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Welch Family Reunions

Of  Sullivan Township, Tioga County,PA

From 1914 to 1946

Material retyped and contributed by Clarence V. Woodard and formatted for the web by Linda Cracraft and Joyce M.  Tice.

Prepared by Conrad H. Wilcox,

Welch Family Reunion Notes 1914 to 1927

Reunions - 1914 to 1927
Reunions - 1928 to 1934
Reunions - 1935 to 1946
If you are descended from the Sullivan township Welches or other Sullivan area persons., please contact Joyce M. Tice for exchange of information.

    August 22, 1935 

The 44th Annual Reunion of the descendants of Nathaniel and Lura Dickinson Welch was held in the Old Home Day Building Mainesburg, Pa. It was a beautiful day and there were 70 present. After a social hour a bountiful lunch was enjoyed, during which the minutes of the last meeting were read and a collection to defray expenses taken.

The following program was very entertaining:

Business meeting conducted by Pres. Ed Hendricks Place of next meeting Old Home Day Building Mainesburg. Time, day following Mainesburg Old Home Day.

Financial Statement

Balance Aug. 16, 1934 $3.20
Collection a935 7.87
Total 11.07

Bills Aug. 22, Groceries $10.51
Advertising/Cards .56
Total $11.07

Sale of groceries-Balance treas. as of 8/22/35 $.84

The following present at the 44th Welch reunion Aug. 22nd 1935

Mr. & Mrs. Osmer Welch  Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Welch
Mrs. Mary Baity  Adalene M. Seymour
Lura Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Luther Webster
Minnie Seymour Pauline Dewitt and baby
Mr. S.R. Jackson  Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Connelly
Leonard Connelly  Mrs. Allie Kintner
Mr. J.E Gray  Mr. & Mrs. Wells Ashley
Manley Benson Mr. & Mrs. M.J. Briggs
A.B. Ashley  Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Seymour
Two Briggs Children  Robert Hendricks
Francis Welch Mr. & Mrs. Wilmot Purvis
Esther Luella Purvis  Horace D. Welch
Alton Welch  Emerson Welch
Harriet Welch Vern B. O’dell
Inez Cowan (Visitor) Mrs. V.B. O’dell
Mrs. Ellen Welch Mrs. Alice Bennett
Paul Welch Jesse Baity
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Welch  Ed Hendricks
F.J. Ashley  Mrs. F.J. Ashley
Betty Allen  Edna Rich Purvis
Philoma Mae Seeley Diantha Webster
Carol Bolt Bobby Webster
Lucille Wilkins  Marcella Wilkins
Sylvia Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Wilkins
Marjorie Wilkins Lloyd Wilkins Jr.
Arlene Wilkins Chrystal Bolt
Beverly Bolt Lou Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Updyke Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bolt
Garry Mc Clure New York City Malcome O’dell
Mrs. Malcome O’dell

Change in Family:

   August 19th, 1936

The 45th Annual Reunion of the Welch Family was held at the old Home Day building Mainesburg, Pa.. After a most excellent lunch the following program was enjoyed by all.

Business meeting followed

Minutes of last reunion read and approved, election of officers:

Place of next meeting old Home Day building Mainesburg, Pa.. Time the day following Mainesburg Old Home day.

Financial Statement

Balance Aug. 22, 1935 .84
Collection Aug. 19, 1936 7.32
Total 8.16

Expenses for advertising
Mansfield Adv. .25
Troy Gazette .50

Groceries 5.58
Total expenses 6.33

Sale of rolls .15 + $8.16 = $8.31
Total Expenses 6.33
Balance of Au. 19,1936 1.98
Refund from Groceries 1.08
Total Balance 3.06

The following present Aug. 19th 1936


Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Briggs E. Helen Briggs  L.W. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Seymour  Arlene Wilkins  Beverly Bolt
Mr. & Mrs. William Hasler (Visitor) Chrystal Bolt Marcilla Wilkins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webster  Sylvia Wilkins Alice Rumsey
Lucille Wilkins Marjorie Wilkins  Lloyd Wilkins Sr.
Ruby Wilkins Lloyd Wilkins Jr. Jesse Baity
Relford Seymour  Clayton Seymour  L.B. Mudge
Eugene Welch Emma Welch  Lou Welch
Mrs. Lou West  Beverly West  Nelson West
Minnie West Lucille Zimmer  Blanch Wilcox
Lucy Nash  Della Connelly Howard Connelly
William Connelly  Florence Connelly  Robert Webster
Lura Shirley Connelly Leonard Connelly Mrs. Thomas Smith
Nellie Smith Diantha Purvis Wilmot Purvis
Edna Purvis  Bettey Allen  Francis Allen
Edward Bolt Fred Bolt  Hazel Bolt
Margaret Welch Keith Ripley  Doris Ripley
Gordon Ripley Luella Ashley  Leona Ashley
Mrs. Ed Gray  Mrs. Wells Ashley  Marcia Barrett
Ruth Welch  Darwin Welch  Frances Welch
Grant Reese Ed Hendricks Gwendolin Hendricks 
Dorothy Webster  Carol Bolt  Diantha Webster
Lillias Mudge Mr. Mudge  Luther Webster
Jennie Webster Lawrence Dewitt Virginia Benson
Mrs. Harold Chamberlain  Minnie Seymour  Helen Raynor
Two Dewitt Children  Robert Raynor  Mrs. Carl Chamberlain

Changes in Family

Reported by Helen Raynor and copied by A.M. Seymour- Diantha Purvis

   August 19th, 1937

The forty sixth Annual Reunion of the Welch and Ashley Families was held at the Old Home Day Building Mainesburg, Pa.. Our Table Committee (most of it) were unavoidably detained or absent, but everyone helped and we enjoyed the many good things which had been provided. After lunch Mrs. Vern O'dell called a business meeting acting as President Pro Tem in the absence of our President William Connelly.

The chairmen to appoint their own helpers- also the matter of purchase of Ice Cream for next year left to discretion of the table committee.

Place of 1938 reunion Old Home Day Building. Date changed because the present date comes at a busy time, New Date- Last Thursday in June 1938.

Miss Diantha Webster our program committee presented the following:

The Following present Aug. 19, 1937


Edna Webster  Charley Webster  Francis Welch
Jennie Barrett  Grant Reese  Eugene Welch
Emma Welch  Minnie Seymour  C.H. Seymour
Relford Seymour  Maude Seymour  Freeman Welch
Addie Welch  Anna Drafino  Horce Welch
Harriett Welch Alton Welch  Merle Welch
Pearl Woodward  Frank Woodward Joyce Woodward
James Woodward  Robert Wagner  Paul Woodward
Mrs. Vern O’dell Vern O’dell Laura Shaw
Hazel Bolt  Helen Raynor  Chrystal Bolt
Beverly Bolt  Edward Bolt  Clayton Bolt
Carol Bolt  Lloyd Wilkins Sr. Lloyd Wilkins Jr.
Ruby Wilkins Sylvia Wilkins  Lucille Wilkins
Arlene Wilkins  Marjorie Wilkins  Marcella Wilkins
Robert Raynor  Robert Webster  Elmer Updyke
Ada Updyke  Lewis Welch  Keith Ripley
Mrs. Keith Ripley  Gordon Dale Ripley Wells Ashley  Mary Ashley 
Lucy Briggs  Mortimer Briggs  Esther Helen Briggs  Diantha Webster 
Ruth Welch & Baby  Diantha Purvis  Esther Purvis  Edna Rich Purvis 
Lura Connelly  Luella Ashley  Margaret Cook  Mary Lou Reitman 
Dorothy Webster  Ellen Mudge  Ruth Mudge  Mary Welch 
Diantha Webster

Financial Statement

Expenses for 1937

Notice in Mansfield Adv .25
Notice in Troy Gazette .25
Postal Cards sent .25
To G.E. Stauffer for Groceries 5.49
Total Expenses 6.24

Balance in Treas. Aug. 1936 3.06
Collection Aug. 1937 5.15

Sale of Sugar, Butter Rolls and Paper plates .81
Total cash 9.02
Expenses 6.24
Balance in Treas. Aug. 19, 1937 $2.78

Changes in the Family

   June 30th, 1938

The forty seventh annual reunion of the Welch's and Ashley's was held at the Old Home Day Building in Mainesburg, Pa.. The meeting was called to order by President Lewis Welch. Everyone joined together in singing "Nearer my God to thee" accompanied by Lucille Wilkins on the accordian. The following Officers were elected:

The chairman may or may not appoint their own helpers.

Place of 1939 reunion to be held in Old Home Day building. Decided to have it nearer the middle of June.

Miss Margaret Welch our program committee presented us with the following:

Because so many of the program were unable to attend. Our president at this time had the reading of the minutes of the last years reunion.

Remarks by Blanche Wilcox
Music by Marjorie, Marcella and Lloyd Jr. Wilkins
Encore by Lloyd Jr.
Accordian solo by Arlene Wilkins
Song by the group "In the Sweet by & by "accompanied by Arlene on the accordian.

The following were present in June 1938.


Elmer Updyke  Ada Updyke  Clayton Bolt
Bobby Webster Crystal Bolt Diantha Webster
Carol Bolt  Mr. Garrison  Beverly Bolt
Ed Bolt  Ellen Welch  Mrs. Geo Rumsey
Lewis Welch  Hazel Bolt  Maude Seymour
Chas Shoemaker  Mrs. John Ruggles  Mrs. Clayton Seymour
Mr. Clayton Seymour  Relford Seymour  Steve Ashley
Mary Ashley  Wells Ashley  Harold Briggs
Lucie Briggs  E. Helen Briggs  Mortimer Briggs
Mr. Keith Ripley  Mrs. Keith Ripley  Gordon Dale Ripley 
Mr. Darwin Welch  Mrs. Darwin Welch Margaret Welch 
Janice Welch Joyce Campbell  Nellie Arlene Smith
Lura Connelly  Mrs. Arthur Shoemaker  Mrs. Wilcox 
Lloyd Wilkins Ruby Wilkins  Sylvia Wilkins
Lucille Wilkins * Arlene Wilkins * Marjorie Wilkins *
Lloyd Jr. Wilkins * Marcella Wilkins *

note: * - last five surnames listed as an asterisk (   "  ) - does not come across well in HTML, assuming Wilkins (lc for jmt)

Financial Statement

Expenses for 1938 Totaled $6.20

1937 Balance in Treasury $2.78
1938 Balance in treasury $2.17

Preparations for Dinner $5.59
Cards .11
Ad in Troy Gazette .25
Ad in Mansfield Adv. .25

Total Expenses $6.20

Changes in the family

   June 1999

The forty-eighth annual reunion of the Welch Family was held in the Community Building in Mainesburg, Pa. It was a very small gathering compared to former years. However, those present had a good time of fellowship and enjoyed the bountiful dinner. The program was much enjoyed and all expressed thanks to the Wilkins Family for their fine musical numbers.

The program:

Our President Mr. Ray Welch called the meeting to order for election of officers for the ensuring year. Minutes of last year was read and approved. The date for reunion was discussed and finally left to be about the tenth or fifteenth of June on Wednesday. The nearest to one of these dates. The president appointed Mrs. Eugene Welch chairman of the table committee, she to choose others to help her. Miss Arlene Wilkins chairman of program committee. An offering was taken to defray expenses for rolls etc. purch'ed for dinner No. present 30.

Sec. being absent the minutes were taken by Mrs. Lucile Zimmer

Cards sent (34) .34
Adv. (.25) .25
Rolls,Sugar, & Lemons 1.83
Total 3.42

Rent of Hall 2.00

Following was present 1939


Minnie Seymour Mr. Frank Welch  Mrs. Francis Welch
Mr. Francis Welch  Mrs. Wells Ashley  Mrs. Doris Ripley
Keith Ripley Keith Ripley  Mrs George Rumsey Blanche Wilcox 
Lucille Zimmer  Mr. Lou Welch  Ellen Welch  Ada Updyke
Elmer Updyke  Maude Palmer  Kate Riggles  Mrs. Frank Welch
Bernice Lucille Welch  Lloyd G. Wilkins  Ruby Wilkins  Miss Sylvia Wilkins
Lucille Wilkins  Arlene Wilkins  Marjorie Wilkins  Marcella Wilkins
Lloyd Wilkins Jr. Mr. Gene Welch  Mrs. Gene Welch  Mrs. Mattie Rose

   June 26th 1940 

The forty-ninth annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the P/O/S. of A. hall. The place which was formerly chosen, the Old Home Day building, being so cold, it was decided by those present, to come to the hall where it would be more comfortable. A bountiful dinner was enjoyed by all, there being 58 present. The president being absent, our vice president Mrs. Keith Ripley very ably conducted the business meeting.

Regularly moved and recorded that we have our next reunion near the fifteenth of June, being left to the officers to set the exact date. A fine program of songs, vocal and instrumental, and recitations was rendered by the Wilkins Family and their helpers. All joined together in singing "What a Friend we have in Jesus".

Rev C. Hildreth then gave an interesting description of his recent trip to Rome, Italy, London, Paris and especially the Holy Lands; made famous because of the birth, life, and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Closed by all singing "Bless be the tie that Binds"

Mrs. Herrick Wiulcox

PS: An offering was taken to defray expenses
Amount left in Treasury $.60

Those present June 26th, 1940


Mrs. C. H. Seymour Mrs. M. Stauffer  James Blair
Mrs. Jas Blair Mrs. Mary Ashley  Harold Briggs
Mrs. Lulu O’dell  Mrs H.P. Welch  Leit Henry White Welch 
Eugene Welch Mrs. Eugene Welch  Rev. C. Hildreth Wilcox 
Conrad Wilcox  Fred Welch Rollins Mrs. C. H. Wilcox
Gordon Wilcox  Alice Adele Wilcox  Donald Wilcox 
Relford Seymour  Adalene M. Seymour  Edward Bolt 
Chrystal Bolt Mrs. Edward Bolt  Carol Bolt 
Clayton Bolt  Keith Ripley Mrs. Keith Ripley 
Gordon Ripley  Robert Mudge  Mrs. Robert Mudge
Wilma Mudge  Marjorie Gale Mudge Mrs. Alice Rumsey 
C.H. Seymour Mrs. Ellen Welch Mrs. Loris Paul Bidack
Herrick Wilcox Mrs. Gertrude Welch Mrs. Herrick Wilcox
Marjorie Wilkins  Arlene Wilkins Lucille Wilkins 
Lloyd Wilkins Mrs. Lloyd Wilkins  Marcella Wilkins 
Lloyd Wilkins Jr.  Richard Lyon  Mrs. Welch Harvey 
G __ Welch Mrs. Richard Lyon

   June 19th 1941 

The fiftieth annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at Mainesburg, Pa. In the P.O.S. of a hall. The day was ideal, but owing to so many other things scheduled for this particular time, the crowd was small. A bountiful dinner was spread and all present had a good time of visiting. The business session was conducted by the president, Eugene Welch.

First of all he called for an expression whether to continue the annual reunion or disband. All present voted unanimously to have of another year. The time and place to be left to the officers. They are:

Mrs. Robert took charge of program.
Mrs. Mudge and her two little daughters, Wilma and Marjorie, gave several selections on accordian and horns, which was much enjoyed. Suggestion was made to put notice of reunion in the Mansfield Adv, Troy Gazette Register and the Elmira Star Gazette next year, and to urge all to come by word of mouth or in writing.

The expenses for the hall and for dinner were $4.50
Collection taken 6.03
Left from last year .08
Total in treas $1.61
Those who registered June 19th, 1941

H.E. Welch  L.W. Welch  Mrs. Robert Mudge
Marjorie Mudge Wilma Mudge  Lucile Zimmer
Mrs. Ellen Welch  Mrs. Alice Rumsey  Eugene Welch
Mrs. Eugene Welch Francis Welch  Mrs. Francis Welch
Bernice Welch Mrs. Keith Ripley  Gordon Ripley
Frank J. Woodard  Mrs. Frank Woodard Joyce Woodard
Robert W. Wagner  Lura Connelly  Herrick Wilcox
Mrs. Herrick Wilcox  James Woodard



   July 1st, 1944 

The Welch reunion was held at the Community Bldg., Mainesburg, Pa. The day was fine and those who came expressed a desire to have the reunion annually if possible. The crowd was small (25 present) but, that was owing to circumstances that could not be controlled. A bountiful dinner was spread at noon and much enjoyed by all present. The same officers were re-elected;

Program committee, Arlene Wilkins and Mrs. E.B. Zimmer

The date was left open for the officers to decide, but to be as near our regular time of meeting as could be arranged

Balance in Treasury this day $1.89
Balance today after expense $1.41

Total in Treasury $3.30

June 17th 1945 paper ad .28
Total 3.02

After dinner a very good program was rendered by all present.

Adjourned by all singing 'What a Friend we have in Jesus".

   June 19th 1945 

Notice sent to paper that reunion would not be held this year.

Cost $.28

   August 10th, 1946 

Reunion held at Corey Creek Golf Course picnic grounds. A beautiful place and a lovely day but very few availed themselves of the privilege to renew old acquaintances and make new ones.

The President and secretary brought before the ones assembled regarding another reunion next year. Some thought of sending out cards as a questionnaire as to the desire of the Welch Families and Friends; to keep it going or call it done.

A good time of fellowship and delicious dinner was enjoyed by all present about or near twenty.

Mrs. Herrick Wilcox

Addresses to whom cards are sent:


Mr. Herman P. Welch Mr. Marshall W. Welch Mr. Hirman A. Welch
225 Grampian Blvd. 101 Grampian Blvd. Manlius, NY R.D.#2
Williamsport, Pa. Williamsport, Pa
--- --- ---
Mrs. Martin Cook Mr. Ruben Palmer Mrs. John Ruggles
Troy, Pa R.D#1 Canton, Pa Troy, Pa
--- --- ---
Mrs. Maude Palmer Orlin Lawrence Mrs. Effie Clarkson
Canton, Pa R.F.D#5 109 Lexington Ave.
Danville, NY Elmira, NY

Reunions - 1914 to 1927
Reunions - 1928 to 1934
Reunions - 1935 to 1946
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