![]() |
Barnhart to Eighmey | Fleming to Holdredge | Houghton to McIntyre | Millard to Wilson |
George W. Millard b. 3 July 1803 d. 31 July 1846 43y 28d (ts) Stewart Cemetery, Jackson Township. Widow, Elizabeth A., known as Betsey, b. 8 July 1811 New York m. 7 Oct 1846 James Friends b. 6 May 1800 Solon, Cortland County, New York. James and Betsey enumerated in Jackson Township in 1850, farmer.
Polly J. Millard b. c. 1832 Pennsylvania d. 12 Aug 1851 18y 9m 18d (ts)
Stewart Cemetery.
Rosilla Millard b. c. 1834 Pennsylvania.
Miner Millard b. c. 1836 Ohio.
Warren Millard b. c. 1846 Pennsylvania.
Children of Betsey and James:
Russell Friends.
Marshall G. Friends b. 16 Jan 1850 Jackson Township.
Ransom Friends b. Apr 1853 Jackson Township d. 5 Aug 1864 11y 3m 30d
(ts) Stewart Cemetery.
Rhoda Millard b. c. 1845 Ohio enumerated in household in 1850 after
Minor Millard b. c. 1836 Ohio enumerated in Seely household in 1850,
enumerated Smith household in 1860, born Pennsylvania, along with William
Millard b. c. 1841 Pennsylvania. Miner T. Millard enlisted 21 Aug 1862
at Corning, New York, age 25, in Company D, 141st New York Infantry, mustered
out 22 Oct 1863 at Convalescent Camp, Virginia. Apr 14, 1866 B. A.
Friends, listed as mother.
Esther Millard, age 27, born Massachusetts, with real and personal estate and daughter Effie, age 6, born Pennsylvania in 1870 census enumeration.
Garret Miller b. c. 1757/8 son of Garret Miller and Patience Griswold. The Will of the elder Garret appears in Liber 33 page 21 of New York Wills - In the name of God, Amen. I, Gerret Miller, of Smith Clove, in the Precinct of Cornwall, Orange County. I leave to my eldest son, Joshua Miller, all that certain piece of land which he has possessed for some time past, and on which he now lives, containing ten acres, until his youngest child is of age, and then the said ten acres and all the rest of my estate is to be equally divided among my children, Joshua, Mary, Elizabeth, Gerrett, Nathan, Sarah, Samuel, Anne, Hampden, and Jeremiah. If my wife marries, she shall have three cows, one mare, saddle and bridle, and a bed and bedding, and a spinning wheel. My children are to be brought up and instructed out of my estate. When my property is divided, my wife is to have an equal share. I make my wife and my friend, Nathaniel Seeley, executors. October 5, 1777. Witnesses, Benjamin Goldsmith, John Fell, Abraham Skinner. Proved, June 13, 1778, before Peter R. Fell, Esq.
Garrett m. 28 May 1778 in New Windsor, New York, Mary Smith b. c. 1758/9. Enumerated in New Cornwall, Orange County, New York in 1790 with one male over age sixteen (b. before 1774), two males under age sixteen (b. 1775-90), and three females in the household. Garret Miller appears on the 1794 tax list of Newtown, Tioga County (that portion that is now Chemung County), New York. The date of their arrival into Jackson Township, Tioga County is uncertain. The marker of son Samuel would indicate about 1793. Garret appears on the 1800 taxable list of Tioga Township, Lycoming County (Tioga County formed in 1804), farmer, age 42. Enumerated in Tioga Township (Jackson Township had not yet been formed), Tioga County in 1800 with three males of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1785-90), one male of age sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1775-84), one male over age forty five (b. before 1755), two females under age ten (b. 1791-1800), two females of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1785-90), and one female over age forty five (b. before 1755). Enumerated in Tioga Township, Tioga County in 1810. They acquired 195 acres from the William Bingham trustees, recorded 17 May 1810 (Book 1 pg 126 or this may refer to son Garret). Garret d. 2 May 1824 66y (ts) and Mary d. 11 May 1824 65y (ts) Millerton Cemetery, Jackson Township.
1. Samuel Miller b. 28 May 1779 Orange County, New York.
2. Joshua Miller b. 1781.
3. Garret Miller, Jr., b. c. 1783.
4. Elizabeth Miller b. c. 1786 (possibly 26 Sept) m. George Buchanan.
5. Patience Miller b. Aug 1788.
6. Sarah Miller b. c. 1790 m. Samuel Smith.
7. Nathaniel Miller b. 1792.
8. Margaret Miller b. 1791-1800 m. _______ Beebe and removed
west. There was a David Beebe in Southfield, Oakland County, Michgian in
1840 where Samuel Smith and Sarah Miller resided.
9. James Miller b. 27 Aug 1802.
10. George Miller b. 30 Sept 1804.
The first settler in this region was Garrett Miller, who located
about one mile north of Millerton, on the hill and directly on the state
line, a portion of his cabin being in each state - New York and Pennsylvania.
This was in the summer of 1790, and he came from Orange County, New York.
The family consisted of Mr. Miller, his wife Mary, his sons, Samuel, Joshua,
Garrett, and Nathan, and daughters, Patience and Sally. Two sons, James
and George and a daughter Peggy were born later in the new home, making
in all a family of the father, mother, and nine children.
A portion of the route traversed was down Wyalusing Creek to
the Susquehanna, which was then crossed and the party made their way to
the Chemung Valley, which they ascended to the site of what is now Elmira,
then a city composed of three small huts. Colonel John Hendy occupied one
of these, having first squatted near where the woolen factory is now located;
from this place he was later dislodged and settled near the present site
of Fitch’s Bridge.
In his search for a desirable spot in which to locate, Mr. Miller came
up the Seely Creek Valley to the mouth of Mud Lick, proceeded up that little
stream about two miles, then struck a southward course until he reached
the point of settlement as noted above. There they resided about two years
before discovering the site of Millerton, and lower down the junction of
Seely and Hammond Creeks, a search for a lost horse and cow resulted in
this discovery of a region which for many generations thereafter was to
bear his name.
How the Miller Family eked out an existence in those days is
not known, is probable, however, that they subsisted chiefly on wild game
which was plentiful. It is a tradition handed down through several generations
that Mr. Miller’s first field of grain was fenced in with four hemlock
trees, and their farming must have begun on almost as primitive a scale
as that of Robinson Crusoe.
Much might be written descriptive of the forays of wild animals,
the difficulty of raising stock, the personal danger incurred, etc., and
later many incidents in this connection will be touched upon. Wolves, bears
and panthers infested the wilderness in which Mr. Miller’s home was located
to an alarming extent, and eternal vigilance and activity was the price
of existence. Sheep, lambs, and calves fell prey to the wolves, which would
sometimes chase the dogs home and through the blanket hung over the cabin
door to a place of comparative safety.
As the sons and daughters successfully arrived at years of maturity
they married, but like Cain, were compelled to look elsewhere for life
partners. They settled on land adjoining their parents homestead and sturdily
struggled for the means of subsistence. Those Miller boys were no dudes,
we may be sure, but they were liberally endowed with brains, muscles, and
Samuel Miller married a young woman named Polly Garner, daughter
of Billy Garner, who lived near Elmira or Newton.
Joshua Miller found a wife back in Orange County, New York, afterward
known as Aunt Dolly.
Garrett Miller, Jr., married Sally Batterson from near where
Troy, Pa., is now located.
Nathan Miller married Fanny Kelly, whose family lived near the
State Line.
James Miller married Becky Kinner, from the site of Pine City.
George Miller married Hannah Strock, from Southport.
Patience Miller married John Wilson, and they located on the
Tioga River, for a second husband she married William Kinner, from Southport
near Bulkhead.
Sally Miller married Samuel Smith.
Peggy Miller married a man named Beebe and they moved west.
The majority of these people were later settlers from Orange
County, New York.
The first school here of which the narrator has any recollection
was taught about 68 years ago (1823) by Ben Miller, in a back room of Samuel
Miller’s little log cabin. For an attendance of twenty eight days he received
twenty eight six pence (sixpence: a british silver coin of the value of
six pennies) and traveled two miles through a pathless region back and
forth in the deep snow. This was certainly seeking knowledge through extreme
To obtain flour, the Miller boys would work by the day at Griswolds,
Daniel Beckwiths and Jenkins just below Elmira, thus earning a quantity
of grain, which once a year would be made into a cargo and conveyed by
flat boat to Wilkes Barre, the nearest mill where it could be ground. These
trips were very laborious, especially the return against the current. Corn
meal was pounded out at home, Indian fashion, and it was common saying,
when the cow laid out we had no supper.
In raising sheep and calves, to guard them against the wolves,
bears and panthers a pen would be built for their protection adjoining
the cabin, so constructed that should the varmints get in they were caged
and could not escape.
The stalwart sons of Garrett Miller, Sr., as they approached
manhood became expert hunters and marksmen. In their frequent encounters
with savage wild beasts they were extremely fortunate, the only case of
injury reported being that of Joshua, who had one hand badly bitten in
a life and death struggle with a bear.
Samuel, the eldest used to say that he was never startled or
alarmed but once in his life, he had been over in the Daggetts Mills area,
and in returning struck the paths of panthers on Parmeter Hill. He took
a circle around and found they were pursuing him and he started for Millerton
on the run. Securing a dog he took the back track and treed the panthers
and shot them.
What would those old hunters have thought if they could had placed
in their hands Winchester Repeaters like those of modern make (Elmira Star
Gazette, Elmira, New York, June 12, 1891).
Second Generation:
1. Samuel Miller b. 28 May 1779 m. Mary Gardner, known as Polly,
b. 2 Nov 1780 daughter of William Gardner and Hannah Blodgett. Samuel appears
on the 1800 assessment list of Tioga Township, Lycoming County, farmer,
age 22. Samuel acquired 156 acres from the trustees of the William Bingham
estate in Tioga Township (probably that portion that became Jackson Township),
recorded 17 July 1810 (Book 1 pg 115). Polly d. 8 Mar 1842 61y 4m 6d (ts)
and Samuel d. 16 Sept 1850 71y 4m (ts) Millerton Cemetery. His marker reads:
Capt. Samuel Miller the pioneer of this town, resident here for 57 y’rs
died Sept 16, 1850 Ag’d 71 y 4m
The Napolean of hunters
the kind and affectionate re-
lative, and generous friend
This humble monument,
erected by friends who knew
him long and well, is designed
to claim a tribute of well merited
respect from their descendants
and his posterity.
Died in Jackson, Tioga Co., Pa., on the 8th inst., Mrs. Polly, consort of Mr. Samuel Miller in the 62nd year of her age (Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, March 23, 1842).
Administration on Samuel’s estate dated 31 May 1851, children of deceased son Benjamin and the children below all named.
11. Benjamin Miller b. 20 Jan 1803.
12. Dolly Miller b. c. 1805.
13. Hannah Miller b. 27 Dec 1806 m. George Seeley b. 1800/01
d. 16 June 1859 58y (ts) and Hannah d. 24 Sept 1885 (ts) Seeley Cemetery,
Jackson Township.
14. Mary Miller b. 1808 m. Charles Edsall.
15. Robert T. Miller b. 19 Feb 1811.
16. Harriet Miller b. c. 1813 m. Joseph H. Ireland.
17. Wealthy Miller b. 18 June 1815 m. Henry Townsend Benedict
and resided Southport.
18. Patience Miller b. c. 1817 m. George Kelly.
19. Fanny Miller b. c. 1819.
20. Samuel Miller Jr., b. c. 1823 m. 24 Jan 1844 (Elmira Gazette,
February 1, 1844) Jane Benedict Knapp.
21. Elvira B. Miller b. 20 Nov 1824 m. 17 July 1845 (Elmira Gazette,
July 24, 1845) at the residence of Rev. Simeon R. Jones in Southport, Chemung
County, New York, William H. Crosby of Wisconsin. Resided Adams County,
Mrs. Hannah Seely, whose decease was briefly noted in the Advocate a few weeks since, was the mother of a large family of children, namely: Lyman Seely of Lyndon, Illionois; Samuel and Polly, who lived with their mother on the farm; Mrs. Alvira Trowbridge; Mrs. L. C. Retan, who died in 1875; and Mrs. Elmira Murdough, four of whom survive her. Mrs. Seely was a daughter of Captain Sam Miller who immigrated to this county in the year 1800 and settled on what is known as the Arnold Farm in Millerton. It was a dense wilderness at that time; and he with his fathers and five brothers, with their household goods loaded on wagons drawn by oxen and horses and driving their cattle before them, cut their way through the forest from what is now Elmira to the place of settlement. They left the level and fertile valley of the Chemung and pushed their way through the forest of Pennsylvania for the reason that the latter was a better hunting ground, the land was more heavily timbered and they were not so much exposed to Indian attacks, as they stood in some fear of a tribe of Senecas who dwelt near Lake Seneca. Hammonds Creek was then full of trout, deer and bear were plentiful. The settler could go out for a half hour before breakfast and return with one or two of the latter. Captain Sam was a great hunter and a prominent man among the early settlers of Tioga County, helping to establish the county seat, and in 1835 he helped draw the stone for the court house at Wellsboro. His tombstone in Millerton Cemetery bears the following inscription: Captain Samuel Miller The Pioneer of this Town, resided here 57 years, died Sept. 16th, 1856, aged 71 years and 4 months. The Napolean of hunters, the kind and affectionate relative and the generous friend. This humble monument, erected by friends who knew him long and well, is designed to claim a tribute to well merited respect from their descendants and his posterirty (Millerton Advocate newspaper).
2. Joshua Miller b. 1781 m. Dorothy Ryder b. c. 1783. Her sister Sally was the wife of Nathaniel Kinner. Enumerated in Tioga Township, Tioga County in 1810. Enumerated in Jackson in 1820 with 4 males under age 10, 1 female under age 10, 1 male of age 10 under age 16, and 1 female of age 10 under age 16 in the household. Article in New Star newspaper published Troy, Pennsylvania, November, 1, 1845 indicates their barn completely burned that contained their fall crops and that it was the work of an arson and that their house had burned about three years previous in the same manner. Dorothy d. 14 Feb 1868 84y (ts) and Joshua d. 26 Sept 1869 88y (ts) Miller Cemetery, Jackson Township. Will of Joshua named wife, Dorothy; sons, Wellen S., Charles, Jacob, Samuel; daughters, Eliza, Abigail, Susan, Dorothy; grandson, Lafayette son of Susan. Executors, Wellen S. and Samuel. Probated 7 Oct 1869.
Charles Miller b. c. 1810 m. Susan.
Jacob R. Miller b. 1 June 1811 m. Ruth Bly and he d. 16 July 1890.
Mary Ann Miller b. c. 1812 m. 6 Nov 1830 Lewis Kinner and she d. 1889.
Samuel Gilbert Miller b. c. 1814 m. Polly Strock and he d. 17 Jan 1899.
Linus Miller b. c. 1816 m. Emily Kelly.
Wellen Seely Miller b. 7 Apr 1818 m. Sally Ann Edsall and he d. 1893.
Eliza Miller b. 11 Oct 1821 m. Sidney White.
Abigail Miller m. James Clark.
Susan J. Miller b. c. 1829 m. Orrin Dayton Bly and she d. 21 Feb 1886.
Dorothy Miller b. c. 1830 m. Robert Capwell and she d. 15 Jan 1909.
3. Garret Miller, Jr., b. c. 1783 m. Sarah Batterson, known as Sally, b. 1790/1 from near Troy, Pennsylvania. Enumerated in Tioga Township, Tioga County in 1810. Enumerated in Jackson in 1820 with three sons under age 10, one daughter under age 10, and one daughter of age 10 and under age 16. Garret was living in the 1870 census enumeration, age 87. Sally d. 4 July 1877 86y (obituary).
Aaron Miller b. c. 1811.
Mary Miller, known as Polly, b. c. 1813.
George Miller b. c. 1815.
Amy Miller.
Elizabeth Miller.
Silas Miller b. c. 1821.
Albert Miller b. c. 1825.
James Miller.
Charles Miller b. c. 1830.
Amoriah Miller b. c. 1832.
5. Patience Miller b. Aug 1788 m. John Wilson. Patience appears on the 1820 assessment list of Jackson Township, widow, unable to pay for schooling of children, Charles, Sally, and John. On the 1821 assessment list is the notation “removed” which refers to having left the township. Patience m. (2)William Kinner b. 4 Oct 1791. William d. 14 Feb 1843 51y 4m 10d and Patience d. 6 Nov 1866 78y 2m 19d (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Sarah Wilson, known as Sally.
John Wilson, Jr., b. c. 1815.
Charles Wilson.
Martha Ann Wilson.
Mary Kinner, known as Polly, b. c. 1822.
Garrett Miller Kinner b. c. 1824.
Martha Ann Kinner b. July 1826 m. 10 Jan 1846 Albert Seeley.
Edgar Kinner b. c. 1829.
Morris Kinner b. c. 1833.
7. Nathaniel Miller b. 1792 m. Fanny Kelly b. Jan 1793 daughter of John Kelly and Hannah Kinner of Southport, Chemung County, New York who resided near the state line. Nathan appears on the 1820 (compiled fall of 1819) tax list of Jackson Township unable to pay for schooling of children William and Anna. Enumerated in Jackson in 1820. Nathan d. 28 Oct 1861 69y (ts) and Fanny d. 5 June 1876 83y 4m 15d (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
William Miller b. 6 Apr 1813 m. Eunice Port.
Anna Miller b. 11 Aug 1814 m. Jesse Curren.
George K. Miller b. 27 Oct 1817 m. Mary A. Kinner and he d. 1892.
son b. c. 1819.
Harriet Miller b. c. 1821 m. 3 Apr 1841 (Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania,
April 21, 1841) in Jackson Township, Joshua P. Brown. She m. (2)John T.
Harris and she d. 4 May 1891 Caton, New York.
Martha Miller b. 4 Mar 1824 m. Seth Corwin.
Laura E. Miller b. 19 July 1826 m. Edward Seeley.
Huldah Miller b. 15 Sept 1831.
9. James Miller b. 27 Aug 1802 m. 20 July 1822 Rebecca Kinner b. 27 Apr 1803. He operated a sawmill on Hammond Creek in Jackson Township. James d. 7 Oct 1860 (ts) and Rebecca d. 27 Sept 1872 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Benjamin F. Miller m. a Dunham.
Hector L. Miller b. 6 July 1824 m. Nancy Dunham.
Mary Elizabeth Miller b. c. 1826 m. 1 Jan 1844 (Elmira Gazette, January
4, 1844) Orin Stone, resident of New York State asylum in later years and
last of her family to die.
Henry F. Miller b. c. 1828 d. 12 Oct 1890 Spring Valley, Michigan.
Julia Miller b. c. 1830.
Lydia Miller b. c. 1832 m. a Peters.
James H. Miller b. 2 Sept 1834 m. Martha Dunham.
Amanda Miller b. c. 1836.
Celestia Miller b. c. 1838 m. Lyman Griswold, resided Addison, New
York, d. age 73 buried Addison.
Susan Miller b. c. 1840 m. C. Noble.
Warren Miller b. 18 Feb 1842 d. 14 Aug 1842 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Jesse B. Miller b. 1 Dec 1843.
10. George Miller b. 30 Sept 1804 m. Hannah Strock from Southport. George d. 2 Jan 1874 70y 4m 3d (ts) and Hannah d. 10 July 1877 73y 6m 1d (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Edward Miller b. c. 1826.
Sophia Miller b. c. 1826.
John Miller b. 1828.
Wealtha Miller b. c. 1832.
Lyman Miller b. c. 1834.
Ella Miller.
Third Generation:
11. Benjamin Miller b. 20 Jan 1803 d. 30 Dec 1836 33y 11m 10d
(ts) Millerton Cemetery. Administration of estate dated 5 Jan 1837 administered
by Samuel Miller. John Brownell became guardian of Matilda, Andrew, and
Rachel Miller assumed to be three of the four children below.
Matilda or Mildred Miller.
Nancy Miller b. c. 1829 m. Samuel W. Reynolds.
Andrew Miller b. c. 1832.
Rachel Miller b. c. 1835.
15. Robert T. Miller b. 19 Feb 1811 m. 9 Sept 1831 Zurviah B. Ingals b. 13 Dec 1813 daughter of William S. Ingals and Catherine Stoner. In the Ingals bible she is called Zurviah in the records of birth and again when she married. Also contained within the bible is a drawing with the notation "Presented to Mifses Zurviah Miller by her youngest brother C. S. I. as a token of remembrance it being the work of his own hands. This 24th Apr./46" In all other records she is called Sophia. In obituary of her mother she is called Suviah. He is presumed to be the Robert Miller that first appears on the 1837 assessment list of Wells. They removed in 1850 to a farm near Morenci, Michigan in Fairfield township and in 1888 they moved to a suburban home east of Morenci. Robert d. 16 Apr 1890 Morenci, Michigan and Sophia d. 30 July 1906. Buried Weston Cemetery.
William Miller.
Charles Miller.
Abigail Miller of Jackson Township m. 17 Dec 1838 (Elmira Gazette, January 12, 1839) in Jackson, William Clark of Orange County, New York.
Jacob Miller of Jackson Township m. 4 Aug 1841 at the residence of Rev. Simeon R. Jones in Southport, Chemung County, New York, Ruth Bly of Jackson Township.
Martha Miller of Jackson Township m. 23 Mar 1843 (Elmira Gazette, March 30, 1843) in Southport, Chemung County, New York, Seth Corwin of Jackson Township.
By deed dated 17 May 1810, the Trustees of the Bingham Estate sold Lot 116 of 190.4 acres to David Moss for the sum of five shillings plus an amount as set forth in an unrecorded agreement between the parties dated January of 1808. This deed would be for land north of Daggett and south of the county line where the Daggett mills were later situated. The deed states that by the date of the agreement, David Moss was “seated” thereon. David Moss gave the Bingham Trustees a mortgage secured by Lot 116 in the amount of $235.60. David appears on the 1812 Tioga assessment list (Jackson Township not yet formed) with 190 acres and 1 cow. He does not appear on the special enumeration of Tioga Township taken late in 1814.
There was a David Moss in the Chemung Baptist Church records that may
refer to the same person:
6 Oct 1792 – Thadius Bennitt & John Seely to Labour with David
Moss for neglecting Church meetings
3 Nov 1792 – Returns Was made from David Moss wherein he Desired that
his case might Rest till he Should return From a journey which he had left
to go
1 Dec 1792 – the case of Davis Moss Being brought forward which was
left under consideration of the Church till he should come from of his
journey & It Did apear that he was guilty of taking Elles (eels) out
of the Basket of Elder Goff & Thomas Keeny To which he Laid Clame Because
he had helped to get some of the store the spring before for the purpose
of catching shad & because he had not notice of their putting it up
& when considered by the Church it was thought proper by some that
Elder Goff should give Satisfaction by informing the publick in what maner.
They put it up & Disatisfaction arising their from Meeting was ajurned
unto monday following
3 Dec 1792 – It being made to apear that David Moss has been invited
to help pu the Eall ware (eel weir) up
5 Jan 1793 – the Church being met together Considered the Case of David
Moss & found that there had been labour Taken with him acording to
gospel requirement & he Still refusing to hear the Church that they
withdrew the hand of fellowship from him for taking Elles out of the Basket
of Elder Goff & Thomas Keeny
2 Feb 1793 – David Moss appeared & confessed his faults & on
the Sabath Did publickly confess to the satisfaction of the Church
7 Sept 1793 – Two brothers was Apointed to labor with David Moss for
neglect of meeting
5 Oct 1793 – David Moss give Satisfaction to the Church for his Neglect
& was received in this Church by a letter of Dismission from the Warwick
2 July 1796 – a letter to David Moss
6 Aug 1796 – apointed to labor with David Moss the 2 time by letter
Desireing him to meet with the Church On their next monthly meeting
Sept 1796 – David Moss gave Satisfaction to the Church for his neglect
of meeting
3 June 1797 – a letter to David Moss & Deacon Buck to be messenger
& Bearor in behalf of the Church On Accoun[t] of his neglecting to
meet the Church
8 July 1797 – Received Returns by our messenger from David Moss by
which it was concluded to let the matter rest
21 Feb 1802 – the Church then Met in felowship and by request gave
David Moss a letter of Dismistion when Joyned to an other of the same faith
and gospel order
Stephen L. Parmenter b. 20 Dec 1805 Litchfield, Connecticut son of Stephen Parmenter and his second wife Sabrina Stone who settled at Catharine, Schuyler (now Chemung) County, New York m. Rachel Bryant b. 19 Mar 1809 New York daughter of Jacob and Martha Bryant. Enumerated 1840 and 1850 census of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. On 1858 map, resided Judson Hill, Wells Township. Enumerated 1870 census of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Rachel d. 1 Apr 1876 67y 13d (ts) and Stephen d. 23 Jan 1881 75y 1m 3d (ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery, Jackson Township.
1. John B. Parmenter b. 24 Oct 1829 Pennsylvania.
2. Emeline Parmenter b. 9 May 1831.
3. Allen B. Parmenter b. c. 1833 Pennsylvania.
4. Lola Parmenter b. c. 1836.
5. Lewis D. Parmenter b. 7 Nov 1838 Jackson Township, Tioga County,
6. Louise Parmenter b. 22 Apr 1841 d. 9 Mar 1855 13y 10m 17d
(ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery.
7. Lyman Parmenter b. 21 Dec 1845 d. 7 Aug 1848 3y 7m 17d (ts)
Jobs Corners Cemetery.
8. Sarah J. Parmenter b. c. 1849.
Second Generation:
1. John B. Parmenter b. 24 Oct 1829 m. 1 Jan 1852 Julia L. Miller.
She d. and John and wife Nancy b. c. 1830 Pennsylvania enumerated 1870
census of Jackson Township. John d. 24 Oct 1893 buried Millerton Cemetery,
Jackson Township.
Rachel Parmenter b. c. 1856.
Henry Parmenter b. c. 1857.
Delmar Parmenter b. 30 June 1858 d. 15 Sept 1864.
2. Emeline Parmenter b. 9 May 1831 m. 31 Dec 1848 at the residence of Rev. Simeon R. Jones in Southport, Chemung County, New York, Elisha Beeman of Jackson Township b. 16 Feb 1822 Schuyler County, New York son of Havilah Beeman. Elisha d. 7 (ts) 8 (obit) Dec 1898 and Emeline d. 15 Oct 1912 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery, Jackson Township.
3. Allen B. Parmenter b. c. 1833 and wife Sarah b. 13 Sept 1836 Pennsylvania enumerated 1870 census of Jackson Township, farmer. Sarah d. 14 Jan 1890 53y 4m 11d (ts) and Allen d. Mar 1909 76y (ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery, Jackson Township.
John S. Parmenter b. 20 Dec 1856 d. 10 Jan 1857 21d (ts) Jobs Corners
Susan Parmenter b. c. 1858.
Lafayette B. Parmenter b. 1859 m. 24 June 1880 at Millerton, Mary Jane
Hall b. 1861 d. 1923 and Lafayette d. 1934 buried Jackson Center Cemetery.
Isabelle Parmenter b. c. 1862.
George Parmenter b. c. 1865.
Mary Parmenter b. c. 1867.
5. Lewis D. Parmenter b. 7 Nov 1838 m. Mary Catherine Hayton b. 2 Aug 1840 Clyde, Wayne County, New York daughter of David Hayton and Catherine Davis, settled at Judson Hill and cleared the farm begun by Israel Moore. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1870, farmer. Lewis d. at home of daughter, Mrs. Welby Updyke near Judson Hill 20 Dec 1901 and Mary d. 8 Apr 1922 Judson Hill buried Judson Hill. Survived by wife, one daughter, one brother, and three sisters (obituary).
Marion Parmenter b. 1858.
Leona K. Parmenter b. 4 Sept 1860 m. 26 Sept 1880 Welby Updyke.
Myrtie Belle Parmenter b. 9 May 1864 d. 29 Oct 1878.
Stephen S. Peavey b. c. 1784 Connecticut perhaps Voluntown, Windham County son of Ichabod Peavey and Margery Potter first appears on the 1820 assessment list (compiled fall of 1819) of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, unable to pay for schooling of children Martha, John, and Welcome. The Franklin family who were near neighbors were also from Windham County, Connecticut. Stephen was not enumerated in Jackson in 1820 and does not appear on the 1821 and 1822 assessment lists. Stephen again appears on the 1823 list, unable to pay for schooling of children Welcome, age 9; Margaret, age 7; and Phebe, age 5. Appears on 1823 list, 1824 is missing, and does not appear on the 1825 list. Enumerated in Allen, Allgeany County, New York in 1830 with one male under age five (b. 1826-30), two males of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1811-15), one male of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1781-90), one female of age five and under age ten (b. 1821-25), one female of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1816-20), one female of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1811-15), one female of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10), and one female of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1781-90). Enumerated in Lexington Village, Lexington Township, Stark County, Ohio in 1840 with one male of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90), one female of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1821-25), and one female of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90). Enumerated in Plain Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana in 1850, basketmaker, no real estate owned, wife Abigail b. c. 1784 Connecticut, unable to read and write.
Samuel Criss dated a Will 10 May 1849 in Southport, Chemung County, New York, which bordered Jackson Township and named wife, Anna; son, Walter, age about 40; and grandson, Samuel Criss 2d, aged about 24 being the young man I have brought up and “being the son of one Maria Peva and by me believed to have been begotten by my son, Walter.” Samuel Criss 2d was b. 30 Apr 1823 and Maria Peva was perhaps Maria Peavey and a child of Stephen Peavey as the name Peva is not found in othe records. Maria could have been older than Martha and since Stephen has not been located in earlier census records it is unknown if there were children born before Martha.
1. Martha Peavey b. c. 1809.
2. John Simmons Peavey b. 10 Nov 1810 Weston in what is now Town
of Tyrone, Schuyler County, New York.
3. Welcome Peavey b. 1812.
4. Margaret Peavey b. c. 1814.
5. Phebe Peavey b. c. 1816 New York.
6. daughter b. 1821-25.
7. son b. 1826-30.
Second Generation:
2. John Simmons Peavey b. 10 Nov 1810 m. 5 Feb 1832 in Allegany
County, New York, Deborah McIntosh b. 7 June 1818 Cuba, Allegany County,
New York daughter of John McIntosh and Deborah Eaton. Enumerated in Washington,
Noble County, Indiana in 1850, farmer. John d. 20 Jan 1886 Arena, Iowa
County, Wisconsin.
Sylvester W. Peavy b. c. 1836 Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio.
Benjamin S. Peavy b. 23 Mar 1840 Ashtabula.
Rosetta Peavy b. c. 1841 Ashtabula.
Mahlon Davis Peavy b. 9 Feb 1848 Warsaw, Kosciusko County, Indiana.
Josiah Wesley Peavy b. 13 Feb 1850 Warsaw.
Laura Peavy b. c. 1854.
Caroline Cecelia Peavy b. 15 May 1856 Cooperstown, Lake County, Indiana.
3. Welcome Peavey b. 1812 was enumerated in Lexington Village, Lexington Township, Stark County, Ohio in 1840 with one male of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20), one female under age five (b. 1836-40), and one female of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20).
daughter b. 1836-40.
4. Margaret Peavey b. c. 1814 m. 9 Mar 1836 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, Nathaniel Reuben Van Curen b. c. 1811 Spafford, Onondaga County, New York. Enumerated in Douglas Township, Iroquois County, Illinois in 1860; Etna Township, Whitley County, Indiana in 1880. Margaret d. 1892 Henderson, Michigan.
Henry S. Van Curen b. 23 Oct 1837 Pennsylvania.
Abigail Rebecca Van Curen b. c. 1839.
Nathaniel Reuben Van Curen b. 22 Oct 1840 Ashtabula, Ashtabula County,
Joseph B. Van Curen b. c. 1841 Ohio.
Mary Van Curen b. c. 1844 Ohio.
Evert Franklin Van Curen b. Dec 1851 Henderson, Shiawassee County,
George Henry Van Curen b. c. 1853 Henderson.
5. Phebe Peavey b. c. 1816 m. Percival Franklin b. c. 1812 son of David Franklin, Jr., and Hannah Lafferty. Enumerated in Goshen, Columbiana County, Ohio in 1840 with one male under age five (b. 1836-40), two males of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), two males of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20), and one female of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20). Enumerated in Berlin, Mahoning County, Ohio in 1850, farmer. Enumerated in Beaver, Crawford County, Pennsylvania in 1860, 1870, and 1880, farmer.
David W. Franklin b. c. 1833 Ohio.
son b. c. 1835 Ohio not enumerated with family in 1850.
Thomas C. Franklin b. 11 Nov 1839 Goshen, Ohio served in the Civil
War in Company E, 29th Ohio Regiment d. 13 Oct 1905.
Abigail Franklin b. c. 1844 Ohio enumerated as deaf and dumb in 1860.
Martha Franklin b. c. 1853 Pennsylvania.
George Dorrance Pettingill (Pettingill, Petingale, Petingall, etc.) b. 12 Aug 1773 Coventry, Rhode Island son of John Pettingill and Ann Green m. Eunice Murray b. 24 June 1775 Providence, Rhode Island. George first appears on the 1822 assessment list (compiled fall of 1821) of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Appears in 1823. 1824 is missing. They removed to neighboring Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania at Mosherville, later where the Carr family resided. George first appears on the 1824 assessment list of Wells. Enumerated in Wells in 1830. Enumerated in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania in 1840. Enumerated in 1850 in Jackson Township, Tioga County. Eunice d. 8 Apr 1856 80y 9m 14d (ts) Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township. George d. 15 Feb 1863 buried Leona, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
1. Julia Ann Pettingill b. 27 Sept 1802 Providence, Rhode Island
m. Israel Moore.
2. George William Pettingill b. 13 Sept 1804 Providence.
3. John Green Pettingill b. 18 Jan 1807 Providence.
4. Samuel B. Pettingill b. 29 June 1809 Providence d. 23 Sept
1809 Providence.
5. Daniel Pettingill b. 1 Apr 1811 Providence.
6. Harriet Pettingill b. 21 Oct 1812 Dutchess County, New York
m. a son of Rev. Paul Smith of East Chemung, New York.
7. James Madison Pettingill b. 2 May 1815 Fishkill, Dutchess
County, New York.
8. Andrew Jackson Pettingill b. 17 Oct 1818 Fishkill d. c. 1898
Second Generation:
2. George William Pettingill b. 1804 m. 11 Jan 1845 at Daggett,
Tioga County, Pennsylvania, Mary Ann Colony b. 4 Dec 1823 Masonville, Delaware
County, New York. Blacksmith, enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County,
Pennsylvania in 1850. Removed to Leona, Springfield Township. George d.
30 Sept 1892 and Mary Ann d. 16 June 1904.
Monroe Pettingill b. c. 1846.
Martha Pettingill b. c. 1848.
3. John Green Pettingill b. 18 Jan 1807 m. 17 Oct 1832 in Wells, Amanda Cook. Enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania in 1850 with three sons and one daughter in their household. John d. 9 Jan 1866 St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois.
5. Daniel Pettingill b. 1 Apr 1811 m. 14 Jan 1834 at Daggett, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, Ann Eliza Stafford b. c. 1814. Enumerated in Rutland Township, Tioga County in 1840. Daniel d. 28 Feb 1854 Pike, Potter County, Pennsylvania and Ann d. c. 1894 Eldridge, Stutsman County, North Dakota.
son b. 1836-40 (1840 census).
daughter b. 1836-40 (1840 census).
7. James Madison Pettingill b. 2 May 1815 m. 9 May 1844 (Elmira Gazette, May 16, 1844) at Daggett, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, Esther Lewis of Wells. James, blacksmith, and second wife, Clarisa Mott b. July 1827 Pennsylvania enumerated 1850 census of Jackson Township and 1860 census of Wells. Clarasy wife of James Pettingill d. 6 Aug 1882 55y 22d (ts) Judson Hill Cemetery.
Leora Edith Pettingill b. 4 Jan 1848 Pennsylvania m. William Moore (2)Matthew
Roxallia Pettingill b. c. 1853 Pennsylvania.
Mary Pettengill b. c. 1855 Pennsylvania.
Nora Pettengill b. 1860 Pennsylvania.
John Pettengill, 14, b. New York, d. Mar 1859 of measles (1860 Wells township, Bradford County mortality schedule).
John Phillips served in the American Revolution, m. Hannah Russell b. c. 1766. Enumerated in Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York in 1800 with two males under age ten (b. 1791-1800), one male of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1756-74), two females under age ten (b. 1791-1800), one female of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1785-1790), and one female of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1756-74). Enumerated in Cherry Valley in 1810 with three males under age ten (b. 1801-10), one male of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1795-1800), one male of age sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1785-94), one male of age forty five and over (b. before 1765), two females under age ten (b. 1801-10), one female of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1795-1800), two females of age sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1785-94), and one female of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1766-84). Cherry Valley is situated in the northeast corner of Otsego County and borders Montgomery County where Hannah stated they lived in her application for a pension based on her husband’s service in the American Revolution. Cherry Valley also borders Sharon, Schoharie County, New York where daughter Betsey is related to have been born. John d. Dec 1814 (deposition of Hannah). After John’s death Hannah and children removed to Steuben County, New York and resided there for three years (deposition of Hannah).
Hannah appears on the 1820 assessment list (compiled fall of 1819) of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania as a widow, unable to pay for schooling of children William and Betsy. Daughter Mary Phillips and her husband James Lafferty had removed there in 1817 or earlier.
Hannah was enumerated in Jackson Township in 1820 with two males of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1805-10), one male of age sixteen and under age eighteen (b. 1802-04), one female under age ten (b. 1811-20), and one female of age forty five and over (b. before 1775). She appears on the 1821 assessment list with the same two children unable to pay for their schooling. On the 1822 assessment list is the notation she had removed from the township.
State of New York, Cataraugus County
On this 22nd day of September 1847 personally appeared before me, Judge
of the County of Cattaraugus, Hannah Phillips, a resident of the town of
Michias, county and state aforesaid aged eighty years and upwards who being
first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following Declaration
in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed July 4th,
1838. She is the widow of the said John Phillips mentioned in the Certificate
of the Comptroller hereto annexed and that she was married to said John
Phillips prior to January first 1794 by priest Miner and in his own house
on the sabath day after service was over in the Church. Declarent states
that she does not remember the year, month nor day of the month she was
married to her said husband. But she refers and relys on the record
hereto annexed in the hand writing of her said husband of the birth of
her first children by him. Declarent further says she had thirteen children
by her said husband but the younger four he never put on record.
Declarent says her said husband died in the month of December 1814 to the
best of her knowledge in the County of Schoharry, New York. I never since
married and still remains a widow. Deponent states when a maid her name
was Rusell and her said husband at the time of the Revolutionary War was
a resident of the county of Montgomery and State of New York and lived
near Johnstown close by the Mawhawk River. Declarent further states she
lived in the same place and that she has often heard her said husband tell
of his service in the revolutionary war and heard him tell that he served
under the same officers named in the Certificate of Comptroller hereto
annexed. She further says she had seen and known the Major part of the
same officers mentioned in said certificate of proof hereto annexed that
some of them lived in the same neighborhood where she herself lived at
the time of the Revolution War. Deponent says that she moved from Montgomery
County to Schoharry County before her said husband died and after his death
she moved with her children to Steuben County, New York. Stayed there three
years then from there to Pennsylvania state then from there to the County
of Monroe and Town of Ogden then from there to Sheldon, Wyoming County
and from there to my present place of residence. Declarent says that this
application is made to obtain the pension due her by the act of 7 July
Sworn and subscribed before me a Judge of the Courts of Cataraugus County
on this 22nd day of September in the year of our lord 1847.
Rensselair Lambs, County Judge
Hannah her X mark Phillips
State of New York, County of Montgomery
On this fifth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty nine personally appeared before me a Justice of
the Peace of County and state aforesaid Baront H. Vrooman a resident of
the town of Mohawk, Montgomery County and State aforesaid, aged seventy
eight years the 23 day of October this present year, and made oath according
to the law of the following facts. Deponent says that he knew John Phillips
and was well acquainted with him and that he lived in the County of Montgomery
and state of New York near to Johnstown at the time of the Revolution war,
Deponent further says he knew all the following named officers, Capt David
Ostrander, Joel Gillett, Lt (?)of Fonda, Capt Adam Houssards and Robert
Yeates, Col Marinus Willett, Henry R VanRansselear, Phillip (?) Schuyler
and Frederick Fisher. All of these officers belonged in this part of the
county to my knowing. Deponent further states he was well acquainted
with the widow of John Phillips, that she lived in deponent's father's
house before she was married to John Phillips. Deponent further states
that he remember John Phillips and his family moved from this place to
the best of my knowledge to Schoharie County and I think the town of Sharen.
Deponent says he does not know where the moved to afterwards. Deponent
further states that he knew Hannah Russell before she was married to John
Phillips and the both lived in the one neighborhood. Deponent further states
he remembers that they were married but cannot state the day month or year
and also remembers that this deponent was at a party at the house of this
same John and Hannah after they were married and further this deponent
says not
subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of September 1849.
Perry Yates Justice of the Peace
Barent H Vrooman
Her pension claim was rejected on the basis of two John Phillips, both serving in the same regiment. Hannah was enumerated in the household of daughter Betsey Bump in Sheldon, Wyoming County, New York in 1850 and 1860. Hannah d. 10 June 1861 95y (ts) Johnsonburg Cemetery, Johnsonburg, Wyoming County, New York.
1. daughter b. c. 1791.
2. daughter b. c. 1793.
3. Vulkert Phillips b. 21 June/11 July 1794 Otsego County, New
4. Mary Phillips b. 10 Apr 1797 m. James Lafferty.
5. son b. c. 1799.
6. Daniel Phillips b. c. 1802 m. Mary Lafferty.
7. Jonah Phillips b. c. 1804 Schoharie County, New York (1855
state census).
8. daughter b. c. 1801-10.
9. daughter b. c. 1801-10.
10. William Phillips b. c. 1806-10.
11. Betsey Phillips b. 1812 Sharon, Schoharie County, New York.
12. child.
13. child.
The son above b. c. 1799 could be Francis Phillips, age 52, born New York enumerated in Machias, Cattaraugus County, New York in 1850, farmer with wife Barbara and two children in the household.
Second Generation:
3. Vulkert Phillips b. 21 June/11 July 1794 m. Ruth Rockwell
Hungerford b. 6/26 July 1802 Litchfield, Connecticut daughter of James
Hungerford and Ruth Rockwell. Enumerated in Hornby, Steuben County, New
York in 1830 with two males under age five (b. 1826-30), one male of age
five and under age ten (b. 1821-25), one male of age thirty and under age
forty (b. 1791-1800), one female under age five (b. 1826-30), and one female
of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10). Enumerated in Campbell,
Steuben County in 1840 with one male under age five (b. 1836-40), two males
of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), two males of age ten and under
age fifteen (b. 1826-30), one male of age fifteen and under age twenty
(b. 1821-25), one male of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1791-1800),
one female of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), and one female
of age thirty and under age forty (b. 1801-10). Enumerated in Thurston,
Steuben County, New York in 1850 and 1860, farmer. Vulkert d. 17 Dec 1866
Thurston and Ruth d. 14 Dec 1869 Thurston.
Jonas Phillips b. 1823 Painted Post, Steuben County d. 27 Oct 1893 Addison,
New York.
Daniel Phillips b. 1825 Painted Post.
Rachel Phillips b. 18 Jan 1826 Campbell, Steuben County m. 22 Sept
1847 William Melbra Jehoicum Burgett.
John Phillips b. 1829 Campbell.
William Phillips b. 8 June 1832 d. 3 Mar 1905.
James Phillips b. 1834 Campbell.
Lyman H. Phillps b. 15 Sept 1837 Campbell.
Mariah Phillips b. 1841 Thurston, Steuben County d. 19 Nov 1918.
Almira Phillips b. 1849 d. 1906.
6. Daniel Phillips b. c. 1802 m. Mary Lafferty, known as Polly, b. 10 Apr 1799 Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York daughter of John Lafferty and Phebe Barton. Enumerated in Freedom, Cattaraugus County, New York in 1830 with one male of age five and under age ten (b. 1821-25), one male of age thirty and under age forty (b. 1791-1800), two females under age five (b. 1826-30), two females of age five and under age ten (b. 1821-25), and one female of age twenty and under age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10). Enumerated in Farmersville, Cattaraugus County in 1840 with one male under age five (b. 1836-40), one male of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), one male of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1821-25), one male of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1791-1800), one male of age eighty and under age ninety (b. 1751-60), two females of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), two females of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), one female of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1821-25), and one female of age thirty and under age forty (b. 1801-10). Enumerated in Farmersville in 1850, farmer. Enumerated in Carrolton, Cattaraugus County in 1860 and 1870 with a personal estate of $100 in 1870. The 1880 mortality schedule lists a Polly Lafferty, age 80, who died Dec 1879 at the County Poorhouse.
son b. 1821-25.
daughter b. 1821-25.
daughter b. 1821-25.
daughter b. 1826-30.
daughter b. 1826-30.
daughter b. 1831-35.
daughter b. 1831-35.
Daniel Phillips b. 26 July 1834 m. 9 Sept 1855 Caroline Eliza Dean.
William Phillips b. 1838.
George M. Phillips b. 7 Dec 1842 m. 4 June 1862 Melissa Lafferty and
c. 1871 (2)Emma Cault and he d. 14 Mar 1914 Machias, New York.
7. Jonah Phillips b. c. 1804 m. Betsy Nicklas (Nicholas, etc.) and was enumerated in Freedom, Cattaraugus County, New York in 1830 with one male under age five (b. 1826-30), one male of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10), one female under age five (b. 1826-30), and one female of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10). Enumerated in Yorkshire, Cattaraugus County in 1840 with two males under age five (b. 1836-40), two males of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), one male of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), one male of age thirty and under age forty (b. 1801-10), one female of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), one female of age thirty and under age forty (b. 1801-10). Enumerated in Machias, Cattaraugus County in 1850, farmer, with wife Mary b. c. 1812 New York or Vermont (1855 state census). Enumerated in 1855 state census of Farmersville, Cattaraugus County, farmer. Enumerated in Machias in 1860, famer; Machias in 1870, fisherman, unable to read and write; Machias in 1880, laborer.
Sally Phillips b. 24 Mar 1824 Freedom d. 11 Mar 1916 Ashford, New York
buried Mt Hope Cemetery.
daughter b. 1826-30.
Riley Phillips b. Nov 1829 Freedom d. Berrien County, Michigan.
Orlin S. Phillips b. c. 1830 Freedom.
Benjamin Franklin Phillips b. 23 Nov 1834 Cattaragus County.
Charles Phillips b. Mar 1837 Cattaraugus County.
Hiram Loren Phillips b. 25 June 1840 Yorkshire, Cattaraugus County.
Emma Maria Phillips b. c. 1842 Cattaragus County.
Ezra S. Phillips b. c. 1848.
Eugene Phillips b. Oct 1850 Machias, New York m. Armenia Lafferty and
he d. 1920 Machias.
Emmet Phillips b. Apr 1855 Cattaraugus County.
11. Betsey Phillips b. 1812 m. 4 May 1830 in Bath, New York, Joseph Bump b. 6 Oct 1806. Enumerated in Sheldon, Wyoming County, New York in 1850, 1860, and 1870, farmer. Joseph d. 22 Aug 1874 68y (ts) and Betsey d. 28 Apr 1878 66y 2m (ts) Johnsonburg Cemetery, Johnsonburg, Wyoming County, New York.
Julia Bump b. c. 1833.
Hannah A. Bump b. 3 Nov 1835 m. Charles E. Standish.
Loran Bump b. c. 1837.
John Bump b. 1839 served 21st Regiment, New York, during Civil War,
d. 1862 (ts) Johnsonburg Cemetery.
Job Chester Bump b. 1 Oct 1841.
Daniel W. Bump b. 20 Aug 1843 served 8th Artillery New York during
Civil War, d. 1926 (ts) Johnsonburg Cemetery.
James Bump b. c. 1846.
Viletta Bump b. 27 Dec 1848.
Julia Helen Bump b. 9 Sept 1854
see Rutan
Zenus Roberts b. 21 Sept 1781 (vr) Williamstown, Massachusetts son of Ard and Miriam Roberts m. Elizabeth Daniels b. 6 Dec 1783 daughter of Sterling Daniels. They removed from Berkshire County, Massachusetts to Daggett, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth d. 1 July 1853 69y 6m 25d (ts). Zenus had a second wife Phebe and she d. 20 Oct 1857 73y 9m 9d (ts). Third wife Mercy named in Will. Zenus d. 27 Feb 1861 79y (ts) Old Daggett Burying Ground. Administration of estate dated 8 Mar 1861. Executor, Allen B. Bryan. To be buried in Daggett Hollow Cemetery. Heirs: Mary A. Hakes, Elizabeth S. Bailey, Abigail M. Bryan, Polly Ann Odell, Hiram H. Roberts, E. D. Roberts, Seth S. Roberts, and Zenas H. Roberts.
1. Hiram B. Roberts b. 1804.
2. Mary A. Roberts b. 1806.
3. Edward Date Roberts b. 5 Mar 1808 Massachusetts.
4. Elizabeth L. Roberts b. c. 1810.
5. Henry Zenus Roberts b. c. 1812 Massachusetts.
6. Abigail Mabel Roberts b. 14 Mar 1818 Massachusetts m. Allen
Boardman Bryant.
7. Polly Ann Roberts b. 7 Mar 1821 Berkshire County, Massachusetts
m. Jesse B. Odell and removed to Lenawee County, Michigan.
8. Seth S. Roberts b. 11 Sept 1823.
Second Generation:
1. Hiram B. Roberts b. 1804 was a physician, m. Sarah Ann Updike,
known as Sally Ann, b. 1808 daughter of Reuben Updike and Aeltje Rapalje.
Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1830 with one male under age five (b.
1826-30), two males of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10), one
female under age five (b. 1826-30), and one female of age twenty and under
age thirty (b. 1801-10). Sally Ann d. 5 Jan 1835 26y 1m 30d (ts) Old Daggett
Burying Ground. H. B. Roberts appears on the 1838 assessment list of Wells.
On the 1839 assessment list he was a non-resident. Hiram had a second wife
Phebe. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1840 with two males under age
five (b. 1836-40), one male of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30),
one male of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20), one male of age
thirty and under age forty (b. 1801-10), one female of age ten and under
age fifteen (b. 1826-30) and one female of age twenty and under age thirty
(b. 1811-20). Hiram d. 1 Apr 1842 38y 2m 8d (ts) Old Daggett Burying Ground.
Administration of his estate dated 14 Apr 1842 by Phebe Roberts, Ferris
Roberts, Edward D. Roberts, and David Griswold, Jr.
9. Hiram B. Roberts b. c. 1828.
10. daughter b. 1826-30.
Children of Hiram and Phebe:
11. son b. 1836-40.
12. son b. 1836-40.
2. Mary A. Roberts b. 1806 m. 29 June 1842 as the second wife of James Hakes b. c. 1798 son of Solomom Hakes and Anna Downing of Columbia Township, Bradford County. James m. 6 July 1820 Elizabeth Wright. Enumerated in Columbia Township in 1850. James d. 21 Jan 1864 Bradford County. Mary was deceased before 1870 when three of her children were enumerated in the same household in Columbia Township.
Hiram Hakes b. c. 1843.
Laura M. Hakes b. c. 1845.
William S. Hakes b. c. 1848.
Sarah Hakes b. c. 1851.
3. Edward Date Roberts b. 5 Mar 1808 m. Hannah Garrison b. 29 Sept 1812 daughter of Justus Garrison and Phebe Barber. Enumerated 1850 census of Jackson Township, tailor. Edward d. 30 Jan 1882 and Hannah d. 5 Dec 1887 buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, New York.
Elizabeth Phoebe Roberts b. 7 May 1833.
Sarah Jane Roberts b. 15 Nov 1834 m. Hiel Updyke.
Frances Roberts b. 9 July 1836.
Herald C. Roberts b. 28 Jan 1838.
George William Roberts b. 30 Jan 1840.
Hannah Louise Roberts b. 2 Dec 1842.
Mary Mariah Roberts b. 25 Apr 1844.
Eliza Ann Roberts b. 20 June 1846.
Edward D. Roberts b. 23 Mar 1849.
Carrie Roberts b. 27 Mar 1851.
Alice Roberts b. 19 Sept 1852.
Harriet E. Roberts b. 17 Apr 1857.
5. Henry Zenus Roberts b. c. 1812 Massachusetts and wife, Sylvia Ann b. c. 1812 New York enumerated 1850 census of Wells. 1858 map, residing Judson Hill. Enumerated in Wells, residing at Judson Hill in 1880.
John Roberts b. c. 1832 Massachusetts.
Malissa Roberts b. c. 1834.
Nathan Roberts b. c. 1836 Pennsylvania.
Mary E. Roberts b. c. 1838 Pennsylvania.
George N. Roberts b. c. 1840 Pennsylvania.
Edward Roberts b. c. 1845 Pennsylvania.
Sarah J. Roberts b. c. 1846 Pennsylvania.
Joseph S. Roberts b. c. 1849 Pennsylvania.
Byron Roberts b. c. 1852 Wells. The death of Byron Roberts, late of
Judson Hill, Pa., on November 17 removed from that community one of its
most respected and beloved residents. Past seventy-two years of age, he
spent his entire life at Judson Hill. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Roberts and was born on the same farm on which he died. For several years,
Mr. Roberts was not actively engaged in farming because of declining health
and passed his time with his family. If his life had been spared, he would
have been married fifty years on March 24, 1924. The decedent from his
youth had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Judson Hill.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. William Chamberlain of
Gillett, Pa. and Mrs. Harry J. Courtright of Elmira; two sons, Charles
B. Roberts of Gillett and Bert E., of Horseheads; ten grand (incomplete
Third Generation:
9. Hiram D. Roberts b. c. 1828 New York state and wife, Mary
A., b. c. 1829 Pennsylvnaia enumerated 1850 census of Wells.
Elizabeth Roberts b. c. 1849 Pennsylvania.
John Roberts b. c. 1811 New York state first appears on the 1835 assessment list of Wells along with a D. W. Roberts and Edward Roberts. Wife, Clarissa E. b. c. 1819 New York state enumerated 1860 census of Wells. On 1858 map of Wells in Seeley Creek Valley between state line and Mosherville on east side of main road and also at Mosherville. John and Clarissa E. Roberts were members of the North Church of Wells, a Presbyterian church formed at the state line in the Seeley Creek Valley in 1836.
1. William Roberts b. c. 1839 New York.
2. Eloise Roberts b. c. 1853 Pennsylvania.
Rufus Spencer b. 6 Nov 1793 m. Mary Card b. 27 Apr 1797 Pownal, Bennington County, Vermont. They removed and resided for a few years in Jackson Township where some of their children married. Mary d. 26 Nov 1851 West Burlingtonn, Otsego County, New York and Rufus d. 22 Jan 1878 West Burlington, Otsego County, New York.
1. Hannah Spencer b. 4 July 1815 West Burlington, Otsego County,
New York m. Robert B. Lefler of Jackson Township.
2. Bethuel Spencer b. 4 Nov 1817 West Burlington.
3. Sarah Ann Spencer b. 10 Feb 1820 West Burlington.
4. Lydia E. Spencer b. 17 Mar 1822 West Burlington m. Silas Fulton
Lefler of Jackson Township.
5. Martha Spencer (twin) b. 5 Mar 1824 West Burlington.
6. Mary Spencer (twin) b. 5 Mar 1824 West Burlington d. young.
7. Huldah Spencer b. 5 Jan 1825 West Burlington d. young.
8. Archibald Spencer b. 16 May 1827 West Burlington.
9. Levi Spencer b. 16 May 1829 West Burlington.
10. Marietta Spencer b. 22 Feb 1832 Tioga County, New York.
11. Matthew Spencer b. 1833 d. young.
12. Joshua G. Spencer b. 11 June 1834 Jackson Township.
13. Esther Spencer b. 26 Apr 1837 West Burlington.
14. Ambrose Spencer b. 14 Sept 1838 West Burlington.
15. Andrew Jackson Spencer b. 13 Aug 1840 West Burlington.
Second Generation:
2. Bethuel Spencer b. 4 Nov 1817 m. Lorinda Harrington b. c.
1818 New York. Enumerated 1850 census of Wells Township, Bradford County,
Pennsylvania, constable.
Laura A. Spencer b. c. 1840 New York m. Wilbur Fiske Walling.
Angeline Spencer b. c. 1842 New York m. Earl Harrington.
Henry Arnet Spencer b. c. 1844 New York.
Ruth Spencer b. c. 1847 New York m. George Benjamin.
Ella Estella Spencer b. c. 1850.
Samuel Smith b. c. 1787 Connecticut m. Sarah Miller b. c. 1791 daughter of Garrett Miller and Mary Smith of Jackson Township. They are related to have lived in the cabin that her parents built. Enumerated in Jackson in 1820 with three males under age ten (b. 1811-20), one male of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1776-94), one female under age ten (b. 1811-20), one female of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1805-10), one female of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1776-94). On the 1823 assessment list they were unable to pay for schooling of children, Nathan, age 11, Garret, age 9; Mary, age 7; and Joshua, age 5. They were evidently still residing in the same area but are not found on the 1830 census of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania or Southport, Tioga (that portion that became Chemung) County, New York. Perhaps their supposed residence on the state line may have caused some confusion with census enumerators. Later census enumerations many of the children related they were born in New York. The family does not appear on the 1825 and 1835 state censuses of Southport. Enumerated in Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan in 1840 with two males of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), one male of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90), one female of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), one female of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), and one female of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1791-1800). Enumerated in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1850 and 1860, farmer. Samuel d. 21 Apr 1866 age 70 (Clinton Republican, March 9, 1866).
1. daughter b. 1805-10.
2. Reuben Smith b. c. 1810.
3. Nathaniel Smith b. c. 1812.
4. Garrett Smith b. 8 Nov 1813.
5. Mary Smith b. c. 1815 New York.
6. Joshua Smith b. 1817.
7. William Smith b. c. 1822 New York.
8. Sophia Smith b. Apr 1824 New York.
9. Richard Smith b. c. 1826.
10. Margaret Smith b. c. 1828 New York.
11. Charles Smith b. c. 1830.
12. Sarah Smith, known as Sally, b. 21 June 1832 New York.
13. Jackson Smith b. c. 1834 New York.
Second Generation:
4. Garrett Smith b. 8 Nov 1813 m. Abigail Ames b. 7 Aug 1824
daughter of Benjamin Ames. Enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County,
Pennsylvania in 1850, farmer, where they continued to reside. Garrett d.
30 Jan 1898 (ts) and Abigail d. 6 Sept 1904 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery, Jackson
Charles Smith b. 1845 d. 1924 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery.
Alford Smith b. 22 Sept 1847 d. 8 June 1864 (ts) Stewart Cemetery,
Jackson Township.
Benjamin Smith b. 1 Dec 1849 d. 24 July 1913 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery.
William Smith b. Jan 1852 d. 5 Jan 1862 9y 11m 26d (ts) Stewart Cemetery.
Mary Smith b. c. 1854.
Sarah Smith, known as Sally, b. 6 July 1856 d. 10 May 1865 (ts) Stewart
Elida Smith b. c. 1865.
Ruby Smith b. c. 1867.
5. Mary Smith b. c. 1815 m. 3 Mar 1832 Robert Randolph Kinner b. 24 Sept 1811 son of Daniel Kinner and Bethiah Knapp. Enumerated in Redford, Wayne County, Michigan in 1850, farmer; 1860, wagon maker; 1880, farmer.
Ruby Ann Kinner b. c. 1834 Michigan.
Jesse C. Kinner b. c. 1837 Michigan.
Margaret Kinner b. c. 1841 Michigan.
Bethiah Kinner b. c. 1843 Michigan.
Mary E./Phebe Kinner b. c. 1847 Michigan.
Rebecca Kinner b. 1850 Michigan.
Orpha M. Kinner b. c. 1854 Michigan.
Daniel L. Kinner b. c. 1858 Michigan.
6. Joshua Smith b. 1817 m. Rhoda Jane Friends b. 1826 daughter of James Friends and Polly Millard. Enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania in 1850, farmer, where they continued to reside. Joshua d. 1900 (ts) and Rhoda d. 1905 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery, Jackson Township.
James C. Smith b. 2 Apr 1843.
Amanda Jane Smith b. c. 1845.
Alexander Smith b. 12 July 1848 (perhaps should be 1847 as age 3 in
1850 and 13 in 1860).
Samuel Smith b. Nov 1849 d. 9 May 1862 12y 5m 16d (ts) Stewart Cemetery,
Jackson Township.
Henry Smith b. 1859 (perhaps should be 1858 as age 2 in 1860).
Eva L. Smith b. 21 Dec 1860 Michigan m. Carlos C. White and she d.
1939 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery.
Jackson Smith b. 1862.
Maria Smith b. 25 Apr 1865 m. L. D. Andrews and she d. 19 Jan 1906
(ts) Alder Run Cemetery.
Malinda Rebecca Smith b. 1868 d. 1883 (ts) Alder Run Cemetery.
7. William Smith b. c. 1822 and wife Phebe b. c. 1829/32 New York were enumerated in Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan in 1850, carpenter, next to brother Richard. Enumerated in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1860, farmer. He is not the William B. Smith enumerated in Essex, Clinton County in 1870.
Charles Smith b. c. 1857.
8. Sophia Smith b. Apr 1824 m. 3 Oct 1841 in Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan, Smith Parks, Jr., as his second wife, b. 20 Aug 1809 Elmira, New York son of Smith Parks and Catherine Fowler. Smith m. 13 June 1836 in Saginaw County, Michigan, (1)Elizabeth Goss b. c. 1810 and they were enumerated in Southfield in 1840. Enumerated in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1850, millwright; 1860, 1870, and 1880 farmer. Smith d. 28 Apr 1895 (Clinton Republican, May 1 and May 8, 1895) and Sophia d. 6 Sept 1908 (Clinton Republican, September 10, 1908) buried Oak Ridge Cemetery, Bengal Township, Clinton County.
Sarah Lucinda Parks b. c. 1843 m. 1860 Henry Havens.
Laura A. Parks b. c. 1845.
Charles J. Parks b. c. 1846.
Richard C. Parks b. 17 Oct 1847.
Thalia M. Parks b. 1850.
Samuel Parks b. Apr 1852.
Emeretta Parks b. c. 1854.
Olive M. Parks b. c. 1856.
Henry Eugene Parks b. c. 1859.
James M. Parks b. c. 1863.
Mina J. Parks b. 1869.
9. Richard Smith b. c. 1826 and wife Aurelia b. c. 1824 New York were enumerated in Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan in 1850, carpenter, next to brother William. Enumerated in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1860, 1870, and 1880, farmer.
Henry D. Smith b. Dec 1849 Michigan.
Eva L. Smith b. c. 1852 Michigan.
10. Margaret Smith b. c. 1828 m. Thompkins Parks b. 1821 son of Smith Parks and Catherine Fowler. Enumerated in Novi, Oakland County, Michigan in 1850, carpenter; 1860, farmer.
Margaret Parks b. c. 1859.
11. Charles Smith b. c. 1830 was enumerated with sister Sophia and family in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1850, farmer, m. 13 Nov 1853 in Clinton County, Mary A. Parks b. c. 1829 New York. Enumerated in Dallas in 1860, farmer. Charles perhaps deceased in 1860’s. Mary and son Charles were enumerated in Dallas in 1870 and 1880 owning real and personal property.
Charles W. Smith b. c. 1859 Michigan.
12. Sarah Smith, known as Sally, b. 21 June 1832 m. 11 Feb 1849 Orin Parks b. 18 June 1820 Madison, Chautauqua County, New York son of Smith Parks and Catherine Fowler. Enumerated in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1850 and 1860, farmer. Sally d. 29 Jan 1870. Orin and children enumerated in Dallas in 1870, farmer. Orin d. 29 Dec 1898 (Clinton Independent, January 5, 1899) Clinton County buried Oak Ridge Cemetery, Bengal Township, Clinton County.
George W. Parks b. 2 Feb 1850.
Charles Joseph Parks b. 12 Dec 1851.
Frances A. Parks b. 6 Aug 1854 m. Charles Henry Van Amburg.
William Henry Harrison Parks b. 29 Aug 1856.
Hezekiah Parks b. 29 June 1857.
Eva R. Parks b. 20 Dec 1859.
James Warren Parks b. 27 Mar 1867.
Ella Parks b. 15 Sept 1869.
13. Jackson Smith b. c. 1834 m. 3 Aug 1855 in Clinton County, Michigan, Lydia Ann Hall b. c. 1837 New York. Enumerated in Dallas, Clinton County, Michigan in 1860, farmer. He is perhaps the Jackson Smith who m. 29 Mar 1864 in Clinton County, Elizabeth Ellis.
Charlotte Smith b. c. 1856 Michigan.
Ala Augusta Smith b. c. 1859 Michigan.
Samuel Taber b. 3 Oct 1792 son of David Taber and Sarah Woodman m. 4 Mar 1813 at New Bedford, Bristol County, Massachusetts, Elizabeth Bennett, known as Betsey. Enumerated in New Bedford in 1820 with four children in the household. Enumerated in Newfield, Tompkins County, New York in 1830 with four children in their household. Enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania in 1840. Samuel d. 31 Mar 1848 55y 5m 28d (ts) and Betsey d. 15 Mar 1849 56y 6m 15d (ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery, Jackson Township.
1. Frederick Taber b. c. 1813.
2. Thomas Taber b. c. 1815.
3. daughter b. 1811-20 (1820 census).
4. daughter b. 1811-20 (1820 census).
5. son b. 1816-20 (1830 census).
6. Loran Taber b. c. 1827.
7. Anstis Taber (daughter) b. 1839 d. 24 Oct 1842 3y 3m (ts)
Old Daggett Burying Ground, Daggett, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
Second Generation:
1. Frederick Taber m. Miriam and she d. 5 Sept 1855 41y (ts).
Frederick m. (2)Martha and he d. 6 Dec 1866 55y (ts) buried with Miriam
in Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township.
Elizabeth Ann Taber b. c. 1834 m. Andrew J. Miller.
Loran Taber b. 1839 m. Clara E. Jones.
Samantha Melvina Taber b. c. 1841 m. Horace Barker.
Grace Evans Taber b. 11 May 1842 m. Tartulus Jones Garrison.
Southard Taber b. c. 1844 d. 15 Apr 1858 14y (ts) Daggett Cemetery.
2. Thomas Taber b. c. 1815 m. 1838 Juliet Bryant b. 1818 Hector, New York daughter of Jacob and Martha Bryant. Thomas d. 1877. Juliet committed suicide at home of son, T. B. Taber at Daggett Mills, 15 Apr 1894 age 76, poor health number of years. Found by grandson, Allie Taber hanging in woodshed. Funeral largely attended and buried beside husband (obituary). Both buried Daggett Cemetery and neither have markers.
Sarah C. Taber b. c. 1840 m. Charles Danfield and she d. 12 Feb 1865.
Leander R. Taber b. c. 1842.
Electa J. Taber b. 3 Dec 1842 m. G. W. Ferguson.
Arminda Minnie Taber b. 1846 m. John Aaron Searles and she d. 1916.
Samuel J. Taber b. 1848 m. Ella M. Searles and he d. 1908.
Virginia Taber b. 1850 m. Orman J. Wylie.
Thomas B. Taber b. 22 Feb 1853/4 m. Hettie M. Swayze and he d. Willow
Grove, Keuka Lake, age 44, former resident of Daggett Mills. Wife, and
four children survive (obituary).
Foster Updyke b. 8 Aug 1778 Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey son of Jacob Updyke and Anna Savage who removed from Somerset County, New Jersey to what became known as the Updyke settlement at Enfield, Tompkins County, New York. Evidently, related to the Barber family, since Foster was called "uncle" by the Brewer family and Justus Garrison and Phebe Barber named a son, Foster. Foster m. Nancy Skelhorn b. 9 Nov 1785 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They removed from Tompkins County, New York before 1830 to Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Foster d. 3 Oct 1845 67y 1m 26d (ts) and Nancy d. 28 June 1847 61y 7m 19d (ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery, Jackson Township.
1. William Updyke b. 10 Sept 1802.
2. Richard Updyke b. 18 Feb 1804 m. Emma Stillwell and he d.
3. Theodorus Updyke b. 1805 m. Mary Gray and he d. 1847.
4. John Updyke b. perhaps 1807 (1830 census enumeration of Wells,
age 20 and under 30).
5. Foster Updyke b. 1808 m. Pamelia Cooper and he d. 8 May 1830
21y 5m (ts) Old Daggett Burying Ground, Daggett, Jackson Township.
6. Samantha Updyke b. 1810 m. Warren Wells and she d. 1848.
7. Harriet Updyke b. 18 Nov 1812 m. William Garrison.
8. Eliza Updyke b. 29 Dec 1814 m. Benjamin Wells and she d. 1874.
9. Chester C. Updyke b. 2 Dec 1816.
10. Clark A. Updyke b. 1818 m. Ellen Lake and he d. 1883.
11. Reuben Updyke b. 1821 m. Catherine Cornell (2)Phebe A. Ameigh
and he d. 1877.
12. Eliza Ann Updyke b. 1823 m. Jacob Sheive.
13. Phebe A. Updyke b. 10 Aug 1826.
Second Generation:
9. Chester C. Updyke b. 2 Dec 1816 m. Juliett Furman b.
c. 1822. Resided Judson Hill, Wells Township on west side of main road.
Chester d. 10 Mar 1870 53y 3m 8d (ts) and Juliett d. 1 Feb 1872 (ts) Judson
Hill Cemetery.
Fanny Updyke b. c. 1841.
Henry F. Updyke b. 26 Aug 1843 d. 1 Feb 1865 (ts) Judson Hill Cemetery.
Savellin Updyke (male) b. c. 1846.
13. Phebe A. Updyke b. 10 Aug 1826 m. 26 Feb 1848 Orrin B. Wells and he d. 1868. Phebe d. 1 July 1896 at Jackson Summit, Jackson Township, the last survivor of her brothers and sisters. Mother of six children, three living when she died. She was buried at Daggett (Millerton Advocate obituary and ts).
Mrs. John Lain of Jackson Summit.
C. S. Wells of Trenton, New Jersey.
W. O. Wells of Trenton, New Jersey.
John Updike b. c. 1830 Pennsylvania enumerated 1860 census of Wells residing northeast Wells. Wife, Laura b. c. 1832 Pennsylvania. Richard Updike b. c. 1839 in household.
1. Foster Updike b. c. 1855.
Miller Vaughan b. 8 June 1785 m. Chloe Daggett b. 20 July 1783 daughter of Reuben Daggett and Esther Cobb. Miller acquired 99 acres in 1810 at Daggett, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. On the 1812 assessement list, Miller was assessed for 100 acres and 1 cow. Miller appears on a special assessment of Tioga and Delmar Townships, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, dated 7 Oct 1814 when it was submitted to the commissioners of Tioga County. This was a special tax enumeration of the two townships that existed in the entire County at that date. Miller was listed as age 29, farmer. Miller is also related to have been a teacher. On the 1820 assessment list (compiled fall of 1819), unable to pay for schooling of children Harvey and Clinda. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1820 with one male under age ten (b. 1811-20), one male of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1805-10), one male of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1776-94), two females under age ten (b. 1811-20), one female of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1805-10), and one female of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1776-94). Enumerated in Jackson in 1830 with one male of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1811-15), one male of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10), one male of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1781-90), one female of age five and under age ten (b. 1821-25), two females of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1811-15), and one female of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1781-90). Enumerated in Jackson in 1840 with one male of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90), one female of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1821-25), two females of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20), and one female of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90). Miller d. 21 June 1842 57y 13d (ts) and Chloe d. 28 June 1842 58y 11m 8d (ts) Old Daggett Burial Ground, Daggett, Jackson Township. Estate of Miller probated 29 Oct 1842, administration to John J. Vaughan.
1. Harvey S. Vaughan b. c. 1805-08.
2. Clinda Vaughan b. 1805-10.
3. Mary Vaughan b. June 1811 m. Henry Gifford as his second wife.
4. daughter b. 1811-15.
5. John J. Vaughan b. c. 1815.
6. daughter b. 1821-25.
Second Generation:
1. Harvey S. Vaughan b. 1805-08 was enumerated in Jackson Township
in 1840 with a wife and family. Enumerated in Rutland Township in 1850,
1860, and 1870, farmer, with wife Mary A., b. c. 1805 Connecticut.
Mrs. Harvey Vaughn of Bailey Creek buried last week (Mansfield Advertiser, Mansfield, Pennsylvania, August 16, 1882).
daughter b. 1831-35.
Herman A. Vaughan b. July 1834 was enumerated in Wells Township, Bradford
County, Pennsylvania in 1850 in a Minier household. Wife, Mary J., d. 16
Feb 1860 16y 6m 5d (ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery, Jackson Township. The 1860
mortality schedule relates she died Jackson Township of confinement, age
25. Herman served Civil War in Company K, 50th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry and Company C, 12th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry, enumerated
in Wells Township in 1870, farm laborer in Sheive household, enumerated
with wife Della in Wells Township in 1880, widower in 1900 census. In the
1900 directory, farmer with 15 acres. In the 1907-08 directory, retired
farmer with 11 acres and listed as veteran, d. 26 Jan 1910 buried Mosherville
or Gillett Cemetery.
Helen M. Vaughan b. c. 1838 m. 8 Aug 1853 (Elmira Weekly Gazette, August
11, 1853) in Southport, Chemung County, New York, Isaac B. Simpson of Jackson
Flora Vaughan b. 1850 m. 13 Apr 1871 (Tioga Agitator, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania,
May 3, 1871) in Jackson Township, Edward Crumb.
5. John J. Vaughan b. c. 1815 was enumerated in Rutland Township, Tioga County in 1840 with wife Permelia Abiah b. c. 1820 New York. Enumerated in Tioga Township, Tioga County in 1850 residing near uncle Seth Daggett and family. John was enumerated in Eldred, McKean County, Pennnsylvania in 1860, living alone. Abiah and children were enumerated in a separate household in Eldred. Enumerated in Eldred in 1880 in same household.
Josiah Vaughan b. c. 1836.
Mary Ann Vaughan b. c. 1839.
Lyman H. Vaughan b. c. 1843.
Jane V. Vaughan b. c. 1847.
Edgar B. Vaughan b. 1849.
Louis D. Vaughan b. c. 1852.
Eveline S. Vaughan b. c. 1861.
There was a Charlotte Vaughan, age 23, residing in Eldred, McKean County in 1860 with a son John, age 5, in the household of Alpheus Simms, age 55. She was perhaps the wife of Josiah.
Michael White b. New Jersey son of John White and Mary Cook m. Anna Cooper. Michael d. 11 Jan 1843 (ts) Jobs Corners Cemetery.
1. Amos White.
2. Caroline White d. 17 May 1843 26y 7m 20d (ts) Jobs Corners
3. Hannah White.
Tylee White b. 1792 Monmouth County, New Jersey son of John White and Mary Cook m. Maria Applegate b. 1 Sept 1802 New Jersey daughter of John Applegate and sister of Elizabeth Applegate wife of Aaron Gilbert Bryan of Jackson . Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1840 and 1850. Tylee d. 31 Jan 1873 80y 11m 15d (ts) and Maria d. 6 June 1877 74y 9m 5d (ts) Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
1. Sidney M. White b. 1 Dec 1822.
2. Mary A. White b. c. 1825.
3. John A. White b. 4 Dec 1828.
4. Angeline White b. 6 Aug 1831 m. William R. Hatfield, resided
Wells Township, d. 23 July 1905 (ts) buried Daggett Cemetery.
5. Carlos C. White b. 3 Apr 1834 d. 5 Jan 1849 14y 9m 2d (ts)
Jobs Corners Cemetery.
6. Philoma E. White b. 17 Mar 1837 m. Alvin Brainard Bly.
7. Maria H. White b. 1839 m. Col. Richard Gustin and she d. 1922
(ts) Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Pennsylvania.
8. Tylee R. White b. 1842 d. 15 May 1865 22y 6m 16d (ts) Daggett
Second Generation:
1. Sidney M. White b. 1 Dec 1822 m. Eliza Miller b. 11 Oct 1821
daughter of Joshua Miller and Dorothy Ryder. Resided White Hill, between
Millerton and Jackson Summit, Jackson Township. Buried Alder Run, Cemetery,
Jackson Township. Sidney d. 4 Oct 1892.
Mrs. Sidney White, of this township, died on Wednesday of last week, Dec. 13th, aged about 71 years. Deceased was a sister of the late Wellen S. Miller, and also of Mrs. Robert Capwell, of this village, and was therefore one of Jackson’s pioneers and oldest residents. The funeral was quite largely attended last Friday (obituary).
Sidney d. at his home in Trowbridge, age 80, survived by children, Mrs. Susan DeWitt, Mahlon T., and Lyman S. Buried at Mitchell's Mills (obituary). Mitchell's Mills is Alder Run.
Emily White b. 22 Dec 1842 m. John Wilson and she d. 17 Sept 1863 20y
10m 26d (ts) Daggett Cemetery. Daughter, Violetta Wilson b. 30 June 1862
m. Henry Smith.
Mahlon T. White b. 13 Sept 1846 m. Samantha Hewitt Wood.
Lyman S. White b. 30 June 1848 m. Emeline Friends.
Susan B. White b. 13 July 1851 m. John Bostwick DeWitt.
Carlos C. White b. 27 Oct 1855 m. Eva L. Smith.
2. Mary A. White b. c. 1825 m. Lyman Cornelius Rightmire (sometimes Wrightman) b. 23 Apr 1820 New York son of John Rightmire and Phebe McCollum. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1850 as Wrightmier, d. 10 Oct 1867. Mary m. 13 Apr 1871 (Bradford Argus, Towanda, Pennsylvania, April 20, 1871 and Methodist Church record) at the Presbyterian Church at Mosherville in Wells township (2)John Hamilton Killgore and she d. 5 May 1896 Elmira, New York, buried Daggett, no marker.
Phebe Rightmire b. c. 1851.
Sidney Rightmire b. c. 1854.
Nettie Rightmire m. Floyd P. Peck.
3. John A. White b. 4 Dec 1828 m. Malinda Bly b. 1 Dec 1829 daughter of Joseph Bly and Sarah Brainard. John d. 11 Feb 1862 (ts) and Malinda d. 29 Mar 1885 (ts) Daggett Cemetery.
The identity and origins of the early Wilson family are not known as of this time. The records that follow of John and Thomas Wilson may not all pertain to the same individuals.
There was a Thomas Wilson taxed in Dec 1799 in the Town of Chemung, Tioga County, New York with a house and lot. Thomas Wilson appears on the 1800 (Sept 3) assessment of Tioga, farmer, age 26 (b. c. 1774). Thomas Wilson acquired property by mortgage from Samuel Pleasants, recorded 14 July 1806. Mortgage of George Buchanan, an early settler, describes land bordered by Thomas Wilson and Ralph Bever (Bovier). A Thomas Wilson appears on the 1808 tax list of Tioga Township, Luzerne County (that portion that was northern Bradford County at that time). Thomas Wilson appears on the 1810 census of Athens, Lycoming County (Bradford County formed from Lycoming). Thomas Wilson appears on the 1810 Tioga Township (only two townships in the County at that time, Tioga and Delmar), Tioga County census with three males under age ten (b. 1801-10), one male of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1766-84), one female under age ten (b. 1801-10), and one female of age sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1766-84). Thomas Wilson appears on the 1812 asessement list of Tioga County with 157 acres, 2 horses, and 3 cows. He is related to have m. Lydia Shumway. Thomas Wilson of Tioga Township, Tioga County, d. 1825, administration of estate by John Wilson.
John Wilson appears on the 1798 glass tax of Tioga County, Pennsylvania with one dwelling house and 100 acres. John Wilson, farmer, age 25 (b. c. 1775), appears on the 1800 (Sept 3) assessment of Tioga. John Wilson enumerated 1800 census of Tioga with one male under age ten (b. 1791-1800), one male of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1785-90), one male o fage sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1775-84), one male of age forty five and over (b. before 1755), two females under age ten (b. 1791-1800), one female of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1785-90), one female of age forty five and over (b. before 1755). John Wilson appears on the 1810 census of Tioga Township (only two townships in the County at that time, Tioga and Delmar), Tioga County with two males under age ten (b. 1801-10), one male of age ten and under age sixteen (b. 1795-1800), two males of age sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1785-94), one male of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1766-84), one female under age ten (b. 1801-10), one female ofa ge sixteen and under age twenty six (b. 1785-94), one female of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1766-84), and one female of age forty five and over (b. before 1765). John Wilson appears on the 1812 assessment of Tioga with 1 horse and 1 cow.
John Wilson m. Patience Miller b. Aug 1788 daughter of Garrett Miller and Mary Smith who resided in what became Jackson Township and they are related to have settled on the Tioga River. It is unknown if any of the above John Wilsons refer to him. Patience was a widow by 1819 when she appears on the 1820 assessment list (compiled late fall of 1819) of Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, unable to pay for schooling of children, Charles, Sally, and John. On the 1821 assessment list is the notation “removed” which refers to having left the township. Patience m. (2) William Kinner b. 4 Oct 1791 and they were enumerated on the 1820 census of Elmira, Tioga (that portion that became Chemung), County, New York with one male under age ten (b. 1811-20), one male of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1776-94), one female under age ten (b. 1811-20), and one female of age twenty six and under age forty five (b. 1776-94). Enumerated on the 1825 state census of Southport, Tioga (that portion that became Chemung), County, New York with four males and three females in the household. Enumerated in Southport in 1830 with one male under age five (b. 1826-30), one male of age five and under age ten (b. 1821-25), one male of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1801-10), one male of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1781-90), one female under age five (b. 1826-30), one female of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1816-20), and one female of age forty and under age fifty (b. 1781-90). Enumerated on the 1835 state census of Southport with four males and one female in the household. Enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania in 1840 with one male of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), one male of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), one male of age fifteen and under age twenty (b. 1821-25), one male of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90), one female of age ten and under age fifteen (b. 1826-30), and one female of age fifty and under age sixty (b. 1781-90). William d. 14 Feb 1843 51y 4m 10d (ts) Millerton Cemetery, Jackson Township. Patience was enumerated in Jackson in 1850 with sons Edgar and Morris in the household. Martha Ann, Sarah, and Patience Kinner were members of the North Church of Wells, a Presbyterian Church in Wells Township, Bradford County located at the state line. This probably refers to Patience and her daughter Martha Ann and daughter in law Sarah wife of Morris Kinner. Patience d. 6 Nov 1866 78y 2m 19d (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Children of John and Patience:
1. Charles Wilson b. c. 1810.
2. Sarah Wilson, known as Sally, b. 1 July 1812
3. John Wilson, Jr., b. c. 1815.
4. Martha Ann Wilson.
Children of William and Patience:
5. Mary Kinner, known as Polly, b. c. 1822.
6. Garrett Miller Kinner b. 1824 m. 30 June 1848 (Elmira Gazette,
July 6, 1848) Charlotte Corwin, both of Jackson, in Southport by Rev. Simeon
R. Jones.
7. Martha Ann Kinner b. July 1826 m. 10 Jan 1846 Albert Seeley.
8. Edgar Kinner b. c. 1829 New York, merchant in 1850 census.
9. Morris Kinner b. c. 1833 New York m.19 Sept 1854 Sarah D.
Stuart of Jackson Township.
Second Generation:
1. Charles Wilson b. c. 1810 enumerated in Jackson Township in
1840, next to brother John, with one male under age five (b. 1836-40),
one male of age five and under age ten (b. 1831-35), one male of age twenty
and under age thirty (b. 1811-20), one male of age thirty and under age
forty (b. 1801-10), and one female of age thirty and under age forty (b.
1801-10). Enumerated in Jackson in 1850, farmer, with wife Esther b. c.
1813 New York. Enumerated in Southport, Chemung County, New York in 1860,
carpenter; 1870 and 1880, farmer.
10. Jonas D. Wilson b. c. 1833 New York.
11. Henry Wilson b. 1834 New York, clerk in 1860 residing with
parents, d. 2 May 1868 33y 5m 25d at Southport, merchant, buried Woodlawn
Cemetery (Elmira City death record).
2. Sarah Wilson b. 1 July 1812 m. George B. Wilson b. 12 May 1811 Angelica, New York (death record) or Pennsylvania (1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 census enumerations). Enumerated in Lawrence Township, Tioga Countyi in 1840. Enumerated in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania in 1850, farmer. Removed to neighboring Wells Township, farmer, resided on main road between state line and Millerton. Sarah d. 7 June 1885 (ts) and George d. 8 Apr 1896 (ts and Bradford County death record) Wells Township (death record) buried Millerton Cemetery, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
12. Clarissa Wilson b. 1836.
13. Amelia Wilson b. Feb 1839.
14. George Wilson b. 6 Feb 1841 Lawrenceville
15. Delrain Wilson b. c. 1843.
16. Patience J. Wilson b. 1846.
17. Esther Wilson b. c. 1852.
18. Henry J. Wilson b. 6 Apr 1854 Jackson Township.
19. Ellen Wilson, often known as Nellie, b. 1859.
3. John Wilson, Jr., b. c. 1815 m. Abigail Kinner b. c. 1816 daughter of Nathaniel Kinner and Sarah Ryder of Jackson Township. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1840, next to brother Charles, with one male under age five (b. 1836-40), one male of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20), one female under age five (b. 1836-40), and one female of age twenty and under age thirty (b. 1811-20). Enumerated in Jackson in 1850 and 1860, farmer. Abigail d. 14 Apr 1865 (ts) Millerton Cemetery. John m. (2)Emma E. Viele b. 28 June 1827 New York daughter of Nicholas Viele and Lydia Hyde. Emma m. (1)Benjamin Buchanan. Enumerated in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania in 1870, farmer, John unable to read and write. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1880, farmer. Emma d. 9 June 1891 63y 11m 19d (ts) Millerton Cemetery buried as wife of Benjamin Buchanan. John d. c. 1895 buried Millerton Cemetery, no marker.
John Wilson, an old resident of this place, died at about seven o'clock
last Friday evening, after an illness of only about three days. Although
about eighty years old, Mr. Wilson was active as a man twenty years younger,
and had been noticed as particularly sprightly during the summer just past.
Many in the village had not even heard of his illness, and were first made
aware of it and its fatal termination by the tolling of the church bell
Saturday morning. Deceased was formerly a farmer, but removed to this village
some sixteen or eighteen years ago, where he has since resided. He was
twice married; the issue by his first marriage being a son and daughter,
viz: Nathaniel Wilson, of Wells, Pa., and Mrs. Asa Jackson, of this village.
By his second wife he had one daughter, Mrs. Bart. Buchanan, of Caton.
His second wife died two or three years ago, and recently, while not engaged
in traveling through the country on business, he made his home with his
children, his death occurring at the house of Mrs. Jackson. The funeral
held in this village last Sunday, Rev. Meeker officiating, and was quite
largely attended. Interment was in Millerton Cemetery by the side of relatives
gone before (Millerton Advocate, undated obituary).
Children of John and Abigail:
20. Elizabeth Wilson b. Mar 1836.
21. Nathaniel Wilson b. Aug 1837 (1900 census) 1838 (ts).
22. William Wilson b. 14 Sept 1842 served in Company C, 8th Regiment
New York Volunteers during Civil War, d. 5 Dec 1879 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
23. Minettia Wilson b. 1854 d. 6 Mar 1862 7y 5m 13d (ts) Millerton
Child of John and Emma:
24. Clarice Isabelle Wilson b. c. 1868 m. Burt Buchanan.
Third Generation:
10. Jonas D. Wilson b. c. 1833 New York, clerk in 1860 residing
with parents, m. Mary E. Hopkins b. c. 1848 New York daughter Socrates
Nelson Hopkins and Sarah Ann Ashley. Enumerated in the household of her
parents in 1870 in the city of Elmira, New York, dry goods merchant. In
the 1872 Elmira City directory S. N. Hopkins and J. D. Wilson had a dry
goods business at 108 Water Street. In the 1874 directory he was a clerk,
boarding at 188 West Market, the Hopkins family not appearing in the directory.
Mary was enumerated in Castile, Wyoming County, New York in 1880 residing
with her parents, enumerated as widowed or divorced.
12. Clarissa Wilson b. 1836 m. Robert Tillinghast b. 1822 New York son of Charles Tillinghast and Jerusha Hatfield of Jackson Township. Enumerated in Jackson Township in 1860, farmer. Enumerated in Wells Township, Bradford County Pennsylvania in 1870 residing in or near Hammond Creek Valley. Robert d. 1876 (ts). Clarissa and children enumerated in Wells in 1880. Clarissa later resided Watkins Glen, New York and she d. 1927 (ts) Millerton Cemetery buried with Robert.
Floyd R. Tillinghast b. 1855 d. 1863 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Delos L. Tillinghast b. 1859 d. 1936 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Dell Tillinghast b. c. 1862.
Mertie B. Tillinghast b. c. 1864.
Maud Tillinghast b. c. 1869.
George Tillinghast b. c. 1874.
13. Amelia Wilson b. Feb 1839 m. 4 May 1862 William Tillinghast b. May 1838. Amelia d. 6 Aug 1880 41y 5m 28d (ts) Millerton Cemetery. William m. 6 Nov 1833 at the First Congregational Church, Elmira, New York (2)Fanny M. Seely b. Mar 1854 daughter of Edward Seeley and Laura E. Miller of Jackson Township. Fanny m. (1)Fred Kolb. She was a widow in the 1880 census of Lawrence Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, son Lewis B. Kolb b. c. 1876 residing with her. William d. 1916 (ts) and Fanny d. 1920 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Children of William and Amelia:
Buren Jay Tillinghast m. Harriet Kinner.
Etta Tillinghast m. Daniel Miller.
Harry C. Tillinghast b. 21 Dec 1865 Sioux City, Iowa m. Martha Retan.
Children of William and Fanny:
Laura Tillinghast b. 1886 d. 1887 (ts) Millerton Cemetery.
Leah Susan Tillinghast b. 14 Feb 1888-89 m. Frank Hamilton.
14. George Wilson b. 6 Feb 1841 Lawrenceville m. 3 Dec 1863 Isabelle Pedrick daughter of John S. Pedrick and Hannah Roushy. Resided Pine City, New York and he d. 12 Jan 1911 buried Webb Mills.
15. Delrain Wilson b. c. 1843 and wife Emma were enumerated in Jackson Township in 1880, carpenter.
Hattie L. Wilson b. c. 1871.
Hettie E. Wilson b. c. 1872.
16. Patience J. Wilson b. 1846 m. William Curren and she d. 1908 buried Millerton.
18. Henry J. Wilson b. 6 Apr 1854 Jackson Township m. 18 Oct 1877 Ella M. Jones daughter of Simeon R. Jones. Enumerated in Wells Township, Bradford County in 1880, farmer. Resided Seeley Creek, town of Southport, Chemung County, New York.
Raymond Wilson b. c. 1879.
19. Ellen Wilson, often known as Nellie, b. 1859 m. Frank Miller and she d. 1922 buried Millerton.
20. Elizabeth Wilson b. Mar 1836 m. c. 1864 Asa Jackson b. Apr 1839. Enumerated in Wells in 1900, farmer, Elizabeth mother of two children, two living.
Arnold Jackson b. Apr 1872.
21. Nathaniel Wilson b. Aug 1837 (1900 census) 1838 (ts) m. c. 1864 Amanda b. 1846. Enumerated in Wells in 1880, farmer. Enumerated in Wells in 1900, farmer, Amanda mother of three children, two living. In the 1900 Wells directory Nathaniel was town treasurer, tobacco grower with 2 acres, dairy of 7 cows and farmer with son Foster, 110 acres. In the 1907-08 Wells directory, Nathaniel was a farmer, 181 acres, dairy of 18 cows.
Minettia Wilson b. c. 1866.
Foster Wilson b. Jan 1873 (ts) 1875 (1900 census) m. Flora B. Wilcox.
Charles Wilson b. Sept 1880 d. 1 Jan 1881 3m 16d (ts) Millerton Cemetery.