of last meeting. There was a motion made and carried the Clerk send letters to some members living away to learn if they desired to still keep their names on Armenia Baptist Church roll. Closed by prayer by W H Porter. Mary Morgan Clerk
Oct 31 1914 Church met in regular covenant meeting . 10 members present. T F Morgan in chair. Opened by singing, reading chapter in Bible. Prayer by T F Morgan followed by testimonies from all present, Reading church covenant by Alice Morgan Reading minutes of last meeting, Mr Fred Clark was voted as a candidate for baptism and church membership. Closed by singing and prayer,
Mary Morgan Church Clerk.
Nov 28 1914 Church met in regular covenant meeting , 10 members present, Rev W H Porter in chair. Opened by singing reading Scripture prayer, by T F Morgan & W H Porter followed by singing, and sentence prayer by all members. Good testimonies from all, Reading covenant by W H Porter Reading minutes of last meeting voted on Lloyd Wilkins
as member of the church. Voted to give Church letters to the following members, Mrs Grace Wood, Mrs Grace Sumner, Mrs Amanda Austin Mrs Jennie Hillfigure, Mrs Grace Campbell. Closed by prayer by W H Porter After meeting done a little business voted in Mr Wm Tubbs on experience Miss Elenor Reed as candidate for baptism and as members of this church, gave right hand of fellowship to the
following names Leon Nash, Fred Clark, Wm Tubbs,
Had Communion service. Closed by prayer by W H Porter
Mary Morgan Church Clerk
Mar 28 1915 Had prayer meeting done some business voted to give Wm E Phelps Mrs Wm E Phelps Miss Sarah Phelps letters of dismissal ion to join the Baptist Church in Lima O. and voted that the officers of the church for the year of 1914 remain in office for the year of 1915
Mary Morgan Church clerk
June 5 1915 Church met in regular covenant meeting with 10 members present with W H Porter in chair. Opened by singing, reading part 5 chapter of Matthew, prayer by T F Morgan W H Porter, Short talk on Chapter read by W H Porter. Singing, Reading
of church covenant. Good testimonies from all present, reading minutes of last meeting, reading notice of ordination, elected delegates for ordination of Mr Pierce. W H Porter T F Morgan delegates for ordination for association T F Morgan H S Morgan and wife George Wilkins and wife, Miss Clara Austin, Rev W H Porter
Mary Morgan Clerk
June 19 1915 Miss Lillian Cleveland was baptized June 20 1915. She was received into the Armenia Baptist Church by Rev W H Porter giving her the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the church.
Mary Morgan Clerk
Aug 29 1915 Had preaching by Mr Moss, had business meeting voted in as candidates for membership and baptism of Armenia Baptist Church the following persons, Celia Bullard, Milton Bullard, Matildia Burgess,
M Morgan Clerk
108-109 skipped
110 through 118 is a list of Church baptisms 1876 – 1923
119 –122 missing
123 empty
Aug 29 1915 Mr Moss gave right hand of fellowship to Miss Celia Bullard, Milton Bullard, Matilda Burgess after baptism.
Mary Morgan Clerk
Nov 28 1915 Had preaching by Rev E O Seabolt Had some business done. Voted in as candidates for membership and baptism of the Armenia Baptist Church the following persons Mazie Purvis William Purvis, Hugh Simpson, Thomas Simpson James Simpson Earl Hunt Truman Burgess Clarence Burgess
Nov 30 1915 The above candidates were baptized by Rev E O Seabolt, All but William Purvis. Mary Morgan Church Clerk
Dec 5 1915 Had preaching by Rev E O Seabolt after meeting received the following into the church by the hand of fellowship. Miss Mazie Purvis, Earl Hunt, Hugh Simpson, Thomas Simpson, James Simpson, Truman Burgess, Clarence Burgess
Jan 15 1916 Church met in regular covenant meeting. 14 members present, T F Morgan in chair, Meeting opened by singing reading part 8 chapter of Romans, prayer by T F Morgan. Good testimonies from all members. Church covenant read by Mrs Austin, Reading of last minutes elected the following officers, H S Morgan Deacon, Clerk Mary Morgan, Treas Anna Morgan, Trustee George Wilkins three years. Motion made and carried we have Rev E O Seabolt preach the rest of the year ending Sept 15 1916. Miss Clara Austin Miss Celia Bullard, audited the account of Treas, found all correct 87 cts in Treas paid over to new Treas Anna Morgan Closed by prayer by T F Morgan
Mary Morgan Clerk
May 7 1916
Rev. E. O. preached.
Done some business.
The Church voted to take Mr. John H Lyon into the Armenia Baptist Church
on Experience.
M.M.M. clerk
May 14 1916
Mr John H Lyon received the hand of fellowship into the Armenia Baptist
M.J.M clerk
June 4 1916
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
Elected the following delegates to send to the Bradford Baptist Association.
Mr and Mrs George Morgan, Mrs Wm Bullard, Milton Bullard, Rev E O Seabolt.
M.J.M clerk
Dec 2 1916
Church met in regular covenant Meeting with 11 members present.
Deacon T F Morgan in Chair.
Opened by singing, reading 14 Chap Romans. Prayers by several. Good
testimony from nearly all present.
Reading minutes of last meeting. Minutes approved.
Reading covenant of Church by T F Morgan.
Motion made and carried we keep Rev E O Seabolt the remainder of the
year which began Sept 16 1916 and ends Sept 15 1917.
Meeting closed by prayer by T F Morgan.
Mary J Morgan Church Clerk
Jan 14 1917
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
After meeting done some business. Motion made and carried the
same officers elected in 1916 be back in office for the year 1917.
Deacon H S Moran, Clerk Mary Morgan, Treas Anna Morgan, Trustee George
Wilkins three years, Mary Moran elected Deaconess.
M J M Clerk
Feb 4 1917
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
After meeting done some business.
Motion made and carried we asddopt the *** member. *****Ed
Morgan, Miss Clara Austin. Mary Morgan was appointed a committee to call
on all Church members.
Mary Morgan Clerk
Feb 11 1917
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
After meeting it was voted to give a letter of dismissal to Mr
and Mrs Fred Clark, at their own request to unite with the First Baptist
Church of Blossburg.
Mary Morgan Clerk
Mar 11 1917
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
After meeting it was voted to send Rev Seabolt, E D Morgan, N A Austin
to sit in Counsel on the ordination at Leroy March 21 1917 of Brother Clarence
M J M Clerk
May 27 1917
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
After meeting elected delegates to send to Bradford Baptist Association
for June 20-21 1917 at East Granville. Mr and Mrs George Wilkins, Mr and
Mrs T F Morgan were elected delegates.
July 321 1917
A special meeting of the Armenia Baptist Church was called with 8 members
With Rev E O Seabolt in chair.
21 verses of 14th chapter of 1st Corinthians was read followed by prayer
by T F Morgan.
Reading of minutes of last meeting.
Motion made and carried the Church accept Miss Irene Smith as a member
of the Church following her baptism.
Motion was made and carried that the Church will help in building up
the Union Baptist Church.
Motion made and carried that we adjourn.
Clare Austin Clerk pro tem
Oct 14 1917
Rev E O Seabolt preached.
After meeting it was voted to give Florence and James Simpson a letter
of dismissal from the Armenia Baptist Church at their own request, to unite
with the Baptist Church in Massillon Ohio.
Mary Morgan Clerk
Mar 28 1918
A special meeting of the Armenia Baptist Church was called with 11
members present.
T F Moran in chair.
Opened by singing, reading a portion of scripture, prayer by
T F Morgan.
Reading minutes of last meeting.
Reading Church covenant.
Good testimonies from nearly all present.
A motion made and carried the same officers continue in office for
the year 1918.
Motion made and carried we (the Ladies Aid and Red Cross) meet every
two weeks through the summer and every other meeting for Red Cross work
and the proceeds from the Red Cross meetings to go for Red Cross material.
Heard report read from Red Cross Sec. Total membership to date 56.
Gafford School turned into hand of Sec $5.00. Proceeds from Social held
for benefit of Red Cross $2.25 from meeting held today for yarn fund. $2.00
from two new members.
Meeting closed with prayer by RT F Morgan.
Mary Morgan Church Clerk
June 15 1918
Church met in regular covenant meeting with 8 members present.
Mr T F Morgan in chair.
Opened by singing, reading portion of scripture from Isaiah.
Prayer by T F Morgan.
Reading of minutes of last meeting.
Good testimonies from all present.
Reading of Church covenant.
Elected the following delegates to the Association to be held in Troy
June 26-27 1918. Mrs Wm Bullard, Mrs Ray Cleveland, Mrs N P Austin, Miss
Clara Austin, Miss Celia Bullard.
Closed by singing.
Prayer by T F Morgan
Mary Morgan Church clerk
May 16 1920
Mr W H Porter came and acted as supply for the summer.
June 20 held a short business meeting to elect delegates to the Association. Rev Mr Porter, Mrs Bullard, Mrs Austin.
Aug 11 1920
Church voted that Mr Porter becomes our regular pastor for the year.
Nov 28 1920
Mr and Mrs Ed Morgan asked for a letter from the Church to join with
the Frost Baptist Church in Blossburg. Their letter was granted Nov 28
Mary J Morgan Church clerk
Nov 28 1920
Rev W H Porter preached and closed his meetings for the winter.
May 15 1921
Called Church together to start Sunday School and elect delegates for
the Association to be held at Fassett June 1st and 2 1921. The following
delegates were elected Mrs Ray Cleveland, Miss Clara Austin, Miss Lillian
Mary Morgan Church clerk
June 26 1921
Arrmenia Baptist Church.
Miss Matilda Burgess asked for a letter from Armenia Baptist Church.
It was moved and carried the church grant her a letter and that the church
clerk make out the same and send to Matild Burgess
Mary Morgan church clerk
Nov 24 1921
Held the Church dinner at William Bullards. Had big crowd.
Mr and Mrs George Wilkins asked for a letter from Armenia Church to
join the State Road first Baptist church. Letters of dis***tion was
granted them. Had notification that they joined the State Road church Jan
1 1922.
Mary Morgan church clerk
June 21 1923
Had Ladies Aid to Mr Will Bullards.
Mrs Celia Bullard Robenson asked for a letter to join the church at
Canoe Camp Tioga Co Pa June 24 1923.
Mr Wilson preached at the Armenia Baptist Church.
A little business was done. It was moved and carried a letter of dismiss
on be granted to Mrs Celia Robson. Had notification that she had joined
the Canoe Camp Church.
The delegates to the Association to be held at East Troy June 27 and
28 1923 are Mrs Will Bullard, Milton Bullard, Mrs Ray Cleveland, Mrs George
Mary Morgan church clerk
July 22 1923
Mr Wilson preached.
Done some business.
A number had come out for baptism.
A motion was made and carried that the Church accept the following
for membership after their Baptism. Miss Euginia Nash, Dwight Nash, Raymond
Morgan, Alice Morgan, Gladys Smith, Pauline Cleveland, Frances Cleveland
and Marian Cleveland.
Mr Wilson came as a supply for the summer.
Mary Morgan church clerk
July 29 1923
Mr Wilson preached. Had good sermon.
The Church voted to give Mr Wilson the privilege of Baptizing the candidates
that have come out for membership id the Armenia Baptist Church. Also to
give the right hand of fellowship to the candidates, and to hold communion
in the Baptist Church.
Mary Morgan church clerk
Sept 16 1923
Mr Wilson preached.
After sermon the candidates were Baptized. Dwight Nash, Raymond
Morgan, Eugenia Nash, Alice Morgan, Marian Cleveland.
Sep 23 1923
Mr Wilson preached and also gave the right hand of fellowship in behalf
of the Armenia Baptist church that was voted and received into the Armenia
Baptist church. Mary Morgan Sec
(in pencil) April 15 1973 transferred to Elk Run.
July 25 1926
After Sunday School had a short business meeting to elect same officers
for the Armenia Baptist Church.
The officers Deacon Milton Bullard, Sec M J Morgan, Treas Mrs Anna
Closed by reading prayer in church manual.
Mary J Morgan Sec
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