Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Elmira NY Newspaper Items -  Index Only
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Antique Postcard from Alice Hartford
Deaths Marriages Misc 1 Misc 2 Misc 3
Index of  Marriages in Elmira NY Newspapers 1870
Elmira NY Elmira Advertiser Newspapers
Indexed by Sherry LAMPMAN Nichols
Microfilm at Steele Memorial Library
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Joyce's Search Tip - February 2010 
Do You Know that you can search just the 700 pages of Clippings and Scrapbooks on the site by using the Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page?  
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

 Joyce, I have attached the indices for the 1870 Elmira Weekly Advertiser. They are in three separate parts  Marriages, Deaths and Misc. articles.  I listed every name found in each article. That means if you find a name under deaths that doesn't mean that that person is the one that died. He or she could just be mentioned with someone else's death. The same holds true with the marriages. It could be just the name of a person that was a friend or relative of the bride or groom. If you  want a copy of the article contact the Steele Memorial Library at Mention that you found the info from this site and give the year of the paper, marriage, death or misc. index and the page number.
  If some one finds a name that they want information on they will  have to visit the library and look in the book.  Or they can  send the library letter requesting a copy made with the page number and it will cost them $5. Their web site is  Steele Memorial Library Elmira, New York 14901 .
To get a paper copy of any article from these indices contact the Steele Memorial Library at the following link: Steele Memorial Library Elmira, New York 14901
Under genealogy department you will find "submit a query"
Click there and you will find the following:
Genealogical research rates are as follows:
One obituary photocopy with a known date of death, or other newspaper item with a known date of publication is $5.00
Fill out the Query form with as much information as you can and then print it off.   Mail along with your payment to:
Steele Memorial Library
Genealogy Department
101 East Church Street
Elmira, NY 14901
Query's are usually answered on the same day they are received. 
1870 Marriage Index
Abbey Harvey 3
Ackerson Hattie R. 5
Aldrich Rev. S. 2
Aldrich Mr. 5
Allen Ollie B. 4
Anders Henry  4
Anthony Mary E. 2
Asesner Christian 2
Atkins Robert T. 4
Averill Mrs. Levi 5
Backman Charles M. 4
Baily David 4
Baker John 4
Baker Deacon 5
Baker Minnie 5
Balcom Col. George 3
Balcom Col. Uri 3
Balcom Hon. Ransom 3
Balcom Lucy B. 3
Balcom Hon. Lyman 3
Balcom Judge 3
Balcom Prof  5
Baldwin Cannie L. 4
Barnes Jackson 5
Barnes Minnie  5
Barnes Abram 5
Barnhart Laura 3
Bartlett Sarah 3
Beardsley Aaron B. 1
Beecher Rev. Thomas K. 1,2,3,4,5
Beecher Thom. K. 5
Bellis Robert H. 3
Benedict Rev. E. 5
Benedict Miss Ammis 5
Bennet  Frederick 3
Bennett Henrietta 1
Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Josiah 2
Bennett Robert H. 5
Bennett Rev.C.W. 5
Bennitt Mrs Daniel 5
Bibson A. Fowler 2
Bisill Alice 2
Blackman Capt. Geo. H. 3
Blair Francis P. 2
Blauvelt Sarah 5
Boardman Irvine R.L MD 3
Booth Don N. 1
Boughton Alma E. 4
Breese Mr.& Mrs. Ira L. 2
Breese Jno. P. 4,5
Brookins Mr. Geo. W. 3
Brooks Jennie 1
Brooks Mr. & Mrs. T. B. 1
Brown Geo. 1
Brown Henry A. 3
Brown Rev. H. M. 3
Brown Mr. S. B. 3
Brown Alonzo 4
Brown Alvah 4
Brown Myron A. 4
Brown H. Corydon 4
Brown Rev. George 5
Brundage Mary C. 4
Brundage Hiram Esq. 4
Buck Matty J. 5
Buck Hon. G.W. 5
Burbage Elizabeth 4
Burman Josie 4
Burman Elder 4
Burt James 5
Butler Ralph 5
Cadmus Howard 5
Cady Ruth 4
Cair Rev. C.C. 5
Canfield Rev. J.T. 4
Carpenter Olive E. 2
Carpenter Ella 3
Carr Rev. C.C. 2,3,5
Carter Mr. & Mrs. Eleazer 2
Carter Annie H. 4
Carter A.S. Esq. 4
Case Rev. Charles Z. 1,2,4
Case Rev. C.Z. 3
Case Mr. C.B. 4
Catlin Stearns I. 2
Chapin Eunice I. 5
Chase Cornelius B. 4
Chase Mr. Con??? 3
Chase Dr. Z.F. 2
Chase Miss J.M. 5
Chumbuck Rev. A.E. 2
Clark Rev. D. 1
Clark Helen M. 2
Clark Mary J. 3
Clark Ida 4
Clark Hon. J. B. 4
Clemons Samuel L. 1
Clenenin Mr. T.B. 2
Cleveland Miss Vill 2
Coleman Mrs. Edson 1
Colson Frederick R. 2
Colt Rev. C.S. 3
Comfort Miss Frank 3
Comfort Robert 3
Cooper Mr. E. B. 4
Copley Mr. J. Frank 2
Covert Edwin C. 4
Cowdrey Clara 1
Cowdrey Julia 1
Cox Wm. H. 4
Craig Mr. J.M. 4
Crum LaFayette 4
Davis Clara E. 4
Davis Dr. William H. 2
Davison John H. 5
Dawes Laura H. 4
Dawes E.A. Esq. 4
Dawson Mr. W.A. 5
Dean Miss Amelia E. 1
Decker Libbie 2
Decker Henry 5
Decker Nellie 5
DeKay Mr. & Mrs. H. R. 1
DeKay Mrs. T. B. 1
Dense Deacon Charles 4
Dense Sarah Monell 4
Denton Emma 4
Denton Seymour 4
Derby Alden 3
Derby A.L. 3
Dickson Rev. A. 2,3
Disbrow John V.B. 5
Dix George E. 5
Donovan Jas. 4
Drake Mr. G.W. 5
Drum Rev. M.L. 5
Dunham Jared A. 2
Dunn Owen 1
Dunning Miss 5
Dupra Julian 3
Easton Miss Frank 2
Ecker Peter 3
Egbert Miss Adele 3
Ellison James 3
Elmer Richard Allison 3
Ennis Caroline 4
Ennis Miss Phenie 3
Esch Rev. Mr. 4
Esch Rev J.F. 5
Everton Henry 3
Fairman Jared P. 3
Farmun Eugene 2
Farnham Florence 3
Fassett Annie A. 1
Fassett Wm. N. 1
Fenton Jeannettte 2
Fenton Senator 2
Ferguson Albert 4
Fletcher John 5
Flood Thomas S. 3
Foote Rev. Dr. 2
Forsyth Charles  4
Foster Richard Allison 2
Fox Mary E. 3
Fox Rev. Norman 3
Fox Polly 5
France Sara Foster 3
Freer Anna S. 5
Frisbie Augustus 2
Frisbie Mary M. 2
Frost Celestia 3
Fuller Miss 5
Furey Ella P. 4
Gallaher Helen L. 2
Gallaher James H. Esq. 2
Galloway Mrs Alexander H. 1
Gardner Annie M. 2
Gaylord Joseph A. 3
Georgia Miss W.A. 5
Gifford James H.  3
Gladke Jacob 4
Goddard Freeman L. 2
Goddard Edwar 4
Goodrich Dwight 1
Goodsel Mary M. 5
Gotthold Rev. Dr. 4
Graham Maggie 1
Graham Joseph 5
Graves Ellen 5
Gray Mary A. 5
Greatsinger Rev. C.M. 4
Green Lizzie 3
Greenlaw Rev. Alexander 1,4
Gregg Bettie 1
Gregg Minerva 1
Gregg Hon A.K. 1
Grinup Miss L.M. 2
Guinnip R.H. Esq. 2
Guinnip Sarah 2
Gulick Rev. 3
Gunn Clairsia L. 5
Gunn S.J. Esq. 5
Gustin Isaiah B. 1
Gustin Martha J. 1
Haase Mrs. Gertrude 2
Hacket Eliza  1
Haight Josephine J. 4
Haight Mattie 4
Hall Rev.U.S 1,2,3
Hard Rev. C.P. 1,2
Hard Rev.Mr. 5
Harris Rodney E. 2
Hartley Mrs. H.E. 1
Hartley Mr. W.B. 1
Hartley Rev. Thom W. 4
Hartley Rev. T.W. 4
Hastings Geo.P. 4
Haughey Matt T. 1
Haupt Caroline 4
Haven Wm. H. 1
Haven Nahum 3
Hegeman Mr. J.N. 2
Hewson Mr. & Mrs. J.W. 1
Hichols Mary J. 1
Higgins Mrs. S.A. 2
Hillman William H. 3
Hinman Dr. 4
Hoar Attorney General 1
Holcomb Miss Emerette 4
Holman Rev. Sidney 2
Honman Elijah S. 4
Horton Rev. Francis 2
Hoskins Rev. F.D. 4
House Mary 1
Hovey Clarissa W. 5
Howell Samantha 3
Hoyt Deacon Amasa 2
Hudson Prof. C. G. 1
Hulin Coleman 1
Humphrey Dr. 2
Huston Chas.T. 5
Hutchins Susie 1
Hutchins Morris Esq. 1
Hutchinson Sarah 2
Icke Martin 4
Ingersoll S.Elizabeth 2
Ingraham Mr. D.D. 2
James Henry 5
Jerollman Rev. John 5
Jewell Rev.Joel 3
Johnson Herbert 5
Johnson Sarah 5
Jones Clarissa 2
Jones Jacob 2
Judson Wm. R. 2
Keeler Walis 3
Kelly Mary A. 2
Kelly Floyd 5
Kennedy Emma P. 1,2
Kennedy Olive E. 4
Kent John 5
Ketchum George W. 5
Keys Rev. J.J. 2,3,4,5
Kilbourn Antoinette 3
Kimble James D. 1
King Charles R. 5
King James 3
Kingsbury Mr. H.F. 3
Kingsbury Mary E. 4
Kingsland Nathan E. 4
Kinney Rev. W.B. 3,4,5
Knott Arminda 3
Knox Rev.Mr. 2,3
Konkle Mrs. Mary 1
Landen Leander 1
Lane Miss M.E. 1
Langdon Olivia 1
Langdon Mr. J. 1
Langdon C.J. 4
Lawrence Sarah 2
Learned Rev.Wm.C. 3
Leavitt Mr. H.O. 5
Leeter Jerome 4
Leonard Miss Jor? 4
Leonard D.T. 4
Lewis Mr.O.H. Esq. 5
Lilley John E. 1
Lincoln Zada 1
Lockerby Robert 4
Lockerby Gabriel 4
Lockwood Mr. R.C. 3
Luce Mary S. 4
Lumbard Samuel L. 2
Lyon Mr. 1
Maddock Miss Lizzie 1
Mallory Rev.J.C. 5
Mallory Elder 5
Manchester Lydia 5
Mandeville Annie S. 1
Manley Charles C. 4
Manley Celinda 4
Marsh Mr. Z.W. 5
Mathews Amy M. 3
Maynard Jennie 1
McArthur Rev Robert 3
McCaffrey Maggie 2
McConnell Theodore 4
McDowell Miss Clarinda 3
McElwee Sam 1
McGerald Rev. S.M. 4
McKnight Rev.Dr. 1,3,4
McKnight Rev. George H. 2
Merrick Rev. S.D. 5
Metzger Louis F. 1
Miller Mrs. A. 1
Miller Benjamin F. 5
Miller Cars? 2
Miller Hon. Edmund 3
Miller Frances 3
Miller Susan J. 5
Millin Joshua 5
Mills James H. 2
Mills Josephine  2
Minar Henry P. 2
Mitchell Miss Alice 3
Mix Henry Esq. 2
Mix Lizzie B. 2
Molton Annette 5
Moore Abraham G. 2
Moore Esther 2
Mosher Lydia A. 1
Mourey Miss Ida 5
Murray J.B. 2
Mursebeau Hon. John G. 3
Neaves John 1
Neaves Sarah M. 1
Netter Susie 3
Newell Sarah 3
Nichols James P. 1
Nichols Aurie S. 2
Nichols Frederick 2
Niles Libbie 4
Niles Rev. Mr. 5
Nobles Etta 1
Norton Mary J. 3
Nourse Mary Louise 2
Nye Mary 2
Oliver George 2
Osborn Mary E. 4
Paddock Rev. Mr. 2
Palmer Martin 2
Palmer Rev. Mr. 5
Palmer Mr. Smith 3
Parlett Elizabeth R. 1
Payne Mr. D.A. 3
Pedrick Mary S. 5
Pedrick John S. 5
Perry Theodore 1
Perry Alice E. 2
Personeus Amy A. 5
Pickering James W. 3
Platt Rev. James 2,3
Pritchett Rev. George 1
Quick John H. 3
Quick Minnie Y. 3
Racklyeft Samuel  2
Ransom Mr. R.H.Esq. 2
Rapelyea Chas. 1
Rawson Alice 3
Rawson David Esq. 3
Reese Rev.J.Livingston 1
Reynolds Martha C. 4
Reynolds Rev.N.L. 3
Rice Miss M.A. 3
Richards Simeon 5
Richards Mary 5
Richards Mr. 3
Richmond Frank C. 2
Riedinger Philip 2
Riley Mr. C.S. 4
Rinevault Mr. 5
Roberts Geo. H. 2
Robertson Rev. I.S. 5
Roe George 3
Root Sarah C. 3
Rosebrook Frank  2
Rowland Henry 1
Rumpff Rev. A. 2
Rundell Mr.& Mrs. G.L. 4
Sacket Mr.Wm. H. 3
Sample Jus. G. 5
Sample Emily S. 5
Sanderson Rev.P.P. 1
Sayler Julie E. 4
Sayler Andrew M. 4
Sayles Mary A. 5
Schroeder Mary H.W. 4
Scudder Walter 4
Scudder Sarah D. 4
Seiss Philip 4
Sellen Anthony 2
Shaw Rev.J.B. 5
Shear Wm. 1
Shepard Emma J. 2
Shepherd Eliza J. 2
Sherman Miner 5
Sherman Geo. 4
Sherwood Rev. N.M. 5
Shirley Palmer 5
Sinsabaugh David M. 5
Skinner Otis B. 4
Slade Mr. B.B. 5
Slater Hattie 5
Smith William N. 5
Smith Rev.James 4
Smith Jane 2
Smith Mary Ann 2
Smith Sidney 2
Smith Sophia Lyman 3
Smith John L. 3
Smith Delia A. 4
Southwick Charlotte 3
Spangler Mrs. Rachel 5
Squire Miss M.M. 3
St.Clair Harry 1
Stagg Will E. 2
Stanley Miss Lide 2
Staples Rev. A.W. 4,5
Stephens J.D.Esq. 5
Sterling Rev. G.E. 5
Stevens Floyd 2
Stewart C.A. 4
Stewart Rev.J.J. 3
Stillwell Rev. R.I. 4
Stocum Chas. 2
Stoddard Rev.James 4
Stone Rev.L. 2
Strauss Rachel 4
Strauss Jacob 4
Stryker Libbie 2
Sullivan Rev. E. 1
Surganty Sophia 4
Swain  Charlotte A. 3
Swartwood Chas. 4
Sweet Rev. E. 5
Sweet Rillie B. 5
Taber Mr. P.T. 2
Taber Charles 5
Taber Mr. T.P. 5
Taber Mr. C.F. 5
Taber Miss H.R. 5
Taber Mr. S.C. 5
Tabor Albert 4
Tallman Augusta A. 4
Tanner Rufus 5
Tanner Salina O. 5
Teed Mr. C.F. 1
TenBroeck Wm.R. 5
Terpening Sarah E. 4
Thatcher Rev.C.Otis 2
Thomas Emma 1
Thomas Lizzie 3
Thompson Mark 4
Thorn Mr. O.S. 1
Thorn Mr. C.E. 5
Thurber Mary E. 4
Tobey Rev.S. 5
Todd Rev. 2
Todd Miss Vie 5
Tonsey Rev.T. 1,2,5
Tousey Rev.Thos. 1,2,5
Towner James Ausburn 1
Tracy Henry W. 3
Treat Julia Melissa 5
Treat Ansel 5
Trumble Henry 4
Tuttle Joseph 3
Twitchell Rev.Jos. H. 1
Ufford Daniel E. 1
Upson Nelson 4
VanAlstine Rev.D. 4,5
VanDerveer Rev.Dr. 1
VanTassel Samuel 2
Vernoon Mr. E.  5
Vinsel Rev.J.D. 1
Voak James D. 2
Wallace Lottie 5
Wallis Mrs.J.U. 3
Watts Robert M. 4
Weatherby Rev S.C. 1
Weaver Mr. E.K. 1
Weaver John 1
Weeks Rev. Chas. 3,4
Welch Mr. T.D. 5
Weller Helen M. 2
Welles Mrs.F.B. 3
Welling Wm.R. 1
Welling Samuel C. Esq. 1
Welling Sybil 1
Wells Fanny 5
Wells Mr. H.F. 5
Wells Rev.J.L. 4
Wells Emma T. 3
Wescott Arthur 2
Wescott Mary F. 2
West  Olive  5
West  Col. L.B. 5
Westlake Nettie E. 5
Westlake Mr. S.C. 5
Weter James P. 2
Wheeler Mary A. 4
Willcock Hattie 3
Willsey Sarah J. 4
Wilson Rev. 2
Wise Miss 1
Wisner Alice 1
Wisner Richard  1
Wixom Ella 2
Wixom Mr. H.  2
Wombaugh Wm. 3
Wood Mr. C.O. 5
Wyckoff A. Esq. 1
Wyckoff George W. 1
Wyckoff E.L. 1
Yates Rev. B.P. 4

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 5/19/2003
By Joyce M. Tice