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Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
Page A | Page Be | Page Bo | Page C | Page D | Page H | Page K | Page N | Page R | Page Sm | Page T | Page W | Watson Cemetery Listing |
The meeting of the Cemetery Association was held last Thursday evening. A good attendance was reported, indicating the interest that is being taken in the upkeep of the cemetery. Election of officers was held. John Benson being re-elected president, Mark McClure vice president, Belle Sweeley secretary, Leon Reynolds, treasurer, and three trustees being elected for one year, as follows: Roy James, Arch Benson and Neal Rouse. Eugene Crippen, the caretaker for the past year, gave a very good report of the work accomplished, and also the necessary work to be done this coming year. The trustees are meeting Monday night of this week to hire the caretaker for the coming season. The contest which has been running in the Community Sunday School for the past six weeks, closed Sunday. The Reds, with Leon Reynolds as captain, finished 92 points to the good. The Blues, with Mrs. Myrtle Frost as captain, will serve the supper to the winners, in the basement of the church, on Friday evening of this week. A number of friends of Mrs. Irving Austin pleasantly surprised her last Saturday evening by coming in to spend the evening. They were served warm maple sugar.
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Nellie A. Watson, age 89, of Mansfield, formerly of Roseville, died Saturday, July 11, 1970. Funeral was at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home Tuesday at 1 pm. The Rev. Glenn Dewey officiated. Burial was in the Watson Cemetery. Survived by several cousins. She was the widow of the late D.E. Watson; member of Roseville Methodist Church. Photo of Nellie at age fifteen |
ORR N. ADAMS (SRGP 18537) (Orlin Adams)
Orr N. Adams, 79, former Elmiran, died at the family home in Sylvania, Pa.
Thursday afternoon Nov. 22, 1934. He is survived by several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. from the Disciples Church of
Sylvania, Pa. The Rev. Glenn Dewey will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Claude
Shaffer. Burial will be made in Watson Cemetery, Roseville, Pa.
ADAMS, U. F. (SRGP 18535)
U. F. Adams, a long and respected citizen of Roseville, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. E. Watson, at three o’clock Thursday morning, January 31, aged 77 years, after an illness of several months duration, of heart trouble. While not confined to his bed much of the time, still he suffered greatly, and often expressed the wish that the Lord would take him home, to be with the loved ones who had gone on before him. He was born in Wells, August 5, 1847, was a Civil War veteran, having answered what proved to be the last call for Pennsylvania volunteers. Although his hearing and eyesight were impaired during his enlistment, he never received a pension, as he lacked a few days of the time required by the government to secure one. Mr. Adams was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. His companion preceded him to the better world June 29, 1920. He was always a kind and indulgent husband and father, and his first thought was always of others. Besides the above-mentioned daughter, with whom he made his home, he is survived by a brother Orlin Adams, and sister, Mrs. Carrie A. Davis, both of Sylvania. The funeral was held from the Watson home Sunday afternoon, Feb. 3, at 1:30, the Reverend Seymour Barrett, of Tioga officiated, and preached an impressive sermon, and repeated two beautiful hymns, “Rock of Ages” and “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” Interment was in Roseville cemetery. The pallbearers were: Chas. Cudworth, Roy James, John Wilcox, John Benson, Fred White, Harry Bond. |
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Elmer J. Aldrich, age 69, of Millerton, Pa. RD 2, died Monday, Aug. 1, 1966. Funeral will be at Shaw and Robena Funeral Home, Thursday at 2 pm, the Rev. William Pipp officiated. Burial was in Watson Cemetery, Roseville, Pa. Survived by wife, Leona; sons, Elmo and Barrett Aldrich both of Millerton; daughters, Mrs. Sylvene Pratt of Millerton, Mrs. Florilla Shaw of Pine City; sister, Mrs. Mabel Morse of Post Creek, NY; 13 grandchildren. Mr. Aldrich was a retired farmer. He was a former resident of the Mansfield area and a graduate of Mansfield High School.
Joseph McConnell Aldrich, a highly respected resident of Rutland, died
Saturday at 9 a.m. at the home of his son, Elmer Aldrich, in Rutland, following
a stroke of paralysis which he suffered nine days previous. Mr. Aldrich was born
march 13, 1858, the son of Leander and Hannah McConnell Aldrich, and spent his
entire life in this vicinity. August 29, 1894, he was married to Julia A. Wood.
Three children were born to this union, Elmer of Rutland; Mrs. Mabel Morse of
Pine City, and Mrs. Ellen Thompson, who died in 1917. uneral services were held
Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home, the Rev. Clayton Straw, a former pastor of the
Roseville Baptist Church officiating. r. Aldrich was a member of the Grange at
Jobs Corners. (handwritten on article Oct. 3, 1931)
ALDRICH, Sylvene B. (SRGP 05245) - Sylvene B. Pratt, 91, of Roseville, passed away Aug. 28, 2016, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Elmira, N.Y. She was born Sept. 27, 1924, in Covington, the daughter of Elmer and Leona Ingalls Aldrich. Sylvene was a retiree of St. Joseph's Hospital, a member of the Daggett United Methodist Church, and the Mansfield Hose Company Auxiliary. She had also volunteered at St. Joseph's Hospital for 52 years. Sylvene is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Helen and Frank VanDelinder of Millerton; three sons and two daughters-in-law, Bill and Eula Pratt of Horseheads, N.Y., Larry Pratt of Philadelphia, Gary and Mary Helen Pratt of Millerton; nine grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-granddaughter. She was predeceased by her husband, Earle in 1986; her sister, Florilla Shaw; her brothers, Elmo and Barrett Aldrich; her grandson, Joshua; and her great-grandson, Benjamin. Friends are invited to call at the Gary Wilston Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 130 S. Main St. Mansfield, Thursday, Sept. 1, 5 to 7 p.m. Funeral services will follow there at 7 p.m., with Pastor Jennifer Wolfe officiating. Burial will be in Roseville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions in Sylvene's memory may be made to Care First, 3805 Meads Creek Road, Painted Post, N.Y. 14870; the Daggett United Methodist Church, 84 Church St., Millerton, Pa. 16936; or the Mansfield Hose Co., Auxiliary 378 S. Main St., Mansfield, Pa. 16933. Sympath"e" cards may be sent to Sylvene's family at www.wilstonfuneralhome.com. The Pratt family wishes to extend a sincere thank-you to the hospice team and the 5th floor nurses at St. Joseph's Hospital for the loving care shown to their mother. - Mansfield Gazette, August 31, 2016
–SYLVENE B. PRATT, 91, of Roseville, PA, passed away August 28, 2016, at St.
Joseph's Hospital, Elmira, NY. She was born September 27, 1924 in Covington, PA,
the daughter of Elmer & Leona Ingalls Aldrich. Sylvene was a retiree of St.
Joseph's Hospital, a member of the Daggett United Methodist Church, and the
Mansfield Hose Co. Auxiliary. She had also volunteered at St. Joseph's Hospital
for 52 years.Sylvene is survived by a daughter & son-in-law, Helen & Frank
VanDelinder of Millerton, PA, 3 sons & 2 daughters-in-law, Bill & Eula Pratt of
Horseheads, NY, Larry Pratt of Philadelphia, PA, Gary & Mary Helen Pratt of
Millerton, PA, 9 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, & 1 great great
granddaughter. She was predeceased by her husband, Earle in 1986, her sister,
Florilla Shaw, her brothers, Elmo & Barrett Aldrich, her grandson, Joshua, and
her great grandson, Benjamin.Friends are invited to call at the Gary Wilston
Funeral Home & Cremation Service 130 S. Main St. Mansfield, PA, Thursday 5-7 PM.
Funeral services will follow there at 7:00 PM with Pastor Jennifer Wolfe
officiating. Burial in Roseville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial
contributions in Sylvene's memory may be made to Care First 3805 Meads Creek
Road Painted Post, NY 14870, the Daggett United Methodist Church, 84 Church St.
Millerton, PA or the Mansfield Hose Co. Auxiliary 378 S. Main St. Mansfield, PA.
The Pratt family wishes to extend a sincere Thank-You to the Hospice team & the
5th floor nurses at St. Joseph's Hospital for the loving care shown to their
mother. –Elmira Star-Gazette 8/30/2016
Mrs. Marinda Updyke, widow of the late W. W. Updyke, died on Wednesday last
at her home in East Elmira street. The funeral was held from the home on
Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock, the Rev. A. W. Fenton, pastor of the M. E.
church officiating. Burial was in the family plot in the Roseville
cemetery. Mrs. Updyke was born on March 16, 1849, in Sullivan township,
Tioga County PA. On March 26, 1879, she was married, and became a resident
of Rutland. In 1897 Mr. and Mrs. Updyke moved from Rutland to Mansfield to
pass their declining years. Decedent was a faithful member of the M. E.
church, and found unalloyed pleasure in doing whatever part of its work that was
allotted her. In the home she was the devoted wife and mother, self-sacrificing
to an extraordinary degree. One daughter, Mrs. E. E. Wood of Rutland,
survives. (Handwritten date June 22, 1910)
AMES – Mrs. Helen Button – see article with Wallace LaVerne BUTTON.
Mansfield Advertiser 10th Apr 1878: Died James M. ARGETSINGER age 2 yrs 1 mos 2 days, son of J.M. & Ruby in Rutland March 25th. (SRGP 51900) This is probably the James Argetsinger on the Watson Burial Records. Mother, Ruby Soper, buried in Prospect Cemetery. No dates on burial list to confirm which James Argetsinger bureid there. Others are known to be buried elsewhere.
ARGETSINGER – James M. Argetsinger - died in Rutland, age 2 years, 1 month and 2 days. [SRGP 51900]
Albert B. Armstrong, aged 41 years, of Roseville, died at his home Monday.
He was a merchant in Roseville for about 10 years. He leaves his widow,
Louise Berthod Armstrong, formerly of Elmira; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Armstrong; and aunt, Bertha Bond, of Picture Rock, Pa. Funeral Thursday at
2 p.m. at the family home; burial in the Watson cemetery at Roseville.
Mrs. Fannie E. Porter, 77, of Mansfield RD 2, died Sunday, January 8, 1978,
in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro. She was the widow of
Wallace Porter. Mrs. Porter was born at Ricketts on October 27, 1900. She was a
member of Roseville United Methodist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
Donald Dunn of Athens; three sons, Earl of Towanda; Charles of Naples, Fla.; and
Harry of Roseville; and 18 grandchildren. The funeral was held Wednesday at the
Kuhl Funeral Home in Mansfield. Burial was in Watson Cemetery, Roseville.
(Fannie Armstrong Hill Porter)
Mrs. Malene Phillips, aged 24 years, died May 17 at 10:45 a.m. at the
Blossburg Hospital. She was born in Rutland, July 5, 1908, daughter of Thomas
and Nora Williams Armstrong. In 1924 she was married to Earl C. Phillips and two
children were born to them, Betty, who died four years ago, and June who
survives. Besides her husband and daughter she is survived by her parents and
two sisters, Mrs. Edwin Kingsley and Miss Una Armstrong of Mansfield; burial in
the Watson Cemetery at Roseville on May 20. (handwritten on article 1932)
William H. Armstrong, 73, of Rutland, Pa. Sunday, Dec. 29, 1946.
Survived by wife, Clara; sister, Mrs. H. J. Bond of Picture Rocks, Pa.; niece,
Mrs. A. C. Spanier; nephew, Kenneth Bond, both of Picture Rock. Body is at
the Soper Funeral Home and Monday will be removed to family home, where funeral
will be held Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Rev. O. H. Travis. Watson
Cemetery, Rutland, Pa.
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![]() Georgia AUSTIN James was born November 10th, 1884, at Mainesburg. She was the youngest daughter of Hannah Christine and Jesse W. Austin. She attended school at Mainesburg and the State Normal School at Mansfield. She began teaching at an early age, and made this her life’s work. Mrs. James taught successfully in the schools of Tioga and Bradford counties for approximately thirty years. For a time she taught kindergarten in Pittsburg. At the time of her death she was a teacher in the Mosherville school. She was married June 10th, 1908, to Roy James of Rutland. On Saturday evening, Feb. 12th, after the usual routine of the day she was suddenly stricken with an acute attack of chronic heart ailment. Medical skill was of no avail. After only a few hours illness she passed into the Great Beyond. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Feb. 15, at Roseville Methodist Church, of which she was a member, Rev. Chester Feig assisted by Rev. Ford Crippen, officiated. The words of Rev. Feig that she had lived a life of usefulness, helpfulness, and a life of service were most fitting. The influence of her life will still live on. Georgia James is survived by her husband, Roy James, and daughter hannah Christine James; two sisters, Mrs. Albert Jones of Mainesburg, and Mrs. Louis N. Smith of Pittsburg, also one brother, L. Emory Austin of Mainesburg. (Handwritten date 1938) |
AVERY James W-aged 85, died in the Troy Community Hospital Monday afternoon, March 31, 1947. Mr. Avery was one of the best-known men in the Township, being active in Republican County Committee, Trojan Lodge No 306 F and A M, and the Williamsport Consistory. Mr. Avery was born on October 6, 1861, in Rutland Township, Tioga Co, son of the late John W and Clarissa Bailey Avery. He is survived by his wife, Cora Knapp Avery, a son, Elmer A Avery, and a daughter, Miss Nell Avery, at home. He was taken to his late home yesterday and the funeral will be held Thursday at 2 pm with burial in the Watson cemetery, Roseville. Rev. Orey Crippen and Rev. Paul Diehl officiating.
AVERY –Lodema Avery Roy, 81, (SRGP 73522) of Gillett RD 1, died
Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1989 in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira. She was born Jan.
1, 1908 at Gillett, Pa., the daughter of William and Mary Doud Avery. She
was a member of the Troy VFW Ladies Auxiliary, the AARP (American Association of
Retired Persons) and the Uchre Club at Bill and Kay’s, Pine City, N.Y.
Mrs. Ro is survived by daughters, Mrs. Pete (Irene) Owen of Gillett; Mrs. Eugene
(Virginia) Sterling of DeSoto, Kansas; sisters, Geraldine Steffen of Pine City,
N.Y.; Genevive Bernhard of Jacksonville, Fla., brothers, Lucien Avery of Oviedo,
Fla.; and William (Buster) Avery Sr. of Troy, Numerous grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren also survive. She was
predeceased by her husband, Leman R. Roy in 1968; sons, Richard Roy in 1947;
Rexford Roy in 1981 and Raymond Lewis Roy in 1986. Friends may call at the
Vickery Funeral Home, 110 West Main St., Troy, on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
The funeral service will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Vickery Funeral Home
with the Rev. Charles Root officiating. Burial will be in Watson Cemetery,
Roseville, Pa. –Towanda Daily Review.
Roseville, Tioga Co., PA
AVERY –PAULINE M. STERLING age 78 of RD #1, Gillett, PA, Friday, April 8, 1983. Friends may call at the Vickery Funeral Home in Troy on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Monday at 2 p.m. The Rev. John Valiant officiating. Interment Roseville Cemetery. Survived by son, Paul Sterling of RD 1, Gillett; one daughter, Mrs. Carl (Phyllis) Oldroyd of Gillett; sisters, Geraldine Steffens of Pine city, NY, Lodema Roy of RD 2, Gillett, Mrs. Steven (Genevieve) Benhard of Jacksonville, FL; brothers, Lucien Avery of Oviedo, FL, William Avery of Troy, PA; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Gillett Baptist Church, the Bereans Class and member of Gillett Grange for over 50 years. She was preceded in death by husband, Millard Sterling in 1962. –Elmira Star-Gazette 4/9/1983
AVERY - Mr. Waldo Avery, of Mansfield, died last week Sunday at the age of thirty years. He had suffered long with epilepsy. [Watson Cemetery, Rutland Township] Wellsboro Agitator, 6 August 1889
Williams, MRS. J. Martha AVERY (SRGP 08583)
The funeral of Mrs. J. Williams was held from the Baptist church in this
place on September 2, and was largely attended, as the decedent had always lived
near here, and will be remembered as Martha Avery. She was twice married,
her first husband, Frank Stout, having died on December 5, 1880, and by whom she
had one daughter. She was married to her present husband on September 9,
1883, who, with four daughters, Mrs. Guy Soper, Mrs. Earl Soper, Mrs. Thomas
Armstrong, Mrs. George Kelley, and one step-son, Frank Williams, are left to
mourn a faithful wife and mother. Three brothers, George and Menzo Avery,
of Elmira, and James Avery, of Sylvania, and a large circle of friends and
neighbors join in sympathy for the bereaved family. Mrs. Williams had been
a sufferer for years, but bore her afflictions with great patience until at the
age of 71 years and 10 months she passed to the Great Beyond to meet her God.
The Rev. S. Barrett officiated at the funeral, and appropriate hymns were sung
by Mr. and Mrs. Roy James, John Wilcox, Miss Louisa Crippen, with Mrs. D. Watson
as organist.
AVERY - Nelle Wolfe, (SRGP 18735) age 87, formerly of Troy, Pa. Wednesday December 25, 1974 at Dar Way Nursing Home in Estella, Pa. Friends may call at the Vickery Funeral Home, Troy. Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral and committal service Friday at 2 p.m. the Rev. Glenn Dewey. Burial Roseville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the Sylvania Presbyterian Church. Survived by two nephews and several cousins. She was a member of the Sylvania Presbyterian Church; past matron of the Troy Eastern Star. Born Oct. 6, 1887 in Rutland Township, the daughter of James and Cora Knapp Avery.
AVERY SR., 97, formerly of Burlington/Ulster, Bradford County, Pennsylvania,
passed away peacefully at home Friday evening, Jan. 26, 2018. Bill made his home
these last years with his daughter Alice and son-in-law Leon Mosher Sr. in the
village of Stowell (Laceyville), Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. Born Sept. 6,
1920, the seventh of eight children to William G. and Mary Dowd Avery of Wells
Township, Bradford County, the family moved to Lockwood, New York, in 1924 where
they farmed until the senior Avery’s untimely death at age 48. Bill worked for
many farmers as he grew to manhood, took any job available. When taking a job
with his brother working a farm for a widow, Bill met and married Marian Alice
Thorp of Daggett, Pennsylvania, in 1939. In the early 1940s another farm job
brought Bill to West Burlington, where he worked and purchased his own farm, the
pride of his lifetime. A member of the West Burlington CO-OP; Bill also served
for 18 years as a school director for Troy Area Schools. In later years he
served as a bus driver 15 for years for parochial schools in Elmira, New York,
retiring at age 77. Bill never met a stranger, and no job was too hard to take
on. Known for his honesty and strength of character, there was never lack of
work. Bill loved his family, and was the favorite “Uncle Buster” to his special
nieces Pauline, Gail, Virginia and Judy. Don and Betty Wright and Merle and
Doris Bacon brought weekly joy to Bill and Mary before health issues shut down
the card parties. Card playing with family and friends brought much joy
throughout his lifetime and especially these last years as his body would no
longer tolerate his work ethic. Surviving are his five children, William Avery
Jr. and wife JoAnn of Gillett, Catherine Clark and husband Rodney of
Hillsborough, New Jersey, Alice Mosher and husband Leon Sr. of Laceyville, Carol
Jenkins of Columbia Cross Roads, Connie Avery of Troy; 18 grandchildren, 37
great-grandchildren, 10 great-great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews, cousins; and
Beverly Parmenter of Milan. In addition to his parents, Bill was predeceased by
his wife of 55 years, Marian Thorp Avery; brothers, Lucien and Franklin Avery;
sisters, Idelene Avery, Genevieve Bernhard, Geraldine Steffen, Pauline Sterling
and Lodema Roy; son-in-law, Steve Jenkins, Laverne Parmenter; and very special
companion of 18 years Mary Brehmer. The funeral and committal service will be
held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018, at the Maryott-Bowen Funeral Home, 217
York Ave., Towanda, PA with Pastor Michael MacWhinnie, of the Moxie Community
Church in Wyalusing, officiating. The family will receive friends from noon to
2:00 p.m.Saturday at the funeral home. Burial will be at a later date in the
Roseville Cemetery, Roseville, Pennsylvania. Abiding with Bill’s request,
contributions may be directed to the Roseville Cemetery Association, in care of
Donna Baker, 104 Pumpkin Hill Road, Mansfield, PA in his memory. –Towanda Daily
Review 1/28/2018
A prayer service for William G. Avery will be held at the family home in
Lockwood Monday morning at 11 o’clock. The funeral will be Monday afternoon at 2
o’clock at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Roseville, pa. The Rev. L. H. Giles
of Wellsburg, will officiate. Burial will be in the Watson Cemetery at
Roseville. (handwritten on article Dec. 5, 1929)
Lockwood, Dec. 13 - William G. Avery died Thursday at the
family home at Lockwood, after an extended illness. Mr. Avery was born at
Franklindale, Pa., and lived near there nearly all his life, coming to Lockwood
about six years ago. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. May D. Avery;
four daughters, Mrs Geraldine Sterling of Pine City, Mrs. Pauline Sterling of
Gillett, Mrs. Lodema Roy of Lockwood, Genevieve at home; three sons, Lucian,
William, Jr., and Franklin, all at home; two sisters, Mrs. Rowena Gardner of
Springfield, Mass., Mrs. Amy Rhodes of Columbus, O., also seven grandchildren;
two brothers, Mark A. Of Lockwood and Harry A. Avery of Barrowsville, Va. A
prayer service was held at the home Monday at 11 a.m. The funeral was held
at the Roseville, Pa., Methodist Church at 2 p.m., the Rev. L. H. Giles of
Wellsburg officiated. Burial was in the Watson Cemetery.
Adrian Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bailey, died at the family home in
Roseville, pa., Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, aged eighteen years.
Besides his parents, he is survived by four brothers and a sister, Alton, Orrin,
Walton, Walter, Jr., and Annetta, all of Roseville. The funeral will be held
Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Baptist Church in Roseville, the Rev. Ora
Crippen officiating. Interment in Watson Cemetery. (1906-1925)
BAILEY, Chester Paul
- Chester Paul Bailey, 102, of Mansfield, PA, passed away January 17, 2015, at
Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro.
He was born April 29, 1912 in Mansfield, PA, the son of Leon & Lillie
Kerzenmacher Bailey.
Chester attended Mansfield schools, earned his Bachelor’s Degree from
Mansfield University and an MA Degree from George Peabody College of Vanderbilt
University. He served 5 years in the
Quartermaster Corps of the US Army during WWII and achieved the rank of Lt. Col.
He owned and operated the Mansfield Advertiser for 25 years.
Chester was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Mansfield,
and many community & fraternal groups.
He is survived by a son & daughter-in-law, Paul & Debra Bailey of
Mansfield, a daughter & son-in-law, Barbara & Robert McConnell Jr. of Mansfield,
grandsons, Nathan (Shannon)Bailey of Bloomsburg, PA, Michael (Loryn) Folcarelli
of Linden, PA, granddaughters, Rev. Teressa (Doug) Sivers of Oneonta, NY,
Jennifer (Samir) Nawri, and Angela (Jeremy) Kennedy, all of Mansfield, & several
nieces and nephews. He was
predeceased by his wife of 69 years, Mary, in 2010.
Friends are invited to a memorial service for Chester to be held
Saturday, January 24, at 11:00 AM at the First United Methodist Church of
Mansfield with Rev. Jonathan West, his pastor, officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Chester’s memory may be
made to the First United Methodist Church of Mansfield 67 E. Wellsboro St.
Mansfield, PA 16933, or the History Center on Main St. 83 N. Main St. Mansfield,
PA 16933. – Wilston Funeral Home obit, January 18, 2015
BAILEY, Dolores Burleigh (SRGP 13308)
Age 71 of Sylvania, PA, diedon Monday, June 17, 2002 at the Carleton Senior
Care Home, Wellsboro, PA. She was born in Troy on November 18, 1930,
the daughter of the late William and Bertha (Wilson) Bailey. Dolores
was a homemaker. She was also a member of the Austinville Union
Church. She is survived by her son, James (Cheryl) Burleigh of
Columbia Cross Roads, PA and 2 grandchildren, Elizabeth and Amber
Wilson; Dolores is also survived by her special friends, Betty York,
Leroy and Francine Burleigh and Edith Burleigh. She was predeceased
in death by her sister and several brothers. Friends are invited to
call at the Vickery Funeral Home, 110 W. Main St., Troy, PA on
Thursday, June 20, 2002 from 6 to 8 pm for viewing. The funeral
services will be held at the Austinville Union Church, Troy, PA on
Friday, June 21,at 2PM with the Rev. Kenneth Marple officiating.
Graveside service will be held at the Roseville Cemetery, Roseville,
PA, immediately following the funeral. Memorials may be made to the
American Cancer Society, 1948 East 3rd St., Williamsport, PA 17701
or to the Austinville Union Church, c/o Rev. Kenneth Marple, RR1 box
368, Troy, PA, 16947
BAILEY – Fred Bailey-died in Roseville age 2 years old
John F. BAILEY, age 81, of Mansfield, Pa., (SRGP 61200) died Thursday, March 9, 1967. Funeral was at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home, Monday. The Rev. David Griffiths officiated. Burial was in Watson Cemetery, Roseville. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Ingeborg Robertson Bailey; a son, Carl Bailey; daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Watkins, both of Mansfield, RD; brothers, Leon and Ralph, both of Mansfield; 4 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren. He was an honorary member of the Mansfield Hose Company. Mr. Bailey owned and operated the first lunch wagon in Mansfield, located at the site of Johnson’s garage building. He was a left hand pitcher and played professional baseball at Witchita, Kansas and for the R.R. team at Sayre, PA. He was a member of the Mansfield town team. An electrician by trade and wired many of the farm houses in the area.
Wellsboro Agitator - November 3, 1909
John Bailey, formerly of Rutland, died recently at his home in Farmington.
90 of Sherwood Manor, Mansfield died December 3, 1979 at the Soldiers and
Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro. He was born September 13, 1889 in
Mansfield, a son of Charles Freemont and Nettie Smith Bailey. Surviving are his
wife, Mrs. Lily Bailey; a daughter, Mrs. Nina Terry and son, Chester, all of
Mansfield; 10 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. He was a retired
Mansfield Police School Crossing Guard and former teamster. Funeral services
will be held Thursday December 6, 1979 at 1 p.m. at Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield
with the Reverend David Weaver officiating. Burial in Watson Cemetery,
Roseville. –Unknown newspaper
Mrs. Mary Matilda Gee died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Brown,
Mansfield, Wednesday morning, Feb. 3, 1937. Mrs. Gee was born in Rutland
Township Feb. 12, 1862, and had lived many years in Tioga. She is survived
by her husband, Fred Gee; two daughters, Mrs. Ida Brown of Mansfield and Mrs.
Minnie Brew of Rochester, NY.; three sons, Sam Gee and Olin Gee of Middlebury
and Harry Gee of Corning, NY. She also is survived by 35 grandchildren and
30 great grandchildren. Mrs. Gee was a member of Roseville ME Church.
The funeral will be held Friday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Brown in Mansfield
and at 2 p.m. in the Roseville Methodist Church. The Rev. Orey E. Crippen
of Tioga will officiate. Burial will be in Watson Cemetery.
Wellsboro Gazette Thursday, February 11, 1937 - Mrs. Mary M. Gee
Tioga - Mrs. Mary Matilda Gee, 75, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Ida Brown, in Mansfield Feb. 3 after having been in poor health for several
years. Mrs. Gee was born in Rutland, and married Fred Gee of
Farmington July 4, 1875. They lived in Tioga for many years.
Mrs. Gee is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Ida Brown of
Mansfield and Mrs. Minnie Brew of Rochester; three sons Sam and Olin Gee of
Middlebury, and Harry Gee of Corning; also several grandchildren.
BAILEY, Nina Mae Terry (SRGP 75470)
Age 88, of Mansfield, PA and Venice, FL, died January 4, 2004 at Soldiers
and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, PA. She was born February 4, 1915 in
Mansfield, PA, the daughter Leon and Lily Kerzenmacher Bailey. Nina was retired
from Terry’s Drug Store. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church
of Mansfield, and a charter member of WSCS ( now United Methodist Women.) Nina
was also a member of the Mansfield Garden Club, DLS Friendship Club, the
National Association of China Painters and the Sarasota, FL China Painters
Guild. She was also a champion Bocce Ball player. Nina is survived by a son and
daughter-in-law, Edwin and Judy Bailey of Levittown, NY; a daughter and
son-in-law, Mary and Gerald Farrer of Mansfield, PA; two step-sons and
daughters-in-law Robert and Susan Terry of Dillsburg, PA, James and Elizabeth
Terry of Mechanicsburg, PA; a brother and sister-in-law, Chester and Mary
Bailey, of Mansfield, PA; 11 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren and several
cousins, nieces and nephews. Friends are invited to call at the Gary Wilston
Funeral Home, 18 N. Main St., Mansfield, PA , Tuesday 7-9 pm. Graveside services
will be held at 11 am Wednesday at Watson Cemetery, Roseville, PA, with the Rev.
Canon Rudolph Vanderhiel officiating. A memorial service will be announced at a
later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Nina’s memory may be
made to the Tioga Unit of the American Cancer Society, 1948 E. 3rd St.,
Williamsport, PA, 17701.
BAILEY, Sarah Ann (SRGP 10119)
Mrs. W. W. Hall diedlast Saturday about 5:30 p.m. She was the widow
of the late William W. Hall, of Rutland. She was about 70 years old and is
survived by three sons, Len Hall, of Roseville, Aaron Hall, of Mitchell Creek,
and John Hall, of Rutland. She also is survived by four brothers,
Leonard Bailey, of Erie, William Bailey, of Linley, NY., and Lafe Bailey, of New
York. Mrs. Hall was most highly esteemed by all who knew her. She
was a member of the M. E. church and was a woman of many excellent qualities.
Funeral services were held at the Roseville M. E. Church Monday, Jan. 30th at 2
p.m. Rev. Stoker, of Mainesburg, officiating. Burial in Roseville
Pvt. Waldon O. BAILEY (SRGP 19612) of Troy, Pa. Killed in action in Italy April 8, 1944. A member of the 85th Infantry Division. Survived by son Waldon Bailey, Jr. ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bailey of Troy, sister, Mrs. Aneta Meixel of Jersey Shore, Pa.; brother Orrin Bailey of Mansfield. The body is at the Soper & Vickery Funeral Home, Troy, where funeral will be held Saturday 2 p.m. The Rev. Glenn Dewey, Watson Cemetery Roseville, Pa. Condon-Bailey Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars of troy will conduct full military rites at the grave.
Walter B. BAILEY, 97, (SRGP 11108) a resident of Susque-View Home for three years, died Sunday morning, April 17, 1977, in the Lock Haven Hospital. He was born at Troy on August 10, 1879, a son of Leonard and Louisa Canfield Bailey. Mr. Bailey was a retired farmer. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Frank Meixel of Rauchtown. Graveside services were held Tuesday in Roseville Cemetery in Tioga County.
Walter B. Bailey, age 97 of Jersey Shore, Penna. On Sunday, April 17, 1977
at the Susqueview Nursing Home, Lockhaven, Penna., formerly of Roseville.
He was born August 10, 1879, and was married to the late Erma Thorpe.
Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank (Anita) Meixel of Rauchtown, Pa.; 11
grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren. There will be a graveside service
at the Watson Cemetery, Roseville, Pa. on Tuesday, April 19, 1977 at 2 p.m.
On Tuesday morning, April 11, 1922, the Angel of Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bailey, of Rutland, Pa., and took away their youngest daughter, Wanda Julia, after a long illness. Everything was done to alleviate her suffering and if possible spare her young, sweet life, but she gradually sank, and at an early hour her spirit took its’ flight and God’s angels were awaiting to escort the precious little one to the beautiful home where there is no more sorrow or pain. If little Wanda had lived until June 15th, she would have been two years old. She leaves to mourn her loss, her parents, four brothers, Alton, Adrian, Orrin, Walden; one sister, Violet Annette, all at home. The funeral was held at the family home Thursday afternoon, the Rev. Orey Crippen officiating, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery at Roseville. [Buried at Watson - This is the second obit I have found callingWatson by the name of Evergreen}
Jerry M. BAIRD (SRGP 06975), 72, of Millerton RD 1, Monday, March 7, 1960. Survived by wife, Mrs. Louise Worden Baird; daughter Mrs. Mahlon Smith of Millerton RD 1; five grandchildren. body at Vickery Funeral Home, Troy. Funeral there Wednesday, at 1:30 p.m. the Rev. Vernon VanNess. Roseville Cemetery.
BAIRD Julia A. - Wesley Root attended the funeral of Mrs. William Gott at Millerton Friday. - Wellsboro Agitator, March 18, 1942, p.7 [Note- 1910 census, Sarah E. Baird, mother of Julia A. Gott, was living with them.]
Ada May Jones, 86, formerly of Roseville, PA died May 9, 1990 at Broad
Acres Nursing Home in Wellsboro. She was born November 19, 1903 in Tioga, PA, a
daughter of Perry and Ida Wales Baker. She was a former member of the
former Jobs Corners Grange. She is survived by a son, Roy P. Jones of Roseville;
daughter and son-in-law, Julia and James Bennett of Corning, NY; five
grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband,
Warren Jones in 1951, a son Glenn H. in 1966 and daughter, Jayne Kent Jones in
1989. Funeral services were held at the Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield on
May 12 with the Rev. Eugene Charsky officiating and burial to be in Watson
Cemetery, Roseville. Donations may be made in her name to the Multiple Sclerosis
Society, 581 Jefferson Lane, Williamsport, PA 17701.(TGR, Thursday, May 17,
BAKER BENSON, Blanche I. (SRGP 10675)
Blanche I. Benson, age 88, of 73 St. James St. Mansfield, died Sunday, June
9, 1974 at Witts Nursing Home. Funeral was at the Kuhl Funeral Home,
Mansfield, Wednesday at 1 p[.m. with Rev. William Emery officiating.
Burial was in Roseville Cemetery. She is survived by sons, Reed C. Benson
of Sun City, Arizona, Donald H. Benson of Mansfield; daughter, Mrs. Sheldon
(Doris) Grow of Canandaigua, N.Y.; sisters, Mrs. Mildred Oldroyd of Westfield,
Mrs. Bessie Daggett of Elmira, N.Y., Mrs. Herbert Everett of Allentown; six
grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren. She was the widow of Halsey Benson.
She was born January 1, 1886 in Jackson Township, the daughter of Clinton and
Amanda Shieves Baker.
Cora BAKER Rodrick
Cora Baker Rodrick, age 82, of Roseville, Pa., died Tuesday, August 15,
1967. Friends may call at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home Wednesday 2 to 4 and
7 to 9 pm. Funeral there Thursday at 2 pm. The Rev. Orey Crippen will officiate.
Burial will be in Roseville Cemetery. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Zylpha Hill of
Roseville; sister Mrs. Charles Malecek of Cleveland, Ohio; brother, Earl Baker
of Roseville; several nieces and nephews.
Fred BAKER, 88, (SRGP 13812) of Mansfield RD 2, Saturday, Oct. 29, 1960. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Henry Broadfield of Mansfield RD 2, Mrs. Mary Hay of New York City; three grandchildren. Body at Shaw & Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield. Funeral there today at 2 p.m., the Rev. William Jenkins, Watson Cemetery, Roseville. [Not in burial records - Other obit lists him in P:rospect Cemetery, Mansfield]
BAKER, 78, of Roseville, PA, passed away May 11, 2015 at home. He was born
February 19, 1937, in Cebolla, NM, the son of Dwight & Dorothy May Bayne Baker.
Bud had lived in New Mexico and Alaska, before moving to Roseville 19 years ago.
He was a Navy Veteran of the Korean War, and a retired business owner and
builder. He attended the Mainesburg United Methodist Church. Bud is survived by
his wife of 56 years, the former Linda Jo Harris; three sons and two
daughters-in-law, Thomas & Stephanie Baker of Columbus, GA, Robert & Stephanie
Baker of East Wenatchee, WA, Eric Baker of Tennant, CA; a daughter & son-in-law,
Colleen & Chris Sparkman of Beverly, MA; two brothers, James (Grace) Baker of
Espanola, NM, Clyde Baker of Cebolla, NM; 14 grandchildren, 1 great
granddaughter, many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his son, Shawn in
2013; four brothers, Russel, Ted, Joe, & Glenn; and two sisters, Mary Baker
Frost, & Doris Jean Baker. Friends are invited to call at the Mainesburg United
Methodist Church, Friday 6-8 PM. Funeral services will be held there Saturday at
11:00 AM with Rev. Michelle Bodle officiating. Burial will be in Roseville
Cemetery. Memorial contributions in Bud's memory may be made to the Mainesburg
United Methodist Church, Smith Road & Rt. 6, Mainesburg, PA or the Roseville
United Methodist Church, 4118 Rt. 549, Mansfield, PA. –Elmira Star-Gazette
BAKER Howard B. (SRGP 10762) Age 83, of Roseville, PA, died May 13, 2006 at the Green Home, Inc., Wellsboro, PA. He was born February 18, 1923, in Spencer, NY, the son of James and Mabel Blanchard Baker. Howard was a retired dairy farmer and a WWII Army veteran. He enjoyed many sports, particularly bowling and baseball, having coached many softball and baseball teams through the years. Howard attended the Roseville United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, the former Pauline Seeley; a daughter and son-in-law, Carolyn and Albert Asbury of Roseville, PA; a sister, Alice Lawrence of VanEtten, NY; a grandson, James Asbury of Roseville, PA; a granddaughter, Adrienne Jones of Knoxville, TN; two great-grandchildren, Liberty Asbury and Daniel Howard Jones. Friends are invited to call at the Gary W. Wilston Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 18 N. Main St., Mansfield, PA, Monday, Noon-1 p.m. Funeral services will follow there Monday at 1:00 p.m. Burial in Roseville Cemetery.
BAKER - Howard B. Baker (SRGP 10762), 83, of Roseville, died Saturday, May 13, 2006 at the Green Home, Inc., Wellsboro. Born Feb. 18, 1923 in Spencer, NY, he was the son of James and Mabel Blanchard Baker. Howard was a retired dairy farmer and a World War II Army veteran. He enjoyed many sports, particularly bowling and baseball, having coached many softball and baseball teams through the years. Howard attended the Roseville United Methodist church. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, the former, Pauline Seeley; daughter and son-in-law, Carolyn and Albert Asbury of Roseville; sister, Alice Lawrence of VanEtten, NY; grandson, James Asbury of Roseville; granddaughter, Adrienne Jones of Knoxville, Tenn.; two great grandchildren, Liberty Asbury and Daniel Howard Jones. Friends were invited to call at the Gary W. Wilston Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Mansfield on Monday, May 15. Services followed calling hours with the Rev. Richard Noggle officiating. Burial was made in Roseville Cemetery. – The Mansfield Gazette, 17 May 2006, p.6A
James H. BAKER, (SRGP 10764) age 20 of Mansfield RD 2, Thursday, June 17, 1976. Friends may call at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services there Monday 3 p.m. Rev. Charles A. Stewart of the Roseville Yoked Parish will officiate. Burial will be in Roseville Watson’s Cemetery, Roseville.
BAKER James Howard [SRGP 10764] - James Howard Baker, 20, of Roseville RD2, died Thursday, June 17, 1976, at his home. Dr. Harry Williams, Tioga County coroner, ruled death was self-inflicted. Born June 20, 1965, in Elmira, NY, he was the son of Howard and Paula Seeley Baker. A graduate of Mansfield High School, he was employed by North Penn Telephone Co. Surviving are his parents, with whom he lives, and a sister, Mrs. Carolyn Asbury of Buckley, West Virginia. The funeral was held Monday at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield. Burial was in Watson Cemetery, Roseville. The Rev. Charles Stewart, pastor of Roseville United Methodist Church, officiated. - Wellsboro Gazette, June 23, 1976, p.12 MHS 1073
BAKER - Mildred A. Oldroyd, (SRGP 13823) age 88 of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. RD 3, Monday Dec. 20, 1976 in soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, Pa. Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Pa. Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Thursday at 1 p.m. the Rev. Charles A. Stewart officiating. Burial in Roseville Cemetery. Survived by one daughter Mrs. Edward (Dorothy) Kasper, Columbia Cross roads; one son Rex Oldroyd, Columbia Cross roads; one sister Mrs. Bessie Daggett of Elmira; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Member of the Roseville Baptist Church. She was the widow of Henry Oldroyd born October 3, 1888 in Jobs Corners, Pa., the daughter of Clinton and Amanda Shives Baker.
RICHARD R. BAKER, (SRGP 42654) Employee American Bridge. Age 85 of Gillett, PA diedon Sunday, July 18, 1999 in the privacy of his own home. Richard was born in Wells Township, PA on February 1, 1914 to the late R. Raymond and Rhonda (Barrett) Baker. Survivors include his loving wife of 63 years, Norma of Gillett; son, Robert (Barbara) Baker of Gillett; daughter, Betty A. (John) Fields of Green Castle, IN; grandchildren, Jill, Gary, Vicki, Debra, Diane, David, great-grandchildren, Nikki, Becky, Daniel, Jonathan, Shawna, Laura, Stacey, Zachery, Megan, Kaylee, many nieces and nephews also fishing buddy Bob Curren. Richard was a member of the Coryland Church and the Garrett Miller Senior Citizens, He worked for American Bridge in Elmira Heights also for Pittsburgh Region Iron and Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. Richard was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and friend. He will be dearly missed by all. Family and friends are invited to call at the Olthof Funeral Home, Inc., Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY on Wednesday, July 21, 1999 from 1:00-4:00 PM. A Funeral Service will be held there at 4:00 PM with Rev. Duane Johnson officiating. Interment will be in Roseville Cemetery, in Roseville, PA at the convenience of his family. Those wishing may make memorial contributions in Richard’s name to either Guthrie Hospice, C/O Memorial Program, Guthrie Healthcare System, Guthrie Square, Sayre, PA or Coryland Church, Coryland Rd., Gillett, PA. –Elmira Star Gazette.
Roseville correspondent died at age 89
BAKER Ruth B. BROADFIELD, (SRGP 78891) age 89, of Mansfield
RR 2, PA died Friday, January 22, 1999 at Elcor Nursing Home in Horseheads, NY.
She was born in Pine City, NY on August 1, 1909, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Baker. Mrs. Broadfield was a member of the Roseville United Methodist
Church. She had been a member of the Senior Citizens Center in Millerton,
PA and a member of the former Jobs Corners Grange for many years. She
wrote the Roseville News for the Mansfield, Wellsboro and Ttroy Gazette
newspapers for 35 years. She also worked for the Mansfield Advertiser and
Print Shop for many years. She was predeceased by her husband, Henry
E. Broadfield. Mrs. Broadfield is survived by a daughter, Elizabeth Ann
Broadfield of Johnson City, NY; sons and daughter-in-law, Henry Edward Jr.
(Peggy) Broadfield and Richard Broadfield, all of Roseville, PA and one
granddaughter, Reba Lee. Funeral services were held January 26 at the
Roseville United Methodist Church with the Rev. Dr. James Bellamy officiating
and burial to be in the Roseville Community Cemetery. Arrangements were by
the Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield. Memorial contributions may be
directed to the Roseville United Methodist Church, RR 2, Box 1878, Mansfield, PA
Thomas Lee BAKER, 19, Mansfield, Pa., RD 2, died Friday, Oct. 7, 1966. Funeral was held at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield, Monday at 3 p.m., the Rev. David McGarvey officiated. Burial was in Watson Cemetery, Roseville. Survived by father, Stephen Baker, Roseville; mother Mrs. Arthur Miller of New Jersey; sisters Mrs. Tracey Clark Jr., Millerton, Miss Linda Baker, Miss Theresa Baker, Miss Bonnie Baker, and Miss Dorene Ackley, all at home; brothers Kenneth Baker and Gary Baker at home; maternal grandparents, Mr. And Mrs. Harry Cartlidge, Philadelphia.
BAKER Thomas– Farmhand, 19, Dies at Roseville – Thomas Baker, a 19-year-old farm laborer, was found dead in a dairy barn on the Lester Copp farm near Roseville at 8:30 this morning. Anthony Passeri, who rents the Copp barn, said he found the youth lying in the gutter behind the cows. He called the Mansfield firemen’s ambulance. Passeri said the youth was believed to have suffered an epileptic seizure and to have fallen in the gutter and drowned. Trooper Lamar Green of Mansfield substation is investigating. He summoned Tioga County Coroner Harry Williams of Elkland. Dr. Williams had not arrived at the scene by press time.
BAKER - THOMAS LEE BAKER, 19, Mansfield, PA, RD 2, died Friday, October 7, 1966. Friends may call at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield Sunday 3-5 and 7-9 pm. Funeral there Monday at 3 pm, the Rev. David McGarvey. Watson Cemetery, Roseville. Survived by father, Stephen Baker, Roseville; mother, Mrs. Arthur Miller of New Jersey; sisters, Mrs. Tracy Clark, Jr., Millerton, Miss Linda Baker, Miss Theresa Baker, Miss Bonnie Baker, and Miss Dorene Ackley, all at home; brothers, Kenneth Baker and Gary Baker, at home; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cartlidge, Philadelphia; stepmother Mrs. Stephen (Nina) Baker of Roseville.
Harry E. Bartlett, 72, Mansfield RD 3, died Friday, April 24, 1992 as the
result of an automobile accident in Wellsboro. He was a 30-year employee of the
Tioga Petroleum Co., Mansfield. He was a member and deacon at the Canoe
Camp Church of Christ disciples. He was an Army veteran of World War II.
He is survived by his wife, Edna Walborn Bartlett, a former resident of
Granville; daughter, Luann and son Eddie of Mansfield. Funeral services were
held April 27 at the Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield. (TGR, Thursday, May 7,
Harry E. BARTLETT, 71, (SRGP 14159) of RD 3, Mansfield, died Friday, April 24, 1992, as a result of an automobile accident. Born July 23, 1920, in Middlebury Township, he was the son of Lawrence and Ada Luther Bartlett. He was a member and deacon of the Canoe Camp Church of Christ Disciples; a member of the Theodore Roosevelt American Legion Post #167, of Morris Run; the East Sullivan Grange; the Tioga County Pomona Grange and Seventh Degree Grange. He was a 30- year employee of the Tioga Petroleum Company. He was an avid horseman with a fondness for draft horses and was a participant in many area parades. He was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army. He was preceded in death by a son Terry, in 1955. Surviving are his wife of 47 years, Edna Walborn Bartlett; one son, Edward; one daughter and son-in-law, Luanne and Mark Kriner; three grandsons, Jason, David and Gary Kriner, all of Mansfield; one sister, Helen Foster of Osceola; one brother, Donald, of Little Rock, Ark., several nieces and nephews. Services were held at the Scureman Funeral Home, Mansfield, Monday, April 27. The Rev. Kermit Clickner, his former pastor, officiated. Burial was made at the Watson Cemetery in Roseville. The family provided flowers. Memorial donations may be made to the charity of one’s choice.