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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
Burt Strange, Gravedigger, of Sylvania and Sullivan Township

1901 1902 1903 1904 1905
Diary of Burt Strange
Township: Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County PA
Year: 1904
Transcribed (Extracts only) by Fay TILLER Morgan
Introduced and Annotated by Joyce M Tice 
from her Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project
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Photo from I.O.O.F. Collection submitted by Fay TILLER Morgan
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
Do You Know that you can search just the 355 pages of our
Diaries and Letters
on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.

Excerpts from Burt Strange diary Sylvania Pa - Burt Strange was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA 1866, son of Laura Mosher and Ezekial Strange. He married Sophia Stock and they lived in Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County PA. He died 1940 and is buried in the Gray Valley Cemetery in Sullivan Township. During his working life he was a gravedigger employed by the funeral buisiness of Waldo and Soper in Sylvania. Later this became Soper and Mosher. Because of his business, Bert's diaries are particularly valuable. They record more deaths and burials than most. Bert tells us who he buried but rarely the cemetery. However, we know a lot of that from other records. Since many of the "customers" were from the adjacent Sullivan and Columbia townships  we have information about many of them in my Sullivan-Rutland Genealolgy Project. I have annotated the diary entries with some of that information. Fay has extracted birth, death, marriage, and burial information form diaries that she once had available. We do not have the originals, nor do we have access to them at this time.
1904     Events    Commentary by Joyce M. Tice - Incompete SRGP ID
1904 Jan 15 I and Rex Soper went to Troy in forenoon for Hazel Williams went to funeral in afternoon    
1904 Feb 1 I went to Troy this morning for Mrs Fred Card a corpse on train    
1904 Feb 12 I and Rex Soper attended Addie Card's funeral    
1904 March 2 Will drove my team to bury Jo Gladding    
1904 March 13 I and C E Waldo buried Perly Ludington's baby    
1904 March 19 I and Rex Soper buried Wallace Stevens onWood Hill    
1904 March  20 went to Mr Packard funeral    
1904 April  11 I and Rex Soper buried Amenzo Richmond    
1904 April  25 I and Rex Soper buried Hugh Jackson    
1904 May 15 went to Walter Mosher baby funeral    
1904 May 26 went to Delos Rockwell child funeral    
1904 May 30 Sylvania Cheese Factory burned    
1904 June  29 went to Cheese factory in Eve to a dance    
1904 July  6 I and Rex Soper buried Mrs Kizer    
1904 Aug 12 I and Rex Soper buried a Mr Spaulding to Troy    
1904 Sept  26 went to R H Burley's to Frank's little girl's funeral    
1904 Oct 15 went to Sally Richmond's funeral    
1904 Oct 26 fire in Roseville    
1904 Nov 2 I and Rex Soper buried Em Lay's boy    
1904 Nov 9 went to Orrin Smith's funeral    
1904 Dec 17 I and C E Waldo urried Mrs Peasley    
1904 Dec  28 I and Rex Soper buried Mrs P H Slade    
1904     Deaths    
1904 Jan 12 Hazel Williams died    
1904 Feb 5 Mrs Patchen died    
1904 Feb 8 Mrs Fred Card died    
1904 Feb 20 Mrs Sheldon Packard    
1904 Feb 24 Bell Kilgore died    
1904 Feb  28 Jo Gladding and Elosh Preston died    
1904 March 11 Perly Ludington baby died    
1904 March 15 Wallace Stevens died    
1904   17 Fred Packard died    
1904 April  8 Amenzo Richmond died    
1904 April 23 Hugh Jackson died    
1904 May 13 Walter Mosher's baby    
1904     I and Rex Soper got to Troy to bury Sunday    
1904 May 24 Mrs Phillip Stock died    
1904 May 24 Delos Rockwell baby died    
1904   24 B B Mitchel died    
1904 May 24 Mrs Phillip Stock died    
1904 July  24 Mrs Kizer died    
1904 Aug 30 John Smith died    
1904 Sept 23 Julia Burley died    
1904 Oct 13 SallyRichmond died    
1904 Nov 7 Orrin Smith died    
1904 Dec 15 Mrs Peasly died     
1904 Dec 19 Will Black died    
1904 Def 27 Mrs P A Slade died    
1904 Dec  30 Savilla Pierce died    
1904 Dec  26 Rexford Young died    
1904     Burials    
1904 Jan 15 I and Rex Soper buried Hazel Williams 3.00  
1904 Feb  8 I and Rex Soper buried Mrs Patchen 3.00  
1904 Feb 12 I and Rex Soper buried Mrs Fred Card 3.00  
1904 March 2 Will Sherman and Rex Soper buried Jo Gladding 3.00  
1904 March 13 I and C E Waldo buried Perly Ludington baby 3.00  
1904 March 19 I and Rex Soper buried Fred Packard 3.00  
1904 April  11 I and Rex Soper buried Amenzo Richmond 3.00  
1904 April  25 I and Rex Soper buried Hugh Jackson 3.00  
1904 May 15 Rex Soper buried Walter Mosher baby 3.00  
1904 May 26 I and Rex Soper buried Delos Rockwell child 3.00  
1904 July 6 I and Rex Soper buried Mrs Kizer 3.00  
1904 Aug 12 I and Rex buried Mrs Spaulding 3.00  
1904 Sept 24 I and Rex Soper buried Julia Burley 3.00  
1904 Oct 15 I and Rex Soper buried Sally Richmond 3.00  
1904 Nov 2 I and Rex Soper buried James Jr Lay 3.00  
1904 Dec 17 I and C E Waldo buried Mrs Peasley 3.00  
1904 Dec 28 I an Rex Soper buried Mrs P A Slade 3.00  
1904     Married    
1904 March 8 Will Cannedy and Ella Wheeler    
1904 June  15 Frank Brown and Jennie Strait    
1904 June 29 Walter Mosher and Miss Osgood    
1904 July  4 Em Mcintosh and Sam Fuller    
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933   histcent83@gmail.com

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 5/24/2002
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: JoyceTice@aol.com