The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Deaths Marriages Misc 1 Misc 2 Misc 3
Index of  Marriages in Elmira NY Newspapers 1870
Elmira NY Elmira Advertiser Newspapers
Indexed by Sherry LAMPMAN Nichols
Microfilm at Steele Memorial Library

 Joyce, I have attached the indices for the 1870 Elmira Weekly Advertiser. They are in three separate parts  Marriages, Deaths and Misc. articles.  I listed every name found in each article. That means if you find a name under deaths that doesn't mean that that person is the one that died. He or she could just be mentioned with someone else's death. The same holds true with the marriages. It could be just the name of a person that was a friend or relative of the bride or groom. If you  want a copy of the article contact the Steele Memorial Library at Mention that you found the info from this site and give the year of the paper, marriage, death or misc. index and the page number.
  If some one finds a name that they want information on they will  have to visit the library and look in the book.  Or they can  send the library letter requesting a copy made with the page number and it will cost them $5. Their web site is  Steele Memorial Library Elmira, New York 14901 .
To get a paper copy of any article from these indices contact the Steele Memorial Library at the following link: Steele Memorial Library Elmira, New York 14901
Under genealogy department you will find "submit a query"
Click there and you will find the following:
Genealogical research rates are as follows:
One obituary photocopy with a known date of death, or other newspaper item with a known date of publication is $5.00
Fill out the Query form with as much information as you can and then print it off.   Mail along with your payment to:
Steele Memorial Library
Genealogy Department
101 East Church Street
Elmira, NY 14901
Query's are usually answered on the same day they are received. 
1870 Miscellaneous Index

Oakley Wallace 39
Oakley Lucus 47
Oakley Harriet T. 47
O'Connor Thomas 38
O'Connor John 5
O'Connor Mr. 40
O'Hanlon Mr. 23
O'Hanlon Mrs. 46
Old Glue Factory   31
O'Maker James 8
O'Neal James 43
O'Neil Mr. 58
Ormiston Wm. 51
Ormiston James 51
Orphan Found   26
Orphans Home   18,26
Orphans Home   46
Osborne C.E. 15
Osborne Prof. J. W. 16
Osgoodby Mr. W.W.Esq. 32,50
Ossmere Mr. 29
Otto Samuel 5
Ovaitt Daniel 5
Owen Mr. G.G. 11
Packer Dr. Nelson 20
Pagett Wm. 16
Pagett Jonathan 20
Paine Dr. Charles 47
Paine James H. Esq. 49
Palmer Mr. E.S. 56
Palmer & Decker   48
Palton J.G. 30
Pardy Mr. A. 43
Paret Rev. Dr. 30
Park House   40
Parker John A. 58
Parkinson Mrs. 27
Parks C.E. 14
Parsons Theron 26
Partridge Henry M. 8
Patch Sam  9,15
Patrick Col. E. L. 19,27
Patterson Wm.H. 26
Paxson Joseph W. 57
Payne Mr. B.W. 15
Payne Mr. S.H. 40
Peck Joseph 43
Peck Bros.   40
Pemberton Mr. H.V. 10
Pennepacker A.  5
Perry Mr. 11
Perry Thomas 16
Peters John 16
Peterson Peterson 59
Pflager Henry 52
Phelps Gilbert 21
Phelps Frank 28
Philipson Mr. 15
Pickering Mr. D.F. 27,50,51
Pifer Elizabeth  37
Pillsbury Gen Amos 26
Piollet Col.  1
Pleasant Valley   35
Plum John 58
Pomeroy Mark M. 23
Pomeroy Horace 50
Post Hon.Wm.T. 35
Post David 57
Potter Crane 5
Powell Levina 43
Powell & Co.   5
Powers Hiram 4
Pratt Superintendent 13
Pratt Daniel Esq. 26
Pratt Mr. F.G. 37
Pratt Ben H. 38
Pratt Dr. George W. 55
Pratt Mr. T.S. 54
Prescott John 31
Preston Wm. 4
Preswick Mr. 1
Price Barber Shop   32
Primmer Judson 26
Proudfit John H. 5
Purcell John 26
Purdy Dr. H.H. 4,7,13,25
Purdy Dr. H.H. 46
Quigley Albert 27
Quinley Marshall 49
Racklyft John 10
Railroad Time Table   16
Randall Mr. J.A. 20
Randall Hon. Alex. W. 29
Randall Gov. 35
Randt Christopher W. 59
Rank Alfred 51
Rank Alfred 54
Rathbone Henry W. Esq. 19
Rathbone John T.Esq. 26
Rathbun Simeon B. 45
Rathbun Hon John T. 50
Rathbun John 58
Rathbun Hon John T. 58
Rattlesnake Cure   41
Ray Mr. 38,39
Ray Dr. J. 31
Ray Thomas W. 22
Redfield Mr. J.A. 41
Redington Superintendent 15
Reeder James H. 5
Reeder Jas. M. 34
Reid Mr & Mrs.Capt.Jas.R. 16
Reynolds D.D. 4
Reynolds Super D.S. 3
Reynolds S.T. 14
Reynolds William 31
Reynolds & England   30
Rice Dan 35
Rice Dr. Aaron 40
Richards Mr. J. 43
Richardson Jackson 35
Richardson Mr. 51
Richardson Col. Samuel 53
Richmond Abram 10
Richtmyer John H. 44
Riedy Patrick 57
Rivest J.E.Sgt Quartermaster 26
Roach Benjamin 5
Roach David 5
Robbins Josiah 43
Robe  Mr. F. 8
Robertson Archibald 49
Robinson Dr.J.W. 6
Robinson George T. 20
Robinson John B. 20
Robinson Richard W. 20
Robinson Mrs. N.H. 27
Robinson Daniel 39
Robinson Susan 43
Robinson Mr. J. M. 23
Robinson Deacon L.H. 49
Rockwell Adjutant H.H. 26
Rockwell Hosea H.  44
Rockwell Mr. H.H. 54
Rodbourne Joseph 48,54
Roff Nicholas 48
Rogers Geo. W. 13
Rogers Frederick O. 26
Rogers Dr. 31
Rogers J.H. 36
Roleson Isaiah 30
Rood Stephen  23
Rose Mrs. Walter G. 6
Rowland & Beadle 2
Ruloff Edward H. 40,41,43
Ruloff Mr. 48
Rumsep Andrew 58
Rumsey Andrew 38
Rumsey Jackson 58
Rundell G.L. 43
Rutan Mr. 57
Ryant Chester W. 53
Samois James 22
Sanders Mr. W.M. 30
Sangerbund Society   40
Saxe John G. 9
Sayles Dr. 18
Sayre Mathew 16
Schofield John L. 24
Schuyler Miss 14
Schwenke Mr. G.W. 18,24
Schwenke F.W. 18
Schwenke Geo. W. 27
Scoaten Constable 7
Scott Richard W. 7
Scott Mr. E.A. 45
Scudder Frank 26
Scudder Scudder 59
Scutt M.L. 54
Seeley Mr. J.C. 40
Selover John 1
Seneca Point   33
Serarles Mr. 24
Seymour Gov. Horatio 35
Shafer Mrs.Helen M. 4
Shakespeare Shakespeare 59
Shappee Mrs. Samuel 13
Sharp Rev.Wm. 5
Shaw Mr. 4
Shaw Ebenezer 43
Shaw Edward  44
Shearer Daniel 58
Sheckel Mr. 28
Sheep Killing   31
Sheive George 32
Shelly Conductor 8
Sherman Chief Engineer 14
Sherman Geo. W. 8
Sherman Wright P. 29
Sherwood Joe 42
Shields James W. 42
Shildmauen Bauer 14
Short David 22
Short David 58
Sibson John 54
Siebold Severin 14
Siegel Gen. 32
Sigison Mr. Jacob 24,25
Silsbee Mr. 53
Simons Mr. 42
Simons James 57
Simpson Cornelia 22
Simpson Bishop 40
Simpson Rev.Charles 53
Slayton Mr. J.P. 27
Slocum Mr. 36,39
Sly Catharine 37
Sly Catherine 57
Smith Col. E.  5
Smith Benson 23,34
Smith Mrs.Eliza Jane 15
Smith Clifford 19
Smith Clement 19
Smith H.B. 19
Smith Lewis M. 47
Smith Judge G.L. 27
Smith Mr. Ezekiel 24,25
Smith Rev. J.B. 30
Smith Sergt.Major Warren 26
Smith Prof. Goodwin 35
Smith Tom 50
Smith Mr. L.M. 51
Smith John H. 51
Smith Alexander 52
Smith H.Boardman 56
Smith Col Howard M. 56
Smith,Robertson &  Fassett 49
Smythe Rev. C.B. 22
Snell Daniel 14
Snow Storm   10,11
Snyder Mr. 27
Snyder Marcus D. 57
Socher Pete  24
Soldier Reunion   44
Southern Tier Orphan  Home 2
Southland S.E. 14
Spaulding Judge 18,39
Spaulding Mr. C.H. 22
Spaulding M.M. 30
Spaulding Thomas S. 44
Spaulding Mrs. H.C. 52
Spaulding E.C. 53
Spaulding Rev. Henry 56
Spencer Mr. 38
Spencer Springs   34
Springer Henry 5
Squire Dr. 13
Squires Dr. T.H. 27
St. Marys Catholic Church, Corning 25
Tannatt Fanny 26
Tanner John 21
Taylor Bayard 35
Taylor Mr. 32
Taylor Matilda 51
Taylor Mr. G.W. 58
Taylor Russell 58
Telton Theodore 12
Terbell Dr.W.D. 43,49
Terrill Liet. Col A.A. 29
Thayer Dr.Jas. L. 27
Thetge Mary Dell 10
Thomas E & A.L. 9
Thomas Lauren G.Esq. 38
Thomas Mr. L.G. 53
Thomas Frederick A. 58
Thompson Mr. 1,19
Thompson C.H. Esq. 10
Thompson Sarah 51
Thompson Miss R.H. 59
Thompson Miss 59
Thomson W.L. 32
Thomson Col.C.H. 48
Thorne Frank 15
Thorne Edwin  35
Thornly Geo. W. 26
Thornly George W. 54
Thorp John 4
Thurston Ariel S. 44
Thurston James S. 9
Tice Mr. Wm.H. 16
Tidd Charles 28
Titus Geo. 6
Tobin Mrs. 50
Tomlinson Mr. 14
Tomlinson S.B.Esq. 10
Toohey Michael 14
Torrence Soloman 41
Tousey Rev. Mr. 51
Towanda Tire   53
Towner Auburn 35
Tracy  Walter 30
Tracy & Moore   5
Traver  Mr. 48
Travers Mr. 47
Travis Miss Marial 7
Treusdale Mr. John W. 1
Treusdale Mr. H.D. 6
Turner Thom. H. 10
Turner George 51
Turney Mr. 30
Tuthill Mr. D.H. 54
Tuttle W.E.Esq. 15
Tuttle H. 59
Twain Mark 6,8,18,20,28
Twitchell Geo. S. 2
Tyler Alvah 32
Tyler Sam  8
Tyler James D. 59
Underhill James 22
UpDeGraff Dr. T.S. 7,13,14,23,33,35
UpDeGraff Dr. 57
Upham Miss 5
Uzzle John 54
VanAlcott John T.  16
VanAllen John J. Esq. 16,20
VanBenschoten Rev.S 42
VanBenschoten Rev. 37
Vandebogart Geo. 39
VanDuzer Hallett 7
VanDuzer Marsh 7
VanDuzer Farm   51
VanEttenville   34
VanGelder Mr. P.C. 29
Vanhouter Myron 38
Vanhouter Gilbert H. 57
VanNess Hamilton 1
VanNess Albert 51
Vanover George 57
VanWort James L. 57
VanZile Louisa 58
Vaughan Hester 2
Verrill Charles H. 35
Viele Mr. G.L. 50
Vigors Thomas H. 46
Wadleigh J.C. 14
Wadsworth Eva 22
Wadsworth S.H.Esq. 24
Waldo Mr. L. T. 47
Walker Col. C.C.B. 26
Walker Mrs. Robert 6
Walker Mr. Wm. 28
Walker Elizabeth M. 26
Walker Christopher 27
Walker Robert H. 29
Wallace Mr. J.D. 43
Wallenbeck Wm. 30
Ward John 5
Ward J.O. 23
Ward Hon.Hamilton 49
Ward & VanValkenbu rg 16
Warner Wm. 7
Warner Geo. E. 7
Warren Hunts Tannery 47
Waters Mr. G.W. 29
Waters Artist 40
Watkins Glen 35
Watrous R. 6
Watson Mr. 1
Watson Officer 28,54
Watts Miss Del 38
Watts Robert M. 56
Waverly Flouring Mill   7
Webster O.S. 43
Webster Lucinda E. 43
Weibel Joseph 16
Weller Gouvrneur 6
Weller Gov. 35
Wells Mr.H.F. 19
Wells Mrs. 56
Wellsburg Bridge   22
Wentz Rev. Mr. 32
Wentz Rev. W.S. 9
Westbrook Abraham 50
Wey Dr. W.C. 9,29
Wheatley Rev. Richard 27
Wheeler Luther 26
Wheeler Elmer  39,42
Wheeler John A. 47
Whitaker Peter 47
Whitaker Jesse H. 47
Whitbeck Mr. 46
White O.F. 14
White Jack 19
White Conductor 57
Whiteman Wm. 37
Whitman Rev. Dr. 56
Whitney Mr. S.A. 29,39
Whiton Geo. L. 52
Wickham & Black   49
Wicks & Moore   26
Widson John 4
Wilcox John 29
Wilcox Mr. E. 47
Wilkinson Mrs. 3
Willard Dr. 7
Williams John D. Esq. 29
Williams Nathaniel C. 50
Williams Williams 59
Willis Mr. E.P. 26
Willis Mr.  52
Willoughby Mr. 8
Wilson Harriet 43
Wilson Robert 43
Wintermute Peter 56
Wisner Deacon W.H. 1
Wolever John 54
Wolf John 32
Wood Joseph 6
Woodlawn Cemetery   45
Woodruff Jesse Esq. 38
Woolever Hon Jason P. 5,34
Wooster Mr. Summers 2
Worden Constable 27
Wormley John 47
Worrall George  1
Wright Daniel 16
Wright Walter 8
Wright Erarmus 34
Wright Conductor 54
Wyckoff Mr. 26
Wyckoff Eugene 36
Wyman Patrick 37
Yontz M.W. 29
Young Martin 32
Young Helen 51
Young Hector C. 53

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 5/19/2003
By Joyce M. Tice