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Herman Charles Tears, son of Sadie Colby and
Herman Camp Tears, was born in Sullivan Township 17 August 1913. In 1945
he married Winifred Brace. In the photo at left, Herman is on far right,
Winifred on far left. They were attendants at the 1953 wedding of Winifred's
brother, Gordon Brace, to Esther Baity.
The Tears Farm straddled the Rutland/Sullivan Border. The house was in Rutland and the barn across the road was in Sullivan Township. Winifred died in 2002 and Herman in 2004. Herman allowed me to copy his five year 1937-1941 diary about 1994 as well as the three diaries of his grandmother, Sadie Monro, which also appear on this site.
Herman Charles Tears, Jr. Age 26
January 2, 1939
A nice day. Were down at Olive's. Uncle Claude's folks
and Louis were there to. Mother and Myrtle has some cold.
January 3, 1939
35 degrees. A nice day. We washed and I got some wood in
back room. Mother's cold some better.
January 4, 1939
30 degrees. Cold, raw, east wind. I split some wood.
Ground 10 bags buckwheat and oats 1 soybeans.
January 5, 1939
34 degrees. Cloudy and rainy. High wind from south.
Dad and I went to Will Smith's funeral. Went after mother's wheel
chair and set it up.
January 6, 1939
35 degrees. Cloudy. I sprained my wrist. Dad and
I went to Mansfield in p.m. Doctor bandaged my wrist.
January 7, 1939
35 degrees. A nice day. Dad broke rear axle in spreader.
We got it unloaded and in the new barn in afternoon.
January 8, 1939
34 degrees. Cloudy and windy. Olive and Jim and family
here for dinner. Louis came in afternoon.
January 9, 1939
45 degrees. Partly cloudy. Dad help Uncle Oscar's folks
kill a beef. I stayed at home and carried wash water.
January 10, 1939
50 degrees. Partly cloudy. Quite windy. We went to
Wallace Lowe's funeral in the a.m. Myrtle, dad and ma canned 14 qts
of beef.
January 11, 1939
35 degrees. Cloudy and windy. They canned more meat.
January 12, 1939
Cloudy and windy. We did our chores and tinkered around.
I went over to Gillett to Grange in eve.
January 13, 1939
28 degrees. Cloudy. Started snowing around noon and snowed
about all night. Dad and I went to Mansfield.
January 14, 1939
20 degrees. A nice day. We washed and I took Myrtle home
in afternoon.
January 15, 1939
50 degrees. A nice day. We went down to Olive's in p.m.
January 16, 1939
43 degrees. Cloudy and still. I made a watering trough
for the sheep. Louis up in the eve. We had popcorn.
January 17, 1939
40 degrees. Cloudy. I help do up the work. I ground
feed in p.m. 2 bags of soybeans and 10 bags of oats and buckwheat.
January 18, 1939
25 degrees. Snowed all day. I help do up the work in house
and out doors and tinkered around.
January 19, 1939
25 degrees. A nice day, still. We got our work around so
to take mother to Elmira to see Dr. Bush. We got word that Myrtle
was sick.
January 20, 1939
25 degrees. A beautiful day. Still. We did our housework
and chores. These took up most of our time.
January 21, 1939
35 degrees. A nice, clear, still day. We did up our work.
I saw fox. Louis came up. I went with him in afternoon.
January 22, 1939
35 degrees. Very blusterous. We were at home alone.
It was much colder in eve. around 12 above. We took milk.
January 23, 1939
15 degrees. Mostly clear. Not so much wind. We took
milk to the hard road. I shoveled snow in p.m.
January 24, 1939
30 degrees. Mostly cloudy. Some wind. We took milk.
Louis and Herbert came up with tractor and road machine and help us clean
out roads.
January 25, 1939
18 degrees. Very blustery. We took milk. Mother and
I washed. We heard from Myrtle. She is better.
January 26, 1939
20 degrees. Windy and cloudy. We took milk. I help
in the house.
January 27, 1939
20 degrees. Mostly clear. Some wind. George Bardwell
and I opened a track to hard road. I went to town in p.m. Haircut.
January 28, 1939
27 degrees. Cloudy and still. Did some house work in a.m.
Herbert B. ground some feed for us. 6 oats buckw. 1 soyb. I
went to Mans and got car inspect.
January 29, 1939
35 degrees. Cloudy and still. Snowed some. Milk truck
came this morn. Myrtle's beau brought her in p.m.
January 30, 1939
30 degrees. Snowed from N.E. in morn. We took milk.
Ice storm lasting most of day. Snow in eve. We washed.
January 31, 1939
Blustery. We took milk. Mother and Myrtle canned apples.
Mother complained of a dark, sore, spot on hand. I went down to Uncle
February 1, 1939
40 degrees. A nice day. We took milk. I shoveled
a few paths. Repaired rollers to door where car is.
February 2, 1939
40 degrees. Cloudy. High wind from s. We took milk.
Cleaned up granary. Put up grist and other odd jobs.
February 3, 1939
32 degrees. Snowed. George Barb and I tried to scrape out
a track but it snowed it in again. We took milk.
February 4, 1939
10 degrees. Blustery, we took milk. Dad and I went down
and ground a grist 18 bags oats and buckw. And 3 of soy beans.
February 5, 1939
25 degrees. Nice day. We took milk. Dad went down
to card place and met Olive and Jim and fam with sleds. Wendell and
I rode on crust in p.m.
February 6, 1939
Cloudy all day. I split some wood and carried it in back room.
Myrtle and mother washed. We took milk.
February 7, 1939
34 degrees. Blustery. We took milk. I tinkered ground.
Lindley Stone was here for dinner. He walked in.
February 8, 1939
34 degrees. Clear. Wind from south. We took milk.
I made some draws for work bench.
February 9, 1939
32 degrees. Cloudy. I help Louis haul two loads of ice
from Roseville. We took milk.
February 10, 1939
Cloudy and sloppy. Help Louis haul two more loads of ice.
We took milk.
February 11, 1939
15 degrees. A clear day but windy. We took milk.
I drove team to Uncle O. and went to Troy in Louis' car. Help with
sawdust in p.m.
February 12, 1939
Louis' Birthday. 35 degrees. A nice clear day. Myrtle went
home yesterday. We took milk. We were alone today.
February 13, 1939
50 degrees. Clear. Some wind. We took milk.
Myrtle came this morning. We washed in p.m. We drove team and
was through the snow in back.
February 14, 1939
A nice day. Mother and Myrtle washed 63 grain bags. We
took milk.
February 15, 1939
27 degrees. Snowed and rained. We took milk. Cooled
off in a.m.
February 16, 1939
A nice clear day. We took milk. I rode down hill on sled
some in p.m.
February 17, 1939
28 degrees. Cloudy. Wind from south. Dad went to
town on milk truck. Wendell came back with him.
February 18, 1939
42 degrees. A nice day. We took milk. We met Olive
and Ellen at Card's Corner. Took them back at night.
February 19, 1939
50 degrees. Rained. Myrtle went home. We were alone.
We took milk.
February 20, 1939
Dad and Mother's Wedding Anniversary. A nice day. We took
milk and opened up the road. Myrtle came back.
February 21, 1939
32 degrees. Cloudy, foggy, sleet and rain. Milk truck came.
Dad and I went to Mansfield, and Troy in p.m.
February 22, 1939
Very blustery. Milk truck came. Ground 3 soy beans and
14 bags of oats and buckwheat. Dad had horses sharpened. Charles
Darrow here.
February 23, 1939
17 degrees. Partly cloudy. I help Louis cut Uncle Oscar's
wood with drag saw.
February 24, 1939
A nice day. I took Case tractor down. Louis and I went
to Ben Stoudts in a.m. We used tractor on drag saw in p.m.
February 25, 1939
34 degrees. A fair day. Dad, Henry Beardslee and I went
to Troy to see about milk business.
February 26, 1939
32 degrees. Snow, rain and sleet out of east. We were at
home alone all day.
February 27, 1939
40 degrees. A nice day. We did our chores early.
Mother and Myrtle went to Olives. We ate dinner there. Dad
and I went on to Troy. Haircut.
February 28, 1939
40 degrees. High wind from south. Herbert Borg and I help
Louis saw Bert Huslander's logs - 2100 ft.
February 29, 1939
March 1, 1939
32 degrees. High wind from west. I help Louis saw lumber
for E. Updyke and Ed Watkins.
March 2, 1939
35 degrees. A very nice day. Help Louis finish Ed Watkins
sawing and delivered 1 load lumber.
March 3, 1939
40 degrees. A nice day. Help Louis deliver 2 more loads
of lumber and 1 load of sawdust.
March 4, 1939
45 degrees. A nice day. Dad and I went to Sylvania.
We cleaned box stalls and hauled clover hay from new barn.
March 5, 1939
50 degrees. Cloudy. Rain in morn. Uncle Oscar and
Aunt Nettie and Louis here for dinner.
March 6, 1939
35 degrees. Partly cloudy. Help Louis saw Harry Hilfigger's
logs and started Leon Reynold's.
March 7, 1939
26 degrees. Partly cloudy. Windy. We finished Reynold's
and hauled 2 loads from Ben Stoudt's.
March 8, 1939
30 degrees. A nice day. I help Louis haul 3 loads.
He hauled one more. I ground 12 bags oats and buckw. And 2 soy beans.
March 9, 1939
40 degrees. Cloudy and rainy. 3 inches snow last night.
I ground a grist (24 bags) for Irwin Asgood. Herbert and I hauled
2 loads of logs in p.m.
March 10, 1939
30 degrees. Cloudy and windy. Herbert and I help Louis
saw for Ben Stoudt.
March 11, 1939
30 degrees. Cold south wind. Herbert and I help Louis saw
lumber for Ben Stoudt. I went to Birthday party for Cecil Reynolds.
March 12, 1939
30 degrees. Sleet, snow and rain. We were at home alone.
March 13, 1939
40 degrees. A nice day. Ground grist for Uncle Oscar.
Took ice out of fuel line in Ralph York's car. Went to Mansfield
in p.m.
March 14, 1939
48 degrees. A beautiful day. We washed. We are alone
this week.
March 15, 1939
40 degrees. Rainy. Dad went to Harold Mudge's to help with
wood. Mother and I went down to Olive's with ironing.
March 16, 1939
30 degrees. Cloudy and windy. Dad not feeling very good.
I ground 10 bags oats and buckw. And 3 soy beans, and did all the chores.
March 17, 1939
35 degrees. Snow flurries. Dad better. I split wood
and help with housework. Louis here in eve.
March 18, 1939
25 degrees. Snow flurries. Dad helped Harold Mudge.
I took mother to doctor in Louis' car. Used last of straw in barn.
Did housework.
March 19, 1939
25 degrees. Nice in a.m. Wind from South later and clouded
up. We rested. Olive and family here in eve.
March 20, 1939
50 degrees. Cloudy. Myrtle came back. Dad and I drawed
wood. Most of the wood was covered with snow banks.
March 21, 1939
25 degrees. Partly cloudy. Windy. Dad and I drawed
more wood.
March 22, 1939
30 degrees. A nice day. I help Louis saw lumber.
Claude Darrow was here. He and dad went to see H. C. Beardslee.
March 23, 1939
40 degrees. First real nice day. I help Louis saw.
Help Lindley Stone with some of Canfield's lime.
March 24, 1939
60 degrees. A very nice day. I help Louis saw last of Stoudts
logs and Asgood's logs.
March 25, 1939
68 degrees. A very nice day. Dad and I went to Troy and
Mansfield. Myrtle's folks came after her in p.m. Haircut.
March 26, 1939
78 degrees. A nice day. We went up to Uncle Claude's with
Olive and Jim.
March 27, 1939
35 degrees. Rain. Dad not feeling well. I finished
fixing manure spreader and tinkered around.
March 28, 1939
30 degrees. An ice storm out of north during night. Louis
and aunt Nettie to Uncle Oscar to Dr. Campbell. Louis and I set up
wood lathe.
March 29, 1939
35 degrees. Cloudy. Quite a cold wind. Ice did not
go much. I help Louis saw for Clinton Webster.
March 30, 1939
40 degrees. Rain. I help Louis finish Webster's logs.
Ground 3 bags soybeans. Lindley Stone and Henry Beardslee here in
March 31, 1939
38 degrees. Cloudy. Jim and Raymond help dad and I cut
our wood.
April 1, 1939
55 degrees. Partly cloudy. Windy. Took tractor and
saw down to Uncle Oscar's and help Louis saw for Manley Benson.
April 2, 1939
30 degrees. Cloudy and windy. Myrtle stayed here.
We were alone all day. Ellen was sick all the past week. She
is better now.
April 3, 1939
28 degrees. Cloudy and windy. Louis and Uncle Oscar help
us haul clover from new barn in a.m. I help Louis haul logs from
Glen B.
April 4, 1939
30 degrees. Cloudy and windy. Snowed. Louis and I
worked at setting up our machinery in the grist mill.
April 5, 1939
45 degrees. Mostly clear. Louis and I went to Troy.
I ground 1 soybeans and 10 oats and buckwheat for us and a grist for A.
April 6, 1939
42 degrees. Rain. Louis and I sawed lumber for Glen Brace.
April 7, 1939
35 degrees. Cloudy. Finished Glen's lumber. Help
Louis haul 1 load of slab wood for Morgan Hilfigger
April 8, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I went to Elmira. I went to Mansfield
in eve. For gas. Snowed 4 or 5 inches in night.
April 9, 1939
40 degrees. A nice day. We went down to Olive's for dinner.
April 10, 1939
A nice day but cloudy. Help saw for Wesley Shermin. Help
deliver a load of slab wood for Bill Vance.
April 11, 1939
40 degrees. Rainy. Help Louis haul 3 loads of logs, saw
and deliver 1 load of lumber Herman Garrison's.
April 12, 1939
Snow flurries. Help Louis saw one load of lumber. We delivered
it and brought back 1 load of logs.
April 13, 1939
35 degrees. Clear day. I help Louis saw two loads of lumber
and get 1 load of logs.
April 14, 1939
Rainy and damp in p.m. Louis went to Elmira in p.m. I help
finish Herman Garrison's logs and took back 2 loads of lumber.
April 15, 1939
43 degrees. Cloudy and damp in morn. I used Louis' truck
to haul big grist to mill. Ground 41 oats and buckw and 2 soy beans
in p.m.
April 16, 1939
Cloudy and cool. I took Myrtle home in morn. We were here
alone and rested all day.
April 17, 1939
Cool and rainy. I help Louis saw lumber for Leon Hall get a few
logs for B. York. I slipped and broke my left ankle.
April 18, 1939
Dr. Bush treated my ankle late yesterday. I am in Arnot Ogden
Hospital, Elmira. I am quite comfortable today.
April 19, 1939
Fairly comfortable although cast is very disagreeable. Earl Van
Ness came to help last night.
April 20, 1939
Getting along as good as I can. Had some company and mail.
April 21, 1939
I was about as usual. Seem to be getting along good. Had some
company and mail. Was up in wheel chair 40 min.
April 22, 1939
I was gaining slowly. Up in wheel chair before breakfast and stayed
up all day.
April 23, 1939
60 degrees. Doctor Bush told me that I could go home. Jim
and Dad came after me in Jim's car. Nice day.
April 24, 1939
70 degrees. I was up and down all day. Was around and out
of doors with mother's crutches. Nice day.
April 25, 1939
90 degrees. Nice clear day. I was over to Elmer Updyke’s
after his crutches and to Uncle Oscar's. They started working at
his oats yesterday.
April 26, 1939
76 degrees. Clouded over in p.m. Little rain at night.
I am about as usual. They finished sowing oats on the side hill.
April 27, 1939
78 degrees. A nice day. They finished Uncle Oscar's oats
- 14 3/4 acres.
April 28, 1939
45 degrees. Damp and misty. I drove down to Olive's in
morning. She and I went to Troy in p.m. Haircut.
April 29, 1939
53 degrees. Rained last night. They started to sow oats
in p.m.
April 30, 1939
45 degrees. Rainy. Myrtle stayed here. Earl went
away in afternoon. Uncle Ray and Aunt Addie were here in afternoon.
May 1, 1939
45 degrees. Cloudy and cool. Men worked at oats.
Louis took me to hospital. My ankle was not well enough for a walking
cast. Am to go back in 2 weeks.
May 2, 1939
A nice day. They finished sowing these oats.
May 3, 1939
A nice day. They started sowing the oats on the lower place.
I took car and got it greased and brought some fuel.
May 4, 1939
A nice day. Finished oats on lower place.
May 5, 1939
A nice day. Dad plowed off a headland for buckwheat and rolled
it on the lower place. Earl cut some brush down there.
May 6, 1939
A nice day. Earl plowed and rolled garden. Dad and I went
to Troy in p.m. My ankle is improving slowly.
May 7, 1939
A nice day. Ida Van Ness came to work for mother. Olive
and children here for a few minutes. Uncle Claude and Aunt Marian
here for supper.
May 8, 1939
A nice day. Wind from south. Planted a few potatoes and
some garden.
May 9, 1939
A nice day. I guess my ankle is coming as good as it can.
May 10, 1939
A nice day.
May 11, 1939
A nice day. I dragged corn and bean ground over twice with tractor.
It did not seem to bother my foot any.
May 12, 1939
A nice day. It is getting dry. Was terrible dusty where
I was dragging yesterday.
May 13, 1939
Another nice day. Dad and I went to Troy in p.m.
May 14, 1939
A nice day. We were down to Olive's for dinner.
May 15, 1939
A nice day. Louis took me to hospital for examination.
Dr. Bush said to stay off my foot for at least 3 more weeks.
May 16, 1939
A nice day. Earl and I washed the car in the forenoon.
Fred got stub in hoof yesterday. Dad borrowed one of Jim's horses.
May 17, 1939
A nice day. Getting very dry. Dad and I went to Frank Beardslee's
May 18, 1939
A nice day. I went down to Olive's in p.m. and was there for
May 19, 1939
A nice day but very hot. Lindley Stone hauled 3 loads of gravel
for driveway.
May 20, 1939
Nice and clear but very hot in forenoon. Thunder showers in p.m.
Earl and I planted some more garden.
May 21, 1939
More rain. Earl and Ida went home. Dad, mother and I were
May 22, 1939
Showers. Took 4 heifers and the sheep down to pasture.
May 23, 1939
Winifred Brace's Birthday
A nice day. Louis came up and help pa and Earl drive the
bull down to Uncle Oscar's. He weighed 1300 lbs.
May 24, 1939
Ellen's Birthday
A nice day. Earl and Ida went to their Aunt's funeral.
Dad, mother and I went down to Olive's for dinner. Ellen's Birthday.
May 25, 1939
A nice day. My foot is getting along as good as it can.
May 26, 1939
A nice day. Started planting our corn in p.m. I dragged
our buckwheat ground over once with tr.
May 27, 1939
A nice day. I drove Louis truck down with drag and he took tractor.
They planted Uncle Oscar's corn.
May 28, 1939
A nice day. I took Ida home. We were alone. Olive
and family came in eve and we had ice cream.
May 29, 1939
A nice day.
May 30, 1939
A nice day. Mother has not been very good.
May 31, 1939
A nice day. Dad and mother went to Wellsboro after soybeans to
sow. Mother stopped to see doctor on the way.
June 1, 1939
Another nice day. I went to Col X Roads after fertilizer.
Dad sowed soybeans.
June 2, 1939
A nice day. Was down to Uncle Oscar's and help Louis work in
grist mill. I went to Commencement at Troy in eve.
June 3, 1939
Cool and cloudy. Got sheep sheared in a.m. $.15 each for
14. Set out tomato plants. Help Grant get 2 calves with Uncle
Oscar's truck.
June 4, 1939
A nice day. I took Ida in morn. Olive and family came for
dinner. We went for a ride. Jim help dad with milking.
June 5, 1939
A nice day. Earl Van Ness quit work. Dad took me to have
ankle examined. Cast was taken off. Ankle quite good.
June 6, 1939
Shirley Beardslee Smith's Birthday
A nice day but windy. Mother and Ida washed. Mother is
not so very good. I started in milking last night.
June 7, 1939
A nice day. I am getting along good.
June 8, 1939
Another nice day. Fred, the horse, is not any better. His
foot runs all the time.
June 9, 1939
A nice day. I am getting along good helping milk. Mother
is feeling fairly good.
June 10, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I went up to hospital to see Aunt Marian.
She was not too good yet. Show at Troy High School for benefit of
Columbia Grange.
June 11, 1939
Showers in p.m. We were down to Uncle Oscar's for dinner.
Mother feeling some better.
June 12, 1939
A nice day. Herman Vanhorn started working here. Cultivated
and hoed potatoes.
June 13, 1939
A nice day. H. Vanhorn dragged buckwheat ground with team and
hauled stones. We went down to Olive's and did the washing in p.m.
June 14, 1939
Rain. Dad and H.V. worked in the barn in a.m. We worked
i the garden in p.m. Louis and I went to Hornell in eve.
June 15, 1939
A nice day. Worked in garden.
June 16, 1939
A nice day. They finished hoeing potatoes. I worked in
June 17, 1939
A nice day. Dad went to Col X Rds in a.m. and came home in afternoon.
Herman Van Horn quit at noon. I went to Mansfield in eve.
June 18, 1939
A nice day. We were here alone all day. I began to put
my whole weight on my foot.
June 19, 1939
A nice day. I went up to see Dr. Bush in p.m. He told me
that I could walk if my arch was supported.
June 20, 1939
Rain in afternoon. Dad and I went after strawberries 8 1/3 cts
per qt at Bently Creek. I began to walk along on my foot.
June 21, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I cleaned out barn for white washer.
I was on my foot a little too much.
June 22, 1939
Partly nice partly rainy. I worked in garden some. Dad
June 23, 1939
Rainy in a.m. I was down to Uncle Oscar's in a.m. I cultivated
corn with wheel cultivator in p.m. It made my ankle sore.
June 24, 1939
A nice day. Dad finished cult. corn 2nd time. I hoed most
of the day. I have been around part of the time without crutches.
June 25, 1939
A nice day. Dad, mother and I went over to Springfield for a
ride in a.m. Was back to Olive's for dinner.
June 26, 1939
A nice day. I hoed some of garden. We got a few things
ready for haying. Louis mowed down some hay.
June 27, 1939
A nice day. We started drawing hay at Uncle Oscar's. 4
small loads.
June 28, 1939
A nice day. We drawed 6 loads of Uncle Oscar's hay.
June 29, 1939
Cloudy and damp. Rain in eve. I went over to Springfield
to look for man. Could not get him. Started sowing Uncle Oscar's
June 30, 1939
Showers in p.m. We drawed 1 load of hay. Finished sowing
Uncle Oscar's buckwheat.
July 1, 1939
A nice day. Drawed 3 loads of hay.
July 2, 1939
A nice day. I stayed with Wendell and Ellen. Olive and
Jim went to Buffalo. I went to Sunday School with Wendell and E.
July 3, 1939
A very nice day. Drawed 6 loads of hay at Uncle Oscar's.
I got up at 4 o'clock a.m. and drove home from Olive's.
July 4, 1939
A nice day. Drawed some of Uncle Oscar's day.
July 5, 1939
A nice day. Finished Uncle Oscar's hay that was down.
July 6, 1939
A nice day. We hauled 5 loads of hay (First drawed).
July 7, 1939
A nice day. Maynard Alexander came in morn to start work.
We trimmed up around. Drawed 7 loads of hay in p.m.
July 8, 1939
Showers in p.m. We drawed 4 loads of hay in a.m.
July 9, 1939
A nice day. I went to the Glider Meet at Harris Hill, Elmira,
with Olive and Jim.
July 10, 1939
A nice day. We sowed our buckwheat - 7 acres.
July 11, 1939
A nice day. We drawed 6 loads of hay.
July 12, 1939
A nice day. We drawed 8 loads of hay.
July 13, 1939
A nice day. Hauled 5 loads of hay. Uncle Oscar has been
helping us all thru haying.
July 14, 1939
A nice day. Hauled 5 loads of hay. Mother is just fair.
She still is in pain in her limb.
July 15, 1939
A nice day. We have had lots of wind this wk. 7 loads the
last of our haying. I drove truck on loader and car to pitch off
because of my ankle.
July 16, 1939
A nice day. We rested. Maurice Shaw and his girl friend
were here calling in p.m.
July 17, 1939
A nice day. Started haying 2nd time at Uncle Oscar's. 5
loads of hay in p.m.
July 18, 1939
A nice day. Drawed 8 loads of hay. Hot and very dry.
No rain for some time.
July 19, 1939
A nice day. Drawed last of Timothy at Uncle Oscar's.
July 20, 1939
Wendell's Birthday
A nice day. Louis moved Arrin Cook to Ulyssis. We help
finish drawing the last of Uncle Oscar's hay.
July 21, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I went over to J. B. VanZile's to help them
finish haying.
July 22, 1939
A nice day. Getting terrible dry. Dad and I went to town.
July 23, 1939
A nice day. Arthur and Aunt Becle called in p.m. as did Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Allen and Olive and Ellen. Heavy rain in eve.
July 24, 1939
A nice day. Started cutting oats down at Uncle Oscar's.
July 25, 1939
A nice day but very warm. Worked at uncle Oscar's oats.
July 26, 1939
A nice day. Very hot. We finished cutting Uncle Oscar's
oats and started ours.
July 27, 1939
A cloudy day but hot. Finished our oats on the lower place.
July 28, 1939
Another cloudy day. Started cutting oats on this place.
Rained enough to stop us working around 4 o'clock.
July 29, 1939
A nice day. We finished cutting our oats at noon. Louis
and I went to Howard Storch's after a 4 cyl. Chevrolet motor in p.m.
July 30, 1939
Started raining in early morn. Had a nice rain. I went
to church and Sunday Sch. Louis and I went to church on Mountain
in afternoon.
July 31, 1939
A very nice day. Dad and I straightened up the oats in a.m.
I ground grist and help Louis work on thresher in afternoon.
August 1, 1939
Olive's Birthday
A nice day. Threshed Uncle Oscar's oats. 449 bu. on 14
acres. uncle Oscar was around to help some.
August 2, 1939
Another nice day. We started threshing our oats. Rained
us off in the p.m.
August 3, 1939
A nice day. Finished threshing our oats. 811 bu. from 23
acres. Lindley Stone, Raymond VanZile and Louis hauled all our oats
on trucks.
August 4, 1939
A nice forenoon and part the afternoon. Rain in mid afternoon.
Did not thresh any. Mother went to see Dr. Campbell.
August 5, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I went to Mansfield in a.m. We started
threshing Geo. Bardwell's Aug. 3. We finished his this p.m.
August 6, 1939
A nice day. I went over to meeting in the Mansfield Hill Meeting
House in a.m. Uncle Claude's folks here.
August 7, 1939
A nice day. I threshed 173 bu. oats for Gus Crippen and started
R. M. York's oats - 457 bu. in afternoon.
August 8, 1939
A nice day. Finished York's oats - 696 bu. and started Harry
Garrison's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Card and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hager and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woodard here in eve.
August 9, 1939
Cloudy. Acted rainy, but none. Finished Harry Garrison's
oats, Jay Van Nesses' and Irvine Asgood's. Louis and I worked on
thresher till late in eve.
August 10, 1939
A nice day. Threshed for Tom Wood and Horace Huslander and started
Harold Mudge's. Ella Bardwell and Ruth and girls called.
August 11, 1939
A nice day. Finished Harold's oats. Threshed for Grant
Fethers and Bill Vance and Lynn Williams and moved to Lee Tice's.
August 12, 1939
A nice day. Threshed for Lee Tice and some oats on Squire's place
for R. M. York.
August 13, 1939
Rain in eve. We were alone all day. It has been hot and dry for
a long time. A tremendous lot of grasshoppers.
August 14, 1939
A nice day. Threshed a few more oats for R. M. York at his place
in a.m. Worked at Light Motor in p.m.
August 15, 1939
A nice day. Threshed for Arthur Hager and started J. B. VanZile's
on their upper place.
August 16, 1939
A nice day. Finished J. B. VanZile's oats. I went to class
reunion at Mt. Lake in eve.
August 17, 1939
Very hot. Threshed for Roy Burleigh.
August 18, 1939
A nice day. It has been very hot lately. Threshed for Claude
Bolt. Started Canfield's oats.
August 19, 1939
Cloudy and wind from south. Finished Canfield's threshing.
took Ida Van Ness home for good.
August 20, 1939
A nice day. We went up to Uncle Claude's for picnic. Louis
went to New England States for a vacation yesterday morn. [Note from
Joyce - He went to bring back Nellie Williams whose parents had sent
her away-- Nellie and Loius married later - See October 10]
August 21, 1939
Still hot and dry. I ground a grist for us and Uncle O. in a.m.
Threshed Fred Smith's oats in p.m.
August 22, 1939
A nice day. I cut wood with tractor for Arthur Hager. Went
to Lindley Stone's shower in eve.
August 23, 1939
A nice day. Cut wood with tractor for Harold Mudge. Irvin
Osgood was here in eve. to see about filling silo next week.
August 24, 1939
A nice day. Sprinkled some. Dad, mother and I canned 15
cans of corn. One can broke while cooking. Mother stood it
August 25, 1939
A nice day. I took Uncle Oscar and Aunt Nettie to town.
We stayed at Olive's for dinner. I ground feed and worked at cutter
in p.m.
August 26, 1939
A nice day. Threshed for Walter Rumsey. Used Louis' truck
to take ensilage cutter to Canfield's. Louis not home yet.
August 27, 1939
A nice day. Were at home all day. Olive and family came
up in afternoon.
August 28, 1939
A nice day. Filled silo for Canfields. Moved rig to Irwin
Osgood's. Louis came home in p.m.
August 29, 1939
A nice day. Filled silo for Irwin Osgood. Moved and set
up at Jay VanNess'.
August 30, 1939
A nice day. Filled Silo for Jay VanNess and Uncle Oscar.
August 31, 1939
A nice day. I was sick through the night. Did not feel
a bit good to-day. Was home all day.
September 1, 1939
A nice day. Finished Arthur Hager's silo. I felt better.
Dad and I help cut down corn at H. Garrison's in p.m.
September 2, 1939
A nice day. Shower in afternoon. Dad, mother and I went
to Troy in a.m. Got stables cleaned in p.m.
September 3, 1939
A nice day. Louis took us up to Keuka Lake to Uncle Claude's
cottage (rented). Olive and family and I stayed over night.
September 4, 1939
A nice day. Spent most of the day at the cottage. Left
for home 4:30. Myrtle Jackson came. She and mother canned peaches.
September 5, 1939
Cloudy. Finished filling Harold Mudge's silo. Started York's
September 6, 1939
A nice day. Finished York's silo.
September 7, 1939
A nice day. Cut some of our corn down. I went to lodge
in eve.
September 8, 1939
A nice day. We filled silo here. It was full and we had
1 1/2 loads left over. We cut it 1/4 inch. Olive came to help.
September 9, 1939
A nice day. We did odd jobs and ground a grist. Wendell
and I went to the Mansfield Fair in eve. He stayed with me.
September 10, 1939
A nice day. Rain in p.m. I took Wendell home and went to
Sunday School with him stay rest of day. I found mother sick when
I came home.
September 11, 1939
A nice day. We started cutting buckwheat at Uncle Oscar's.
September 12, 1939
Rainy. Started cutting our buckwheat but rained us off.
Dad and I went to Hector N.Y. after peaches in afternoon.
September 13, 1939
A nice day. Foggy in morn. We finished our buckw.
Louis and I moved ensilage cutting outfit to Tom Woods.
September 14, 1939
A nice day. Started filling silo at Tom Woods. Bob Gardner
started working for us.
September 15, 1939
Very hot. Finished Tom's silos.
September 16, 1939
Another hot day. Help Louis saw some lumber for Richard Bradford.
September 17, 1939
Cloudy and cool. I took Myrtle home. Olive and family were
here for dinner.
September 18, 1939
A nice day. Help Louis finish Richard's lumber. We moved
cutter to Lee Tice's and set up.
September 19, 1939
A nice day. Filled silo for Lee Tice.
September 20, 1939
Rainy. Bob and I hauled some manure out of sheep shed.
Dad and I went to Mansfield in p.m.
September 21, 1939
A nice day. Bob and I started building an approach to the new
September 22, 1939
A nice day. Bob and I worked at approach.
September 23, 1939
Another nice day. Bob and I finished the approach.
September 24, 1939
A nice day. Louis was here in morning. We were alone the
rest of the day.
September 25, 1939
A nice day. Hot. I run company cutter at Col X Roads for
Lindley Stone with his tractor.
September 26, 1939
Cloudy and cool. Rain in a.m. We cut our soybeans with
mowing machine.
September 27, 1939
Rainy. Help Louis saw some lumber. I got my new watch (21
jewels - Hamilton - engraved yellow case).
September 28, 1939
A very nice day. Help Louis saw and deliver Bob Howe's lumber.
Started hauling from Charley Smith's.
September 29, 1939
Cloudy and rainy. Help Louis haul logs from Charley F. Smith's
over above Mansfield. Louis here in eve.
September 30, 1939
Nice in a.m. Colder and rain in p.m. bob and I dug dirt
out of new basement and put it front of bridge or approach.
October 1, 1939
Cold. I built first fire in furnace. Uncle Elmer and Aunt
Florence and LeRoy Heib Jr. were here in p.m.
October 2, 1939
Cloudy. Bob and I started tearing down Bronson house. I
will be on the Installation team of the lodge.
October 3, 1939
Cloudy and misty. Olive and I went to Elmira. I bought
a new brown suit. Bob and I went to E. Smithfield to Lodge.
October 4, 1939
A nice day. Bob and I worked at the house. I went to Mansfield
and had car fixed up some.
October 5, 1939
A nice day. Bob and I worked at the house. We went to West
Franklin to install the officers of that lodge.
October 6, 1939
A nice day. Bob and I worked at the house. We went to Canton
to install officers.
October 7, 1939
A very nice day. Bob and I worked at the house. We went
to Granville Center to Install officers.
October 8, 1939
Rain. Olive and Jim came up and we all went down to Uncle Oscar's.
October 9, 1939
A nice day. Bob and I finished tearing down Bronson House.
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October 10, 1939
Rain in eve. Louis and Nellie were married at Mainesburg in eve. Olive, Jim, Ermel and I were present. |
October 11, 1939
Rained. Bob was not here. Dad and I did some work around
horse stable.
October 12, 1939
A nice day. Louis and I took Case tractor on his truck to Mansfield
to John Riepel to have it repaired.
October 13, 1939
Cold and clear. Warmed up. Rain in eve. Louis and
I threshed for Jay VanNess. We go tomorrow night to Troy for the
installation of I.O.O.F.
October 14, 1939
Cold and clear and windy. Bob and I picked a few apples.
Jim got our coal. Threshed at Irvin Asgood's. Bob and I went
to Troy in eve.
October 15, 1939
Cold and clear. Heavy freeze and frost. Russel Williamee
and wife and Miss Wells called here in p.m.
October 16, 1939
A very nice day. Threshed for Horace H. and Bill Vance and ours.
72 bu. on 7a.
October 17, 1939
Rained some. Threshed our soybeans and started Jim's buckwheat.
October 18, 1939
Clear and cold. Threshed for Roy Burleigh and George Bardwell.
October 19, 1939
A nice day. Threshed for William Canfield. Put machine
in our barn for night. We went to Sylvania to Installation.
October 20, 1939
A nice day. I took machine down and borrowed Louis' truck.
Ground 35 bags feed. Took Spencer Bernert's scraper home.
October 21, 1939
Rainy. I drawed some stone and wood on Louis' truck. We
went to Springfield last night and will go to Bently Creek tonight.
October 22, 1939
A rainy day and cold. Uncle Claude's folks were here for dinner.
October 23, 1939
Cold and windy. I help mother wash and went to Troy.
October 24, 1939
A nice day but cold. I took Louis' truck home and brought back
tractor and plows. We went to Troy to Installation.
October 25, 1939
Rain in p.m. I plowed with tractor in a.m. Olive and Ellen
were here all day. Jim and Wendell here in eve.
October 26, 1939
A nice warm day. I finished plowing soybean and corn stubble.
I went to Gillette to last installation in eve.
October 27, 1939
Rainy. Dad went to Troy and Col. X Roads. I stayed around
home with mother.
October 28, 1939
Cold and windy. I helped around the house in a.m. Took
rolls to Grange dinner to Fred Colony's sale. Came home early.
October 29, 1939
A nice day. Mother, dad and I went out to Russel Williamee's
for dinner in Uncle Oscar's car. Ellen sick.
October 30, 1939
Rainy. Mother had hard cough and cold. Dad and I went to
Troy. Ellen still not too good.
October 31, 1939
Rainy. Mother some better. Ellen better. Mother and
I washed. I fixed casters on washer so they work better.
November 1, 1939
Cold and windy. I help around the house and fixed up a few windows.
Went to Halloween party in eve. over to Grange.
November 2, 1939
A nice forenoon. I cleaned furnace in a.m. Cleaned chimney
in p.m. Colder in eve. Went to Lodge.
November 3, 1939
Cold and windy. I help around the house most of the day.
November 4, 1939
A nice still day. Louis and I hunted Ringneck pheasants in a.m.
I plowed with tractor in p.m.
November 5, 1939
Snowed most all day. We went down to Olive's for dinner.
Ellen was much better.
November 6, 1939
A nice day. Snow melted away. Too wet for tractor plow.
Dad plowed with team. I fixed light in milk house and over engine.
November 7, 1939
A nice day. Mother and I washed in a.m. Dad and I went
to vote in p.m.
November 8, 1939
Snow flurries. Olive and Ellen were here all day. I fixed
window in henhouse and help with housework.
November 9, 1939
Cold and windy. I plowed on the oat stubble below the barn with
November 10, 1939
A nice day. I plowed with tractor in a.m. I went to Troy in p.m.
November 11, 1939
A nice day. I plowed with tractor below the barn.
November 12, 1939
A nice day. Bernice Dann and daughter Joicy and her baby were
here in p.m. also Louis and Nellie in late afternoon.
November 13, 1939
Cold and snowed. We hauled some straw from new barn. I
finished plowing with tractor in p.m.
November 14, 1939
Cold. Dad and I brought sheep up. I help Louis saw some
lumber in p.m.
November 15, 1939
A nice day. I went with milk for Grant. I help clean stove.
I painted some windows in p.m.
November 16, 1939
A nice day. Dad hurt by a cow. I help Louis saw a little
lumber. Went to Lodge in eve.
November 17, 1939
A nice day. Ground 10 bags oats and buckwheat. Burned some
rubbish and painted more windows.
November 18, 1939
A nice day. I plowed in a.m. with team. I drawed straw
and built sheep yard.
November 19, 1939
A nice day. Olive and family and ruth Williamee Doebler and her
family were here. Aunt Belle not very good.
November 20, 1939
Cold wind from north. We washed. Didn't do much except
help mother.
November 21, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I hauled 1 load of wood. Louis and
Nellie here for dinner. Dad, mother and I went to Troy and Mansfield.
November 22, 1939
A nice day. Myrtle came yesterday. Dad and I hauled in
2 more loads of wood. That was the last.
November 23, 1939
Another nice day. We drawed out old bean straw stack. I
help Louis work on wood motor. Went to Lodge in eve.
November 24, 1939
A nice day but cold and windy. Worked some more on the wood motor.
November 25, 1939
Cloudy and cold. Louis and I worked some more on wood motor.
November 26, 1939
Cloudy and cold. Uncle Elmer and Aunt Florence, Uncle Ray and
Aunt Addie and Ethel Heib and her boys were here for dinner.
November 27, 1939
Dad's Birthday
A fair day. Dad and I went to Troy. Mother stayed at Olive's
We were there for dinner.
November 28, 1939
A nice day. I clipped the cows with Louis' 32 volt electric clippers.
November 29, 1939
A nice day. Dad help J. VanZile cut wood in a.m. Louis
and I took my lambs to Troy. 11 lambs @ $8.30 per cuit. and 4 sheep
@ $2.7? per ???
November 30, 1939
A nice day. We buzzed wood with tractor for Uncle Oscar up in
Sugar Bush.
December 1, 1939
A nice day. I drove milk truck for Grant Fethers.
December 2, 1939
A nice day. I drove milk truck again. Mother went to Mansfield
to Doctor's in p.m. We took Myrtle home.
December 3, 1939
We were alone all day. Snowed all day.
December 4, 1939
A nice day. We washed. Dad and I started working at wood
down on Smith place. Took team and brought back 1 load.
December 5, 1939
A nice day. Worked at wood again. Brought 1 load in forenoon
and 1 load in afternoon.
December 6, 1939
A nice day but cloudy. We did our work and drawed 1 load of wood.
December 7, 1939
A nice day. Quite windy. I went with milk truck in a.m.
Went to Troy in p.m.
December 8, 1939
Very windy. Just did our work and chores in a.m. We worked
at wood in p.m.
December 9, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I worked at wood on the lower place.
December 10, 1939
Rain. Called at Uncle Oscars in p.m.
December 11, 1939
Cold and cloudy. We washed and ground a grist. I also took
Aunt Nettie to see Mrs. Mark Wood. She passed on in p.m.
December 12, 1939
A nice day. Dad and I worked at wood down on the lower place.
December 13, 1939
Cold and cloudy. Dad and I went to Troy in p.m.
December 14, 1939
Cold and cloudy. Dad and I went to Mrs. Mark Wood's funeral in
p.m. Mother stayed at Uncle Oscars.
December 15, 1939
Cloudy and cold. We did our chores and housework.
December 16, 1939
Cloudy and cold. I cleaned up the house and help with the housework.
December 17, 1939
Snowy. Olive and Jim and Wendell and Ellen were here for dinner.
they went home early.
December 18, 1939
Not very cold. Mother and I washed.
December 19, 1939
Cloudy and mild. Louis and I hauled loads of roller bolts
to Wellsboro.
December 20, 1939
Rain and lots of it. Louis and I took 1 load of roller bolts
to Wellsboro.
December 21, 1939
Cold and windy. Mother and I went to Troy to do our Xmas shopping.
December 22, 1939
Cold and blustery. Started watering cows in the barn. Help
do house work. Cleaned up down cellar.
December 23, 1939
Cold and windy. Went to Uncle Oscar's to get his buck sheep.
Ground 24 bags of feed in p.m.
December 24, 1939
cold and windy. We were alone all day.
December 25, 1939
Snowed. We were down to Olive's for Christmas.
December 26, 1939
Cold and windy. Dad and I drawed 2 loads of wood up from lower
December 27, 1939
Cold and still. 6 above zero in morn. 5 above in eve.
Washed. Help Louis haul 3 loads of logs in p.m.
December 28, 1939
Cold. We hauled up some wood.
December 29, 1939
[page missing]
December 30, 1939
[page missing]
December 31, 1939
Cold and windy - 20 above - Louis, Dad and Bert Huslander and I went
to Mansfield in a.m. We were alone rest of day at home.
Herman is survived by his sons, Dale (Mary) Tears of Roseville, PA and Maxwell (Erma) Tears of Martinsburg PA; grandchildren Terri Tears and her fiance Mike Walter, Nicole Tears and her fiance Shawn Robinson, Howard Tears and John Tears; several neices and nephews. Herman was preceded in death by his wife, Winifred BRACE Tears on February 2, 2003; (error - it was 2002) a brother, Louis Tears and a sister Olive Judson. Burial at Mainesburg Cemetery