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Welch Reunion Records
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Welch Family Reunions

Of  Sullivan Township, Tioga County,PA

From 1914 to 1946

Material retyped and contributed by Clarence V. Woodard and formatted for the web by Linda Cracraft and Joyce M.  Tice.

Prepared by Conrad H. Wilcox, Conrad H. Wilcox
3622 Woodcliff Dr.
Lafayette, IN 47905
Tel. (765) 589-3084

Welch Family Reunion Notes 1914 to 1927

Reunions - 1914 to 1927
Reunions - 1928 to 1934
Reunions - 1935 to 1946

If you are descended from the Sullivan township Welches or other Sullivan area persons, please contact Joyce M. Tice for exchange of information.


This book is the property of the descendants of the Welch family that immigrated to Sullivan Township, Tioga County, PA. I have in my possession the original record book of reunion minutes since my paternal grandmother, Blanche Harvey Wilcox, served as Welch Reunion secretary for many years from 1914 to 1946. She passed it on to her daughter, my Aunt Lucile Wilcox Zimmer, who in turn passed it on to me.

These records are an unusual historical and genealogical resource, in that they contain not only the minutes of the Welch Reunions held in Tioga County for period of over thirty years, but hundreds of names of those who attended as well as record of births, marriages and deaths that occurred during that period. Some of the pages even connected the various families attending with their line to Nathaniel Welch the first immigrant to Sullivan Township from Vermont.

My ancestral line to Nathaniel Welch, the Tioga County pioneer, and then on to his immigrant ancestor is as follows: Conrad H. Wilcox (1929- ), Clarence Hildreth Wilcox (1902-1983), Blanche Adell Harvey (1880-1947), Hannah Philena Welch (1847-1930), Hiram Welch (1815-1897), Samuel Welch (1783- ), Nathaniel Welch - the Sullivan pioneer (1754-1832), Nathaniel Welch (1731- ), Jonathan Welch (1705-1744), Jonathan Welch (1670- ), Thomas Welch - the immigrant (1622-1701).

Anyone is free to make photocopies of these pages and I will be happy to correspond with anyone interested in Welch genealogy.

Conrad H. Wilcox
318 Clinton Court
Wheaton,Illinois 60187

Tel: 630-665-1903

5 June 1997

   August 13, 1914 

The annual Reunion of the Welch Family was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. James Blair.

The day was fine everyone had a good time. After a sumptuous dinner Pres. James Blair called a meeting for the purpose of electing officers for the year 1915.

Total Number present 134

The Sec. Was instructed to purchase a book for the purpose of keeping minutes and matters at each reunion held here after and bring the bill the next year following, on 1915.

An invitation was extended by F. J. Ashley to meet at his home the second Thursday in August 1915. It was accepted unanimously.

Ada Smith Sec. 1914
Written by Mrs. Herrick Wilcox Sec. For 1915. [Blanche Harvey]

   August 19, 1915 

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the home of F. J. Ashley. The day was cool and fair, but the attendance was not so large as usual on account of work being delayed by the wet weather. Many had not yet finished haying.

During a bounteous repast the diners were entertained by music and other pleasing and amusing selections on the victrola.

After dinner a number of the guests were weighed and many were the expressions of surprise of the amount of weight of the different ones. A fine croquet ground furnished recreation for old and young.

In the afternoon the meeting was called to order by the President, James Blair. A short talk was given by Rev Wright.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected. The committee on genealogy reported that no work had been done, but they promised to do better in the future.

The following officers were elected:

The Sec'y presented a bill of $1.00 for the record book and advertisements in the papers. There being only $.57 in the treasury a collection of $.90 was taken for the same and the Pres. ordered the bill be paid.

No invitation for the following year being extended, a motion was made and carried that the reunion be held on Smythe Park. Motion made and carried that the Pres. and V. Pres. be a committee to make arrangements for obtaining the dining hall on some Thursday as near as possible to August 15, 1916.

Number Present 77

Julia G. McMurtry
Sec'y pro tem

   August 25, 1916 

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the beautiful Symthe Park. Mansfield, PE.

The day was fine, a goodly number was in attendance but, not as many as usual.

The dining hall was open for our convenience, it being vented for us for the day by our arrangement committee.

On the whole many expressed their desire to make it a place of meeting for the next year. After a beautiful dinner was served the meeting for the next year was called to order by the Pres. James Blair.

Song-There is a Lend that is Fairer than Day.
Prayer by Mr. Belknap.

Minutes of last meeting read. Report of the committee called for. The chairman of the genealogy comm. Mr. J. Ashley, gave a good report. Starting what they had done and thought that they would be able to give a better and more complete report the next year. Mr. Nelson Welch added to Committee. A vote was taken to voice the pleasure of the attendants for the next place of meeting, whether it should be held at the park or at`a home. The result was a tie vote. Moved and carried that e committee be appointed by the Pres. to find a place for the meeting that should please the majority if possible.

President appointed E. O. Connelly and Wells Ashley, who should choose their helpers. After consultation Messrs. Connelly and Ashley choose Mr. Ed Welch, Miss Ada Smith, and Mrs. Katherine Blair.

The Pres. asked that he might defer appointing the committees till he learned where next meeting would be. Collection Taken $13.94
Amount in Treas. .47
Total amount now in Treas. $1.29

Program rendered:
Recitations by Lucy & Nora Ashley and address by Rev Belknap


   August 1917 

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held at the home of Clayton Seymour and Mr. Nelson Welch. A goodly number was present.

The tables were spread very bountifully under large beautiful trees on the lawn. All when well till the guests were about half thru dinner when peal of thunder gave us warning that a storm was approaching. In a few minutes down came the rain drops. What a hurry for shelter! What a skelter for saving the food! Some ran with their plates in their hands, while others thot only of keeping out of the rain. However, it soon passed and the sun came out as if laughing at us for our hasty exit.

The meeting was called to order by the President Mr. Joseph Ashley, at which the following officers were elected for the next year:

At this meeting was read the minutes of the first two reunions of the Welch Family ever held. Kindly donated by Mr. A. U. Welch. The first one was held at the same place, the home of Mr. Nelson Welch, just 25 years previous.

The committee appointed by the chair for ascertaining time and place for our next gathering was: Mr. & Mrs. V. B. O'dell, Mr. & Mrs. Chas Webster and Mr. & Mrs. Herrick Wilcox.

A fine program, under the supervision of Mrs. Jas Blair was rendered, consisting of songs and recitations.

The committee on time and place have reported.

Time: August 15, 1918
Place: Home of Mr. & Mrs. S. Ashley.

The newly elected President has since appointed the following committees.

The table committee was to be all of the young ladies present. An offering of $11.50 was taken to meet the expense of the day. Amount in Treasury ?

    August 15, 1918 

The Reunion of the Welch Family was held with Mr. & Mrs. Stern Ashley Jr. The meeting was called to order by the Vice President, Joseph Ashley. (Pres. Absent) Mrs. James Blair was elected President for the day, The secretary also, being absent, Miss Helen Seymour was elected to fill vacancy, pro tem. Treasury.

Discussion arose as to time and place of the next meeting. Decided to leave it with the President, Mr. Updyke. But, if no suitable place was offered to hold the next annual reunion at the rooms of the Elk Run Methodist Church. Expense for the day $17.11
Amount in Treasury at the present time Nothing Copied By
Mrs. Herrick Wilcox Sec.

   August 1919 

The annual reunion of the Welch Family was held in the basement of the Elk Run Church. There was a small attendance as many had not furnished their haying. The weather had been very uncertain so that farmers were behind with their work.

The President and Vice President both being absent the meeting was called to order by Mrs. Seymour.

As the secretary was also absent Mrs. Julia G. McMurtry was appointed secr'y pro tem.

It was decided to meet again in this church next year if no invitation should be given.

Amount in Treas. at present time $1.89