Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
City of Elmira  - Third Ward

1880 City of Elmira Census - Third Ward -Part 1 of 2

Nearly 3200  People in this Census Transcription For City of Elmira - Third Ward in Two parts
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Transcribed by Carlton Wolfe
City of Elmira, Third  Ward
Enumerated June 10, 1880 by Robert B. Murray
Part One
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
31-32 33-34 35-36
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. 
31       Carpenter Mattie 13 F niece NY      
  501 289 319 Fitzgerald John 40 M hus lumber yd.wk. Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Hannah 45 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Katie 15 F dau MA Ireld Ireld  
  706 290 320 Manchester Albert M. 30 M hus wks.jobbing NY     EAST 5TH STREET
          Marion 35 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Josephene A. 10 F dau NY NY NY  
          Harry 9 M son NY NY NY  
          Floyd 5 M son at home NY NY NY  
      321 Baudette Godfrey 25 M hus shoe shp.wkr. Can France France  
          Bessie 20 F wife housekeeper NY      
          Nelley 2 F dau at home NY Can NY  
  750 291 322 Goodman William F. 52 M hus physician NC      
          Frances J. 50 F wife housekeeper MD      
          Mary L. 20 F dau housekeeper NY NC MD  
  752 292 323 Keyshifskey Peter 58 M hus hide store wk. Germ Germ Germ  
          Louisa 54 F wife housekeeper Germ Germ Germ  
          Carrie 18 F dau housekeeper Germ Germ Germ  
  754 293 324 Bell Caroline 60 F widow housekeeper NY      
    294 325 Campbell Abigah 26 M hus roof repairer NY NY VT  
          Josephine 26 F wife housekeeper NY PA PA  
          Fredrick 3m M son at home NY NY NY  
  811 295 326 Williams Mary E. 34 F   wool.mill wkr. MA Eng Eng EAST AVENUE STREET
  813 296 327 Dennison Margret 53 F widow housekeeper Eng Eng Eng  
          Sarah A. 21 F dau wool.mill wkr. NY Eng Eng  
          Robert T. 21 M son wool.mill wkr. NY Eng Eng  
          Elizibeth J. 19 F dau pzf.fact.wkr. NY Eng Eng  
        Henry Mary A. 16 F servant housekeeper NY Ireld Ireld  
  814 297 328 Dunn Owen 62 M hus wool.mill wkr. Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Sarah 63 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng  
        Williams Sarah 11 F gr. dau NY   MA  
          Marie 8 F gr. dau NY   MA  
          Fredrick 7 M gr. son NY   MA  
  816 298 329 Inscho Cager 33 M hus lumber yd.wk. NY      
          Ella 28 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          James F. 3 M son at home NY NY NY  
          William H. 2 M son at home NY NY NY  
          Charles 3m M son at home NY NY NY  
      330 Shetts Fred H. 27 M hus engineer NY NJ NJ  
          Lillian T. 19 F wife housekeeper NH   Can  
          William R. 1 M son at home NY NY NH  
          Christopher 71 M father widower NJ NJ NJ  
  819 299 331 Hillis William 42 M hus wool.mill wkr. Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Catherne 41 F wife housekeeper NY Ireld Ireld  
          William 22 M son wool.mill wkr. NY Ireld NY  
          Mary 21 F dau wool.mill wkr. NY Ireld NY  
          Josephine 19 F dau wool.mill wkr. NY Ireld NY  
          Fredrick 14 M son NY Ireld NY  
  815 300 332 James Elizebeth 52 F   housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
31 815 301 333 Betson Libbie 36 F widow wool.mill wkr. NY      
32         Sarah 12 F dau at home NY NY NY  
  807 302 334 Wilda Agustus 57 M widower wool.mill wkr. Saxony Saxony Saxony  
          Gustavius 17 M son wool.mill wkr. Baden Saxony Baden  
  814 303 335 Wauerr Ferdinand 37 M   wool.mill wkr. Prussia Prussia Prussia  
        Connelly William 21 M boarder wool.mill wkr. NJ Ireld NY  
  600 304 336 Stathers Robert 47 M hus roll.mill wkr. Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Mary 45 F wife housekeeper Scotld Scotld Scotld  
          Annie 15 F dau housekeeper NY Ireld Scotld  
          Lizzie 9 F dau NY Ireld Scotld  
          Aaron 11 M son NY Ireld Scotld  
    305 337 Mortimer Peter 27 M hus wks.jobbing Scotld Scotld Scotld  
          Mary E. 33 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Gladae M. 7 F dau at home NY Scotld NY  
    306 338 French Phillip 41 M hus tinsmith NY      
          Aurelia 38 F wife housekeeper NY CT PA  
  853 307 339 McCann Frenence 35 M hus roll.mill wkr. Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Catherine 30 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Mary Ann 12 F dau NY Ireld Ireld  
          Peter James 11 M son NY Ireld Ireld  
          Terrence 9 M son NY Ireld Ireld  
          Maggie 7 F dau at home NY Ireld Ireld  
          John F. 5 M son NY Ireld Ireld  
          Sarah 3 F dau at home NY Ireld Ireld  
          Thomas 1 M son at home NY Ireld Ireld  
  861 308 340 Campbell Henry 52 M hus tanner PA CT MA  
          Stella 35 F wife housekeeper NY NY MA  
          Charles 60 M hus/board. tanner PA CT MA  
          Betsie 52 F wife/board housekeeper NY      
        Heller Carrie 35 F servant housekeeper PA Germ NY  
  901 309 341 Badger Harwood M. 67 M hus farmer NY MA CT  
          Jane D. 67 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
          Frank L. 7 M adopt-son at home NY   PA  
        Hartgrone Clara 13 F boarder at home NY NY NY  
        Stanard Harrett 20 F servant housekeeper NY      
        Gillett Abbie M. 25 F adopt-dau housekeeper NY   NY  
  951 310 342 Morehouse James W. 49 M hus com.traveler NY NY NY  
          Harrete A. 39 F wife housekeeper CT CT NY  
          Jennie W. 17 F dau NY NY CT  
          Charles H. 15 M son NY NY CT  
          John H. 11 M son NY NY CT  
  961 311 343 Smith James H. 39 M hus wks.jobbing NY      
          Emeline 34 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Olidine 5 F dau NY NY NY  
          Bertha 2 F dau at home NY NY NY  
  969 312 344 Johnson William H. 57 M hus mason MD      
          Harrett 35 F wife housekeeper MD MD MD  
          Loyed 16 M son farm laborer MD MD MD  
          Kimbale E. 13 M son farm laborer MD MD MD  
          Adezilla 11 F dau at home MD MD MD  
32         Sebastian 5 M son at home NY MD MD  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/14/2002
By Joyce M. Tice