Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

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Index to the 1900 Census of the Eastern District of Tuscarora Twp., Bradford Co., PA

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy Web Sites by Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material

Material typed and contributed by John Hoff III of Oklahoma and formatted for the web by Linda Cracraft and Joyce M.  Tice.

Families 1-22
Page 209
Families 22-43
Page 210
Families 44-68
Page 211
Families 68-93
Page 212
Families 93-117
Page 213
Families 117-139
Page 214
Families 139-155
Page 215
Eastern District
Western District
Tuscarora Township

* Indicates a questionable reading.
… Indicates an indecipherable letter or letters.
Numbers refer to Family# - Not to Page# or Dwelling#

Adkins 85
Allen 67 71
Angle 59 124
Bacon 31
Beaumont 115
Beeman 65
Beenegar 92 93
Bennett 2 74 153
Benscooter* 38
Bird 19
Bowen 134
Brister 151
Brown 111 119 141
Burrows 49
Campbell 90
Canfield 9
Carter 42 45 63 66
Cashdollar 15
Chamberlin 69 72
Champluver 112
Christian 91
Clapper 5 32 43 44 50 59 142
Clapper 148
Cline 103
Cobb 51 150
Coburn 8
Cogswell 84
Comstock 52
Corby 154
Cornell 77
Crawford 80 85
Crown 99
Culver 52 54 61 102 108 154 155
Decker 17 18 23
Denson 145
Depue 107
Devine 13 117
Dexter 4
Eyler* 154
Fargo* 30
Fish 75
Fisk 100
Ford 101
Fuller 83
Garey 9
Garris 24
Gibbs 53
Glover 93
Goodwin 21
Gordon 83
Greer 104
Grose 86 118 152
Hall 2 57 102 117
Haloley* 125
Hartford 144
Hendershot 22 25 26
Hendrick 81
Hitchcock 142
Hoadley 11
Holden 12
Hoover 14
Howe 47
James 77
Jennings 139
Keeney 35
Kerney 70
Kithcart 6 17 57
Lacey 149
LaFrance 88
Lake 7
Lattemer* 76
Lattimore 26 121 127 138 149
Learn 135
Lewis 30
Lindell 73
Maddison 59
Madison 60
Manning 105 120
Marbake 46 53
Maxfield 50
McCloe 121 136 137 138 139
McLaud 39
Miller 20
Montgomery 113
Moscrip 149
Nichols 71
Owen 36* 132
Parke 73
Parker 29 63 75
Peat 91
Phinney 89
Pickett 1 8 19 37
Place 5
Potter 147
Price 139
Quimby 64
Rake 91 120
Rickard 56
Rifenbury 116 126
Ross 123
Rought 27
Ruger 47 126 129 131 133
Scott 58
Seely 3
Shaw 33 34 38
Shoemaker 104
Shumway 16
Silvara 78 79
Sloat 28
Smith 48 50
Steadwell 143
Sterling 113
Stevens 124
Strickland 50
Stuckey 139
Sturdevant 36 40 41 62 125
Swackhammer 15
Taylor 114
Tewksbury 94 95
Wage 148
Wakeley 115 130
Wakeman 128
Warner 68 110 122 144
Welch 146
West 147
Whippel 86 87
Wilber 109 118
Williams 106
Winans 82
Wood 10 56 76
Woodruff 24 96 97 98

Families 1-22
Page 209
Families 22-43
Page 210
Families 44-68
Page 211
Families 68-93
Page 212
Families 93-117
Page 213
Families 117-139
Page 214
Families 139-155
Page 215
Eastern District
Western District
Tuscarora Township

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/08/99
By Joyce M. Tice