![]() Postcard of City Club from Joyce's Tri-County Collection |
Elmira Directory 1923 – page 842 – 848
Adelphia Athletic Club - Jack Jordan, mgr, 162 Lake.
Allied Welfare Fund -Meets 2nd Tuesday of month, Fed Bldg. Chairman C C Keeton; sec, Martin H Murphy; treas, Samuel G H Turner.
American Insurance Union Meets second and fourth Tuesdays ,of each month. C W O'Shea, fin ,sec, 146 E Water,
American Red Cross - Elmira chapter, 119 N Main. George McCann, ch; S G Hathaway Turner, treas.
Ancient Order of Hibernians - Division No. I- Meets first and third Tuesdays in A 0 H Hall. sec, Patrick J Neagle.
Ancient Order United Workmen -Wilferth Lodge, No. 276Meets at 164-166 Lake st.
Improved Benevolent Protective Order Elks of the World Meets 707 Dickinson, E R, Prince Cjames.
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks- Elmira Lodge, No. 62 Meets Wednesday evenings, 315 E Market st from October 1 to June 1; first and third Wednesdays June 1 to October 1. Harry Honan, E R; J S Denton, sec; Charles N Owen, custodian.
Boy Scouts of America -Elmira Council, Realty Bldg (514-518) Scout gardens, cabin and field, foot of Warner av. Sec and scout executive, I Edward Holsinger; pres, Ransome T Lewis; treas, Frederick W Swan; office sec, Theodore Larrison,
Girl Scouts of Elmira -Elmira Council Hdqrs Federation bldg, Gertrude Ryon, scout executive,
Business Men's Association, The-Realty bldg (308). Pres, L N Matthews; treas, Leonard Clinton; sec, Charles 0 Eacker.
Catholic Knights of America Branch No. 8. Meets third Thursdays at 107 E Church st. Sec, William Murphy.
Century Club - Federation bldg. Pres, AY B Leonard; v-pres, R T Lewis, sec-treas L W Sanbo
Chemung County Agency for Dependent Children - Federation bldg. Pres. M H Murphy; sec, Emma Braun.
Chemung County Agricultural Society - City Hall. Pres., Oscar Kahker: sec, M B Heller; treas, Geo M Diven.
Chemung Co Home Bureau Association office 104 1/2 Lake, Mrs Louise Royce.
Chemung County Woman's Christian Temperance Union Pres, Mrs S L Hurley; cor sec, Mrs E H Ribble; Tee sec Mrs Lena D Brownell; treas, Mrs Claude Kinkade.
Child Conservation LeaguePres, Mrs Robert E Bentley; treas, Mrs Gale Stalker. Meets first and third Mondays.
Elmira County Cooperative Bee Keepers' Ass'n -Charles M Wilson; sec-treas, John Kilpatrick.
Chemung Valley Holstein Breeders' Ass'n -Sec, Ryland H Hewitt.
Chemung Valley Grange Meets in Federation bldg first and third Saturdays. Sec, Mrs 0 M Wixon.
Chemung Valley Mutual Loan Association -Pres, G V R MerTill; sec, George H Davidson; treas, Milton Y Smith.
Chemung County Farm Bureau Association. The office with Elmira Chamber of Commerce, 119 N Main st. R H Hewitt, county agricultural agent; pres, Lincoln Gardner, Horseheads; sec, E W Rhodes, Elmira R D 2; treas, 0 M Wixon, Elmira.
Chemung County Rod & Gun Club -1647 W Water. Meets 113 N Main, Friday. Pres, Wallace W Seely; sec-treas, Phay B Rutan.
Chemung County Medical Society -Pres, Reeve B Howland; treas, Floyd Breese; sec, Arthur Smith. Meets second Tuesday evenings of December, March, June and September, at 8:15 p. m., in Elmira Federation bldg.
Chemung County Pomona Grange -Meets at Horseheads Hall, second Saturdays. Master 0 J Sears; sec, Mrs 0 M Wixon.
Christopher Columbus Lodge, No. 155, Order of Sons of Italy Fin sec, Louis D'Anunzio; treas, J Cetola.
Civil Service Commission Meets at call of chairman. Sec, Leo Waxman.
Colored Citizens' Club -666 Dickinson.
Community Service Golf Course -Eldridge Park, office 119 N Main.
Elks Home- (B P 0 E No 62) 315 E Market, J S Denton, sec.
Elmira Academy of Medicine Pres, Dr Floyd Breese. Meets first Wednesdays at 8:15 p. m., in Elmira Federation bldg.
Elmira Americanization Society -Pres, Benjamin F Levy; treas, Harry J Lagonegro; sec, Malcolm J Wilson.
Elmira Automobile Club -230 Lake. Automobile License Plate Bureau. Pres, Frank Inksater; v-pres James M Randall., sec, H S Bryan; treas, Walter K Whitley,
Elmira Chamber of Commerce (Inc)-Offices: 119 N Main st. Pres, Burt J Gosper; v-pres, S F Iszard; 2nd v-pres, F M Howell; treas, S G H Turner; sec, Malcolm J Wilson; ass't. sec, Flora M Wilson.
Elmira Chamber of Commerce, Home Building Corp-Pros, Edward 0 Eldridge; sec, Malcolm J Wilson; treas, Samuel G H Turner; gen mgr, M H Murphy, Robinson bldg (207).
Elmira City Club -320-22 R Church, Pres, Richard R Reynolds; Ist v-pres, Alexander S Diven, sec F F Jewett
Elmira City Curb Market Market place at William and E Market sts. Market days, Tuesday and Saturday, 6 to 11 a. m. S Main and Franklin, Thursdays 6 to 11 a. in.
Elmira Clinical Society -Sec, C F Abbott. Meets third Mondays at 8:15 p. m., at members offices.
Elmira Dental Society -Pres, J S Ellis; sec-treas, Harry B Mitchell.
Elmira Community Service 119 N Main; Pres, Edward J Dunn, treas, Samuel G H Turner; sec, Lewis T Barnes; executive sec, Z Nespor.
Elmira Exempt Firemen's Association -Meets at 116 Baldwin st.
Elmira Federation for Social Service -Federation bldg, 115 E Church st, Pres, Mrs J Sloat Fassett; treas, Elwood 13 Crocker; gen sec, Elizabeth McManigal.
Elmira Golf and Country Club, Inc -Pres, Archie M Bovier; sec treas, Fred F Jewett.
Elmira Mechanics Society -323 Carroll st. Pres, Webster J Cole; sec, A H Stowell; treas, J E Larkin Elmira Rifle and Revolver Club -Pres, Lieut Col Walter K Whitley; sec, John R Nanes; treas, Frederick C Tomlinson.
Elmira Saengerbund -Meets Sundays at Saengerbund Hall. Treas, John Duhl; sec, Charles Hoffman.
Elmira Society for Prevention Cruelty to Children -Federation bldg. Alice Larkin county agt for dependent children.
Elmira Supply Dealers Association -Realty bldg (304 ' ). J N Wood, pres; Charles 0 Eacker, sec-treas.
Elmira Technical Club -Fred Fred Larrison, pres. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, 118 Lake st. Phone 3381-W
Elmira Teachers Association Pres, Anastasia Mullaney; Teresa Connelly, sec; Mary Brady, treas, Meets in Elmira Federation bldg.
Father Mathew Temperance Society -Pres, John Reidy; vicepres, Leo Casey; sec, Leo Bolley; treas, Daniel Burmingham. 206 E Gray st. Meetings second and last Sundays at 206 E Gray st.
Fish and Game Club-Meets 255 W Water, first Fridays. Pres, John Dale; sec-treas, Fay Rutan.
University Woman's Club -Elmira Branch A A Y W. Meets first Saturday each month. Pres, Mrs Henry Sales; treas, Carolyn A Hall.
Fraternal Order of Eagles Elmira Aerie, No. 941-Meets second and fourth Thursday evenings in Eagles' Hall, 110 Lake st. Pres, Frank Broish; treas, George Boylan; sec, Chas J Lengler.
Fraternal Order of Owls Elmira Lodge No. 165-Meets 110 Lake st.,
first and third Fridays.
Improved Order of
Red Men
Massasoit Tribe, No. 14-Meets Tuesday nights at 112 Lake st. John C Vernoy, sec. Tamoka Tribe No. 128-Me7ts Wednesdays at 164 Lake st. Ira Titus, sec. Ogoyago Tribe, No. 313-Meets Thursday nights, 112 Lake. Charles D Fuller, sec. Beaver Loft Haymakers-Meets each Friday night, 164 Lake. Seci Ira Titus. Wah-Be Council-Meets first and third Fridays, 164-66 Lake. Sec, Mrs Edith Rothwell. Tahomia Council-Meets first and third Wednesdays, 112-14 Lake. Sec, Mrs Emma Bowen. Wyanoski Council-160-196 Carroll st. Meets second and fourth Thursdays in P 0 S of A hall. Sec, Mrs May Tohey Degree of Pocahontas- Meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Red Men's Hall, 112 Lake. |
Menwge Beneficial Degree Council, No. 3-Meets second and fourth Saturday nights at 112 Lake st.
Independent Order of Foresters Chemung Calley Court, No. 1853 -Meets fourth Tuesday at 118 Lake st. B J Hadley, sec.
Neighborhood House, The -669 Dickinson. Pres, Mrs George M Diven;
treas, Isaac Allison; sec, Mrs W I Booth; boys' director, Ray C Hulbert;
girl wkr, Helen F Loud.
Independent Order
of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
Newton Lodge No. 89 -Meets every night Church cor Madison, Odd Fellows Fall, Sec, W Kinzie. Southern Tier Lodge, No. 344 Meets Tuesday nights at Odd Fellows' Temple. Rec sec, George Douglass; fin sec, Charles Campbell. Donou Lodge, No. 363 -Meets Tuesdays at Red Men's Hall. Sec, John Wagner. Chemung Encampment, No. 18 -Meets first and third Friday evenings at Odd Fellows' Temple. Scribe, George Nicewonger. Canton Queen City -Uniformed Patriarchs meet at Temple first and third Thursdays Sec, Charles Hoffman. Rasel Ain 123 -Meets second and fourth Thursdays at Odd Fellows' Temple. Registrar, Claud A Rice. Elmira Rebekah Lodge No. 423 -Meets first and third Thursday evenings at Millers' Hall, 228 South Main st. Rec sec, Mrs Nellie G Seeley. Golden Link Rebekah Lodge, No. 128 -Meets second and fourth Friday evenings at Odd Fellows' Temple. Sec, Mrs Naomi Campbell. Queen City Lodge, No. 592 -Meets Wednesday evenings at Millers' Hall, 228 S Main st. Fin sec, Merton J Johnson; rec sec, Robert E Newell Rose M Landon Rebekah Lodge, No. 5-Meets first and third Wednesday evenings at Odd Fellows' Temple. Sec, Seeley Stage.. Queen City No. 15 L A P M Meets first and third Thursdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. Sec, Mrs Charles Campbell. |
Lady Orientals
Rosela Harem Lodge No. 3 -Meets fourth Wednesdays at Odd Fellows' Temple. Keeper of traditions, Anna Whitmore, Sec.
Arin-Le Zenanna -Ladies of the Orient-Meets first and fourth Tuesdays, Sec, Mrs Donna Stewart.
Progressive Council, No. 59, Jr. 0 U A M -Albert Fudge, treas, Meets second and fourth Wednesdays in K of P Hall No. 5.
Katydid Cottage Head Chemung River narrows, town of Chemung. Stop Katydid, E C & W Ry.
Kiwanis Club -Pres, Thomas J Murphy; sec, Roy D Waid; treas, John E Nichols.
King John Lodge (Polish) Meets first Sunday of month in Odd Fellows' Temple, 463 E Church.
Theosophical Society -Fred Herrick, treas. Federation bldg.
Knights of ColumbusElmira Council, No. 229-Meets Tuesdays at K of C Hall, 211 Lake st. G K., John j Crowley; fin sec, P H Mack; rec sec, James L Tunney; treas, M H Murphy.
Knights of the Maccabees - Elmira Tent, No. 359 -Meets Friday evenings at 112 Lake st. Harry C Wilkins, com; Frederick A Searles, R K.
Ladies of Maccabees - Elmira Hive, No. 212 -Meets second and fourth Fridays at 120 Lake st.
Sons of Italy Loggia Christoforo Colombo, No. 155 Sec, Louis
D Muceigrosso._Meets St Anthony's Hall, first and third Thursdays at 7:30
p. m.
Knights of Pythias
Chemung Valley Lodge, No. 47 -Meets first and third Mondays every month at K of C Hall. K of R and S, John Wilson. Dauntless Lodge, No. 81 -Meets Thursday evenings at 112 Baldwin st. C C, John C Kopf; Roy D Waid, |
K of R and S.
Pine Cliff Club -Bohemia-on the Chemung. Pres, Frederick C Tomlinson; sec, William C Metzger; Mrs Maud Mitchell, stewardess.
Labor Organizations
Central Trades and Labor Assembly -Meets first and third Wednesdays at Trades and Labor Hall, 200 E Water st. Pres Harry Martin; sec, George E Reedy.
All other unions meet at Trades and Labor Hall as follows:
Allied Printing Trades -First Wednesday. Sec, John Malone.
Barbers -Third Thursday 143 1/2 W Water. Rec sec, James Louridy; fin sec, Henry F Quandt.
Boilermakers - Meet second and fourth Mondays, 164 Lake.
Book Binders -First Friday at 114 Lake st. Sec, Leon J Love.
Bricklayers and Masons -First, third Thursdays. Sec, Thomas Connelly.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Engineers
Liberty Lodge No. 242. Meets first and third Wednesdays at Meeker's Hall. Arthur a Smith, sec. Elmira Lodge No. 463. Meets second and fourth Saturdays at 200 E Water. Fin sec, H L Paris. Floroma Lodge, Ladies' Auxiliary to B of L F and E. Meets, first and third Thursday afternoons at I 0 0 F Temple. Sec, Mrs, Leona Phillips. |
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers -Elmira Division, No. 41. 1 Meets first and third Sunday a, rnoons at 118 Lake. E A Lilly, sec -treas.
Brotherhood of Painters and Paper Hangers Hall- 148 1/2 W Water
Grand International Auxiliary of Locomotive Engineers -Meets second and fourth Wednesday afternoons at Odd Fellows' Temple. Sec, Mrs Hattie B Crofutt.
Halstead Division, No. 434, Lackawanna engineers. Meets first and third Sunday afternoons at 120 Lake st. Harry G Havens, sec.
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks -Meets first and third Mondays,
118 Lake st. Pres, Walter A Groff; sec, Harold Cuthbert; treas, Fred G
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
Chemung Lodge, No. 229. Meets second and fourth Sunday 2 p. m., 112 Lake. Sec, E L Spencer. Northern Central Lodge, No. 413. Meets first Sundays 2:30 p. m. and third Sundays 7:30 p. m. at Miller's Hall. Jess B Harbot, treas; Percy B arbot, sec. |
Auxiliary to Canton Queen City -Meets first and third Thursdays at Temple. Mrs Noami Campbell sec. Past Noble Grands Ass'n - Meets first and third Wednesdays. Sec, Mrs Lena Hogaboon. Ladies' Auxiliary of B of R T Pride of Elmira. Meets first and third Fridays. Mrs Anna Ladd, sec. |
Building Trades Council Fridays 202 ill Water. Sec, Joseph' Graff; pres, George Gerard.
Carpenters-United Brotherhood of Carpenters and joiners of America, 532. Meets Saturdays. Sec, a J Baylor.
Carpenters and Joiners of America (Millmen) Local Union 879. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays. Charles W Hall, sec.
Cigarmakers -Meet Saturdays 5 p. m., 200 E Water st. Sectreas, E G Cuthbert.
Electrical Workers -Meet second and fourth Wednesdays. at 200 E Water.
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees Protective Union, Local 289 -Meets fourth Sundays. Pres, A Bouville; fin sec-treas, F Rogers; rec sec, Geo Campbell.
Mondays at Post Office building.
Machinists Local No. 421, 1 A of M-Fin sec, Jas H Woodward. Meets first and third Fridays at 118 Lake. Local 1420, fin sec, Lewis E Whitehead. Meets first and third Fridays, 118 Lake.
Meat Cutters -First and third Thursdays, 164 Lake.
Metal Polishers -Second and fourth Thursdays, 200 E Water.
Musicians, Local No. 314 - Meets first Sunday of month, 322 Carroll at 10:80 a. m.
National Association of Letter Carriers -Branch 21. Meets first Mondays at Post Office building. Pres, John E Noble; sec Earl McNaney; treas, N E Spencer.
Order of Railway Conductors
Elmira Division, No. 9. Meets second and fourth Sundays at 3 P. in. at Meeker's Hall, 118 Lake. G E Parker, sec. Independent Division, No. 374. Meets fourth Sunday 2:30 p. in. at Meeker's Hall, 120 Lake, J J Shaughnessy, sec. Ladies' Auxiliary, Empire Division, No. 80. Meets second and fourth Wednesday afternoons at 118 Lake. Mrs Benjamin Clark, sec. |
Plumbers -Meets First and third Mondays. Sec, Charles M Spencer.
Pressmen -First Mondays at Red Men's Hall, 114 Lake. Sec, L C Whittaker.
Sheet Metal Workers -First and third Thursday at Red Men's Hall, 164 Lake. Pres, Ed Milford; treas, C Shappy; Joseph H Griff, fin.
Stereotypers -Second Monday 114 Lake; sec, Harry Martin.
Switchmen -Telegram Lodge, No. 144. Meets second Mondays at Meeker's Hall. T J Hurley, sec.
United Association of Post Office Clerks, Branch 847- Sec-treas, M Mabel Shaw.
Keuka Club -George McCann, pres; Honey Copley sec.
Loyal Order of Moose, Elmira Lodge, No. 517 -Meets Monday evenings at Moose Hall. Charles Carroll, dictator; Frederick A Searles, sec.
Machinists Athletic Association (Inc) -Club rooms Stancliff Hall, Baldwin st.
Manhattan Club -Sec, William White, 108 Lake.
Masonic - Masonic
Temple, cor. Lake and E Market sts.
Union Lodge No. 95, F and A M -Reg communications first and third Tuesdays. Master, Nathan H Smith; sec, James C Cartledge. Ivy Lodge No. 397, F and A M Reg communications first and third Thursdays. Master, Arthur B Sliter; treas, Charles L Hart; sec, James D Ayers. Jesse L Cooley Lodge' No. 966, F and A M- Reg communications, second and fourth Mondays at 7:30 p. m. Master, Chauncey B Hammond; sec, Leon J Baird. Elmira Chapter No. 42 R A M Stated convocations second and fourth Wednesdays. Alexander H Borthwick, sec; James C Cartlege, asst sec. Southern Tier Council No. 16, R and S M-Stated assemblies third Monday. Master A William Yungstrom; rec sec, Alexander H Borthwick. St Omers Commandery No. 19 Knights Templar-Reg conclave first and third Fridays. Recorder, Wm S Walker. Cashmere Grotto No. 11, M 0 V P E R -Meets first Monday of month. Sec, Phay B Rutan; treas, Charles L Hart. Cashmere Grotto Band Grotto Park-Meets first Monday each month. Sec, Frank W Houston. Cashmere Grotto PatrolMeets in Masonic Temple on call. Sec, E T Handy. Elmira Masonic Clover-Meets on call, Masonic Temple. Sec, T Carroll Crispin. Knights of Rose Croix A A S R -Valley of Corning sojourning in Elmira-Meets on call. Sec, Leon J Baird. White Shrine Mount Sinai, White Shrine of Jerusalem-Meets in Masonic Temple third Monday of each month. Sec, Charles W Arnold. Harmony Chapter, 0 E Star, No. 657 -Sec, Mrs Alta Sherman. Meets Masonic Temple first Wednesday and third Saturday at 7 p. m. except July and August. Loyal Chapter No. 265, 0 E S Meets second and fourth Saturday. Sec, Mrs Eva M Schornstheimer. Queen Freadrica Court No. 22, Order of Amaranth-Meets first Saturday of each month. W M., Mrs S Lottie Hurley; sec, Mrs Harry Schornstheimer; R P, Charles Tuttle. Southern Tier Shrine Association -Meets in Temple last 'Friday of each month. Pres, Chauncey B Hammond; sec, Charles Arnold; treas, John Sheely. Masonic Club-Pres, George S Crandall; sec, William P Rodgers |
Modern Woodmen of America
Newton Camp No. 1034 -Meets first and third Saturdays at Red Men's Hall. Elmira Camp No. 8879 -Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month at Wetamoe Hall, 112 Lake. Herbert N Babcock, clerk. Queen City Camp No. 9613 TJeets second Mondays at 118 Lake st. Moses P Pierce, clerk Royal Neighbors of America (auxiliary to the Modern Woodmen to America Elmira Camp No. 6448 -Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at Wetai-noe Hall, 112 Lake st. |
National Protective Life Ass'n
Progressive Assembly 408 Sec, Beth J Larnard. Office 304 Snyder Bldg, phone 1354-R
Order of the Golden Seal
Chemung Camp No. 407 -Mrs Joseph Hill, sec.
Patriotic Order Sons of America
Washington Camp No. 7 Meets Friday evenings in P 0 S of America Hall, 316 Carroll Street Pres, Raymond Eddy; sec, F B Jones; treas, L R Johnson. Washington Camp No. 17 -Meets every Monday evening in P 0 S of America Hall. Treas, Fred Ersley; sec, William F Faurette. Roosevelt Commandery No. 47 -Meets first and third Saturdays in P 0 S of America Hall. Com, George H Batterson; sec, L W Duncan: fin sec, E C Westfall Daughters of America -Queen City Council 73 -Meets each first and third Tuesday. Counseler, Mrs Charles H Campbell; sec, Mrs Fred Murphy.. |
Psychology Club of Elmira Meets every Monday Federation bldg. Sec, Mrs Georgia Allen
Pine Cliff Club -Bohemia -on the Chemung. Meets at call of president at club house on the Chemung river, west of the city limits. Pres, Frederick C Tomlinson; sec, William Metzger; treas, Roy B Delo.
Retail Grocers' Association Meets second and fourth Mondays at Knights of Pythias Hall. Harry C Greenman, sec.
Rotary Club of Elmira -Organized Sept. 27, 1916; incorporated Jan. 18, 1917. Board of Directors, S *Edward Rose, pres; Burton C Meeker, treas; Malison J Wilson, sec, 408 Snyder bldg; Forest Horne ,Clarence W Stewart, Floyd Edmonds, C N Ellis, B C Meeker, Frank Tripp, H 0 Hutchinson, sergeant -at arms. Meets Friday noon at 12.05 408 Snyder bldg.
Zonta Club -Pres, Mrs Kate Dean Andrew; sec,Mrs Florence Mills; treas, Miss Helen Mallory.
American Legion, Harry B Bentley Post No. 443 -Com, Charles Epstein; adj, John McIntyre; treas, Harry W VanCampen. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Service Men's Home, 236 Lake street.
Baldwin Post No. 6, G A R Com, Henry L Keene; Frank Frost, adjt. Meets first and third Mondays at the armory, E Church nr Lake.
Fitch Post No. 165 G A R Henry Perry, com. Meets second and fourth Mondays at armory, * Church st.
Gen A S Diven Post No. 623, * A R-Edwin Morris, com. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays at armory, E Church st near Lake.
Hoffman Camp No. 40, United Spanish War Veterans Com, Boyd Sheasley,. Adjutant, E E Daggett; quartermaster, Sumner 0 Smith. Meets second and fourth Mondays at armory, E Church st near Lake.
Co L, 108th Infantry, Veterans' Asso. -Pres, Raymond A Turnbull, M D; sec, Max F Dennis. Meets State Armory.
Sons of Veterans, Gen A S Diven Camp No. 77 -Dr Louis D Day, sec; Neil D Cramer, treas. Meets second and fourth Mondays, 118-120 Lake st.
Ladies Auxiliary Sons of Veterans No. 49-Sec, Mrs Elizabeth Cornell; treas, Mrs Lottie Barret.
Daughters of Veterans, Mrs Gen A S Diven Tent No. 7 -Meets first and third Monday evenings at 112 Lake.
Women's Relief Corps of the G A R-Meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings at armory; sec, Frank Frost.
Sons of the American Revolution, Newton Battle ChapterMeets at call of president in chapter rooms, Elmira Federation bldg. Pres, Jabin A Secor; sec, George M Diven; treas, Charles L Hart.
Daughters of the American Revolution , Chemung ChapterMrs 0 J Bowman, regent; Mrs Roscoe Beebe, rec sec; Carrie H Smith, treas; Mrs Frank J Gorman, cor sec. Meets at Elmira Federation bldg.
Wednesday Morning ClubPres, Mrs Caroline Hall.
Thursday morning, Musical Club-Pres, Mrs Sue Fitch; treas, Carolyn A Hall.
Chemung Camp No. 89-129 E Chemung pl. Sov com, Oscar Brienler; treas, Harold R Miller; clerk, William Slocum.
Protective Home Circle -Meet first and third Thursdays, 20,9, Water.
Southern Tier Council No. 585 Meets second and fourth Tuesday in K of P Hall. Carl J jessen sec.
Senators' Club -Meets at the call of the president at Senators' cottage, east of Far Rockaway, on the Chemung river. V P Ford, pres; Eugene S Porter, sec; Frank Ford, treas. Annual meeting second Thursday of April.
United Commercial Travelers, Elmira Council No. 236 -Meets second and fourth Saturdays Odd Fellows' Temple. Wilbur Townsend, sec-treas.
U. S. Board Examining Surgeon (Pensions) -Meets Wednesdays at Federal bldg. Dr, Floyd Jones, pres; Dr Day, E Hgts, treas; Dr. N H Soble, sec.