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Welch Family Reunions

Of  Sullivan Township, Tioga County,PA

From 1914 to 1946

Material retyped and contributed by Clarence V. Woodard and formatted for the web by Linda Cracraft and Joyce M.  Tice.

Prepared by Conrad H. Wilcox,

Welch Family Reunion Notes 1914 to 1927

Reunions - 1914 to 1927
Reunions - 1928 to 1934
Reunions - 1935 to 1946
If you are descended from the Sullivan township Welches or other Sullivan area persons., please contact Joyce M. Tice for exchange of information.

    August 15, 1928 

The 37th annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the Power's Community House Aug. 15th 1928

A bountiful dinner was served but, on account of the Farmers Picnic in Mansfield no program was given. Business meeting called to order by the President H.P. Welch.

Moved and seconded that the next reunion be held at the Power's Community House.

Closing Remarks by H.P. Welch

Treasurers Report

Amount in Treasury 1927 $.90
Collection 1928 $16.44
Expenses for table 1928 $13.58
For use of House 1928 $ 2.50

Balance in treasury 1928 $1.26

Changes in the family for the past year.

Partial Record of the Welch Family

About the year 1806 or 1807, Nathaniel Welch 1754---1832 and wife Lura Dickinson Welch 1764---1851 with some of their children came over the Green Mountains from Vermont into an unsettled portion of Pennsylvania making the journey in an ox sled, they located in what is now Sullivan Township.

(A few years ago Mrs. Minnie Welch Seymour began a record of the Welch Family that each one might know from which branch of the family they came).

In this record Mrs. Seymour gives the names of the children of Nathaniel Welch and Lura Dickinson Welch as follows:

Nathaniel 2nd Married ______________
Sallie Married Mr. Fairchild
Samuel Married Hannah Doyen
Elijah Married Charlott Spencer and_________ Spencer
Leonard Married _________ Bryant
Harry Married Nabby Harding and Betsy Rude
Jefferson Married
Sophia Married John King
Mary Married Sylvester Bailey

Mrs. Seymour has also given in her record the names of the brothers and sisters of Nathaniel 1st but, little is known at the present time of any of them excepting, Harriet who married Forest Ashley.

In the year 1891 the decendants of that worthy couple decided to have a family reunion which was held the following year 1892 at the home of Nelson Welch, that place being the old homestead of Mr. Welch's father Harry Welch, situated in Sullivan Township.

It was not until 1924 that a registration of names of those attending the reunions was taken, and in looking over the names for the past five years we find those attending were mostly decendants of four sons of those pioneers. Nathaniel 2nd, Samuel 1st, Elijah and Harry with some of the Ashley branch of the Welch Family.

This year the secretary has endeavored to arrange the names by families giving in the margin at the left of page a genealogy back to the first Nathaniel Welch.

(Editor's note: The genealogy back to the first Nathaniel is placed above each family group.)

Changes in the family since August 1928

   August 15, 1929

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the Powers Community House Aug. 15th 1929. After dinner was served a business meeting was called to order by the president Eugene W. Welch. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the following officers were elected for the coming year.

Next meeting to be held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Welch. President to appoint committee for table and program

Treasurer Report
Balance in Treasury 1929 $1.26
For use of House 1929 $2.50
For Ice Cream 1929 $4.80
Other expenses 1929 $5.60

Balance $3.38

Changes in the family since 1929

The following were registered in 1929

Mrs. Laura R. Mudge  Mrs. Dan Mudge  Belle Welch E.O. Connelly  Mrs. E.O. Connelly  W.O. Ashley 
Mrs. W.O. Ashley  George Rumsey  Alice Rumsey  Mrs. Fred Welch  F.M. Welch  Darwin Welch
W.J. Hendricks  F.E. Welch  Ester Early  Mary Delphine Welch  Lillie E. Welch  Dorothy M. Reese 
Edward Bolt Hazel Bolt  Carol Bolt  Chrystal C. Bolt  Clayton Bolt  H. Earl Welch
Ruth Hendricks  Mae Hendricks  Ed Hendricks E.W. Welch  James Christopher  Louisa D. Christopher 
Mrs. M.C. Seaman  Minnie Harvey  C.W. Harvey  Mary Gray  Lucy Christopher  Edna Banner
Gwendolyn Hendricks  Keith Ripley  Mrs. Keith Ripley  Gordon Dale Ripley  Margaret Welch Robert Hendricks 
D.D. Welch  Mrs. D.D. Welch  Mrs. Eugene W. Welch  Homer Elliott

   August 21, 1930

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Welch Aug. 21, 1930 where a bountiful dinner was served and the following program given.

E.D. Hendricks acting as chairman the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the following officers elected for 1931. Amount in Treasury 1930 $3.38
Collection $14.05
Expenses $14.45
Balance $2.98

Changes in Family

The following was present:

D.L. Smith  Beverley Bolt  Mrs. D.L. Smith  Lloyd Wilkins  Nellie Arlene Smith  Marjorie Wilkins 
Margaret Welch  Marcella Wilkins  Phyllis Palmer  Ruby Wilkins  Mrs. Helen Elloitt Belle Welch
Venilia Incel Elliott  Mae Smith Robert O’dell  Mrs. Emma Connelly  Robert Hendricks  Mr. & Mrs. E. O. Connelly 
Mr. & Mrs. W.W Purvis  Martha Connelly  Gwendolyn Hendricks  Edna Rich Purvis  Audrey Smith  Leah Welch 
Elma L. Smith  Francis Welch  Relford Seymour Warren Welch  L.W. Welch  Hiram Welch 
H. Earl Welch Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hart  H.J. Welch  Ida Welch  W.O. Ashley  George Rumsey 
Dorothy Reese  Alice Rumsey  Shirley Reese C.H. Seymour  S.B. Jackson  Nelson Welch
Cornelious Smith  Dolly L. Christopher  Lucile Wilkins  Mr. & Mrs. Dean Baylor Sylvia Wilkins  Fern Marie Baylor 
Mrs. Lila Miller  Clayton Bolt  Maud Baylor Edward Bolt  Hazel Bolt  Mrs. Thomas Dicker 
Mary Ellen Decker  Joyce Pauline Elliott  Thomas Decker Jr. Mrs. Viola Rumsey  George Hendricks  Barbara Strange 
William J. Hendricks  Lydia Hendricks  William Connelly Emma Welch Florence Connelly  E. W. Welch 
Lura S. Connelly  Mary Gray  Leonard Connelly  A.E. Williams  Loris Jane Paul  Lillis Elsurn Welch 
Mrs. E.E. Updyke  Grace Tice Mary Delphine Welch Elossie Smith  Mr & Mrs Luther Webster  Mr. & Mrs. E.D. Hendricks 
Lulu O’dell Francis Welch  Mrs. Clayton Seymour  Howard Hendricks  Alice Bennet  Ruth Hendricks 
A. Maude Seymour Lilah O’dell  Darwin Welch  Charlott Brace Russell Strange  Anna Smith 
Robert Smith  Elmer Smith Jr.  R. Franklin Ashley  Mr. & Mrs. Berry L. Welch  Mrs. Wells Ashley  Constance A. Welch 
Mr. & Mrs. D.D. Welch  Mr. & Mrs. Fred Welch  Mr. & Mrs. Walter L Connelly

   August 20, 1931

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held in the Old Home Day tent on the Mainesburg School grounds, Aug. 20, 1931. After a bountiful dinner a business meeting was called to order by the President and the following officers elected.

Next meeting to be held in the Old Home Day tent on the Mainesburg School grounds Aug. 18, 1932 Amount in Treasury 1931 $2.98
Collection $11.00
Expenses $10.39

Balance $3.59

Changes in the Family

Those present in 1931

Mr. & Mrs. D. T. Smith Ethelyn S. Frost 
Phyllis Jean Frost  Mr & Mrs. E. W. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ripley  Gordon Dale Ripley
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Briggs  Mr. & Mrs. Harold Briggs
Mr. & Mrs. Wells Ashley  Mr. & Mrs. Dean Baylor
Fern Marie Baylor  Mrs. Chas Baylor
Lucy Christopher  Mr. & Mrs. Luett Prutsman
Jackie Prutsman  Thomas Prutsman
Edna Spencer  Mr. & Mrs. E.D. Hendricks
Louisa Christopher  Mary Gray
Mr. & Mrs. V. B. O’Dell  Lelah O’dell
Lydia Hendricks  Mr. & Mrs. William Connelly
Lura Shirley Connelly  Leonard Connelly
Lura Connelly  A. Maude Seymour
Alice L. Bennet  Mrs. Ellen Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Baity  Esther Baity
Paul Baity  Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bolt
Carol Bolt  Crystal Bolt
Clayton Bolt  Beverly Bolt
Fred Welch  Margaret Welch
Nellie Arlene Smith  Elosie Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Welch  Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. Relford m Seymour  Lewis Welch
L.L. Oakley  Lulu Oakley
V.B. O’Dell  Sylvia Wilkins
Lucille Wilkins  Arlene Wilkins
Marjorie Wilkins  Marcella Wilkins
Lloyd Wilkins  Ruby Wilkins
William J. Hendricks  Robert Hendricks
Robert O’dell  Francis Welch
Mrs. Ed Hendricks  Mrs. Clayton Seymour

   August 18, 1932

The 41st Annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the Old Home Day tent Mainesburg, Pa.. The day began with rain but, cleared- A delicious dinner was served, meeting was called to order by the President Mr. Ed Hendricks, reading of the minutes, election of officers:

Pres Mr. Ed Hendricks
Vice Pres. Fred Welch
Sec & Tres A.M. Seymour

Moved to go to Herman Welch, 225 Grampian Blvd., Williamsport for reunion next year, time to be set by Mr. Welch. Dismissed by Mrs. Blanch Wilcox

The following were present:

Mr. & Mrs. Lisle Smith  Gwendolyn Hendricks Ruth Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Vern O’dell  Howard Hendricks  Gordon Ripley
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ripley  Mr. & Mrs. Walter Connelly  Lura Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hendricks  Alice Welch  Lillis Welch
Mary Delphine Welch  Elosie Smith  Darwin Welch
Robert Smith  Frances Welch  Wells Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Luther Webster Harold Briggs
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Wilkins  Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Briggs  Helen Briggs
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmot Purvis Ester Purvis Earl Welch 
Edna Rich Purvis  Luella Ashley  Lewis Welch
Relford Seymour Robert O’dell  Robert Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. James Blair  William Hendricks George Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cook  Martin Cook Jr. Mrs. Kathlene Jones
Mable Cook  June Cook Lida Beth Cook
Small Boy  Pearl Woodard  Mrs. Blanch Wilcox
Lucille Zimmer  Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Seymour  Mrs. Ellen Welch
Mrs. Helen Decker Thomas Welch Decker Mary Ellen Decker
C. R. Miller  Emma Connelly Mary Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Welch  Hazel Bolt  Edward Bolt
Carol Bolt  Clayton Bolt  Chrystal Bolt
Beverly Bolt  Helen Raynor Robert Raynor
Mary Ashley Lura Shirley Connelly (Jr.) Leonard Connelly 
Mr. & Mrs. Engene Welch  Barbara Strange Vivian Strange

Amount in Treasury '32 $3.59
Collection '32 $10.57
Sale of rolls/butter '32 .42
Total Cash $14.58

Grand Total $10.23

Balance in Treasury '32 $4.35

Changes in the Family Aug. 20th, '31 to Aug. 18th, ' 32

   August 19, 1933

The 42nd Annual Reunion of the descendants of Nathaniel and Lura Dickinson Welch was held at the beautiful home of Mr. & Mrs. Herman P. Welch, 225 Grampian Blvd., Williamsport, Pa. The day was perfect and a happy morning was spent in merry conversation on the large veranda to the accompaniment of the mellow tones of the radio. A very appetizing picnic luncheon was served on the terrace, followed by a program.

Business Meeting, Reading of the minutes, election of officevs, by ballot as there were several nominations. New officers as follows: Mr. Hendrmcks appointed Mr. Lewis Welch chairman of the table committee and to appoint his own helpers. Voted to accept Lewis Welch's invitation to come to the Mainesburg Community Pavilion the Third Thursdaydin August for the next reunion.

Financial Statement

Balance in Treasury Aug. 18, 1932 $4.35
Collection Aug. 19th 1933 $10.32
Sale of rolls, Butter, Milk $ 2.15
Total $16.82

Advertising Mansfield Paper .25
Postal Cards and Postage .20
Total .45

Rolls 12 dozen at .18 2.16
Ice Cream 6.50
Plates,Napkins etc. 1.35
Groceries, Lemons, Butter, Sugar, Coffee, Tea 2.74
Milk 2 qts .24
Total 12.99

Total Expenses 13.44

Total amount on Hand 16.82
Less Total Expenses 13.44
Cash on hand Aug. 19, ' 33 $3.38

Many were absent because of the death of Mr. Lisle Baylor in Elmira, also because of other reunions, the following were present:

Mr. Melvin Zinck Mrs. Melvin Zinck Betty Jane Zinck
Janet Kohler Mrs. James Blair Robert Hendricks
William J. Hendricks Bobby Reitman  Marcia Reitman
Mrs. Fred Welch Margaret Welch Delores Dial
Mary Delphine Welch E.D. Hendricks  Mrs. E.D. Hendricks
Mrs. R.W. Sampson Mrs. Keith Smith Ripley Gordon Dale Ripley
Keith S. Ripley  Lura Connelly Dorothy M. Reese
Lillis E. Welch  Ruth Hendricks  Mrs. Gordon Hendricks
Mr. George E. Hendricks Mr. Eugene W. Welch  Mrs. Eugene Welch
Herman P. Welch Mrs. Herman P. Welch Mrs. Fred A. Rollins
Kenneth D. Reese Francis E. Welch  Grant J. Reese
H. Earl Welch  Clayton Seymour Mrs. Minnie Seymour
Relford Seymour  Adalene M. Seymour  Mr. Fred Rollins
Mr. Marshall Welch Mrs. Marshall Welch Henry Welch
Elizabeth N. Welch  Marshall Welch Jr. Doris Welker

Change in the family-

   August 16, 1934

The 43rd Annual Reunion of descendants of Nathaniel and Lura Dickinson Welch was held at Mainesburg Community House. It was a very damp day but, over 100 were present, some from Leroy, PA and Dansville, NY. that made acquaintance of their relatives for the first time. A bountiful dinner was served, after which a very enjoyable afternoon was spent in listening to recitation and songs.

Business meeting followed, the following officers elected for coming year. Place Mainesburg Community Hall, Date undecided Financial Statement

Balance in Treasury Aug. 19, 1933 $3.38
Collection Aug. 16, 1934 10.86
Returned groceries .60
Mrs. Seymour Rolls .30
Mrs. Bolt Sugar .17
Total 15.31

Groceries 11.61

Advertisement, Cards, Postage .50
Total 12.11

Balance in Treasury Aug. 16, 1934 $3.20

The following were present:

Mrs. Kittie R. Blair Wellsboro, Pa Clayton Seymour
Keith Ripley  Gordon Dale Ripley
Grant Makley  Frank Makley Jr.
Ina Makley  Elvin Makley
H. Fred Palmer Leroy, Pa  Ruth Rockwell Leroy, Pa
Maude W. Palmer Leroy, Pa Kate Welch Ruggles Troy, Pa
Frank Welch Leroy, Pa Mrs. Frank Welch Leroy, Pa
Mr. R.H. Palmer Leroy, Pa  Mrs. R.H. Palmer Leroy. Pa
Mary Delphine Welch  Margaret Jane Welch
Leona Ashley  Lura Connelly
R. Franklin Ashley Rochester, NY  A.L.Ashley Covinton, Pa
Luelia Ashley Covington, Pa  L.W. Zimmer Covington, Pa
E.F. Bolt Covington, Pa  Chas Webster Covington, Pa 
Mrs. Chas Webster Covington, Pa  Alice Rumsey
V. B. O’Dell  H.R. Ashley Covington, Pa
C. Willard Odell  Bertha A. Connelly Covington, Pa
Lucia H. Briggs Mansfield, Pa Mortimer Briggs Mansfield, Pa 
Harold Briggs Mansfield , Pa Mrs. Wells Ashley Mansfield, Pa 
E.W. Welch Covington, Pa Alice L. Bennett Mainesburg, Pa 
 Mrs. Wilmot Purvis Mainesburg, Pa    Mr. Wilmot Purvis Mainesburg, Pa 
Mrs. Hazel Bolt Mainesburg, Pa  Miss A.M. Seymour Mainesburg, Pa 
Mrs. Gertrude Welch Mainesburg, Pa  Mr. Lewiw Welch Mainesburg, Pa 
 Mrs. Blanche Wilcox Covington, Pa    Mr. Charles Miller 
Mary Gray Mainesburg, Pa Arlene Wilkins Mainesburg, Pa
Chrystal Bolt Mainesburg, Pa  Dorothy Webster Covington, Pa 
Dianthia Webster Covington, Pa

Continue of Teople present for the 1934 Reunion

Mary Baity Covington, Pa  Sylvia Wilkins
Marcella Wilkins  Ruby Wilkins
Lloyd Wilkins  Marjorie Wilkins
Lucille Wilkins  Lloyd Wilkins Jr.
Mary Ellen Decker  Mrs. E.W. Welch
Ellen Welch Mrs. Helen Decker N.Y.
Thomas Decker Jr.  Paul Welch
Ethel Welch  Harold Welch
Charles H. Prince Addie Welch Prince
Lucy Nash Danville, NY  Ala Nash 
Alvin Nash Danville, NY  Wesley Nash
Debert Nash Danville, NY  John Stremovihtg
Orlin Lawrence Danville, NY  Reed Stremovihtg
Loretta Lawrence Danville, NY Gerald Lawrence
Lilian Lawrence  Lisle Lawrence
James S. Blair Clayton Bolt
S.B. Jackson  E.D. Hendricks Mansfield, Pa
Mrs. Melvin Finck Robert Hendricks
Mrs. Jennie Webster Mr. Luther Webster
Minnie Welch Seymour  Relford Seymour
Jessie Baity Robert O’dell
Francis Welch Ellen Reese
Kenneth Reese Robert Mudge
Mrs. Robert Mudge  Dorothy Lawrence

Changes in the Family

Reunions - 1914 to 1927
Reunions - 1928 to 1934
Reunions - 1935 to 1946
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