Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
City of Elmira  - Third Ward

1880 City of Elmira Census - Third Ward -Part 2 of 2

Nearly 3200  People in this Census Transcription For City of Elmira - Third Ward in Two parts
Ads From Boyd's 1880 Elmira Directory
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to 1880 Transcription for City of Elmira
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Transcribed by Carlton Wolfe
City of Elmira, Third  Ward
Enumerated June 8, 1880 by Melvin M. Conklin
Part One
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
31-32 33-34 35-36
Part Two
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. 
19         Harrison 20 M son laborer NY MD MD  
        Croger Aaron 41 M son-in-law laborer NY NY NY  
          Georganna 32 F dau/wife housekeeper NY MD NY  
          Lewis 7m M gr. son at home NY NY NY  
        Jackson Lewis 18 M son laborer NY MD NY  
  666 163 197 Walker Nancy 43 F   housekeeper NY NY NY  
    163 198 Anderson Sarah 24 F   housekeeper NY NY NY  
  668 164 199 Burton Charles 48 M hus watchman NY NY NY  
          Hannah 33 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng  
          Hattie M. 8 F dau at home NY NY Eng  
  668 164 200 Foster William 64 M hus carpenter VT VT VT  
          Mary 39 F wife housekeeper Can Scotld NJ  
          Jennie 20 F dau milliner Can VT Can  
  669 165 201 Barber Starr L. 45 M hus druggist OH CT CT  
          Sesepta M. 35 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY  
          May 11 F dau at home PA OH PA  
  667 166 202 Hale John 32 M hus peddler PA PA PA  
          Amanda 22 F wife housekeeper NY PA PA  
          Matilda 7 F dau at home PA PA NY  
          Kattie 3 F dau at home NY PA NY  
  665 167 203 Blanchard Ralph 34 M hus ErieRR wkr. NY CT NY  
          Julia A. 33 F wife housekeeper PA CT PA  
  663 168 204 Clark James 41 M hus laborer NY NY NY  
          Anna 39 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
          Hattie 15 F dau at home NY NY PA  
          Edward 12 M son at home NY NY PA  
          Ella 12 F dau at home NY NY PA  
          Gracie 6 F dau at home NY NY PA  
  663 168 205 Brown Leroy 23 M hus RR worker NY MA NY  
          Sarah 21 F wife housekeeper NY NY PA  
          William 2 M son at home NY NY NY  
          Claudie 5m M son at home NY NY NY  
          Maudie 5m F dau at home NY NY NY  
  661 169 206 Brucklier John B. 66 M hus blacksmith France France France  
          Mary 63 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
        Furry Kattie 15 F gr. dau at home NY NY NY  
  657 170 207 Pickering Frank 24 M hus rag shop wkr. NY NY NY  
          Mary 26 F wife housekeeper NY Ireld Ireld  
          Daniel 1 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
  653 171 208 Ellis William 53 M hus tin shop wkr. Eng Eng Eng  
          Jane 44 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng  
          Hedlevicars 20 M son barber Eng Eng Eng  
          Rhoda 16 F dau at home Eng Eng Eng  
          Samuel 14 M son at home Can Eng Eng  
          Charlotte 12 F dau at home Can Eng Eng  
          Fenwick 10 M son at home Can Eng Eng  
          Susanna 8 F dau at home Can Eng Eng  
          Jane 5 F dau at home Can Eng Eng  
          Mary 3 F dau at home Can Eng Eng  
19 623 172 209 Townsend George W. 42 M hus peddler NY NY NY  
20         Anna 31 F wife housekeeper NY NJ NJ  
          Sarah 14 F dau at home PA NY NY  
          George W. 10 M son at home PA NY NY  
        Ward Ruth 20 F dau at home PA NY NY  
        Clark Peter 15 M nephew at home PA PA PA  
    172 210 Streeter William 46 M hus rag shop wkr. MA MA MA  
          Elizabeth 45 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
  621 173 211 Ball Albert 45 M hus auger fac.wkr. VA VA VA  
          Amelia 43 F wife housekeeper VA VA VA  
          Landon 14 M son at home DC VA VA  
          Martha A. 12 F dau at home NY VA VA  
          Sandy 8 M son at home NY VA VA  
          Mary 6 F dau at home NY VA VA  
          Albert 3 M son at home NY VA VA  
          Ella 5m F dau at home NY VA VA  
    173 212 Dickenson Joseph 55 M hus laborer PA VA VA  
          Sarah 44 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
        Smith Thomas 28 M step-son laborer NY MD NY  
        Jarvis Jane 85 F moth-in-lw widow NY NJ NJ  
  UNION STREET                        
  523 151 182 Meeker James L. 27 M boarder laborer NY NY NY  
        O'Hesson Rollo 20 M boarder tin shop wkr. IL IL NY  
        Still Charles E. 32 M boarder rag store wkr. VA VA VA  
  606 173 213 Groves Lewis 52 M hus wkr. PA VA NY BALDWIN STREET
          Emma 40 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Blanch 5 F dau at home NY PA NY  
  610 173 214 Veal Amanda 42 F   at service VA VA VA  
          Cassra 14 F dau at home NY VA VA  
  514 174 215 Jones Jacob 33 M hus laborer PA PA PA  
          Elizabeth 31 F wife housekeeper MD MD MD  
        Porter Bertha 10 F step-dau at home PA PA MD  
  510 175 216 Gerity William S. 33 M hus druggist NY Ireld NY  
          Nettie 29 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          George C. 2 M son at home NY NY NY  
  116 176 217 Trent Daniel 35 M   mason tend. VA VA VA  
    177 218 Reynolds Peter 40 M   laborer VA VA VA  
  670 178 219 Forrest Alfred H. 35 M   carpenter PA PA PA  
        Snow Mary 18 F cousin at home PA PA PA  
  523 179 220 Kline Margrett 59 F widow saloon keeper Baden Baden Baden  
          Maggie 19 F dau at home NY Baden Baden  
  519 180 221 Byrne George W. 38 M hus cooper NY Ireld Ireld  
          Mary A. C. 24 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Francis J. 12 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
          Walter C. 10 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
          Theodore A. 8 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
  511 181 222 Gerity Thomas 64 M hus stone mason Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Fannie 54 F wife housekeeper NY Ireld NY  
        Farrington Ward E. 24 M son-in-law postal clerk NY NY NY  
          Fannie E. 22 F dau at home NY Ireld NY  
        Sullivan Ellen 31 F   servant NY Ireld Ireld  
20 507 182 223 Biggs John 55 M hus soap fact.wkr. Ireld Ireld Ireld  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 3/11/2003
By Joyce M. Tice