![]() Lyman Lewis Frost (dates?) |
Spencer Sep the 23, 1855
Dear Cousin
I now take my pen in hand to write a few lines to you. I received your
letter and was glad you did not forget to write. I should have answered
it as I told you I would the day I received it. But Hannah said she had
just written and I though you would rather have me wait a little and it
is well to think I did for perhaps she wrote that grandma was not much
worse. And she was not then. But I cannot say so for there has been a great
change in her she was taken last Friday night with a bowel complaint and
is yet alive but should not think strange if she did not live a week or
three days. Although she may lie so three or four weeks and she get smart
again but I think not. You might write and let Aunt Olive know how she
is. The rest of the folks as well at present but do not know how long we
can say so it seams to be very sickly all around us old people and
young are dieing off and we do not how quick it may be our turn to go with
the rest. Julia you remember I told you that Marinda Taylor said she heard
you spent the fourth with Aaron Vanmaster and Clarisa [_att] that you went
to a ball a Vanttervill don’t you remember it, I guess you do. Aaron is
dead and buried he died with a fever and perhaps you heard of David Bagert
while you was here. I think quite likely Jane Bagert told you what a smart
young man he was and what a grand fiddler he was. He is very sick now with
a fever they do not think he can get well.
I have not seen Emeline since I visited with you and her I believe I have seen Eleaver for Eleaver is my cousin and I could see him now by going up to Charles but I guess I shall not take that trouble if he is my cousin. Rate and late have just gone from here. Lib has gone back to Elmira but is comeing home again in two week to stay this winter so they say. I don’t know any thing about it only what they tell me and that aint much. Uncle [___] and Franklin Berry has made us a short visit. Do you visit with the preacher any now days or rake any hay this fall or what do you do anything. Do you walk around the stumps any now with a tea cup of bread and milk if you do don’t stub your toe and spill it. You said I must burn your letter up for fear some one would know it was to me. I have not burned it but there has not any one seen it only Hannah and I guess she wont tell any one that you have written to me Charles brought
You want it or not I don’t care. I am a going to write you a long one of these days [___]
All of your writing it it is not so o now Julia I want you to write often and will answer
My old petticoat goes [___] [___]
Write often wont you
Esther Ufford
[] Transcribe March 5, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans []
East James Feb 27, 1855
Dear Cousin
We are having great times writing to day so we will write you
a few lines as well as the rest of them it is very stormy times out hear
and buck wheat pan cakes are in great demands. We wrote to Merrit and we
wrote Belinda. And if you folks out there don’t write to we will note write
again to you cupids [___] has shot so meny holes in Jeans head that she
don’t know what she is about to day. And I expect that Olive has that some
in yours hart Uncle Elias sends his love to you and all the folks in Covington
I wish you would come to Albion this summer I went to see [___] it is a
great town for business and a good place for fun there is so as [___] stores
an [___] in Albion write mee a good long letter as soon as you receive
this. I cannot think of much more to write to day so good by
[___] [___] Weeks
Hell Delos
How do you do about these times I am enjoying my self first rate
and I hope you are Delos we got your letter last Saturday night and was
to hear from Covington once more we are all well at present Harriet and
Melis are not at home they went over to Barre last Saturday and they have
not got back yet we are a looking for them all the while we have had very
cold weather here the coldest ever known it has stormed about ever day
for a month Delos I would like to be to your school one day and see how
you get along with such a lot of children I cannot think of much news to
write for this is the third letter we have writen therefore you must excuse
me if I do not write much this time but as then was so fast to write I
told him I would write some I thought that I should waite as long before
I [___] [___] you did but you must try an do beter next time write and
tell all the nes from spelling school until four o clock in the morning
bad practice I think Jan says tell you that she will write to you when
she get time she sends her respects to you and Olive and to Plinny in particular
and now I shall have to stop writing soon for [___] says that he wants
to write some more and I cannot think of news to write so I close by biding
you good by for the present my love to all write soon as you get this.
Delos I wish you woul tell your father to get that Manney of Giles
Marvin if he will if he has not.
Everts to D Walker
I hav had my fun caps and I feel better than I did before I had supper
write as soon as you receive I wish you and yours wife Olive was here to
[___] [___] [___] [___]
[___] [___] Weeks
East James
Cousin Roswell
I write you a few lines to night to let you know that I have
not fergot you. You must write mee a good long letters and I will answer
it I will write you a good one when I get home to Albion I shall go home
to morrow. I think give my love to yous father and mother and tell them
to write to mee Jan says that James has fell in love with a girl out hear.
Write as soon as you receive this, this is from your true friend and well
Henry Weeks
[] Transcribe January 6, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Lansing Aug 5th 1856
Mr D H Walker
Cousin Delos
I received your letter this morning. I was glad you may be assured
to hear from you I have not heard from the East in some time not since
John arrived he has been here just on month. It seems a little more like
home to me now than it did than it did before he came. We have quite pleasant
times now. We meet to sing every Saturday evening which is very pleasant
indeed. Br John is our Chorister we use the Hallelujah, the same that you
have in your neighborhood. I believe we all doing well I like my business
very much indeed its just what suits me. I guess John likes it too. Although
I have not heard him say anything about it. As yet. I presume you’ll hear
from him before long and he’ll tell you all about it But I shan’t write
much to you this time because you did not give me a very long letter. You
tell me not to wait for an answer. But to write often now I’ll tell you
I’ll agree to write every 2 weeks if you will now old boy come if you dare.
You have the advantage of me. When I sit down to write I hardly know what
to say, being in a strange place to you, I might tell you of some things
that occur here among the people but it could not interest you any. The
most of the talk is politics and the most of the politics is republicanism
Hurrah for Fremont & Dayton That’s my Politics. I think its very true
americans. Delos; just for fun tell me which you think is to get the majority
at Covington. I must stop write soon
Love to all . I think its very true americans. Delos; just
for fun tell me which you think is to get the majority at Covington. I
must stop write soon
Love to all Yours a ever S. H. H.
Dear Aunt
I was glad to see one half of that sheet filled so well by you.
I really did not expect to hear from you by your own writing. But now as
you have written once I shall consider you as one of my own correspondents
I can be assured of having Delos letters well filled Delos must hop around
a little and find out some of the news so that he can write as much as
his Mother any how. A schoolmarm ought to write considerable I think. Well
I don’t know as I have much to write this time. We are all well now that
is John & myself although we have both had a slight touch of the ague
John has got entirely. I have been lounging about for the past week. But
I have broken it up now I think. I’ll tell you about how I look (Don’t
tell anybody) I look full as nice as I did when I had that yellow jaundice
there in the holler. But I don’t feel so bad. I had rather have the ague
a week than the jaundice one hour. Aunt the people say that the ague all
disappears about the first of October. That time will soon come around
then there is another ten months that is very healthy. That is about the
only ague time there is 2 months. I have not heard of but one death since
I came to Lansing. Healthyer than it is East. John is at my side writing
home to our folks. I must write to mother tomorrow evening I’ll not write
any more this time. I must do as I am mind too about writing to Rad. I
would like to hear from all of you again soon. Give my love to Uncle James
and receive this.
From Your Nephew
S. H. Hazleton
P. S. I am thankful for your kind advice & admonitions
Well Rod
You said I could do as I was a mind to about writing to you.
I calculate to do just that same thing. How do you do? Is the first of
a series of questions. How come on those old Maple logs that lay there
by the back door. Have you chopped them up yet? (I guess not) well how
come on that oil cloth checkerboard? How does that old Backgammon board
do? [___] you think you could jerk open a pretty stiff Spring jacknife
Rad. I am afraid we will not have an opportunity going through with our
gymnastics very soon again but we can talk about them yea think about them
as much as we wish. But then is a Steamboat here and I must stop I’ll write
more next time. I’ll talk just as you did you may do just as you please
abou writing to me. I’m just as independent as you an I didn’t think it
would do any hurt.
To say so good night Rod
Your Coz
S. H. Hazleton
Good night all
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Covington Jan 18th 1856
Mr. D. H. W.
Melissa is going to talk and I am going to write we are all down
to Jays but dad & the old Bach & I guess we can all write a letter
I will tell you first about our old school Master he’s pretty cross but
he cant be boss he makes a mistake once in awhile & whips visitors
he’s got him a pine cudgel that he slaps them with we had a spelling school
last night went to donation night before last a whole load of us and Jane
Brown to but we did not get any supper. The folks have not got over the
lasses candy yet we broke down coming home from donation but did not tip
over. I suppose you know that Uncle Jo is Melissa’s Bo. If you don’t it
is so tell Mr Brown what made him sick was kissing the gals so much. Mary
has got some ear rings cost 12 shillings Mamny has wrote two letters to
day folks all well I study grammar I suppose you perceive we two Arithmetic
Every week. To aint here to night but were expecting every minute when
he will be Melissa is talking and I’m writing you know and she talks so
much I cant think of anything but am going to stop pretty quick and let
Melissa write but I cant think of so much as I thought I could so I will
R. A. Walker
Good evening Brother Delos
Will you not be very glad to here from me again? It has been
so long since I have written that I just thought I would try & collect
my scattered thought & sent them to you for they will be so interesting
you will accept them with pleasure. Certainly Rod has told all of the news
(or the most of it) but he has forgotten to say to you that him and Mary
Frost are on quite as good terms as usual he can escort her to donation
parties abut the nicest. I tell you I thought that he enjoyed himself finely.
I think that we had rather as pleasant time taking it all around. Now have
you received my letter which I sent you without date for I forgot that
now if you have please answer it & oblige me much. Delos I wish that
you could be with us at our Arithmetic school I expect to morrow evening
we will have another , think that Joseph will have a spelling school
Tuesday evening Wednesday night Elder Keniny preaches at our school house.
The meeting up the creek have all gone to smash but Elder Lamphere has
got up quite an excitement at the Spencer neighborhood have baptized some
in the night I guess that Joseph will have to go & give them a preach
don’t you? Ha! Now what shall I tell you about Julie that will comfort
you in your absence she was well & happy last evening but I have not
seen her to day. Has Mr Brown got well think that lasses candy don’t agree
with him, O! Delos I am to have a rare treat one of these days your mother
has promised to write me a letter & she will do it but now I must stop
writing for Mary will write some and you have enough of my nonsense for
that time now will you write soon be a good boy will you now good bye my
friend from
Melissa to Delos
19th 1857
D Walker
It is now a quarter past 2 oclock and I aint at school but I
spose you be. Pa is here Melissa did not go to school to day it snows and
it blows and its cold stormy weather Rod is a school uncle Straton has
just started for the barn and pa has gone to get some potatoes and Mary
is making a Tommycake and if you will come home to night you may have some
of it. Ma has been a making me a dress out of my sisters dress Rod has
dated his letter 1856 but I think it is 1857 don’t you I cant think of
any thing more to write so I will stop to Mr D. H. Walker esq
Mary Walker
My pen is poor
My ink is black
If you cant read it
Send my part back.
This is a pretty letter I think it couldn’t be better.
Good night good night May peace be your dreams and Angels around you their vigils keep good night, good night.
The old master delights in slapping the scholars on the cheek. I am
one I have expected to take it for sometime but hope to escape however
for boss [___] says that I shall go to school any how if he does stop me.
O how will be for the future.
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Covington Nov. 30th/56
Dear Delos
Good morning how do you find your self this morning as for me
I find my self trying to scrible a few lines in answer to your letter which
was received last evenning this leaves the folks all well as for news I
have none to write so you must not expect any thing very cunning from but
I must try and write something if it is not so funny. O Delos you wanted
to know if Mr B had been and made that farewell visit yet well he has made
the visit but he has given up the idea of going West but talks of buying
the store of goods where he now trades wont he be some then. Delos that
door is not made yet but it has not been wanted lately Melis and your Mother
have been to Mr. Tees they have got a Girl there Doctor Garfield wife has
left him and come home to live he was so ugly to her she has her children
with her but it is dinner time and I shall have to stop writing for the
Well Delos it is Sunday night and I suppose you are of some where
enjoying your self while I am trying to think of something that will interest
Julia has just been her she says that Joes Darke is going to
school this winter do you think that she and Melis will have a nice time
but I shall have to stop scribbling for you will be plagued to read what
I have wrote you must take the will for the deed and look for more next
time do not forget to write soon me more at present good night to you and
pleasant dreams
This from your friend James Everts
[] Transcribe January 6, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Granville Dec 28th 1856
Dear Cousin Eliza
I presume you have heard of the death of your Uncle Silas before
this. or wonder me have not writen to you but you most know it was a seem
we never passed through before. Or it did seem to me that I never could
recover from it enough to bring my mind to writing letters or any thing
else__ I know this is not right I for Mas sake I try to be reconciled,
but am sure we can never kiss the rod that smites us, when it takes our
dearest friends or lays them in the cold ground forever, Pa had been failing
for six years, he was taken down about the 20 of Sept & lived until
the 5 of Dec. he was very sick all the time, yet we flattered ourselves
for some time that he would get better again but it was impressed upon
his mind that it was his last sickness & he was ready & willing
to go_ it was very painful for us to see him suffer as he did, for the
last 3 weeks that he lived, he could only say a word or two at a time,
neither could we talk to him, but it would go to his stomach & set
him to vomiting at once, during this time he took not a mouthful of food
except a spoonful of liquid of some kind at a time. We have been in Granville
most two years but never has seen the time that he thought he was able
to go & see his sister that lived six miles from here. He has suffered
the most I think from nervousness of any person I ever saw, yet people
in such cases get very little sympathy generaly yet it is most needed.
Ma bears up under her affliction full better than I expected she is a feeble
women yet. But is better health than when in Penn. How I wish we could
make you a visit as I have given up you ever coming to see us. Brother
Sam is in Ill & Silas in Wis, Eliza lives in Orleans Co. Sarah in Troy
now you may judge we are very lonely, Ma Lib & myself constitute our
family, so different from what it used to be at our house. I can hardly
realize it. It is uncertain how long we remain here probably not longer
than spring at the farthest. Aunt Betsey & George are keeping house
here Uncle Davids family & Uncle Meck are here which makes it pleasant
for us this winter, Cousin Eliza I am not going to write you a long letter
this time, but if this finds you & I get an answer, (which I know I
shall) I shall write again, we want very much to hear all about the children
it don’t seem possible they have got to be news, tell James I think he
is the most contented man I know of. I don’t hear of his talking all the
time of going to some better place. Here every body is going west or some
where else, how is Cousin [___] a family & a great many others I should
like to inquire about but must for [___] this time, Ma sends her love to
you all. The rest of the friends here wish to be remembered. I hope Delos
will write when you do. I asure we have not forgoten him he used to be
a cross baby. But I did love him the after talk of you but that is poor
satisfaction for a friends absence, give my love to any friend & reserve
a good share for yourself
Your affectionately
Eliza Walker Taphath [___]
Sunday eve Dec. 21, 1856
Friend Delos yours of the1st, came to hand in due time was pleased
to hear you was well suited with your school hope it will be pleasant to
you which I have no doubt it will. three weeks have gone by so soon if
you don’t keep track of time your school will close before you hardly know
of it aint you afraid it will I think your answer is yes. Delos you said
you hoped that we would have a good school I think we have got one for
our teacher wont let us look off of our lessons one minute he has kepet
nightly spelled me studing so hard that I have sore eyes don’t you think
him cruel and oh how crop he is you cant imagine anything like he is but
the scholars are bound to learn if they come to school to Ben Miller as
to my hiting the teacher on the lips I dare not this winter for if I did
should get whiped as well as called on the floor that’s so. What can I
tell you now only that we have such cold weather I almost freeze sitting
by the fire & Joes darkie has left the place but we are well provided
for however Uncle Billy Jackson sends two of his children, our school has
all colours from black to very white now you may know that we have a better
school than last winter I know you don’t care but will tell you of it notwithstanding
your aversion to this subject.
But how in the world do you get along without going to candy
parties should not think you would live so long [___] there was one some
where that you could go to. What do folks have to eat where you stay does
any of them know how to make sponge cake if so do they ever fail (would
like to know very much). Oh did the wind blow so hard last night in your
vicinity as to take all of the window to a time Mr Rortles folks had theirs
all blown in on the front side of the house you cant think how hard it
blowed an that is ever so
Can you have patience to read all of these silly questions much more to answer then if not post writ reading which i am sure you are willing to do before this time are you not
When her you read this far stops and get your breadth will you this will go on the first than that your way to D. H. Walker
Don’t you find this real interesting so for I am sure you do for it would interest any one it couldn’t help it I know after you read this comit it to the flowers will you not.
Delos fill a sheet fuller if you can and so very smart to it cant be done else where
People up the creek are having quite a refermation some twelve have confessed before the world that they were sinfull beings & hope their sins are forgiven and who do you think they are two of Mr Wilches girls and one son Charles, Robbins, Arsula, Lumner, Horman, Cleavland and the others I have not learned who they were. Old Elder Lanphere is now holding a protracted meeting there was 8 Baptized to day and 4 last week by Mr Lanphere. He has come on a mision from the [___] he says. And I hope he has. Joseph Whiting is teaching school up there now & Alonzo was here last Tuesday to our school he had been teaching one week but I persume you know that before this time as he said he had a letter all ready to send to you but thought he would wait untill he came to Covington before he postid it so I think you will have lotts of news by the preasant time Sam wrote [___] and me two copy’s and they all warned me to mind our studies which you know was unnecessary do you not.
the portion of the letter that follows was writing in four different directions on one side of a sheet of paper]
To Mr Delos H. Walker don’t forget post address for that comes first.
Julia Frost the folks are all well in this place I believe they all talk
of you real often. Mary Jane comes to school she is oh how good to Melissa
she thinks as much of her as ever now is not that real funny. I guess this
side of the paper looks some like poetry oh the poetry man looks so nice
since he has those long black whiskers he looks like a Californian but
oh how much pretyer also [___] __tensive [___] wonderful to think of. There
was a spelling school down the creek last Friday night don’t know good
a one they had for did not atend. Meliss says that I have a beam in my
eye so no wonder over then I am Sara it will be sensible for if you want
to know how to read this commence. It will take a pretty smart school
mam to read this that from Julia to Mr. D. H. W.
Mrs. Lee was here a few moments ago she had to enquire for the D L
and so on you are some trouble to her don’t you think so.
Uncle James has been here to night says oh how I wish you and Melissa
would get whiped you don’t wish so do you. I Never can write any thing
but it will be pretty and read back again then round way and excuse poor
writing and spelling will you not Melissa wrote all the news last week
& believe all with the exception of this sister Sally is married to
Mr Whitmar she is not deaf any more now.
The folks feel better in this place all peace & harmony is not
that glorious indeed.
It is almost dark and I shall have to postpone my scribling till candle
light. Excuse this & will fill a sheet next time. A 8 oclock once more
will scrach and several on here for your satisfaction on clifreation I
would say did you ever see such beautiful writing and perhaps you will
learn the hand which will be some benefit to you I am sure this looks bad
our schoolman is going to have arithmetic school this winter guess
there will be no grammar days however but we have to [fance] systematically
you had better believe this looks handsome does it not give your opinion
will you.
Don’t you think this to be smart.
I guess you will have your hands full if you read this don’t you think
you will.
Delos if you cant read this burn it will you
If I had not spent so much time on this it would be burned now but aint
let you perform that task and do so will you yes do do.
[] Transcribe on December 6, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans []
![]() |
Tell Mrs Walker that we are going west and should like to hear from
here again in Michigan. The children all wants to see you the baby is a
nice little felow and he wants to see Aunt Jule to. Tell Lucy Bastings
to be carefull of her little girl and I would like to see her I do not
think of any thing now good by for this time write as soon as you receive
From your sister Rosetta Frost I think that I have put in the one dot and the brupedt this I do not ferely know them yet but I believe that I have and you will think so we received your mothers last letter that had the few little moneys in I will send you some of my dresses and baby Photo at left is Julia FROST "Walker"
Mr. D. H. Walker
Canoe Camp Oct13th /56
Friend Delos
This evening at 8 oclock I find myself writing again to you but
not according to province for I promised to write Sunday but circumstances
having prevented I will now try and see if I can write any thing wich will
benefit you at the present your letter of the 11th ins [___] came to hand
this evening thankfully received I see that you are improving in this respect
([___] in keeping your word) and I will endeavor to keep mine in the future.
Delos I have spread your letter out before me to read the many questions
as I write and to try and answer them if possible well this first is the
news from Springfield well I know of none how should I as I have no correspondence
there so that is settled. The second is the progress of the sabbeth [___]
it goes off well indeed it has almost gone off will close in a week or
The treasurer received on dollar last Sunday & will probably
get a couple or three more as Mr P. Whitting was absent at the contribution
the last sabbeth who was there you ask Julia was she came home Sunday in
is not going back to Painted Spike again I think you wish to know who sings?
Your mother and I sing a little for their amusement I believe I must tell
you a little about that and in doing so will answer one of the questions
to little lower on the page Mrs Walker offered Martha a book she said she
did not want her book of course she would not force her to take it would
you? Then James handed one to Rau he said he should not sing let the smart
folks sing those that knew something we thought we knew quite a great deal
so did not wait to be invited again. But so I have skipped one of your
questions I will answer it now. I went to an appilend the evening that
you left, at Mr Baity’s our friends from the hollar was there you know
who, they were very pleasant indeed that evening I have not exchanged a
word with them since.
Last Friday evening I had an invitation to a dance at Mr Wilcoxe’s
but thought it not advisable to go so I went the other way up to Mr Joseph
W’s if you please you will perhaps wonder as that but I went to read to
them a letter which I had just received from Betsey I had an excellent
visit think I shall go again. Martha went to the dance I heard since that
she was very mad at poor me she guessed I would take it when she see me
for I had been sing about her now Delos I would tell you what she said
that I had told if I here but I dose and for it would make me blush don’t
you pity me? After I have suffered the penalty of any crime I will tell
you well the last week been as long &@ no it was much shorter and when
I see you perhaps I can tell you the reason of it but not now have I answered
all to your entire satisfaction? Is so I will proceed with this elegant
epistle. You know I told you that I would go to Mansfield Tuesday evening?
Well I did go and heard Mrs Nickles from Kansas lecture & it was grand
I tell you the house was spilled to overflowing
Wednesday evening heard her at Covington the Dough faces there
tried to breck up the meeting they got that advertisement in the Pennsylvanian
and tried to see what the could do but they came out as they always do.
Last Sunday evening Julia and I went [___] to Mansfield to hear the same
lady speak she called it a religious lecture she please elognently for
the ladies and for the [probititary] sa glad the ladies here one champion
I wish there were many more don’t you?
James is not at home this evening nor has not been an evening
this week I don’t know where he is speaking I suppose folks always are
when not at home and ever sometime when they are Thom is at home is he
I would like to see him and all the rest of you that way James has promised
to bring Julia & myself to Uncle Ebers next week & if we come there
we shall come to Canton of course but I don’t know as we shall come as
soon as that but I immagine you will say I have written enough unless it
is better and so I have for if to not stop soon. I shall not leeve room
for the poetry which ought not to be forgotten. Now is so this beautiful
writing? Don’t you admire my style of penmanship? Now Delos if you
want any more of my scribblings don’t let any one see this for if you do
I will not write again. O! I am glad you like that picture so well does
it still remind you of old times? Julia and you had an excellent good old
chat up at painter [___] did you not? I almost forgot to thank you for
carrying my letter so safely remember this is the answer to both letters
so don’t neglect to write soon. Write next Sunday will you
Good bye.
Your friend as ever
Delos I don’t think we will go to meeting unless our unless our company [___]
NB Now Delos I don’t most want you to criticize this letter much for if you look sharp you will make more [___] of the pronond [___] than you did of that letter the other day.
This leaves you family all usually well if Julia was her think she
could find room to write a lettle?
Goes [___] an friends
O! I am happy again since Jule has come home I think of mind more than
would like to write but my sheet is neerly full and there is still another
letter to be written to night which will keep me up rather late and you
know that is against my custom
I never keep late hours from Melissa
[] Transcribed February 1, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Canton Nov 2nd 1856
Sunday Morning
Friend Julia
Yesterday I received a long letter and I had the plasure of finding
your signature at the conclusion of one of the pages and this morning I
find myself seated with pen in hand trying to collect my shatered thoughts,
but alas I am rather dumb and am afraid I shall not be able to think of
any thing that will interest you, but I will keep on scribling. Last evening
I filled one wrapper for Jay and Meliss and now I am trying to think of
something to fill an other for you. Yet I may fail I suppose you had a
pleasant week of it over in painter lick valley did you not. Oh
Once more I take my seat to scrible a few more lines. While I was writing
this morning John came in all ready for meeting so I had to leave my writing
and now I have forgoten what I was going to say and there is so much last
but never mind that. You wanted to know how school went off. Well as for
my part I am perfectly satisfied we had some high times. Especially when
compositions are read and that is every Friday night.
Last Wednesday was the great day of inspection. There were about fifty
inspected don’t all calculate to teach this winter I suppose. Our school
lasts about four weeks from next Wednesday I believe. Melissa is as lonesome
as ever is she not she wished me to write the news from Springfield. But
I am not posted up so poor girl she will have to get her news from some
other source. But I presume she has got news enough before this time has
she not. And as to the poetry man I understand he is going west. What if
the poor fellow should get the ague and die shattering tell Meliss to advice
him not to go oh the poor boy. Enough of this I presume you have said long
ago it is now about time for your Sunday school to commence I should like
to be there so as to get a ticket but as I am not please keep one for me
wont you.
How does Silas and his new house get along I hope the house is
most done so he wont have to pay for his board by the meal much longer
has he concluded to stock your fathers mill yet are his taxes paid and
so forth. Perhaps you will say I am rather inquisitive but I have quite
an interest in his wellfare as I have got another letter to write yet to
night I shal have to draw my sciblings to a close. Please write again as
soon as you receive this. Excuse mistakes and read it if you can I guess
you’ll have to work for it.
From your friend
D. H. Walker
Transcribe on November 13, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Canton March 15th 1857
Mr D H Walker
Dear sir;
According to agreement I am about to give you a sample of my
penmanship in the form of a letter. (being the first one since my severe
sickness). You will see that I have selected a small sheet of paper hoping
to be able to reach the bottom of the last page. But possible I may fail
as the time for my chill is fast approaching. buy the way I will say I
have sent for that new medicine (“India Cholagogue”) recommended to me
by Jas Turner. You perhaps heard us talk of such a remedy. I think that
Dr Holmes will have to (as they say) “Gayknunck” this time and be satisfied
that he has found one ague case out of his power to cure. I take no more
of his medicine (arsenic) I have taken 1 doses of the “Cholagogue” the
first one the evening before my chill day and you would hardly think my
shake failed to appear. But no chill that day I hope soon to be able to
get around. Oscar is improving finely. He has been to town once and talks
of going to school this week. Amzi is pretty well except his cough that
seems to linger about him. No more about the sick this time.
Delos O! How lonesome it was here last week. I think you will
have to come back after taking your trip to N. Falls & live with us
and I’ll assure you we will have some “high times” among the “fair ones”.
Mother says “get away from the table with your writing I want to get supper”
so of course I must quit we are hoping soon to see you all I hope you will
conclude to work with us I think you could do well Alonzo says he goes
West about the first of April. My respects to Melissa & Jay and Miss
Sarah write me immediately on the receipt of this
Good Night
From your Aff. To Cousin
S. H. Hazleton
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Transcribe on September 12, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Jule this is our lodge down here not N Y but PA lodge * don’t Sade you
wished to know if Pa & Ma returned Saturday, they did not return till
Monday eve just as the twilight was deepening into the darker shades of
night then they come & I was glad to see them I guess Cousin George
came with them to Tarry a while he said he would do better next time. They
enjoyed their visit at Mr. Pinneys exceeding well they did not see cousin
Hary she was not at home I was much disappointed at her not coming home
with them but will have to put up with it. Kide is well as usual so be
all of our friends in this place Ruel & family & Harm & Am
Allen was here last Sunday staid all night all well Nancy also Chety is
not very well has not been since they moved.
Good by
I am very sorry you have such a cold hope it is better & guess
it is.
Clara is married to the richest man in the world this is so.
Do write often & not forget it & I will do better next time. Excuse this horrible what do you call it this is a very bad pen you know
This looks to bad if I had time to write another I would burn this up
for I am ashamed of it.
Mary Frost
Write often to me I did not receive your letter till last Sunday Give my love & best wishes to all of the friends in that vicinity tell them to write if they please. Has Eliza Walker made me a visit Saturday before Ma returned & a good one it was don’t you wish you had been here had company every day while Ma was gone but wont tell who they were Jay & Delos was here twice Mary Jane staid with me the night before Pa came home. Melissa said she would stay with me every night but she wont here at all while Ma was gone. Now Jule Delos is well I guess for he was at Sunday school must be
Sarah Albert is still living guess so far he was to singing school come & go with me to see Cousin Emily wont you please yes girls do if you please good by for now
I have the pleasure of subscribing myself most respectfully your affectionate
Sister Mary Frost
to Jule & Sade good bye till next we
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Ludlow March 17th 1858
Dear friend your letter dated dec. 5 came duly to hand I should have
answered it imedidtely but I wated to be in a better mood to write. and
get some news to write and so I have delayed it to the present time, which
was wrong for I don’t feel so well to write now as I did at that time my
health is very poor I have a complaint which is very afflicting it is a
bladder complaint or one that is connected with the bladder. I might come
and visit you and your brothers and sisters if were a most any other complaint
of equal magnitude. But as it is I think I never shall go from home much
since I wrote to you last my health has been better some of the time than
it was then or is now. But on the whole I am a falling in health and wearing
out. I shall soon be gone from this World of sorrow and pain but. But o
to be prepared for a better World and that life never ends. Should be (and
I think I can say is) my greatest concern I am a striving to walk in that
straight and narrow way that leads to life which I find to pleasant and
peacefull but I find I am prone err a get out of the way I make but poor
progress, though weak and faint yet persuing. When I am taken a way it
will the duty of my executors to inform you of it. I live here yet with
Samuel and Angeline White they have two children a daughter and a son Elizean
Sisko has three children they live in the east part of this town and her
father makes it his home there but he is frequently with his other children
he travels and visits considerable.
My sister Betsey Chapin (I have heard) is sick I have not seen
her but I intend to go there soon. Her oldest daughter Elisabeth (and only
daughter living) lives with her and Newman A. Chapin her youngest son.
They live where they have for more than thirty years. Newman is not married.
Elisabeth also is not married. Elias F Chapin my sisters oldest son lives
in Belchortown some 12 or 14 miles easterly of this place. he bought a
farm there two years a go this spring price about $2000 dollars he had
to run I debt for the greatest part of it I don’t know how he will make
out to pay for it. He is living with his second wife, he was married about
four years ago. They had a son born last summer, he has four children living
which were his first wife’s two sons & two daughters, Samuel W. Chapin
lives in Springfield he was has one child a daughter living their first
which was a son died.
Samuel G. Keyes lives where he did when you was here He has four
children has lost two, Wm L. Keyes his Brother lives in Spencer Worcester
Co. Mass he has the care of a section of the rail road to kept it in repare
at $40 per month he was married two years ago this spring I think he has
a son a few weeks old. Tell your mother that Mrs Lalla Edson her brother
Benjamin’s widow died last April and her son Merick Edson died sometime
before she did and one of his daughters are dead, the widow Patience Pratt
died the 13th of the present month aged almost 97yrs I saw your mothers
sister Uncle Noah Frost widow this week she is quite feble but is able
to set up some. I expect Mary her daughter will write to you soon she promised
me she would.
And now Lyman don’t stop writing to me I have neglected your
letter so long. I am old and out of the habit of writing and my nerves
are so affected some of the time that it is Difficult for me to indite
or write. There has been in this town and in the adjoining town a most
blessed revival of religion and is still in progress in many places many
have been brought from darkness to light and from the dominion of devil
and Satan unto God to embrace the truth as it is in Jesus. Some very extraordinary
Conversions one in particular in this town.
Much love to your mother and all the friends.
I think that I shall write to you a gain in a few months at furthest
Yours with much respect
To Mr. Lyman Frost
Elias Frost
[] Transcribe January 18, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Covington Feb 1859
To Make home Happy
There is no place on Earth like a happy home, and every one should
strive to render their home as pleasant as is in their power. And in order
to do this they must be kind and obliging to each other always remembering
to do as they would be done by and Oh! How pleasant it is to see the inmates
of my household dwell together in love and harmony but on the contrary
how unpleasant to behold who do not care for their families nor homes.
But to make a gay and handsome appearance when abroad and perhaps when
at home are fretful and illnatured, they certainly cannot enjoy much pleasure
themselves neither do they let those around them and worse than all as
man who makes practice of fleeing to the grog shop for past time and amusement,
and perhaps has lift a companion and perhaps little ones, to mourn his
atsenes and then when he returns in a stat of interaction and without the
least shadow of cause to abuse his poor community wife and perhaps adoring
his absence she has been pleading for God to rescue her companion from
the dreadful ruin he is bringing upon himself, and without doubt her courage
fails sometimes but she regains it by opening her bible and [___using]
a few chapters. But the husband where does he go to free his mind from
trouble, to the grog shop, but Oh how little he thinks of the trouble he
is listening upon and family, and really it does not seem possible that
a person in their right mind could ever be so cruel and thoughtless, and
now I will lose by hoping that there will be no more intoxication nor that
another women will ever have to indure the thoughts of her husbands being
a drunkard!
Mrs Collins of poverty holler
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Dear Coz
Your favor of the – is at hand. Glad to hear from you. I’ve just
got my clean shirt on should have gone to church but it rains pretty hard
and is not at all pleasant. We are bound to have one of our gloomy days.
Last Monday our County seat election came off. Which resulted in our defeat.
We were beat by a little upwards of 400 majority. Was not that a pretty
good victory. “bad luck to Lansing”. We have come to the conclusion that
the people of Allamakee County are satisfied to have the county seat remain
where it is could you be when you could take a look at me about ½
past twelve oclock. You would say my appetite was good enough. There is
not much of a show for my neighbors at the table. By the way I’m boarding
at the Hotel at present and shall until navigation closes. Oscar says he
has no more to do with Mr Duane he releases all claim to him as agent.
Puts it off on to me Ha! Ha! Miss S. H. E. has got back :good: I’d like
to get one squint at her. Says I go it! Sally when you see her just give
her my best respects. I think the week has past. She must be married before
now. Tell me all you can learn about her because I’m very much interested
you know. Ask her to send me a piece of her wedding cake. We did get some
warm sugar before we left Canton brought some with us. Good luck to David
& Melissa. You ask what I think about such getting married. Well! My
sentiment are if they are satisfied with the arrangement. We should not
interfere. We of course would not like to commence life with such prospects
before us. But we must look out for ourselves. If we get into any such
scrapes we must make the best of it Beware! Is the word.
I had one letter from [___] since his school was out. Says they
are at work in shop and all well. Julia (his) is at our house with her
luggage &c. Remember me as ever to all friends. Regard to Aunt Eliza
& Uncle &c and you write again to.
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Dear Cousin
I’ve just time write you a few lines informing you of our safe
arrival in Lansing. We left home the tuesday following the day we went
from “Frost Holler”. Did not make the connection as well as we might have
wished. Got home Sunday last about noon and glad enough too, to get back.
We found our friend all well. The weather looks very much like spring.
The river is thawing out very fastly. Expect boats will run in a week or
few days. Oscar appears to like it very well. He has not looked around
our town very much or become acquainted with many of the people yet. Especially
the female portion. It has been awful muddy since we arrived consequently
we have kept indoors pretty well. We have got an order for an election
on the “removal of the county seat question” which takes place on the 1st
Monday. We hope for success at least. Tell me when you write whether Roswell
has gone to Canton to learn the trade of Father or not. As bad luck would
have it we did not come through Rochester, consequently did not see “My
once adored “Sade”” I don’t know but it will [___] me crazy. I’m going
to keep my eye skinned all summer possibly I might see her pass by on a
Steamboat or some other way “She’s a bird”. Ain’t she? I don’t know what
else I shall write about this time unless I tell you a little about a robbery
that was committed while I was absent. A man by the name of Faulkner and
a negro who kept a barber shop in the same Salon (whiskey saloon) broke
into the P. Office and took all the mail the could get hold of carried
then into the cellar of the Saloon. Cut them open. Took all the value they
contained (which fortunately was but $2 dollars in money they were suspected.
The negro was arrested after a while confessed the whole and told of Faulkner
being one of the band. He was also arrested, they were tried and bound
over are now safe in the “County Jail”. There are suspicions that more
are connected with the gang. Write me as soon as you get then tell me every
thing remember me to all the folks, Houston
[] Transcribe February 21, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
[] Transcribe February 19, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
To Delos
Excuse mistakes &
Rutify Blunders
[] Transcribe February 18, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
[] Transcribe January 11, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Marked to Jas Allen [___] [___] Tent Agt
Camp Richmond Va
The following was written on the back
Dear Mother
I will now tempt to write a few lines to you and ask of you a
favor which I do not want you to grant if you are not interested to that
you can just as well, I should like to get Jene to help me when we build
our house you can spare her please tell [Hor___], The children are all
about sick with colds I feel very scary about Gene she coughs so hard all
come and see us
Yours Truly
N A Allen
[] Transcribe February 18, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []