1868-1911 Rosina Smith of Sullivan Township |
![]() |
It is a rare and wonderful privilege to transcribe these diaries of my neighbors who were here in the community where I now live so long before me. Although I never knew the people whose lives they record personally, I have studied their lives and their interconnected relationships for many years. There is a linked chain of familiarity. My grandparents, born in the 1890s, knew them or knew people who knew them. The grandchildren of the young people in Rosina’s 1868 diary were the old people of my childhood.
They are the fabric of the farming community that existed here in Sullivan Township in the nineteenth century. Some of these people are my ancestors, and some are their neighbors. I can do what few others could in this time so far distant from their own – that is to recognize most of them by their first name or even their nickname when they walk across these pages. I can visualize their houses, so often now just grass grown stone foundations or run down remains of buildings. In some cases I have been able to collect photos of the houses as they once were from living descendants both locally and throughout the country. I can imagine them walking into houses that remain in the neighborhood. I need only look out the window or drive around the corner or over the hill to be exactly where they lived. When I am transcribing the diaries I am there with them in my mind. Sometimes they even walk right into my own house, built in 1858 by the older brother & sister-in-law of Rosina’s husband, where I now sit transcribing the movements of their daily lives.
Historians operate in a time warp, but still it takes my breath away when I am working along and one of my own great-great grand parents stops in to visit on the page. And even more I am stunned when the diarist walks right into this very house, as has happened, and sits down in the room where I now sit pounding away on this laptop. So many years intervene to make us invisible to each other though we inhabit the same space. Time is a strange dimension. It seems we should be able to just reach through it and it is so disappointing that we can not. How wonderful it would be if we could truly lift the veil of time and have a good chat face to face and voice to voice. They could answer so many questions if only we could ask. Their written words in diaries and letters are their only voice now, and we must listen closely to the words they left behind.
The diarists remind me in the fullness of their own lives and the activities that they must fulfill to keep themselves going, that I too will someday be just words on a page. Perhaps you will know me only by the words I am writing now, and when you read this my name may already be inscribed along with theirs in the cemetery up the road. It pleases me so much to have the opportunity to take their words out of the attics where they have spent more than a century and pass them and the community they lived in on to you so that you can know them and it as I do. Maybe even fifty years from now another person not yet born will sit in this same room and read these words that have passed from the diarists of the past to readers of the future through me. It would be the thought or time equivalent of the mirror image of the mirror image that goes on infinitely.
Every historian fantasizes about what it would be like to go back in time and visit the people we study. These diaries are our vehicle for doing that.
We tend to think that because we are living and they are not, that our lives have more importance. As historians we come to understand our equality in the total span of time. I can look out my window on the bleakest, gloomiest day and be grateful to be alive because these diaries make me ever conscious that our lives, too, are brief. The hardships of their lives make me appreciate the luxuries and comforts that we enjoy. And conversely, when I watch the news and see people in parts of our own nation's crowded cities enduring gang violence and drive by shootings and the horrors of overcrowding and polluted air, I think these simple, hard working country people, with their self sufficient life styles and extended family and community ties, had better lives indeed. If I had to choose between those two options, I know where and when I would want to live.
Seeing these people walk through the pages of these diaries in the course of their daily business gives them so much more life and personality than we can see on the sterile pages of census or tax records. These diaries are the ideal conduit by which I can present the community and neighborhood genealogies of Sullivan Township. I have always approached genealogy at the community level rather than the family or name line level. This is the perfect opportunity to present it in that way and to showcase the many photos I have collected since I began Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project in 1992. A presentation with this level of annotation is extremely labor intensive for me. But I want you to know these people and understand their interconnectedness in the same way I have come to know them over the years I have studied them. I have lived on the same piece of the planet where they spent their lives, and they are all around me.
On this property there is a little piece of land on the other side of the creek that can only be reached by walking through water or from the land of a neighbor. My grandfather used to tell my father that it was only there to hold the rest of the world together. I think that is terribly profound, and it reflects the way I feel about Sullivan Township and its people. It is an essential part of the whole, and these diaries show us how and where it fits in as time flows past us.
Rosina was first cousin of Emerson Smith whose diaries also are included on this site. Her diaries cover twenty years of her life with gaps along the way. The collection also includes two of her son's and two of her daughter in law. Perhaps more of these diaries are stacked in another attic someplace. We can only hope that someday they will find their way back home to be included with these.
A few prefaratory notes on cultural practices in Rosina’s world:
People worked and lived in extended family and neighborhood groups. In this early time the economy operated on a combination of barter exchange and cash, and the diaries were part of the record keeping. You will see those exchanges of goods and labor on an almost daily basis on these pages. They also acted as bankers to each other with small loans or notes. The stores did the same, and I have many of the local store ledgers to illustrate these transactions here in my Sullivan Township Museum. In fact, in the case of some of the visits to the stores or trades-people recorded in the diaries, I have the ledgers to show the transaction.
Meals were breakfast, dinner, and supper, and that remains the pattern in rural areas to the present day. The road that Rosina and Will lived on was at that time a direct thoroughfare from Elk Run, then called Chandlersburg, to Mainesburg. When Route 6 was built in the 1920s, the road was closed off and abandoned. The double row of trees remains to show where it was as an extension of Ames Hill which still exists. This may account for the large number of people from the direction of Chandlersburg who ate dinner, the noontime meal, with them on their way to or from Mainesburg.
Rosina mentions only the non routine tasks that she, her sister, and her husband, and the hired help perform. She does not mention that the cows are milked daily and all the livestock fed. She does not mention the hours spent daily in meal preparation or baking, all of which were routine. She occasionally mentions churning butter, and she sells quite a bit to neighbors. She occasionally mentions doing the washing, never the ironing. She is more likely to mention the seasonal activities such as planting, harvesting, building, etc. She records regularly who comes and who goes.
When Rosina visited a house in the neighborhood she usually referred to it by the name of the man even though she would have been visiting the woman in the house. This was not just her custom. I see it in diaries even much later than hers. When Rosina visited her sister, Louisa, she said she was going to Eph’s or Ephraim’s, Louisa’s husband. I have even seen an obituary where it was written that a woman died in the house of her husband. Some of this mentality lingers at the dawn of the 21st century when we see adult women who do not have their name listed in the phone book, one of the rites of passage to adulthood, and expect other people to know who their husband is to contact them. Remnants of the femme covert customs, such as the name loss at marriage, although no longer universal, continue to the present time.
In this era before telephones news traveled by word of mouth. Many of the visitors who drop in to Rosina’s house are there on farm or family business or there to purchase goods. Some of the frequent visitors are the young people of the nearby farms who, no doubt, are conveyors of neighborhood news. I can actually see that many people would find the comings and goings in this neighborhood as uneventful and, let's be frank, boring. Having worked with the family histories for the past fifteen years I feel that I know these people far better than I know present day residents here. I find it quite interesting when Jule comes back from Troy with a sewing machine or when Will goes down to Eph’s to get the ladders to paint the new house (1874). Knowing the houses and the roads, I see myself riding along visualizing all that is happening in a fairly accurate context. Most of you who read my transcriptions will have to make up the pictures in your head from scratch. I will include pictures where I can to help you do that.
Most people are mentioned in the diary by first name, nickname or sometimes just initials. I can usually recognize them immediately, but in some cases the name is too common to be sure which person she is talking about. There are several Elizas, several Matildas who might drop in. If I can be sure, I'll say which it is. If not, I have to leave the annotation out. Again, I will establish a link to the biography page the first time a person appears each year. After that I assume you too can recognize the person by name.
One of the readers of these diaries observed that Will & Rosina went to Troy more than Mansfield which surprised her. Mansfield is a closer shopping town than Troy, but when the trip was to Troy, they often took butter to sell. Bradford County was famous for its butter which was shipped to New York City and elsewhere. I think that is the reason for going to Troy rather than Mansfield. Butter was taken in two standard measures, a firkin was 56 pounds. I do not know the weight assigned to a tub. When Rosina mentions the price they received, it was by cents per pound and varied from .28 to .37 or more. They also sold butter to J. Miller Clark in Mainesburg, but I think the price may have been lower than they could get in Troy.
I have transcribed as Rosina wrote including the ungrammatical idioms such as
the use of come instead of came for the past tense. This was her diary and she
was writing it for herself. She never considered that the world might read her
words more than a century after she wrote them. If that had been her intent, I
am sure she would have taken better care, and would have presented her life for
publication. I find it necessary to interject a few commas that she did not,
particularly when she gives a series of names, some with first name only and
some including surnames. There is no way you, the reader, could ever make sense
of that without some commas. I have developed a database of over 80,000 people
since 1992 in my Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy
Project to help me identify them and sort them out.
Year | Summary |
Biographies | Brief Biographies of people mentioned in the diaries |
Map | 1875 Atlas Map of the area near Rosina’s house. Large - Might load slowly if you have a slow connection. |
1868 Rosina | Rosina Smith (age 28) and her husband Will Smith (separate Smith lines of Sullivan) lived on Ames Hill with their son Orrin (age 3), and Rosina’s sister Julia (Jule - age 21). Will builds a stone wall. All the relatives of both and all the neighbors passed through these pages as the year progressed. |
1874 Rosina | Rosina (age 34) and Will finish off a newly built house and move in. Daughter Florence has joined the family. Nancy & Lyman are separated, and Nancy moves from house to house of her siblings. Her babies are passed around among the aunts and uncles. Apparently a good surplus harvest year because Rosina and Will were still selling hay and oats in Spring 1875 to other farmers who had run out. Rosina makes a trip to Montrose by train to visit. Will's mother, Elizabeth, dies at year's end. |
1875 Rosina | Nancy continues to struggle with her grief and chronic depression over the marital breakup. Rosina and family move in with Will's father, Charles, following the death of Will's mother. Jule remains in Rosina’s house and manages the dairy chores. Niece Frances Rumsey stirs things up. Elizabeth's Estate is settled with some ongoing contention. Rosina & Will go back and forth between the two houses to keep both farms and both households going. Jule & Albert marry. |
1876 Rosina | Jule and Albert live in Rosina's house when year starts. Rosina & Will continue to live with Charles until February when they move back to their own house, Charles with them. Manford & Phebe move into one of Will's & Rosina's houses on the hill. Lots of going back and forth - up and down. One of the barns burns in the Spring. Jule & Albert move. Nancy moves over on State Road, probably with her mother-in-law. Frank & Vira move into Charles' house. Charles goes a-courting. Nancy's young son dies. The Circus comes to Troy. Charles gets mad at grandchildren and moves to Isaac's. Centennial - Family goes to Philadelphia celebrations. Charles gets married & moves back to his own house. . |
1877 Rosina | A routine farming year. A barn raising at Otis Robbins. Another of the barns burns just after the harvest in November. Tiger goes a courting and has to be escorted back home - twice. Margaret buys a farm. |
1878 Rosina | Rosina & Will & Vaughn visit relatives in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Full accounting of the travel routes and modes of transportation both ways. Trains, Steamboat, Stage, & Livery - mass transportation 1870s style. Nancy not getting any better. |
1882 Rosina | Nancy is in the county home. Albert & Jule live with Rosina and Will.
Feb - Family moves to Jackson County, Minnesota where Rosina's Uncle Welch Ashley had founded Jackson in 1865. |
1884 Orrin | Orrin courts Alice Barney in Minnesota and returns to Pennsylvania in September. He uses various codes in his writing to camaflouge his words. |
1885 Rosina | Dec. - Orrin & Alice marry in Minnesota. Family returns to PA |
1886 Alice | Alice is homesick for Minnesota and her ma. She exchanges letters with her mother. Her mother comes for an extended stay and the birth of Alice's first baby, Bessie. |
1886 Rosina | |
1887 Alice | Alice weans the baby, visits her mother in Minnesota, returns to Pennsylvania |
1887 Orrin | |
1888 Rosina | |
1888 Orrin | bcc |
1890 Rosina | |
1892 Rosina | bcc |
1895 Rosina | |
1901 Rosina | |
1903 Rosina | |
1904 - 1909 R, | |
1910 Rosina | bcc |
1910 - 1911 R. | |
1975 Bessie | bcc |
I am already working on subsequent diaries so there will be people added here whom you do not yet see in the diaries I have published so far. They will come along later.
Fan & Kit are the horses, and Tiger is the dog.
SRGP | Name | B/D | Mother | Father | Spouse / Marriage date | Relationship to Rosina | Buried | Comments |
81955 | Angeline ? | 1823-1868 | Joseph Ballard | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||||
11112 | Martha | 1830- | Hickock, Scofield, Charles Smith | Mother Martha after 1876. | ||||
03223 | Marinda Aldrich | 1849-1910 | Hannah McConnell | Noah Aldrich | Wallace Updyke | Watson Cemetery | Teacher 1875 | |
Allen, Henry | Prospect Cemtery | Lawyer Allen | ||||||
11180 | Thomas Ames | 1787-1875 | Mary Carver | Thomas Ames | Harriet (Hannah) Haven | Neighbor | ||
03910 | Floyd Ashley | 1837-aft 1908 | Deborah Hickock | Forest Ashley (Jr.) | Arminda Dodge | Sullivan Resident | ||
04986 | Rich Frank Ashley | 1830-1903 | Deborah Hickock | Forest Ashley (Jr.) | Eliza JANE Dewey | Married to Rosina’s cousin | State Road Cemetery | |
04988 | Sterne A. Ashley | 1839-1930 | Deborah Hickock | Forest Ashley (Jr.) | Harriett Bradford. Maryett Fletcher | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
10359 | Ella Austin | 1862-1868 | Martha E. Davenport | Joseph Austin | Local Child | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
09327 | Hobby Austin | 1792-1883 | Hannah Buckley | Daniel Austin | Martha | Uncle (How?) | Mainesburg Cemetery | Who is Martha,perhaps the answer to the Uncle title. |
09294 | Joseph Ballard | 1810-1882 | Mary Bowman
Angeline ? Rebecca Comfort |
Local Resident | Hunt Cemetery | |||
13490 | Mary Barnes | 1816-1892 | Mary | Ezekiel Barnes | Anson Palmer | Sullivan Resident | King Hill Cemetery | |
16950 | Ruel Bartlett | 1832-1890 | Flavilla Day | Eli Bartlett | Mary Jane Gitchell | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
John Blain | Minister | |||||||
D. E. Blain | Methodist minister | 1874-1876 at Mainesburg | ||||||
74158 | Erastus Bosworth | 1855-1875 | Jane | Isaak Bosworth | ||||
09526 | Harriet Bradford | 1844-1874 | Mary Merrill | Joseph Bradford | Sterne Addison Ashley | Mainesburg Cemetery | Hattie | |
David Brown | ||||||||
05462 | Frank Bryant | 1857-1875 | Lois or Sarah Richmond | William W. Bryant | Wood Cemetery | |||
16669 | Daniel Cease | 1851- | Alvaida Woodward | Stephen Cease | Rose | Corning? | ||
09732 | Colie M. Clark | 1868-1886 | Tillie Fox | J. Miller Clark | Prospect Cemetery | |||
09731 | J. Miller Clark | 1841-1907 | Fanny Fitzgerald | Elijah P. Clark | Tillie Fox | Mainesburg Merchant | Prospect Cemetery | |
09765 | Sam Clary | 1840-1917 | Charity McCollon | John Calary | Adeliza Ford | Local Resident | Austin PA | |
37629 | Sylvia Congdon | Diantha Covert | Simon Congdon | Henry Lawrence | ||||
07239 | Ben Connelly | 1853-1924 | Martha Smith | Michael Connelly | Philetta Watkins, Emma Wolcott | Local Resident | Constable 1877 | |
06932 | Marietta Cooley | 1844-1934 | Mary Ann Bulkley | John Cooley | Charles Strange | Local resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
07949 | Roswell Crippen | 1818-1891 | Elizabeth Worden | David Crippen | Julia Harding | Married to Rosina's Cousin on Harding line | Watson Cemetery | Also First cousin once removed on Worden line. |
40638 | Arnold Crumb | 1814-1893 | ? Lamphere | Wm. T. Crumb | Martha Holton | Jobs Corners Cemetery | Peddler | |
05639 | James Cudworth | 1826-1892 | Anna Doud | James Cudworth, Sr. | Lydia Whittaker | Sullivan Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07036 | Albert. Dewey | 1845-1893 | Fanny Loomis | Allen Dewey | Emaline Provin | Local resident | King HIll Cemetery | |
07038 | Edwin Dewey | 1821-aft 1910 | Rebecca | Joseph Dewey | Elizabeth Soper | State Road Cemetery | ||
07024 | Emery Dewey | 1835-1909 | Asenath Harding | James B. Dewey | Mary Sturdevant | Cousin to Rosina | Minnesota | |
George Dewey | Two possibilities | |||||||
07078 | Harry Dewey | 1854-1934 | Harriet King | Sanford Dewey | Angeline Ford (1875) | Sullivan Resident | ||
04987 | Lydia Jane Dewey | 1837-1876 | Asenath Harding | James B. Dewey | Rich Frank Ashley | Cousin | State Road Cemetery | Jane |
05858 | James B. Dewey | 1805-1890 | Hannah Babcock | James Dewey | Asenath Harding | Uncle by marriage | King Hill Cemetery | Uncle James D |
07029 | Sarah Dewey | 1848-1893 | Asenath Harding | James B. Dewey | Isaac Whiting | Cousin | ||
04611 | Walter Dewey | 1821-1884 | Fanny Loomis | Allen Dewey | Cytheria Welch | married to Rosina’s cousin | King Hill Cemetery | |
07462 | Blanche Dewitt | 1868-1916 | Frances Maine | Joseph DeWitt | Lyman Reynolds | State Road Cemetery | ||
07803 | Calvin Dewitt | 1853-1923 | Mary M. Albert | Caleb DeWitt | Josephine Smith | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07809 | John W. Dewitt | 1850-1918 | Mary M. Albert | Caleb DeWitt | Kate Maine, Julia Cudworth | Neighbor | Wetona Cemetery | |
07807 | Joseph Dewitt | 1846-1912 | Mary M. Albert | Caleb DeWitt | Frances Maine, Martha Smith | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
07259 | Cyrus M. Doud | 1837-1883 | Phoebe Hayden | Munson E. Doud | Myra Sophia King | Local Resident | ||
07254 | Daniel R. Doud | 1826-1892 | Phoebe Hayden | Munson E. Doud | Polly Jelliff | Local Resident | State Road Cemetery | |
.07255 | George Washington Doud | 1828-1897 | Phoebe Hayden | Munson E. Doud | Lavina Rockwell | Local Resident | State Road Cemetery | Washington Doud |
06152 | Helen Doud | 1859-1932 | Amanda Packard | Peleg Doud | Daniel R. Rumsey (1880) | Local resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06778 | Lafayete Doud | 1836-1871 | Electa Rumsey | Alvah Doud | Clarissa Jaquish | Local resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06736 | Lorenzo Doud | 1825-1901 | Electa Rumsey | Alvah Doud | Mary Ann Rumsey | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
09382 | Lucien Doud | 1855-1927 | Mary King | Peleg Doud | Frances A. Smith (1878) | Local Resident | ||
06814 | Omar Doud | 1844-1919 | Amanda Packard | Peleg Doud | Charlotte Watkins (1864) | Local resident | State Road Cemetery | |
07256 | Peleg Doud | 1831-1879 | Phoebe Hayden | Munson E. Doud | Mary A. King | Local Resident | State Road Cemetery | |
07258 | Thomas Doud | 1835-1903 | Phoebe Hayden | Munson E. Doud | Mary Jane Squires | Hotelkeeper in Mainesburg | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07088 | Rhoda Drake | 1804-1891 | Samuel Soper | Nancy's Mother in law. | Mrs. Soper | |||
18964 | Bradford Edgeton | 1821-1903 | Lois Brown | David Edgeton | Eunice Squires | Ames Hill Cemetery | ||
06809 | Edward Fish | 1821-1894 | Sally Monroe | Robert Fish | Sarah Cudworth | Mainesburg wagon maker | Mainesburg Cemetery | Was county sheriff at one time |
08132 | George Fletcher | 1827- | Eleanor Conklin | Humphrey Fletcher | Almeda Fellows | Sullivan resident | ||
07880 | Marriet Fletcher | 1850- | Sterne Ashley | Ett | ||||
07272 | Angeline Ford | 1848-1885 | Loretta Spencer | Argalus Ford | Harry Dewey (1875) | |||
08992 | Tillie Fox | 1842-1899 | Deborah Rickard | John Fox | Miller Clark (1861) | Prospect Cemetery | ||
49747 | Ben Frost | 1845- | Happylonia Brown | James F. Frost | Kittie Klaer | |||
01906 | Lavinia Gailard | 1831- | George W. Smith | Aunt by Marriage | Aunt Lavinia | |||
15087 | George Gardner | 1852-1911 | Eliza Ramsdell | Gershom Gardner | Emma Cook | Neighbor | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
09196 | Gershom Gardner | 1817- | Eunice ? | George Gardner | Eliza Ramsdell | Neighbor | ||
09193 | Leander Gardner | 1842-1922 | Arispa | Clark Gardner | Fanny Shelton (1875) | Neighbor | ||
Garrabrant | Sells Photos? Name only shows in Chemung County. May be peddler. | |||||||
02252 | Alonzo Grandy | 1846- | Deziah Rumsey | Gilbert Grandy | Martha Mattison (1876) | Lonzo | ||
07099 | Noah Grandy | 1831-1900 | Deziah Rumsey | Gilbert Grandy | Nancy Lucas | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07642 | Jane Gregory | 1829-1896 | Daniel Gregory | George Maine | Mainesburg Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery |
SRGP | Name | B/D | Mother | Father | Spouse / Marriage date | Relationship to Rosina | Buried | Comments |
09716 | Hall, Charles W. | 1865- | Sarah Utter | William B. Hall | ||||
03065 | Elizabeth Hall | 1807-1875 | Susanna Kindred | Richard Hall | Jasper Smith | Will's aunt by marriage | State Road Cemetery | Aunt Betsey |
12256 | Amy Harding | 1847-1900 | Eliza Provin | Josiah Harding | Adam Richter (1867) | Rosina's Cousin | ||
11815 | Darwin Harding | 1824- | Permelia Hayden | Joseph Harding | Lucinda Smith, Zilpha Nichols | Rosina's Cousin | ||
12258 | George W. Harding | 1855- | Eliza Provin | Josiah Harding | Artibell Mills | Rosina's Cousin | ||
18917 | Isaac Harding | 1830-1899 | Permelia Hayden | Joseph Harding | Rosina's Cousin | Illinois | ||
11789 | Josiah Harding | 1814-1891 | Love Mayhew | Samuel Harding | Eliza Provin | Uncle | North Union Cemetery | Uncle Josiah,
Uncle Sigh |
18924 | Josiah Harding | 1840-1907 | Permelia Hayden | Joseph Harding | Rosina's Cousin | Wood Cemetry | ||
01899 | Loretta Harding | 1810-1861 | Love Mayhew | Samuel Harding | Isaac W. Smith (1829) | Mother (deceased) | King Hill Cemetery | |
12255 | Lucy Harding | 1843-1878 | Eliza Provin | Josiah Harding | George Soper | Cousin | ||
11786 | Mehitable Harding | 1802- | Love Mayhew | Samuel Harding | Asa Howe (1823) | Aunt | ||
12259 | Perry Harding | 1857- | Eliza Provin | Josiah Harding | Rosina's Cousin | |||
Samuel Harding | ||||||||
07619 | Simeon Harding | 1812- | Love Mayhew | Samuel Harding | Uncle to Rosina | Sim | ||
02909 | Alice Hart | 1858-1948 | Amelia Pierce | Daniel Hart | George Rumsey | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
02904 | G. Henry Hart | 1865-1927 | Amelia Pierce | Daniel Hart | Euphemia Jones | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | Henry H |
07178 | Bell Harvey | 1861- | Clara | John Harvey | Sullivan Resident | |||
68721 | Fred Harvey | 1867-1938 | Sarah Kriner | George W. Harvey | Myrtle White | Michigan | ||
14953 | George Harvey | 1844-1931 | Sarah M. Jewell | Isaac Newton Harvey | Sarah Kriner | Michigan | ||
14952 | John N. Harvey | 1837- | Sarah M. Jewell | Isaac Newton Harvey | Clarissa Cleveland, Ermina Welch | |||
11181 | Hannah [Harriet} Havens | 1796-1881 | Thomas Ames | Michigan | ||||
09292 | George Hawkins | 1854- | Diantha Baxter | Riley Hawkins | ||||
09293 | James Hawkins | 1856- | Diantha Baxter | Riley Hawkins | ||||
mh | Margaret H | Possibly Hawkins | ||||||
09289 | Riley Hawkins | 1828-bef 1880 | Diantha Baxter | Sullivan Resident | ||||
10078 | William Hawkins | 1843- | Billy H. | |||||
01914 | Frances ELLEN Hill | 1838-1892 | Alpha G. Palmer | Garwood Hill | Orrin Smith (1854) | Sister in law | King Hill Cemetery | Ellen |
08331 | Lydia Hill | 1842- | Alpha G. Palmer | Garwood Hill | Orrin Smith | |||
09127 | Palmer Hill | 1844- | Alpha G. Palmer | Garwood Hill | Local Resident | |||
51887 | Joseph Hoard | 1852-1925 | Sarah Margaret Elliott | Oakwood Cemetery | Insurance Agent in Mansfield | |||
09476 | Keturah Hodges | 1818-1868 | Sally Shearman | Nehemiah Hodges | George F. Smith | Aunt by marriage | Hodges Burial Ground | |
02102 | Adaline Horton | 1845- | Margaret Doty | Thomas Horton | Lyman Richmond | Married to Will'sCousin | ||
11826 | Asa Howe | 1794-1875 | Eunice Buck | Asa Howe | Mehitable Harding (1823) | Uncle by marriage | Elder Howe | |
03765 | Peter Hulslander | 1813-1891 | Elizabeth Cox | Jacob Hulslander | Amanda Rose Soper | Sullivan Township Resident | Hulslander Cemetery | |
05191 | Thomas Hulslander | 1862-1943 | Eunice Squires | Thomas J. Hulslander | Elizabeth Crippen | Nebraska | Tommy | |
08983 | Charles Jaquish | 1823-1907 | Clarissa Reynolds | Joseph Juaquish | Elizabeth Walker | Frost Settlement Cemetery | ||
19540 | Douglas Johns | 1802- | Aaron Johns | Avis Benson | Rutland resident | |||
07598 | Seeley Johns | 1800-1875 | Aaron Johns | Miriam Burns | ||||
74830 | William Johnson | 1815- | Elizabeth | Sullivan Township Resident | ||||
04952 | Edward T. Jones | 1862-1933 | Margaret Smith | Benjamin Jones | Ames Hill Cemetery | |||
03680 | Benjamin Jones | 1835-1904 | Edward Jones | Margaret Smith | Neighbor [married to Will's niece] | Ames Hill Cemetery | ||
01922 | John Albert Joralemon | 1854-1912 | Elizabeth Albert | John H. Joralemon | Julia Smith (1875) | Brother in law | King Hill Cemetery | Albert |
08409 | John Kelley Knowlton | 1856-1934 | Elizabeth Kelley | John C. Knowlton | Louisa Mae Smith | Married toWill's Niece | Prospect Cemetery | Kelley |
lam | Lamkin | Methodist Minister | ||||||
07476 | Caroline Landon | 1822-1884 | Jasper Smith | State Road Cemetery | Aunt Caroline- second wife of Uncle Jasper | |||
08100 | Henry Lawrence | Sylvia Congdon | ||||||
00678 | Thomas H. Lewis | 1834-1899 | Calista Mudge | Decius Lewis | Lovisa Laura Dewey | Alba Cemetery | ||
11127 | David Lovell | 1853- | Ann | |||||
11122 | Phoebe Lovell | 1854- | Ann | Manford Robbins | Iowa | |||
09405 | Amander Ludington | 1828-1896 | Phoebe Rose | Wm. Ludington Jr. | Matilda Fuller (1850) | Local Resident | West Branch Cemetery (Delmar) | |
09061 | Enos Ludington | 1846-1923 | Phoebe Rose | Wm.. Ludington, Jr. | Amanda Robbins | Neighbor | ||
09842 | John G. Ludington | 1860-1941 | Matilda Fuller | Amander Ludington | Ruth Thayer, Ella | Neighbor | Sylvania Cemetery | |
04786 | Perley Ludington | 1852-1938 | Matilda Fuller | Amander Ludington | Three wives | Neighbor | Sylvania Cemetery | |
26463 | Elvira Lunn | 1855-1908 | Delanie Peterson | Wilder Lunn | Frank Smith (1875) | Vira | ||
10830 | Charlotte Lunn | 1853-1929 | Delanie Peterson | Wilder Lunn | Fred Fellows | State Road Cemetery | Lotta | |
07690 | Melissa Mabie | 1838-1904 | Elizabeth ? | Levi Mabie | Milton Shaw | Neighbor | ||
07657 | Ed Maine | 1830-1922 | Nancy Spencer | John Maine | Three wives | Mainesburg resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06808 | George Maine | 1826-1897 | Nancy Spencer | John Maine | Jane Gregory | Mainesburg Physician | Mainesburg Cemetery | Dr. Maine |
06807 | Grace Maine | 1862-1912 | Jane Gregory | George Maine | James Cudworth | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
00192 | Amos Mansfield | 1800-1888 | Betsey W. Fiske | Amos Mansfield | Eliza Thompson, Hettie Dewitt | Methodist Minister - Rutland Hill | Wood Cemetery | |
02257 | Louisa Mansfield | 1830-1874 | Eliza Thompson | Rev. Amos Mansfield | Albert Guthrie Smith | Local Resident (Elk Run) | Smith Family Burial Ground | |
12991 | Cheney C. Maynard | 1858-1957 | Emily Gardner | Orwell Maynard | Betsey Ann Webster (1880) | Sullivan Resident | Wellsboro Cemetery | Chene |
08529 | G. Ingham Maynard | 1854-1938 | Mary Cleveland | Cyrus Maynard | Flora Smith | Married to Will's cousin once removed | Ing | |
Shubael Maynard | ||||||||
07138 | Charity McCollon | 1811-1900 | Phoebe ? | Thomas McCollon | Joshua Smith (Jr.) | Step Mother to Ephraim, Philetus, Olive, etc. | Died Troupsburg NY | |
05361 | Eli McConnell | 1825-1877 | Sally Gray | James McConnell Sr. | Lytta | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
04958 | Lepha McConnell | 1842-1907 | Hannah Bryant | Justus McConnell | Jonathan Smith | Sister in law | Prospect Cemetery | |
07288 | Bateman Monroe | 1815-1900 | Mary Childs | Bateman Monroe | Four wives | Farmer in Sullivan Township | Columbia Valley Cemetery | |
02582 | Thomas R. Monroe | 1843-1894 | Dorcas Card | John B. Monroe | Asenath Cole | Sylvania Cemetery | ||
06844 | Fordyce Morgan | 1840-1911 | Betsey Black | Dennis Morgan | Julia Smith | State Road Cemetery | ||
00216 | Amos Mudge | 1815-1897 | Asenath Crissey | Ira Mudge | Lucy Bronson | Neighbor | Ames Hill Cemetery | Great Great grandfather of Joyce |
00164 | Cornish Mudge | 1805-1896 | Asenath Crissey | Ira Mudge | Caroline Squires | Sullivan Resident | State Road Cemetery |
SRGP | Name | B/D | Mother | Father | Spouse / Marriage date | Relationship to Rosina | Buried | Comments |
03186 | Elisha Rich Orvis | 1842-1918 | Celestia Rich | Eleazar Orvis | Ella Lufannie Squires (1886) | Local resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
07205 | Eliza A. Orvis | 1840-1904 | Celestia Rich | Eleazar Orvis | Wesley B. Reynolds | Local Resident | Watson Cemetery | |
07210 | Eulalia Orvis | 1857-1882 | Miranda Wilkins | Eleazar Orvis | State Road Cemetery | |||
07204 | George Orvis | 1837-1916 | Celestia Rich | Eleazar Orvis | Nancy Rose (1876) | Local resident | State Road Cemetery | |
07203 | Margaret Orvis | 1838- | Celestia Rich | Eleazar Orvis | Seymour Rhinevault | Mainesburg Resident | ||
77219 | Seth W. Paine | 1810-1892 | Clement Paine | Troy Resident | Oak Hill Cemetery | |||
09125 | Alpha Palmer | 1815-1876 | Lydia Case | Stephen Palmer | Garwood Hill | Local resident | King Hill Cemetery | |
51639 | Anson Palmer | 1813-1869 | Lydia Case | Stephen Palmer | Mary Barnes | Sullivan Township Resident | King Hill Cemetery | |
09137 | Lester Palmer | 1822-1893 | Sophia Taylor | David Palmer | Adaline Provin | Sullivan Township Resident | King Hill Cemetery | |
07063 | Nancy Palmer | 1820-1903 | Sophia Taylor | David Palmer | Lyman Dewey | Sullivan Township Resident | King Hill Cemetery | |
09741 | Baldwin Parkhurst | 1832-1888 | Marian Speer | Dexter Parkhurst | Celia Maine | Merchant in Mainesburg | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
09746 | Eugene Parkhurst | 1853 - | Rosilla Fox | Philemon Parkhurst | ||||
07093 | Charles Pierce | 1837- | Sally Phillips | Charles Pierce | Martha -- | |||
05390 | Lewis Pierce | 1840- | Sally Phillips | Charles Pierce | Anjanetta Ludington, Rose ? | |||
03712 | Myron Pierce | 1844-1918 | Sally Phillips | Charles Pierce | ||||
09516 | Charles Reitz | 1840-1912 | Louisa ? | Matilda Monroe (1871) | Local Resident | Prospect Cemetery | ||
01839 | Harriet Reynolds | 1824-1906 | Phebe Bennett | John Reynolds | John Smith | Rosina's aunt by marriage | Reynolds Cemetery | |
09036 | Lucy Reynolds | 1825-1873 | Manda Peck | Lyman Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Neighbor | Ames Hill Cemetery | |
12615 | Wesley Reynolds | 1843-1922 | Anna M. Argetsinger | Norman Reynolds | Eliza Orvis | Sullivan / Rutland resident | Watson Cemetery | |
05563 | Albert Richmond | 1827-1897 | Anna Smith | Isaac Richmond | Sally Scouten | Cousin to Will | Ames Hill Cemetery | |
08937 | Ananais Richmond | 1824-1910 | Anna Smith | Isaac Richmond | Hannah Strange (1869) | Cousin to Will | Prospect Cemetery | |
07012 | Fred Richmond | 1865- | Adaline Horton | Lyman Richmond | Jessie Niles | |||
05571 | Isaac Richmond | 1807-1877 | Daniel Richmond | Anna Smith | Will's Uncle by Marriage | Ames Hill Cemetery | Uncle Isaac | |
04061 | Isaac H. Richmond | 1848- | Sally Scouten | Albert Richmond | Margery Smith | Cousin to Will | ||
05577 | Lyman Richmond | 1843-1896 | Anna Smith | Isaac Richmond | Adaline Horton | Cousin to Will | Watson Cemetery | |
05574 | Matilda Richmond | 1835-1891 | Anna Smith | Isaac Richmond | Warren Rumsey | Cousin to Will | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
05675 | Melissa Richmond | 1831-1911 | Anna Smith | Isaac Richmond | James Ruggles | Cousin to Will | Glenwood Cemetery | |
10026 | William Richmond | 1797- | Daniel Richmond | Brother in law of Will's Aunt Anna SMITH "Richmond" | Uncle Billy Richman - not really an uncle as far as I know. | |||
07144 | Abijah Robbins | 1858-1921 | Sophronia Woodward | William E. Robbins | Martha Warburton (1880) | Neighbor | Big Pond Cemetery | Bige |
06732 | Ahas Robbins | 1789-1877 | Meltiah Hill | William Robbins | Betsey Gloyd | Neighbor | Probably lost Robbins Burial Ground | "Uncle Ahas" - Elders in area often called Uncle |
09038 | Amanda Robbins | 1846- | Lucy Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Enos Ludington | Neighbor | ||
09398 | Calvin Robbins | 1850- | Lucy Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Neighbor | |||
07145 | Clarissa Robbins | 1860-1934 | Sophronia Woodward | William E. Robbins | Orson Wilson (1877) | Neighbor | Columbia Valley Cemetery | Clara |
06531 | Dexter Robbins | 1809-1880 | Polly Richards | Amariah Robbins | Mary Edgeton | Neighbor | Ames Hill Cemetery | |
06768 | Eliza Jane Robbins | 1842- | Sophronia Woodward | William E. Robbins | Orrin H. Seaman | Neighbor | ||
George Robbins | ||||||||
09035 | Joseph W. Robbins | 1820-? | Betsey Gloyd | Ahas Robbins | Lucy Reynolds | Neighbor | Joseph, Joe W. | |
04481 | Lavina Robbins | 1862- | Lucy Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Neighbor | Vina | ||
06731 | Levi Robbins | 1830-1925 | Betsey Gloyd | Ahas Robbins | Electa Doud | Sullivan resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06773 | Lois Robbins | 1848- | Mary Edgeton | Dexter Robbins | Teacher 1876 | Minnesota | ||
09399 | Manford Robbins | 1854- | Lucy Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Phoebe Lovell | Neighbor | ||
09400 | Martha Robbins | 1856- | Lucy Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Frank Crandall (1875) | Neighbor | ||
09401 | Mary Robbins | 1860- | Lucy Reynolds | Joseph Robbins | Neighbor | |||
06772 | Otis Robbins | 1846-1912 | Mary Edgeton | Dexter Robbins | Addie Ruggles {1875) | Glenwood Cemetery | ||
07017 | Rosetta Robbins | 1855-1897 | Electa Doud | Levi Robbins | Teacher 1878 | |||
06748 | William E. Robbins | 1819-1898 | Betsey Gloyd | Ahas Robbins | Sophronia Woodward | Neighbor | Ames Hill Cemetery | Bill E., blacksmith, gunsmith. |
07151 | Betsey Rose | 1853-1914 | Jane Morgan | Russell Rose | Isaac Doud | Prospect Cemetery | Teacher 1874 | |
06183 | Warren D. Rose | 1850-1938 | Laura Morgan | Elliot S. Rose | Alice Gray | Local resident | State Road Cemetery | |
05670 | Ada Ruggles | 1853-1933 | Mary ? | Archibald Ruggles | Otis Robbins (1875) | Glenwood Cemetery | Addie | |
05668 | Archibald Ruggles | 1830-1922 | Sally Lewis | Orrin Ruggles | Mary ? | Local resident | Glenwood Cemetery | |
05800 | Alonzo Rumsey | 1825-1945 | Jerusha Kelts | Seth S. Rumsey | Eliza Costley | Local resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | Lon |
05624 | Artemus Rumsey | 1832-1905 | Jerusha Kelts | Seth S. Rumsey | Mary Smith | married to Will's sister | Mainesburg Cemetery | Art |
05866 | Barton Rumsey | 1859-1938 | Matilda Richmond | Warren Rumsey | Lydia E. Smith | Son of Will's cousin | Mainesburg Cemetery | Bart |
06901 | Charles Rumsey | 1837-1929 | Sarah Gitchell | Noah Rumsey Jr. | Matilda Gifford
Angeline Ely |
Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | Charley |
03468 | Cyrus Rumsey | 1826- | Elizabeth Ludington | Oliver Rumsey | Nancy J. Welch | Local resident | ||
05878 | Frances E. Rumsey | 1855-1914 | Mary Smith | Artemus Rumsey | Will's niece | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
06903 | Joseph B. Rumsey | 1841-1951 | Sarah Gitchell | Noah Rumsey Jr. | Lucy Ripley, Susan Crittenden | Neighbor | ||
05865 | Julius Rumsey | 1856-1956 | Matilda Richmond | Warren Rumsey | Electa Scouten (1875) | Son of Will's cousin | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
05880 | Kate Rumsey | ca 1870- | Mary Smith | Artemus Rumsey | Holcomb & Ingullis | Will's niece | ||
06519 | Levi Rumsey | 1821-1875 | Betsey Ford | Smith Rumsey | Sophia Williams | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06357 | Minnie E. Rumsey | 1869-1948 | Lydia Smith | William Rumsey | Leander Austin | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
05634 | Seth S. Rumsey | 1805-1880 | Asenath Doud | Jeremiah Rumsey | Jerusha Kelts | Local resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
05793 | Warren Rumsey | 1854-1907 | Jerusha Kelts | Seth S. Rumsey | Matilda Richmond | Local resident- married to Will's cousin | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
05868 | Wilbur Rumsey | 1862-1947 | Matilda Richmond | Warren Rumsey | Maude Lucy Wilson | Son of Will's cousin | South Dakota | |
09436 | Harmon Scouten | 1854-1919 | Mary Jane Seely | Ira Scouten | Estella Shelton | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
Ira Scouten | Mary Jane Seely | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |||||
59392 | Joshua Schermerhorn | 1838- | Lucina | Maryetta | Sullivan Resident | |||
13884 | Lydia Seaman | 1862- | Eliza Robbins | Orrin Seaman | Asa Frank Wilson, Sturdevant | Sylvania Cemetery | Have undated obit but no tombstone record | |
09007 | Charles E. Seeley | 1849- | Emily Burley | George Seeley | Sally Shelton | Local Resident | ||
09002 | George Seeley | 1805-1879 | Isaiah Seeley | Emily Burley | Local resident | Seeley Burial Ground | ||
07888 | Lent Seeley | 1814-1882 | Isaiah Seeley | 3 wives | Local resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
04742 | Clayton Seymour | 1868-1951 | Ellen Seymour | George Seymour | Minnie Welch | Neighbor | King Hill Cemetery | |
05069 | Clyde Seymour | 1870-1953 | Ellen Seymour | George Seymour | Cora Kennedy | Neighbor | ||
05063 | Ellen Seymour | 1833-1906 | Sarah Dutton | Julius Seymour | George Seymour | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
05065 | Mary Seymour | 1857-1943 | Ellen Seymour | George Seymour | Francis Bartlett | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07695 | Bertha Shaw | 1863- | Melissa Mabie | Charles Milton Shaw | Fred Bryan | Neighbor | ||
07676 | Charles Milton Shaw | 1836-1909 | Jane F. Seaman | Daniel M. Shaw | Melissa Mabie | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | Milton |
07674 | Daniel M. Shaw | 1808-1884 | Sarah Hawes | Joshua Shaw | Jane Seaman | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07697 | Elmer Shaw | 1870-1946 | Melissa Mabie | Charles Milton Shaw | Florence Tears | Mainesburg Cemetery | ||
07680 | Freeman Shaw | 1843-1934 | Jane F. Seaman | Daniel M. Shaw | Mainesburg Cemetery | |||
07692 | Annette Shaw | 1861-1947 | Melissa Mabie | Charles Milton Shaw | Samuel Smith | Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | Nette |
03843 | Asa Slingerland | 1837- | Mary Baker | Tunis Slingerland | Frances Sperry (1859) | Local resident |
SRGP | Name | B/D | Mother | Father | Spouse / Marriage date | Relationship to Rosina | Buried | Comments |
29113 | Addison Smith | Ananais Smith | Cousin to Will | |||||
04492 | Adelaide Smith | 1853- | Marilla Lewis | Dennis T. Smith | Charles Johns | Daughter of Will's Cousin | ||
02203 | Albert G. Smith | 1828-1912 | Marjorie Genung | Arad Smith | Louisa Mansfield | Local Resident (Elk Run) | Smith Family Cemetery | |
01948 | Alonzo Smith | See Orrin Alonzo Smith | ||||||
27888 | Ananais Smith | 1810-1877 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Sally ? | Will's Uncle | Cayuta NY | |
04475 | Andrew Jackson Smith | 1829- | Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith | Juliette ? &
Adelaide Holden |
State Road Cemetery | Jackson, Jack | |
05572 | Anna Smith | 1800-1879 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Isaac Richmond | Will's Aunt | Ames Hill Cemetery | Aunt Anna |
02138 | Arad Smith | 1800-1889 | Eunice Whitney | Capt. Isaac Smith | Margery Genung | Chandlersburg resident | Smith Family Burial Ground | |
04493 | Belviette Smith | 1855-1931 | Marilla Lewis | Dennis T. Smith | Andrew Parker, Ellery Wilcox | Daughter of Will's Cousin | Big Pond Cemetery | |
04062 | Byron Smith | 1849-1940 | Sallie Chandler | Charles G. Smith | Maria Smith | Married to Will's Cousin | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
04259 | Charles Smith | 1799-1885 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Elizabeth Thomas (1822) | Father in law | Ames Hill Cemetery | Called "Father" by Rosina |
14791 | Charles Smith | 1851-1936 | Juliette ? | Andrew Jackson Smith | Nephew to Will | State Road Cemetery | Charlie | |
04488 | Chauncey Smith | 1856- | Louisa Smith | Ephraim Smith | Phoebe Strong (1882)
Ella M Lawrence (1887) |
Nephew | ||
03691 | Cornelius Smith | 1846-1931 | Ann (Nancy) Welch | Obadiah Smith | Martha Smith | Cousin of Will | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
00162 | D. T. Smith (Tom) | 1824-1894 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Lucretia Welch | Older brother of Will | Ames Hill Cemetery | Settled land & Built House I live in.[JMT] |
00017 | Deke Smith | See Matthew Richard Smith | ||||||
05071 | Dennis Smith | 1864-1954 | Louisa Smith | Ephraim Smith | Mayme Tomlinson | Nephew | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
04469 | Diantha Smith | 1836-1913 | Lydia Clark | Joshua Smith (Jr.) | Jason Watkins | Cousin of Will | Watson Cemetery | Prominent in Daniel Burton Diary |
04482 | Edgar Smith | 1861-1920 | Lepha McConnell | Jonathan Smith | Addie Decker | Will's Nephew | Prospect Cemetery | |
04489 | Ellen Loretta Smith | 1859- | Louisa Smith | Ephraim Smith | Isaac Borden | Niece | ||
00547 | Emerson Smith | 1861-1922 | Harriet Reynolds | John Smith | Addie Makeley | Cousin of Rosina | Lawrence Corners Cemetery | Several of Emerson's Diaries are on site. |
09481 | Emma Keturah Smith | 1848-1892 | Keturah Hodges | George Smith | Sanford Smith | Cousin to Will | Second of Sanford's Four wives | |
01916 | Ephraim Smith | 1827-1909 | Lydia Clark | Joshua Smith (Jr.) | Louisa Smith (1852) | Brother in law, Cousin to Will | King Hill Cemetery | |
10828 | Florence Smith | 1870-1951 | Rosina Smith | Will Smith | Harry Brown (1894) | Daughter | Canton | |
01991 | Frank Smith | Catherine Andrus | Silas Smith | Rosina's Cousin | ||||
01946 | Frank M. Smith | 1853-1892 | Harriet Reynolds | John Smith | Ada Beardslee | Rosina's Cousin | Baptist Hill Cemetery | |
04487 | Franklin Smith | 1854-1932 | Louisa Smith | Ephraim Smith | Elvira Lunn (1875)
Charlotte Heron |
Nephew | Mainesburg Cemetery | Frank |
03205 | George Smith | 1832-1908 | Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith | Mary Tears | Will's Brother | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
09475 | George F. Smith | 1814-1896 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Keturah Hodges, Amelia Wilson | Will's Uncle | Watson Cemetery | Uncle George |
01896 | George W. Smith | 1820- | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Lavinia Gailard | Rosina's Uncle | Missouri? | Uncle George |
05072 | Hannah Rosina Smith | 1866-1962 | Louisa Smith | Ephraim Smith | George L. Lay | Niece | Sylvania Cemetery | |
03702 | Herman Smith | 1868 | Jane Smith | Mordecai Smith | Alice/Edith Wood | |||
04525 | Hiram E. Smith | 1871- | Ermina Welch | Vaughn Smith | Lucy Redington | Nephew | ||
04499 | Hosmer Smith | 1857- | Roxy Scouten | Philetus Smith | Elnora Brady | Cousin to Will - once removed | ||
03183 | Huldah Smith | 1833-1899 | Elizabeth Hall | Jasper Smith | Isaac Squires | Cousin to Will | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
04474 | Isaac Smith | 1826-1892 | Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith | Julia Ann Strange | Will's brother | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
01891 | Isaac W. Smith | 1807-1861 | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Loretta Harding (1829) | Father (deceased) | King Hill Cemetery | Referred to as "Pa" by Rosina |
04523 | Isaac Wesley Smith | 1866-1933 | Ermina Welch | Vaughn Smith | Josephine Sains | Wesley | ||
02218 | James T.
Smith |
1852-1901 | Lucretia Welch | D. T. Smith | Luella Searles | Cousin to Will | Ames Hill Cemetery | |
04484 | Jason Smith | 1868-1933 | Lepha McConnell | Jonathan Smith | Gertrude Baker, Addie Rumsey | Will's Nephew | Owego NY | |
03066 | Jasper Smith | 1805-1884 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Elizabeth Hall | Will's Uncle | State Road Cemetery | |
04501 | Jennie Smith | 1861-1901 | Roxy Scouten | Philetus Smith | Hubert Bartlett | Wills cousin once removed | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
01482 | Jesse Smith | 1786-1871 | Annis Worden | Grandfather | Wood Cemetery | |||
01840 | John Smith | 1814-1902 | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Harriet Reynolds | Uncle | Reynolds Cemetery | Uncle John |
04477 | Jonathan Smith | 1839-1904 | Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith | Lepha McConnell | Will's brother | Prospect Cemetery | John |
04504 | Josephine Smith | 1854-1921 | Mary Tears | George Smith | Calvin DeWitt (1873) | Will's Niece | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
01921 | Julia Smith | 1847-1909 | Loretta Harding | Isaac W. Smith | Albert Joralemon (1875) | Sister | King Hill Cemetery | Jule |
04521 | Loretta Smith | 1869-1885 | Ermina Welch | Vaughn Smith | Niece | Died in Kansas - Typhoid | Rettie | |
16297 | Louisa Mae Smith | 1861-1946 | Louisa Smith | Ephraim Smith | John Kelly Knowlton | Niece | Prospect Cemetery | Lida |
01915 | Louisa Smith | 1835-1918 | Loretta Harding | Isaac W. Smith | Ephraim Smith (1852) | Sister | King Hill Cemetery | |
04519 | Luella Rosina Smith | 1863-1930 | Ermina Welch | Vaughn Smith | Wilber Smith | Niece | Lewie | |
04496 | Lydia Smith | 1851-1916 | Roxy Scouten | Philetus Smith | William Rumsey (1869)
Barton Rumsey (1891) |
Neighbor | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
03645 | Lyman R. Smith | 1843-1920 | Elizabeth Hall | Jasper Smith | Charlotte Welch (1866) | Cousin to Will | State Road Cemetery | |
04503 | Martha Smith | 1846-1916 | Mary Tears | George Smith | Joseph DeWitt | Cousin of Will | ||
04471 | Mary Smith | 1835- | Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith | Artemus Rumsey | Will's sister | ||
01942 | Matilda Caroline Smith | 1847-1929 | Harriet Reynolds | John Smith | Elisha Nash | Cousin of Rosina | Prospect Cemetery | Til |
00017 | Matthew R. Smith | 1840-1903 | Eunice Northrup Wilson | Rufus Smith | Polly Comfort | Sullivan Township Resident | Wood Cemetery | Deke Smith. Great great grandfather of Joyce |
01892 | Morris Smith | 1809-1898 | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Matilda Gaylord | Uncle | Watson Cemetery | |
01917 | Nancy Smith | 1838-1924 | Loretta Harding | Isaac W. Smith | Lyman Soper (1855 div 1870s) | Sister | King Hill Cemetery | |
09479 | Nehemiah Smith | 1844- | Keturah R. Hodges | George Smith | Francella Palmer | Cousin to Will | ||
00183 | Obadiah Smith | 1815-1905 | Sarah | Joshua Smith (Sr.) | Ann (Nancy) Welch | Will's Uncle | Gray Valley Cemetery | Uncle Obadiah |
03225 | Olive Smith | 1835-1913 | Lydia Clark | Joshua Smith (Jr.) | Isaac Young (1858), Andrew Squires (1872) | Neighbor, Cousin to Will | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
02848 | Orrin W. Smith | 1865-1955 | Rosina Smith | Will Smith | Alice Barney (1885) | Son | Glenwood Cemetery | In later diaries called OWS |
01913 | Orrin Smith | 1830-1904 | Loretta Harding | Isaac W. Smith | Frances ELLEN Hill (1854)
Lydia Hill |
Brother | King Hill Cemetery | |
01948 | Orrin Alonzo Smith | 1856-1938 | Harriet Reynolds | John Smith | Sarah Styres | Cousin to Rosina | Mainesburg Cemetery | Lon |
03705 | Oscar Smith | 1854-1920 | Louisa Mansfield | Albert G. Smith | Corning ? | |||
04465 | Philetus Smith | 1825-1905 | Lydia Clark | Joshua Smith (Jr.) | Roxy Scouten | Neighbor, Cousin to Will | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
01920 | Rosina Smith | 1840-1918 | Loretta Harding | Isaac W. Smith | Will Smith (1864) | Self | King Hill Cemetery | Diarist |
01930 | Sanford Smith | 1838- | Matilda Gaylord | Morris Smith | Four wives | Cousin (double) | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
01856 | Silas Smith | 1825-1876 | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Catherine Andrus | Uncle | Whittaker-Jaquish Cemetery | Uncle Silas |
01894 | Tristram Smith | 1816-1898 | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Sally Burton | Uncle | Wood Cemetery | |
01912 | Vaughn W. Smith | 1832-1895 | Loretta Harding | Isaac W. Smith | Ermina Irene Welch (1861) | Brother | King Hill Cemetery | Carpenter |
04485 | Victor Smith | 1871- | Lepha McConnell | Jonathan Smith | Will's Nephew | This is the source of the name Vic Corners for the intersection at the top of the hill on road to Mainesburg. [Seymour Hill & Ritz Road/Gardener Hollow] | ||
01898 | Warren Smith | 1830-1916 | Annis Worden | Jesse Smith | Melissa Davies (1854), Julie Davies (aft1861) | Uncle | Columbia Valley Cemetery | |
04478 | Will Smith | 1843-1911 | Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith | Rosina Smith (1864) | Husband | King Hill Cemetery | |
03172 | William Harrison Smith | 1859-1939 | Lucretia Welch | D. T. Smith | Antoinette Squires | Will's Nephew | Gray Valley Cemetery | Will - Born in the house I live in. |
04517 | William Harrison Smith | 1841-1910 | Elizabeth Hall | Jasper Smith | Viola E. Squires | Will's Cousin | Harrison |
SRGP | Name | B/D | Mother | Father | Spouse / Marriage date | Relationship to Rosina | Buried | Comments |
01918 | Albert H. Soper | 1856-1912 | Nancy Smith | Lyman Soper | nephew | King Hill Cemetery | Burt | |
07072 | Elizabeth Soper | 1827-1898 | Rhoda Drake | Samuel Soper | Edwin Dewey | State Road Cemetery | ||
12262 | George Soper | 1841-1914 | Levi Soper | Lucy Harding | Arbon Cemetery | |||
07574 | Lyman Soper | 1829-1913 | Rhoda Drake | Samuel Soper | Nancy Smith (1855 div 1870s) | Brother in law | Nebraska | |
09450 | Mary Jane Soper | 1930-1902 | Rhoda Drake | Samuel Soper | Roswell Webster | Community member | State Road Cemetery | |
07538 | Rosalinda Soper | 1802- | Melinda Rose | Roger Soper | Theodore Harding | Aunt by marriage | Aunt Roslinda | |
26447 | Rosina May Soper | 1873-1954 | Nancy Smith | Lyman Soper | William Allen | Niece | King Hill Cemetery | May |
07930 | Samuel Soper | 1872-1876 | Nancy Smith | Lyman Soper | Nephew | King Hill Cemetery | Sammy | |
09282 | Ashman Sperry | 1811- | Louisa Dewey | Sullivan Resident | ||||
09284 | Frances Sperry | Louisa Dewey | Ashman Sperry | Asa Slingerland | ||||
03224 | Andrew Squires | 1845-1927 | Permelia York | Judson Squires | Lydia Smith. Olive Smith | Sullivan Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
03212 | Emily C. Squires | 1866-1929 | Mary J. Wilson | Lafayette Squires | Orrin Lay, Bert Holcomb | Local Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | See Emma's diaries, also. |
03160 | George Squires | 1833-1905 | Charlotte Barrows | Wm. S. Squires | Mary Jane Smith | married to Will's Cousin | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
03162 | Isaac Squires | 1830-1906 | Charlotte Barrows | Wm. S. Squires | Huldah Smith | married to Will's Cousin | Gray Valley Cemetery | Justice of Peace |
03165 | Lafayette Squires | 1842-1891 | Charlotte Barrows | Wm. S. Squires | Mary J. Wilson | Local Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | Several Diaries on site. |
03163 | Lloyd Squires | 1835-1908 | Charlotte Barrows | Wm. S. Squires | Philena Wheeler | Local Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
03229 | Seymour Squires | 1848-1913 | Huldah | Judson Squires | Alice VanNess | Rutland Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | |
09723 | George Stauffer | 1834-1897 | Magdalena ? | Elias Stauffer | Alice M. Dewey | Mainesburg Merchant | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06931 | Charles Strange | 1835-1892 | Hannah Burt | Marcus Strange | Marietta Cooley (1864) | Local Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | Constable in Henry Card Papers |
06945 | Ezekial Strange | 1837-1898 | Hannah Burt | Marcus Strange | Laura Mosher | Local Resident | Gray Valley Cemetery | Zeke |
06946 | Hannah Strange | 1839-1898 | Hannah Burt | Marcus Strange | Annanais Richmond (1869) | Local Resident | Prospect Cemetery | Second of 3 wives of Annanais R. |
06955 | Mary Strange | 1869-1966 | Marietta Cooley | Charles Strange | Morrison Rose | Gray Valley Cemetery | Mate | |
03595 | George Tanner | 1822-1897 | Cynthia Carter | Peleg Tanner | Jane Mansfield | Rutland Township resident | Watson Cemetery | |
04258 | Elizabeth Thomas | 1806-1874 | Charles Smith (1822) | Mother in law | Ames Hill Cemetery | |||
74957 | Charles Tinkham | 1862- | Harriet | Randall Tinkham | Local Resident | |||
63076 | Randall Tinkham | 1812-1888 | Thodocia Palmer | Calvin Tinkham | Harriet | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
04264 | Olive E. Updyke | 1841-1909 | Delana Benson | Abraham Updyke | Isaac Nelson Tears | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
07401 | Jason Watkins | 1835-1914 | Jerusha A. Rice | Grandason Watkins | Diantha Smith | Rutland resident | Watson Cemetery | Prominent in Daniel Burton Diary |
18250 | Mary Ellen Watkins | 1860-1926 | Diantha Smith | Jason Watkins | Nathan Benson | Will's Niece | Watson Cemetery | Ella, Ellie |
09449 | Roswell Doud Webster | 1823-1889 | Betsey Doud | Roswell Webster | Mary Jane Soper | Community member | State Road Cemetery | |
00184 | Ann Welch | 1817-1898 | Nancy Hakes | Nathaniel Welch JR. | Obadiah Smith | Will's aunt by marriage | Gray Valley Cemetery | Aunt Ann |
03644 | Charlotte Welch | 1846-1914 | Rosilla Rich | James Welch | Lyman Smith (1866) | State Road Cemetery | ||
03617 | Elmer Welch | 1851-1940 | Susanna Cudworth | Josiah Welch | Ella Irene Smith (1875) | Local Resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
03918 | Ermina Irene Welch | 1845-1931 | Philena Dike | Hiram Welch | Vaughn Smith (1861) | Sister in law | King Hill Cemetery | |
03478 | Gilbert Welch | 1847- | Lucy Ayres | Daniel Welch | Kittie Frost | Gil | ||
03861 | Hiram Welch | 1815-1897 | Hannah Doyne | Samuel Welch | Philena Dike | Local Resident | State Road Cemetery | |
03465 | James Welch | 1814-1895 | Nancy Hakes (?) | Nathaniel Welch | Rosilla Rich | State Road Cemetery | ||
03463 | Josiah Welch | 1817-1883 | Nancy Hakes (?) | Nathaniel Welch Jr. | Susanna Cudworth | |||
00163 | Lucretia Welch | 1821-1891 | Nancy Hakes (?) | Nathaniel Welch Jr. | D. T. Smith | Ames Hill Cemetery | ||
03641 | Lucretia Welch | 1844-1905 | Rosilla Rich | James Welch | Ira Fanning (1868) | Glenwood Cemetery | Criscia | |
04943 | Steve Welch | 1843- | Lucy Ann Palmer | Jefferson Welch | ||||
59979 | Thaddeus Welch | 1834- | Laura Bryant | Leonard Welch | Virula | |||
02376 | William W. Welch | 1828-1874 | Abigail Harding | Harry Welch | Mary McConnell | Cousin | Wood Cemetery | Lived on location where I lived as a child |
65388 | George Westbrook | 1808-1880 | Louisa ? | Prospect Cemetery | Monument | |||
18768 | Francis White | 1778-1885 | Mary Snover | Roseville physician | Watson Cemetery | |||
09183 | Emeline Whiting | 1858-1946 | Almira Gates | Nathan Whiting | Frederick Wilcox (1877) | Emma | ||
09180 | Isaac Whiting | 1844- | Almira Gates | Nathan Whiting | Sarah Dewey | |||
07201 | Miranda Wilkins | 1821-1890 | Clarissa | Nehemiah Wilkins | Eleazar Orvis | State Road Cemetery | Widow, spins wool | |
02935 | William Wilson | 1823-1891 | Elizabeth Predmore | James Wilson Jr. | Salome Howe (1847) | of Rutland | Watson Cemetery | |
? | R. Woodard | |||||||
38516 | Isaac Woodburn | 1830-1906 |
Sarah Philena Doud | Local resident | Mainesburg Cemetery | |
06749 | Sophronia Woodward | 1824-1896 | William E. Robbins | Neighbor | Ames Hill Cemetery | |||
01481 | Annis Worden | 1789-1874 | Margaret Gray | Isaac Worden | Jesse Smith | Grandmother | Wood Cemetery | |
09423 | Gideon Young | 1857-1937 | Olive Smith | NOT Isaac Young | Catherine Miller | Nebraska |
Below are photos of people who appear in Rosina's Diaries.
Rosina’s Mother & Sisters
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1810-1861 |
1847-1909 |
1838-1924 |
Rosina’s Grandparents
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Rosina’s Children
![]() The only I picture I have so far of Orrin is this one with Mel Palmer in 1941 - Orrin on Right. Mel Palmer married Julia's daughter Jennie Florence at right |
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Relatives of Rosina
Relatives of Will
LGW Photos | |
Elizabeth Thomas | Charles Smith |
Robbins Family - Next Door Neighbors
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Levi Robbins house on road now called Hemlock Hill in western part of Sullivan Township |
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Older than when in these diaries |
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Edwin Ruthven Maine of Mainesburg with his Cyclone Weeder that he invented |
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