Photo by Joyce M.
Tice Oct 2005 |
Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
Locey Creek - Day Family Obituaries
COLEGROVE Arvilla Alzina
Wellsboro Agitator, Tioga, PA--Wednesday, April 25, 1900
West's Valley, April 24,--Mrs Solomon Day, aged 75, a life-long resident of
Losey Creek, died Tuesday of congestion of the lungs and heart trouble after an
illness lasting only 5 days. The circumstances of her death were peculiarly
distressing. During her illness her oldest daughter, Mrs Celestia Babcock, who,
with her husband, lived with her parents, was sick in bed with the measles. At
the same time, W. D. Day, Mrs. Day's only son, who lived next door, was, with
his entire family, only just able to be about after suffering from measles. Mrs
Day's funeral was held Friday at her late home, Rev. Mr. Feathers, of Mills,
officiating. Burial was in the Losey and Day Cemetery. .... She is survived by
her aged husband, one son, 2 daughters, one half-sister, 11 grandchildren and
one gr-grandchild.
DAY – John W Day
A terrible accident. Last Wednesday evening, a party of young men of this village, consisting of Geo. Sturrock, John McInroy, John Day, Curtis Culver and Hiram Bellinger, started out to hunt deer on Marsh creek. Arrived on the ground, they separated, Day being left alone near Hiltbold’s, about three miles from this village, at a point in the woods where a fire had been built. In about ½ an hour afterwards Mr. Sturrock went back to where Day had been left, and found his body lying on its side on the ground as naturally, as though the hunter had simply fallen asleep. But a glance at the open eye showed that the sleep was one from which there was no awakening in this world, and a short examination rendered it certain that the unfortunate man had been fatally shot by his own gun, although no report had been heard by his comrades. When left alone Day had set his gun down by the roots of a large pine stump, and it is supposed that it either fell or that in reaching for it in a hurry he drew it towards him by the barrel, when the hammer caught and discharged the piece. The gun was loaded with both small shot and buckshot and the whole charge entered Day’s body about two inches above the navel, the piece being so near at the time that his vest was burned by the powder. The gun was found lying with its breech toward the dead man and a few feet from him. It is supposed that he must have thrown it from him by a convulsive movement when shot; but it was evident that the wound must have proved almost instantly fatal, for there was no other evidence of any struggle or movement of the body having taken place after the shot was fired. The body was brought to the village the same evening; and next day Justice Brewster held an inquest, the following gentlemen being called as a jury: Dr. N. Packer, B. T. Van Horn, N. T. Chandler, Alvarus Smith, S. B. Warriner and A. G. Sturrock. After hearing the testimony the jury found the following verdict: “That John Day came to his death on the 25th day of November, 1874; in Delmar, by a gunshot wound made by himself while hunting, accidentally, casually, and by a misfortune, of which said wound he, the said John Day, then and there instantly died, and so the jurors aforesaid do say; and the said John Day, in manner and by the means aforesaid, accidentally, casually, and by misfortune, came to his death, and not otherwise.” The funeral, which was under charge of the Odd Fellows, of which order Day was a member, was held at his late residence in this village Friday morning. The religious services were conducted by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, and a very large concourse of friends and neighbors were present. Day was a steady, industrious young man, a son of Solomon Day, of Keeneyville. He was but 21 years of age, a mason by trade, and had worked for several years past for Mr. McInroy, of this village. He was married about a year ago, and by his sudden death a young wife and a babe but a few weeks old are deprived of the loving care of a tender husband and father. The case is truly a sad one, and it has excited the sympathies of the whole village. (Tuesday, December 1, 1874, The Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa) (Husband of Carrie Elizabeth Stevens; father of John Foster Day)
--Mr. Loren Day, of Keeneyville, died last Sunday night at the age of 70 years.
He had resided in that neighborhood for forty years
Wellsboro Agitator, Tioga, PA--Wednesday, January 1, 1902
Death of Mr. Solomon Day-------In the death of Mr. Solomon Day, on December
26th, Keeneyville lost one of its oldest and most respected citizens. Mr. Day
was born in Allegany County, NY; and came when a young man to Middlebury Twp,
where he has since resided. Before the time when the services of professional
undertakers could be obtained in rural districts, he was sent for from far and
near to serve at funerals. He was a charter member of the Losey Creek Free
Baptist Church when it was organized in 1874 and when the church was reorganized
as the Keeneyville Free Baptist Church, he was a charter member of that
organization. Mr. Day married in 1846, Miss Alzina Colegrove, who died less than
2 years ago. They had 5 children, 3 of whom survive—Mr. William Day and Mrs.
Celestia Babcock, both of Keeneyville, and Mrs. Imogene Newton of Mills. The
deceased is survived also by one brother, Mr. Hiram Day of Keeneyville, the last
of eight brothers. Funeral services held Saturday.
STEVENS Carrie Elizabeth
Wellsboro Agitator – March 11, 1903
Mrs. Carrie Laraby, a middle-aged resident of Crossfork, committed suicide on February 27th by hanging. When her 18 year old son went to work in the morning she appeared to be well and in good spirits, and when he returned about 11 a.m. he found her warm but lifeless body hanging from a rope in a shed or summer kitchen. A doctor was summoned but the woman was beyond earthly assistance. Mrs. Laraby was a Christian woman and a great worker in church circles. By referring to the court minutes in this issue it will be seen that a commissioner was appointed to take testimony in the case of Carrie Laraby vs. Delmar Laraby, Mrs. Laraby having applied for a divorce. Potter Enterprise (Daughter of George Oscar Stevens and Thressa A. Westbrook, she was born October 20, 1853. She was the widow of John W. Day who died November 25, 1874. She married Delmer/Delmar Laraby March 16, 1880.)
Wellsboro Agitator – January 27, 1897
Mrs. Mariett Day, widow of the late Loren Day, died at her home Thursday evening
last. She was buried on Saturday, Rev. Uri Mulford officiating.
Briggs Cemetery Obituaries
See Also Briggs Cemetery Listings and Photos
BRIGGS Ebenezer H
Wellsboro Agitator, Tioga, PA-Wednesday, December 11,1901
Crookedcreek, Dec 10--Mr Ebenezer H. Briggs, aged 85, diedFriday morning. He was
born in Spencer, NY, but removed with his parents into this (Middlebury)
township about 1830. He married in 1838 Miss Rhoda Smith, who died about 30
years ago. To them were born 7 children, only 2 of whom survive--Mr W J Briggs
and Mr Rufus M. Briggs. The deceased is also survived by 2 half brothers,
Messrs. Ira and A B A Briggs. On September 11, 1875, Mr Briggs married Miss
Edith O. Bartholomew, who survives him. Funeral services were held from the
house Sunday, and burial in the Briggs cemetery. People of this locality are
glad that there is now a real cemetery here. It is reported that the inclosure
is already fenced and graded and the directors are ready to all lots. Some
burials have taken place on the site since 1864, but the cemetery was not
chartered til within a year past. Mrs Cora Beers has placed at the grave of her
husband, Dr. J L Beers, a handsome $260 monument imported from Aberdeen,
Scotland. Rev J C Warren, who came here to officiate at the funeral of Mr
Ebenezer Briggs, preached to a full house in the Free Baptist Church Sunday
Wellsboro Agitator, Tioga, PA--Wednesday, October 28, 1903
Crooked Creek, Oct 27--The death, at his home here on the 19th instant, of Mr
Ransom Keeney, aged 91, severed another of the very few links connecting Tioga
county of the present with the pioneer epoch in its progress. The deceased was
born April 5, 1812 in Syracuse, NY but when only 4 years old, was brought to
this locality by his parents when they settled here. At that time this region
was an almost primeval wilderness, the pioneer settler's neighbors were but few,
and comforts and some of the necessaries of life, were secured only with
difficulty. Mr Keeney married Rhoana Huntsinger, December 27, 1834. To them were
born 11 children, 4 of whom survive: Mrs George Goodwin of this place, Mr M C
Keeney of Tioga and C P and S H Keeney of Wellsboro. The deceased was the
great-grandfather of Mr Harry Keeney of Wellsboro and the gr-gr-grandfather of
Harry's daughter, Louise, aged 8 weeks. He leaves also other descendants besides
those named. When Mr Keeney was young he taught school for several terms. He
then bought and cleared the farm now owned by Eugene Keeney. Except a few years
passed in Michigan, the subject of this sketch spent his worthy life in
Middlebury twp. He was a lifelong, Christian, never used profane language or
drank intoxicants. Being possessed of an amicable and loving disposition
he won the respect and esteem of all who knew him. The deceased was great,
great grandfather of Harry Whitney, of Wellsboro, who has a child two months