![]() Julia FROST "Walker" was the recipient of most of these letters |
- Letter
from John Houston Hazleton to Delos Walker-
- Company “D” 106th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers -
Camp Observation – Dec 31st 1861
Mr D. H. Walker
Dear Cousin
After so long an absence from home and friends I thought perhaps you
would like to hear a few words from your cousin in the army doing duty
for his country and defending it from invasion by Rebels and armed traitors.
I am Orderly Sergeant in Co. “D” 106th Regt “Pennsylvania Volunteers” Our
Company are all from Canton or near there with one or two exceptions. Which
makes it much pleasant than it would be if the Co. was formed of men from
different parts of the country. Many more have joined this Regt from Canton
& vicinity. I think we have now here from our section of the country
about 200. There are hardly any young men left around Canton. Mr S. H.
Newman is our Captain we think a great deal of him although he has not
been with us for some weeks having been detached on recruiting services.
I heard a few days since by a young man from Canton that he was at home
very sick with the Bilious fever. We were expecting him with a squad of
men until we heard he was sick. I will give you a brief history of my travels
since I left home. A squad of 40 odd men (myself among them) left Canton
Sept 3rd 1861 for Harrisburg by rail road. After we had proceeded as far
as Ralston we met Col. P. Wise of the Keystone Regt. Located at Philadelphia.
He urged us to go on to the City and join his “Rifle Regt” after talking
over the matter awhile we concluded to go. Reached the City at dusk. The
next morning were mustered in and marched to camp about 5 miles from the
center of the city. We were promised our uniforms & immediately after
getting to camp but when we reached there we found only one company and
they were not half fitted out. We staid there about 2 weeks receiving no
uniforms guns no not even our blankets to lie on but it was fortunate for
us as the weather was warm. It was not long before we began to think we
had been dieped. So we concluded to join Col. Morehead’s Regt. He told
us if we did not get our uniforms in the next day we might leave but we
did not leave, everything was right. When we moved from the old Keystone
Regt. We only marched to the opposite side of the city about the same distance
from the center. Staid there [___] days on the 30th we were ordered here
where we have been ever since. We have been in no engagements as yet. Have
been here as guards to keep the Rebels from crossing the river. Our camp
is located about 2 miles back from the Potomac on the Maryland side. Gen.,
McCall engaged the Rebels at Drainsville Va. About the 20th [___] and completely
routed them. Our loss was only 7 killed & 60 wounded according to Gen.
McCally official report. He says the rebel loss in killed & wounded
could not be less than 90. One of the rebel prisoners says that they acknowledge
a loss of 300 or 400. I enjoyed very good until about the 1st of Nov. Through
the month of Nov I was off duty several days but only a few days but only
a few days at a time. The last day of Nov I was attacked violently by the
piles they only lasted however 2 or 3 days. Then I the Rheumatism set in
my left shoulder and hip and my bones ached, my tongue was heavily coated,
& I had every appearance of fever. I staid in my tent about two weeks
and took medicine all the time. But getting no better the doctor told me
I must come to the Hospital where I have been since the 13th of Dec. I
had a slight attack of Bilious fever followed by 3 ague chills. I feel
very well now walk out nearly every day, good appetite and should think
I would get along and soon be able to do duty if it wasn’t for the Rheumatism
which hangs in my shoulder & hip. I will write more about our fare
& customary when I write again. That is if you answer this pretty [___].
We have no snow here yet not enough to hardly show on the ground. Write
me all about the weather and all the news. Love to all. I have not heard
from our folks since they arrived in Lansing
J. H. Hazleton
[] Transcribe July 22, 2002, by Wendell R. Evans []
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Letter Corporal Jonathan V. Morgan
Company E Kane’s Rifle (42nd) Regiment Pennsylvania (Bucktails) Camp Pierport – Jan the 20th 1862 |
Respected Friend
Accept my well wishes for your prosperity and happings. This unhappy
state of affairs has separated us for a time and perhaps, forever; but
this as part will decide, as long as I live I will remember you. You are
a kind, honest friend of mine. Your sympathy and aid was ready for me at
all times, through our youthful days, and you entered heartily into our
enjoyments. Often do I think of the “good old times” we have had together.
Dear friend we may never be thus associated together again. Let us now
keep up the only mode of communication we have that is, by the instrumentality
of the pen, the most influential implements in the world.
It gives me great pleasure to receive letters from a friend. I feel
while I am reading them almost as if I was talking to him.
If it shall be my [he_py] los I hope to be with you soon again. But
until this dangerous rebellion is put down I consider it my duty to stand
by my Country. Dear Friend I think you are doing the same. It would not
do for all to go to war. We as soldiers, appreciate your labors to sustain
us in this noble caus the salvation of the home of Washington and the perpetuation
of his institutions.
Write soon.
Your well wishing Friend
“Corporal” J, V. Morgan
“A soldiers boy”
Direct to Washington D.C.
Company E Kanes Rifle Regt, Pa R.V.C.
[] Transcribe June 24, 2002, by Wendell R. Evans []
Maine Feb 19th 1865
My Dear Cousin Julia
I wrote you some time ago but have not received any answer yet. Perhaps
you have not got it yet although it is nearly two months since. Your brother
Ruels wife has been to our place of late but I did not see her would have
been pleased to of seen her but it was not convent for me to leave home
at that time. She passed our house if I had of known it would of hailed
her one moment. Selah is talking of trying his fortune in the oil works
of Penna. This Summer there is considerable excitement here about that
country but I immagen it would be to oily for me so I am going to stay
where I am of that is the Colenlation at preasant. How is your father &
mother health this winter if you have had as cold & snowey winter as
we have. I think you are ancious to see warm weather by this time are you
going to live where you are another year. How does Mr Whitrears people
like going west please give me their address when you write me again.
Father has been visiting us the passed two weeks in company with
his eldest sisters daughter she is spending the winter with Father her
name Hannah Elizabath Wright is a widdow lives in Philadelphia has three
children all married we have never known anything about fathers relatives
untill lately there is a legacy left them in England $13,000,000 which
is to be payed next June it set them to hunting each other up to see who
the __uful heir was. I don’t know as we ever should of known each other
if it had not been for the leagsey. It seems to me that I sent you our
photo [___] some time ago did I! Or am I mistaken about it I have not got
any of them left now & I intended one for you
March, 19th 1865
You see I concluded this some time ago but have not sent yet. Yours
come to hand a few days ago began to think you had forgotten me. Uncle
Curtises have given up visiting you at preasant. We have heard that Uncle
Davids people were bad off Aunty has been sick so has Horace Uncle has
a bad hand thinks he will loose the use of it. Uncle Luke has been buying
another farm [___] him on the South we are going on it as intend to now
we shall move in about two weeks. O Jule I would like to visit you ever
so mutch & if nothing happens to hinder us we shall some day. Glectie
is at home in Spencer Mary we expect her every day now sister Bradley &
husband are coming to spend the summer with us. Does your Father think
of moving West what a dreadful colometz to be deprived of health Sarahs
health is poor all of the time don’t know as she will ever enjoy health
again. Do you think this slave holders Rebellion is nearly at an end. How
many homes it has made desolate Charles is with Sherman Harrison &
George is under Grant they have been favored thus far although they have
been nearley three years in the servace, Our Love, Write soon
Hannah Kelsey
[] Transcribe June 24, 2002, by Wendell R. Evans []
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Letter Roswell Amasa Walker
to Delos Walker-Julia Frost
Company C, 132nd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers [] Camp Whipple Sunday Aug: 22th 1862 |
Co. C 132nd Regt. Washington D.C.
Care of Capt Townsend
[] Transcribe June 24, 2002, by Wendell R. Evans []
Camp Whipple - Thursday September 4, 1862
Dear Bro. and sister
Your [___] [___] [___] I received yesterday was glad to hear that you
were all well and that [___] [___] [___][___] [___] [___] [___] [___] received
Mary’s mother and Uncle [___] letter the day before I tell you after waiting
over a [___] for a letter from [___] [___] was rather an agreeable
surprise to receive one two days in succession. I think before you get
this you will get several others that you had not received when you wrote
yours. That is some of you folks in the settlement. Well what news to tell
you I do not really know. I think since last I wrote we have marched [___]
miles and have since returned to our old quarters Camp Whipple. I know
not why but there are many mysterious things about war. I suppose you have
learned of this movement the Union Army of their retro grade movement from
the vicinity of Richmond. The Rebels forever following last Saturday at
Manassas a sever battle was fought. We heard the firing it lasted nearly
all day we know not which side were victorious. Camp rumors cannot be depended
upon. Doubtless both sides met with sever loss but the great struggle is
yet to come if the Rebels do not back this thought that they are pressing
on towards Chain bridge 6 mi above here where they intend to cross on to
the Maryland side. But I think they will meet with defeat of union [___]
lines for the past week. Regiment after Regt. have been filtering in from
all directions most passing on for Chain bridge. There fortifications around
Washington are certainly severe against all the forces that our enemy can
bring against them. We have been engaged a few days in digging rifle pits
We learned that Kanes rifle regt. lay last night about 2 miles from here.
Dewit saw one of the boys belonging to the [___] Co. with Morgens boys.
He said Bill was there with his regt. We tried to day to get a pass out
of Camp to go and see him but could not and heard at [___] [___] time that
they were passing on towards Chain bridge and will pass near hear if so
we may see him yet. Our guns which we rec. had been condemned and last
night we received in their place the Harpers Ferry Musket they carry an
oz ball and three buckshots [___] that make the Rebels [___] I hope so.
The more I see of the enemys country the more [___] I detest their opposition
to law and Union. Tis a pleasant day indeed we have had some showers within
the past few days the boys are both well. They have just see a nice [___]
[___] Canton. The mail just now came in. I dropped my pen had out for a
letter, but got none Oscar rec. a letter yesterday from [___] with a line
enclosed for me his folks were well you say you guess that Ge. Hutchins
and Mart Havens were a little homesick I guess your right about Geo. Mart
did not show homesick so much. I have not heard from [___] if the [___]
boys since I left Camp Curtain [___] [___] what a surprised to hear that
Eld Kinney had taken Geo. Home tell Eld Harmmon that we were too late in
thinking of Mrs Chaplainey or him they have given the position to a minister
[___] [___] I am sorry. I suppose David has [___] to war before this time.
When you hear from him write and give his P.O. Address [___] [___] to write.
Tell her not to feel too bad for I think with good luck the fighting will
be [___] [___] [___] before a great [___] [___] regt to which [___] belong
passed through here not a great [___] [___] Oscar saw many of his old a
[___] from Canton. Mrs. Townsend [___] [___] [___] get she is a good and
pleasant women [___] a good nurse, were it not for her it [___] [___] seem
half as much like home I heard [___] what voice even now while I
write. She says [___] not going to leave us. We have a butler [___] [___]
[___] the regt has some of the boys and [___] [___] [___] much in advance
but his not [___] [___] [___] nor myself. Tell mother we have had several
good dishes out of those dried [___] I sent Jay a little tell him to answer
to tell all the friends to write. Love to all ask [___] to tell me where
to direct to the boys that is Floyd and George. When you write again tell
me how many letters you and the folks have rec from me
Tell me all the news
No more at present
From me R. A. Walker
Transcribe June 24, 2002, by Wendell R. Evans
Where is John [___] and the rest of our Covington boys.
They have been inflating a large balloon for a few days, guest this
morning they sent it up to a considerable height. Oct 6th.
Transcribe February 16, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Delos Julia & Melissa
Dear Brother sister [__ ] from last eve I read a good long letter from
yourselves and Mary in conjunction I tell you it inspired me with the spirit
of writing and although I answered Mary’s a day or two before I got it
yet I will proceed immediately to answer yours thinking if it gratifies
you as much as that did me I shall be more than paid for my trouble. For
about 2 weeks we could not get the mail. Then about 3 days ago we did get
one. I recd by it a letter from home and one from Belind I immediately
answered the one from home as I had a little business matter to speak of
and I will soon answer Belinds. Then last night I recd one from you, one
from Julius, and one from Cousin John. He says he is gaining but I will
enclose you the letter therefore need not give you the particulars. I gave
him a long answer to day. Julius spoke as though I had not written to him,
tell him I sent him a letter since the battle. I presume he has it by this
time. I have written to you since then, though you had not reed it when
you wrote me. Three papers came with the letters, well you said you were
troubled with jobs comforters, that is you Delos, I know how to sympathize
with you. I had a few while in Harrisburg. I have not since though. You
say the parolled boys are home, then make the remark that they do not know
their destination well. I think they’ll live fat while they do stay
and as to a soldiers knowledge of his destination I think I know about
the extent of that, but I am glad they are fortunate in getting home safe
once. Will Kezia go with them again, I am glad to hear you mention Ford
and [___]. V. as being alive. Yes Jule lines from home will never fail
to interest me. Tell Uncle Roswell I will deputize Uncle Stratton to attend
to him until my return. So I think he will soon recover. He thinks we were
brave in battle we would not be cowards. It would disgrace our family name.
We are very thankful as well as yourselves that we are safe. We owe it
alone to the one that ever protects the lover of right. Tell Uncle that
Oscar is a steady boy I think that camp influences have tended to remind
him more of the influences of home. I know they have me. Tell aunt Isabell
a letter from Anty and my cousin would be very acceptable. Tell [___] to
kiss his wife for me. He’s a lucky fellow indeed tell M. J. I have more
letters to write than she does but I wont be particual who writes first.
I wouldn’t mind going to one of her applecuts. I am glad Cov. Is doing
so much for soldiers and am thankful for the kindness you manifest to me.
And shall and have made free to mention to you some things that are not
very expensive to send but do not want to put you to too much trouble.
Tell Nat’s wife I hope she may not be separated from her husband long and
as to the sister if you think she’s smart I am sure I should. I think I
shall be home about the time you eat the first meal from your new table.
Oscar & Luet. McDougal have made application for a furlough I think
the prospects are fair for their getting them if they do you will see them
home in a few days. Doc will tell you all the news. Well Melissa I am glad
you wrote to me again. It seems kind of friendly. But you say you have
recd no answer to the one you wrote before, I sent it nevertheless and
no doubt before this you have recd it so that is all right. You say you
miss your friends in the army. Well we are glad that our old and tried
friend at home think of us but do not wish them to worry for us for we
are doing quit well now for a while since coming to Harper’s Ferry we fared
rather slim. But or Col. Has been talking to our quarter master and we
get sope & bread now and more plenty of sugar [___]. You think it seems
a long while till Dave’s discharge but do not imagine that this war will
last 3 years. It certainly cannot. Morgans boys will be company for Dave
and make it much more pleasant. If Oscar comes home he will be in Canton
nearly as soon as my letter arrives at Covington. Dewitt is somewhat complaining
and as for myself am troubled a little yet with the back door. Well you
know what I understand that the Rebs have made a trip into Pa and captured
quite an amount of horses. They are getting very audacious. Probably occasioned
by their capacious stomaeks crying for food just now. Mary didn’t tell
me about the applecut you or Jule spoke of. Well Mary next time you go
to an applecut give me a nice description of it as it is getting late in
the evening and as I just gave you and father & mother a letter excuse
me for this time and now friends give me another letter soon as long and
spicy as the other, excuse me for making this a lengthy and accept it from
your brother and friend
R A Walker
Transcribe June 24, 2002, by Wendell R. Evans
Letter Dated “Canton Aug 6th 1861”
Salutation “Friend Walker” was undoubtedly to Roswell Amasa Walker,
son of James Walker & grandson of settler from New Hampshire Isaac
Walker who established a farm in Covington Township July 1813. The family
in 1861 lived on a farm in the eastern part of Covington Township.
C. O. Hazleton was a cousin of Roswell, whose mother had been born
Eliza Hazelton in Townsend, Vt. Her father, Dr John Hazleton, had also
immigrated to Covington sometime before 1830
G. M. Van Dyke apparently was a friend of C. O. Hazleton. He was doubtless descended from John Van Dyke, a native of Holland, soldier in a Northumberland company of rangers (1778 – 1783, & settler in Ulster in Bradford Co.
Canton August 6th, 1861
Friend Walker
We this day enlisted under Capt. McDougal and will start for Harrisburg
on Friday sure hop
We are anxious to have you go with us therefore you will (without fail) please be here ready to start at that time.
In love at haste we remain
Your Friends
G M Van Dyke
C O Hazelton
Transcribe February, 15 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
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Letter A. M. Whitteker, Husband of Sarah FROST Whitteker, to Delos Walker, Husband of Julia FROST |
Continued on an other sheet
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Continuation of above |
Letter from A. M. Whitteker,
Husband of Sarah FROST "Whitteker" to sister in law Julia FROST "Walker"
Prinus Division 171st Regiment, Penn. Militia
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[] Transcribe February, 15 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Dear Brother and Sister:
I rec’d yours of April 26th several days ago was very glad to hear
from you after waiting so long and will try and write a few lines to you
today and let you know what I am busying myself about “away down in Dixie”
we are enjoying a few more peacefull days in Camp which seems quite good
after being knocked about so much as we have been lately our Camp is close
to town and we have the best quarters we have had since we came out. Had
better material to build with we confiscated 2 deserted houses that stood
near by. Tore them down & used the boards windows doors & c to
build up our quarters. The weather is to warm for comfort days but our
drill is only three hours a day beside dress parade. I have plenty to do
the balance of the time to keep me out of mischief but can stay in the
“Shanty” most of the time. We have a brick floor in it and by wetting it
& opening the door & window manage to keep comfortably cool. We
had a few days last week quite cool but it is barm again now. About like
the middle of June up there if it was not for being away from my family
I could enjoy life in Camp like this very well but we are not left so long
at a time. Were not in camp but very few days last month saw some very
disagreeable times. Hadn’t much to eat but hard tack coffee & pork
which we had no chance to cook most of the time. But you have probably
heard about it by my letters to Sarah so I will not give you any of the
particular & cars. We were trying to get to this place to reinforce
Gen. Foster who was here with a small force entirely surrounded by the
Rebels I presume you have read some acct. of it in the papers. The force
is small here now (not over 3000) it is expected by some that they will
attack this place again soon but I should think they had a pretty good
trial of it before. We keep pickets out in all directions it is only 2
miles to the Rebel pickets to one way and there is a Rebel flag in sight
up the river. Two Companies of our regt. are out on picket now across the
river toward Newbern. They stay out a week & are relieved by others
I expect it will be our turn next. The whole Co. has not been out yet but
we have furnished a few at a time to go out toward Plymouth. I presume
you have heard before this that Capt. Hall was discharged April 11th &
has gone home. Wood is now Capt. Stacy 1st Lt. And Vaness (the one that
was orderly sergt.) 2nd Lt. And your humble Servt. Is O. Sergeant. Was
promoted by Capt. Wood without asking for it and it was very unexpected
to me as I had not been looking for any office in the Co. and according
to the order of promotion I would have had to commenced at 8th Corporal
and been promoted 13 times to get to where I am now but I had done a great
deal of the Orderlys business all the time & the Capt. Thought I could
do it best of any in the Co. and wanted I should take it but I did not
care much about it as I had a very good place was getting $17 per month
had no guard police or fatigue duty to do. Had good quarters & was
favored in a great many ways but I stay with the Capt. yet & shall
keep the books and accts. The same as before. But it will keep me pretty
busy but the work is light & time will pass away the quicker. I am
getting very anxious to get home & see Sarah and Molly & hope to
do so in a little over two months if my life is spared but there may be
a great many changes in that time Corporal William H. Palmer of our Co.
died the 8th ult he was a large robust man was only sick a few days. (Perhaps
you was acquainted with him) he was from Sullivan near where you taught
school once. We have been very lucky so far have only lost two men yet
but there is time enough for a great many to die yet before our time is
out. The food that is furnished us is not what it should be. So much coffee
& bean soup without any vegetables gives them all the “back door trot”
some who drink the coffee but one kneads something to rinse down the hard
crackers beside poor water. I board with the Capt. and Lieuts Again. Draw
my rations have them cooked with theirs we have a smart kind of a Darki
to do our cooking “he does it up in good style too” We have had several
nip’s of Strawberries get them in town for 20cts a qt. Talk of having a
quart every day… Washington is a very pleasant town shaded with Large Elm
trees with plenty of flower gardens. Now in full bloom if I had a envelop
large enough. Julia I could send you a nice “bouquet” I had not heard that
you taught school last winter. Delos “where did you teach” I don’t hear
much about the draft lately I hope they will get along without it but I
don’t see how they cando. I understand the Rebels have a new General (General
Starvation). They begin to feel his power too (right smart) as the darkies
say. You will think by the looks of this that I not improved in writing
much but I have got the habit of writing very fast without taking pains
to write well but if you cant read it save it til I come home & I will
read it for you. I have been interrupted so many times since I commenced
this I don’t know what I have I have written but please excuse mistakes
& I will try to do better next time. Write again soon direct to Washington
Yours &c
To Delos and Julia Walker A.M. Whitteker
Tel Sady I will write to her often & that I am well & my likeness
to her Sunday.
Transcribe February 15, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
There are a great many going from here in a few days to Oil City to
work. Reliable men that come from there say that wages are from four to
five dollars per day there & that a man with a team can make $10 per
day clear of expense. I have thought some of going there myself. That we
would pack up our things & leave them here & Sadi & Nellie
come out there on a visit while I went there to see what the prospects
were. I have already got some shares in a Co. that is putting down wells
there I could come with them part of the way we shall have to give up this
house next Saturday. But I cant leave until the Draft takes place. Sadi
is writing a letter so she wont write any thing in this. We had Nellies
Photograph taken will send you one if she don’t come out there soon. Please
excuse this very short letter and I will write more
Next time.
Affectionately Yours
A. M. Whitteker
Transcribe February 15, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Please answer this as soon as you get it direct to camp [___] [___] [___] [___] Nashville [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] in care of Capt. C. C. McCormick Tennessee
When you see my wife you give her the perticulars and also the rest of my friends as I cannot write to all, we expect there will be a hard fight at Corinth in a day or two. I believe it is about eighty miles from here so you see we will not be likely to be there.
M. C. Seely
Transcribe February 11, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Your Sister Keziah H Seely
Transcribe February 9, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans